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LIBKIND, Aron Solomonovich; PYLAYEVA, A.P., red.; FEWOVA, A.r., tekha, - ~ - (Analyzing the economy of collective farms] Analiz ekonomiki kolkho- zov. Moskva, Goo. izd-vo selikhoz. lit-r7, 1957. 227 P. (MIRA 11:4) (Collective farms--Accounting) LIBKEO, Aron Solomonovich '-, '_ - [method of analyzing the annual report of collective farms] Priemy analiza godovogo otchete kolkhoza. [Koskval Moskovskii rabochii, 1958. 93 P. (HIRA 11:5) (Collective farms-Accounting) ACC NR; AP60351 ,A4 SOURCE CODE: UR/0413/66/000/019/(;097/0097 AUTHOR: Kaplan, V. I.; Druy, M. G.; Libkind Agafonov. B. S. ORG: none TITLE: Exhaust system. Class 42, No. 186743 SOURCE., Izobreteniya, promyshlennyy obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 19, 1966, 97 TOPIC TAGS: engine test stand, exhaust gas removal system, rocket test facility ABSTRACT: The proposed exhaust system for testing engines contains a shaft, .2 gas collector with an outlet, and a gas line whic.5 is coni-e-eted to t , gas collector outlel and to the shaft. The exhaust gases from the--tus_"gine nozzle re fed into the gas collector. To test 6nginea with exhaust in the vertical rect n, the outlet is mounte&under the gas collector and is made in the form of concentric bends, arranged one inside another. SUB CODE. 21/ SUBM DATEt 07May64/ ATD PRESS: 5103 IIDC,. 621.43.06 LIBKIND, L. 1. 1964 - - numn L 223o3--66 EWT(d)/T/;WP(1) lip(o) ACCESSION-NR: AP6005863 SOURCE CODE: !UR/0406/65/001/003/0048/0055 AUTHOR: Libkind, L. M. ORG: None TITLE: Epsilon-entropy of discrete information sources SOURCE: Problemy peredachi informatsii, v. 1, no. 3, 1965, 48-55 TOPIC TAGS: random process, entropy, information processing ABSTRACT- The author investigates the problem of obtaining explicit expressions of the Epsilon-entropy of segments of random processes with the finite number of states and discrete time. The calculations show that these eXpressions are cumberoome'and difficult to form, and that become sufficiently sLmple in form only at llsm~41111 values of Epsilon. It is for.this reason that the main attention is given to the obtaining of simple and convenient boundaries. Author is grateful to It. S. Pinsker for the statement of the problem and to R. L, _UgbjMjor valuable comments on theinitial version of the paper. Orig. art. has: 52 formulas.. SUB CODE,- 09 12 SUMI DATE: ?.3Mar65 ORIG REF: 003 t dard. 1/1,, no UDC. . 621.391.18 LIBKM,,.*., PkepodAvatell Visual aids for metal turning. Prof.-tokh. obr. 19, no.5:14 My 161. (PMU 14:8) 1. Tekhnicheskoye uchiliahche No.l,. g. Leningrad. (Turnifte-Audio-visual-aido) -"MMM :P M-0-1 *18(3) AUTHORS: Kleynman, Ya. M., LibUnd, M. A., Engineers sov/`19-59-1-7/20 TITLE: Automatic Control of Iron Smelting Furna-,es by Electrodes (Avtomaticheekoye upra~719r_iye elektrodami ferrosplaviiykhpechey) PERIODICAL: Priborostroyeniye, 1959, Nr 1, pp 8-10 (USSR) ABSTRACT: "Yuvmotallurgavtomatikall has developed a relay of the type ETR and a small series of the mentioned relay has been produced. The main part of the relay is a single contact magnetic amplifier which serves as an attenuator for the current intensity to be controlled and at-the same time it regulates the ' amplif-j'catiDn in such a way that a sufficiently small zone of insensitiveness is secu--ed. The relay can be used for both current and impedanoe regulation. The echeme of the relay shous the parts which belong to a oomplete relay group; I single :;ontact magnetic amplifier, two relays of the t,r a MXU-48, VP resistances of the type VS, 2 condensers of the type KEo-1, and 3 selenium rectifiers. The magnetic amplifier is supplied by a 36 V alternate curren',. In industry this relay is used as a ourrent reg-ulator in iron amelting furnaces and as an impedance reg- X . alator in carbide furnaces. A caybide furnace has alreadybeen Card 1112 in use f:,r 11 months without any trouble. From the given Automatip. of Iron Sme'I'l-i n.7 Furnaoas by Mectrlcdes SOV1119-59-11-7120 regulation cl-,T-7ea can be seen that the zelay operates very firmly. The relay 48 in a dust--proof case, weighs 9 kg and is constructed in such a .v~.y that it, is capable of cutting out Imillion tJAeswithout anydisturbance.The regulation ranges of the zone of arF, betweep. 's.2 and i7%. The time of rstardation of the relay In case of a cv.rrent deviation which does rx--t ~~-x--eed twice the zone of insensitiveness is between 0.1 and 0-5 aec. The--e ara 6 fl-g-aras. Card 2/2 LIBKDIDI"Mark Samailovich; MARKOVICH, Isaak Moiseyevich; q. -- i6ffi~iar' Ye.A., red. (Electricity on the move] Elektrichestvo v puti. Mo- skva, Izd-vo "Energiia," 1964. 120 p. (MIRA 17:6) TIONOV, B.G., inzh.; LIBMAN, M.D., inzh. Using cold asphalt plaster in waterproofing. Biul. tekh. Inform. po stroi. 5 no.4:18-20 Ap '59. (MIRA 12:8) (Waterproofing) (Asphalt) BLYUMBERG. V.A.; SERGEYEV, M.A4: KROPIVNITSKIT, N.H., inzh., reteenzent; X inzh.. retsenzent; BARSKIY, K.B., inzh.. red.; VARKOmmii&~H.. red.lzd-va; SPZRAUSKATA, O.T.,; I)LUGOKANSKAYA: ie.A., (Operator of boring and turning lathes) Tokarl-kanisellahchik. Moskva, Goesnauchno-toldm.izd-vo maohinostroit.lit-ry, 1959. 422 P. (MIRA 12:11) (Lathes) _ / A- ~ j /7 J 4_, - 'j I - - I 1-~f I e LIBKIND, M.S., Cand. Tech. Sci... Nbr.j, Energetics Inst. Im. G.M. KrAhizhanovskiy I.S. BRUKO Elelftrichestvo (No. 1) 37-44 (1948) "Elternating Current Calculating Table.." ILID-K-INDj, M. So - Am and P.I.Zubkov have translated into Russian "Transient Processes in Unear Systems," by I IMo F. Gardner and J, L. Burns, Published by Gosenergoizdat, 1949, 528pp., R 27 1so: v 14743, 1 Nov 195o LISM, M. 9. 15BT56 ~_OOSR/Whe~itics 7.Computers mar 50 Approximations "Errors That Occur During Calculations Carried Out on the 'Calculating Table I!' M S Libkind, Power Inst imeni KrzhizhanovsiiY, i7 P*P "1z Ak Nauk SSSR, Otdel, Tekh Naule' No3 Gives results of tests on "universal calculating table" constructed at Power Inst Acad Sci USSR. This macbine was described in "Eiektrichestvo" No 1) 1948, by 1. S. Bruk, et al. Sources of .,errors are inves'tigated in. measuring complex; re- sistance, inductance, capacitance,coils; generator (oscillator) elements; "parasitic W ameters; and capacity. Submitted 19 Sep~49 by Acad A. V. Vinter. 15%~6 Perekhodnie Protzesi v Lineinikh Sistemakh (Transients in Linear "Systems).. State Publishing House of Tech.-7beoretical Literature, Moscov, 1951. ;bWmectricity Network Analyzers IT= 5 1 Modeli P9 ~:."Comments on M. P. KOBtenkols. 'An Electrodynamic Model for Stability Studies' and Rejoinder*by Kostenko," M. S. Libkind, Cand.Tech Sci, Power Eng Inst imPn;.Krzhizhanovskiy, Acad Sci USSR -`Xlektrichestvo" No 6, PP 78-80 nkoln ar - ticle appeared in "Elektrichestvo" 9, 1950. Libkind disagrees with Nostenko's preference of electrodynamic models-over network He believes th"'each, has its 0" ',i,:2`Tfte1d of applicatio U.. Network, al~q, aecordimg U Libkind, are efficient in rapid a4ad ac- i~ationel ~~f curate invest -processes vhose.phys, '':mature is known and ixpressed.'in math form (particularly in calcns of the stability of' 0 ec systems), and therefore should be used 'by ilanning organizations and power'systems for practical calens. Phys models, however, are useful where the nature of the investi- ted process is unknown,,and therefore'be- ''ga lcm pri=wily in laboratories of'research 9 A. educational iustiiuti6is. Mostitlio an J.L,..states that Libkind overestiviates the merits of the network analyzer. 01 it LIKIND. M.5.; BRUX, I.s., chlen-korrespondent. Subharmonic oucl2lations In a simple earien circuit. It-r.AN SM Otd.tekh. nauk no.9:1248-1261 S '53. (91-RA 6:10) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR (for Bruk). (Electric circuits) (Oscillations) LIBKIND# KeSs Conference on the Knibyahey-goscow power transmission system's internal overvoltage. Izv.AN SM Otdtekh.nauk ito.11:1662-lM3 N '53. Off-RA 7:1) (Blectric networks) Ise V, I tos ~L 5, --,:L LIBKM, M.5 Imndidat tekbnicbeekikh nauk. Generalization of-experience in long-distance electric energy transmission. (Sessiodin the Institute of Power XMineering). Vest.-AIF SSSR 27 no*-6:107-i06 Je 157. OMA 10:'7) (Blectric power distribution) 110-12-5/19 AUTHOR: Libkind. M.8., Candidate of Technical Sciences. -TITLF.: The Magnetisation Power and Loss in Transformer Steel When a Strong Direct Field is Super-posed on a 50 cls Alternating Field. (Moshchnost':n9megrjichivaniya i poteri v transforma*-or- Aoy stali pri nalazhenii sillnogo postoyannogo polya na peremennoye pole ohastoty 50 Sts) PBRIODICAL: Vestnik Blektropromvahlennosti, 1957, 'Vol.28, No.12 pp. 16 - 19 (iSSR) ABSTRACT: Although magnetic amplifiers have mostly been made of small output for control purposes, it would be quite practical to make them of high output. Indeed, this has already been done abroad, and in the USSR successful tests have been made on d.c. magnetisation of 360 MVA transformers for the purpose of using excess reactive power generated by high-voltage transmission lines. Successful use of the principle of magnetic amplification in power equ;rent entails d.c. magnetisation of the order of - 100 cm 50 Few investigations have extended beyond 15 A/cm, but G.P. Smirnov has derived characteristics up to 60 A/cm though he gives no values for losses. This article reports measurements of permeability and power Cardl/4 losses for steels 941 and 9310, 0.5 mm thick with a simultaneous 110-12-5/19 The Magnetisation Power and loss in Transformer Steel When a Strong Direct Field is Super-posed on a 50 cls Alternating Field. application of direct and 50 c/s alternating fields. The tests were made on small specimens weighing about 4 kg. The direct component of field intensity ranged up to 0 - go A/cm and the alternating component from 0.8 to 1.9 webers/m . The measure- ments were made with an alternating component of magnetic flux of almost pure sine wave form. The steel specimens were assembled from sheets of 30 x 230 X 0.5 mm, covered on one side with nitro- lacquer. Three uniformly-distributed windings were wound on the core as shown in Fig.1; the inner measuring winding had 400 turns and the next or magnetising winding had 960 turns. A d.c. winding of 960 turns was used only for measurements of active power. A formula is quoted which gives the amplitude of the alternating component of magnetic induction directly, as was shown by Rudnyy: the ma imilm error is + 4%. A schematic diagram of the a i_cuit used to measure the excit- ation is shown in Fig.2. One ammeter indicates the d.c. compon- ent of the magnetising current and another the r.m.s. value of the total current in the circuit. The r.m.s. value of the first harmonic of the magnetising current is measured by a wattmeter. Card2/4 A formula quoted for the incremental permeability is claimed to 110-12-5/19 The Magnetisation Power and Loss in Transformer Steel When A Strong Direct Field is Super-posed on a 50 c/s Alternating Field. be accurate to 3 - 4%. The test results are given in Figs- 3 and 4 in the form of families of curvqs. The losses in the steel were measured by the circuit given in Fig-5, using a special wattmeter. The current-transformer is so connected that the current passing through it should contain no even harmonies. It was shown by oscillograph that this condition is fulfilled. An analysis is made of the errors in loss measure- ment, and the values of the maximum error of individual measure- ments are tabulated. The results Of the loss measurements are given in Fig.6 for steel 341 and in Fig.? for steel 2310. Those parts of the curve for which the errors of measurement can be more than 1011'6 are shown dotted. At all values of induction, the tests showed that the super4position of d.c. magnetisation increases the losses. The curves relate to interleaved specimens; with butt joints the losses are somewhat greater. According to BeBB8n v, and some other authors, losses in steel are markedly reduced by the super-position of direct magnetisation if the alternating induction exceeds a certain critical value. This finding was not confirmed. At best, there was only a small (;ard3/4 reduction in the losses. It must be supposed that there were 110-12-5/19 The Magnetisation Power and Loss in Transformer Steel When A Strong Direct Field is Super-posed on a 50 c/s Alternating Field. large errors in the earlier measurements. The following participated in the work: B.S. Vor-ob.'Yev, Engineer, L.I. Kazanskiy, Engineer, and Yu.S. Vukulqv and Sairnoy, o FLBsis 'a' There are ? figures I table and 12 refer- Y $ laboratoT. Whic re Slavic. ences A. ASSOCIATIOM Powe ~,tute of the Ac.Sc. USSR. (Enerseticheakiy r Ir Institut AN .SSSR) SUBMITTED: April 81 1957- AVAILABIR: Library of Congress Car d 4/4 4 /6 &/ iv L> W. S'~ BRUK, Isaak Samenovi ' ; ZUBKOV. Pavel Israilevich; KRYUKOV, Adrian Aleksandrovich; W14P,,.Hark Samuiloviohl MARKOVICH, Isaak Moiseyevich; SOVAIDY, Solomon, Abracovich; GRIGORIYEV, Te.N., red.izd-va; NOYIKOTA. B., [Long distance transmission of alternating current] Dallnis persdachi peremennogo, toks. Moskva, Izd-vo Aked. neuk SSSR, 1958. 258 P- (MIRA 11-15) 1. Chlon-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Bruk) (Blectric power distribution) 105-50-4-20/37 AUTHORS: Markovich, I. U., Doctor of Technical Sciences L:Lbkind, Candidate of Technical Sciences TITLE: 0:1 Dynamic 11odels of Power Systems (0 dinamicheskikh modelyakh energoeistem) PERIODICAL: 13-1ektrichestvo, 1958 ITr 49 PP- 73 - 74 (USSR) , ABSTRACT: This i3 a discussion on the article by I. S. Bruk in Elektri- chestvo, 1958, TIr 2. Pointing at the book by V. A. Venikov and A. V. Ivanov-Smolenskiy "Physical Modelling of Electric Systems", 1956, GEI publicationp and referring to some para- graphs from this book the author is of opinion that dynamic models can be used in the investigation of various problems as well as for teaching aids. It is useless from the viewpoint of technical possibilities as well as of expenses to compare the dynamic models as means for the quantitative investiga- tion with the electrical network analyzer and with numerical machines before the problem of the accuracy in the carrying out of various calculations by means of the dynamic models Card 1/2 will be completely explained. As regards the universal numeric- 105-58-4-20/37 On Dynamic Models of Power Systems al machines their use for the calculation of the operation ,of enorry systems will be extended, other devices being re- placed to a certain extent. ASSOCIATION: Energeticheskiy in3titut in. Krzhizhanovgkogo Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute for Power Engineering imeni Krzhizhanovskiy AS USS11) AVAILABLE: Library of Congress 1. Electrical systems-Modelling Card 2/2 SOV/110-53-7-18/21 ,WTHORS Yenin, V.T. , Candidate of Technical Scienn and Libkind, 1-II.S. Candidate of Technical Sciences TITLE: Concerning the article 'Now Sources of reactiv,--pover that can be used to improve the utilisation c,.L- generators and synchronous condensersl(po povodu stat'i 'Novyyeistochnilci roaktivnoy moshchnosti.pozvolya, 'rushchiyo uluchshit' ispoll~ zovaniye generatorov i sirillirom,y1ch 1~1-ompensatorovl) .2y PERIODICAL: Vestnik Blektropromyshlennosti, 1~-58,jNr 7, pp 62-65 (USSR) Discussion by two authors of an art.iicle b-,.- Professor V.A. Venikov, Candidate of Technical Science, V.V. Khudyakov, and Engineer A.N. Tsovlyariov, published in Vestnik Elehtropromysh- lennostil Nr 12, 1957 Contribution of Yenin ABSTRACT: The proposal to replace synchronous condensers by a static inertialess installation based on capacitors and a rcgulating link is attractive, bulk, t.1-le rectifter-inverter and rectifier- Card 115 capacitor circuits proposed are not good choices. The SOV110-58-7--~8/21 Concerning the article 'Neu sources of reactive pover that can be 'Used .L. Uo improve the uttilisation of gonerators and synchronous condensers' series-ccnnected capacitors might form resonant circuits; the limits of regulation are very restricted under capacitative conditions when vorking on reactors; the installed power of the capacitors is too great; the load-factors are too low; and tho service life of the capacitors too short. The disadvantages of existing artificial switching circuits that cart be Used with leading angles 3f regulation, and of the circuits viven in the article, are fundamental. Hence the idea arises o-E replacing the capacitors by inductive apparatus using the rectifiers or inverters as ionic compensators. A schematic diagram of a double-bl'idge circuit with a magnetic frequency-tripler is given in Fig. 1; the way in which phase-diisplacement can be achieved with this equipment is shoi,ai in Fig. 2. Tests were made on a moddl of the circuit; when operating against back e.m.f., the power-factor was varied from 0.5 lagging to 0.5 leadinC and the output of the frequene-t, r tripler ranged from 0 to 0.6 ISAAW. The reactive power can be varied smoothly. A more efficient circuit than lard 2/r~ ? , this frequency-tripler is the bridge circuit with magnetic SOV/110-58-7-18/21 Concerning the article 'New sources of reactive power that car, be used to improve the utilisation of generators and synch-ronous condensers, frequency-doubler shown in Fig. 4a. The anode transformer consists of a group of single,-phase transformers, as in F 'ig. 4b, and was developed in the Moscow Power Institute by Professor G.111. Petrov and Docent M.S. Mikhaylov-Mikulinskiy. Such a transformer is nct difficult to construct and there is no need 'for an externO source of d.c. Voltage and current diagrams are given in Fig. 5. As will be seen from Fig. 6) the greatest effect is obtained vrhen the angle between the fundamental frecuency and the second harmonic is 450. The theory and pracfice of magnetic frequency-multipliers cannot be developed here, but it is certain that these circuits are better -under both normal and fault conditions than those using rectifiers and capacitors. However2 detailed technical and economic studies are required before a final choice of' method can be n-ade. There are 6 figures and 2 referenecs, Card 3/5 one of which is Soviet and I German. SOV/110-58-7-18/21 Concerning the article 'New sources of reactive power that can be used to improve the utilisation of generators and synchronous condensers, Contribution of Libkin~j The article under discussion considers only one way of compensating transmission lines. The type of equipment recommended is still in the laboratory stage of development and readers are warned not to draw premature conclusions about it. Figure I shows in relative units a family of volt-ampere characteristics obtained on a 10 L-VA model of a three-phase controlled reactor. It will be seen that the reactive pomer consumption can be varied by a factor of 5 - 10 by altering the constant component of field intensity. The reactor is soon saturated when the applied voltage is raised; this is very convenient when it is required to limit internal over-voltages. The wave-shape of the reactor current is shown In Fie. 2, and is practically sinusoidal. The reactor current under transient conditions caused by use of d.c. sub-magnetisation is shown in Fie. 3. The transient proces5 iu _,ompleted in-0.06 seccnds. Thus, it may be Card possible to develop a saturable reactor with sinusoidal SOV110-58-7-18/21 Concerninj,; the article 'New sources of reactive power that can be used to improve the utilisation of generators and synchronous condensers' current suitable for high-speed control. Such reactors might be built with outputs of 100-200 IIVA at voltages of 20 - 30 kV and with high efficiency. This would then be a very economical way of controlling reactive power. Direct- current supplies could be obtained by rectification. Card 515 There are 3 figures and I reference, which is Soviet. 1. Generators--Performance 2. Capacitors--Performance 3. Power supplies--Sources IT t4 .4 :4 Bill 01 40 IF 110 00 fir K KUGUSHEV, G. 1. Increasing the quality of models by means of deep freezing. Kaucb.dokl.vys.ahko1y; energ. no.1:255-258 '59. (UIR& 1215) 1. Energeticheakiy institut im. G.)(.Krzhizhanovakogo. Nagnetoelectric macbines--Models) LIMIND M. kand.tekhn.nauk Seventh session of the Commission for Long-Distance Power Trans- mission at the Power Ingineering Institute of the Academy of Sci- encea of the U.M.Re Blektrichestvo no.2:84-86 IF '59- (MMA 12:4) 1. Uchenyy sekretarl Komisail, dallnikh peredach pri 'Energaticheekom institute All SSSR* (Power engineering) SOV/24-59-2-28/30 AUTHOR: Libkind, M,.~(Uoscow) TITM: On Calculation of the Harmonic Composition of the Magnetiz- ing Current Produced by Superimposing the Direct and Alterna- ting Fields (0 raschete garmonicheskogo sostava namagnichiva- yushchego toka pri nalozhenii postoyannogo polya na peremenno- ye) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR Otdeleniye tekhnicheskikh nauk, Energetika i avtomatika, 1~59, Nr 2, pp 149-150 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The experiments were carried out in order to determine the effect of a static field on the magnetizing properties of the alternating current of the sinusoidal and nonsinus.oidal induction. The latter was determined from expression (1). The results are presented in the table on p 149, showing the characteristic parameters of 5 types of magnetic bodies. The analysis of results showed that the harmonic characteris- tics of the current can be determined from a typical curve of Card 1/2 SOV/24-59-2-28/30 On Calculation of the Harmonic Composition of the Magnetizing Current Produced by Superimposing the Direct and Alternating Fields magnetization. An accuracy of 10% was obtained for the first harmonic and up to 40% for the second, third and fourth harmonies. There is 1 table. ASSOCIATION: Energeticheskiy institut AN SSSR (Power Institute, Academy of Sciences, USSR) SUBMITTED: November 22, 1958. Card 2/2 LIMIND, H.S. Characteristics of extremely long a.c. lines with controlling transverse compensation. Izv. AN SSSR. Utd. tekh. nauk. Inerg. i avtom. no.5:50-57's-0 159. (KMA 13:1 I.Buergetteheskly institut AN SSSR. (Blectric lines) 8(2) AUMORSt Libkind#.,JG..,S~,, qandid&Uof ToWmical. W005-59-T-W30 0 TITLEt Diagram, f the Rarilonio"COM a for the Determirrati ono position'Of"ibe, Magnetization Carron*-When 5iiperimposing a-Constant Riold'on an Alternating Field (Grafiki dlya opredeleniyagarzoni-chadkogo sostava. nimagniabivayushohego toka pri nalozhenii postqyunogo polya, na peremennoys) FMODICALt Ele1drichestva, 1959P Nr'Tv pp. 55 -5T.- (UM) ABSTMCT r The: Investigation of-the hamionio o6mpositicai'of -the mXpetizatio*n current when- superit'posing a. constant field with a frequency of 50 cycles upon an aLlternating -field -was carried out In connection with the providing of now'conirolled static devices for the transversal-compensation of alternating:ou;rent transmission lines. For this work the principle.of magnetic amplification4as Ased. ftperiments were oarried-out for th6-purppse of ma guetizing the large pavrer transformers in the Moame, * system (at the power plant GIB-134a 1954 and &V the 400 -k.w...o4bstation in.,1956). when superimposing a constant.'field upon an alterzating.ftold'.als6 small samples of electrotoobnid'al'steels,were, inveiotigatid (Ref 1). TbA- Card 1/3 characteristic feature of these investigations was,the feat that Diagrams for the Datermina*ion of the Harmonic .03"osktion of SM/105-59-;7-14/30 the VApetization Current When -Superimposing a. Constant Field on an Alternating Field they were carried out at relativoly hiab yalues'Of the Oonst"t component of magnetio,fiek strength# whiob attained 120'a/cm. The resulAs obtained by experiments carried:.out with the small samples are in good agreement-with-th6se carAed out with apparatus of high efficiency, It was found that e"n a mail deviation of magnetic flux from the sinusoidal shape influences the harmonic composition of the magnetization current considerably~. The initial angles ce' the shifting of,1he highext'barmoiAos of the-magnetization current with bespect to the first harmordo depend on the losses in the apparatus and on the.resistan('Xi of the eiternal. circuit. Figures 1 and'2 show the diagrams for steel gap and figures 3 and 4 show 'those for StW SAO, These diagrams were made on the basis of experimental results and oalculationis.'The diagrams make it possible to determine the harmonic composition'of -the: U'Lagnatiiation. current vith the simultaneous action atM* direct- and alternating fields with an accuracy of up to Ug'in ihe case of the first harmonic, and of up to 40% in the case of4iiefseciond, thirdp and-fourth Card 2,/3 harponio. An example is given for the calculation of the*barmonic Diagrams for the Determination of the Harmonic- Composition AM/105-59-7-14/30 of the MWetization Current When Superimposing & Constant Field on an Alternating Field composition of'the mapeti zation curren-k- by me ans of the diagrams givene There am 5-figures and 1 Soviet referenoe# ASS=JtT1.CW: Energetioheakiy institut Almdemii nauk SSSR (Institute of Power Engineering of the Academy of Scienoes of the USSR) SUMTTED: IPril 2N 1959 Card 3/3 BAUH, V.A., doktor tekbn.nauk,; TGLSTOV, Yu.G., doktor tekhn. nauk, red.; PWROT, V.I.. kand.tekhn.nauk, red.; KCLCUNOGOVA# I.P., kand.takhn.nauk, red.- MKIIIII, U.S., lmnd.takhn.nauk, red.; MOKO, I.M., inzh., B.L.Onzh., red,; BOLISHOT, N.D., red.; BURAKOV, S.Ye., (Proceedings of the Fifth Conforence of Young Scientists] Trudy.T konferentaii molodykh achanykh. Moskva, Akad.nauk SSSR, Tol.l. 1960. 91 p. Vol.2. 1960. 79 P. (MIRA 3.4:3) 1. Konferentaiya molodykh uchenykh. 5th. (Biectrio power dintribution) LIBKIND, M.S.; KUGUSHEVP G.I. Three-phase saturable' reactor v'~th nine wjLve current. Elektro- onergaUka no.2S23/*-V+5'I60 (Him 14:3) tl4dg'netic amplifiers) LIMM, Mark Sa TOMOV, Yu,G.# prof,, doktor teklm,nauk, otvacds; GRIGGRIYEV, Ye.11.., z"d.izd-va; MAKOGCNOVA, I.A.,,; RILIKA, Yu,T,,, [Regulated resotor for a.c.power transmission lines] Upravlia- evyl reektor dlia linii persdachi paremennogo, toka. Koskvat Isd-vo Akad.nauk s=, 1961. -139 PO (MM 14:3) (Ilectrio power distribution) s/196/61/000/010/018/037 E19VE155 AUTHORSs Libkind, M.S., and Kugushev, G.I. TITLEs A three-phase saturating reactor with sinusoidal current PERIODICALt Referativnyy zhurnall ElelEtrotekhnika i energetika, no.10, 1961, 13, abstract JOI 85. (Elaktroenergetika, no.,2, ig6o, 134-145) TEXTs The article conalders the schematic circuit4 construction and design of a symmetrical saturable reactor formed by.the stator of an induction or synchronous motor whose normal rotor is replaced by a stationary cylinder of laminated ferro- magnetic material. It is shown that if in a symmetrical three- phase system the'reserve of magnetic energy is a constant value then the current and voltage contain no higher harmonic-components of positive and negative phase-sequenco. Therefore, with star or delta connection the current drawn by the reactor from the system should be sinusoidal. Here the magnetic flux in the reactor can vary according to a fairly complicated law. The procedure is used to caloulate the volt-ampere characteristics of two types of Card 1/2 LIBKM, M.S.., kand.tekhn.nauk Reply-to M.S& Mikhailov-Mikulinokii's article *Pricipal magnetic losseo in electric machinery with two rotating fields.u Izv.-' vys. ucheb. zav.; elektromekh. /+ no.5.-no-m'61. It (MIRL 1/+:7) (Electric machinery) (Mikhailov-Mikulimokii$ Mesa) LIBKIND Mark-.,Sa=d1avich;,WGOR'7EV,, Ye.N.,q red. izd-va; BEVCHENKO, G.N.j. tek)m. red. [Transformer-generated bigber barmonics) Vyeshie garmoniki.. generiruenye transformatorami. Moskva, Izd-.:vo Akad. nauk SSSR, 1962 100 P. (MIM 150) iBlectric transformers) (Electric power distribution) LIEKIND) M.S.; TAN' TSZO-U [Van Tso-wu] Use of metallic thermistor for limiting internal overvoltages. Elektroenergetika, no-5167-73 162. (MIRA 15:4) 1 (Electric power distritution-High tension) (Electric prctecticn) LIBKnM, M.S. (Moskva); MISHCHERYAKOV, K,P. (Moskva) Minimum lose conditions in a line with regulated transverse o:)m- pensation. Izv.AK SSSR.Otd.tekh.nauk.Znerg.i avtom. no.2:28-35 Mr-Ap t62, I (MM 15W (Electric power distribution-Alternating current) 0 POPKOV, V.I.; TOISTOV, Yu.G.; STEKOLINIKOV, I.S.; MEYEROVIcH, L.A.;4, MOSKVITIN., A.I.; TAFT, V.A.; GORUSMIN, V.I.; SOVALOV, S.A.1 LiBlim, H.S. SL_xtTe_th birthday of I.M. Markovich. Blektrichestvo no-5: .87 My 161. (MIRA Il,:g) (Markovich, Isaak Moiseevich, 1901-) LIBUM, M~S _.. --kand.tekhn.nauk (Moskva) Tuned eleletric power transmission systems. Elektrichestro no.6:84,..83 .16 162. (MIRA 15:6) (Electric power distribution) M.' LIBKIND .......... -, Sond prqperties of balanced electrical networks. Elektroener- g6tika tib,7:148--154 163. (NIM 16.- 9) 1 1766----65 EW T (.',. )lJP(c)/t5D ACCESSION NR: AP4049217 S/0281/64/000/005/0577/0586 AUTHOR: Libkind. H. S. ~,ethod for the calculatior nt s S Pl. I 'a. Ene r,.' t ansvers~: magnt-,t i -3 ite! --t r i 1 17663-65 ACCESSION NR: AP4049217 0-e law governing the changes in the vo!-age of a z:ontroll ;nQ a sine wave current in a coii, the -,ependen.--, -if 0- ,rm,4 I z~~f,.A~ dv,a~,, ndLCL vity or, the magnet i a Qe dt"d 3 a e h r1i 3 3 (A ON: none NO REF SOV: 003 OTHER: 0(14 Ccrd 2/2 KALITIN, N.G., inzhener (g. Sverdlovsk); KOGAV, E.G., inzhener (g.bverdlovsk) LIBKIND, M.Ya., inzhener (g. Sverdlovsk) Track maintenance on section using electric traction. Put.i put.khot. no.4:6-8 Ap 157. (MIaA 10:5) (Railroads--Maintenance and Repair) KALITIN, N.T., inxh.; KOGAN, N.G., inzh.; LIBKIND, H.7a., inzh. Improve the qualit7 of mile. Pat' i put. Mon. n0-10:13-16 0 157. (Railroads-Rails) (UM loal) XOMAROV, I.V.; KALITIN, N.T., inzh.; KOGAN, N.G.. inzh.; LI:BKIND,. H.Ya.. inzh. (Sverdlovsk). Value of warning signals, Pat' i, pat. khoz. no.2:8-10 7 158. (MIRA llt3) 1. Starehiy dorozhnyy motor, Alma-Ata (for Komrov). (Railroads--Signaling) KALITIN, N.T., inzh.; KOGAN, N.G., inxh,,,* ~IBKI~NDM~.Ya., inzh. (Sverdlovsk) We are eliminating shortcomings in defectoscopy. Pat' i put. khos. no.9:34-35 S 158. (MIRIL 11:9) (Sverdlovsk--Railroads--Rails--Teoting) KRA OSHEVSKIY,.4.S.; DANCHICH, V.V.; AVDIYE14KO, T.G.; ARKHAITGELISKIY, A.F.; GAK, A.k.; YEPIPANTSET, Yu.P.,- ZELINSKIY, V.M.; IVANOV, P.'Si; IVASHC=ffOl F.R.00 KALT INA, N.D.; KHAVCHMO, A.G.; KOTLYAROVA, A.V.; KRUGLYAKOVA, M.D.; LEVIKOV, I.-I.~_.LIBKIND, R.I.; NIKOLAYEVA, N.A.; NAUMIKO, V.F.; FRESHMAN, I.B.; POBEDINSKAYA, L.P,; POXALYMOV, S.N.; POPOV, A.A.; SMOKETM, M.N.; TARABOV, I.V.; FILONENKO, A.S.; SHISHOT, Ye.L.; SMYMAN, L.I.; YAKUSEIIN, K.F.; ZVORYKINA, L.H.. red. izd-va; LOKILINA, L.N., [Horizontal mining in foreign countries] Provedenie gorizon'talinykh vyrabotok sa rubezhom. Moskva, Ugletekhizdat, 1958. 342 p. (MIRA 12:4) 1. Xharkov. Vaesoyuznyy nauchno-isaledovatellskiy institut organizataii i mekbgnizatsii shakhtnogo stroitellstva. (Mining engineering) LIMOVA H.. BL"KOVIC. D.; VILC1K, J.; RMUOK, J.; GRESIKOVA, K.; Z'CICX:A.O., ZRM, Z.f KATER, V. Incidenge of antibodies against tick-borne encephalitis virus in man and domestic animals In a small village-in a natural focus of infection. J.byg.epidem., Praha 4 no-3:327-332 16o. 1. Institute of Virology, Czechoslovak Acadeuq of Sciences, Bratislava. (XffCEPRA 1TISq3PMZKIC immunol.) Y-IGMV. B.S.; JAIBLIK.A.G. An unknown por;rait of R.I.Pirogov. Xhirurgiia 32 no.11:79-80 9 156. -(MLRA 10:3). 1. Iz fundamentalluoy bibliotaki Tartuakogo gosudarstvennogo universitata. (PMOGW.. NIKOIAI IVANOVICH, 1810-1881) LIMAN, A., inshe; MAKUSHIN, B., inzh.; MIRDNYCHHV# Go. inzhe Stand for testing electric motors. Pros. keep. 12 no.9:13 8 158. (KIRA 11:10) (Blectric motors-Testing) 41~ j @WWI Gooses**$ 0 a v ) a IN v I a a 4 Is 1 42 a a S 1 1 . F L 0 A AA I 00 A , 7- Olt 4.0 in -Q*0W 10SNO if" Clam T7-Z:77'1 016riss9t A-* PEC01,11116 WWI 4 *0 - Cbs" .00 0% ft- baUs for .00 S&-W Aftkli L N 4 71 4 - O. . ~ (11141); Ckm*. Zen&. 1941. 1*0 W MIA. wem "uWc to prodam &Wi,g , ~" 11 1 00 , lri 0 ta wear. for momak PktW The 00 *0 b4h w 12146 Irm cam"mum of diffemt sk" !rfpoo" les with of dfff 4.0 , mnt mtim of I(scoUsch-kh, Ten4Wtejt*wcmma&. The -rr-t binda mtWfttr~ .00 004 Idigatst idso Ip Impar4nt wo mm nmt be tal,, tip As and. afta um. a* G 00 I 400 goo WO 0 roe goo Soo goo use Als-ILA ~&UALLVWICAL UNNAVIdt CLAIWiCATM C-D?-T=-Jjr= - 64jama MAN 4MV Olt saaall an a" Lit I 10 up A % a ft 0. 0 :6 1 W Of 9 A 4 3 0 0 i ' I A 2 AV to 15 TI so. go 0 0 o 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000-600000000* 1 1 1 C ~0'0. 0 0 0-0 0 0 0 9 0 0-0-0-0-wo-we 0 We 0 L13MAN.A.Ya. -, Sources of economy and increasing productivity In concrete pro- ducts plants. Gorikhoz.Kosk.29 no.9:26-28 3155. (MLRA 8:12) (Reinforced concrete) I I i SHNYKIN. A.Te., prof.; LIBMAN, A.j&.;--GUN TSU-SBNI, insh.; UR17W, TS.D. , insh.: KHAPABTSNTA;--k.-A.--'-i-~-zh. Rapid hardening portland cements for making precast reinforced con- cretes. Bet. I shel.-bet. no.2:68-71 If 159. (MIRA 12.3) (Cement) (Concrete-Testing) LIDW-1, A.Ya.; GERVER, A.V., inzh., red. (Selection of concrete composition; from work practices of the production-experimental laboratory and factories of the Main Administration of the Building Materials Industry under-the Executive Gomittee of the Moscow City Soviet of Working People's Deputies]Podbor sostavov betona; iz opyta raboty Proizvoditellno-eksperimentallnoi laboratorii i za- vodov Glavmospromstroinaterialov. Moskva, Gosstroiizdat., 1960. 41 P. 04IRA 15:8) 1. Akademiya stroitellstva i arkhitektury SSSR. Institut organizateiiq m6khanizateii i tekhnicheskoy poroshchi Atroitelistyu.. 2. Nachallnik Proizvodstvenno-okeperimentallnoy laboratorii Glavnogo upravlepiya promyshlennooti stroitell- rqkh materia-lov i straitelt4kh detaley (for Libman). (Concrete-Testing) j A14IRI)ZffANOV, S.S.; LIBMAN, A.Z.q LURIYZ, M.Ye. Yloat liquid level regulators. Yod. i Ban. tekh. no.10:19-21 '59- (MIRA .13:1) Ud4uid level indicators) 8(o), 12(3) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/1545 Zorokhovich, Aleksandr Yefimovicho and Anatoliy Zakharovich Libman Opyt remonta elektrooborudovaniya, pasoazhirskikh vagonov. (Repair- ing Electrical Equipment of Railroad Passenger Cars) Moscow, Transzheldorizdat, 1958. 90 P. 5,000 copies printed. Ed.: M.M. Broksh, Engineer; Tech. Ed.: G.P. Verina. PURPOSE: This booklet is intended for workinen overhauling and repairing the electrical equipment of railroad passengerears in plants and depots. COVERAGE: The authors describe -.the. experience of the Elektrotsekh vagonnogo depo st. Moscow III Severnoy 'dorogi jElectrical Work- shop of the Car Depot of Moscow III Station,.Worthwrn Railroad) in the repair and overhaul of basic units of'electrical equip- ment of steel passenger cars. They explain the workshop tools, digs and repair*equipment and describe methods of testing and -checking. The book also describes new-rejfaii~ methods developed Card 1/15 Repairing Electrical (Cont.) SOV/1545 and trktroduced by the crew of this electrical workshop. The repair and teat equipment was developed by the crew under the supervision ofl-the Chair of Electrical Engineering of MUT imeni I.V. Stalin. The authors thank Doctor of Technical Sciences M.A. Petrov., professor at MIIT,, Engineer IN. Surguohev of the Rizhskiy elektromashinostroiteltnyy zavod, and B.V. Makushin, manager of the above-mentioned workshop. There are no references. TAKE OF CONTENTS: From the Authors 3 Ch. 1. Organization of Repair Work on Electrical Equipment of Railroad Passenger Cars'and the Electrical Workshop Layout 4 1. The work crews 4 2.: The workshop sections T 3. 'Delivery and acceptance proce'dures 11 Ch. U. Overhaul of Generators 14 1. Inspection of generators in the car on its return, after its arrival from a trip 14 Card 2/5 7 Repairing Electrical (Cont.) SOV/1545 2. Replacement of bushings, suspension shafts and generators Replacement of brushes Dismantling and assembly of generators Checking and repair of armature windings Checking and repair of excitation windings 2 8 Impregnation and drying of armature and excitation windings 29 Repair of the commutator 30 9. Repair of bearings and armature shafts 33 10. Testing of generators 34 11. Repair of the idrive mechanism and tighteners 35 Ch. III. Repair and Charging of Acid storage Batteries 38 1, Inspection of 4torage batteries in the car on its return from a trip 8 ~ 2. Detection of faults in storage batteries 2 3. bismantling and repair 46 4. Preparation of the electrolyte and filling of storage. batteries 51 5. Charging of storage batteries 54 Card 3/5 Repairing Electrical (cont.) SOV/1545 Ch. IV..,.Repair of Alkaline Storage Batteries 58 1. Inspection of batteries inthe car on its . return from a,-~trl p 58 2 Repair of storage batteries and refilling with electror lyte 8 ChargIng of storage, batteries Ch. V. Charging Apparatus 'f6r Storage Batteries 61 1. Central charging station 61 2. Auxiliary charging station in the depot 66 3. Auxiliary charging stations In the marshalling yards 75 Ch. VI. Repair of Interior Electrical Equipment 80 1. Inspection of electrical equipment in the car on its' return from a trip 80 2. Repair and cleaning of lighting fixtures 82 3. Repair of safety fuse equipment 83 Card 4/5 TAUUyTIS, B.A. kand.t9khn.n&,,k; LIBYAN, A,Z,,oinzh. Railroad car electric power plants equipped with a.ce generators and semiconductor rectifiers. Vest. TSHII WS [171 no.7:55-57 N 158. (Railroads-31ectric equipment) (MIRA 11:12) . ~4& O"t T ZOROKHOVICH Aleksandr Yefimovich;~~ ~&j-,4Zt_OjiY Zakharovich; VE-KRMUN, S.V.j red. [Repair of the electrical equipment of passenger cars] Remont elektrooborudovaniia passazhirskikh vagonov. Mo- skvaj Transport, 1964. 313 P. (MIRA 17:10) M, -Ipm J. cf'~,,; o r-na) 1-jp ~tjtiods o obtaininC C-'~-C!12 c1 (I.) ));%ta -or on T T~l the 3)trj.'.nVv,,,.rl oi' teluene ::n t*--,-, -,vr;~'nue Of ".01,0for" -~:3 ~tor of the I.e., *Cticil. T!lc ntl:o" "ur producti(.:~ or I .7. 'hal"'win.- NELINIKOVY N.N.; ZETKIN, V.1 - LIBMAN B.Ya,: SOKOLOVA, Ye.M.; ZAKHARCV, Ye.v.; FARFENOVS A.i:,- RUNGV$ F. .; GOLYSHIN,, N.M. Organic fungicides as substitutes for copper-containin reparations. MUm. prom. no.10s98-30 0 161. UHL 15:2) (Fungicides) PETROV, K.A.; NIFANTIYEV, E.Ye.; LIBMAN, B.Ya. 5 thesis of di-(2-ethylhexyl) phosphate and phenyldi- 'r2-ethylb ) pbosphate. Zhur. prikl. khim. 36 no.921853- 1857 Ag 1311. (MIRA 16:11) 0 4 960_ 66 -kwfin)1EPk(c)/Ew1_DQjZ~ ji?/w ~ . - ..SOU UR/028V665/000/0i ACC NRs AF$~ #005/0025 ~09 CODE. 1 AV - Bli AUTHORS K K S Z N L B Y : . seva., * a@; mMMI, M. va4g. .; *; WktMns Beym, A I I S-evitov, L'Be 4,4~ ORG:_ ne no ctial Claaj 120 No; 174624 .-TITLE: A method for obtaining _Wphooph t God -Lannounced b anization of the 3 f r Chemic l s or Ind &e g 1 gn _ a a . o - -g 2g y g 4 2g Organizatsip gosudarstvonubgo komiteta po khimicheskoy promphlonnoati pri �SSR - ~,3 ~0 . gosplane-,SSSR) SOURCE: Byulleten' izobreteniy i.tovarnykh znakovp no. 18p 1965p 25 , alcohol TOPIC TAGSt pbospho, compound , dialltylphosphite . . ABSTRACT: This Author C ertificate presents a method for obtaining dialkyl- phosphites by reacting.phosphorus trichlorido with alcohols or alcoholic solutiont with subsequent drying of products by a current of dry air. To increasethe yield. of final,product and to simplify the process, trialkylphosphites are added to-the reaction bixture in quantities equivalent to the overal.1 content'of acidic products SUB COEE: OC/ SUBM DATE: 170at64 card M.6 547e41902,07 .L 4958-66 EViT(m)/EPF(6)/EYip(j)/E'eiP(t)/EsVP(b) :1ACC NRt AP5025679 SOUROMODEs UR/0286/65 M6/026 i AUTHORS t Bliznyak N. 4 VershJnin, Po Vol, Kabenkovag Ro I., !Mm B.'Ya Khokhlbv. P. S. .10ROt -none TITLEt A method for obtaining trialkyltetrathi02hos2hate class 12,, Noe 174626 fannounced by Or nization of the State Committee for Chemical Indust!x at the SSSR (Organizatsiya gosudarstvennogo komiteta po khimichaskoy SS-sR)7 ~;j promystaennosti pri gosplane ISOURCEz Byullaten' izobreteniy i t ovarnykh znakov, no. 18J. 1965) 26 TOPIC TAGSt trialkyltatrathiophosphate, thiotrichlorophosphorus, mercaptan, qWfurl organic compound, catalyst. ABSTRACT: This Author Certificate presents a method for obtaining trialkyltatra- thiophosphates. The compound is obtained by reacting thiotrichlorophosphoras with alky1mercaptans. To increase the purity of the final product, the reaction in carried out in presence of catalyvts-quinolin(~ pyridine or alkyl derivatives of the latter* Card. 1/2 AT- /-S' 73 w- - -1 :~~- ~~ 1 .--, - , - - . , . . k ;~ - , ..., - ~~ , z4 _ -1 I . - I : i I .I ~. - z - ~ L00907-66 DJT(m.)/EPF(0)/EW(j) RM ACCESSION XR.- AP5019676 UR/0064/65/000/008/0373/0575 .661.7047.269.n1113.7 "AUTHORS: Zetkin$ V, I.; Litman. B. Yao ",TITLE: Production of pe realpta ktrichloromethansulfphenylchloride) nn s -5 SOURCE: Khimicheskaya pronVshle o t no 1965, 573 75 T,,TOPIG TAGS. sulfur compound, sulfur dioxide, mercaptan, chlorine inorganic com- pound, chlorine organic compound, chlorine, chlorination, perchloromethylmercaptan ABSTRACT: The object of the investigation was to determine optimum conditions for the' synthesis'of perchloromethylmercaptan (A). The product was obtained by, .:the chlorination of carbon disulfide in the presenco.of iodine. The influence of, temperaturej, amount of catalyst, time, depth of chlorination, and impurities on -the yield of.product verb determined. The experiments were carried out in a -cylindrical reaction vessel agpipped with a thermometer and a stirrer. The opti- -to be: temperature 10-20C# amount of catalys mum conditions were found t 0.5 20 weight.porcent; depth, of chlorination up to*d .1.59-1.61. It was found that the pros one Iro e1of: n impui-ities causes -the formation of carbon tetrachloride, and it Car LM907-M ACCESS loll HR: AP5019676 is therefore recommended that chlorination be carried out with freshly distilled --carbon disulfide. The purification of A by means of sulfur dioxide described b;r. -;-N. N. Mellnikovj' Ps Po.Trunovi,and Ye. M. Sokolova (avt.# svid 136367, 1960; 2 ard /2 C Own- F-w- MR-M MIROM, . .~~ I - 7, I -,.- .. ? "l, ~ i , A (" , ~ I , , ; , k i ~ I ,~ ! i11, . 11 . -VII ii, I ?. 12 1 iK, ( 1, 1. . LA . ;- 11 1 11 " L~ Y 11 V. I . ;LYA-;~.j N, Y ~, . ~'.' . . t - I I " , "' i~ I N I ~ V . I . -I , _. P " ..'. 1 11 B . yp- . ~,4- __- - - Radio -AemiL:aLl su-Ifochlovination of ki-,rosine hnd --ynthlne. !-I ,;~L n0-4:7-11 Ap 165. (MIRA IS:8) DERKAGH, G.I.; SLYLISARENKO, Ye.l.; LIBMN, B.Ya.; LIFTUGA, N.J. Di-Isocyanates and diisothiocyanates of alkyl-phosphonic acids. I Zhur. ob. kh-'m. 3,5 no.lCil881-1882 0 165. (KRA 113,.10) 1. Institut organicheskoy kh'L~U AN LrkrSSR. ACC NR: AP6027089 SOURCE CODE: AUTHOR: Derkach. G. I.; Slyusarenlko Ye. I.- Libman, B.-Ya ; Liptuga, N. I. ORG: Institute of Organic Chemistry, AN UkrSSR (Institut organicheskoy khimii AN UkrSSR) TITIZ: Siisocyanates,and diisothiocyanates of alkylphosphorlic acids SOURCE: Zhurnal obshchey khimii, V- 35, no. 10, 1965, 1881-1882 TOPIC TAGS: cyanate., phosphonic acid, thermal decomposition, chemical decomposition, phosphoric acid, thermal decomposition, chemical decomposition, phosphoric acid, thiocyanate, potassium7?ompound, reaction rate, urea -ABSTRACT: It was shown earlier that the thermal di~0*04-ositiozdof 16sters of diaryloxv(-dialkoxy)ohlorophosp~-a-zooargoyliolaoids and ,Alesterg of urethanephosphoric aoidslyields diesters of lsooyanato-.1 pk~osphoric acid: AlkOCONHPO(Oll) " =. (110),PONCO A1k0C0N=P(0R)2C1 .UnAer'similar conditions, dicarbethoxy diamides of alkylphosphonic ,~ds form dilsooyanates of alkylphosphonio aeldas i1P0(N1JC00A1k)2 --* [11'0(NC0)3 + A1k011 Dilsothlocyanates of alkylphosphonle aoids are obtained In good. yields by the reaotion of alkylphosphonle acid d1ohlorldes with ,potassium,thlocyanates XNCS RPOC12 ___* llpo(Ncs)" Card 1/2 -- __ -M:- ACC NRt AP6027089 Dlicocya'niie's-'and diisiAhlocyanates of alkylphosp'honio aolds reaet 1,71gorously with alophols, phenols, and amines to form the cor- responding phosphorylated urethanes and ureass ROII IIPO(NIIcOOIq2 Bro(NCO)2 EnN11, RPO(NHCONHIR)2 Orig. art. has: 1 table. IJMS: 36,3281 SUB CODE: 07 SUBM DATE: 06"5 ORIG REF: 003 ACC NRi AP6030567 UR/0413/66/000/016/0035/0035 INVENTOR: Bliznyuk,,N. K.; Kvasha, Z. N.; Khokhlov, P. S.; Libman, B. Ya.; Vershinin, P. V.; Beym, A. I.; Millgotin, I. M. ORb: none SOURCE CODE: k TITLE: Preparation of S,S,S-irialkyl trithiophosphates. Class 12, No. 184864 SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, Lovar.nyye znaki, no. 16, 1966, 35 TOPIC TAGS: 1=64: tvL:6on, mercaptan, phosphoryl chloride# phosphate, chemical reac%ion, phosphorus chloride ABSTRACT: 'ro simplify the technological preparation of S,S,S-trialkyl trithio- phosphates bythe reaction of mercaptans with phosphoryl chloride, the reaction is conducted in the presence of an ammonium salt of substituted_pqly~~ioR4o .-i. or pply;4iqp _jphor c_.-- _49_qp~qpic acids as catalysts. SUB CODE: 07/ SUBM DATE: 24May65-.. [WA-50; CBE No. Ill Card 1/1 UR/0413/66/000/016/oO34/0035 SOURCE CODE: AP6030566 v Libman B. Ya.; ACC NRz . Dotsev, G. khl0v, P- INvENTOR: Bliznyuko K*; Kho Beym, A- I.; Troitskiyo v* N, Class i2, No. ORG: none oric acid. ides of dithiophosph -35 t, Preparation of acid c7nior no. 16* 1966, 34 TITLE: iya, promYshlennyye obraztsYo tovarnYY6 znaki, souita alkyl chlorodithiophoSphatei' izobreten de preparationt I-0'elD E- .joric acid chlori :;,0/ "ele- .0c"0' 0,4 TOPIC TAGS: dithiophosp' /0 lcohol aryl ChlorodithiOPhosphate. a ABSTRACT: the proposed method, ac .id chlorides of dithioPhOsphoric acid RO>PCI ting WS 0 ned by'trea S are obtai The are an alkyl and an ary alcohols or phenols- f an (where~R and R Isphates with presencP- 0 alkyl(aryl) chloroditlliophc ents in.the. 1 formula. is carried out in organic solv rig. art. has: reaction tertiary amines. 0 [wA-50; CBE 14'* pt: rof HC19 e.g-o acce 0 SUBM DATE'- 25may65/ SUB CoDE: 07/ U_DC Card Monoalkylamidest of alkyl miathylphosphonates it Card 21. CH3 CH3 CH3 CH3 CIHS CIHS C-2HE C2HS iso-C3H, iso -C3H7 iso-c2H7 JBTCjH 7 w yield, % bp (p. dr CH3 a, 37 .72-73- (0.02) 1.1288 1.4423 C28, 58 78-79 (0.02) t.0779 1.4402 mao-C3H., a. 42 81--M.(0.03) 1.0402 1.4373 a.-c4Hv a, 36 95-96 (0. t) 1.0192 1.4424 CHS 6. 82 (69) 86-88(0.5) 1.0835 1.4390 c2HS 6, 72 91-93 (0.4). 1.0482 1.4372 sao-C3H., 78 (62) 66-67 (0.03) 0.9995 .1.4347 HICA-0 54 (it) 100-101 (0. 1) 0.9971 1.4400 CH3 6. 81 (58) 73-75 (0.06) 1.0372 1.4350 CjHj 6, 79 69-71 (0.03) 1.0109 1.4338 nao-c3H7 6, 63 85-87 (0.07) 0.9863 1.43i8 R.-CJHq e, 54 (13) 138-09 (11) 0.9712 1,4376 ACC NRz AP6031382 ;:found calc. 23.89 29.13 33.54 33. 65 38J2 38.36 42.92 42.98 33.32 33.65 37.92 38.36 43.08 42.08 47.60 - 38.rp 38.36 .42.53 42.98 47.11 47.60 52.13 52.22. Card 3/4 found, % Iformula I calculated N H.43 C311'amop N it.38 CH30 22.53. C,11,,NOP CHO 22.59 CH30 ZO.65 CSH14NOlP CH30 20.53 CH30 18.74 COHIgNOIP CH30 18.79 N 10.21 C4H,,N02P N W'.22 N 9.22; C,H,,NOIP N 9.27; P 20.53 , P 20.49 P ~8.59 COHIGNOR P 18.75 N 7.58 CASN02P N 7.81 N 9.34 CSH14NOZP N 9.27 N 8.43 COHIgN01P. N 8.48 N 7 99; C7H,SNOZP N 8.01; P 17:34 P- 17.28 N 7.28; CsHIGNOIP N 7.25; P 16.04 P 16.05, ACC NRs AP6031382 These amides have strong insecticidal properties but are very toxic to domestic animils. Monoalkylamides of alkyl methyphos- phonates react with tert-butyl hypochlorite to form N-chloro-N- alkylamides of alkyl methylphosphonates. The reaction takes place in chloroform at 20-300C. [WA-50; CBE No. 12) SUB CODE:OS,07/ SUBM DATE: 17Jul65/ ORIG REP: 003/ 'OTH REP: 014/ 4/4 SOURCE- -CODE-.- UR/04-13[66/000/0-14/002310&23 !\V--.NTOR. Bliznyuk, N. K.; Kolomiyers, A. F.; Strel'tsov, R. V.; Kvasha. Z. N.; Varshavskiy S. L.* Libman, B. Ya. ORG: none TITILE; Preparation of 0-alkyl-S(B-acyloxy)ethyl thiophosphinates.* Class 12, No. 183745. (announced by All-Union,Scientific Research Institute of Phytopathology (Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut fitopatologii) SOL-ACE: Izobret prom-obraz tov zn, no. 14, 1966. 23 TOKC TAGS. mercap to ethyl ester, Ca-.DGXylic acid, phosphinic acid dichloride ?110J^41000~2 hiophosphonates ABSTRACT; *In*the proposed method, O-alkyl S(0-acyloxY)eihY1 t of the general formula: (whe'i~~ R and RI are alkyl, substituted alkyl, substituted aryl, or aryl; R" is lower-alkyl) are obtained by the rcaction of a-mercapto- xture~ ethyl carboxylates with a p~osphonic ester chloride or with a mi onic acid dichloride and an alcohol in organic solvents in of phosph the presence of HC1 acAptors,e S., tertiary amines. Orig. art. has: 1 fo=ula;- [WA-50; - CBE 'No. 111 I SUB CODE: 07/ SUBM DATE: 28Jul65/ Card 1/1 uDc: 347.261118.07 ACC NR: AP6029024 SOURCE CODE: UR/0413/66/000/014/0024/0024 INVENTOR: Bliznyuk, N. K.; Kvasha, Z. N.; KhokhlovP. S.; Libman, B. Ya.; Beym, A. 1. ; Vershinin, P. V. oAG: none TITLE: Preparation of S.S-dialkyl dithiochlorophosphates.~ Class 12, No. 183752 SOURCE: Izobret prom obraz tov zn, no. 14, 1966, 24 TOPIC TAGS: insecticide preparation, dibutyl dithiochlorophosphate, butyl mercaptan,, mercaptanp chlorinated organic compound, phosphate, pyridirA ABSTRACT: To increase the yield in the preparation of S,S-dialkyl dithiochloro- ,phosphates, e.g., S,S7dibutyl dithiochlorophosphate, by the treatment .of alkil mercaptans (e.g., butyl mercaptan) and pyridine with phosp6ryl :chloride, the reaction is conducted in the presence of ammonium salts ;of substituted polythiophosphon.ic acids, e.g., ammonium phenyl dithip---.----.-- lphosphonate. SUB CODE: 07/ SUBM DATE; 24May65 (WA-50; CBE No. 111 Card 1/1 UDC: 547.419.1.07-- ACC NR: AP6030568 SOURCE CODE: UR/0413/66/000/016/0035/0035 INVENTOR. B1 iznyuk, N. K.; Kolomiyets, A. F.; Strel'tsov, R. V.; Varshavskiy, S. L.; Libman. B. Ya.; Protasova, L. D. ORG' none TITLE: Preparatiod of 0,0-dialkyl S-~(O-acyloxy)ethyl thiophosphates. Class 12, No. 184865. [announced by_the All-Union Scientific Research Institute of (Vsesoyuznyy nauclino-issledovatel'skiy institut fitopatologii)] Phytopathology SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 16, 1966, 35 TOPIC TAGS: pesticide, d ialkylacylo xy ethyl thiophospha~e.) Pllo~-PH,17~ ABSTRAcr: To obtain 0,0-dialkyl S-(O-acyloxy)ethyl thiophosohates of the general formula; (i6)j'PC'142CHjOCR!. ;1'(whe*r'e R is a lower alkyl, R1 is an alkyl, substituted ulkyl', aryl, I ..or substituted aryl), dialkyl chlorophosphates are treated with 0- carboxylates in the presence of HM acceptors, e.g., ;tertiary.amines. (141-50; CBE No. 11 SUB CODE: OT/' SUBM-D_A_T'E_.-* 28'ju.165 Card 1/1 UDC- 547.419.1.07 ACC NR, AP6035682 E; UR 0413/66/000/019/0030/0030 AU INVENTOR: Bliznyulc,,.N, K.; Kvasha, Z, N.; Varshavskly, S. L,; Libmanp B. Ya. ORG: none TITLE: I Pr eparation of esters of trithiophosphonic acids. Class 12, No. '186-464 [Announced b)r"All-Union Sdientific Research In titute of Phyfopoh'a- Osesoy=yy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut fitopatologii)] SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyshiennyye obrazts Iy, tov~rnyye znaki, no. 19, ~966, 30 TOPIC TAGS: "t6kWilkapbosphonic acid., eater, mercaptan, tertiary amlne,aLU To increase the yield in the preparation of esters of 3=STtACT- trithiophosphonic acids by the reaction of alkyl(aryl)thio- phosphinic acid dichlorides vith mercaptans, the reaction is conducted in the presence of amine salts of polythio- phosphoric or polythiophosphonic Acids as catalyst. -The catalysts are formed during the reaction when tertiary amines and phosphorus sulfides are added to the initial reaction mixture. . I [WA-50; CBE No. 10 UB CODE: 07/ SUBM DATE:,15Sep65' Cardl/l UDC:5 .26,118.o7 ~ ACC NR;Ap6o MWENTOR: Bliznyulc, N. K..; Kvasha, Z. N.; Kolomiyets, A.. F.; lVarshavskiy, S. L.;-Libman, B, Ya. 10RG: none TITLE: Preparation of O-alkyl O-aryloxyethyl methylphosphonates, Class 12, No. 186473 (Announced by All-Union Scibntific Research Institute of Phytopathology (Voesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovateliskiy institut fitopatologii)) SOURCE: Izobreteniyal promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. l9,, 1966, 32 TAGS: =~Ophosphorus compound, _444 '.t I phosphona~.e wplil_ in the proposed method, 0-alkyl 0-aryloxyethyl methylphos- phonates are obtained by the reaction of 0-alkyl methyl- chlorophosphonates vith aryloxyethanols in the presence of HC1 acceptorso-segap'tertiary aminese SUB CODE: 07/ SUBM DATE: .26.Tui65 Card 1/1 uDc:547.261116.( (WA-50; CBE No. 10 jps] ACC NR, AP6085832 N) INVENTOR: Bliznyuk, N. X.; Klimov,, 0. V.; -Libman,-B,,-Ya.; Troitskiy, V*. N.; Khokhlov, P. S.; Dotsev, G. V.; Kalutskiy, L. A.; Beym, A. I.; Verhsinin, P. V.; Mandellbaum, Ya. A.; Varshavskiy, S. L,; Mellnikov, N. N. O.RG: none TITLE: Preparation of derivatives of tri- and tetraphosphoric acidai Class 12, No, 187019 SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyyo snaki, no. 20, 1966, 37 TOPIC TAGS: al yl trithiopho8phate, allcyl tetratbiophospli-at e'-t42;=7 =w, ~C.0 CLW tkA4~ 4wpi v- ABSTRAM In the proposed method for the preparation of derivatives of tri- and tatrathlophomphoric acids of the genaral formu- (RS)SPXRIJ --- -------------- ACC MAP60-35-1832- (where R is a lower alkyl, RI is a substituted alkyl or aryl, and X is O,or 8). physiologically active compouu4s with low toxicity to manuals are obtained by treating di- alkyl-trithiochldraphosphates with alcohols, morcaptans, or thiophenals in organic solvents In the presence of HC1 acceptarse,preforably.tectiary &nines. [PS] [WA-50; CBE NO- 141 ACC NR. AP7013151 SOURCE CODE: UR/0413/66/000 O2l-*OO4OiOO4O INMOR: Bliznyuk, No K.; Xhokhlov, P. So; Litman, Do Ya~; Vershinin, P. V.; Beym, A. I.; Varshavskiy, So L. ORG: none TITLE: Hathod for preparing alkyl(aryl)dithiodichlorophosphates, Class 12, no. 187785 SOURCE: Izobretenlya, promyshlennyye obraztsy,'tovarnyye znaki*- no. 21, 1966, 40 TOPIC TAGSi heterocyclic base compound, mercaptan, organic ph osphate SUB CODE:'. 07' ABSTRACT: A method is claimed for the preparation of alkyl(~iryl)dithlo- dichlorophosphates, which differs in that for*the purpose of extending the utilization of, resources and increasing the yield of useful products, phosphorous thlotrichlorldo Is subjectedpo-reaction with mercaptans In the presence of catalytic quantities of heterocyclic bases, for example pyri- / -Tn dine. L,~RS: 40,4 Card LIMAN, M.P. TSvet. prospecting for nonferrous mstgil ores "WOI"*"&-l"-A-C ["the history o1 Gm met. 27 n0-5:61-66 S-0 154. (MIRA 10:10) (Prospecting-History) kand.ekonom.nauk (Moskva); PLOTKIN, S.Ya., kand.takhn. nii~i '56'skva) At'the sources of se-ientific work on rare metals. Priroda 53 no. 12t8l-83 164. (MIRA 18:1)