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~:Ir BAYADIN, L.N.; _LOBUSFI, A.Y.; PjjOSjjIj'Aj K.A.; SHMOVA, A.A.; SIIELEPITA, L.A. Ebcperimental data on plastic arterial surger-1 in case cf ar infected wound; preliminary report. Trudy 1-go MI 16:13")-1J,6162. (MIRA 16:6) 1. 1z kafedry operativroy 1,10rurgii i topormficherkoy anatomii (zav. - chlen-korreapondent MUI SSSR prof. V.V.Kovenov) Pervogo Moskovsl:ogo ordena Iienina meditabiahogo Inr3tituta. (ARTERIES-SURGERY) (SURGMY, PLASTIC) 2-31 myc. F, k-faidt Tv awls, Y-wfou in-th.- Ist 711~ ,Dt&- HOW ffil- -m~r~ Paw -- . , . I I 'i t , ----------- .. ...... . .. e its fitabUic-j. rTv.1~d0V()C6, lo? Ln- &-W'. m! f.-3 Li,. iJI6 mid !A ' ~ i~s-o . Simlulv, kles;fOH ,,C! rlv;: IOEJ' , !V2'~ VF4, D A2. 5.36oo 7--)6B7 SOV/80-32-10-36/51 AUTHORS: Andrianov, K. A., Golubtsov, S. A., Truf1mova, 1. V., Lobusevich, N. F. TITLE; Direct Synthesis of Methylehlorosilanes In a F:,,idlzed Bed PERIODICAL: Zhurnal prikladnoy khimii, 1959, Vol 32, Nr 10, pp 2332-2335 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The present work was done in 1954-1955. Tht! effective- ness of the fluidized 'bed application was checked by the synthesis of methylehlorosilanes. Tae t-(-,a,-,tlori between methyl chloride and silicon was carried out In t presence of a silicon-copoer alloy (20% Cu), at 4-5 atmospheres pressure. The reaction 13 exothermic and needs to be cooled. Special apparatus was constructed which included a cooling system. Dimethy1dichlorosilane content was between 42 and 117% in the Ior, mIx- ture, A schematic diagram of the apparatu.; If-, g1ven., Card 1/2 where 1 is methyl chloride cylindev; 2 Is viater bath; Direct Synthesis of' m(-~tjjyjjjlovogija,je, it, a75? 16Y Fluidized Bed 3 is valve; 4 Is evaporatur, lieaterl With hCA, "'later., 5 Is rotameter, 6 1.9 reactor, 7 Is fl.lter; _i I;; waL(.,r- cooled trap; 9 Is valve; 10 Is traps cooled with dry Ice and acetone. There are 2 figures; 2 tables; and It Soviet references. PUMIFED: May 15, 1958 7 2 e. 37 01b /l. I a 5,0 AUTIHOM; TITLEz 37753 IV 3/661/61/000/006/004/oai D205/D302 Trofimova, I. V., Andrianov, K. A., Golubtsov, 3. A., R. A., Belyakova, Z. V., Yakueheva, T. M., Lo~`uaev~ich, N. P. and Luzganova, 11-1. A. On the ragulation of the composition of products in the direct Bjnth esi a of methyl- aLd ethyl chlorosilanes in a fluidized bed SOURCE: Khimiya i prakt.lchookoye primeneniye kremneorganichos- kikh aoyedinani~; trudy konferentaii. no. 6, Doklady, diskuosii, resheniye. II Voss. konfer. po khimii i prakt. prim. kreaneorg. soyed., Lon., 1958. Leningrad, Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1961, 25-27 TEXT: Regulation of the process in one of the main problems in preparing monomeric organosiliaou compounds. The most inten3ting results were obtained during the attempt to regulate the product oompoaition by varying the preoaratioa procedure of the catalyst. Card 1/ 3 5/661/61/000/006/004/081 On the regulation ... D205/D3O2 This method opens wide possibilities as can be judged from the ob- tained data. Thus a synthecis carried out on a Si-CU melt contain- ing 15 - 20% Cu gave 6~- CH3111sicl 21 30 - 40 (CH 3)2 Sicl2and 40% CH3Siol 31 while the synthesis on a Si-Cu melt activated by cuprous chloride gave 6% CH 3Hsicl 21 55% (CH 3)23'C'2 and 25% CH,S'C'3' Fur- ther modifica*;iona of the catalyst bring about further changes in the compositi.-)n. Preliminary experiments on the production of me- thyl chlorosilanes from methane, were performed. Ylethyl dichloro- silane can be prepared in thin way, with trichlorosilane and sili- con by-k)roducl;s which can be utilized. For synthesis of ethyl chlorosilanes other mothods'of regulating the product composition were employed: Preliminary troat:jent of the Si-Cu catalyst by va- rious gases at elevated tempert4res, dilution of ethyl chloride by gases and activation of th ,ethyl chloride by minor additions. The moot interesting results were obtained with preliminary treat- ment by air at 3700C. About 45% of diethyl chlorosilane was pre- sent in the product using a catalyst treated in this way. %lullon Card 2/3 On the regulation ... corfea'stes' vtlhiotheltihCylllzdiidchtlherolunitlraondaucatoinotnenI *~ There are I f1bare and 3 tabloe. Card 3/3 S/66 1/61/000/0"/004/oal D2 05/D3 02 0-5 - 0.7% Moisture in- of d1othyl di0bloroollan,. Y\ -1 37754 5,3114,0 / J'-2 5b S/661 61/000/006/005/Oal D205XD302 AUTHORS: Lobusevic,h,,,,_N,_P_., Trofimova, 1. V., Andrianov, K. A., '7`J1-u"F_tsov, S. A. and Belyy, A. P. TITLE: Influence of some metal additives qn the activity of silicon-copper alloys in the synthesis of methyl chloro- silanes SOURCE: - Xhimiya i prakticheskoye primeneniye kreT.Leorganiches- kikh soyedineniy; trudy konferentaii. no. 6, Doklady, diskus3ii, re8haniye. II Vsea. konfer. no khimii i prakt. prim. kremneorg. soyed., Lon., 1956. Loningrad. Izd-vo AN SSSR. 1961, 28-31 TEXT; The influence of impurities commonly encountered in silicon (Al, Fe, Ca) and copper (Bi, 11--n, Pb) on the activity of silicon- copper alloys used in methyl ohlorosilane synthesis was investiga- ted. Two series of alloys werL prepared: 1) From purified Si with less than 0.2% of impurities; k) from Kp-4 (Kr-1) silicon with 2% impurities. These alloys, notwithstandifig the identical procedure Card 1/2 Influence of some S/661/61/000/006,/005/081 D205/D302 rf preparatiM, were entirely different in taeir activitv. Thus, alloys Ixepa-And from the purified Si gav a much lower dimethyl 6:.chlorosilane yLeld than those made of the r.)n-purified Si. The average figures weri,, 34.0% and 41 0% respectively. The introduction of Al (up to 1.550, Fe (up to 3%): Ca (up to 0.65), each ta.,cen se- parately, le very little influence on the activity of the -illoys prepared fro puiified and non-purified Si. The use of Kr-2 silicon gives worse results. Pb and Bi have a strong detrimental influence on the activity of the alloys even at a concent:,ation of 0.01~ only, while the results obtained on the introduction of Sn were i:7repro- ducible. There are 9 tables. :Card 2/2 ~;/079/62/032/003/004/QU7 1)-'0,'/,)302 AUTHORS: Trofimova, I-V., Lg"usipvichi NX., Goltiht.-jov, Andrianov, K.A. TITLE: The effect of certain metallic additions to Si-ru alloys on their activity in the reaction with methyl clJoride E~RIQACAL: Zhurnal obshchey khimii, v. 32, no. 3, 1962, 841-846 T 1!LKT :The optimum amount of Cu and the effect of adding metals usuall," present in Cu and 3i on the syntliesis of methyl c:ilorosilwics were -.n- vestigated, at 350-370 0C, under 4 atm, by a method describe(I earlier. Purified Si (total AI+Ca+Fe+Ti CH3SiC3 > H3)3SiCl > (C-3)7SiCl2 > ~CHBHSiC12* Orig. art. has: 2 tables. ,SU13 CODE 07 SUBM DAM 09Jul63/ ORIG REF: 001/ OTH RF;F; 000 Card 2/ 2 ~d L 2' ACC 17-66 L1Qm)jkXP(J)jT H-1 IR, AP6007118 SOURCE CODE: UR/0079/66/036/002/0345/0347 AUTHOR., Lobusevifh, N. P.: Golubtsov, S,!_A..* Laynerj Do I.; Malysheva, L. A.; Trofimovi' "V. ORG: none el~ f TITLE: On the problem of promoters and poisons in the direct synthesis of mathvlchlo -.-rosilanes SOURCE: Zhur1l obahchey khimii, v. 36, no. 2, 1966t'345-347 TOPIC T~&S: silace,.-Mamuthq phosphorus, antimony, copper alloy, silicon alloy, iJnc 0 t1'W'ZtA IAAA~A'_ . I ABSTRACT: The kinetics of the decomposition Of Cu3SI.were stud1odd during Its reaction with methyl chlorldeIn the presence of promotors (amenics phoaphorus mixed with an- timony and zinc) and"contact poisons '.bismuth and phosphorus). Addition of the most active promotors lowers the temperature at which the Cu3SL alloy begins to react with methyl chloride Z~om 3300 to 27010C in the case of arsenic and from 3300 to 2900C in the case o,'; the phosphorus-antimony mixture. The activation euergy oi the reaction be- tween Cu3Si and methyl chloride decreases by one-half when these premators are intro- duced. The action of the zinc promotor increasea the reaction rate, but the activa- tion energy remains practically unchanged. Apparently, elemental zinc converts Into zinc chloride which accelerates the reaction of dimethyldichlorosilane formation. Ad-,_ L 23717-66 ACC Ws AP6007116 dition, of bismuth or phosphorus sharply inhibit the reaction Of CU3SL with methyl chloridr; everi at high tecq~eratures (3900C). Orig, art. has. I figure. SUB CODEt 07/ SUBM DATE: 0IDecS4/ ORIG REF: 003/ OTH REFs 000 TIMUSM.-Y. I- i nmh.; BULYCHEV, 1)., inSh. Rachinbig buithingo for distributing shafts. Avt transpe 40 no.12:21-4!2 D 162. iHM 15:12) (Motor vehiolies-Tranamlasion devices) LOBWSHW.. V., inah.1 BU~YCHEV, Do, inzh. - ~ A BAmonktioning the size and codziality of Journal bearing neats. Avt. tranops 4 no~W4,25 Ag 62. ~4 (laFA 1624) Nahine-abop practice) I BULYCHEV, D.V inzh.; LOBUSHLIV, V. Honing cylinders of motor-vel-icle engines. Avt. transP, 41 no.12:22-24 P 163. (MIRA 17:1) SARKHOSHIYAN, G.N.. Prinimali uchentiye: ROMBOG. L.I.; MLIKHOVEY-AU, A,I,; GURKAN, V.S.; LCBUMMV,J~D.; BOIRILIN, A.P., red.; DONSUTA, G.D., tekhn.red. [Technical specifications for repairing, assembling, and testing the MAZ-200 and W-2051 Teckhnicheakis usiuviia no remont. aborku i ispytanie avtomobilei KAZ-200 i KAZ-205. Koskva, Avtotransizdnt 1959. 174 p. (MIRA 13:51 1. Moacow. liauchno-iseledovatellskiy Institut avtomobillnogo transports. 2. Hachallnik otdola remonts avtomobiley Goffudarst- vennogo nouchno-lealedovatellskogo instituta avtomobillnogo tranapor- ta (for Sarkhoslyan). (Kotortrucks--gsintenance and repair) DONSKIT, D.I., kBnd.tekhn.zwuk; ROZMBERG, L.J., kand.takhn.nauk; GURMAII, V.S.. starshiy inzh.; ZMIKHOYSU.TA, A.I., starshil inzh.; YXLYL- SINSKIY, Z.S., starshiy inzh.; LOBUSIV, V D., 'Anzh.. PrInInn"Ll uchastiye: GLUKHOV, Yu.I., stl3rid ~R~~ik; GEKOY, S.F., sttirnhiy makhanik. TIMOSHINA, V.A., red.; MALIKOVA. N.V., tekhn.red. (Technical Especifications for tim inapoction and sorting of parts for the KAZ-200 and MAZ-205 motortrucks during overbhuling] Tekhniche8kie usloviia na kontroll-sortirovlai detalei avtomobilei KAZ-200 i KAZ-205 pri kopitallnom remon-~e. Moskva, Avtotransizdat, 1960. 663 P. (MIRA 13:9) 1. Moscow. Nouchno-isoledovatel'sk-ly institut avtomobillnogo transports. 2. Nachallnik laboratorii remonta dvigateley Hauchno-issledovatel'skogo institute avtomobillnogo transports (for Donskoy). 3. linuchno.-issledo- vatel'skiy institut avtomobil"nogo transports (foz all, except Timishina, Mallkova). (Notortruck,3-MaIntenance and repair) GRECHINStAYA, L.T.p inzh.; DOTISWY, D.I., kand. tekhn. nau-l--; RYTCHENKO, V.I., kand. tekhn. nauk; ROZENBERG, L.I., kand. tekhn. nauk; K01YASDISKE, Z.S., inzh.; GUIWI, V.S., inzh.; LOBUSHEV, V.D... inzh.; Y*a,1ELTYA11OV, A.Ya., 'Lnzh.; ISSNYAKOV, re&.-;bODA1OVA, A.?., tekhn. red. Prechnical specifications for the overhaul of the K-21 "Volgall &atomobile]Tekhnicheskie usloviia na. kapitallryi rciriont avto- nabilia M-21 "Volga." 14oskva, Avtotransizdat. Pt.2.[Technical specifications for checking and sorting parts of Cle M-21 IrVolgall automobile]Tekhnicheskie usloviia na I-ontr,.)11-sortirovku detalei avtorobilia 11,21 "Volga." i962. 400 P. (MIRA 1~-.12) 1. Moscow. Nauchno-issledovatel'Eskii institut avto:-.obillnogo transporta. 2. Gosudarstvemyy naucimo-issledovatellskiy insti- tut avtomobillnogo transporta (for all except Lesnyakov, Bodanova). (Automobiles-41aintenance and repair) 4PBU"11-WAS. Dynamics of au autcmatic variable speod drive* Teor*mash.i mekh. no.105/106.-88-10.2 165. (MiRA 18.'4) . LOBUSOV Devign c-f a valvrleas proportioning ptmp. Izv. vyE. ucheb. zave; p1shch. te~,-h. no.6:88-92 163. (MIRA 17:3) 1. Krasiiodarskiy politakhnichaskiy institut, I-afedra tekhnicbeokoy makhaniki. L0j3u,-'o,,,, k"N:"WllcjdLr) Ojpu-mics of an auteratic transmission with a flexible fly-wheale Mashinovedenie no.5:48-54 165, (MIRA 1819) DOBROVOLISM, G.V.; LOBU V, A.P. Bottom-land soils of the Klyazlma Valley and their agricultural utilization. Rauch. dokl. vys. shkoly; biol. nauki no.4-.175-161 159. (MIM 12:12) l.Rokomendovana kafedroy pochvovedeniya Moskovskogo gosudarst- vennogo universiteta im. M.V. Lomonosova. (Klyazima Valley-Soils) DC[BROVOL'SKIT, G.V.; BABOYNYA. I.P.; LOEUTZV. A.P. Characteristics of moisture, games, and microflora in flood and soils* Pochvovadenie no.11:41-54 1 160. (HIU 13:11) 1. Kookovskiy gosudaretvennyy univeroitate (Soil moisture) (Gases in Boils) (Soil micro-organisms) FUKELISHTEYN. A.; WBUTEV. B. Centralized automotive tranoportation service for izAuBtrial nterprises. Avt.transp. 36 no. 7:27-29 J1 15,8. (MIRA 11*-8) :. Glavmosavtotrans. (Transportation, Automotive) T ,' LOBYNISEV, A.Ya.., mostovoy master (g. nabarovsk) Track conditions on bridges must be evaluated with greater accuracy. Putl i Fat.khoz. 5 no.8:25 .19 161. MPA W-10) (Railroads--,Maintenanco, and repair) 170) AUTHOR: Lobyntsev, t-. S. S 07, 12 o - 12 3 i TITLE: Changes of the llunclo-Ti.,.siLe Through Exercise (~~b izmeneniyakh skeletnoy m,rahechnoy tk-ini pri trenirovke) PERIODICAL: Dokl-idy Akademii n:i0- a , Vol 123, Nr.'j, PP 764 - 767 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The hintolo~~ical cha.;:-os of the cf ter] -v)r;cii1,,iture under the influence o f exercises of various tjprs are innufficiently investio-itted (Rc.-fs 1-1). It in not sur- prining that froi the ne-itionnd t~'-ie contradictory conclusions have to be drawn. Fully Crown white mice were the cxperimont~,l F,.ni::ir-.1s; they were of the cavie .kt;o and weight. They were divided into Maree -roups which were rubjected to: 1) Static trainir,.-: hanrin~, from a bar. 2) A dynanic training (swimming). The third .-rou? served as control. The trr.,ining lanted from 3 1.1 rhayn) to 1 hour (after two Monthn). The Lac', pavis (witliout PVin) -acre fixed vith formaline and then tho m.m.vautuo, !-i(l oolvus wore isolated. One part of tho dead nice was fixed by f.)rmalino in- Card 1/ 3 ject-ionc into the vasci:1,t.r 3yste--. Based on t`ic- -micrornorpholo.-Y Chanoes of the SkPletal Yuscle-Ti:-.nuc Tnroiu-h Exercise SN/2 o - 127 7 and the latest morl,,ho-physioloEical (Refs 6,7) the for.mer muscle was clar7ificl as tonic, vr',-.ei-cas the 1-tter was cllas~:ified ~s ntonic. To detormaine the nh:in.-vs, V-te were wei,,,,hed. T-;blc 1 nhows th,~t the )f the increases Y.-ith the duration of the trainint,. Thin :-iay be seen especially clearly in tl:e ca2e of a static Al3o Vie microstrticture shows considor-al-le Lonj-lasting con- tractions in the static 2tress catise the occurrence of a f-ee coarse-OrLAned aacroplasm. This may be seen especially clearly on the atonic fibers of the rri.vastuo latcralio (Fi,7,, 1). The sarcopla:jm accumulations :,.re ofter, s-,:rroiindQd by capillaries (Fig 2). Fro,-,i this chan,,-e rind from othern observed it may be concluded that due to static traininO the hiotologica-1 strvcture of atonic fibers of the m.vantus lateralis acquires a clearly tonic character. The reaction of the m.soleus on a dynamic training in of oppocite charncter (Piv ')). From these changes it may be ausumed th-t the tonic elements acquires characteristic fentures of atonic vincle el-nents. Tho hi.-to- structural changea found correspond cor!iletely to the functional conditions of th, two types of craining. The development of Card 2/3 the said changen is of Oradual character, It may be ar,--umed C'an.-cs of the Skeletal 'Iuscle-Ti-sije Throurh Exernis(-,. 127 7 1. that the change of the function leads to the stritctural chanje by way of the variability of the metabolic proceones. There are 3 figures, 1 tihlc, ,,.rd 7 6 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Krasnoyarskiy Fo.,,,tAru-stvonnyy noditnin3kiy institilt (Krasnoy- a r n k . State Medical Institute) PRESENTED: June 21, 1958, by L. A. Orheli, Academdc-iari SUBMITTED: June 5, 1958 Card 3/3 USCOMM-Dc-.602615 17M SOV/2o-127-2-67/70 AUTHORi Lobyntsev, K, S~ ... ............ 2ITLE: On the Vascularization of Skeletal 'Muscles and Their Change in the Course of Training PERIODICALs Doklady 1kademii naak SSSR, 1959, Vol 127, Nr 2, PP 469 - 472 (USSR) ABSTRACTs The characteristic featares of the blood supply of skeletal muscles in connection with their function are only insuffi- ciently investigated and the data on this problem are often contradictory (Refs 1-6). The main fault besides the mentioned disagreements is the ignoring of the character of the physical stress and the pec-.iliariti-,,B of the function. White mice eq,vAl with respect to age and weight served as experimental animals. They were divided into 3 groups with 16 animals each, 1) - control, II) - was subjected to a dynamic craining, and III) - carried out a static work (hanging on a vertical pole under water). Either type of training was carried out once a day f,~r I minute. The duration increased gradually and amounted to 1 hour after 2,,5 months,. The matirial for the investigation was Card 1/3 taken twicet 5 and 10 months after the beginning of the ex- On the Vasculaiization of Skeletal ovuacles and Their 507/2~,-127-2-,,'7/7o Change in the Course of Training periment. The animal was narcotized with ether and it~ thorax opened. A ligature was put under the inferior veria cava and the latter cut through in order to let off blood. In order to obtain equal conditions during the injection, a simple but effective method was ased: Filtered warm (380) India ink was introduced into the left heart ventricle under the pressure of a 100 g-weight. The body of the mouse remained thus several huars with a weight of 150 g and was then put into a neutralized formalin solution (1t9). I) m.soleus and I!) m,vastus latera- lis were taken out for investigation. They consist of I) to.lic and II) atonic muscular fibers~ The investigation of prepara- tions from these muscles, showed numerous capillaries 'n 1), their extremely spiral course and frequent arastomoses. They form in conseq-,ience of this a fine-mes)-ed network (Fig 1). The calillaries are often enlarged, especially in the anastomoses. TaVe I gives numerical data on the content of vessels in the muscular tissue; figure 2 a illustrates tne density of their position . In II) the vessels run also mainly along the muscular Card 2/3 fibers. They are, however, much more straight and have less ana- On the Vascularization of Skeletal Muscles and Tneir SOV/2o-127-2-67/7,~, Change in the Course of Training ASSOCIATIONs PRESENTEDt SUBMITTil- 3tOMOSE.-B. Therefors their network is not so f ine -meshl~d than that of I) (Fig 3 a). The peculiarities of the fui,ucion of the muscle are the fundamental factor -which determines sucii a difference in the vascularization. The numerous vessels in the muscle and the numeroas anastomoses. compensate the lacking blood supply in muscles the contraction of which has a constant tonic character (Ref 8).. The contrary is the case with the m.. vastus lateralis of' the white mouse; its function hus a dynamic character (Ref 9). The constant contractions of m so leus lack here and a satisfactory blood supply is obta-ned also if the number of vessels per superficial anit is lower, The mus--le vascularization is shdnged under the effect of a regular physical stress (Figs 2 b, V, 3b, v), There are 2 figures, I table,and 9 references, 7 of which are Soviet. Krasnoyarskiy gosudarstvennyy meditsinskiy institut (Krasnoy- arsk State Niedical Institute) March 12, 1959, by N~ N. Anichkov, Academician March lo, 1959 Card 3/3 I -1107n4y'- X. S. Postembryonic multiplication of muscle fibers.. Dokl.AN SSSR 133 no.6t1441- 1!1443 Ag 160. 1, (MIRA 13: 8) 1. Irannoyarskir gos~darstvenny.- meditsinakly institut. Fredstavleno akad. I.N.Anicbkovym. (KJSCLB) LOUNTSEV J%- HistochemistrY Of glycogen in skeletal mu.Scles of white mice and its change due to physical loads. Dokl.Afi SSSR 134 no-1: 183-186 S 16o. (MIRA 13:8) 1. Krasnoyarskly gosudarstvennyy meditsinskiy institut. Fredstavleno almd. N.N. Anichkavym (Glycogen) iMusele) (Exercise) LOBYNTSEV, K. S. Cand Med Sci - (diss) "Mater-*,Is on the functional histology and histochemistry of the skelecal muscle tissue." Moscow, 1961. -22 pp; (First Moscow Order of Lenin Med Inst imeni I. M. Sechenov); .1 250 copies; price not given; (KL, 10-61 sup, 221:~) LOBINTSEV.,,K-~- (Krasnoyarsk, u1. Truda, 77) Material on the ecological histology of somatic muscles in some bony fishes. Arkh. anat., gist. i embr. 41 no.11:75-85 11 -61. (HIFIA 1/,. 12) 1. Kafedra gistologii (zav. - dotoont Ye.I. Koloss) Andizhanskogo AmKUt# okigo instituta. rpISHES-ANATOMY) (NdSCIS) z (' on L3 r, 1; regul.3v r-nysioaL u,-~) 0 163. J.". -,I " fj :3 if und;~r thj~ fit, IL ombr no dotsi-nt, Ye Anrlizhamikogn -S/672/62/000/011/009/011 D403/D307 AUTHORS:, Lobyntsev, Yu. I. and Lychagin, V. F. TITLE: On the length of a mixing chamber of an ejector SOURCE: Leningrad. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-iseledovatellskiy insti- tut pererabotki i ispollzovaniya topliva. Trady. no. 11, 1962. Y-himiya i tekhnologiya topliva i produktov yego pererabotki, 254-259 TEXT: The authors utilize an analogy between the deformation of the velocity-field in a turbulent stream and in the mixing chamber to obtain an equation expreasing the ratio of axial velocities.', &)/U max in terms of (r/x) where.x is the axis of a cylinder and'r its radius, which gives better agreeiLqnt with experimental data. -The equation of-continuity and condition of incompressibility with- in the chamber lead to ah expression describing the nonuniformity of the velocity field within the chamber. The relations between the nondimansional lengtb of the chamber 1 and the coefficient of non- ---uniformity of the velocity field and between the concentration Card 1/2. ------- S/672/62/000/011/009/011 On the length of ... D403/D307 and temperature fields and velocity field are given, with graphs for I v (P(for several values of T- coGfficient of turbulence) and for I V: the degree of nonuniformity of the temperaturo field. Pi- nally, the optimal length of the chamber is found to correspond to theminimum of the function (,U + X) where/a - a corrected coeffi- cient of friction, and coefficient of expressing the influence ..Of on tne impulse transfer. There are 3 figures. Card 2/2 S/67 62/000//011/010/011 D403YI)31)7 AUTHORS: Lobyntsev, Yu. I. and Lychagin, V. P.- TITLE: Hydraulic computation of a gas ejsctor by the me.'%nd of successive approximations SOURCE: Leningrad. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy insti- tut pererabotki i ispollzovaniya topli-fa. Trudy. no. 11, 1962. Khimiya i tekhnologiya Topliva i produktov yego pererabotki, 260-268 TEXT: The~ existing methods of computation involve nonlinear al- gebraic equations with resulting lose of clear physical meanings .and are laborious. The authors attempt to devise a simpler method, assuming all velocities to be aubsonic. A general scheme consist- ing of a high pressure gas ejector, low pressure air supply and a ..common output--is set up and parameters are defined for contrOl cross-section surfaceeo Starting with usual gLs-dynamic and therml- dynamic relations, the authors o)tain a set of approximate equa- tions of motion of gaseous hydraulics for a generalized ejector 'Card 1/2 B/672/62/000/011/010/011 Hydraulic computation of ... D403/D307 system. The gas is assumed ---o be fully compressible, while the a4r and the mixture are taken as compressible to some degree of ap- Proximation, obtained from the power expansion of the square of the characteristic redu *ced velocity.' The discussion of the phy- arious terms ax;d their range of -sical aign.L of v f applica- f icance tion is illu,itrated by a numerical example, which shows that-even in the limiting cases 1% accuracy is reached in the 4th a~pproxima- tion. Finally,;a further simplification in the computation of,com- pressibility io indicated, and the range is given for which its error is less than 35fo. Thare are 1 figUre e-nd 1 -table. Card 2/2 SAVITSKIYY Ye.'4.; TYLKINA, M.A.; KHAMIDOV, O.Kh.; Prinimali uchastiye: LOBYNTSEVA, I.H.; PRAVOVEROV, N.L.; POLYAKO", V.P. Palladium-molybdenum system. Zhur. neorg. khim. 9 no.12:2738-2742 D 164. (MIRA 18:2) 10BYMNA, le.A. ftuna of nosqaitoes of the family Gulicidas In Chernovtoy and vicinity. Ked.paras.i paras.bol. no.61558-559 N-ID 153. (XLHA 6:12) 1. In kafedry obahchey blotogil Ohernovitskogo meditsinskogo inetituta (direktor Institute, - doteent I.B.Wnlkovskiy. savedaymehohly kafedroy - doteent MAXotin). (Oherr.ovtsy--Kosqp1to*s) (Xoi%qaitoe~-ChernoYt9y) L 16960-66 ACC NR: AP6009017 SOURCE CODE: UR/0411/65/001/001/0C/74/007? G AUTHOR: Ruban, Ye. L. Lqbyreya, L. B. GRG: Institute of Microbiol2gyAcademy of Sciences,__a~_*%_.Moscow (Institut mikro'615-logi J, Tki-d-enLf-iia-~ 335 TITIE: Trypt,)phan biosynthesis by Flansenula genus yeasts SOURCE: Prik:'Adnaya biokhiffdya i mikrobiolopiya, v. 1, no. , 1965, 74-77 TOPIC TAGS: yeabt.. biosyrthe5iS, tryptup~an, biologic vibration effect ABSTRACT: In an earlier work,- JaDanese researchers demonstrated that 'Hansenula mutants produced by ultravioli)t light can synthesize tryptophan from anthranilic acid. In the present 3tudy, over 200 yeast cultures were tested and several strains ',were taken for fm-ther work. These strains were cultured under vibration on a medium containing x2HP04' CaC121 1tSO urea and 50 9/1 glucose w--'th varying amounts of anthraniliq, ;acid dissolved in alcohol, Cultures were examined 4 to 5 days later, Strains H16 F-nd H~~5,proved most promising since they developed at a 0.0 nthranilio acid content. 'Adaptation to 0,3% anthranilic acid was also accomplished. .The.adapted strains differed from the Initial strains Card 1/2 UDC:-- 577.15.663.1 _L 16960-66 ACC NR: AP6009017 only, In that they wore able to synthesize more tryptophar, Addition of alpha-glycerophojpliate increased yield 3 fold -and ethylonediaminetatraacetic acid (EDTA) gave somewhat less results. Other conditions for optimal yield are a =tnimum seed material amount of lelo, a temperature of 28 C, and a vibivation rate of 150 rpm. A tryptophan yield as high as 0 ,woclueed by Hansenula strains .4 s11 can be -, from anthranilio-acid with,the, addition of organic phospbatesi to the nutritive media. Orig. art. has; 5 tables. SUB CODE:. 06 SUBM DATE: 02Nov64 ORIG PEF: 004 OTH REF: 011 Card 2/2 vmb RUBAN, Ye.L.~_IO~~REVAY L.B. Tryptophan bicsynte-enis ',5r micrc-organJsms. Izv. All 0'3..'~"R. Ser. no.2s243-249 Mr-Ap 165. (MIRA 1844) 1. Institute of Mlcrobiolegy of the Academy of Sciences of tl;e U.S.S.R. !I ij 13,~ N Ye.j,.; (MIRA 16:5) f,j tilt mjbr-,1h' (J AN 107-57-4-25/54 AUTHOR: Lobyshev, N. TITLE: Selsyn Application in Short-wave and Ultrashort-wave Radio Stations (Primeneniye sel'sinov v KV i UKV stantsiyakh) PERIODICAL: Radio, 1957, Nr 4. pp 31-32 (USSR) ABSTRACT: An explanation of the principles of a selsyn system is presented. Sel- syns with two and three stator windings are considered. Rotation of a short- wave, particularly an ultra short -wave, antenna can best be achieved by means of an appropriate seleyn system. A selsyn transmitter 1. y1g. 5) is used for controlling the rotation of an antenna. The rotor of a second selsyn transfor- mer is coupled to the axis of the rotating antenna. The voltage from this rotor is fed to a special amplifier, which supplies one of the windings of a two-phase induction motor slewing the antenna through a reduction gear. The connection diagram A's shown in Fig. `6. The schematic of the 50 -cps amplifier is shown in Fig. 7. Some parts data is supplied. There are seven figures in tho article. Card. I/ I I,IAYFLLID, J-',ark HoManOvIch; LOUIsEVA, I.I., red. [Groundings and safe-Ly ueasurea I Zazemleniia i nye mery bezopasnofiti. lzd.3., perer. 1,',oskva, Fnergi-ia, 1965. 287 p. ( ~,t 1 " . -I "? : I ) KRAZAN, Semen I Daakovic h; U-5T I NOV.. i'. I -p , ll;.-."":"'-'-Vf , IJ., red. Lnepairing air- and hydrogen- cualed Lurbogencrators) f03'. wont turbogeneratorov e vozdushnym -1 vadorodnyir oxhl'tith(je- nieri. Moskva, Emerglia, 1965. 527 p. (NUR-A 18;k, i IA)BYSHE;VA, Marina Fly in a spiderweb. (MIRA 14:3) 1%. nat. D0-3:22 Mr 161. (Spiders) --V Vi novWl; I'(, ~ ) LP A 3 100~ r 1A. A 3100 - no .6) (p,lblioLeka LOBZA. A,-.---, Kharkovis gardeneVe. BOT.Profooluzy 8 no.2:48 Ja '160. (MIRA 13:2) I.. lustruktor UkraiaRkogo reopublikanekogo aoveta profnoyuzov. (Kbarkoy-GardsmAng) ORLOVS G.1 HILOV, G.; SIZONOV, I.; LOBZA~__L.__ We auglest study and confar.e SoveprofooiuzY 17 nr.llz24~26 Ap 161 (MIRA UP) 1. Inopektor Zheleznodorozhnogo upravleuiya rabochago snabzherxiya Odeaskoy zheleznoy dorogi (for Orlov). 2. Starshiy inspektor Zhilishchno-bytovogo otdela Vsesoyuznogo te4utrallnogo soveta. profaoyuzo (for Zilovb 3. 29,veduyushchiy Welom oblastnoy gazety "Kranoye znamyaft, g.kharlkov (for Sizonov). 4. Itstruktor respublIkan- skogo coveta, profso~uzov ffor Lobza). (Auditing) , C. "I. , - ~ ,- 11 pkll.~Ia,Tl yI.I., kand. teki,.n. 1- 11.0. , I--" - A, -1 -LY),Q (I.C. 0i' t'~o cc " -11~cli Ii"'. !P:r, ca lCula LiOn I i .. (:s - L. ~) Elektroteklinika 36 n~j.4:55-5 ,I .I-! GALL, YEV, A.1 YEFIMOVq G.p rabkor; SERDYUKOV, N., inzh.; : LOBZA, L. ULIKINg P.p wdhitell (Novozybicovskiy rayon I3ryanBY0-76ti--tI-:--- Pv,TROV, V&, uchitell (Noyozybkovokiy rayon Bryanskoy obl.) DEGTYAREVt. 11. Letters to the ed1tors. Sov. profsoiuzy 17 no, 2:46-49 ja 161. * (MIRA 14:2) 1e Predsedatelf,promyslovogo komitata. profsoyuzas g. OeI.yabrIskiy (for Galeyev). 2, Gomel' hayp remnnt-o- ekspluatasionnaya baza. rechnogo flota (for Serdyukov). .5.,Cblen rabsellkorovskogo soveta gazety "Vperedu Razdelf- tiyanakogo rayona Odeaskoy oblasti. (for Degtyarev). I (Trade unions) Structure and development of the elastic cartilage of the spiglottis in man. Arkh.anat. igst. i embr- 33 no.1118-22 Tap-Kr 156 (MIRA 12:1) 1. lafedra gistologii i embriologil (zav. -prof. B.S. Danini [deceaned] 7Aningradskogo gosudarstvennogo pediatrichaskogo meditainskogo Institea. Adres avtora: Leningr .9 100, Litovskala Ul., do* 2, Gos. pediatrichookiT Institut, kafedra gistologii; I (SPIGZWTIS. anatomy and histology, elastic cartilage, structure & develop@' (Rua)) (CARTILAGN, elastic of spiglottia, structure & develop; (Rus)) ....... .:a ra morey Severnoyu o---o d. r sllycatq. T. Ilay T'oror-n kisn's,)Yuz. 0 0 1`1,8~ 3- 33- "J: lei O,isl GRIGORITEV, S.Y., kand.takhn.nauk, zaaluzhannyy deyatell nauki Karel'skoy ASSR, oty.red.; PBAVDIN, 1.7., doktor biolog.nauk, zaaluzhannyv dayatell nauki Karellskoy ASSR, red.; ANDBZTZV, I.F., kand.biolog. neuk, red.; LUTTA. A.S., kand.biolog.nauk, red.; LOBZA, P.G., kand. geograf.nauk, red.; SAVICLIM. H.R.. rod.; POD takhn.red. [Transaotions of the Syamozero Z edition) Trudy Slamozerskoi komplakenol ekspeditail. Vol.lmydrology and hydrochomistryl Gidrologiia i gidrokhimiia. 1959, 237 -o. (MIRA 13:6) 1. Sysmoserskaya komplakanayt. ekspoditsi,7,-a, 1954-1956. 2. Rukovo- ditell otdola gidrologii Institute biologii ldrallakogo filiala AN SSSR (for Grigorlyev). 3. lbikovoditall BeL-tora zoologii Institute biologii Xarellekogo filiala AR SSSR (for Pravdin). 4. Rakovoditell laboratorii parazitologii Inatituta biologii Xarallskogo filiala AN SSSR (for Lutta). 5. Rukovoditell laboratorii gidrokhinii Institu- ta biologii Karel'skogo filiala, AN SSSR (for Lobza). (Byamozero region--Limnology) L013ZA, P.G. I~ydrochemieal conditionn in the Iblukhoha rogion and in Sorokskaya Day during the m=ar oeason. Mat. po k=pl. izuch. Bel. m6r. na.2.a;-4, 163. (MIRA 170) KALININ, V.; LOBZA, V. Yual economy by meant of cutting off angino cylindem Avt.transp. 32 no.4:12-13 Ap 154. (MLRA 7:6) (Gas and oil winss) LOBZBNY.0 J.I.j -kand.tekhn.nauk Higb.-atrangth structurs.2 steels based on ore from the Kaohkanar deposit Prom. stroi. 40 no.5:57-58 162. (KIRA 15:5) iSteel, Structural) (Kachkanar region-Iron ores) SOV/137 58-11-22075 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiyu, 1958, Nr I I, p 34 'USSR, AUTHOR: Lobzhanidze B Gr TITLE: Let Us Increase Production and Reduce Cost of Ferro -alloys (U--e.;:ch~m proizvodstvo, snizim sebestoirnos" (errospldvo-q) PERIODICAL: Narodnoye kh -1/o Kazakhstana. 1G58, Nr ., pp 41 44 ABSTRACT: During the past seven years. the production of ferro alloys at the Aktyubinsk plant has ircrCdsed b,; 140clo, 92qo of the increase in production being due to the rise in labor productil,,-ity. The output capacity of the establishment was *tic reased both bv installation of new equipment and by reconstruct*c~n of ex;st~ng Equ:pment the ferro-alloy furnaces abo~ e a!1. !ri acccrdarce with the long range plan of expansion of the p-lant., the pr-ciucticn of fi~rrcl -alloys will rise 49~6 from 1958 to 1965. New grades of carbon--free Fe Cr wit! be-produced, and furnaces will lie built with prov sion for trappin-, 30-401/6 of the waste gases and screen shorts. in%roduction of auto matic electrode control, and imprevemetif. of prepardticri of the charge. Labor productivity is to rise i VY6, and %he reduction ill Card 1/2 rost of production due to intra -plant factors will be 19%. Much SONI/137-58-11 22075 Let Us Increase Production and Reduce Cost of Ferro -alloys attention is to be given to the improvement of the cultural And living conditions off the workers of the plant. The problem of converting the plant from long--haul Karaganda coal to Kushmurun or Mamyt lignites and from Uraj. limestones and quartzites to limestones and quartzites from closer deposits if; to be resolved in the nearest furture. V. B~ Card 2/2 L,OBZHANIDZE Water 1jiol Sci (dise) -- "Anpecta of the activitf of the , cambium and the dynamien of vegetative vood growth in woody pDints of Georp,,ia". Leningrad, 1958. 17 vp (Acad Sol USSR, Botanical Inat IM V. L, Komarov), 1T. Copios (KL; 140 71 1959, 10~',) LOBZHMIIDZE, H.D. Some features of the formation of annual rings In voody xerophytes of tho Shiraki-Elldar "light forosts." Soob. AN Giu%.SSR 20 no.5:575-582 It, 158. (14IRK llslO) 1. AN GruzSSR, Institut lesa, Thillet. Predstavleno akademikom V.Z.Gulisashvili. (Shiraki Steppe--Xerophytos) (free rings) AUTHOR: Lobzhanidze, E. D. SOV/20- 121 -5 -44/50 TITLE: . ---_T_h~_iT1;'~s_t__S_tages of Formation of the AnnLal Rings in Wood (Pervyye etapy formirovaniya godichnykh kolets drevesin7) PERIODICALs Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1958, Vol. 121, Nr 5, PP. 928-931 (USSR) ABSTRACTs The author studied the peculiarities of the cambium activity and the formation ofthe annual rings in foui Transcaucasian re- gions different with regard to climate ard soil: in the botan- ical gardens of Batumi (Batumskiy botanicheskiy sad), in the Borzhom Gorge (Borzhomakoye ushchellye), in the parks of the town of Tbilisi and in the dry sparsely erown -moods of East- Grusia (Vostochnaya Gruziya, Shiraki)- 74 kinds of trees and brush were examined. According to the tyle of formation of the annual rings at the beginning of the vegetation period the examined species can be devided into three groups: 1) Coniferae. The cambium activity starts together with the appearance of the young needles. The differentiation of the carabium derivatives takes place regularly and simultaneously all along the periph- ery of the trunk or of the branch, so that the early tracheids Card 1/2 are formed in one continuous layer all arDund the edge of the SOV/20- 12 1 -5-44/50 The Firut Stages of Formation of the Annual Rings in Wood annual ring (Fig 1). 2) Foliage trees with scattered vessels. The cambium starts its activity only after the sprouting of Ole leavea. The formation of the early wood is analogous to the formation in coniferae (Fig 4)- 3) Foliage trees with vessels arranged in a ring. The cambium starts its activity some days before the sprouting of the buds. The formation of the annual ring starts at the edge of the ring by an irregular appearance of single annular vessels (Figs 2 and 3). These vessels are formed in the cambium zone as tangentially prolonged gaps (Fig 3). The tangential cross sections of the latter are by 3 to 5 times longer than the radial cross sections. The work was carried out under the supervision of Professor A. A. Yatsenko- Khmelevskiy. There are 4 figures and 9 references, 6 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Institut less. kkademii nauk GruzSSR (Institute for Forestry, AS GruzSSR) PRESENTED: April 14, 1958, by V. N. Sukachev, Member, Academy of Sciences, USSR SUBUTTED.- Ap4l 12, 1958 Card 2/12- : V -D v.- -,J.- LOBZHAN1 qL 11. ; -, - SUGULASHVIL1, red. TODIIA, A.P-, tel-hr. red. LC,mbiu.m and the forrvitior, of annual ringz in woodl Kazbii L fcr-m---, rorvanie godiclarikh kc)lets droveriny. Tbilisi, Izd-vo Akad. naux Gruzinskoi SSR, 1961. 158 P. (MIRA 14., J2) ~Trracj rings) (C=bium) ~04ZIIANIDZE, E.D.; DATUASTRIIJ, Z,I. Materials for studying the interrelation between growth in height and diameter in forest plantations. Trudy Inat. less. AN Cruz. SSR 10i173-187 162. (MIRA 17-.3) LOBZBANn2E, B.D. Effect of altitudinal zonality on the altivity of cambium in arboreous plants. Dokl. AN SSSR 147 no.1:231-232 N 1621, (MIRA 15;11) 1. Institut, lesa AN GruzSSR. Predstavleno akademikom V.N. Sukachevym. (Cambium) (Mountain ecology) LOBZHANJDZE, E.D. ~.'-ambial activity of trees in the Lagodekhi P-reserve doppending on the elevation above the sea level. Trudy Inst. lesa .AN Gruz. SSR 12:125-143 16:3. (MIR.A. 18:2) LOBZHANID2E, E.D. ".. ~-- , Effect of the mean sea level on the formation of annual rings in oak and beech. Soob. AN Gruz. SSR 32 no. 1t157-162 0 163. (WRA 170) 1. Institut, lesa AN GruzSSR. Predstavleno akademikom V.Z. Gulisashvili. LOMANTME~ E.D.; GOMIFIDZE, L.A. ~ 11-:-l-""..~1I Interrelationship between the moisture and heartwood foma- tion in Pinus hmsats, Sosn. as Influenced 1-:* climatic factors. Soob. AN Gruz. SSR 33 no.3t655-661 Mr 264 (HIRA 170) LOBZHk'IIDZE, E.D. Study of the struoture and physicemehanieal proportion of the wood of Pinus pityusa Stev, Boob, AN Gruz, SSR 35 no.214O3-408 All 164. (MIRA 17:12) ,-1r r 14-57-7-14400 Translation from: Referativn y zhurnal, Geografiya, 1957, Nr 7, p 20 (USSRT AUTHORS: Ambokadze, V. A., Lobzhanidze. G. A. TITLE: The Effect of Perennial Grass on Soil Erusion and Surface Runoff (Vliyaniye mnogoletnikh seyanykh trav na eroziyu pochv i poverkhnostnyy stok) PERIODICAL: Tr. in-ta pochvoved., AN GruzSSR, 1953, Nr 5, pp 129- 148 ABSTRACT: Bibliographic entry Card 1/1 14-57-7-14407 Translation from: Referatiyn y zhurnal, Geografiya, 1957, for 7, p 21 (USSRT AUTHOR: Lobzhanidze, G. A. TITLE: Erosion Studies in the Brown Forest Soils (Oak Belt) of Eastern Georgia LT voprosu izucheniya erozii v zone korichnevykh lesnykh pochv (dubovyy poyas) Vostochnoy Gruzii--in Georgian7 PERIODICAL: Tr. Gruz. s.-kh. in-ta, 1955, PP 42-43, PP 139-155 ABSTRACT: The studies were carried out in the valleys of the Odrudzha (Kvareli district) and Tvaltkhevi 13agaredzho district) ..hivers . Erosion indices were de- termined (S dh , where d is dispersion, h is a hydrophilic index, and a is index of assortment). The amount of infiltratTon for soils in forests of various densities (D) at different absolutc heights Card 1/2 Erosion Studies in the Brown Forest Soils (Cont.) 14-57-7-14407 was also obtained. The following facts were established: 1) erosion in forests with D from 0.8 to 0.9 was two and a half times lower than in forests with D from 0.2 to 0.3; 2) durin6 a thaw, soils in forests with D from 0.8 to 0.9 and from 0.5 -,o 0.6 admitted a water column 10 cm high four to eight times quicker than in forests with D from 0.2 to 0.3; 3) during a rain, soils in forests with D from 0.8 to 0.9 and 0.5 to 0.6 admitted a water column 10 cm high six to 12 times quicker than in forests with D from 0.2 to 0.3. This shows that a forest is one of the main factors in checking surface runoff and soil erosion. When D is 0.5 or higher soil eroision will not occur. A bibliography of 27 titles is included. Card 2/2 G. K. LOBZHANIDZE. G.I.;YESIMki, B.I.; KIRIYA, T.A. Effect of drill pipe joints on the redistribution of presoure in the annular apace.Soob. AN Gruz. SSR 33 nos33613-E20 Mr 164 (MIRA 1718) LOBZHANIDZE, G. N. Cand Med Sci - (diss) "Effectiveness of collapse of intrn-pleural synarthroses and,artificial pnett,nothorax in the complete treat- C- ment of pulmonary tuberculosis." Tbilisi, 1961. 18 pp; :bi- lisi State Med Inst); 200 copi-s; free; (KL, 6-61 sup, 238)