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i-OL/1?2-59-8-3/8 Remote Guidance of Mis3ileo and ill-istrated by dia.-rai,-Is. The author also explains three me- thods of intercepting: folloaing the t,.-Lrg~A, aiii,-nizi,; the missile aL~ainut the tar '_ ;,-,t ('Icovk!rini,~" the tar6A from out,3ide), or guidin,; with anticipation of the tarjut's movement. The ranE~e of action: air to air - the short_-;3t range, but the L ihe.-t ac.uracy needed; air to 3round - 15-30 kn, hiUh accuracy not needed; :,round to air - very high accuracy n,2eded at a distance anountini, to tens of kilo- meters; ground to Cround - -.-iith movable tarC;As the range is compa- j short (up to lo km), against stationary tar,ets the rantre rativel U I may reazh thousands of kilometers, the accuracy depending on the extent of the tar-et and the method of guidance. rams and 16 ref or(.,nce3 ol" -.,ii ich There ave 19 sche.,;~l tic Lia,-- it are I~oviet, 1 German, and 11 _,n,,lish. ASSOCIATION: ~~atedra Techniki Fal Ultrakr4tkich, Politechniki ;7arszawskiej (Chair of Ultra-Short Waves, Polytechnic of Card '6(1 ) AUTHORs Lizorkin, P.I. SOV120-126-4-316~ TITLE: T~u~n;' ~Val~e'7r-aj~i-tles of a Certain Class of Functions PERIODICALs Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR,-1959,vol 126,Nr 4, PP 703-706 (USSR) ABSTRACTs Let G be a bounded domain with a sufficiently smooth boundarj P; let 6(XY) be a bounded measurable function; cl So'~e 6 (X,y)::E C 25 81t f- distance of the point (x,y) from the boundary. The author considers functions u(X,Y) summable in G and there having generalized (in the sense of S.L.Sobolev) derivatives BU 'Ou Zx , 3y where the integral DP1, 6' (u,G).ff 6'(X,Y) 1grad u lp dxdy is finite. G It J.s stated that for 1 e-p O) Card 1/5 n n 864o2 S/02 60/134/004/028/036XX C1 1 IYC333 Dirichlet Principle for Beltrami Equation in a Semispace Fundamental results Theorem It The problem possesses a solution, and a 1- 1 +J_ unique one, if and only if y(x)c- W 2 2 (E n-1) . The solution can be ob- tained, if the functional (2) is minimized in the class of all functions of Ai W (E+) with the trace T(x). 2,jPA,n The theorem completes the results of L.D.Kudryavtsev (Ref. 2,3). The set of the functions u(X) locally summable in E+(x >0) which possess in E+ n n n generalized derivatives aulax i with fini te weight Integral D 2,/4,(u) x/- 7 _Lu 2 k U(X) a p(x) on E are n _( ax &X and the traces of which Ix -0 n-1 Ln' square summable is denoted by W1 (E+). By introducing 21/4 n the norm 11 U11 21 )+D (u) this set is transfcrxed into a A L 2~v Card 2/5 W21/16 2(E n-1 864o2 S~0201601134100410281036XX C 111/C33 '3 Dirichlet Principle for Beltrami Equation in a Semispace complete normed space. For proving the uniquenes& the author us e'sIthe lemma: Let the twice continuously differentiable function U(X)e W 2,/,,, satisfy (1). Then D f x~'(grad U grad~,v)dX is equal to zero E+ n n ,with vanishing trace on E for every \v(x) E W~, / n-I Finally the author gives the following - partially known - result (formula (4) is taken from (Ref- 7)) t Theorem i Let the function ~(X) n - be summable in E n-I * Then (1+1X1 2 2 p (y) dy (4) U (X) _ 1r '2 XI n n -,u, 2 En-I OX-YI 2+X 2 f-2- n Card 3/5 S/02 34/004/028/036XX Cl 1 1~c"333 Dirichlet Principle for Beltrami Equation in a Semispace is the solution of (I) and has the trace f(x). If, moreover, If (x) eW(r) p (En-091 r - r T 1 integer, 11. Let k = 1 and for reasons of simplicity 15= y. Problem Bt Find in G a two times continuo~`Wly differentiable solution of 2u 12u lu LIM 0 Y( 'a X2+ aY2 + 0 which on the boundary in the mean assumes the valuea lnI" U(X,Y)l T (P) y (X I Y) -~, p.F-. r and which possesses the finite integral Card 3/4 2 C~11767/005/003/026 S/020 Certain boundary value problems ... C111 C222 Z 2 1 y in 2 M u), d. U)] in y y where M const is greater than the diameter of the region. Let G satisfy the postulates of theorem I and let G3(P,Q) have the same sense. Theorem 21 In order that problem B has a solution it is necessary and sufficient thatf(P) satisfies the conditions a) y(P)6L2( nj b) sP Srlp(P)_ p(q )I ci(P,q)ds Zoo. (7) Ird lpq12 Q There are 6 Soviet-bloc and I non-Soviet-bloc references. ASSOCIATIONsMookovskiy inzhenerno-fizicheakiy institut (Moscow Engineeking-Physical Institute) PRESENTEDs November 25, 1960, by S.L.Sobolev, Academician SUBMITTEDt November 11, 1960 Card 4/4 27253 S1020 /61/139/005/003/021 C111/C222 AUTHORt Lizorkin, P.I. TITLEs Green's E-function of Beltramils operator and some variation problems PERIODICALt Akademiya nauk SSSR, Doklady., v.139, no- 5, 1961, 1052 - 1055 TEXTs Problem E s In the region S1 + being adjacent to the x-axis, determine a two timne continuously differentiable and bounded solution of B (U) - ;) I Yk ?U + 'D f yk -)u I _ () (1) k 57 -Fz i ;-y ry where k >1, which on the part r + of the boundary + of rL + lying in the upper halfplane assumes prescribed continuous values F(M). In the case of a semicircle K+ Ix 2 + y24 R 2 1 y >0~ the solution can be found with the aid of the fundamental solution G(X,Yl of (1) which has the following properties s a) G(x,y G( -1; x,y) Card 115 27253 S/020/61/139/005/003/021 Green's E-function of Beltramils ... CIII/C222 b) G (x, y ; ~, 1) - 0 on r f x + y R Y> 0 c) Gly.0 bounded 13 GI ;) y Iy-o 0 This solution here is called the Green's E-function for K For constructing G, the author starts from the fundamental solution Sin k-1 oc d ool g(x,y 2 2 2_ 2yj cosmic] k1' 0 Bx- q) + -2 + y found in (Ref. 21 J.B. Diaz, A. Weinstein, Stud. in Math. and Mech., no-4 (1954))- With the aid of an electrostatic method then it follows G ( X, y g(x,y + ca ) k g(x,y where V 1~2 + OL 2 and is the point inverse to 2 2 2 with respect to x + y . R Card 2/s S/02 2725 C1 1 IY61yi 39/005/003/021 Green's E-function of Beltramils ... C222 For the solution of problem E herefrom it follows the explicit expression uR(~' -0 - k T (R2- 12- 2 k-1 kR7 sin k f * F -1 )sin 4d4 df 2 71; 2+R 2sin2%f + 2_ 2Rq coes.* sin x,](k+2)/2 I 4(Rcosp - 9 q I Let JI+ be simply connected, let the boundary decompose into the part r 0 on the x-axis and the part r + in the upper half plane. The trace of a function u(xpy) defined in SL+ on the smooth piece 1-c r is a function F(M) for which lgm u(x,y) - F(M) for almost all M e (X, (x,y) denotes the directional field being non-tangential to Problem E var s Find an (analytic) solution u(x,y) of (1) which as the trace Card 3/5 27253 S10201611139100510031021 Green's E-function of Beltramils ... ClIlIC222 on r + has the given function F(M) and which has the finite integral Yk~(Pu )2 + (~u )2 ~ dxdy, k > 1 (3) Dk(U) -~ ~) x LS Theorem It Necessary and sufficient for the existence of a solution of the problem Evar is I) r~ ykjF (M)12 ds< co (4) 2) ~ "'. S IF(M)_ F(Q)12 (zk(M, Q)ds 00 r+ r+ (MQ F where LD(M,Q) is the less of the distances of the points M and Q from the X-axis. Theorem 2 s The solution of E var is unique. Card 4/-5 S/02 25 clllpl?139/005/003/021 Green's E-function of Beltramils ... C2 22 Finally it is shown that the solution u of E var in the classical sense satisfies the condition du/? yly-O - 0 The author mentions t M.V. Keldysh, L.D. Kudryavtsev and S.L. Sobolev. There are 5 Soviet-bloc and 2 non-Soviet-bloc references. The references to the two English-language publications read as follows i J.B. Diaz, A. We:inatein, Stud. in Math. and Mech., no. 4 (1954) ; G. Hardy, D. Littlewood, G. Polya, Neravenstva (Inequalities) 1948. ASSOCIATIONt Moskovskiy inzhenerno-fizicheskiy institut (Moscow Engineering-Physical Institute) PRESENTEN April 19 1961, by M.A. Lavrentlyev, Academician SUBMITTEDs March 23, 1961 Card 5/5 LIWRKIN, P.I Embedding theorems for functions from r spaces. Dokl. LN SSSR 143 no.5:101,2-1045 Ap 162. 1~ (YJRA 15:4) 1. Matematicheakly institut im. V.A.Steklova AN SSSR. Predstavleno akademikom S.L.Sobolevy7n. (Topolog.f) (Functions, Continuous) LIZORKIN,v F.I. LFp 'rt) spaces; continuation and imbedding theorems. Dokl.All SSSR 145 no.3:527-530 J1 162. 15-7) 1. Matematicheskiy inatitut imeni V.A.Steklova All SSSR. Predstavleno akademikom I.',.f.Vinogradovym. (Topology) LIZORKINY P.I. "Methods of mathematical physics." Vol.2 by R.Courant, D.Hilbert. "Partial differential equations" by R.Courant. Reviewed by P.I. Lizorkin. Zhur.vych.mat.i mat,fiz. 3 no.2411-412 Mr-Ap 163. (MIRA 16W (Mathematical physics) (Differential equations) (Courant, R.) (D.Hilbart) LIZORKIN P.I. (Moskv~) Ge*ralized Liouvills differentiation and Lp (En) functional spaces; imbedding theorems. Mat. abor. 60 no.U025-352 Mr 163. (MIRA 160) (Functions) (Spaces, Generaliled) LIZWINI P.I. Characteristics of boundary values of functions from t; (En) on hyperplanes. Dokl. AN SSSR 150 no.5:984-986 Je 163. (MIRA 16:6) 1. Hatematicheskiy inatitut im. V.A.Steklova AN SSSR. Predstavleno, akadealkoa M.A.Lavrentlyevym. (Functions of several variables) LIZORKINI P.I. (Lp, L )-mjltipliers of Fourier integrals. Dokl. AN SSSR 152 no.4-.888-.SU 0 163. (MMA 16:11) 1. Matematlabookly institut im. V,A,, Steklova AN SSSR. Predstavleno akademikom I.M. Vinogradovym. LIZORKINY P.I. (Mosk-va) Hirschman type functions and the relations between Br (En) and Lrp(En) spaces. Mat, sbor, 63 no,4:505-535 Ap 164e p (MIRA 17:6) r Q a :I:, Eu S,&ik Dokiac.,Y**, - - 4 o o n. a I C~ ~,o T a: ~ e au t i o r s v e a r, a r t3 - "i 0 s 6 . rj a :I: i7,. ,.;i0 a r -C 5 a3 6 ~M c) Z- 1"u Li a~ 0 a V a F ? N The -;is r: ~)f p '2 -or trie funct-'OP-5 < C tg, Wnere c is independent of f. No-g lot, E Cf. h"j let be the class with O.f functicrls f 6 v-&lues 3~' (5) Card 2/3 A_-CES5TQN Jall AP4049912 A: Find the ninimum of thO functional E (6) i aF,~, L G 5scalar produc-t in L7,11i;, --zss M, wqere f C ~,2 A haa ;i o n 3 L the sense tftat func*.Ion v E W(P) havirja zero touai&ri vaiuus M C 2,0< aas t 16 forwalas. a~' ,I! na V. A. Stoido-,, 6l- u ms, ~=- MOM LIZORKIII, P.I.; NIKOLISKIY, S.M. Classificatir,n of differentiable l'uncticns on the basis of spaces with a doninatinC mixed derJvative. Trudy Mat. inst. 77:143-167 165. (MIRA 19:1) L 4124-06 Wr (d) IJP(c) ACC NRz AP5028871 SOURCE CODE: UR700387657029/001/0109/0126 AUTHOR: (R,Gt none TITLE: Evaluation of trigonometric integrals and Bernstein inequality for fraction& derivatives I SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvostiya. Seriya matematichaskaya, v. 29, no. 1, 1965, 109-126 TOPIC TAGS: trigonomtry, integral calculus, integral function, mathomatic operator ABSTRACT: The article concerns evaluations of a known-type of trieonometric, integgrr The author also calculates the norms of certain multiplicative-operators which opera in a class of integral functions of finite dezroe-p. which are integrated with r"espee SIC Orig. art. his: 54 formulas. jg~RS to a space. SUB CODE: M& SUBM DATE:- Pfar64 ORIG REP: 004 OTH REP: 004 LTZORKIUP Pli, Fourier tran3for-mation In Bescrr sFace?. Zero ancale cf B' P. r, - Dokl. AN SSSR 163 no.6:1319-1321 Ag 165. (MIRA 16:8) 1. Matematicheskiy institut im. V.A.Staklova Alf SSSR. Submitted January 29, 1965. L 34651-66 EWT(d)/T IJP(c) ACC NR1 AT6024714 SOURCE CODE: UR/2517/65/0'1'7/000/0143/0167 AUTHOR:' LizorkinAP. I.; Nikollskiy. S. M. none* pw ORG: TITLE: Classification of differentiable functions on the basis of spaces with dominant mixed derivatives I SOURCE: ~AN SSSR. Matematicheskiy Institut Trudy, v. 77, 1965, 143-167 TOPIC TAGS: function analysis, minimization, mathematic space, coordinate system, functional equation ABSTRACT: In the study of functions of several variables their smoothness may be characterized by specifying their differential ,properties along the coordinate axes. Such an approacl has led to the functional, spaces wirl, 00.1 rn), H~ri, 9009 rn rn), and q (se e.g., P.I. LIZORKIN, Matem. ob. ~jathematlcs SymposluV, 1963, v. 6o(io2)t3. pp 323-333)o However, during oertain operations like the minimization of the functional 84%1 alu )']d34y wj t (-rh. ) I + (-F.JF 0. Y bone enoountere the-need for the study of different types of spaoess. Card 113 L 34651-66 ACC NR, Al In the above-quoted example, one must Investigate a space domi- nated by the role of mixed derivatives. Consequently, Instead of specifying the derivatives along the coordinate axes, one Is re- quired in the more general case to determine the functional space by specifying a certain set of derivatives (seep 8 g.9 S.14. NIKOLI- SKIYO Sib. matem. zhurnal fSlbarlan Mathematics JZnaV, 196Z, v IV, No 6j PP 1342-1363; Hatem. sb. (hathematios Symposiuqtj 1~63, 61H03 i 2,-pp 224-252; N.S. BAKHLOV, VestnIk.MGU (Bulletin of the Moscow State Universitylt sere it Matem. mekh. Aeries I, Mathematics and Mechanics/, 1963, No 3, 7-16). The present paper, Is, in a sense, a continuation of t above Rapers. The authors study the spaces of the function Sr r" defined In E (in P n particular, the periodic oases * p --additive together with their generalized derivatives and belonging to a certain set Dr'f N Dr fj of derivatives which are not necessarily of Integral or r. Zo avoid certain pathological ropertleag they-impose the ;requirement that# together with the ~ f derivatives 'rim(rip see, Card L34651-66 CC NOS- A f6624744-- A r NJ contains also all derivatives corresponding rd to the p j 0 P n all thg possible coordinate hyperplaness" All conditions of the Sr? 111, r are "convex" - as are those of of the space Q9 which s a special case of the e under studye r Beale "bricks"-of the S 1 111, rN space are BrI spaces with a dominant mixed derivati e Dr1f, for which the geOltoonsIsts - In addition to the Dr I of the "supporting" Dr1f derivatives discussed above. The first section outlines the auxiliary Information, presents basic definitions, establishes the Sr(a) space for the periodic case, and derives the Integral repreEentation of the fune-, tions in Sr(A). The second section Investigates functions addible with a poAr In En. The generalized derivative is defined in the sense of an earlier discussion (first quoted reference) using the theory of gen ralIzed functionse The lost section Is devoted to .the 9paoss Sr?, *.., r Nin general. I Orig. art. has: 43 formulas..(JFRS3 SUB CODE: 12 SUBM UTE: none ORIG REF: 009 Card 313 LIZOREIN. V. - H&MOVA. Ye.; MUCKCIUMO. L.; SINTSOVA, A.; VIHOKUROVA, V. Rapid method for curing meat for sausage manufacture. Kias. ind.$SSR 30 no.1:13 '59. (KERA 12:4) 1. Nauchno-iseledovatel'skoye byuro Stalingradskogo myasotresta. (Sausages) LIZORKINAJ~L~h. Intensify the inspection instead of lessening it. Miss. ind. SSSR 30 n0-3:30 159. (MIRA 12:9) I.Stalingradski.v mynootrest. (Rides and skins) LIWRKINA, I.I. Cabbage family. BioT. Y shkole no.4:16-13 JI,-Ag 163. (MIRA 16-9) 1. Voslailetnyaya shkola No.6. g. 14ozhga Udmurtskaya ASSR. (Brassicaceae) f ,~j 2, L il IVI'direktor shkoly; TATSP V-e PrOPOdavatell Praktikum; JMTMs Vet LIZU1, 111. f, ? , , I Opo&vatell biologli, 1, Uarks 'ja programs. Politakh. obuch. U0.919INS 157'.'-i- - (KM U19) l,.Ssvero~K&xakbStaU9k%Ya O'bl&stlo Benjesovskays semiletay" abkola. (manual training) ALEKSANDROV, I.A.; SHEYNMAN, V.I.; KOGAN, Yu.S.; SHVETS, Ye.M.; Prinimali uchastiye: VOl'SlIANCK, Yu.Z.; LIZUNKOV, V.P.; SEREGINA, A.P.; KAZAKCVA, L.I.; MUSATOVA, Z-.D-.----- Hydrodynamics of plates made of S-shaped elements. Khim. i tekh.topl.i masel 6 no-7:38-44 il 161. (MIRA 14:6) 1. Giproneftemash. (Plate towers) SHEYNMAN., V.I.; ALEKSANDROV, I.A.; KOGAN, Yu.S.; VOLISHONOK,' Yu.Z.; ~IZUNKQV, V.P,; SHVETS, Ye.M. New design of a plate for rectifications column . Xhim.i tekh. topl.i masel 7 no.5:54-60 My 162. (MIRA 15:11) 1, GosudarstvemW nauchno-iseledovatellskiy i proyektnyy institut neftyanogo mashinostroyeniya. (Plate tovera) I ISICHENKOI N.A.; LIZUNKOVAI L.P. (Moskva) Method of determining gas exchange in small animals. Probl. endok. i gorm. 9 no.3:50-54 MY-Je 163. (KIRA 17:1) 1. Iz otdela patofiziologii (zav. - prof. S.M. Leytes) Vaesoyuznogo instituta eksperimentallnoy endokrinologii (dir. - prof. Ye.A, Vasyukova). GOMM, Lev Tladimirovich; MIWV, Tladialav fesillyevich; SKVORTSOV, Semen Osipavich; ATAMANCMXOV, Georgiy Dmitriyevich; PLA7UNOV, N.A., retsenzent; CHASHCHIN, A.M., retsenzent;_LIZMOV,-A.A_,- "I inzh., red.; PROTANWYA, I.V., red.izd-va; FARAKHIRA, N.L., 6 [Technology of the wood-chemistry industries] Tekhnologiia laso- khimichaskikh proizvodstv. Izd.2., parer. Pod red. A.A.Lizunova. Moskva, Goolenbumizdat, 1960. 418 p. WRA 14:1) (Wood-ChomistrY) LIZUNUV, D.V. Controlling dust in Moscow Basin mines. Borlba a ail* 51n6-W 162. (MIRA 16:5) - X,6 Podmookaynyy nauchno-iseleduvateliekly ugolinyy institut. (~bscow Basin-Mine dusts) Lizutlov) me) relation to their Power characteristIcs of coal cutter-loaders In efficiency. U9011 40 no-3:50-51 Mr 165. (MIRA 18-4) 1. Podmoskovnyy nauchno-issledovatellakiy i proyektno-konstruktorskiy ugollny,y institut. LIZUNOVp D.Vop inshe Proteotion from Short-circuits to ground of 6 kv, networkm in coal seam Site$. Prom.energ. 19 noo7s32-35 -71 164. (MIRk 18i1) FOKWISNEV, A.H. (MoBkva); YUSFIN, Yu.S. (Moskva); LIZUNOV, G.I. (,Voakva) Magnetic analysis of Iron ores. Izv. AN SSSR I. Met. I gor. delo no.5tl3-17 S-0 163. (MIRA 16:11) MUNW, G. I. Insertion gutter in the main hearth pdA. Metallurg 8 no.3:5-6 fir %3. (MIRA 16:3) (Blast furnaces.-Design and construction) LIZUNav, o.i. Work organization in blast furnace plants with ten tappings of cao, iron every 24 hours, Metallurg 8 no-54-6 W 163* (KMA 16:7) (Blast farnaces-Managemnt) BANMI II.P.j LIZMTOV G.I. =-U~ Economy of coke in high-capacity blaat furnaces an achieving the optimum degree of direct reduction. Izve vys, uchebe zav.; chern, met@ 8 nooltl85-19Z 165 (MIRA 18:1) 1. Moskovskiy institut otali i splavov. SHEVTSOV, Me.; LI7UNOV, G.I. Chromatographic analysis of blast furnace gas. Izv. VY5. ucbeb. zav.; chern. met. 8 no.5:204-209 165. (I41FA 18:5) 1. Moskovskiy institut stali i splavov. LIZU14011 G.I. Analysis of reduction processes in blast furnaces w th tl~e injection of natural gas, Izv, vys# ucheb. zav.; chern. met. 8 no.904-38 165. (NIRA 18;9) 1. Moskovskiy institut stall i splavov. 4 Y~i,%; I.IZIJNUV, G.J.; TfJSiT?iUlOLr,,HATFV, A.A. *.thcA of rapirl nmtr3l of zetC I f -. Jrcn znmtAnt. 'q~ 0 i ) ucheb. 7Av,; chern. met. 8 165. lei i~ , 1. Moskovskiy inatitut stall 1. splav,~v. -:, , : I IP ; yll,~F."!, yu." 'J,4',~ I -;: -, ., , ! ~. . t . ~,, ; , 10 L~I~Ili ,,, - - - , " , f',,-r dat~-Tilninv '. --r-, -n, r~duciblllty tampp~rht.urd f,,- -'It-c-n ora materla*ir. ~av,tab. n,~;.3,,,3851-386 1 f, :,' 0 (H-IFIA 7,8.12., a. M-,sko,,f3k!7 t LIZUNDY, G.I., inzh. Torpedoing water wells in water-bosaring soils. Hov.tekh.mont.i opets.rab.v strol. 21 no.11:21-23 N '59. (KIRL 13:2) 1. Diar'kaveMy GIprotrans. (Wells ) (Boring) LIZIONCV, K., k-apiltan . .... ; I - - -- Appr6ach the -*.", ~-*l - !1~- ~-;~ 0 16.(,. ' '. -'.* '7: -'; ) OFITSEROV, V.Ya,, inzh.; LIZUNCV, K.D., inzh. Remote control of thL position of a cutter-loader in an autcMated stoping system. Ugoll 40 no.12:45-48 D 165. (MIRA 18:12) 1, Podmoskovnyy nauchno-inaledovatellakiy ugolInyy institute I. & AA to U up [It 1 0111"IM A.0 total 11.1 % of it 0 A Plaidn" in the uftrabesic rocks of the Utalls. A. A. Ivanov rm N. V. Liguntry, Haiti. actaii. Aft. I 8'r, fler. 1%4' 'UtmilAry;. It a- p4ited uut that IKWa duniti: thete we Iwvi,htitt: will PyrU=UC drtkit% CWIYillg the PlAtiSIU11% gf.U10 J metal'. a 2 In The dunite Pt piriforisinatm; iii 11ir Imid-,titt- IM Atamiltailimr% the 1% but its the ca-la-in lbria, are 4w, 0A will It Willi bille I'l 'g I,.), S. ),,III- *e 0 C :to see oo too b U Is a, 60 It 44 at a it It It it IN it a KAD A 0 0 0 0 Ole 0 9 0 0 0 6 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .T: 140A LTZtRIOV.9 N. V. Cand. Geolog-mineralog Sci. Dissertation: "Rare Elements in the Ural Sulfide ores and Certain Problems of Thallium Geochemistry by Data of Spectrum Aaaljsis." Inst. of GeologicaLL Sciences, Acad. Sci. USSR 30 Mv 47. SO: Vechernyaya Moskva, May 1947. (Project #1'1836) 1. Z, , "'17" LT, Ye. 3. 2. USSR (6-00) 4. Petrology 7. Ccnmribility of data in chcmical and spectral analysis in litholo-,~cal studies. Oo'kl. AN 3 86 no. 6 152. 1163 -6 Areport of the analysis of go sanples from a series of wells of Secondai-i Baku. 'The intensities of the spectral lines were evaluated visuaily. The chem. and spectroscopic data led to the sarx- conclusion. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, February -1953. Unclassified. AGAIFONDVA, T.M. [Abafonova, T.M.];LIZUIIOV, 14.V. [4zunov, M.V.] Geocbemical characteristics of Ukrainian labradorites. lauk. zap.Kyiv.un. 16 w#14;179-188 157. (MRA 13:4) (Ukraine--Labradorite) AUTHMi i Boxisemeo, L. F . L~zuncpt N. 7 TITLEi Un tiie D!3tri )f Sccindi~-..T. ca.L I r as pr c-d e r A- -' z x a n a i..,, i a.m i x - PERIONCALs Guokh-,miy-i, 191,-8 1 '1 j) 1. U.3 jR ABSTRACT: Firqt pdpor 5Port paper!~ ri:!~.,hrert:) publiulied en iho c-zntent with the iiiel-est -,-,nien~ :LrE: U'JUa_ky I . P, matol.ytical -!iydro-thezma-, f Vlie Greisen '1-1)e, In tne Soviet Union -much ~ieposits aro -o oe found In stan (Akchata,:. B'j-'-n&ZaZ yj"L -';L yk d 1 - ya ~Sher'-ova gora) itnd -ii no.:tne-la t..,i n As~-a jo~:.ya.-I-noye;~. The structure and -the mineral coi-,taat --: --- dis:;Uabed~ A p p r o x 1.a a T e i y , I ~' ) c . , '- :. ., , i; r, - t e , M Li - ~ 0 ~3 4"' :- ~ P --, 5 1 1. Z were invej t .16a too. 'by weans ~,i z pec- ti ;a ; unz-.i ytii s % t! Y ses whi ch were ~-z~rz i ea c, L,. r ry b"Len '&I'l,~v,-, i r. --Le, J In 3titute uf ;Orv and Trac~,, ~-,Ikh i malfkn ffjQa ~.Freomenl- T.."O are co,,apiLei accuraing 0 n t and tnei; ciscus--ca- Tho .~ar, be r, fij.,.i '--he iia,,f2r, Card .1/2 1 An of C-2 Q, 2,~- J D, On the Dintribution ot zicandium, ~:i occurii w~v a :L~ie zi :lom r- pi 'l 'a t --high'ly hyuro-~Iiermt--.. ,i ,re type. I'lie mean scanaiii,%i -'Yom ll~dfo- thermal tE. (.0 04i*j S' at tude grea-ce-, Iman ~-,he trle -W-;fIUMItE:'~3 lli-'X. ~OC, Ily- arotherma. depcs~L t9 i , 0 UU p 3,:20-, Sn'.nq: 'Zi Iccurs '-Al unfl 1-~rboi 1 ts.,i (,,~p 0 ~i~ jc-u hubrii zl'ce has a -ow,~r lVilere Aire figure2- t tab-eo ---wi reforeiicar- Aj~jOCIATIONx Institut ruillerd-C&II gookiimi-i i krijtai-,ckh-'mi ele -aento,q,All !)SjR `u-,,rcA- -,-,..)tltut,: ~:f chomisTry and taa t;.ryEtA". ChE-L:.-~try ~f Rare Z.Leuerics Aj 6.3j~l. jUBl,;I*S.`TED, January '4, lqb 1. Scanlium--AbuadaL-.,.~ 2. 3. Tungsten ores- ---Arialysi-;~ Card 2/2 AUTHORS3 TITLEt PEMOMICAL: Boriseako, L, F., Lizu.n.9VA-1- V- sov/7-58-6-e/i6 On the Distribution of So&ndium and Niobium in Walframites (K voprosu o raspredelenii skandiya i niobiya v vol*framita-kh) GeLakhimiya, 19589 Nr 6, PP 582 - 586 (USSR) ABSTRACTs V. X. Golldshmidt explained the scandium content of wolframites by the isomorphio substitution of SoNbO and ScT&O for F WO and MAWO (Ref 1). F. Leutwein op~oeed * 4(Ref 2). 4His thesis is proved by the thisissumption authors' inyestigationst 350 wo.1framite samples from 48 deposits of the Sovl.-et Union were analyzed. Among 234 se&*Ai-um bearing samples, 59 did not contain niobium, 69 contai.ned: ixiobium and no scandium, 54 s&uples none of the two.*l-aments (Table 1). Scandium and niobium content do not run.parallel (Fig 1). It is assumsd that the excess is coffenBated by titanium or.that So + in substituted for Fa without compensation. A classification of the deposits acco.rding to the oonditions of formation (Table 3) has the follAwing results Wol-framites from high temperature depomits of the greisen type contain.aosindium, whereas Card 1/2 niobium is absorbed by wolframite under both pneumatolytic On the Distribut:Lnn- of Saamlium and Niobium in Volf- SOVI/7-58-6-8/16 ramites and hydrothermal conditions. There are I figure, 3 tables, and 3 references, 2 of'which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Institut mineralogii, geckhimii i kristallokhimii redkikh elementoir AN SSSR, Moskva (Institute of Mineralogy, Geachemistry and Crystallochemistry of Rare Elements, AS USSR, Mosoow) SUBMITTEDs April 12, 1958 Card 2/2 V 11 1-1 --3/16 !',UT;T011S: Zalashkova, N.Va. I Lizunov, *:.V. and _"itrir, TITLE Experience ',',ith the Yetallonetric Surveying, of Deryllium ,mntites Covered in the Region of Beryllium 13nariru Pep with Sediments (C-),yt ','etallometric*%es*' )y 9"yemki re berilliy v rayons razvitiya berilloncsnykh pe.-matitov zakrytykh na- nosami) PERIODICAL: Razvedka i okhrans nedr, 1958, r1r 9, pp 9-14 (USISR) ABSTRACT: Yetallometric surveying methods, coupled with spectral ana- lysis, were applied by the author %,,,hile prosFecting for beryllium sediments. According to A.Ye. Fersman (ref 5) beryllium tias slow migratory properties tinder hyp~genic con- ditions and A.A. Deus (ref. 1 and 2) stresses that berylli- um can easily be trapped in dispersed and colloidal systems near its source, because of its high ionic potential. it region where the beryllium bearing pegmatites were covered with a thick alluvial layer, was chosen for the experiment. The magnitude of alluvial layers variod from 0.5 to 0.7 m on elevated places, and reached 2 m and more on the slopes. Pegmatite formations were found among metamorphic micaceous Card 1/3 slates extending in a north-easterly direction. 'Yetallo- SOV-132-58-8-3/16 Experience With the Vetallometric Surveying of Borylliu= in the Re,-ion of Beryllium Bearing Pegmatites Coverqd with Oediments metric surveyine was conducted on lines traced across the pegmatite belt. Samples were taken from depths of 20-25 cm from soil and subsoil layers. Spoctral analysis wal then used in testing of samples. The operation is described in detail. It was also found that in the samples taken from depths of 50-70 cm no trace of beryllium was found. The re- sults of metallometric surveying were plotted on a map. This map also showed all pegmatite veins as peaks, clearly defining the aureoles with increased contents of beryllium. 1,11oreover, testa were made in analyzing ashes from trees taken from the sectors where beryllium deposits were found. It was found that beryllium was mainly concentrated in the leaves and to a lesser degree, in the roots of those trees. The presence of the beryllium, mainly in the soil and sub- soil layers, could be thus explained by the role of trees which help to transport berylliijm from the depth and then Card 2/3 deposit it in the up-,er layers of the earth. Consequently, SCV-122-58-8-3/16 Experience ',','ith the Yetallo=etric Surve:~ing of Beryllinr. In the Region of Beryllium Bearing Pegmatites Covered with S-3ediments the examination of ashes of trees growing in the regions of beryllium bearing pegmatites could lielp to locate beryl- lium deposits. There is 1 map, 1 table and 5 'O'oviet refer- ences. ASSOCIATIOR: OGRE 1. Beryllium--Avaiability 2. Beryllium--Sources 3. Beryllium --Test results 4. Spectrographic analysis--Applications Card 3/3 3(a), 3(0) SOV/7-59-1-8/14 AUTHORS: Borisenko, L. F., Lizunov, 11. V. TITLE: On the Occurrence of Scandium and Some Other Rare Elements in Cassiterite (K voprosu o nakliozhdenii skandiya i nekotorykh drugikh redkikh elementov v kassiterite) FERIODICAL: Geokhimiya, 1959, lir 1, pp 64-6a (ussR) IiBSTRACT: Samples from 52 different deposits in the Soviet Union and 22 deposits in other countries were investigated. In all, more than 300 analyses -were carried out which were devoted in the maintothe determination of scandium and niobium (Tables 2 X 3). Cassiterites from pneumatolytic-hydro- thermal deposits of the greisen type contain, on average, about 0.05% Sc.0 and, at the most 0-17clt- Cassiterites from pegmatite-and suifide-cassiterite veins hardly ever contain scandium. All scandium carrying cassiterites contain niobium (up to 2-X':, Nb205), t1ungsten and zirconium, some tantalum (tenths or hundredths of per cent). r1iobium-carrying cassi- terites, however, do not necessarily contain scandium (Table and Diagram) which is especially apparent from cassiteriteg Card 1/2 found in pegmatite deposits. Most probably isomorphous Sc+ SOV/7-59-1-6/14 On the Occurrenne of Scandium and Some Other R"ro Elements in Cassiterite replaces Sn44 whereby the charge may be balanced out by Nb+5 ions. There are 1 figuref 3 tables, and 8 references, 6 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Institut mineralogii, geokhimii i kristallokhimii redkikh elementov All SSSR, Yoskva (Institute of Mineralogy, Geochemistry, and Crystallochenistry of Rare Elements,AS USSR, Moscow) r SUBMITTED: September 19, 1958 Card 2/2 KUZNETSOV, K.F.; ICYTUV, G.M.; CHITAYEVA., N.A.;. LIZUNCJV, N.V. Regularities in the distribution of rare elements in complex ore deposits of eastern Transbaikalia, Trudy Insto min*# geokhim. i kristallokhim. red. elem. no. 31l62-179 159. (KMA.14:5) (Tranobaikalia,--Chamical elements) 3(8) AUTHORSs Ivanov, V. V., Lizunov; No Ve SOV/7-59-4-5/9 ------------ TITLE: Indium in Some Deposits of Tin-ore in the Yakutiya (Indiy v nekotorykh olovorudnykh mostorozhdeniyakh Yakutii) PERIODICAL: Gsokhimiya, 1959, Mr 4, pp 336 - 345 (USSR) ABSTRAM The following do osits of tin-ore were investigateds cassiterite- quartz deposits ~greieen type)t Kester, Polyarnoye-Umehikanda. Cassiterite-sulfide depositsz Deputatskoye, Ilintas, Alys-Khaya, Burgochan'~ Ege-Khaya~ Khaton.-Khaya. Polymetallic deposits Bulatskoye. The deposits of the greisen type are without interest with respect to the indium tenor. All together 2500 indium anaiyses vere carried out; the polarographic determinations by A. A. Rozbianskaya and the chemical determi- nations by L. Ye. Novorossovaya gave results in agreement with the spectrum analyses which were carried out by No V. Lizunov with the quartz-opectrograph ISP-22 in iaboratoriya spektrall- nogn analiza IMGRE AN SSSR (Laboratory of Spectrum Anal ale 1MGHE AS USSR). The indium tenor In sphalerito (Tab Ie 2~# i3haloopyrito (Table 3)2 stannite (Table 4), cassitorite Card 1/2 (Table 5) and wolframite (Table b) were determined. Besides Indium in Some Deposits of Tin.-ore in the Yakutiya SOV/7-199-4-5/9 indium waa found in some samples of franckeite, arsenopyrite and manganosiderite. Numerous other minerals were found to be free of indium (determination limit of the procedure 0.001A In). An investigation of the behavior of indium in the ore formaticn in the cassiterite.-sulfide deposits (Table 7) shows that the main quantity of indium is concentrated in the second (sulfid4, quartz..) und in the third (sulfide-sarbonate-) stage of the mineralization. The indium tenor In cassiterite and wolframit3 amount to 0.001 -- 0.005 ~$, tn the sulfides higher by one to two tenth powers; in spnalerites 0.3 ~ at the most. There are 7 tables and *10 refererees, ',' of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATIONs Institu-~ mineralogii, geokhimit i krialailokhimii redkikh elementov Akademii nauk SSSR, Moskva (;nstitu'~a of Mineralogy~ Geochumistry and Crystal.-ChemiFtry of the Rare Elements of the A,iademy of Sciences, USSR, Moscow) SUBMITTED: December 1'2, 1958 Card 2/2 3 (0) AUTHORS: Ivanov, T. V., Borisenko, L. F., SOV/20-125-3-40/63 Lizunov, N. V, TITLEt Scandium in the Minerals of the quartz Veins and Greisens of One of the Intrusions of the Polousnyy Range ( Skandiy v mineralakh kvartsevykh zhil i greyzenov odnoy iz intruziy khr. Polousnogo) PERIODICALt Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 125, Nr 3,pp 608-610 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Scandium is usually widely disseminated in nature; however, in the last stages of crystallization, while pegmatite and pneumatolytio-hydrothermal processes reign, scandium can become concentrated. The formation of wolframite-cassiterite are, in this consideration, most interesting. A review of the publications on such scandium concentrations is given (Refs 1-4). In 1955 the authors found scandium in quartz-tin-tungsten veins of the granite massif of the Poloasnyy Range. With respect to the genesis and mineralogical-geochemical characteristics, these occurrences have much in common with those of Zinnwald (Erz- gebirge). The massif in concern is described. The primary vein Card 1 minerals are: quartz, topaz, zinnwaldite, muscovite, and fluorite. Scandium in the Minerals of the ~aartz Veins and SOY/20-125-3-14--0/63 Greisens of One of the Intrusions of the Polousnyy Range Ore minerals are: wolframite, arsenopyrite, sphalerite, molybdenite, minor galena, pyrite, chalcopyrite, bismuthite and native.bismuth. Scandium was found in wolframite, cassiterite, and zinnwaldite (Table 1, Pigs 1-3). T-he.chemical analysis (analysist: S. X. Fecorchak,) ohows, after adapting to the ohemical formula, that huebnerite molecules predominate over ferberite molecules. The minimum amount of Sc 203 in wolframite was,0-05','u, the maximum ^,0.1%1 the average - 0,07~1'- Noteworthy amounts of niobium (,,,0,2%) and titanium (up to 0.0% TiO 2) ..Were also found in all the samples. In individual sample tantalum was found. The scandium content is also given for the two other minerals in which it is found. There are 3 figures, 1 tabilb, and 4 references, 2 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATIONt Institut mineralogii, geokhimii i kristallokhimii redkikh elementov Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute for Mineralogy, Geochemistry, and Crystal Chemistry of the Rare Elements, of Card 2/3 the Academy of Sciences, USSR) PHASE I BOCK EXPIA)TIATION SOV/4544 Ivanov, V.V., V.Yu. Volgin, A.A. Krasnov, and N.V. TAzunov Tal-liy; osncvnyye cherty geokhimii I mineralogii geneticheskiye tipy mestorozhdeaiy i geokhimicheskiye prcvintaii (Thalliun; Basic Features of Its Geochemistry and MineralogyGenetic Types of Deposits, and Geochemical Provinces) Moscow, Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1960- 154 P. 'Errata slip inserted- 3,000 copies printed. Sponsoring Agency: AkALdemiya nauk 885R. Institut mineralogii, geokhimli I kristallokhimii redkikh elementov. Chief'Ed.*: K.A. Vlasov., Corresj~onding Member; Resp. Ed.: A.A. Beus,- Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences; Ed. of Publishing House: S.M. Simkin; Tech. Ed.- G.B. Simkina. PUPYOSE: This book is intended for geochemistB and minerslogists. COVERAGE: This book Is the first Soviet publication on the geology and geochemiatry of thallium. Much of the data publi8hed here was acemnulated by the IKGRE AN SSM - Institute mineralegii, geckhimii I kristallokhimii redkikh elementoy AN SSSR Cgra d--17? Thall.iun: Basic Features of its Geochemistry (Cont.) SOV/4544 (Institute of the Mineralogy, Geochemistry and Crystallochemistry of Rare Earth Elements.9 AS USSR) in the process of stuAying the rare earth metal deposits of the Soviet Union. This institute carried out the analysis for thallium content of a great number of types of minerals and ores (especially the sulfides and the sulfo salts) from many dep*sits of different genesis. Data are given on tens of thousands of semiquantitative and Tiontitative determinations of thallium in monanineral, lunp and average ore samples, made at the spektrallnaya laboratoriya, (Spectral Analysis Laboratory) of the institute. The monazLineralic fractions were sorted out with a type MBS-1 binocular microscope, and when necessary, the se- lected fractions were microscopically checked for purity. The spectral deter- minatioas of thOlium were TnnA by N.V. Lizuncrv and L.I. Sazhina, and the chem- ical and polaxographic determinations by A.A. Rozbisnskaya, Z.M. Piskova, and Ye.N* Zakharova. The following sections of the book were cmposed by the authors as Indicated: Introduction by V.V. Ivanov, CbL. I by V.Yu. Volgin and V.V. Ivanovp Ch. II by A.A. Krasnov and V.Yu. Volgin, Ch. III by V.Yu. Volgin and V.V. Ivimov (the part on the distribution of thallium 'in rock was written by A.A. Xrasnov), Chs. IV and V by V.V. Ivanav.(V.'Iu. Volgin collaborated in writing the section m the "Matributioa of thallim in certain foreign deposits"). TIfie spectral analysis methods used were described by N.V. Lizunov, and the chemical methods for the dr-Aermination of thallium by A.A. Rozbianskaya and Z.M. Piskova. The authors thank G.B. Kosov for supplying material on the thej-u- um economy', and the following for helping prepare the manuscript: A.A. Beus, _j Thallium: Basic Features of its Gecc4emtstry (Cont.) ~,.v/'4544 N.I. Vlodavets, K.F. KzTnetsur, K.A. NenqiLk-wrich, F.I. Vollfson, A.D. Kalenoy, ind V*V. Shcherbina. There sre 265 referfn,.-:es- 155 Soviet, 53 English, 45 German, 4 Italian, 3 Pclli,3h, 2 rrtnch, and 1 Hungarian. TABIX (W C(MTEN Introductice 3 Ch. 1. Sait snA r;hem!,rAI of ThaLlium 13 Ch. 2. Minemls of Thall-fi= 20 Ch. 3. Geoche-mistry of Tht.Uilm 33 Basic character-laticr- cf and 4!.r,-L-r'-butic;n of thallium in various nemeral ftims 33 ThaLlium ir- uatu:-al ;rz~-eir~,es 66 Th&IUum 1n the magmat1-- prc.~-.epg 68 Th&LU= ta the pepatitfc, proe-o~iic, 81 Card::w- IVANOV, V.V.; VOLGIN, V.Yu.-. KRASNOV, A.A.; LIZUNOV, N.V.; VUSOV, K.A., glavnyy red.; BAUS, A.A., doktor geol.-miheral.uauk,; SIMKIN, S.M., red.izd-va; SIMKIHA, G.S., [Thallium; its geochamistry, mineralogy. genetic types of its deposits. and its geochemical characteristics] Tallii; o9novnys cherty geokhimil i mineralogii, geneticheakie tipy mestorczhdonii I geokhimichaskie provintaii. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad.nauk SSSR, 196o. 154 p. (MIRA 13:7) 1. Institut mineralogii, geokhimii I kristallokhimii redkikh elementoy (for Ivanov, Volgin, Krasnov, Ltzwov). (Thallium) SIRDOBOVA, L.I.; LIZUROV, N.V.9 otv. red.; SHILLM, V.A... otv. za vypusk [Spectrum determination of thalliur. and germanium in sulfide minerals) Spektrograficheskoe, opredelenie tallila i germaniia v sullfidrqkh mineralakh. Voskvaj, 1960. 18 p. (Akademiia nauk SSSR. Institut minera-logii, gookhimii i kristallokhimli radkikh elementov. Metodicheskie materialy,, no.,4) (MMA 15:6) (Thallium-Spectrwr,) (Germanium-Spectrum) (Sulfides) ITANOV, T.V.; LIZUNOYs N.Y. -- I------- Some characteristics of the dietribution of indium in endo- genous deposits. Geokhimiia no.1:45-54 160. (NDU 13$O 1. Inatitute of Mineralog7, Geochemistry and CrystalochemistX7 of rare elements, Academy of Soiences, UoS-S-R-t Moscow- (Indium) S/061/62, /OiO/00~/026/0)0 :31 50/B 10 1 AUTHORS: Ivanov, V. V., Volgin, V. Yu., ;jzujjov. TITI;-,': Ruloo governing, the diotribution of indiurt concentraLion:-- E 196~', 117, "'RIDDICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no. ~, 3G18 (Sb. "Zakonoriernosti razmeshcheniya polezn. v. 3, LI., AN SSS'R, 1~60, 550 - 567) T':,:'2 -, On the basis of data in technical literature and nur:lerouti n(..,.-, SDCCtrOSCOPiC and chemical do Lerminat ions of indium, an examination i, -;,ith M-1 "lade of the rules governing the distribution of doposits concentrations, and the regions with the optimum prospects of di:,cover."nf. them vere separated. Tables are given shouing the in containod in V/ mineral deposits of various types. The authors reach the folio,.-,inf' con'clusions: (1) Indium is not at all typical of shields and platforms; (2) concentrates of In are parargenetically combined -,-.ith moder-ately aci6 and acid granitoids which have been forrnod in the final staf;es of formation of geosynclines; (3) the amount of concentration of In in deposits of geosynclinal zones of different ages increases from the Card 1/3 Rules governing the distribution ... B150/B101 older to the younger, nhile at the same tire the Hercynian -foldinU car, be considered as a' fracture; (4) the follo,,,iing can be designated a:3 indium nrovinces in the range of areas of Paleozoic age: Talaosko- Terskeyskaya and Kirgizskaya polymetallic zones, the North Balkhanch polymetallic belt; in the range of the ?,,'eso -Cenozoic arc- - the ZaL!tern Transbaikallskaya, Soviet Far Eastern and 111orth Eastern. nrovinces; in contrast to the usual nonconcentrated denosits of Caledonian an(] 1*c!rc.1,,nian metallogeneous periods, deposits rith high concentrations of In of tfic. ....eso-Cenozoic age are referred to the Pacific Ocean belt; (5) in thc ancient metallogeneous periods uin;,-le cases of concentrations of in are known in the most varied types of hydrothermal and mainly sulfide deposits; in the Meso-Cenozoic period practicall,r all the highest concentrations of In depocits are referred to ',h,--, cassiteri'e-cilicatc- sulfide and the tin-polymetallic formations; (6) a favorable i-114.cation for the discovery in given depooitn of hirrh concentrations of. in is th.2 nresence in sulfide ores of marmatite, in -thich is revealed by th-.~ .microscope an emulsion dissemination of pyrrhotine and chalconirite, ,associating with cubanite, wallerite, and chalconyrrhot-ine, and in -~'n deposits - the presence of chalcopyrite of pyrrhotine paraaEne3ic. Card 9/3 IVANOV.9 V.V.; VOLGIN, V.Yu.; LIZUNOV2 N~V. Regularities in the distribution of indium concentrations. Zakon.razmlpolezn.iskop. 3:550-587 160. (14IRA 14:11) 1. lwti+,ut mineralogii i gsokhimii redkikh elementov AN SSSR. (Indium) KOGAX~ R.I.; KALIZHANOVA, Ye.G.; SALITINA, L.V.; SOLODOV, N.A.; DMITRMVA, O.P.; Prinimali uchastiyet UKHANOVA, N.I.; PERVUKHINA, A.Ye.; KAZANTSEVA, V.G.,- ULANOVSKAYA, V.D.; 7-, otv. red. VLASOV, K.A., glav. red.; N PYATENK0, Yu.A., otv. red.; SALTYKOVA, V.S., otv. red.; SLEPNEV, Yu.S., otv. red.; FABRIKOVA, le.A., otv. red. PODOSEK, V.A., red. izd-va; GOLUB', S.I., tekhn. red. (Rare alkali metals (lithium, rubidium, and sesium); a bibliography on their geochemistry, mineralogy, crystal chemistry, geology, the analytic methods of their determi- nation, and their economics]Redkie shcholochnye metally (litii, rubidii i tsezii); bibliografiia po geakhimii, mineralogil, kristallokhimil, geologii, analiticheskim metodam opredeleniia I okonomike. Soot. B.I.Rogan i dr. Moskvaq Izd-vo Akad uk SSSRP 1962. 327 p. .. v (MIRA I F 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut mineralogii, geokhimii i kri- stallokhimii redkikh elementov. 2. Chlen-korrespondent Akademii nauk SSSR (for Vlasov). (Bibliography-Alkali metals) KUGUKs V.P. [Kuhuk, V.P.), shofar; LIZUNOV, F.I., shofar Pins instead of bushings, Mekh, sill, hoop, 12 no. 2:7 F 161. (MM 14:4) (motortrucka-Maintenance and repair) LIZUNOVp S.D.p inzh. Capacitive transmission of pulse voltages in transformers having a leadingAn point at the midpoint of the higb-voltage windin Slektrichostvo no.2:62--67 Y 161. f~,RA 14:3) I. Moskovskiy elektrozavod. (Electric transfomerg-Windingo) LiZUNOVP S.D., kand. tekhn. nauk t waves in transformer windings. Elektr4chostvo Pulse gradien (KRA 17:6) no.5t6l-67 My 64. 1, Mookovokly elektrozavod Imeni Kuybyohm. LIZUNOV, V.A.,inzh; UGWIN, Te.G.,insh. ..wp.A~ Methods and examples of establishing advanced time norms for mechanized loading and unloading of liquid petroleum products from cars. Trudy TSNII M no-151:203-240 '58* (MIRA 11:12) (Loading and unloading) (Petroleum products--Transportation) LIZUIIOVI V.A., inz"i. Bazic Fr4ncip2as of the dazIgn of for the heati,-:g of tpnk cars in tho discharging of higlily viscous products. 'lest. ISNII MPS 24 no.3:53-55 165. (MIRA 18:8) T4W-,,-Y,.~nzh.; Prinimall. uchastiye: SHMNOV, Ye.K., kand.tekhn. nauki KOWLIKOVP V.V., mokhardl; KLEYIVIOV., Ye.I.,, inzh. Use of radiant heat in discharging highly viscous materials. VeSt.TSNII NFS 21 no.309-41 162. (MM 15:5) (Radiant heating) (Material handling) KIDIN, 1.11.j PAISOV, I.V.; BELYAKOV, B.G.; LIZUNOV, V.I. Heat treatment of bore rods made of U7 and 55C2 steel. Izv.vyo. ucheb.zav.; chern.met. 4 no.9:138-142 161. (MIRA 14:10) 1. Mookovskiy institut stali. (Tool ateel-Heat treatment) (Rock drills) KIDIN, I.N.; LIZUNOV, V.I. - Eleabric heat treatment- of- 30W iste-91. lzw. VB. U,--heb. MY I ohem. met. 7 164 (MIRA 1'7t8i 1. Mookovski-y inotitut stall i eplavov. ACCESSION NR:- AP4042648 8/0148/64/000/007/0171/017.6 AUTHOR:' Kidin, I.N.x Lisunov, Vo I. TITLE: Electrical beat treatment of 30Kh8 steel SOURCE: IVUZ. Chernaya metallurglya, no. 7, 1964, 171-176 TOPIC TAGS: heat treafi~enf, electi-ical heat treat M^ent, steel hardening, steel annealiIng, steel tempering, steel,strength, alloy steel strength, i;duction heat treatment ABSTRACT: The strength of steel allo;8 may be increased In comparison with the usual methods by induction heat treatment with correct timing of hardening and tempering. The authors therefore investigated the effect of electrical heat treatment on the properties of 30Kh8 stool. The 8 x,20 mm sample sheets from an induction furnace were hot rolled to a thickness of 2 mm and annealed for 2 hours'at 700C. Further vacuum annealing of 0. 4 x 6. 0 x 110 mm samples for 1 hour at 900C resulted In a regular perlite-forrite structure. -The samples were heated by the contact method whIlo the temperature was measured by a chromel-alumel thermocouple The results of tests after the usual and electrical methods C-.,d 1/4 FACCEMON NR: "4042548 of heat treatrabnt are compared in Fig. I ofthc enclosure. The sharp drop in hardness for electrical heat treatment aftertempering above 400C is caused by rapid redistribution of chromium, by fyrther lowWng of the C concentration In the solid. solution and by carbide. coagulation. The change in specific electrical resistance depending on tempering con- ditions also shows that the martensite structure chaqgcs Insignificantly at temperatures below 400C. Rapid dIsInt4gration of the solid solution above 400C results in a sharp drop In specific electrical resistance. Similar results wA-ro obtained when measuring the clas- tic.limit.. Below 300C the'variations were connected with polygonization:procesacs caused by thermallplastic deformations with strCBB'relaxation in the stressed martensite formed during hardening; - Ott the b"is of the test results, electrical heat treatment Improves the properties, -of ..'AG]KhB 'steel -in aomparison with the usual hardening proceds4, Toroptimal result&, - -a -low- sho'ft-time tempering progess (at 100C for 30 minutes) i's - needed. The hardness Improvdit b3r 0-8 HRC, and the elastic limit is 10-15 kg/mrft2,h1gher than after, the usuq1, 4eat treatment (humace hardening, 400C tempering for 1 hour). OrIg. arL has: 8 Aigurep. Card 214 ['ACCESSlON NR; '' AP4042646 i ASSOCIATION- Moskovs* inaUtutstall'i splavo~ (Moscow Sted and AUoy institute) SUBB=ED-. 03DO063 ENCL: 01 SUB CODE: MM NO REF BOV. 007 OTHER: 000 n n Card 3/4 ACCESSrON NR: AP4042548 ENCLO~URE: 01 Me . . . . .. 117 60' rod 406 600 Fig. 1. Features of IOKhS steel after tempering: ------- - -usual hardening, electricat hardening, hardness, A specifta electrical resistance, Absciesa Tempering temperature, C. Card 4/4, k j VP( b)/EWA(h) Pf -,+/Pe b ACCESSION URt AP5008390 A U- If 0 R - -Andreyev, Yu. G, ; Zak*riaro-v, _Y-e, I' i n T L i -, UnO%r V Maksimova. 0. Shtreme TITLEt Heat treatment by electrical heating of high-stre 14 _n_&th steel S 0 1!- F C E IVUZ. Chernaya metallurRiva , no~ 3, 1965, 157-160 4 -C~1' !C TAGS hi i str Z h heattrip, 3uperstrength en _t__Itee I stee', heatinp., low a, Inv steei, cr)r-,n I ex. a! lay s tee, , stee he 'it treatment, convention&-l heating, steel ntrenp',h, 3teei ducti'ity, StOel hardness ABSTRAC~t Conventional heat treatment of large welded surierstrength 2-hells'-presents dtfficultteg since the snolG require nrotection .;7''linst oxidatioA.Find decarburtzat i on The re 'o-e, an at tempt has een made to use rapid-rate elect r ic: h e a t n t In c, u ,a ,) r o t e Ct i I., e 9 n h e r e (~r v a c u u rrf Spec imen gr r f r n r) o a n n e 3 : e ' -S' e r e r e a i t a n c e )--2 G N.M a u p e r s t r ezn_L~ ee I Vith an alternating curren s -o ~emnera t ~i r e a 01 L! P Lcr 25C;C at A r&Le C-f 75C/aac --ad air cc~ca4~ a rP.L-- varylvg f rom Card 1/3 L ACCESSION NR: AP5008390 50 Ln 8OC/sec. The resultin,- si t e e s t u c t re an d 7,roperties we r e area wILh thorc obtainei ri i t i z i n p, a t 9,4 0 f o r r cool LnC) It -.r a .9 f o ~i ri,; n w v r t h a t1) P, r em a F,C a rei b] MILC T'7,9 Tj C: 1rQ e 5 n e ct m e n s w a g o Dq e r -i e n g I-, ow e % e r ,Ii a d a e1 1 1 :1 R n conven ti o n a i t T- e a e i c e 1, q e ri a r s o D a L n c d by convent iona I h ar aeii -,i r o c a -I b e i " e V E! L: t r c a I h e a t i n t o I10 0 C .-, n e rr i c- v n e F.t 5 0c t a i r c c, r, I Q D t r n w, t z a f a n a a e r. ',I P -1 jz0 Z 3 3 Z and 2 6 * in c o n v e ri ti o n a fie re a r e two groups of martensitte steels-with a tensile strength of up to Card 2/3 - - lk .