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Sowtshchanlya lots sleittroldsloill. 4th, 140200wo 1956.
Trudy...1 (aborniki (Transactions of the Fourth Conforence,on 919ct.
hasistry. collection of Articles) Moscow. Izd-vo All SSSE,
1959. W8 P. Errata sl0 ir."rtad. 2.500 copies printed.
Sponsoring Ageroys Akademlyn -k =311. 0tdsj*n1y* khIalchesicik~h
Editorial Icardt A.W. Truakin (Itesp. Ed.) Academician. 0.A. Yestn.
Praressarl 3.1. Zhdanov (flesp. Secretary), B.N. Xab&nov, Pro-
fesSor. 3.1. Zhdanov (Beep. Secretary)l B.N. Kabanow. Professor%
YA. M. UlOtyrkln, Doctor Of Classical Scleinte" V.V. Losev, P,D.
Lakovtoov. Professor$ Z.A_ 3olow-yeval V.V. St..d8r. Pp0foS8Or;
and 0.11. PlOrla"vIchl 34. of Publishing Houses X.G. Yagorov;
Tech. Id.t ?.A. Prusakova.
FWPCG1i rals book In Intend&4 for chemical and electrical engl-
Aware, physicists. metallurStAtS and researchers interested in
various aspetts of electrochemistry,
=10VERAGE, The book contains 127 of the 138 reports presented at
the fourth conference an Electrochemistry sponsored by the Depart-
sent of Cbedlcal Sciences JLod the Institute of Physical Cheakstry
Academy of Sclanc*2. USSR. T" collection pertains to difrerent
branches or elottrochemical kinetics, double layer theories and
galvanic protesas* in metal electrode pos ItOn and industrial elect-
ralysts. Abridged discussions are given at the end of each dtv,-
&ion. The majority Or r0iscr%ft not Included bar* have been
published In periodltsl literature. No personalities are mentioned.
References ars given at the and Of most of the artlcl*S.
InstItute Imeni A.A.
Zb"now). Influence or Aging processes an the work or
AlkalLoo-zina Elements 768
Lulroyq~a~v . Theory of Processes occurring at Oxide
TI-ectrod*& of Chemical Sources or Current TT3
_RcvsntsveiX_S.A., &n4,V.Z._.L&vU4&, Mechanism of the Activa-
tion of an Iron Ilectrodt With Small Additions or Nickel
0x1d&s 781
_h&l&AbOxL__JL A. , vAACZ. and L.D. Xovba (Institute of
glee trfthaftle t q, Xcad*.y of Sc_fe--n-c_*_s_.U3W'- T8g91d
Atoms to Study rrocess,es In Chemical 6urces or Current 788
S 3 Is
Sol *"Qy avyazl Rn1st*r9tVa avyAxl SSSR - Scientific
11.1 ~4! Institute of ft;ml and Urbass Communicat-lon3,
Ministry of Communicaztzssa, USSR). Investigation of Fuel
Card 31/34
ani B_ 10 __flAUhteynJ Z~stlt_jte fop Eject~
rochealstry, AS .. W Irom-Curbon Element Sol
.WIMA. (Znfftltutt of Electrochemistry, Academy Of' 3CIeftCO3.
ua3A)- Xfr&ct Of SAIZ or Oxide Layers Formed In Discharic-
or Charging PrOCOBNOX On the PABBIVAtIon of Battery Elect,
rode& 6or
111UJIMIX.-I.P., and Xnriuance or Cathodic
Polarizati-on at Low Z"peratures on the Anode Potential Or
an Iron Electrode In an Aakallne Solution 811
,.Cuss Ic") 13.A. Gantma-m. X.S, Ltdorenico. F.F. Yu:)Ptts. A.F.
Ksenorontev and cOntr-'butlng authors) 614.
Card 3.?/ 34
5W SOV/20-124-4-35/67
AUTHORS. Vidovich, G. L., Leykis, D. I., Kabanov, B. N.
TITLE: The Anodic Passivation of Silver in Alksli SolUtions
(Anodnaya passivatsiya serebra v rastvorakh shchelochi)
PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 19599'*Vol 124, Nr 4, pp 855-857
ABSTRACT: The present paper investigates the passivation of silver in
solutions of KOH in the concentration interval of from
0.01 n to 10 n according to the method of measuring the
capacity and the ohmic components of the impedance of the
electrode at constant current density or constant potential.
Impedance was measured by employing the compensation method.
If a low positive potential, (0.3 v against the oxide.-mErcury
electrode in the same solution) is applied, the dissolution
rate of the silver decreases rapidly, and, at the same time,
also the capacity of the double layer of the electrode is
,reduced. These considerable modifications of the intensity
~of the dissolving current and of the electrode capacity
occur during the passage of a smaller quantity of electricity
(- 20 millicoulomb am2), vhich corresponds on the average
Card 1/3 to about 10 molecular layers of A920 . The capacity decrease
The Anodic Passivation of Silver in lalaif Sojutions
is apparently connected with the semiconductor properties
of the Ag20. Here it is assumed that the Ag 2O-layer formed
covers the electrode in a relatively uniform manner. The
data discussed indicate the following: At the very beginning,
before a compact Ae2 O-layer is formed on the surface, a aolu-
tion with primary formation of an oversaturated solution and
with a following deposition at the centers of crystallization
is formed. After the formation of a compact A92 O-layer on
the surface of the silver, the Ag Ag 0 process apparently
develops on the boundary between two soiid phases. During
the formation of the compact Ag 2O-layer the rate at which the
process Ag ---b- Ag20 develops decreases considerably. This is
described by the authors as the first stage of passivation.
However, the process develops only during a limited period
at this reduced rate. In the case of constant amperage the
potential increases considerably after a certain interval of
time, and the second stage of passivation begins. At the same
time, slowing down of the electrochemical process Ag --P, Ag 0
as a whole increases rapidly. At this stage this is probabiy
Card 2/3 the electrochemical adsorption of oxygen on the surface of
The Anodic Passivation of Silver in A.'Lt~,Ii SoIxtIlcraz,
the silverg similar as is the case in the solution and passiva-
tion of iron in a lye. These as well as other results discussed
here lead to the following conclusion: The anodic passivation
of silver in lye takes place in three successive stages,
and in each of these stages the rate of oxidation decreases
rapidly. The investigation of the mechanism of these stages of
passivation is being continved. There are 2 figuresand 5 ref-
erences, 4 of which are Soviet.
ASSOCIATION: Institut elektrokhimii Akademii nauk SSSR
(Institute for Electrochemistry of the Academy of Sciences, USSR)
PRESENTED: October 1, 1956, by A. ff. Frumkin, Academician
SUBMITTED: September 11v 1958
Card 3/3
B 0 15/11
AUTHORS- Leykis, ~D. Knots, L. L.
Detection of Concentration Polarization by Measuring the
Electrode, Impedance
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal hzicheskoy. khimii, 1960, Vol. 34,.110- 8,.
TEXT'- For kinetic :studies of electrodic processe~s it is important to
know whether a con.cantration polarization takes place at the electrode.
Th-is-problem is usually solved by measuring the component of the electrode
impedance in,alternating current at different fre'quencies, since the,con-
%centration polarization at the electr6de is equivalent to.the correspond-
values of capacitance and resistance'which are connected in parallel
iiit s.' The phase shift is 450
or a(; and the 'impedance component is a linear
funcilon. of 1/1 angular frequency of alternating current). If the
capapitance of the double layer (electrod 'e.- electrolyte) or the conce ntra-
tion*p6larization is high, this functiox~ becomes more complicated. The
authors have detected-a property of the active component of impedance as
; 4
Dete~tibn of Concentration Polarization by S/076/60/034/008/035/039/XX
Mea"ring the Electrode Impedance ~BOWB063
a fun'ction of 1/TOI I' which may be used to indicate the presence of con-
o,ent=ation polarization. assumed that if there is no concehtratioh
pol'arization~,any e.lectrode can be similated in first approximation by one
of the.circuit-diagra"ms shown in Fig. 1. The impedance of the electrode
is_given as Z' =-R I- jXI(R and X0 - actl~e and reactive component,
a 0 0 0
respectively), and the impedance for each diagram of Fig. 1 and-the v~Llue
for lim R are obtained as follows:
00) + (W/jG)
Card,'; 2/4-~
De te cti on'. of -Concentration Polarization by S/076/60/034/008/0535/039/xx
*eas4ring*~he-Electrode Impedance B015/BO631
GI C2 -1 -C)
2_ 3 1% ro (3)
2 C.1 (C
0 (A) w2R2G2t2 + (C +C )2 O)IR2C
1 2 1 2 L .2 :1
(RI + R + RC-I! R,r,2,
10?C?C;M'R- 2
DO) W2
2G2C2 + +
6'c (Mc, + Rl~ 671 (C + Q
1_2 1
+ ;3 + (CI + C.)
Wheri..pL*n element equivalent,to the'concentration polarization is.intro,duced
into*the, cuit, the function R becomes infinite. Thus, an unlimi ed in-.
cir t
crease: of R' for W + 0 'indicates the vresence of concentration polarization,
the tendency of R'to a limit --hows that it is absdht. Hence, the
depefidence pf the active component of the electrode impedance R on 1/0
may,,serve'as a~criterion for-the presence of concentration polarization
at,the'electrode. Pr6fessor B. N. Kabanov is thanked for advice. There
'R.~igures hnd 3 references: 2 Soviet and 1 German.
-Ction- of Concentration Polarization by
Det~e- 3/076/60/034/008/035/039/XX
Measuring the' Electrode Impedance B015/BO63
ASS0,CIATION; Akademiya. nauk SSSR Institut elektrokhimii
:(Academy of Sc'iences USSR, Institute of Electro e
ch mistry)
SUBMITTE D:, February.6, 1960
Jim B ~jw
Jim '80(2)
11m A
V"n < R;
k iL6.Dw. wL-w
0 he, Ye. A-, Bukun, N, G., and Lej
AUTHORS I Uka an Electric I)Ouble Layer in 11olten Salts
TITLZI The Capacity Of i nauk 85BRi 1960, Vol. 135, 140- 51
pERIODICAL: Doklady Akademi
pp. J183-1186 matically investigating the capaci-
the authors are systel . The present paper reports
TEXT% At present, double layer in molten salts rried out in an argon
ty of an 0100tr'c ied. The experiments were ca . tz vith a polished
on results 90 far obtiLiz analyzer consisted of quar I j as a polari-
atmosphere at 700-8OO'C . The picallY Pure graphite servei rence elec
.over. SPGOtTO8'O 2.5 moles PbC'2 as a refe
molybdenum glass Pb/KC1, "cl (1:1)1
,ation eleotrodej a an electrolytes The authors in
I was used a m electrode as a function
trode. A melt of K01 and Bar ead- and a cadmiu wed a marked millimumq
ted the capacity C of a 1 sea. This function sho the metal
vestige. potential I at 20-200 kc/ nimum depending only on Capacity
of the Ihe case Of a capacity MIC) not on temperature.
the Potential in t nd (up to 100 ere a greater spread of-valueg
typeo'but not On frequency a 0 ncY- H
and resistance vsre dependent n freque
Card 1/3
Tho capacity of 86844
Molten salt~e an B160010 Double Layer, in 810201601135100510361043
was found than In B004/B075
tures Therefore$ 11 Olut'Onst and continued to be so even at high tempera-
The po _the data measured at
tential corresponding to the caps. 200 kc/sec were taken as standards.
with the maximum potential of city Minimumt almost fully coincides
-this mTanot a determination ofthe eelectrooapillary curve (Refs- 4, 5). By
the oapdoity In melts th zero Potential of metals by measuring
capaci is rendered Possible. In order to prove the measured
ties as actually being those of the electric double layer it is
itated that the electrocapillary curve was obtained b. I
v double integration
of the curve C Therefrom, the following conclusions are drawn; The
capacity of the electric double layer in molten electrolytes has a minimum
at-the Zero!potential Of the metals The AiAimum of the function C f(q)
corresponds to & capacity of 36-38-microfarads/cm2. Capacity increase of
the'eleciric double layer *tth increasing charge of the metal surface can
be explained by a deformation of the electron-bb .4118-Of the ions and by
a structural densification of the melt (displacement Of the holes from the
layer near the electrode). With a considerable shift nf
^40 - ;. I I- -~.appears, caused hv A4---',--
Lrbyxis, DO IM
Determination of the zero charge potential of oil-war. Dokl. AN SSSR
135 no.6:1429-1431 D 160. (MIU 13:12)
1. Institut elektrokhimli Akgdemii nauk SSSR. Predstavlono akademikom
A*V* Frunkinym.
Zur frage der Impedanzmessungen an festen elektroden."
Report Submitted to the Intl. Committee for '~Jlectrochmical Thermodynamics
and Kinetics Rome, ttaly 24-29 Sep 1962
Double electrical layer in fused salts. Zhur. fiz. khim. 36
no.11:2322-2328 N162. (MIRA 17-5)
1. Institut elektrokhimli AN SSSR i Bereznikovskiy filial
Vsesoyuznogo alyuminiyevo-magniyevogo instituta.
8/020 62/142/001/018/021
BI 45YI3
AUTHORS: Vidoviohp G. L.p leyking D. ltj-and Kabanov, B. N.
TITLE: Mechanism of anodic oxidation of silver in alkali
PZRIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Doklady, v. 142, no. 1, 19629 109-112
TEXT: A previous paper by the authors (DAN v. 124P no. 4, 1955, 855)
showed that the anode current in anodic oxidation of silver in alkali at
constant potential (0-32 v) decreased in the first minutes after switching
on, remained constant for some time, and subsequently continued decreasing.
The reasons for this course of the current-time curve are studied in this
shows a sharp
paper. The overvoltage curve of the Aff __91 A920 Process 2
increase of the overvoltag* potential at approximately 1.104 9/cm
indicating that a diffusion limiting current has been reached. Both the
limiting current and its independence of the KOH concentration exclude a
concentration polarization as regards the Off- ion. on the contrary, as
was shown by measuring the impedance components of the electrode in
alternating current at different frequenciesp6ag th ore i a limitation of
diffusion in the &rising A920 layer of approximately 5 .10-1 om thickness.
Card 113
Mochanisa of anodic oxidation ...
The active impedance oomponento R of the Ag electrode increases
indefinitely with-1/T6. The resistance equivalent to the concentration
polarization is approximately 100 times higher than in the concentration
Polarization of the diffusing ion in solution. Ro does not depend on the
KOH oono*ntration. It may be concluded from these results that diffusion
in complicated in the oxide layer. Ag ions diffuse through the A920 lay*rf
and the Ag --)~Ag.O process takes place on the boundary layer between
solution and A920. This process limited by diffusion does not continue
it the same rate until the Ag electrode is completely consumed but
passivation occurep as is shown by the decrease in the anode current.
This may-also be observed in a shift of the overvoltage curve toward lower
log i values for this period. The measurement of the active component of
iapidanoo shows that there exists no concentration polarization for this
period. The following is suggested to explain passivation: Accumulation
of adsorbed oxygen on the oxide surface layer effects both a decrease of
the adsorption rate of oxygen and of the ionization rate of Ag atoms.
The resistance of the electrochemical process calculated from the inolina-
tiqn of the ovsrvoltage~curvs log i) and the value i increases
Card 2/3
wtzk- A!
Cathodic introduction of alkali metals into electrodoo in aqueoua
solutions..- DAL AN SSSR 144 no.5:1085-1088 Je 162.
(MIRA 1516)
1. Institut elektrokhimii AN SSSR. Predstavleno akademikom'
(Intermetallic compounds) (Electrochemistry)
Measurement of differential aqmttance on solid and liquid electrodess
Dokl. AN SSSR. 344 no.6:2320-2323 -Te 1629 (MnIA .15:6)
1. Inatitut elak-Lrokhimil Akademi:L nauk SSSR. Predstavleno akad.
A.N*Frv,mkinym. (Electrodes)
Anode activation of iron. Dokl- AN SSSR 147 no.1:243-145
N 16z. (NIRA 15:11)
1. Institut elaktrokhimii AN SSSR. Predstavieno
akademikom A.N. Frumkinym.
.1 (Electrodes)
s/o62/63 000/001/005/025
~Bi 01 /Bi 6~
AUTHORS: Uksheq Ye. A., Bukun, N. G., and Leykis, D. I.
TITLE: Effect of the nature of the electrolyte on the capacity
of the double-layer in molten -salts
TERIODIGAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Izvestiya. Otdeleniye
kbidicheskikh nauki n 11 i9~3,' 31-36
ghe capacity of the double layer of a molten lead electrode was
1EXT i
measured at 18-20 kc/s. The electrode was in a capillary tube and coverd4.
with molten alkali halide. The reference elebtrode used was: Pbj1O% by
weight-ibC12 + electrolyte tested.- The following compounds were stud
as electrolytes: Na;Cl; NaBr; NaI, ' NaCl + NaF '1:1; NaCl + M 1.:l;,
NaCl +-NaI; KGl) KBr~, KI, KC1 + KF; CsCl, CsI; LiGl; LiCl + 20 mole% LiI..'
The temperature was 8000C, with XaC1 8200C. Results; The nature of,the
electrolyte had a marked effect on the structure of the double layer.
The alkali halides can be subdivided into two groups. Na and Li halides
give high capacity, this being strongly depend6nt on the nature of.the
anion: Cmin (pF/cm2) is for NaCl 43,. NaBr'52, NaI 75, LiCl 35,
Card 1/3
Effect of thenature of the ... B1O1/B186
'ASSOCILTION:' Institut elektrokhimii Ak
ademii nauk SSSR (Institute of
Electrochemistry of the Academy of Sciences USSR);
Bereznikovs'ki~ filial Vsesoyuznogo alyuminiyevo-
magniyevogo instituta (Berezniki Branch of the All-Union
Inst1tute of Aluminum and Magnesium)
SUBMITTED: May 9, 1962
Card 3/3
Adsorption of hexyl alcohol on solid metals. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser.khim.
no.3:450-453 Mr 164. (MIRA 17:4)
1. Institut elektrokhimii AN SSSR.
Change in the impedance components of an electrode with
change of alternating current frequency. Zhur. fiz. khim.
38 no.7:1833-1837 J1 164. (14IRA 18:3)
1. Institut elektrokbimii All SSSR.
.-EVASTIYANOV9 E.3-~ 'D.i.
$ _! ~ I ~ , ~ ~ , .;.- . ..
f';epa'~~ '--/ ITCC-asu:,ef~aenl. or, liqui-1 P-nd' 91,2M
~, L v
in methanol. . ElektruldiiriiLt 1 no.Zs239-241 F 165. WRA 18-66)
1. insti,tu'. elektrokhimii ANN 333R.
eouble layer caps ~,, I terice -"ri coment-ral~~- asalit,
Elektilo-khLyMa 1 no.2;241-2.43 F 1656 WIRA
I* lnst,~.tut elekffl-roW-mli AN SSSF.
Interpretation of the results of impedance measurement in
electrochemical studies. Elektrokhimiia -1 no.4:472-476 Ap 165.
(14IRA 18: 6)
1. Institut elektrokhimii AN SSSR.
Interpretation of the results of impedance measurement in the
course of anodic oxidation of silver in alkali. ElektroWmiia
1 no-4:477-478 Ap 165. (MIRA 18:6)
1. Institut elektrokhimii AN SSSR.
U-MG) K. I. and SEVOSTYANOv, E. g. (Institute of' electrochemis7try ~-11' Acaderny CLT
m '~
f V -
"Investigation of adsorption of hexyl alcohol on a group of metals"
Report presented at the Interv-uz Conference on Electrodeposition of Nonferrous Metals,
Ural Polytechnical Institute im S. M. Kirciv, Sverdlovsk, held from 27-30 May 1963.
(Reported in Tsvetnyye Metally, No. 10, 1963, Pp. 82-84)
JITS 24.,651 19 May 1964
AID P - 4030
Subject USSR/Power
Card 1/1 Pub. 26 - 19/31
Author Leyko, B. P., Eng.
Title r. iFerfoi~ai~~e-o-f"_boilers without water regulators.
Periodical Elek. sta., 11, 49-52, N 1955
Abstract The article describes in detail the defects n the
operation of 10 boilers equipped with foreign-made
water regulators and their subsequent reconstruction.
A special regulator was designed and installed. Its
operation is explained. Three diagrams.
Ins.titution : None
Submitted : No date
esi-O be 0 &a0 010 0 go 0 0 go 0 0 ^ 0 go 0
0 6 o 0 o We a 0 0 a 0 0 q
2, jog
0 go, so
A.13ANA 'Mill J.29RUIS 11131,
00= k.1141 IO'l r.'0 IN 1111
I 00
0 omp t
": M 0.-. fit FwkllaAap 1 0 00
"InklAll too .I dot plow 0111JI'l col Wravill
009 til
I..,iq 14W
1 Iml
Pits I
ll III fill
J!"111-11VAI JIlIIIJVI%' 0 1111 101-11.01A 0110801011 dPVdM,%
0- *1, "? 'I, 'al: *91
:if 1 06
'0,%: 'lloosa *I) to
940-1 MR39 m"19MAV" Ou
oe- 00
00- ir
rf to of '
0 of ff it of if a it it aAIi it u It so to L, a ml it AF ma 42 a
. a & 6 a a 9 0
a All
LIM, Rmil; LIPINSKA, Hanna; SAWICKI, Zdzislaw.
Severe efenal (Io=inal) poisoning treats& with picrotoxin.
Polski tygod.lek. 10 no.46;1503-1505 14 Nov. 155.
1. Z III Kliniki Chorob Wown. A.M. L.: kierownik: prof.dr mod.
Waclaw Markert i z Zakladu Farmakologii A.M. L. kierownik:
prof. dr. mod. Amil Leyko. Lodz, ul. Naratowicxa 60.
(BARBITURATES, poisoning.
phanobarbital, ther.,picrotoxin)
phanobarbital. ther.picrotoxin)
(PICROTOXIN, therapeutic use,
phanobarbital, pois.)
Calculation of the Framework vawinge of a Trapefol-
,Obliezente kadhiba kratowego o trapemwym prxekroju poprzeez-
iiyni" Techrilkii I.Ptrilr4a. No. 2. 19W. pp, 17 figs
Cstimslilln,i (-f lowling of tile longitudinal Islatit, frnmework.-t
VaIrisLiflon of 11%r vurt: lot thediational member ()f thp vro parti-
tion Calculatinis of forces In Members. The case when one of Lhr
membero of We Iongitudinal framewplk No been replaced by a
diagonal member of the Inside PArtitlon. The nrUcle alve-i an origi-
nal development and a PMctICAl SPOICation of the ortbrxvix method.
139 38 369-462 517 2
Leyko J, Tensions 1. R.t--tl~c f Shrit I -d,-I -. th~ Vld~,
-A- 1:- N~
am' WW-hIMYmI' tPri-,, 1
PP. 10 fig--- 2 tats.
The R11(hor discuxs,~s the t~lnding of ~ he.,m in th~ IqrTn Of a
ItIldrical gbol The as~ i- --R
small ~ttoox of the Orcuniferpn, v Whith, nn
the bastl of the general th-ry of viindit-d shefl~ !ulfflp. MI edge
A numerical example ii qlvLn and a mmpariann made be-
tweft th te Mons calculated and the torru-sponding tensions arisivag
from thee elImnontary theory of bending
-rablcm of dy-namdc cO'--l.-r'l -
~ioT,,-- or a fa3t rotating cran43'naft.
Ril. 1, r0. 1954-
SO: -ont'aly List of Eas'L Surop-e-an Accessions, no.
VThe role Of"Yanadyi sulfate In the Proce"
OST1.42thin of Sultur. R- e Ch and a
i lust. Me ., a .$ '. so
Old). or
"I. ech
V-1-MUTWO m, Rnglish).-Tfie I esix and the dt.-
le C n 3W and W. by'
L Cor"Prl- of VOSO# were stu'lled W
means of a VA was treated. with air
Ocontc.'10-45%o SOt with and without the addn. of S(h.:
19 Not all of the %0% presentmuld fie converted to VOS04;
d the degree o(converston rose continually with temp. VOSOi
began to deconip. at about U16% (Iccompa. was complete at
about 5W*, The iuitial rate of formation of VOW# was
of the same order as tile rate of oxidation of M. After a
certain degree of conversion the rate decreased, and finally
decompri. practic-ally ceased, By tile action of a mixt. of
Wi. S0j, and 0, tile whole catalyst mass car be converted
to VxOt. provided that the equil. conditions for VOS04
stability are greatly exceeded. When V30j is reduced by
pure SOt at low temps.. VOS04 is first formed; later tbi._
changestaVIO4. Athigher temps. V104 is formed directly..
K. E. Hayes
in the Process of c
O'Itlr;-' OXidation of' Sul.r
N"fAmaw, 110~6. Publis!Ietj fm~
(I'h~?;-itstr: Idarsaw P017;
y 2
LMO, Jerzy (Lodz)
Stability of an orthotropous cone sector shaped shell compressed
along the generatrices. trchiw bud ma9z S no.4:445-460 161.
BRETSZNAJDER, Stanislaw; LEIKO, 4adviga; UUM, Aleksander
On the rate Of nuclei formation of a new solid phase in the reaction
of thermal dissociation of magnesium carbonate. Rocz chemii. 35 no.5:
147,7,-3486 161.
1, Department of Technological designing..,.Taolmioal..University, Warsaw
and Department of Physicochemical Problems of Technology, Institute of
Physical Chemistry, Polish Academq of Sciences, Warsaw.
~ 1~, Jerzy; H=KOWSKI, And zej (Lodz)
.Banding of an axially sy=etric.. orthotropic., circular plate of
variable rigiditys, loaded by a couple of forceo applied to the
center. Archiv bud masm 9 no*3:375-391 162.
IM01 Jerzy
The state of stress In the case of shriz, fit of two cylin-
drical shells reinforced by longitudinal ribs. Archivmech
15 no.4047-564 163
1. Technical University, Lodz
1EYK0J. Jerzy (Lodz)
- _.-i ~ .
Approximate differential equatlons of shrink Joined cylirArical
ahells. Archt'l bud trasz 11 na. 1:9-13 164.
Nucleation rate in the thermal dissociation of silver carbonate,
Bul chim PAN 12 no.4:273-274 164.
1. Departmen' )f Basic Physicochemical Problems in Technology,
Institute of Physical Chemistry, Poliah Academy of Sclencesp
Warsaw. Presented by S. Bretoznajder.
I B J.n
- L,
Eq-uilibrlum otl-idleo on fh-,, pt. . ul ch
PAN 12 1,(,.4.-275-276 '('4.
1. Department of "roblems in TeCImology,
institute of Phyzilcal ch6mistry, Polish Academy of Sciences
Wardav. PrFaertod by 0.
Dissolution of sulfur in aqueous ammonium sulfide solutions.
Bul chim PAN 12 no.6t441-"3 164.
1. Department of Basic Physico-Chemical Problems in Technology
of the Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Polish Academy of
Sciences, Warsaw. Submitted February 25, 1964.
Equilibrium studies on the H2~--NH3-H20 system. Pt.2.
Bal chim PAN 12 no.6:445-446 164.
1. Department of Basic Phydior Chemical Problems in Technology
of the Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Polish Academy of
Sciences, Warsaw, and Department of Technological Design of Warsaw
Technical University, Submitted February 25, 1964.
14JIM P/032/60/007/002/002/003
AUTHOR; Leyko, I~L ~Z(X6--,.') D259/D304
TITMO Non-linear problem of the equilibrium of the
shell in the form of a cylindrical segment
subjected to shear and normal load
PEERIODICAL3 Archiwum budowy maszyn, v.7, no.2, 1960,199-211
TBXT'.-- This is an approximate solution of a non-linear prob-
lem,of the equilibrium of a thin elastic shell in the form of
a segment of a circular cylinder freely supported on the
edges and subjected to shear and normal load, uniformly dis-
tributed on the whole surface. It is solved by means of diffe-
rential equations for shells of small curvature and the rela-
tion is established between the mean shearing forces on the
edges of the shell and the deflection of the middle surface.
There are 3 figures and 2 Soviet-bloc references.
Card 1/2
LzMI-~!F?7,.Fofp dr
"91bSOlOaCa properties-of modil materialsE by (doe. dr i=.]
:.To Pindera. Reviewed by Jerzy Leyka. Frzegl mach 22 no.9:
291 10 My 163,
, Ye.A.P- LEYKO V.P.; LEBEDEV, Yu.A. (Moscow)
Senimicrocalorinater. Zhur. fiz. khim. 38 no.4:1054-1055 Ap 164.
(MIRA 17:6)
1. kkademiya nauk SSSR, Institut khimicheakoy fiziki.
LEMP V. S., Candidate Tech Sci (diss) -- "Problems of using a turbo-clutch
for electrical reversing construction winches". Moscow, 1959. 12 pp (Min
Higher Educ USSR., Moscow Order of Labor Red Banner Construction Engineering
Inst im V. V. Kuybyshev), 200 copies (KLNo 25, 1959, 134)
kic Vo actf&~~ 0 the qp'
Ui. et fe"res WV
OnJUSTO rhe Work
et at., C.A. 26, 397 oil t ic potentia
ytically) reduced cystine (RSSR, RSII) iTi the imil.
II9jcYqine, cysteine, fICIII.-vaid. KCL,-tgar!jc-alornel
holf cell, was tepeated. 0 vra.4 "int'viAt by EL C-13rMnt or
N' iva,hed 3 thues with alk. lsyr~)zal!-A. Its dt~ tquation
E - E.--0.059 pit -O.U295~ log
0.091 v. in satisfactory asretniant with G.~-; values of.+.
The dificicnee Is significaut, The surzestion of,flarron.
et at. (C.A. 23, =29) that the potential ohier4d is due to
rCLCtiOn 0.* eysteine with metal ions %vni exaTrid. Cu %vai
detd. in the electrode soln. by dithizeatz andcyiteinc by the
method of Lavikic (C.A, 29_43951) 1 CqUAtlon E
E., -0,051) pit -0.(M05 log IRSI-1,12/11 i, 3)4Q4) (j)i.,obeyed,'
and the value of E.' Ls approx. + 0,03 v. To obtain an,
Andependent check oil the aisumptions, of 1, O.M7 Af CYS.:'
tille ill 0.1 JV TICI W11's t1ir"Ifed with CUCIA Potentiol"Cirl-
Cally (the metal used in the electrode. wire is not Sped-
Bed). . B valucs did not fit I unless the concri. of (RSWu
-xs multiplied by a factor which decreased linearly
frOMI to 0.3 WS U hiCrC~'lleel fjVM 2e1-0. S~ then " +
0.074-v., in satistactory igrcernent with the vnluL 0.06 V.
almve. Reversible complexes of cy%tcine with Cu or other
flictals at concils. of the orderol'ID-W are re4ponsible ford
the obqcrved oxid3tion-rednetion putentlaI3 of c1steille
both in vitro alid in riva and the conen. of cystine does not;
have all influcom,on t1mic Potclitlabr, ZL,P. Dl,-,;'
L 7
Inclelc acids of the pancreas. Acts, pbysiol. polou, 3 Suppl. 3.0 261-
264 1952. (CIM 2421)
1. Of the Institute of (Nmeral and Physiological Chemistry (Read-Prof.
B. 7111powics, M.P.) of Lodz Medical Acadlesy,
Determimtion of adenine in tissues by polarogrephic method, Acta. phy-
siol, polon. 3 Suppi, 31. 264-266 1952. (CLKL 24:1)
1. Of the Institute of General and Pbysiological Chemistry (Read-Prof.
B. 1111powics, K.D.).of Lodz Medical Acadeare'
Polarographic method of determination of adenine compounds in the
blood. Polski tygod.lsk. 9 no.34:1057-1063 23 i4g 54.
I., Z Zakladu InterrW Polowej Ak-adsmit "esnej v LodzI; klerowulk-t
prof,-dr med.,A.HI=*l,.
adenine opdo.. jolarograpby)
(AMNIM, in blood',
-deters.. pkaroigraplw)
of adenine In blood)
~JMne compounds in human blood. 1. PolarogTaphic and spectro-
photometric determination of adenine In deproteinixed blood.
Act& biochim.polon. Zw-.2:155-168 1955.
1. Z Zakladu Blocheall Untweroytetu Lodzkiego: Kierowzdk: prof.
dr A. Dwchowskl I institutu medycyny Pracy w Lodzi, Dyrektor:
prof. dr 2. Paluch.
(ADMNX, in blood,
deters.,polarography & spectrophotomtx7 In
d~Mteinized blood)
adenine, polarograpby & spectrophotonstry In
deproteinized blood)
of blood adenine, after deprotainization)
Poland/ Organic)~emistry - Naturally occurIng substances E-3
and their synthetic analog6
Abs Jour : Referat Zhur - Khimiya, No 4, 1957, 11882
Author : -Leyko W ndA, Filipowicz Bronislaw
Title : S~~t~ial lFructure of Nucleic Acids
Orig Pub : Przestrzenna budowa kwasow nukleinowych. Postepy biochem., 1956,
2, No 1, 61-75 (Polish)
Abstract : A review. Bibliography 4~ references.
Card 1/1
Polarographic Method of the determination of adenine in tissues.
Pt. 2 - Deamination rate of adenine nucleotides in human pancreasy 1957, 6 po
Pt. 3 - The ratio of guanine to adenine in nucleic acids of human pancreas, 1957, 7 P-
(Lodzkie Towarzystwo, Naukowe. Wudzial III*. Nauk Matematyczno-Przyrodniczych.
Bulletin, v. 8. ((nr)) 5-6 ). Lodz, Poland)
SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAL) LC, vol. 6., No.9,, Sept# 1957 Uncl.
Ziflazki adeninowe trzustki ludzkiej. (Wyd. 1) Lodz (Panstwowe V~rdawn. Naukowe)
1957- 40 P. (Lodzkie Towarzystwo Naukovie. Wydzial III.,Prace, nr. 46)
(Adenine dompounds of the humn pancreas. lst ed. English and Russian Summaries
bibl., tables)
SO: Monthly Index of EastiEuropean Accession (EM) LC Vol. 7, No. 5, 1956
POLARD/Physical Chemistry Electrochemistry. B-12
Abs Jour: Referat. Zhurnal Fbimiya, Ito 3, 1958, 7325.
Author : X, Sempinska -
Inst :Acadeqr of Sciences of Poland.
Title :Polarogmphic Behavior of Kinetin.
Orig Pub: Bull. Acd. polon. sci., 1957, Cl. 2, 5, No 3, 75-78-
Abstract: Kinetin (6-furfuryimethylaminopurine) (i) separated from DNc
fQ_HK is in the original. Translator does not Imow what it is.1
and prepared synthetically produces a wave on the background of
0.1 n. HC1 vith El close to F-1 of adenine. The initial I concen-
tration vas computed by addi;a the standard adenine solution.
The results of the polarographic determinations are compared with
the results of spectrophotometrical, wasurements and they agree
Card 1/1
Periodical: KOSMOS. SEMA As BIOLOGIA. Vol. 8, no. 5, 1957. In English.
LEYKO., W. Polarographic method of the determination of adenine in tissue.
Pt. 2. The deamination rate of adenine nucleotides in human pan-
creas. p. 1.
Monthly List of East &ropean AcessionB (MAI), LC, Vol. 8, No. 3, May 1959
Periodical: IMSMOS. SERIA A-. BIOLOGIA. Vol. 8.. no. 6, 1957. In English.
LEYKO., W. Polarographic method of the determination of adenine in tissue.
Pt- 3* The ratio of guanine to adenine in nucleic acids of human
pancreas. p. 1,-
Month3y List of East European Acessions (EEAI), IL, Vol. 8, No. 3, May 1959
ISM, Wanda; GRM, Maria; YILIPOWICZ, Bronislaw
Adenine compounds in humn blood; comparison of adenine levels in
arterial and oxygenated vanque-blood. Polskie arch. med. wewn. 39
no.1:13-18 1959.
1. Z Zakladu Chemii Fizjologiasne) AA, w Lodzi lierownik: prof. dr
B. 7ilipouicz. Adres autora: Iodz, Narutowicza. 68, Kat. i ZakI. Chemii
(AMNINS. in blood,
comparis n in arterial & oxygenated venoun blood (Pol))
UMOs Wanda, Pr.; BUCZEXv Lidiat xgr biologii
Sir=ture of the hemoglobin. Postepy biochemli 6 no.4;395-407 1609
(EW 100)
1. Aaitu*t Zakladu Chemii Fisjologicznej Akadevdl Nedycznej w Lodzi
(for Leyko) I
7ILnVVICZ, Pronislaw; LOB=, Jossfa; LETKO, Wanda
Comparison of adenine levels In arterial and venous blood. Folskie
arch-sell-wevu- 30 no-39373-377 060.
1. 2 Zakladu Chemil. Fisjologiesuej A.M. w Lodzi. Kierownik: prof.
ar B. Filipowics.,
(AMIO blood)
- LEM, Wanda
Rejuvenation of erytbrocytes. Postepy, biochem 7 no.3:357-370 '61.
IZYKO, Wanda
The primary structure of proteins. Postepy biochem. 8 no-3:305-315
LZYKO j, Wanda
r -----------
Modern views on the erythrocytes metabolism. Poistepy biochem. 8
no./+: 511-522 t62,.
IEUO, WwAa*, DMOCHOWSKI) Antoni; BUCUK, lidia; GOOKO) Roman
. ."'. -obtaining pure hemoglobin from hviman blood. NAU)d wt-em
przyrod.Lodz no.12:37-49 162.
1. Katedra Biochemii, Uniwersytet, Lodz.
The effects of nitrite on adenine compounds in the human blood hemolysates.
Postepy biochem. 8 no.4:554,555 162.
1. Z Zakladu Biochemii UL i Zakladu Chemii Fizjologicznej AM w Lodzi.
investigating the isothermal decomposition of austenite try the
internal friction method. Fiz. mt. i rietalloved. 18 nc.2:,J-16-
317 Ag 164. (MIRA 18t8)
1. Moskovskiy Institut stali I splavov.
IZYKCVS p Oktalot Zdrav. Belor. 6 no. 1007 0 l6o.
Active detection Of 93-Aucoma' (KM 13:10)
oy bollnit*Y (g3AvWT vraeb S.Z. KiP6l')P
1. is voloshimkoy monn
nauchnyy rukorwoatell raboty - Prof. N.M. Zolotarels.
Detection of glaucoma in the White"Russian Republic. Vest.oft.
no.44-6 161. (MIRA 14:11)
1. Volozhinskaya rayonnaya bollnitsa (nauchnyy rukovoditell -
zav. kafedroy glaznykh bolezney Belorusskogo inst-Ituta ugo-
vershenstvovaniya vrachey prof. M.M. Zolotareva).
Adrenaline test in the diagnosis of glaucoma. Zdrav. Bel, 9
no.8t76-77 Ag'63 (MIRA 17 93)
1. Iz Ilolozhinskoy rayonnoy bollnitsy (glavnyy vrach S.Z.
Kipel'); nauchnyy rukovoditelt - zaveduyushchiy kafedroy
gla=ykh bolemney Belorueskogo Instituta usovershenstvova-
niya vrachey - prof. M.M. Zolotareva.
Recognition of shaMa calmLLi of the stomach. Vast. rent.
L rad. 38 nools67 Ja-F'63. (MM .16:10)
1. 1z Volzhinakoy rayonnoy bollnitsy (g:Lavnyy vrach S.Z.
AUTFORS: Leykum. V. I., Oleynik, B. N., Sozinov, G. Ya.
TIT12: The measurement of the heat conductivity of semiconductors
PERIODICAL: Refarativnyy zhurnal. Fizika, no. 5, 1962, 12, abstract 5A131
("Tr. in-tov Kom-ta standartov, mar i izmerit. priborov pri Sov.
Min. SSSR", 1961, no. 51 (111), 131-137)
TFXr: An analysis of the methods of measuring the heat conductivity of
semiconductors leads to the conclusion that the best developed methods are the
stationary-flow-type ones. A description is given of an Installation designed
for mea3uring the heat conductivity and based on the method of "two plates". A
flat heater is placed between the two toot pieces which are 20 mm long and 10-mm
in diazeter. wid junvtioiis of di4^farontial thermocouples are mounted in the
pieces. The -whole ~;yzte- ic placed in an updraft furnace. Two measuring units
were designed. are for temperatures from -180 to +200C, and the other for tempera-
tqres from 2%^ m-- 8000C. The tempw-ature in the units is set for 4 - 6 hours.
The installat.:o-q was tested within a temperature range of -180 to +5000C. The
Card 1/2
AUTHORS: Leykurn V I Oleynik, B. N., Sozinov, 0. Ya,
TITLE: Measurement of heat conductivity of semiconductors
PERIODICAL- Referativnyy zhurnal, otdernyy vypusk. 32. lzmeritcl'naya tekhnika, no. 13, 1962, 46, abs-
tr,act 32.13.335. (Tr. in-tov Kom-ta standartov, mer i izmerit. priborov pri Sov. Min.
SSSR, no. 51 (111), 1961, 131-137)
TEXT: This is a brief review of various methods for measuring heat conductivity. The method of steady
heat flow was used for measuring the heat conductivity of semiconductors. There is a description of appa.
ratus, based on this method and developed at the VNIIM, for measuring the heat conductivity of two
semi-conductor test specimens, 10 mm in diameter and 200 mm long. The measuring device consists of four
separate units: a vacuum furnace for the 20 to 800'C range, a low-temperature unit for the
-80 to + 20*C range, a vacuum-generating unit and a measuring unit. The apparatus, based on the "two
plate" method, works in the following manner: the test specimen is cut into two approximately
equal parts between which the flat beating element is placed. Each of the two parts is provided
with a differential thermocouple for measuring the temperature gradient along their height. The tem-
perature level at which measurements may be carried out is determined according to the readings
Card 1/2
S194/*S436 13.14.,
t OV If Z. ti i..,fter ite
swaIRLS .,Or njeasurIng 'Aer TILO a lo-VIVU
VatOV eta telp
P6 jrjj0fL5 uoe-ats ndartoV I Y1,00it Lasti.
sta . tutov Ob OeOsure.
iastI - to t
001. 'Trudy l-edo-VOnils 3-50 uments greal,
OV. -19s ily. ...astr t,_21
36r t
PribO 1962- 3.% j:Or - men
1.iosr-ov I urn`yl~h .1 .2 OXXV aces Str th OIL
terape4rat a Was Po -ateL& -not 'b6 t Vi
though desert contae With a
%tee ic 9 %.TL out 113. c
'Icly I 'here 'tjoo
3.960 a. t1j, qlar. ose the .001, arrje er Sue a %01 t1h
t AX3. . 'Pu p 3. SP e c 3- r a c. is Jenl;
COvkduc t113. 8 ica e to 0 savae a tu
I cylindr AIr an, It heOter - Spec, iments0 .40 0
therilla Vor 'rhe mess the through INOV 6 t SUIPIP _V-100
Wacy. The through theY 'Which t t
sccv ..tablO- ter- ssiaf, 0,50105. ding Taer the
is 0u-3- d Ilea t pa f lu"k 'P Prov"- TLsfor t fro of
insulaLte urrev" rula3- - vityt, tra out.9%, ttors
. nt c the j%ct,1 is athe bo
eovist86 . the C TL a
09 'Oladl ,Laurels top
dj-t3'O WoOl . t,,,Me M the
cOVIL .1 1 tU1 the 1" 14-95 at
t1jej 6- of Star ,,,tes
the b'B~ieroa"U" act
TA ter - the co0t
Instruments for measuring thermal of the pressure on the
nee on the readings specimen and the cooling,
t around the
piece. rhe influe emperature ieces 15 Tam diameter and
specimen, the air lied, using test P luoroplast-4 (t.flon).
temperature were stul rtz or of f gth of 5 to 10 mm
20 MM long made of fused qua han the optimum Len dily be determined'iI
cimens are longer t time Could rea
These ape stabilisatiOn Similar results were
and so the Maximum up to 125 minutfls- eimen diameter is not of
with quartz it was 0 The ape Use a value
with fluoroplast-4 enient to overall
obtained robably be conv 5 + 1% and the
critical but it will PI Standard error wai Ural conductivity Of a
lo to 15 MMO The mean ficient of ther 0-t + 2%
measuring the cOef )ng is ab u
nd 5 to 3-0 mm 1' r0 or three
error of mm diameter a 3% for tv
specimen lo to 15 or about + ondudtiv't'es in
arge -number of tests Ply -ro-r thermal c
for a I values a] for materials Of greater
measuremOnts, These degres) but and inds ad the A-21
w/(metre be greater oved
the range 0 to 1 the errors will A somewhat impr
thermal conductivity ed for them. nee. In order to
nt is not recommend similar' performs 6&guredl
instrume , is of very vity that caim be m
type PL-224 3. conducti
version of therma
extend the range
Card 2/3
7 57-TiTA AA12
NRI AP6001143 SOURCE CODE: UR/0367/65/002/003/0402/0408
AUTHOR: Baskova, K.A.; Vasillyev, S. S. ; Rudenko, N. P. ; Sevastlyanov, A. 1. Khamo,-
Leyla, M. A. ; Shavtvalov, L. Ya.
ORG: Institute of NucIdar Physics, Moscow State University, (Institut yadernoy Mild
Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta)
19, 1/ Y,
TITLE: Investigation of the-radiation of4 7
SOURCE: Yadernaya. fizika, v. 2, no. 3, 1965, 402-408
TOPIC TAGS: cadmium, beta spectrum, half life, Isotope separation, Indium
ABSTRACT: CP was obtained from the reactlori.Cxim (d,p). As a result of the Investiga-
tions ronducted It Is shown that the half-life of W-7 Is about three hourq. The half-life of 50
min previou I ascribed erroneously to Cd117 is eparently, that of InL'5 obtained from the
reaction Vl~d, 2n). The beta-spectrum of & ' (3 hr) was investigated on a beta-spec-
trometer with a magnetic lens. The upper boundaries of the partial beta-spectra have the
energy of 670; 1290; 1800; and 2200 kov. 'rho value of log R proved to be equal to 4. 0; 6. 7;
6. 9, and 7. 6. respectively. The results presented 'aa well as the investigations of the
PY-coincidences made It possible to construct a decay scheme of Cd117 which differs substan-
tially from that In the literature. Authors express their gratitude to Yu. A. Vorob'Xev,
V. S. Zazulin, N. S. Kirnichev, and M. R. Aldimed for assistance in the worlr- LVIg. art.
has: 7 figures and I table.
Card 1j)4j2UB CODE: 20, 18 SUBM DATE: 19Feb65 ORIG REF: 001 OTH REF: 012
KRAKHMALINIKOVA, G.A.; KIRENKOV, I.I.; Prinimali uchastiye: LEYKUM, V.Ye.;
Spectropyrometrie unit designed by the All-Union Research Institute
of Metrology. I=.tekh. no.5:18-19 My 162. (MIRA 15:6)
IVEENSKIY, Yu.N., inzh.; LEMAN, A.A., inzh.; GOTOVSKIY, A.S., inzh.
Calculation and design of generator-type contactless track
switches. Elaktrotekhnika 36 no.4:20-23 Ap 165.
(MIRA 18: 5)
KUZ1141CMo A.Ye., kand. tekbn. nauk,, nauchnyy red.;
SHIHOKOVA, G.M.,, red. izd-va; HAUYGVA, G.D.., tekhn. red.
(hanufacturing and using prestressed concrete elements in the
Sverdlovsk Economic Region) Opyt izgotovIeniia i primeneniia
predvaritellno napriazhenrqkh zhelezobetonr7kh konstruktsii v
Sverdlovskom. raione. Moskva., Gos. izd-vo lit-ry po stroit.,
arkhit. i stroit. materialam, 1961. 50 P. (MIRA 15:3)
(Prestressed concrete construction)
KUZNETSOVO A.V., inzh.; MMAN, A.V., inzh.
- -.1 v, -
Precast concrete at industrial construction projects in the
Central Urals. Prom. stroi. 41 no.8:24-26 Ag 164. (MIRA 17z11)
1. Glavereduralstroy.
IzYMANI A V inzho
--------- of lements in the Sverdlovsk
preparation , prestr"oed ,oncrete e
Bets i zhel.-betf no. 3:118-130 mr 161.
Economic Regione (MIRA 14:5)
(Sverdlovsk Province-Prestressed concrete construction)
LZMAN) A*V* p Inshe.
Prefabrication-techniques in industrial construction in
Svbtldlavsk Province. Prom.stroi. 39 no.8:4-6 161. (MIRA 14:9)
.1. Uprayleniyb,stroitellatva oovnarkhoza Sverdlovskogo
ekoncmiches,kogo rojwm.-
(Svgrdlavok Province-Gonstruction industry) .1
(Precast concrete construction)
KHARCHEVO A.G., kand.filosof.nauk; LEYMAN, I.I.
Methodological seminars held by Leningrad scientistso Vests
AN SSSR 34 no. 1:45-47 Ja 164. (MIRA 17:5)
1. Leningradskaya kafedra filosofii AN SSSR.
"The Rational Times for SFring Antirelapse Treatment for Malaria in
Connection With Variations for Incidence in Uzbekistan". Med. Faraz. i Paraz. Bolez.,
Vol. 17, No. 5, pp 412-19, 1948.
UnUll, N.F.; STRAKHOVA, L.M.; DUISMKO, X.V. (Saratov)
Prevention of PolionVelitis with nonspecific ummunization methols
anti their comparative effectiveness. Vop.okh.mat. i det. I no.l-.
33-36 Ja-71 56. (MMA 9:9)
1. Zasluzhennyy vrach RSFSR (for layman)
TrIk-rP, T.'-I'jjjn~IK
1"' -L" '
W.J. . 4 . --"Y-7 L.L.
" 0,'
(,* for tlj,~ J;Itl~ -r; ~ -:; -;7
,).fj L * 'i*
1.1w M (t-tv.U iAll
C,Iti"I. TTY'117. C) 161.
(Le.t-.d,a--V,acv Natural)
AWTKAN, A.M., inzh.-, KONTOWTICH, S.O.. inzht; L~TMAK, P.P., Inzh.
Trailer houses for pipeline construction workers. Stroi.trubaprov.
3 no.9:20-22 S 158. (KIRA lltl2)
.Q~Wr-and looring class es--Dwellings)
Translation fromt ReferatIvnyy zhurnal, Mashinoatroyenire, 1959, Nr 16, p 266 (USSR)
AUTHORS: Apartsev, A.S., Kann, AN., Kontorovich, S.O., Leyman, P.P. ~_
TITLE: A New Technology of Constructing Delivery Pipelines of Semi-Metallic
Ferro-Concrete Tubes
PERIODICAL: Str-vo truboprovodov, 1958, Nr 11, 13 - 16
AWTMCT: The economic and operational superiority of employing semi-metallia
tubes (T) is stated, consisting of an outer pre-strained reinforeod
concrete shell and a thin-walled metallic inner sleeve, which increases
the service life of the T. The Leningrad nBarrikadym Plant finished **e
tests with a pilot KZhB-67- machine for the manufacture of pressureless
reinforced concrete T of 900 mm In diameter. directly in the ditch. The
,tppJmo1qw of constructing delivory pipelines, worked out by the State
ij;'iiiitiite for the Designing of.-Speoial Enterprises for the Gas Industr7
"Giprospetagaz", of semi-metallic7T by the method of continuous molding...
Card 1/2 Is described. The 'expediency of applying shells of:.pret-straiRed reinforced.,
14(5) SOV/95_59-3-3/14
AUTHORS: Alltman, A.M., Xontorovich, S.O., Leyman, P.P.9 Engineers
TITLE: Mobile Production Centers on Pipeline-Tracks
(Peredvizhnyye VroizvodstvenaF^ bazy na trassakh)
PERIODICALs ..Stroitelistvo truboprovodov, 1959, Ur 3, PP 5-10.(USSR)
ABSTRACT: The vast production program of the 7-Year Plan-"s 'rendere'd neces
sa*ry,the establishment of field produotion centers'whic'h'
should be'in a pouition to provide living accommodations,'
workuhopep andstores for supplies and material'requiied'On .
. .
the construction sites by the working teams. The task of
setting.,up these centers, or service stations, is - coiiplicat6d
by the conditions under which they have to function.- toca~tea
often in remote areas, far from any industrial ceinter6"."111f
lines or highways, they are intended for temporary stay
being called upon to move along the traok as conatruction is
progressing. Giprospetsga-- has worked out a project pertain-
ing to complete typical production centers which answei all
the requirements of tho pipeline construction and can be
erected or~ dismantled in 10-15 days. Thegeneral layout of
Card 1/3 a production center is shown on diagram 1 as consisting of'
Mobile Production'Centers on Pipeline Tracks SOV/95~-59-3-3/14
3 main sectionst construction areaq motor pool for 50 auto-.
mobiles and stores for fuel and lubricating oils. Table 1
and 2 give a breakdorn of the field pr6duction center by de-
partments or units, indicating their capacity and kind of
constructions. The center is-~ompoaed of 31 buildings. As
a rule all constructions are made for.assembling and dis-
mantling on the spot for ready transportation. Typical cen-
ters make it possible to organize,%.'production from locally
available raw material and construction material; they-can''
produce sections of electrotechnical, sanit&6, and techno-
logical installation4 and perform maintenancs~and repair jobs
on automobiles and-machines; they alib act 'as distributors of
fuelp oil, and such materials as they receive foi storage.'
The rest of the article deals with typical buifdings assembledV
from prefabricated parts and panels, made of metal and wood.
Dismantled constructiom and equipmdn~*,can be loaded on trucks-
and trailers, or on RR platforms for transpo$ation. A pro-
Card 2/3 duction center needs about 4,500 m 2 of open*space for putting
Mobile Production Centers on Pipeline Tracks SOV95-59-3-3/14
up buildings and 1,000 m2 for sheds. It is sat 'imated'that it
takes 50 men 15 days to put up the principal building complex
of a field production center.
There are 4 tables, 2 aketches, and 3 diagrams.
Card 3/3
.13MNI ror h. (Leningrad) zli-Ural
tion of the Ga
&sic design rongiaerations in the construc . l6o. (mIRA 13:7)
- no.6:5-7 J
gas pipelinee StrOi-truboprov- 5
(Gas. Natural-Pipelines)
Effectiveness of the use of an electric drive at the compressor
stations of gas lines. Gaz.prom. 6 no.2:33-38 161.
(MM 14:4)
Is Iz opyta tekhniko-ekonomicheskikh oboBnovaniy proyekta, gazopro-
voda Gaz3A - Ural.
(Gas, Natural-Pipelines) (Compressors)
For effective construmation of the second Bection of a gas pipeliro.,.
Stroi. truboprov. 8 no.120-9 D 163. (WRA 17:41
1. Girpospetsgaz, Leningrad.
Certain contradictions in the planning of gas supply systems.
Go. prom. 7 no.l2t23-26 962 (MIRA 17:7)
~1-711 -.t
ji 164.
-LEYMAN , P.P. 0ALITMAN, A-M trub. 9 no.7i3l-.32
troi. (Napa 17-11)
New deoigns of car-hauseO- S
1. Giproopetaga2p janingrad.
Diuretic effect of novurit. Sov. mod. 21+ no. 10:82-8/+ 0 160,
(MIRA 13:12)
1. Iz oblyedinennoy-gorodskoy bollnitsy No-12 Moskvy.
LEYN, S.Ya.,O~inzhq smfiov
) B.11., kand.tekhn.nauk
Study'Of the structur
Cost Of ga e and Posslbl.Uty of 1
s Pipelines. Trudy VWIST no.146Wring,the estimated
'7-39 62* OIIRA 16:12)