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YUGOSLAVIA STW~M!, S., and LIBI-M, E. (affiliations not given 1111hird Rep-,ular Conference of Specialists in Internal Mfedicine of the Autonomous Province of the Vojvodina." Zagreb, Lijo6ni6ki VJesnik, Vol 85, 110 9, September 1963, p 1012. Abstract: The conference was held at Lake Palid 30 May-1 June 1963, was attended by interested physicians from throughout Yugoslavia, and was devoted to illnesses of the endocrine system and metabolic diseases. The iourth such conference will be held at the same place and will be devoted to gastro-enterological problems. No references. YUGOSLAVIA Dr St- STOISIC and Dr E. LINW4 (Affiliation not given.) "SYMPOsium on Diseases of the Liver, Gallbladder and Bile Ducts.11 Belgrade, Medicinski Glasnik. Vol 16~ No 91 Sept 1962, pp 412. Abstract: Report of thi5 Second Annual Meeting on InZernal Medicine - i VOld n Falic June 1962 under the sponsorship of the Internal Medicine Section of tile Serbian Medical Association for the Autonomous Region Of Vojvodina, briefly reviewing subjects of around 30 papqrs presented an infectious hepatitis, serum transaminase test* cholestatic hepatoses due to drugs; parasitic diseases and infections; qongenital atresia. NeXt year, M60ting will also be held in palic, devoted to Metabolic and Endocrine Diseases. A drug exhibit is part of meeting. 15-57-12-17306 Translation from: Referativn y zhurnal, Geologiya, 1957, Nr 12, p 92 (USSR~ AUTHOR: Libman, E. P. TITLE: Work of R. I. German in the Field of Chemistry and Mineralogy of Rare Metals (0 rabotakh R. I. Germana v oblasti khimii i mineralogii redkikh metallov) PERIODICAL: Tr, In-ta istorii yestestvozn. i tekhn. AN SSSR, 1956, Vol 12, pp 40-54. ABSTRACT: The work of R. I. German in the field of chemistry and mineralogy was mainly dedicated to minerals containing rare elements and rare earths. He investigated many compounds of Nb, Ta, Th, Ce, U, Zr and others, he was the first to describe.the Illmen zircons and he also worked out a method for obtaining Zr02- In 1859 he published a general summary on uranium minerals. Discovery of several new minerals, including pyro- phyllite, pitticite and auerbachite, was associated Card 1/2 with his name. German analyzed chemically ilmenorutile, S I Work of R. I. German in the Field of Chemistry (Cont.) 15-57-12-17306 eschenite, pyrochlore, orthite, bismutite and other minerals. His vast collection of rare minerals was partially preserved to 'thb'-bime in the Moscow Geological Prospecting Institute Imeni S. Ordzhoni- kidze. Card 2/2 0. V, Karpova DIMITRIJ'EVIC-SOKCIC, M121ca, dr; LM-WI, E%il, dr; STOJSIC Stevan, dr 1 .9 Our Ist experience with chlorpropamide In the treatment of diabe-tee mellitus. Med. glas. 16 no.2:80-83 F 162. 1. Interno odeljenjo Gradske bolnice u Subotici (Nacalnik: dr V. Percia) (ANTIDIABETICS ther) Stevan; LIBI-M, Emil Leukopenfa in perchiorat,~ therapy. ifed. pregi. I'/ 4,W-651 104. 1, Odeljenje za unutraenja bolesti Gradske u Subotici (Nacelnik: dr, Vinko Percic). M" PERGIC, Vinko; SVRAKA, Ladislav; STOJSIC, Stevan Flanctional and histological changes In the gastric =uosa in cardiac patients. Med. pregl. 18 no* 3:81-87 1 65. 1. Odeljenje za. unutrasnje bolesti, Gradske bolnice u Subotici (NaceInikt dr. Vinko Percia) ; Ode1jenje za patologi,iju i pato- losku histologi u Gradake bolnice u Subotici (]Racelnik-. dr. Ladislar Svrakai. BLOKHIVTSEVAs T.D.; VASILENKO, A.T.,- GREBITINIK., V.G.; ZHTjXOV, V.A.; LIBMAN, G.;.NEMOV, L.L.- SELIVANOV, G.I.; YUAN' ZHUN-FAN ~T-Yuan Jung-fang] ' (Eight-liter bydrogeri-deuterium dubble chamber In a magnetic field) Voslmilitrovaia vodorodno-deiterievaia pu.zyrlkovaia kamera. v magnitnom ple. Dubnap Ob"edinenrqi in--t iader kh issl., 1961. 20 P. (HIRA 15:11 (Bubble chamber) (Magnetic fields) 5/'056/62/042/003/046/043 ,9~, 4700 AUTHORS: Blokhintoeva, T-D., Grabinnik, V. G., ZhukovS__V,__A,.. Libman, G,, Ilemenov, L. L., Sollvanav, I. I Y'dan Jung-fangi TITLE: Measurement of the total croue section of the (n P) reac- tion with 340-Mov n--meuona PERIODICAL; Zhurnal eksperimentalinoy-i teoretf.obookoy fiziki, v. 42, no. 3, 1962p 91 2-913 TEXT! The reactions (2), (3) have been.,utudied at eneralco of the primary n mesons of 340 + 15 Mev with the aid of a 25-cm liquid-hydrogen-chamber In a magnetic field of 12jOOO oo. The respective total cres sections were determined no j~ LT mb. In the 1.24 1 0-14 mb, a2 0-13*8:04 mb- 03 0-09+0:0 0 -0 09 Card I/v A S/056 62/042/003/046/C49 Measurement of the total cross ... B106 D102- determination of the croon section of reaction (3) only cocoa whcre the energy of the emitted gamma quantum was hijhar than 100 Mev were conaidered. In order to obtain a representation of the contribution of the different isotopic states in the cross sections of the reactions (1) and (2), the latter are written down In the form Al' Re + 21411-1 +-T' IIA7'11 d, I A711+ 1411+2Rc(AFO) + 2 1 ro 9 T whero Ai donates the invariant isotopic amplitudes (aup~racrlpt refora to total isotopic spin of entire system, subucript denotes total isotopic opin(of the system of two piona). The cross sections of the reactions (1) 'Ind 2) permit with some assumptions to infor the following about the maGnitudeo and phases of the isotopic amp:'itudool a'plitudav a) it the a Card 214 S/05r,/62/042/003/046/049 Measurement of the total crona ... P I OIJ/1) 102 3/2 A'/' ad A3/1 are zero, then the A III be considerably smallpi, than 1/2 3/212~< A : 3-1)A 1AI/112 4 54W/Y j (b) If It 19, oonnIdernd thit 6 o 2 0 2 A1/2 and A3/2, then the phano ahtft of anti U. are determined mainly by these amplitudes is about 1000CO and their moduli are connected by the relation JAV'k, 2 JA1/21 . For ineldont pion oncrGino of 340 Moy the maximilm total energy (o.m.a.) of two piono In 400 Mov. If the c-5oo (a) applion, one nay state that the pions in the inergy range 200-400 Key will' lntvract.~ainly in states with total Inotojoic spin T . 0 and not with T - 2. ?x9feaeor D. M. Pontokorvo and P. F. 'formolov are thanked for advice and discussions. There are 5 refereno-io: 2 Soviet nnil 3 non- Soviet. The referancea--to Englinh-Innguagn publicationp read (to follova: J; Doahl et al, Proo. of thq 1960 Min. Int. Conf. on 111Eh Energy Phya. at Rochester, 1960, p. 1051 H. J. Schnitzer. Vroprint, 19611 B. C. Pariah at al. Bull. Amur. Phya. goo.j 1;:,,k, 523P 1961- ASSOCIATION: Obl'yedinennyy,inatitut 7ndernykI. iseledovanty (Joint Inoti-, tuto of lluclea~r Research) Card )/4 1% 11 , ... I - - ~7 ~ -1 ~ MMMZMMM~i , ~ - r,~: -,;.. 41, 1 a, -G- - - - ~-/ .-4-12- & - - . . . - . -7 F7- . /9 j L,-; ~ MOMMIMEVA, T.D., GPZBIMrL;:, V. T., LIMAN, 0., ?MTn)V, L. L., SMIVANOV, G. I. - -- ----- -- BLOKHINTSEVA T.D.,- GREBINNIK,, V G ZHUKOV V.A - LIDAN G UMIIGV L.L.,- OVO G.I.; YUANI ZHUN-FAN Yfta Juxg~faxg SELIVAN I Measurement of the total cross sections of (-rI-17)-reactions, in which.the -)7~--mesoxs have an energy of 340 Mev. Zhur,.eksp,i teor. fiz. 42 no.3.-912-933 Mr 162. (IMA 15:4) 19 Ob"yedizenzyy institut yadernykh issledovaniy. (Itclear reactions) (MOO01w) MIT -i~i 9-9 M W, BLOKBIWTSEVA, T.D.; GREBIMIIK, V.G.j ZHUKOV, V.A.; LILMN, Gtl-- XXMOVp-L,j SELIVANOV, G.I.; YUANI (Yuan lung-tang]; SARMTMA, V.R.) tekhn. red. I (Interaction betweenff--mesons and bydrogen at an onergy of 340 Mov]Vzaimodeistvie ZI---mezonov s vodorodoin pri ener- gii 340 Mev. Dubna.. Ob"edinennyi in-t iadernykh issl.11962. 27 p. (Nuclear reactions) (Yesons) (Hydrogen) (11IRk 15:10) 1J, 41436 S/120/62/000/005/009/036 pro C, E039/E420 AUTHORS: Blokhintseva, T.D., Vasilenko, A.T., Grebinnik, V.G., Zhukov, V A Libman.-G.. Nemenov, L,L;,, Selivanov: L.I., Yuan Jfing-Fang TITLE: An eight litre hydrogen-deuterium bubble chamber-in-a- magnetic field PERIODICAL: Pribory i tekhnika 'eksperimenta,'no.5, 1962, -51-59 TEXT: A detailed description of the a`pparatus is given. Essentially it consists of two coaxial cylinders, the inner space being the working volume and the outer space.for temperature control. The inner cylinder is of copper to improve heat transfer and the outer cylinder, together.with mbst of the casing, I is constructed from lXl8H9T (lKhl8,v9T.) stainless steel. i: Observation port.s at the ends of the inner cylinder consist of, discs of J1 K-5 (LK-5) glass 40*mm thick and with an aperture of 280 min. Detailed drawings are given of the expansion apparatus and the associated two stage double acting electromagnetic valve. The norm*al gas pressure for operating the expansion apparatus is 7 atm and of expansion can be altered by changing the Chrd 1/2 U- An eight litre hydrogen- S/120/62/000/005/009/036 E039/E42o quantity of liquid in the hydraulic system. A detailed schematic layout of the gas system is shown and constructional details of the stereo-camera are given. The liquid nitrogen supply system for the radiation shield and a 24 litre Dewar flask ,for liquid hydrogen are also described. The magnetic field in the working volume is 12 kilo oersteds and is supplied by a standard MC-4 Ns-4) electromagnet. Preliminary cooling with ~'liquid nitrogen must be gradual and c6nsumes about 100 litres. :Cracks were observed on the walls of the chamber when the cooling ;time was less than 8 hours. The time to fill the working volume ,~w�th liquid hydrogen is about 3 hours and requires about 20 litres. .During operation 2.5 to 3 litres/hour of liquid hydrogen are !consumed. A photograph of a typical track showing the elastic ,collision of a-rT7" meson with hydrogen is shown. The chamber has ,been used satisfactorily for 6 months during which time ;30000 stereo photographs were obta.ined. - The expansion apparatus has performed about 70000 cycles without changing the bellows. The dead time of the chamber does not exceed 2 sec. There am 13 figures. ~ASSOCIATIONI Ob"yedinennyy institut yadernykh issledovaniy (Joint SUBMITTEDs December 9, 1961 Institute for Nuclear Research) Card'2/2, 4 5Y63/6 41061192?1067, B104 13144.-.., a,' To- -D Ore Got AUTHORS Blolchiitsey ~innik j" V. .,Zhukdv, I. A man;'' Nemenovt L L'i Siliv nov - O.~ I "Yuan Jung-fat ib Go a L 'droigin at: 340 May 2ITLE i Interaction o it.. mesons:with h V 44 PERIODIC zhur, na, ntal oy- i~ teoretiobeekoi-fisiki, ~k.~eiiie n I 96~ '116 426' no.*-.- -1 e.-reacti6na*:-x-- + p-~-+'%- x :+ '0 pb and. TEXT: Th n :+ X. + -A- + P- + -1 stud ied with a 25 cm ~jiquid bydrogein bubble a g 'rated chamber in a 12 magnetic.f ield. The x- meson beam' wa &no in the -synchrooyolotron,of the Liborat' iy di kh- . blem OIYAI or a ya erny pro (Laborat6ry Nuclear Problems OMI), the m6so,n energy was 340+115 Nov. 140O.two*-~rong6d stars were found in 16pOOO atereose'dpic-photographso Those listed in. Table .2 :oomplied - with the f olloving cond itions 2 (1 the angle; cc between, the track.of the.inciden.t partiole.and-the central plant ;,-'.:of the chamber. must not exceed t4ol '~(2) the n- meson traft"au'st not be shdrter- *than 10 mi; - (3)'-th6. distance between the-point,of interaction .1'..7:and the''boundary of Ahe:visible range of. the working volume of the chamber.-. 6rd 1 M, 6130MV, V_ .0_6,0 .4~~eisaovi:6il "6f B104 14V~.-~', -Jidi; U6' a negative ~,:.,mua hot -be -sua asimutha angi!i.q; 700 1 " M-the nono'okplariarity.: or. el '. ::inf er A o t i o'n, a' ini -d1 130.- n q anigular-4iAritutioili-and the energy ~i6iribuiions off^ the;-~s"` doo nd'ar, 1 it ai ed y-,.,pairtio ea sUgge fe6t-, 4ug -to ies6nance. dfithe'-sp d~ iiiih, lhe,!. ii 6 6i ilu.' 3/2 -` -A aes of the- itic in eraction: tiowllliW it- ~total. i T. *.,;.0 Boap-ip was. f ound by e4pprgy.:A~6tiltuti6~,"iii thei~-(~tx. com.6'a" Theiri.arelo di"Z.-Wiles f .-an gures -,.ASSOCIATIOR-v.~WiYdd inennyy:,lnijs-t ituit d kh iseleddva is ya, e'r dii*ivr~ Raiiia rah~ $1056 63~044100210191065 102 B18 B YB AUTHORS: 'Blokhintseva, T. D., Grebinnik, V. G., Zhu;kov, V. it.., Libm Ifemenov, L.. L. , Selivanov, 0. 1. , Vian Jung-fang TITLE: The total n-p-reaction oross-seotions at')~_ enerGies of '276 Mev PERIODICAL: .Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, v- 44, i,nb. 2, 1963, 498-499 + TEXT: The total pross-sectionB of the reactions n + p n + n + n and 0 n + p --~ U + n + p were measured at E'- - 276 + 10 Me'~ in the lab system in a 25-cm liquid-hydrogen bubble chamber placed in a magnetic field. Among 6000 photogiaphs made 5 events of the first, and one of the second reaction were found. The cross sections were: 0 2 0 0-4+ 0 3mb and cf2 - 0-08 + 0.08 mb-1 The results are id close agreement witb the theoretical Predictions of Card 1/2 S/056/63/044/002/019/065 The total n-p-r~,-action ... B102/BI86 H. Schnitzer (Phys.. Rev. 125, 1059, 1962~- There is 1 fi-,gure. 1, r I I f* ~x ASSOCIATION: Obl'yedinennyy institut,yadernykh issledova-aiy (Joint Institute of Nuclear Research) SUBMITTED: September 24, 1962 Card 2/2 F W7 (m ),/T1 /EWA ( M2 ~T~"-'nalfon of f-he contrif-it inn nf tht- 3 '2~ 3 12 fsabar to inelastic In- of 344 MeV Pi meson,; with pzotons Ya de rna ya I r I kr. , v . 1 , no , I , 19 6 5 , I U 1 - 1 12 TOPIC 1AGS! Inelastic Pf meson scattering, Isobaric model, isobar scattering ~-ct, isohar channel contribution, meson proton interactLon, inelastic scatter- ing U a (I whTcl- the ii.E sn thp F L) rina t ton the i A ?'007711 on 04, .7 7 respect f I v. cm T f14 N"R: AP5007711 !A-, TON: Ob"yedinennyy institut yadernvkh lassledorvaniv (Joint Ins-t4tute fa qe--earch) TBY, T77 F T 28Jul64- ENCL, 00 SUE CODE: M-P F SC)V 007 F OTHER: 011 ord 3/3 DRAGIIEV, Mikbail Samuylovich~ LIMMy G.1.9 red.; MIGORCHUX9 L.A.9 tekbn. red, (Critical evaluation of Present-day imperialism in economics courses] Kritika sovfemennogo Jjaperia:Lizima'v kurse-politicheskoi skonomil. Moskvap Goo. izd-vo "Vyssha:La'sbko:La," 1961. 125 P. I (MM 14:8) (Economin) LIMAN, Georgiy Izrayloviche SERYAYEV, Yu.S., red.; ROTOVA, R.S., red. izd-va; MURASHOVA, V.A., tekhn. red. (Constant growth of socialist production] Nepreryviqi rost sotsialisticheskogo proizvodstva. Moskva., Cos. izd-vo I'Vysshaia shkola," 1961. 120 (MIRA 15:4) (Economics) ~;ommunism) 'ar r,7 I1 chp inzh.; LIB14AN, Grigorly Markovich; LEVIN, rich; BEKHTEM,-Tv-a -Mli, Boris Mordukhoi n- I R r e-y-d -Q0WUMM-QH 'q Fedor Ignatlyinrich; BOVE, Ye.G., kand. tekbn. nauk, retsenzent; TISHCHUK09 A.Lq inzh.t retsenzent; YAKOVLEVj D.V.v inzh.,, red.; BOBROVA9 Ye.N.f tekhn, red, 1.% [Operation and maintenance of electric d.c. locomotives) Ekspluatataiia i obsluzhivanie elektrovozov postoiamogo toka. Moskva, Vses. izdatel'sko- poligr. obwedinenie M-va putei soobshcheniia, 1961. 341 p. (KIRA l4s8) (Electric locomotives) YAKOVLEV, Dmitriy Vasil*yevich; WOVI V.A-, inzh.t retsenzent;,LIWAN, G.M. . inzh.., retsenzent; KHRAKOVSKIY) Ye.M. , inzh., red. * -IMVEDEVA, M.A., tekhn. red. [[Operation of d.c. electric locomotives and their maintenance] Upravlenie elektrovozami postoiannogo toka i obaluzhivanis ikh. Moskvaj, Vaes.izdatellsko-poligr. ob"edinenie M-va putei soobshche- niia., 1961. 269 filectric locomotives) (MIRA 14:12) RUBCHINSKIY, Zipmnd Moisayevich, kand. tekhn. nauk; TASTEM, Yevgeniy Edmundovich, inzh.; SHIRYAYEV, Arkadiy Favlovich, inzh.; DOLMATOV, A.A., kand. takhn. nauk, rateensent;_LIBMAN G M inzh., reteenzent; NAKHODKIN, M.D., kand. tekhn. niau-l-, retsen- zent; SAZONOV, I.A., inzh., rateenzent; TRAUTMAN, L.M., kand. .takhn, nauk, rateenzent; ZUBLEVSKIY, S.M., inzh., red.; RAKOV, V.A., insh., red.; USFAO, L.A., tekhn. red, (Design, arrangement, and working principles of the rolling stock of multiple-unit trains]Ustroiatvo i rabota motorvagon- nogo podvizhnogo sostava. Moskva,, Transzholdoritdat., 1962. 335 P. (MIRA 16:1) (Electric railroads-Rolling stock) KALININ, V.K., kand. takhn. nauk; MIRONOV, K.A., insh.; i-LEVIN, B.M.., inzh.; LIEMAN..G.M., inab.; IERSHOV, Ye.F... Inah.; PANICH9415, BOLYCHEV, N.G., maohinint elettro- voza; ZOlDTAREV, V.N., mashinist instruktor; YANIN, I.A., insh.; BOVE, Ye.G.,, kand. tekhn. nauk, red.; USMO, L.A.9 tekhn. red. (Electric networks and maintenance of the equipment of electric locomotives] Elaktrichaskie skhemy i ukhod za obo- rudovaniem elektrovozov. [By) V.K.Kalinin i dr. Moskva, Transzheldorizdat, 1963. 279 p. (MIRA 16:7) (Electric locomotives) PF~gqriy -IYAVSKIY, Simon Nisonovich; RIVIN, ., _j14#qyich; CHM I.M., inzh., prepodavatell; GORCHAKOVA, O.D., red. [Systems and operation of d.c. locomotives] Ustroistvo i rabota elaktrovozov postoiannogo toka. Poskvay Transport, 1964. 343 P. (MIRA 17:9) ' 1. Omskaya tokhnicheskaya shkola (for Rivin). 33779 S/108/62/017/001/006/007 If, lol'o (is 0-S, 11q01 / Z? -3 D271/D304 AUTHORS: Lifshitsp Z.M.t Moskovskaya, G.M., and 34bmanq I.S., Members of the Socieity (see Asso iati on) TITLE: New modulator power triodes PERIODICAL: Radiotekhnika,, v. 17,, no. 1,,1962, 59 - 61 TEXT% New types of power triodes rM-3A (GM-3A) andrm-3A (GM-3B) are described~ some drawings, characteristics and the usual cata- logue data are given. The triodes were developed for low and video frequenck rangep with anode dissipation of 7.5 kW; new anti-emiss- ion surfacing is used to reduce thermal emission of the grid and high vacuum -is obtained by the use of metallic getter. GM-3A triode has water cooled anodeq GM-3B - air cooled. The cathode consists of six loops-of thoriated carbide tungsten wire forming a cylindrical surface* Cylindrical grid is a helical winding of molybdenum wire covered with,platinum in order to reduce thermal emission. The ano.- de of the air cooled triode has cooling fins; the inner surface of the anode is covered with electrolytic black chromium to reduce the Card 1/2 New modulator power triodes 33779 S/108/62/017/001/006/007 D271/D304 reflection of the cathode radiation and, by this meansq to reduce the thermal current of the.grid. The getter is of titanium and zir- conium. The triodes can be employed as oscillators and for power amplification up to 25 - 30 Mc/so There are 6 figures. ASSOCIATION: Nauchno-tekhnicheskoye obshchestvo radiotekhniki i elektroevyazi im. A.S. Popova (Scientific and Techni- cal Society of Radio Engineering and Electrical Com- munications imeni A.S. Popov) [Abstractor's note: Name of association taken from first page of journal] SUBMITTED: July 39 1961 Card 2/2 LIFSHITS, Z.M.; MOSKOVSKAYA, G.M.- LIBMAN, I.S. 1 Ne,w power modula-tor trides. Radictekhnika 17 no.1:59-61 Ja 162. (YIRA 15:2) 1. Deystvitel'nyye chleny Nauchno-tekhnicheskogo obshchestva radiotekhniki i elektrosvyazi imeni Popova. (Triodes) (Modulation (Electronics)) I -I- -, LIBUNO I..Yao inshoner; THARIN, I.V., inshener. Casting of abrasive wheel c1resserso LitoprOiST, 40o9:27-23 S (MLVA 9:11) (Founding) (Grinding wheels) LIBMAN, JaninA--..--,- Gastric cancer in aged men. Polski przegl. chir. 33 no.7/.9:779-781 161, 1. Z I Kliniki Chirurgiczne~ AM w Krekowie Kierowrdki prof. dr *T.Bogusz. (STOMACH NEOPLASIS in old age) got -I-fr-rp tf? q1t IOU* L a m -Li-u 4-ses Goo % 0 111 o ;fo V, jo 0 it v Ill IF 0 41 Q 11 to PNO"U" Ale "Gowsylks "s ,40% wspW R ' ); i; ;-00 @S, Wh9VC F40"W" Y" F WW 00 --4^ to. No. 1, W4(194?!L--Th* PMPA- chkvdane and 4fib" (for 1 s -0* t After ydMp1mC&kW&Wch1'-t = wit, "ItO "'apbor "n be delid. as the , le ant llowin 1 cl 11 U a - 1 x p 11,0 "libuip by 1"%this T . r I Stitt tituallit's fit for otifinal w 0O: Ittjemwj lill loo m ~ 00 .00 e 041 goo 004 =00 001) COO 00.4 coo 900 w JUL-4 goo we* v 400 It goo SO t3oo _!In, LA Of CLASWKATION Woo woo u, to Is w- ar- -s -.f C-1 A L I It IV a 0 0 1 w a It a 4V IM -JF1 00 1 0 SO 4 0 0900000 0 0 0 00, 0 0 0 0 s 0 it 'a a o * 0 'a 000000 ' 0 7 0 Of * & 0 0 0 0 0 e 0 00 Ce 0 t~ 00 0 0 so**$ ***.**so 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 , LIBMAN, K.A. Highly dispersed silver sulfathiazole, Patent U.S.S.R. 78,424, Dec, 31, 1949. (CA 47 no.19:10181 '53) - f -15YA N i - r. .- -k. - - - - - - - - 33483. Vysokonislersnyy Preparat Serebryanoy Soli.Sullfatiazola. Med. Prom-st' essr., 1949, No 5, C. 43-44 , SO: Letopislnykh Statey, Vol. 45, MosWa, 1949 h sohmom of pelp"thyloins Oximas In Wdilau". V1. Bobavitir ON qCIOUnAms Odme. ;- S. Rnlmov and X. A. Libum. Zkor. ObskAwl Kkim. (J. Gen. Chctu.v -207W-W(IOW); cf. C.A. 33. 49M2; 41, d2Mb,, 44. (13M.-Addii. of 45 mi. 30% 1 [A to A g. cycloheuriont, -011me Its Pelf. ether sawl Warming 3:1 hm oo 0 siftin Imill save 22%mlolsexanotte and ame .14"1114romfita tion with KM"04 fur 24 hri, JEAVC CyClotMIAHOUC CTO~ EAVe 0.0 1. CYCIOhCXaF%4X1C And 0.30 N. univ4ctel oxim after 24 firs. (". M. Ko"AAPOO -USSR/Chemistiry Sulfa Drugs May 51 "Brief Communication: Highly Dispersed Preparation of the Silver Salt of,Sulfathiazole," K. A. Libman, All-Union Sci Res Lab Dispersed Drugs "Zhur Prik Khim" Vol XXIV, No 5, pp 558-560 Highly dispersed prepn of Ag salt of sulfathiazole .,(I) is best obtained by reaction of Na salt of I with AgN03 under exposure to sound waves, filtra- tion and washing to,remove NaNO J. exposure of re- sultant paste to sound, and drying from frozen state. Prepn so obtained has high content of small particles andretains high deg of dispersion. 183T44 LINCZYK, Maria; CHABINKA, Wojciech; GNDLICZKA, Ortmar; JASIMKI, Stefan; LIBMAN, K.; NOSEK, H.; OSZACKI, Jan; RODECKIo A. Statistical analysis of cases of cancer of the stomach treated in Cracov In the years 1947-1956. Polski tygod. lek. 14 no.14:615-618 6 Apr 59. 1, (Z Inntytutu Onkologii w Krakowie; dyraktors doo. dr mod. Hanna Kolodziejoka, z I Kliniki Chirurgioznej A.M. w Krakowie; kierownik: T)rof. dr mod. J. Boguzz, z II Kliniki Chirurgicznej A. X. w Krakowis; kierownik: prof. dr med. K. Michejda I z III Kliniki Chirurgicznej A. M. v Krakowie; kierownik: prof. dr mad. J, Zasieuski) Krakow, u1. %rncarska 11 Instytut Onkologii. (STOMACH NYOPIASMS, statist. in Poland (Pol)) SYCH, Marek; LIBMAN, Janina Photometric determination of blood lose during surgical operations. Polski tygod. lek. 14 no-41:1821-1824 12 Oct 59- 1. (Z I Kliniki Chirargicznej A. M. w KrakDwie; kierownik: prof. dr Jozef Bogusz). (0URGHRY, OPERATIVE) (BLOOD VOLUME) SOURCE COW t AUTHORS: Lebedev, 0, Yo*; Levina. G.- N.;, Lew~~P-'V,, T4; Libman# M. L. I Mar~)rnkevich, G, M I Ozerov,, L, N: none .4 TITLE: Arrangement-for protecting and uncovering evacuated gauge of a device. Class - 62.. No. 17530 fan6unc6d by S cial Construction Bureau of the Ana2jytio Instrument Construction, AN SSSR (Spetsial!n konstruktorskoye byuro analiticheakogo priborostroyea" AN SSSR)7`e SOURCE: Byulleten' _izobretpnly i. t rr 31.17 -,ova qkh znakov, no -19, TOPICIAGS: vacuum,~vacuuq measurement vacuum seal ABSTRACT., This Author Certificate introduces an arrangement-for-protecting and uncovering an.evacuated gauge,of a-devics while introducing the gauge into the in- .vestigated medium (see Fig. 1). The arrangement contains a sealed hood connected to the nipple of the.device and a mechanism for destroying this hood. To -make sure that the investigated medium enters the gauge and to protect the gauge-from damage while it is being uncoveredj, the hood is made up of two metallic parts fixed to one another andIto the nipple with airtight glass seams. The parts of the hood are also provided with earlike holders which are connected to the hood-destroying mechanism. -61 19, - - - - I ~ I w . . I A7AW'YZU, S.I., inxh.; LIBMkN, M.P., inzh. Mobile at=ilIM--#jAtIbtt'for railroad blocking In the German Federal Republic (from *Der Sisenbahningenieur,'m no.6, 1959). Avtom., telem, i evias' 4 no.4:47-48 AP 160. (MLU 13:6) (Oarmany, Weat-~Rai1ro&dn--6jgnaljng) I AFARASIYEVA, S.I., iuzh.; LIBMAN, M.R., inzh. Development of an International signaling s7stem. Avtom., telem. I eviazi 2 uo-7:45~-46 J1 158. (MM 1V6) (Wiesbaden, Germu7-Hai lroads-Congre see a) AFAXASIYNVA, S*Iot insh.; LIBMAN, M.R.,' inzh. Principles for lin3da flashing light signals of railroad crossings with the devices of railroad stations. Avtom, tolem. I eviaz' 2 no-144~8 N 158. (MIRA 11112) (Railroads--Signaling) APARLSIMA, B.I.. in2h.:_LIBM, H.R., Insh. .. . -Prom-mbrPad*-Autm~j ". i uviaz' 3 6o.12:43-44 lffl~ 1) '59- (KM 23:4) (United States-Railroads) AFANASSYEVA, S.I., inzh.; JA~ _M.R. _inzh. Rail networks without insulated rail Joints- AvtOm-, tQlem-' eviaz' 4 n0-3:47 Hr 160. (MIRA 13:7) (Railroads-Rails) APANASIYNA, S.I.; Rail couplers on electrified railroads of the German Federal Republic. Avtom., telem. i svias, 4 no.10:45 0 160. (MINA 13'-10) (Germany-, West--XLectric railroads--Wires and wiring) AFANASIYEVA,, S.I., inzh.; LIBMAN, M.R-- i"zh. Use of a magnetic trans&cel for switebing on 'b1 in , signals. Avtoide., telemai sviaz' 6 no*2:1+7-48 F 162. (IMA 15:3) (Railmads-Signal I n ) AFANASITEVA, S.I.D inzh.; LIMN, M*Ro,, inzho Automation of the centralized traffic control on the railroads of Greater Hamburg. Avtom.,, telem.i sviazG 6 no.5:/+6 MY 162. (MM 1584) (Hamburg-Railroado-Signa.ling) AFANAS-YEVAp S.I., inzh.; LIBMAN, M.R., inzh. Use of television on foreign railroads. Avtom., telem. i sviaz' 6 no.3:45-46 Mr '62. (MIRA 150) (Germany, West--Railroads--Electronic equipment) (Germany, West--Industrial television) AFAnSII9VA,, Solo.* inzh~j__.~~A-MjR,,,_in%h, Television system for observing the tail end of a train, Avtom-o telem. i oviazt 6 no,,6:46-47 Je 162. (NIRA 15:7) (Germany., West-Railroade-Blectronic equipment) (Germany.. West-Railroado-Industrial television) AFANASIYEVAS S.I., insh.; LIBMAN, M.R., inzh. Portable radio transmitter-receivers for car checkers. Avtom., telem. i sviaz' 7 no.1:43--" Ta 163. IMIRA 16:2) (Railraods-Commilnication systems) (R*ilraods--Mactronic equipment) AFAHASIYEVA, S.I., inzh.; LIBMAN, M.R., inzh. Use of -radio control in operating railway crosaway level barrier-, during switching operations in the U.S.A. Avtom., telem. i sviaz' 8 no.4t47 Ap 164. (MIRA 18:2) 4. 69331 8/129/60/000/05/004/023 E193/E283 AUTHORS: Filyand, M. A.5 and Romanov, V. A., Candidates of Technical Sciences MAng N- 'R---.Engineer and lPodolinskaya, S. MR., B gineer kDeceased) 71 TITLE: Non-Oxidizing Heatingtof Precision Engineering Alloyi PERIODICAL: Metallovedeniye i termicheskaya obrabotka metallov, 1960, Nr 5, PP 15-18 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The object of the investigation, described in the present paper, was to explore the possibility of providing a protective atmosphere during heat treatment of watch parts (balance springs) by using titanium hydride as the source of pure hydrogen. There are two methods of preparing titanium hydride.yJ One consists in heating metallic titanium in hydrogen to 9000C and cooling it to room temperature in the same atmosphere. Diffusion of hydrogen, slow in the initial stages of the process, becomes quite rapid when cracks have appeared in the metal; when the saturation point has been reached, a large quantity of hydrogen becomes adsorbed on the surface of the grains, as a result of which the quantity Card 1/8 of this gas absorbed by the metal after this treatment is 69331 S/129/60/000/05/004/023 E193/E283 Non-Oxidizing Heating of Precision Engineering Alloys higher than that indicated by the stoichiometric formula of titanium hydride. In the other method, which is more economicalt titanium hydride is obtained by reduction of T102 with metallic hydrides such as calcium hydride. It has been postulated that the composition of titanium hydride is given by the formula TiHl '-; the TiH2 phase, richer in rogen, has face-centre Oic crystal lattice (a - 4.48 t . In the absence of a conclusive proof of an existence of a hydride with the formula TiH~, it is probable that this phase consists of TiHi 7 with some excess of dissolved drogen. Titanium *2ride has is stable at room temperature density of 3.912 g/cm , I and not hygroscopic. One volume of titanium can retain at room temperature 1800 volumes of hydrogen; on heating, most of this hydrogen is liberated, but complete liberation takes place only at relatively high temperatures (800 to 10000C). The balance springs whose heat treatment was the object of the present W investigation, are made of two es 0f Elinvar alloys, a carbide-bearing alloy N35KhV and arrecipitation- - MV first series of Card 2/8 hardening alloy, N41 ~iTA._j7-n Oe X 69331 S/129/60/000/05/004/023 E193/E283 Non-Oxidizing Heating of Precision Engineering Alloys experiments, the heat treatment of these components was carried out at 640 to 7000C. in the protective atmospheres of town gas, dissociated ammonia, commercial grade heliuml nitrogenl and hydrogen. Although all gases were passed through a drying and purifying train, they failed to prevent oxidation of the heat-treated parts. The attempts to heat-treat these components in vacuum were also unsuccessful; springs, made of alloy N35KhMV, retained their bright surface but lost some of their elasticity, evidently due to the surface layer becoming depleted of carbon; vacuum heat-treated alloy N41KhTA acquired a matt surface, most likely owing to the precipitation of titanium on the alloy surface; similar effects were observed in the case of venadium- and molybdenum-bearing alloys. In the next stage of the investigation, hydrogen, obtained by dissociation of titanium hydride, was used (titanium hydride contained Card 3/8 0.75% impurities, including 0.05% N and 0.0,5106 C). The V/ 69331 S/129/60/000/05/004/023 E193/E283 Non-Oxidizing Heating of Precision Engineering Alloys experiments consisted in placing the jarts to be heat- treated and titanium hydride (contained in small cylindrical capsules with perforated lids) in a heat-resisting cylindrical container (700 mm long, 12 mm internal diameter , evacuating the container to approximately 10-~ mm Hg, sealing it off and heating in an electric furnace to approximately 7006C, and recording the variation of pressure in the container during the first and subsequent heating cycles. The results are reproduced graphical on P 17, where the pressure in the container (kg/cm is plotted against temperature (OC); graphs a and be relate to specimens in which 2 and 4 g of titanium hydride, respectively, were placed in the container; numbers ascribed to each curve denote first, second, etc.9 heating cycle. It will be seen that when titanium hydride is heated for the first time no significant quantity of hydrogen is liberated until a temperature of approximately 5000C is reached, intensive evolution of hydrogen taking place at 550 to C) Card 4/8 60000i on cooling hydrogen is re-absorbed by titanium 69331 S/129/60/000/05/004/023 E193/E283 Non-Oxidizing Heating of Precision Engineering Alloys and given off again during subsequent heating. During subsequent heating, the liberation of hydrogen begins at approximately 3000C, this temperature remaining constant, irrespective of the number of the heating/ cooling cycles. Regarding the protective properties of the atmosphere obtained by this method, it was found that to preserve the bright surface of the treated articles, hydrogen pressure of 3 to 4 kg/CM2 had to be attained in the container at the heat-treatment temperature. Owing to the ability of titanium hydride to liberate hydrogen on heating, and to re-absorb it on cooling, one and the same charge of titanium hydi,ide can be used more than once; it was established experimentally, that,8 to 10 g titanium hydride (TiH2) was sufficient to heat-treat 12 to 15 batches, each containing 400 balance springs. In the next series of experiments, an attempt was made to produce hydrogen Card 5/8 by dissociation of titanium hydride, store it in a / 69331 S/129/60/000/05/004/023 E193/8283 Non-Oxidizing Heating of Precision Engineering Alloys cylinder under the pressure of 1.5 to 2 kg/cm 2, and then use it for heat-treatment when necessary. The parts to be heat-treated were placed in the container which was then evacuated, filled with the cylinder hydrogen, sealed off and heated to the required temperature. Although the pressure in the container at -he heat- treatment temperature reached 5 t rm~ the heat- 0 7 kg/c I treated parts became slightly oxidized. It was inferred that from this that full protection against oxidation is given only by hydrogen obtained directly from titanium hydride. It was also proved, experimentally, that when titanium hydride is used to provide the protective atmosphere, full protection against oxidation can be ensured ~y evacuating the container to vacuum no better than 10--L mm. Hg. The bright surface of the' heat-treated components can be preserved even without preliminary evacuation of the container, but in this case, three times more titanium hydride have to be used to ensure favourable ratio of the partial pressure Card 6/8 of hydrogen and water vapour which, according to the 69331 S/129/60/000/05/004/023 E193/E283 Non-Oxidizing Heating of Precision Engineering Alloys equation Fe + H20 t__~ FeO + H2, should be (at 7000C) not less than 2.5. In the last stage of the present investigation, the application of titanium hydride in heat-treatment of soft magnetic alloys was studied. A trial batch of electro-mechanical filter resonators, ,~in the form of flat plates (6 x 8.5 x 0.2 mm), made of Permendur aLlLoy K5OF2. was placed in the container, together with 6 g of titanium hydride (TiH2). The container was evacuated to 2 x 10- mm Hg, heated to 8500C and after 2 h at the temperature, cooled in the furnace at the rate of 50OC/h. No evidence of oxidation was found on the parts treated in this manner, whereas the previous attempts to protect them from oxidation by annealing in high vacuum (10-4 mm Hg), or by using commercial grade hydrogen, proved to be unsuccessful. It was also found that titanium hydride can be used Card 7/8 for bright annealing of Co-, Ni-, and Cr-base, precision V 69331 S/129/60/000/05/004/023 E193/8283 Non-Oxidizing Heating of Precision Engineering Alloys engineering alloys, such as permalloy, vicaloy, and others. There are 2 figures and 5 references, 4 of which are Soviet and 1 German. ASSOCIATION: NIIChasprom LAI Card 8/8 065-65 jIa ~c o,. _a, TITLE., Aging of R4lKhT-A Iloy 11 44 SOURCF: Metallavedeniye i termicheakava nhrahnt-L-n f% I 1 9 1 or, I C- 19 -P- TOPIC TAGS: alloy aging, spring alloy, nickel alloy. iron alloy. allov mechanical a 17, e a ttreatmen t, A i I ~"PR;Lrrf The authore investim-ted the de ormations and a low the rm,)P- ias t i ct7ne f f j c L 34,065-65 ACCESSION NR: AP500-509'8 bult Innap-r afArm g-Ring at this tmpe dftallgo I nuarrmina- 112n dagtp-n -ne ~i:ie eLectrical resistivitv on uuencning- temDerat-ire re,iealed tziar re:;istance in- Maskavskiy 7-notitut stali i splmrev (Mot%cew steel and alle" _E Ll t U t kt; U-BlaTTED: 00 ENGL: 02 SUB CODE: M NO REP SOV: 002 OMER: 001 card 214 ACCESSMIN NR! APS005098 kg/r= Ohl -4 3 Vo f t 5 ma IL- -: EAT M &V IM 4w sw ma- ml c Card rF!rTnqTrIP -n I fv 117 5 X--- P-W L 34065-65 a I V i Ifir.; 'FATF5005098 e lec cis t ivity,.,,... El~ L Fi: e n ;ure 1. Dependence of 'he electrical resistivity and mechanical properti 6 0 the aging conditiona and quencWg temperattire: I - 1050Ce 2-100C, 3-950C, 4- 900C. Card 1,14 All, USSO-hemistry ~Syntheqis Card 1/1 ~Authors_ j_ Chelpanova; L6 F.0 and Libman, N. M. Title Synthesis and conversion of alpha-.glycols of the ethylene series. Part 3.- Derivation of.2,,-4-diphaylbutc!ne-3-diol-1, 2 Periodical Zhur.,Ob. Khim., 24,_Fd., 6~ 1014 1017--Ili-+ -Abstract_ A new. glycol -of -the--a-cetylene 2, 4-diphenylbutene-3-diol-1, 2, with melting point of 101 - 109, was synthesized in strict accordance with the Iot.sich method. Two new, hitherto unknown in literature, geo- metrical isom'era of ethylene Olycol -2, 40 diphenyl-butene-3-diol-1, 2, with melting point of 52 - 53 And 68 - 70 , were obtained. It was found that.both acetylene and ethylene type glycols, when subjected to cataly~- tic reduction, yield one and the same saturated glycol - 2, 4-diphenyl- butanediol-1, 2 with melting point of 56 570. Four references. Institution The -Lens.oviet Technological Institute, Lenlitgrad Submitted.. February 2, 1954 '5 (3) AUTHORS: Kuznetsov, S. G., Libman, If. M. SOV/79-29-7-70/83 TITLE. Synthesis of Cyclic Lmino.Llcohols With Cholinolytic Properties (Sintez tsiklicheskikh amino'spirtov a kholinoliticheskir.-ii evoystvami) PERIODICAL-. Zhurnal obshchey khimii, 1959, Vol 29, Nr 7, pp 2421-2428 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Kuznetsov assumed earlier (Ref 1) th-at the cholinolytic drugs, the effect of which resembles that of atropine and which belong to the group of the aminoalkyl esters, react in the organism with cholinoreactive systems in the cyclic ionic form. In this form the distance between the nitrogen and the carbon atom combined with the cyclic radicals is highly fixed, owing to the intramolecular ion-dipole effect, and is approximately equal to 3-7 R. An example of a similar cyclic structure in the case of the dimethyl-aminoethyl ester of the benzylic acid is given; Card 1/4 Synthesis of Cyclic Amino Alcohols With SOY/79-29-7-70/83 Cholinolytic Properties CH 3>N "-, CH3 0... ~_~CH2 11 1 OH C CH I "-- '__~ z 2 C C\C R 0 6 5 6 5 The authors conclude in this connection that this distance corresponds with a distance between any certain points.of the cholinoreactive system and that it is essential for the molecules of the cholinolytic compound. The authors wanted to find the experimental confirmation of this assumption. For this purpose the synthesis of cyclic structures which were similar to the structure mentioned was carried out. By a covalent bond a greater stability of the distance between N and C should be attained, than with the oom arativoly weak ion-dipole bond. In Card 2/4 the given formulae W, (Il5t (III) and (IV) the structural Synthesis of Cyclic Amino Alcohols With -~OV/79-29-7-70/63 Cholinolytic Properties formulae of this kind of cyclic compounds which were synthesized, are presented. Compound (1) was synthesized by reaction of lithium-phen,yl with the meth I ester of the 1-methyl- by dehydration of the above nipecotic acid, compound (IT compound ac cording to the instructions of references 2-4. Compound (III) was nevily obtained by the authors according to the :reaction scheme 1. The 3-diphonyl-methylol-dimetfiylamino- cyclohexene-2 being novel au well was obtained according to scheme 2. The considerable influence exercised by the distance between the nitrogen atom and the carbon atom combined vrith the cyclic radicals upon the physiological activity was thus established. There are 2 tables and 13 references, 1 of which is Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Vaesoyuznyy nauchno-issledoi,atellskiy sanitarno-khimicheskiy institut Akademii meditsinskikh nauk SSSR (All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Hygienic Chemistry of the AcadeaV of Medical Sciences, USSR) Card 3A Synthesis of Cyclic Amino Alcohols With SOV/79-29-7-70/83 Cholin6lytic Properties SUBMITTED: May 21, 1958 Card 4/4 R&BINOVIM, A.P,pLIBKAN, N.K. Treatment of diabetes mellitue with sulfanilamide preparation*. Vrach.delo uo.6:641-642 Je 160. (KM 13:7) 1. Xharikovskiy gorodskoy protivosobnyy dispauseril (DIABMIS) (SULPONAMIMS) LIBMAN, N.M.; KUZNETSOV, S.G. Amino alcohols of the acetylene series. Part 2: XX 1,1- --disubstituted 5-diallcylamipopentinols'with different poviticm 'Of their trible bond. Zhur.ob.khim. 31 no.7:2283-2289 n 9(A. (MIRA 14:1) 1. Institut toksikologii Akademii meditsinskikh nauk SSSR. (Alcohols) 8/079/63/033/001/003/023' D205/D307 ;AUTHORS: Libmari-' N. M. and Kuzneteov, S. G. TITLEz Aminoalcohols of the aoetylenio series. III. Reductioni of the triple bond PERIODICAL: Zharnal obshchey khimii, v. 33, no. 1, 1963, 28-35 TEXT: The present work describes the reduction of 1-diethylamino- 3-(91-hydroxyfluorenyl-91)propyne-2, 1,1-diphenyl-4-dimethylamino- 1,1-diphenyl-4-piperidinobutyn-2-ol-1, 1-diethylami- no-4-(91-hydroxyfluorenyl-91)butyne-3, 1,1-diphenyl-5-dimethylami- nopentyn-2-ol-1, 1,1-diphenyl-5-diethylaminopentyn-2-ol-1, 1-di- ethylamino-4-(91-hydroxyfluorenyl-91)butyne-2, and 1,1-diphenyl-5-7. dimethylaminopentyn-3-ol-l- Hydrogenation over Adams Pt, generally in EtOH9 gave 1-diethylamino-3-(91-hydroxyfluorenyl-; )propane, 1,1-diphenyl-4-dimethylaminobutanol-1, 1,1-diphenyl-4-piperidin6- butanol-1, 1-diethylamino-4-(91-hydroxyfluorenyl-91)butane, 191- diphenyl-5-dimethylaminopentanol-1, and 1,1-diphenyl-5-diethylami Card 1/ 2 Amindalcohols of the _-_-_____._.I_____ SIO 79/63/03 3/001/0.0.3/023--'7! nopeAtanol-1. Hydrogenation of the acetylenic alcohols over Lind- lar's catalyst allowed reduction to the olefirde alcohols, inter- 1rupting the reaction at this stage. The following cis-alcohols ..)were obtained in this way: 1-diethylamino-3-(91-hydroxyfluorenyl- j91)propene-2, l,'l-diphenyl-4-dimethylaminobuten-2-ol-1, 1,1-di- ~Iphenyl-4- iperidinobuten-2-ol-1, 1-diethylamino-4-(91-hydro'xyflu- 5batene-3, 1,1-diphenyl-5-dimethylaminopenten-2-ol-1, 1-diethylamino-4-(91-hydroxyfluorenyl-91)butene-2, and 1,.l-diphenyl-?' 15-dimethylaminopenten-3-ol-1. The following trans-olefinic alcoholal 'were obtained by reduction of the triple*bonds with LiAlH 4or INa/liq.NH : 1-diethylamino-3-(91-hydroxyfluor.enyl-91)propene-2, 3 1,1-diphenyl-4-dimethylaminobutene-2-ol-11 1,1-diphenyl-4-piperi~- idinobutene-2-ol-1, 1-diethylamino-4-(91-hydroxyfluorenyl-91)butene-I ..13, 1,1-diphenyl-5-dimethylaminopenten-2-ol-1, and 1,1-dipheny~-5- 'dimethylaminopenten-3-ol-1--most of the reduced-or semi-reduced :alcohole were,converted to.their hydrochlorides by treatment with i,alcoholic H01. There are 1 figure ana 3 tables. UBMITTED:' February 3, 1962 Card 2/2 ~ LIBMAN, N.M.1 KIJZNFTSOVp S.G. ------- w~ Synthesis of some substituted amino ketones having cholinergic properties. Zhur.ob.khim. 33 no.6:1991-1999 Je '63. (MIRA 160) (Ketones) (Parasynpathomimetic substances) AKISHINAq N.I.j SHUMAN, LAI LIBMANp N.M.. e Use of reserpineand aminazine in a, p&thological alimeicteric in women. Trudy Ukr. nauch.-Issl. inot. eksper. endok. 19:369-378 164. (KRA 18:7) 1. Iz klinichaskogo otdala i otdela alaktrofiziologii Ukrainakogo inatituta eksperiment&llnoy andokrinologii i Kharlkovskogo gorodskogo protivozobnogo dispansera, KUZNETSOV, S.G.;__.~IWN, N.~.___ Synthesis of biologically active substituted acetylenic amines. Zhur. org. khim. I no.8:1399-1406 Ag 165. (MIRA 18-.11) 7 T H -WT'm -01" F0% ACC NRt AP6012609 SOURCE CODE: UR/0182/66/000/004/0013/0016 5's AUTHOR: Genersono I. G.; Libman, P. M. t;.2 13 ORG: none TITLE: Experience in the production of and research into rotor forgings of Khl8Nl2M2T corrosion-resistant austenitic steel SOURCE. Kuznechno-shtampovochnoye proizvodstvo, no. 4, 1966, 13-16 TOPIC TAGS: austenitic steel, engineering machinery, metal forging, plasticity, impact strength, ferrite / Khl8Nl2M2T austenitic steel --ABSTRACT.- This steel is used as the material for certain turbomachine elements operating in aggressive media. These elements are mostly repres2#ted by rotors, disks and other im- portant work parts which, in addition to being corro gionLiFesistant, must meet high require- ments as to physical homogeneity of metal and level of sArength and plasticity. In particular, the initial experience in the production of rotor fo-r&&Y 6f 1KhlQNl2M2T austenitic steel 0. 09%, C. ~0. 89% Si, - 1. 50% Mn, -16. 6% Ce-413. 3$ N -0.66%'ri, -o. olq~ 4,2. 50 % Mo, S, -0. 018% P) at the Neva Machine Building Plant imeni V. 1. Lenin has revealed that some of Card V3 UDC: 621.984 ACC NRt AP6012609 these requirements (particularly the plasticity and impact strength of the rotor metal) are dif--! ficult to meet. Accordingly, to eliminate this snag, the authors experimentally produced a 2,280-kg rotor forging from a 3, 750-kg ingot. The forging Itself was produced In a 3000-ton press at temperatures of 1160-8600C, in 7 hot-upsetting and drawing operations until it was brought into the shape shown in Fig. 1. After this It was cooled in air and heat-treated samples for samples for mechanical tests mechanical tests Fig. 1. Sketch of rotor forging (snagging contour) indicating the sites from Which samples were taken. Card 2/3 L 44351-66 CC NR1 AP6012609 (austenitized at 1150-1170*C with cooling by running water and tempered at 820-840*C for 10 hr with cooling in furnace to 150*C). Subsequent mechanical tests of samples showed PL satisfac- tory level of mechanical properties in Oic longitudinal direction but unBatisfactory plasticity and impact strength for tangential samples taken from the rotor-barrel end. Ibis prompted a thorough microstructural investigation of the quality of the metal of the entire rotor, which revealed a high content of ferritic phase (as much as 7-9%) running in striated form in the direction of (longitudinal) drawing; this accounts for the relatively low plasticity and impact strength of the metal of the tangential and radial specimens. To reduce the a -phase content and to imprgive the plasticity and impact strength of IGil8Nl2M2T steel, metallic Ca (0. 5 kg/ ton) and Ce 42 kg/ton) were added to the melt from which the next forging was produced. This time the mechanical properties of the tangential and radial specimens were also found sai4q- factory. Orig. art. has: 7 figures, 4 tables. SUB CODE. 11; 13U SUBM DATE: none/ Card 3/3 b1g PUSTYNSKIY,F.; LIBKA3,S- Overall revision of machine-tractor stations. JI-Ag '55. (KIMA 8:10) (Kachine-tractor stations) RUSSIrAN, S.Y.- SOKDLOT,.A.M., LIBKAN. S. Tov kandldat-'te)dmlcheWdkb na*, iidoit6i-,' VWWrMIrAYAj -Ye.A.,- !tekhnichoo)dy redaktore fab-indilug- procesissol tekhnold.;-; ~ d go prolsvoostva. Mookys. Goe.nauchno glahov) kJ!.pto~qo~,mQf Altolno 4 1 moifilnostibit", -lit-ry , io3l. 364 (NLRA 8:8) lid4 ;p. (Irou"n'd'ing) -LIBM&N, S.Ye.g inzh.; FACHIN, V.Kh., inzh,; STNUIN, M.G., inzb.; =TTSUFIN, S.A., inzh. Investment castirg of segments of the nozzle apparatus for the IWT-50 steam turbine. Energomachinostroanie 6 n3-3: 35-37 Mr 16o. (MIRL 13:6) (Steam turbines) (Precision casting) S/114/60/000/003/005/008 E194/E355 AUTHORS% LjhM~~ ~chin, V.Kh., Sternin, M.G. and Elltsufin, S.A., Engineers TITLE: Casting of Nozzle Segments of Steam Turbine Type (36T-50 (VPT-50) by the Lost-wax Method PERIODICAL: Energomashinostroyenlye, 196o, No. 3, pp. 35 - 37 TEXT: The nozzles of the high-pressure cylinder of turbine VPT-50 operate on steam at a pressure of 90 atm. and a temperature of 535 0C. The nozzle boxes consist of four separate segments wherein milled blades were mounted on machined rims and welded. The parts were made of forgings of steel grade 15X11Pj(P (15KhIIMF). After welding, the duct sizes were corrected by hand fitting. To economise in cost, labour and metal the Leningrad Metal Works introduced the lost-wax method of casting nozzle-box sections. The cast segments have the ends cut off and are then butt-welded together. The patterns for the blade holders are made of a mixture of 96% technical urea and 4% boric acid. Those for Card 1/3 s/ii4/60/000/003/005/008 E194/E355 Casting.of Nozzle Segments of Steam Turbine Type VPT-50 by the Lost-wax Method the blades are made in a presstool with a mixture of 50% paraffin wax and 50% stearine. When the pattern has been assembled in the mould the urea part can be 'dissolved out with,..water. The wax surface is treated with a ceramic paint consisting of 33% by weight hydrolised ethylsilicate and 67% marshalite, which Is natural quartz dust. Six layers of ceramic paint are applied to the pattern. It is then dried, first in air and then in an ammonia chamber. Next, the wax pattern is melted out of the mould in hot water at 80 - 90 0C. The mould is then dried at 200 0C in an electric furnace. The mould isreinforced with sand and hardened by heating in an electric furnace for six hours The nozzle 'segments are cast *~ steel grade I sx. I I I-A CV1 (15KhllMFL) which is of sorbitic structure. After preliminary cleaning up the castings are heat-treated by a process which Card 2/3 Cavd 3/3 0 0 soools Ads, I&V mite 41 U a Do ifto 0 0 -.or. 00 00 0 f A6 0 -00 : 00 weft" Nit -00 3 Allftx 4 dotStion tMCO IL 0 0ou coo 00 ro fto Ifto 300 L11FOATURN CLASHFICAVIDO, ties 14 tl#o -d AT 10 lr* 0 IF. ~11 It It it a a I ad a a 0 I 0 0~18 elsio jr 0o f0 pacclMs AND PROPIRIPRI wNs AA 26 ustak in bduft. P. P. ubm, Ift"Ifir JIMmi (ffilr? MeNIA). Arrvirw.-D.S.S. a ASM.SLA ACTALLVMWAL %Mff4TIM CLASWI"TWN %a*" loom va"Ov -00 '60 '0o 90 "0o .00 lee We 0 "go b u 0 V An L I V N 0 4 v v 0 goo 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ole 0 41i * 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 00 7.'.01600000000004 * * 4 0 0 0'6,*.o * 0 a 0 0 40 0 * 0 0 0, a 0 0 0 40 0 0 0 0 In 40 A VIP 41 * Soo 03 S I of It u is it 1) is l 34 Is it v a J4,21) 1211 its ri )10 at aw of v Ii a a "A 00 A I A 1 -2 .1, f ~ 4 A I I . v 'I l -1- L I AA 0 go Uji I I 1 0 1 a 0 00 0 H. Libman. Tb4' qbAy of simmintit. --Niker. 9w) 47 M i 9 -90 ?" - ; 0 Anx. I . $WWI i0fim - - i.. Got . Rd. It, 107, 181. A rcvk*7at Oft 2 ork"Wall the dima"ry aid wn W tbr rwt C C c a. a( the Ru*iau accuffeum. Go, Te. 11. Cd. am 71 we Irmwe". so It 13 too co 0 00 w Joe so 06 so* zoo so -.00 oo him4L A btTALiU*fKkL W944TWIt tLASSIVICAMN at 00 bu K AV so At 19 0 IV tp It 011 At x a ?1 9 WK n It it ft 0eta es's"Oo so e 00 0 * 0 It, cl Ah I 1 0 W-i-ij -1-vxft MAO a I S. an* 0 0 *is 0000 0 a 0 0 0 & 0 0 0 0 0 o 41 A 0* 0 so els e 00 0 00 0 *age 0 0 0 0 Ole 4 ego 0 0 000 * At 0 a 0 a so *! 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 474i f its it s its I -a a- it A v 41 union litrupd4lads 4: 0 k I A- 00 POKitilf AOD 04COW46 -*Vfg Nee 00 So .0.6 oo Wes in *Afft" Ombift P. Ubmin (W14, Mddly (&i, 00 'A7j~jjtw with sutistim-D S . . , -00 VWA -00 0 OR 0 0 00.3 400 Coo *9 13 coo oew 00 coo it wee see woo a u0 0 ~ -A L, k-L-W G-K- .4-L - -L I 19-0 Al-Ull -Q C L-A It -WCA-IW-" k A all slF,#j&v. $7-Int too saicaj -#7r ONT 4-t 43LAII ow evv If# it Al 10 . . . . . I I Im 0 11 . - - L 1 a t, t, Vol $tax,[ g a xg Ult a 0 0 0 0 0-0 0 0 0 * * * * fee 0 a 0 0 0000000 * 0 000000,0 000 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0000000 --LIBI,WN i- ly--;. I ' I "Rare Matais in Ru;sfa Darin'g the Year5 c1l the Im-yerialist War" Tavet. Met. 14, No. 6, 1939. Report U-1506, 4 Oct. 1951. 110n the History of Tungaten Mining in Russia", ITsvet. ),let. 14. jilo 12, December 1939. Report U-1506, 4 Oct. 1951. IJMNI B. P. Cand. Econ. Sci. - *Rare Metal Industry in the USM. A Living Embodiment of the Stalin Five-Year Plans,* Tsvet. meta,x No.5,194T Main Admin. Rare Metals Lxkstry., An-Union Inst. of Mineral Rar Materials LIBMAN YE. P - Geography and Geology Requirements of industry as to the quality of mineral raw materials. Handbook for geologists- Moskva, Gos. izd-vo geologicheskol lit-ry KonAtets. T)o delam geologil pri SNK SSSR, No. 41, Lithium, 1947. Monthly List of RLssian Accessions, Library of Congress, October 1952. UNCLASSIFIED. - L-7-,!'A~T - ".- I ~ " -PA -.)-Vl4qTS2 LIBKAN, R.P. Katerial for a biography of tekh. vol.6:110-124 155. (Avdeev. Ivan I.Y. Avdeev. Trudy Inst.istest.i (MIJU 9 -- 5) Vasillevich, d. 1865) LIBMAN, AS -P. R.I.German's works on chemistry and mineralogy of rare metals. Trudy takh. 12:40-54 156. (MM 9:12) (German, Radollf Iostfovich, 1805-1889) (KetalB, Rare and minor) ZERNOVA, Ye.N.; LMIAN, Ye.P., kand. ekon. nauk, red., (Bibliograpby of manuscript reports and printed works of the Scientific Researeb Institute for Mica, Asbestos Cement Elements, and the Designing of Construction for Enterprises of the-Mica Industry) Bibliografichaskii ukazatell rukopisnykh otchetov i pechatnykh izdanii institute. "NIIASBEESTTsaM." Hoskvag Otdel nauchno-tekhn. informatsiis 1959. 26 p. (MIRA 15:1) 1. Nauchno-issleclovatellskly Institut, slyudy, asbestotsement- nykh izdelii i proyektirovaniya stroitellstva predpriyatiy slyudinoy promysblennostio (Bibliograpby--Mica) KLYKOVA, A.L., assistent, LIB~M, Ye,S,', ordinator Largrange-Holt-Filat0v operation in glaucoma [with summaz7 in Rngl1sh], Vest.-Oft. 71 no.6:25-31 R-ID '58 (MIRA 11:11) 1e Xdedrn oftallmologii (zav. - zaslukheaw aeVatell nauki prof; M.L. Krasnov) TSentrallnogo instituta usovershenstvavaniya vrachey. (GLAUCOKAO surge iridenoleisis with sclerectow. Lagrange-Holt-Filatov method (Rue))