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WSR/hiscel-laneous MachIning
Alitthors B. I.; Bruk S. I.; Kerinricaya, F. 1.
in reased precision in cQLm machining
Periodical I Stan. i instr, 9 14, Mar 1954
A.1,~stra,,Ot i:_The precision of cams made on profiling machines with automatic con-
trol. is discussed and.& detailed analysis of the errors uhich are in-
triraic to such manufacturing is given together with some suggestions
as to how cwn precision can be improved. Diagrams and formulas.
0 S. %4 1
U&MI/xiscellaneous---m Machine control
Card- 1/1 P6. 103~_'-14/22
tKtirisis, L. N.; Livshits, B. I.; and Solovyev, V. K.
TLUO tNivices for the control of cams
_--St6n-.-A--instrV 12- 28-49 Dec-1954
Acitract uThe -develol-menL or devices '.'or- continuous industrial-control, over crlwricc
and open)# is reported. The-devices were do-
Ai -type cams grooved
signed, in, the fom of lever-mechanic&I systems with a clock-type indicator.
'4 mode oueration of the new d-vice is described. Drawings; iliustra-
SvInitted o.....
Cmbino& instruments for ms&suring mid controlling came. Priboro-
stroenis no.6:24-28 Je 156. (NLRA 9:8)
(Neasuring instruments)
Precision in manufacturing and assembling cam --e-chanisms.
Sbor. at. MILTEWSH no-3:122-153 157(. (MIRA 12:10)
('.in of i r il-,;, - t, i on
:'ostir'bly of Cni-I
U S'S I I. I-,-- 1 1, n t
El9 1~
VAKSMj David Borisovich; KUDISOV, G.F.t kand. tekbn. nauk, red ;,-LIVSHITSp
kand. tekhn. nauk, retserment; MIRKIN, M.S., inzh:,-z~e-d-.,--BO-
RODULIVA, I.A., red. izd-va; EIKOLAYEVA, I.D~, tekhn. red.
(Internal grinding] #nutrennee shlifovanie. Pod obshchei red. G.F.
Kudasova. Moskva, Gos. naucbno-+,elJm. izd-vo maahinostroit. lit-ryt
1961. 64 p (Bibliotechka shlifovshchika, no.3) (MIRA 14:8)
Winding and polishing) I
LIVSHI S B-L,, kand. tekhn. nauk; DRUZIIINSKIY, I.A. , kand. tekhn.
nauk, retsenzent; VALSER, D.B., kand. tekhn. nauk, red.;
CHFAS, M.A., red.izd-va; PETERrk-H, M.M., tekka. red.;
BARDINA, A.A., tekhn. red.
(Technological pr-jeesses of the manufacture and assembly of
ca.m mechanisms] Tekhnologiia izgotovlenita i aborki kulach-
kovykh mekhanizmov. Moskva, 14ashgiz, 1963. 169 p.
(MIRA 16:10)
(Cams) (Metal cutting)
GORMIY. Nikolay Nikoleyevich; DMITRIMA, A.A.,;_jjIV5HTTS- R. "---
red.; VLADIMMOV, O.G.,
[The energy and mineral of seas in the service of mankind]
Inerglis i khimichookie bogatstva morei na sluzhbe u chelovska.
Leningrad, Gidrometeor.izd-vo, 1960. 96 p. (MIRA 13:10)
(Hydroelectric power) (sea water)
(Tidal power)
LAURENKO, Nikolay Nikolapvich; PREOBRAZHENSKE 9 Yu.V. p otv. red.
(deceased]; LIVSHITS, B.Kh,q red.; FLAUMP M.Ya.9 tekhn. red.
(Sea level oscillations] Kolebaniia urovnia moria. Leningrado
gidrometeor. Izd-vo, 1961 106 (KIRA 14:9)
FaKYTKINq Boris Aleksandrovich; LIVSHITS9 B.Kh.1, red.; SOLOMCHIK9 A.A..
tekbn. red.
(Baikal's d hter Angara] Dochl Baika2a Angara. Leningrad, Gidro-
meteor@ iz-84p 1961. 113 Pe (KERA 14'. 8)
(Angara River-Description)
KAROL', Berta Petrovna; red.; WAYN1VA, M.I., tekhn.
(M.V.Lomonosav and meteorology] M.V.Lomononov i meteorologiia.
Leni a . Gidrometeor.izd-vo, 1961. 50 p. (MIRA 15:2)
Lomonosov, Mikhail Vasillevich, 1711-1765)
PROM, Leonid, Zuslyevich; FREYDZMI, A.I., otv. red.; LIVSHITS,___~~--#__
red.; FIAM4, M.Ya.., tekhn, red.
(The angry and the kind winds] Serditye i dobrye vetry. Lenin-
grad,, Gidrometeor. izd-vo, 1961. 150 P. (MMA 15:3)
B.Kh.,, red.; NIKOTAYEVA, G.S., tekhn. red.
(Tajikistan] Klimaticheskoe opisanie ravnin i predgorii
IUshnogo Tadzhikistana. Leningrad, Gidrometeoizdat, 1963. 82 p.
(MIRA 16:8)
L L."~L
JV~. J6 WW6 Is$
simple", of 04140d wolik ad w
we maked 10 ohm do
in bidwarid bodes symmus
Jot falwourim fkum 3w to 13MC-
USSR/ElectricitY Thermodymamics- Aug 50
"Selection of optimum Temperatures for High-
Boi1ing Intermediate Heat-Carrying Agents in In-
dustridl Installations," B. L. Livshits, V. 0.
Fogel', Candidates Tech Sci, Docents, Moscow
_a Inst of Fine Che~i Technol imeni Lomonosov
"Prom Energet" No 8, pp 4-9
_4 Gives table of design formulas from which opti-
- temperatures can be selected-for subject
agents used for heating anc. cooling in
USSR/Electricity - Thermodynamics 4uq 5D
industrial installations. Includes proofs for
these formulas which are worked out for both
liquid and gas heat-carrying agents.
VOSKOBOYNIK. David Izrailevich; LISHKOVTSEV, V.A., radaktor; AjU- . - ..I
redaktor.- TUKARKZIU, U.A., takhnicheokiy redaktor
(Nuclear energy3 lAdermaia energetika. Hoslcvs, Goo. izd-vo taktmiko-
teoret. lit-ry. 1956. 168 p. (NLRA 9:12)
(Atomic power)
EINSTEIN, Alfred; IMIRLD, loopold;SUVOROV. , s.Q-.[traPslaIor1;JASHKOVTSIV, Y.A.,
ie-daktor; TMURZM,IX.A.t6IrhnIdMhkI;j redaktor
[Thq,qvolution of physics; the growth of ideas from early
concopto to relativity aztd quant;L.Trjnal4tj3d from thq Inglish]
Evollutstis fiziki; razvItie Idei ot-peryonschallnykb poniatii
do teorli otnositellnosti I kvant. Peravod a anglitekogo so
vatup. statlai S.G. Suvorova. Izd. 2-oa. Moskva. Goa. Ltd-vo
takhniko-tooret. lit-ry, 1956. 279 P. (MLRA 10:4)
(Physics--History) (Relativity (Physice))
(quantum theory)
1 1 / t -,T j' - .T I
I t , A I I - "I -- L' f - .
ADIELOVICH. M. 1. ; LESHKOVTSEV. V.A.. redaktor; LIVSHITS, B.L., redaktor;
TMIAMINA, N.A., tekhnicheakiy redaktor
[Some questions on the thoory of luminescence of crystals] Nekotorye
voprosy teorii liuminestsentoii kristallov. Izd.2-oe. Koskva, Goo.
izd-vo tekhniko-teoret. lit-ry. 1956. 350 P. (KM 10:3)
(Luminescence) (Crystallography)
TSISIVICH, Vladimir Platonovich; INSHKOVTBBV, V.A., red.; LIFSHITS, B.L.,
red.; BRTJDNO, K.F.,
[The Interwitional Geophysical Tear] KesbdunarodEri geofisichaskii
god. Koskya, Gos. isd-vo takhniko-toorate lit-z7, 1957, 135 pe
(MIRA 11:2)
(Internstiorwl Geophysical Ye&r, 1957-1958)
IANDSBERG C-Agoriy Samulovich; LIVSHITS, B.L.. pkil.; KURASHOVA. bf.Ta.,
t ..- - &red,
CC/,I'-iL2: Optika. Izd. 4-oe, perer. Moskva, Goo. Izd-vo takhaiko-
teore'.. lit-ry, 1957. 759 P- (Obahchii kurm fiziki, Vol. 3)
(Optics) (MU4 11:3)
LANDAU, Lev Davydovich; LIFSHITS, Yevl,,oniy Mikhaylnvich; LIVSHITS, B.L.,
red.; AR'IITt,!,nV, S.N., - ---, . ........... ---- -
[Theqrotical p~-ynicaj Tooraticbmskaia fizika. T01.1 [Machanical
MRkhanika. Goo.iz(l-vo fiziko-matem. lit-r7. 1958. 206 p.
(Mechanics) (MIW,, 12:1)
IX'SIDARZIT, Vitaliy Iosifovich; KUTSENKO, Andrey VerfoloMA,evich-,
PODOORITSKIT, Mikhail Isaakovich; LIVSHITS, B.L.. red.;
BRMO, X.F., . ..........
(Statistics of readings connected wita the registration of
nuclear particles] Stati3tika otachatov pri registrataii iader-
nXi chastits. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo fiziko-matem.lit-ry, 1959.
411 p. (KTRI 12:10)
(Particles. Elementary--Statiatius)
LIV9RITS, BA., kand. tekhn. nauk; FOGALI, V.O., kando 'Uekhn. nauk
Intensification of the process in heat exchangers h3ated b7
means of high-temparature heat-transfer agents. Prom. energ.
14 no-1:34-36 ja '59- (MIRA 12:1)
I.Moskovski.v inatitut tonkoy khimicheako7 tekhnologii imeni
(Heat exchangers)
TSIDILIKOVaIY, Isaak Kikhaylovich; LIVSHITS. B.L., red.; BRUDKO, X.F.,
[Thermomagnetic effect in semiconductors] Tormomognitnyo iavlaniia
v poluprovodnikakh. Koskva, GosAzd-vo fiziko-wtam.lit-ry, 1960.
396 p. (KIRA 14:1)
Rapid "refinement of the roots of secular equations" by Maiants'
method. Dok3,.AN SSSR 132 no.6:1295-1298 Je 160.
(MIU 13: 6)
1. Institut elementoorganicheakikh no_vedineniy Akademii nauk
SSSR. Predstavleno akademikom I.T.Obreimovym.
(Mechanics, Celestial)
AUTHOR: Livehits, B. L.
TITLE: A Perturbation Method for an Operator With a Simple
structure V/C
PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR9 1960, Vol. 1339 Noo 4)
pp, 800-803
T-JXT: By way of introduction the author refer to the circumstance that
_~of multiatomic me 'he task of finding
in the theory of oscillations olecules~'t
o~genvaluee and eigenvectors of the osoiIlation operatorg cannot always be
solved by the quantum-moohanical perturbation theory, since the oscillation
operator is generally non-Hermitinno Under the assumption of the oacilla-
tion operator possessing a simple structureq the author makes use of a
perturbation-theoretical method to solve the problem of finding the eigen-
values and eigenvectors of the oscillation operator. With the aid of bi-
orthonormalized column-eigenvectors of the Hermitian conjugations of matrix
equations (2) and (10) of the matrices of oscillation operators, he derives
the approx1j.-iate normalization conditions (17)- For an n-fold degeneration
of eiganvalues the perturbe&column-sigenvector is written down (equation
Card 1/2
A Perturbation Method for an Operator With a Simple S/020/60/133/04/13/031
Structure B019/BO60
18) and with its aid the expression (81) is obtainedg which is analogous
to the oolumn-vector equation (8) for Hermitian ooeratorso Expressions
(12a) and (121a) are obtained by the scalar multir.Lioation of (8;) with the
column vectors of (10). Finally, the coefficients of (12a) and ( 21a) are
obtained by a successive approximation. The author thanks Academician
1. V. Obreimov for his assistance and interest in the work. There are
2 references; I Soviet and 1 US.
ASSOCIATION: Institdt clementoorganicheskikh soyedineniy Akademii nauk
(Institute of Elemental-organi Compounds of the AcadeW of
Sciences,, USSR)
PRESENTED: March 309 1960, by 1. V. Obreimov, Academician
SUBMITTED; March 309 1960
Card 2/2
BAZARGV, Ivan Pavlovichj-=SRlTfq-4,L.-j red.; BRUDNO, X.F., tekhn. rod.
[Thermodymamics] Termodinsmika. Moskva, Gos. izd-vo f12iko-
matem. lit-ry, .1961. 292 p. (MA 24:7)
1. Fizicbeekiy fakulltett Kafedra statistiche" fiziki Mookov-
skogo gosudarstrennogo universiteta (for Bazarov)
ALITSHULER, Semen Aleksandrovich,-KOZYREV, Boris Mikhaylovich; LIVSHITS,
--D-- 1L. 9red.; BRUDNO, K.F.9 tekhn. red. -
[Electron paramagnetic rooontaicel Elektrorzqi paramagnitrqi re-
zonans. Moskva# Goo, izd-vo fiziko-rater.. lit-ry, 1961. 368 Ps
(Paramagnetic revownce and relaxation)
ARTSIMOVICH3. Lev Andreyovtch, Prinimal uchastiyo SAQMMf R.Z.; LISMOV.
TSLFV, V.A.# red.; LIVSHITS9 B.L.p red.; MMMOp K~F*q tekbne rid*
(Controlled thermonuclear reabtions1*Vpravli&wWe termoiaderoys
reaktaii. Mookvap Goo. izd-vo fiziko-matem, lit-ry, 1961. A7 p6
MIRA 14:9)
(Thermonuclear reactions)
Relation between the mixers and the heat exchange in a reactor with
welded semitubes. Lakokras. mat. i ikh prim. no-5:70-74 '61.
04IRA 15:3)
1. Moskovskiy institut tcnkoy khimicheskoy tekhnologii imeni
(Heat exchangers) (Paint machinery)
1I.J.900 E194/E484
AUTHORS: Livshits. B.L., Candidate of Technical Sciences and
--F`6`g_e1_r_,_V7_._0., Candidate of Technical Sciences
TITLE: Liquid ditolylmethane, a new high-temperature heat
transfer medium
PERIODICAL: Promyshlennaya energetika, 1961, No.8, pp.23-27
TEXT: High-temperature heat transfer media of current industrial
application include mineral oils, glycerine, silicones, diphenyl
mixture, molten salts and liquid metals; new types of heat
transfer media are being introduced,namely aromatic oils and
ditolylmethane. For industrial processes in the temperature
range 250 to 3000C, normal mineral oils and glycerine are of
inadequate thermal stability, whereas molten salts are only
suitable for temperatures above 3850C. None of the existing heat
transfer media adequately covers the range 250 to 3000C. Now
types of fluid being developed for this application in the USSR
and abroad include hydrocarbons of the diphenylmethane series which
are synthesized in the USSR and aromatic oils such as mobiltherm
6oo. The hydrocarbon of the diphenylmethane series of the
greatest thermal stability is ditolylmethane, the principal
Card 1A
Liquid ditolylmethane ... E194/E484
physical characteristics of which are given in Table 2.
In order to investigate the problems associated with the
application of liquid ditolylmethane, the Moscow Institute of
Fine Chemical Technology imeni Lomonosov (Moskovskiy institut
tonkoy khimIcheskoy tekhnologii imeni Lonionosova) made a pilot
heat transfer rig. The coil, heated by town gas, has a thermal
rating of 10000 kcal/hour. In the tests, cotton seed and castor
oil were heated in the kettle to a temperature of 2600C by liquid
ditolylmethane at a maximum temperature of 3200C. Design
details of the plant used are given. The tests on this
equipment lasted 18 months with mar.y starts and stops. The
number of hours during which the ditolylmethane reached
temperatures up to 320*C was 700 hours. The most important
property of high temperature organic heat transfer media is the
thermal stability. During the 18 months operation the viscosity
of the ditolylmethane rose by 5 -10% which should correspond to a
resin content of 3 -6%. According to existing rules, a heat
transfer medium need be changed only when the resin content is
greater than 10%. To check this point the resin content of the
ditolylmethane was specially determined and it was found to have
Card 2/4
Liquid ditolylmethane ... E194/E484
risen to just less than 5% whilst the coke number rose from
o to o.67%. Thus the thermal stability of ditolylmethane at
temperatures up to 3200C was completely satisfactory. The heat
transfer rate was adequate with a flow speed of 0.48 mlsoc in the
coils. The heat transfer coefficient results are in good
agreement with data calculated by the usual procedure using the
tabulated data given. Ditolylmethane is better than the usual
diphenyl mixture in flash point and similar properties. It is
accordingly recommended that liquid ditolylmethane should be used
for heating and cooling of high temperature industrial heat
exchange equipment. There are 3 figures and 2 tables.
Table 2. Thermal and physical properties of liquid ditolylmethane
Legend: 1 - temperature OC; 2 - saturation pressure, atm;
3 - specific gravity of liquid kg/m3; 4 - true specific heat of
liquid, kcal/kg*Cl 5 - liquid enthalpy kcal/kg;
6 - thermal conductivity of liquid kcal/ 0C;
7 - dynamic viscosity of the liquid x 10 p.sec/m2;
8 - kinematic viscosity of the liquid x 10 M2/sec.
9 - PrNdtl's criterion.
Card 3
- -- --- --- -- --
Effect of free rotation In moleculeo on the normal vibration
freqnencieo. Opt. I spektr, 10 no.2:145-151 F 161. (MM 14:2)
(Spectrump Molecular)
Intensifying the beating of-reactors when liquid high temperature
beat carriers are used. Lakokras.mat.i ikh prim. no.1:74-78
162. (MIRA 15:4)
1. Moskovskly institut tonkoy khimicheskoy tekhnologii im.
(Chemical reactors) (Liquid fuels)
LiVahits Be Le
-of the normal
TME i Calculation OU-the frequencies and shape
molecular vibrations by the method of perturbations
PILRIODICALt Akademi.-a-nauk SSSR. Vokladyp v. 149p no. 2, 19639 305 307 1!
TEM The-method of perturbations formulated by the author in DAN, 133P I
Poo (1960), for an operator of simple structure can be used to analyze the
norma). vibrations of multi-atomio molecules'. When the~perturbation in the
operator of the molecular vibrations cannot be separated out in the natural!
-coordinaten this can be done by traneforminig the base of the system of the
_t ------- 1 -doot-diriates-taking -thes trongest-Interact ions --into- account o -The
a ura
method of perturbations is a quick way of calculating the frequencies and
snape of the vibrations of large molecules since the order of the secular
equations and of the systems corresponding to them oft-In is not higher than
two, The symmetry-of the molecules is considered automatically on the
whola. "he symmetries of the individual groups of molo~oulee are largely
taken into oonaideration, The method can a.,iso give information on
interaction of the vibrations of the individual groups.
Card 1/2
Calculation of the frequencies ... MOB/B186
ASSOCIATIONt Institut elementoorganicheakikh soyedineniy Akedemii nauk SSSR
(Institute of Elemental Organic Compounds of the Academy of
Sciences USSR)
j uarQ d 4
LANDAU, Lev Davydovich, akademik; LIFSHITS, Yevgeniy M.kbaylovich,
prof.; LIVSHITS, B.L., red.; PLAKSHE, L.Yu.,
(Quantum mechapical Xvantovaia mekhanika. Izd.2.s perer. i
dop. Moskvat Fizmatgiz. Vol.3- [Nonrelativiatic theory]
Nereliativists" teoriia. 1963. 702 p. (MIRA 17:1)
Use of the method of perturbations in analy" the vibrations of
Monodeuteromethane and the Plano Vibrations 1,11thylene, apt, I
spektr. 15 no-5t609-616 N 636 (MIRA 16;12)
VOLIFS011, N.S.; SIIITOVA, Ye.I.;- LIVSHITS, B.L., kand. fiz.-mat.
rauk, otv. red. --
[Optical masers (lasers); bibliographic index of Soviet and
foreign literaturo for the yeriod 1958 to June 19631 Kvan-
tovye opticheskie generatory (lazery); bibliograficheskii
ukazatelf otechestvennoi i zarubezhnoi literatury s 1958 Po
Uun' 1963 g. Moskva, Izd-vo "Nauka," 1964. 175 P.
(MIRA 17:8)
1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Sektor seti spetsiallrykh bibliotek.
KIEPIKOV, Nikolay Petrovich; SOKOLOV, Skiff Nikolayevich; LIVSHITS,
B.L., red. -------
[Analysis and planning of experinents by the method of
maximm likelihood] Analiz i pinnirovanie ekspprimentov
metodom maksimuma. ~ravdupodo:~--ia. 11-1,oskw, Nauka, 1964. 183 p.
(MIRA 17:10)
T.63652-65 RM(b) (k I V/ S1, fuWM f -'I A= nf 4 1a
A C C Y-'2 S 7CU NR tAP5011,280 ly/ 51 23)0025
5/00 00 00
"Re fAveldti o~; UtdrWO
T1Mt Dependence of spectral composition of stimulated emission on the velocity
of motion of the-Cizdal
SOMEt Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy 1 teoreticheskay Miki. Pialma Y redaktaiyu.
Prilozheniye, Y. 1, no. 5, 1965, 23-25, and Insert betvaeti pages 24 wid 25
$loh glass laser, ~._crystal laser, line narrowing
ABSTIMTv-1he vathors report on an effect prevIously predicted by them (DAN GSARJ
In preIsz)ln vbich the inhazoo%encity of the inverse population in fftizulated emis-
t slon.-frce,son-d-media, i[crystals, t;lasaes, et*.) becomeg smoothed out when the crys-
tal wyes vtlAtive to ~hv reeguat;r# Because of thial the number of
i modes decreases and thit stizulatel-emisnion gpectrwa becomes narraverj but the to-
t intensity. remins imchangtdt, w that the spectre,;. d3usity of the otimulated.
idislon i~*Seai BE tke tests rdw, &-t4a_ CK
cry . -12 Ung vas made -to execut(a re~
eiprocating notion with maxim= vmelooity
*A'35 em/sevn insid# a plane resonator vith
11 OR MOWN 'gW.
M WM Ffil. DIV !M._M"W'- RR r
RRi Apwa628o
distance 50 c2 betwcMs mirrors. The llght-pwq pulse could be tu=o*d on at diMr-*
ent phades of Msta]. notion# correqxmding to reciprocating velocity relative to
the resonator frou 0 to - 55 cu/see. The q)actrus r-f tha induced exissioa was &M-1
flyzed with, the. aid- Of' & F (Lb ry-P e r1o t e t eL I o n. The laterforence p-Ote=s
were photegraphod& Neama-exenta-vere- made- &V different aIr gapa lAveen isdmirs.
patter" erAssion' from the stationarir
_a~i- amlng (- 55 cm/aec) crystal near thi 1&4Ang threshold (V - 18M V) sharva that
"en the er7stal moves a vhale aeries of side modes ceases to generate, the inten-
slty of the central ao&s Ancreasing. This ses-as that- as the crystal moves the
c-antral modes draw energy fro& the large ialvm &tcupied by the active "ntars (QCM-
parM with t;_hg -that 6by-wWreMag - tfie weaker modes. In the
cui_,O~"gher;~Pu*_ level (V 101M V) _vUA 3be saw. cz/afte velocity., the ef-
Ifeat of them increased speattml densit3r ic leag pronounced. Thit; meant, that in or-
der to apprm& ainglo-mode generation lt in netessary to increase the yeloclt7 of
the crystal* In gene2va#tho Motion, of the cryetal, saes it possible to euldnxts.
the- inhomogeneity of the transition responsiblOMr- gentratioa of the aott've centers
"The -adhairs =*':,grateAt1 to Acadmi cian, r&. t.__db~,tjjKoV for interea~ a=d coritiawua.
lattenti to the work. Ch. X. diaeusgion of the
-1 aride D "P. fttfiawdovw -for partialpatin& in- the messurements- andA
M-M 7: -r-litnts
tso-r, D. D. Beez ney an _Qv for help In (-onntructing thf~ xenerat.,
-_nR al=
mov Or, art.
ASSOCTATIONt histitut obahchey I neerganicheakay thlidi in. N. 8. Kwmekova
ow-mTUDS e2AM-65 x bi W m CM RG-
LlVSHITS, B.L. [Livshytst, B.L.); TSIKUNOV, V.N. [TSykunov, V.M.1;
Generation of induced radiation in a prestationary regime.
Ukr. fiz. zhur. 10 no. 1.1:1267-1270 N 165. (MIaA 18:1~)
1. Institut obahchey i neorganicheskoy khimii imeni Kurnakova
AN SSSR, Moskva. Sulmitted August 3,, 1965.
14672=66 FBD/EYT(I)AEC (k)-2/r/EWP(k)AWA (h) SM/IJP(,,-) WG
ACC NA: ApWoO26 SOURCE CODE: uVO056/65/049/006/1843/1845
AITMOR: Liveldta., B. L.; Toikunoy, _V. N.
ORG: Inaggnic cbemially. Asademy og ggiew2s in-
stitut obahchely i neorganicheskoy khimii AkeAemii nauk SSSR)
TITLE: Spectral properties of stimulated emission in a broad pumping range
SCURCE: Mn=al eksperimentallnoy I teoreticheakoy fiziki) v,1 49, no. 6. 1965p
TOPIC TAGS-. stimulated emissionp laser pumpingp laser radiation spectrum, laser
emission ivy
ABSTRACT: The spectrum of stimulated emission of a_j#ser- operating In the sta-
tionary regime is calculated analytically under the assumption that the pump power
is low. The axial-moae model proposed. by C. L. Tang. et al. (J. Appl. P11~9. v. 34.
2289, Is use
1961) 'd. The initial eq~tnns introduced by Tang et al. are
made taore precisep and in addition# the authors conaiderp as a continuation of
their earlier vork (DM SSSR v. 1,53o 870P 1965)pthe Influence of the pump power on
the narriming of the spectrum of a laser in which the active centers move relative
to the rosonator itirrors. A new effect in predicted# wherein the spectrum becomes
L 14670--66
Acc nR: Ap6w2726
saturated with axial modes., i.e.# the laser emission spectrum is found to have a
finite width. However) although the number of modes is limitedj, it is still large
and the power d1stribution over the modes is parabolic. The analysis shows that
reduction in the number of modes can be effected by using a lo*w-Q resonator, and
by using a nonEtationary mode with a spike duration in exceas of a critical value.
Some results of' the theoretical deductiona of this paper have bee'L Confirmed in
experiments performed by the authors and reported elsewhere (with V. P. Nazarov
and L. K. Sidorenko, ZhETF Pistma, Vo 1, No- 5P 23, 1965). "The autb6ra thank Aca-
demician 1. V. Obreimov for interest in the work and Gh,'K.~.14ukhtaroy for a useful
discussion." OiAg. art. has: 3 f1gures and 25 formulAs. [021
SUB CODE: 20/ SM DATE: i4j=65/ ORIG REF: 00;-/ OTH MW: 005
ATD PPZ9S:.14//9If
:Card 2_12
L 46149-65 Elm -2/tWG(r)/EEC(k )-?/EWA (h )/EWA (k Y/EWO(k EWV1)/EEC(t)jF8!)/r/
/IJP(c) WG
AMOR: LiVahits 3- L..~Tsikunovi, V. Va
TITLE: Importance nf diffusion of an inv-arted population during generation of
stimilated emission
SOURCE: AN SSSR. Doklady, v. 162, no. 2, 1965, 314-315
TOPIC TAGS: population inverrion, stimi-lated emission, laseAavi~y, laser cavity,
-ABSTPACTV ALn e(juation for inverted population. with the diffus~kon
term -diffusion emu, substantially affect (especially
P.t low temperatures) the spectral composition of stimulated emi-,sion &-1d the num-
ber of.emitted qu%ntF_t. It is shown that with greater diffusion the number of
modes in the cavity will be reduced and the spectral width will decrea-4e. It is
p,~;..'nted out that a marrovine of the emission spectra should occur vhen tne concen-
of active centers in the crystal f8- increased. Orig. art. has: 6 formulas.
L. 14!T-66 W,2/WA(h)
,ACCMS"-)N M J AM20828 UP/0020/63/163/0(4/0870/~*12
q I
AMOR., tivshits, B, E-11 Taikunovs V. ff. qV,4V
TITLE: Gener'~a~t-io-'n""o"f--'s'timu3Ated emission by a cryst.1 moviri Inside a cavity
SOURCE% ANOSS&Z Dokladyp ve 163# no. 4p 1965o 87O-6T2
TOPIC TAGSt M&Iiaserp laser theoryp laser pixpingp resonant cavity
ABSTRACT: This is a continuation of a7b"Zlier paper (DAN Y. 162, no. 2, 1965) in
vhich it was shuwn that the inverse-population inhomogeneitles produced along tLe
axis of a uniformly pumped laser crystal cannot be eliminated by diffusion of the
inverse populations at least at room temperature. In this article the authors cork.
sider the effect ofrelative motion of the emitting cryr--,al and a cavity with flat
end mirrors in which a system of axial modes is produced. A etationa17 solution
is obtftlned for the system of kinetic equations for the inverse populatAon and the
nwnber of photons in the i-th axial mode. The conditions under which only a single
stationary mode will be generated are obtained. For examplep in the bvAe or a ruby
laser the rexative velocity of the ruby and cavity must exceed 0#5 c sec. The re-
lative motion causes the number or generated photons to change by 50 . The calcu-
lations are based on a simplified laser model with aW., ---ary cavity mirrors and
two active centers with uniforedy broadened lusinescenas A.Ineo WaWAtious Using
C.~d 2/2
L 1417-66
a model with external mirrors# with the distance between the mirrors and the end
faces of the crystal casumed small compared with the crystal length# yielded essen,
tially the same restats. The need for experimental verification of the calcula'-
tion indicated in the conclusion. "The authors thank Academician L -V, Obrei-
Mov~ interept." This report. was presented by I# V. Obreimov. Orige art. hass
15 formulas, [02]
ASSOCUTIONt Institut flaiki vyaokikh ftvleniy Akademft.auk GBOR (Institute of
High Pressure Pbr/sicap 'Ac&deW-.dT,'Sdiencee!S899)
wimmms 28oct64 MMLI 00 5t-, 80 CODSt ECp SS
NO M. P, sar.n 001 OTMMt 002 ATD PMMS: TG-
Card 2/12
- - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - -
- FBD/E-",T(1)/I:I'/P(e)/ElIT(m)/rFC(k)-2/T/F-YrP(k)/E!','A(h) ijp (c)
L 21ac,~-&6
ACC NR: Ap6oil4gi SOURCE CODE: UP/0386/66/003/ODT/0279/0281~~,,,
XMIOR' -IA'Vshits L.; flazarov V. P.; Sidorenko, L. K.; Tursunay
A. T.;
ikunav,_V._ N.
ORG: Inst.itute of General and Inorg"~SL '"is' 1g,4,eq, SSSR (In-
stitut obahchey i neorganicheskoy khimii SR
TIM: Features of the t1x4q 1-_%2vior of the generation in a laser with moving ruby
crystal 2_~'j VY
SOURCE: Zhurnal eksperimentaltnoy i teoreticheakW fiziki. Piglria v redaktalyu.
Prilozheniye, v. 3p no. T, 1966, 279-281
TOPIC TMS; ruby laser, laser emission, laser pulsation, laser r and d
ABSTRACT: :",is in a continuation of earlier work (Pis'ma ZhETF v. 1, no. 5, 35,
1965).vhere iL z n ahown that a laser with a ruby crystal moving along the axis of
a planar resonator -~+b =DeeA xl~ :::V=ec radiates energy in a narrower spectral
interval than a laser..:"",
_.-svionary crystal, and that, this increases the spectral
density- of-the-stimulated emission4 . To check whether continuous generation can be
realized in a laser with moving crystal, aud to investigate the influence of cr7s-
tal motion on the time behavior of the laser generation mode, the authors used high-
speed photography partially supplemented with oscil:lograms pertaining to the start
Card 1/2
L 21429-66-
IACG NR: AP6oll49l 47-/-
lof generation. All measurements were made at room temperature. It was observed
first that in a wide range of abave-threshold pumpingp even at speeds v - 4o emlsec,
a sharp increase taken place in the frequency of the lasing spikes, until they merge
'into continuous regions which are short compared with the generation duration.
iYurther increase in the speed, at -1.1 of threshold pump, resulted in a gradual ex-
jjr-nsion of the continuous regions. At speeds v - 80 cm/sec the generation becomes
1 continuous in a number of cases practically from start to end, but the intensity
i oscillations still disclose traces of the spike regime. The transformation of spike
!generation into continuous generation is great4 improved by introduci,!g into the
~ resonator a round diaphragm of I mm diameter, which increases the diffraction losses
land prevents by the same token the generation by modes with high transverse indices.
1 The level of the continuous generation then becomes approximately stationary. De-
itailed investigations of the conditions necessary to ensure continuous generation
~!in a laser with moving crystal should make it possible in the futurep on the one
:band, to formulate the primiples of continuous operation of a solid-state laser
!with a moving crystal, and,, on the otherp explain the spike character of the genera-
4tion of most contemporary'solid-state lasers. The authors thank Academician XL-X.
: Obreimov for interest in the vork and Cho K, MadItILm for useful 4incussion of the
~results. Orig. art. hast: 1 figure. 102)
'SUB CONS 20/ SM DMMs 03jan6611 ORM MWj 001/ OW FMI 001/ ATD PM:
Card 2/2
L 1951B-66 _EWT(lL V; -ID
ACC NRi AP6015066 SOURCE CODE: UR/0020,/66/168/001/0072/00'15
AUTHOR: Livshits, D. L.; St~jyarov S. H.; Tiikunov, V. 14.
ORG: Institute of General and Inorganic ChemtsSr
1__.1:m. 11. S. Kuroakov. Academy of
L_~cLeEces SSSR (Institut obshchey i neorganicheskoy khimii Akadem;,i nauk SSSR)
TITLE: Effect of excitation diffusion on multiple-mode emission conditions
SOURCE: All SSSR. Doklady, v. 168, no. 1, 1966, 72-75
I IVPIC TAGS: laser optics, resonator, optic pumping- electromagnetic field
ABSTRACT: A general solution is given for a system of equations describing population'
inversion and the bebaviur of the clectronaF eld within a rabry-Perot resonator
with regard to excitation diffusion. The analysis is rQstrictee to axial inodes. Ai,
expression is derived for the maxim-um number of simultaneously enitted modes at high
pumping energies. We thank Academician 1. V. Obreimov -for interest in this worR.
Orig. art. has: 18 formulas.
SUB CODE: 20/ SUM DATE: 0"AugW ORIG REF: 002/ OTH REF: 003/
ATD PRESS:'~ ~ 0Ll
I Card 1/1
UDC: 535.232.". -4
AUTHORS: Livshits. B.N, and Kapitanov, R.A.
TITLE: A new recording pen-galvanometer
PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Avtomatika i radioelektronika,
no. 5, 1961, 5, abstract 5 E24 (Novosti med. tekhn.
1960, no. 5, 98-101)
TEXT: A polarization type recording galvanometer (model wir -4
(ChPG-4) has been designed for use in multi-channel systems. The
range of recorded frequencies - 140 c/s 1 10%. The error of ampli-
tude response is t 0.5 mm at amplitudes up to � 14 mm. Length of
pen is 100 mm. Instability of the zero line is � 0.3 Mm with a
demagnetizing field frequency of 400 c/s. The volume of the gal-
vanometer 150 cm3. Weight 800 9. Control power-6 VA. The moment
of inertia of the moving part is 16 g/cm2. The 4tability of the
zero line is obtained without springs by an induction of 18,000
gauss in 0.2 mm gaps. The above frequency range has been obtained
Card 1/2
A new recording pen-galvanometer D201/D303
because liquid damping has been abandoned in favor of shunting of
part of the winding by an RC shunt. The changes in the yoke and
winding design made it possible to reduce the amount of copper
used by 5 times, the volume 2.2 times, and to reduce the weight
by 30% compared with the old model ChPG--2. The Oispersion fields
do not go at all beyond the surfaces nearly in contact with galvan-
ometers. This is because they are nearby, in the recording unit.
This permits the exclusion of their influence upon each other and
to utilize the chart width in full. 2 references. Z-Abatracter's
note: Complete translation-7
Card 2/2
AUTHOR: LivahitsB_N_
TITLE: A transistorized voltage stabilizer
PERIODICAL: Referativayy zhurL-Lal. Akvtomatika i radioelelctronika,
no. 6, 1961, 5, abstract 6 E32 (Novosti med. tekhn.
1960, no. 4, 52-62)
TEXT: An analysis is given of the operation of low voltage semi-
conductor stabilizing circuits, in particular of the semi-conductor
stabilizing circuit. Design fonnulae are derived for such a cir-
cuit and recommendations as to the choice of components given. An
example of circuit design is giver. for the stabilization of the
heat chain of amplifying valves of an electroencephalograph. A
description is given of a network which makpo it possible. to stabi-
lize currents up to I amp at 19 V. The stabilizatioa drift factor
is about 1000. The ripple is lowered from 1.9 V at the inpii't to
10-1 V at the output. 3 references. Z--Abstracter's note: Complete
Card 1/1
-UJTHOR: Livshits, B.N.
TITLE: Damping of fast acting galvanometers
PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Avtomatika i radioelektronika,
no. 8, 1961, 8 1 abstract 8 NO (Novosti med. tekhn.
1960, no. 4, 63-69)
TEXT: The errors are considered of amplitude-frequency
and phase characteristics of the galvanometer. By more accurately
adjusting damping of the oscillating system of the recorder - better
use may be made of the full frequency range. The un-damped regime
should be used in those cases when at least the central batr', of
frequencies is Mown before hand. This is what takes place in medi-
cal diagnostical equipment, where the frequencies of function to be
observed are known with respect to each instrumcnt, e.g. el.-enceph-
alogram, el.-cardiogram, el.-Myogram, etc. A-ts differing from liquid
damping - the application of electromagnetic damping introduces Into
Card 1/2
i S/194/61/000/008/006/092
Damping of fast acting galValLometers D201/D304
the oscilla-equation a term with a third derivative x-rith respect tc
time. The presence of the additional parameter makes it possible
to control better the system properties and as a result, to extend
nearly t-xqice the operating range of the recorder. The analysis is
given of the second and third order linear systems and the advan-
tages of the latter are shown. 2 references. Z-Abstracter's note:
Complete translation 7
Card 2/2
AUTHORS: Livshits, B.N. and Solov'yev, N.A.
TITIS: Recording devices in electromiedical diagnostic
PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Avtomatika i radioclektronika,
no. 6, 1961, 5, abstract 6 E26 (Elektronika v medit-
sine, M-L, Gosenergoizdat, 1960, 130-136)
TEXT: The advantages are shown of f a-st-operating recorders with
direct writing. Technical data are given of a polarized pen record-
der qnr (ChPG) designed at the VINJI Jjji0. The non-unifornrity of
frequency response within the range 0-120 c/s is 1 db, the mplitude
response is linear irithin t 15 mm with an error o-.2 5'. A survey of
other methods of direct recording is given: Electro-graphical, jet-
recording (mingo-graphical) withL'clectrostatic control, etc. Z-Ab-
stracter's note: Complete translation-7
Card 1/1
The now ChFG-I+ ink,-recording galvanometer, Priborostroenie
noe4:21-22 Ap 262. (KIRA 15,.4)
.- I
"a' g galvariamtero. Priborostroonle na.12:
of quick-actin
1-3"b 162. (MIRA 1611)
, ; ll,~13 !.,~: ' . ii , i'.o . ; i~: ~, , i -', ; : ~ -I. ". . " . . 1.1
firuilycis rZ err%-jr,,, 0l' .-', - - :-,~ 1~ I
j PY[ ~ f .. .~ t :, -,-, .
Let'. lim. Lf"kil. [)(;.I ,: - , I
,,;~~; ")
AUTHOR: Livshits, B.R.
TITLE: -:1 ~ulph`ur-co`ntain~ing ~polyrners and their possible
application as film-forhiers
PERIODICAL: Chemiea chemicka- technologie.-P'r'ahled technicke' a
hospodar"skicrlitex-atury. v.19, no.12, 1962, 563,
abstract Ch 62-7611'. (Lakrokra,7..' Materialy, no.4, 1962,
TEXT: Polysulphonatas and polysulphides, their chemical structure
preparation, properties and possible applications are discussed.
Some of the compounds, e.g. arylinercaptans and dimercaptans,
react with epoxy-derivatives yielding hard or rubberlike polymeric
resins with a molecular weight of 1000.. Thiophenols or their
homologuos may be also used as starting materials for the
preparation of the polymers. The polymers can also be prepared by
polycondensation-of unsaturated acids with polythiols. The
reaction of ethylenic oxides with hydrogen sulphide leads to
cyclic sulphides and sulphones, and both these classes of compounds
can be used as starting materials for the production of pol,,..iers.
106 literature references. - -7
Card 1/1 LAbstracter's note: Complete translation
L 52139-65 EPF(c)/EPR/WP(J)/LrIA(c)/nrr(,A)/T Fc-4/Pr-4/Ps-4 WwMi
JMCl,-j3lON NRt AP5015290 UR/0286/65/000/009/0067/0067
niz:'17,31 Korr! ~k V. V.1 KmSE�91 I. Lj Vi M. XF
cNits, B. Rq-
Tlrl.7,: 1, mothod for Utaiidng R017m7ln 1-1 01,-, 39, 11-- 17 '3 16
&OUMM Byullotons lzobratonly i tovarrsyllch znRkov, no. 9, 1965, 67
TOPIC TAOS: polyw~Ute, carboxyUc aoidp phancl, hoxafluoropropano
ABSTIU=: Thin Author Cortif loato prosonto a mrhod for, obtaininZ polyar7lates
baood on tho anhy4ldon of acIds =d biophorolA. To increaso ths
thmilal rtdbjljt7,1?olactioit7, and colubillt7, and alco to broaden tho assartamt
6ioo0--j'5~pp polyar7latori, 2,2-bic(il-enrbo:r,7phon7l)-hixanuoropropftno in used
an tho cnhydrido of carboa:;~ cold.
AfZMIATIOlit nono.
SuvaTTMw -05Jun64 EML 1 00 SUB cm3l 00""'.'
110 In? SUI 000 04"Ums 000
rd 1
L 20635~ EWP(J)/EWT(m) RM/WW
F A-E-t4-R. -A-P'-61-)1'-1-19-6-
SOURCE CODE: UR/0413/66/000/006/0027/0027
INVENTOR: Knunyants, 1. L.1 Gambaryan, N. P.; Livshirs, B. R.; Simonyan, L. A.
ORG: none
TITLF,., Preparative method for diphe~ylbis(trifluoromethyl)mo-mtliane-4,41-ditarbocv:-ic
acid.,'t Class 12, No. 179764
SOURCE: Izob-reteniya, promyshlenpyye obrazts , tovarnyye znaki, no. 6, 1966, 27
TOPIC TAGS: Huorinat organiccompound, arboxylic acid
ABSTRACT: An Author Certificate has been issued for a preparative method for
diphenylbis(tl-.ifluo,~omethyl)methane-4,4'-dicarboxylic acid. The method involves the
reaction of hexafluoroacetone with toluene in the presence of anhydrous hydrogen
fluoride, and-oubsequent. oxidation of the reaction product with dilute nitric acid.
SUB CODE: 07/ SUBM DATE: 04Nov63/ ATD PRESSt kl-zllb
Card uDc: 547.539.161584.05
LIVSHITS, B.S. (Leningrad)
Organization of stomatologir.-a-I aid in Petrograd District of
Leningrad. Stomatologiia 42 no.2t8M9 14r-Ap'63 (MM 1-70)
18.1200,18.8loo 77708
SOV/148-60-1 -331/34
JWTHORS: Belyatskaya, I. S., Livshits, B. S.
rcITLE: Study of Phase-Transformation Kinetics in Heat-
Resistant Alloy E1617
?ERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnylch zaveden-Jy. Chernaya
metallurgiya, 1960, Nr 1, PP 175-179 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: Heat-resistant Ni-base alloy. containing 15.3% C,,,
1 99% Ti, 1-7~% Al, 5.22% W, 0.26% V, 3-89% Mo, 1.38% Fe,
0:05% B, 0.0976 C, was subjIected to a 4-stage treatment,
i.e., homogenizing by annealing for 2 hr, quen&inf~ n
water from 1,2000 C, retarded temperincr at 100 to 1,0500 C
for 0.5 to 100 hr, and rapid cooling in water. The elec-
tric resistance, hardness, and volume of the specimens
were measured in the course of' treatment. A precipita-
tion hardening at a certain critical rate and SI-lbsequent
tempering in previous experlments had increased the heat.
resistance of' alloy EI437, whose otrenC,,ih is 1,)oer than
Card 1/5 that of E1617. The temperature drop from 900 1--:) 70,0o C
Study of' Phase -Transforma t ion Kinetics '(77 08
in Heat-Resistant Alloy E1617 SOV 111~8-6o-2 -,)J/-)),'
led to the precipitation ?gardening of E143' I' an~ caused
the formation of CLI-phase, then at 750 to ~Or, C
increased the electrical resistance because of Cr
segregation, and below 6500 C brought the alloy into
the so called K-otate in which the interatomic-bond
strength and heat resistance rise and diffusion drops
(H. Thomas, Z. S. Physik, 129, 219, Ic)I_l Thus, it
was known, that the heat resistance of alloys can be
improved by taking advantage of K-state at ti-ic. tomapera-
tures of industrial use. Some elements such as Mo
were known to contribute to the formation and intensi-
fication of K-state of Ni-base alloys, while others
such as Al and Ti proved to elevate the temperature
at which K-state occurs. In vievi of these fact-s,
the authors sought elevation of the temperature and
inten3ification of the K-state by adding to Nichrcme3
Ti, Al, Mo, W, and V in amounts given above.
K-state was found to exist. at 450 to 950" C, and
CLI-phase at 800 to 1,050 0 C. Both intervals showed
Card 2/5 electrical resistance of the alloys above normal
Study of Phase-Transformation Kinetics Y7708
in Heat-Resistant Alloy E1617 soy/l48-6o-1-31/34
(Fig. 1). The drop of the electrical resistance above
and below the temperatures of K-phase apparently points
to the formation of a hrj-.ogenou3 solid solution after
diminishing of K-phase both at rising and dropping
temperatures. However, the higher position of the
cooling curve obviously indicates that K-state remains
to a certain extent preserved even at room tempera-
tures. The higher content of alloying elements proved
to shift K-state to higher temperatures and to elevate
its intensity. The maximum intensities of Nichrome
E1437 and EI617 lay at 550, 650, and 7250 C and were
elevated by 4 4.5, and 9%, respectively. Tempering
at 100 to 4006 C did not alter the physical properties
of the alloys. Tempering at 6000 C increased their
electrical resistance and hardness to a maximum and
reduced the volume of specimens to a minimum. K-state
began to diminish above 6001 C; at 800 to 1000 C the
electrical resistance due to K-state dropped below
that of age hardened specimens, whose somewhat higher
Card 3/5 electrical resistance is related to CLI-phase.
,r,(,(o8 S()v/148-6o-i-3l/34
1- 2
100 200 300 400 500 6W 700 800 900 1000 1100 t=
I'Tt7frRA TO)CC , IT
Fi&. 1. Change in the electrical reaistance of Nichrome E1437 and
EIbl7 during continuous heating and cooling: (1) Nichrome 80-20,
heating rate- 2000 C per hr; (2) alloy E1437, heating rate - 2000 C
per hr; (3) alloy E1617, heating and cooling rate 1900 C per hr.~
Card 4/5
Study of Phase-Transformation Kinetics 77708
in Heat-Resistant Alloy E1627 S61`148-6o-i-'1/31~
I/ j
There are 4 figures; and 6 references, 5 Soviet,
1 German.
ASSOCIATION: Moscow Steel Institute (Moskovskiy institui; stall)
SUBMITTED: October 22, 1958
Card 5/5
---- - P -;-'
LAutomatic telephone exchangeaj Uchrezhdencheskis aytonaticheakis telefonnye
stanteii. Koskva, Goo. izd-vo lit-ry po voprosam eviazi I radio. 1952. 77 P.
OfISA 6:7)
(Telephone. Automatic)
[AtLtomatis&tion of district telephone communications] Aytomatina-eiia
vnutrl~aionnoi telefonnoi eviazi. Kriek-m. Goo. izd-vo lit-ry sviazi.
Xosbm, Goo. isd-vo lit-ry po vopromam sylast i radio, 1953- 44 p.
I (XLRA-7:1)
(Telephone. Antoustic)
Lr,-SHIT,S, B.
USSR/ Electronics Radio
Authors Liv3hits, B,j and Drugovy V.
Title Remote Control of Rural Radio Relay Stations
Periodical Radio
,,No. 4, 20 - 23, April 1954
Abstract Detailed description of equipment designad by the Leningrad Branch of
the USSR Central Research Institute) and wed in the remote cnntrol of
rural-radio-relay-statioas, -- One-,ircult d1agram and-one block -diagram_ - -
illustrating the general layout arA the arrangement of component parts
in the remote-control system, are given.
M%V114iscellaneous Telephony
COxd 1/1 Pubo 133 - 3/20
Autbort, j Livehits, B. S., Cand. of Techn. So.; and Kutashovp P. D., Engineer
Title # Device for semiautomatic tolophonei connection for rural telephone
's-Onxi, 71
The development of a dorice for semiautomatic telephone connection for
rural telephone systems is announced. The technical characteristics
and mode (if operation of this device arc described. The wiring dia-
gram for the now semiautomatic telephone connection devices is shown.
Institution : Ministry of Communications, USSR
Submitted :
LA ~j
~Ussn/ Electronics --.Wio rebroadcasting stationo
Car-d 1/1 Pub. 133 - 7/16
Title v -Automatization of the control of rural radio rebroadcasting units
Periodical I Vest. svyazi 5, 14-16, Ma3,1955
Abaltract I The Leningrad.Province Scientific Research Communications Institute,
designed and, produced an apparatus for a r--mote control of the MSRTU-100
TUB-100, TU-500, and Tu-600 rural raclio rebroadcasting units. The c,)nstruc-
tion, operation# ftietion and installation of tha above mentioned apparatus
are described. Circuit diagrams.
LIVSHITS B.S. kand. tekhn,, nauk; KUGHICRTAM, Ye.I., kand. tekhn nuak.
RurPI block--type relay automatic dial telephone system. Test.
Rviazi 17 no.11:3-5 N 157- (MIRA 10-12)
1. Mwhallnik laboratorii Nauchno-iseledovatellskogo instituta
tokhnologii evarki (for Livehits). 2. Starahiy nauchuyy sotrudulk
Nauchno-iseledovatellakogo inetituta takhnolgii evarki (for
Kucheryavyy). (Telephone, Automatic)
me" _
feiT.'; KOUDRASHINA, U.K., red.; KARKOCH, K.G.,
[Joining of rural automatic telephone districts with city
ten-step automatic telephone districts; information collection]
Sviaz' sellskikh ATS a ATS-47; informatsionnyi sbornik. Moskva,
GosAzd-vo lit-ry po voprosam eviazi i radio, 1958. 114 p.
(MIRA 12:9)
1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Hinisterstvo avyazi. Tekhnichiekoy, 2. Sotrudniki Nauchno-iseledovatel'skogo institut:
gorodskoy i sellskoy taiefonnoy BVY821 Ministerstva svyazi SSSR
(for Livshits, Kutashov, Semenov).
_gITS, Boris Samoylovich; NOVIKOV, Georgiy Arsenlyevich; PARAYONOT,
' Leonid Stapanoii6h;'Gow SOV, I.Te.,; LUZHITSKIT,
H.N., red,; KARFOCH, K.G.,,
[Rural automatic telephone stations] Gal'skie avtomaticheakie
telefonnye stantsii. Koakvs, Goe.izd-vo, lit-ry po voprosam
eviazi i radio, 1958. 195 p. (MIU 13:7)
(Telephone, Automatic)
B. S. Livshits, M. M. Vitsmdell and S. V. Levina - I'Dcriice for Sending
Inductive Signals."
Author.31 Gertifica-3s, Elektrosvyazl., 1958, No. 7, pp 77.
AUTHORS: TAv_qhjtR,.,B,-8-., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Head of
the Laboratory; !:ovshovich, and En-
gineers, Scientific Collaborators
TITLE. A Crossbar Dial Office (Koordinatnaya ATS)
PERIODICAL: Vestnik svyazi, 1958, Nr 9, pp 3 - 6 (USSVR)
ABSTRACT: The author describes the K-57 block type rural c:~ossbar
dial office with a capacity of 10-40 numbers, Basic
switching is carried out by multiple crossbar connectors
with mechanical blocking and type RPMB and RPN relays,
During operation with this system, current is drawn only
by the microphones of the conversing subscribern. The
office is made up of blocks of 10 numbers each, with a
maximum capacity of 40 numbers. It is powered from a
dc source with a rating of 60v. Daily current consump-
tion is 0.8 to 1 amphrs/10 numbers. The author gives the
skeleton structure of the office, describes its operating
principles and constructional design. There are 3 photos,
Card 1/2 1 circuit diagram and 1 schematic diagram.
A Crossbar Dial Offici SOV-111-58-9-5/30
1. Telephone communications systems-Equipment 3. Telephone
Card 2/2
Flovshovi(:h, 1. Kb,
TITLE. Commutation Elements using a Relay with Magnetic Blorkirig
(Elemonty komniitatsii s ispollzovaniyeril role :3
PERI')DICAL., EleictrosvyazI, 1958, N:r- 9, pp 55 - 62 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The cost of the power supi-ilies for .3mall automatia
telephone exchan,ges is an appreciable frarAion of the
total cost. For example, a rural exchange with -a -~a-)a-clty
of 20 numbers co-sts 9,1500 roubles, of whi*ch 80C0 are
accounted for by polorer supplies. The 3.elatively high
expenditure on potter sappli---s is traced to two cause3:
19 the relatively large consumption of eler-trioal onergv
by the station; 2, th3 st.-iriment requirements on
smoothing of the sup2ly voltage. The heavy uorisumAion
of electricity also increasa3 tho aruiual ruiuiin~ -,Iharges
of a station. For flie quoted abova this figure i-::
300U roubles, more than 50%'of which can be traced to
electricity hills and thc, mainteaan~,-e of su,)Aies. Th.-7,
Card 1/4 soientific reseaT'Ch Instit,.1to .-rhieh loc~!,.z afLiler urban and
rural telephone exchaneos (NINS), toZetliier filth the
Cov:wutatiori Elements using a Rplay vith WAgnotic Blocking
','Y,rasnaya z&WO (Red D4wn) factory has developed an
automatic relay excuaiii;e with a c:;,v)aoity of 10 - !t0
nui-ibarij Jri wliiari tho L1,11 O~ :."olivi. i:1 rodu';1ed
20 - 25 time.; In comporison with e,-jrW_ng rc4lay oxol-,,ang~,S.
This economy is achioved miAiio.y ou avuauit of the wid,;.-
uso of a vvignat i eblo eking r-4:-lay whilch doos not req,ti-ro
pover to maIntaln the tirmature In the wox~kln& positior'.
The ourront type of 20-numl)rjr automatic exchange --oritains
32U relaya %ihile the now "vyi,o contaIns 1~16 Including "I,'
of the nov mlodol (F 4" Y, b 1-4)rse (,O~;' 1.,i NX higher n'
the ordinary kind (11 PH) The nost of the complete
.-tat.ion (12 500 rouble3) i:s highor than that of the. exis-
ting onas (vj~00 roublea). Neverthele:;_-, when powo:~
pplies are talm Vito acr:ount thore 1,; a ~ztving of 21%
in na .Ital expenditurii and 33% in ruming co~;ts. The
con3trtiction jjr1riJi;1oz~ of the relay
(F P11 b) are shown in Fig 1. Tho general assordbly Is
similar to the ovdinary tyi)a (F PH) with a few modific-a-
Card 2A tions. The armatare Is split across it3 width and the gap
is bridged both by a bronze plate and by a ,3hort bar magnet.
Elements using a R,-Iay with Kagnetic Blockin6
The material of the bar magnet is AHKO1+ having, the
following magnetic properties: remanence, 12,300 gauss;
coercive force 500 oersted; specific magnetic energy,
150,000 erg/O. The separation force on the armature
in the working position is 100 - 200 gm (includinE the
spring-stack loading). The tractive force frotm the un-
operated position is 30 - 50 gm. The moving part of the
arrature is 55 ram long and the fixed part, 35 rxm. The
magnetic system of the relay is shown in Fig 2. Fig 2(a)
shows the unenergised nosition when the bar magnet is in
good contact with both parts of the armature. 0Fig 2(b)
shows the additional flux caused by current in the opera-
ting winding. In Fig 2(v) the armature has been attracted
and the operating current has fallen to zero. The bar
magnet now makes poor contact with the moving -.iortion of
the armature. In Fig 2(g) current has been ap,)lied to the
resetting winding and the magnet will be brought bac-1: "'0
its original position. The son-sitivity of the relay i3
that of its prototype (PP H). The ampere-turns needed to
Card 3/1~ ria-set the relay are 1/3 of those needed to operate it.
Commutation Elemonts using a Relay with Magnetic Blocking
Fig 3 shows circuits suitable for a-,,:)lying short-duration
operating currents to the relay and also for re-setting
it. Fig 4 shows a suitable diagran, for serial and super-
visory relays. Fig 5 illustrate,-- the use of the relay as
a test facility. Fi, 6 shows the princiDle of a relay
type selector. Fig 7 is a method of altering the loading
of instruments in an economical manner. The table in the
last paragraph gives details of bobbin combinations,
showing the numbers of turns, wire sizes and weights. The
relay was first brought into use in January, 1957.
There are 7 figures and 1 table.
SUBMITTED: Julie 5, 1957
ASSOCIATIO14: NIITS, of Krasnaya zarya"factory
Card 4/4
Boris,. Po4oylovich; OCUBTSOV, I.Ye..; PRWVA, T.Ye.,
[Now rural automatic telephone stations] Novye sel'skie ATS.
Moskva. QosAsd-vo lit-ry po Yoprosam aviazi i radio. 1959.
72 p. (MIRA 12:7)
(Telephone stations)
Telephone loal. Probl. pared. inform. no.4:56-84 159.
(MM 13:7)
red;j HALAKIREVI I;F:; red;j SOFER, G.I.,
[Universal ten-levol step-by-step automatic telephone exchange
with a capacity of 50 to 100 numbers designed for metropolitan
and rural use) Universalluals (sellskais i uchrezhdanchaskais)
dekadno-shagoTaie ATS us 50/100 nomerov; informatsionnyi abornik.
Moskva, Goe.izd-vo lit-ry po voprosam aviazi I radio, 1960. 147 p.
(KIRA 13:11)
(Telephone, Automatic)
Carrying capacity of transposed switching circuits. Probl.pered,inform.
no.6:111-132 6o. (114 IRA 13: 11 )
(Switching theory)
Area of application of a trunk line with tmilateral and
bilateral operation. Zlektronviazl 14 no.3:57-67 Mr 160.
LIVSHIT.S, B.S., Itand.tekhn.nauk, MOVSHOVICH, 1.1h., inzh.
Crossbar automatic telephone exchange with a capacity of
40 to 80 numbers. Vest. sviazi 20 no.4:15-16 Ap 160.
(MIRA 13:7)
1. Nachallnik laborstorii lauchno-iseledovatellskogo
Instituta gorodskoy t sellskoy telefonnoy svyazi (for
(Telephone, Automatic)
L Lch; GOLUBTSOV, I.Ye.j otv. red.; BAIAKIREV,
A.F., red.; MAHKOCH, K.G., tekbn. red.
(K-40/80 Rural Automatic Telophone Exchange] Sellskaia ATS K-40/80-
Moskva., Gos.izd-vo lit-ry pa vopros= aviazi i radio, 1961. 47
(MIRA 15:2~6
(Telephonef AutommLtic)
PSAREV, S.A.; T,,ODZYAIIKO, Lye., otV. red.;
KIIIIIJLV, W%., red.; SWISKID, A*A*j tekhn. red,
(Methodology for designing the equIpment of crossbar automatic
telephone exchanges] Metodika rascheta oborudovaniia ATS koordi-
natrykh sistem; informatnionrWi sbornik. Moskva, Gos. izd-vo
lit-ry I)o voprosam sviazi i radio, 1961. 130 p. (MIRA 15:4)
(Telephone, Automatic-Equipme~--t and supplies)
IZVSHITSY B.S... k&ua. Lakhn. nauk
Unified crossbar automatic telephozir, with a 40 to SO
number capacity. Vest. sviazi 21 no.7~7-9 JI. 161.
- (mm 16:7)
1. Nauchno-itisledovatellskiy institut gorodskoy i sellskoy
t0efonnoy svyazi.
(Telephoneg Automatic.)
LIVSHITS, Boris Samaylo-vich; MOVSHOVICH, Iosif Khaymovich; GOIZB7'SOV,
- .. ... 07~ -* 'KOCHI K.G.2 tekhn.
. 8 V. red ; UIANOVSKAYA, II.M,,,, red.; MAR
[A relay block-type automatic telephone exchange with a caDacity
of 10-40 num rs]Reloinaia blochnaia ATS emkostliu 10 - 40 nome-
rov. Moskva, Sviszlizdat~ 1962. 63 (MIRA 15:9)
(Telophono, Autoriatic~*
Average value of losses in telephone networks. Elektrosviazi 16
no*746-55 JI 162. (HUA 15:7)
(Telephone lineis)