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EXCERPTA MEDICA See 8 Vol 12/8 Neurolocy Aug 3621. METHOD FOR STUDYING THE EFFECT OF IONIZING IRRADIATIONS ON NERVE CELL FUNCTION (Russian text) - L I b e r m a n E. A. - BIOFIZI- KA 1958, 312 (241-243) Illus, 1 -------- A method for irradLating single ceUs as well as parts of cells is described. Alpha- and 0-radioactive substances. placed on the tip of a micromanipulated needle, are introduced for this purpose into a microelectrode. The experiments demonstrate that this method permits studying the functions of one and the same nerve cell be- fore, during and after irradiation. (XIV, 2. 8) Ik LIBXRW, Ye.A. Possible methods of revealing n-type conductivity in elements of nervous system. Biofizika 3 no.6:743-745 158- (MIRA 12:1) 1. Institut biologichaskoy fiziki AN SSSR, Moskva. (EYANOUS SYSTHM, physiol. pathwoys of electron transm. in 19S (Rug)) ~~;~-ze -jf-u lf~~ -77 LIBERMAN, Ye. A. Cand Phys-Math Sci -- (diss) " Certain problems of the dosimetry of Ionizing radiations." Mos, 1959. 10 pp (Min of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education RSFSR. Mos Phys Eagineering Inst), 100 copies (KL, 45-59, 143) 1 0 -5- I Ye,A,; VAYNTSVAYGO M.N.; TSOFINAj L.M. Effect of a constant magnetic field on the excitation threshold of an isolated frog nerve* Biofizika 4 no. 4:505-506 1599 (MIRA 11+: /+) 1, Institut biologicheskoy fiziki AN SSSRI Moskva. (NERVES) (MAGNETIC FIELDS) CHAYLAKHYA14, L.M. Nature of the action potential. Biofizika 4 no.5:622-639 159.- (MIU 14: 6) 1. Institut biologicheskoy fiziki AN SSSRp Moskva. (ELECTROPHYSIOLOGY) I LIBERW, Ye., nauchnyy sotrudnik Iferveb do work. Znan.sila 34 no.2:30-32 F 159. (14IRL 122-3) 1. Inatitut biofiziki AN SSSR. (MVIS) LIBOMAN, ?Le~, TSOFINAP L.M.; VAPTSVAYGv M.N. Role of mono- and bivalent ionb in t8e eneration of the action potential. J3~ofizika-fi no. 1:45-51 164 (MIRA 14:2) 1. Institut biologicheakoy fisiki AN SSSRj 14oskva. (IONS) (MCTROPHYSIOLOGY) LIBERMANj Ye.A. Zlementary theory of semipermeable membranea and the uphaBOw theory pf-bioelectric potentials, Biofizika 6 no. 2,*177-186 161# . (K= 3-4:4) 1, Irwtitut biologicheskoy fiziki AN-SSSRp Moskva. , (FUCTROPHYSIOLOGY) (MbRMS (eHEMISTRY)) LIBERMAN, Ye.A.; TSOFINA, L.M.; GIAGOLEVA, I.M. ------ Abnormally large resting and action potentials of the muscle fibers of a crab in potassium-free solutions. Biofizika 6 no.3:373-374 161. (MIRA 14:6) 1. Institut bioloalcheskoy fiziki AN SSSR, Moskva. (MUSCLt) (ELECTROPHr)IOLOGY) GIAGOIEVA, I.M.; LUERMy Ye.A. Studying the "quantum~ nat4re of miniati.e potentials in the end plate of myoneural junction of a fro6 Biofizika 6 no.4:459-463 161. (MIRA 14:7) 1. Institut biol6gicheskoy Mild AN ASSR9 Mbskva. (E=TROPHMIOLOGY) (CHOLIM) LIBERMNI'(E. A., TSOFINA, L.X., VERKHOVSKAYA, I.N. "The Study of Electric Properties of Crustacea Muscle Membrane and Their Relation to Ionic Fluxes." report presented at the Intl. Biophysics Congress, Stockholm, Sweden, 31 July - 4 Aiwust 1961. Institute of Biophysics, USSR Academy of Science, Moscow, USSR. TSOFINA, L.M. Measurement of the flow of Na+ and Ca.++ passing across the surface of orustacean muscle fibers during excitation. Biofizika,, 7 no.2,.201-202162. (KIRA 16:8) 1. Institut fiziki AN BSBR Moskva. (MUSCLE) (CALC FWij (SODIUM) TSOFINA, L.M.; -!.IEERMAN, Ye.A. Effect of a'abange in the concentration of cations and anions on the biopotentials of muscle fibers in crustaceans. Biofizika 7 no.3011-317 162. (MIRA 15:8) 1. Institut biologicheskoy fiziki AN SSSR, Moskva. (ELECTROPHYSIOLOGY) (MUSCLES) (SALTS-PHYSIOLOGICAL EFFECT) TSOFINA, L.M..- LIBERKAN.-Te.A. Permeabi.Uty of crab muscle fibers to Ca and Sr during exeitation. Biofizika 7 no.6.-744-748 162. (MIRA 17:1) 1. Institut biolog-Icbsokoy fiziki AN $SSR., Moskva, I t I LIBERMAN, Ye.A.; TSOFINA, L.M.; GLAGOIEVA, I.M. Generation of the action potential by muscular fibers of crustaceans in solutions containing mixtures of BaC12 and SrG12 Dokl.,AN SSSR 145 no-4:945-948 Ag 162. (MIRA i5.7) 1. Institut. bioloSicheskoy fiziki AN SSSR. Predstavleno akademikom YU.A.Qr3.ovym. (ELECTROPHYSIOLOGY) (BARIUM CHLORIDF,--PHYSIOLOGICAL EFFECT) (STRO14TIUM CHLORIDF,-PMIOLOGICAL EFFECT) LIBZ-RMAN, Ye.A*; CHAYLAKHYAN, L.M. The nature of biopatentials of nerve and muscle fibers. Report No.l: The current membrane theory and its difficulties. TSitologiia 5 no.3' 311-318 MY-Je 163. (141RA 17: 5) 1. Institut, biofiziki AN =R, Moskva. ~ LIBERMA . Ye.A.; CHAYLAMffAN, L.M. Nature of biopotentials of nerve and muscle fibers. 3eport No.2: Advantages and disadvantages of the current phase theory of biopotentials. TSitologiia 5 no-4:440-448 ii-Ag 163. (MIRA 17:8) 1. Institut biofiziki AN SSSR, Moskva. LIBEDIAN, Ye.A. Role of energetic bar:-sra in the c7-Iz-n ~r =,:mbrare differences. Biofisika 8 no.l:i3~-338 (m-, R.; 17; 8 ) 1. Institut b1ologicheakay fizfkj. AN SSSR, 'Morkva, TSOFINAq L.M*; I& x;:7--XUA*I -- Studies on the effect of substituting Cl ions in solution on the mechanical response of single muscle fibers of river crayfish. Biofizika 8 no.6:738-740 163. (MIRA 17:7) 1. Institut biologicheskoy fiziki AN SSSR, Moskva. GESSIOIT Al~ ,d/0217/64/00�/Q02/621W0Z54. W AUTHOR* Tsof inal Me;.,. Libqrmana. Y6. A. -ahd' 'the work of ekoitablo-tissues 'rMTITLEO Anidnd SOURCE: Blofiz '9 no 2 -1964o TO-FIC- TAGS: anion# eationo ..biopoteritial,generations ex0itablo tissu6j, chi ows,-' "a~ ni6ii distrI&I'bion;. ': mombraho'thooryp root potOntit brin6 Ll action-potential ABSTRACT: Pormer17 anions were considered to play a passivo*rolo in more recent dixta indicate that chlorine .:generating biopotentialsp but 1ions are important anioAs in the work of exeitable"tissues, The ;l1present study represents a literature survey based.on 87 sources and .,examines the following:, anion distribution betwe'on cell and-modiums no ,,membrane theory of chlorine distribution., effect of ohlorine cd on-, ,.,,,o on rest potential and resistance of muscle fiber ~tration chm .membranos,, machanism.'6f"chloxiine. distribution within the h-amowork of -the phase-membrano theory rolo'df'ohlorine In generating aotion potontialsp and the. 8=60t- 4f replaoing 6hlorine,;Lons In solution w GIAGOLM, IJ4.1 lq~ ~Ye A~MbskVa) fflmjat~W" potentials of the end plate and their role in the asurombsoular *ransmission. Usposovrbiol. 55 no.1:68-86 JA~F f63. (KM 16:3) (MYONEURAL JOCTIM) (ELECTROPHYSIOIDGY) VORONIN, L.L.; LIBERMN, Ye.h. Role of bivalent cations in the maintenance of resting potential's in the muscle fibers of river crayfish. BiofizJka 9 no.4;451- 455 164. (MlRA 18:3) 1. Institut- biologicheskoy fiziki AN SSSR, Foskva, LIBEINAN, Ye.A.;- CHAYLAKHYAN, L.M. Two basic concepts of the nature of bioelectrie potentials of nerve and muscle fibers. Trudy MOIP. Otd. biol. 9:55-73 164. (KRA 18: 1) Io Institut biofiziki AN SSSR, Moskva. LIBERW, Ye.A.; TSOFINA, L.M. Role of extracellular ions in the generation of action potentials in the muscle fibers of crustaceans. Trudy MOIP. Otd. biol. 9:3-15- 119 164. (MIRA 18:1) 1, Instituta, biofizili AN SSSR, Moskva. LIBEDIAN) Ye.A.; TSOFINA, L.M. Study of the mechanipm of the inhibition effect of bromide, Fiziolahur, 50 no-42509-513 Ap 164. (MIRA 1814) 1. Institut biofiziki !N SSSR, Mosk7a. LIBERMAN Ye.A.; T.SOFIN,I, L.M. Mechanism of membrane pe-veabl-"-,'.t7 for anionB, Bi~;ffz:.ka 14~-. no.42701-703 165. 1. Inat-Itut, bialrgicherkoy f I z I U-1 AN SOSR, Moskva . I Rhoziaistvennyi raschet mashinostroitellnogo zavoda. Moskva, Mashgiz, 1950. 212 p. Economic estimate of a machine-building plant. DLC: HD9705.R92.1148 SO: Manufabturing and Mechanical Engineering in the Soviet Union, Library of Congress, L,?53. LIBXRW, Ye G kand, ekon. nauk. . - ~ :Z. - Orgaul,gration of the rhythm of work of an enterprise. Trudy Kharl. inzh.-ekon. inst. 9t3-11 157. (MM 11:6) (Kharkov--lileotric industries) I I i T T~TDUA T-1 "Ways of Increasing the Profitableness of Socialist Enterprises." dissertaton defended for the degree of Doctor of Economics at the Inst. for Economy. Defense of Dissertation (Jan-Jul 1957) Sect. of Economy, Phi-losophy, and Jurisprudence Vest. AN SSSR, 1957, v. 27, No. 12, pp. 126-128 FISH, David Iosifovich; LIBERRAN, Ye.G., prof., doktor ekonom.nauk, reteenzent; retsenzent; KOVOZHILOV, V.V.. prof., doktor ekon.nauk, red.; GUAS, M.A., red.izd-va; DLUGO- KAN&UYA, Ye.A., [Organization and planning of labor in machinery plants] Orga- nizataiia i planirovanis truda na mashinontroitelinykh pred- priiatiiakh. Moskva, Gos.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo mashinostroit. lit-ry, 1959. 327 P. (MIRA 12:12) (Machinery industry) (Industrial management) SEEVCHENKO, N.F., red.; A IS, F.S., red.; GRECHKO, V.Ye., red.; ISAYEV, V.I., red.; XUZUBOV, V.I.. red.: LIBMAN, Ye.G., prof., doktor ekonom.nauk, red.; MAKARMMO, 7~01~kffIH, I.Y., red.; TARMOLOVICH, O.M., red.; XARDASH, G.I., red.; DONSKOT, Ts.Te., red.; LIKAHOVA, M.I., (First and foremost; ways to further increase labor productivity in machinery manufacturing enterprises of Kharkov] Samoa vazhnoe, samoe glevnoe; o putiakh dallneishego povysheniia proizvoditell- nosti truds na mashinostroitallnvkh predpriiatiiakh Kharlkova. Khar1kov, Khartkovskoe knizhnoe izd-vo, 1960. 203 p. Mu 13:11) 1. Ukraine. Kharlkovskiy gorodskoy ekonomicheskiy administrativnyy rayon. Sovet narodnogo khozyaystva. 2. Machallnik tekhnicheskogo otdals Khar1kovskogo sovnarkhoze (for Euxubov). 3. Kharikovskiy inzhenerno-okonomicheakiy institut (for Liberman). (Kharkov--Kochinery Industry-Labor productivity) ~LI332XO& Ye,_G,-, red, [organization and planning in machinery manufacturing plants] Organisiatsiis I planlrovanie mashinostroltellnykh predprilatii. Moskva, Xashgiz, 1960. 567 P. (MIRA 14:4) (Machinery industry) PHASE LBOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/5725 Liberman, Yevsey Grigorlyevich, Doctor of Economic Sciences Osnovnyye: zadadit kompleksnoy mekhanizatsii I avtomatizatsii proizvodstva (Basic Problems in the Overall Mechanization and Automation of Industry) Kiyev, 1961. 41 p. (Series: Tovarystvo dlya poshyrennya politychnykh i naukovykh znan' Ukrayins Ikoyi RSR. Seriya VII, no. 2) 10, 200 copies printed. Sponsoring Agency: Obshchestvo po rasprostraneniyu politcheskikh i nauchnykh znaniy Ukrainskoy SSR. Reap. Ed. L. E. Gorelik; Ed. B. A. Landysh; Tech. Ed. A. A. Matviychuk. PURPOSE: Ibis booklet is intended fo r the general reader. COVERAG.V*- The booklet describes in a popular form the essence of mechani- zation and automation, their development in the Soviet Union, and the funda- Card 1/3 LIBERMN, Ye. (1(4artkov) Production planning and norms of a long-term operation. Vop. ekon. no.8:104-w-112 Ag 162. (MIRA 15:8) (Industrial management) LIBERMAN, Ye.G., doktor ekonomicheskikh nauk, prof.; KHAYKIN, V.P. Using mathematical (correlation) methods in plannin effective operation of machinery plants. Vest.mashinostr. 42 no.11:67- 72 N 162. (14IR& 15:11) (Machinery industi7--Production standards) (Correlation (Statistics)) ZVYAGINTSEV, Yu.Ye.; SAMSONOV, G.I., inzh., retsenzent; LIBERMAN, Ye G doktor ekon. nauk, red.; SALYANSKIY, A.A., red. DEMKINAP N.F.J. [Operational planirovanie 136 p. planning in pressworking shops] v pressovykh tsekhakh. Moskva) (Machinery industry-Management) (Sheet-metal work) Operativnoe Mashgiz, 1963. (MIRA 16:7) KOLEGAYEV, Rostislav Nikolayevich, kand. ekon. nauk; 9 j- Ye.G.2 doktor ekon. naukx prof., red.; MIRNOV,Ye-I-x red'.-; KARDOVAI L.V., tekhn. red. [Determination of the optimum lifetime of machinery) Opre- delenie naivygodneishikh srokov sluzhby mashin. Moskva, Ekonomizdat, 1963. 225 P. (IaRA 16:12) (Machinery-Maintenance and repair) KHA'YKIN, Vladlen Pavlovich; NAYDENOV, Viktor Sergeyevich; GALUZA, doktoz,, ekor Stanislav Grigorlyevich; kLiE~L!A~j nauk, prof., red.; KOIIIKOV, L.A. 0 red.; XI!*;TU41ffEVZrAYA) G.V., mlad. red. [Correlation and statistical models in economic calculations] Korreliatsiia i statisticheskoe modelirovanie v ekonomiche- skikh rasohetakh. Moskva, Ekonomika, 1964. 215 P. (KIRA 17:9) SAGALAUVO G.V.;-9ff&UAJ~U#' Effect of the fillerls surface and density of its packaging on the properties of plastic concrete* Plast. massy no.8:27-29 165, (MIRA 18:9) Ll BEMAN 9 7ffect of peacetire cranloccre-brq] jrjur-ie.:, on the divfdopment. of schizophrenia-, statistical retenrch. 2hur, revr, i psAtil 64 na.9%1369-1373 164. I%MTRA 17-.12) I.. OrganIzataimcmetodicheaRly Adel (zaveday-ushchty V,V. Porinevich) Instituta psikhls-,rlj AMN Poskva. VARTANIAN, Me.; KAZAIEETS, E.F., LIBEJWL6r-L"UUx1 Y". PAYV16HEVSKIY, V.A. ) It Y Statistical analysis of late sequelae from a closed injury of the head. Vop. pZikh. no.4:284-289 160. vz,~ C1,611. 15:2) ffAD--WOUIIDS AIID YITJ-UIUES, -1 RUPFENMJ Xonstantin Vladimirovich,, doktor tekhn. nwA;_kIB_E_M_W,_ y Mikhaylavich; HATVIYENK05 Vera VWimirovna; PESUAK, MANIK07SKIY, G.I., otv. red.; KWOVSK3Y2 LP4# red. izd-va; BAGRAMOVA, A.A.., tekhn. red.; GIJSIKOVA,, O.M.,'tekhn. red. [Calculations of mine-shaft lining) Raschet krepi shakhtrqkh stvolov. (By] K.V.Ruppeneit i dr. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad. nauk SSSRq 1962. 121 p. (KMA 15:7) 1. Chlen-korrespondent Akademii neuk SSSR (for Manlkovskiy). (Shaft sinking) I LIBEMN, Y. "Geodesic Lines on Convex Surfaces," Dok. ANx 32; No. 59 1941; Inst. Math. and Mech.; State Univ. Leningrad, -1941-. 1 -9 u 6i V I I u TIV T z AA A-= .089CO' PWDCfSMS 410 "O"allit -7t. jr W&W d Psm" OWN= mwud~ L~L 1. CA (DAk*) - VAM 11-A k AWL $A wmdwm-, aim dt 4"l .1 wxb dat'sub a boo& 00 3 04 00 cool*$ .00 do* '09 goo '00 '90 b0 0 tgo AI a I L nll&LLWGKAL Lff9PATWI aASWICArOOM ISA040 -4 fordso -it a4v 441 x at L I I 0d 0 11 V If U : AV 0 U q, ~ : so 1 0 o o o * o : 0 000 0 r 0 0 00 0* *0 0 : 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 010 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 a 0 4 0 6 4 0 0 0 0 4 AUTNORs LIBIRIUS Yu. M. 20-1-8/44 TITIE: On the-Question-of the Type of~Zquations in--the-Theory of Plasticity (K vop:roauo-tip*-ur&vneaiy teorii plastichnosti) PERIODICALs Doklady.Akad.' Niie- 'SM, 1957,V01-116, Nr-1, --PP-- 32-34-- (USSR) ABSTRACT: In the plane.-case.the-condition of plastioity-can almays be ...written-in-the 2 S.- f(p), where S2-, G_ ) 2- + _C2 x y XY P + 6 ) - 2 y S .. and- p,:are . two . inde pendent . iiLvar1ant B-of -.tbL* toza ilm-. b"m or .and. a. Xunction_.xhJ_-ah_ -ther-.-Candition of.plaattalty. Geomatrica-Ily...thi a-: candl ioa+_reP2v~W8z%* --a cirou-1ar family in the G, -C -plane. The.:aui-hor -shows-t The equatrions of the theory. of plasticity are of -~hyperboliz_ type -for Card 1/2 thome-valuee of the parameter p for:which--ths mentioned circular On the,:Qu"tiox of the Type of Eqnstions in the Theory of '20-1-0~" Plasticity the-- exr.&I-ope:- -deffoxerst-02. in an& point,-then-ths.equations.are parabolic.and for all other valvas-of.p they-are-of elliptic type. ASSOCUTIOStA110him Ing" e for:.Scientific Research of Coal (Tsesoymmyy ugolInyy institut) PIUMENTM BY: L. I. Sedov, Academician., April 3j, 1957 SEOMM: October 10,, 1956 AVAILMLE: - Library of Congress Card 2/2 LIBERMAN, Yug M., Cand Tech Oci -- (diss) "Analytical study of mnuttxix manif ertations of fommob"n pressure xikk considering the time factor." Mos, 1958, 19 pp with graphs (Main Administration of Sci Res and q4z*organizations Q,~JA Co fIL 40!!We- Gosplan USSR. All-Union Sci Res-4arben VTJGI) 150 copies (KLI 42-58; 115) 37 /_ , / lnq ") V,-,. fri. 127-58-1-26/26 AUTHORS: Lipoon, M.A. and Kravchenko, I.V., Candidatoe of Technical Sciencoc, and Lit)erman, Yu.M., Engineer-Phy8iCi8t TITLE: On the Article by V.N. Muslenikov "On the Dependence of the Shape and Size of Samples on the Mechanical Properties of Rocks" (Na statlyu V.11. Mauenikova 110 zavisimosti mekhani- cheskikh svoystv gornykh porod ot formy i razmerov obrazt- sov") PERIODICAL: Gornyy Zhurnal, 1958, Nr 1, PP 76-77 (USSR) ABSTRACT: This article is a critical review of the Maslenikov article published in Gornyy Zhurnal, 1956, Nr 12. The reviewers conclude that Maslenikov's article does not contain any re- commendations on the choice of sample sizes for tests. The article under review contains numerous inaccuracies and false assertions, and introduces only confusion in the solution of the problem in question. There is one Soviet reference. AVAILABLZ: Library of Congress Card 1/1 1. Rock-Properties 2. Rock-Test methods )3 p-) 24-58-3-36/38 AUTHOR: Solomonov, M. TITLE: Elaboration of the Problem of Rock Pressure (K razrabotke problemy gornogo davleniya) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSRI Otdeleniye Tekhnicheskik-h Nauk, 1958, Nr 3. pp 173-174 (USSR ABSTRACT: A conference devoted to the phenomena of earth pressure in the rocks surrounding horizontal and vertical working3s took place in December 1957 at the Mining Institute of the Academy of Sciencesof the USSR., More than 100 representatives of 49 scientific-exploratory bodies. universities and mining enter- prises took part in the confeience. The conference brought to light problems of theoretical interest related to the dis- tribution of stresses in the rocks, their displacement around the workings and an estimate of pressure upon the timbering of workings - all in line with contemporary notions of the theory of elasticity, plasticity and a creep - flowage. Of exceptional interest among the reports submitted were those which brought to light the role of anisotropy, the problems of an assessment of the creep-flow of rocks and of the influence of the stopping operation upon dis-placement of Card 1/3 24-58-3-36/38 Elaboration of the Problem of Rock Pressure. rocks and exposure of the earth pressure in drifts. The following papers were presented: A. S. Kosmodamianskiy on "An estimate of stressed conditions in an anisotropic massif with the workings within it"; Yu. U..-Liberman on "The influ- ence of the time factor revealed by the pressure and displace- ment of rock in drifts under the influence of stopping opera- Uions"; K. V. Ruppeneyt "Pressure and displacement in drifts under the influence of stopping operationsil; M. I. Rozovskiy "Idethodology of laboratory definition of a creep-floa charac- ter of rocks and calculation of the flowa-e around verbical shafts"; T. S.Yerzhanov "Methodology of a laboratory estimate of the characteristic of flowage of rocks and computation of a creep-flowa-e around vertical main shafts"; T. A. ICryzhanov- skaya "Investigation of the problem of rock pressure upon timbering of horizontal workings based on the theory of vis- cosity and plasticity of the creep-flow". Of the papers devoted to the investigation conducted under shaft conditions, the conference drew attention to measurements made in the railway tunnels and subways in the Nikopof Manganese basin and the Donets basin and in the main shafts at great depths. B. N. Vinogradov on "Investigation into the phenomenon of Oard 2/3 earth -oressuro in tunnel construction"; A. G. Barlas on "An 24-58-3-36/38 Elaboration of the Problem of Rock Pressure anal7,tical examination of work (behaviour) of timbering in the weak surrounding rocks and measurements of deformations of timbering and the load in the horizontal workings of Nikopol2lAanganese basin"; M. A. Komissarov on "The earth pressure around horizontal and inclined workings in connect- ion with -the stopping of coal seams under the conditions of the Doneta basin"; A. M. Yanchur on "The investigation of the manifestation of earth pressure in vertical shafts of the Doneta basin at great depths".The conference expressed its gratitude to the Czechoslovak scientist, Doctor-Engineer Rudollf Kvapcvil for his interesting communication on the theory of earth shocks. Card 3/3 PANOV, Andrey Dmitriyevich; RUPPERYT, Konstantin Vladimirovich; T c OROUVA, T.I., red.izd-va; re .'4 IRWry.". Ne"'.1rac, ONDRATIYETA, M.A., pre:aur,e*in [Earth stoDes and development workings] Gornoe davlenie v ochistnykh i podgotovitellnykh vyrabotkakh. Moskva, Goo.nnuohno-tokhn. 12d-vo lit-ry po gornomu dalu. 1959. 96 p. (MIRA 12:12) (Earth pressure) (Subsidences (Earth movements)) Dlecussion,of theoretical rock pressure problems. U9011 34 no.2: 58-60 1F 1~9- (MM 12:4) (Subsidences .(Earth movements)) RUPPMUIYT, lonstantin Vladimirovich; I riy Kikha lovioh: HATHIUVA, A,F., redelsd-va; 120M 9 0 a., (Introduction to rook mchanical Vvedenie Y mekhaniku gornykh porod. Moskva, Gos.nsuchno-tekhn.izd-vo lit-ry po gorno= delus 1960. 355 p. (MMA 13t10) (Mining pology) LIBERKU Yu-~. Automatic machines for pressing and sizing bimstallie contacts. biul. tekh.-ekon. inform. no..4:25-27,"1,63.. (MIU 14:5) (Power preoseo) (Au'tcmatic control) ZAKUTSKIY, I.A., karxi.tekhn.nauip, LIB~ERM kand.tekhn.nauk; RUPPENEYT, 0 X.V., doktor tekhn.nauk -- Calculation of spherical bearing surfaces of a prop support. Nauch. soob. Inst. gor. dela 4:89-96 16o. (KM 15:1) (Mine timbering) LIBERMAN. YU.M. Bearing pressure in stope areas. Fiz.-mekh.avois.,dav.i razr.- gor.porod no,1:86-95 162, (HIn 16:3) ~Stoplng (Mining)) (Strains and stresses) LIBERMAN, Yu.M.; PANOV, A.D. [Using methods of continuum mechanics in the study of rock pressure; a report at the Fourth International Conference of the Bureau on Rock Mechanics] Primenenie metodov mekhaniki sploshriykh sred v issledovanilakh gornogo davleniia; doklad na IV konferentsii Mezhdunarodnogo Biuro po mekhanike gor- riykh porod. Moskva, In-t gornogo dela im. A.A.Skochinskogo, 1962. 40 P. (MIRA 17:4) LIBERMAN, Yu.N.-; -GOMS, TS. Method for determining pressure on pillars in isolated panel development. Fiz.-makh.svois.,dav.i razr.gor.porod no.1:133-140 162. (Barrier pillars) (Rock pressure) (MM 16:3) LIBERMAN, Yu.M., kand. tekhn. nauk; ZAKUTSKIY, I.A., kand. tekhn. nauk r-;,- - - ~~: - ~ - Relation between the resistance to bending of the bearing surfaces of supports and the hardness of rocks. Nauch. soob. LGD 15--l-10-119 162. (MIRA 17t2) TRUMBACHEV., Vladimir Fedorovich; MOIDDTSOVA, Lyudmila Semenovna; .., kand. takhn. nauk, otv. red.1 KOSTANIYAN, ,LIEEBMP ,Yu,M A.Ya., red.; RYLINA, Yu.V...,tekhn. red. (Using the optical method to study the stress state of rocks around mine workings] Primenenie opticheakogo metoda dlia is- sledovanlia napz-lazhennogo sostoianiia porod vokrug gornykh vyrabotok. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad.nauk SSSR, 1963 93 p. (MI6 16:5) (Rock preosure-Models) (Photoelasticity) SHEVYAKOV, L.D., akademik, otv. red'.(deceased]; MANIKOVSKIY, G.I., red.; AFEUDIKOV, N.N., kand. tekhn. nauk, red.; YERSHOV, N.N. , kand. tekhn. nauk, red.; JJZWM,,-,Yu-M., red.; PANOV, A.D., red.[deceased]; RUSHCHINSKIY, 14.V., red.; KRASOVSKIY, I.P., red.izd-va; PROZOROVSKAYA, V.L., tekhn. red.; I041LINA, L.N., tekhn. red. (I?nck pressure and the lining of vertical shafts] Gornoe davlenie i krep' vertikalinykh stvolov. Pod red. L.D. Sheviakova. Moskva., Gosgortekhizdat, 1963. 211 p. (MIRA 16:11) 1. Moscow. Institut gornogo dela imeni A.A.Skochinskogo. (Rock pressure) (Shaft sinking) ILTSHTEYN, A.M., doktor tekhn. nauk; kand. tekhn. nauk; M-ELINIKOV2 Ye.A.0 kand, tekhn. nauk; RAKHIMOV,V., kand. tekhn, nauk; RYZBIKj VA, kand. fiz.-matem. nauk (Methods of calculating pilars and ore blocks of chambers in ore deposits] Metody rascheta tselikov i potolochin kamer rudnykh mestorozhdenii. Moskva# Nauka, 1964. 14 p. (MIRA 18:3) 1_-_A1n600071T------- TJR/01 4/6p/00p/C~�/51 05/006 SOURCE - CODE t bhainacteriatics ing the'.diffefontia ic~:~Or,-~Ahs aocuracrj of Aetex~u~ UA 4, 17 M -~,',_-.SOUR Rit `-Makhanikit Abe. -069 Y ;'I!hF SOURCE iTra- nifigi. kidiometaorol. in-ta, vyp. 22t 19641 185-197 TOPIC TAGS: meteorologic observation, synoptic meteorology, atmospheric geopotential.) IN rE A Aad- ^ ro, o Aj ABSTRACT: The method of optimal interpolation has been applied J~n the study, of the behavior of the relative error in calculating the derivatives of the geopotential field on the 500-mbar surface by means of finite differences as functions of the number of station networks, differential span, and distribution of observatories and centers of regular networks. The method of calculating the values for normalized autocorrelation functions and for optimal interpolation error using an electronic computer is discussed. Evaluation of the relative error for determining the first difference, the -ratio of the average squares of the difference itself and of the error of its determination, indicated that the error depends strongly on the location of the network centers relative to the stations, that it deoreases wi-th an increased difference spang and that it changeal,depending on the form of the selected autocorre- lation function. The general character of its dependence upon the span, howevery L~~ard 1/2 -- . - - --- - ---- ~ - 1- - - ~- -- - - - ~ - - -- -- - - --- -- GANDIN, L,S.; jj~;.Tpj, ru.M.; YUD-N, MI.I. cn4~ fda~~inn;.rjirig finit,~i in the aralYS13 Of mpt~"crol:;gl~:al fleld~-3. Trady 1,3110 noiI68:113-222 165. (MTRA, -113:8) UR/036 /65/001101a-711307U-2~ AP5028352 ACC NRz SOURCE CODE: AUTHOR: -Libe U. 4. Leningrad Hydrometeorological Institute (Leningradskiy Gidrometeorologicheskiy institul) TITLE: Accuracy of determination.of finite differences in the analysis of the k geopotential field* using data.of the existing a2E21ogical netyq2~_ SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Fizika atmosfery i okeana, v. 1, no. 11, 1965, 113o-ii4o TOPIC TAGS: atmosphe ric geopotential, aerodynamics, finite difference ABSTRACT: 'the priniepal foundations, methods and results of numerical experiments' for'estimating the accuracy of determination of finite differencea of geopotential fields are considered. The calculations deal v:Uh the territory,of the Soviet Union.and the Northern-Hemisphere. The distribution of errors of the finite dif- ferences determination obtained agrees well with the distribution of theoretical errors of the geopotential interpolation. In accordance with the given criterion, the position of several additional stations is found. Orig. art. has: 2 tables, 5 figures, 6 formulas. [Author's abstract.] SUB CODE: 0 20/ SUBM DATE;..AMay~5/. ORIG REF: 007/ Card UDC: 551.501.74 LIBERWi, Z.M. (Bryansk). 1 "7 701-7awrv c "a 7alivary calculus of the subma illary gland. 61 Ja-F '54. Stomatologiia no.l: (MIRA 7:1) (Calculi) _. (Bryansk) ,-LIBEMWI _gjgj~, Subautanfious emphysema follourimg the extraction of.the root. of a tooth. Stomatologiia 42 no.39.98 My-.Te'63 (MIn 17:1) LI MERMANK-LUCY, P. Group tberapy in educational guidance. Oyermekgyog3rauzat 7,no.10:289-298 Oct 56. 1. A.Budaposti Orvostudomar7i 1gyetem I. szo Gyermakklinikajan kozlemerys (Igazgato:, Dr. Gegesi-Xisa. Pal egyet. tanar. akademik-as). (CHILD PSYCKOIOGY group guidance & psycbother,, (Hun)) 0 Ofy-77 o 0 ? A A- -L-,L-#A M tO U tj A- s --t 00; A. 1. Draretakil and n. 1, Ijbemv. r# dObb. 1421. 14. No. -00 I fill (1004- Z#Wr. 190. N. 792.-In arda to mve "gut A & ~80 Mel J- $t-. a mixt. cantir. jkbout of dust 1"m d k" DOWU MW WAN Uwd trIdAff"Ir. nAter tfw bulk" had bm g4juted to the an of a fM ol bkbtr vkoWly the =00 eAxN;,7,4r, soccr"W' 12.8% d maxat wu wwd. in be OxPcvtod by funber chang" in ti, Coe A. K. Hoterw X00 XO* t:99 A AgTALLURGICAL LITINAIC01 CLASSWOCAM" 10~. 43 liv. ammi a*msnv Are* 491400 It a.. oft 41191".11 414111 0& 47.. All AV PO -a-1 -T I ; 0 1 5 a a I I V Fm~ I IIA rw 0 0 Pattatic not t" KW %J% 0 41 00 0 0 a 0 41 0 00 4 0 f 0 41 0 0 00 0 1? 0 Dissertation: "Drying and Grinding Coal from the Moscow Area in Tumbling Ball Mills with a Simplified System of PrelimLirary Drying." A'11-UnIon Order of the Labor Red Banner Sci Res Heat Engineering Inst imeni F. Dzerzhinskiy, 20 Jan 47. SO: Vechernyaya Moskva, Jan, 1947 (Project #17836) BIT AID P - 789 Subject USSR/Engineering Card 1/1 'Pub. 28 - 4/5 Authors Liberov$ B. I. and Zharnenkov, P. A. Title Combustion of petroleum asphalt (Gudron) and highly viscous fuel oil in the.steam boiler Periodical : Energ. byul. #2, 26-3o, -F 1954 Abstract : Description of an experimental boiler installation for testing of high viscous fuels with and without pre-heating as illustrated with general arrangement diagram. Full characteristics and the results of experimental operation are given ill 3 tables and one chart. Suitability of dif- ferent fuels Is defined by viscosity and temperature of pre-heating. Institution : None Submitted : No date AID F 3612 Subject USSR/tngineering Card 1/2 Pub. 28 - 3/7 Authors : Zharnenkov, F. A-i B. I. Liberov, D. K. Safaraliyev and -G. M. Shteynahneydd!?- Title : Using goudron and its high-viscoBity mixture with mazut as a fuel in petroleum refineries Periodical Energ. byul., 10, 10-20j 1955 Abstract Because of mazut's value as a source of light petroleum products and lubricating_oils, experiments have been undertaken in using goudron and some other liquid fuel as a mazut substitute. Certain data on the experimental use of goudron as a fuel in steam boiler furnaces was published in this journal, #2, 1954. The authors of this article discuss results of,the experiment In burning goudron and its high-viscosity mixture with mazut in the tubular furnace of a refinery, and make positive deductions Furnace sketch and 3 tables showing characteristics of goudron and goudron mixtures, effects on furnace, and Energ. byul., 10, 10-200 1955 .-- Card 2/2 Pub. 28 - 3/7 steam expenditures. Institution : None Submitted : No date AID P - 3612 LIMOV Boris iIsaakovich, kand.tekhn.nauk; VASILICHENKO, Z.N.., inzh., P.V., inzh., red.; PONIMAREV, V.A., (Using high-viscosity cracking residue and cracking gas in furnaces of cracking instllationel Ispollzovauia vysokoviazkikh kreking-ostatkov i kreking-ga2a, v pechakh krekin-ustanovok. Moskva, Pilial Vaes. in-ta nauchnoi i tekhn.inform., 1956. 23 p. (Informataiia o nauchno-iseledovatellskikh rabotakh. Tema 28, no.I-56-198) (MIRA 10:12) (Cracking process--Waete products) I, ~. %Zl- ~~. to j , 13 '' LIMOV mp-lw- I-ftU=9AAJ . Burning highly viscous cracking residues In the firebox of a cracking furnace. Inerg.biul. no.12:12-21 D 157. (MM 10:12) (Grosm-Gracking process) --m BEIIIY,--B.I.;-,BAWHIYANj TS.A.; SHVETSO Ye.K. _g Rotary nozzleo for liquid fuel bulubj. Rrcm.energ. 17 no,1:21-24 Ja 162, (MIPA 14:12) (Burners) LIMROV, B.I. Air-atomizing burners operating by heated air. Khim.i tekh.topl, i masel 7 no0'4:48-52 Ap 162. (MMA 15:4) 1. Gosudarstvannyy nauchno-isoledovatellskiy i proyektnyy institut, neftyanogo mashinostroyeniya. (Oil burners) (Atomization) kand. takhn. nauk; VRONSKIY, ved. red. (Air jets for operation on liquid and gas fuel; spraying by nonheated and heated vontilator air] Vozdusbnye for- sunki d3da raboty na zhidkom i gazoobraznom toplive; raspylivanie nepodogretym i podogretym ventiliatornym vozdukhom. Moskva, Nedra, 1964. 99 P. (MIRA 17:12) LIBEROV,-Dmitriy Dmitriyevich,- KOZHUKHOVA, D.S., red.; DOLISHAKOVA, e ra. [Preliminary and commercial processing of sea animals in the North; Greenland seal]Porviobnaia i zavodskaia obrabotka =or- skogo zveria na Severe; grenlandskii tiulen'. Arkhangel'sk, Arkhangellskoe knizhnoe izd-vo,, 1959* 76 p. (MIRA 15.12) (Russia, Nortbern-Harp seal) STIPANOV, N.I.; 1ERGUN, N.P.; LU3 L. Device for the removal of internal facets or rectangular grooves in piston rings. Ait.trakt. prom, no-11:30-31 N 153. (MLEA 6:11) (Piston rings)' LIHMOVJ 1. ye.: l4aster Tech Sci (dias) -- "Investigation, with a voek-mater,, --a"So~Ave of the pover consumption ana the optiT= loading of a tractor attaclament". teningrad, 1958. 14 pp (Min Agric USSR., LeninEWad. Agric Inst), 150 copies (KL, No 6, 1959, 134) ym,Uv, Yu.K.; NOVITSKIY, X.Y-a.; LIMMOV. L-G- Obtaining of m2on0ethmWlar71"Ines from the ethy2ene and aryla=lnes oxide. Izv.Akad.na0k.SSSR;Khim.otd. no..3:317-327 May-June 1951. (GLML 20:9) 1. Laboratory of Organic Chemistry imeni IT.D. Zelinskiy of Moscow State University. T ~tkctioqs O!,oh)ient orlda w" juoiltz;c and heteracy(fic * It Y Y 1Z K . . tjr u. ev. . 1.1bi-voy, RTUA It. D.: YntwIlL.), Ir -Ser. Fit-Val. i Eoeqier. Yank 4, d. CA 4-6, 0-32-,.-ReuQ6c-n; betwj%-a st,~t M Intl), '~ui tzinines vv,' c Am-- of ribylole owtdt (1) and van TLace at tc;np- riinging froin 30-t4'. Tlit r.-,Qd"fs Wefe b'Y Ot tn.v, or b,p. of Cr-, ptirt 'Slibq"Jm~o' M.p' of pizr'Atel zmd by N' drtn. Vie ideutiilvd ptodlicb~ art.:, . kminst, Ci;111.101.4 (7 1.5 U. n.tpT)thy14,-i;nc djAq il~vd in I 00 j"' &comuc cont.. ID ml. etbanol wid 5 nil. ;A,.tter rea"ed mith I I g. I W). in. f;.'* (pizraw, m. IQ'); ctbyItth-,-nojxiUi-ie, Co- II.ONT ((wa 121 g. of freJily pirclM. ctlivLmiline, 211 nil. water. FnJ 4L( Lf. I he.LtLtj a( 'I/ matiotth- heuting 81.9 g. P11:11hiC, 10 nil. eLh-vol, I ml. wilmr, and 70 g. I tit 7 54W 1. bi, 134.5-45 )**; I g. 2-ainino pyriilinv, 5 nil. wmcT a 5-!wi (frum S nd ated up m(W),b, Irs-S'. In. JOU% .34fi-1101-0 kc-01YO-4- .11 ~ t fly Im i I'M I I 6zol v -O 1 1 1 1 l l 4111 U1110 di-;~Av it 5 ni . C d I of Water and :ri K. I at 50-61') 1). (vicrate. M, 1101cl-'ruty 7! q -77. -;, c flon of sihviene oxigle with srowtic an& batero. vur'ev. K. Yu, Novitsitill, Lj),12. d R--E~T-- V01494 MUM UOTW41`11 No. C~ 120:3Z; iferat. Zhur., Kkiin. 19 r 33, No: H SM.-When ethylene oxide (1) reacts at a high temp. with 2-CmUiNH2 (11). it yields 2-CgiHvN`HCHjCffgOH (1U); With PhNHEtArV) I yields HOCHICHiNEtPh (V); with O-CIC4114NH& ), I Yields O-C1CgH4NHCIfrCHtOH MI with a-aminopyridina (VM I yields 1,2-dihydro-l~ hydroxyethyl).2-itninopyiJkle (IX); with 2-amino-4- methylthlasole (K), I I" 342-bydroxyctlgyl~~tzgethyi-2- Induo4-tithizotine Q. When It g. I is passed into 71.5 H, 100 S. dlcg=e, 10 mi. sic., and 3 ml. water for I hr. at 30-00, dbtn. yields 23.1 C. III, b# 197-8% m. 52* (from abit. ak.), picrate. ug. 102* (from ale.). The following are ---g.- V, big 154", nV LW20, do i similarly obtained: U2 j LOWO, from 121 g. IV in 20 mi. water and 44 g. I upvn f licatio up to 40-50 *; 29.5 c. VII, N 134.5-35% nj? dis 1.920, from 8 1.9 g. VI In 10 m I - a 1c., I mi. wa ter, an d 70 at 7&-80*; 14 g. IX, big 173.-4*, m. 112' Moin ab, 6ne), Irout-11.6.1, Vill in 5 ml. water and 5.5 g. I with a heatint to 60*; 6.5 i--XI, b. 148-81 (in a N stream), n9 1.6715(piazte, ag. 155.5-56*) from 48 g. Xin 15ml.ak.un4 IWl.water&;gd28g.Iat5O--c0 By hydrolysis of 10 g. M! 8 lr~ 1-(2-hydmigyedtyl)-2