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LWOVA., A.I. bequonoy of blood-owking and the riaturo of ovipooition by PhId.botmus, Medeparazoi parax.bol. 30 no.2sl96-200 Mr-Ap 161o (KMA 1424) 1. 1z otdela paramitologii Taabkontskogo nauchno-isoledovatelt- sk.op instituta vaktoin i oyvorotok (dir. instituta A.B. Inogamovp zav. otdel= MoPo Vavilova). (MOTH FLIM) n~,tl -a F&aga,~-Iwuw-3 Rmmmj~ MM I'ISOVAO A.I. Some biological regularieties in the annual cycle of sand flies from obeervations in the city of Tashkent. Report No, 3s The duration of the developmental cycle of' sand flies under laboratory conditions. Trudy TashNINS 6:251-264 161. (MM 15'.11) (MOTH FLIES) LISOVAI A.I. - ...... Siome biological regularities In the ammal cycle of sand flies from observations in the city of Tashkent. Report. N6.4: The periods of the onset of diapause under laboratory conditions. Trudy TashNIIVS 6:265-276 161. (~m 15:11) (YDTH FLIES) LISOVA, A.I. Fate of the pathogen of vi ral leishmaniasis in the body of Pbleboto=s (cmparative i:rectiousness of Phlebotams). Mad. zhur. Uzb. no.205-39 F 162. (MIRA 15:4) 1. Iz Tashkentskogo nauchno-iseledavatellskogo instituta__ypktain i _.2porotok (dir. - A,B.Inogaiov). (PIDTH FLIES-MICROBIOLOGY) (KA;.#,=R) LISOVA;, A.I. Some biological regulatities in the annual cycle of sand -flies according to observations in Tashkent. Report no.I: Sffec t-oZ~p;~ecipitation on the tnmber of sand flies. Tn d Ly Tashl IiIIVS)5tl89-203162. (Mm la'slo) (TASMMIT- - SAID FLIFZ) LISOVA, A.I. ',,~,Gregarina (genus Diplocystis) in the body cavity of sand flies. Zool.zhur. 41 no.7:1095-1099 ii 162. (MIRA 15:1-1) 1. Parasitological Department of Research Institute of Vaccines and Sera of Tashkent. (Parasite a-116th flies) (Gregarina) LISOVA., A.I. ~.%wWwwamm Susceptibility of sand flies to the pathogen of cutanectB lelslmaniasis. Med. paraz. i paraz. bol. 31 no.6:728-722 11-D 162. (MIRA 17:11) 1. 1z otdela parazitc-logli (zav. M.P. Vavilova) Tashkentskogo nauchno-Issledovatel'skogo instituta vaktsin i syvorotok (dir. - A.B. Inogamov). SYSPANOV, V.W., doktor sell skoldioz3raystvonnykh nauk, prof.; BOLOBOLOVA, V.M.Y kand.se1'akokhozyayutvcnnykh na4 uchnyy sotrudnik; USILIWA, D.V., muchnyy sotr-cdnik. Productivity of crop rotations speoWizing in grain and potatoes in the central regions of non-Chernozem zones; second report. Izv. TSKIIA no.3:7-22 161, (MIRA 14:9) (Grain) (Potatoes) (Rotation of crops) LISOVKL, A. P. Cand Agr: Sci - (diss) '!Bf feet of various a rop-rotation crops on the immease of fertility of sod.-podzolic soils." Belaya Tserkov', 1961. 11.) pp; (Ministry of Agriculture Ukrainian SSR, Belotserkov' Agricultural Inst); 150-copies; price not given; (KL, 6-61 sup, 232) 1. TUSYUK, P. A6 I LISOVAL, U_L 2. SSSR- (6001 4. Ukrains-Doots and Best Sugar 7. affect of various forms of potassium W other types of fertilizer on the yield at cotton and sugar beets under Irrigation farming in the -samthern Inwaine.. Say. avail* 10,40. 12, 1952 9. M &MAk List of Russian Accessionst Library Of Congress, yebruary ---1953. Unclassified. 4, . . . . . . . . . . V an emin Effk' .nf Otgaim-Minmil Fertitfteri tn~r , l l " kh w *11f o l th cl'~ ni t e o ac e rs d of com.. o Yfe i vovrilienle prinbsia kulkinuty. (11=1. P.I:A. v l aq s"p. 47-51, d P. Z. Lhoval. Zeinledelfe, v. 3, m. 7, July i 1 ~- i X d M b L . a w t K,50#, KC -MI, an ' wi corn t. POS thaitt ~A VLA.=, P.A. LISOVAL, P.Z.; DOBROTVORSIU, O.K. .Propertiee of organic and mineral composts and their affect on the yield of sugar beets. Mikrobiol..zhur. 17 no.4:15-21 '55 (HLRA 10:5) 1. Z Inatitutu fiziologii roalin ta agrokhimii AN URSR (COMPOST) (SUGAR BAITS) f k-tlus;B~l U~. CIO-ief "Iff :qu bue iac KC1. and a ~lf KCI serood. K-thi tha,! the Ilighest 0- Gi lubt-CIC3 cli, CIO-jer roott- Wlltl bm---S, iniu3hitp F--lvt tile. hqhci-~ aLd OL gurir -1 ttvia ck " t, riv.. U--~- W; KCI G:Iltn mefuc-~ 1 ij~,r ~-At --at USSR/Cultivated Plants. Cereals. M Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Diol., No 17, 1958, 77625. Author : Vlasyuk P. A.; Lisoval, P.Z. last : AS UKrSSR- Title : Influence of Organic-Mineral Fertilizers on Harvests of Corn. Orig Pub: V sb.. Vopr. razvitiya a.-kh. PoleBlya. Kiev, AN USSR, 1956 (1957), 40-49. Abstract: In the Institute of Physiology of Plants and Agrotechny AS UhrSSR in 1953-1954, the influ- ence was studied of different types of ferti- lizers on harvests of corn, placed in crop-rota- tion after-winter wheat. on meadow-chernozem soils, organic-mineral fertilizers contributed to the increase of the grain harvest of corn by Card 1/3 37 USSR/Cultivated.Plants. cereals. M Abs-, JOUr.: Ref. ZhurpDiol., no 17; 19581 77625. l4a-15-TC/ha-Vith harvests in the control 6athout'. fertilizer) 39 .1 c/ hd.' Aiplication of 5.,.t/ha, of . orj;=ic-min'er6l 66ts:-in a nest 'comp - with sowing proved the most effective and assured On Wel,*lypodz~li-c,''~b-on~dv'soile th obtaining of a arain harvest of corn of 810.6 c/ha with harvest in the control 39 a/ha. on weakly podzolic, lightly sandy soils the application of 5 t/ha of humus in the nest with sowing assured the addition of harvest of 7 c/ha with harvest in control 42.1 a/ha. with aR organic-raineral mixture with the same control/grain-harvest increase of 9-4, c/ha was obtained. Tillage of green mass of harvested lupine with combined Card 2/3 USSR Soil Science6 Mineral Fertilizers. -T-4 Abs J6ur: Ref Zhur-Biol..;, No 8, 1958, 34385e Author~'~: Vlasyuk, Pe- k 01 Lisoval,-P. Z. Inst : AS'UkrbSR.-- Title : Indroase.of~ Ferttltbj-� -a;mI-Yicld in Agric- .ultural Cultivations by Means of Utilizing Org- anio and Mincral,Fortilizers. Orig Pub; V sb.: liiestn. organ, udobreniya 'USSR, Kiyov, AN U8SR, 19511P 5-17. Abstract: Based on exporiments conducted on 4u-urf-yjodzolic sandy loam and neadowy-black earth podzolized . soils, the authors claim that ap*,)lication of the oxganio- mineral system of fertilization secures the most favorable condition for tho nutrition of plants and considerably incroascs the yield. Tho hishost incroase in yiold was observed by Oard 1/2 ':-~iulntry CA"VE"GORY ftads and Their Coutrol 110 A?,:;. JOUR. 11-273101., ;"'0- 120 1950, ~10- ~)935 AUTIRCR Vlasyuk, P.A.; Lisoval, P.Z, INTST . Not T iTL" The Effeet o4' 2o4 DU Herbicide on Weeds In Oat and Winter Wheat Plantings ORIG. PUB. : Byul. po fiziol. rastenty, 1957, No. 1, 40-42 A133TRACT : A try-out of the effect of 2,4-DU herbicide on the wild radish (Raphanus raphanistrizi) and bitter wintercress (Barbarea vulgarls) in wheat and oat plantings whioh was made in 1954 at the exparimental base of the Institute (whioh on'a Is not indicated. Ed.) has demonstrated that by spraying the pre- paration (0.75-1 kg/ha) during the budding time of the weeds produoes their total 4est tion. Negative effects of the herbicide on :IOU P 2:CY IJS3R IL AT: G RZ A :11 Rz"!iioI.' ",10.12. 1')4' M0.51gIs AUT'k- I A` C-71 Ta 'Djj 9 A- 'T _7tfi, r.T who-at and oat YIeld3 followIng 11.1s vmre not noted, and a certain yield boost -was observed in the test with oats. --N.1. Dori- SOVII 2/2 SOV-21-58-8-22/27 AUTHORS: Vlasyuk, P.A., Member of the AS UkrSSR, and Lisoval, P.Z. TITLE: Effect of Various Forms of Potassium Fertilizers on the Yield of Farm %"rops (Vliyaniye razlichnykh form kaJLiynyk7a - udobreniy na urozhay sellskokhozysystvennykb kulltur) PERIODICALt Dopovidi Akademii nauk Ukrains1koi RSR, 1958, Nr 8, PP 887-890 (USSR) ABSTRACTi With the aim of establishing the best conditions of nutrition and in raising the yield of plants, the authors studied various forms of potassium fertilizers from deposits of the -western regions of the Ukrainian SSR on permanent fields of the Ukrainian Research Institute for Plant Physiology and temporary fields at the Irpen' river and at the Kherson research station. As a result of many years of research, they arrived at the conclusion that to obtain high yields and a better quality of farm produce, both for grain and technical as well as for vegetable and fodder crops, it is essential to utilize not only chloride but sulfate and sulfate-magnesian forms of potassium fertilizers and their combinations. Card 1/2 There are 6 Soviet references. SOV-21-58-8-22/27 Effect of Various Forms of Potassium Fertilizers on the Yield of Farm Crors ASSOCIATION: Institut fiziologii rasteniy (Institute of Plant Physiology) SUBMITTED: March 23, 1958 NOTE: Russian title and Russian names of individuals and institutions appearing in this article have been used in the transliteration. 1. Plants--Ilutrition 2. Fertilizers--Applications 3. Chlorides --Plant met4olism 4. Sulfates--Plant metabolism 5. Potassium --Pl,q.nt metabolism Card 2/2 VLASYUK, P.A., almdemik-, LISOVAL, P.Z.. klind.biolonauk Improving nutritional conditions of Plants bY using various typos of potassium fertilizers. Agrobiologiia no.1:9-22 Ja-F 159. (KIRA 12:4) 1. Institut fistologii rasteniy, USSR, go Kirov* (Plants, Affect ofpotassium on) VIASYUK, Petr katipovich, akwiemiki LISOVAL, Petr Zakharovich; BLANINA, L,F., red.; XVITXAy--~~.Pp tekbi-. -red.'s [Effectiveness of tbause of organic-mineral fertilizers in grain and sugar-beat crop rotation] Bffgktivwot' organomine- ral'toi sistery udobraniia v zernovo-mklovicbnom oeVooborotes Kiev, Izd-vo Ukrainskoi Akad. sellkboz. naukj 1061. 152 p. (MIRA 15:3) (Rotation of crops) (Grain-Fertilizers and manures) (Sugar beete-Fert12izers and r-anures) VLASYUK, P.A., akademik; LISOVAL, P.Z., kand, biolog. nauk i i Effect of organ .ic and mineral fertilizers on the increase in the yield of basic.rotated crops. Agrobiologiia no.l:M-17 Ja-F 165. 1. Ukrainskiy nauchno-issledovatel'Bkiy institut fiziologii rasteniy AN UkrSSR, Kiyev. 1,1SOVAYA, S.P. Ula.-,vst S.P.] R"fect of-pralongea pr~sexvation of tumor tJssue in formalin on its ant'-genic properties. Mi~--ralji;)I. zhur. 2^7 no.3-.24,-y7 165. (MIRA 18t6) .1* Odesskiy nauchnr~-isslndovatellskiy lr,.,,.titut 6pidpniologli i M MEMO .OM Ltsovf4yt)f and Is adxw bomer (UL, "Ornw, w "(CI%b.Q !AWINWI.Iff . .d San. of tin A tamate, m. 491, -9.62* after 9 wee, 60,was-OW, Tbatrindomatim was& ctim; Its cmt. was 3.1 X 10-4 wc.-i at C 10-4 *cc.-' at 30'. W. Tbo wAdocelar 'OVOW UM. S. S. UmwvsU and R. A. 9 &&to Univ., Kharkov). Aid. 03-7.- 63*) SIYCWIC " (1) Immumes the m0act CO mm has a WOW eke. tow. In meco, d from R;*CO oxwe then the higb-m. (791) Tbo a y ic owl. wt. of U In dioxane is as the Md. wt. of I is W107. B. LIVSOU, Z.A-; LISOVA7A,__Ye.D.; KOZLOVA, Ye.I. Properties of drosses containing alumina and the most efficient conditions of filtzation on continuously operating vacuum filters. Trudy WI 31 no.1:43-55 159- (KIRA 13:10) (Refractory materials) S/'072/63/ooo/004/005/005 ------AO51/Ai26- alA_ ___s Prof Lisovaya, _V.*.DQctoi___0_.)_f_.Technic cience essor, Ye- D.,..Junior Scientific Worker TITLE: Clinkering intensification of glazed mass by combined additions PERIODICAL: Steklo i.keramika, no. 4, 19 22 TEa: ~It is suggested that the introduction of additions can affect the activity of a hard material, regulate the structure of the liquid phase, and thereby intensify the clinkering process. The effect of various additions was ''Investigated: U20, Na2O, K20, FeO, Fe2 03, TiO2, SnO2, M&O, VmO, CeO, CaO, MoO 3, -the formation process -H?'~'3 -BaC12, FeCl-4,,CU01~1 SnCl2,.-ZnCl2, MgCl~, etc., on o mullite and its tensile strength. It was found that the most effective addi- .4%-.ions,are MnO, nepheline syenite, spodumen and MgC12, A glazed mass from the Ehar'kov Tile Manufacturing Factory was used for the experiments. Data obtained showed that combined additions can be a great deal more effective than each ad- dition taken separately. An increaae in the caloinating rate inareases the clinkering process, explained primarily by the occurrence of a more dofootive Card 1/2 - -l . N - ~* . . - 7 . *-:, - . - , , :-o I I . . KUKOLEV, G.V.,,- LIVSONq Z.A.; EELIK, Ya.G.; KOZLOVA, Ye.D.; SHOLOWVA,, E. M. - 1, -, I Effective ceramic products',made of local clays. Stroi. mat. 9 no.4t4,-6 Ap 163. (MA l6-- 5) (Kharkov-Ceramics) KUKOLEV, G.V.j LIVS011, Z.A.; KOZLOVA, Ye.I.; LISOTKYA, Ye.D.; SHOLCKOVA, E.M.-. Making use of the waste clay extracted from the refractor7 cla7 of the Chasov Yar deposit. Strol. mat., det. i izd. no. 2t4,42t 165 (MIRA 190 1. Khartkovskiy politekhnicheakiy institut imeni V.I. Lenina. V. LIVSONI Z.A.; SHCTIEPILOV, N.S.; LISOVAYAV Y:e.D.; KOZLOVA, Ye.I. Electric rotating fuzmace with cryptGl resistors. Zav. lab. 31 no~3-1:1417 165. (MIRA 19:1) 1, Khartkovskiy politekhnicheskiy inatitut imeni Lenina. - ~ - , -I. - - -~ NOW, , *4~-4 m- x:-- / V q (-j 'P~.; S 'USOV010, S. I.; ZOLOTUXHIN, I.H.; KCSTWK, A..P.; LISOYMO, Zj.; YIUID- MAN, N.Y.; KUZNZTSOV, T.7.; FIVOYAROV, L.A., i7n"zhener, retsensent; SHAROY10, P.M., inzhener, reteensent; TURIK. N.A., Insheuer, reteen- sent; KIRILLOV, Th.G., Inshener, retsensent; SUMT. N.A., inzhener, retsenzent; RUDZEKIT, Ta., tekhredaktor. Cloconotives]Parovosy. Pt. 2. (Theory, design, and calculations for machinery, underframe, and auxiliary parts. Dynamics, traction calcu- lations, and brief information on operation) Teorlia, konstruktoila i raschet mashiny, skipasha I vaponogatellnykh ustroist, dinamika, tiago- vys razabsty I kratkie sTedenita po okeploatatsii. Kiev, Goo. nauchno- tekhn. Isda-vo mashinostrolt. i sudostrolt. lit-ry. 1954. 475 p. [Microfilm] (ALBA 7:11) (loconotives) SHUBNIKOVP D.A.; LISOVENKO, L.A. Materials on the biology of rock sole (Lepidopsetta bilineata) in the southeastern part of the Bering Sea. Trudy VITIPO 49: 209-214 164. (MIRA 18:5) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut morskogo rybnogo khozyaystva I okeanografli. Cult ivated- Plants-.- - Fruit - Troes.-- -Small-Frult-M Plants. Nut Trees. Tea. Abs Jour Author Inst Title Orig Pub :Ref Zhur Biologiya, No 6, 1959, No. 25044 :Lisovenko T. givd-n Perspective Apple-Tree Forms In the Ukrainian Scientific-Research Institute of Horticulture :Byul. nauk.-tekhn. inform. po eadivnytstvut 1957, No 4, 47-49 Abstract :As a result of 20-year operations with such apple varieties, as Landsberg Renet, Antonovkal Slavyankaj Saffron Pepin, Babushkino, Jonathang the Winter Golden Parmeng Belfleur-Chinese Maid, Boyken, etc*, very valuable perspective hybrids of winter- Card 1/2 163 I Ant Abs JOUr J?laLus. Fruit.Trees. Small Fruit d is Egg, 0J.; RUDj,4,Ko-GraTsYIJK, O.A. [Hudenkc-Ilrytsi"k, 0. Characteristics of the therrkil conditionsof the Fh-29 oven. Khar. prom. no.2:23-26 Ap-Je 165. (MIRA 18:5) 0. 25044 riu" Tr iyal Vo 6j 1959, BI-0109 Ref Zhur ned. AmOIA6 these riere Obtal:stand Out Nos' ill period maturity 1 lalll nd forms 08poe henko selOcte 864. She" 63 and 1, LISOVENKO,, So 2. USSR (600) 4. Irriga'f-Aon Farming 7. Collective farm changes in irrigated farming. Kolkh. proizvo 12 Nos 10, 1952o 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, January -1953. Unclassified. LISOVINKO, M.; ZOLCTUKHIN, I.M.; XOSTYUK, A.P.; LISOVIINKO, IN 'WOMW104"!" 1r' 111"SOV, T.Y.; PIVOYAROY, L.A., inzhener, retsenzent; SEAROTKO, P.M., inshener, retsenzent; TURIK. N.A.. inshener, reteen- sent; MILLOV, Tu.G., inshener, retsenzeut; SffVMV. N.A., inzhener, retsenzent; RUBMWIT, Ta., tekhredaktor. [Locomotives]Parovosy. Pt. 2. [Theory. design. and calculations for machinery. underframe, and auxiliary parts. Dynamics, traction calcu- lations, and brief Information on operation] Teoriia, konstrukteiia I raschet mashiny, ekipazha. I vaposogatellaykh ustroist, dinamika, tiago- vye razahety I lmiilcie ovedenita po okeploatataii. Kiev, Goo. nauchno- tekhn. Isd-vo mashinostroit. I sudostrolt. lit-ry. 1934. 47~ p. [Microfilm] (KM 7:11) (Locomotives) LISOVINKO, S.I., kand. tekhn. nauk Checkwire mover for vine crop planters. Mekh. Bill hoop. 10 no.4:10-11 Ap 159. (MM 12:6) (PUmtere (Agricultural machinery)) (vine crops) NIKOLAM, Ivan Ivanovich; SLITIKOV, P.A., prof., retsenzent; LISOVENKO,k,j.,_dots., retsenzent; KHLEBNIKOV, V.N., kand. red.; USEIIKO, L.A., tekhn. red. (Locomotive dynamics]Dinamika lokomotivov. Moskva.. Trans- zheldorizdat, 1962. 318 p. (MIRA 16:1) 1. Chlen-korrespondent Akademii nauk SSSR (for Nikolayev). (Locomotives--Dynamics) w LISOVENKO. S,1,. doteentl DIDYK, NjVj Results of the operation of the experimental TRIO and 2M0 dies~&l.-looomotives,,.Zhol.dorotranspe 47 no.3-2:47-49 D 165. (MIRA 18s:L2) 1, 10mrilcavokLy. institut inshenerov shelanodoroMnogo transporta (for Lisovenko). 2. Glavn inzhener hkomotivnogo depo 0snova Yuzhnc7 dorogi (for Di.;7k7. LISOMKO S.I kand. takhn, nauk . .1-1-1-1--~-- 0.4, Machinery and Implements for cultivating vegetables seeded 1*r the wide-strip 'Method. Maehinoiktroenie no.1:70-72 -Ta-F 163. - (MMA 16:7) (Cultivators) MMOZOVp V.P.; KVASHA, N.T.; TSAUNE, A.Ya.; LISOVENKO, V.A. Vibrational spectra of deuterium and tritium substituted nonlinear triatomic hydrides. Opt. i spektr. 15 no-5:617-621 N 963. ' (MIRA 1602) L 03265-66_ EWT(J~)/F, ACCESSION NRt AP5020787 MV0048/65/029/008A-3%A306 AUTHORt Lisovenkop Vs kel Shpak#'Mo Ttql 7VIVI TTME: Effect of erfections of the crystal lattice on the luminescence proper- I= ,, 13th Conference.on Lumines nee hild in Kh"'koW ties of anthrace, art ce 1A96U 25 June-to 1 July 6 1"1 - I SOURCE: AN SSSRo.isvestiyas Seriya fizicheskayap ve 29p no* 8,9 1965# 1304-1306,, and insert facing p- 1304 TOPIC TAOS: anthracene., absorption spectrumj, luminescence spectrum, crystal do- formationj, crystal lattice defect,,crystal impurity ABSTRACT: This paper reports &.continuation of previous work (M.TeShpak and N. I', Sheremeti: 6ptika i spekbroskoplys, 17o 694., 1964) on the effect of deformation on the exciton luminescence spectrum of.anthracene, Lattice defects were introduced into the anthracenscrystals,by doping with molecules that are comparable in size to or.larger thananthracene molecules, and by thermal deformatione - The absorp- tion and luminescence spectra were observed at 20-40K, Doping with large mole- cules led to the appearance of a now series in the spectrum, similar to the room Card 1/*2 KOSTYUK, Platon Grigorlyevich; VOROMOT, D.S., akedemik,; TANKOVSKAYA, Z.B., red.izd-va; LISOVETS, A.X. ------ Exicroolectrods techniquee] Xikroolektroduaia tekhnika. Kiev, Izd-vo Akad.nauk USSR, 1960. 125 p. (KIRA 13:7) 1. AN USSR (for Toroutsov). ( M CTRONICS IN KKDICINE) (MACTRODIS) Standard designs of collective farm workshops. Mekh. sill. hosp;. 14 no*5:31-32 My t63. (KM 16-.10) 1. StarsUyjnzh. upravlenlya remontami i remontnymi predpriyati- yami, respublikanskogo ob"yedineniya "Ukrsil*gosptekhnika." ~~V LISOVITS, N. (Novo-Troitakoys, Khersonslawa oblast 0 Using tanktrucks in extinguishing steWe fires. Pozh.delo 5 no-7--20 JY '59- (MIR& 12sq) (Ste"se-71rom and fire prevention) (Tank trucks) LISOVETS *R"-inzh*j SHOYKHET, L.A.,, kand. tekhn. nauk An advisor of a mine cutter-loader operator, Ugoll Ulw, 10 no. lj28-29 Ja 166, (MIRA 18:12) I* Inatitut avtomatiki Ministerstva priborostroyeniya, sredstv avtbmatizataii i oiotem upravleniya SSSR, KRYUTCHEZIKOJ, V.K., inzh.; LISOVETS, Ye.l., inzh. 11.1 Expediency of the use of hydraulic carriages with front or tall arrangememt of tool holders in relation to lathe axis. Mashinostroenie no.5253-55 1-1-0 164 (MIRA l8s2) SOV/136-58-11-16/21 ATJTHORS: Gershgal, IT.Ya-, Zeremba, S.A*j Lisovets'r-aya, E.G. ITLFj: ~; to Improve Flotation Results us O.~ PriiL a (Primeneniye orosheniya peny d1ya uluchsheniya rezul'tatov flotatsii) PERIODICAL: Tsvetnyye Metally, 1958t Nr 11, pp 82-84 (USSR) ABSTRIM: The.possibility of improvirig flotation of ores and coal by sprinklinL the foam by the method developed by the Mosk-ovskiy gornyy institut (Moscow Mining Institute) has been tested recently at several works. The article describes results at the Pyshm1ns'1'f:aya obogatitel'naya fabrika (1178hrai... - - Benef iciation Worki~) where sulphide ores are +-eated by collective flotution of sulphides follo-ed by selection to Live Za -lopper concentrate and a py-rile-cobalt concentrate. The sprayinE was effected ,vith an ilach Pire with 3 mn sta-X~ered holes. Tests were rl.~m for six laor=5; two ho=-- without sprinkling, two with sprinklinr, at one rate and t-i-.,o with sprinkling at another rate. It was found (fig.1) that the copper Card 112 axd- sulphiLr contents of the 6oncentrate rise with 1 3071/136 -5 Use of Foam Sprini-linL; to Improve Flotation Results sprinl7lir,L; v!uter flow all, does their coritent of the +74 micron fraction (fi~ T1,,e optimal viater flow was 44 litres/mi-~n-fte; the &,Athorz state thf--t the optimal miist *'Ce determined for each particulox case and careflaii-v inaintained .3nd recommend the rrethod for I J. -ido T -V . 171 de ,tic.-- in tbe f'!.:)t,+ior- of nor-ferrolas metal r I 'able. L res. There aria 2- fiLiixes ca.t~ 11 ASSOCIATIOY: Most-ovsiriy gornyy institut (Moscow Mininj~ Institute) Card 212, UISSR/H,~mfi aii& Mimi Physiologyi Blood. Blood Discasos. T-4 Ab~i jour': Rof i6li-Blo-io-'-p go 1g, 19581 55526. Author v. Lisovotskayas 16 V. Inst Title The. Effoct of Pontoxyl Upon the Loukocytic Blood composition. Orig Pub: Vrachobnoyo dolo, 1956; no 9, go6-gio. Abstract: The blood) and in.nomo canoe tho:bonc mrrow (BMI, which were takon.from 4 hoalthy subjacte and from 42~pationts sick with stabloloukoponia, were oxa- mined before and aftor pontoxyl (P) troatnont. Pontoxyl treatment is of little effect in those loucoponia cascs which are not connected with B&H damages (affected by ombyehin or X-Ray troatmontsj ote.), or on practically healthy persons. In 25 -Onrd 1/2 LISOVM!SKOA, I.V..' Pathogeussis of leueopenla fonowing the use of embitol. Trach.delo no.9t931-933 s 159. (mm 13:2) 1. Obdel klinicheakoy gematologii (zavedrqmhchiy - prof. D.N. Tanovskiy) Ukrainakogo muohno-iseledovatellskogo Instituta klinicheekoy maditsiny Imeni N.D. Strashesko. (LAUGOPINI-A) (WRTLAmnm) ---'-~~YA kand.zed.nauk Leucopenia In now chronic lnfla~tor7 processes. Vrach.delo to.3t251-255 * 160. (mA 13:6) 1. Otdal klinichostoy gemtologil (sav, - prof. Dj. ranovskly) Ukraiuxtzwo muchno-loale&matellabop institute, klinichealcoy weditslay lueni akad, N.D, Btras)iexko. (LBUCOMIA) (IlrLLKWICE) LBOVMKIYo V. S. "Detection of Neconium and Thportance of Its Excretion at the Time of Birth,," Akusher. i Ginekol,, No. 5., 1949. Chair Pathological AnatmW,, Kiev Order Workers' Red Flag Mod. Inst. im. Bogowltv p -cl9,49-. KHOKRIACHEV, P.V.; MAKAROV, N.F.; LISOVICH, - TERESHCHENKO, N. I., red. [The journal-voucher accounting system on collective farmal Zhurnallno-ordemaia forma ucheta v kolkhozakh Moskva Kolos, 1964. 142 p. (MiRA 17:121 LISOVICH Yu Yu ; RACHKOV2 V.I.; RADOMYSELISKIY, M.I.; SHIFRI112 I.A. . Concentration and specialization of the production of wooden containers. Der. prom. 14 no.6:16 Je 165. (14IRA 18:7) VIASYUK., P.A.t akademik2 otv. red GAWSHA, M.A.[Harkusha, I.I.A.), red.; ZORIHI LG .[Zorin, red.; KOMj G.V. [Kozii)H.V. ],prof., red.; WUKSIN, M.V., kand. selikhoz.nauk.. red.; CHERMLSOVAp V.O., kand. sellkhoz.nauk, red.; YIMIIFCHUK, F.F.[IUkhymchuk, F Is kand., sellkhoz.nauk, red.; LISOVICHEN (Lisovychenko, IA:Vp:], red.; VIDONYAK, A.P*p tekhrie red. [Increasing the productivity of natural forage lenads in the Ukrid.nian S.S.R.; transactions of the session of'the Department of Agricultures of the Ukrainian Scientific Research Institute of Agriculture] Fidvyshchennia produktyvnosti pryrodrjykh kormovykh uhid' Ukrainolkoi RSR; pratoi naukovoi sesii Viddi-lennia zemlerob- stva. Kyiv, Vydavnytstvo UASBIN, 1960. 185 P. (MIRA 15:7) 1. Prezident Ukrainskoy akademii sellskokhozyaystvennykh nauk (for Vlasyuk). 2. Sekretar Kiyev--kogo oblastnogo komiteta. Kommunistiche- skoy Partii Ukrainy (for Garkusha). 3. Cblen-korrespondent Ukrain- skay akademii sel'skokhozyaystvennykh nauk, zamestitell ministra sel'skogo, khozyaystva USSR (for Zorin). 4. Nauchno-issledovatell- skiy institut zemiedeliya i zhivotnovodstva zapadnykh rayonov USSR (for Koziy). 5. Ukrainskiy nauchno-isoledovatellskiy insti- tut zemledeliya (for Kukain). 6. Poltavskaya gosudarstvennaya sellskokhozyaystvennaya issledovatel'skaya. stantsiya (for Cherkasava). (Ukraine-Pastures and meadows) I VIASYUK2 F.A... akademikj otv. red.; SIROCHEZIKO, I.A.p doktor sell- khoz.naukp red.; MANORIK.. A.V.,. kand.biol.nauke red.; OSTROVSKAYA, L.K.2 doktor biolo naukp red,; FERFMPKIN, V.F., doktor biol. nmk, red.; KHOMKO, A.D., kand. bile nauk, red*; KAPITANCHUKp V.A.p red.; LISCVICHMKO, Ya.,.V,,, red.,- KVITKA, S.P., tekbn. red. [Using trace elements; pl rep and radioactive isotopes in TPO agriculture; transactions rimenenie mikroelementovs, Polime. rov i radioaktivrVkh izotopov v sellskom khozidistye; trady. Kiev., Izd-vo Ukr. akad. sellkhoz. nauk. No.l. 1962. 296 (KULA 15:46 I* Koordinatsionrqye soveshchaniya problernay k0missii Ukrainskoy akademii sellskokhozyaystvennykh nauk, 1960. 2. Akademiya nauk USSR i Vsesoyuznaya. akademiya sellskokho- zyaystvenrWkh nauk imeni V.I.Lenina i Ukrainakaya, akademiya sel'skokhozyaystvenmykh nauk (for Vlasyuk). 3. Ukrainakiy na- uchno-issledovatellskiy institut fiziologii rasteniy (for Manorik), (Agricultural chemistry) I --- ____ ____ ___ --- - ___ KIYAK, Grigorliy Siapanovioh[Kyiak H S, ]- PROSKURA, Illya Pavlovich; -W YUKHIWHUKpF.P.[IUkhimc kand. sellkhoso nauk, red.; LISOVICHEMKO. YadL (Lisovyohenko, IA.V.], red.; POTOTSKAIAJ~ L.A.TP_o_t~t_s'ka,-L.A.1, tekhn. red. (cultivation practices and production of forage lupine seed in western areas of the Ukraine] Agrotekhnika i nasinnytstvo komoVWw.Aupynu v zakhidnykh raionakh Ukrainy. Kyiv, Vyd- vo Ukrainakoi Akad. sellakhosp. nauk, 1962.'. 75 P. (miRA 16:5) (Ukraine-Lupine) (Ukraine--Seed production) LISOVIK, 5.1f.; NNMCHIDNKO. Tu.P. Continue to modernize DT-54 tractors. Trakt-i sellkhozmash. noolO:47-48 0 159. (MIn 13:2) (Tractors ) % LISOVINr A... -- A trado-union )my group arms itseir vith a knowledge of economics. Boy.profsoiusy-4-no.10:49-54 0 '56. (MLYA 9:11) 1. Zaviestitell saveftrushch.ego otdolon propagmAy i agitatell FLostovskogo gorkom Kosmunisticheskoy partH Soystakogo Soyata. (Sconomice-StvAy and teaching) (Trade unions) -GIsOvIrN.Y.P.; KOGANOV,B.S. . Results of a study of the flow of passenger traffic on the Mos- cow subway. Gor. khos. Nook. 29 no.6:10-15 Je 155. (YMA 8:8) (Moscow--Subways) %%..0IPIWVIN VP. - XOG&NOV, B.S. =;;~~A;777 Inortance.of the subway for the Coneral city transportation and next -tasks for its development. G.d:r.khoz.XoPk.30 no.12:19-21 3) '56. (Moscow-SiabWaya) OWL 10: 2) LISOVIN, V.P.; XDGAITOV, B.So Investigating the passenger flov in subways. Gor-khoz-14091,-- 34 no-7:19-24 Jl '60. OCLRA 13--7) 1. Upravleniye mookovskogo metropolitena. (Moscow-Subvays) 1 1. ' .10VIN. V. V. e.-I.. Moisture of soils in arid steppes imder natural condiltions and when protected by shelterbelts. Vop6 gidgoool. i Inxh. geol. no.17261-74-159. (MIRA 14.- 1) (Kuberle region-Soil moisture) DA1tYDOV,, A.T.; LISOVINA9 G.M, Mahanimm of the Ion excYxngo sorptim of anlona of aalts and &cide on weakly basit anion exchangers. Zhur. fiz. khim. 36 no.9tl993- 1998 5 162, (MIRA 17t6) 1. Kharikovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni Gorlkogo. too *out 0 ~ff 0 0-0 0 a 4- 0 41 w- -li-Imum -fv-m:n-j7 0 A -a-m-0--jeAl -IA it-m-u- A-s- ]S_P__ 0 a if a a 0 OA-9 00A A L A X -1 1 1 U %Ao U A_s _.A_j__l_ -A- A-1- A 4" 4 00 Z Ali VIAM' 00 r A. lilt 00 .'1 11 '/ k' ~~ 1 .11 j -1 i~4 ~qoqtga_ftfb Ism 14 RUSSUwr A- T. L'symov )top-o"14901-591.*1 Va. 1 I v- Amme thO mi"M gd'%WbWs, b~Mcoav occ'*** Um 00" Intportut pj*c* as an Abecaboat Is SODOMIs as & MIRWI&I for .00 purilication of GUN, as a cawyzer. etc. The articlo presests *,z! (a a gqWflawals w0h Criman borgoallm Which has we off 00 raffia following ellemical compallown; '00 0 St% A1203 r-103 U90 CIO U20 L*" during 17.WM 3.439b; 4.14% 2.45% M44% Kos 0 in ardel. go gAA&I& jW OWictsr of Ups pbyvlCQClwlAlCml IVOC' go 1&0" 9TISIN"ift oft Im gmeace of Um x4morb"t. 449&09 IWOr" 00 meda to &KIWMIM *A IWAMOW rgtatwa of w* vulume ul ad" go* mopum to im vdume Ge ct"C"irAu- ThO dw- 01 $",1- 4 * W. at m , 40 &Iff-SiA of WCUROCAL MINATUff CLSISWOCOM001 to t t -iiAM _i~ 4~-4_;_ o I.Aut-A a.. a" v litV '0 c- T--f U' U I OV14 SEND pal IN In 5 Is 0 -1 1 000 o7ox -rob US* *00 0 0 4*lb to 0 to 0 a * 0 0 * a 0 0 0 4 0 6 0 4 0 0 4 0 0 0 4 W W - - - - Ov 00 00 00 his a ;RR; in lister AN was delarokbod b7 deskesilm On bestooW at a tomp"alus oif So*, f1l. 00 tOrlikiff Old WASPOS" to* batches of beelonflo As water. The 00 water valsone was 50 ited 100 OL After 34 hr of avibmsersuvi, go; the dev" of avollft was "W Is btth lost bAks. The vultmw al bestooka, Increased throvo mllb% up to 2.6 11mise r9prd- 00 less of do valun d water. The effact ad C&CIS &W X&O 00 Wutions d nrious cowoUsUo" on Uo millng of besuctiv in the amt as Me effled of water. To& vdasoot cd betiWalte (n- 40,411 croafte up to 2,15 Uaw The 9%wAlm at dwJA* adsuptiout an 00 falrodaced by EA capae, caft in volt Silap"d kr (M Wer- 00 Chimp od INI; on boulcaft. The WASMWO d tall adscriAlon sipip obblood accordial to Uw OW= e9miUcs, Is loss than the samodhAr d aboarptlait ablalued by an umitleal motliod itud 00 04W to t3l -6 to 100 su 4 absortind wkk the 4rxesol= of OA system CA-b*M=dl& # NaCl aid Sr-benUattv * NotClL Ac- CurdW4 to dPvWv adsorp the?~lvslwd c*Uowj art distribu r Ca im se, me* to IM (oflowl ord tip e sig . Q3) 0 06 of 06 00 0 0 0 0 0 f 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 of 0.0 0 0.0 0 0 Ill 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 * 0 00 of 00 00 00 00 00 0 It 00 00 00 0 i6 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0 0 a a - - 0 5(2).(3) MASK I BOOK XXPLOITATION SOV/255A Akadeftiyx nauk SSR. Otdolenlyd khtaichask1kh nauk. XMISelys. po mu-cmatosraril Iseleftyanlys. v oblutl ionoobstannoy, rASpredellt*l-noy I condochnoy kromatografl.1 (studios in the Field of Ion ftchange, Distribu- t1oft and Precipitation Chromatography) Xoscow, Izd-vo AN 33SR, 1.959. 150 P. Knata slip inserted. 3,500 copies print ad. Rd. Or Publlahlmg Rouset N.G. 'rescrov; T*ckk. X4.4 I.N. Ou4*vAj NdltarW Boardt, JLV. Chautow, Corresponding Rember, USSR Academy Of ftlltncoa --t); y.**. Shanyakin, Professor; -.k. 01-shanov&, C- 0 --ar-tt;=7, r- Qr. rrarossor; A.M. OA4a&QS -'4ar C10OV"IXUA"Mas ~The' Zoo4k 41*1ac" cases studies In lon-Oxchange, distribution, sad precipitation chromatography. various problems or the theory of chromataiwaphy and its application are &190 considered. ?his L-'Eir-* IJL the 4th, collection of artlzlos published by the CommIttee an "amato'. Chr"atd,graphY. The first Collection Nam pub2lahed in 1952 de the tltl*t "Iseledovaniya v oblasti -"matograril- (Studlews r In the Field of Chromatography); the second was published In '"s 'and' 1955 Under the title 'T*OrlLya I graktika prLseninlya. tonoobasony1ft t*rl&l-' (Theor7 and Practice Of the US* Of ZOn-ftX0ftangO Me- t="1414). and the third was published In 1957 under the title 41040vani" v ablasti lancotmennor ma-aftatografti- (Studies In the Field or Ion--ezahan4gs Chromatograph* No parsonAlitles aAm aon~ %1OQOd- X6r*r0Aa4O am given- after most Of the articles. v. A.T. anA. study or th 406tlon Value-'.nd A.T zme2 "41ZOn. Woratits, WaLL Relation to Ton- the R= -j ox CRIons on . peralvare, 21 LFL~~ Theory or the stationary Front of Dy*nam1c 3orp- %&On 2% X.M., Iffect of the Zoalts StrueT074-1W-tba Ion-txchknga Process 39 vf3aldadze K.M. and Ye._&s_Sb&FLIvA~ Kinetics or Cation Xxchange ;;;NN ~;S~ Ira-CatlnLt.. S J-Shsz*&k1n. PurlfIcstIor; or Salts VI" the MXt~r~, and ? Ud or an Ion-exchange Countarflcv Installation 55 .P., X.N~~~Aud TA-2-ChaimtTa. study of Cation Uchangs, on Wfonated Resins 63 A. R. Pashlov, S.R. Barabanov, and N.M. Tunlt- akly. Change in thV'36Te-aZ%VM of-SER-n-g17-Acidic Moncrunctlonal Cstloaltos in Relation to the Concentration of Sulra Groups and zuterchau Bond In Catlonites TO Y on4)1.X. TuniteldY. study or h--2LfZusLom-af`-Ione, Through a, Caklonlt*, Membrane 76 Sbmff-"-. P.M. Organic Reagents Vied In Adsorption and Distri butlan Chromatographyp Their Classifications and Trends of Inve;t l. Nation so AWXjAJ%db-Sme Now Phenomena ~X& j j ~ahd "s R14 =zkm _ - gg A coo a z h an y the aProcess or zLectroalgratlon or Organic Ay V abstuacoa j 90 POIZEUXIX-4-0. study of Th"Ll, Deaulfonation of 3ulfo- - - E D 94,01formaldehYde Resin 0-1 95 J22ZLOVIkA V.D.. and Precipitation Chromato- graphy 105 and*KJL-Q~' shanorL. 3soondery Phenomena In Precipitation chromatography 113 ^OL!AhxuazL--CJL- anALXJE-46"4&sav&. Determination of Calcium by the fttclPitattOn Chromatography Mathad With the Xndlcator --------- su"XIde 4 ItL- K.K., and_T.A, Waskova. Ion-Oxchange Paper ! Is , -srapuy in qualizative 128 Chrometographlo Method Of QUJLltt&tlve Analysis tar For Dyestuffs 134 , and-L.L-Xvano... Sorption or a old. a Ph r . X sIt on Cationiteof . 138 P.A., and-XLX-Ssld&dze. Absorption or Complex Zinc - I A- A on - On 10nItes With Dirti t4dviia.toity 143 .3 all q- at P: Ru T.1 7F -77- ..'LISOVIMI, Z.N.triouchnvy ootruanilc Controlling the expenditure of caterials in induatry, Trudy HIM no.14:69.5-634 159. (14IRL 13:1) 1. Rostovokiy-ra-Donn finsuBovo-ekonomichaskiy institut. (Construction Industr7-Accounting) (~idlding materi4le) D.M.; TIMOVA. A.I. (Xiarlkov UTA vpp~-vr~,, r=reatlous Iriphocytonis. Vrach.delo no-1:1321 D*058- (KM 12: 3) 1. Modeanchast' sayoda imeni Kalysheva. (lrMIHATICS-DISEASES) SI.OBODCHMAM, M.; LISOVITSUU. Z. Isajdag credit to ferrous wtallurg3r enterprises based an paywat domments in transit. Dan. i icred. 16 no*3054-55 Mr 158, (Mepropetrovsk Provinoe--Steel Industry-71mance) (MM 11.5) (Credit) LISOVIT3KIY, N. F.j X;-.T,,. Ye. B., AN0111114, A. I., A. S. Clinidal Indications of Activity of Little-Developed z'oms of Intra- n thoracic Tuborculosis. VOYENNO-I;:E:)I'~,SIWSK1Y ZHURNAL ( MILITKAY PLJOILGAL JOUEOAL), No 12, 1954. _,U~I 19 L=2 k=m~ m IISOVOYP L. University with full commaity participation. Sov.torg. 35 no*4229-30 AP 162- (MUd 15:4) 1. Froretktor Llvovskogo narodnogo universiteta torpovli Ll v. (Lvov-Distributive education) VO LISOVSCHIy Ionifp Ing.; DIRIIAREANU,, Stefan., ing. '7' DenW,coupling machine vM bent teetb. Metaltrgis. constr mas,14 no,,32::1321-1123 D 162, oft 1. Uzina 1 Mai, Floiesti. Y Bus Culture A superficial and confusing book on the effort of leaders ("Accelerated propagation of bees." V - A. Lisobskaya, A. Khodusev.) Pchelov tvo, 29, no. 5, Y y 195 Yu. Nekrasov., Reviewed by ods a 2 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, August -1951, Uncl. Lis('IML'Kk~ A. T. ITead - III)norrj ties and Deformait-ics Vra-aval cranio-facial abnormality. Vest. oto-rin., 14, no. 4, 19152 - H --T MUMMY' LT T OF fTtU-E*fT Ll- ACCESSTO"S. Library of Congress. November 1952. T.P_ L rI D. c !r kS - r-Ty LISOVSKAYA, A. I. LISOVSKAYA, A.I.*. "The diagnosis and treatment of otitis and antritis in breast-fed childreny. Kiev, 1953. Clinic of Diseases of the Ear, Throat., and Nose, Kiev Medical Stomatological. Inst and Ukrainian Sci Res Inst for Maternity iFnd`-laant Gare Pneni P. M-.'P~ykq~, (Dl_RiirtatJlo__n__fo_.r__ the Degree of ' - ' -Cii~didite-'-of--c~~-c-i-enc--e---o~it'gedical Scienc..1 SO: Knizhnays. Letopis', No. 41, 8 Oct 55 LISOVSX&YA, A.I.;. KARITSKIY, L.A.,, profecs~r, saveduyushchiy. 7oreign bocly In the hypopharynx in a four-mouth-old infant. Vest.oto-rin. 15 no.5:74-75 S-0 153. MRA 6: n ) 1. l(lifilka'bolesney ukha, gorla I nosa Kiyevskogo medituinskogo stomatologi- cheskogo Instituta na baze 3-7 gorodskoy klinicheakoy bollnl.tay.' (lbarynx--Foreign bodies) LrsovsnrA.-.-A.a-,j~nd. mod. nauk Myer) Connection of changes in the periodontlum with diseases of the upper vempiratory passages and the hearing organ. Wobl.stom. 4t.173-176 "58. (MIRA 13:6) (GUS.-DIUASIS) (IMSPIRATORY MUS-DISUSIS) (MR-DISUSIS) LISOVSKAYAJ, A.I., Prolonged hemorrhage from the ear, controlled by rpdical au-rqer7. Yest.oto-rin. 20 no.1:9?-98 Ja-F 158. (MIU. 11:3) 1. Is kliniki bolesney ukha, gorla I noon (znv.-zRaluzhennyy dayatell nauki USSR Drof. Ya.A.Shvnrtaberg) Kiyevokogo meditainakogo inatituta. (NA, MIDDLE, hemorrh. prolonged, in chronic supDurative infect., aurg. (Rua) LISOVSKATA, A.I., . .- -.~_ - ~i ON Condition of Highmorels antram in children before and folloving adenoidectiWo- Veato*oto-rins 20 no,5:129 S-0 158 (KIRA ll: 12) 1. Is kliniki bolezney ukha, gorle i nose. (save - saalyzhenyy dayatell nauki USSR prof Ta.A. Shvartsberg) layevskogo meditainakogo inatitutao (NOSS.-SURGM URITSKIY, L.A. - LISGVSYJLYA A.I. ~ Treatirg ouppicative otitis and antritis in nursin infants. Pedlatrila 37 no.7:87 JI '39- WRA 12:10) I,,.Is kliniki bolezuey ukba,. gorla i nosa Kiyevekogo stomm- tologioheakogo inotituta i detskogo torapevticheakogo otdeleaiya 3-y Klyevskoy klinichooko7 bollaitay. '(W-DISFASES) KURILINj 1,A,p dotsent; 'LISOVSKAYA, A.I.9 kand. meditsinskikh nauk Some complications in children following treatment with antibiotics. Zhur* ush,j. nos* i gorl. bols 20 no* 3-.72-73 My6-Je 160. (MIRA 14:4) 1. 1z kliniki bolezney ukhas gorla i nosa (zav. - zaaluzhenrjyy deyatell nBmki prof, Ya.A. Shvartsberg) Kiyevskogo otdona Trudovogo Yxasnogo Znameni meditoinskogo Instituts, imeni akademika A.A. Bog(mcilltsa. (AIITIBIOTICS) (MONILIASIS) LISOVSKAYA, A.Isp Itands medo nauk Effect of tonsillectow on the course of tbyrotaxicogda in chronJ a tonainitia. Zhur. ush., nos. i gorl. bol. 23 nool:45-14 Ja-F 163. (MIRA 17:2) 1. Iz kliniki bolezney ukha, gorla i nosa (zav. - zaalu- zhennr,r deyatell nauki prof. Ya,A. Shvartsbarg) Kiyevskogo ordena D.-udovogo Krasnogo Znameni meditsinakogo inatituta imeni akadem:Lka A.A. Bogamolltsa. LISOVSKAYA, E.T.; KOSTOVETSKIY, Ya.l.; DYATLOV11SKAYA, F.G. Establishing %rgienic norms in case of the combined action of chloro- and dieblorocyclobexane and chloronitrosocycloheyane in reservoir ;aLter. San. Okhr. vOd. ot zagr. prom. stoch. vod. no.6:273-279 1164. (MIRA 2,8:3) 1. Ukrains'ki,-y nauchno-issledovatel'sk-ly instAtut kommiinaltnoy gigiyeny. LISOVSKAYA, ~.Vl; DTATLOVITSKAYA, F.G.; POTEMKINA, S.K.; TOWHEVSKAYA, L.A.; O-Z-HKOVETSKAYA1, R.K. Experimental data on the basis of the maximum permissible con- centration W! rialeic acid in the water of reservoirs and rivers. San, okhr. v0d, ot zagre prom* stoch. vod. no.6:346-352 164. (MIRA 18:3) 1. Ukrainskiy rLauchno-isoledovatellskiy institut kommunalinoy gigiyeny. 1,IBOVSTAYA, B*V., aspirant. --"NAM Experimental data on determining the maximum permissible concentration of netaphos In natural water. Gig. i &an. 23 no.12:19-25 D 158. (NIRA 12:1) 1 Iz V%fedry kommanallnoy gigiyany I MoFikovskogo ordens Lenins, meditsirskn,n institute, imeni I.M. Se(-hpnova. ,,.(I(ATU SUPPLY dimethyl~;i~-nitrap~i'ezwl#thiopbvepb&to. =xim=,-MVIWi,Ible oonoentratzon in reservoirs (Itu)) (PHOSPHAT31S, determ. di=ttkvl-p-nitrophezWl-thiaphosphate, maximum permissible ooncentration in water reservoirs (Rus)) LISOVSKAYA, E. V.: Master 1-14d Sct (diss) -- "9xDeri---ntaI investigatIon of t'.Ia principles of the manium permissible concentration of metaphos in the water of reservoirs". Moscow, 1959. 14 pp (First Moscow Order of Lenin Med Inst ~.m e I. M. Sechenov), 200 copies (KL, No 12, 1959, 132) KOSTOVETSKIY, Ya.1',.- LISOVSKAYA,-, E.V.; DYATLOVITSKAYA, F.G.; SURKINA, R.M. Experimen-Utl basis for the permissible concentratLor of chloronitroitiocyclohexane and dichlorocyclohexane In jodies of weter. San.okhr.vod.ot zagr.prom.stoch.vod no.5:94-106 ,62. (MIRA 17:6) 1. Ukrainskly nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut kommunallnoy gigiyeny. NAYSHTEYN, S.Ya.; DYATLOVITSKAYA, F.G.;jjSOVSKAYA, E.V.; PEMOV, Yu.L.; SURKINA, 11.14. Experimn-bal basis for the permissible concentration of chloropheny:Lchlorobenzene sulfonate in open bodies of water. San.okhr.,rod.ot zagr.prom.stoch.vod no.5s:L45-157 162. (MIRA 17:6) 1. Iz UkraInskogo nauchno-isslpdovatellskogo instituta kommunallnoy gigiyeny. LISOVSK&YA, G.H. Method of electrographic study in obstetric and gynecoloeic clinic. Akush. gin.. Koskwa no.5:9-13 Sept-Oat 1951. (GIJG 21:2) 1. Of Sverdlovsk Institute for the Care of Mothers and Children and of the Deportment of Obstetrics and 07necology of-Sverdlovsk State Medical Institute (Director -- Prof. 1. 1. Takovlev). YAKOYLIV. I.I*;.LISOVSKLU, G.M.:SHMIM. G.A& Blectrical activity. of the cerebral cortex and of the uterus In labor an an objective index of the efficacy of painless labor, Akush. gin., goskva no*5-37-45 SePt-Oct 1952. 23;2) 1. Professor for Takovlev. 2. Of the Department of Obstetriam and ftn4cology (Head -- Prof. 1. 1. Yakovlgv (Sverdlovsk Medical Institute (Director -- Prof. A. F. Zverev) and of the Biopbyeical laboratory, Sverdlovsk Soientific-Research Institute for the Ostre of Mother and Child (Director -- R. A. Nalyshava). YAKOVLZV, I.I.; LIBOVSKAYA. G.K.; GHKINU , G.A. Blectrical.motivity of the cerebral cortex In the P87chQPrOPh.7"ct c method of painlese labor. Akush.1 gin. no.1:3-8 Ja-r 154. (MLRA 7:6) 1. Iz skashersko-ginekologichaskoy kafedry Sverdlo-rokogo moditainskogo in.stituta i Sverdlovskogo nauchno-issledovatel'skogo institnta okhrany materins"tva i--mladenchestva.(Nauchnyy rakovoditell i zaveduyushchiy kafedfoy- - rofessor I.I.Yakoviev) Tzlectroencephalography5 (Childbirth-Psychology) im LISOVSK)XA,. G.M., kandidat meditsinskikb nauk Dependance of uterine activity on the functional condition of the cerebral cortex in prolonged pregnancy. Akush. i gin. no.4',.'3-7 Jl-Ag '55. (MLRA 8:11) 1. Im Sverdlovskogo institute. okhramy materinetva i mladen- cbms"Ova dir. R.A. Malyaheva. prolonged,eff. on cerebral cortex) (CMMRAL CORTAX, pbysiol. of.f. of prolonged progn.) LISOVSXJ.T),. G.N. .0~ Elect ro- encephalograph ic studies in children under normal and pathological conditions [with summary in Inglish]; Zhur;vysinevro' delat; 8 no;4*-524-530 JI-Ag 158 (MM 11:9) 1; Zlektrofiziologicbeskaya laboratoriya Sverdlovskogo nauchno.- Issledovatel'skogo instituta okhrany materinstva I mladenchestva. (PZDIATRIC DISEASES, physiology,I UG, comparison with normal child. (Rus)) (FUCTROENCEMLOGRAPHY, In var. diso' pediatric d1s., comparison with normal child; (Rus)) .KAFRALUIJ, R.S.; LISOVSKAYA, G.,4, rukavcditell raboty Significance of intrauterine feta.1 electrocardiography in the e&r1y diagnosis of multiple Pregnancy. Akush. I gin. no.2t45-1,9 t65. (MA 18sIO) 1, Sverdlovskiy nauchrio-iooledovateltskiy institut okhrany materinstva 4- mlAdenchestva (dlrektcr - R.A. Yelynhava). LISOVSKLYA, L.T.; SIMLIMAN, X.R. Acute total necrosis of kidneys in disseminated allergic affections of it child's blood vessels. Pediatrila no.l.-70-72 &-Ir 155. (MLRA 8:5) 1. 1s fakul'tetskor khirargicheskoy kliniki (zav. prof. I.DeKorabell- alkov) t kafedry patologicheskoy anatomii (2&r. doteent A'J.Voro- ttlkin).Chelyabins~ogo meditainakogo instituta (dlr. prof. G. D, Obrasteov) na base bollnitay Chelyabinakogo traktornogo zavoda (Cl%vzWy vrach It.K.Bukhteye'va). (ALURGY, pathology, blood vessels, -4ith total necrosis of kidneys in child) (VASCULO DISEAMt PBRIPIMuL, allerg-V with total necrosis of kidneys in child) IDWS, diseases. necrosis in vase. allergy in child) (NIGROSIS" kidneys, in vase. allergy in child)