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December 31, 1967
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AUTHOR: Librescu, Liviu
TITLE: on the problem of non-linear flutter of non-homoseneous thin
cylindrical structures
PERIODICAL: Acad6mie de la R6publique Roumaine.. Revue de M6canique Appliqu4e,
v. 7. no. 1962, 927 - 945
TEXT: In rocket and space-craft construction novel materials are used-
more and more. They'are assimilated with homogeneous and elastically orthotropic
materials. Consequently, it is very important to examine the aero-elastic stabi-
lity of the structures built with similar materials. In subject paper the author
discusses the problem of non-linear flutter ofthin cylindrical panels, obtained
by arbitrary superposition of s elastically orthotropic layers. It is assumed.
that the high supersonic-speed fluid current passes with only along-dine
surface of the panel, whose other surtace'is placed in tranquil air. The non-
-disturbed speed.vector cf the current runs parallel to the axis OOL (Fig. 1).
The following hypotheses are adopted: a) The.layers constituting the structure
Card 1/2
Nonlinear fluttering of nonhomogenous, thin, and cylindrical
structures. Studii care mee apl 13 no.3:681-700 162.
0 1 1
"Problems of the mechanics of continuous medium,* dedicated to
the 70th anniversary of the birth of Academician N.I.
Mushkhelishvili. Reviewed by L.Librescu. Studii cerc mec apl
13 no.3:799-801 162.
Aeroelastio stability of the nonhomogeneous thin structures in
a supeisonic fluid current. Comunicari-le AR 12 no*7:815-823
a I
1, Commicare prezentata de academician B.Carafoli.
Vibrations and the aeroslastio stability of the thin,,
no.nhomogeneous cylindrical structures in a current of compres-
sible fluid. Studii cere mee apI 13 no-4:911-9-13 162.
V OA (b ),/r-WP(r, )/Eta A;:PTr./A-rn Pt+_4 EM
NRI Anods" R/OM6/63/000/002/025VO276
AUTHORs Libresou, Liviu-
Nibrationslind aero-elastic stability of cylindrical heterogeneous struc
tures in a compressible fluid flow
SOURCE: Revue de meoanique appliqueep ve 8. no* 2., 1963p 251-276
MPIC TAGSI liyer'struoture, deformationj, e1isplacementj, movement equation., com-
circular cylindrical structured
patibility equation, phpical equation., vibration.
compressible fluid'flow
ABSTRACTt The author-develops equations on elasticity of layer.structureds He
presents mathematical geometrical relationships between deformations and displace-
ments. After presenting compatibility equations, equations of movement and physi-
cal equations he develops resolving equations from which final solutions may be
obtained. Vibration and stability of circular cylindrical structures in a compre
sible fluid flow are analyzed. The effect of rotating inertial forces on critical
velocity of the flutter is also discussed. The accompanying tables give mathemati-
cal expressions for mechanical parameters for structures made of orthotropic layers
when they are symmetrical or isotropic.. Orig. art. hass 57 formulas,,. 2 figures
-cardi/9 ---------
LIBUSKU, L.I. [Librescu, L.1,1 (BukbiLrest).
Theory of anlootropic elastic shells and plat-as. Inzhaivir. 4 no-39475--
485 164. (MIRA 17,10)
MWIA M~orobiology. Microbes. Pathogenic to Mlan and F-5
Animals. Bactorla,* Bacteria of tho Intestinal'
G.Po up
Abs Tour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 16, 1956, 72123.
Author,.~ NestoresculN,;-Popovici, M.;'Yovac, S.; Libroscu,
PheptLeao~.A. NesteLrescu, .- N.; Popovici, 7.;
-Htr'GScu_ -S.'~ tfoVak,~ S'.; Oheptea,, A. Gorun V.
Inst Not-given.
Title Investigation of_Spreadin Rumania of Sairological
,Types of Intes-;inal Bacillus Cciusin6 :antertitis
An Children-:
Orig Pub: -Rev. microblol. parazitolo si_6pede~iliol., 19156,-
-1,~ No 2, .'46 '49'; 49-153, -11 4, ';7'- 10.
Abstract: The feces of.2125 healthy children from 5 collect-
.ives.and of 300 childrenwith enteritis were
studied, 13 strains o f patho,,.eiiic serotypes of
-Card 1/2
b d?
RU."UtNTIA Microbiology. Idicrobes PathoSonic to Man and F-5
Aninials. Bacteria. Bacteria of tho Intestinal
Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biole, No 16, 19562 72124.
Author :-kestorescu, N.; Popovici, )PI.; Wovac, S.; Librescu,
.~~ Cheptea, A.
Inst :!Not given.
Title Study of,the Spread In Rumania of Serolocical
Types .of Intastinal Bacillus Causing Enteritis
in Children.
Orig Pub: Rev. microbiol., parazitol. si epider-.~J_o~., 1956,
1, No 2, 53-57.
Abstract: In Rw-aania, serological types of intestinal
bacillus which play an important role in the
etiology of enteritis in children, espL-cially in
the appearance of a toxic-septic epidebiie syndrome,
'Card 112
ACCESSION NR: Ap4o43521 S/0258/64/004/003/0475/04851
--AUMOR: Libreaku I. (Bucharest)
:TITLE.- Theory of anisotropic elastic shells and plates
SOURCE,: Inshenernytv zhurnals Vo 4, no. 3, 1964, 475-485
TOPICIAi --stic shell,, elaside plate,, stress analysisp Gaussian equation
ABSTRACT: Atheorylia.pr9sented for homogenPous.anisotropic elastic shells and
ypotheses' Components e. of the deformaticn
i.plates which is free from simpliXying h. 13
tensor ande '13
omponents (1 1,2,,3) of the stress.-tensor were considered. Th
boundary- conditions at the exteraal surfaces of the shell were strictly satisfiedp
and no limitation to the thickness of the shell was imposed. The shell (
:thickness h) was-,described by a radius vector using Gaussian coordinates. Covariant.
and contravariant components of the 3-dimensional metric tensor of the middle layer:
:of the shell were dealt with,, ud the Gaussian curve ofthe undeformed surface was
expressed. Chriotoffel's symbo2s of the second kind were used and the Gausa-Korda;ts
~equations were considerede KLeviental volumes of the middle surface were studied in.,
the absence--of massive forces. The general. relation between stresses and small
Card 1/2
LIE,P;-,-,YYH, G. Ya.
Libreykh, G. Ya. Illaterials for reseorch on the physico-chemical properties of the
feces of bealthy and sick horses," Trudy Alna-At. vet.-zooteklm, in-t~, 11ol. 7,
iqV) Po 2111-22 -- Eibliog: 2P i'Lems
So: U-3566, 15 March 53, (Letcpis 'Zhurnal lnykh Statey, No. 13, 1949)
USSR/Diseases of Farn, A-nimals - None6ntagious Diseases. R-1
Abe Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., Ito 12, 1958, 54898.
Author - Libreykh' G. Ya.
Inst :Alma-Ata InFtTt-ute of Zcology and Veterinary
Title :Data on the Pathogenesis of Gastre-Intestinal
Disturbances in Horses with Pathological Changes of
the Cardiovascular System.
Orig Pub; Tv. Alm-Atinsk. zonvet. in-ta, 1956, 9, 139-144.
Abstract: Diseases of the cardinvascular system (myodegenera-
tion, myocarditis, heart failure), often found in
horses empl3yed in mountaineous areas, are an impor-
tant factor in the development of gastro-intestinal
disturbances. Heart diseases cause a weakening of
Card 1/3
USSR/Diseases of Farm Ani mal s - Noncontagious Diseases R-I
Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 12, 1958, 54898.
heart muscle contractions, resulting in hemodynamic
disturbances, which in turn cause a slowing of blocd
flow, a decrease in blood supply to all tissues, and,
consequentLy, a decrease cf their being supplied with
oxygen. The insufficient flow of oxygen tc the
tissues ewises disturbances of their biochemical pro-
cesses and of the body's metabolism. This oxygen
insufficiency causes changes and disturbances in all
parenchymatous organs, particularly functional dis-
turbances of the gastro-intestinal tract. Examination
of 53 sick horses who showed clinical symptom of
heart disease and of lung impairment in some of the
cases as vell, revealed in all of the animals path*-
logical changes of the gastro-intestinal tracts.
Gastritis is the chief fom of stomach pathology,
Card 2/3
ussR/Diseases of Farm Animals - Noncontagious Diseases. R-1
Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol-, No 12, 1958, 54898
which presen-,s hyperacidic characteristics in the
early sta6es of the disease. Basically, the gastritis
process is a chrenic one.
Card 3/3
LIBFXYKH, G*Ya,,, dotsent
,-,V.-W~ jethogenesis
- ----- on of stomach and intestinal diseases in
horses with a patho2ogy of the cardiovwcular pystem- Trudy AZVI
9:139-W, 156. (MIRA 1534)
1. Iz kafedry chantnoy patologii i terapii (zav. kafedroy -
chlen-kcTrespondeirt AN KazSSR, zaaluzhennyy dayatell nauki
KazSSR, doktor pro3T. Ya.I.Kleynbok) Alma-Atinskogo zooveterinarnogo
(Horses-Diseaves and pests) (Alimentary canal-Diseases)
77-777~, ~ - . I I - - ~. ~ - I -- - - - -7 - - --,
Operation of Com~-Ustlon engines nnd their aggregates; collection of articles
dedicated to the me-mory of E. K. Mazing
Moskva, Mashgiz, 1946. ?51 P-
ORLIN, Audrey Sergeyevichi prof.; IrYRUBOV, Dmitriy Ilikolayevich;, KiLISH, German
Georgiyovich; KHUGWY, Hikhail Goeorgiyevich; LEOWV, Oleg Borisovich;
LEBEM, Sargey Yevgenlyevich;.&IJ
CHURSIN, Hikhail Hikhay-lovich; MIKUMOV, T.K., prof., retsenzeat;
YEGORKIM, L.I., insh., red.; TIKHAN OV, A.Ya.,
[Internal combustioa engines] Dvigateli vautrennego sgoranita. Pod
red. A.S.Orlina. Izd. 2-oa., parer. i dop, Hoskva. Goa. uauchno-
takhusi'zd-vo mashinostroit. lit-r7. Vol.l. [The working principles
of englnes'and t6ir units] Rabochie' proteessy v dvigateliakh i ikh
agregatakh. 1957. 396 p. (HIRA 11:3)
(Gas and oil engines)
The Ca"baeroug of the Schartym River and the Upper Ural region. Leningrad, Golm
1939. 41 p. =w. (Trudy, Mmt. nauchno-Iseled. gool.-raz. Init. vy,.p. 114)
NMOFLOSHIV' V.P.;. ORLOV. Yu.A.. glavn" redaktor izdantya; BRULIGA-NESTMIIKO.
X.I.. redaktor: HALITKIN, D.V.. redp,'^tor; GIMM, R.Y., redaktor;
KRISHTOPOVICH, A.I., redaktor, IMMIQ6". redaktor; LIKHAM. E.K.
redaktor; SLCDKBTICH. V.$., red:ktor; ItMZIR, A.G., redaktor; TAII-
SHEVSKIT. N.A., redaktor; XBRIMI. R.L.. redaktor; AUZAN, H.P..
tekbitcheeldy redaktor
[ftleoutoloff of the U.S.S.R.] Palsontologilm SSSR. Kosi;rs, Izd-vo
A6d~,Uiaimk`SSM. Tol*3o'Pt e2o 'no.l. Neldoroubev 70-PrcDevbniau Bryonva
u _.&
Of the Altai Territory] Devouskie mahmInki.AltaJ& . 1948. 172 p
48 p. of- MUM. 1;: 7)
l.-Direktor Palsontologichaskogo'instituts (for Orlov)
(Altai Territory-Folysom. Fossil)
Llmpr~'Tmlq L. S. . .
CeojoM.,, Stratigraphic
ralenotholod cal -mothod ~ n stratirraphic rcolo[7. I.Tat. Geol. Inst. , 1~ ~ 19116
l,'Olrl;iT-'-,' LIST OF PUSEW" ACCESST NS. Libranj of Congrezs, October 1952. UITCUSSIF=Ii.
-,-- .. ~0
X.V., red.izd-va; GORDIYRM, Ye.B.,
(Instructions and conventional symbols for making mineral map
of the U.S.S.R. on a 1:1000000 scale] Instruktaiia i uslovaye
-obozaacheniia dlia sostavlenita karty poleznykh iskopaemykh
SSSR masshtaba 1:1000000. Moskva, Goo. nauchno-tokhn. i zd-vo
lit-ry po geol. J okhrane nedr, 1955. 16 p. (MIRA 12:10)
1. Leningrad, Vaesoyuznyy geologichaskiy institut.
(Mines and mineral resources-Haps)
yO.T.-j ireda)Ct#'; DZi;VANoVSKIY, TV.K.; rodaktor; KW19KOVi T-I--
r, 1.
a~sdaktor; MIRLIN, G.A., redaktor; RUSANOV, B.S., redaktor; SEMBM-
VA, M.V., redaktor; GUROTA, 0,A., tekhnicheskiy redaktor.
[Instruction for compiling wd preparing for publication the state
geological map of the U.S.S.R., and the map of the mineral resources
of the U.S.S.R.Scals 1:10000001 Instruktaiia po sost&Tleniiu i pod-
gotoTke k izdaniiu goxudaretTOnnoi geologichookoi karty SSSR i karty
polesnykh iskopaemykh SSSR. Masshtaba 1:1000000. Moskva, Goo. nauchne-
tekhn. izd-vo lit-ry po geologii i okhrans nodr, 1955. 52 p., tables
of symbols, maps [Xicraflim) (MIRA 9:6)
1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Ministeretvo geologii i ckhramor nedr.
u H , L
KRISIMFOVICH, A.N., redaktor (deceased] RPIZHAWKIY, T.N.. redaktor;
BETTATINSKIT, N.A., redaktor; VADRANTANTS, L.A., redaktor;
UM97, I.K., redaktor; KRASIUV, I.I., redaktor; KULIOT. K.T.
redaktor; LABAZIN. G.S., redaktor-, LIBROVICH L.S., redektor;
L.Ta., redaktor; NMMROSMW, V.P., redaktor; SUGIMSKIT, V.M
redaktor; TALDYKIN, $.I., redaktor; XRARAKOV, IL.V., redaktor;
SHABAROV, N.V., redaktor; SKYORTSOV, V.P., redaktor; KISKMA,
A.A., tekbuicheskiy redaktor GURDTA, O.A., telehnicheskiy redaktor.
(Geological dictionary] Goologlebeskii slovarl. Moskva, Goa.
mucbno-iekhnA2d-vo lit-ry po geologii i okhrane nedr.Vol.1
A-L 1955.402 p. (MLRA 8:10)
LIJmA'H V. B.K.. glavW redaktor. LIBROVIOH, L.S., redaktor: HOD74LEVSKATA.
Te.k., redaktor; C-1jamm. H.K., redaktor;
ROTAY,A.P.. redaktor; SPZ79AR KIT, T.W., redaktor; SITORTSOV, V.P.,
redektor izdatellstva; WROVA, 0J., tekhnichesk1jr redektor
[Stratigraphic dictionary, of the U.S.S.R.] Stratigraficheskii slovarl
am. Moskva, Goa. nauchno-takha. izd-vo lit-ry po geol. i okhrane
nedri 1956. 1282 p. (XW 10:2)
1. leningrade Toesoyusnyy geologicheekly Inetitut.
(6~ology, Strattgraphle-Dictionarlsel)
, - - - I
Some new groups of go~niatiteilrom Carboniferous deposits of the
U.S.S.R. Bzhegod. Vees. paleont. ob-va 16:246-273 '57-
(MIRA 11:4)
LIBROVICH, L.S., 3W.. XARKOVSKIY. A.P., red., IMYLEV, S.A., red.,
NIKOLAYEV, V.A., red., OYMEXIN, H.K., red.,
POLOVINKINA. Yu.'It,. red., ROSSOVA, S-.M., red. izd-va,; 53MOTA,
M.T., red. izd-va,; BABINTSEV, N.I.-. red. izd-va,: GUROVA, O.A.,
(Geological structure of the U.S.B.11.)Geologichaskoe stroenie SSSR.
Moskva. Goo. asuchno-tekhn. izd-vo lit-ry po geol. i okhrane nedr.
Vol. 1. [Stratigraphyl Stratigraflia. 1958- 587 P- [Supplement]
Priiezhenie- 3 fold. maps.
Vol 2 [Nagmatism) Magmatizz- 1958- 329 p-
Vol: 3: [Tectonical Taktonike. 1958. 383 p? (MIRA 11:11)
1. Lonivgrad. VBeB0yUZW geologic'aeskiy ipatitut.
0 -
- --" . . ~ A, . "
"i 085 for establishing the lower margin of the Carboniferous
[with summary in Znglish]. Sovegeol. 1 no.7:35-42 JI. 158.
(MIRA 11:11)
1. TessoyumW nauchno-Issledo7atellskiy geologicheakly institut.
(Geology, Stratigraphic)
gttfttng the principal stages in the evolution of ammonoide In the
lower and middle Carboniferous for purposes of correlation [with
summary In %lish]. Sov. geol, 1 no.8:89-94 Ag 158- (MIRA 11: 11)
lo VeesoyusW nauchno-iseledovatel'skiy geologicheekly institut.
Z- 16R40 Yj C IV S-
AN V, glavW red.; BISKE, S.F., red.; BOBYLEVSKIT, V.I., red.-
red.; TEVANGULOV, B.I.., red.; WIMOVA, I,F., red.; ZIMXIN, A.T.,
red.; LARIN, H.L. red.; LIKHARAW, B.K., red.; KMDM, V.T., red.;
MIKHAYLOV, A.F., red.; NIKOLAUT, A.A., red.; POPOV, G.G., red.;
POPOV, Yu.N., red.; SAKS, V.11.. red.; SEMLnIll, A.I.. red.;
SIMAKOV, A.S., red.; TITOV, V.A., red.; SHILO. R.A., red.; ELIYANOV,
K.D,, red.; TAKU,%M, I.R., red.; V redaktirovauii.prinimali uchas-
N.A,, red.; BORSX, H.O., red.; VASIL'YXV, I.V., red.; VASILEVSKATA,
M.D., red.; TOMODOVA, Ye.M., red.; 71VSEYEV, K.P., red.; KEPARI-
SOYA, L.D., rod.; KRASIrfT, L.I., red.; KRISHTOFOVICH, L.V., red.;
KULIKOV, M.V., red.;..T-TTmOVIGHj--L.S.,-red.; KARKOV, F.G., red.;
HODULZUKAYA. To.A., red.,- NIKIFOROVA. 0.1., red.; OBUT, A.M..
red.; PCIMJNTSITA. 0.T., red.; RZRONSHITUATA, M,A,, red.; SMOVA#
N.A., red.; SWAHOV, D.L., red.; TIMOFEM, B.T., red.; KHTrDOIXT,
K.H., red.; CHEMMOV, Tu.F., red.; CHMMSHEVA. N.Te., red..
DUZHAVINA. N.G., red.izd-va; GUROYA, O.A., '
(Continued on next card)
AWMIEV, N,P,~(continued) Card 2.
[Decisions of the Interdepartmental Conference on the Unified
Stratigraphie Columns of the Northeastern Part of the U.S.S.R.]
Reohealla Nexhvedometvennogo soveshoban1la po razrabotke unifitai-
rovannykh stratigraficheakikh ekhem d1la Severo-Yostoka SSSR.
Moskva, Goe.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo lit-ry po geol. i akhrane nedr,
1959. 65 p. (MIRA 13:2)
1. Nezhvedomstvannoye sovoshr-haniye po razrabotke unifitairovannylth
stratigrafioheskikh skhem d3ya Severo-Vostoka SSSR. Magadan, 1957.
(Soviet Far East--Geology, Stratigraphic)
Academician Adtrii Vaaillevich NalivIdn; on his 70th birthda3r.
Sov.geol. 2 no.12:133-136 D '59. (HIFJ. 13:5)
.1. Vsesoymny7 geologichealdy nauchno-issledovatel'akiy iustitut.
-(Valivkin, Dmitrii Vasillevich 1890-)
NALIVKINI NY.# glav, red.; VEWHOUGIN, V.N.., zam. glav. red.;
MWER, Y.Vay zam, glav, red.; OVECHKIN, N.K., zam. glav.
red.[deceased]; SOKOLOV, B.S,, zam, glar. red.; SHANTSER,
Ye.v,.% zam. glav. red.; KELLER, B.M., ot-v. red. toma
GROSSOEYM, V.A.9 redaktor-, KIPARISOVA, I.D., redaktor;
KOROBKOV,14.kv,~ red,; KRAPOV, red.; KRBIGIDLITS, T.Ya.,
red.; jjBjQV:Ed.H, D.'B... re -LIKHAH V, B.N., red.; LUPPOV,
N.P.# red.; NIKIFOROYA, OZ.., ~red.;,_,QwCM-i-S.V., red.;
POLKANOV, A.A., red.[deceased]; RENGARtENp T.P., red.; STEPANOV,
D.L., red.; CHERNYSHEVA, Me., red.; SHATSKIY, N.S... red,
(deceased]; EBERZIN, A.G... red.; QDROKHOVA, T.A.., red.izd-va;
GUROVA, O.A., tekhn. red.
[Stratigraphy of the U.S.S.R. in fourteen volumes] Stratigrafiia
SSSR v chetyrnadtsati tomakh. Moskvas, Gosgeoltekhizdat.
V01.2. (Upper Pre-Cambrian] Verkbnii dokembrii. Otv. red. B.M.
Keller. 1963. 716 p. (MIRA 17:1)
1. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Sokolqv).
. I I- -
LIM?DV-ICH VECHKIN, N.K.(deceased); DOMNIdH, N.I.., red.;
BARABANOVA, T.M., tekhn. red.
[Problems and rules for the study and description of strato-
types and key stratigraphic cross sections]..Zadachi i pra-
vile. izucheniia i opisaniia stratotipov i opornyk-h strati-
graficheskikh razrezov. Moskva, Gongeoltekhizdat, 1963. 26p .
(miaA 16:lo)
1. Mezhvedomstyennyy stratigraficheakiy komitet.
(Geology, Stratigraphic)
Facies zoning of the Urals in the beginning of the Carboniferms.
Trudy VSEGEI 102:33-40 164. (MIRA 18:2)
Activity coefficients of the nonionized form of scme indicators
used in measuring the acidity of aqueous solutions of suLluric
acid. Dokl. A11 SSSR 166 no.3:647-650 Ja 166.
(MIRA 19:1)
1. Institut khimicheskoy fiziki AN SSSR. Submitted May 24, 1965.
AUTKORS: Istratov, A. G., Librovich, V. B.. (Moscow)
TlTLE: Theory of flame velocity in systems with chain reactions
llj~',RM)ICAL: Zhurnal prikladnoy mekhaniki I tekhnicbeskoy'fizilci, no. 1
1962, 68 - 75
T'-j',XT: Ya. B. Zelldovich's 3emiquantitative theory of hot flames with
chain reactions (Ref. It Z011.1ovich Ya. B. Tsepnyye reaktsii v goryaAikh
plamenyakh. Priblizhennaya teoriya skorosti plameni. Kinetika I kat'ali z -
1961, v. II *, no. 3) Is elaborated and the rate of flame propagation is
calculated for HC1 mixtures and compared with experimental data. For the"X
scheme of an unbrancbed chain. It. + fit - 1 2 B + M, A + B --> C + B (A initial
substance, B active centers, M arbitrary molecule) db/(it - Ylb -
2 amk e-F'1/"T and -da/,3t = v, ~:--abk e- E2/RT (a, b, m concentration of A,
1 a 2
B, 14) 1 and mder -ffie.63sumptim S const3nt concentt-atibn i of active centers in the
reaction zone (b-.-b*), the following system of equations is obtainedt
S/207' (62/000/001/
The 0ry of flame Veloc _i t.~ dT - b,kgp.7-Sj ItT
-V d I, -j~ + qa
CPPU -rx crz da - abk%e -roT
da d - D('L
P U, j'-C 9 db + 2amk,c-L,,'RT _i. coef f icient
db PA. --gj cif j.0 heat 9
PU T% spe jer the
density I p nts) Unc
y coefficie
me qroP' a8at'On diffusion sm .1 all tha" it
(u rate of fla 1) and. Db e 86 , I-, a t
ductivity I a Ahe, activ co-ovec,tile e
of thermal coy' ieglecting..
~ntratiOn 0 obtaine-
t the-conc d arp
-balance Of As 411 u6tiOns,
,,,pt4_on tba - beat following e
as! no t on the Ahe
+ 8
resictjon zone,
1 It)
transfer R 1 9
f k
'alp) , I
+ -
a0 the scheme B2
be' kjj mole For assumption that
t or the ,action per k3--AB + B u(1er the
I CL heat eff6l k2..Ab + hq )L + B2'-
B +
2 B + ,9
Cara 2/4
Theory of flame velocity ... B145/BI38
tion of the active centers in the reaction zone was found to be low and
determined only by the rate of diffusion of the a 'ative centers from-the
combustion products into the reaction zone. The calculation results for u
agree with the experimental data from Ref. 12 (Ref. 12s Rozlovskiy A. I.
Kinetik~,temnovoy reaktsii kh1orovodorodnoy Bmesi. Normallnoye goreniye
kh1c'rovodorodnikh smesey. ZhFKh, 1956, v. M, no. 11) D.~A. Frank -
Kamenetskiy, S. B. Ratner, E. E. Nikitin, A. I. Rozlovskiy; Ya. B. Zelldo-
vich and G. I. Barenblatt are mentioned. There are I figure, 1 table,-
and 12 references: 10 Soviet and 2 non-Soviet. The two.references to'
English-language publications read as followst Hirsc~felder J. 0., Bird
R.*B. and Spotz E. L. The transport properties for non-polar gases and'
gaseous mixtures. Chem. Rev., 1949, V. 44, no'. 1, p. 205; Hirschfelder
J. 0., Bird R. B.'and Spotz E. L. The transport properties for non-polar
gases. J. Chem. Phys., 1948, V. 16, no. 10, p. 968.
SUBMITTEDt October 14s 1961
Card 4/4
LIBROVICI~ V.B. (Moskva)
Characteristic combustion rate of gunpowder of a ndxed composi-
tion. Jl-Ag 162, (KERA 16 z 1)
A 577047 B152/B102
AUTHORS: Istratov, A. G.f and Librovioh. V. B.
TITLEt Calculation of the rate of normal flame propagatibn in
hydrogen-chlorine mixtures
PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Doklady, v. 143, no. 6, 1962,
TEXT: On the basis of Ya. B.-Zelldovich's theory of normal flame
propagation in chain reactions (Kinetika i kataliz, 2, no. 3, 305 (1961)),
the authors6+,udy the combustion of hydrogen-chlorine mixtures; At the
temperature of combustion (25000K), 0121 unlike H2 and HC1, dissociates
almost entirely and releases a chain reaction: Cl 2 + X 4 2C1 + X;
wCl " 2[Cl 21 [X]kl exp(-E,/RT). X is an arbitrary molecule, and w is the
reaction rate. The chain reaction proceeds in the following ways
Cl + H 2 - HC1 + H; WE2 IC11 1112 ]k 2 exp( -E2/RT). Excess chlorine
Card 1/4
,Calculation of the rate of normal ... B152/B102
continues to dissociate after the combustion of the h drogen and forms
activecenters. If the equilibrium concentration [61 equ is only reached
at a large distance from the reaction zone, the small concentration [Cl] M
in the reaction zone can be calculated from the diffusion rate of the
active centers in-it. In this case, the temperature immediately beyond
the reaction zone is higher than the theoretical equilibrium temperature,
to which it only decreases at a large distance, as has been demonstrated
by Ya. B. Zelldovich and S. B. Ratner (ZhETF, 11, 170 (1941)). With
chlorine excess the heat conduction and diffusion equations as used by
D. A. Frank-Kamenetskiy, together with the equations for the reaction
rates, yield
)2( C,,,rr )2DCI, L + E-
(pouo)44 10,1, 1 X I kl,. k2,exp( R7 (4)
E2 7,7 q[H21a -5-Hr
fal. = 2u-r2Dcj,[C1211 .1 X I kir exp f- EVRTrl; (5).
Subscript r refers to combustion, and subscript o to the initial mixture;
q is the heat effect of the reaction, D is the diffusion coefficient,
c is the specific heat, and % is thermal conductivity. With H excess
Card 2/4
Calculation of the rate of normal ... B152/BI02
'in the mixture one finds
EPI RTr )3 E, + E,
~ 4 _IE_ - )31c,, ( " )SIIi,I,.[XJkj,k2,exp (6) and
(pouo)l * 4f ( CP'T'
Er _TT q IC1210 OH, CPr
pr c T ji E, - E, M-
q_'r~ r IC121OIXI-Lexp -T?77-
IC112M=f2 EI) JH2), Pcl,~ r
u-Is the molecular weight, and f 2 (V 2/EI) /2 ) (E2/EI) For
stoiebiometric combustion one obtains
(pauo 4f, (_!prTr X
E, '93 CPr _5j_j,,Dcj,, 10slo
X IC1210 [ X I kirk2r P-xP El + Es V~
ICIII DH-r (C1.101XI k1,. ex*P El - EI (9).
RE-) DCI. r uir RT,.
The activation energy of chlorine dissociation is E 57,500 Cal/mole.
The pre-exponential factor was calculated according to Ye. Ye. Nikitin
Card 3/4
,Calculation of the rate of normal B152/BIO2
(DAN, 119, no. 3, 526 (1958)). E 2 6,800 cal/mole, k 2 - 1.32-10- 10 cm3/sec.
The calculated values refer to To 2910K and P. - I atm. of the initial
mixture. They are compared with experimental data of A. I. Rozlovskiy
(ZhPKh, 30, no. 11, 2489 (1956)). Ya. B. Zelldovioh is thanked for
discussions, G. I. Barenblatt for interesty and A. 1. Rozlovskiy for
making available data. There are I figure and I table. The most
important English-language references are: J. 0. Hirschfelder, R. B. Bird,
E. L. Spotz, J. Chem. Phys., 16, no. 10, 968 (1948); J. 0. Hirschfelder,
R. B. Bird, E. L. Spotz, Chem. Rev., 44, no. 1) 205 (1949)-
.ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut (Moscow
Physicotechnical Institute)
PRESENTEDs November 289 1961, by Ya. B. Zelldovich, Ac9demician
SUBMITTED: November 20, 1961
Card 4/4
-.- I
Acmqsim NR: A?4o4i2o3 S/0207/64/000/003/0W/0144
Istratovi A, G. (Moscow); TAbrovich,, V. Be (Hoscow); Novozhilov, Be V.
TITLE: Concerning the approximation m*ethod in the theory of uneven combustion..
rate of a powder
meldianiki i tekhnicheskoy Siziki,, no,~ 3, 196'4'
SOURCE: Zhurnal prJlcladnoy 139-:ih4
TOPIC TAGSs combustion rate#vombustion stability., computer result,combustiori
temperature., temperature gradient
ABSTRACT.* Analytical expressions for an uneven,combustion rate were derived for,
a powder model with a combustion rate dependent only on the pressure and surface
1temperature gradient of the condensation phase. Instantaneous and exponential
pressure variations were studied. The steady-potider combustion rate was investi-
gated for both the linear and exponential dependence on the initial powder temper-
ature. In steady combustionthe rate is determined by the initial temperature T16
and the pressure p, and a~relation exists between T W the temperature eradient.
'-at the.boundary of the condensation phase Te, Knowing this, To was foun4 as a .
I Card
AcussioN NR: APW412w
function of p and Y, and the combustion rate was expressed in these parameters.
iYa. B. Zeltdovich (0 skorosti goreniya porokha pri peremennom davlenii. Piiu, 1964,,~
No' 3) showed that this could also be done for uneven burning) but in this case
must be determined from the solution of the thermal conductivity equation in the
solid phase. The problem was worked out with the dimensionless variables; it*
consisted of finding functions determining the uneven combustion rate and the
Itemperature distribution in a solid phase. This had been previously done by a
Icomputer using the approximation method of integral equations. The uneven combus-
tion rate was studied for a linear dependence of the powder combustion rate on the
initial temperature. For the purpose of illustrating the derived results, uneven
combustion rates with a sharp.and an exponential decrease of pressure were examined:
by the approximation method and compared to computer results with satisfactory
agreement. Rctinguishing of the powder may take place with a rather rapid decrease
in the pressure,and an instantaneous decrease leads to a negative radical which it
is unsolvable. The final portion ofthe paper is devoted to the study of the
uneven combustion rate with an exponential dependence of the powder combustion rated--.'
on the initial temperature. The authors'thank 0. 1. Leypunskiy and G. 1.
Barenblatt for their critique and advice. Orig., ert*-hass 6 figures and 28,
'.C d
'' - -- - , ~ ~!--
-.-- -..~..
.- ~~Mlm
LIBROVICH, V.B. (Moskva)
Imition of gunpowders and other explosives. PMrF no. 6:74-79
1 (KMA 17-7)
.~-D 163.
the ability or o n
St Com"
Zharnn' pr-'kladnoy mokhanik' i t-,~~!~hnlcherkoy fizik-, no, 5, 39-43
combustion, combustion stibility, s o I i fuel , ey losive ,
Th- qten,~v-Et-ito comhustir,,, of pow-lier daa in nti~r tec Fnd correspond-
ve ":I
71 -,~vi n e c o i7i o u,~ :.,D n i zo
heat-InC starts at T -1 pouder ana increrAses IL-C) a Lin Ter Ya c v
+ 1 2, chaV_r-C~ o 7,o w a
~~U~rdl 4~-
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --
n-,-nbc-r an
-,r9 aro vritten under the a~7,-17 n d
A Se~, C, e
a -.,a c iand tho tran-~fer cne'-c are cons'-,
cr tnR neat
PtG C0 CISUU' T3 CP Of r9,'- 7
i or, yielbG - -j _i") ~
F, (.11 Ix I
f3 ip~ J itionn ,enorateS a 5-3~ 0, O~rht
--h the ht boundar. con
a t at) i 1ity criteria
alfcbraic eqUati.On3. lh
ou zained: a t. y > > I + a/ 2 + a; c +
< 1. u > 2 (v 4
and at y < A
(T,-- TO)
v %-V ch a 1,
Yri D X
Fli. .J, ;7-
Ila I gQ
-''3 v -r- y
Miar64 ENCL: 01 SUB CODE: F11 TD,
Cord 3/4
ACCESSION R.: M'50C9-862
Fig. 1. Temperature dintribution
during ccir.Dusilnr,
---T,--~,p ii 5L;w6 6 - _:ff lar (V 1 15w f -1 f r, T
ACP-Mri - -AP6009050 (A) SOURCE CODE: UR/0207/66/000/001/0067/0078'
AUTHOR: Istratov, A. G. (Moscow); Librovich, V. B. (Moscow)
ORG: none
TITLE: The stability of propagation of spherical flames
SOURCE: Zhurnal.prikladnoy mekhaniki i tek~nicleskoy fiziki, no. 1, 1966, 67-78
TOPIC TAGS: combustion, combustion stability, combustion instability, flame,
spherical flame
ABSTRACT: The discrepancy between the critical Reynolds number value of unity pre-
dicted by L. D. Landau Is theory and the much higher experimental values has been
studied by several Soviet researchers. Experiments by Shchelkin, Zeldovich, and
Rozlovskiy yielded values ranging from 104 to 106 for Recr* In the present study,
a theoretical analysis of the critical Reynolds number was made for spherical flame13
under tIn _. assuqAon that.the flame front is a discontinuity which moves relative to
.the gas at a velocity which in general depends on the curvature of the flame surface.
The analysis was carried out in two.steps: first, the stability was analyzed with
respect to the first harmonic, while assuming that the flam speed is independent
of the perturbation (Landau's concept): then, the stability with respect to higher
harmonics was analyzed. For this case, the effect of the perturbation on the flame
speed is considered. In the first case, using Landau's approachwhich does not
ACC14R, AP009050
consider the transport phenomena, it was found that instability will be induced only
-by short wave.perturbations. However, for short wave perturbations the effect of
V'I-the transport phenomena, which may lead to attenuation, must be considered and
therefore the above result is inconclusive. In the second case, all perturbations
decrease and"the individual harmonics are attenuated ata different rate. One
.iL .,harmonic passes through a minimum and then'the other harmonics begin to grow and
.b instability develops. In general, the analysis sho~ied that the critical. Reynolds
liumber of spherical flames is considerably higher than that of flat flames, i.e.,
spherical flames are more stable. This is ddSonstrated by a numerical e-Ample. The
high,experimental,Recr values must be attri ed to the chiiracteristics of theetsphexLl.
ical flame as well as to nonlinear stabilizin' I s: r,
g effects. Orig. art.. Ud -8-Dirmulas
and-6 figure (PV)
CODE: 21/ SUBM-DATE: l8Aug65/ ORIG REF: ''0091 OTH REF: 002/ AIT
A.- I-
ACC NRt AP6015078 SOURCE COM UR/OMO/66A68/001/0043/004.6
AUTHORS: Istratovp A. G.; Librovich, V. Be 7-S
ORG: Institute of Chemical Physicst AcadwW of Sciences SSSR (Instjtijt--.-;'.
khimicFe'skoy r1sul XMTe-m-ff naulc bbbit)
-TITLEt 11ydrodynazda. stabil of spherical flame
SOURCEt AN SSSR. Doklady, v. 168t no. It 1966t 43-46
TOPIC TAGS: hydrodynamic otabilityl Ia-no flamej Rwrwlda number, gas combustioup
ABSTRACT: The hydrodynazic stability of apherical'flamen in analyzed. The ampU-
tude of the Maw perturbation f as a function of tim t 1A
exp r om+d Ik I
const -(211~-)- L2w+.-t Vjl
whwe it in assumd that the flame velocity changes at the curved front and
L 2970=0
ACC Nle AM15078
For W > Op the above equation attains a mirAmm value for each n at different times.
This time IC is shown to depend on the Prandtl number of the cold gas, the Reynolds
number,, and the parameter which is a coefficient of proportionality between Ak
and the flam width,, or t It in shown that the continuous increase in
the perturbation wavelengths at the surface of combuotioulkian increase the original
Reynolds number by two orders-of-magaiiudee A numerraWwmpple is given to illus-
trate this point. In conclusion the authors express their thanks tola, B,
Zeltdoviob for the formlation, of the problem azW Lts.eiIraluation, to G. 1.
Barenblatt, 0. 1. LURVEMY, and Yea X, Troshin for.valuable remarks, This paper
was presented by Academician Ya. B. Zeltdovich on Augot-1965o Orige art.6 bass
7 forzailas and 4 figwes.
Cora 2/2_
L 3497~_66 EWT(1)/EWT(m)/T 1RW1JW1X4DjftdE
ACC. - ~_R~~A P ~O2 2 5 2 3SOURCE CODE:. UR/0040/661030/003T6-VJiT61~6_6
AUTHOR: Istratov, A. G. (Moscov); Librovibb V. B. (Moscow)
ORG: none
TITLEi The effect of transport processes on the stability of a flat
flame front
SOURCE: Prikladnaya matematiks. i mekhanika, V. 30, no. 3, 1966,
TOPIC TAGS: combustion, combustion stability, combustion theory
ABSTRACT: In his previous analysis of flame sta:bility, L, D. Landau
(Zh. eksperim. i teor. fiz., 1944, v. 14, no. 6.) assumed that the
Reynolds number of the perturbation is infinitely large and the thick-
ness of the flame frontlinfinitely thin. In the present study, it was
assumed that the Reynolds number is large but not infinite, and the
following effects were taken into consideration: 1) the effects of them
flame front curvature on the diffusion process, the thermal conductiv-
ity, and the viscosity at the flame front; 2) changes in the reaction
rate caused by temperature fluctuations; 3) the effect of the finite
width of the flame front; 4) changes in the density of the combuation___~.
productsqbehind the flame front caused by temperature fluctuations;
Card 1/2.
L 34973-66
ACC NR, AP6022523
and 5) the effect of viscosity oA the gas motion outside the flame.
An equation was derived for the critical Reynolds number in terms of
the ratios of the densities of the'hot and cold gases, the Prandtl
number, the ratio of the tnermal Onductivity to diffusivity, and the
dimensionless activation' energy. the effects of these individual fac-
tors on UAaa-AtabilitylVin discussed. In general, the results showed
that transport processes have a stabilizing effect. The authors thank
G. I. Barenblatt and Ya. B.- Zelldovich for formulating and discussing
the problem and 0.1j. Leypunskiy and V, 1. Yagodkin for their valuable
remarks. Orig. art. has: 4T formulas and 3 W-gures..; (PVJ
2/2 is
P.-gularities in the distribution of Ordovician phosphorites in the
southern Siberian Platform. Zakonom. razm. polezn. iskop. 2:209-
220 159. MIRA 15:4)
1. Vsesoyuznyy naucbno-issledovatellskiy geologicheskiy institut
Ministerstva geologii i okhrany nedr SSSR4.
(Siberian Platform--Phosphorites)
LI5ROVjgB,_X&_jj., Cand Geol-Mineral Sol -- (diss) *DtfA5xzxkj:
"Petrology of the Ordovician phoophorus-containing ZpDsits In
(min Geolov.
the Irkutsk amphitheater." Len, 1957. 20 pp,, and
Cun~fmineral Resources USSR, All-Union Sol Res Geol Inat
VSEGEI), 100 copies. (KL, 9-r-518, 114)
34 -
Oyoles in middle Ordovician phosphnrite deposits In the southern
part of the Siberian Platform. Top. geomorf. I geol. Rhift. zw.It
iol-n2 157, 1; (MMA 11.:4)
(Siberian Platform-Geology, Stratigraphic)
/SRO V/C/~
Types of shallow-water obos-phorite deposits in the middle Ordovician
of the Irkutsk amphitheater. Razved.i okh.nedr 23 no.8r6-10 Ag 157
(MIRA 10:11)
1. Vaesoyuznyy geologicheskiy nauchno-issledovatel'skly Institut.
(Irkutsk Province-Phospborites)
')V0 V (C
AUTHORS: Dominikovskiy, V. N., and 204-32/52
Librovich, V. L.
TITLE: On the Geochemical Characterization of the Ordovician
Phosphorites of the Irkutsk Amphitheatre.(K geokhimicheskoy
kharaktoristike fosforitov ordovika Irkutskogo amfiteatra).
PERIODICAL: Doklady AN SSSR, 1957, Vol- 117, Nr 4, pp. 658-66o (USSR)
ABSTRACT: In 1955-1956 the authors studied the Ordovician sediments
of the area mentioned in the title above. In 107 samples
the proportions of accessory elements were stated by means
of approximative spectrum analysis. By that it was found out
that most minerals contained Ti, V, Cr, Mnl Ni, Cu Y and
Zr in "Klark" quantities ("Klarkovyye kolichestvall~. Often
Co, Ga, Sr, Ba, and Pb were found, and rarely also Be, So,
Mo, and Sn. The presence of Ag and Th was rporAdic. In the
sediments mentioned above there are 5 types of phosphorites:
1) shell-stone phosphorites with many lingula shells and
their fragments (up to 13,06 % P,~O`5
containing concretions with elemen a of the rare earths;
these are rare small (1-5 centimeters) brown contractions
Card 1/4 (UP to 8,38 % P 0 , 3) detritus granular phosphorites
2 5)
On the Geochemical Characterization of the Ordovician ~20-4-32/52
Phosphorites of the Irkutsk Amphitheatre
phosphorites consisting of finest (0,25-Ot5 millimeters)
fragments of lingula shellst 4) phosphorite conglomerates
of partly rounded dints)of phosphorite containing sand
(up to 9,96 % 2 20 ), 5 phosphatelike ferruginous oolitic
minerals, where o9lites with coverings alternatingly
containing phosphate and iron are enclosed in a ferruginous
loamy mass (up to 32 % Fe 203 and 106 % P20 ). Table I shows
that all these types contain increased qualties of several
elements. Moreover table 1 shows: 1. Enrichment with So, V,
Un, Gu, Sr, Y, La, CQ, and Pb can be observed in phosphatic
minerals and in some minerals of red color ("krasnotavatnyy"),
but not in those of grey color eotsventyye"). 2. Of the
mentioned mineral types each one differs from the other by
certain pecularities in the concretion of these elements.
3. The group of brown phosphatic minerals distinguishes itself
by the deficient enrichment with Cu and Pb. In this respect
it is related to the red colored mineralev but not to the
grey phosphorites which are enriched with Ou and Pb and some-
times contain Ag. 4- In the brown ferruginous phosphatic
concretions maximum percentages of elements of rare earths
Card 2/4 can be found. From the number of other elements only V is
On the Geochemical Characterization of the Ordovician 20-4-32/52
Phosphorites of the Irkutsk Amphitheatre
distinctly concentrated here, contrary to the other types.
5. The detritus granular phosphorites do not offer such a
high proportion of the elements of rare earths, but of other
elements. For comparison several samples of phosphorites
from museum collections were analyzed. Thus could be ob-
served that the Ordovician phosphorites are more enriched with
accessory elements than several others. Moreover the
informations thus aquired show that one of the most essential
conditions of this concentration were the missing or imper-
fectly developed reduction processes in the sediments during
the diagenesis. Two processes lead to the mentioned
enrichment: 1. the concentration of the rare earths in
phosphatic concretions which - as is well known - arise from
oxydative surroundings, and 2. the adsorption of these
elements by ferric hydrates of the brown and red sediments,
where reduction phenomena play only an unimportant part.
When both processes were working at the same time extremely
enriched formations arose (type 2). Cu and Fb were
concentrated in grey phosphorites, most probably because
Card 3/4 under reductive conditions they form hardly soluble
On the Geochemical Characterization of the Ordovician 26J4-32/52
Phosphorites of the Irkutsk Amphitheatre
combinations. In this respect Mn remains neutral. The
authors did not succeed in finding out the reasons for the
fact that V is concentrated in the concretions of type 2
only. ~therelare I table, and 4 references, 3 of which are
ASSOCIATIONuA31 -Union Scientific Institute for Geological Research
(Vaesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy geologicheskiy
PRESENTED: , July 4, 1957, by A. G. Betekhtin, Academician
SUBMITTED: JulY 1, 1957
AVAILABLE: Library of Congress
Card 4/4
Ordovician f6YA-ations in the Irkutsk amphitheater and their
phosphorite potential. Sov.geol. 2 no.4:126-132 Ap
(XIRA ;!.175
1. V88S07U2nyy nauchno-iogledovateltakiT geologicheskiy Institut.
(Irkutsk Province--Phosphorites)
Origin of the basic forms of carbonaceous cementation of Aptian
and Albian sandy deposits of Tuar-Kyr. Trudy VSEGEI 42:174-181
6o. (MIRA 14:9)
(Tuar-Kyr region--Sandstone)
Syngenetic carbonate cementation of some sandy sedimerits of the
lower Cretaceous In the Tuar Kyr region. Trudy VSEGEI 46:326-331
,61. (MIRA 14-11)
(Tuar-Kyr region--Rocks, Sedimentary)
Facies characteristizo of phosphorite sediments in the Siberian
Platform. Sov.geol. 5 no,,9;113--lZ S 162. (MIRA 15:11)
1. Vaesayuznyy nauchno-isoledovatellskiy geologicheskiy institut.
(Siberian Platform-Phosphorites)
structural cycles of carbonate formations. Inform.abor.VSFGEI
no.50:29-37 161. (MM& 15:8)
(Rocks, Carbonate)
Study of the Aptian and Albisii paleogeography in the
northweatern;part of Central Asia based on the comparistao-1-
with recent conditions of sedimentation. Trudy VSEGEI 72:46-56
'OURA 15:9)
(Poviet Central Asia-Feleogeography)
- LI14MICH, V.L.
Cyclicity in geosynclinal, pih~dphcrite-bearing formations as
revealed by the studies of sediments In the Kara-T4u,
Trudy VSECIEI 72:154-160 162, (MIRA 15:9)
Types of Apt and Alba ro.-~ks cf the western Kope-.--;ai; arl
theIr patrographid charac Lori 5t ice. Trudy VSEGE.-, 109.211-233
163. 17:7)
BASKOV.. re.A,; KLIMOV, G.I.j ~rBLO!;qY,,V.L.
Genetic type of Lower Cambrian phosphate manifestations in the
Yudcma Valley (Eastern Siberia), Min, ayrfe no,10:51-54 164.
(MIRA 18:3)
0.1.; PISARCHIK, Ya.K.-,--P=V1NKINA, Yu.I.; TATA-RSn-TY, V.B.;
Reviews and discussions. Lit. i pol. iskop. no.6:85-89 and 91-119
N-D 165. (MIRA 18.-12)
1. Vaesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovateliskiy geologichoskiy institut,
laningrad. (for Yanov). 2. Geologicheskiy institut AN SSSR,
Moskva. Submitted July 12t 1965 (for Strakhov). 3. Moskovskiy
gosudarstvennyy universitet (for Krashennikov). 4. Kazakhakiy
nauchno-issledovateltskiy institut minerallnogo syr1ya,, g.
Alma-Ata (for Arustamov).
An inatr=ent for autfting crystalographic sections. Cs cas f~rB 3-1
no.6:493-494 161.
le P~mikm2ni ustav, Ceekonlovenska akademia ved, Praha.
-7-1 '7~ - '. T
/17".7r z /1"Ev4- r--
Libshit- B G Kha
in perm-
7 7
-3 11 D-V S
TAGS: perm~eahility nickel alloy, -erm-311-ov, electrical
i arn en i ni t
w r-~ wa e xD I a i. n + h e -,ar,- bv the excess
were JiJenChe 71,4
1, 3 97 1 -1-65
pemeability, the measurement field (0.005 nor-l-r-Al zw-k, .4 cz:
in a va~iab.Le field with inttenuati.-j7 aT !:puce The re -
all -~c 'er: (juenchinix froom 706 t 900, and 9001 C is shown i
IU79M4 I py at ISO- n Fi 9. 1
of the Znclosure. The per-meabilitv U at 1800 C decreases is T nc"ase--
-nzr~ease in T the fall n
wer-e a 1 mif J1,,-p-endenre of u-
alloy -at 180 and 230c' C after QUan--h;-"- f-r-rr, d q 0, -wt,.
-h~ Enclosure- T h fFt r: c a-n~ ri
-f "Jm- atter friDmn ~ai ouzi t-peralures --e sl!C~M In ta,Ie
the Enclosure. orig. art. has: 2 f igaure sand2 tables.
ASSOCIATION':: L s' lavov (Mos&W4n6tRute of Steol and
ZSIRITOV, N.I. (Zhirnov, a muszaki tudomanyok kandidatusaj
KROLJ, L.B. (Krol',L.B.] a muszki tudomanyok InerAida usa;
JZWIGt-E.M,.-. (Libshits,E.M. ), mernok; RUKIN, Ju.I. (Rabkin,
Yu.i. ]., mernok
Role of peak load boilers in distance heating. Energia es
atom 16 no.6:253-257 Je. 163.
Problem of changes in chlorides in the blood and urine in connection
with resection of the stomach. Khirurgiia 36 no,4:43-48 Ap 160
(KIPA 13:121
1, : , . , 3SONY I. L., kand. mod. nauk (Leningrad)
Causes of temporary lowered diuresis following gastric resection.
Khirurgiia. no-4:120-126 162. (MM 15:6)
LIBSONJO I.L., kand. mad. nauk (Leningrad)
. Ghanges in uropoiesis related to gastric resection. Khirurgiia
40 no.8:70-77 Ag 164- (MIRA 18:3)
X-ray, diagnosis of metaBtase3 In the lymph tracts from
malignant tumors of the female sex organa. Vop.onk. 11
no.11%32-38 165. (MIRA 19~;I)
1. 1z radioginekologicheskogo (=av. - A.A.Gsibelov)
i rentgenodiagnosticho3kogo (zav. - doktor med.nauk K.B.Tikhonov)
otdelov TSentrallnogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo rontgano-radlo-
logicheskogo inst1tuta Minlsterstva, zdravookhraneniya SSSR
(dirtktor - Ye.T.Voroblyev)-
MALIN, V.G., kand.tekbn.nauk; LOTOTSKIY, P#V., inzbe; LIBSON, S.I.i
Radiometric system for continuously resistering the level
of coal bins and fluid reservoirs. Ilek.eta. 31 no.4:
20-23 AP 16o. (MINA 13M
(Gamm rays-Industrial applications)
(Liquid level indicators)
Case of a Barre-Masson tumor. Ortop.,, travm. I protez. 2-6
no,l2s66 D t65,
(MDIA 1931)
1. Iz artopedo-travmatologich3skogo otdoleniya (zav, - BqN*
Libeter) 2-y gorodskay bollnitsy Luganaka (glavnyy vrach - A.T.
Chumakova). Adres avtorovs Lugansk, ul.Frunze, d.106, 2-ya
gorodekays. biltnitea. Submitted March 17, 1965.
Sandblactinp core -alhInes. Biul.tekh.-akon. Inform. w).-U:8?-!3 ".*,^4.
(Pik;. v:7)
The T-16 aelf-propelled chwids. Biul.tekhs-ekon.inform. n0.8:
66-68 161. (MM 14.-S)
(Motor vehleleo)
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. The'DT-20V tractor. Diulitakh-,--~ekon,,inform.Goamucho-isd einst.-
nauch. i tekh.inform. no.4iAX-45 t62. (MMM 15:7)
LIBTSIS, S,Ye., insh.; KOGUT, M.B., inzh.
Electromagnetic rotation friction clutches of the DT-203V tracitor.
Trakt.i sellkhozmash. no.8:8-10 Ag 162. (MIRA 15-8)
1. Khartkovskiy traktorosborchnyy zavad.
(Clutches (Machinery)) (Tractors-Transmission devices)
LIBTSIS, S.Ye., inzh.; VASERNIS, A.I., inzh.
Ways for Increasing the duty of the T-113 self-propelled chassis.
Trakt, i sellkhozmash. 33 no-04,~-5 AP"63. (MIM 16:10)
1. Khartkovskiy traktorosborochnyy zavcd.
Calculating the elements of the plastic bu3hing of a sleeve bearing.
Trakt. i sellkhozmash. no.9:10-12 S 164.
(M,IRA 17: 11)
1. Kharlkovskiy traktorosborochnyy zavod.
DREVALI, N.V.$ inzh.;.kW;p, S.Ye.$ in,.,h.; VASERNISj A.L.,
"I --fXOSOROTOV, B.V., red.
inzh.; SHINDNES, R.M., f:n"'&.-i
(Construction and operation of the T-16 automotive chassis]
Ustroistvo i ekspluatatsiia samokhodnogo sbassi T-16. Mo-
skvap Kolos, 1965. 190 p. (MIRA 18:7)
1. Kharlkovskiy traktorosborocbnyy zavod (for all except
Fish fat enema in dysentery. Vopr. pediat, 20 no.6:20-22 Rov-Dec 1952.
(CLML 23:4)
1. Of the Department of Faculty Pediatrics (Head -- Prof. B. 1. Gurvich),
Gorikiy State Medical Institute and of the Municipal Children's Clinical
Hospital (Read Physician -- L. K" Xhidakell).
GM$Xlrp A.F., Insh.; LIBUBERp U.S., Ingh.
ReWorced-conersts oscillatin mipporta under pipelinw.
Prom. stroi. 41 no.5t32-34 My 164. (KIRA 18:U)
_.-L 32723-w66-E~NT(1-)/E!,;T-(M)/E~',P(t-)['
ACC NR% A16020197 SOURCE CODE: URD056/6 050/006/1445/1457
AMOR: Neganavp B.; Borisov, H.;
[Ifeganov] Joint Institute of Nuclear Research (0b'!yeainennyy ins
ORG: titut yadernykh
issledorvaniy); LBorisov, Liburgj Moscow State Uiffv-ersity im. M. V. Lomonosav (Mos-
kovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet)
TITLE: Method of obtaining infralow temperatures, based on the dissolution of-He3
in He"
SOLIRCE: Zh eksper i teor fiz, v. 50, no. 6, 1966, 1445-1457
TOPIC TAGS: liquid helium, low temperature phenomenon, cryogenic liquidcooling,
cryogenic refrigerator
ABSTRACT: The method described was originally proposed by London, Clarke,, and
Mendoza,(Phys. Rev. Y. 128y 1992, 1962 and earlier) and is based on the use of the
latent heat of dissolution of liquid He3 in He4 . The refrigeration cycle is produced
by continuously separating the two components at a higher temperature. The heat-
transfer circuit is shown in Fig. I and the mechanics of separating and recirculating,
the He3 is shown in Fig. 2. The authors review the theory of the method, describe
the continuous dissolution and circulation, present thermodynaahic calculations of the
cooling capacity of the equipment, and present a description of the complete apparat-,
us and of the results. A temperature of 0.1K can be maintained with a heat supply of
1800 erg/see and with He3 circulation of 1.84 x 10-4 mole/sec. in the absence of ex-
ternal heat supply the temperature of the solution can be maintained at -0.056K. If
ACC NR: AP6020197
the ambient conditions do not
e, the temperature can
be maintained constant wi 2
-0.001K. Later experiments, ------
based on data on the solubil-
ity of He3 at -.0.01K (A. C.
Anderson et al. Phys. Rev. WHO
Lett. V. 16, No. 7, 1966), A
stimulated the construction
of a larger heat exchanger, Fig. 1. Diagram of experi-
yielded temperatures down to ment on heat transfer be-
0,025K,_ and made possible a tween baths A and B by,
temperature of 0.1K to be continuous solution of H03
maintained at 13M erg/ sec in H64. 1 - Heater, 2
supply. The authors thank phase-separation boundary' Fig. 2. Schematic dia-
Professor V. P. Dzhelepov 3 - superfluid filter, 4 - gram of apparatus
for an opportunity to per- capillary to fill the system
form the work, ]~. B. Perfe-
nev for participating In the first experiments, N. Is Xvitkoy and F. As Nikolayev for
preparing the vital units of the apparatus, and the staff e cryogenic U-56ratory
of OIYaI for continuously supplying liquid helium under difficult conditions. Orig.
art. has: 6 figures and 8 formulas. [02)
SUB CODE: 20/ SUM DATE: lODec65/ OEM REF: 002/ OTH MW: 009 / ATD PRESF
Card 2/2 JS .