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GWSBCHIM, N.I.;,,*TOVKIN# P.I.; SHILRUN, F.K. h Vow method for harvesting sugar beat seeds. 3akh.prom. ]0 no.8:46-49 Ag. 156. (mm 9:11) 1. Xharikovskaya semennaya inspektsiya (for Glushchonko). Z. 1-y Petrovskly makbkombinst (for Litovkin). 3. Ifedorovskly evoklosovkhoz (for Sharun). (Sugar beets-Harvesting) __ LITOVKIN, V. Joint action of industrial onterprises and economic organi- zation in constructing and repairing roads. Zhil.-kom.khoz. 10 no,4:32-33 160. (ULU 13:6) (Road construction) LITGVKIN, T.; UTROBIN. N.; KOIN, N. What the experience of apartment-house committees tells us. ZhIl.- kom. khoz. 10 no.10i2-5 160. (MIFA 13:10) 1. Instruktor ispolkoma oblastnago Soveta deputatov trudyashchlkheya, g. Kirov (for Utrobin). 2. Zaveduyushchiy gorodskim otdelom kovima- nalnogo khozyayatva, gJaga, Ioningradekoy oblasti (for Kadin). (Apartment housea-Maintenance and repair) LITOVKIN, Ye., zasluzheTLnyy trener UkzC,S-.R; K.P.OMITE, 7@1. - , Training of partlelpants in see- aports c.*wpetltione. Voen.. ang-ri. 40 no.9z4l-42 S 164. OCRA :.7-.12) LITOVXIN, To., trei)or sbornoy komandy-, KRAVCHUK. V., komandir shllrupki abornoy Y-fi4@ Discrepancies in the new decathlon program. Voen. znan. 35 no.5:36 M7 159. (KIRA 12:12) 1'.Dobrovolinoye obehehostvo sodoyetviya armil, aviatuil i flotu'USSR. (Aquatic sports) LITOVKINJI Y!@..,_pbshchestvennyy trener po mormkomu mnogoborlyu (Kiyev); 1( HUKI V., obshchestvennyy trener po morskomu mnogoborlyu 'Kiyev) Swimming instruction in outfit No.2. Voen. znan. 39 no.8:28-29 Ag 163. (Diving, Submarine) (MIRA 16:8) LI:rOVKINA A F Cano AS Sci -- *dk" (dies) "Firperience owtited- 7 P r Z, in Cultivati Including Oak on the Light-Brown Soils of Stalingradskaya Oblast." Mos, 1957. 16 pp 20 cm. (Moo Order of Lenin Agricultural Academy im K. A. Timiryazev), 110 copies (KL, 22022 25-57, 116) L i 77r, Il ffJIV4,1 A USSR/Forestry - Favast Cultures. K. fibs Jour : Bet Zhur - Biols, Ho 4., 1958@ 15414 Author : A.FA-1,112AIMI Inst . : - Title Forest Belts with Oak Participation on Lij3ht Chestnut Soilso (Lesnyyc Ipolovy a uchastiymi duba na svetlo-Jmshtwwvykh pachvakh). Orig Pub : PO-volsh'Ya, 1957: No 7, 56-59, Abstract ; The Stalingrad Agricultural Fores t Melioration and Garden-Vineyard Experimental Station studied the out- come of setting out forest belts by the cluster method in 1949-1952 at two divisicns of the attate forest belt of Stalingrad-Stapnoy-Charkessk. The condition of the cultures stands in direct relation to the mechanical composition and to the solonetz nature of the light chestnut soil. Good oak 1p.-owth is noted on fine Card 1/2 L 113&66 ACCtSSION'NR: AP5021679 UR/0192/65/006/064/0643/06-45 538.113 AUTHOR: Wtovkina,_ L. Meyll man, M. L. Andrianov, V. $.gLrgeynevo, -N. 1. TITLE: Electron paramagnetic resonance of Cr3+ ions in siniff1LSrXqaP of kM0M00A._, 4 SOURCE: Vhurnal strukturnoy khimii, v. 6, no. 4, 19615, 643-645 TOPIC TAGS: electron paramagnetic resonance, metal crystal, crystal structurl chromium, magnesium, molybdenum, magnetic susceptibility, crystallography ABSTRACT: A study was made of the spectrum @f the electron paramagneW., re- sonance of Cr3+ ions in MgMO04 crystals, synthesized at atmospheric pressure, at a frequency of 1). 4 megacycles at room temperature, The concentration of chromium in the melt was approximately 0, 06%. The presence of five physically non-equivalent systems of ions was established. Two of these (the so-called basic ionic systems) had a sufficient intensity of resonance transitions and viere studied in detail. Experimental results indicate that MgMO04 crystals belong to the monoclinic system. and that their symmetry belong to one of the three point goups: 2(C2), m(CS), or 2/m (C2h), The results obtained were verified by X-raj Ord 1/2 J, 1136-66 ACCESSION NR: AP5021679 methods. Independently of the results of the electron paramagnetic resonan-:e investigation, it was demonstrated that MgM004 crystalij can have one of the following spatial groups: C2m (C 3), C2 (C?3), or Cm(,",3). A table shows the 2h angles which determine the position of the axes, of magnestic susceptibility of the basic ionic systems with respect to the crystallographic axes. "The authors are indebted to V. N. Ro4kina for aid in carrying out the measurements and to V. Ya. Ershov and Q. F. Beloya for their help In computer calculationg. Orig. art. has: I figure and 3 tables ASSOCIATION: None SUBMIT TED: ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: NR REP SOV: 001 OTHER: 005 (WEWP(t), ACC NRt A%029615 AU-rHaas Litovkinap.L. P. ---IJP(c)-JD/JG/JH so- CODS1 &J;0O @7004/@06 1 ORG I none 'V1 TITLE$ Electron spin resonance of 3d- and 4f-group ions in 1%Mo04 single crystals. Part 21 ESR of GOP ions _@V SOURCEI Zhurnal strukturnq khim1iq v. 79 no. 4p 1966t 614-616 TOPIC TAM$ SP3 spectrump gadolinium; magnesium compoundp mo3Zrbdate ABS,rRACTI The paramagnetic spectrum of Gd3+ in MgM604 was studied at room temporature at & frequency of 9.4 cps in-fields ranging from 0 to 12 kG. The apectrum is do- ocribed by a spin Hamiltonian of rhombie symmetry bz- - 3Bs'. - - 604" @ 12GOBa-- with the following constantes + + + + B2*020 + B21032 + 8,00,0 + 840042 + + B41041 + Hilo,# + B,20,z + B,4084 + + Bel0e, ACC NRs AP6029615 Constants b.11 are expressed in terms of V 0.6 followst b2O - NO :t iW - 64 :t 4 b4# - -7:t 2big - 8:b 6 NO - 0-+ t ball - 0 ::t: 15 622 - 453 + 10 g. - 1.993 (LOOI big = -23 * 2g, -1,993 0.001 bol - 5:f: Ig, -t.980 :i: O.Gt The preatest intensity in the parallel orientation is shown by lines due to transi- tionis between levels 4 and 5 (Hres = 3.7 kG) and 3 and 6 (Hres = 1.6 kG), The width of both lines drops to zero very rapidly us the distance frorm the parallel orientatior increases. In conclusions the author thanks M. L. MiEllman for his interest and use- ful discussions 0. F. Belova for assistance in calculations with the electronic digi- tal computers and V. N. Rodkina for her asslitance in the experinent. Origo art. hasi SUB COOP .07/ SUB( DATZ a. 160at65/ OPM RSFI 002/ M FJW 1. 002 2/2 -Card @MWIM of OtMEMMEMMEW too W L, 10574-66 Ewift C(k)-? WP(k)/EWP(b),/1* MA(m)-21EWA(c) IJP(c) )/EV@T (q)/4E /T/@WP(t)/E ACC NRt AP5025392 WG/JD/WWIW-- @jd6ifoWj099/3101 SOURCE CODE: URA1181/6 AUTHORi Atir _Irkin V. A.; Litovk1na, L. P.; Me! 11man, H. L. y ORG: none vl, Yq I TITLE: Electron paramagnetic resonance and of nonequivalent _qin-lattice relaxation chromium ion system in zinc tungstate single-crystal SOURCEt Mika tverdogo tela, v. 7, no. 10, 1965, 3099-3101 TOPIC TAGS: . zinc compound, tungstate, chromium, EPR spectrun, spin lattice tion, single crystal, paramagnetic ion ARSTRACT: - The- authore -study the electron paramalMetic, resonan.-a spec" anl tin- perature dependence of spin-lattice relaxation in admixed systims of CP Ions In ZnW04 single crystals grown from a melt by the Czochralski mthod. The nuaber of p aramagnetic systems of Ions and the position of the paramagnetic axes of these Sys- tems with respect to the crystall3graphic -axes were determinod by 'the "spherical-, plot- ting" method (B. I. Tsukerman. M. L. Heyllman, L. P. Sorokina. Kris ta Ilografiya, 7, 224+1962). At rooza temperature at a frequency of %9.4 Ge in specimens with various Cr3 concentrations (Cr/Zn % 0.1-0.5% in the Initial charge) tl,,e pattern obserwid (in a field H 0- 3300 oersteds) was symmetric with respect to plane (010) of the crys- tal, corresponding to a monoclinic system. It was found that there is one main sys- tem and four secondary (pairwise-equivalent) systems of ions. The axial orientations @ard -1/3: L- 10574-66 ACC NRs AP5025392 of these "stem are t aulated below. Axial orientation of paramagnetic complexe!3 with respect to the crystal axes in ZnW04 jug Zo M 900 930W 3OW 1040M .1000301 205W 76OW IOD0301 2411SO' 0 90 90 2400 9930 6840 2400 8030 11110 90 3OW 86*3Cr 85 20 14 00 70 00 94,10 14 10 7600 Ar4 84 76OW 9604V 16*W ..tO3*W 96040' I&W b 1600 8000 102 30 1600 99 50 77 20 97 so 1200 8000 8200 12 00 so tP The ratio of line intensities fbr aystems 1, 11 and IV (with a 0.4% concentration of Cr in the charge) in,%-50:15:1. A qualitative istudy of the effe ct of compensating Card 2/3 L' 10574-66 lklcq@ kit AP5025392 dopants W. Na) an the line intensity ratio of the fundamevtal and secondary Ion systems showed that an increase in the concentration of L11 ions causes a reduction in the intensities of electron paramagnetic resonance lines in secondary systems II and 111; at a concentration of Li %6% (in the charge) the spectrtrq for these systems completely vanishes# The addition of sodium &,i a compensating Impurity also attenuat the lines in systems 11 and 111; however, thesis spectra were never ccupletely eli- mi9ated In this case. An increase in U concentration results In, somewhat o-f@ an increase In the relative intensity of the electron paramagnetic resonance lines for systems I (fundamental), IV asid V. The line intensities for systems IV and V were too small in all specimens for analysis of the electron paramagnetic resonance spec- absorption spectra of system Il and III are arsalyzed in detail, tra. The resonance A theoretical model is proposed fbr explanation of the experimential data, Orig. hasA. 3 figurm I table. SUB CODE% 20/ SUBM DATE: OlApr65/ ORIG REF: 00(9/ OTH REV: 001 HW rMrA 3/3 LITOVKO semen Fedorovich; ar a *--s-ff'y-e-'vn'a-; LEBEDEV, A., tekhn. MAKSIMWO, Georgiy Dmitriyovich; TRUNINA, SHAVRIN, V., red.; MEDVEDEVI, R., red.; red. (Reviewing and auditing the economic activity of industrial enterprioes]Reviziia khoziaistvannoi deiatellnosti predpriiatiia. Moskva, Gonfinizdat., 1962. 11+9 p. (MIRA 15:6) (Industrial management) (Auditing) V. I.: Master Tech SO. (diss) -- "Irnvestigation of certain pro:esses LITOVKO, momefts occurring in the hydrocyclone in the dressing of fine grades of coal in an aqueous iwdium". Moscow, 1951). 16 I)p (Inst of Hinit% of the Acad Sci USSR), 150 copies (KL, No 9, 1959, 115) AKOPOV, M.G., kand.tekhn.nauk; KTJ SEU, V.I., prof., doktor tekhn.nauk; LITOTKOI T. I. , Inzh. 7@- Thoory of the actlon of hydrocyaltnes. Obog. i brik.ugl. no.10219- 27 059. (MIRA 13:9j 1. Institut gornogo del& AN SSSR @for Litovko). (Separators (Machines)) (C7"1 preparation) LITOVEO, V.I. Deternining the iangential, rate of flow of fluids In hjrdrocrclones. 11olym 21 no-3:26-29 Mr 159. (KM 12:6) 1.1notitut gornogo dela AN SSSR. (Separators (Machinery)) KLASSEN, V.I., prof.0 doktor tekhn.nauk;-LITOVKO, V.I., kand.tekhn.nauk Scime problems in sizing mineral grains in a hydrocyclone in a water medium. Trudy Inst@gor.dela 6:38-45 160. (MIRA 14:4) (ore dressing) (separators (luchines)) A)COMP-M. G., karA. tekbn. nauk" DUNAYEV, M. N.., inzh.; MASSER, V. I., prof., doktor tekbn. nimkl KULIKp P. P., insh.; @IT Op V. I., kand. tekhn. nauk; MAIMPMEVAS K. T,,, insh, QYL _@ Industrial testing of -the preparation of coal pulp with bydrocyclones in a water medium. Obog. i b--ik. ugl. no.24: 3-10 162, (KMA 15--10) (Coal prepRration) (Separatora(Machines)) KLASSEN, V.I.; LITOVKO, V.I.; MYASNIKOV, N.F. Improving the physiocomachanical prcperties of&q .. _ApLosilicon suspensions with the help of reagents. TSvet. met. 36 no.10i 17-20 0 163. (MIFU 16:12) KLASSEN, V. I.; I-LITOVKOI,- V. I.; MYASNIKOV, N. F. "Improvement of physical and mechanical properties of ferrosi-licon suspensions with help of reagents." report submitted for 7th Intl Mineral Processing Cong, New York, '210-25 Sep 64. KLASSEN, V,,I., doktor tekhn.nauk; LITOIIKO, V.J., kand.tekhn.nauk; ZAREMBA, S,A., kand.t,*-khn.nauk; BLAGOIA, Z.S., inzh.; DOBROKHOTOVAJ. I.A., inzh.; KARA-MYSIEV, A.P.) Inzh. In-priovement of physical and mechan.1cal properties of a magnetite suspension by adding a poptizing agent. Obog.i brik.ugl. no.30z50-57 163. (W.RA 17W 1. Inatitut gornogo dela imeni Skochinskogo (for Klassen, Litovko, Zaremba). 2. Vsesoyuznyy naiichn,@@-Isaledovatellskiy I pro.,iektno- konstruktorskiy inatitut po obogashchenlyu J briketlrovan:;'Ta ugley (for Blagova, Dobr,'-,hotova). 3. Obogatitelinayet fa!:)rika shakhty Imeni Abakumove trosta. Rutchankovugoll Donetakogo bas3eyna (for Karamyshev). KLASSEN, V.I.p doktor takhnonauk; LITOVKO,,V.1., kandetakhn,rutukl BLAGOVAq Z.S.p insh. - 11 Effect of sodium phosphates on the technological properties of a magnetite euspendone Ugoll 40 noo3o63-65 Mr 165, (MIRA,1814) COUINTRY I LJ@--W CATEGORY : Cultivuted Plants. Industrial, Oleiferoua, Sugar. J%, ABS. JOUR. : RZhBiol.) tie.23 195.8. N,-,. l.)h7.;-? AUTHOR i Litovshank 1% IFST. TITM ligricultural Technique for Cotton Plant on the Meadow Soils of Middle Zeravahan. ORIG. PUB. Khlopvodstvo, 1567, No. 7, 3;-33 ABSTRACT In spite of their potential Vertility, the yielding abilit of cotton plant cn those soils ia lower then on previouely plowed land (cifference comp::,ises 10-12 centners/ha)-Here, a lar-ze Lumber of roots of gviupiry'oraer develop in the cotton plant, but because of the proximity of groundwater, they lie ut little-depth. Because of a rich content of N and K in the hupAus in meadow aoils, the abovegrouna pfirta of the plants have a tendency to growing out. On the basi of the characteristice of the soils given, appropriate agricultural measures esauriug production of high yields ere proposed. -- B. L. Klyachko-Gurvich Card:l/l 87 Aq P.-Ill ...... jz;"r ... @l J. qj o. 'A 2--l-T--y Aq ..qtTu X, @-3-1 -T..9 A. '4S .- j ATT--TJV T I*g T..TS.y@jiqa 3. -i-oc Aq pue all-I Dal ut -2@1-7 ullejDA, J* 4": .P-4 jd.d .- 1.3 .%LL , Aq -,,S5a q3 J* 11*1-0 -P-4 -111 3- X ' I t I X X'V' J d-:3 3-71-T-9 J- --Tq-M -qJ- !.% ... A . * Aq I J! -a- a "@Sf Ra , : @ 4 ;L- pun -Tq d 2-v ... H qj J. ..T%.Ts -.4. * I;iZx.l -V u.Z.T..v Aq A, ' - - M .AZ .0 -a -P : - "^ tid S Aq A 11 op ... .... . a d d X.T--TT-3 -%Z .1 S J-3 -143 3- IFJO- -41 23 @ .Pp @q Lq @,d @ A.. -3." -qJ- 1- -7 --Tc Aq 3%.-4.T.A-a 3--a qj J. Al..d 3WT@3 P... S.T..TT.j d t- td ml A -T SV -.: :, V- T.7-0 ... J.Ad J. ..,.Ju 4 T A.M q ; l (USSO) CqT-19T dd -6J61 vAo=oTwzvT^v 'Al--P--- MMA-q-ql- qlqtqwoAA uAll-ali-MIGOIll3d J-3 'ulq3Fnl*1*Z OtO/OZO/R#O/000/69/Z*T/5 rL.. LITOVSKIY, A. A. Glass Ranufacture Construction and performance of tank furnaces, Stek. i ker. 10, No. T, 1953. 9. MonthlZ List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, 14ay 1953. Unclassified. GORIN, D., kand. 'tekhn. nauk; MARCHEKKO, S.@ inzh.; _;!M . _RUT., _!!vjnzh. High frequency metallization. Avt. tr-aLnsp. 42 no.11:24- 26 N 164. (MM M12) .0 I I GORIN, D.I., kand. tekbn. nauk; MARCHENKO, So.A.,, kand. te-khn. nauk; . LITOVSKIY, M.A., kand. tekbn. nauk . Reconditioning crankehafte. Haphinostroitall no, U16 Ja 161' ' (141HAI 1911) DZHAPPUYEV, M.; FROTOPOPOV, S.; LITOVSKIY V.!, master-pwat; FEKINA, L.,, inzhener- kulinar (Lermontov, Stav-;--o o s o@go' a a);I -V, V. kir y YEM IAYr- Advice to the cook. Obshchestv.pit. no.1:22-23 Ja 163. (MIRA 16:4) 1. Nachal -Imik otdo* oAhchestvennogo pitaniya WIchWkoy kontory. "Kurortprodtorgam, lb@llchik (for Dzhappuyev). 2. Glavnyy, Glavnogo upravleniya. obahchestvennogo pitaniya MDakovokogo gorodokogo ispolnitellnogo komiteta, Moskovskogo gorodskogo ooveta deputatov trudyashchikb ya (for Frot(j@opov)* 3. Zaveduyushchiy proizvodstvom stolovoy No.14 Novomoskovskogo tresta stolovykh Bovowskovsk, Tullskoy oblasti (for LiAbkiy). 4. Zamestitell zaveduyushchego proizvodstva restorana "VarshavamIMoskva (for Yermolayev). (Cookery) 5/111+/60/000/002/002/007 B1941RI55 AUTHORS: Zhmud, A.Ye.j Engineer; Litovskiy, Yu.A., Engineer; and Robuk, N.N., Engineef TITLE: Hydraulic Shock Due to the Return Wave in Water-Turbine Installations PERIODICAL: Energomashinostroyeniye7 1960, No. 21 pp. 11-15 TMET: An accident occurred to an adjus table -blade water turbine of the following characteristics: runner diameter 8 m, output 51 800 kW, head 13.8 m, and speed 62.5 r.p.m. The set had been running for about 3000 hours, during which load had been thrown off 7 times on fault and 5 times for test purposes. The tests were made to check the guaranteed performance of the governor, which operated reliably. There were no excessive pressures in the scroll case or other signs of excessive shock loading. The accident occurred during an experimental throwing of load intended to test the operation of the automatic repeated reclosure system of the set in case it became disconnected from the system. Loads of 47 and 50 MW were thrown off and the accident occurred whilst a load of 46 MW was being thrown off. When the Card 1/6 8/114/60/000/002/002/007 Big'+/F,l 55 Hydraulic Shock Due to the Return Wave in Water-Turbine Installations test was made the guide vanes were full open (1130 mm travel) and the runner blades were turned through 250. After load was droppedV the guide vanes began to close, and apparently -losed completely. Six seconds after load was dropped the turbine macLe knocking sounds and there was sparking on the exciter commutator. The water at the head race rose by 2 m as against 0.6 m in the previov.s tests. As synchronous speed was reached the machine was automatically connected to Cle system; further knocking noises were heard. The turbine was shut down and the following damage was found. Three blades were broken off the runner, in two cases taking the blade-adjusting mechanism with them; four of the guide blades were missing; considerable other damage was apparent, including damage to the turbine cover; the lower support (of the generator) was displaced and cracks had appeared in the welds; and Uie generator brushes were damaged. It was evident that a considerable impact load had been applied to the runner from below. It had broken off the runner blades and thrown them upwards into the guide vanes. Card 216 S/114/60/000/002/002/007 E19VE155 Hydraulic Shock Due to the Return Wave in Water-Turbine Installations The immediate cause was hydraulic shock due to the return wave, which has been described in the book by A.Ye. Zhmud' entitled 'Hydraulic Shock in Water Turbine Installations', Energoizdat, 1953. Briefly the cause is as follows. If when the turbine is Shut down for any reason the flow of water from the guide vanes is interrupted, the water at first flows away from the runner. Then, under the influence of atmospheric pressure and back-pressure from the tail racev it flows back and is suddenly arrested as it hits the bottom of the runner. The hydraulic shock so developed increases the pressure under the runner, thus causing the damage. The conditions under which flow interruption can occur are then outlined. Methods of estimating the pressure increase are discussed and it is shown that the return wave can easily cause severe damage. The rate of propagation of the shock wave depends on the operation of the vacuum-breaking valve. If the iralve iS open, the air saturates and gasifies the flow of water. This creates an emulsion, which reduces the speed of propagation of the Card 3/6 S/114/60/000/002/002/007 E194/El'55 Hydraulic Shock Due to the Return Wave in Water-Turbine Installations shock waves but extends their duration. Me speed with which the water rises from below towards the runner depends on the height of the tail race; on the back-pressure upon the runner; and on the distance through which the water had succeeded in passing beyond the runner. If the guide vanes close quickly and cut off the flow suddenly, the effect is more severe. After the wave has hit the runner its speed depends on the hydraulic resistance of the runner. The resistance will be high if the runner blades are nearly closed and the set speed is low. All the indications were that the failure had been caused by a shock wave of this kind. After the accident special tests were made on a similar set in the power station. Curves were taken of turbine output and vacuum under the runner as functions of the travel of the - iston of the guide? vane P servo-motor. It was found that as the gulde vanes opened the turbine output reached the maximum of 53 MW with a piston travel of 1.000 mm, but further opening reduced the output. At the maximum, piston travel of 1130 mm the output became 45 MW. As the opening Card V 6 S/114/6o/ooo/oo2/002/007 919VE',155 Hydraulic Shock Due to the Return Wave in Water.-Turbine Installations of the guide vanes was increased the vacuum under the runner increased unti12 at a servo-motor piston travel of 1050 =7 it was almost complete vacuum. The tests showedwhy the flov of water was interrupted in the turbine when 1+6 MW load was thrown off. kil the previous tests of throwing-off load had been carried out; with shorter travel of the servo-motor piston than in the case of' failure, where it was open to 1130 mm. As a result of the investigations the following two steps were taken to prevent possible recurrences of similar damages on all the turbines the maximum travel of the guide-vane servo-motor piston was limited to 1000 mm, at which setting the vacuum under the runner under steady- state conditions does not exceed 8 m water; the times of closing of the guide vanes and the runner blades were increased to 10-14 see and 40-50 see respectively, which is quite permissible in this case. After these steps had been taken special tests of throwing-off load were made on one of the sets and no untoward effects were observed. It is concluded that, in general, the -amount Card 5/6 S/114/60/000/002/002/007 E19L+/El55 Hydraulic Shock Due to the Return Wave in Water-Turbine Installations that the guide vanes can be opened should be restricted in accordance with the limiting power and.permissible vacuum. However, the vacuum depends not only on the extent of opening of the guide vanes but also on the head and on the height of the draught tube. Thus it is importantq particularly on automatically- controlled stations, to have an electrical contact vacuum meter to give a warning when the vacuum is becoming excessive. In many adjustable-blade turbines a higher speed increases the amount of water that can flow through, which can increase the vacuum under runaway conditions. This should be allowed for in selecting the time of closing-down the turbine. There are 6 figures. Card 6/6 ABRAMOVA, L.I., kand.tekhn.nauk; BENIN, V.L.p kand.tekhn.nauk; ARTYUKH, S.F., inzh.; LITOVSKTY Yu.&.. inzh.; POTAPGVSKIY, I.Ya., - - inzh.; RIVUH, MVI., ;-z - Electrohydreilic regulator for a hydraulic turbine. Energomashinostroenia 8 no.10:14-22 0 162. (MIRA 15:11) (#ydraulic turbines) MUSTOVO Tav.; LITINSUp Zdr. Obts1nment of the wheat-straw bleached semicallu-Iose by the neutral gulfite motbod, Dim i induatifiia 23 mo.5-.137-142 161. 1 ANVAYER, B.I.; ZHUKHOVITSKIYp A.A.; LITOVTSEVA, J.I.; SAWAROV, V.M.; TURKELITAUB, N.M. Relatilon between the retention volume in gas-liquid chromatography and thb 41electr1o constant of the stationary phase. Zhur. anal. khim. 19 no.2tVM83 164. (MIRL 1719) 1. VsO5oYLnyy nauchno-issledovateltskiy institut yadernoy geofiniki, i geokhimii, Moskva. STAMENKOVIG, K.; HAOMIJA* S.; L-ITRIGINO I-.0. Faperimenta.1 infection of human voluilteers with a Yugoslavian strain of trachoma virus. Acta med. iugosl. 17 no.2:117-122 163. 1. Antitrahomski dispanzer u Tuzli, Mikrobioloski institut Medicins- kog fakulteta i Ocna, klinika 14edicinskcg fakulteta u Beogradu. S STAHKOVIC, The fate ol! transplantate in keratoplasty. Acta mod. llugosl. e no.3:315-321 1954. 1. Ocna kl-InUca Modicinskog fakulteta u Beogradu. (WWAL TRANSPLAMATION lesellar graft) LITMOINI 0.; Pjkyw.VIG. M. WA--@"U v - The orifice of the nasolacrinal duct In trachoma. Acta wed. iugosl. 9 no.2-3:167-18@ 1955- 1. Klinlka za ocne bolestl Medicinskog fakultets, u Beoeradu I Odeljenje za uvo, grlo I nos Gradeks bolnice u Beogradu. (4ASOLACRIWUL DUCT, in varloui dis. trachoma, bistol. & clin. aspects of amcoma of orifice. (Ser)) l(TRACRONA. patiol. duct orifice mucosa, bistol. & clin. aspects. (Ser)) LII'RICU, 0. @ Our experiences in cataract extraction with gillette blade after the mei:hod of Malbran. Srpski arh. celok. lek. 83 no.4:491-4.93 Apr 55. 1. Kli-nike, za, oc-ae bolesti Medicinskog fakulteta u Beogradu. Upravnik: Djordie Nesic. (CATMUCT UTROTION, Malbranle method with gillette blade (Ser)) LITRICIN, 0.; STANKOVIC, 1. First cases of intra-apitbelial epithelioms (Boveiqla diseaus) of tho-eye in Tugoslavia. Srpski arh. celok. lek. 83 no.9: 1020-1025 Sept 55. 1. KI-Inika za ocne boleati Medicinskog, fakultata u Beograda. Upravalk: Djordje Neale. (CARCINOMA, IIPIDMWID, f-, Bowen's die. of eye. diag. & surg. (Ser)) (In. neoplasms Anven's dia.. diag. & eurg. (Ser)) t LITRICIN. 0.; BLAGOJEVIC, M. X-ray.-Induced cataract. Acta med. iugosl. 10 no.2:243-,157 1956. 1. Clinique Ophtalmologique do la Faculte do Medicine de 'Belgrade. (CATARACT. in inf. & child caused by radiother. (Fr)) (RADIOTHMM, inj. eff. cataract In child. (Fr)) 10 T fjO KILOSVIC. Boisa; LITHICIN, Olga Tubervuloma sclerae. Srpski arh. celok. lek. 85 no.1:101-104 Jan 5 ?. 1. X14.nilm sa ocne bolestl Medicinskog fakultsta u Boogradu Upravnik: Vladimir Csyka. (SCLIRA. die. tuberculoma (Ser)) I:TUBIRCUL014A, case report sclera (Ser)) LITRIGIN,O.; BIAWJIMC,M. PathD-histological verificatiou of im'heroulous nat-are of certain eye diseases. Taberkuloza,Bsogr. O-D 1,5j. 1. IlinUm za ocne bolesti Kedicinalcog fakulteta,:Beograd (upritvnik: prof. dr. V. Ga4m). (TUBWEUL40SIS OGUMR diag.) Prof DT 0133 LITPICIN 11 -'-Ywj;oSl UIP. lourgery ut @yr- %a Celokupno LAtrstv-,*, V(d @o, !"o this weetink hcld In !,'Qv 'J,rk in qay li@62, I- 2-Si:ntCrkC0 A*--)-ltl@a':;'% of rPy,)e).z; t-,reAar,.Lc:d w!th -.,amml 3:1d of austhors, vtrlF feV if any cubjecLive, a,-mvencrm. YUGOSLNVIA -OLGA_LITRICIN, Ncdclja TONIC-JOVANOVIC and Dusan STOJM;OVIC, Eye Clinic oT- fledical Faculty of University @Klinika za ocne bolesti kledicinskog fakulteta Univerziteta),Head (Upravnik) Prof Dr Ivan STMI-MVIC, Belgrade. "Lesions of the Eye in Children." -klci Arhiv za Celokurno Leharst , Vol 91, Eo 1, Jan 63; Bel-rade, @Lry M 17-25. Abstract'fFrench summary modified]: Review of the cases of 637 children with @'cllar injuries, treated between 1955 and 1961. Early treatment is essential but result's delend most on tyro of injury (perforating and non-magnetic foreign body have worst pro3nosis.) Graph, 5 tables; 1 Western and 3 Yugoslav (I unrublished) references. Lin J ft - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - LITRICIN, Olga ....... *-@-# Histopathology of congenital glaucoma. Srpski arh. celokelek. 91- no.9003-810 S'63. 1. Klinika za ocne bolesti Medicinskog fakulteta Univerziteta, u Beogradu, Upravnikt prof.dr. Ivan Stankovicr. 4( LITRIC311, Mga; ILIC Huzica Toxoplasmosis in ophthalmology. Srpski arh. celok. lek. 91 no.10:955-961 0963. 1. Klinika za ocne bolesti Madicinskof, fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu. Ul)ravnikt prof. dr. Ivan Stankovic. s UTH'(777, Olffa;- 'r( t 1 T.'; It rirl 'i 13' J' !:'j 1', Use of s,ibcor..;urc@,vrl ,9rr-,nki arli. ct-,-Iok. P(A. dr. Atiology, oliniatl aspects -and surgical treatment of cardiospasis. Ked.,arh., Sarajoyo 8 no.3:49-59 KEq-June 54. 1. I.Hirurska kll.nika Medicinske velike sole u BeogreAu, uprarnik prof. dr. Kil.Kootic. (CARDIOSPJWN ettol. & surg.) LITRIGIN, Triva, asist.di, Surglcal,treatment of spiphrenic diverticulum of the asoplagms. Srpski arh.celok.lek. 87 no.11:1455-1459 Nov. 54. 1. 1 Hiruaska klinika Medicinskog fakulteta u Beogradu. Upravnik: prof. dr Hilovoje Kostic. (ISOPHAODS, diverticula. surg.) LI 'RICIN T Differential dialposis of eebinococcosts of the lungs. Srpski arh. celoIc. lek. 83 no.9:969-979 Sept 55. 1. 1 111mrska klLnika Medicinskog fakultata u Beogradu. Upravnik: Milivoje Kostic. (ACHINDCOCCI)SIS, lungs, 11ag. & differ. diag. from other lung die. (Ser)) (LUNGS, die. ecbinococcosis, differ diag. from other lung dis. (Sar)) KOSANDVIC, Bogdan, dr.;%pITRICIN, Trive, Surgical treatment of congenital lung cyst. Srpoki arh. celok. lek. 85 no.4;471-476 Apr 57. 1. 1 Hirurska klInIk& Nedicinskog fakultsta u Deogradn. Upraynik: prof. dr. Bogdan Kosanovic. (LUNG, cysts congen., surg. (Ser)) LITRIGIN,Triva 1-1 ... Acute o'betraction of the peripheral arteries caused by the emboli. Srpqki arh..celok. lek. 87 no.12:1147-1156 D 159. 1. 1 Hirurek& klinika Medicinskog fakultata Univerzitata u Beogra'da, TYpraynik: prof. dr Bogdan Kosanovic. (MOOLISM case reports) DAVIDOVIC, S., prof., dr.; GLIDZIC, V., dr.-L LITRICINP T-- 0C., dr. Injuries of the thorar..!c cage. Voj.sari.pregl. 18 no.2:152-156 F 161. L. Kidicinm)d fak-ultet u Beogradu. I hirurska klinika. (THORAX vda & inj) LITRICIN, Triv ; GLIDZIC, Vukaoin Dissecting aneur7sm of the imperficial femoral artery. Srpski arb. celok. Isk. 89 no.4:495-499 Ap 161. 1. 1 hirurska klinika Madicinakog fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu. Upravnik: prof. dr Bogdan Kosanovic. (MORAL ARTERr dis) (ANEURYEK case reports) LITftI^JIN) T. p doc. , dr; STLVAX.UVlG, D., asis. dr; KARADZIG, Al., asis. dr Embolism of the common and other iliac arteries. Yed. arh. 15 no-5: 55-60 S--0 '6;. l.- I &L-mrska klinika Medicinskog fakulteta u Beogradu (Upravnik; prof. d:r B. Kosanovi ). WOOLISM case rzortl3) (ILIAC ARTLAY dis) LITRIMI, T., doe. dr.;'GLIDZIC, V., dr. Trmiplantation of fresh veins in arterial diseases. Med. W@h. 16 no.3t17-23 MY-Je 162. 1. 1 hirurska klinika Madicinskog fakul+,Ata u Beogradu (Upr;wvnik: prof. dr B. Kosanovic). Or"INS tremspi) (ARTERM aurg) LITRICINq TrLva Chronic arteriopathy of ", axillobrachUl artery due to crutches, Srpski arh, celek. lek. 90 no.3:337-341 Ur 162. 1, 1 blru@ska klinika-Madicinakog fakulteta Univerzitata u Beogre.du Up'raynik: f dr. Bogdan Kosanovic. @CRUTCHMFO jAXILLARY ARTERY die) (BRALCHIAL ARTERY die) LITRICIN, Triva; ZIVKOVIC, Borivoje Gastric diverticula. Srpski arh. colok. lek. 91 no.5:517-522 MY '63. 1. 1 hirurska klinika Medicinskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Beog-radu Upravnik: prof. dr Bogdan Kosanovic. (STCMACH DIVERTICULA) s YUGOSLAVIA GLID7,I(.', Vuka@in, and L-ITRICE.-T, First Sur.-ical Clinic (I iirur-@@'Tza Kliniska), Faculty of Medicine (Mc,,dicinski Fakultet), University (Univer- zitet) of Belgrade; KOSINOVIC, Prolf Dr Bogdan, Clinic Dizector (Upravnik). "The Diagnosis and Treatment of Arterial Lesions AccomDanied by a Larj,-e liematoma.11 BelGrade, Srnski Arhiv za Celokunno Lcharstvo, Vol 91, No 6, June 1963, Pp 599-604. Abotract: [Authors' German oummar,r modified] The authors dezeribe six cases of arterial lesions, four of A. femoralis, one of A. brachialis, and one of A. ilut. zuperior., all complicated by a larao hematoma. '.-'he cases were reported two to 33 days after onoet. Ono caso ondod in doatii. Suture was applied in two cases, tranoplantation in one, and ligature in another. The limb was saved in each case. The suggestion by the authors is that urgent surgical intervention is in order fM such cases because of poor results from delayed operations and of the dangar from secondary bleeding, thrombosis, emboly, and infection of the hematoma. Three photographs, 'Lour recent W.'estern references. 1/1 LITRICIN, TrilrL; (11 7:.iC, Vukasin. @rter- iciltyr-P.Ony i a iLr% us t -,-- .,rin I ir. 4.-imorzo f Srpski arh. @: e i :.i:. lpk.. 42, !-..o.l Ja 144 1. 1 Hi rorIzk% .1jiik a llved@ n ins kvg fAkil t ota U T-, Be c - r i t @ u ( U p r P-, a i i i b, om P@ o v I 0 YUG05LAVIA and GLIDZIC, Vukasin, First Surgical Clinici of the Medical Faculty of the University (I Khirurska Klinika Hedicinskog FakulLeta Univerziteta); Head (Upravnik) Prof Dr Ljubomir RASOVIC, Bez".grade I'Arteriovesious Anastomosis" Belgrade, !jyLsIt@_Arhiv za.Celoicupno Lekarstvo, Vol 94, 1,10 4, Apr 66; pp 343- 350 Abstract: rFrench summary modified] Clinical and laboratory data on 9 patients with arteriovenous anastomosis on the legs and 3 on the arms or hands. Diagnosis was by arteriography; surgery in 5 gave good results. Patient photograph, 5 roentgenograms, 4 Soviet, 11 Western references. Ranuscript received 10 Dec 65. ICHABAMA:IX. D.A.; LITROVMO, M.G.;. FAYZUAN, I.L- r,apacity of 20 IHK shot posted sucker rode. Trudv AzIal DN no.6:192-199 157. (MIRA 12:12) (Sucker rode) (Shot Peening) !4(7) SOV/92-59.2-22/40 AUTHOR: Litrovenk;o., MIGO, Engineer . . ....................... TITLE: A Table Used in-MW--ring and Lifting T'Qmp Rods (Stolik d1ya stpusko- Postlyemr*,kh operatsiy a nasosnymi shteng i) FERIODICAL: Neftyanik, 1959, Nr 2,42-23 (USSR) ABST1MCT: It is lm(.vn that p=p rods must be lifted and lowered every time the oil is overhauled. Since this operation is complicated and difficult, the labora- tory of pump rods opersting under the Azerbaydzhan Scientific Reocarch Institute has developed a special table facilitating the procedure. It coasists of a 500 mm metal disk attacheil to a connecting pipe through which the pump ,pressure tube is nm. This connecting pipe is provided with 1-in,sleeve with a hose used for washing the rods of deep well p=ps. The 18 kg table.' shown in 'Fig. 1 and 2. can be easily -transported on a special carriage and brought from one wellhead to an- other. The table under discussion has been tested at the Aserbaydzhan oilfields and found useful. There are 2 figures. ASSOCIATION: TAboratorlya AzN1I (The Laboratory of the Azerbaydzhan Scientific Re- search Insi;itute) Card 1/1 Oyczo; @IT@,jqrqpa (Si(jfok) Incentive awards and the sphere of activityj remarks about a polemla artiole by Endl Tasnadi, kl@,esident., Hungarian Patoopt Office. Ujit lap 15 no.12:11 25 Je 063. BYKOVI A.N.; IERMOIAYEVA, Ye.L.; KIRILLOVA, T.M.; LITE., N.P. Colored polymers of caprolactam and aminoanthraquinones as stabilizing agents in polymerization process. Khim.volok no-4: 9-10 162, (MIU 15-8) 1. Ivaaovskiy khimiko-takhnologichaskiy institut. - (Azepinone) '(Anthraquinone) (Polymerization) Ex@qt A.N.; X@RMLGVA., T.M.; LITS., N.PI. , - - 1.. 1. SpectrophoUmetric investigation of oDlored pol)-caprolactamo. V@sokcm.slbod. 5 no.3:1+28-431 Mr 163. (KIM 160) 1. Ivanovakiy kbimiko-tejd=logicheskiy institut. (Polyamides-Aboorption spectra.) ,JJ2aw19A"@-SMNIKIN. V.I. Optimum heating temperatur.& of petroleum products vbile emptying them from railroad tank cars. Trydy TNIr NP no.5:117-121 '56. (KLU 9: 8) (Tanlt:cars) (Petroleum--Transportation) LITSARIV, M.A. ---@ @@- About vollat-tonite from the Archean metamorpbic complex of the Aldan Kansif. Dokl.AN SSM 108 no.1:143-146 Ky '36. (MLHA 9:8) 1. Institu gvologich9skM nauk Akedenii nauk MR. Predst&vleno akadesikon II.S. Korshinskim, (Aldan Plateau--Wollaetonite) LITSAIMT, N.A. '0" Archaan calciphyree along the niddle Mumnakh liver in T4, southe Mti&, Tndy IGAK U0.10:5-11 157- (Km 11W (Mwanaldi Valley-Datolite) (Calciphyre) AUTHOR: Litearevp M.A. 11-58--3-3/14 TITI-St Grossularite Wollastonite Skarns of -the Emelldzhak Phlogo- pite Deposit (South Yakutia). (Groostilaro-vollastonitovyye skarny emelldzhakakogo flogopitovogo mestorozhdeniya Yuzh- naya Yakutiya) PERIODICALs Izvestiya Akadeviii Nauk SSSR, Seriya Geologicheskaya, 1958, # 5P pp 31-45 kUSSR) ABSTRACT: The article presents the conclusions of a study of gros- sularite wollastonite skarns found in the Aldan mopntain range. The presence of datolite, prehnite and vesuvianite was also discovered in certain parts of this range in the course of numerous geological expeditions of the last 6 years. After going into the geologic structure and mineral composi- tion of these skerns, the article deals with their role in different diffusive mesomatic zones. Many figures, tablOB and photographs were studied by the author and after citing the opinion of many scientists he arrives at the following con- clusions$ 1) The formation of skarns in contact with Archean psEma- tites containing calcareous ma:rblee took place during the post- Card 1/4 magmatic stage, ais the d9velopuent of different (by their 11-58-3-3/14 Grossularits Wollastonite Skarns of the Emelfdzhak Phlogopite Deposit (South Yakutia) content) zones is connected with the replacement of marbles and pegmatites. The consecutiveness of zones was established as followst a@ primary pegmatite b rooks adjacent to skarns 1) piroxene-plagioclase 2) pyroxene-scapolitic; c) grossularite - wollastonic skarns: 1@ endoskarn 2 exoskarn 3) calcareous marble 2) Distribution of zones in a skarn belt and the changes of mineral composition within separate zones shows that zonality is caused by bimetasomatic interaction of contacting rocks and occurs in connection with the diffusive exchange of their components. 3) The compositions of garnetso monoclinie pyroxene, plagio- clase and scapolite, gradually and continuously change not 2/4 only during the transition froe one zone to another, but also 11-58-3-3/14 Grossularite Wollastonite Skarns of the Emelldzhak Phlogopite Deposit (South Takut@&) @ithia the boundaries of one zone. 4) It is possible to state, after a review of the correlations of mineralej that they were not forined simultaneouslyp which, among other ractozo, were most likely caused Vy changing tempe- ratures. 5) The paragene'sis of wollastonite plus scapolite is.stable during the tirst stage of the formation of minerals, i.e. when temperatures are high; and it becames unstable during the asoond stage, when temperatures drop. As a result of the re- action of these minerals to a solution, grossularite is devel- oped and forms fringes around scapolite grains or even com- plete2y replacee them. 6) It could, thus be saidt that the complex process of the forming of the Emeltdzhak Phlogopite Deposit occured in shallow Card 3/4 depths, in contrast to facies not containing wollastonite. A, - 7 V, ) t7 i 4 - AUTHORS: Vasillyeva, Z. V.,_LLIS@ u. A., 2o--3-46/59 OrE-anova, N. I. TITLE: Natural Sulfate Apatite (0 prirodnom sullfatapatite) PERIODICAL: Doklady AN SSSR, 1958, Vol- 118, Nr 3, PP- 577-580 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Apatite is comparatively widely distributed in the phlogopite layers in the Aldan region. It occurs as a mineral admixture in various cryntalline slates and gnsisses, granites and pegmatites, mostly in the form of small irregu- lar grains distributed over the entire rock. The laxgest apatite accumulations are combined with metasomatic formations, in particular with phlogopite veins and nects which are deposited in diopside and spinel-diopside rocks. The dimensions of the apatite crystals vary from a fVw millimeters to 35 to 40 cm, -their colour beint; green, :pale blue or red. An unusual specimen of apatite was found in the phlogopite deposit "Nade.-hnoyell (on the upper course of the river Pravyy Kurung-Khoonku, district of Aldan). Suall Card 1/4 apatite crystals (1 - 1,5 mm, figure 1) are composed of an Natural Sulfate Apatito 2o-3-,16/59 aggregate of even smaller crystals with a characLeriatic zonal structure (figure 1b). The inner parts of these latter micro crystals are very weakly double-refracting (almost isotropic) whereas the external layers are normally refracting. The latter variety of apatite in certain points forme shapelese separations; filLs up the gaps between the isotropic apatite and withotit doubt is of a later origin. The interrelations established between these two components of the identice.1 apatite sample lead to the assertion, that he:re one variety of apatite was replaced by the other. An incomplete psecido-anorphosis (para-morphosis) of two OIL-SMically differing apatite varieties is observed here. The analysis of these varieties was not successful, because 9. separation was impossible. An X-ray structure analysis showed two excose lines. They can well be made to harzonizo with the indices of the apatite-like componcnt with a2 Y56jto,s-p6 177; c2/a 2 - 0,708. As it is tab:e9l, i ossible to attribute indices corresponding to the second phase to all other lines. This justifies the assumption, that here two apatite phases are existent. The parameter a of the second phase is much greater, whiali is Card 2/4 characteristic for Cl-apatite, as is well known. The Natural Sulfate Apatite 2o-3-46/59 chenical analysis is given in table 2. It reflects the composition of both apatite phases and corresponds, after subtracting CaCO3 , to the total formula of apatite, which is distinguished by the presence of S, which obviously replaces P isomorphously, and by the occurrence of Na, whioh replaces Ca. From this the occurrence of Ra-S-apatite may be presumed, the existence of which was proved (reference 1). Intermediary forma also became known. From these facto and from tne investigations of the apatite from "Hadezhnoye" it can be conceived to consist of two phases, Ila-S-apatite and normal apatite. For the purpose of clarifying the problem, to what extent it consists of pure S-apatite, a finely ground sample was washed out with water for three days. The presence of sulphur and chlorine, as well as the absence of phosphor was determined. Therefore, in this apatite phosphor is completely replaced by sulphur. From these considerations the formula Na6Ca 0 Cl 2 is proijosed. This variety was not yet observed in AtOe. It forms abo-it 5'% of the total apatite mass. The predominant component corresponds to the formtila Ca AE:'@'2jC'I(OlIt F) . The ordinary Card 3/4 apatite here fox-me a paramorp a a f n earlilr sulfate- Natural Sulfate Apatito 2o-3-415/59 -apatite, which proved to be-,tinstable on the conditions of metasomatosis because of its solubility ard was preserved only in the crystal cores. There are 1 figure , 2 tables, and I reference. ASSOCIATION: Institute for Ore Deposits, Petrography, Mineralogy and Geochemistry AN USSR (Institut geologii rudnykh mestorozhdeniy, petrografii, mineralogii i geokhimii Akademii nauk SSSR) PRESENTED: August 29, 1957, by It. V. Belov, Acadenician SUBMITTED: August 28, 1957 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 4/4 LITSAREV, M. A., Cand Geol-Min Sci -- (diss) "Types of phlogopite de- posits of aldane, conditions of its formation, and principles of local- ization. II Moscow, 1960. 25 PP; with uiaf7rams; (Academy of' Sci@@nces USSR, Inst of the Geology of Ore Deposits, Petrography, MineraloF.-y, and Geochemistry); 150 copies; price not giveri; (KL, 22-60, 133) LITSAREV, Mjkha@@ SHLEPOV, V.-K.9 @16h"yeyj,Cb; PETROV, V.P.,; red.izd-va; DOROKH]2iA, I.N., (Genesis of Aldan phlogopite deposi.tsJ Genezis flogopitovykh mestorozhdenii Aldaria. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad.nauk SSSR.- 196-1. 166 p. (Akademiia nauk SSSF,. Institut geologii rudnykh mestorozhdenii, petroFrafii, mineralogii i geokhimi. Trudy, no.67). (MIRA 14:8) (Aldan Plateau--Phlogopite) LITSARE;vf M*A* Famation and distribution of phlogopite deposits in the U.S.S.R. Zakonom. ra2:M. polazn. iskop. 63340-372 162. (MIRA 16:6) 1. Institut geologii rudnykh mestorozhdeni-y, petrografti, mdlneralog@i i geokhlmiii AN SSSR. (Phlogopite) i-n.z. 'Tata transmission, planning, and solulArn methods" by j-"Jrcur"@@" L.Palounr:k. Reviewed by F.Litschmann. Automatizace 7 SupplaTechnicka literatura insert N 164. @, LITSEINATIMR, N.V. Ifind of a mberal of thog helvite-davalite group In slairas of Getitral Asia. Zap. Yees. min. ob-va 89 no.4-466_468 16o. (MIPA '13:11) (Soviet Central Asia--Minerals) GEG1,119 V.G.; Lll@@If-.'OVA, Effect of mineral additlions rin Tk!)rd" --oal pyrolysis. Tl-uiy Tnat.. priki. khlm. 1. elektrokliim. Mi Gruz. '.-SP 4, 81-89 163. %t ?,!: F,@ i ry , 5), 3-58-7-18/36 AUTFORSs Litsis, N.A. and Epshteyn, I.Ye., Candidate of Technical -9-cienoes, Dotsent TITLE: Engineering Knowledge to Teachers of Basic Sciences of In- dustrial Production (Uchitelyam osnov proizvcdstva - inzhe- nernyye znaniya) PEK*ODICAL: Veistnik vysshey shkoly, 1958, Nr 7, PP 58-60 (USSR) ABSTRACTi A scientific methodical conference called by the Rizhski pedagogicheskiy institut (The Riga Pedagogical Institute@ jointly with the Ministry of Education of the Latvian SSR de- bated measures to improve the polytechnical education of future teachers. The conference proponed replacing the state examina- tion of teachers in special industrial disciplines, by the prosentation of a diploma project on a given subject. The num-t' ber of hours for teaching industrial drawing must therefore be increased. ASSOffMOW: Nftixterstvo prooveshcheniYa IALtvi1.F6kOY SM WnistrY Of 30nogtiong latv:Lan SSR) C63A 2/1 ,I LITSISt NALicing N.] '.- @Concerning the natural scientific and philosophical significance of Lobachevikil's geometry. In Russisui. Vestis Latv ak no-3:33-44 160. (Geometry) (VAI 10: 7) LITSTS _NjLjaJ.ej- N.] Nikolai I. LobachevskiiIs natural, scientific, anti philosophical ideas in the development of notions ebout space atid time. Vestis Latv ak no.-845-18 160. (EFAI 10: 9) (Lobaohevskii, mikolai Ivanovich) . (Space "d time) f KUDRITSKIYJ R.; VOLKOV A - FOGEL, Z.; PODOBED., Yu.; TITOVP A.; SHEIN, R.; itia, J. OSTROVENETS, V.; SEMENTSOVY N. LITSITIS,, Ya,..I@ic" Specialization is indispensable. Tekh. est. no-4:22-23 Ap 165. (MIRA 18:6) 1. Spetsialtnoye khudozhestvennc)-k.onstruktorskoye byuro Kiyevskogo soveta narodnogo khozyaystva, (for Kudritskiy, Volkov, Fogel'). 2. Spetsiallnoye khudozhestvenno-konstruktorskoye byuro Soveta narodnogo khozyaystva Moskovskogo gorodskogo ekonomicheskogo rayons, (for Podobed). 3. Spetsiallnoy-a I:hudozhestvenno-konstruktorskoye byuro Saveta narodnogo khozyaystva Leningradskogo ekonomicheskogo rayona (for Titov). 4. Spetsiallnoye khudozhestvenno-konstruktor- skoye b7uro Sredne-Urallskogo oov--ta narodnogo khozyaystva (for Shein),, 5. Spetsiallnoye khudrzheistvenno-konstruktorskoye byuro Soleta narodnogo khozyaystva Le.tvJ.yskoy SSR (for Litaitis, Ostro- venets, Sementaov). LITUBVICH, V., arkhitektor (Vladivostok) - @- @ Special problems in maintaining apartment housts in the Maritime Territo:ry. Zhil.-kom. khoz. 9 no.@1:20-21 '59-.7,hil.-kon. khoz. 9 no.9:20-21 '59. (MIRA 13:2) (Maritime Territory-Apartment houses-Maintenance and repair) LIKHOTA, L.F. r@qTSMICH, V.K.; -TINEINA. Te.L., red.lzd-va; OSffMBTS@ Z.K.. takhnred. [Planning a-Partment houses taking lo.,.,al surface features into account Proaktirovanie zhilykh donov 9 uchatom rellefa mestnostei. Koskva. Gos.izd,-vo lit-ry po atroit., arkhIt., i stroit.mal;erialam, 1960. 59 P. WRA 14a) (Apartment houses) RUDKOVSKIY, Ye.N., imsh.,, red.; MEYERSON, D.S., kand. arkhit.,, red.; hand..arkhit., red.; OTSEP, Ye.F., inzh., red. [Provisional -instructiOnB on fire prevAntion requirements foi designing 10 storlr and higher apartment houses; fccr use in experinental doolga and construction) VremennyE, uka- zanlia po pro,Avopozharnym trebovaniien d1la proektirci-vaniia zhilykh zdaniA vysotoi 10 stazhei I bolee; dlia primeneniia v eksperimentiLlInom p--cektIrovanii i stroitel'stve (SN 295-64). Moskva, Sltroiizdat, 1965. 8 p. (FIIRA 18:8) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Gosudarstirennyy komitet pc grazhdansko= stroitel.stvu i arkhitel:ture. 2. Gosudarstven- nyy komitet po grazhdenskorru stroitell'stmu i arkhitokture pri Gosstroye SSSII (for Rudkovskiy). 3. TS'entrallrWy nauchno- issledovatelli3kiy i proyektnyy institut tipovogo i eksperi- mentallnogo proyek-tiroveniya zhilishcha Gosudarstvemogo ko- miteta po grazhdanskcimu stroit(31'stvu i arkhitekture pri Goestroye SSSR (far Meyerson, Litskevich, Otsep). LITSKi-AMI 2 V. , arldiitektoro Chrzxacteristll 'ca of a dwAUng the Mwitime Territory. Zhil stiol. no.6t2.8-31 Je 161i. (MIRA 14:7) ,14aritime Tervitory-Apartment houses) LITSMICH, :-K. PublIc bott8ing and climatological peo of the southern part of tile Far East. Sbor, nauche rAz-V.4*II:MI5--no.1t75-86 161, (MnU 16: 11) YA. -1. - - Litskin, Ya. I. and Bodrova,, V. Ya. - "The treatment of dysentery with sulfidine enemas", Vracheb. delo, 1949, No. 4, paragraphs 317-18. SO: U,43291 19 August 53, (Letopis 'Zhurnal Inykh Statey, No. 21, 1949). -., LITSW, I.P. 2heoretical stu(%r of the Iwoblom of making eMps in a drum chippero Gidrolis.i lesokhim.proju. 13 no-316-9 160. MIA 13:7) 1. leninaadskaya lesotakhnichesloya akademiya. .(Woodworking machinery) _@ITSMAN, E.@. Studying t,,'.ie process of wood chip ing w-4th the DR-AD4 chipper. . p Gidroliz. L losokhim.prom. 17 no.2.10-13 164. (@gqA 17:4) 1. T-eningradakaya lesotekhnicheskaya akademiya im. S.M.Kirova.