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LINDBERG, Z. Ya. Cand d diss) ';31he Effect of
SzW Superphosphate Plan Health of the Na@
if Riga, 1957. 16 pp 20 em. (Min of Health RSFSR,
Len Sanitary Hygiene Medical Inst@, (KL, 25-57o 118)
- 4 -
Fluorine in natural waters of the latvian S.S.R. Gig. i san. 23
no-11:76-78 N 158. (MIRA 12: 8)
1. Iz kafeclry gigiyetV Rizhokogo meditsinskogo inBtituta.
ihe effect of methyladouradi an A60011 Carter.
Mouski. A. Linde, and H. Szemplinska (OddzW Farm-@
Dustu- CMM@x.. H., War@w)-, Rocz*ai PaAstwowelo
Zaklada Mg. 2, 161-7.1 1951).--Subcutaneous injection of
voice with 01 mi. 0.25 timethylthiouracu (I)i
s) spension for 5 days before adrena f-tomy @ decreased the,
sumval time (3, 4. 5, aud 0 days after adrecalectomy the
percentAp dead In the control was 43, 55. 63, and 73 that in!
the 14re2W *@as 56, 64 01. Fuid IW resp.). Treatlnx@
these mice with deoxyc@"teronr acetate (DOCA) 0.125!
m Jday after arimnalectnmy inrrrn@cd the survival thuel
(alter 3, 4. 5. and 8 days the permitage dead was 13.5,.
13.5, 16, and 35, resp.). Force feeding of rats 8 nig. I/day
for 10 days had no effect on adrenal wt. but increased the
reducing property of adrenals (reducing campdg. measured;'
as DOCA, controls had 77.7-y and Med had 50.7 -1). Feed-
ing 1% lodinated protein for 10 days to rats statistically 1
decreased body wt., btu=sed adreral wt. and decremed
adrenal reducing power (40-80 y in te= of Dn).
@_) N -D It-, @ CL;
03ygen conmaption In qrocardial tissue suspension. Acta. physiol. polon.
3 no. 1:117-118 1952. (MML 22:5)
1. Of the Biochemical Division of the State Institute of J@ygione in War-
Effect of lower alcohols on oVgen consumption in suspension of
myocardial tissue. Acts, physiol. Polon. 3 no. 1:119-120 1952.
(CLML 22:5)
1. Of the Biochemical Division of the State Institute of Hygiene in
The effect of washing heart muscle brel on its biological activity.
II. Citric said metabolism in washed brei. Acts, physiol. polon. 3 Suppl.
3: 284-285 1952. (CLKL 24:1)
1. Of the Department of Secondary Changes of the Biochemistry Division
(Read--Prof. Jozef Heller, M.D.) of the State Institute of Hygiene.
The affect of washing heart muscle brei in its biological activity.
III. Oxygen intake in washed brei. Acts. physiol. Polon. 3 SupPl- 3.'
285-287 1952. (CLML 24:1)
1. Of the Department of Secondary Changes of the Biochemistry Division
(Read-Prof. Jozef Haller, M.D.) of the State Institute of Hygiene.
Inactivation of strophantin K by the heart muscle in vitro and its
relation to citric acid metabolism. Acts. pbysiol. polon. 3 SuPpl. 3:
287-292 1952. (CIML 24:1)
1. Of the Department of Secondary Changes of the Biochemistry Division
(Head-Prof. Jozef Heller, M.D.) of the State Institute of Hygiene.
",-, I
Studies on the effect of conditions of culture on the course
of enzymatic activity, in Bacberidbia coll. Acta microb. polon
5 no.1-2:53-56 1956.
1. Z Pracowni Przemiarq PoBredniej Zakladu Biochemii i PZH w
eff. 6f adaptation to citratea on enzymatic activity (Pol))
eff. of adaptation of E. coli to citrates on enzymatic
activity (Pol))
I-- we -- --
Studies on proteolytic activity of the vitelline sac in chick embr7o.
Actaphys-lol. 'oolon& 8 no.3t4lg-420 1957.
1. Z Pracowni PrzemULny Posradniej Zaklada Biochemii Nnstw. Zakladu
Higiezq w Warszawis Kierownik Pracowni: doc, dr J. Meduski.
proteolytic activity in chick embryo (Pol))
in vitelline one in chick embryo (Pol))
LIMM. D.P.; SHULIGIN, K.A., redaktor
[Antenna feeder devices] Anteww-fidernye ustroistva. Moskva, Goa.
energ. lzd-vo 1953* 190 P. (Hassovate, radiobibliotekat vyp.194)
(Radio-Antennas) (MLRA 7:7)
Short-wave antennas for amateur radio stations. Radio no#8:30-32
Ag 154. WMA 7: 8)
(Radio--Antennas) (Amateur radio stations)
USM/Electronics' Antennas
card 1/1 Pub. 89. 24/26
Authors 3 Unde Dos, Candidate of Enginee:c-lng Sciences
Title Radiating systenis (transmitting antermas) and their basic characteristics
Periodical s Radio, 12.,' 54-56, Dec 1954
Abstract a 'The theory of electrotmEpetic waves radiated by various types of trans-
mitting antennas and their directional patterns are dealtulth. The
following types of antennas., radiated waves,, and related phenomenaj, are
disciassed: (1) symetrical and non-symetrical antennas; (2) moving-wave
antenna@; (3) incident- and reflected waves and currents produced by
ant as; (4) voltage- and current-standing i-raves; (5) distribution of
electrical and maLpetic energy in antennas; (6) radiation intensity of
antennas ope
ra-Ung on rezionant and non-resonant waves; (7) the concept
of equiv,-dent antonnas; and (8) vziiation in r,,Aiation intcnsity in differ-
ent diroctions. Conditions dctcr,Lin_JnL the length of antonnas for parallel
and 11:3crics"rooonanco --ue iot forthp as well as for the "antonna-gain"
obtained in cortabi dirocti,.,nal r,,-,.tt(-.-rns. DiaLraN.1so
ARSHINOV,Sergey Samo7lovich [deceased]; LIM, D.P., redaktor; YRIDKIN, A.M.,
tekhnicheaki7 redaktor WORAIMOnOW
(Design of electron-tube oscillators; small and me41um generators,
with Warate excitation] Raschet lampovykh generatorov; generatory
nozavisimogo vozbuzhdaniia maloi i erednei mashchnosti. Moskva. GoB.
energ. izd-vo. 1955. 359 p. (MIRA 8:4)
(0oci3lators, Electron-tube)
USSR/ Electronics -136dio
Card 1/1 Pub 69 16/27
Authors j Linde, D., Cand. Tech. Se.
Title, s. Short and ultrushort waves-Sphomatic drawinCs of.coupling of
short-wave generators to antennas
Periodical i Radio 1. 33-36, ion 1@55
Abstract t. The author finds that the effectiveness of a short-wave radio station
depends on the coupline of the output enscade of the transmitter with
the antenna. Points.piven special attention are the inductive coupling,
the effect:of the parasitic capacitinc-as on the operation of the
coupling circuits, -the sn-)de rircult,. the, adjustinZ of the antenna
circuil, the cruplinig of the antenna with the. aid of a P-shaped filter
an-] the. intermndiate conncati@-,ns. Schmitic drawinCs. table.
Institution ...........
LINDB, D., kandidat takhnichookikh nauk.
Ultrashortways antennas. Radio no.6:18-20 Js '56. (MLRA 9:8)
(Radio, Shortwave--Antennas)
"Fixndamentals of Computations for Lamp Generators in Ultra-High
by the State Energetics Publishing House, Moscow-Leningrad, 1958.
Linde, Dmitriy Pavlovich
Osnovy rascheta lampovyVh generatorov SvCh (Principles of the Design of
Superhigh-frequency Tube Generators) Moscow, Gosenergoizdat, 1959.
430 P. 19,000 copies printed.
Ed.: V.M. Sidorin; Tech. Ed.: G.I. Matveyev.
PURPOSE: This book is intended for readers acquainted with the general
theory of radio transmitters as offered by radio engineering depart-
ments of higher technical schools.
COVERAGE: The author discusses problems and methods of designing
superhigh-frequency oscillators with external excitation and their
basic elements. The author states that the theory of s-h-f o8cilla-
tors StL11 lags behind the rapid deve1cpnents in actual praddeei He thInks it
is important to summarize the theoretical achievements in this field,
even though many conclusions in the theory still meet with opposition
among scientists. He refers to the work'of Soviet Scientists
Card 1/9
Principles of the Design (Cont.) SOV11694
S-I. YeVtVanj)v_ T'.-A- kre%f.^_4_, 10 43 A-
Principles of the Design (Cont.) Sov/1694
Foreword 3
Ch. 1. General Characteristics of Vacuum-tube S-H-F Oscillators 9
1. Operating conditions of s-h-f oscillator tubes 9
2. Utilization of overvoltages in s-h-f oscillators 22
3. Relation between the output power and power losses
in the tube 26
4. Electric quantities determining limiting operating
conditions of modern oscillator tubes 29
Ch. 2. Calculations for Externally Excited Oscillators
Without Considering Electron Transit Phenomena 37
1. Load characteristics of oscillators with external
excitation 37
2. Calculations for complex-circuit oscillators 64
3. Calculation of conditions for maximum load power 71
C ard 3/@
Principles of the Design (Cont.) SOV/1694
4. Calculations for optimum utilization of input power
in oscillators 79
5. Calculations for optimum utilization of tube current
in oscillators 89
6. Calculation of optimum oscillator performance for a
given dissipated power in the plate 93
7. Calculation of optimum oscillator performance for a
given load power 97
8. Calculations for oscillators for limit operating
conditions and a given load power 99
9. Calculations for complex-circuit oscillators under
overvoltage conditions 104
Ch. 3. Grounded-grid Oscillators With External Excitation 113
1. Basic power relations In a grounded-grid oscillator
with external excitation 0 113
2. Power amplification coefficient of a grounded-grid
oscillator circuit 122
Input resistance of a grounded-grid oscillator 126
Frequency multiplication in a grounded-grid circuit 130
Card 4/9
Principles of the Design (Cont.) SOV/1694
5. Calculations for a grounded-grid amplifier operating
under limit conditions for a given load power 139
6. Neutralization in grounded-grid circuit 149
Ch. 4. Design of Oscillators With Electron Transit Time
Comparable to the Oscillation Period 153
1. Special conditions in a tube when the electron transit
time is comparable to the period of high-frequency
oscillations 153
2. Fundamentals and development of s-h-f triode oscillator
theory taking into account electron transit phenomena
in tubes 158
3. N.I. Ivanov's method of calculating s-h-f triode
oscillators taking into account electron transit phenomena 161
4. Neyman-Granovskaya method of calculating s-h-f triode
oscillators taking into account electron transit phenomena 187
5. Present state of the theory of electron conditions in the
s-h-f oscillator tubes taking into account electron
transit phenomena 215
Card 5/9
Principles of the Design (Cont.) SOV/1694
Cho 5. Design of S-H-F Oscillator Tuned Circuits 217
1. Oscillatory circuits with lumped constants 218
2. Intermediate type circuits 235
3, Circuits with long-line sections 243
4. Equivalent parameters of circuits with lumped
capacitance and long-line sections. Rules for
calculating equivalent impedances 262
5. Comparison of various methods of tuning circuits with
long-line sections 280
6. Circuits with lumped capacitance and sections of a
short-circuited transmission line 282
7. Frequency dependence of resistance of resonant circuits
employing long-line sections 293
Cho 6o Coupling in Circuits Consisting of Long-line Sections 298
1. Calculation of coupling between two-wire open lines 299
2o Coupling by means of short sections of a short-circuited
line 304
3. Conductive coupling with a two-wire line 312
Card 6/9
Principles of the Design (Cont.) sov/1694
4. Capacitive coupling with a two-wire line 315
5. Excitation of circuits consisting of symmetrical two-
wire lines 319
6. Coupling with circuits consisting of long-line
coaxial sections 328
7. Excit ation of circuits consisting of coaxial long-
line sections 340
Ch. 7. Components of S-H-F Oscillators 349
1. Communication lines under standing-wave operating
conditions 349
2. Construction of short-circuiting devices for s-h-f
oscillator circuits 359
3. Matching devices used at points of geometric change
in coaxial: cables 371
4. Directional couplers and branches of coaxial lines 377
5. Sections of exponential lines as impedance-matching
transformers 378
Card 7/9
Principles of the Design (Cont.) SOV/1694
IZTUMOT, Vikolay Hikhaylovich; LIMM, Dmitriy Pavlovich; KORNDORF, S.F.,
red.; LARIONOV, G.Te., red.
[Fundamentals of
radio engineering] Oenovy
1959, 511 p. (Hassovaia
radiotakhniki. Moskva.
radiobiblioteka, no.
(MIRA 13:3)
Calculation of vacuum-tube oscillators vith complex circuits and
optimum use. of the tube b7 considering its plate dissipation.
Rediotekhnika 15 no.4:50-53 AP 160. (MLU 13:6)
1. ]Deyotvitellnyy ahlen Nauchno-tekbnicheskogo obahchestva radio-
tekhniki i alaktroavyasi imeni A.S.Popova.
(Oscillators, glectron-tube)
PROVAZ, Josef; KRABAN2 O.G., kand. tekbn. nauk [translator);
.jjUF,,-D.F..j kand.tekbn.nauk., red,,; DROZDCYVSKAYA, I.S*,, red*;
REZOUKHOVA,, A.G.j. tekbn. red,; JovizvA, N.Ao, tekhn, red*
(Temperature compensation of the nostability of high-
frequency circuits] Temperaturnaia kompensatsiia nestabill-
nosti vysokochastoti7kh konturov. Pod red. D.P.Linde. Moskva, I
Izd-vo inostr.lit-ry,, 1960. 214 p. Translated from the Czech.
(KIRA 15:7)
(Microwaves) (Electric networks) (Microwave wiring)
IZYUMOV, Nikolay Mikhaylovich; LINDE, Dmitriy Favlovich;
BARSUKOV, F.L., red. , .........
[Fundamentals of radio engineering] 0snovy radiotekhniki
Izd.2., perer. Moskva, Energiia, 1965. 478 P. (Massovaia
radiobiblioteka. Uchebnaia seriias no-578) (MIRA 18:7)
LINDE E. (Riga); VEINBERGA, T.(Riga); RUDZITIS, G.(Riga)
Short chemanal3rtic data and microbiologic characteristics of sapropel
mud im Babite lake. Vestis Latv ak no.5.1:12.1-326 -160.
1 (EKAI 10:91 @,@
1. Latvijas PSR Zinatnu akademija, Milmobiologijas instituts.
(Latvia-Sapropels) (Latvia-ftd)
Composition of eapropel mad microflora of lAke Babite in different
seasonse Report 2a Vestis Latv ak no,6slO5-3.10 161.,
lo Latvijaz FSR Zinatnu akademijap Mikrobiologijas institute.
(Babite# Iake-Sapropels)
Dynamics of eapropel mud microflora of loake Kaniers. II. Ventis letv
ak no.8:91-96 161.
1. Latvijas PSR Zinatnu akademija, Mikrobiologijao inotituts,
Antibacterial properties of the sapropel muds of Lake Kaniers.
1zv.AN Tatv.SSR no.1:45-48 164. OGRA 17:4)
1. Latvijas PSH Zinatnu akademijas Mdkrobiologijas instituts.
LINDE, E.A., Cand Biol Sci -- (diss)"Studies of tte
ekxxxxxxx composition of sulphate-reoucing bacteria
in the microflora of t@re waters of the Kamer4
e avriLvL@ ,
Wfft" Wsort and its V""it'y. I Iliga, 1958, 25 PP with
maps (Acad Sci ',@@SR. Inst of Experimental Medk ine)
200 copies (KL, 28-58, 10h)
_ 13 -
rl -
LINDE E.- Veinberga, I.; Rudzitis, G.
Chemical and microbiological composition of sapropel mud of Kaniers Lake.
Report 1. p. 91.
Monthly List of East European Accessions. (EZAI) LC, Vol. 9, no. 2,
Feb. 1960 UncU.
Natural gases in rocks of the Khibini. alkaline massif.
Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.;gaol.i razv. 4 no.9:78-93 F 161. (miRA 14:9)
1. Moskovskiy geologorazvedochnyy institut imeni S.Ordzhonikidze.
(Khibini Mountains-Gas, Natural)
Concerning the origin of the combustion gases of the Khibiny
alkaline massif. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; geol. i razv. 7 no.12:
78-85 D 164. (MIRA 18:12)
1. Maskovskiy goologorazvedochny-y institut imeni S. Ordzhonikidze.
RUMITA/Cosmochemistry. Geochemistry. Hydrochemistry. D.
Abs Jour : Ref Zhur Xhimiya, No 11: 1958, 35749
Author : Savenou Simion., Golgotiu Tiberiu, Botez Cornelia,
Linde Julieta,, Luca Angela
Title Mineral and Chemical Investigation of the Ores from
Orig Pub Buld Inst. politehn. Iasi, 1956, 2, No 3-4., 89-loo
Abstract Describes the hydrotherml,, basically epithermal, sulfide
mineralization associated with the andesite and diorite
massif of Tsiblesha. The following minerals were noted
(in order of formation): the hypogenes pyrite., pyrrhoti-
te., chalcopytite, sphalerite., and galenite,, and the su-
pergenes casite, covellite, chalcosine, and melnikovite.
Vein minerals were represented predominantly by quartz,
less often by calcite and siderite. The chemical composi-
tion of the ores is cited.
Card 1/1
@r@ ra@@i;p
RUMANIA/Chemical TechnoloE;y, Chemical Products and Their
AppUcation., Part 1. - Processes and P@pparatus
of Chemical Technology.
Abe Jour: Beforat. Zhurnal Kh1miyap No 10, 1958, 32824.
Author : Simi-= Savalacu., Tiberiu. Golgojiu, Angela Luca, Julieta
Linda, Ant, Bucur, Iancu frincu.
Inst : ;rfaassi Poly,,.-.chnical Institute.
Title : Corrosive Properties of Some Soils in Moldavia.
Orig Pub: Bul. Inst. politehn. Iafi, 1956, 2, No 3-4, 101-104.
Abstract: A comparative characteristic of aggressivity of various
soils in the Jassi region with reference to steel, cast
iron and lead is presented. rMe electrochemieal mea-
surements showed that the corrosion is exclusively of
an electrochemical character under the experiment con-
ditions. The leact corrosion was observed in the caea
Card 1/2
S/081 62/000/006/002/117
AUTHORS: Golg6@iui@, Tiberin, 1Wnd:ej Julieta, Luca, Angela
TITLE. The position of the transition elements in the periodic
PERIODICAL: ReferativrWy zhurnal. Khimiya, no. 6, 1962, 5, abstract
6B9 (Bul. Inst. politehn. Iasi, v. 6, no. 1-2, 1960,
TEXT: In order that the relationship between the periodicity of the
properties of the elements and the sequence of filling of the electron
shells be more readily apparent, it is suggested that changes be.introduced!
in the position of the transition elements in the periodic table of
Mendeleyev. It is proposed that the transition elements, and' the lanthaAf-
des and actinides as well, be grouped in accordance with the pattern of
their formation into four d families (3d, 4d, 5d, 6d) and two f families
(4f and 5f, originating-from the 5d and 6d families, respectively). This
suggestion allows for the faot that variations in the main properties of
the transition elements (in the same way as the lanthanides and actinidea)
depend not so much on the number of electrons as on their grouping. In the
Car4 1/2
S/081 62/000/006/002/117
The position of the transition B1 XB101
proposed version of the table, the aforesaid groups of elements are arranged
after the elements of Group II. @bstraoterls note: complete translation3
Card 2/2
High doses of procaine-benzylpenicillir. bLiffered w-f'.', Lho5j:hate
in the oral treatment of enteritis coli in-f-ections (djspepsia)
in InfantB. Acta paediat. acad. sci. flung. 6 no.3/4:J47-357 165.
1. Uberbetriebliche Arbeitsgameinschaft VT-,'B Jenapharm, Ryciene-
Institut und Kinderklinik der Friedric@-Schiller-Universi Wt jena.
Sulmitted May 25, 1965.
LINDE,, Michal
On hachuring X@Ular lines. Archiw automat 5 no.4.-435-439 160.
(EEAI 10-3)
ical drawing)
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Elektrotekhnika, 1957, Nr 8, pp 65-66
AUTHOR: Linde, M. R.
TITLE: Jo7int 0-p-er-aflMrof Frequency, Power, and Voltage Regulators in Phase-
Angle Regulation (Sovmestnoye deystviye regulyatorov chastoty i moshchnosti
i napryazheniya pri regulirovanii po uglu)
ABSTRACT: Bibliographic entry on the author's dissertation for the degree of
Candidate of Technical Sciences, presented to Leningr. politekhn. in-t (the
Leningrad Polytechnic Institute), Leningrad, 1956.
ASSOCIATION: Leningr. politekha. in-t (the Leningrad Polytechnic Institute)
Card 1 / 1
1 11
Li I i DE.,,11 . 1"\
Selected problens of' autoiratic frequenc@,- control. 1@,08
-!a I . T 'Ers-, a-. a
(IENZRGETYKA. Vol. 11, No. 2, a' r./Arr. 1057
i , Poland)
0: Ranthlzv L-i st of -'a-st Eurorean Accessions (E-7AJ, ) 1.C. Vol. 4 No. 10, @)ctober 1957. Uncl.
"Technological discipline% P- 7 (Odziez, Vol. 4, no. 1, Jan. 1953, Lodz)
Vol- 3, No. 3
SO; Mouth Idst 21 East Eurogean Acgess Ions,/ Library of Congress, March 1954, Uncl.
"Remarks concerning the project of Polish standards on fabrics." P. 164. (!=Ez,
Vol. 4, no. 8, Aug. 1953, Lod?,, Poland)
SO: lbntb-ly 1@@ of East European Accessions, L. C., Vol. 3, No. 5, Mai 1954, Uncl'-'
"Struggle fQr bettr@-r qualjt@r in products of the clothine indu-st_-y." P. 280.
(OZIEZ, Vol. 4$ no. 9, Sept-" 1953, Lodz, Poland)
- - I
SO: @bnthly IdLst of East European Accessions, L. C., Vol, 3 9 110. 5, MaY 1954v Unc2!,'
tion costs. p. (,-OTjG.,=ACJA, Vol.
1-ist of East -"J') , Vol. 3, Dec.
0 1: 1
1954, Uncl.
"Trends of Standardization in the Clothing Industry,n P. 312. (VIAW@OSCI,
Vol. 22, No. 6, June 1954. Warma-wa, Poland)
SO: Month],y List of East European Accession, (EEAL), W, Vol. 4,
No. It Jan. 1955 Uncl.
Of accul-tuloAnn -In tuia,%
Lodz) Vol.
1-:onthly 1---*!-,t Of
LaT$' R.
The method of determining the correct norms of utilization of materiEls.
P. 199. Vol. 7. no. 8, Aug. 1956. WDZIEZ. Lodz, Foland.
SOURCE: 7ast European Accessions List Vol. 6, I'lo. .--April 1'57
some re-I of -,,ut=,374C
(,.-0 cont
AUTHOR: Linde,. . . . SOV/20-127-6-29/5i
TITLEj Study of the Adsorption Properties of CoMn 2 04 and MnCo204
Spinels and of Mn 304 and Co304 Oxides
PERIODICAL*., Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 127, Nr 6, pp 1249-1252
ABSTRAM There is a lack of data concerning the adsorptive power and
the catalytic properties (Refs 4-6) of binary oxides with
spinel structure XY 0 (X, Y - metal cations), though their
2 4
electric and magnetic properties were already thoroughly
investigated (Refs 1-3). Under static conditions the adsorpt-
ion was measured for preasures below 1 torr. The measurement
of the electric resistance took place in a quartz cell (Fig 1)
at a temperature range of from 20 to 6000. The determination
of the specific surface was made by means of the BET-method,
on the basis of the equilibrium of isothermal lines of
krypton-sorption for the temperature of the liquid nitrogen.
The oxides were produced-by dissociation of nitrates at high
temperatures, the spinels were produced either by annealing
Card 1/3 nitrate mixtures with stoichiometric composition or by annealirg
Study of the Adsorption Properties of Co9n2 04 and SOV/20-127-6-29/51
MnCo204 Spinels and of Mn 304 and Co304 Oxides
precipitates obtained together of Mn- and Co-hydroxides.
Figure 2 represents the kinetic isothermal lines of oxygen-
and propylene-sorption. The oxygen-sorption of spinels proved
to be irreversible (Fig 3). While CoMn 204 adsorbs no Co and Co 21
the values of such an adsorption with MnCo 204 almost equal
those found for oxygen. The electrical conductivity of both
spinels exhibits linear coordinates Ig a and I/T. The oxygen
and carbon monoxide sorption at 1000 causes a raise in con-
ductivity (Fig 4) corresponding with a negative charge of the
surface. Measurements by E. Kh. Yenikeyev confirmed this un-
expected result. The author thanks L. Ya. Margolis and S. Z.
Roginskiy, Corresponding Member AS USSR, for advices, and
M. Ya. Kushnarev for X-ray struoture measurements. There are
4 figures and 16 references, 6 of which are Soviet.
Card 2/3
. Study of the Adsorption Properties of CoMn 204 and SOV/20-127-6-29/51
MnCo204 Spinels and of Mn304 and Cc 304 Oxides
ASSOCIATION: Institut fizicheskoy khimii Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute
of Physical Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences, USSR)
PRESENTED- April 7, 1959, by it. M. Dubinin, Academician
SUBMITTED: April 3, 1959
Card 3/3
11V3j S/181/61/003/002/010/050
AUTHORSi Kushnerev, M, Ya,, Linde, V. R, and Roginskiy, S. Z.
TITLEz The electric conductivity of cobalt-manganese spinels with
additions of lithlum-, titanium.- and copper oxides
PERIODICAL! Fizika tvordogo tela, v, 3, no,, 2j 1961, 384-394
TEXT.- After a de-,alled discussion of Western publications, the present
paper deals with the results obtained by studying the structure and the
electric conduotivity of 1'di.rea@" (CoMn 0 ) and "inverse" (MnCo 0
2 4 2 4
cobalt-manganese spinels with Li-, Ti- and Cu admixtures. CoMn 204 is a
nearly direot tetragonal spinel with the parameters a - 5.72 kX,
c m 9,29 kX, the parameters of the oxygen anion x - 0.327, z - 0.365 and
a cation distribution (per unit cell).-
Co 2+ Mn 3- M,3+ 02- UnCo 0 is a pu--ely "inverse" cubic spinel
6.8 1.2[Co'+2 @4,81 2 4
with the parameters a = 8@27 kX, u - 0.382 and the cation distributions
a) Cc 3+ Mn 2+ Cc 3+J13 2- or b @ C,.-) 2+ [Mn 4-+ 00 2 +]02-,The composition of the
8 11 8 8 3? 8 8 32
Card 1/8
The electric conduo@'.ivity of..-.. B102/B204
specimens investigated is gi7en 'in the table. The specimens were obtained
by heating of spinel powder with the corresponding oxides in corundum
crucibles in a4r at @ 0
200 0 for 2 hr, The agglomerate obtained was again
finely ground and heated under ihe same conditions, after which it was
slowly cooled to room temperature. The alloys obtained were first
subjected to X-ray The ellectric conductiviTy of the speci-
mens pressed to 24-8-8 mm tablets waa investigated within the range of
100-6000C by means of a,,c@ probes; the measuremente were carried out in
quartz vacuum aells,. The srecimens wr-re first hea:ed -@ln the cells at
10-6 mm Hg at 6500C for 2 hr, after which pure argon waa in:roduced (up
to 5 mm Eg); in this atmaepherp the specimena remained till temperature-
and resistancp equi1ibriun had been established; only then were the
measurements carried out,. Control measurements were carrted out at
higher and lower temperature, The measured values cbtained were trans-
lated into speoifio values. The X-ray struatural investi-gations produced
the following reeult@ Li-admtx-@ures to a "direct'; spinel caused the
reconstruction of the tetragonal -lattice to a perturbed cubic spinel with
parameter3 simtlar to Lhe ",invPrsF-" spinel If one assumes that the
Card 2/8
The electric conductivity of,,,, B102/B204
Li-atoms replace part of the Mn-cations in octaliedral order, this substitu-
tion process may be repreaGnted by;
Li 2t 7+ 4- -
CoMn 0 P Co n' Li X]02 (a), Li Mn 0 Lilln 0
2 4 IM 2 -X 3 4 x I .-x 8
Radiographically, the line of the spine] LiMn 508 could be determined. With
the introduction of Li into the cubic lattice of the "inverse" apinel, the
tetragonal distortion of the lattice increasesi a decreases linearly with
growing Li-concentration. Li@' in octahedral order sub3titutes Mn2+t
C03+ n 2+ Li+ Co 3+J02- (b)@ In the final result a U-Co phase of the
IM I x 2x 4
composition Li xCO I-x 0 resul-,s. which crystallizes cubically with a pera-
meter of about 4.2 A, An addition of 5% titanium to a "direct" spinel
causes a considerable diBturbance of the tptragonal lattice, without,
however, a new phase occurring; higher additions caiise a re;-formation of
the lattice to rhombohedral structure when an ilmenite-type lattice com-
pound is formed. With 51.4% titanium, the spinel phase vanishes com-
pletely, and small vestigea of titaniwn oxide occur., Analogous phenomena
occurred with an addition of titanium to an "invorer-l' spinel, In general
Card 3/8
The electric conductivity of-
the following holdet
T102 T-0
CoMn 0 CoTiO,,, 2MnTiO (a)j MnCc 0 -2--.), MnT 1-0 2CoT4.0 (b)@
2 1 3 2 4 31 3
An addition of oopper to I'd-trect" spinel cause3 the forming of a solid
substitution solu-ion, A re-formation of the tetragonal lattice to a cubic
lattice accord-ing to
comn 0 4- C'@"O /n CuMn2 04 (distorted)
2 4 %MnCo 204
occurs. The "invorse" spinel reacts quite differently With CuOj Up to
25 at% Cu, no chemica! reaction at all occurs between MnCo,.O 4 and CuO, All
specimens (no, 19, 20. 21) showed lInes of the pure, very weakly deformed
MnCo 204' of copper cxi-d,@ and of cuprous oxide The results obtained by
measuremente of cond@!,.tlvity are 9hown in Fige,3 and 4, As may
be seen, the introd-.,,3@i_-n of additi-ons -.o "inverae" spinels produce5 no
qualitative effect upon a(T); also the aotiv&tion energy of conductivity
remains constant. All spineis Investigated ware p-type semiconductors,
Card 4/8
S/18 611063100210101050
The electric conductivity of ... B102/%204
The ct(T)-measurements of all specimens showed that the mechanism of the
electric conductivity of the complex spinels cannot be.brought into line
with the model by Verwey. As regardEi the effect produced by the various
admixtures it is not the structural change that produces an essential
effect upon the electric properties of the spinels, but the valence state
and the chemical composition of its cationic components. The authors
finally thank A. 1. Zaslavskiy for discussions and V. F. Shustov for his
help. X. P. Belov, Ye. V. Talalayeva, and B. T. Kolomiyets are mentioned.
There are 5 figures, I table, and 17 references: 5 Soviet-bloc and
6 non-Soviet-bloc.
ASSOCIATION: Institut fizioheskoy khimii AN SSSR Moskva (Institute of
Physical Chemistry of the AS USSR, Moscow)
SUBMITTED: April 6, 1960 (initially) and October 1, 1960 (after
Card 5/8
AUTHORS: --Linde, V. R., Margolis, L. Ya., and Roginskiy, S. Z.,
Member AS USSR
TITLE: Catalytic Properties of Cobalt - Manganese Spinels
PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1961, Vol. 136, No- 4,
pp. 860-863
TEXT: The present paper deals with the effect of the structure of spinels
CoMn204 and MnC0204 upon the catalytic action in propylene oxidation.
The catalytic activity was determined by measuring the oxidation rate of
propylene with 02 in a stoichiometric ratio of C3H6:02 = 2:9. The reaction
product contained C02 gas and water. The specific surface of the catalyst
was determined by the BET method from the equilibrium isotherms of
krypton sorption. The specific surface was 0.70 m2/g for CoMn204 and
0.25 m2/g for MnC0204. The reaction took place at a constant initial
mixture pressure of 0.450 mm Hg and in the temperature range of
2000 - 3500C. For purification, catalyst specimens were heated in vacuo
Card 1/5
Catalytic Properties of Cobalt - Manganese S/020/61/136/004/020/026
Spinels B028/BO6O
(10-6 mm Hg) at 5500 for 4 hours. The resulting water was frozen out. C02
was removed by absorption. The reaction kinetics obeys a monomolecular
law. The diagram of Fig. 1 with the coordinates log P - f(T) contains the
kinetic isothermal lines for the oxidation of the 2C3H6+902 mixture on
MnC0204 at 250OC- On the assumption of a monomoleoular law, they have a
linear course, while the assumption of a square dependence leads-to
distortion. C02 molecules probably form complexes of the type C03 on the
catalyst surface. The specific rate constant KI calculated by a reaction
equation of the let order remains steady (Fig. 2). For a 2C3H6+902
oxidation at different temperatures, without removal Of C02, the total
velocity may be calculated approximately with a reaction equation of the
2nd order. The specific constant KII, referred to surface unit of lm2
catalyst, was found for each temperature. KII is a function of the
initial pressure of the mixture. The reaction rate was found to be
independent of the propylene concentration. An increase of the 02 content
from 0.096 to 0.433 mm Hg leads to an increase of the reaction rate. The
latter depends on the 02 concentration according to equation
Card 2/5
Catalytic'Properties of Cobalt Manganese SJ'020/61/136/004/020/026
Spinels B026/B060
@W-K PC3.H 0, It has been earlier pointed out that 02 undergoes
a chemically irreversible sorption on oth spinels, the kinetics of
chemosorption obeying equation -W = ATI@n for MnCO204 and @9, - a+b logT for
CoMn204- 0" occupation of surface, T - time. Measurements of chemosorpticn
of 02 on both spinels yielded the following values for the activation
energy: 18 koal/mole for CoMn204 and 14 koal/mole for MnC0204 for
@G'- 0-03 Om3/m2, temperature range 2000-3500C. The problem as to whether
oxidation takes place by a homogeneous or a heterogeneous mechanism, was
studied by the method of the separate calorimetric procedure devised by
A. @. Koval'okiy and M. L. BogoyAvlenkaya (Ref. 9).The.@reaction vessel
was.50 mm in diameter. A nichrome constantan differential thermocouple
was used for the measurement of the temperature difference. For both
catalysts oxidation took place on the surface at 3000 and a pressure of
0-5 and 40.0 mm Hg over a purely hetero eneous mechanism. The structural
formula of the spinels Co2+(mn34un3+)04 9- and C03+(Mn2+CO3+)Oi- shows that
Mn cations present on the surface constitute more intense electron donors
for oxygen atoms undergoing sorption, than Cc cations. There are 4
Card 3/5
Catalytic Properties of Cobalt Manganese. S/020/61/136/004/020/026,
Spinels B028/Bo6o
figures, 2 tables, and 14 references: 10 Soviet, 1 German, I British, and
I Polish.
ASSOCIATION:, Institut fizicheskoy khimii Akademii nauk SSSR (institute
of Physical Chemistry, Academy of Sciences USSR)
SUBMITTED: October 19, 1960
0 Q15 KZ "t
---------- --------
410 7
fa N,
405 im.
I Q2-
4j 41, X--K
0 0 2@ ilia
40 50 60 70!(UN.1)
Card 4/5
--- --- S/020/61/136 004/020/026
/a 20
to Fig. 1: Kinetic isotherms for the oxidation of
Po - 0-522 mm Hg, a) minutes.
to Pig. 2: Dependence of specific rate constants K K on the
1 pressure PO, a) - epee.
to Fig. 3: Kinetic isotherms for oxidation on CoMn04
Ct B-0-14 m2; 2-3000C, S-0.25 m2; 3-2500C, S-0-50 m2; 4-2000C,
M2 a) minutes b) mR.
A@@E,__V.R.; MARGOLIS, L.Ya.
Oxidation of propylene on cobalt-manganese spinels with lithiuza,,
titanium., and copper oxides added* Izv. AN S&;R.Otd.khim.nauk no.10:
1723-1726 0 162, (MIRA 15:10)
1. Institut khinicheskoy fiziki AN SSSR,
I (Propene) (Oxidation) (Spinels)
B101 Bia6
AUTHORS: Linde, V._R., Margolis, L. Ya., and Roginskiy, S. Z.
TITLE: Reaction of nitrous oxide with cobalt-manganese spinels
admixed with oxides of lithium-, titanium or copper
PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Izvestiyat Otdeleniye
khimicheskikh nauk, no. 1,.'1963, 21-30
TEXT: Decomposition of N 0 was studied in the 300-500 0C temperature range
by using Collin 0 (1); 1 + 21.4 atoW,'o Li (11) in the form of Li 0;
2 4 2
@I + 10.4 Ti (III) as TiO Cu (IV) as CuO; MnCo 0
at om@. 2; 1 + lo' 0 atom/,, 2 4 P
Z V + 22.0 atoiffA U (VI); and V + 11.0 atomi/5 Ti (VII). In all tests the
initial N 0 pressure was 0-3 mm Hg. Before the tests the spinels were
2 0 -6
heated for 3 hre at 600 C and 10 mm Hg. The course of the reaction was
Pez studied by determining.the 11 0 content in the gas phase. Results: With
phal pure I, the reaction is first-order, the activation energy E (here and
below in kcal/mole) is 15.6., With IV the reaction is also first-order
04-rd Card 113
con o' ated.
n sorb in
ed 0 the
(4) the
10160 1-0
Reaction of nitrous oxide B101/B186
sorption of 0 and the decomposition of N 0 occurs at the same active
2 2
centers. The following process stages are suggested:
(A) N 0 + cat N 0 (B) N 0 + N +
2 gas 2 cat 2 cat 20cat
(D)@ 0" b- - t t + ob Conclusions:
(C) ti 0 -10 N + 0
cat t o
2 cat 2 cati la
I gas
Stages A and B do not determine the order of the reaction, since they
proceed faster than the decomposition-, this-leaves stages C and D. The
kinetics of the process depends on whether stage C pioceeds more rapidly-
or as rapidly as stage D (first-order reaction) oron the contrary, D
proceeds more rapidly than C (zero-order reaction). The reaction is
faster on those spineln from which larger quantities of 0. are desorbed on
heating at 150 C in vacuo. Hence, the rate of N20 decomposition depends.on
the 02 mobility in the lattice of the spinel. There are 9 figures and
2 tables.
ASSOCIATION: Institut khiiaicheskoy fiziki Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute
of Chemical Physics of the.Academy of Sciences USSR)
SUBMITTED: May 5, 1962
@.j V.R.
Use of X-ray spectrum analysis in studying the valent state of
manganese atoms in certain oxide semiconductors. Fiz. tver. tela
5 no.10:2935-2939 0 163. WIRA 16:11)
1. Institut neorganicheskoy khimii Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN SSSR
i Odesskiy pedagogicheakiy institut bp. K.D. Ushinskogo.
Or @
Stuc@ of the biological fixation of molecular nitrogen.
Biokhimiia 30 no.6:1167-1178 N-D 165. (MJFA 19!1)
1. Filial Instituta khimichoskoy fiziki AN SSSR, Moskva.
Submitted January 18, 1965.
Laying parquet floors; operational experience of Moscow bailders.
Stroitell no.6:13-15 Je '58. (MIRA 11:7)
1.11achallnik laboratorii tresta Mosotdelstroy - 2.
(Parquet floors)
'BRET, M.,- inzh.; IVANOV, B., inzh.) L:@IIDE Ye-___inzh.
Parquet floors with a sand foundation. Zhil. stroi. no.9:*29,
s 161. 041RA 14:9)
(Parquet floors) (Soundproofing)
I tj b-'-- , i c , " -1 - -- -- --- - ---- - --- --- - - - - ---- -
SAGALOV9 G.M., falldshar (selo Malinki Iyasanskoy oblaott)
*Gonorrhas.0 K.A.Zaigraev, I.A.Linde. Reviewed by G.M.Sagalov.
Felld. i akush. no.2:59-60 P 155o (MLRA 8:4)
Garlic and eucalyptus phytoncides in soma diseases of the ear. none
and throat. Vest.oto-rin. 18 no.5:97-98 S-0 156. (MI2A 9:11)
P. - TM
PYTELIO A.Ya., prof.; LINDE, Ye.I., doktor med.nauk (Moskva)
Present state of the principles of kidney transplantation.
Urologiia 22 no.5:65-79 B-0 157# (MIRA 10:12)
(KIDNZYBO tranepl.
LMI, Ye.M., inzh.
Plastering smooth concrete uarfaceo. Biul. stroi. tekh. 15 no-5:
13-14 Yr '58. (mm i1t6)
1. Trent Mosotdelstroy6-2.
5/1081/61 /016,/012/003/009
5,//00 L)201,/D302
AUTHORSi AyzGnberg, G.Z., Belousov, S.P.,, Lindebergt A.Kh., and
Yampollskiy, VoGaq Members of thi__3-_ociety,@T_See Associa-
TITLE: An ant--fading broad@,.a&l anlerna
PERIODICAL: Radiotekhnika, v. 16., no. 129 196lq 21-30
TEXT: In the present article, the authors deser"Ibe an antenna deaigned
so as to have auxt-'-fading propertiep- wi!h@_n a wide frequency band. The
antenna is based on the widt-band ant-L-fading antenna with controlled
current -distribution as suggesttd by G.Z. Ayzenberg in 1939 (Ref. 1:
Elektrosvyazg, no. 9, 1940) I/Ref. 31- Author's certificate No. 71603
of December 12, 1948). Controlled curr,?nt antennae, described recently
in foreign literaturt are dtaign&d around the Ayzenberg principle, but
are not designed for wide band operation. The anttnny described is based
on the extend6d band w;Ldth 200-2000 m. rangr antenna as shown on Fig. 2.,
It coaHiats of thc- mas--. @ insulated from earth. The screening of the
Card 1/4
S,/1 62"." 1/0 1 6/012/CO3/009
An antz-fading ... J)20!..,D30n"
feeder 2 is extended up to he:ght. H, w--ound the antenna mast. The current
in the antenna is controlled by mean6 of a variable impedance in the form
of a s.c. stub, connected betweAr, the earth and the lower end of the
screening. The s.c. atub "Ei actualky @ht, outer sheath 3 -of the feeder.
By changing the length of the *.t'. 1,,:ne from 0 to ),/2, the input resis-
tance varies from - "-'t o @, el*-,. The rea, ' an.-r- I s controlled by moving the
stub to earth 4. To de