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M) SOLP.GE CODE: AUTHOR: Kolotov, 0. S.; Lobanov,0 Yu. N.; Tulinova, N. I. 6 ORG: Scientific Research Institute of uclear-Physics, MU (Nauchno-issledovatellski., institut yadernoy fiziki MGU) TITLE: Production and registration of short pulses of betatroAnjector electron current SOURCE: Pribory i tekhnika eksperimenta, no- 5, 1965, 37-39 TOPIC TAGS: betatron,,.electron trapping ABSTRACT: ~or the study of processes related to the trapping of electrons .in the betatron cycle and the subsequent behavior of these electrons during ,the first turns, pulses are needed which will not interfere with the regis- tration of the previously injected electrons. Best results can be obtained with injectors operating during a part of a full turn time-period and filling .6 section of the circumference of tbeebamber with electrons. The necessary ,time interval is of the order of 10-0 to 10-9 sece There are no difficulties ~in producing nanosecond pulses; bcrwrever, there are considerable problems pre- sent during the design of injectors vhich without distortion transform voltage pulses into electron current bursts. The article describes such a low- Card UDC: L 23372-66 ACC NR, AP6014019 distortion wide bai~d injector with minimum parasitic influences; it presents ,the cross-sectional view of the injector, its power supply circuitry, the ,diagram shoving the location of the injector and the registerinZ probes, the circuit for Interferince compenvation in the probe circuits# and an oscil- logram showing satisfactory agreement b'etveen th-e.Injector voltage pulse and -the correspondIng probe current pulse.' Orig. art.'has: 5jfigures. [JPRSI SUB CODE: 20':'. ~Mbk DAM 27Jul64 ORIG REF: '004- rd 2/2 ZC- L114J-8-67, EVIT( )---RPAP-) 603126J 6OURCE CODHt UR/0057/66/036/009/1636/1638 AU"DIOR: Andreyov,A,D.; Il in,V.D.; Lobanov,Yu.N. none ~I~J: High frequency discharge within a ring eloctrode souRez-. Zhurnal takhnichashoy fiziki# V. 36j no. go 1966, 1636-1638 TOPIC TAGS: discharge plasma, rf plasma, nitrogent plasma density, plasma radiation, PIS #ma electron tomperaturox ~ABSTRAC!r- The authors have Investigated the excitation of-nitro en Plasmas within ;a cylindrical chamber by a high-trequency voltage applied to a cylindricWi electrode outside of and coaxial with the chamber. The cylindrical chnmber was approximately- 478 mm in diameter and 19 mm in altitude. Abstracter's note: these figures are not !given in the paper; they were obtained by scaling a drawing./ The plasmas were excited ;by applying 2 to 6 kV to 2 MHz from an Impact excited oscillator to the external cylin- Arical electrode. The plasmas were photographed through the end wall of the chamber; the radiation emitted by the plasmas was detected with a photonultiplier and its pulsa-1 tion was observed with an oscilloscope; and the electron density and temperature of the plasmas were measured with the aid of a probe in the center of the chamber. At 'high nitrogen presaureo (1 torr) the visible discharge within the chamber wan confined to a thin layer neatto the wall. When the pressure was reduced, the discharge broke, away from the wall and extended toward the center of the chamber. As the pressure was Card 1/2 UDC: 537,525.72 ACC NR: AP60312 6 decreased from 0.06 to 0.02 torr the radius of the region of greatest luminosity de- creased from 38 to 24 mm. At low pressures, when the radiation came from regions of the chamber far from the walls, the radiation intensity pulsated at the 2 bulz excita- tion frequency; at high pressures, when the radiation came only from the immediate vicinity of the wall, it pulsated at twice the excitation frequency. The electron concentration decreased from 4 x 10 11 to 2.6 x 1010 cm-3 as the gas pressure woo re- duced from 0.9 to 0.05 torr. The electron temperature rema~ined practically independent of the exciting voltage at about 5 eV, Or1g. art, hasi 5 figures* CODE: 20 SUBAI DATHt 300dt94 ORIO. REFS 001 2/2 bab 210) 1UTHORS: Druint V. A., Lobanovs Yu~,V SOV/56-37-1-6/64 Polikanov, S. TITLE: The Angular Distribution of the Fragments in a Nuclear Fission by Heavy Ions (Uglovoye raspredeleniye oskolkov pri delenii yader tyazholymi ionami) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1959, vol 37, Nr 1, pp 38-40 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In the introduction a number of earlier papers is briefly dis- n nu?lear fissions induced by neutrons, protons, a- cussed ! particie , C1 -nuclei, and I-quanta, an anisotropy in the angular distribution of fragments has already been found to exist. The present paper is a continuation of rqference 9, where the authors had investigated the angular distribution in fissions induced by C12-nuclei. Here they report about measurements of the anisotropy of the angular distribution of fragments ig fissions of gold- and U238-nuclei induced by C12- and 01 -ions. The measurements were carried out on the 150 cm cyclotron of the As US R. The maximum ion enirgies were 2 78 and 100 Mev for C12 and 01 respectively. Fragmente.were Card 1/3 recorded by means of a device which is shown in form of a T.hq Angular Distribution of the Fragments in a SOV/56-37-1-6/64 Nuclear Fission by Heavy Ions schematical drawing by figure 1. The aluminum foils picking up the fragments were arranged at angles of 90 and 1350 with respect to the dirpation of radiation. The results obtained by the,lxperiments are shown by a table. Gold was bombardeg with C -ions of the energies of 66 and 78 Mev and with 01 - ions of the energies of 85 and 100 Mev, while U238 was bombar- ded only with C1 (78 Mev). The ratio of the yield of fission fragments emitted at 135 and 900 was measured, and so were the ranges of the fission products. Figure 2 shows the dependence of the yield ratio at 141 and 1200 on the maximum angular momentum of the compound* nucleus. Calculation of curves was carried out according to the formulas deduced by Strutinskiy on the basis of the statistical theory (Ref 2); the experimen- tally determined anisotropy coefficients only partly agree with the statistical curves. The authors finally thank G. N. Flerov for supervising workp V. M. Strutinskiy and G. A. Pik-Pichak for discussivne. It is said in a footnote that the authors Lobanov and Polikanov are collaborators of the Ob"yedinennyy instftut yadernykh iseledovaniy (Joint Card 2/3 Institute of Nuclear Research). The Angular Distribution of the Fragments in a SOV/56-37-1-6/64 Nuclear Fission by Heavy Ions There are 2 figures, 1 tablej and 10 references, 4 of which are Soviet. SUBMITTED: February 9, 1959 Card 3/3 OGAVESYAN, Iu.TS.;-.LOBAIiOV, Tu.V.; MARKOV, B.N.; FIYAROV, G.N. [T-Spektra in reactions with heavy ions)-y-spektry v reaktsiiakh s tiazhelymi ionami. Dubna, Ob"edinennyi institat iadernykb reaktsi', 1961. 16 p. (MIRA 14:11) (GArm- rays-Spectra) (Nuclear reaetions) FI,::. 1) GGAITSyAj:, Yu.T.,.* IQLW-~PN"j Yu.-i-; -"*X--Kcvl -~"V' G'I:. [Galrr.a 1-priiation of' high-slAr.- rllcie' henie iader - , - ~L 'I I Y-izluc (1-al-.A 16: 10) s V:.'Solkir. spinom. Dubna. 1962. 13 P. (Iluclear Epin) (Gar-z--a r&Ys) 8/057/63/033/004/015/021 B163/B234 AUTHdRSt Indreash, G., Linevt A. F., Lobanov~ Yu.,V., Uarkov, B. N., and Oganenyan, Yu. Ta. TITLEs Investigation of the x-rays from the resonance system of a cyclotron PERIODICALt Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fiziki-, v- 33, no. 4, 1963, 462 - 469 TEXTs In order to produce intense beams at a radius near to the final one in the 300 cm cyclotron for the aceeleration of heavy ions of the laboratory for nuolear reactions 014AM (OIYaI) it was calculated that at a frequency of 5 JAcla a potential difference 2 Vo is 300 - 350 kv between .the deea should be applied. It was found, however, that for dee voltages above 100 to 150 kv a strong electronic load of the resonance circuit .spoiled its quality factor, and that the dee potential was considerably reduced (by the factor vl -5) when the external magnetic field was switched on. The distance between the dees and the cover of the chamber was 10 cm. The electron current over this gap was studied by recording the continuous spectrum of soft bremostrahlung by means of a scintillation counter Card 1/2 3/057/63/033/004/015/021 Investigation of the ... B163/B234 arranged outside the vacuum chamberp through a plexiglass window. The puls.e reouxrence frequency was varied between 10 and 150 0/8, the pulse duration from 0.2 to.3.0 m sec. The vacuum in the chamber varied from 1-5-10-5 to'5610- 6 torr. The t-counting-rate N Y increased by a factor of 10 6 to 107 when 2 V0 was increased from 50 to 300 kv. The spectral distribution of the ~r-raya drops steeply at E - e V 0 and becomes much less intense for e V 0< E r< 2e Vo. The measurement of this spectral distribution can be used to measure the dee.voltage with an accuracy of -3~. The dependenae, of Ut on the magnetic field strength H is character- i-zed by a st-sep aa*"t up to 1000 oersted, and a constant value of Ne between land 16 kilveersted. For high H, N 1~ is proportional to the duty factor. go depende"y of V on the vacaum. was observed.- There are 5 fig- ures. SUBMITTEDs January 13 962 (initially) Card 2/2 4une 2p lqg~'(after revision) I le i--, OGANESYAK, Yu.TS.; LORAM, Yu.V.; MARKOV, B.N.; FLKROV, G.N. Radiation from higb,-spin nuclei. Zhur. eksp. i teor. fiz. 44 no.4:1171- I G79 Ap 163. MRA 16W i. Obuyedinennyy institut yadornykh iasledovaniy. (Gaw,mi rays) (Nuclear spin) L 41015-65 EWA(h)/E%T(ra) Peb ACCESSION NR: AP5007707 9/0367/651001/001/0067/0071 AWHOR: _LQhaaQyj..YS..'J.; K~i.Snetsov, V. I.; Perelyf~tn, V P.; Polikanov, S. K.; 0ganeayan,-ftc. T9,' ; 'FMbv, G. H. 1q TITLE: A spontaneously fissionable ,isomer with a hatflife of 0.0009 seconds SOURCE: Yadernaya fizika, v. 1, no. 1, 1965, 67-71 TOPIC TAGS: spontaneous fission, isomer fission, short halflife isomer, radio- active decay, ion bombardment, plutonium target, uranium target ABSTRACT: The authors have previously reported discoveries of short-lived, spon- taneously decaying, nuclei with 13.5.10-3 sec. and-3.5 sec. half-lives (see, e.&q A. F. Linev, B. N. Markov, A. A. Pleve, S. M. Polikanov, Freprint OIYAI D-1693, 1964; V. P. Perelygin, S. P. Tret'yaPova, ZhETF, 45, 863, 1963). In all proba- bility, this considerable increase in spontaneous fission rates is due to the fact that fission proceeds from an excited rather than fro-an a ground state. At the same time, several of the present authors predicted (V. A. Druin, H. K. Sko- belev, B. V. Fefilov, V. 1. Kuznctsov, Yu. V. Lobanov, Yu. Ts. Oganesyan, Pre- print 01YaI R-1651, 1964) that there should exist still another nuclear isomer Card 1/2 L 41015-65 ACCESSION NR: APS007707 with Z4- IN -wfifch7UdU-!d- have a spaata_neaq5 f iss 'on period of about 3.5 sQc. consequently, they continued their search for other possible short-lived _J_Qar_aPr5 with lifetimes within the millisecond region . They developed a method for the registration of pericds down to 5-10- sec. for fission fragments froin spontaneous fission of nuclear heavy-ton reaction products and carried out experiments on the internal beam of the U-30U cyclotron of the Mal. The fission fragments were rcgistered by means of glass detectors. After bambarding plutonium and uranium Dy neon and boron ions accelerated in the 310 cm machine, a spontaneously fission. able isomer was found with Z!~99, A,~1=250, and a half-life equal to 0.85-+ID.08 milliseconds. The absence of a corresponding fissionable nucleus with ~1 0.9 LLsec. during the U + B11 reaction seems to indicate that the production cross section of the resulting isomer is two orders of magnitude smaller than the P, + 1311 production cross section. "The authors thank S_ 2- lrer'yakoy and their help during the finishing and scanning of glass plates, and the personnel of the U-300 machine group for guaranteeing the conttnuity of the tests." Orig. art. has: 3 figures. ASSOCIATION: Obityedinennyy institut yadernykh lssledavaniy (Joint Institute for -Nuclear Studies ENCL. 00 SUB CODE: NP SUMITTEM - - Ot a, . NO REF SOV- 008 OTHER: 000 Ccrd '212 ACC NRi AP700B933 SOURCE CODE: UR/03571661004/003/0465/0467 AUTHOR: Euznotsov, V. I.; Lobanov, Y13. V.; Perelygin, V. P. ORG: Joint Institute for Nluclear Research (Oblyodinennyy institut yadernykh issledovaniy) TITLF: Half-life Ot Isotope of element 102 with mass number 256 iSOURCE: Yadernnya fizika, v. 4, no. 3, 1966, 465-467 TOM TAGS: ion acceleration, cyclotron, radioisotope, alpha decay SUB CODE: 20,18 ABSTRACT: In 1963, an isotope of the 102nd olcncrit of mass number Z36 (D.)notu, Ye. D., Shchegolev, V. A., Yermakov. V. A., Atomnaya Enogiya (Atonle Energy), 16, 193. 1964) was synthesized in tho reaction u236 + No2 - its identification! was made with the help of physical and chemical methods according to the char- acteristics of the daughter ngclous FmZ52. However, the measurement accuracy of the half-life of the 10225 nucleus was no more than 40~. Experiments wore performed in 19Q for studying the spontaneous fission of the nuclei formed in the U238 + NoZ4 reaction (Druis, V. A., Skobelov, N. K0, Fefilov, B. V., Flerov, G. N., Preprint. P-1580, OjYaj, 1964). The half-lifu T, = 10+ seconds measured in this paper coincided, within the limits of orror, ,with that obtained for isotope WZ56 in the paper of tho first paragraph above. The yield of this spgntaneously fissioning nucleus corresponded to the maximtw. cross section 3-10-J+ cm2- From the character of the excitation func4on, it may be concluded that the reaction in this case is U238(Ne22-,4n)l0Z25b. The Card 1/5 -0 9 2-7 --17.57 -ACC NR- AP7008933 absenc% of the effect in the controlled irradiation of the U238 targ 2~4 235 Y "C' and 01 ions has permitted it to be finally established that the 102 r, -.; c 1 c. -z; s undergoes its spontaneous fission in a 10-second period. From The relations"nip of the alpha decay and the spontaneous fission of this nucleus, the period of the spontaneous fission was found to be Tf ;e 1500 sec. The experiments described in the present paper were undertaken with a view to measuring more accurately the half-life of the isotope of the 102nd elcment T.-ith mass number 256. The experiments were conducted with the internal bean -of a U-300 OIYal cyclotron. A schematic diagram of the equipment was given in a previous paper (Lobanov, Yu. V., Kuznotsov, V. I., Polikanov, S. M., OEanesyan, Yu. Ts., Flerov, G. N.; Ya F. 1. 67. 1965). The bean of accelerated .ions passed through an aluminum foil 6 microns thick, dividing the inner space of. the equipment from the cyclotron vacuum chamber. and fell on the target turned by the active layer on the ion collector sido. The nucleus formed as the result of the interaction between the accelerated Ions and the target broke away from the target under the impact of- tno incident particle-and fell or. the collector. a continuous nickel strip 8 m long and 25 mm wide. In the experi- menta. the film moved at a velocity of 6-10 cm/roo. Thia provided optimum .conditions for Picasuring a half-life on t1ho ordor of 10 seconds. For coolinh ,tho target, the ion collector, and the nucleus collector the inner space of the equipment W2A filled with holium under a pressure of 40 w of mercury. Card 2/5 ACC NRi AL-7008933 In our oxperimontst wo used a u238 and pu242 target about 600 on a thin aluninum substrato; the bombarding particles were accelerated X022 and o18 ions. The intensity of tho ion boam was 6-6 lua. Special phosphoroscont glasses and lav3an film, insensitivo to snall chargod particles, wore used as detectmrs of the fissian fraj-jaents (Kapuztsik. A., Porclygin, V. P., Tretlyakova. S. P.. PTE, 5. 64, 1964; Flaischqr. R. L., Price, P. B., Science, 140, 1221, 1963). Tho detectors wore arranged along the film, practically continuously, their total length being 6 m. In the irradiation of the U2A tarect by the accelerated N022 ions the recorded output of the spontaneously fissioned product with a half-life on the order of 10 seconds corresponded to a cross section on the order of 1(2-2).10-34 cm?. An especially large op&put of this product was recorded when Pu?-4 was .aradiated by.accelerated VO ions** Card 3/5 ACC NRi IV7008933 Experiments with plutoni= targets were made with the encrey or tho oxygen ions ranging from 89 to 104 E-ev and a film velocity of 6.6 cm/soc. A figure shows the yield of the fission products as a function of the onergy and shows that the short-lived component has a curve which agrees I nicaly with the 4n reaction curve. The maxizum yield was recorded when the oxygen ion energy was 94 ~Jev, whic cor-esponds to the partial cross section 7.10-34 Qn2. For the reaction . " ~2(()l6.pjn)l0l256. a somewhat larger cro~-s section of 9.0.10-34 was obtainod ror an 0 8 ion ener&y or 104 Mov. Thus, in the experiments involving the irradiation of plutonitca target.:; W.1 th accelerated 018 ions two products of spontaneous fission with differcn'~ half-lives ware recorded. The short-lived conponent. whose excitation function corresponds to the 4n reaction, was apparently caused by the spontaneous fIssion of the 102nd element of mass number 236. Another figure shows the distribution of the recorded fragments of the short-lived component in equal time intervals for one saries of experiments. The half-life of the 102nd element nucleus, was, according to our measurements, -dec y a a io 0 8.2 + 1.0 seconds. Thi p r d war, chiefly the result of th alpha a Ot the 10j256 nucleus; it agrees well with previous results (see the first two apers cited above). The half-life period of -) aoc predicted In the paper (Viola, V. E. , Scaborg, 0. T., Nuclear Systematics for Heavy_ Elements, N. Y., !965) agrees satisfactorily with our data. -C,,d 4/5 ACC - NRi Ar7006933 Further experimentation with t.Ms nucleus should give information on Itz alpha decay energy as well as a more accurate value for the period of 5;)on- taneous fission, The mithors are especially grateful to G. 14. Flerov for the statmcnt of t:no problem and his management of the work. They also thank V. A. Druin and YU. To. Oganosyan for their assistance and their di3cussion of the results, and S. P. Tratlyakov% and T. Is Rybakova for preparing the fis3lon fraVuent 'detectors. OrIgo art* hast 2 figur*g. CipRSI 40030 Card 5/5 L 1-3218-65 /EWP(b) Ful~'~'-. ?/I J?'C )/1'.FdL J D/ M T % I - V ACCESSION NR: AP4047420 S/0089/64/017/004/0310/0312 AUTHORS: Flerov, G. N.; Oganesyan, Yu. Ts.; Lobanov, Xv. V.- Kuz- netsov, V. I.; Druin, V. A.; Parely!2in, V. Gavrilov, K. A.1 Tretlyakova, S. P.; Plotko, V. H. TITLE: Synthesis and physical identification of the isotope of the lement-w-Lth-m _aAs number 260 SOURM Atowaya energiya, v. 17, no. 4, 1964, 310-312 TOPIC TAGS: transuranium element, half life, spontaneous fission ABSTRACT: In view of the fact that earlier estimates yielded a wide 260 range of values for the half-life of the isotope 104 whereas ex- 256 iperiments have shown that the element 102 experiences spontaneous fission with a half-life of 1500 seconds, the authors developed a procedure for indicating the spontaneous fission, for use in searches Card 1/3 L 1-218-55 ,ACCESSION NR: AP4047420 ;fDr the 104th elements. The experiments were made with the internal 242 22 :,baam of a 300-cm heavy-ion cyclotron. The target was Pu and Ne :'ions were used for bombardment, so that the investigated reaction was 242 22 260 Pu (He , 4n)104 The equipment consisted essentially of a :variable-speed belt conveyor to transport the reaction products from ,the target to the detectors. The fragment detectors were silicate ;and phosphate glasses. The distribution of the tracks over the de- ~tectors yields information on the lifetime of the nuclei synthesized 'in the reactions. The results of the experiments yielded a half- life of 0.3 + 0.1 sec for the 104 element with mass number 260 under spontaneous fission. The correctness of the results was checked by ,examining the form of the excitation function, the cross sections at the maximum, and the lack of an effect in control experiments .with other particles and other targets. "The authors thank A. F. Line , A. N. Filipsqp, I. A. Shel2yeqi. at1d the cyclotron crew for ~reliable operation of the cyclotron, S. M. Polikanov and Ye. D. Catd 2/3 V,~,7 PRE ,!11 L 1,218-65 'j ACCESSION NR: AP4047420 --Pantts for a discussion tor Professor 2. _~.~~~hiqtqev of Atomic Energy in the ~has: 3 figures. 'ASSOCIATION: None SUBMITTEDt 29Aug64 of the experimental results. and _2XYaI direc and the State Committee on the UBG USSR for support of the work." Orig. art. ENCL: 00 SUB COM UPP-M UR REF SOV: 008 OTHER: 005 Card 3/3 SHTERENZON, A.Lrf-LQBAMQY, Yu.Ye.; Prinimala uchastiyes BURYMNA, Ye.F. Water and corrosion resistance of fluoroplast coatings. Lakokrae.mat.i ikh prim. no.6:37-39 162. (?URA 16t1) 1. Urallskiy nauchno-issladovatellakly khimichaskiy institut. (Protective coatings-Testing) ACCESSION: AR4042248 S/0081/64/000/008/SO19/SO19 SOURCE: Ref. zh. Khimiya, Abs. 8S100 AUTHOR.- ljobanov, Yu. Yel. TrME: Relaxation phenomena in adhesion of tenons to steel CITED SOURCE: Sb. Vy*sokomolekul. soyedineniya. Adgeziya polimerov. M., AN SSSR, 1963, 79-82 TOPIC TAGS: steel, teflon, crystalling polymer, adhesion, relaxation phenom- enon TRANSLATION: Investigates the adhesion to steel of flourine -containing rrystalline polymers, differing in the physical state of amorphous regions: teflon F-3 and Ftorlon F-42. Adhesion to determined by the speed of separation of coating from metal and characterized by the negative logarithm of separation speed. Study of the change of adhesion in time with holding of coatings in atmospheres of different hunidity showed that for F-3 there occurs an irreversible decrease 64 1/ 2 ACCESSION NR: AR4042248 of adhesion; It Is not restored after desorption of water when held over con- centrated H2SO4- Coatings of F-42, when from the humid medium, show a rapid rice of adhesion. Distinctions in adhesion properties are connected with distinctions in the physical state of the amorphous regions. At a temperature of-1200 F-3 is in a glaselike, and F-42 - in a highly elastic state. Reduction of adhesion after desorption of water occurs only when the molecules of polymer on to surface have sufficient mobility to be adsorbed anew by the surface, Therefore it Is assumed that adhesion Is determined by a reversible adsorptive- desorptional equilibrium of sections of molecules on the surface of sublayer and to a significant degree is determined by the mobility of molecules in the boundary layer; on this also depends the degree of orientation of molecules on the Isurface and the speed of establishment of equilibrium structure. CODE: OC, GC ENCL: 00 Cord 2/2 /1'VQ /WPJ, 4 AO L 8922-65 EPA( s)-2/E.WMI(M), Fk ~-~ ACCESSION NRt AP4045434 S/0190/64/006/009/1668/1675 AUTHORt Shterenzon, A. L.; Lokpnovo, Ye.; Konovelovs, S. F. te 801U9 1 TITLEs Penetration of ftorlon with concentrated e-lectroly tions SOURCE: Vy*eokomolekulyarny*ye soyedineniya# v, 6# no. 9, 1964p 1 1668-1675 ABSTRACT: Ftorlon, a -c p lof tatrafluoroethylene and viallidene fluoride, has been evalu'ated,,~L corrosLon-resLatina fllm~rfn very aggressive ellectrolXte solut S-u-cN as-con cen tr ate d H 0 50 F, , 3 3 P04 KNO 3, KCI 9 HC1 p HNO 30 NH 3" an d C-11 C0011, at 42-50C. In -the absence of a satisfactory explanation forthe sharp differences In permery I ability of a given polymer With various electrolytes, an attempt was made to explain the mechanism of penetration of a chemically i__ TOPIC TAG91 ftorlob oolyrdatp polymer film, corrosion provanting film, polymer permeability, concentrated electrolyte penetration, polymer penetration factor ~13 L 8922-6q ACCESSION NRt AP4045434 stable polymer. Electrical conductivity measurements made it pos- calculate the penetration factor and hence the permeabilit.1.,! of a ftor.lon film. The absence of penetration of nonvolatile elect-; rolytes, Such as 112SO4, H3PO4,and salts, and the relatively high permeability of the film to volatile electrolytes (11C1, HN03), were established. This difference in permeability is explained in terms of a difference in sorption of the electrolytes an a polymer, which is determined by the work function of the electrolyte mole- cules from aqueous solution. The mechanism of penetration of non- swelling polymers with a lowidielectric constant is similar for both electrolyte% and gases and vapors, since the electrolytes are be- lieved-to be undissociated in such polymers. The near-exponential concentration dependence of the penetration factor was established with volatile electrolytes:,and was ascrLbed;-to~th4rjsjmjlar'' character of the change in electrolyte .activfty in aqu .eous' solution with a change in concentration. OrLg. art. has: 3 figures and 16 formulas. ~~jLgj--~g gt 7 Z, INI.RN ~,nF~ n. K ACCESSION URI AP4045434 ASSOCIATIONs UrallskLynsuchno-imetedovatel'SkLy khimichoakiy in- GtLtutq Sverdlovsk (Ural Scientific Research Institute of chemistry) SUBMITTEDI l3Nov63 ATD PRESSI 3tjo EUCLt 00 SUB CODEs HT NO REV SOVI 017 OTHERt 010 corl 3/3 KARTAKIN, N.A., prof., doktor tekhn.nauk; GRIBAITT, A.I., Imnd.takhn. nauk; IOBIXOV, Z-N- Transients In lighting arcs with carbon electrodes. Svetatekbnika 5. no-7:8-13 J1 '59. (141RA 12:9) 1. Moskovskiy anergetichmakly institut. (Electric lighting, Arc) DIDREASH, G.; LDEV, A.F.; LOBANOV, Yu.V.; MMKOV, B.N.; 0GANESYXI, Yu.TS. [Study of W-'-rays in the resonance system of a cyclotron] Issledovanie r-luchei rezonansnoi sistemy tsiklotrona. Dabna, Ob"edinennyi in-t iadernykh issledovanii, 1962 16 p. (MIRA 1;:2) (Gamma raye) (cyclotron) -,-._T,OBAII'O)VA A. [Lobanava, A.] Smoke curing of hum. Rab.i sial. 34 no.11:24-3 of 1. Starshiy inzh. proizvodetvanno-tnkhnicheakogo myaso-molochnoy propyahlennosti sovnarkhoza BSSR. (Ham) cover. N '58. . (MIRA 11:12) otdala Upravlani7a 1,073A 1,Tlj!!A, A. A. 29-10 0, Ir t vi 0 ti's z, 'i-,rr)trj:),iGfjntvq Vonrony or7nnizat-i'll T oplaty tmrk '! Zll~vOtf'Ov - e- " - ' ' 1949, :,o. 5, 3. ?1-82 30: 12'r07,13' 'TJ. 40 T -~17 il A 4. MilkinF 7. Milking ir. two shifts on collective (!-, tle farms. Scov. zootekh. . 7, Nlo. 3, l') ~2. Kandidat 5ellskokhoz.vaY,3~1vennykh 7auk Ilsoso.,,,u7,n,,,rv fl:iuciiiio-is-1,2dov!il,-lls'-L,I Institut Zhivot ovod3tva 9. Yonth-ly List Of RUSSian Acces--31on3 I;,*--,3rj- o^ C n!Trn-s3, 2~:ne 1952 Unclassified. LOBANCOVA, A. A. Dairying - Accounting Paying workers in dairy-cattle breeding in accordance with the butterfat content In milk Sots. zhiv. 14 No. 3, 1952 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, June 19 5X2 Unc 1 - --- LCB.ANOVA, Anna Alsksandrovna, kand.se1'skokhozyaystvennykh nauk; RUMYANTSEVA. mr- VasU*yevna'-, SORKINA, S., red.; LILIYE, A., [New developments in Novoe v organizataii rabochii, 1957. 52 the organization of wshinnopgo doeniia machine milking of cowal korov4 [Moskva] Moskovokii (MIRA 11:4) p. (Milking machines) I,CBAI[OVAI Anna Aleksandrovna; RUMYAI]TSFVA, Tamara Vasilyevrta; IOSAUROV, S.D., I l-'..1- . red.; PTIATWA 9 A.?~. red.: ZUBRILIHA, Z.F., (Iowering labor expenditures in stock raising] Snizhenie satrat trude v zhivotnovodstve. Moskva. Goo,izd-vo sellkhoz. lit-ry, 1958. 54 p. (KrRA 11:6) (Stock and stock-breading) ROGOZIN, G.M.; TSYNKOV, M.Tu., kand. sellekokhozyaystvennykh nauk; LCBANOVA, A.A.1 Itand. sellskokhozyaystvannvkh nauk; RUKTANTS31TA, T.1 110bbLTUBOT, B.A.. kand. eel Iskokhozya7stvannykh nauk; KUDETATTM, PeN., doktor sel'skokhozyaystvanrqkh nauk: LITOYCMWO, G,R,, kand. eel likokhosysystvanufth nauk; KOLOBOY, G.M.; IOYB, K.Sh.; KHMWKOT, G.G.. doktor eel IskokhozyayetTennykh nauk; BADIRITAN, G.G., doktor eel 'ekokhozyaystveunykh nauk; IVANOVA, A.A.; MAXAROT, A.P.; AWAYSKIY, I.r.; SPIRIDONOV9 A.L., kand. sel'skokhozyaystvennykh nauk; ZHUYKOV, G*G*; BANNIKOV, N.A., red.; IVAHOVA, A.N., red.; ZUBRILINL, Z.P., tekhn. red. Cloonomics and organization of stockbreeding on collective farms] Ikonomike, i organizateiia zhivotaovodstva v kolkhozakh. Moskra, Goo. izd-yo sellkhoz. lit-ry, 1958. 550 p. (MIR& 11:7) (Stock and stockbreeding) LOBAVOVAt A.N.; VASILIYL-it P,N. Report on conferenaets on clinical anatonq hold at Moscow City ClWoal Hospital No. 2. Arkh, pat, 22 no. 10:90-94 160. (MIRA l3tl2) is Glaynyy vrach Moo ~skoy gorodskoy klinichookoy bolluitsy No. 2 (for Lobanova), 2. kvduyohchiy patologoanatmichookim ,ptdelaui_vem Moskovakog gorodskoy klinicheskoy bollnitsy No. 2 (for Vasillyev). (ANATt*ff , PATHOWGICAL-COMRWSZS) LOBANOVI, A.S. Beat varieties of potatoes for drying. Kons.i ov.prom. 12 no.8:29-33 Ag 157. (PIMA 10:10) 1. Yeeeovuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy inatitut konservnoy I ovoBheheoushillnoy promyshlennosti. (Potatoes--Drying) LOBANOVA, A.S.; POKROVSKATA, Mez. W- :_~ using the M-1 compound for longer preservation of potatoes in storage at dehydrating and canning factories* Kona* I ove prom, 13 no.11:37-41 N 158. (KIRA 11:11) 1. TSentralln" nauchno-iseledovatellskiy institut konserynoy i ovoshcheaushillnoy promyshlonnosti. (Potatoes--Storage) USSR/Cultivated Plants - Fruits. Derries. 14-6 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Dial., No 20, 1958, gi8a Author : Lobanova, A.S. Inst : Chelyabinsk State Podabogical Institute. Title : Diolo,,~ical Peculiarities of Hybrid Pear SeedlinUs in Chelyabinsk. Ori(,, Pub : Uch. zap. Chelyab. Cps. ped. in-ta, 1957, 3, NO 1, 125- 14o. Abstract : This article cites the results of the 1951-1953 studies on the hybrid pears raised by P.A. Zhavoronkov at the Ch.elyabinsk Fruit and VeL;etable Experimental Station. The makonal types were the individual types of Ussuriyskayn pear (Pyrus ussuriensis), and the paternal were the south- ern cultivated varieties. The hybrids had adequate winter resistance and a vegetative period of 159-186 days. Card 1/2 LOBANOVA, A.S. ,Find of thn rreen alga Aegagropila, oauteri Kritz. In a now locality. Bot.zhur. 44 no.11:1633 N '59. (MIRk 13:4) 1. Kafodru botaniki Chelyabinakogo podagogicheakogo instituta. (Chobarkull, Lake-Algan) METLITSKIT. L.V.; 'A A.S.- FMOVS[AYA, M.Z. --- -- 0 Principles of the selection of potato varieties for areas of rav products supplying the vegetable dehydration industry. Kons-i ov-prom. 13 noolls28-32 1 160. (MIRA 13:10) 1. TSentrallnyy nauchno-losladovatellskiy inatitut knoservnoy i ovoshcheoushillnoy promWshlennost~* (Potatoes--Varieties) LOBANOVA, A .S.; POKROVSKAYA., M.Z. Use of maleic hydrazite for preventing potato and onion germination. Kona. i ov. prom. 17 no.8%29-33 Ag 162. (MIRA 17;1) 1. TSentrallnyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut konservnoy i ovoshchesushillnoy promyshlennosti. I I -~;,(Ar ':*,,!'-' ,- - " - ;" ;' i ' '. I. '- l'-'A ,, :'.'fLIT3KIY V.; LODU;OV. , I.j.; i;Ci -) 11 A I . . , 41. -L 1,-inciple,,3 of the selectic)n r, -" -'G' I I u otiyT,ly zomis of 'J(3 drint, iravstry. 'ru,;,)- "i-il Ci- no.11, I I 85-1 o1 1(13-. C I "t 17:"!) -,~rinztrz and wju, of its lliql.' vP), *7 "'ir-ens 1~1 imacrial S.J,f)CaAO?i I (!Xt-, WId b.14.a 'AIJL:C Ct 0,')6JnWI of Mr. wid of Co augmunt V-.e of perftinfemi, ..Mn under I,-'C* rll tile! activity of the ennum. D. S. Levine The pfoperties of ph rylase and of k-**dItunpeifr1ngenz. A.01?11VO (J14:11ok. V. 1. 1vanav. und A. V. LoNnov.4 (Milli'try 11r4kIth U.S.S.R., slowow) --7rM-- ':40, 522-4;(1955).-C. per1fincens stmill Sli-12 w~i ustd. III tuiphory ht~c tind amyla--& of C, 1mrfrinjemy hijarply k!~j r6cs illtra- and c1tra(Autilly whell the VVM arv. growil in a medium coutg~ poIy5,irvIwrid,-i its file sonrce of L-Arb,-hy-, dratc'i. Ph-phuryLv.cof from pll-plwrybse of and of polaV&S ill 111:11 it b able to Split lnaltt'~r.. a OT PRYADKINA, M.D.; GAVRILL14KOVA, V.'u.; L011ANOVA, A.V. Biological and ckemical propfirtle3 Of the GKI plague allergen, Report No.l. Zhur. mikroMol. apid. i i=mn. 40 no.5:72-77 Yor 163. (MIRA 17:6) 1. Iz Gosudarstvannogo kontrollnogo inatituta meditsinbl,-ikh biologicheskikh preparatov imeni Tarasovicha. YEGORCVA, A.G.; GIMMERVERT, R.V.; LOPASHOVA, Ye.V.; YELMSKAYA, A.H.; W- RAj-A.1a.; KHANZHINA., Ye.B.j, red.; SHILLING, V.A.., red* izd-va;-- - BAB BELOGUROVA) I.A., tekhn. red. (System of preparing the rye-bread dough in an H.F.Gatilin outfit] Rezhim prigotovleniia testa dlia rzhanogo khleba v agregate N.F.Ga- tilina. By A.G.Egorova i dr. Leningrad., 1961, 16 p. (Leningradskii Dom nauchno-tekhnicheskoi propagandy. Obmen paredovym(opytom. Se- riiat Khlebopekarnaia promyshlenriosts, no,l) MIRA 14: 10) (Dough) (Baking-Equipment and supplies) YEGOROVA, A.G.; KAZANSKAYA, L.N.; I:!Q"P11OVA,A.Ya.; 1.'ELIKEOVA, Z.V.; BESPALOVA, I.G.; SHCHERBACH,-V-'.A-.- [Using the new yeast and lactic acid bacteria strains in making tin rye bread] PrigotovIenie rzhanogo formovogo khleba s primeneniem novykh shtamrov molochnokislykh bak- teril i drozhzhei. Moskva, TSentr. in-t nauchno-tekhn. informatsii pishchevoi promyshl., 1963. 28 p. (MIRA 17:9) BANKOVSKIY9 Yu. [Bankovskis,J-1 (Riga); LOBANOVAP E. (Riga) Analytic application of 8-mercaptoquinoline (thiooxine) and its derivatives. Report XVI* Golorimetric method of determination of rhenium with 6-chlor-8 mercaptoquinoline. Vestis Latv ak no.I: 97-106 160. (EEAI 9:11) 1. Akademiya nauk Latviyakoy SSR, Institut kbimii. (Quinolinethiol) (Colorimetry) (Rhenium) (Chloroquinolinetbiol) KOBYLISKAYA M.V.; KORNILOV, M.F.; SIDONOV, S.S.,, PYSIIKINA, N.T.1 Pi~TOVALOVA, TO.K.; KUZNETSOVA, O.A.; Prinimab. uch;stiyet KSENOYONTOVA, tekhnik; ATZENBERG, Z.M., tekhnik; LOPANOVA,.E.M., takhnik Using -^'A asphalt for the preparation of superphosphate phor-phorouo fertilAzer. Trudy MIT no.12.119-129 163. (MIRA 18-11) LOBANOVA, G. M.) PAIMMOV, V. I., MX) I- S-, '~X-ray Investigation of N(CHA Hg X3-11 report presented at the Symposium on Ferroelectricity and Ferromagnetism, Leningrad, 30 MaY-5 June 1963. id r a l l j 4 04 JU if !fill STRUCHKOV, Yu.T.;LOBANOVA, G.M. X-ray study of ortho-tungsten eaters. Vest Mosk. un. Ser. makh., astron., fis., khim. 14 no.2:169-178 '59 (KIBA 13:3) 1. Kafedra kristallografii i kristallokhimii, Institut elemen- toorganicheskikh soyedineniy AN SSSR. (Tungsten compounds) T-OBAIJOVA .,4 ~-, Aplite dikes of thn postmineralization period. Trud.- IM no.18:64-71 '59, (Ml,-Ut 12:10) (Japan Sea region-Dikan (Geology)) IDBAIUVA, G-14- - -- the distribution Of I)rR deposits- Example of horizontal zoning in (14IRA. 12:10) Trudy, JGiCM no.18:72-76 159. - (14aritime Territory- Oro deposits) WBAINIO~VA~. Occurrences of cuspidine and monticellite okarns In the deposits of the southern Maritime Territory. Zap. Ybes. min. ob-va 89 no.5:523- 541 160. (MIRA 13:10) (Maritime Territory-Skarns) RADKEVICH, Ye.A.; TOIZON, I.N.; J&DANOUAL.H.1 KALAITUROV, A.P., red*izd-va; ASTAFIYEVAx G.A.x tekhnred. (Geology and metallogeny of typical ore regions in the Maritirw Territory] Geologiia i metallogeniia tipovych rudnych raionov primorlia. Moskva, Izd-vo. Akad. nauk SSSR, 1962. 128 p. (Akademiia nauk SSSR. Inatitut geologii rudnykh mestorozhdenii, petrografii,, mineralogii i geokhimii. Trudy, no-58). (MIRA 15-10) (Maritime Terri:toty-Ore deposits) - - -" ~ ~:71 ~fk - - '- - ~ ~ I - -,j ;I ON 11 TOMSONI I.N.; IVANOV, I.B.; KONSTANTINOV, R.M.; IDBANOVA,G.M.; FOLYAKOVA, O.P. Absolute age of Mesozoic magmatic complexes and ore formations in eastern Transbaikalia. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. geol. 28 no.1201-40 W63. (FaRA 17:2) 1. InBtitut geologii rudnykh mestorozhdeniy, petrcg-afii, mineralogii i geokhimii AN SSSR, Mosvia, t4?; SPIIINP LOUN~VA',_q.. B. P. Geology and cornposlit7ii -)I' cr-e~i of O,e Savi.,.ekoye 11o.5Ae-~1 'h-udy IGiIA n;-, .83:14.1-16(; 1 f~-, 3 - ( 11-11 Fu 1 11*1 . J-1 -1 ~ ) I-COUNTRY USSR v ICATEGORY Pharmacology and Toxicology. Toxicology APS. jOURR. RZhBiol., No. 1 1959, No. 4765 AUTHOR LLO~banov~aG~T : Tenyalcov, P. T. IVST. Chkalov Oblast Branch of All-Union Chemical TITLE E:ffect of Sulfur Dioxide upon Ascorbic Acid Con- tent in the Blood of Anixaals WRIG, PU13. i Vestn. Chkalovskogo obl. otd. Vses. khim. o-va iin D.I.Mendeleyeva, 1957, vYP. 7, 85-87 A %ETRACT i Ten rabbits were subjected to the action Of S02 in a concentration of 0.5 mg/liter for 2 hours daily during a period of 14 days. The content of ascorbic acid (AA)An the blood was determined by the method of St arostina and Soloveyehik be- fore the poisoning and 2, 7 and 14 days after the beginning of the experiment. The average content of AA in the blood of the control ani- *Socioty im D. I. Mendeleyev CARD - 1/2 f I I CCUNTRY !CATEGORY ABS. JOUR. RZhBiole) No. 1 1959., No. 4765 AUTHOR IPST. TITLE ORIG. PUB. V ABSTRACT mals was 0.54-0.545 mg%. As a result of the ac- cont'd. tion of S02, a decrease of AA uras observed as follows: after 2 days by 19%, after 7 days by 18% and after 14 days by 27%.-- R. s. Voroblyeva IC-ARD: 2/2 i i 1 54 USSR/Electronics - Relays FD-1467 Card 1/1 ! Pub. 90-4/14 Author : Lobanova, L K. Title : Engineering method for calculating an electronic relay with cathode coupling Periodical : Hadiotekhnika 9, 29-35, Sep/Oct 1954 Abstract Relationships are derived which make possible determination of all para- meters of the circuit of an electronic relay with cathode coupling to provide for normal operation of the circuit. Allowances are made for deviations in circuit parameters, and tube iype WS is chosen for its low amplification factor. Diagram; nomogram. Institution : Submitted : March 8, 1954 9(4) PRhM I BOOK PJaWITATION SDV/2184 Lobanova, Inn NIkolayevna, Poluprowdnikovyye diody i triody (Semiconductor Diodes and Triodes) Moscow, Izd-vo DOSW, 1958. 92 P- 50oOOO copies printed. Ed.: A.I. Grigorlyeva PURPOSE, This book is intended for radio omteurs of DOSAAF desiring an elementary knowledge of semiconductor devices. COVERAGEt The author presents a saimple discussion of physical processes in semiconductors. She describes the construction and principle of operation of crystal diodes and transistors. She also discusses the parameters and characteristics Of SOViet &Qection-type and point-contact diodes and triodes and presents practical circuits for amplifiers and other devices ustar, transistors. The reader is expected to have a fundamental knowledw of radio, vacuum-tube theory, and secondary-school mthemstics. No personalities am mentioned. There are no references. TABIZ OF CONTENTSi Card 1/4 Semiconductor Diodes and Triodes SOV/2184 Introduction 3 Ch. I. Physical Processes in Semiconductors 7 1. Semiconductor and its properties 7 2. Structure of the germanium atom 7 3. Crystal lattice of germanium 9 4. Energy levels and energy zones 10 5. Impurity conductivity 13 6. P-a junction 17 Ch. II. Principle of Operation of Semiconductor Devices 21 1. Semiconducting germanium diodes 21 2. Germanium transistors 24 Ch. III. Three Types of Transistor Connection 33 1. Stability of transistor amplifiers 33 2. Common-base connection 36 3- Common-emitter connection 38 4. Common-collector connection 39 5- Comparison of three types of connection 41 Card 2/4 Semiconductor Diodes and Triodes SOV/2184 Ch. IV. Frequency Cberacteri sties of Transistors 42 1. 1.1-Iting and maximum frequencies 42 2. Causes of variation of transistor paraimters with frequency 43 3- Variation of transistor parameters with frequency 46 Ch. V. Parameters and Characteristics of Soviet Crystal Diodes and Transistors 48 1. Germanium diodes 48 2. Germanium transistors 55 3- Characteristics of transistors 62 4. Examples of determining the operating conditions and parameters of transistors from their static characteristics 66 5- Connection and operation of semiconductor devices 78 Ch. VI. Practical Transistor Circuits 80 1. Pulse trigger circuits 80 2. 5--terodyne oscillator circuit 88 Card 3/4 Semiconductor Diodes and Triodes 3- Low-frequency power d#lifier 4. Phonograph amplifier Conclusion AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 4/4 SOV/2184 89 91 94 JF/fal 9-21-59 XM, R.L.; TBSATAN, V.A.; IOWOTA, I.N. Mpherqlmdus test as an Index of the Inflausatory process in ahroula gantritis, lab.delo 6 no,3:23-26 Yq-Je 160. (MIRA 13t7) 1. liallueologlabeekly Institut (dir. - dotsent I.S. Savashchanke), Pyatlgorsk. (STONAM-INFLONATION) (I)IPHUTLOM) ZIIILINSKIY, Kazimir Yanovich; RAUSH, Oskar Ivanovich; LOBANOVA, -K.I., inzh., retsenzent; FAVOROV, B.P., Imb., retsenzu-nt-, 'VS-IPATROV, O.A., red.; KO'fOVMIKO, Yu.11., tekhn. red. (Handbook on the heat insulation of ships] Spravochnik po sudovoi teploizoliatsii. Leningrad, Sudpromgiz. 1963. 340 P. (MIRA 17:3) GRUSjjMAN, Roman Petrovich -1 inzh., rotsenzcnt; V_::tnt; RAUSH, 0.1., nauchn. REZNIKOV, M.V., knY.p'~reAt red.; PENOVA, Ye.M.j red.; SHISHKOVA, L.M., [ship insulation specialist] sudavoi izolirovshchik. Le- ningrad, Sudpromgizp 1963. 149 p. (MIRA 17:3) 25(l) PHASE I BOOK EXPIDITATION SOV/2571 Liteynoye proizvodstvo; bibliograficheskiy ukazatell literatury po 1955 9. (Production of Castings; Bibliographical Index of Literature Through 1955) Moscow, Mashgiz., 1959. 687 p. 2,000 copies printed. Compilerst M. I. Myshkina, K. N. Lobanova,, V. I. Rudakovap and L. L. Gordon; o ~eisor (Deceased);*Ed. (Inside book): Ed. (Title page): N. V.-~fo~koov~ N. N. Barbashin, Candidate of Technical Sciences; Tech. Ed.: B.I.Modell; Managing Ed. for Literature on Heavy Machine Building (Mashgiz): S.-Ya. Golovin., Engineer. PURPOSE:. This book is intended for scientific,, engineering.. and technical personnel, for instructors and students at schools of higher technical edu- cation, and for librarians and bibliographers. COVERAGE: This comprehensive bibliography covers books., scientific papers, and articles dealjzg with the'production of.castings published in the Russian language up;to and including 1955. Ca-rd-17t- LOUNOU. K.P. (Moskva) ftienic conditions in the production of the nev sunthetic fiber nitron. Gig.truda t prof.zab. 3 no.6t8-11 N-D 159. (MIRA 13:4) 1. Institut giglysty truda, i profsabolevanAy AMN SSSR. (Tmns INDUSTRY- -EYG MnC ASPWTS) IEVINA7 S.D.; MYTENBERG, Z.A.; LOBANOVA, K.F.; A-ErAKHOVA, 1.1. F]Gctrophysical properL,.es of sysLemis ( of pc-wder2lik'~- me-Ils an~ organic seniconductors. Zhurjiz.~Idm. 31~ no.7!1',60.- 1?63 J1 165. (MILRA 18:8) 3. InstItut eIe'kt.rf-,-kUmfl. All SSSR. 51020V601i.-121051461069 ? B004/ "011 AUTHORSt Levinag S. D~, Lobanova, K. P,, Plate, N. A. "M TITLE4 Electric Properties of Systems Consisting of P2-11m-rsl and Metals PERIODICALt Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1960, Vol. 132, No. 5, pp. 1140-1143 TEXTi The authors proceed from papers by A, T. Vartanlyan (Refs. 1, 2), A. V. Topchiyev, M, A. Geyderikh, B. E. Davylov, V. A. Kargin, et al, (Ref., 5) who had dealt with the influence of the introduction of metal atoms in polymers on their physical properties. The authors wanted to study the electric properties of compositions in which the metal particles are surrounded by a nonconductive polymeric layer, The problem was to be solved whether electron transitions are possible under such conditions. The authors used highly disperse iron powder which was obtained from iron oxide by reduction by means of hydrogen at 450-5000C, and passivated by dipping into benzene. Plates were pressed from iron powder and poly- isoprone (natural rubber) for the first experiments. The dependence of Card 1/3 Electrio Properties of Systems Consisting S/020 '/60/1 32/05/46/C)69 of Polymers and Metals BOWBO11 log 6 (6 - electrical conductivity) on I/T of a sample with 20% of rubber was linear between +500C and -40OC9 as is typical of semiconductors. The thermo-omf (5 )jv/deg) and the Hall constant had the same sign as p-type semiconductors. Similar results were obtained with iron and polystyrene. In order to obtain a more uniform distribution of the polymer, the iron was subjected to a vibrational grinding process in monomeric medium according to the method devised by V~ A. Kargin and N. A late. The monomers used were isopre-ne, BtLrenelmethyl methacrylat~;Jand acrylo- 7 o nitrilej Polymerizatfon oc6urred in consequence of vibrat onal grinding, -Theresults (Table 1, Fig~, 1) show that in this case the thermo-emf and the Hall constant had the sign of the n-type semiconductors. It is concluded therefrom that in vibrational grinding, beside the more uniform distribution, there occurs also another type of bond between metal and organic substance. The authors mention apers by R, Kh, Burshteyn, M. I, Pavlova, and S. L. Kiperman (Refs. 6, 75~ 11, A, Shurmovskaya and R. Kh. Burshteyn (Ref. 8), and thank A,. N. Frumkin, Academician, V. A. Kargin, Academician, and R. Kh, Bursh~eyn) Professor, for their assistance and advice. There are I figure, I table, and 9 references, 7 Soviet and 2 British. V/ Card 2/3 Electric Properties of Systems Consisting 5/020/60/132/05/46/069 of Polymers and Metals B004/BO11 ASSOCIATION: Institut elektrokhimii Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Electrochemistry of the Academy of Sciences, USSR) PRESENTED: February 24, 1960, by A. N. Frumkin, Academician SUBMITTED% February 24, 1960 Card 3/3 01102 61/141/003/013/021 AUTHORS: Levina, S. D., Lobanova. K. ntnd Vannikov, A. V. TITLE: Effect of thermal action F_-,.-3tema consisting of polymers and disperse metals PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Dok.1-,,~1-.,, v. 141, no. 3, 1961, 662-664 TEXT: In a previous paper (DAN, 132, i-.c *,96o)) it was shown that sys- tems of organic polymers and highly disp,~:r-z- metals have semiconductor properties. These systems are characterlz~-:d by low electric resistance. p-type and n-type semiconductors were pr,~~-a:~ed by changing the method of production. (The type of semiconductor wa-3 determined on the basis of the thermo-emf.) The system Fe - poly:s-i~_,.ene yielded p-type semiconductor when precipitating the finished polymer Ibenzene solution. If polymerization was conducted by vibratiflITI ~~rinding, n-type semiconductors were produced. The present study deals w:'.h the systems Fe - polyiso- butylene (I) and Fe - polyethylene (II). fl) was introduced from 1% toluene solution into the system. Samp!~!_-- with 10, 20, and 30'j', W were prepared. With lVio' (I), the specific --.1*Fnf;e was 1-10-2 ohm-cT., with Card 1/3 "-;7t5 S/'020/61/141/003/01 3/021 Effect of thermal action 31()-./B117 2 0~16 , 1 - 10-1ohm-cm. The sign of currert --;~-z-rers corresponded to that af p-type semiconductors. The temperatur- i---,~-,ndence of the specific resistance was like that in metals. Tn,-- t, -- '1,-) r-a , it is assumed that metal particles were in contact during moldir,,:,. '3i th 3CYlo (I), the resistance was > 1-104 ohms. If this system was h-at, ,--d in vacuo at 180-2000C, it acquired new properties. At room temj,e-.'t "i:-e. the specific resistance dropped to 2-4 ohm-cm. Electrical cozial;-. -~ty dropped with decreasing temperature, and the function log 0 - " ''T. '--haved as in impurity semiconductors. The curve for this f'tt'r'.. !.:nsisted of two sections with different values of the activatior &E: between 0 and 1800C, AE - 0.07 ev, between 0 and -500C, AE -.66 ev. This system was an n-type semiconductor. Electrical cond,~ -:- -y of pure (I) changes be twe4-r, 30 and 1600C linearly, and returns to 0:t, -~Itial value during cooling. Thus, the behavior of the system Fe - (1 --i rct due to a change of (1) because of thermal treatment, It is that n-type semiconductors obtained by vibration grinding of Fe i were formed by heat during grinding. The system Fe - (II) tl;~ ain,& by precipitation of (H) from o-xylene solution at 1400C was als. : -,ated in vacuo at 250PC for a considerable time. Resistance was r~t room temperature. The Card 2/3 3/020~61/141/003/013/021 Effect of thermal action ... 3101,(B117 samples showed no semiconductor properti-:~. Only after grinding and molding the samples once more and heati---- them in vacuo for a longer period, a behavior -was observed similar .o that of the system Fe - M. The easier structural change of (1) durin~~ heating is explained by the tertiary C atom. A paper by V. A. Kargin, .71. A. Plate (Vysokomolek. soyed.,.1, 330 (1959)) is mentioned. There? are 2 figures and 9 referen- ces: 6 Soviet and 3 non-Soviet. The three most recent references to English-language publications read as follows: D. D. Eley, Res. in Appl. Ind,,)12, 293 (1959); A. Epstein, B. S. 'JiLldi, J. Chem. Phys., L2, 324 (19 semiconductors, Ed. N. B. Hannay, Am. Chem. Soc., Monogr., N. Y., 1959- ASSOCIATION: Institut elektrokhimii Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Electrochemistry of the Academy of Sciences USSR) PRESENTED: July 11, 1961, by A. N. Frumkin, Academician SUBMITTED: July 8, 1961 Card 3/3 LEVINAI S.D.; LOBANOVA, K.P.; EERLIN, A.A.; SHERT , A.I. Eleotric properties of the systems consisting of tetracyanoethylene and metal powders. Dokl.AN SSSR 145 noJi602-604 Jl 162. (MIRA 15:7) 1. Irwtitut, elektrokhlyn41 AN SSSR. Predstavleno akademikom A.N.Frumkinym. (Ethylene) (MBtals) L r'3469-65 ZUP( e )/EPA( s i )/E*-!`T1(T t k b )/E-1 A( C )IJP( c D/H -7/ RM ACCESSION NR: AP5019796 UP/0076/65/039/007/1760/1763 541.13 AUH40R: Leviria, S. D.; Rotenberg, Z. A.; Lobanova, K. P.; Astakliova, 1. 1. TITLE: Electric properties of systems consisting of powdered metals 'Ind organic semiconductors ~SOURCE: Zhurnal fizicheskoy khimii. v. 39, no. 7, 11J65, 1760-1763 iTOPIC TAGS: phthalonitrile, powder metal, nickel phthalocyanine, cobalt phthalo- :cyanine, organic semiconductor, electric conductivity, thermoemf ABSTRACT: Systects, made up of powdered nickel and cobalt and the semiconducting con- 'pound phthalocyanine wem prepared in a vacuum at 250-4000C by reacting phthalo- nitrile vapors with the powdered metals, on the surfF~ce of which a phthalocyanine film was formed. The powders were pressed into tablets, and the electrical conduc- tivity a and thermoemf a were measured. The data for all samples obey the equation a= o0exp(-AMT). The thermoemf was found to be virtually independent of the tem- perature, indicating an activation of conduction due to an incre-ase in the car-rier mobility. The semiconductor- type relation obser-ied between the conductivity and the Lcar.d 1/,2 63469-65-- 1ACCESSION HR: AP5019796 Aemperature indicates that the electric current, in passing from one m(!tallic grain ,to the next, traverses thin films of metal phthalocyanine, which sheathes these .grains. The observed increase in electrical conductivity with rising temperature of the reaction by which the samples were prepared is attributed to the fact that the role of the thinnest nickel and cobalt plithalocyanine films in th- conductio is strongly enhanced: as the temperature rises, the phthalocyanine va diffuse 11, p deeper into the channels and pores of the powder, formine thin films 6f phthalocya- nines (10 5 -6 _a7 _10 cm); at the same time, the.brea~down of c~~rt in metallic grains probably takes place. Thus, the surface of the metals increases, the phthalocyanine ,films become thinner, and the conductivity rises. "We thank Academician -A. N. .Frumkin for his interest and for reviewing the results." Orig. art. has: U fig- ures, 2 tables. 1ASSOCIATION: Institut elektrokhimii, A)~ademiya nauk SSSR (Institute of Electro- .chemistry, Academy of Sciences SSSR) SUBMITTED: 24Apr64 ENC L.- 00 SUB CODE: EM 53S Nr-1, P_F_F SOV: 007 ~Tl H EP: OC7 Card 22 44 ACC NR% AP6035591 SOURCE CODE--:- UR/03614'/66/00'~,/011/131i.-,/i3ii5 =,HOR: Levina, S. D.; Astakhov, 1. 1.; Lobanova K. P.- Roten-berg, Z. A. ORG: Institute of Electrochemistry, Academy of Sciencea SSSR, Ybacow (InotAtut eleXtrokhin,ii Akademii nauk SSSR) TITIZ: Crystalline structure of phthalocyanine and the conductivity of systems which consist of metal coated with phthalocyanine film SOURCE:Elektrokhimiya, v. 2, no. 11, 1966, 1343-1345 TOPIC MCS: phthalocyanine, crystal structure analysis, cobalt', semiconducting film, nickel ABSTRACT: The author report that the electrophysical properties of metal powders or polished metals coated with thin phthalocyanine films are being studied at their laboratory. The films are obtained by treating metals with phthalonitrile vap6rs at temperatures from 250 to 400C. The systems obtained have differing crystalline structure (a and 0 modifications) and varying semLconducting properties. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the struczo of the films and to coordinate the data obtained with the conductivity. Cobalt and nickel were [Cr,elected as substratum metals. The results obtained indicate that there is no "d 1/2 um 621.315.592:541 MMM ACC I- NR,- AP6035-~91 unequivocal relationship between the crystalline modification of both nonmetal!-'c, phthalocyaaiae forms and metal derivatives and the conductivity. Further investigations are be'ing conducted to elucidate the role of other factors necessary -besides the type of crystallinity for obtaining either p- or n-type conductivity of phthalocyanine films.. SUB CmE:07 111suBm 'DATE: o8Apr66/ ORIG MF: oo6/ oTH REF: oo6 Card 2/2 AUTHOR.- Lobanova, L.; Ryabov, 1. 07-57-3-25/41 TITLE: 'IrgMal'11,11ty Discriminator Circuit (Kontur diskriminatora a vysokoy stabilinostlyu) PERIODICAL: Radio, 1958, Nr 3, PP 35 - 36 (USSR) ABSTRACT; Discriminator circuits used in F11 transmitters and receivers must have a high stability. The authors present the results of an experimental investigation of the tuning stability of differently-designed discriminator circuits. The tuning stability of the discriminator circuits was investigated when connecting them to one and the same circuit (fig.1) and with equal steepness of the discriminator characteristic (1/4-5 v/kc) at a frequency of 6.5 megacycles. Figure 2 shows a graph of the stability of four different coil designs. Curve 4 belongs to the coil with the highest stability. It is shown in figure 4 and has a layer winding with two wires under a thread pitch of 0.35 mm, applied to a polystyrene cartridge. There are 2 diagrams, I circuit diagram, 1 sketch, I graph and 1 table. 1. Transmi-tter--Circults--Stability 2. Receivers-Circiiits--Stability Card 1/1 SMIRDINA, N., kand.tekhn.nauk; LOBANOVA, L., Anzh. Heat insulation of rural underground netvorks. Sell. stroi. no.7:19-21 162. (MA 15:8) (Insulating materials) (Pipe) L _ 4272~- Pd-l ";-'71 020-,T64/000#06/0051/0038 AM.,GIOH MR: AP5008495 AT-MIOR.- r4banova. L.7. (Moaccw) Problem of the entry of a compressible fn5 into a uniform magnetic Field I SOURRME: Zhurnal prikladnoy w-khaniki 1 tekhnicheskoy fiziki, no. 6, 1964, 51-53 'nMPTC TAGS: compressible gas, compressible gat; flcrr, steady flo'r, Magnetic uniform magnetic field, ideal 1,",LAd, idea' flov, Mach number effect, :rnic flow, subsonic flow, r!~~aracter~stic, P-Ynolcls naraber, electric ilel~, Lnvisci(l flav, edge effect, end effect ABSTIRACr: The athor investigates the influence of end effects associated vith t~%e zpread of current during the entni of a compresGible gas into a uniform mag- nf,tic field concentrated in the electrode zone of a flat channel. in the inven- ti-ration of the change in the mean flaw characteristics a1cr.6 the cross secticn of a flat channel, it is assumed that: 1) the ficyj is steady; 2) the fILLid ie 'dei 5) the electric conductivity o" -!!, i.e., Inviscid and non-heat-conducting; nedium in constant; 4) the Hall effect may, 'ce neglect4L-d; 5) the magnetic Card 1/2 L 43723-63 ACCESSMS NR: AP5008495 0 Reyn,oldr- number and the magnetic interaction parnmeter are small; and 6) the m3g- tic field beyond the el-ectrodes ia zero, and in the region occupled by the ,~!Iectrodes it ia constant and p--rp,-ndicular to the plane of flov. The effect of Vach number, of the boundzxy value of the electric field potential, and the 7-m -v Lon of the leng-th of the electrodpo to thp chtuineI width on the mean f lov c- 7he show tnat ',-n moviag along eristics IG alzo Inverstigated. ubsr me e -;irlrle! a r, nic flow mccelernt,,s, vU'LP ~tt ,v: Gam-~ tL th denaity and ;,--e ~-.5 -ure (Io nat faLl. ka super,3an!-, r'~ov 3--rvs its 1&,n'sity LInA :;vrvssuT'e increar.a. Orig. &rt. haa. 6 flgure6 and 21 foru4ias. A-q=T-kTMN: ncne SUM=: 2MAA EHCL: 00 SUB CODE: EX, M NO W SOV: OW 001 T i L 2802-66 E 4T(l )/EiVP(M)/EWA (d)/FCS (k )/EfiA (I WN IAC'CESSION NRt'__A.P50_21"296'__* 'UR/0040/65/029/004/0609/0615' ,AUTHORS: Barmin, Ao A. (Moscow); Kulikovskiyp. _A._G._(Moscow); Lobanova. L. F_#_~ (Moscow) TITLE: Linearized problem on s~tp~~o~nqjlow at the inlet into an electrode zone of !a magnatobydrodynamia channel SOURCE: Prikladnaya matematika i mekhanika, v. 29, no- 4, 1965, 609-615 TOPIC TAGS: supersonic flow, supersonic gas flow, magnetohydrodynamioe, two dimensionai flow ABSTRACT: The effect or an electromagnetic field on supersonic flow of a gas is studied. The problem is visualized as being linear, and the magnetic field is given and variable along the length of the channel. The problem is one of station- ary two-dimensional supersonic flow of a gas in a flat channel -a 4 y e. a, -oc, 4 x 4 oD. The channel walls serve as insulators for x ea o and as conductors for x > o. The gas in ideal with constant conductivity a j obeying Ohm's Law in the form x H 1j (E + Y Additional parameter6 are the magnetio_Roynolds number and the interaction parameter~- 4mUa N _Pard IL2 7 L 2802-66 F liCCESSION-M AP5021296 and the magnetic field is described by I ups- X> 0. r