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LICHARDUS, B.; CORT, J.H. 08040""W~ The effect of adrenalectomy on the renal response to the carotid sinus pressor reflex. Physiol. Bohemoslo7. 12 no.5:397-400 163. 1. Institute for Cardiovascular Research, Prague. (GAROTID SINUS) (NATRIURESIS) (KIDNEY) (ADRENALBGTaff) (CAROTID ARTERY DISEASES) (REFLEX) (PHYSIOLOGr) LICHARDUS, B.; CORT, J.H. The effect of occlusion of the lower abdominal aorta on renal elactrolyte excretion. Physiol, Bohemoslcv. 12 no.5:401-404 163, 1. Institute for Cardiovascular Research, Prague. AORTA, AEDCHINAL) (ACHTIC DISFMF.S) %TRIURESIS) (KIDNEY) (PHYSIOLOGY) (CAROTID SINUS) (REFM) GORTj, J,H,; LICHARDUSI__.~~ The natriuretic activity-of Jugular -vein blood during carotid occlusion. Pbysiol. Bohemoslov. 12 no.6:497-501 163, 1. Institute for Cardiovascular Research, Prague,, and the Institute of Endocrinology, Academy of Sciences, Bratislava. (NATRIURESIS) (JUGULAR VEIN) (H!rPOTHALAMUS) (PEPTnis) (PHAWCOLOar) J LICHARDUSO B.1 JONEG, V.; MITRO,A.; CORT, J.H. The effect."Of a posterior tWpothalamic lesion or- the reaction to a salt-retaining stimulus in the rat. Physiol, Bohemoslove 14 no42tl26-129 165. .1. Institute of &doorinologyo Academy of Sciences, Bratislava and Institute for Cardiovascular Research, Prague. Y CORT, J.H.; HAODIVIN, I.; The effect of aethyl alcohol and vasopressin on the pressor and renal response to carotid occlusion in the cat. Physiol. Bohemoslov. 1-4 no.2WO-133 165. 1. Institute for Cardiovascular Research, Prague. M LICHARDUS, Svetozars inzo Comparative study of various methods of slab ceiling computation. Poz stavby 12 no,10-.431-434 164. 1. Institute of Architecture and Building, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava. LICHELI, G.P., gornyy inzh* Calculation of the fracturing which arises with the introduction of boring and blAsting operations. Vzryv. rab. no-4:75-81 1609, (MIRA 15:1) 1. Imstitut gornogo dela AN SSSR. (Rocks-Cleavage) (Blasting) LICHELI, G.P. Quantitative and qualitative study of rock fracturing in boring and blasting operations. Trudy Inst.gor.dela All Gruz.SSR 2:119- 131 160. OHIRA 14; 10) (joints (Geology)) (Blasting) BARON) L~Iof prof., doktor takhn. nauk.;_!!j~ ~~insh. 9tudy of the effect of jointing on the Interaction of busting charges. Nauch, soobe IGD 11:103-109 161. (KIRA 164) (Blasting) Uoints(Geology)) BARON, L.I., prof., doktor tekhn.nauk; LICHELI, G.P., gornyy inzhener Controlling piece size in breaking frqctured rocks by means of borehole charges. Vzryv. delo no.47/4:178-184 '61. (MIRA 15:2) 1. Institut gornogo dela imeni A.A.Skochinskogo AN SSSR. (Blasting) 10 BARON, LZ,, prof., doki.-%T lakhn.riauk; LICHELI, G.P., goinyy inzhener Study of the shatz~aring capacity of explosives in blasting fracturod mmlia. Vzryv. delo no.50/7t83-98 162. (141RA 15:9) L Institut gornogo dela imeni A.A. Skochinskogo (for Baron). 2. Institut gornogo dela imeni G.A. Mulukidze AN Gruzinskoy SM", tfor Lichell)..o . III~ 711. I (Explaoivert -Testing) BARON, L.I.9 prof., doktor tekhn.naukl-LIOHELI. G.P., gornyy inzh.; II NINITCHENNO, R.F., inzh. Study of the aotion of a blast in a fractured medium. Gor. zhur. no.9:43-46 S 162. (MIRA 15-9) 1. Institut gornogo dela im.Skochenskogo, Moskva. (Blasting-Models) jq~& LICHELI, G.P.,,gornyy inzhener Diameter of the medium natural cleavage as an index of the crush- ability or rock masaifs bj blasting.-Nauch. soob. IGD 21:75-82 163. (MIRk 17:2) BARTOSP J.; LICHTENBERG VANCIIRA, J.; POKORNY, J. Surgical treatment of arteriosclerotic obstructions of the abdominal aorta. Rozhl. chir. " no.7:502-504 Jl 165. 1. 1. chirurgicka klinika (prednosta prof. dr. J. Pavrovsky, DrSc,), radiologicka klinika (prednosta prof. dr. V. Svab) a IV. interni klinika (prednosta prof. dr. M. Fucik) fakulty vaeobeeneho lekarstvi Karlovy University v Praze. LICHEND, N.M. F"T" Patbolomg~y"of chronic focal encephalitis witb development of imilaciao Top.neirokhir.19 no.4:43-48 JlAg 155.(KLRA 8:10) 1. Tz Nauchno-isoledovatellskogo ordena Tmdovogo Kraanogo Znazeul Instituta neyrokhirurgii Imeni akad.N.N.Burdanko Almdemil maditsinakikh nauk SSSR. (BRAIN, diseases$ malacia caused b7 focal encephalitis) MCWHALITIB, complications, malacia, caused by focal inflan.) NAGAYEV, P.V., laureat Stalinekoy premii; LIGHMKOV, I.M. Using a spherical chamber in the piston of a four-cycle engine with self- ignition. Avt.trakt.pron.uo.5:16-20 My 153. (KW 6:5) 1. Asuchnyy avtomotornyy institut. (Gas and oil engines) YMTXNKO, F.S., kandidat takhnicheakikh nauk- LICHEMOV I.M. - ~A ..... Shapes of connecting channels of turbulence combustion chambers. Avt.i trakt.prom. no.4:19-22 Ap 157. (MM 10:5) l.Nauchno-iseledovatellskiy avtomotornyy institut. (Automobiles--Engines) 113-58-6-0/16 AUTHOR: Fedotenko, F.S., Candidate of Technical Sciences and LicMenkov, TITLE: The Characteristics of a Compression Ignition Engine with Different Methods of Fuel-Air Mixing (Pokazateli dvigatelya s vosplameneniyem ot szhatiya pri raznykh sposobakh smese- obrazovaniya) PERIODICAL: Avtomobillnaya promyshlennost', 1958, Nr 6, pp 22-26 (USSR) ABSTRACT; Comtemporary compression ignition automobile engines have various methods of fuel-air mixing. No ideal method has.yet been found. In the NAMI laboratoryg different methods of Puel- air mixing were tested on an experimental one-cylinder set-up. Basic criteria for this experiment were indicators of economy and power, the smoothness of the combustion process, the volume of maximal pressure of combustion, etc. Research with the turbulence chamber was conducted with different shaped connect- ing channels for every given mixing method. When the carburetion process was changed, the cylinder-head and the piston were also changed. The authors give a detailed description of these ex- Card 112 periments and present.graphic tables of the results of numerous 113-58-6-9116 The Characteristics of a Compression Ignition Engine with Different Methods of Fuel-Air Mixing experiments. There are 4 graphs, 6 tables, 4 figures and 1 Soviet referende. ASSOCIATION: (NAMI) Card 212 1. Automobile industry--USSR 2. Ignition systems-Characteristics Q, 3 VIKHERT, M.M., kand. tekhn. nauk; BARSOV, M.P.; LICHENKOV, I.M. Investigating inlet channels of the cylinder heads of diesel engines w1th direct carburation, Avt, prom. 31 no.3.8-12 Mr 165. (Y-M 18:7) 1, TSentrallnyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni al,tomobilfnyy i avtomotornyy institut. LICHEV~ I. We produced 187 kg. of sunflowers from a brigade's lot. D. 12. KOOPERATIVITO ZEMEDELIE, Sofiya, Vol. 11, no. 1, Jan. 1956. SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions, (EEAQ, LC, Vol. 5, No. 6 June 19~~6, Uncl. Konishev, P. Measures for accelerating the ripening of cotton. p. 1-1. K00PERATIVN0 Za2DELIE, Sofiya, Vol. 10, no. 7, July 1955. SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions, (EEAL), LC, Vol. 4, no. 10, Oct. 1955, Uncl. LIGM, Spas -- -- Time and depth of cotton so-Amg. Selskostop nauka 2 no.8:937-9,1/ 163 Bulgaria/Chemical Technology Chemical Products and Their Application. Fermentation Industry, 1-27 Abst Journal: Referat Zhur Xhimiya, No 19, 1956, 63573 Authors Lichev V I, Chamov,'Nikole Institution s None Titlet A Bulgarian Vinicultural Problem Original Periodicals V"rkhu oshche yedin problem ot nasheto vinoproizvodstvo. Lozarstvo i vinarstvo, 1955, 4, No 3P 147-151; Bulgarian Abstract: Considered are problein of organization of scientific researches. Card 1/1 BULGARTA/Chemical Technology - Chemical Products and Their 1-12 Application. Fermentation Industry. Abe Jour : Ref Zhur - Khimiya, No 1) 19580 2894 Author : Lichev, V. Inst Title : Accelerated Maturation of Brandy Alcohol by the Action of Ultrasonics. Orig Pub : Nauchn. tr. Vissh. in-t khranit. i vkus. prom-st. Plovidiv, 1956, 3, 237-273 Abstract : On treatment of brandy alcohol with ultrasound (by means of a 100 watt generator) at a frequency of 950 kilohertz and at 20-220, the organoleptic characteristics of the alcohol were improved which was accompanied by an increa- se of the content of aldehydes. A)naximum content of the latter coincided with the best organoleptic evaluation. Brandy alcohol subjected to ultrasonic treatment retained the thus acquired beneficial characteristics on subsequent Card 1/1 storage in bottles and oak barrels. Bibliography 34 refs. BULGARIA Chemical Technology. Chemical Products and Their Appli- 1-29 cation. Fermentation Industry. Ab8 Jour Ref 22iur - Khimiya, No 3, 1957, No 10231 Author Lichev V' Inst ven Title On the Tasting of Brandies. Orig Pub : Lo-stvo i vinarstvo, 1956, Vol 5, No 1, 45-48. Abstract : Three methods for tasting brandies are discussed: W standard tasting; the dilution of the alcohol is not per- missible in view of the disturbances which it produces in the equilibrium of the components of the brandy; (2) frac- tional distillation; 240 ml of brandy are diluted tor-400 f-Ba,lling?_7 and separated into eight fractions of 25 mm3 over two hours; each fraction is tasted separately; (3) dry test; the brandies are evaporated to dryness and tes- ted for bouquet after 3-5 min. In scientific investiga- tions, it is necessary to apply all three methods concurren- tly. Card UJIM. A.M.; LICHIXUa. V.M.; PAIAMLRCHUK, N.P,-, TRRGUBOVA, A.S. .WMARMWO"W"WiRv Significance of the bydrological properties of soil vhen deternined by indoor cultivation of plants in potse' Dops' AN TIRSH no.4:275-279 154; (MLBA 8:4) 1' Ukrainalkiy n.-d,, gidrometeorologicbni7 institut. Predutavleno deystvitellnym chlenom Ali USSR F.S.Pogrebpyakom. (Soil moisture) LICHIKAKI, Y.M. Amkh~od'of predicting the state of winter wheat during its Mr. IIGMI ne.3,,25-32 155. (MA 9:10) I..Ukralunkly nauchne-IseledevatelOskly g1drometeorolegicheskly (Vheat) USSR/Agriculture Plant yhysiology cam i/i -pub. 22 .52/6o Amthors 1. Lichtkakif VoM. Title I The dynamics'Ost resistance of winter wheat under field conditions J%riodioal. i Dok..AN ssm loo/4, eo5-8o8,.Feb 1,1955 Abstract I Experiments with certain types of sturdy winter wheats showed that the frost-resistance of the plants under :?ield conditions is-not constant Aknd depends mainly upon the temperature.of the air and the soil at the depth of the root. In the absence of snow the frost resistance of the plant deteriorates sharply with any sudden temperature drop. Thirteen USM references (1899-1953)- Graphs- Inatitution: s The Ukrainian Scientific Research Hydrimeteorological Institute Presented by s Academician A. Ls Kursanovs November 30, 1954 LICHIKAKI, V. M. Lichikaki, V. M. -- "The Frost Resistance of Winter Wheat under the Field Conditions of the Left-Bank Portion of the Ukrainian SSR.n Min Ifigher Educa- tion USSR. Belaya Tserkov' Agricultural Inst. Kiev 1956. (Disseration For the Degree of Candidate in Agriculttral ficiences~. So: Knizbnaya Letopis(~ No. 11, 1956, pp 103-114 14-57-6-12177 (Translation from: Referativn y zhurnal, Geografiya, 1957, Nr 6, P 71 (USSRT AUTHOR: Lichikaki, V. M. Itz ----Ilporecasting Critical Winter Wheat TITLE: Test Results Of Temperature (Rezul'taty proverki metodiki prognoza kriticheskoy temperatury ozimoy pshenitsy) PERIODICAL.- Tr. Ukr. n.-i. gideometeorols in-ta, 1956, Nr 6, PP 178-182 ABSTRACT: Data obtained in observations carried out by eight agrometeorological stations in the Ukrainian SSR assisted the author in discovering an empirical re- lation between the critical winter wheat temperatures and the ground and air temperature at the plant roots. If the total average daily air or ground temperature at plant root depth is known for the period it takes the temperature to drop from zero to -100, a scale Card 1/2 ~Test Results of Forecasting (Cont.) 14-57-6-12177 devised by the author makes I-4 possible to determine the critical A winter wheat temperature under various kinds of average frost dangers. The test of the method showed that the forecast is t 10 accurate in 70 to 84 percent of the cases, and !20 accurate in 83 to 100 percent of the cases. Ground temperature forecasting gives good results, because it allows one to take the snow cover into consideration, This type of forecasting works only in the first half of the winter (till January), and can be used in the northern part of Ukraini&n SSR. LTkr n.-i. gidrometeologicheskiy institute, Kiyev (Ukrainian Scientific Hydrometeorological Institute, Kiyev)9 Card 2)4 0. P. LICHIIAKI# V.M., kandidat sallskokhozyaystyannrkh nauk. How the time of sowing affects the sintering of grain. Hauka i pared* op; v sellkhoz. 6 no.11:34-35 N 936, . (KW 10:1) (Ukraine-,6Graln) (Sowing) (Plants-Frost resistance) 3(T) PHASE I BOOK ZXPLOrTATION SOV/2384 Zonrarentalya po agronstoorologli 1 agnklimatologil Ukrainskoy SSH Katerialy konrarentall (Material of the Conference on Agricultural -7~ Meteorology and Climatology or the U* Inian SSR) Leningrad, 0 L : e6 cop lip Inserted, 70 Oidroowtsolzdat, 1958. 24T P. Zrralp printed. sponsoring Agencies; USSR. Glavnoye upravlaniy Sidrometworologich- sakoy sluthby, Mcralnian SSR. Miniaterstvo sell skogo khozyayatva, vkral"klY nalliChno-Issledovatel-ekly aidrometoorologichaskly in- GILItmts and Ukralnakaya aka&aly sell skakhozyaystvennykh nauk. MOOD. Zd.: G.P. PrIkhot-koj Zd.: V.D. Pisoarevskaya; Tech. Zd.z R.I. Draynina. PURPOSE: This book Is intended for agriculturistso agrOmst*orolo- gists, and Instructors In related vulles. COVZRAM: This collection of articles deals with problems in &Sri- cultural meteorology In the Ukraine. Among the topics discussed - . corn cultivation, a"- Wintering, Planting time for winter crops, potato degeneration; moisture supply, and adverse weather ractorm. Reraronces accompany Individual articles. TAW& OF CONTMMs B"Ov, X.I. [Deputy Minister of Agriculture, Ulm 33R1 Introductory word 3 ftg'LtYr'. T.K. [Chief or the Hydrometeorclogical Service, Ukr SSR) Practical Hydrometeoroioxical service for Agricultural Production In the 17kraine 5 Slikukhp A.R. [Ukrainian Scientific Research Rydromat6 InGtItut a] Regional AgrOallmatological (Reference Books) or the Ukraine and Th4ir Application in Production 10 PrIkhot 'ko, O.P. [Ukrainian scientific Research Rydromet~ Institute I The s"te or Agromettorologleal Studies In the Ukraine 15 sb0d- vaksYs. M.N. [Ukrainian scientific Research Hydromst. rnati. tuts] Orgzftlzatlon and Utilization of Meteorological Observations Of Departmental Stations In Scientific Work and Agricultural Prao- tic* 23 P-1- and I Plant~P'~y (Ukrainian Scientific Research RN'Trut.h. ... t~ Physiology Sr*cial Feature$ of the Wintering rop. 1. Over of Winter Crops In "19555 In Various Regions of the USSR 31 441"l-, T111, jUkrainian Scientific Research Hydromet- Institute) orclogical Conditions of the Wintering of Winter Crops ta", =he 19.1. 40 AgroclLmatle Basis for the Planting Time or Winter kr3SR 60 trlanov:~.%S. .(Contral Institute or Prognoses) Relationah1p Be. tw"n .a in the Dv01OPQQnt of Winter Crops In Autumn and the Asromateorological Conditions. Probability In Phase Develop- me,n or Winter Crops an Related to the Different Planting Tie* in tbetukralm 69 M) MAZZ I DOOX 1"WITATION 30V/2384 Sonftrentalya po agrometeorologil 1. agrokLislatologLI. Ukralnskor M Katsr1w4 konfarentail (KAt4rW or the Conference an Agricultural MOrAloralogy and Climatolo f the V16ainlan SSR) L*n1nared, *Ldrawteolzdat, 2958. 21Y7 Op. Irrav slip inserted. 700 copies Printed. sponsoring Agencies: UM. Olavno" upravlenly g1drometearologich- Sakay sluzhby# Ukrainian 33K. Kinisteracvc wall skogo khozyaystva, Ukr&lhskiY nauchno-Iseledovatol'skly gidromecearologichoakiy, in- SILItut, and Ukrainakays. akadealy wall skakhazyaystvennykh nauk. %esp. Zd.: G.P. Prikhot,ko, 3d.t V.D. Plaosrevskaya; Tech. Zd.z X.I. Drayn1na. PVRP=z ThIs book Is lnt*nd*d for agriculturists, agroseteorolo- clots, and instructor* In related vuzes. I COVMU=z This collection of articles deal* with problow in &Vl- cultural meteorology in the Ukraine. Among the topics discussed K"' wintering. planting ties ror winter crops, earn witivation potato degeneration; moisture SUPPlYs and adv*rse weather factors: ftf-60 acrompany indivIdual articles. --~TABLZ CW CoxTn=, j. Pedorova ' N A (Ukrainian Scl*ntlftc Ressesch Xnatitute for Agri- cul j SlAiMcance or Planting Time for the Wintering or Winter Crops Under P01,961 Ye (Woodlands) And Northern Lesoatep (Forested steppe Region&) Conditions in the Vkrass 76 1bch*ryavgg&, X.,j (Ukrainian scientific Research Institut aclw=*J zLznlfiO-nle of Critical Temperatures in Forecast Z of Crop Wintering Conditions ng the 84 01LE1101a N A (Ukrainian scientific Research jnstltute for plant Physici:gyF casting the Reaction of the Varlous Grades Of Winter Whs&t UPOm the Intermittent Temperatures of the Winter and tarly I spring Periods f:;Ij12YA;,,M-A and H-A. redoray- Results or Checking the Method ,. , 9 the Viability or winter Crops by the Conditions of9i the Vegetative can@ 96 Tovanko. 11.0 (Ukrainian Scientific Research Hydromet,1natituel J'Olstu- Reserves or various clLm&tlc so,, z0flos of the Ukraine 100 j*."ts*G-w- JAII-Unlon scientific Reasgrah Institute for study or Card 4/7 LICHIKkKI, V.M. - - I ~ ~'. -, .., I Ivaluating.agricultural and climatic conditions for grain wintering in the Ukrainian S.S.R. Trudy UkrIFIGMI no.14: 10-23 158. (141RA 12.'5) Mraine-Wheat) (Planta--Frost resistance) E!P! LICHIK&KI, V.M.; SHELUDIED, N.G.; TIMOSMKO, G.L. Agroolimatic characterAstics of the freezing and thawing of soils in the Ukrainian S.S.R. Trudy UkrNIGNI no.16,.23-40 '59. (MIR& 13:6) (Ukraius-Frozen, ground) I(Goil moisture) LICHIKAKIP V.M. Determining the critical temperature of winterkilling for winter wheat 1q means of calculations. Trudy UkrNIG?ff no.28:24-30 ,62. (MIRA 15:8) (Ukraine-Wheat--Frost resistance) LICHIKAKI V,M. Effect of atmospheric temperature and the snow cover on the minimum temperature of the sail at the depth of the tillering nods. Trudy UkrNIGMI no.28:72-76 162. (MRA 15;8) (Plants.-Frost resistance) (Soil temperature) LICHIKA p V.M. Estimating the thermal conditions of wintering for prognosticating the condition of winter wheat. Trudy UkrNIGMI no.37:23-32 163. (MIRA 17:3) i LICHIKAKI, V.74.; SHELUDYAKOVA, R.M. _--~--w Packed ice crust am its distribution in the territory of the Ukrainian S.S.R. Trudy UkrNIGMI no.44-.77-83 164. (MIRA 17t11) FOLTAKOV, Nikolay Sergeyevich; IIGAIL i im Yakovlevioh; SHTOKKAN, Illya Grigorlyevich; AYBISOT,',.. Ll~.n., :tvetetvennyy redaktor; NAMINSUTA, A.A., takhnicheskiy redaktor [cutter-loader model DGI-2m] Gornaprokhodchaskii kombain DGI-2m. Moskva, Ugletakhizdat, 1956. 11 p. (MI&A 9:10) (Coal mining machinery) LICHIN, A. Ya. t Cand Tech Sci-(dias' "Study of -the of the Combi 11])GLII I)noprop,otrovokj 1958- 18 pp (Vin of Iligher Education UkSSR. Dnepropotrovsk i,"ffic Order of Labor Red BAnnor il.ining Inst im Artem), 150 coPies (IM,30-58i 123) POLYAROV, 11.5o9 prof.; LICHIN starehiy nauchuyy sotrudnik; SHPEKTOROV, Yu.Z. I - --- ~- Mechanization of drifting operations in mining lignite. Ugoll Ukr. 2 no.2:32-35 7 158. (MIRA 13:3) l.Ohlen-korrespondent AN USSR (for Polyakov). 2.Dnepropetrovsldy gornyy Institut (for Lichin). 3,Glavnyy inshener tresta Alekeandriya- ugoll (for Sbpektorov). (Dnieper 3asin-Lignits) (Coal mining machinery) c-1,1CHIN9 A.Ya., klmd.tekbu.nauk ----------- Research on the trajectory of movement of material on the blade of the oper#ting part of a machine with ball cutters. Vop,rud. transp. n0-4:424,446 t60. 1. Dhapropetrovskiy gornyy institut im. Artema. (Coal z W ug machinery) FOIJAKOV) N.S., prof... doktor tekhn. nauk; ~ICHIN, A.,Ya~.~snd. tekhn. nwA; FAILY, B.Z., inzh,; CHERKASSKIY-,-Y.-B-., inzh.; NAYEROV, V.R., inzh. Walking mechanism for moving shields, Shakht. stroi. 5 no.8:10-13 Ag 761. (MIRA 16:7) 1. Dnepropetrovskiy gornyy institut (for Polyakov, Lichin,. Nayerov). 2. Institut gornogo dela AN UkrSSR (for Paleyj, Cherkasakiy). 3. Chlen-korrespondent AN UkrSSR (for Polyakov). (Mine timbering-Equipmnt and supplies)* POLYAKOV, N.S.; ~U~CH kand.tekhn.nauk; PALEY, B.Z., inzh.; CHERKASSKIY, F.B., inzh.; NAYEROV, V.R. Supply of support elements in development mining with power-operated shields. Shakht. stroi. 6 no.3:19-20 Mr '62. .(MIRA 15:3) 1. Dnepropetrovskiy gornyy institut (for Polyakov, Lichin). Z. Institut gornogo dela Ali USSR (for Paley, Cherkasskiy). 3. Dnepropetrovskiy gornyy institut (for Nayerov). 4. Chlen- korrespondent AN SSSR'(for Polyakov). (14ine timbering) (Precast concrete conitruction) A. Yal POLYAKOV, M.; LICBIN, 0. fLyab7n, 0.), kand. tekhn. nauk ()re mining withoug human power. Nauka i zhy-ttia 12 no.12:58 D 162o (MIRA 16:8) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AN TJkrSMI (for Po2yakov). YUGOSLAVIA/Fam Anira-als. Swine Q-3 Abs Jour i Rof Zhur - Biol.p No 8, 1958, No 35682 Author i _jichina_L,_ Inst : Nol-Givon Title :On the Possibility of Rvising Moat-Typo Swine in Fosevint of Bosnia (0 vozlr-,oznosti rezvodoniya nyaonylch porod svinay v Bosanskoy Fosavino) Orig Pub t Foljopr. progl., 1956, 5, No 7, 403-411 Abstract : No abstrcct Cc,.rd 3 1/1 AUTHOR: Lichiniteer, M.A., -Englneer 97-10-12/14 I me T I TLE bhod of Forhing Anchorage on the Reinforcement Used foi. -Prestressed' Concrete Products. (Vysadka ankerov na armature predvariteltno napryazhennykh zhelezobetonnykh izdeli7). PERIODICAL: Beton i Zhelazobeton, 1957, Nr-10. pp.415 417. (U-38R). ABSTRACT:- The e:cisting method of anchoring reinforcement by means of various cones, tools, wedges etc. has many short- comings, e.g. loss of tensing due to slipping through anchorage and plasticity of the anohorago mechanism it- self. Further difficulties arise from the Varying dia- meters of the reinforcement. All these difficulties are eliminated by forming anchorages on the ends of each re- inforcement rod. On the authorls suggestion, the No.9 Trust'(Odessa), manufacturers of building materials, introduced the 'hot' method of anchor formation on the ends oil reinforcement rods (Patent No.1 dated 13th July 1957, Ministry of Building of the-DSSR)~ The anchors are made by means o'weldihg apparatus:- AOKI)-25,, ACMO-50 and AC90-75L Pigs. No.1 and 2, show details of Card 1/2 the anchor end,ol" & rod and the tensioning washers. 97-10-12/14 A N17ethod of Forming Anbhorage on the Reinforcement Used for Pre- stressed Concrete oducts. Similar anchoring is made when a whole bunch of high tensile rods are tensioned, but under these circumstances a perforated anchor blade is required (see Fig-3). Fig. 4 illustrates the process of 'hot' formation of the an- chor by using the above-mentioned-vielding apparatus. Fig.5 illustrates the tensioning Ifork' in operation. Tests have shown that this anchor method improves the tensioning and thereby the load bearing capacity of pre- stressed reinforced products. There are 5 Figures. AVAILABT2: Library of Congrt-ss. Card 2/2 1. Reinforced concrete-Applications 2. Reinforced concrete L,T~HINITSER Manufacture of prestressed trusses for industrial construction. Prom.stroi-.i insh.-soor. 4 no,2sl6-21 Hz-Ap 162. (MIRA 15:13.) (Trusses) (Prestressed concrete) KOGANV A,Kli.; LICHINITSER.9 MI.R. Edematigenous effect of adrenaline decompostion products. Pat,flziol. i eksp. terap. 8 no.6:78-79 N-D 164. (MIRA 18:6) 1. Kafedra patologicheskoy fiziologii Nav. - prof. S,M. Pavlenko) I l4nakovskogo ordena Lenina meditplna~ogo instituta. LICHKOO A.Ye.-; CHISTOVICH. A.S., zaveduyunhchiy. Peculiarities of conditioned and non-conditioned protective and orientation reflexes In the dynamics of acute infection psychoses. Trudy Inst.fiziol. 1:406-412 152. (MLU 6:8) 1. FaikhiatrichoRkiy sektor. (Reflex) (Conditioned response) (Psychoses) T 1. B AIL,-JOV, L, -A. , KATOII-Ul, D. A.. LICTMO, A. Y-L. , TI~ UZ-OTT-, V. N. 2. USSR (600) , 4. Sluchevskii, I. F. 7. On Prof. I. F. Sluchevskiy's article "On some urgent problems in psychiatry." Zhur. 11 - nevr. 1 psikh. 52, no. 12, 1952. 9. Monthly List of Ilussian Accessions, Li7brar7 of Congress, March 1953. Unclassified. 'Ye. "Data on the Study of Criented and Di,;orimted (Conditioned arrj Unconditioned) Reflexes in the Treatment of Certain Infectious Psychoses." Cand ;Ved Sci, 1953. (RZhBiol, No 1, SeP 54) SO: Svm 432, 2-9 Mar 55 BkIDNOV, L.Ya.Q1090w -k-Te.;TRAUGOTT, N.N. Data on pathophysiologic analysis of stupor appearing in Infectious psychoses. Zh. nevropat. polkhiat., Moskva 53 no-3:167-181 Mar 1953- (OLML 25:1) 1. Institute of Physiology imeni 1. P. Paviov of the Academy of Sciences USSR. f ilt wIff", '-- T" C- BALCHOV, L.YA.; LICHKO, A.Ye. (Leningrad) Pt7slological investigation of deliriun,-of syuptous of cerebral automation. and of certain hallucinations in the dynamics of insulin shock therapy. Zhur. vyo. nary. doiat. 5 no-5:686-696 3-0 155. (KERA 9 3.) (BGHIZCFHMIA, theraff' tasAlin shock ther., conditioned reactions to verbal (SHOCK- INSULIN. in various diseases, schizophrenia. conditioned reactions to verbal stizu in) (RIWLIX, cagDrrjc--n. conditioned reactions to verbal stiwdi In insulln ther. of schizophrenia) qv 8 LICHKD, A. "I'p. ftyloTle theory of the two 919D%1 BYStOM$-" V.fta PAkhlnko. lteyleved br.A.. Llchko, Zh. vys. hery. delat. 5no.6:5,,'-15-926 K-j) r55. (KMA 90) (MVOUS STSM) (PIMMKO, V. I.) CHIO spathopby-Biological mechanism and clirical asoecte of the obsession syndro=O by L.B.Gakkelle Reviewed byKsX,Ljc-hkop Zhuravys*ner-r. deiat. 6 no.6:933-935 N-D 156* (K&-. 10: 2) (owassums) (rAnmzt, 4.B,,.) S:-,UGMT. N.Y.; BAWKOTs L.Th.; LIGHKO [Studies on the pbysiolog7 of the higher nervous activity in mml Odher)d fiziologil vysshei uerrml daiatelluosti cheloveka. Kofjlr,-.r y KsUiz, 1957. 245 P. (MMA U59 (PSYCHM-,MT, PE[TSIOU)GIGLL) USSR/Human and Ani-I Physiology System. T Tb/ - our Abe -iei 13255~ 09, - - Author k~"-l - Ye. ', Trauiptt, N IN Balonov, L.Ya. , - AT nst Title :'DeprPsgion,aneir, ;~6sfbration of Hi&er HerZ(Ijue tivity obi in e"i Acill c6nditi i i' - i 'Orig Pub Zh v t-stti ft ev 1957~ 7, Not 3,J335-.r343 Abstract With the sei:; 1xqz, insulin , com, aciAw: intectious psychosis, and ri C very from roiflexes (CR) these CoPli-,tiva's, thelater conditione~l r and all,J,'4~,,iAs of speech activityvere toi pj,~essed, the P1 ;;i i Jr .1 -lier by 10 mly they al, ore restored and themori e Te the were deyr--4,,.oreA, and unconditioned reftlexe earlie:/, t1i,ey'appeared- in ontagenesis. ientary cor. tical :,-41ctions were restored earlierL. the more ca co 1, jr mes estorv;idn of CR was The sequence of r dote I Y~A by the subsequent recoverielfij ~f the corres- Card 1/2 115 LIGHKO, A.Ye. rel'i and physiological characteristics of insulin come [with summary In French]. Zhur.nevr. I polkh. 57 no.12:15D9-1516 157, (KIRA 11:2) 1. Akademicheekeya Vrupps skademika L.A-Orbeli ANN SSSR, Imningrad (SHOCK TRW-.PT. INSULIN. clin. & physiol. characteristics of coma (Run)) TRAUGOTT, N.N.; BALOFO,T,, L*Ya--Lichkqg,A*Ye* The problem of sick points in the pathology of the higher ne"MIs activity in ~=..Xat..po evol- fizibl- 3 '58, (MIRA 12:4) (PSrCHOSZ) LICHKO, A.Te, Dynamics Id' rudimentary reflexes occurring In man during insulin comas. M .1 p0 evol. fiziol. 3:140-148 158. (MIRA 12:4) i (INSULIN SHOCK) (IMMMM) LICHKO, A.Yew,-.- "Phyloy and Phyli 151 French] by R. Angelerguen and others. Reviewed by Awls' lk t, o', ur.vya.nery.delat. 8 no.2-*303-304 158. (MIRA 13--1) (Psm (ARGILERGUES, R.) 0 !VOL LICHKO# A~,Ye; Physiological in:O~stigntion of amnesia In insulin shock. [with summary In English.1,; Xdur;vysOnevr. 8 no;6:793-803 T-D 158 (MIRA 12:1) 1 Laboratory of Pttholo&7 of the Higher Nervous Activity, 0; Bxperimental Medi)-,linep USSR Acaedmy of Medical Sciences. Leningrad; compl; mommesia (Rua)) (AKMIA, otiole & pathogen* .. hyperinsuliniam (Rue)) BAIONOV, L.Ya.; LICHKO, A-Ye. Modifi-c-aTrdft-*9-a=9 c,~naitioned and unconditioned autonomic reflexes during the development of insulin Coma [with summar7 in English]. Fiziol, zhur. 44 no,3:194-201 Mr '58. (miRA 11:4) 1. AkademicheakayA gruppa. akd. L.A. Orbeli ANN SSM, Leningrad. (SHOOK THERA Y, INSULIN, conditioned & unconditioned reflex variations during insulin shock (Rue) (MWLEX, CONDITIONED, physiolo&7 response variations during insulin shock ther. (Run) unconditioned, response variations durinq insulin shock ther. (Rue) LICHKO, A.Ye. Review of N.I. IrrasnoCorskii's *HIgher nervous activity in the child. Zhur.yym.nerv deiat. -9 no-5t792-795 S-0 159. 0(IRA 13 -- 3 ) PHYSIOWGICAL) (OHM NUDY) (nASNOGORSKII, N.I.) LIGHKO, A.Ye. Conditioned reflex hypoglycemis. in man. Zhur. vys. nerv. deiat. a no.6:823429 N-D 159~. (MIRA !3- 9) 1. Laboratory of Pathology of Human Higher Nervous Activity, Chechenov Institute of Evolutionary Physiology, U.S.S.R. Academy of Sciences, Leningrad. (CONDITIONED RESPONSE) (HYPOGLYCatIA) "-LIGUE-01 I-Ye.-,, kand. mod. nauk Research in the field of evolutionary physiolog7. Vest. AN SSSR 29 no.6:126-127 Je '59. (MIRA 12:5) (Physiology) LICHICO, A.Ye. Sabcortical hyperkinesis and other motor phenomena occurring in patiefiis during insulin coma. 7iz1ol.zhur.5SSR 45 no.7:811-819 ii 159. (MIRA 13:4) 1. From the labo=atory of pathology of'human higher nervous activity, U.S.S.Re Academy of S~ienoes, I.M. Setchenov Inati- tute of 31volutionary Physiology, Leningrad. OWN TMULKW, INSUL111 complications) (NDYMMT DISORDERS etiology) VASIVINVA, V.Y.; LICHKO, A.Ye.; SOKOLOVA, N.M. Mechanism of controlling insulin coma by intravenous ifusions of glucose, Biul.eksp.biol. i mod. 48 no.9t46-50 3 159. (WRA 13: 1) 1. Is Instituts, evolyntsionnoy fiziologil Imeni I.M.'sechenove, (direlctor - akademik L.A* Orbeli [deceased]) AN SSSR, Leningrad. Predstarlens, akademiko L.A. Orbeli [deceased]. kumull) (GWCOEM) --- , OReproduction of some symptoms of atropine psychosis in animals.* Reviewed by A.B. Lichko. Zhur.nevr.1 poikh. 59 no.9:1137-1138 '59. (MIRA 12:11) (MOROLOGY, PHYSIOLOGICAL) GINETSINSKIY, A.G.,; BIRYUKOV, D.A., red.; ICARANYAN, A.I., red.; KABATKIN, N.I., red.; LETBSOH, L.G., red.; redo; SHNUTOBITOV, Me.. red.izd-va; BOCHYM, V.T., tekE:~;id. Ezvolution of physiological functions; materials of the Second Conference honoring the memory of Academician L.A.Orbeli, March 17-21, 19591 Ivoliutaiia fiziologicheskikh funktaii; materialy vtorogo nauchnogo soveahchaniia posviashchannogo pamiati akademika L.A.Orbeli, 17-21 marta 1959 go Xoskwa, 1960. 230 P. (MM 13.-6) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut evolyutsionnoy fiziologii. 2. Otdel aravnitellnoy fiziologii i patologii Institute eksperi- mentallnoy meditainy ANN SSBR (for Biryukov). 3. Laboratoriya OV01YUtBii analizatorov Institnta evolyutsionnoy fiziologii im. I.M.Sechanova AN SSSR (for Kasatkin). 4. Institut evolyutsionnoy fiziologii im. I.K.Sechanova M SSSR (for Leyboon). (PHTSIOLOGY) LICHKO , Andrey Yevgen!yevAchL V~SlLIYEVA, Z.A. . red. izd-va; G -T .Pop e0n-o red* (Insul-in comas; clinical a8pectop machaniew of development, and insulin shock treatment of psychoseol Insulinovye kony; klinika, makhanim7 razvitiia insulinoshokovoe lechenie psikhozov. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR, 1962. 259 P~ (MIRA 15:2 (INSUL121 SHOCK THERAPY) (PSYCHOSS) LICHKO, A. E. . W. I-------------- On the mechanism of action of insulin on the central nervous system in wn. Activ. nerv. sup. 4 no.1:28-35 162. 1. Laboratoriya patologii. vyshey nervnoy deyatelinosti cheloveka Instituta evoliutoiormoy fiziologii ix. I. M. Sechenova AN SSSR. (BRAIN pharmacol) (INSULIN pharmacol) b:"I.-O k:o v lr,~i miff 2. ;b:5 -.1 In Z., ;5 vl.'.~ th- Azc-~!% --1-r NI--l ll~ ~t IlA, cf . t J. P~Kmhvl=' of 'ho Tht X4-'=d= v: .,.! zf 1- 7%. ?6l. -.or of' tte rr 7~ C.. 'Ac. t or Vc . 3...t,c L r Nz- rj: tc;- !,3 c1 C2 pi of--z r- S141, "A -U-.. ~lv-lol cAl nct ZE"'.; - '- 'i ef i'i,hr ;ru.. wrv-ro c!xnoitl -in rlmr~tl d-Irtctor rrofc3zor VEDUMs F,P- (Leningrad); LIGHKOI.A.Ye. (Leningrad) qome Vesults of the research on problems in the evolution of fbnations; based on materials from the Third Conference in Evolutional Physiology Dedicate.d to the Memory of L.A. Orbell. Fiziol. zhur. 47 no-10:1333- 1338 0 141. (KLRA 15: 1) (PHYSIOLOGY) (EVOLUTION) LICHKO, A.Ye. (Leningrad) ------ Pathogenesis of insulin comaoe Probleendok.i gorm, no-409-65 1629 - (KrRA 15:11) 1. Iz institutta evolyutsiomoy fi2dologii imeni I.M. Sechenova (dir. - chlen-korrespondent AIN SSSR Ye.M. Kreps) AN SSSR. (COMA) (imum sHocK) LICHKO, A.Ye., Care and supervision of mental patients during insulin shock therapy. Med.sestra 21 no.9:34-40 S 162. (MIRA 15:9) (INSULIN SHOCK THERAPY) (MENTALLY ILL-CARE AND TREATMENT) LICHKO, A.$9- Anaphylactic reaction to inoUin in the form of a Fulmonary odema. Trach.delo no.2al4O F 163. (MIRA 1635) 1e. III leningradskaya paikhonevTologicheakaya boltnitsa imeni I.I. Sk7ortsova-Stepanova. (INSULIN) (PUIMMARY EDEKA) (ARAPHYLUIS) DEGLIN, V.L.; LICHKO A.Ye. Spasmodic threshold in electric ohock therapy and its combination vith tofranil, aminazine, insulin and antiop"modies. Zhur. nev-,. i paikh. 6/+ no. 12:1838-18" 164. (WRA 18M 1. Laboratoriya patologii vysshey nervnoy dayatellnosti cheloveka (zaveduyushchiy - prof.N.N.Traugott) Instituta evolyutsionnoy fiziologii i'biokhimii im. Seckenova i 3-ya Leningradskaya psikhiatricheskaya bollnitsa im. Sk7orthova-Stepanova (glavnyy vrach F.I.Sluchevskiy). LICHKO# A,Ye.; PLISETSYMA, E.M.; LEYBSON, L.G. Insulin activity in the blood plasma during J-sulin shock therapy in psychoses. Zhur. nevr. i palkh. 65 no.2:2',8-282 165. (MMA 32:9) 1. Laboratoriya evolyutsii endokrinnykh funktsiy (zaveduyushchiy - doktor biolog. nauk L.G. Leybson) i laboratoriya patologJ-i vysshey nervnoy deyatellnosti cheloveka (zaveduyushchiy - prof. N.N. Traugott) Instituta evolyutsionnoy fiziologii i biokhimii im. I.M. Sechenova (direktor - chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR Ye.M. Kreps) AN SSSR, Leningrad. BAGROV, Ya.Yu.; LICHKO, A.Ye. Clinical manifestations and mechanisms of cardiovascular re-- actions in insulin hypoglycemia. Probl. endok. i gorm. 11 no.2:30-36 Mr-Ap 165. (kIIIRA 18:7) 1. Laboratoriya patologii vysshey nervnoy deyatellnosti cheloveka (zav. - prof. N.N.Traugott) Instituta evolutsionnoy fiziologii i biokhimii imeni I.114I.Sechenova (direktor - chlen- korrespondent AN SSSR Ye.M.Kreps) AN SSSR, Leningrad. LAPRIA, Iskra Armenakovna; LICHK-C, A.Ye., re-I. t: --- [Pbysiology of the lacrimal gland] Fiviologlia s1oznr;i zhe:Le-.I. Leningrad, Yeditsina, .1965. 16.1 p. L ~ (Mick I 8..LO) --- --- --- -.- --- LICHKCY, i. Te. Aleksandr Grigortevich Ginetsinskii; 1895-1962. Shw. evol. biokhim. i fiziol. 1 no. 6t482-490 N-D T65 (MIM 1911) 1. gUbmitted July 29, 1965- SOV/137-59-3-7271 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Metallurgiya, 1959, Nr 3, p 330 (USSR) AUTHORS: Tsimbal, A. A., Lichko, V. TITLE: Quantitative Analysis of Ferrotitanium by the Spectroscopic Method (Kolichestvennyy analiz ferrotitana spektrallnym metodom) PERIODICAL: Sudostroyeniye, 1958, Nr 7, pp 67-68 ABSTRACT: The analysis of Fe-Ti for Ti, Sit Al, and Cu is carried out on an ISP-22 spectrograph with a 0.02-mm slit. The generator is anIG-2, the capacity 0.01 mf, L=O, the discharger gap is 3 mm, the analVti- cal gap is 2 mm, I= 1.8 amp. A representative sample of Fe-Ti is pulverized in an iron and an agate mortars and screened through a 270-mesh screen. I g of the Fe-Ti. is then mixed either with 1 g of' pulverized Cu 'for the determination of Ti, Si, and Al) or with I g of Al powder (for Cu determination) and briquetted under a 4-4.5 t/ cm2 pressure. The briquet is fixed into a special cartridge. The counterelectrode is carbon. Photographing is done from two sides The data on each standard or specimen are obtained from the mean result of six measurements. The relative error is as follows (in %): Card 1/1 For Ti 1.35, Si 2.7, Al 1.93, and Cu 2.00. M. N. I Lr,PIOV,_B. I., KRISHCHYM-17, V. M., RAXEV-~~YAN, YE. M., 3HARMIAM-I'ZAN, R. ).I USHAKOVI V. I.~ ASATIANI, T. L., BETEZI~.'SKIY, L. S., DOLOGOSHEYN, B. A., Alikhanyan, A. I., Asatani, T. L. "Polarization of Cosmic Ray Ihions." report subn1itted for the Intl. Conf. on Cosmic Rays and Earth Storm (IUPAP) Kyoto, Japan 4-15 Sept. 1961. I -LICHKOV, Boris Leonidovich, 1888- A map of hydrogeological regions of Ukraine sklaly B.L Lichkov ta V.I. Luchyts'kyi. Kytt, Ukraina'ke rajonove geologo-rozvldkove upr. 1930. map. IU 52-36 1. Ukraine - Maps. 2. Geology, Structura. 1. Luchitskii, Vladimir Ivanovich, 1877- , .1. - k, ; Ovellelits of tho Earth Is Crust. It Lichkoy R. L. "Cn the Mc-chanism of Horizontal 11 L - ~ ?rirodal Lenlm.rad, Nla. 1, 1930, pi). 57-78. UzbeksIdy State Univ., .(-1942-) "Wooded Belts and the Ori;~in of the !~jndar"-ntul Slem.~-ntu of the lielief of the Russian Plain," Iz. NAUK SSER, Ser. Geograf. i Geofiz., No. 1-6, 1944. - -- i, - ---- - - I - 'tThf,, contemporary lithogenesia on the,continent,al plains," Iz . Ak. NEuk SSSR, Ge oggraf . 1 0-, Lrfi z . , lio. 5-6, 1~45 LICHKC)Vj B.- L. IT. L. Lichkov: Geological Periods in the Evolution of Living Matter." Received on November 11, 1944. (P. 157). 1 SO: Journal of General Biolaz, Vol. VI, contents of the issues 1-6, for 1945. No. 3 Of A Int'"t "Is e44 A Old 1h. W- to .84~ see Vase 1"RaIrw 914W aft, w4wo 44 S411040 list aw oat "U" t W-.1 AsL ad a a4 goo goo goo " fir j 1::: woo I a 0 0 w a0 a4 3a T u S-AV D' 01; ~ a I 0** **Jgloo-* 00 0 0 -0, 0 04: &_9 00 0 *00 0 * 0 00 0, 0 0 0 0 AULA 91 KUZNXTSOV. B.S.. professor; LIGHICOV, B.L., professor, otvetetvann" redaktor [Geology of the Northern Jurassic Depression of the Digoro-oseetian part of the Greater Caucasus) Geologita Severnot rUrokoi deproesti v Digoro-4Metinakot chasti Bol'shogo Xavkass. Leningrad, lzd-vo Lonifigradekogo goo. univ.. 1947. 151 P. (KLRA 10:1) (Caucasus--Geology, Stratigraphic) E 21473 LICHHOV, -,. L. Osnovrrj-;e zakon~ razvitiya rellyefa zemno,ro shara. Trudy Vtorogo Vsesoyuz. geogr. sllyezda. T. 1948, S. 14 - 24 SO: Letopis' Zhurnallnykh Statoy, No. '49, I!oskva, 1949 Lich%,--Dv,- DO L. "On the problem of the significtancc of local causeo of i!rosion In hydrogeologyfl, Trudy Labaratori-Al. gidrogeol. prob1cm iia. tikad. Savarcn--koLo r-a-;I- SSISR, Otd-niye geol.-geoer. nauk), Vol. 1110 1148, p. 1!--)-27p - Bibl.,L,)",-: 28 ltcrs. SO: U -2888) 12 Feb. 53, (lAtonis' Zhurnal Inykh Statey, Tjo. 2, 1949). --- - -- -IILVFDW I prof. - - - - I ~ -.1.1....., ........................................., Theory of mountain formation through tangential folding and overthrusts In the Alps. Vast. LGU 3 no.9:3-21 S 148. (MI1U 12:9) (mountains)