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BEREGOVSKIY, V.I.; BREWAN, R.V.; DANILOVA, L.A.; KOZYREV, V.S.; TARASOV, B.Ye.; TEPER, V.S.; F(k!INYKH, Ye.G.;,,L,IBERMM, , S.S,,, red.; KOROVINA, N.A.p tekhn. red. [Complete use of pyritic cinders] Kompleksnoe ispollzova- nie piritnykh ogarkov. Moskva,, Metallurgizdat, 1963. 71 p. (MIRA 17:3) U &d a ft 1 11 At 4 4 t. -A AA 90 CA 10 U G.W.1 a , , awl se so 00 99 it -00 Yet trm *d tubsp& If. 1101919 A-491 S- 1.11462MAN, MCISA400W-7kirmw - - 1 1 l -0411 4. S R. 3. 42 3--nis nxical is typit'g in W PUin 4 Miatic 1 Pdo IUD, Ntt. fil . 00 Its fat 6 4 is irrIlmuhniwis c44w anti specific miew. Twn sAmpk, .,( the fat td Alongolian (migin gave the Italclaring 4140 11.101h. it 111111t. 46.1 fu, 21 '. 2:14, - no, 198.5. 195 9; pw 90A, 101,8 . Sum saponifishit 20, 19%. -40ificalims 1 *6 -86,-46. 'JhlStl.%AJNnl n(v.'M(12.Ilkl = 00 00 102 6, 110. fat A'Alld )w fultalle for the hvjkrr anti lAst, ildmilry ee 0 00 L40 10 1~ t 940 0 '00 ,4"" !moo 110. swell'. I Id.j 10 moo -* I $$jowl I. iwt' 111.4t, It. 4.1 it 0 o" go. kit, An- f ... i- a - mi, ii--w u so 000 LIBERK", S.S. Ascorbic acid in carbon monoxide poisoning. Farm,i toks.10 n0,3: 20-22 Ky-Je 147. (MLRA 7:2) 1. Is laboratorii farmakologii pri patologicheakikh sostoyaniYA-h- i lntokolkataiyakh.(zaveduvushchiv professor V,A.Sanotskiy) otdela farmakoloei (saveduyushchly deystvitellnvy chlen Aka- demii meditsinskikh nauk V.I.Skvortsov) Instituta farmakologii, toksikologii i khimioterapii Akademli zeditsinskikh nauk SSSR. (Vi tamins) (Oarbon monoxide--Toxicology) Liberman, S. S. Cand Diolog Sci Dissertation: "Pharmacolo-ic Invcstigation. of a new Antihyst.Lmine Frep2ration-- Dimedrol." 18 May 49 All-Union Sci FL-s Chemicopharmaroutic Inst imani S. .0rdzhonikidze, Ministrny of Public Health US3R SO Vecheryaya Moskva Surn 71 n Dimedrol. S. S!.-U12gjmAAlI-Voktn Chein.-Phartu. ult- rklumilm. Dimedmi k the tradc imune given in 11,010CH.Clir N.Ifel.110. m. The theralmatic properties are liltril. including muib6tanaltdo actilm along with some anti- .naphylactic effirvits. It has s4xne atropinclike propeftles. Kimolalloff LIBIRM, S.S. Pharmacology of thiphen; diethylaninootb7l eater of thimUpharql acetic acid. 7r. Yeasolus. obeh, fisiol, no. 1:123 1932. (CLKL 24:1) L.Delivered 24 February 1930. Moscow. HASIKOVSKIY, M.D., LrBERMAll, B.S.; POLIZRAYNVA, A.I. Pharmacolog3r of aminazine. . Farm. i toks. 18 no.lil4-22 Ja-Y 155. (HWA 8:7) i. otael farmakologii.(zav. prof. M.D.Hashovskiy) Veesoyuznogo nauchno-tooledovateltakogo khimiko-farmatsevtichaskogo tustituta imeni S.Ordzhonikidze. (CELCROPROMAZINE, phtirmacol.) USSMR,/Pharmacology. Pharmacognosy. Toxicology - T-8 Spasmoly-tics. Abs Jour Referat Zhur - Biologiya, No 16, 1957, 71861 Author Inst Title The Effect of Carbonic Acid Ethers in Hyperkinesis Produced by Nicotine. I Orig Pub NhImis, i meditsina, v7p. 5, M. Medgis, ig,56, 32-36 Abstract The introvenous injection of 0.5 mg/kg of nicotine (I) into mice caused excitement, tremor and clinical convul- sions; doses of 0-75 produced clonic and clonicotonic convulsions., with about 30% mortality among the mice. 1-5 mg/kg produced 100% death in mice. The following compounds were adminstered intra-abdominally 10 minutes before injection of the lethal doses of 1 (1.5 mg/kg). The most active compound preventing ihe toxic reaction in anir-Is appeared to be dimethylaminoethyl ether of Card 1/3 75 777 --------------------- ---------------- --------------------- ----------- USSR/Pharmacology. pharmacogaoily. Toxicology - T-8 SpaSMDlytiCs. Abs Jour Referat Zhur - Biologiya, No 16, 1957, 71861 diphenylthioacetate (II, dimetsin)t A 25 Mg/kg dose of II completely averted the death of mice from I and consi- derably reduced the nicotinic hyperkinesis. In rabbit tests II weakened considerably the convulsions produced by I with 0.5 mg/kg doses. Diethylaminoethyl ether of diphenylacetate (spasmolytin), and its Sulfur containing analog (tiphen), and also diphenyl-a, a-propionate ethers shaved a similar potency. 7hey exhibited a clear thera- peutic effect, vhen injected intra-abdominally into mice in 50 mg/kg doses and prevented the convulsive effect of I in rabbits in 5 mg/kg doses. Inactive as to preven- tion of nicotinic hyperkinesis were benzilic ethers, 2-quinuclidilmethyl, and 4-pyridy1methyl ether of diphe- hylacetate, and also isopropylaminoethyl ether of diphe- nylthioacetate. It is indicated that the substitution of the hydrogen atom by the methyl group near the oxygen, Card 2/3 - 76 - --:,; f, ~ : A. (-//j Z-- it -- ~. LIBIRMAN,, S.S. Effect of diprazine on the uteras in erperimental animals. Farm. i tokes 20 no-3:64-66 My-Je 157. (MIRA 10:10) 1. Otdel farmakologii (zav. - prof. JJ.D.Mashkovskiy) Tsesoyuznogo neuchno-issledo;ra tell skogo khimiko-farmateevticheakogo instituta Imeni 5.0rdzlionikidse. (UTERUS., effee~ pf drugs on, promet,I " "."Va animals (Rua)) on-.Uterqa. in inbaile (Rua)) z~- KASHKOVSKIY, M.D.; LIBERMAN, S.S. Pharmacolo of aprophen, a new spasmolytic preparation [with summary in Nnglishly. Farm. i toks. 20 no.4:42-48 Jl-Ag 157. (MIRA 10:11) 1. Gtdel farmakologii (zav. - prof. M.D.Hashkovskiy) Vseooyuznogo nauchno-issladovatellskogo khimika-formetsevticheskogo inatituta imeni B.Ordxhonikidze. (MUSCLE RELAXANTS, tg-diethylamincethyl eater of O~,01- -diphe nylp rop ionic acid hydrochloride, pharmacol. (Rus)) (PROPIONATES, effectB, f4-diethylaminoethyl ester of 0~,C~-diphenylpropionic -azid hydrochloride, spasmolytic action (RuB)) LIBSRKAK, S.S. Isadrine, an antiaothmatic. Ked.prom. 12 no.1:57 Ja 058. (MIRA 11:2) 1. VoesoyuzM7 nauchno-iBsledovateltakiy khimiko-farmateevticheskiy institut imeni S.Ordzhonikidze. (ATHANOL) (AETISPOSMODIGS) KAXEYSVA, 0.0.. LIMRMAN, B.S. nctivity of the blood and cerebrospinal fluid in emericental nnirmls following internal administration of methazid. [with summary in English] Farm. i tokot 21 no.3:39-41 XY-je 158 (MIRA 11:7) 1. VseBoyuznyy nauchno-issledovAtelinkly khimiko-fArmntsevticheskiy institut imeni S,0rdzhouikidza6 (NICOTINIC ACID, ISOMERS, effects, metazid. on exper. tuberc., bRcteriostntic aff. of blood &-0S7 Isolnted from trented animals (Rua)) (BLOOD. bacteriostntic eff. after metazid ther. of erper. tuberc. (Rua)) (GKRFMOSPINAL FLUID. same (Rua)) LIBERMAII, B.S.; MASHKOVSKIT, M.D. New drugs for treating diseases of the central nervous syztem. Hed.prom. 13 no.3:6-13 Mr 159. (NM 12:5) 1. Veenoyaznyy nauchno-iseledovatellskiy khimiko-farmateevti- cheakiy institut imeni S.Ordzhonikidze. (PRARMCOLOGT) (NERVOUS SYSTEM--DISFASES) MASHKOVSKIYO M.D.; LIBMN, S,S, Pliamacology of a new cholinolytic drug metacin. Farm. t toks. 22 no-3:216-224 Yq-Je 159. (MIRA 12:7) 1. Otdel farmkologii (zav. - prof. M.D. Mashkovskiy) Vsesoyuznogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo kliiiniko-farwateevticheakogo instituta. (PARASYMPATHDZTICS 0 oxyphenonium, pharmcol. (Ra)) -J LI Zffect of iprazid on the bypothermic and sedative effects of reserpine and aminazine. Zhur.nevr. i paikh, 59 no.4:396- 4ol '59, (MIRA 12:6) 1, Otdol f&rmakologii (zav. - prof.H.D.Mashkovskiy) Vaesoyuz- nogo nauchno-iseledovatellskogo khtmiko-farmatsevtichaskogo institute. imeni. S-Ordzhonikidze. (NICOTINIC ACID ISOIGM, effects, lproniazid, on hypothermic & sedative off. of chlororomazine & reserpine (Rua)) (CHLORPROWINE, effects, hypothermic & sedative, eff. of ipron:Lazid on reactivity (Run)) (RHSERPM, effectop same) --MAKE ME A-qO.-O.--j- LIBErMAN) Me Bacteriostatic antitubercular activity of the blood and cerebrospinal fluid in experimnetal animals during peroral admiriistration of metazide. Khim.-i med. no.14:31-35 160, (MLRA -14:12) 1. Voesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy khimiko-far'*tsevticheskiy institut imeni S.Ordzhonikl4ze. (METAZIDE) J( (TUBERCULOSIS) -MBERM, S. S. General effect and toxicity of the antitubercular drug., metazide. Khim. i med. no.14:42-45 160. (FUM 14:12) I, Otdel farmakologii (zav. - prof. M.D.Mashkovskiy) Veesoyuznogo I nauchnc)-vissledovatellskogo khim4k farmatse-rticheakogo instituta imeni S.Ordzhonikidze. (MLTAZIDE) LIBERMAN, S.S. 1prazid. a preparation for the treatment of central nerroys system diseases. Ned.prom. 14 no.W51-52 Ap. 160. (mm 13W 1. Tessoymn" usuchno-lesledovatel'skly khimiko-farmatsovticho- skiy iustitut iment, S. Ovdshonikidze. (ISONICOTINIC ACID) (MMYOUS SYSr=--])ISIUSZS) ; GALENKOi V.Ye. Meprotan is a new sedative. Mod. prom. 24 no.5:54-55 W 160. (MIRA 111:9) (PROPANEDIOL) ILIYUGHENOKt R.Yu. Influence of the "loading" of dialkylaminoethly radical on the pharmacological propertied of benzilic acid esters. Farm. i tokb. 24 no.4:432-436 Jl-Ag 161. (HIRA 14:9) 1. Laboratoriya farmakologii (zav. - prof. M.D.M~shkovskiy) Voesoyuz- nogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo khimiko-far~atsevicheskogo instituta imeni S.Ordzhonididze. (bENZILIC ACID) (PARASYNPATHOLYTICS) LEV.,.Isaak Yefimovich; TARAX-ZHOVINIR, Yu.N.p otv. red.; LIBERMAN, S.S. ved. rdd'-; AMREMj, S.P,,, --:,kbn. red, [Carbide'analysis of cast Iron) Karbidryi analiz chuguna. Khar1kov., Hetallurgizdat~ ..1962. 3M:v~. (MM 15:7) (Cw-~ !Cron-44etallograpby) (Phase rule and equilibrium) Pharmacology of pbelazine - a moncamine oxiclase inhibitor. Farm. i toks. 25 no.2:175-179 PIr-Ap 162. (WIV. 15: 6) 1. Laboratoriya farmakologii (zav. - prof. M.D. Mashkovskiy) Vaerayuznogo nauchno-iseledovateltakogo khimiko-farmatsevtich- askogo Instituta ineni S. Ordzbonididze. (AMINE OXIDASE) (HYDRAZINE) (RESERPINE) FD---1912--- Card 1/1 Pub- 38-11/18 Author : Mashkovskiy, M. D.; Libermax, S. S. Title : Comparitive investigation of the effects of spasmolytin, tiphen, and pentaphen on experimental bronchospasm Periodical : Farm. i. toks. 17, 45-49, Nov/Dec 1954 Abstract : Studied the effects of spasmolytin (chldkohydrate of the diethylamino- ethyl ester of diphenylacetic acid), tiphen (chlorohydrate of the diethylaminoethyl ester of thiodiphenylacetic acid), and pentaphen (chlorohydrate of the diethylaminoethyl ester of phenylcyclopentane- carboxylic acid) on experimentaUy induced bronchospasms in cats. The bronchospasm. was induced with prostigmine and with carbonyl choline. All three preparations were found to possess broncholytic activity, decreasing bronchospasms induced by prostigmine, carbonyl choline, and by stimulation of the vagus nerve with induction current. The broncholytic activity of the three drugs was equal. Five graphs; five references (all USSR; all since 194o). Institution: Pharmacology Division (Head - Prof. M. D. Mashkovskiy) All-Union Sci- Res Chemico-pharmaceutical Inst imeni S. Ordzhonikidze. Submitted : esearch'on Neu Cholitolytic and Spasmolytic Agents in the Series of Complex Esters of Diphenylacetic Acid end Its Deri- vatives," by S S Liberman, Department of Pharmacology (head, 7 Prof M. D. ~aijii~kovsii~;, 11-Union Scientific Research Chemico- pharmaceutical Institute imeni S. Ordzhonikidze, Farmakologiya i Toksikologiya, Moscow, Vol 19, No 6, Nov/Dec 56) pp 10-17 Many esters and derivatives of diphenylacetic acid &-re known to be pharma- cologically active and to possess properties similar to those of spasmol:ytin, tiphen, tropacin, and others. Thirty esters, derivatives of diphenylacetic acid, synthesized at the All-Union Scientific-Research Chemicopharmaceutical ,institute by N. A. Kopylova and Prof M. V. Rubtsov, were investigated to de- .termine their (1) spasmolytic activity (their effect on smooth muscles sim- Ilar'to the effect of papaverine); (2) effect on the peripheral muscular eiA chol-ine reactive systems; and (3) effect on the central muscular and ner- ,vous choline reactive systems (their ability to prevent or weaken spasms caused by arecoline or nicotine). ~-On-tha basis-of-their chemical structures the compounds Vera divided into thefollowing groups: 1 Dialkylaminoethyl esters of diphenylalkylacetic acid. Dialkylaminoethyl esters of diphenyloxyacetic acid. ~-3. Dialkylaminoethyl esters of diphenylalkoxyacetic acid. Dialkylaminoethyl esters of diphenylacetic acid with substituents in .the~phenyl radicals. 5. Quaternary salts of dialkylaminoethyl esters of diphenylalkylacetic and~diphenyloxyacetic acids. Esters of diphenylacetic acid and heterocyclic alcohols. Dialkylaminoethyl esters of diphenylthioacetic and phenylcyclohexyl- thioacetic acids. Dialkylaminoethyl esters of.diphenylthioacetic.acid with substitu- ents in the phenyl radicals. All the compounds.. except the quaterDOXY dirivatives,, were in the form of hydrochlorides, white or light cream in colorp and were to a greater or lesser degree soluble In water. A section of rabbit's intestine in a state ofspesm induced by barium chloride (1.2,500) was used to determine the ~sp~ismolytic action of the compounds. Their cholinolytic activity w8s deter- -mined by tests on a section of rabbit's intestine in a state of spasm in- duced by acetylcholine and on cats anesthesized vith urethan. The investigations established: (1) all the compounds were closelin their action to spasmolytin and tiphen,, differing from the latter in the degree of their activity; (2) of the eaters of diphenylalkylacetic acidp the diethylaminoethyl ester of diphenylmethylacetic acid was the more ac- tive; (3) the quaternary salts of the deriv&tives of diphenylacetic acid were practically devoid of spasmolytic properties and of central cholinoly- .tic and nicotinolvtic action; and (4) greatest spasmolytic activity, and .greatest activity in regard to the muscular and nevous choline reactive ,systems were displayed by the diethylaminoethyl ester of phenylcyclohexyl- thioacetic acid and the dipropylaminoethyl ester of diphenylthioacetic acid. (Comment: Spasmolytin is the hydrochloride~of the diethylaminoethyl .ester of diphenylacetic acid; tiphen is the hydrochloride of the beta- diethylaminoetbyl ester of thiophenylacetic acid; tropacin is the hydro- _q~loride of-the tropic-ester.of diphenylacetic acid. See akarstve Siedstva (Hateria. Medica);, by M. D. Hashkovskly, Moscow, 1954, pp lod,- 1-07i 57 57 LIBEWN, B.S. Aprophen and diprophon, new spasmolyttese Med.pron. 11 no.6t43-45 Je 1579 (MLRA 10:8) 1. Yeemoyusnyy nauchno-iseledovatellskiy khimiko-famatseyticheakiy tuatitut iment S.Ordshonikld*e (ARf ISFASKODICS) (PIPINRIDINN) (ACWIC ACID) LIBERMO, S.S.; MASHOVSKIY, M.D. -- - - % -:-, ; , .- . Ifew drugs for treating diseases of the central nervoun system. Ned. prom. 13 no.2:3-10 7 159. . (MM 12 -.3) 1. Vsesoy"nyy nauchno-iseledovatellskiy khimko-farmtsevti- cheakiy institut imeni, S. Ord2honikidze. (THANqUILIZING DUM) MWAN, S.S. Now atropinelike preparation metacin. Med.prom. 15 n0-5:40-42 My 96ja (MM 14:6) 1. Vaesoyuznyy nauchno-iseledcrvateliskiy institut imeni. S.Ordzhonikidze. (PARASYWATHOLYrICS) (MNZILIG AGID) LIBERMAN, S.S. ----------- Pharmacology of dialkylaminalkyl eoters of -diphenylpropionic acid and their analogues and homologues. Farm.i toks..,24 no.6.-670- 675 N-D 161. (MIRA 15:11) 1. Laboratorlya farmakologil (zav. - chlen-korrespondent AMN SSSR prof. M.D.Mashkovskiy) Vsesoyuznogo nauchno-issledovatel'skogo fiziko-farmatsevticheskogo instituta imeni S.Ordzhonikidze. (PROPIONIC ACID) LIBERMAN, S.S. iedo' and miorphine. Effect of some cl.o,'linolytics on the acticn of pro.- Farm. i toks. 25 no.4:419-424 .1-Ag 162. (MI19A 17: 10) 1. laboratoriya farmakologii (zav. - chlen-korrespondent A1414 prof. M.D. 14ashkovskiy) Vsesoyuznogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo khlimiko- farmatsevticheskogo instituta- Jmeni Ordzhonikidze. LIBMW$ S.S., FOLEWAYEVA, A.I. Abalgesic and antitussive effect of some diphanylalkox3r acetates. Fbam. i tcks. 26 no.6t656-661 N-D 163 (mm 18S2) 1. Laboratoriya, famakologli (zav. - chlen-korreapmdent AMN SSSR prof. M.D. Mashkovskiy) Tseso-yuznogo nauchno-issledova- teltskogo khimiko-rarmataecticheskogo Instituta imeni S. Ordzhonikidze. UBMEW9 S.8., doktor bi0l. nauk; YAKHCITTOV, L.K., kand. khim. nauk I.- Hypotensive preparations. Zhur. VKHO 10 no. 6616-629 165 (IMIA 19:1) PMV-YSOTSXAYA, O.N., -- -, "Brief manual.for practical lessons or elcln and veneral disepanx; bv A;A; Studnitskiig, V.I.:Tereahkovich, Reviewed by O.N. Po4vysotskaia T.N. Libermano- Veste'derm. i ven. 32 no0'4:84-86 JI-Ag 158 (MIRA 11:105 (DL7MTOLOGT) (VEMMOLOGY) (STUDNITSKIIg ASA.) (TMMSHKOVICHI V.I.) LIBLTMN, Studying the socretory and motor activities of the stomach in patients with certain skin diseases. Veet.derm.1 von. 33 no.3:25-)O B-0 159. (MIRA 13--2) 1. Is lt~fedry kozhnykh bolezuey (zaveduyushchly - prof. A.W. Are- viyakiy, uauchnyy rukovoditall - deystvitelIny7 chlen AMN SSSR prof. O.N. Podvysotalmya [deceased] I Loningradskogo meditsinskogo institute. imeni eked. Pavlova. (GASTRIG JUICI) (SICIN DISFASES phvoiol. (STOWH Physiol.) LIBEDWy T. Yu. "The So-Called ]RheocardiqMapby," Klin. Mod-m 27v No. 3,, 1949. Therapeutic Clinic# -cl949-. ..'; - -.1 1 . ~ r- z ~ 1117 i LIBERMAN. T.Yu. Effect of oxyjan therany on cerebral circulation in hvoertension; clinical experimental investigation. Ternp. arkh. 30 no.4:49-57 Ap 158. (MIRA 11:4) 1. 12 fakulltetskoy teranevticheskoy kliniki (znv.-prof. A.A. Kedrov) loningradekogo sanitarno-gigiyenicheakogo meditainskogo institutn. (BRAIN, blood supply, in hyDertension, off. of oxygen ther. (Rua) (HYPERTFMION, theraT)y, oxygen, off. on cerebral circ. (Rua) (0 XYGEN, therapeutic use. hypertension, off. on corebrAl circ. (Rua) LIBERMAN, T. Yu. Rffect off the Inspiration of various gas mixtures on the cerebral circulation; experimental investigations. Trudy LSGMI 40:21-31 '58. (MIRA 12:8) 1. Fakulltetolmya terapevticheo)mya klinika Leningradekogo sanitarno-gigiyenicheakogo meditainakogo inatituta (zav. klinikoy - prof.A.A.Kedrov). (BRAIN, blood supply, 02/C02 ratio pressure off. of air (RuO) (BLOOD P M 3 M , physiology, cerebral off. of 02/C02 ratio air (RUO) (RESPIRATION, physiology, eff. of oxygen carbon dioxide air on cerebral blood pressure in inspired in inspired ratio in inspired (Rua)) Therapy of hypertensive headaches by oxygez~-enrlched air. Trudy LSGMI 40:32-47 158. (MBA 12:8) l.IYakul't8tBlMYa terapevticheskaya klinika Leningradskogo sanitarno-gigiyenicheskogo meditsinskogo institute. (zav. klinikay rofA.A.Kecirov). TOXYON. ther. use, headache in hypertension (Rue)) (MICACHE, iptiol. & pathogen. hypertension, oxygen ther. (Rus)) (HYPIRTIMSION, compl. headache, oxygen ther. (Rue)) LIBIMMIT, T.Tu. 'Nathoa for studying fluctuation of cerebral vascular tonus in experimental animals [with summary in English)*. Biul.eksp.biol. L mad. 45 no-1:111-115 A 158- (HIR& 11:4) 1. 1z Imfedry fakulltetskoy terapii (sav. - prof. A.A.Xadrov) leningradskogo sanitarno-gigiyenicheakogo meditsinskogo institute. Predstavlena deyetvitellnym chlenom AMIT SSSR S.V.Anichkovym. (BRAIN, blood supply. vaso~ tonuog determ. Otun)) LIBMU40,, T, Yu,., Candidate Med Soi (diss) -- "The effect of changes in the gas composition of the blood on brain circulation". Leningrad, 1959. 18 pp (Min Health RSFSR, Leningrad Sanitax7-Bygiew Med Inst), 200 copies (KL, No 231 1959.9 172) LIBEPMAN, Tamara Yullyevna; KLIMOV, S.P., red.; LEBEDEVA, G.T., elam. red. (Angina pectoris]Grudnaia zhaba. Leningrad, Medgiz, 1962. 31 P- (MIRA 16:2) (ANGINA PECTORIS) LIBERMAN T.Yq. , Effect of some drugs used in the treatment of headache in hypertonsive patients on the tone of cerebral vesEels; experi- mental studies. Farm. i toks. 26 no-5:573-578 S-0 163. (MIRA 17:8) 1. Fakulltetskaya terapevticheskaya klinika (zav. - prof. A.A. Kedrov) Leningradskogo sanitarno-gigiyenicheskogo meditsinskogo instituta, PAVLOV, N. insh. (Minsk); ARKUSII, N., inzh. (Riga); MIKE, E., mekhanik Nallin); MYAGI, N. [Magi, N.], mekhanik (Tall-in); LIBERMN, V. (I~ubertsy Moskovskoy obl.)j WURAVLEV, G., tekhn-olzr- Prdposed, made, introduce4. Izobr. i rats. no.8tl2-13 Ag 162. (AURA 15:9) (Technological innovations) LIBEMU., V.,, inzhs-mayor Dispatobex obests for airp3mo-caintmmce oervlee, Avj kom, 45 no.lOt62-65 162. (MIRA 15tIO) (Appliances-4[aintenance and repair) T.IRFFNIII, V risovich- SMIRNOV, Ye.I., red.; PONOMAREVA, A.A.-, takh2n.. [Meobanization of production planning] Mekhanizataiia pro- izvodstvennogo planirovaniia. Moskva, Ekonomizdat, 1963. 166 p. (MIRA 16:9) (Mbacow-Industrial management) (Electronic data processing) AV* IBANIYES, F.F.; LIBERMAN V B . BUNINA, T.S,; KATS, A.V,, red.; 7 *--'--';,; * " BYCHKOii-.~-r.r.',,-r' ~.' [Experience in the operation of the EV80-3 electronic computer for calculating planning norms '- ierial r?,nduc- tionj Opyt primeneniia elektronnogo v3rchislitelia EV80-3 dlia normativno-planovykh rascbetov v seriinom prnizvodstve. Moskva; Sta-tistika, 1964. 86 p. (MIRA 18s4) I f 10 it AS 1) $a is 11 It 10 a )d a A 1 Joe. $~ttA a S ISO 0 00 0 0 1110 go Jim kyn"441 41000:c0 - k- -2 -1 . Aj it. ;.00 -00 00 a Changes in the gaw;ua metabolism as an Indication of 60 a fatigue in long-coutinuet! physical work. 1. changes in th astrous metabolism while moving or standing with a I U. I P, A. Nckra-)V. S. S. &ivChenko, d! ku - 00 S lIV.S.Faifti. J.PkyYw1.(V.S.S.R.? A I fill . 1). .00 215 '770101). --Thc of Ol disfinir lonx- I 00 it with 91 held 1041,4111111 fill- 60 t3 014fiffril for Itailivil jWfullis. lit filitt"ittril firtmittiq a de- see 4#t,jw lit tire tit its wa4 tilp-evril orAr Or completion of the cilpti. With adalk work. thcre wa4 a 800 13 ronfiniiomi~ inerramw tit the rw%nriis inetaboliq", 11. ChAuges in the goseout; lattabollsol during the lifting of metal boys And the polishing of metal, III 19 00-4 , . Fmilitt 4 %pl., oll 84-i"li flit'l.41.4mil IIII&I W.111,111, it'll. : 0: 1111,41% o1 1AWAI air fivitlitkil, 111j'Aigh Che"I. lelit?. go's U. 44 0.04. woo it $Nicip. .&I c,i, G.C 4181SAI MIC 0--V Hl bU is AT No a I, W . I 1 4 0 0 All A I a 00 0 0 4 1 N IN 5 V1 a 3 a V V If, ie; '41 0 * 0 q 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ole IS 0 IN a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 & IN 9 4 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-10 0 opt 1 4 0 0 It It w a 16 LF it as ii so, IL r a A -A' m a CC 69 99 " ..' " " P.CK t m t .'.o ~.C.t.fos ,-1.1 :: ;tic wouUmmilpm 4t- u it fA 1 , t I . J 4, h ~4 0 a . 4. )-D A.. 4-~ ~19 0 j I., Change W the Oxyge"!0"Mption. the pulse rate &ad do petiod d r the one of the lepaysty to rotauge to work done, V. M. 11. ROO" 00 1 R.) 25 21 U(JIM: !oLail. curve d tbv fulw1kMal 09 rdatkWhIP between the jwfW aftecove. andthewatk 44MC 41111M dM l 0 th 00% (V y e rt*jc%ptxVo1hijC curv" fix 00 1 4h Mna,11,1114"I d"d 11111w WAIP, 00 0 0 00 00 00 JFAL UTINATURC ~CLASSWXATPOP u its W, it o a a o o 0 0 * o o 0 0 0 0 r o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 o: -00 .40 .00 Ago --o0 A00 '00 7 ILO 0 goo goo ap 0 '00 '00 boo #jam, 60.4mv 8 is I I Jaw goo 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 46 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 f 0 0 0 0 0 9 & 0 0 0 0 0 0 41o 0 0 * 0 -C-0,74FA., 1 9 0 0 411so lot 0 0 * 0 Ilia, 11 11 11 m Is 4 11 Is " is Ion n,14A 26"A 29 10 P U w is m v a 30&41 uu Macillo -A A.A.-L A .4-4. &__j A,-V- -1 1 The effect of lung woutflation on gaseous exchanso in the quiescent VAN. A, V. Somins &W V. N. Gus'lonva. Apork. sori. b". S. & R.) 0, No, 2. 32-43(in English; 43) (109).- 1.00 amt. of Oupliallt ptorl. of otmewirt voradittion during 09 vi-juntary byoeio~o vatim foram 3.3 to 11A cv. -9* dorprMinS upon the amt. of hypirmatilatlim and rhythm. -0 00 The rmit Is olitained at ld 1. and 5 inhalaflofts/min, 00 'rhov ratki'd e4dialord C% ter 0 oronnumpilim shawed wWt -00 ormyWims, tout weft twiford. Ininortifuritary 09 jj-f hYpf`rYrn6I*(UH1 (ifW116.4-1111 (of & tidit ift ("Mt 411 IIW lorm)Irdifify vAlve) 11IN f4tio grollaimil eimoot. Nit valkwi hvp"w1~fiI81kM values while The 0 knXISU111111mill prr 1. a tit eircorwier orrvitilatinn ifecirramil -olipthilv. .9. A. K. zoo 0 coo 10 ;boo 00 =00 itso too Soom5wo t U W3 U 0 11 20 of sit ON 91 11 ft tt It of IUD n I W1 Soodo a 0 0 0 09 ' CO LIBKRMAN,V.B.; TRUBITSYNA.G.A. Interaction of the signal systems during muscular activity. Opyt lzuch.reg.fiziol.funk. no-3:259-273 154. (MIRA 8:12) 1. Iaboratoriya ekologicheekoy fiziologii Instituta fiziologii .1p imeni I.P.Pavlova Akademii nauk SSSR. .(MVOUS SYSTEM) (FATIGUE) (KMCISB) LIRMIM.V.B.;. MAKAROVI.A.R.; SMIRNOV.K.M.; TRUBITSYNI,G.A. Gas exchange during restoration following brief but very intensive physical exercise. Opyt, izuch.reg.fiziol.funk. no-3-011-322 154. (KLU 8;12) 1. Laboratoriya ekologicheskoy fisiologii Instituta fiziologii Imeni I.P.Pavlova Akademii nauk SSSR i Leningrasekii nauchno-issledavatell skiy institut fizicheBkoy kulltury OMPIRATION) (EMCISE) JIBIMNO v9A.-7, Materialg on the physiology of Sechenovia method of increasing work Capacity. TM4V Inst. fiziol, 7:203-210 158. 01M 12-3) 1. laboratoriya skologichaskoy fiziologii (zav. - A*D-,,Slonim). Institixta fiziologii im. L.P. Pavlova.AN SSSRI .I (WORK) LIBERMAN, V.B, Reflex regulation of working capacity [with summry in Fnglisb). Bjul.skep.b4ol. J mod. 45 no.1:18-23 A 158. (MIRA 11:4) 1. 1z laborstorii ekologicheskoy fiziologii (zav. -dcktor meditsin- skikh nauk prof. A-D&Slonim) Instituta fiziologii imeni I.P.Pavlova AN SSSR, Imningrad. Preastavlena akademikom K.M.Bykovym. (WCRK* P17siology, reflex regulation (Rus)) (RNL=, regulation of work (Rua)) IBANIYEV, F.F., inzh,; LIBERMAN,.Y.B., inzh.; ORESSHKIN, V.I., inzh.; CHICHKIN, A.F.)'inzh-*--- . - - Using the EV80-3 electronic computer for plotting monthl~r schedules. M--kh.i av-tom.proizv. 17 no.905-37 S 163. (MIRA 16-.10) 2 LIBERMAN, V.B. Using the EV80-3 electronic -cd&Nter in calculating the loading 9' equip- ment. Vest.mashinostr. 43 no.11:83-86 N 163. (MIRA 17*2) LIBERMAN, Y.B., ---P~~Oard-rAlxulating-mahlne An- determining the volume of unfinished production. Mashinostroitell no.200- 31 F 164. (MIRA 170) KLDMKO, BA., inzh.; LTP~ ~V.B., inzh. Mechanization of the calculation of production capacity and equipment loading. Mekh. i avtom.proizv. 19 no.2:45-47 P 165. (MIRA 18:3) IBA$IYES, F*Fo; LIWBMANg.VsR.j LARIOWVj A,I, M&ohanisation of operational womating, in.mtkl -cutting tool produotion, Stan* i instr. 36 no.ni6-9 N 165i (MIRA 18s 11) LIBERMAR) V.B., kand. ekon. nauk Information and computation center of a machinery plant. Mashinostroitall no.12:30-.32 D 165. (MIRA 18:12) ALIMOVICH9 A.M.9 inshiGOPM, BeLe, ihzhol_R- T.B.., kand. ekon, Dauk. Using coqxters In planning and- controlling the coaffmaption of materials. Vest. mashinostr. 45 no. 12s71-73 D 165 (MIU 19 d) L 27643-66 SOURCE CODE: 66 ACC -NR, AP( -Td/0230/65/051/00 863/08 018515 AUTHOR: Khavkinat N i Liberman V B- ad _(yiziolog~qheskiy ORG: Institute of Phy0io1oFa, im. A.- A. Ukht2WkiX---Len1 institutT stimulation on human scle activity (on the basis TITLE: Effect of proprioceptive mu .of eleetromyographic studies) SOURCEs: Fiziologicheskiy zhurnal SSSR9 vs~ 519 no. 7,, 1965,, 863-866 ~TOPIC TAGS:,muscle Physiolo myology, man 93rk ABc e eted on 'MACTi ;Eldetromyognphic.studier, of muscle activi ty. war condu student6'20-23 years of age. The subjects carried out uvrk with the right, arm, lifting a weight of 4-5,kgp until the arm tired. The effort made by the right'.arm was then enhanced either by proprio,ceptive stimulation which iconsisted of work done with the left arm or by applying will power. 2he ~~-tfirst method was more effective. Stimulation by will power was not only .1less.effectivet but less efficient from the standpoint of energy usep because*the electrical activity-yap-Anier-eaged- Orig. art. has 2 figures... ZIPRO -SUB COM. O6/.8UBM DATE: lftprO ORIG REF: 003 1! +612.812 :J Card-- ~UDG: 612.743 4 5-J _g 04884-67 --- -EWT(d>/EWP_(_c NRt AP6014393 v) /EWP(k) /EWP(h)/EWP( 1) SOURCE CODE: AUTHOR: Liberman, Vj.B. (Candidate of economics) ORG: noxie 17 TITLE: The informatip computing center of a machine-building plant SOURCE: Mashinostroitell, no. 12, 1965, 30-32 TOPIC TAGS: computer') center, Industrial plant -ABSTRACT: The composition, operation, and purposes of the information computing center I CC) of a machine-building plant are discussed. Such a center Includes various types of elec- tlonic~ computers, key-punch units, and other information collection, processing, and re- i6ieval machinery, and constitutes a specialized branch of the plant or factory designed to handle the centralized mechanical processing o14 the scientific, technological, production, and economic data required for production co '-\A table Is given showing the classification of production control actHrities which can be successfully carried out In an ICC with the use of electronic computers and perforation machines. Depending on the volume of Information to be processed, It was determined that all machine-building- enterprises can be broken down Into ~Vgu JL/A f I L 04884-67 ACC NR, 'AP6014393 three main categories, requiring"In each case the use of a computer and data-processing system of the proper handling capacity. The principal tasks which lend themselves to solution at the ICC Include long;I-range pr6duction mechanization and automation planning, study and dis,- semination of experience in the use of computers for Industrial monitoring, and the acquisition and processing of tech~lcal-ecofibmic Information for subsequent transmission to a branch computer and Information-storage agency. A typical organizational table of an ICC Is pre#-!,?,.t sented. Orig. art, hast 2 table's'o GUMNLYA, Anton Nikolayevich; RUVINSIKIY, Zinoviy Lazarevich; I-IRSEMA - V 0 otyetstvannyy redaktor; DOBRYMINA, A.Ya., redaktor-, SUSMVICH. V. I., takhnicheskiy redaktor [Preparatioa of reinforced concrete supports ancl attachments in building yards] lzgotovleais zhelezobotonaykh opor i pristavok as poligonakh. Modkva, GoB. izd-vo lit-ry po voprosam sviazi i radio, 1956. 48 0. (KLRA 10:3) (Precast concrete) Tri T1 ri NZSVIZHSKIY, O.A.; PHUMN, V.I. Use of automatic welding under flux in building of rotary iciln, shells. TSement 24 no.1:23-24 Ja-Ye 158. (NM 11:4) l.Favehinakiy makhanicheskiy savod. (Blectric welding) (Kilns, Rotary) BERKOVICH, Ye.S.; ZSVIZRSKIY., O.Ae; DAIWHINA, L,B.; LIffAW, V.I.; KAWANOVAS A.V.; IAMHIN., S.V. Determining relative wear resistance of deposits built-up by the T-590 electrode with various coating on the laboratory testing machine "rotating bowl." Tren.i izn.mash. no.15:31-46 162. (149tals-Testing) OMA 15:4) TRESHCHALIN, V.N., tekhnik; LIBERMAN, V.I., tekhnik; LAKSHIN, S.V. ------- Compressed air blending-and conveying of charges for electrode coverings. Svar. proizv. no'.A:25-26 Ag 162. (MIRA 15:11) 1 1. Pavshinskiy mekhanichesk~iy zav~od. , (Electrodes) (Pneumatic machinery) TUKUMTSEV, B.G.; ~IBEFKO, V.L. - -.. Brigade method for servicing electric interlocking equipment in the Kuybysbev railroad district. Avtom., telem. i aviaz' 8 no.12i 16-20 D 164., (MIRA 18tl) 1. Nachallnik Kuybyshevskoy distantaii signalizataii i avyazi (for Tukumtsev). 2. Glavnyy inzh. Kuybyshevskoy distantsli signalizataii i avyazi (for Liberman), LIBERMAN V L rVANOV M. 1. Brigade method-for servicing electric interlockifig devices. Avtom., telem. i sviast'5 no.406-37 Ap 161. (MIRA 14-6) 1. G:Lavnyy inzhener 4~y Kuybysbevskoy distantsil. signalizatsii i svyazi (for Liberman). 2. Zamestitell nachallnika otdela signali- zatsii i svyazi. Kuybyshevskogo otdeleniya dorogjf:(for Ivanov). (Rail-roads--Signaling-Interlocking systems)' LOZOVOY) P.I., inzil. (g.Novocherkassk); LIBiMM, V.L., inzh. (g.Novocherkasj~c) Standardization of diesel and electric locomotive units. Zhel.dor.transp. 43-no-8:51-52 Ag 161. (MIRA 14:8) (Loccmotives-Dedign and construction) LIBERMAN, -V.V - inzh,. He hanizing caL-311ations for. odhedule planni at the Ordzhonik.idze MiLehina-Tool Plants Mekh.L-avtom.proizv. 15 no.11:5G-55 N 161. (MIRA 14:11) (Moscow--Machine-Tool Industry-41anagembnt) LIBERMAII, YA., inzh. Repair shops for every section. Zhil.-kom. khoz. 12 n0-4:21 Ap 162. (MIRA 15:7) 1. Domoupravleniya No.64.Proletarokogo rayona, Riga. (Riga,.Apartment houses-Maintenance and repair) i4t ~IBMWI, Ya. , M State budget of the U.S.S.R. in the system of the economic categories of socialism. Vop. ekon. no.10:38-46 0 162. (MM 15:11) (Budget) ALLAKMRDYAN,, Do;.LIBERWP,Yao Important financial lover. Vop. ekon. no.1440-143 ja 164. (MIRA 17:3) LIBERMA.Np Yaej, gvardii inzh.-mayor Quicker preparation of storage batteries, Avi kosme 46 no.2:84 F 164, (MIRA 17:3) ACCESSION NR: -AP4045323 ..S/02og/64/ooo/006/0091/0091 'AUTHOR: Liberman, VaPagneer major of surd) kTITLE: improved IP control panel :,SOURCE: Avlatslya I kosmonavt1ka, no. 6, 1964, 91 JOPIC TAGS: flight Instruction, trainer, control panel, failure simulation, ;training aircraft, Instrument panel .;ABSTRACT: The author discusses certain technical modifications that have been a In the control panel (an electrical diagram of the panel Is given) In order ad m to prevent the Incorrect connection of pilot Instruments In training aircraft having type IP failure simulation devices. The modifications which have been made! .:have the effect of permitting the pilot sitting In the second seat (behind the In-: structor) to determine whether the aneroid-membrane Instruments and the gyrohorizon in'thd first cabin have been disconnected - something which Is claimed to be of great Importance to the Instructor. orig. art. has: I figure. ASSOCIATION: none SUB14ITTED: 00 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: AC Mrdil/l NO REF SOV: 000 OTHER: 000 FAYNBERG, A.I.; RRZNIK, A.I.-, SOLOMIN. V.V.; LU k.; ALSKSLYIN, S.A.; YE VASSLTHAKO, S.Z.; BORIBOVSKIY, S.P 4~~,~;-AVIWYEYA, A.Me, reds izd-va; XONYASURA, A.D., Cbrawing up plans for hotwing and municipal services] Metodike Bostavleniia plans zhilishchno-kommunalinogo khozisistva. Pod red, B.P.Borlsovskogo. Moskva, Izd-vo M--va kommun. khoz. RSFSR, 190. 4o8 P. (MIRA 11:3) (Housing) (Municipal services) LIBIRMVI. Ya -A , - IC-4 `V ll__~ .~ one of the apartment house offices in Riga. Zhil.-kow. kbox. 8 no. M0-21 158. (MIRA 11:8) 1. Upria-vIyayushchiy domami, Domoupravlanive No. 569, Proletarskiy rayon, Rigai (Riga--Apartment houses) EWP(q)/EW(m)/BDS--AF.FTC/ASD--JD/JG L 11-203-63 ACCESSIONBR: -AP3000490 1 00 5 0049/0054 SIO 2916310 /00 AUTHOR: gernshteyn, Me L.; Demina Be L,-1 Liberman, Yee Be,; Chernukha- L. G. TITLE: Polygonization in molybde and its alloys. SOURCE: Metallovedeniye i termicheskaya obrabotka. metallov, no. 5, 1963 49-54 TOPIC-TAGS:- polygonization in molybdenant, zirconium, titanium ABSTRACT: Authors made tests on molybdenumwhich was obtained by powder metallurg, method, on cast molybderum, on cast molybdenum Alloys with admixtures ofzirconlum titanium as well as cast molybderm allicTs with simultaneous admixtures of zirco- niui and titanium. For selection of rearysta1lization conditions, the samples were heated to 1250, 1300. 14oo, 1500 Mid 1600 degrees with holding at 5, 10, 15, 20 and 30 minutes. The microstructures were studied and optinum annealing con- ditions werelestablishedo In addition,~treatment conditions were established which produced'the most developed polygonized structure in the molybdenum and its alloys. Microstructure testing wAv done by subjecting'the samples to deformation, deformation and annealing at 1000-1600,dogreas, and, finally, after deformation and-double annealing at polygonization and higher temperatures. The changes in the structure of molybdenum and its alloys were also studied in relation to Card LIBEMIAN, Yefim. Arsentlyevichl, kand. fiz.-matem. nauk; NIKOLAYEV) ("Generators" and "pumps" of a cen] "Generatory" i "nasogy" kletki. Moskva,, Izd-vo "Znanieo" 1965. 61 p. (Novoe v zhiznip nauke, tekhnike. VIII Seriia: Biologiia i meditsinas no-5) (MIRA 18:4) LIBERMAN, Ye.A.; CHAYLAKHYAN, L.M. Reply to "Some critical notes on R.A.Liberman and L.M.Chailakhian's article on the phase theory of bioelectric phenomena." TSitologiia 7 no.2t226-227 Mr-Ap 165. (MIRA 180) 1. Inatitut biologicheskoy Miki AN SSSR, Moskva, LIBERMANT, Ye.A. P0631bip. role of mmbrane def grination sub~jeqt to OQw- a9tign of electric Forces'in the mechanism of .excAati 356 '465.- o Biof A (MIRA 184.7)- a s a-- fiziki AN- K6 Acia, - 1. Institut biologi'he'k y S~Sftlv LIBERK&N. Te.A.; STRELITSOVA, N.I. Certain peculiarities of pupillary component of orientation reaction in -min- Zh. v7sehei nerv. deiat. 2 no. 6:886-893 Nov-Doc 1952. (CLML 24:1) 1. Department of Psychiatry of Kharlkoy Medical Institute and of the Ukrainian Paychonsurclogical Institute. T A/ 4W /V(,// .F //VF USSR/Nuclear Physics Installations and Instruments. C-2 Methods of Measurement and Research. Abs Jour Referat Zhur - Fizika, No 4, 1957, 8576 Author ja20w4_Ya_A_, Inst Ym-titute of Biological Physics, Academy of Sciences, USSR, Moscow. Title Calibration of Luminescent and Certain Other Dosimeters In Rads. Orig Pub Biofizika, 1956, 1, No 6, 575-579- Abstract The calibration of a luminescent dosimeter with scintil- lating plastic in rads was carried out by placing plas- tic on a P compound of known activity. A method is developed Er determining the distribution of the dose intensity in depth) based on the measurement of the dif- ference in the instrument readings as it 'is immersed in the medium. The author estimates the accuracy of the measurement to be.:t 10%. Card 1/1 Determination of the portion obtained by various tissues following the administration of radioactive phogPhorus. i rad. 31 no.57-64 N-D 156. (NLRA 10:2) 1. IsGosudaretvannogo nauchno-imaledovatellskogo instituta rentgeno- logii i radiologii imeni V. M. 14olotov& (dir. - dotsent 1. G. laganova) (PHOSPHORUS, radioactive determ, of dosage obtained by various tissues after inftsiou) LIK~5Wi, E.A. , FOPIKOV, I.E. "Metnods for Controlling Irradiation DY Paditmi and Radioactive Suustances Near ApparatuR Usea in Radiotnerapy DivisIoDo". p. 140 Trudy Vsesoyuznoy Aonferentaii po Maditsinsicoy Eadloiogli (Voprosy Gig:Lyeny i Dozimetrii) Hedgiz, 195V, Moscow Russian, o1a FroceedinC% of race AI.L-Union Conference on RemicaL YamloioR7 (hygienic and Dosimetrv. Proolems). Z71 USSRIHumn and lmiml Physiology. The Sensory Orr pms T-13 Abs Jour Rof Zhur - Biol., No 14, 1958, no 65765 .'.uthor Libazmn Ye Inst Title The Nature of the Informtion Roachinr, the Brain from the Two Receptors in the Frog Rutina via a Single Nerve Fiber Oriij Pub Biofizilia, 1957, 2, No 4, 427-430 Abstract By mcans of extracellular microclectrodes, a study was r.",dj of the distribution in time (the rhythn) of nervous im- pulses ~;cncrated by a single gc-mglion cell of the froa retirm in response to illui-Anation with blue and red lights of dif- ferent intensity. , A. distinct difference in rhythm ims dc- tocted in the ganglion calls, which sen volleys of nervous iErpulses only when the lioit is turned on ("on-fibers"). The response of the "on-fibers" to turning an the blue "i[.-,ht was more prolonged thran that seen whan the red light uans turned on, and this difference can not be attricuted to intensity Card 1/2 134 LIBFMM, Ye.A. osimeter for measuring dosage of B-radiation from a flat source. i red. 32 no.6:61-66 H-D '57. (MIRA 11:3) 1. Is Institute rentgenologii i rndiologii (dIr.-dots. I.G. IqWunovR) (RADIATION COUInqMS dosimeter for B-radintions from a flat source (Rua) 21(8) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/1691 Liberman, Yefim Arsentlyevich Dozimetriya radioaktivnykh izotopov (Dosimetry of Radioactive Isotopes) Moscow, Medgiz, 1958. 186 P-7,000 copies printed. Ed.: UYa. Margulis; Tech Ed.: N.A. Bulldyayev PURPOSE: This book Is intended for engineers, technicians, "dosi- metrists",#Zdclyz and medical personnel engaged in radiology and roentgenology. COVERAGE: Methods of measuring and calculating the basic dosimetric characteristics of alpha-, beta- and gamma-radiation of radioactive isotopes are described. These characteristics include absorption dosage (rads), dosage (roentgens), dosage intensity, absorption dosagelintegral and the linear density of absorbed energy. Supple- ment 2 lists the basic dosimetric devices in the USSR and their operating characteristics#, The author expresses his thanks to Card 1/8 Dosimetrnj of Radioactive Isotopes sov/1691 A.M. Kronganz who read the manuscript and offered valuable sug- gestions. There are 54 references of which 20 are Soviet, 23 English, and 3 German. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Foreword 3 Ch. I. Physical Characteristics of Radioactive Radiation 5 The interaction of radioactive radiation with a substance 5 The law of weakening radiation [intensity) 9 The intensity of ionizing radiation 10 A point source of radiation 11 The law of weakening intensity of a narrow beam of X-rays and gamma-rays 19 The amount of radiation I A dose of X-ray or gamma radiation 16 The connection between dose and energies of X~ray or or gamma-radiation converted into secQndary electron energy 19 G ard 2/ 8 Dosimetry of Radioactive Isotopes SOV11691 The connection between dose and intensity 21 The law of dosage decrease and.dosage strength in dependence upon the distance from the point source 23 Connedtion between dosage and mass density of ionization in air 25 Absorption Dosage 29 Connection between mass density of ionization and absorp- tion dosW 29 The:relationship between dosage and ababi-ption'dosake In the central part of a wide radiation beam 30 The connection between absorption dosage in a (small) wall (of air] and the absorption dosage in air or in another substance filling the wall 32 The principal physical characteristics determining the primary biological effect of ionizing radiation 36 Determining the linear density of absorption energy (LPE) and the linear density of ionization (LPI) 4o Card 3/8 Dosimetry of Radioactive Isotopes SOV/1691 Ch. II. Methods of Measuring Ionizing Radiations 46 Ionization Methods 46 Ionization chambers 47 The volt-ampere characteristics of a gas discharge 48 Proportional counters 50 .Geiger-Mller counters 50 Luminescence Methods 52 Scintillation devices 52 Other luminescence devices 55 Methods based on subsequent changes in a substance Chemical methods The Wilson chamber 57 Calorimetric methods 29 Measurement of the number of particles 2 Measurement of ionizing radiation energy 63 Meanrement of the amount and intensity of radiation 64 Measurement of dosage and dosage intensity 66 An Ideal, walled chamber for the measurem 'ent of dosage 70 A chamber with walls of an air-equivalent material 72 Card 4/8 Dosimetry of Radioactive Isotopes SOV/1691 Graduation of a thimble [ionization) chamber into roentgens 76 Graduation into roentgens of other ionizing and non-ioniz- ing divices 77 Measuring the mass ionization density in small gas-filled bands 77 The extrapolation chamber 8o Methods of determining absorption dosage 83 Graduation of luminescent and several other dosimeters into rads 84 Measurement of activity 93 Preparation of materials of known aotivity 96 The oomparativermeasuremi-rUof the activity of "thing pre- parations 97 .The comparative measurement of the activity of "thick" samples 98 Evaluating the error in activity measurementi 99 Ch. III. Computing the Dosage and Absorption Dosage of Ionizing Radiation 101 Computing the absorption dosage strength in the inner part of a large source with equally distributed isotopes 102 Card 5/8 Dosimetry of Radioactive Isotopes SOV11691 Computing the adsorption dosage 109 Computing the absorption dosage strength of gamma-radiation 118 The distribution of beta-ray absorption dosages in a homo- , geneous mediwn around a point source 119 The distribtuion of gamma-ray absorption dosages in a homo- geneous medium around a point source 126 The ionization constant I r 127 Principle of computing doXages and absorption dosages from the distribution of sources 130 Sources with equally distributed irradiators in a homogeneous medium 132 Linear preparationsvAth eqi;ally distributed activity 136 Linear ring preparation with equally distributed activity 238 A flat disc with equally distributed activity 139 A cylindrical source with activity equally distributed over a surface 14o A cylindrical source with aotivity equally distributed over an entire volume 141 A spherical surface with equally distributed activity 147 Card 6/8 Dosimetry of Radioactive Isotopes sov/1691 A sphere with activity equally distributed over the entire volume :L48 Infinitely flat layers with equally distributed activity 151 An infinitely flat layer of thickness T 153 Some more complex cases of radiation distribution 157 Computing the activity of a given dosage strength 161 Distribution of activity inside a sphere to obtain a Oonstant dosage strength 162 Distribution of activity In a plane for the irradiation of a plane :L6 3 Ch. IV. Computing the Absorption Dosage Inbegral The absorption dosage integral Computing the absorption dosage integral source in objects of different form Reciprocity theorem Computing the absorption dosage integral with equally distributed activity 170 170 created by a point 171 172 created by sources 173 Card 7/8 Dosimetry of Radioaotive Isotopes SOV11691 Supplemwnt 1. Recrunmendations of the International Cormission on Radiological Units 177 Definitions and units 177 Irradlation methods 179 A,~ Ray therapy 179 B. Surface, intraoavity and Intratissue application of radioactive substances 180 C. Irradiation of different organs and systems with radioactive substances 18o Supplement 2, Characteristics of the Principal Dosimetric Devices I3sued in the Soviet Union l81 Bibliography AVAIIABM: Libraryof Congress Card 8/8 TM/lob 6-8-59 183