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--l- . I I I...
Origin of the bottorm rellef of the Norwegian Sea., Okeamlog-'ia 5
no.4:692-700 165* WIRA jp,.,g,j
L 05078-67
AUTHORS.-: Golen', S@ I*; ;4jyjnf V._ ; Lutskiyt V. I.; Makarevicht Ya. N.; Shne, F.B
ORG. none
TITLE; A cargo-handling mast. Class 651 No- 180969
ZOURCEz Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztDy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 8, 1966, 136
TOPIC TAGS: ship component, cargo handling equipment
ABSTRACT: This Author CertirIcate presents a cargo-handling mast on maritime ehipa.
The mast is equipped with a orane arm, a rotating head mounted on the top of the mast
and a device for shifting the crane arm from one working position to the other
diametrically located working position. The design permits -the crane arm to be
shifted without altering its rigging. The device is made in the form of two rotating
brackets with yokes and with an intermediate pivot (see Fig. 1). The yokes are
fastened to the lower part or the mast.
Card 1/2 UDCt 629.12-014.21
L 0507:3-67
ACC NRs AP6013316
Fig. 1., 1 crane arm; 2 - brackets;
3 - in-temeaiate Pivot; 4 - Pivot
Origs art. has: 1 figure.
SUB CODE: 13/ MM DATEt 15Apr6l
Card 2/2 f y
Influence of the Veliko--Anadoll Forest an precipitation.
Trudy UkrNIGMI no-392-126-133 163, (MIRA 16-7)
(Vo2iko-Anadoll region.--Forest influences)
Studying the =tuzLI effect of elbows and branch pipes. Prom.
vent no.9sl35-139 f60. (MMA 16: 11)
LITUNY ll.u.
1-f-icroclimate of the drtjine-d
growing of nimo agricultura) orcps, T,-i.-,Iy UlkrNJCI@ff 97 lul 164
@ y I @ 7 -, LO)
Oi- . J
Systas NH3 - F2S - H20s Zhur.prikl.k.-im. 3S no.9-.2117-22:j.9
.S 165. (M@LFj. 18-11)
1. Nauchno-isaleiovrx-~l(."~.1-31-~Ly irist-Itut osnovnoy khimii,
MIJ, f, T: . @)' . -, _I- T? I I' .11. @ 1.
G-IF91BURG" PI . "N.Ay . @ . .1
.1 1, - L . -.. I .- @ I '.
Deas I ty o I pr, tas@! 1 U w--rlyma' -@ sc@ I !,-- @:- '-. - f.- - .
'" no.ll "53 "357 v 16@, ( ,. il i (:@i -i F, 2 -.
1, 1
1. M-sti"lit cmovimy khir,- i,
P I 1@,, L,T V A, N.S.
all oc"Um-,rm ct-@r,;GnIlLP- :):,-,K
no.12:27-19-2*7'50 I, tc'4.
1. f;akiciiiio-is~il.edc)~.r,,Itc-11,3kiy institut osno-moy RhDmil, Dharlko,i,
Effect of high pressure on the function of molecular weight
distribution of polystyrene. Dokl.AN SSSR 95 no.3:563-565 Mr 154.
(MIaA 7:3)
1. Institut organichaskoy khimli im. H.D.Zelinakogo Akademil nauk
SSSR. 2. Moskovskiy goaudaretvennyy univeraitet im. X.Y.Lomo-
nosova. Predstaxleno akademikom A.N.Fruzkinym.
(Molecular weights) (Polystyrene)
BOI 1 /BO05
AUTHORS: Freldlin, L. Kh.., Litvin, Ye.-F., Ditsent, V. Ye.
TITLE: Investigation of the Influence of Composition of Mixed Solvents
on the Rate and Selectivity of the Process of Hydrogenation of
2-Ethylanthraquinonal I
PERIODICAL: Doklady kkademii nauk SSSR, 1960, Vol. 131, No. 6, pp. 1362 - 1365
TEXT: The authors found that the rate and selectivity of the process mentioned
in the title are essentially influenced by the composition of the mixed solvent.
Hydrogenation of the 2-athylanthraquinone ring is favored by dioxane, At 200 and
normal pressure, one of its two aromatic rings hydrogenates in the dioxane mediun.
The authors could not find an octahydro derivative. The formation of the tetra-
hydro derivative starts immediately at the beginning of the process. By addition
of apolar component to dioxane, the reduction of quinone groups is accelerated,
whereas the hydrogenation of the quinone ring is suppressed. On addition of even
small amounts of NqK-dimethyl formamide (0-3M to dioxane, 2-ethylanthraquinone
is selectively hydrogenated. A higher selectivity of the process in apparently
achieved by acceleration of the hydrogenation of the quinone group and by
Card 1/3
Investigation of the Influence of Composition of Mixed 8/020/60/131/06/37/071
Solvents on the Rate and Seleotivity of the Process of BO11/BOO5
Hydrogenation of 2-Ethylanthraq-ainone
adoorptive substitution of the hydroquinone molecules. The degree of selectivity
depends on the nature and quantity-of the polar solvent added. In their experi-
ments, the authors used the following solvent mixtures: dioxane-N,N-dimethyl
formamide and dioxane ethanol. -The catalyst was produced by treating a Ni - Al
alloy (50:50) with alkali. The reaction rate was determined by measuring the ab-
sorption rate of hydrogen. The quinones were determined after oxidation of the
catalyzate by means of air with automatic photopolarographs of the type LP-55
(Methods, Ref. 4). Preliminary experiments showed that the reaction rate does
not depend on the intensity of stirring. The reaction order in dimethyl forma-
mide was equal to zero (Fig. 1). Fig. I shows the dependence of the hydrogena-
tion rate of 2-ethylanthraquinone on its concentration in dimethyl formamide.
Fig. 2 shows the dependence of the absorption rate of the first mole of hydrogen
on the composition of the binary solvent. Table I shows that the reaction pro-
ceeds least selectively in dioxane. klready under smooth experimental conditions
(200, normal pressure), 2-athyltetrahydroanthrahydroquinone begins to form. On
hydrogenation in 9C% of dioxane and 10% of ethanol (or equal volumes of dioxane
and ethanol), no tetrahydroquinone was detected even after absorption of
0-95 mole of hydrogen. There are 2 figures, I table, and 4 references, 3 of which
Card 2/3
Investigation of the Influenca of Composition of Mixed S/02/AOOR31/06/37/071
Solvents on the Rate and Selectivity of the Process of BOII B005
Hydrogenation of 2-Ethylanthraquinone
are Soviet. ,
ASSOCIATICN: Institut organichoskoy khimii im. N. D. Zelinskogo Akademii
nauk SSSR (@nstitlLte of Organic Chemistry imeni N. D. Zelinskiy
of the Academy of Sciences, USSR)
November 23, 1959s. by A. A. Balandin, koademician
November 12, 1959
Card 3/3
AUTHORS: Freydlin, L. Kh., Nazarova, N. M., and Litvin, Ye. F.
TITLE: Thermal alkylation of cyclopentane with olefins
PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Izvestiya. Otdeleniye khimicheskikh
nauk, no. 6, 1961, 1146-1148
TEXT: Up to the present time, the alkylation of cycloparaffin hydro-
carbons has hardly been studied. H. Pines and N. Ipatieff (see below)
studied the alkylation of methyl cyclopentahe with olefins in the presence
of H2 so4 (100 @6) or 111F. The reaction proved to be very complicated.
Yu. G. Mamedaliyev and A. Kuliyev (Dokl. AN SSSR, 88, 471 (1953)) as well
as Yu. G. Mamedaliyev and Z. A. Namedova, (ibid., iTT, io63, (1.'957))
alkylated methyl, ethyl, and isopropyl cyclohexane with propylene and
butylene under similar conditions. In the present study, the direct
alkylation of cyclopentane with ethylene and propylene at elevated
temperatures and under pressure was achieved for the first time. Thi
main reaction products were isolated and identified. The influen,@e of
Card 1/5
Thermal alkylation of cyalopentane ... B116/B220
temperature and pressure on the course of reaction was studied. The
alkylation with ethylene prcceeds already at a temperature of 3500C and
under a pressure of 200 atm. At elevated temperaturesand pressures, the
yield in alkylates and the degree of conversion increase. At 11500C, the
ethylene was completely consumed. Diagram 1 shows the chromatogram of
one of the oatalyzates with carbons up to C9, and also its distillation
curve. The main reaction products were ethyl cyclopentane (peak III).
the diethyl cyclopentanes (peaks IV and V), and butyl cyclopentane
(peak VI). A horizontal section on the distillation curve corresponds
to each of these peaks, After elimination of the cycloPentane from the
alkylate by fractional distillation, the following fractions were obtained:
I) mono-ethyl cyclopentane and II) diethyl cyclopentane. The unsaturated
character of the alkylate is not strongly marked. The yield in ethyl
cyclopentsnes amounts to 36 @. (related to the weight of the alkylate) and
to 65 @o (related to the weight of the large fraction). Alkylation with
propylene is more difficult. On distillation under pressures between 200
and 450 atm, easily boiling cracking products, the fraction of propyl
cyclopentane, and the higher boiling residue were separated from the
Card 2pi
Thermal alkylation of cyclopentane... B118/B220
alkylates. Cyclopentane reacts vith propylene like cyclohexane according
to the equation:
3 2.+
On thermal alkylation, the cyclopentane adds to the outer unsaturated
C-atom of' the propylen*e. There are 2 figures, 1 table, and 6 references:
5 Soviet-.bloc and 1 non-Soviet-bloc. The reference to the Eng 1 ish- language
publibation reads as follows: H. Pines, N. Ipatieff, J. Amer. Chem. Boo..
67. 1631 (10,45) -
ASSOCIATION: Inatitut organicheskoy khimii im. N. D. Zelinskogo Akademii
nauk SSSR (Institu@.e of Organic Chemistry imeni
N. D. Zelinakiy USSM)
MiIITTED: November 11, 1960
Card 3/5
Selectivity of 2-othylanthraquAnone hydrogenation on a nickel
catalyst. Izv,AN SSSR,Otd.khim.nauk no.6:1150-1151 Te 161*
(MM l4t6)
1. Institut organicheskoy khJmJJ im. N.D.Zelinskogo AN SSSR.
(Anthraquinone) (Hydrogenation)
Composition of buterLeB formed in the catalytic dehydration of
2-butanol. Izv.AJI SSSR.Otd.khim.nauk no.10:1863-1870 0 161..
(MIRA 14:10)
1. Institut organicheskoy kbirdi im. N.D.Zelinskogo AN SSSR.
(Butene) (Butanol)
Xffect of the nature of solvent aTid the amount. of Rarmy
mickel catalyst on the orientation of hydrogen addition -to
trans-piperylene. Neftekhimiia 1 no-4.-484-488 JTI-Ag 161.
(min 16..11)
L Institut organicheskoy khimii AN SSSR imeni N.D.
Deh3rdration of primar7 n,-a@l alcohol and the accompanyiM
isomeric conversiona of pentenes on a calcium phosphate
catalyot. Neftskhimila I no-4t548-554 JI-Ag 16J..
(MIRA 16: 11)
1. Institut organicheskoy khimii AN SSSR imeni N.D.
AUTHORS: Nazarova, N.M., Freydlin, L.Kh, Shafran, R.N,t
Litvin, Ye.F.
TITLE@ Thermal alkylation of methylcyclohexane with olerins
under pressure
PERIODICAL: Neftekhimiya, v.1, no.5, 1961, 613-618
TEXT: The authors reported recently that alkylation of cyclo-
hexane and cyclopentane can be achieved thermally (350 to 4500c)
under pressure (50 to 200 atm). Further work on alkylation of
methylcyclohexane with olefins was carried'out to elucidate the
influence of side chains on the direction and ease with which the
reaction proceeds. The reaction was carried out in a reactor
filled with quartz rings. Molar ratios of methylcyclohexane to
ethylene were from 2.5 to 3.6 and for propylene 1.4 to 3.2. The
space vel.ocity varied between 0.81 and 0.99 litre/hour for-:--l'
ethylene and 0.52 to 1.43 litre/hour for propylene. All
experiments with propylene were carried out at 450%, whereas for
ethylene the temperatures varied from 350 to 450%. Results show
that the main product of the reaction of methylcyclohexane with
Card l/ 7,
Thermal alkylation ... E075/E484
ethylene is a mixture of methylethylcyclohexanes, the proportions
of various isomers differing from their equilibrium concentrations.
With propylene the reaction proceeds with more difficulty and the
yield of alkylate is lower than that obtained for ethylene
(155% of propylene taken and 316% of ethylene respectively).
Comparison with previous work (Ref.7; N.M.Nazarova, L.Kh.Freydlin.
Dokl. AN SSSR, 137, 1961, 1125) shows that the alkylation of methyl-
cyclohexane proceeds more easily than that of unsubstituted cyclo-
hexane-. The reaction begins at a lower temperature (35000 and
pressure (50 atm). The expected formation during the reaction of
1-methyl-l-ethylcyclohexitne was not observed, which is explained
by thermal instability of hydrocarbons with quaternary carbon atoms.
It is postulated that 1,3 and 1,4-isomers are formed by an internal
rearrangement of 1,1-isomer or via an intermediate stage of
migration of free valency of methylcyclohexyl radical from
position 1,1 to positions 1,3 and 114@ Acknowledgments are
expressed to A.L.Liberman and T.V.Vasina for supplying the
methylethylcyclohexane samples. Yu.G.Mamedaliyev, Aladdin Kuliyev
and Z.A.Mamedova are mentioned in the article in connection with
Card 2/3
Thermal alkylation ... E075/E484
their contributions in this field. There are 2 figures, 5 tables
and 11 references; 6 Soviet-bloc, and 5 non-Soviet-bloc. The four
references to English language publications read as followst
Ref.2t V.J.Komarowsky. J. Amer. Chem. Soc., no-59, 19379 2715;
Ref.3: H.Pines, W.Ipatieff. J. Amer. Chem. Soc., v.67, 1945, 1631;
Ref.4: A.Schneider. J. Amer. Chem. Soc., v@761 1954, 4938;
Ref.92 H.D.Orloff, Chem. Rev., no.54, 1954, 347.
ASSOCIATION: Institut organicheskoy khimii AN SSSR
im. N.D.Zelinskogo, (Institute of Organic Chemistry
AS USSR imeni N.D.Zelinskiy)
SUBMITTED: August 7, 1961
Card 3/3
Sequence of reactions in the hydrogenatiod bf 2,,3-dimethyl-
It3--butadiene on a skeletal nickel catalytt. Dokl.,UI SSSR
139 no.6:.1386-.1388 Ag 161. (MM 14:8)
1. Institut organicheakoy khimii im. N.D. Zelinskogo
AN SSSR. Predstavlano akademikom M.I. Kabachnikom,
(Butadiene) (Hydrogenation)
Dehydration of primary n.amyl alcohol and isomerization of 1-pentene
on aluminosilicate catalysts. Kin.i kat. 3 no.1:114-117 162.
(MIRA 15:3)
1. Institut organicheskoy kbimii imeni N-D*Zelinsko5o AN SSSR.
(AM1 alcohol) (Pentene) (Aluminosilicates
FRE)MUEN L.Kh.j LITYINI Ye@F,; ZHUKOVA@ I.F.; Prinimal uchastiye
,, L.M.
Investigation of hydrogenation reactions of piperylene stereoiso-
iwrB on a akeletal nickel catalyst. Neftekhimiia 1 no.2:213-217
Mr-Ap 161.1 (MIRA 15:2)
1. Institut orgard.cheakoy khimii AN SSSR im. N.D. Zelinskogo.
(Piperylene) (Hydrogenation)
.(atalysts, Nickel)
Phase transitions during the preparation of Ni-ML?O cata2ysts
by the decomposition of oralates in a hydrogen stream. Izv.AN
SSSR.Otd.khim.nauk no.10:1892-1894 0 161. (MIRA 14:10)
1. Institut organi-heskoy khimii im. N.D.Zelinskogo AN SSSR.
(Nickel oxalate) (Magnesium oxide)
Frocesses of hydrogenatioa and isomerization. of n. hexenev
in the presence of a skeletal nickel catalyst. Izv.AJI SS.O.R.Otd.
khim.nauk no.8.144-1467 Ag 162. (MM 15:8)
1. Inatitut or anicheskoy khimii im. N.D.Zelinskogo AN SSSR.
(Hoxenel (Hydrogenation) (Niob)l CUtalyOtS)
Effect of high preswu-e on the a teric orientation of homol3tic
aromatic substitutiov. Izv.AN SSSR.Otd.khim.nauk. no.8:.1495
Ag 162. (HERA 15:8)
1. Institut, organicheskoy kh4mii im. H.D.ZeliziBkogo AN SSSR.
(Aromatic compDuzxlo) (Substitution (Chemistry))
LITVINOVA, E.M.; LITV , Ye.F., otv. red.; SUS11KOVA, L.A., teklin. red.;
SIMKINA, G., tekhn. red.
[Gas chromatography; bibliographic index to Soviet and foreign
literature for 1952-1960]Gazovai-la khromatogra.@iia; bibliogra-
ficheskii ukazatell otechestvennoi I zarubezhnoi literatury,
1952-1960 gg. Mookira, Izd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR, 1962. 262 p.
(MIRA 15:2-1)
1. Akaderdya nauk SSSR. Inf3titut organicheskoy khimii.
(Bibliography-Gas chromatography)
I -
Mechanism of the hydrogenation of isoprene and its binary mixtures
with isoamylene. Neftekhimiia '2 no-5:670-675 S-0 162.
i (MIRA 16:1)
1. Institut organichaskoy khimii AN SSSR imeni N.D.Zelinskogo.
(Isoprene) (Butane) (Hydrogenation)
Selectivity ani atereo3pecificity in reactions of n-hexene
hydrogenation on a skeletal nickel catalyst. Dokl. AN SSSR
143 no.4083-M6 Ap 162. (KRA 15:3)
1. Institut organicheakoy khimii im. N.D.Zolinskogo Ml SSSR.
Predstavleno akademikom A.A.Balandinym.
(Hexene) (Hydrogenation) (Catalysts, Nickel)
AUTH096.1 :Freydlin, LoXh., Sha.rf ,"V,Z#,,Litvin, Y!!---F.,.
'Tukhtamurad6vs Z.T.
-TjTLE.-;' Preparation Of C8 C12 a-olefina by the catalytic
dehydration of prialary alcohols
PERIODICAL'i Neftekhimiya, v,3, no,l, 1963, 10-12
TEXT:.: -ation'of Ca,
Tho authors irrifestigated the catalytic dehydi
and C12 n-alcohols after lirevious successful preparation of
981# pure a-olefins from n -, C4 - C6 alcohols tieing trisubstituted
calcium phosphate as I i,Iatalyst (Neftekhimiya, v.1, no.6, 1961, 749).
zatalyst was prepared by.treating the phosphate with 0.07 9
NaOH*/ g catalyst and baking at 400 'to 450% for I to 2 hours.
.,It preserved its activity without regeneration. The products.of
to 94% pure a-olefins (97 to 98% after
the. dehydration were 92.
distillation) obtainfW with"the yields of 58 to 88%. The purity
of -the Alcohols is or the same order as that obtained after the
pyrplysis,of the.acetates and is much better than that of the
alcohols produced with aluitina an the dehydration catalyst. In
the latter case the.products. contain only. 39 to 68@o a-olefins and
Card 1/2
FRMULINI L.Kh.; LI17111, Ye.F.
'Iydrogerr-tion of stereoisomers of piperylene on metcllic catalYvts-
fleftekliindia 3 no.3:326-329 143r"Je 163, 16:9)
1. Institut orEaniches2.:oy Irdlimii AN SSSR imeni Zelinskogo.
(Hydrogonation) (I*ip4,rylene) (CrLtalysts)
Sequence of reactiont; in the process of hydrogenation of piperylene
on a skeletal nickel catalysts Kin.i kate 4 no.l-.128-133 -TaF-F 163,
W& 16;3)
1. Institut, organiclaeskoy 'khimii imeni N.D.Zelinskogo AN 35SR.
(Piperyiene) (Hydrogenation) (Nickel catalysts)
flydregenation of diene hydrocarbons on a liquid phase platirilm
catalynt, Izv. AN S,15311. Ser.khim. no.7:1307-1312 a 63.
(MIRA 16:9)
1. Inatitut organichaskoy khimii im. N.D.Zolinakoga All SSSR.
(Hydrocarbons) (Hydrogenation)
(Platinum catalysts)
S/02 63/148/001/022/032
AUTHORS: Gonikberg, M.G., Prokborova, R.I., Litvin, Ye.F.
TITLE: Effect of high pressure on the structural trend of
tert-@utyl benzene phenylation
PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Doklady, v. 146, no. 1, 1963, 105-108'
TEXT: Th.? phenylation of tert-butyl benzene with benzoyl peroxide under
various p:ressures was studied to confirm the assumption that an increase
in presau:re increases the portion of ortho-iBomer, which is supported by
various publications. The method by J.I. Cadogan et al. (J. Chem. Soc
19549 335:2) using atmospheriepressure was repeated. The isomer mixture,
however, -Rae separated by gas - liquid chromatography in a column, 2 m
long and of 5 mm diameter, containing 15% polyethylene glycol adipinate
on diatomite at 1700C, with helium serving as gas carrier (50 ml/min).
The material of the reaction vessel (glass, steel) did not affect the
isomer mixture. The total yield of 42.6% was approximately equal to
Cadogan's value whereas the 2-isomer proportion was lower (17% as
compared to 24%). The abvence of secondary reaction .a bf tert-butyl
Card 1/3
S/020/63/1 4 81001102 2 /03 2
Effect of high pressure or, the B144/B186
diphenyls was proved by the constant composition of the isomer mixture
during the individual stages of reaction. Experiments at a pressure of
2000 kg/cm2 yielded 23.1',"'? 2-inomer. The use of lead ampoules increased
the yield in -2-isomer by 2@6 at atmospheric pressure and also at
2 2
2000 kg/cm . At a pressure of 4000 kg/cM , the yield in 2-isomer was
28.3%, at-6000 kg/cm 2 it %as -"Oyj. Results: An increase from atmospheric
pressure to 6000 kg/^.M2 caused: (1) An increase in ratio 2-ioomer
3 + 4) ieomers by more than 70%; (2) doubling of the2 : 4 isomer ratio;
) slight increase in the 3 : 4 isomer ratio. Conclusions: A pressure
increase may affec 't the structural development of the reaction by
accelerating the formation of the isomer in direction of the steric
hindrance. The change in the 2 : 4 isomer ratio at increasinj pressure
may be calculated from 8log (!2'1/@.4")/aP - A6V'*/HT, where [2 and f4) are
the concentrations of 2-tert-butyl diphenyl and 4-tert-butyl diphenyl,
respectively, and VI'is the volume change when I mole of the active
complex is obtained froff, the initial particles. So far, the effect of
Pb on the isomer composition has not beenexplained. There are 2 tables.
Card 2/3
Effect of high pressure on the ... B144/BI86
ASSOCIATION: Insti!..tut or,3anicheskoy khimii im. N. D. Zelinskogo Akademii,
nauk'SSSR (Enatitute of Organic Chemiatry imeni
N. D..,Zelinijkiy of the Academy of Sciences USSR)
PRESENTED;. September V5, 1962, by B. A. Kaza*nekiy, Academician
SUBMITTED: September 5, 1962
Card 3/3
IMM, le.Y.; CHOKSIN,"@, V-M-
no. I/J.-I U.,
mi acid medium on ;,cl black. DO?I- Affl, k'r-,.0j@ 17: 4.1
Ap 164.
1. Instit t org-ani :Ile 3kov khtmil iM. N.D.V,@Ainikogo
4,u J-
Predstavleno akade-rAikom A.A.Balanflinym.
:-w:A-*G--l Nu@Lf h, Yr-Ap'Al
Reaction of cyclohexane with 3-cethylbutene-l and 2-methyl-
butadiene-113. Neftekhimiia 4 no.21246-251 14r-Ap,64
(MIRA 178)
1. Institut organicheskoy khWi AN SSSRAmeni Zelinskogo.
-F C--, o n c. b:I
Liquid phase hydrageration and irreverslLble catalysLs of
cyclohexene on a skeleral ..ickel catalyst. Izv. 0 SSSR.
Ser. khim. no.8;1.407-1411 Ag 164. (MIRN 17:9)
1. InBtitut organicheskoy khimii im. N.D. Zelinskogo AN SSSR.
InstiLut crgw-ii-ci@o-,;koy khimjA ine n N. D.
. ;, It
kv i !r.-' N.
Lyll 14' '. ":"I
A!l 11 ni,.,kel ca Ll). I ys
13 j'.- 14 65.
1, lt:!:titut orf-anich-inkoy kfArnil i:-.. N.D@ 'Feiinskcpco AN
la 2P
riid l3ro-o,y 1 f I
n ni r garr, ntt ii 1, o y kh 41 ,r.1 i AN @,S-S 11
Mechanism of the hydrogenation of dienes with crjnj:@F;it,@ doubl@--,
bonds on a palladium catalyst. NeftekhJmia 4 no.3.374-378 My-jq
164. (MIRA 18:2)
1. Institut organiche6koy khLm-ii AN SSSR im. N.D.Zel@nsko@;o.
Reaction of copper thiocyanate and halogens. Izv. Sib. otd. AN
SSSR no.9:63-67 '59 (MIRA 13:3)
1. Institut neorganicheskoy khimii Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN SSSR.
(Copper thiocyanate) (Halides)
A C 51 /A 122
AUTHORS. Litvin, Yu.,"---Nepyshne,,Ekiy, V.M.; Sinayskly, G.M.
TITLE ViscGsity chang@@ of the reacting mass in Isoprene p@lyrrerizati:)n
PERIODICAL., Kauchuk i rezina, no. 2, 1962, 1 - 4
TEXT: Results of an investigation on the viscosity change of the react-
ing mass during Isoprene rubber synthesis are submitted. The change is studied
with respect to the duration of polymerization, pdymer content, isoprene supply
conditions and temperature. The isoprene polymerization was carried out in 3-
liter autoclave-, made of 1X9118H (lKh9T18N) steel, with anchor type mixers. The
molecular weight of the polymer was determined according to the viscosimetric
method tind calculated from the formula: M = 5 + 1.162 h, where h is the cba-
racteri;3tic viscosity. The PB-2 (RV-2) rotational viscosimeter was used f,,r
continuous measurement of the viscosity. The viscosity of the HH-6 1PN-6) ra-
librating liquid was measured with a Kepler rheoviscosimeter. Exper@menff;
showed that one of the main factors determining the abs,:,1ute viscosity of the
reacting mass is the concentration of the monomer. The absolute viscosity dct@s
not exc.?ed '-'0 - 40 poise and coincides with the visccsities of solutions in the
Card 1/2
3h 131
S/11 38/62/ -),O1')/J102/ _-,D I //C09
Viscosity change cf the reacting mass in A051/A126,
same ocncentrations of natura:. rubber and stabilized synthett, Is-prene ribbt-r,
with a polymer con-tent in the reacting mass of up to 6 - 17% by weight. With
@urther concentration of the polymer, the viscosity of the reactIng mass sharply
increases, reaching values exi.,eeding 1,000 poise at 20% by weig@t. The concen-
tration dependence of the visoDsity of the synthetic isoprene and natural I'llbter
solutions is the f3arne within the range of up to 20%@ For eorit:!entratlorui of' i,he
sy,nthetic Isoprene rubber solutions in n-heptane of 10, 15 and 2'N), the vl-,;@.: L;i-
ty in t@.e temperature Interval -5 - + 450C decreases by a factor of 2 - 2?.3.
There are 7 figures and 3 references; I Saviet-blcc and 2 non-Soviet-bl@,r;. Ehe
referen@.e to the mout recent, BIngligh-language publication reads as fclicws C.T,
Winchester, Natsyn Pilot Plant Ind. a. Eng. Chem. 51, no. 2, 97 (1959).
ASSOCIMION,,, Voronezhskiy fiLial vse:3oyuznogo nauchno-lssledovatel'skogo lnsti-
tuta sinteticheskogo kauchula ( 'Voronezh Branch of the All-Union
Scientific Rese-irch Institute cf Synthetic Rubber)
Change in via0eity of a reactive mass in the process of
isoprene polymerization. Kauch.i rez. 21 no.2:1-4 F 162.
Off-EA 15:2)
1. Voronezhskiy filial Voesoyuzmgo nauchno-isaledovateliskogo
instituta sinteti.cheakogo kauchuka.
(Isoprene) (Polymerization) (Viscosity)
KHORR, h'MUS; LITVIIJ, Z.V-.- ltrarislatorJ; GOLAUSKIT, M.M., kand.ukonom.nauk
ltrana-!@-toil;-'KAKUWM, X.G. Ltranslatorj; KAZAYOV, V.M. [translatorj;
GANTMAh, V.I., kbnd.yurid.nauk, red.; TaREBTSOY, L.P., red.;
(The wnr potential of nBtional Voennyi potentsial gosudarstv. Moskva,
Voen.lzd-vo M-va obor.SSSR, 1960. 392 p. WIRA 13:10)
(Armaments) (Vax--Economic aspects)
SOLODOV141KO", V.G., glav., red.; EHRAVELASHVILI, V.N., zav. glav. red.;
red.; LIT'IDi Z 11,
-tft@t@@ , red.; FITUH, L.A., red.; CIIE'TYS@XV, F.F.,
red.; STIAPIRO, L.I., red.; SFEVCMKO, G.11., telchn. red.;
GUSEVAI A.P., Ukhn. red.
fInternational oconor-ic organizations; handbook.] Mezbdunarod-
nye ekonomichesIde organizatsii; spravoch-nik. 2., dop. izd.
"oskva, Izd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR, 1962. 1108 p. (MIRA 15:2)
1. Akaderiya nauk SSSR. Institut mirovoy ekonordki i 7,ezhduna-
rodnykh otnosheniy-
Unternat:Lonal agencies-Fandbooks, marmals, etc.)
_.;jj-V!N-14A,`,S!UTA. K.Y.; GC @Tll`,HCIIEV, K. P.; FF v'--FNKtl , rJ,- * z ; ;.0TZ'--*
1-1 ..; , .. il-I .
, 'W:T ".K.- N-VI
I ZUTbF'NKr), : . 1, , ; Y CI 2, @ r FRI , I - p
M. N @ ;
Regeneration of 7yanthate frorn cohalt cake. TSvet. met, '10
no.6@44-45 Je '65. ('!@ -? I,, ; @ --@ . 1. v) )
Regeneration of sodium xanthogenate from cobalt xanthate sinter
cakes. TSvet. met. 35 no.5:78-80 MV 162. (KRA 16: 5)
(Nonferrous metals-Metallurgy) (Xanthic acid)
Obtaining a cobult concentrate from a cobaltic xanthate cake.
Zhur. prikl. khim. 36 no.5:1135-1136 My 163. Off F-A 16:8)
(Cobilt) (Power metallurgy)
i+ 7-
%In 0 0
@G BidgiLk -Sedol, W.- @Oblerrl a
w. B@ V., =d Ltvm On api
PV M C) 0
C, Ct H Matic rnxilatloti with naaliaaarch=cteris:dc@,
mati@ i Telemehanika IM 320-@341 (1949)
CD -4 :1
4.11 4 M Uq N Let jPI 8 L be coordinates for. the bzsic syst6n to be" regu,
M . CD
lated and it a coordinat'e for the regulator' (ser-iromotor).
;I. C+ 01 M^ Let the basic differential equitkn@ be
'Hei-e 1160, the characteristic of -the 5ervo!notar. is a non
1 linear fumction -very@cl
CO et, . ose to a broken line made :up of.a.
0 Pr 0 1 0 vertical segment upwards from @tite oriqirl folfowed'by an
F RV 9 infinite horizontal ray to, the right. The other laTin fe-tt@rs
ri tj C+ pr e+
are constant!@ aN positive eictpf X and k, and theirphN-slcal''
significance is more or less indicated by the equations. Since..
In 6-.4 CA -i is sniall the a thor-'repla' it by, another function
e ther. .3p,)Ii,-s'th
written @H(,P) p small. H 6
method and di'sc'usses the seff-osml' latioasof the- systern:and
0 0 M PD %4 -1 r-n their amplitudes and stability for j@ small. Thi@ effects pro-
i, -arying the paramters of the servomotor arealso
0 M 0 dluced by,,
ca * I - -ad,
-11 0 nsidc@cd [see "Qal-E N . IAI,
PV 6- ,-- V-- - - tt-h
C+ Nauk SSSR.,Prikl. Mat. A, ech.) 0, 263-280 .(1942); 10,
1" 0
JI) -4 o 0 13-332 (1946); these Rev. 4, 14-1:8, 2073.
01 S. LefschrLz (Princeton+ IN. J.).
a Ct
1 9 0-
C+ t+
14 2 11
@LI X.Z. redak-:or [translator]; GMOGENOV, AJ., redaktor;
WX Sii@5'ik 0 V.I., -:ekhnicheskiy redaktor-
(Automatic and manual control; papers contributed -to the conference
at Cranfiald, 1951, Translated from the English] Aytomaticheskoe
regalirovanis; abornik materiplov konferentsii v Krenfeldo, 1951 g.
Perevod s angliigkogo. Pod rea.M.Z.Litvina-Sedogo. Hoskva, Izd-vo
inostrannoi literatury, 1954. 355 P- MRA 8:4)
1. Conferanca on Automatic Control, Granfield, Eng-, 1951.
(Automatic control)
VL[tvia-Scdol, P1. Z. On a complex eyroscop'c effect
fNi-tlicstnik Moskov, Univ, 9, na. 10, W-24 (1934). (Rus-
The system (which may have bel-n suggested by guided-
inis,;:Je in!arurn:ntation) c-,nisku, of n4-1 Fv/mme!ric: gyros
G( of axis Oxi (i-O. 1. ps) and common fixed inass
ccnt@r 0, Gi Iming con4trained to revolve relativc to Gi-t
about Ox; whi,.-h is perpendicular to Oxi-j. There are no
external iorces.,ind nr@ dissipation (Gj and Gj-j may be,
respectively, Cie rotor and stator of an electric, motor).
Aftf:r indicating how the expression for kintit:c energy may
be obtaiii-A bv means of matrix multiplication, rho. paper
torris to the c;st-- n -2, and covers more than one pa!--, with
the underived @qjuations of motion, stated iq W-advised
notation and ii(lden with substantial misprizit-,;. Let 0,
be Ote Euleratigles for G9, and 0i the angular di:ipluccrnnit
an be verified, without computing
of Gj r(!Iative,:o Gj-j. It c
the kinetic enun,,y, that 0 and 0z are cyclic, but 0, is not. For
reasons unsta!@cd, the author starts a rather confused search
for v-alues of 4s which will makesome of thearigular accelera-
tions 6, C @ -vanish instantaneously if @ and @ do so. But, if
the paper's correctcd equations are correct, it is obviou@
that 46 if, @3 can vanish permanently pr*,Aded that
(A%-B2)6ccni0t+A,,e,-0, A, being the and 731 thf-
equatorial wornent of inertia of G3, A. W. Wundheiter.
Translation from: Referativqyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1958, Nr 1, p 8 (USSR)
AUTHOR: Litvin-Sedoy, IM. Z.
TITLE: Or, the---gFa-B-,r-,F~,--of-P-,r-,o,~,c Motions of One Automatic -control System
(Ob ustoychivoiti periodicheskikh dvizheniy odnoy sistemy avtomati-
cheskogo regulirovaniya)
PERIODICAL: Uch. zap. Mosk. un-ta, 1954, Nr 172, Mekhanika, Vol 5, pp 163-176
ABSTRACT: The author investigates the stability of self-excited ("hunting")
oscillations in an automatic -control system with a controller
(YZDZ+ XD + 1 0
(!;D+ SDI) =0
DZW Z(T2D + U)@ + kWD*-+ hp
The possible hunting ranges of such a system on the plane of the
parameters k,X of the controlled variable and the controller were
Card 112 examined by B. V. Bulgakov and by the author (Avtomekhanika i
S0V1/l.'4 58 -1 'N
On the Stability of Periodic Motions of One Automatic -control System
telemekhanika, 1949, Vol 10, Nr 5). In their study they investigated the hunting
stability by means of period- averaging of the variables. The paper now under
review is. devoted to a substantiation of the possible applicability in the above-
mentioned problem of the averaging method, for which purpose the author computes
the free and linear terms by expansions according to powers of the small para--
meter 11 of the characteri.;tic indices of the variational equations; the latter are
set up with reference to the periodic SOILItiOn of the system. The solution of the
variational equations is set up, as usual, in the form of series according to
powers of it . The free terms and the coefficients of the f' rst po%ver in the expan-
sions of the characteristic indices according to powers of ji. are found as the solu-
tions of homogeneous and, respectively, nonhomogeneous linear differential equa-
tions with constant coefficients, It is shown that of the four Routh-Gurvits inequali -
ties three are satisfied automatically for either oscillatory amplitude, whereas the
sign of the fourth is found tc be in accord with one of the two possible amplitudes,
while it is oppqsitea@o the sign of the other amplitude. Here it is found that the
expression-of the fourth Routh-Gurvits criterion, as obtained from the linear eval-
uation of the characteristic indices, and its expression as obtained by 0w
method, coincide in accuracy except for an essentially positive factor. The smal.1
amplitude oscillation is unslable, the large -amplitude oscillation is stable.
Card 2/2 V. M. Starzhinskiy
IA. I@fh
it brigin- Let NJ gl#i
Wish IV"-i bdot I.
il@ berw
bf: the, prWer"I'deW., haVe dikomi;cd
JJTV T JJQZh,", kaarlidat fizilco-matematicheskikh nauk; MIROSUNISY. Ye.b.,
kandidat fiziko-matenatictioskikh nauk, retsenzent; POPOVA. S.M..
ti@khnirheakly reduktor
[Hydraulic drive in automatic syotams] Gidraylicheakii privocl v
sistemakh avtomatiki. moul,.va, Goo. nauchno-takha. izd-vo mashina-
stroit.lit-ry, 1956. 311 p. (MIRA 10:2)
(Automatic control) (Hydraulic machinery)
AUTRORS' !koryy. I.A., "'cir-bity Locturer, &-,I
TITIZ. Lc=or..-sov - Lectur's 9-
" at the
Tam-ItY al Xo- -Stalo Tnivorsity (Lomonos-skiy.
ob tniy. 1957, .1de me
. 3
PrRTO:@ICAI,o !'oqk*@vkcg@ U@ivcrqitety. S-r.- mate-tik-1, mek:,-tk@,
- tr ... il, fi,ikl. k!%Lzdi, 19!2 ..;r .rp 241-246 (U,:@R)
ADSTRACTt 'he '.nmoftc.ov lectures 1957 took place from October 17 -
! '-4 v- dedlentd the 40-th anniver.ary
" '9"
t" .bar i.c.
1. tb
g nfralstotinf A.I.I. Xal=grr-v. Academician spoke
.C' _ -tatian of
.A r: It To aw'.664- . Fvrction. of several
Y-rieblv. by S' !1'ncti-!v th
L... 7
rot or
and C - royy Z-- ...9 f' F.1c.-CM 0-tur. C r
" Its
-v rc, t@
hki n
- A*G
V.K Tikhomr. . 7t- coc-t, he tq " .1 y i.
a bI
(D.kl.dy 1kl.a. -4k Q . P.
-1 .5) -of ... or
of 'he of of -he C: 52R,
..- -!:a @-ndsry :@ay,r -1 Moil- of . t.o.
.'On! Liqad'.
.h, other
"'he. and . th r an.
nice '
r4f *.or t.3. Sr!tL-k1:', --Ip@nd-g AS VSZ
p f S=-A W.-- Frt. . Rot*tleg ",.fcra.d Pell.
2. Fr-c f ... 2r C.G. Cb--,:Yy: Th. Flc. T h I nT-nc.t.d
;.di.. by @-- 710h Hict
r* r S '5'likif3.-tv i Prc;orties of the
. - tie. and
C, of I k. on the
I of -t.. 5tr.;, of t::A CSZR.
1. Prf* or Va.. P.t.--tii. of Rigid Body
into , _
; T Interval of
Mll r
r Plas Net.. Pr UC d;
ri tin of
St-, t.r-
7. Professor 0' Some ;4.S.14n. of the Flo.
A@Mz! P.r...
Card 2/5
lc,( 1 ) , ',@ 1( 6')
AUTHOR: Li I vin-sf-d' S' @@ 7// 1
TITLE: On thn Geomctri oi@' 1@ir, r: inri i r;ri*,r-,r 41*,-,,,,
Position (K Peornot,r-ii
PERIODICAL, 11alif-hnyye 11okI iidy vy:331,.@Qy L-r. 7i z
19 5 8 , 11 T- lo , p p1 2 j Ss a
ABSTRACT: Lot tin appiarfifli@, sif@i :@rl i
carry mut an grbitrary spatin-1. motinn. L-,,t r,:;:
the gyrosrope@-. and thO POAition c)f' th,@ c-f
he arbitrary. At thi.,i mod-1, )f' a W@yf'0!;,'0pL(!
investigates how it:3 datra ar,@ influen.-!"'I 1-7 i.;' rna _J on,@
of the indi(!atc;r. it is assurip.l: t,.i@r- @o -,or;@inat,
system with the prop(-,,rty that material po@Jr.,'- lying on it@-,
after the deformation lie on straight lint@s pain.
gi-.@,en assumpticjn5 thr, author cipterminel thf@
roordinaten of th(, arn)aratus in motion as a function cf ti@r@
Card 1/1'
On Ow 'uloorm.f,ry (if- tKe .1
the Anvij 1-tv P0,; i t, i o n
fl-iroe (:nordiriatoo, (,-)f t.@,e Vy*rr@.-,(,j)r ir-
perfcrm,arice, and pn.-@f U.on ro' i @@jj
forululwj of fliof 7-71. Tho :oi t,
R o -7
T) w k 1-4 7
2 Arrioric-011,
AS"JOC A1,17 (_:N:Mn!-,kovskiy goSU1ar@fV(!Y!r1yy liniversit-t, in;,@-!@:
(Mos(..07V Sfatc.
S U13 !A IT 7 F, DApril '1958
Card 2/19
PW2 I OWK EDWITATICO" ChIII'hCh- L-1 K. E. 11--.
alw1rhonfirst obarmix state? (11-hamcel collection of Articles) 10ascom, Oporw4tz'
19". lit t3wriess Its# Trudy VVp. 92) LAW COOS*$ printed-
60. MLI. Is V. V, Zmbrarurv@, Doclar of Physical and 04tharaltItal
sciermces, Prafesserl U. (11. 1do bonk), To. V. tnq':=:t
ft. of PiablIshl.1 @bus., L;ka;,royftfaynj.T.Ch. Ed., V. P. Reshill
Saw" 1.6 IM.. A. 3. zarmn, &,a
M"Is ThIs boo It Int-W&A for scientific and Tesearch personnel. engineers.
OW studentt efl'&&,.ncd courses at tnvtruwn%@iLIn4 &@. amrht@ design vuzot.
COVOLAGE, This volume dealt -ith p,.b:"S 1. modern
designing steclallred axc.@in:L4,x! Include* general
Imetrumant posting and In
U.*Wylot mato"' tic C:.9"11 wtibr'4!1.-.tthftrat1c.1 son Iled qy-scpy,
atabll ty of atI", tC. Abe ra 0 of he individual articles are gLeen
In ths, Table :1 Contents.
Mechanical 0911OCtiOn of Articles WV/2-
Gifelstent]. On a method of Ntormimt" the stability
OPOTStlon of LLQ4--d-Fu*t Rocket Engines 66
Ps" Imetstigst;9n: timelYprobles In wdern rocket technology.
:1.017. th"' or" Sam 0r"'U ' us I"@ of pressures in the chamber
of a I l4wid-fuel rocket "On! ac:wCtrSM'q during the combustion Process.
The Wjtftr Irrefstigst,al the entire hydroulic circuit suMlyl nfuel to
bant I'"' Chamber and d.troil-9 the P&rxWrt@71 TtWir*dg for 5t a-
the camor
billtv of VA Process. R.f."Mcass 2 so@&.t' I translation into
&900&rch F911(ral. DatOMIMStion of the AzIal Rfdrdynamatc,
Urvapec'.Misms 95
This a- 000 a the processes taking pt*C* Inside the values of
hyabrawlIg ?ht ph.nceson. associated -Ith th, flom, opf
a -tecome fluid Inside a complex ge0stattIC&I configuration with p-ifte
beenwory cossiltion: at* of.9" at. I moor t*nco in the of t@q
oftire, h7drdell t 6 r-oneCh -I- djCO"6vQuxntIy, In setting up the
ampasts 4" of nation -f th- -hot* --tomest IC-Cont"IProton. Roffr."...
11"Sort-ond-1 Emlk rAlImetion of Article. 3N/2W6
ond Ifiethemats S, 1.xos
,CCnd1d,1, of Phystc.
'. the Dpartament 0( App ad hatchanics M.$
D-1 .Mining Angular Orientation of a Body With
O"no,oCepe Plcxafft When Arbitrary Di.tribvtIon of the Mae of Th4ir
Como Ext ato I" a body Mp,Ln9 In Thzve Dimensions too
: ( so for d mare rational calculation of
"hi I Peter P"*
:.90 5 Sde,W. I Eng4lh. MW
Molligyrotc.P. yt -0. R "
I u~lauen from E"Itsh.
y- [Assistenti. tkat.rel,ution of the 111.1saus, DIMOOlons
t" a Rmt.U.9 Cam *M a Pl-tad Foolor
t 100
P- (koolstant]. Wculvtto@ of the Optimum Profito of the
W ""79 - and . Foolor With Translational motion 114
uIt author in the
n4l rq
aln rIqj
@-- lt-O... am
Ovorth for Optimum Can gears (in the one
ethok, ra,"Irementl) for us* in sooclal mectIL"t.
AVAILAKI. Ubrry of C..q,..s
Card 616 IS/126
AUTHORt Litvin-Sedoy, M.Z.
TITLE: The Kinematics of Landing a Flying Machine on a
Moving Platform
PERIODICALt Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy, Aviatsionnaya
tekhnika, 1959, Nr 4, Pp 87-94 (USSR)
ABSTRACT3 The flying machine may be an aeroplane or a
helicopter which has a main body and a chassis with
six degrees of freedom of relative motion between them.
The relative motion may be intentional or forced due
to deformations. The landing base also has a main body
supporting the actual platform capable of motion with
six degrees of freedom relative to the main base which
may be the deck of a ship or a balloon carrier.
Accordingly, apart from the coordinate system fixed in
space, four coordinate systems are definod. The
aircraft chassis may be defined by the instantaneous
position of three independently displaceable landing
wheals. Definitions of Euler angles are introduced to
specify the angular position of the aircraft and the
Card 1/2 ship in space and other definitions for the relative 0
s/147/5 9/000/04/010/020
The Kinematics of Landing a Flying Machine on a Moving Platform
positions of the aircraft chassis and the ship's
platform and to state the linear and angular
velocities in space of the aircraft and ship. Single
point, two-point and
are distinguished and
different periods with
The requirements of
the three types of
and the advantages
vector notation are
and 9 references, 5
1 French.
ASSOCIATION3Kafedra prikladnoy
universitet (Chair
Univer ity)
SUBMITTED: April 30, 1959
three-point touch-down landings
an actual landing may have
different touch-down conditions.
smooth landing are formulated for
touch-down. Matrix notation is used
of this notation compared with
pointed out. There are 6 figures
of which are Soviet, 3 English and
mekhaniki Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy
of Applied Mechanics, Moscow State
Card 2/2
NC)OD 67593
AUTHOR: Litvin-Sedoy, M.Z. (Moscow)
TITLE: Contribution to the Dynamics of a Gyroscope with Two
Degrees of Freedom (A
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR, Otdeleniye tekhni.cheskikh
nauk, Mekhanika i mashinostroyeniye, 1959, Nr 5,
PP 72-78 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: Gyroscopes with two degrees of freedom are used for
measuring tho absolute angular velocity of bodies such
as aircraft. The static theory of the gyroscope with two
degrees of freedom rests on the proposition that,at each
instant, the deviation of the instrument frame from its
reference position in the body (aircraft) is determined by
its relative equilibrium under the action of the gyroscopic
moment and the moment of the restoring force. It is
stated that this proposition is acceptable to sonic extent
when the gyroscopic device is used solely for the
stabilization of the angular position of' the body (aircraft)
in space and when the disturbances acting on the body are
relatively weak. When it is desired to control
non-stationary angular motions of the body or when the
Card 1/3 disturbances are pronounced, the evaluation of the angular
SOV/179-5 9--5 -1-3/4 1
Contribution to the Dynamics of a Gyroscope with Two Degrees of
velocity of the body by the static theory can lead to
noticeable errors and the appearance of false signals.
Moreover, the deviations of the geometry and mass
quantities of the device from its ideal (desig-n) values,
which are found in real apparatus, cause additional
distortions in the results of measurements of the angular
velocity of the body. The conditions for the appearance
of false signals at arbitrary linear and angular
displacements of the body and the consequences of the
chief deviations of the real properties of the device
from its design are examined in the present paper.
The gyroscopic device under investigation has a rigid
gimbal frame. Its pivoting axis is neither necessarily
central nor a principal axis. The gyroscope and gimbal
axes are not perpendicular. The problem is fQrmulated in
terms of finding three distinguished axes in the system,
namely the directions of the angular velocity vector of
the frame known as the axis of absolute insen4;itivity of
the gyroscope (when the frame does not respond to ttie
Card 2/3 motion of the body whatever the variation of the angular L-r
Contribution to the Dynamics of a Gyroscope with Two Degrees of
velocity of the body, the angular velocity of the
gyroscope and the components of the linear velocity of
the origin of it coordinate frame tied to the body), the
axis of transferable insensitivity (when the frame does
not respond to the above quantities except the angular
velocity of the gyroscope) and the axis of limited
insensitivity (when -the frame does not respond to some
values of the above quantities but responds to others)
respectively. An analysis is presented by which these
axes can be found. It is shown that, under certain
conditions, the frame of the device w-411 rest in the
aircraft performing a banked turn. In order to measure
the three components of the angular velocity of' the body
(aircraft) it is necessary to instal three gyroscopes
with two degrees of freedom each and also to introduce
a computing system which evaluates these components by
following a prograim' - determined by a system of three
equations of the type of Eq (1). There are 3 figures and
3 Soviet references.
SUBMITTED: May 9, 1959
Card 3/3
LITVIN-9NDOY, M.Z. Vand.fiz.-mat.nauk
Doter7linini the angulnr position of a body by leans of *-roscopia
transmitters in case of arbitrary disposition of the axeil of
their cowlt", In the body in spatial motion. (Trudy] 14VTU no.9?.:
100-107 '59. (141Rk 12-.10)
AUTHOR: Litvin-Sedoy, bl, z .(Moscow)
TITLE: On the Controllof the Angular Motion of a Body 'by
Means of RoEors
M#RIODICAL.- Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR, Otdeleniye tekluaicheskikh
nauk, Mekhanika i mashinostroyeniye, 1960, Nr 2,
PP 135-138 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: Referring to previous publications by the same author
and to R. E. Robertson (Ref 3), the control of a free
solid body is considered by means of auxiliary
solid bodies rotating about axes fixed in the free
body and driven by torques which are internal in
relation to the free body. The problem is that of
.finding the required laws of variation of the angular
velocities of the rotating bodies such that a given
motion of the free body results. This prescribed
Card 1/3 motion is expressed by the three Euler angles as /13
On the Control of the Angular Motion of a Body by Means of
functions of time. The resultant external moment on
the free body about the centre of mass of the system
is zero and therefore the total angular momentum
remains constant. Three rotating bodies are sufficient,
and the equations from which their speed variations
can be derived are given in this case by Eqs (3). A
special case is considered with three bodies which
rotate about the principal central axes of inertia of
the free body, At the initial instant of time the
rotors are in a. state of relative rest. If the
assumption is irtade that one of the Euler angles remains
unchanged from the beginning, it follows that, in
order to make the body exectite a given motion in
terms of the remaining two ai,,Sles (angle of yaw and
angle of pitch) it is necessary to drive. not only two
rotors but all three. The third rotor is needed to
Card 2/3 compensate for the gyroscopic effects due to the 11-@911
AUTHOR; Litvin-Sedoy., M@Z, 01,--st-016
TITLE. On Preassigned Bounds to Transient Proces5es in
Automutic Contrq@ SysLeti@s q
PERIODICAL@- Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR, Otdeleniye tekhrucheskikh
nauk pp,149-178
, Energetkka i avtomatika, 1960, NO,5@
TEXT. This long "brief" communication considers one method of
synthesizing corrective networks for automatic control systellIS
in the general case non-linear, The existence and uniqueness of
the solution are assumed, The bounds considered are the limitt --f
segments in one of the syistem variables, which limits must not b,
reached for all time exceeding a certain initial time, The ba .;.i
problem then consists in constructing a corrective network realizin a
these limitations, The problem is solved by a semi-indirect method.
by prescribing integrals and then finding the correct.Lve network
characteristics on which Ihese integrals depend, The -_-oriditicn_@
are expressed in such forn that when the problem is SatlSfLed
the time t is defined by a divergent integral (8) If (8) d,@.--s
not diverge the system will in fact reach the bounds preszrLbed in
Card 1/2
On Preassigned Bounds to Trartaient Processes in Automatic Contiol
finite time, Then Eq,(11) must be satisfied,
x -A I) F 11M b x
a 'm T (-x) b F 7. 0
X-4a x-4b
The initial integrals arc! in fact the phase trajectories Gf Lhe
corrective system with undetermined parameters which are found from
the criterion of divergence of the limit integrals, While in th@
general case these integrals depend on the initial point (init.1.1-,
Perturbation), condition (11.) is valid over a -.ertain continuum Df
initial conditions, The method assumes that a certain strut-!.urr:
for the corrective network is assigned. The calculations may sh.@,w
that this structure is wisuitable and Certain Stlg_geStlon,@, are
for a second approximation, An example is given of the method whi.b.
can be verified by direct integrati-on of the corre.-t-,ve !1y:51.em
equation, There are 5 figures and 3 So-iet referenc,::6
SUBMITTM May 24, 1.960
Card 212
AUTHORs Litvin - Sedoy, M.Z.
TITLEz On the Mechanics of Controlling Angular Motion of a Body by
Means of Rotors
PEELODICALt Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta. Seriya I. Matematika,
mekhanika, 1960, No. 6, pp. 72 - 78
TIZXTs The author reported on the contents of the paper on the First All-
Union Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics on February 2, 1960.
The author considers a system (G) of rigid bodies consisting of a free
body G and s kinematic chains of successively connected bodies
G( G( G( 6) ( 6, - 1,2p .... 0). The body G(
2 n iY
han up to the three degrees of freedom with respect to G(6-) likewise
.V - 1
every body G( e) with rospect to Go. The system is adapted for the con-
trolling of rotary motions of G , where the rotations of the G(*) take
0 k
Caid 1/ 2
On the Mechanics of Controlling Angular Motion of a Body by Means of
lace only at the expense of the inner moments with respect to the system
. The problem consists in the determination of those relative motions
of the controlling bodies which guarantee the prescribed motion of G 0 in
the space. It is assumed that the moment of the outer forces with respect
to the center of mass of the system equals 0 . The problem is solved with
the aid of the theorem of angular momentum. For the determination of the
angular velocities of GO)") with reapect to G the author uses matrices
k 0
by which the intermediate angular velocities are described. As an example
for the application of the formulas written in matrix form the author
considers a system of 5 bodies.
There are 2 figures and 5 references : 3 Soviet and 2 American.
ASSOCIATIONi Kafedra prilcladnoy mekhaniki (Chair of Applied Vechani,.a)
SUBMIITEDi February 11, '1960
Card 2/2
AUTHOR: Litvin-Sedoy, M. Z.
TITLE: Determination of the Linear Acceleration of a Body at Any
Position of Its Measuring Axes
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Priborostroyeniye,
1960, Vol- 3, No. 69 pp. 45 - 49
TEXT: When the linear acceleration of a given point in a body moving
about in an arbitrary manner is to be determined, errors arise for two
reasons: 1) due to the error arising in measuring and recalculating the
pickup position, and 2) due to the deviations of the measuring axes in
the body from the navigation axes. The latter errors have a purely geo-
metric origin. This geometric problem is investigated here. The compo-
nents of the linear acceleration of the body are assumed to be measured
at the three axes (the latter being not connected in any way with the
body and not parallel to any plane). The problem wan to find the com-
pon.ents of acceleration at the axes-@fafixed coordinate system, with
reapect to which the body acceleration is measured. It is pointed out
Ca:rd 1/3
Determination of the Linear Acceleration of S/146/60/003/006/005/013
a Body at Any Position of its Measuring Axes B012/BO60
that the solution of such a problem is specifically required to fix the
tolerances when assembling acceleration pickups in the apparatus. Two
coordinate systems: one(XY4 fixed and the other (xyz) connected to the
body (navigation coordinate system) are introduced (Fig.2). The problem
is solved with the aid of linear transformations with matrioes. Equa.-
tions are obtained with the aid of which it is possible to oalculate
the error of measurement due to the nonagreement of measuring axes and
navigation axes. The publication of this article was recommended by the
kafed-ra prikladnoy mekhaniki (Chair of Applied Mechanics). There are
2 figures and 12 referenoes: 10 Soviet, 1 US, and 1 Rumanian.
ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy univeraitet im. M.V. Lomonosova
(Moscow State University imeni M.V. Lomonesov)
SUBMITTED: May 6, ig6o
Card 2/3
. . 1 ".1 'i@ ... r ---, .... := -- -
' -, - _.-Card -313.
__ _- - 2
L117111-SEDOY, M. Z.
"Cn the synthesis of the correction chains in Punlineur oscillator-/
and control systems.t'
Paper presented at the Intl.. 5@nnposium on jjonjjne@ir Vibrations, Ue-v, U-S."t,
9-19 So.:-p 61
Moscow State University, Yoscow
'@@.SHB, L.Yu,@-, tekba. red.
[Concise Italian-RuBsian polyteabnic dictionary) Kratkii italliansko-
ruseki politeUpicheskii slovar'. Moskva,,,.inostr. nauchno-
tekbn.slavarei izmatgizal 1961. 378 pe NEU 14:12)
(Italian lanpage-Dictionaries-Ruesian)
S cow)
Concerning a gyroscopic -imitrument
me.iquremetit of linear acct-leratLon
for the
Akademii natik SSSR., Otdel-eniye tekhnirhr!:,kihh
ri,iuk, M.,Rkhan.,.ka i mashinobtroyeniye, 196L, No.2,
TEXT A gyrosco,@.ic in.9trument. for the measuremcnt of
1@; J.@Iee F,ig-1). P: corviists -,f .. fixp-l
f va rc- I rigidly connected with the system.. Ihs or
i:@ t-- fir? me-asut-e-J. A ---asing 2, carx rotntre about an axi.=
in f'r a me Thp ing a zyr--,-z:op-? with two
4, Thn
qf frr-idi-in -on!4 i..,-3t ing, of .1-1 fr,tn@!3and a rotor
axi-@ rIf prec.!@@s@,.cn c( the qyrossope ILs in the casing a fv)
7, ppi pt?nd:.r-u la:- I o the x!F --,f rf@t a f ion the. cas ing in the f ram--,
T he pr.) I n i c, f j n t e r @i f, r. r. n n f t h c @t.; nwt-@ 7axes is called @hr, cen'tre
of7 the moulittrig, When fiv; (r!ntr--:! of' MOVC5 Ln a
parral1r:1 to thc knput axis rif fhv gyt-o,icr)j,e, tho framj@
Wh,iLh is uqbollanccd pr@-Jut*.es a Thi-,4 excites it -tvrv,,-
Card 1/4
21 C, -)A
)0 2/003/0, 17
Concerning a gyroscopic instrument.,... s/i";q/6i/ouo/C'
Et)6 1/E 1-55
system corisisting of a N amplif icr -> and motor
The servo motor rot,-,tes the casinv 2 so thit zhe gyroscope
precesses to ifs orig.inal. position in tile. faslng@ The instrument
-is des;@@,ried fcr use on a L;ti.,bi1izvd platform bui, can bc. used in a
system @ubjel:t to angular inotion if insti-limcntation i!3 availi:ible :c
take account. of' lt@ The d,,inamic equations of the system are
derived, It is shown that if the gyroscope is idea!, its angular
velocil-, con-4tant, the systnni moves in i straight lino parallel -i,
the 1nPUt dXiS Of the instriintent without angular rot-it ion, the
instrumeitt Is not subject t-@ grivity and frfl! -r-, theil the
velocity of the casing 2 proportional to thc
measured. This formq the output of the instrumen* T i I
conditions under which the ;yroscopn is insensitiv@,
lational and angular motion are examined. The effs,cls @)14_
oscillation about the axis :)f precession are an-klyze,d, P xp"@ c s s io ri,@
are obtained for the effects of the gravity on the ins1.t*u,.,,en,.
It is shown tha t if th e gr a %, i t a t, i ona I f ield is un-; f oi ia ove r t lie
instrument, then the instrument does not distinguish b,@twefni the
acceleration of motion and the acceleration due to Zr;@vity,
Card 2/4
'Concerning a gyroacdpic. instrument...
'Exact evaluation of the effects of gravity shows that they.depend
not only on the position of the centre of mass but also on the
manner in which the mass of the gyroscopic system is distributed.
Thus, from two instruments with different mass distributions
.mounted coaxially, a re *lation can be obtained between the angles of
precession of the gyroscope frames and the absolute coordinates of
@the cenires of suspension of the instruments. This relation in
independent of the acceleration mansured. Acknowledgments are
expressed to H.Ye. Temchenko for his comments.
There are 2 figures and 10 references: 7 Soviet and 3 English.
The English language references read as follows:
.Ref.l: R.P.G. Collinson. Inertial Navigation, 196o. Flight,
19 February, 196o.
Ref.9; John 11. Vinti. New Method of Solution for Unretarded
-Satellite Orbits. J. Research of the National Bureau of
Standards, V.6@ B, No.2, Oct-Dec. 1959-
Ref.10: W.B. Klemperer and R.M.C. Baker. Satellite Libration.
Astronautica Acta, 1957, V-3.
SUBMITTED: August 2, 196o
Card 3/4 1
LlTVIN-SEDOY, M.Z. (Moskv.-O
Concerning the quality of automatically controlled stabilization of
an unstable machire. Izv. AN SSSR. Otd. tekh. nauk. Enerjr. i avtom.
no.4;168-173 JI-Ag '61. (Automatic control) (RM 14:9)
3/05 61/000/005/oo4/OOL,
AUTHORSa Litvin-Sedoy, 11.Z., and Savvin, A.B.
TITLEg On synthesizing automatic --@*ntrol systems -of the second or-
der with a limitation of transition processes
PERIODICAL; Moscow. Univeraitet. Vestnik. Seriya 1. Matematika, Mekhan-
ika, no- 5, 1961, 77 - 83
TEXTs The case is considered when th-a Investigai '--ed control syst-
em can be described by two differential equations of f-rs
i t order a
:i = f (xa), (x,y, (x,y). The first equation describes the
object of ccntrol, the secon(@ the controller ), is the characteristic of
the correcting link, assumed to be non-inertial. The functions f and I are
known if the stiucture of the system is given. The author describes a me-
thod of finding )@ based on the properties of integral curves. An example
is discussed. in detail. There are 3 figures and 4 Soviet-bloc references.
SUMUTTED s January 19, '1961
Card 1/1
ltp'loja ()DI3)
AUTHOR: Litvin-Sedoy. M.Z.
TITLE- On the calculation of the kinetic energy of a system
of linked bodioa
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vrashikh uchebnykh zavedeniy,
Aviatid.onnaya teichnika:I!V-no. 3, 1961, pp. 14 - 20
TEXr: Mien the motion of thi system is controlled by a.
combination of an open-loop regulatIon and a servo oyatem, the
dynamics of the motion prescribed by the open loop becomes
important. The dynamics can conveniently be described by
Lagrange's second-order equations, for which the kinetic energy
of the system must be calculated. The kinetic %nergy is given
by the expression: n
T = T + T
where T is the kinetic energy of the main body, and
Card l/?
On the calculation of .... E031/E335
T(&) is that of thet attached body G
This is developed in terms of the generalized coordinates and
velocities of the main body and those in each Rinematic chain.
In the theory described, each chain attached to the main body
is simple (s chetins with n ., bodies); however, the theory
may be extended to the case of branching chains.
There are 3 figures and 7 Soviet references.
ASSOCIATION: Kafedra prikladnoy mekhaniki (Department
of Applied Mechanics)
Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet
(Moscow State University)
SUBMITTED: February 9, 1961,
Card 2/2
LENSKIY, Viktor Stepanovich; LITVB-I-SMOY, Mikhail -' ZinovIyevich;
MSTINA) V.S., red.; XOZLOVk-,- 7.*&-';@ tekJm. red.
K 4
:rMechanics; course in mechanics offered by the Departzrent of
Mechanics and Mathomatics of Moscow State University] Mekhanika;
o spetsiallnosti "rickhanika" na mekhaniko-matematicheskom fa-
Iculltete Moskovskoj,o gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Moskva,
.Izd-vo Mosk univ- 1962. 41 p. (KMA 15:7)
zMechamics-Study and teaching)
LITVIN-SEDOr Mikhail Z-ino-vlyevich; KARWYSHKIN, V.V., red.;
E@.e.,-FWd-.izd-*; GOROKHOVA, S.S., teldm.
[Introduction to th-9 mechanics of a controlled flight)Vve-
denie v mekhanikit xpravliaemogo poleta. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo
"Vysshaia shkola," 1962. 211 p. (MIRA 16:4)
(Instrument flying)
L:TVM-,1ED0Y, Y. Z. Venior ScientJfic Worker)
I'Vibrationo of a gyrrjflrG-@e Pf!WJ,jl-1mn 'n u nr-rm,,A-
forv g-ruvItMtIonaJ- f1eld."
report presented at the Sciertific-technJ cal. Conference on Yodern Gyrorcope
Technology Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education R"I"'17, hold
at the LenIngrad Institute of rrecislon Fechardes and Optics, 20-24 11ove-ber
Izv. vysshikh uchebnykh zave4erdy. Priboroctroyeniye, v. 6, no. 2 1c:63
/0 24/U 2/ 12
13 5
-iuR: Litvin-Scdoy, ',".Z. (Yoscow)
TITLE: On. limiting transient processes in ;.@ulti-dimensional
stationary auto:%atic control systems
@10@)!Cl' Akaderiya nauk .5L;S;R. lzvestiya. Otdeleniye
telchnichc-6kikh nank. Energetika i avto-atilia,
no.2, 1962, 115-123
Tile introduction of nonlinear corrective networ."S
-ato the ai-.iplifiers of nonlinear stationary autonatic cuntrol
systems -mpplies asyi-I.ptotic stability and prcscribed li@-.-uta'Liorl
of the oscillations in ti.ip controlled variable. A T.ethou Of
c:csignin- such corrective networks previously proposed by the
autaor k.--f.l: Izv..%.% SSSR, OTLN, Energetika i avtoi-,.atika,
1960, and ilef.2: !ZV.AN 65SIZ, GTN, Energetika i avto,,,,atiril-a,
!@)61) is here extended to the case of several reSulated variat-IcZ.
'if the -input and output vectors; the error vectrr and the vcczor-
uf ail rc-i.@iaijiing variable quantities of a control systc:-@. var@ish.
w-'th zer6 values of all argui-iients and if, wrien the elet-,:cnt@@ of
these vectors are found within certain bour,ds, the syst(-.-;-.i
Card 1/3
Cn li-mitin,-; transient proceszes ...
or.uations 'aave a unique solution for each system of corrective
_;.nctions continuous in a given region, and if the eler.,ents of
z1iese vectors are at least doubly di' -'forentiable in tht@ sa:i,.e
re-ion, the functions are said to belong to the class kze-).
'-'hen, if this is the case, it is required to construct tiie
c:Iaracteristics of the corrective networks z@uch trmT if the
values of the re_culated variables are T.@ .1 t h r t @j i
1_@_its, they uill never c_ccecd these same iimits and, z e 1-, 11
a_,Y..-.)totJ_cally to zero. Tlie conLroll systen.. is to
oper"te in two steps, in the first of whicki cac'n
OPCIrates to supprc3ss indci@enderltly tile @Jnitial
-Z@hz., corrcs-,ponding coordinate, uz.@til a Certain inStL-trt '47
(not prescribed, but bounded), a-c ,!hicll@ tile
-,-ctor of rr-grulated variables satisfies a cerLain coiU.' It 10 ti -
T Sy
cbr.-c@ctive xietworks are U-4en connected 4 ;,@to I I L@
an the authcr applies the i!@ethnd to til-
,_;tabili@ation of the stcady-statu prossurc ()f .ir coi.-.,@:-c.,j5ed LY
a tmurbifiu co;.ipressor. "he minir::um 6peed of resix .. st; t1lica
poi.,,er @Irive in the prcsiure coatrol syste'l: i,@
Card 2,13