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UMICIVICH, le. N. and SP&NARIOVA., Ye. S. "The Results of and Prospects for the Study of the Problems of Tick-Borne Encephalitis," an article presented at the Interoblast' Scientific-Practical Conference of Medical Workers of the Urals, Siberia, and the Far East, Krasnoyarsk, 8-1.2 Dec 55. sum. No. 1o47, 31 Aug 56 LEVKOVICH, Ye. N. Prof. "The Problem of Sanitary-Antiepidemic Service in the FIght Against Tick Encephalitis, 1956-1960" a paper read at the All-Union Conference for Combating Parasitic Diseases held in Moscow, 10-11 Apr 1956. Sum IP39 F~' 4u V C-P Y- of the diunps!ic U-T ........ ..... Mter Dath, centrilugell, thu supariatant mre.'uNv pipvt!ed aff, and tucrilimli, uddcd ti, jl.l.'! 1 10- c.ncll -L *h c LVVKOVIGH, Ye.N.; RZHAKHOVA, O.Ye. Serological diagnosis of tIck-borns spring-summer and Japanese neephalitis. Report no.2.- Preparation of inactivated and det7drated ntigens from brain tissue fo chick embryos infected with tick-borne : encephalitis virus* Top.viruse 1 noo3:26-29 ffy-je '56. (MLBA 10:1) 1. Institut virusologii imani D.I.Ivanovskogo AKN SSSR. Moskva (ANCEPHALITIS, JAPANSSX B, diagnosis, serol.,- prop. of inactivated & do'qdrated antigens from brain tiesue of chick Infected chick embryo (Run)) (INCIMLITIS. SPIDMIC, diagnosis, same) (ANriann. encephalitis antigens, prep. from brain tissue of chick eabz7os Infected with tick-borne virus for sarodiag. of Japanese & vernal encephalitis (Rum)) EX-C-EAPTA nDICk See 4 V61. 10/10 YdcrobiolcU Oct 57 Z425..LEVKOVICH E.N. Inst. of Virol., D.I.Ivanowski, Acad. of Mcd.Scl., USSR, -moscm-7-E-1-periments concerning the effectiveness of Inoculation against encephalitis japonica (Russian text) VOP. VIRUS 1956, 4 (39-44) Tables 2 Eight series of vaccine from the brain of white mice infected with different strains of the virus of encephaliti aponica were prepared, concentration of virus sus- pension being the same Insil of the series, corresponding to their content of 5110 brain tissue. Experiments on the immunological characteristics of the vaccine were carried out on white mice 2 weeks old. It was stated that the formalin vaccine, precipitated with aluminium -hydroxide (I.R. -index of resistance - 105) was the most effective and ether vaccine (I.R. - 16) the last effective. The addition of 0.2576 phenol to the formalin vaccine did not decrease its antigenic properties (I.R. - 44). The immunity of vaccinated mice was proportionate to the amount of antigen intro- duced. Further experiments, cvrried out on volunteers (immunization with vaccine containing 57o of infected brain tinsue of mice 0. Ile for malln and 0. 2576 phenol) showed an Increase In - 1rus-neut.-alizing antibodies In the majority of those vaccin- ated after a repeated of vaccine. The highest concentration of antibodies was observed in the blood of subjects vaccinated for the third time within two months of the Irdtial one. References 13. Kaulen - Moscow EXCERPTA -WCA Sec. 6 Vol. 11/11 Nov. 57 7-avRov N, 6682-. LEVKOV~CH E.N. and SARNTANOVA E.S. *The news in t~e pro - 'Me m r the epidemiology, prophylaxis and diagnosis of the tick spring-surnmer encephalitis (Russian text) SOVETSK.,NIED. 1956, 11 (23-29) The problem of tick encephalitis occupies an important place in numerous areas of the Soviet Union, particularly due to the increased incidence of the disease. In 1935, 336 new popu lation cent res were added to the list of mass outbreaks. A high Incidence of spontaneous virus infection of the tick Nodes persuicatus (up to 40%) was. found in certain areas, where about 870/a of the population became infected. In certain regions a neuroinfection which is related to spring-summer encephalitis has been observed. This is the so-called two-wave meningo- encephalitis or milk- fever. The agent is a neurotropic virus carried by the tick Nodes ricinus and 1. persulcatus, however, in certain cases the infection is milk-borne originating from goats. A vaccine has been prepared from chick embryos which shows specific antigenicity and immunogenic properties agaiLlSt tick encephalitis. Anigstein -Galveston, Tex. (XX,6,8,17) X:_f gZW USSR Virology. Viruses of Men and Ami-Is. E-3 Abs Jour: Referat Zh.-Biol., No 6, 25 March, 1957, 21694 Author Levkovich.. N. Inst Title Problem , Epidemiology and ProphyLLxis of Poliomyelitis ;Z0 Orig Pab: Sov. meditsina, 1956,4NO 3P 13-19 Abstract: The contemporary concepts of pollonyelitis epidemiology are briefly stated. The problem of epidemic seasons is mentionedp of virus localization in the hunway, organism, of the path_+f transmission and the dependence of general and adult morbidity of.the density of the population and means of c-inication. The characteristic properties of poliomyelitis virus are stated, and the significance of different serologic types. The essen- tial principles of phrophylaxis and, particularly, the problem of preparing a killed fornalinized vaccine.. are stated. The importance of a correct ind'6peedy laboratory poliomyelitis diag- nosis utilizing tissue cultures is emphasized. LHVKOVICH, Ye.M IVAIIOVA, L.H. Problems and tasks of the sanitary and epidemiological service departments in the prevention of tick-borne spring-summer encephalitis. Med. paraz. 25 no.1:28-32 Ja-M 156 (NLRA 9:6) 1. Iz Instituta virusologii A14H SSSR (dir. instituta P.H. Koeyakov) i Glavnogo sanitarno-opidemiologichookogo upravleniya Hinisterstva zdravookhraneniya RSFSR. (INCIPHALITIS, NPIDSHIC, prev. and control itusaian tick-borne spring-summer, prev.) V I cf-f CARRIERS "Separating Virus out of Spontaneously Infected Gamasidae Ticks", by ~e. N. L2yhgvich and A A Ta 111tsev., Meditsinskaya Parazitologiya i Parazi- tarnyye Bolezni, 1;5~, XV_7, 2) pp 229-233 from Meditsinskiy Refera- tivn;ff Zhurnal, Section~x, No 1) 1957- G sidae may, to some extent, be responsible fof- the transmission of spring-sinmer encephalitis; thia family of mites in a natural focus of infection, can be a reservoir of the disease. In Kemerovskaya Oblast', the natural infectiousness of Lalaptidae u. Heamogwmsidae, gathered from the nests of rodents and shrews during the non.-epidr--mic season (July-August, 1954), vas demonstrated. It is concluded that the virus of mite-born encephalitis had been preserved alive in these mites for no less than 1 month. Card 1/1 8 V A~O e - IV - IAVKOVICH, Ye.Y.; GOLIDYELID, A.Ya.; RZHAKHOvA, -~-~~~-hort-wave ultraviolet rays o .n the viability and antigenic roperties of viruses of Russian tick-borne and Japanese encephalitis with summary in English], BiuXeksp.biol. I med. 77-81 Jl '57. E (MIRA 10:12) 1. Iz laborstorii enteefalitov (zave - prof. Ye.N.1evkovich) Instituta virusologii imeni D.I.Ivanovskogo (dir. - prof. P.H.Kosyekov) AMN SSSR. Moskva. Predstavlena deystviteltnym chlenom AMN SSSR prof. N.I. Z:hukovym-Verezhnikovym. (ENCEPHALITIS. JAPAXISE B. virus, eff. of short wave & ultraviolet rays on viability & matigenic properties (Rua)) (IONGXPH&LITIS. EPIDEMIC, viras. Russian tick-borne, eff. of short wave & ultraviolet rays on veibility & antigenic propekties (Rus)) ,(ULTRAVIOLIT RAYS, effects, on Japanese & Russian tick-borne encephalitis birus- viability & antigenic properties (Rua)) 1XVKOVICH, Ye.u. 'resent status of the problem of epidemic encephalitis. Yop.virus. 2 no.3:131-139 KY-Je '57. (RIPA 10:10) 1. Institut virucologit imeni D.I.Ivanovokogo A1111 SSSR. Moskva. (JOCEEPdALITIS, ~WPINXIC, review (Rua)) USSR/Virology. Viruses of Transmissive Infections. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 14, 1958, 62142. Author Zasukhina, G.D., Levkovich, N. kml ch, N. Inst- Title Cytopathogenic Effect of Tick Borne Encephalitis Virus in Tissue Culture of Hwaan Fibroblasts. Orig Pub:-Vopr. virasolog", 1957, No 4, 234-238. Abstract: In cultures of tissue of the human -_enbryo~the strains "Sofyin" and "Pateyev" were studied- Both strains multiplied actively in cultures of these tissues, having a mximun virus yiela in 4-8 days after infection of the cultures. The cytopathogenic effect was registered frm the lst to the 9th passage Card 1/2 11 &0 0 I'aff, -Z-JSSR- Virology. Human and Animal Viruses E-2 -Abs Jour: Ref*Zhur Biol., No 6, 1958, 23969 qvkovid ;E. N.p Sukhovap M. N. AUthor jt ho Inst Noi given Title Duration of Preservation and Secretion of Polyomy- elitin Viruses in Synantropio Plies In Relation to the Problem'of Means~of Control and rrophylaxis of the Disease. Orig Pub: Med. parazitol. i parazitarn. boleznio 1957, 26, No 3V 343-347 Abstract: Synantropic flies of individual coprobiotic species (altogether 1738) were infected by Lansing strain 113 and by patients' feces* It was shown that the virus survived up to 10 days In the flies' intes- tines. In milk and on cucumbers infected-by flies, the virus was also found for a period of 10 days. Gard 1/2 Ca USSR/Virology. Viruses of Transmissive Infections. Abs Jaur: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 14, 1958, 62141. Author Levkovich, Goldfold, A. Ya., Rzhakova, 0 E. Tmt Title The Effect of Ultrashort Waves on the Contagiousness and Antigenic Properties of the Spring-Sumer Tick and Japanese Encephalitic Viruses. Orig Pub: Byul. eksperim. biol. I rseditsiny, 1957, 44, No 7, Abstract:-Ibcposure of a 1-10ep brain.suspension of mice, containing the.virus of the spring-su=er tick (strain Sofyin), or Japanese encephalitis, to flitrashort UV-rays .(259A)~.conplet6ly-in- activated the viruses in 5-15'min.-A 10% brain suspension of chick embryos infected with the Card 1/2 1:0 man AMMa MKOVICH, Ye.N.. POGODINA, V.Ve Infection through the alimentary tract with tick-borne encephalitis [with eumnnr7 in Englishl. Vopvirus 3 no-32145-150 W-Je 158 . WRA 11:7) lo Institut virusologii imeni D.I. Ivanovakogo, ANN SSSR, Xoskyse MCEPHALITIS. etiology A ppthogenesis tick-borne infect. cnuaed by ingestion of raw goat milk (Run)) (XILK, microbiolopy raw goat milk causing trnnem. of tick-borne ence-plinlitis Oh2a)) LEVKOVICHs YE. N., CORCHAKOVSKAYA, N. N. "New developments in the method of extermination of tick encephalitis carriers, and its utilization in the antiepidemic practice." report submitted: &ttthe 13th All-Union Congress of Hygienists, Epidemiologists and Infectionists, 1959. LEVKOVICH YE N "Characteristics of postvaccinal and postinfection im- uhity in tick and Japanese encephalitis in connecticn with the problem of specific prophylaxis." report submitted at the LAh All-Union Congress of Hygienists, Epidemiologists and Infectionists, 1959. LEVK011 CR, "The viroloizical bases of the eoidemic rrop-nosis of tick-borne encephalitis." Page 76 Desyatoye sovesbchalye po parazitologicheskim problemar, i prirodn-,occh~kqoVym boleukyam. 22-29 Oktyabry,- 1959 g. (Tenth Conference on Pirpsitological Problems and Diseases with Naturql Fbci 22-2q October 1959), Mo$ccw7 Leningrad, 1c) 9, Ac.9jerivy of M--dicnI Sci,-nces USSR and AcadeV of Sciences USSR, No. 1 254pp. Inst. of Virology,AS USSR,.Moscow X&MVIGH, L.G.; LEVKOVICH, Te.N. Differentiation of viruses of tick-borne encephalitis and louping ill in tissue culture. Top.virus. 4 no.5:566-571 S-0 159. (MIRA. 13:2) 1. Institut virumologii Imeni D.I. Ivano7skogo AM SSSR, Moskva. (IINCBPUALITIS# 3PIDEMIC, virology,) (TISMI MMURII) LIMVICH, Te.H.; MODIRA, V.V. :------ w~- Problem of alimentary tick-borne encephalitis and wasures for preventing it. Test. AM SSSR 14 no.10:7-13 '59, (KM 13.-6) 1. Institut virusologii Imeni D.I. Ivanovskogo ANK SSSR. (MUMMLITIS) (MM-BACTnIOLOGT) Rom aspects of study &M objectives of the sevsWear-plan In the problem of ticlo-borns encephalitis. Med.Wase I 28 no,31304-310 MY-Je 159, (HIPA 120) lo le Instituts virusologil Iment D. I. lvanovekogo AJOI BUR (dir. - prof.PaN.Kanyakov). I (INCIPHALITIO, XPIMMIC, prev. A control. tiole-borne, In Russia Pus)) L) WUIX-V Y -LLLL) U . U. ) . "Study On Biological Properties Of Viruses Of The Tick-Borne Encephalitis Complex In Tissue Cultures." report submitted for the Symposium on the Biology of Viruses of Tick Borne Encephalitis Complex, Smolenice Czechoslovakia) 11-14 Oct 60. "Experimental and epidemiological bases of the special profylaxis of tick-borne encephalitis (Introductory lecture.)" The Ivanovskiy Institute of Virology, Moscow, U.S.S.R. IZVKOVICHO YE. N. (USSR) ihiiinational Epidemiological E~ymposim, Prague 22-26 196o- "On the study of the circulation of the virus of tick-borne encephalitis of the basis of serological investigations." (Voyenno-l-ieditsinskiy Zhurnal, No 6, 196o) "m LIVKOVICH, f.N.; ZASUCHMA,G.D. Ivaluation of the effectivity of a new preparation - the tissue culture vaccin a against tick-borne encephalitis. J.byg.epidem. Praha 4 n0-3:296-298 16o. 1.1vanovsky Inatttute of Virology, Academy of Medical Science of the U#W, Moscow. (IMCIPHALITIS, IPIDUIC Immunol.) &OVICH9 Ye.N.; KARPOVICH9 L.Ge Comparative study of the viruses of the tick-borne encephalitis group in HeLa cell cultures. Vop. virus. 5 no. 3.00-39 Ja-F.160o (KM 14:4) 1. Institut virusologii, imeni D.I. Ivanovskogo AMN SSSR9 Moskva. (ENCEPHALITIS) FAN TSZFNIN [,Fang chibh-aing]; LEVKOVICH, Ye.N. FOKINAV 4V. Cultivation of Japanese and West Nile enceplwlitis viruses in tissue cultures bf angiosarcomag Detroit-6, HEP-29, and monkey kidney cells. Vop. virus. 5 no. 1 -339-44 Ja-F 160. (MIRA 14:4) (ENCEPHALITIS) AVAKYAN, A.A.; -IMPY~CH, Ye,,,,N,; BUSNYUK, M.M. Morphology of nerve cells injured by viruses of tick-Jvxme encephalitis and reUt~d diseases. Vop. virus. 5 no. 2:208-216 My4 160. (KIRA 1/+:4) 1O.Institut virusologii imeni D.I. Ivanovskogo AMN SSSR i Institut po izucheniyu, poliomiyelita AMN SSSR9 Moskva (ENC9PHALITIS) (EPIDE14IC'HEMORRHA;IC FEM) .(NERVCYUS SYSTMI-DISEASF.~) ' MUKHINAt G.D.; GHURAKOVt M.P.-, LASHKEVICHi V.A.; GAGARINAv A.V,* Tissue culture vaccine for tick-borne encephalitis. Vop. virus# 5 nq. 2:233-236 My-S 160. (MIRA 14:4) 1. Institut vimsologii AMN SSSR imeni D.I. Ivanovskogo i Institut po izucheniyu poliomiyelits, AMN SSSRq Moskva. (ENCEPHALITIS) LZMVICH, Te.N., prof.; ZASUKHINA, G.D., Tissue culture vaccines aginst tick-borne encephalitis. Vast. A149 SSSR 15 no.103-57 160. (KIRA 13:6) 1. Institut virusologil imeni Me Ivauovskogo AHN SSSH. (INCIRPRA ITIS VIDAMIC immunol. ) (vAcams) 'k N. =OVICHY P%,- A survey of the d7namics of the virus of tick-borne-encepba-Utis on the basis of seralogical investigations. J. byg. epidem., Praha 5 no.i:8o-84 161. 1 - 1..Ivnnovsky Institute of Virology, Acadeny of Medical Sciences USSR$ MOSCOW. (ENCEPHALITIS EPIDEMIC immunol) LEVKOVICH, Ye.-N.-;-IZOTOV, V.K.- Hemaggliltination with the virus of tick-borne encephalitis. Vop. viras 6 no.4:428-431 Jl-Ag 161. OMA 14: 11) 1. Institut, viruoologii imeni D.I.Ivanovskogo AMN SSSR, Moskva. (EHGEPHALITIS) (BLOOD-AGGLUTINATION) LEVKOVIGH' Ye.'- KARPOV, S. Symposium on the Biology of Viruses of the Tick-borne Encephalitis Group. Vop, virus, 6 no 6:7%60 N-D 161. (MIRA 15:2) ENCEPHALITIS; TICKS AS CARRIERS OF DISEASE) (VIROLOGY-CONGRESSES) LEVKCVIQH, .ye.N.; WUMINA, G.D. 1. neephalitis. Preparation of a t1joue-culture vaccine against -Japamses e Zhur. mikrobiol. epid. i Immun. 32 no.5:38-42 My 161., (KM 14:6) 1. Is ~Iustituta viruso.L,-.,,--'i imeni Ivanovskogo AMN SSSR. - .(ENGtFHLLITIS) LMOVICHP Ye.N.; POGODINA, V.V. Vaccination of goats as a method of preventing alimentary infection with tick-borne encephalitis. Report No.l: Study of the conditions and effectiveness of experimental vaccination of goats. Vop. virus. 7 no.2;193-199 Mr-Ap, 162. (MIRA 15:5) 1. Institut virusologii imeni D.I.Ivanovskogo ANII SSSR, Moskva. (VACCINATION) (ENCEPILUITIS) (GOATS) je.N.; BOLDYREV, S-T-; ZASUM14, pETp,ISBCMA, P.A." LEVKOVIP-H-. I.- tekhn. red. '~ ~uffd'V ~ I. F. , D. E. , red o , [Japanese encephalitis] JAponskii entsefulit. 140skva, Med- giz, 1963. 178 p. (mim 16:12) 1. Chlen-korre5pon'ent AM SSSR (for Petrishcheva). (ENCEPHALITIS) LEVKOVI ZMKIMIA, G. D. ~CH Further experimental study of tissue culture vaccine against tick-borne encephalitis* Vop, virus. 8 no.1:56-60 Ja-P'63. (MIRA 16:6) 1. Institut po izueheniyu poliorn1jelita. i viruenykh entsefali- tov AM SSSR, Moskva. (RICEPHALITIS VIRUSES) (TISSUE CULTURE) (VACCINES) LEVKOVICH, Ye. N. "The mutagenic effect of physical and chemical factors on arboviinises." report presented at 4th Intl Cong, Hungarian Soc of Microbiologists, Budapest, 30 Sep-3 oct 64. Inst of poliomyelitis, AMS USSR, Moscow. MKOVICII lean.. ~ (Moskw-.) Xcint Seventh Scie--,tP'J-- of the lnzol~'Aww ef myelitis and Virus of the AzM-3mW of Medical Sciences of the U.69$.R. and %be 'whiL-- Russian insUtute of y- an-I Ialll--a~rid to the Epidemiology, Mcrobjclog - study of tick encaphalitAq and otber arbor v.1.7,jo InP')cLJvnq. Vest. A14N WSR 19 no.1-9,89-90 2~4. (M IRA 1797) LOGINOVA-PARINA, N.V.-, LEVKOVICH, Y.e.N. Comparative studies on plaque formation by viruses from the tick-borne encephalitis gr6up. Vop. virus 9 no.4:404-408 J1-Ag 164. (MIRA 18:7) 1. Inatitut poliomiyelita i virusnykh entfiefalitov AMN SSSR, Moskva. I VOROBIYEVAj H.S.; L4VKOVICH, Ye.N. Sensitivity of cold-blooded animals to the virus of -,,-ick-barne onceIphalitis. Zool. zhur. 43 no.7:1084-1087 164. (MIRA 17112) 1. Institute of Flyomyelitis and Viral Encephalites, Academy of Medical Sciences of the U.S.S.R., Moscow. L27195-66 EiqT(I)/T JK ACC NAt AP600406h. N) SOURCE 0,OD_E: UR/0402/65/000/005/0551/0557 AUTHOR: Shalunova, N. V. Karpovicbg L, Gr; Levkovicb, Ye. N. ORG: Institute of PolyomVelitis and Virus Encephal itis, AM SSSR, nstitut poliomialita I virusnykb entsefali tov AMN SSSR) TITLE: Study of interference of the -Japanese encephalitis virrus with, S OM 6. Oyt,DpOtbogenle viruses in tisgoe cultUre SOURCE: Voprosy.virusologii,, no 5., 1965,. 551-557 TOPIC TAGS:' Virus disease, experiment snimali,-I~) immunity, encephalitis/ ~k~4u ABSTRACT: This is a study on-tbe Interference of strains P-1 and K-2 oftbis.virus (JEV) with polio virus type I (LSc 2ab) grown in -dultures.of skin-pmbryonal buman tissue..-and with the yiruses of ' lgewcastle diseasew(ND) and Western eguing enespbn1itio~(WEE), both grown in several passages of chicken embryo cell cultures* To determine interference the cultures with 6 developing monolayer (800,000 cells per re'-infeoted with a diluted brain suspension of JEV. Immediately ml). we . after infection and 24, 48* 72, 96 and 120 hours later the cultures'were added witblbe cytopatbogenic indicator viruses (Polio, ND and WEE). C.rd 1/2 UDG: 576.858.25-095038 'M -L 27195--66 ACC NRs- AP6004864 0 Interference was determined after 2-3 days and was judged positive in the abs'ence.of cytopstbic activity and on the basis of plaque formations of~the indicators in the test cultures and their presence in control3. Interference of varying degree was seen after 72 hours for all tbree viruses, -1t was found that JEV can be reproducibly titrated and identified, according to interference in tissue cultures upon introducing -the blocking viruses.after 96 hours, Highest sensitivity.was found in . Ii cultures-of chicken embryo cells and VM, for under these conditions the interference activity titers (1/10 of activity in'controls) were close to tbose,of the virus obtained in tests witb mice. This interference was seen only with live virus. From tissue cultures Infected witb,tbe JEV interferon was isolated, which alone also roduced Interference,, resulting in reduction of plaque formation by I 2, It was not highly specific and acted most efficiently on*WEE virus. Its effect remained unchanged following heating at 60 C but was severely depressed by a. dilute trypsin solution. Origo art, has., 6 tables. SUB GODE: 06/-'-SUBM.DATE: 06Aug64/. 003/ ~ORIG REF.,- OTH REFI.- 008 Card 2/2 P T A A 27 54-66 EW 0 Y/f. ACC NR* AP6004867 7/0583 SOURCE; CODE.,, UIR/0402/65/oOO/005/057 A, Dq, Titova 3, X.; ~,eykoxicbg Ye. N. AUTHOR: A0o 3- a ORG: Scientific Reaearch Allerpolopic Laboratory~ Moscow 16 (Naucb6o_-issledovatel1skaya allergol6gichaska7a I-aboratoriya AMN SSSR) TITLE: Study of the allergenic properties of intermediate antigens of brain vaccine against t1ok-borne encephalitis SOURCE:. Voprosy virusologii, no. 5, 1965# 577-583 TOPIC TAGS: virus disease, animal disease, experiment animal, sntig~_'_I, allergic disease, encephalitisIVZ4,"- -,,.4 C CL~, ABSTRACT: The allergenic properties of antigens forming at various stages,of virus propagation in the brain tissue of experimentally infected white mice.were studied,in 97 guinea pigs by the metbod of anapbylaxis and desensitization,-applying a 5 fluid brain vaccine against spring-summer tick-borne encephalitis prepared 2 days and 4days after infection. For sensitization, 0-3 ml were given subcutaneously and the anapbylactic injection was 'given intravenously after 28-33 days. Desensitization was given every 2 bours until complete arrest of the reaction. The desensitizers were suspensions of normal brain, 2 or 4 Card 1/2 UDCr 615-372 : 576-858-257-011 -L-27099-66 ACC NRt AP6004867 -Says' vaccine, and.culture-derived formalin inactivated vaccine against .the above disease. Sensitization of the guinea pigs with a suspension of.healtby.mouse brain tissue caused only weak anapb-ylactic reaction jpon subsequent introduction of the some suspension. Sensitization with -vaccine from brain of-mice without clinical signs of the disease caused anapbylactic reaction; so did vaccine from sick mice. The anapbyle.dtic reaction in guines.pigs sensitized with the 2-day vaccine 3ould be inhibited by prior two-fold desensitization with either normal brain suspension or vaccine, in contrast to 4-day vaccine where such desensitization did not Inbibit anapbylootic reaction, due apparently to the large amount.of intermediate antigens present in the 4-day vaccine. rt may be concluded that intermediate antigens start appearing on the 3econd day after infection and that they increase during virus nultiplication in the mouse brain, "The 5% fluid brain vaccine against tick-borne spring-,summer encephalitis was prepared by E. N. Lovkovieb". Orig. art, besv 3 tables. SUB CODE: 06/_ SUBM DATE: l7Peb64/ ORIG REF: Card 2/2 ACC NRt AP 6 VOW- *--,..T-6URCE CODE: UR10402/66/000 0-05/0539-19545 1AUTHOR.- -'ORG: VnStitUtd' 0-'f 1%1144WMyelit1s and Virus :Encephalitis". AHN SSSR- 'Mosc,ow (I~nstitutt p*1:iovs1Zy'e1itai viruanykh,entsefalitov AMN S S 5 R~ Vladivostok Ins tWtWCe!~q f-, Epidemiology and..)Iicrobioloiy -,institut epidemialogi~:C i;-mikrobiologii), TITLE:: Multiplication* characteristics in tumor cell's -in Vitro and.-in vivo of various tick-borne encephalitis viruses vith"different degrees, of neurovirulence -545 :SOURCE: Voprosy vicusologii, no. 5, 1966, 539 TOPIC TAGS: biologic reproductiong nervous system, virus disease, .encephalitis, neoplasm (1,qeCfAF#rrmq ABSTRACT; The interaction between three strains of tick-borne encepha- litis virus (a highly virulent Oriental strain, the less virulent TR-21 strain, and an attenuated variant of TR-21) with Ehrlich ascites and Crocker cancer cells from nice was studied in vitro and in vivo. No parallelism was noted between the interaction of viruses and cancer cells in vivo &nd in Vitro. In primary cultures of both types of can:.' cer calls, encephalitis viruses retained their infectiousness and pro Card, 1/ 2 UDCt 576.858.25.06,093o35;616-006 NR3 AP6034383 'duced significant changes In the cancer calls. In the culture of Crocker sarcoma calls, the calls lost some of their ability to grow on the surface and to cause the formation of tumors when live animals were inoculated. In the culture of Ehrlich ascites carcinoma cells, a de- crease in metabolic activity was observed after the interaction of dancer calls with the viruses. The interaction between the various viral strains and cancer calls after subcutaneous and intraperitoneal- Inoculation caused active multiplication of the virus and affected the proliferative capacity of the infected cello. The Oriental strain of encephalitis virus multiplied most rapidly, and was able to penetrate .brain tisnue after inoculation into an ascites carcinoma. Under iden- tical conditionag the less usurovirulent TR-21 strain did not spread .beyond the tumor into which it was injected# Orig, art, has: I figure -and 1 table, (W& A, 501 SUB CODE* 06/ SUBM DATEs 06F'eb66/ ORIG RM 004/.,,,OTH REFt 006 Card 2/2 LNUUVICII, Tu.I. (Leningrad, Brovinitskuyu ul., d-7, kv.6) ------------- - Photographic attachment for a rectoscope. Vop.ozA-, 4 no.2: 221-223 '58. iMIRA 12:8) 1. Iz fotograficheakoy laboratoril (zav. - inzh.Yu.I.Lovkovich) Institiita onkologli AMU SSSR (dir. - deystvitelln7y chlen ANN SM prof.A.I.Serebrov). (PROCTOSCOPY, appar. & inst. camera attachment for octoscope (Rua)) BERMAN, N.A.; UVKOVICHI-il~-I- Photocystoscopy in bladder tumors. Vop. onk. 9 no.12:18-22 t63. (MIRA 17:121, 1. Iz nauchno-poliklini.cheskogo otdela (zav. - starshly nauchnyy sotrudnik K.A. Pavlov) i laboratorji nauchnoy fotografii (zav. - Yu.1. Levkovich) Instituta onkologii ATIN SSSR (direktor - deyst- vitellnyy chlen AMN SSSR prof. A.I. Serebrov). Adres avtorov: Laningrad, 2-ya Berezovaya alleya, d-3, lnati-~ut onkologii A14N SSSR. HJSEKOVSKAYA, Rrperience in working with the optic photobronchoscope. Yop. onk. 7 noo5:3-15-3-19 161. (KMA 15:1) 1. Iz nauchno-$Wkiklinicheskogo otdela (zavo - otarshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik K.A. Pavlov) laboratorii nauchnoy foto- afii Gav. - inzh. Yu.1. Lsvkovich5 Instituta onkologii AMV SSSR dir. - deyotvitelinyy chlen AMP SSSR prof. A.1. Serebrov). F (BRMC;WSCM) SOKOLOVAI N.M.; KASATK311A, N.M.; SHCHMAREVA, N.K.; UVKOVICH, Yu.1. Laboratory diagnosis of candidiasis In patients with malignant . tumors. Vop. ank. 9 no.8t49-54 t63 (KM 1724) 1. Iz kliniki-diagnostioheskoy laboratorii ( zav. - dotsent I.F. Grekh) Instituiaonkologii AMN SSSR (direktor- deystvitell- nn ablen AMR SSSR prof. A.I. Serebrov. Adres avtorova Leningrad, P-1299 2-Ts. Berezovaya, alleya., 3. nstitut onkologii AMN SSSR. ;LMOVICH-SOKOLOVA9 A.P. morphol~gioal changes in a bullonecrotic torm 'of aminazine tox:icoderma- titis, Zhurenevr,i psikh, 60 no-5:595-601 160. (MIRA.13:9) 1. Otdel patomorfologii toentrallnoy nervnoy sistemy (nauchnyy konsuVtant - prof. A.P. Avtsyn) Instituta psikhiatrii Ministerstva zdravookhraneniya PJFSR (dir. - prof. V.M. Banshchikov)t Moskva. (CHLORPROH&ZINE) (SKIN-DISEASES) LEVKOVICILBOKOLGVA, A.P..; KAZAKOVA, P.B.,; TL'INAj, L.I.--y Morphological changes in the brain in cases of combined alcoholism and at4erosolerosis. Trudy Gos. nauchno-isal. ivnt. psikh. 22:447-476 160. (141RA 15--.1) 1, Laboratoriya patomorfologl4,tsentrallnoy nervnoy sistemy (zav. - laboratoriyey - A.P.Levkovich-Sokolovaq nauchnyy konsulltant - prof. Aik. AvtsA)-i-klbUkazoeudistykh paikhozov (zav. klinikoy - prof. V.M.Banshchikcrv) Posudarstver--iogo nauchno- iseledovatellskogo instituta psikbiatrii Ministerstva zdravookhraneniya RSMR. (GMBRAL ARTPMOSCLEROSIS) (ALCOHOLISM) 1MOVSKAYA, N.Yu. [Levkovs'ka, f).IU.1 Cenesis of cassiterite from the place.-s in northern Volyn'. Geol, zhur. 25 no.31102-106 165. Wlfui 18g11) 1. Institut geologicheskikh nauk AN UkrSSR. REYNIN, I.V.; LAZUKOV, G.I.; LEVKOVSKAYA, G.14, Result of studying Quaternary sediments in the no.-.h of the West Siberian oll- and gas-bearing province. Trudy VNIGRI no.225:102- UO 163, (KM 17:3) I I- Z_ O-KS K SOV/21-59-6-20/27 (G-avvich, S. T. )' AUTHORS: Hurvyrh, S. I., evki-7s'k*, N. Yu.(N.Yu. Levkovskaya) and Khatuntseva., A.ia~ TITLE: On a Mineralogical Pind of Tungsten Minerals in Volyr.1 PERIODICAL: Dopovidi Akademii Nauk Ukrains1koi RSR, 1959, Nr 6, pp 659 - 661 (USSR) ABSTRACTj The authors report on a find of tungsten minerals made in the North-Western section of the Ukrainian crystalline shield in 1956. The wolframite encountered for the first time was in foliated pieces with black, nontransparent grains. Some pieces had, however, dark red and red color, ranged from nor-transparent to almost transparent. In some instances, the wolframite was found in combination with the quartz, and in separate instances in combination with the arsenopyrite. The majority of grains were within 0.6 - 0.1 mm, some reached a size of 2 - 3 mm. The chemical examinat- ions made by B. V. Myrs'ka table 1), and the x-ray examinat- ions made by A. 0. Karpenko (table 2), confirmed the materials as being basically wol.framite, combined with an Card 1/2 almost equal number of ferberite and huebnerite molecules. iii66" SOV/21-59.,6-201/27 On a Mineralogical Find of Tungsten Minerals in Voly-n' ASSOCIATIONt PRESENTED: SUBMITTED: Card 2/2 Leaving out some insignificant impurities, the two chemical examinations have established the following crystallo.- chemical formulas3 1) (Foo,"41 Mno, 59) WO 4, 2) (Poo, 46 mno, 54) W04' The x-ray examination was done with the use of Pe radiation in a Debay chamber of 57.3 mm, in diameter, with a Mn filter, at an exposure of 12.5 hours. Isolated sheelite grains have also been found. Under the microscope they appeared to be of' more or less isotermic forms, of even optical weight, were found to be positive and Possessing a rather low index of double refractiong yet an index of single refraction exceed- ing 1.78. There are 2 tables and 1 photo. Institut geologicheskikh nauk AN UkrSSR (Institute of Geological Sciences of the AS UkrSSR) By N. P. Semenenkov Member, AS UkrSSR ju.11Y 8, 1958 ~XIYp ~A., i,=h. Repair of shock absorberse Avtv transpe 38 no@ 5:29 My 160. (MIRA 1/,-.2) (Autmobilso-Shock absorbers) I - - IfThe State sector and the problem of priority in the selection of projects in the programs of the industrialization of the developing couatries" report to be submitted for the United NAtiour, OaAference c~~t the Application of Science and Tech-4oltw,7 for the 2--aef It of the 7-,-Gs . Developed Areas - Gc5eva.. Bvitzerln,-Yl, 4-20 Feb 6-,,~ --Pp .F.92963 ID,,ZSIOIIALI,'IO-C)SVOI~ODI'PEL'Ilii'fit B010a; Ili,.hOIA-N rLdAY1 Zk SVOYU SVORIOLU 1 NLZ.WV:1SL--OST I-1030A (VSj~b0YjJZ!To'fL 014 .1 !ZD-VO VIA'.1YE, 1952. 31 P- ~Sjl Ca-LS'170 PC) RiLSFROSTPjLI7TE'IiYU PULI'TiCULSKIKII N,~UMIPYM Milli-Y. 1952, SERMI 1) NO. 96) ian monopolies. No- ~~~Ww"iumce cal),ts, in ud,,k ind tae In& (HLU 7:12D) .clusligh f tisdat, 1954. 543 P- skVILO GospOll AUTHOR: Levkovskiy, A.I. Engineer, 118-518-4-5/23 TITLE: A Dump Car With a Sliding Hood (Dumpkar so sdvigayushchimsya kuzovom) PERIODICAL: Mekhanizatsiya Trudoydmkikh i Tyazhglykh Rabot, 1958, Nr 4, PP 13-14 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author describes a new dump car designed by him and con- structed at the TsEMM Kanskugoll trest (The TSEMM of the Kansk- ugol I Trust) to replace existing dump cars. The dump car con- sists of a hood, bottom platform, unloading mechanism and the carriages. The hood has three transverse End two lengthwise edges welded into one stable spatial structure. The unloading mechanism has the following basic parts: 36 kw electric motor, the main reducer, two auxiliary reducers, and three 'Lifting screws. The capacity of the hood is from 33 to 35 cubic meters. Unloading takes 70 seconds and may be Pk~rformed by one man. There are 2 photographs. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 1/1 1. Mines-Equipment 2. Dump cars-Desivi 3. D=p cars-Applications ;7;~z~K V AUTHOR: Levkovskiy, A.I., Mining Engineer 127-58-5-13/30 TITLE: A Dump Car With a Laterally-Moving-Walls Body for Unload- ing (Dumpkar, razgruzhayushchiysya sdvizheniyem kuzova po dnishchu) PERIODICAL: Gornyy Zhurnal, 1958, Nr 5, PP 46-48 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Dump cars applied at present in open pits have essential drawbacks: high dead weight and dependence of the un- loading time upon climatic conditions and the physical properties of the load. The author of the present article has designed a new type of dump car which unloads not by tilting, but by shifting the walls of the vehicle over the bottom, as is hown in Figure 1 and 2. Its main parts are: 1) the walls; 2) the bed; 3) the unloading me- chanism, and 4) the undercarraige. The technical cha- racteristics of the new type are as follows: weight - 22 to 23 tons;,the weight of load - 60 tons; the capacity of body - 33 to 35 cu m; height - 2,860 mm; width - 3,600 mm; lengths (between the axes of automatic couplings) - 9,480 mm; unloading time - 70 sec which can be reduced to 20 or 30 sec by applying more powerful electric motors Card 1/2 and a lower gcar ratio. The unloading mechanism shifts 127-58-5-13/30 A Dump Car With a Laterally-Moving-Walls Body for Unloading the walla of the dump car over its bed at a rate of 0-03 M/sec. The walls, shifting over the bed, form a slit up to 3,000 mm. wide, through which the load is pushed out. Such an experimental car was manufactured in the central electro-mechanical shops of the trust "Kanskugoll". It was tested in the Irsha-Borodino open pit in 1957. Tests were carried out under all temperatures. The unloading performance was satisfactory, and took less time thin that of conventional dump cars. The frozen rock is scraped from the bottom of the car by the back wall of the body. There are 3 photos, 2 figures and 1 table. ASSOCIATION: Irsha-Borodinskiy ugollnyy razrez 11r 1 (Irsha-Borodino Open Coal Pit Nr 1) AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 2/2 1. Mines-Machinery 2. Ores-Excavation DITAKOV, A.M.,,,, LZWKOYSKIT, A.I.,; KELIKAN, S.M.,; XAM6fA-,IJi-., KHASNATA, A.K. , . [Bconomy of sodern India] Zkonomike sovremnnoi Indli. Moskva, Izd-vo voutochnoi lit-ry, 196o. 429 p. (MIRA 13:8) 1. Akedemiye.nauk 3=,, Inatitut vostokovedeniya. (India--Nconomio conditions) BRAG4NA, Ye.,- ULIRIKH, 0.; IZ3ff-OV ~SICM,-L-L, otv. red.; MOISEM, P.P., otv. red.; FIMSHOVA, V.N., red. izd-va; YAZIOVSKAYAp B.Sh., tekha. red. [State capitalism in the industry of the East] Gosudarstvennyi kapita:Li= v pronqohlennosti stran Vostokao Moskvap lzd-vo vostoobnoi lit-ry, 1961. 92 p. (MIRA 140) Wis.-Government ownership) (Asia-Economic conditions) PAVLOVSKIY, V.; IEVKOVSKIY, A.I... kand. ekonom. naukp red.; GARSIA.L.,, red.; EFAYO-NYAN., 14.., mladshiy red.; MOSKVINA, R., tekbn. red. [Economy of modern Thailand) Ekonomika sovremennogo Tailanda. MosIcva, Izd-vo sotsiallno-okon.3it-ry, 1961. 182 p. (MIRA 15:2) (Thailand-Economic conditions) YERSHOVp Yuriy Alekseyevicb; otv. red.; IVANCYV, D.S., red.izd-va; MUNOVA, I.Bop red,izd-va.- TSVETKOVA, S.V,p takhn,, red, [Oil and the struggle of India for economic independence] Neft' i bortba Indii za ekonomichookhiu nezavisimost'. Moskva# Izd-vo vostochnoi lit-ry, 1961. 229 p. (MIU 14:12) 1 1 (India-Petroleum industry) MOTYLKVt Vollf Yevnovio, prof.; PrIni-li uchastiye: IZVKgPqKIY, A.I.9 kand. ekon. nauk; PAVWV, V.I,j kand. istor, nauk; MMMQvV-.V-,v- kand. skon. naukv dotBent; X M A M t A.Ly kand. skoh. naukv dotsent; CREKHUTOVA, V., red,; STRI q Hop mladshiy red.j MO- SKVINAq R,g tekbno reda [Econwaic history of foreign countries; epoch of premonopolistic capitalism] Ekonomicheakaia iBtoriia zarubezbmykh stran kha Comonopollatichookogo kapitali=aq- kuro lektBij. ' elozd-vo Moskvat sotsiallno-okon. lit-ryt 1961o 399 P. (MBA ll~: 9) (Economic history) .LEK&QYa&11,-A1WSAU IvanovichLD'YAXOV, A.M.,; TUZMUKHANEDOV,R.A., red.; FRIDMAN, L.Sh., red.1 !AZLOVSKAYA, E.Sh., takhn. red. [Characteristics of the development of capitalism in India] Osobennosti razvitiia kapitalizma v Indii. Moskva, Izd-vo vostochnoi lit-ry, 1963. 587 p. (MIRA 16:6) (India-Economic conditions) LEVKOVSKIY, Aleksey Ivanovich; DIYAKOV, A.M., otv. red.; TUZMUKHMDOV, R.A., red.; FRIDMAN, L.Sh., red.; -YAZLOVSKAYA, E.Sh.,-tekhn. red. (Ohnateristics of the development of capitalism in India] Osobennosti razvitiia kapitalizma v Indii. Moskva, Izd-vo vostochnoi lit-ry, 1963. 588 p. (MIRA 16:4) (India-Capitalism) LEVKOVSKIY,,,_,_N,., mladshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik Beauty, comfort, pafety. Za bezop.dviah. 4 no.1:14-15 Ja '62. (MM 16:7) 1. Nauchno-issledovateliskiy institut 4Vtomobillnogo transporta. (Motor vehicles) 6 ICUZNETSOV, Yeo; AKEPOLOV, I. Ygiintellance ind repair of refrigerated motortrucks. Avt. (MIU 18:12) transp. .43 no.U:22-24 D 165m N, KUZMS, M.N., prof. (deceased]; BOGDAITOVICH, S.H., doteent; L3YKGVS=-,~r-KJL- kand. med. nauk: SPIMMOVA, V.N.; GLUKHMIKIY, B.T.; FUL M.N.; OSADCHIY, Ye.D.; PARABA H, X.Ye.; VILICHINSKIY, S.P.; VITIR, I.S.~l VORORM, LF.; GWOVWAYA, R.A.; RAKHMTULLINA, M.G.; SAIOVA, G.V. Treatment of lupus eruthermatoBus with phthivazid. Vrach. delo no.,4: 373-378 AP '59. (KI3A 12:7) 1. Kiyevskly meditsinskiy institut. (IMM)tr.ONICOTINIC ACID) LEVKOVSKIY, N.M., -- - Dienstive disturbances in patients with lupme arythematosum, Trach. delo. no.6-.639 Je 159. (MIRA 12:12) 1. Klinika kozhnykh i venericheskikh bolezuey (zav. - kafedroy - prof, Kuznets, M#M. [deceased]) Klyevekogo meditsinskogo instituta. (LUPUB) (DIGESTIVE ORGANS) KOMMV G.A. UNKOVS Y,,.,P.V.; SHIROKOV, A.V. Reduction of liquid oxidized copper by natural gas. TSvet met. 37 no.9s'13-14 S 164. iMIRA 18s7) K(74LEV, ". I .; j 1 -1 ft -1 i u LI -~4,'VEOV~'KIY, O.V.; IIIPT"OV, 0.~.; SJI,HtW~V, ...V. Use of reducers in the deoxidation (if r,,,ol.t~-n i;y products of incomplete comburiticri of riutural gas. 17v. AIJ Uz. SSR. Ser. tekh. nauk 9 no.2:94-97 165. (MiFIA 1. Sredazniprotsvetmet. ---L-12025-66--EWT(1)--- V-10(c) !4 SOMWE (.,'OIIF,: JJR/0-386/65/on; /to 1 iln"11) A11TIJOH! .11119 0' AYL.A. A!,~ Lp-vknvnYiy,.P. T.: I Makslmpnkot V Pfiv f, s I n. A.- B.; W~ 7n OW" " TPflt.te of Semi roild,jr-t-rr, AcRr1tm:,v of ve I,n(?es. Ukrainlan S.SP (Itintifill provodniknv Aka demil nnijk Ukrnlnnkr~y list?) TTTLF: Splitting of EPR lines nf rr-'4+ in ZnWO4 by an external. electric fie],] rr SOURCE: Zhurnal ekarprimrntal 'noy I I norptirbPrk y fI7-IkI. PIP'nq v radqktPjyu. (Prilozbenlye),, v. 2, no. 7, 1965, -344-346 TOPTC TAM; zinc compflund, FPR Pvt-i-fl-lim. linp splitting :11, qql 5-s- ABSTRACT: The authorn hav -e ohr-Prved- the sr.'Atting of two Cr-4'1' FT'll I I nr-n corresponding, to tran Al '' be en the-sublevels of the-Kremrs doublets occiii-ring wlien nn exter- s ons nal static electric field E In nliplipd to a ZnWO4 crystal, in which Fire two nc)n- equivalent positions of the Zel* Ion repinced by the Cr3+ ton. Thrqe [InsItIonq difre?4. in inversion with respect to Oft posttlon occitpled by the zinc ion# so l.hat the shift of the EPR line should manifent Itself In the form of its splitting. Tlw depentlence .~of the line splitting on the orientation of an external static magniAle rield It was .also investigated. The experiments were made with an EM spectrometer operating at 9380 Me and at room temperature. The angidar dependence of the line splitting, enr- responding to the transition between the sublevels of the lower 11-rames dnUblet (FJg. 1)) Is presented fnr the ease when the field It In directed aloi* thp etystallogrotphic ~Card _J/2, A-C-C 'Ri- A660000 At GMuss Fig. I.. Angular "de _pendence of the EpR line splitting at X-m 225 kv/cM. Continuous YT 0. Vjr. curve theoretical; points experimental values .obtained with sample no. 4,01rcles -:With e nn.~'2* . . I Nil axis b (y axio)p and the fl(ld H changes its orientation in the (xz) plane. The ex- perimentul points.shown on the plot correspond to the directly measured splitting. The results agree with calculations based on the use of a spin Hamiltonian In the form W - WO + WE where WO is the usual spin Hamiltonian., Including the operator of t Zeeman energy and the energy of the crystalline field and WE is the operator of tA, energyj ction, with the external electric field E. Authors thank M. F. Deygt ,Jntera and Ve a hteynahleyger for continuous interest In the work,, and also L. Mise and N. F. Kogdenko for help with the measurements. OrIg. art. has- 1 Ton-m Iyand 1 figure. ;Tylr_O~~ rz- SUB CODEI 20/ MM DATEi 06)iug65/ ORTO REF-. '002/ OTH REF: 002 Card ---4Q995m-&6--- -EWT0 P( IJ "-W/GG ACC NR. A 0205 SOURCE CODE: UR/0056/66/050/006/1510/15181 AUTHORS: Bugay, A. A.; Levkovskiy, P. T.: Maksimenko, V. M. -Pasnxovsxiy, M. V.; n0YZ81n, A. Bo ORG: Institute of Semiconductors, Academy of Sciences.-Ukrainian SSR (Institut poluprovodnikov Akademii nauk Ukrainskoy SSR) TITLE: Splitting of EPH.11nes of Cr3+ in ZnW04 by an external electricl field SOURCE: Zh ekap'er i teor fiz, v. 50, no, 6, 19660 1510-1518 TOPICTAGS: electric field, line splitting, Hamiltonian spin, SM- ABSTRACT: Splitting of EPR linese/d Cr3+ in ZnW04 by an external electric field has been detected, An investigation has been made of the angular dependence of splitting (dependence of splitting value on orientation of external magnetic and electric fields with respect to crystallorgraphic axes). A Hwiiltonian spin is set up describing the inter'action between the system and the external electric field. Corree, tions to the transition frequencies have been found. The theoretical resalts satisfactorily describe the experimental angular dependences of the splitting, The corresponding Hamiltonian spin constants have Card lZ2, Qz= L 4o995-66 ACC NRs AP602424i;- been determined. A correlation effect be_tw'e'e'n__the_ -angular splitting dependence and angular dependence-of.the-EPR.half-width,',Ine has been deteCted f=-thp f1r_&t. time-in the ab*.vnC_4t_pf an-externai electric field. A qualitative Interpretation of the phenomenon has been described. The authors thank M. F', DeXgen and V. B-. fte~Mshleyger for their constant interest in thus work, V. A. Atsarkin or discussion of Individual problems, and L. 1. Datsenko for assistance-in measurements.- Orig. art. has: 6 figures, 9 for-m-uTa-&; avid i! %*biass RaGed-on-_ zauthors' :abstrac%. SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 24Jan66/ ORIG REF: 007/ OTH-REF: 008 LEVKOVSKIY S.S. From the history of sttdies of streamflow of the Ukraine. Trudy UkrNIGMI h0-5006-92 165. (MIRA 18:11) LEVKOVSKIY S S. Study of calculation parameters of the annual flow oLf rivers of the Ukraine. Trudy, UkrNIGMI no.5lt2l-31 165. (MICA 18t9) LEVKOVSKIY"-,P-i-- Fluctuations in the water content of rivers of the Ukrainian S.S.R. Geofiz. i astron. no.8:163-166 165. (MIRA 1911) 1. Ukrainskiy nauchno-issledovateltskiy gidrometeorologi- cheskiy institut. I- N Kky , "bony vop*muom . . "do., N. "at lated -C. Y - 44' ., - . :oj;jf sud. IL VAvik, CO. V- t-40051) Al , ' tw dzi,tolulapttheme , -4n or IMAOALates the chm. i by t(j,UofAp(Amr. ISY vi p (IM.. Uej-.tprqpostd by jrca P04C Oil of ceml- l d,ci ns6ts of rep," i ao ma 'by Ing the hy - 'then UPI. te S. ;o~~ by - -Itims (cr I-Outiod AW. Thcortin=0m, werdpaper. -pu. d th,, UUW, is u&bi joe ft r a d lilt W . p l , of jwjAIdehy&, druou" h a 1 l n 1 y ain uop tht *j, ~ . =4 butyr4debyde al ehyda i . , opion f., pr nch ? LM 9 se q wag at, ~ 4, R f,a USSR/Nuclear Physics C-5 Abs. Jour : Referat Zhur - Fizika, No 5, 1957, 1M4 Author : Levkovakiy, V.N. Inst : Institute of Chemical Physics, Academy of Sciences., USSR Title : Relative Cross Sections of n-p Reactions on Nvclei With Several Stable Isotopes. Orig Pub : Zh. eksperlm. i teor. fiziki, 1956, 31, No 2, 36o Abstract : The relative cross sections of the (n,p) reactions on isotopes of Zr, Cd, Ti, and Sr, and Ca were measured by analysis of the curves of nuclear decay vs. reaction products. From the data obtained and from the analysis of the data by Pauli and Clarke '(Referat Zhur Fizikaj 1955J. 8684) on the cross sections of the (n,p) reactions on iso- topes of Mg, Si, 8, Zn, and Ge, the author draws the fol- lowing conclusion: (1) The cross sections of the (n,p) Card 1/2 MM/Nuclear Physics Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 5, 1957, 1.1214 reactions on nuclei with several isotopes are reduced substantially with increasing weight of the isotopes. This reduction is greater for the lighter nuclei. (2) In light nuclei, an increase in the atomic weight by two units reduces the cross section to one quarter (Ca, Si, S, Zn) or to 1116 (Mg, Ti), vhile in heavier onee the reduction is to one half (Sr, Zi, Cd, Ge). (3) The results obtained apparently contradict the statistical theory and possibly are evidence of the retention of the shall structure even at high excita- tion energies. C-5 Card 2/2 LEW,GV,-,KIY, V. N. I "Relative Cross Sections at 14 Mev "ieutron Snergy for (n,o) and (n,oC) Reactions on Elements Possessing 3everal Stable -Lsotopea," (Inst. of Chemical Physics) paper axfomitted at the A-U Conf. on Illuclear Reactions in Medium and Low Energy Physics, kjoscow, 19-27 Nov 1957. creaalag tuatcato awza -mbar. In order to YL-rlfv thsa ll~u 56-6-36/47 Levkovskiy , V. N. .TITLE: The Relati ve Cross Sections of(n P) and (n,x ) Reactions in Ele- ments With Some Stable Isotopes Otnositellnyye secheniya n, p - i , n,ot- reak tsiy na elementakh s neskolikimi stabilfnymi izotopami) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal Ek sperimentallnoy i Teoreticheskoy Fizi~i, 1957, Vol. 33, Nr 6, pp. 1520 - 1521 (USSR) ABSTRACTs 1.) The fo llowing cross sections for the respective (n, p) reac- tions were measured (B - 14 MeV). &-Ca42 : n U-Ca44 . 1 1 (0,24 � 0,02) CrTiOt 0-Ti 49 . I : (0,55 + 0,15) (rZn 648 (7zn 66 1 O-Zn 67 . 1 1 (0,36 + 0,02) : (0,23 � 0,03) CrGa 69 S CrGaV . 1 1 (000 � 0,05) Cr Ge70: OGe72 t CrGe732 OGe74 . 1 1 (0,39�0,O2):(O,2A,+0,O2); s (0,13 � 0,03) 86 TSr t L38 Cr'sr 1 1 (0,46 � 0,04) a'Zr go 2 CT'Z r91 s C^Z r92 t O'Zr94. ls(0,74:tO,05)t(0,46-+0,04):(0,20+ Card 1/3 + 0,02) 56-6-36/47 Relative Cross Sections of (n, p) and (n,oL ) Reactions in Elements iMh Some Stable Isotopes CYCd 106 t tvrc d ill drC d112 taCd113. (5�1):1:(0,71+-0,03)1(0,-I,,�0,2) ercelOt O'CeI42 1 t (0,60 � 0,15) From these and other known published data it follows that We cross section of the (n, p) reaction in elements with seve o* stable isotopes decreases considerably with increasing mass number. Here- from the general conclusion may be drawn that the probabili Vi of the liberation of a proton from an excited nucleus is 'hinari'A'Aed with the proton concentration in the nucleus. 2.) For (n,oc. -reactions the following measurements were fxried outt Cr C135:ar,37 1 : (o,27 0,15) O:Y'G e 7 2s aGe74. 1 :(0,47 0,04) CrRb85, a-Rb87. 1 : (0,39 0,02) CrZrMs CZr 96. 1 : (0,50 0,05) 0110d 112: Or`ddl 14. 1 : (0,50 � 0,03) 3.) Together with the datermination of these cross sections :Jso Card 2/3 the following further data were determined: _W -P.M, .11 5 Ing, Q 56-6-36/47 '.The Relative Cross Sections of (n, p) and (n,cK, ) Reactions in Elements With Some Stable Isotopes Ge (n, P) Zn71M - Ge (nfo~) Zn7l Mi s T1/2 0 3,92 1 0,05 h Ge (n, p) (;a74 i T 1/2 - 0'0 + 0,5 m Rb87 (n,.() Br84 t T 112 0 2595 � 0,5 m Zr (n,x ) Sr93 t T 112 - 7,0 � 0,5 ms 3,0 00 MeV There are 7 references, I of which is Slavic. ASSOCIATIONt Institute of Chemical Physics AN USSR (Institut khimicheskoy fiziki Akademii nauk SSSR) SUBMITTEDt JulY 31, 1957 AVAILABLE: Li.-brary of Congress Card 3/3 L VS k-" / Y/ AUTHOR DZANTIYW B.G.# LEVKOVbK1Y V.111, MMVSKIX k.D., K - 3136 TITIS The (n,a) -aead-tTo-n-a-W 14 _KeV Neutrons With Cadmium. (Reaktaii. (ngj) 14 NeV neytronov s kadmiyem -Russian) MRIODICAL DokLuW Akademti Nauk WWt, 195119 Vol 113, Ur 3, Pp 537-54o Received 6/1957 Reviewed 7/1957 4 AB8TRACT The present paper inveatigates the (n,a) -reactions on cadmiumAn which palladium isotopes are areated,,Parallel hereto the cross section of the ' production of Pd'09 from a 'ilver was determined by means of a (n,p)-reac- tion. Because of.the many stable.caamium isotopes the products created on the occasion of the readtions could be identified only by means of the .radiochemical method. I : . . - Realization of the rdactions Cd(n,a)lld and identification of the products of the reactions: Metallic cadmium or its salts were irradiated with -4 MeV (d,d) -neutrons, 14 MeV (t,d) -neutrons and fission nextrons, The radipac- tive palladium was precipitated from the targets,by a precipitation of di- methyl glyoxime in an acid medium. The activity of the thus obtained radio- ahemical pure samples was measured by means of a GEIGkA counter, or these samples were dissolved. From this solution, silver (AgGl) was segregated within fixed timetintervals for the purpose of identifying the palladium isotope on the basis of the daughter products. dn the occasion of irradia- tion with 4 MeV neutrons no radioactivity was observed in the palladium frac- tion. In the dase of irradiation with fission neutrons an activity of the Card 1/2 palladium with T 14 hours was observed. In the case of irradiation with The (n9a) -Regations of 14 _VeV Neutrons With Cadmium. PA - 3136 14 AV neutrons radioactive components with halfvalue periods .(22+ 1) zaln,ateq 9 (5o5* 002) ho-as and (14,0+ 0,5) hours were found t3 exiFt in, the palladium fraZ~ion 3. The ratio of Ehe initial activitie!s of these cm-1pr- nents amount6 t6 (26~4 + 098):(0,h1 + 0,04)8 1.0. A tabl'i'so"s the re- sults of the -graphical Zialpis of tFe decay curves of the'eadmi'dm Semples 'which were aeparated by the different cadmiv= targets. These r,04ults-'are then discussed in detail. Measwing of the eroaq sections of the reactions Cd"%(n,a)FdIQ9, Cdl"%(n,a) Pd.2119, Cd'L'4'(n,,(%)fId"2* and Ag'-09(n.,p).FdI','9 as well aa of the.reactions with.14 YeV. r*-dtrons. All necess-ary activ.-Itles were measured by means of a GEIGU counter at equal geometriciLl condithm, The crow sectione thus com- puted and the standard deviations are shmm together in a table. (4 ill. and 5 tables) AbSOCIATION Chemical-Physical Instituto of the Academiy of $cience of the U.U.S~R. RtESENTIM BY KONDRATIYEV VA., Member of the Academy SUBMTa 2o.11.1956 4VAUABLZ Library of Congress Card 2/2 20-A--14/61 AUTHOR. DZANTIYEV, B. EVXOVSXIY.., V.N., MALIYEVSXIY, A.D., SERDOBOV, M.V. TITLE: The Isomer Pd 111AI (Izomer Pd Russian). PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, 1957, Vol 113, Nr 4, PP 773 - 776 (U.S.S.R.) ABSTRACT: First of all the authors give some information on relevant preli- minary papers. It is the aim of the paper under review to demon- strate unambiguously that the 5.5-hours palladium activity belongs to a certain isotope or isomer of the palladium. For this purpose, experiments were carried out with regard to the radischemical se- parati*n of isomers in the mixture of the radioactive isotopes of palladium which are produced at the reactions Cd(n,a) and Pd(n,2r The method of the chemical separation of the nuolear iaomera is based on the Szilard-Chalmera phenomenon. When working on the me- thoda for the apparation of the palladium isomers, the authors of the paper under review tried reagents: dimethyl glyoxime, aceto- xime, salicylic aldoxime and a-nitrose-p-naphtel. The beat results were obtained with salicylic aldoxime. Salioylic aldoxime is suited for the separation of the nuclear isomers of palladium. The Separation of the Isomers Pd and Pd Produced at the Re- Card 1/3 action Cdll4(n,a) Pd _t! ~V- r-R-2- q The Isomer Pdllla. 2D-4-14/61 During a period of 4 hours, 400 9 of cadmium nitrate were exposed to radiation of a current of neutrons of 14 119V (^0107 neutrons/am 21 sea.). The experimental arrangements are discussed. In the mixture of the radioactive palladium isotopes produ ilia' t the reactions Cd(nva)iPd there is mtained the isomer Pd which is genetical- ly connected with Pd (T-22 min.). The Identification of the H11141 (N5.5 hours) in the Mizture of the Radioactive Palladium Isotopes which were produced at the reactions Pd(n,2r): The corresponding experiment, fturibed in the paper under review proved the producti*n of Pd with T-5.5 hours aftellfhe reaction Pd(n,rjjland also its genetic composi- tion an Fd (T-22 min) and Ag (T67.5 days). For the coeffi- ciant of the internal conversion the value a-a/b).O *185 was.f~- 1.1 tained. Taking into consideration the given decay scheme Pd Pd we have a,00-185:0-75 -- 0.25- The determination of the relative yield of the Pd ill and of the 1110 Pd . at the reaction (n,.&L- done by a study of the relevant ki- notice of the accumulation of the radioactive silver in the samples Card 2/3 of the palladium exposed to radiation (4 reproductions, 3 charts). 20-5-24/67 The Crone Section of the Reactions Cd(n,p)Ag at the Neutron Energy of 14 10ir- lo6 ill 112 measurements for the P-radiations of the Ag Ag Ag and Agll3- These data were obtained by measuring the activity of the silver precipitated from the cadmium target. This chart furthermore contains the data of the absorption measurements for the radiation of the Pdl09 which was used in the computation of the reaction oross sections. The following conclusion can be drawn from this chart: The valuesp as measured by the author of the paper under review, of the maximum energies of the radiations with the half-value periods 24 minutes, 3.2 hours, 5.3 hours and 7.3 days are in good agreement with the valueg given in the relevant literature for the P-radiations of the AglO , AgI12, Agl13 and AgIll. Another chart compares the initial activities of Aglo6g Agilis Ag112 and Ag113 as obtained in two investigations that were conducted independently from each other. The third chart compares the activities of Agill and Pdl09 as obtained in three parallel exposures to radiation. The oross sections of the reactions are computed from the data of these charts, and they are compiled in a further chart. (2 reproductions, 4 charts) CM 2/3 V /V. A-MOR: Levkovskiy, V. N. 89-1-12/29 TITLE; The Reactions Ga (n,p),)Ie (n,p) and Ge (n9a) Witt, 14 MeV Neutrons (Reaktaii (n, na. gallii i germanii i (n,a) na ger- manii pri energii neytronov 14 MeV) PERIODICALt Atomnaya Energiya, 1958, Vol. 4, Ir 1, PP. 79 - 80 (USSR) ABSTRAM The targets were irradiated for from 1 to 30 minutes, and the isotopes formed were radiochemically separated. The following results were obtained: 7,n69 is Ga69(n p) 69 Tj Is 52,5 m confirmed Ge72 a Zn ; ) 7 2. Gs,69~n p~ Zn6qM T 9 h confirmed a 13 , j Ge72 j, a Zn6gm : 3- GaV Zn7 2 p~ Tj - 2,3 m confirmed _~n e G 74 n,a Zn71 'T ' 4. GaV~n:p~ Zn71m ucleuss T1/2 3,92+o,05 h Ge74 n a Zn7jm new n Es 1,5 deV 1 t GeN 5- c Ge72 n u n,a ) d ~0,47 � o,o2~ Card 1/2 : *a69 n:p Ga7l n,p 1 0,50 + 0,05 ii: ~ ~ ~ ~ AUTHOR LITKOV911Y YIN. 20-5-24/67 TITLE 0 ar-6-88-seoVon of the Reactions Cd(n,p)Ag at the Neutron ZnergY 0f,14 RET. (Seoheniye reaktaiy Od(npp)Ag pri energii neytronov 14 13F.- Russian) PERIODICAL Doklady Akadem.Li Nauk SSSR 1957s Vol 113, pp 1032-1034, Mr 5 (USSR) ABSTRACT The cross sections.of the reaotioneCd(n,p) Ag were computed by comparing the 0-yield of these reactions with the yield of the reaction Cd112 (n,a)Pd 109. According to an earlier measurement, the l cross section of the reaction Cdl 2(n,a) Pdl09 amounts to (1-35 t . 0.27).10-27 om2. For a period of 0-5 to 1 hour, samples of cadmium nitrate were exposed to radiation by electrons, dissolved l and from the solution wit the carrier the palladium was preeipitat ed with dimethyl glyoximeq The activity of the precipitation was measured with the aid of a cylindrical Geiger counter. A diagram shows a typical damping curve of thp activity of the silver precipitation, and another di W am contains the results of the graphical analysis of this ourve. The balf-value periods obtained in the paper under review (24 minutesi 3-2 hours; 5-3 houraj U as, are in good agreement with the half-value periods of Ag l Ag Agll3 and Aglll as listed in the available literature on this subject. Another chart contains the data of the absorption CARD 1/3 :p4, vrv~, . ~~T LE-VKOVSKIY, V.N. EnqArical behavior of (n, p) reaction cross sections involving 14,15 Mev. neutrons. Zhur. eksp. i teor. fiz. 45 no.2:305-311 Ag 163. (MIRA 16:9) 1. Institut yadernoy fizIki AN Kazakhskoy SSR. (Nuclear reactions) M .3N 1.0 Im -: 4 - I I C' VQ~ YJ - ~ - V __L_t_V K ire AUTHOR MANTIM B.G.$ U-VKOVSKIY V.N,~ YUM-MlY A.D., PA - 3136 TITLE The (n,a) Reac-M6-ns-_o_f 14 _UeV Neutrons With Cadmium. (Reaktaii (nga) 14 NeV neytronov a kadmiyem -Russian) MIODICAL Doklady Akademii Nauk WbR, 1957, Vol 113, Mr 3, pp 537-54o (U.Li.S.R.) Received 6/1957 Reviewed 7/1957 AB8TRACT The present paper investigates the (%a) -reactions on cadmium.Anwhich palladium isotopes are created.:Parallel hereto the cross section of the prodution of Pd'09'from 01v'sr was dotermined by means of a (n,p)-reac- tion. Because.of.the many stable.cadmIum isotopes the products created on the occasion of the reactions coI*ld be.identified only by means of the .radiochemical method. Realization of the rdactions Cd(n,a)Pd and identification of the products of the reactions: Metallic cadmium or its salts were irradiated with -4 MeV (d..d) -neutrons,, 14 MeV (t,d) -neutrons and fission neutrons. The radioac- tive palladium was precipitated from the a precipitation ofdi- methyl glyoxime in an acid medium. The activity of the thus obtained radio- chemicaL pure samples -was measured by mt," of a OEIM counter,, or these samples were dissolved. From this solution, silver (AgCl) was segregated within fixed time,intervals for the purpose of identifying the palladium isotope an the basis of the daughter products. On the occasion of irradia- tion with 4 1WeV neutrons no radioactivity was observed in the palladium frac- tion. In the-dwe of irradiation with fission neutrons an activity of the Card 1/2 PaUadium with T 14 hours was observed. In the case of irradiation with