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L"MAN A L otvatetyannyy redaktor; POPOVA, G.H., redaktor izdatellstva; AIAWYA, ze.l., takhnichaskly redaktor. (Centrifugal enrichment of coal] TSentrobeshnoe obogashchenie uglia. Moskva, Ugletakhizdat, 1956. 22 p. WaA lot'.'6) I.GOBudariitv6nWYproyaktno-konstruktorski.r institut mqiprougle- obogashchent yi; I tGo&I preparation) -LIIJUHMID, Lo Voltmeter with an expanded scale. Radio no-7.44 Ji 161. (KMA 14-. 10) (Voltmeter) -LIBURKIN, L. Ya. -O-zwwf-l &gagement conditions and the coEL ctim in an orthogonal spur-bevel gear transmissions Izve v7so uchabo zavo; pribo 7 no./W58-163 164 (MIRA 18al) 1. Taningraclakiy politekbnichookiy institut imeni MaKslininae Fbkomendovana. kafedroy teorii nekhanizmar i mashino _~IBURKIN, L.Ya. _ 1. ---- - ----- - -".- - Basic problems in the geometry of orthogonal hypoid qyEandro- conical gear tranBmission. Izv.wjs.ucheb.zav.; prib. 7 no.2:158- 163 164- (~IIRA 18:4) 1. Leningradskiy politekhnicheskiy institut imen! Yalinina. Rekomendovana kafedr(rf teorit mekhanizmov I mashin. T.TRTT.q - ff Treatment of depression with phennetrazine in comtdnation with ataractics. Activ. ner7. sup. 3 no.2:223 161. 1, h7chiatricM leoebna v-%v3.ickove Brode. . (PHWWMAZINE ther) (DEPRESSION ther) (TRANQUILIZING AGENTS ther) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - LIBIJS,J.; KONIAS,V. Clinical and physiological concept of inhibition, Activ, nm. sup. 6 no.lz71-72 %4. LIBEJS,J. The electroencephalogram in oenile dementia, Cesk, psychiate 60 no.1219-2~ F164. 1, Psychiatricka lecebna v HavlIckove Drode. A.- ACC NRI J.P&J'Icrr- tin; _Iurlr r 7"i AUTHOR: Due k, K. (Havlickuv Brod) Libus, j. ORG: Psychiatric Hospital, Havlickuv Brod (Psychiatricka lecebna) TITLE: Clinical comparison of prochlorperazine and thipprop~razine.ffi~~rchotic illness J-his paper was prekented at the 7th Annual Psychopharmacological Meeting, Jesenik, 20-23 january 1965/ SOURCE: Activitas nervosa superiorg v. 7, no. 30 1965j, 243 TOPIC TAGS, psychoneurotic-disorders drug treatment kMTRACT: 37 patients suffering from various types of schizo- phrenTa-were administer -ed prochlorperazine (Spofa) for 6-8 weeks An amounts of 60-150 mg/day. Thioproperazine (Majaptil; Spofa) was administered to 18 schizophrenics for 30 days in amounts of ,15 mg/day. Both drugs, dosed adequately, attain approximately ~the same therapeutic resultso which are more marked In acute ,schizophrenia than in chronic cases. The therapeutic effect i. does not depend on the occurrence of the - extripyramidal oymp- ~tomatology, which can be entirely prevented with tri enidyle ph Orig, art. has: 1 table. Corig. art. in Eng.7 JJPF~2 .SUB CODEt 06/ SUBM DATEs none Card 1A rtl Acc NRs KP-66-1-0970 SOURCE CODE: cz/0079/657007/6-6 AUTHOR: Libus. J. (Hav-lickuv Brod); Dusek. Ke ORG: Psychiatric Hospital, HavlIckav Brod (PsychiatrIcka locabna) T TIZ.- Electroencephalographio patterns in achiz treated with ataractics LThis paper was presented at the 7th Annual Psychopharmacolomical Meeting, Jason 20-23 January l5i6ff ~ SOURCE& Activitas nervosa superior, v. 7# no. 3, 1965, 235 TOPIC TAGSs FM. psychonsurotic disorder, chlorpromazim, drug treatment ABSTRACT: Treatment with ataractics slows down the basic rhythm of the EEG, increase the amp3ltuds, theta and delt2 activity; synchronization of rbythm and parovsmal dysrhythnia are irAucod. 86 schizophrenics were treated with chlorpromazine. levome- promazine , chlorprothixenoo and porphenazinee No marked differences in the EEGS due to the use of any of the mentioned drugs were found* The differences were greatest a the time vhen the drugwas first administered; they diminished with the patient's adaptation to the drug. ffi-rig. art., in En&JlJPR--s7 SUB CODE: 06 / SUEM DAM: none / ORIG REFs 002 / OTH RZI?t 008 KOLLR. Jaromir. NOr: LIBUS Oto, KOr Fragilitas ossium hereditaria of Iddowes. Cask.rentgo 9 no-3:111-114 Aug 55. lo Z ceatre rtg. odd* KUNZ Ustin. Labou, pradas prim, KUDr V.Paska, Z intekedho odA, KUNZ usti no Iavem, predne prim. KUDr Z.Koloueh. (OSTIOGINNSIS DWWEGTA, FAdowas type) 24082 S/186/60/002/006/002/026 A051/A129 AUMORS: Mints, S.;,~~Hsll S. TITLEt An investigation of the causes of fieleotive extraction of Uranyl nitrate with tri-n-butylphosphate PERIODICAL: Radiokhimiya, v. 2, no. 6, 196o, 643 - 652 TEXTs The authors point out that the general causes of the highly selective extraction of uranyl nitrate by means of tri-n-butylphosphate in the presence of other metal nitratea are unknown. The high distribution coefficients of uranyl nitrate between tri-n-butylphosphAte and water are the result of the formation of electrically neutral complexes not containing water. The formation of these complexes in the case of uranyl nitrate and their absence in the case of metal nitrates not extraoted with T-BPh can be explained by the differing ten- dencies of the nitrate ions and TBFh moleoules to ooordination with cations of both groups. The oonstanoy of the absorption spectra of the transition metal nitrates in diluted aqueous solutions is given as proof of their complete disso- oiation under these conditions. The corresponding constants of complex-formation Card 1/6 8/180118~6/006/002/026 An investigation of the causes ... A051 A129 were determined. Their values Are in the order of 10-1 - 10 (first constants of Cg complex-formation for Uq +' PU 2 , ii?4, Th4+, Zr+* ions). The specific means of coordination of the nitrate ions with a uranyl ion based on the anion acou- pying two coordinated positions of the cation is thought to play an important role as one of the reasons for the formation of comparatively stable uranyl ni- trate complexes, in addition to the high charge of the central ion. The nitrate ion shows properties of a uni-donor ligand with respect to the transition metals and that of a bi-donor one in multi-riuclear compounds. This phenomenon is con_ nected with the instability of the four-member chelate rings in the complexes of the transition metals. The stability of the four-member rings in theiranyl complexes and the possibility of,ooordination of the nitrate ions by means of two oxygen atoms resulting from it explains the relatively great, stability of uranyl nitrate complexes. In the experimental procedure the measurements of the light abscrption in the visible and ultraviolet parts of the spectrum were car- ried out on a Unikam cn-500.(SP-500) speotrophotometer. The infrared spectra were measured on a Perkin-Elmer spetrophAn!'..Aer. The conclusion is drawn that the method of coordination of the nitrate ion is the same in both oases. The con- stants of oomplex-formation of uranyl nitrate and nickel nitrate with TBPh were Card 2/15 24082 An investigation of the causes s/186/6p/oo2/bo6/oo2/b26 A05!/A129 measured in order to compare~their ability toward coordination. These values were determined at a constant coordination of the nitrate ions. A survey of the methods used for determining the constants of complex-formation led to the con- cluaion that only the spectrophotomstris method would be applicable t'o the purpo- ses at hand. The uranyl complex in butyl &I-3ohol is expressed by the formula; [UO2(NO3)2(Bu)2] based on the coordination of the nitrate groups by means of two oxygen atomz and on the coordination number of fhe nranyl ion being equal to 6. It was further established that about three complexes are formed in the in- vestigated solutions at certain cone entret ions of the butyl aloohol of TBPh. Since the [UO2(NO3)2(TBPh)1,cOMPlex is Prezer,:t in puzi, TBPh, it is aasumad that at a gradual increase in -the TBY-h conzentration ir butyl alcohol the following equi- libria are established: [UO2(NO )2(Bu)2' + TBFP-;W:t [U02(NO_)2Bu(TBPh)1 + Bu ~3 3 L'02 (NO3),Bu(-MPh)i + TBPh ;w_-E [ U02 (N03).., (T-BP',Ii).,:,] + Bu. Isobestio points are umed to d,-~termln& tha ooncentration a of the complex u IU02(NO3 )2(TBPh)21 in all solutions inv.5stigated. 11he f2owing equation is Card 3/6 2.14082 ,9/186/60/002/006/002/026-- An investigation of the causes .... A05IIA129 sqid to be valid for the investigated systect R - f1aI + F,2o2 + 6 3C3-0 where E is the optical density of the solution, cjs c2j 9 are the concentra- tions of the different types of compl&xez, E,, 629 E 3 are the corresponding co- effients of extinction. For the wavelength at which the isobestic point appears the equetion changes to: E = E1 (01 + 02) + E3C31V since in this case El = E2. Considering that c1 + 02 + c3 a (a is the analy- tical concentration of the uranyl nitrate), than E 61c E = E (o + E 0 ; - 1 3 3.3 -3 3 El The first constant of complex formation Card 4/6 24082 s/186/6o/0o2/0o6/0o2/026 An investigation of the causes .... A051A129 '[UO,(NO3 )2(TBFh)Bu) CtU02(1103)2(BU)2'c TBF'n was calculated according to the method of iuccessive approyimations, since it is known that at low concentrations of TBFh there are only two first complexes. The average value for several wavelengths is equal to 6. The constant of complex formation of nickel nitrate with TBPh in butyl, ether was also determined Bpeotro- photometrically. The firtt constant of oomplex-formiation: OrN.. (N0_)2 (BU), TBPhj 'FNi(NO,) (r:~Ul TBPh 2 `4 was calculated and the average value for several wavelengths was fo und to be 0.8. The comparative studl6s led to the ganeral conclusion that the causes of seleo- tive extraction of urany! nitrhte with tri-n-butylphoephate are the greater abi- lity of the uranyl ion to c-oord-Inate the ions as compared to metals with low atomic nwmbarz due to th& _,oordinatior, of nitrate ions with a uranyl ion by Card 5/6 24082- ViWWOWM6/002/02 An investigation of th4 oawes ... A05.1/A129 means of two oxygen atoms. Another cause is -,,~ht- rather high concentration of tne oomplex-formation of the uranyl Ion with -rrJ.-n-'bu1.Ylpnosphat6 WleCU168, the value of which is equaZ t:) 6 (in a butyl aloohol medium). The corresponding constant for the nickel nitratj~ Is O.B. Thsr,~ Are 9 figures and 28 reference:3: 7 Soviet-bloc and 21 non-Sov:!et-blu. The refterarces -to t1he four mos".; recent English laruSiage pulblio%lion?! rq~Ld as foliow:F.- T. V. Healy. J. Kerunady, "). Inorg. Nuel. Chem., ILO, 112, 128, 19~~9; T. V. 11". Y~-.nn-z..Iy, G. H. Wair.-J, J. Inorg. Nucl. Chem., 10, Lke-, 137, :~_~-q,; K. All,:.-,~,R. rr. F. B-?:~t. E. H4~-sfcr'j, H. A. M,~Yljy, J. Inorg. Nuzi. Chem., F., 4, 328, 1,958; E. H~5tord, H. A. C. MoTay, Trans. Farad. Soc., 54, 4, 573, 1958. SUBM=-ED-. J_snuary 12, 1960. card 6/6 ~ .. - ~ ~ - - ~ - ~~ --. ~ - ~-., r- 1%~*~ - ~ ,, -- - -- -I:vl 7 Ufz Stefan 1-11ine --nd 1-i-lodzirnierz Li' "Solvation of Copper and Cobalt Ions in 'Water- Ou -Vixtures. II. Absorption Sj),-~-era of copp-3r an-c Cobalt !.'iitra.L Les in 1-1-ater and Ebsolute Aliphatic Alcohols. Cheriii, Vol '0, "To 2, Warsaw, Publisk,-~ fro-ni the Rleoearch TAboratory o.~.' -',~,lectroc,-,emistry and Cor--7,-ion, Warsaw 29 Get 55). Stt?fj,i "inc and I.-ilodzirliern Libus: "Sol-vatioii of Cur-pic a~ cl. lob-,17to-,.,S Tn e.4- Alcohol I-Ixturos. Ill. Absorption Spiczra of Cupric nnd Cohaitlcus 'I'l-trate-z! I-a Ti.m.-Co-I'lonent Systems. "Roczrii:-i Vol -30, 110 3, ".1arsav, Published from. the ?esearch Laborator-,, of Electrcfie-,:~istry and Corrosion, ;.1 3 "an c" v.-arsaw Ur!jV~.r,3jt,ru ID. LeAt cobli to 'Ong. Wky4z -lier -U." , *1 fill I I' ; nr~ tw, a3way i Co,+ in aq. KCINSS W-jinis, were ed at =eI;M.P9. Ml ~-JLCZI. Of tht tattw. in all cat" a max. at 615 mg wa-a citzcrved. Thc- fortaation of the blui, VW.Pl-,X 6 za endothermic rtatction- The eZjA(---Ct J~V% SW-4 Of WL-Wil!& CqUiLl 'CO- =t !CaCINSM + 224-0. c-i!!~.-d the cann: LIBUS, Wlodzimierz Formation of tetrahedral cobalt (II) complexes in solutions. 1. Aqueous solutions. 171 Determination of configuration equilibria constants. Ron chemii 33 no.4/5:931-956 159. (EM 9:9) I* Zaklad Elektrochemii Instytutu ChalL Fizycznej Polskiej Akademii Nauk, Warszawa (Cobalt) (Chemical equilibrium) (Water) (Solutions) (Lithium chloride) (Lithium bromide) LI 5P )qqA1miaM;'UGNIEWM, Anna; MING, Stefan On the formation of tetrahedral cobalt (II) complexes in solutions. III. Halogeno-complexes in organic xo1venta. Rocz chemii 34 no.l: 29-39 160. (EM 10:9) 1. Institute of Pbysical Chemistry Polish Academy of Science., Warszawa, Department of Electrochemistry, University., Warszawa. (Solutions) *(Cobalt) (Organic compounds) (solvents) (Halogens) (complex compounds) 7, 4;.1" m of. jf0r~ifdt Ca a". ~Q& tal is I - -- &%!L- , 1 I rue LW-Totnasd and Z. Libu x1ra In. FimCzacj:F.PU-- 1 . -- -T R Z O l hi t d I t t 4. en ca a s c ne 1 ummaries). n n ys way's were compared, and the following properties different --- b l e d i f d l f so L o imerneasur on o a d: (a)a 5 ) potent a yes, ( -MeOH od l am n of r e1 t aud (c cat tic e powd .. e ec r a c . . e, y p It was IQund that the lower the powder electrode potential, the higher Is the corroWnding ZnO catalytic activity. 11. elec e Jbid 3864 -The potential of a ZnO powder trod e ZnO Is used as ca rt In the decom 1 d z 0.- !hYt of the PQ -sumed that th tenti I t 13 4i Vallit-S is Cau sed by a part reduction f zoo 0, P L. G. A 1 ........... LIEL4,- Aac, S. Research on the extraction properties of tributyl phospate esters. p. 81. NUKUMIKA. (Polska Akademia Nauk. Komitet to Spraw Pokojowego ~.)rkorzystania Energii Jadrowej) Warszava Vol. 4, no. 1, 1958. gonthly List of European Accession (-zvAI) LC, Vol. 8, no. 7, JuIY 1959. Uncl. POL/46-4-1-7/15 5(4) AUTHOR: Minc, Stefan and Libus., Zofia - --------- TITLE: The Extraction Properties of Tributhylphosphate (Badanie ekstrakcyjnych wlasciwosci estu trobjbutylofoforowego) PERIODICAL: Nukleonika, 1959, Vol 4, Nr 1, pp 81-86 (Poland) ABSTRACT: The article reports on thorough investigations about the _xchan e reaction of extractions and stability of UO.- .(TBP)2N03)p,, Due to the limited solubility of the com- plex in water, the spectroscopic determination of the ex- change constant is made by dissolving dehydrated U0. (NOA in a different molar ratio of alcohol and TBP by absorp- tion-spectroscopy, Fig. 1 sh ws the spectroscope change at 3 different wave lengths (between 3Z0-500 m/q depend- ing on the solvent concentration. It became evident that the complex compound of alcohol with UO-(NO3)2 is also limited, so that ut is sufficient for tte calculation of the stability constant, Further, it can be taken from Card 1/3 the diagram (1), that the constant of the exchange reac- The Extraction Properties of' Tributhylphosphate POL/46-4-1-7/15 tion for TBP is not vei-I significant. The constant can be determined after measuring of the equilibrium. The partition of U02(NO3)Z between NH4NO3 water solutions and trethylphosphate., trihexylphosphate, and tri-(J3 -chlore- thyl)-phosphate shows that TBP has no extreme character- istics. Fig. Z shows graphically the relation between the distribution coefficient and the number of moles of phosphate-ester in 1000 g. benzene. It i~ assumed that the stability of the complex compound is achieved by for- mation of 4-link chelatrings. The complex has a tetra- edic form., In order to obtain a more thorough knowledge of the sterical factors of this complex, investigations (spectroscopic absorption-measurements) (Fig, 3) with CoC12 and TBP with different concentration of LiCl are made and compared with each other,. It is assumed that if LiCl is missing, the complex is the Co(TBP) (H20) C12 one, in case of surplus of LiCl, (COC14)-- Is obtained, in case of concentration Co(TBP)Cl3 is obtained. Fur- Card 2/3 ther investigations are under preparation., There 7 e POL/46-4-1-7/15 The Extraction Properties of Tributhylphosphate 3 graphs and Z references, 1 of which is English and 1 French. ASSOCIATION: Instytut chemii fizycznej PAN, Warszawa, zaRlad elek- trochemii (Physical-Chemical Institute, PAN, Warszawa, Department of Electro-Chemistry) .SUBMITTED: August, 1958 Card 3/3 'K The tomation of tetrAhedral cobalt(U) cam xes i3i 110 Lolutions. U1. Halogeno complexes In orginic solvents. /6) WIodzImlerz Lihui, &qn. iewska, and Stefan Minc: 2 Up - ' - (UMV. VQNM%Yy- 1Wz m1i 34, 20,VMWXrn cl. C 54, 4W-Ic.-The ranges of exisunce ot l 'M M l di du , CoX21,,, CnXaL--, und CoX4-- complexes (X- CI-4)rBr-,L- solvent mol.) in the systems COCIS + NHsBuCI in lso-PrOH, and O)Drj + LIBr or Co(CIOA + U In HtOH have been detil. spectrophotometrically. I/ Vie cak-ta. were based on deto. of hosbcstic points, on the- dependence 61 extinction coeffs. on conen. of i3o8ctane added to HtOlf. and an the Identity of Urniting absorption curves of atc. and aq. solits. A. Krlgkw%kL- DUSEK,K.; Paranoid haUuclnatory syndrome in hepatolenticular degenera- tion. Cesk. psychiat. 10 no.2:116-119 AP164. 1. Poychiatricka lecebna v Havlickove Brode. I L 20857-66 -TWP (i IJP(C) /BB, ACCESSION NA: ~05014050 PO/0034/65/000/005/0223/0221; .621.374-32 AUTHOR: Barwicz, W. (Docent); Libura, A L ( TITLE.- The Convertron an electronic analog-to-di5ital converter SOURCE: Pomiary automatyka, kontrola,.no. 5, 1965, 223-224 TOPIC TAGS: analog digital converter, electronic converter, electron beam, con- verter, converter design/Convertron ABSTRACT: This paper describes a new type of analog-to-digital converter which was': designed at the Department of Electronics of Wroclaw Polytechnic Institute and fabricated at the Industrial institute of Electronics in Warsaw. The device can be used for repetitive measurement of voltages. The construction of the device, shown, in Fig. 1 of.the Enclosure, is similar to that of an ordinary cathode-ray tube. It:, operates as follows: The electron beam generated by a conventional electron-optical system is incident on an electrode designated as a "dynode". The dynode, shown in Fig. 2, consists of- two elementi.. Element I is in the form of a ladder made, for example, of a metallic perforatc--d tape of a material having a secondary-emission coefficient (YI much greater than 1, while element II is an unperforated tape made of a material having a secondary much less than 1. The two' -emission coefficient 02 Com 1/4 ACCESSION XR: AP50lhO5O eleiiients.are welded together and are locdted inside the collector. The electron beam is deflected by the measured voltage applied to the deflecting plates. The whole structure is placed inside an e~!acuated gl-ass cn,!elope. The operation is ,based on the generation of current palses when the electron beam, controlled by the, measured voltage, is incident succe.psively on the alternating dynode elements having- different, coefficients of secondary emission. A, d?tailed analysis of the operation] of the device is presented. The method of measuring the converting speed of the t device is discussed,,and,a schematic of the measurement setup is shown. The con- verting'Ispeed of two prototype samples having dynodes of 100 sections and a voltage!: range of 150 v was determined to be 200 kc + 5% for a height of output pulses of 10 mv + 5%, It is noted that the converter has a strictly limited converting speedi "The authors acknowledge the help of Eng. Jan Lewko in solving many problems en- countered in this work." Orig. art. has: 5 figures and 10 formulas. foal ASSOCIATION: (Barwicz) Katedra Elektroniki Politechnik'L'Wroclavskiej (Department MANDASESCU, Laura; S.TOICESCU-CRIVAT, Leonia; GABE, I.;_LICAj S-; $TEFANESGUY Me Reactivity of methyl group in hetere--yelic compounds..IV, Studii chim Iasi 13 no.l:U5-127 162. 1. Academia R.P.R., Filiala Iasi, Institutul de chimie si fizica OPetru Poni.0, Sectia de chimie organica. LICA., Stancu. candidat in qtiinte tehnice ing. Lt. Col. (Bucuresti); -iiiifn~cu, Marcel (Bac'ureati) Considerations on the improvement of the electric 9)mracteriaties of zinc cocide-silver accumulators. Electrotehnica:5.1 no.3:98-102 mr 163. 1. Conferentiar la Academia Militars, Generale, (for Lica). 2. Cercetator la'Acs~demia Militara. GenereAa (for Strefanescu). LICA, Valerian, ing. (Rucuresti); IRUNCA, Mihai (Bucuresti) j-- :-:.. .. 1, ~ Insulating micanite scale cones for electric rotating machine collectors. Electrotehnica 11 no. 5:188-194 My 163. 1. Seful serviciului tehnic la Fabrics. de Cabluri si Materials Electroizolante (for Lica). 2. Tehnolog la Fabrics. de Cabluri si Materiale Electroizolante (for Irunca). LICA, Valarian, ing. (Bucuresti) Electroinsulating materials based on silicones. Electrotehnica 11 no. 11/12-.420-426 N-D 163. 1. Head of the Technical Department II, Cable and Electric Insulating Material Plant, 304 A 164. ,i. 14,,mo cf Fr2 .`jtnt, Ma lle r 1 ,t1 T- PA ( w-i2 17-4P4 P, -4 Se --7-ices) (raac barest) nical ~--,-nts an(~ prospects for -he 7-ectrotehnica, no. 196Z, 29h-,zo), ft,,PIC TAGS: electric wire electric industry Austract. LAuthor's Englisj2 sum ary modifiedj: The author otimmarizes the achievements in the manufacture of enamelled Panductors, describing the chief types of co,2ductors pro- c technological processes used, the modernization and the chief propertioa of enamelled con- A brief outline of f-Mxwe --eeente-6. orig. art. ha in this field is aleo AS,30CUITIONt Fabrica do GablUri si Hateriale Elactralzolante (Cables and Electric -nR Natt-rials Facto 'a ti 1/2 7 N . : . - . - - I I 1 -1, , , . I . i~) i GLIGORE, V.,, prof.;,~IA EU . dr.; HANN, K., dr.; SOPON, E., chim.; SCHEAU, Maria, b~oL~.; PAPP.. E., chim. Research on the disorders of carbohydratc metabolism in chronic diffuse hepatopathy. Med. intern. (Bucur.) 17 no.9:1077-1084 S 165. 1. Lucrare efectuata in Clinica a II-a medicala Institutul medico- farmaceutic, Cluj (director: prof. V. Gligore). LICAR, J. LICAR, J. The selective protection of mercury rcctifiers. p. 1697. Vol. 11, 110. 11, 1950'. T E IT- I I K-Pi, TECIR.'01-OGY Beograd, Yugoslavia I So: East European Accession, Vol. 6, No. 2, February 1957 LICARI J. The maintenance of mercury-arc rectifiers.p. 215. (Elektroprivreda, Vol.10, no. 4, Apr. 1957.) SO: Mon*ay List of East European Accessions (EEAL) LC., Vol, 6., no, 7. July 1957, Uncl, LICAR, J. The use of mercur7-vapor rectifiers in electrolytic plants. P. 1673 (Tehrdka) Vol. 12, no..10. 1957, Belgrade, Yugoslovia SO: MONTHLY INUE.X OF EAST EUROPEAN ACCESSICINS MAI) LC, VOL. 7, NO. 1. JAN. 1958 LICHARD, Milan Remarks on the occurence and ecology of the tick Ixodes trian- guliceps BIrula, 1895. Biologia (Bratiol) 20 no.5t348-358 165. 1. Virologicky ustav Ceskoslovenakej akademie vied , Bratislava. GASPAR, E.; LICARET, C.; SOW, D. Deactivation of vater contaminated vith radioactive lootopes. Studii cerc fis 12 no.1:29-38 161. (EW low 1. Institutul de fizica atomica,, Bucuresti. (Water) (Radioinot " a) SERBAN) D,; VIADp T.j LICARET) Ce Decontamina,tion of St=faces and objects contaminated by radio- active substances* Pt,l, Rev chimie Min petr 14 no.9:535-537 s 163. LICARET, C.; SERBAN, D.; VLAD, T. Decontamination of surfaces and objects contaminated with radioactive substances; cotton-made protection, Pt. 3. Rev chimle Min petr 15 no.11:692-i',95 N 164. ACCESSION NR: AP4038m 0310VOlV0041021810219 0,0 '.~AUTHOR:. Ghoorghiu, Tr.; Serban, D*; Vlad,, T.;.Licaret., C. ive TIME: Decontamination of objects and surfaces contaminated with radioaot substances. 11. Experimental part, SOURCE: Revista de chimie, v. 15, no- 4, 1964, 2.18-219 TOPIC TAGS.- Decontamination 6f object, surfage decontamination, radioaptive isotopai, 32p', .53-er, 60co, 65Zn, 75", 90sr, 9,5zr, 11%, 1246b, 3-334, 147Pm, do- contaminant solution, water, ethanol, HC1, citric acid, sodium citratep ammonium citrate, acetic aLcid, ligroin, EDTA, H sub 3 PO sub 4., RHO sub 3,, H sub 2 SO sulb 4.9 Na sub 3 PO sub 4, K sub 2 Or sub 2 0 sub 7 ABSTRACT: The follo,,ring materialq have been contaminated with lcm3 of radioactive solution of 5 to 3.0 microcurie/=3 and dried in sualightt glass, tin cans, alum- inum foil., iron plates., lino:Le=j unplastioized polyvinylohloride. 3.1 radioactive sotopes have be94 used in differerjt water solubIg salts..N32P (Naiq%) tSr(NCi3)2). 'Cr ~Cr(X03)3)-, OOCO (C0(N03)3)J' 'b,5za (ZnC'2),-7>SG (So( 03)2),, Card 1/12 ACCESSIRI NIR: AP4038913 95Zr (zr(C204)2)., 11% (AgNO3), 124Sb (SbC15), -133-J (NaJ), 147P'm (P`m(N03)3)- The decontamination has been carried out ivimediately after drying or 24., 48,, 120 and 360 hours after cbntamination,, by washing and wiping with different reagents (water, ethanol, H01 (3, 10 and 15%), citric acid (2 and 5%), sodium citrato (2 and ammonium c;Ltrate (2 and 5,SQ., -10 H3PO4 CH3COOH HN03 (31"'), H2SO4 (2%) ligroin, Na K2 he 3P04 (2%).. oitazol (0.5%)., EDTA (0.5%), Cr2O7 (5,Q,, Na2CO3 (5.1Q). T remaining radioactivity has been measured with a TIM radiometer at 5=. distance from the sample* The results are presented in six ternary diagram. Original article has two tables aad six figures which are included in the abstract. ASSOCIATICNs None SUBMITTEDs - 00 DATE ACQs O9Jun64 ENCL3 10 SUB CODEs Gc NO RX SOV3 000 OMRI 000 Card 2/22 ACCESSIM NB-- AP4038933 ENCLs 01 Table le Radioactive Isotopes Used For Contamination Symbol Isotope Chemical Compound 32p Na,2HP04 52Cr Cr(NO3)3 C 60C 0 CO(NO3)2 D 65Zn ZnC32 E 75SO SGMO~)2 F 9OSr Sr(%)2 Card 3/12 ACCESSIM NR: AP4038933 G 95Zr 21OAg 247pzm Card 4/12 ENGLi 02 Zr(C204)2 AEP03 SbC15 NaJ P=(NO3)3 ESSIGI ACCE N N R.- a 4 03' 8.9 13 dOL: 03 Table 2. Reagents UGed For Decontamination Symbol Decontaminating Solution I-later 2 Ethanol 3 3% HC1 4 10,10, HCl 5 1 HCl 6 Citric acid - 2% 7 Citric acid - 5% Na citrato 2% 9 Na oitrato 5,dv' 10 11 NHI NM , citrate, 211 t 1t : 32 1,1 ra e o 14 H3 Card 5132 ACCESSION NIU AP4038913 ENCLt 04 13 24 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 CH3COOH EN03 H2SO4 HU 3% plus NA citrate 2% Ligroin Na3PO4 Citazol EDTA Y2Cr207 Na2C03- Cord 6/22 S4 ACCESSIOU NRs AP4036913 ENGLs 05 Fig. I. Decoebaminatioa of iron plato 70 0_q Ice -71 A at IACCESSICK NRs AP4038913 Fig. 4, Decontamination of (can) ENGLi 06 tin foll 70 V4 17 If lb Card ACCESSION NR: AP403893,3 ENCLs 07 Fig* 3. Decontamination of glass 0 LIP' bb 0, Card __._--Contaminating. Isotope. - --- ---------- IACCESSION NR.- AP4038913 iFig* 69 Decontomihation ot pl"tic material (PVC) EKGLs 08 Cc f 1, Card W12. Liotopo___ - --- ---- AP4038933 ACCWSICN N I Fig. 2. Decontminitim Of &I=iu= foil WLs 09. lot- c 19p. AC=SIOH NR: AP4038933 Decontmination of Fig* D, EUCLs 10 Card 12/4 Contamimting. ~ c I-ACCES CODE Npit ac..". ' ~ d ,~~=F-A v NR ~j T , NIGOLAUS A.; MARI=CU., A.1 SECAREAKU, I.; LICEA. Io Thermal photoelectric-effect In aeniaonductors. StudJA core fiz 16 no.9t=-1120 1649 1. Faculty of Physios,, Bucharest University. m LICEA, Ioan ----- ------- -.- -;- I . On the tunnel current In the Esaki diode. Studii cerc fiz 14 no.6: 883-887 163. 1. Facultatea de fizica, Univeroitatea din Bucureoti. n~ 'TRACT; The author shows that aithou-h the (1 ri ft met h.-,' clata on transpcrT pnenr)iac~n3 ~i ,F- Card 1/2 26383-65 ACCESSION IM. AP5003203 nni, e s, an s , 4----n--=rtiture arr i -nt d that thiL can a .-N Of raotion of the caj'l'ler~ L!'4- 1- quatritities are expresaed in tt~rm..,- V~'L'y:1*61'6 rtllations obtainc~(i (,an be use,i to !~r-eat vaxit-2US -1 1011 Faculty of Physics, Uriiver5iuy u1' 2 0 c t' 644 TZIML flr) SIT CODE: 55 J."IR 11FT sov: 002 (MIER: 005 2/2 L 21460-66 IJP(c) ACC NR: AP6001446 SOURCE CODE: PO/0045/65/028/005/0653/0661 AUTHOR: Licea, I. ORGi Faculty of,P hysics, University of Bucharest TITLEt The phenomological. theory of galvanomagnetic effects-in _-Th _3 sem iconductors SOURCEs. Acts physics polo.nica, v. 28, no. 5, 1965, 653-661 TOPIC TAGS: galvanomagnetic effect, semiconductort magnetoresistivityl Hall effect, carrier scattering ABSTRACT- The paper deals*with some aspects of the phenomological theory of galvanomagnetic effects in semiconductors, namely the Hall effect and magnetoresistivity, in the case when the influence of scatterings between carriers is taken into account. The author con- siders a semiconductor with only one type of carriers, namely elec- trons, so that scattering between-carriers is of the e-e type, Orig. art. hass 45 formulas. (Author's abstract.j EKSJ SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 20Jan65/ OTH REP: 005 Card I SERCL, Miroslav; JECHOVA, Dagmar; KOMRSKA, Milan; KOVARIK, Jaromir; KRYAL, Vlastimil; LICH&, HelWag; LICHY, Josef; NEETTL, Sass; SIMKOVA, Dagmar; STOVICEK, Jaroslav,- VRCHA, Lubomir; ZDIWIAL, Leopold; TUSL, Miloslav; SVORCOVA, Stepanka; KAUT, Vlastislav On the effect of I-centimeter electromagnetic waves on th6.nervous system in man (radar). Sborn. ved. prac. lek. fak. Karlov. univ. (Hrad Kral) 4 no.4:427-440 161. 1. Neurologioka klinika; prednosta prof. DrSa. MUDr. M. Serel Katedra obeene hygieny; prednosta prof. MUDr. V. Dvorak. (RADAR) (NERVOUS SYSTEM physiol) SEROL, Miroslav; JECHOW, Dagmar; KGIRSKA, Milan; KOVARIK, Jaromir; KYRAL, Vlastimil- LICW, Helena; LICHY, Josef; FETTL, Sasa; SEI-OVA, Dagnar; 17RCHA, Lubomir; ZDRAHAL, Leopold. On the possible development of demyelir--tion diseases of the human central nervous system resulting from injury by organic phosphate insecticides. Sborn. ved. prac. lek. fak. Karlov. Univ. 9 no.1:175-182 164. 1. Neurologicka klinika (prednosta: prof. 1411Dr. M. Serci, DrSc) Karlovy 'UnivernIty v Ilradci Kralove. L 12843-66 E?IT(I)/EWA(J)/EWA(b)-2 RO ACC NRs AP600573.2 5SOURCE CODE: CZ/0082/65/00U/OU3/LTeL'U/UZ.Zj 5 ~) W, 513 4m56 , VVISS, . - AUTHOR: Sercl, KI; Jechova, D.; ka, K.; Kqv ikj_ .; Kyra Idchyy J,; ffettl, S.; Simkova D.- Stovicek, J.; Vrcha, L.; Zdrahalt L. 8&~14eurological Clinic, kedical Faculty, Charles University, Hra so Kralove (Neurologicka klinika lakarske fakulty KU) &I TITIZ: Problem of late sequellae of poisoning with organophosphate insecticides SOURCE% Ceskoelovanska neurologie, no. 3, 1965p 220-223 TOPIC TAGS: insecticide, toxicology, biochemistrys oirganic phosphorus compound# neurology, biologic metabolismo nervous system ABSTRACT: Insecticides contii!Fi-hr~* 6orhp6und's'bf orgazile, -phosphorus damage the poripher* 'of the nervous system in humans because they act on neuro- ;muscular platesj vegetative ganglia,, CKS, and the brain. Study ~Iof 398 people who worked with these inseoticides showed the I possibility of'Lhe occurrenee of late sequellae. Pseudoneuras- I ,thenia syndromes werwfound, The organie P compounds-affect the chollmodtarase complex, and possibly hydrolysing ferments# .and glypolyals and pl%osphorylation of serines,iMyeline metab- olism may be damaged permanently. Origo ar~. has.1 I table. LTFW COM: 06 / SU13K UTEj,'none / ORIG M 002 / OTH REFt 009 SUB cord 1A YU3 SERCL, ~Iiroslav; JECHOVA, Dagmar~ KOHRSYA, Milan; KOVARIK, Jaromir; ,j LICHY, Josef; NETTL, Sasa; Heleylp MAL, Vlastimil; LIGRA "t-'- SIMKOVAO Dagmar; St1-T?TE'Y,- Mslav; VTICHA, Lubomir; ZDPAF;L, Leopold Comparison of neurologic findings and organic phosphate serum cholinesterases in delaynd effects of Insecticides on the human body. Sborn. ved. prac. lek. fak. Karlov. univ.: Suppl. 8 no.4: 415-433 165. 1. Neurologicka klinika (prednosta prof. WDr. M. Sercl, DrSc,). prof. dr., "'n1r.; JEC;H0VA,').; F(MMA,M.; FO'IARIY,J.; KYRAI,V.; The problem of late effacta of pci--onlng veLth organic phosphate in.sectlcide3. Poo'k. nourol. 28 no.3:220-223 AP 165- I. lleurolog.'-cka klinik-a lekarske fa-ulty Karlovy University V- Hnifici Kralwrc: (prednosl-rx: prof. dr. 14. Sercl, DrSc.). L 33001-66 SOUROE'CP~81 CZW2/6- 0055 58 ACC AP6024090I AUTHOR: Lichy, J.; Kovarik# J.; Lichal H.; Stovicekp J. 3 4 ercif ORG: NeLftlogical Cliniev Medical Faculty, KU/headed by Professor,, Doctor M. S":~ Doctap-of sciencesh Hradec Kralove (Neurologicka klinika lekarske fakulty'KU) TITLE: Contribution to the use of punch cards with holes on the edge for filing to diagnoses in neurology SOURCE: Ceskosloveneka neurologie, Of 19 1966, 55-58 TOPIC TAGSi punched card, computer application, hospital equipment, data storage ABSTRACT: A punch card with holes at its edges for filing of neurological diagnoses is described. The registering of the data 'on the cards is described. A decimal system describing the diagnosis and the clinical syndromes is discuseede The advantages of the suggested filing system are deacribeds Possible use of-such cards in computer diagnoses of diseases is discussed. Orig. art. has: 1 figure and 1 table. CJPRS] SUB CODEt 05p 06 / SUBM DATEI 06Apr64 / ORIG REFV 002 / OTH REF1 009 IZI] Card -45$ L 33001-66 AC4~ NR, AP6024M SoUWICOMi CZ/6o8,V6-&/-bOo/6di7o65V AUTHOR: ..Lichy, J.; Kovarik, J.; Licha, H.; Stovicak, J. ORG: Neleological Clinic# Medical Faculty. KU/headed by Professor,, Doctor M. S Are Doctop-of sciences/9 Hradec Kralove (Neurologicka klinika lekarske fakulty'KU) TITLE: Contribution to the use of punch cards with holes on the edge for filing to diagnoses in neurology SOURCE: Ceskoslovenska neurologis, no. 1, 1966, 55-58 TOPIC TAGS: punched cardp computer application, hospital equipment, data storage ABSTRACT: A punch card with holes at its edges for filing of neurological diagnoses is described. The registering of the data on the cards is described. A decimal system describing the diagnosis and the clinical syndromes is discussed. The advantages of the suggested filing system are described, Possible use of'such cards in computer diagnoses of diseases is discussed# Orig. art. has: 1 figure and 1 table. (JPRS1 SUB CODE: 05v 06 SUBM DATE: O6Apr64 ORIG REFt 002 / OTH REF: 009 Card GjV 10 LOBL, Karel; LIGHA, Leopold; ABUSINOV, Alexandr Founding properties of acid resistant alloys based on nickel. Slevarenstvi 12 no.6i228-230 Je 164. 1*~%.,Obtate Researcl,..~,mLitute of Materials and Technology, Prague. 'rill 12, R, 0- 1 a- 0 P. .4 pr 0, F~ I RH I I KOVAL', P.I.; REVA, V.Z.; DZMITq K.I.; PYATKOVSKIY, A.G.; LICFAK, G.K. Rapid construction of a blast furnace at the Voroshilov Plant. Prom. stroi. 39 no-9:34-38 161'-- (MIIU~ 14:1c) 1. Treat Vorosbilovsk3troy. (Voroshilovsk--Blast furnaces) DZMT, K.I., inzb.; PYATK.OVSKIY, A.G., inzb.; DICHAK, G.K., inzh. Large wall panels in industrial construction. Prom. rtroi. 39 no.9:38-40 '61. (MIRA 14:10) (Concrete slabs) (Voroshilovsk--Industrial buildings) USE=. IvaU,StsPant,7ich- LICHAKV I.L.,, MWITIK, A.?., red.izd-va.; BOGMMVP Some,: e @red, [Basic and ultriL'basic rocks in the southern Bag Basin] Gonowny L UlItr&QOAOMe goriWe porody bassaina IUzhnogo Bug&. Kiev, isd-vo lkeLde na* USSR. 1956- 142 P. (Akademiia*nauk URSR, Kiev. Instvtut geoloiftheakikh naWC. Seriia Petrograftip mineralogii i gookhimii. Trudy. no.5) (HIPA 11:7) (SoutherABug Valley--Rocks, ;iliceous) AYZENVERG, D.Ye.--, geolog; BkLUK.M.VSKIY, N.Y., geolog; BARTOSHEVSKIY, V.I., gnalog; BASS, Tu.D., goolog; VADI14)Y, U.T., geolog; GLADXIT, Y.Tavp geolog; DIDWVSKIT, V.Ya., gFgolog: YERSHOV, V.A., goolog; ZHMV, G.V., geolog: ZAMDRIY. P.K., gAolog; IVANTISHIN, M.N.. goolog; KAPTARtW-CURNOUSOVA, O.K.. geolog; KLIMENED. V.Ta.. geolog; KtU~AIW, V.I., geolog; KLTUSHNIKOV, M.H., geolog; KRASHMNIMUKOVA, O.V., goolog; KUTSYBA, A.M., geolog; LAWRIK, F.Ye.. geolog: LICHAK, I.L., geolog; MAKUKHINA, A.A., geolog; 14kTVIYENKO, Ye.M., g olog-F7911TRA, V.S., ganlog; M)LTAVKD, G.I., geolog; NkTDIN. D.P,, gnolog; NOVIK, Te.O., geolog; POLOYKO, ioc., geolog; RoDrowy, S.P., geolog; SEICIONK0. N.P., akademik, geolog; SERGLINT, A.D., geolog; SIROSHTAN. R.I., geolog; SLAVIN. V.I., peolog; SUKRAIMICK, F.P., goolng; TKACHUK, L.G., goolog; USENKO, I.S., geolDg; USTI- ITOVSKIY, Tu.B.; goolog; TSAROVSKIY, I.D., geolog; SHULIGA, P.L., geolog: YURK, TuJu., geolog: TAM111CHENK0. I.M.. geolog: ANTROPOV, P.Ta.. glavn~7 redaktor; FILIPPOVA, B.S., rod. izd-va; GURDVA, O.A., [Genloar of the U.S.S.R.] Geologiia SSSR. Glav. red. P.IA.Antropov, 761.5.[Ukrainian S.S.R., Moldavian S.S.R.1 .'. 11krainskaia SSR, Moldavokaia SSR. Red. V.A. Ershov, N.P. Semetenko * Pt.l.[Geological description of the platform area] Geologichaskoe OP.Leanie platfor- mennoi chasti. Moskva, GoR. naucbno-takbn.izd-vo lit-ry po gaol. i okhrane nedr. 1958. 1000-p. C 51.2-PrPleneUt] Prilozheniia. -7continued on ~_ext card) ATZENVERG, D.Ya.-(continued) Card 2. 3 fold.maps' (in portfolio) (MIRA 12:1) 1. Russia (19?3- U.S.S.R.) Glavnoys upravleniya geologii i okhrany nedr. 2. Ukrainskoye genlngicbeekoye irpravleniye Ministerstva geologii i okhrany nedr SSSR i InstItut geologicheakikh nauk Akademii nauk USSR (for all except Antropov, Filippova, Gurova). 3.Glavnyy geolog Ukrainskogo goologicheskogo upravleniya (for Tersbov). 4. AN Ukrainakol, SSR (for Semenenko). (Ukraiue--Geology) (Moldavia--Geology) USENKOP I.S.; KALYAYEV, G.I. [Kaliaiev, H.I.I: LICHAK, LL, L-Lychako I.L.]; TSAROVSKIY$ I.D. [TSarovolkyl,, I.D.) Pormations of the Ukrainian Weld. Geol.shur. 23 m-1:30-51 163. (KMA 16 S-4) 1e InBtitut geologicbeakikh nauk AN UkrSsR. (Dnieper Valley-Goology) LICILA~.K~,Litschak, S.K.1; OUSEVy N,P., red.; AKSELIROD, I.Sh., tekhn. red. [German.-Russian dictionary an internal combustion angines and gas turbine installations] liemetsko-rusakii slovarl po dvigateliam vnutrennego agoraniia i gazoturbinnym ustanovkam. Moskva, Glav, red. inostr* nauchno-tekbn. slovarei Fizmatgiza, 1961. 319 (14IRA 14:1030 (German 3.anguage-Dictionaries-Ruso:lan) (Gas and oil engines-Dictionaries) (Gas turbinos-Dictionaries) ALEKSA14DROVA, M.A.; ASINOVSKIY, E.I.; BALANDDI, V.V.; ERODYANSKIYp V.M., kand. tekhn. nauk; VAKHRAMffEVA, Ye.A.; VERIUk, M.I., kand. tekhn. nat, ; VORONII, T.A., kand. tekbn. nauk; GIRSHFELID, V.Yaop kan'd, tekhn. nauk; DEYCH, M.Ye., prof. doktor tekhn. nauk; IVIN,, F.A.; LAPSHIN, M.I.., kand. teklm. neuk; LIPOV, Yu.M.., kand. tekhn. nauk; LYUBARSKAYA., A.F.; MAKARENKO, I.D.; MIRIMOVA, V.M.; NEVIER, S.Ye.; ROJ%NOV., K.A.9 kand. tekhn. nauk; ROTACH, V.Ya., kand. tekhn. nauk; KHMELINITSKIY, R.Z., kand. tekhn. nauk; SHEVCHRIKO '0 E.G.; BOGOMOLOV, B.A., red.; VAYNSHTEYN, K.N., spets. red.; LICHAK S K . spets. red. - -=j [German-Russian heat engineering dictionary] Nemetisko- rusakii teplotekhnicheskii slovar'. Moskvap Sovettikaia entsiklopediial 1964. 512 p. (MIRA 18::l) 1. Moscow. Knergeticheskiy institut. 2. Moskovskiy energe- ticheskiy institut (for all except Vaynshteyn, Lichak). NOSEK, J.; MUCH, 0. 1 LICH-M- R - ERNEK E.; ALBRECHT, P. ]kporimental infection of the great dommse (Glis glis) with tick-borne encepbalitis virus. Acts, virol. 7 no,4:374-376 J1 163. L' Institute of Virology, Czecboslovak AcadmW of Sciences, Bratislava. (TICKS) (ENCEPHALITIS) MUCH, 0,; NOSEK, J.; ERNEK, E.; LICHARD, M.; ALBRECHT, P. Persistence of ti4--borne encephalitis virLm in hibernating hedgehogul=d dormdee. Acta virol. (Praha)[Eng) 7 noo5:430-433 8 163. 1. Institute of Virologyt Czechoslovak Acadeny of Sciences,, Bratislava. (ENCZPHAL3:TIS, EFIDEWC) (ZOONOSES) (HIBERNATION) EUSK, E,; KCZTJCH, 0.; LICHARD, M.; NOSEK, T.; ALBRECHT, P. -- ---- - wo Experimental infection of ClethrioncaTs glareolus and Apodemus f2avicollin with tick-borne encephalitis virus. Acta virol. (Praha)(Eng] 7 no-52434-436 S 163. 1. Institute of Virology-, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences-,~ Bratislava. (EWSPHALITIS, EPIDEMIC) GRES, "'N A ROSIT, J ""tudy on the e o 9 no.le83,-I-%1088'7 0- (%g. J a 6.5 lo Institute of jjrojoFV (:Ze~~hOSIOtrak Academy rr Scle-zioes Bratislava. " 9 Role of the ]Mglish sparrow (Passer dcmesticue) in the circula- tion of tiek-borne encephalitis virusa J. byg. spidem. (Praha) 8 no.3s375-379 164 1. Institute of Virologyp Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava. L 141825---66- WA j T EWA(b)-2 JK ACC NR: AP6008356 SOURCE CODE: CZ/0049/65/000/005/0348/0358~ AUTHOR: Lichard, Milan-Likhard, M. ORG: Virological Institute, C echoslovak Academy of Scitnces Bratislava (Virol6g`1ckj ustav Ceskoslovenskej akademie vied) TITIE: Notes on the occurrence and ecolo of tick ixodes trianguliceps birulap 1895 SOURCE: Biologia, no. 5, 1965, 348-358 TOPIC TAGS-. animal parasite, virology, encephalitis In autumn of 1963, tWTRACT- small-inammals in a.spruee forest in the Tatras were examined iecto0arasitioally The host animals from characteristically prim-' :oval forest were not infested. The average infestation by larvae 'did not reach the value of 1; only on Sorox Alpinus was it over 10o Average infestation by nymphs on Clethrionomys glareolus and other small animals was less thqn 1. The habitats of Ixodes tri- .,angulioeps.are the natural foci of tiok-borno-onoophalitis in Europe. The possibility of Ixodea t. being the'veotor of tick- bor no oneophAlitis(oia diaeussed. At present there ia not enough Ivirologioal information available in respeot to this subjeot-oi LICHALtDOVA, E. "Studl of ephemeroptera in the branchns of the Danube River and periodic pools on the Great 5chutt.11 p. 129 (Biologia Vol. 13, no. 2, 1958, Praha, Czechoslovakia) 'Monthly Index of East -~iropean Accessions (EF-IJ) w2 Vol. 7, no. 9, September 1958 JM'A, G. ; L. - SIMKO, M. Clinical diagnosis of dissecting aneurysm of the aorta. Cas.lek. cesk. 99 no.47:1484-1487 18 N 160. 1. 1. interna klinika PH UK vBratiolAve, prednosta prof. Mu-Dr. M. Ondrejicka. Endokrinologicky ustav SAV, ~iaditel MUDr. J.Podoba. Ustav patologickej anatomle LIP UK, prednosta prof. MUDr. F.Klein. (AORTIC ANnYSM diag) HRUCIAR, J.,- GTRICAGA, T.; ERNCIAROVA, M.; LICHARDUS,__A._1 BIELIK, E.; STANGELOVA, D. HMrkalemic and hypokalemic forms of paroxysmal n7oplegia. Cas.2ek. cesk 101 no.7:211-218 16 F 162. 1. Intermi oddelenie KUNZ v-Banskej By8trici, prednosta MUDr. A. Sitar. Ustredne laboratorium K= v Banskej Bystrici, prednosta MUDr. E. Bielik. Endokrinologicky ustav SAV., Bratislava, riadital MUDr. -T. Podoba. (POTASSIUM blood) (MUSCLES diseases) BIRO, E.; -LICHARDUS, B. A simple apparatus for cryoscopy kith the aid of a thermistor. Cesk. fyoiol. 11 no.1:53-54 Ja 162. 1. Chemicky ustav SAV a Endokriziplogicky ustav SAV, Bratislava. (CE-114ISTRY JUIALYTICAL equipj.& supplies) ZIWUND, V.; LICHLRDUS, B. Effects of psychic stimuli on water economy in man. Activ. ner7. flup. 4 no.3/4:383-387 162. 1. TisiLtuts^'bf Experimental Medicine and Institute of Endocrinology The Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava. (DIURESIS) (THIRST) (HYPNOSIS) (SUGGESTION) CORTs J.H.; L21LM~DUS- The effect of the carotid vinum pressor reflex an renal function and electrolyte excretion on the nature of the afferent eignale Yhysiol. Bohemoslov. 12 no-4:291-299 163. 1. Institute for Cardiovascular Research., Prague. (CAROTID SINUS) (CAROTID ARTERY DISEASES) VAMOMY) (RECEPTORS, NEURAL) (DIURESIS) NATRIURESIS) (BLOOD PRESSURE) KIDNKY FUNCTION TESTS) (WATER-MMTROLYTE BALANCE) ~ CORT, J.H~; LICHARDUS B. The role-of-the bypothalazua in the renal response to the carotid sinus pressor reflex. Pbysiol. Bobemoslov. l2,n6.5:- 389-396 A636 1; Institute-for Cardiovascular Researeb Prague TE NA 2URESIS) '(HYPOTHALAMU8~ MROTID SINUS) (CAROTID ARTERY DISEASES) (KMNEY) (PHYSIOLOGY) (KIDNEY FUNCTION TESTS) (REFLEX) CORTp J.H.; LICHARDUS, B. The effect of cervical vagotomy and posterior fqp0tha3amic leniono on the saluretic response to dextran infusion. Pbysiol. Bohemoslow. 12 no,4:300-303 163. I. :Institute for Cardiovascular Research, Prague. (VAGOTOMr) (MOTHALAMUS) (DEXTRAN) S& (BLOOD VOLUM) (NATRIURESIS) CORT, I.H.1 LICHARDUSp B. The effect of dibenzyline and bypertensin on saluretic pressor and I'volmm' reflexes,, Physiol. Bohemoslov. 12 no.42304-309 163. 1. Institute for Cardiovascular Research, Prague, and Institute of Endocrinology, Academy of Sciences.. Bratislava,, Czechoslo- vakia. PHF.NCMMAMINF,) (ANGIOTENSIN) .$IATRIURZSIS) (CAROTID ARTERY DISEASES) ~ (DEXTRAN) (BLOOD PRESSURE) (BLOOD VOLME)