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9(2) SOV/10'7-59-4-11/45 AUTHORS: Polv-t-ov, M., Mitrofanov, V., Filyukov, L., Levintov, G. TITLE: New Mass-Production Radio Receivers (Novyye massovyye radiopriyemniki) PERIODICAL: Radio, 1959, Nr 4, PP 12 - 15 (USSR) ABSTRACTt The Soviet radio industry has begun the mass-product- ion of the "Zarya" and the "Strela" radio receivers. Although the same types of miniature tubes are used in both, their circuitry is different. Figure 1 shows the circuit diagram of the "Zarya" and Figure 2 that of the "Strela" receiver. They are designed for reception of radio stations working on medium (187- 577) and long (723-2000) waves. They may be connected to any type of record player, The sensitivity of these receivers at an output of not less than 0.5 watts and a sound pressure of 3-3-5 bar, is not less than 400 microvolts. The range of reproducible sound fre- Card 1/2 quencies is from 150 to 5000 cps at a non-linear SOV/107-59-4-11/45 -New Mass-Production Radio Receivers distortion factor of 5 %, The selectivity is not below 17 db, The receivers are fed from 127 or 220 volt mains and have a power consumption of 40 watte, Both receivers contain two 611P tubes and one 6P14P tube. One of the 611P tubes is used in the converter and the hexode section of the second 611P tube functions an an IF amplifier, while the triode section works as a IF preamplifier. The 6P14? tube is used in the output stage. Dynamic loudspeakers 1-0D-9 are used in both types. The rectifier of the "Zarya" radio is composed of two DG-Ts27 diodes, while a 6Ts4P rectifier tube is used in the "Strela", The circuitry of the "Strela" is similar to the one used in the "Rekord-4711 and "ARZ-49" receivers. There are 4 drawings, 1 dia- gram,, 2 circuit diagrams, 2 tables and 1 Soviet reference. Card 2/2 LXVIVTOVg Genekh Davidovich; GRANOYMEATA, I.Z., rvd.; BABICMA, V.V.. ,'re [Consumers guide to radio receiveral Pokupatellu o radloprleml- nikakh. Moskva, Gos.isd-vo torg.lit-ry, 1960, 81 p. (Radio-Reosivers and "caption) (MIRA 13:7) IZVINTOV, I.I.- Polarization and c"e-exchange interaction in high-energy Irl p-scattering. Zhur.eksp.i teor.fiz. 42 no.l.'191-195 Ja -62. (KIM 15 s 3) 1* ImUtut teoreticheskoy i skaperimentalluoy fimiki AN SSSR. (~bsow-Seattering) Q 1 'A 1 0*4 - #00 IN-AM "4l4$ "I 00 to Aw Wd" 00 - 'a. 8a . 0 - sk. pk of o0c . . -A k ft Iowa ("b" wel ba c w a Of MIMS" k In Ambik 40 MOIN NM 00 - I 4t Ovapa. mad the d abb A= U TW h l a 00 .-C. t m W 4 . ft fte in a r Vd. " p dc 22. PWkdkwftmSQW- ftf 9 I d goal 9. m. v. u c" % bill - OwevAthem. Am"tMosikkeithailk the k" of as r .. .- to #&A an 4 b "Oo .100 m wk apart pp in w CM lop - The ow- goo wearepwkw" - , w 1 kwim gwfta mv obtakird. =' " f 0l I I d ee nee ' 00 sm fervid o 8 an Ik In co now Vim, s ban Ow imulp"We an w few 16 4 0 WON. l l 0 0 ~ C s M oe o 0 see goo goo me* not be* 'f" solve wee ON ' 4 0 N.J ;I l Z 0 * 0 * 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 e sn I N 2,42, Mom AO"WrO NLff- 9=/"trographla AnaUsIs mar 1946 Light sources -"Source of Light for the Spectral Analysis of ;M*t&IloIda in Solid'Bodies," 1. 1. leyintqv, 4 pp .tit" - t4cw- c6i, ~-I, AS USSR, At" aw "Zhur Tekh Fie Vol XVI, No 3 Variation of various characteristics In metals with changes in ocuposition, knowledge of which affords a method of determining unknown content. Graph shoving variation in one spectral characteristic vith ar7lng carbm ociatent. Conneotim diagrams of the light-source apparatus. W 'MU' cam. "ICOrAtho 50is a and *Impulse Source of Ught for Qpectrum AD&lyBiB Of M*t&"O'd Acad. Dissertations se Disobargeow Inst. of Physical ChsaistrYt optical In"gtigations of ImPul Sci. USSR# 23 Jan 1947- Sol Vachernv&3m M"kv29 Jan. 1947.(projeat #17836) -N. To 0 t $I I 9A & A ~ 0 A A s L oil & a , , - - - . - . x- - No 4" , 0& P*ft#$Hl A.11 -601014% -tid 611 , 00 It so radialloa, "d sompofthurs, ad Ismits" 01 -00 f am 00 O . A tanSlwa dticham US ham m(1911T OM IM4 4 -04 so I * . m IN P I ' h l h l b f W wr div m o t fradmi t e impu Arte is t stawly wt * arpd. kvm the comM rodistim by nwaft of A rulaws 0 dhk. Wish cm as, ofierinde l1w I-Ampad 'Aws we" Iva. 4 U 61,41 ( 111,18011 of lntostitim of the arc de"I 41-ack hmi 14 Va I 1 to th t" O W WA m lt " M ( (b I i N O t Roo i 00 . fi e r o is L w M S W o r P y 1 Ike diwlImP. The study of 13 owt wid 0 atv tints of ca shows with Its Showy 44 Unwm. Cos 11) itallo arc mw sput hasts, of an h k goo toopwancy to t e bac omad imemity emb the impacul 1 i 0 ~ a k4*1 of &rwvf Wation v"y Ibm the twer. irso 1 004 I '.I t1wral" amtsil" 3r; 44 Call" C41. In. 4x Ill. k W goo a 0 0 PVM- For a WB&Ikxn~gy OnlrAdly V~ Al InA, 1101160CM, a, te"ho with The Ib"wT. S. PAkswer 410 0 0 - - - - 's - - no* , -S A S & 6 I low .4. S., -i-Iiiii so T I I a a to to III as S9, to .0 .1 a, a It X us" 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 e 0 0 0 0000000 0 0 9 9 ill 4 Jul 1947 8pectrum Axislysis Metals - Spectrographic Anallsis 'Spectrum Analysis of Hatal1olda in a Not Are," 1. 1. LwrlntoT, Institu" of Physical Chemlatr.T, AeadeW of Sciences of the mm, 8 pp Tekh Piz" Vol XV11, 190 7 As a result of some of the pre-v lous work of tho sathor It Is, nov possible to evaluate the marginal sanxittv- U7 of the analysis of metallolds In new aomves and, Uarefore, possible to arrive at a more reLtiotial else- trIcal system and methods of analysis for the oolu- 'tion of pra--tical problems. The author shown methoda XG 5hTT3 UBW/Iftysics (Cont-d) JU 191q ct asking rough estimates of the marginal s=sltivlty ct awlysis of netalloids and points out the errore cc thl a systeet, tk= showitig that it Is preferable to U" & Wnre exact method of calculaticn. tdz USSR/Phynics - Cathode 21 Aug 52 "Approximate Expression of the 13/2 Lmvt for a Bounded Cathode in a Uniform Field," I. I. Levintov "DAN S$S-R" Vol 85, No 6, pp 1247-1250 The '3/2 law' expresses the current density c,: a bounded space charge for an infinite plane cathode located in the field of an infinite plane anode. The author gives an approximate expression for the magnitude of the current density on the axis of the beam of 1- in the case of a current bounded by a 23" space charge vith cathode radius r possessing in- finite emissivity and located In a uniform field Va of an anode at distance d. Acknovledges, helpful dis- cussion of G. 1. Barenblatt and M. I. Podgoretskiy. Submitted by Acad N. N. Semenov 3 Jun 52. 23ft" Card 1/1 ftb. na - 3/9 Authors I Lsvintov't 1. 1. Title I Polarization at fast ;r*Wns &W nsutrons, Periodical I Ugp. fig. UsWC 54/2,j 285-3140 Oct 19% Abstract Prablains d*&IU4 with the polarization of fast nualms (protons or neutrons) are considered in the light of the apin-ortit interaction of particles. In conneotion with the problms at nualon polarization,, the problems of the fill- ing-up of nuclear shells are also eoneidered,, especially those which deal vitb the order of filling the orbital shellaq because the filling greatly der*nda an the spin-orbit Interaction. Sixteen referencest 2-03H (1944-1952). Tablas; diagrams; graphs. Institution s ... Sutmitted i OWMUMM-~- ----------- r=V1 At rOl USSR/ Nuclear Fhysice G&rd 1/1 Pub. 22 - 13/48 Authors I, Levinton, 1. 1. - , Q-1M1 R, Title I PolAridation of very-faet neutrons during diffusion on heavy nuclei Periodical I Dok- AR SSSR 98/3, 373-376p Sep 21, 1954 Abstract I An evaluation of polarixation effects in quasi-classical approximation, dur- Ing the diffusion of neutrons on heavy nuclei with 0-spin,, is presented. The! origination of poiarization dur-*ng classical diffusion is explained, It was established that polarized particles ( ~,t) diffused on the loft side by-ress the center of diffusion from the r1g4t (iii the case of attraction forces) &Mi consequently, acquire a parallel orientation, whereas particles polarized (4); and diffused in the very aam direction acquire an anti-parallel orientation. Eight referencegs 4-USA; 3-USSR and 1-It&Uan (1948-1954). Table. Institution t AceAsmy ot Sciences) UM, Institute of Chemical Physics Presented bys Academician V. N. Kondratyev, June 5, 1954 1. LtvwTOV, %-k- V "A/m-sics Nuclear physics Card 1/2 Pubt 22 - 14/51 Levintovs 1. 1. Title I Gonnection between polarization, angular dispersion cut dependence and the magnitude of spin-orbital reaction Dok. AN SM 101/2j 249-252, Kar U, 1955 Abstract A proof is given that the polarization of fast. nuclons in their elastic dispersion over nuclei does not depend on the character of dispersion nucIAL or on eAergies of the nualons an can be expressed as followst ~p d.94V &-(03 '40 Lirtitution i Acadeaq of Sciences at the USM, Institute of Chemical Physics Presented bys -Acader4cian H. N. Semenor, January 150 19~5 Periodical t Dok. AII = 101/2j 249-2520 Mar 110 1955 Ca.-d 2/2 'Pub. 22 - 14/51 Abstract I were P (0) is polarizationj, b- (0) the spin dispersion cut and n normal (vector) to the disper-sion-cut plans; 4x and other quantities can be do- termined through the gIven formilas. Ton referencess 8 English, 2 USM (1949-1954). Graph. i7 V 7 Dud 1/2 Pab. 22 - IV45 Authors I Uyintoyf I. L Title I A relAtionship between the polarization, cross-section (dispersion) and spin-orbital interaction in a quasi-claseif3al. approximation Dok. AN SSSR 103/2,, 215-218, Jul 11, 1955 - Abst.-act I A derivation of the fo.-Lzula standing for the quasi-cUssical expression of ths relationship between the polarization, dispersion (cros3-saction) and an effective mapitude of the apin-orbital potential % is presented. The subject derivation was accomplished on the following assumptionsi 1) A nucleus was des2fibed by a complex potential with the spin-orbi W addition 96~ V Aare the V is the real part of a potential which r ar Institution t The Acad. of So., USSP.# Institute of Physical Chemistry Presented t7 i Academician N. N. Semenov, May 10# 1955 Daft 2/2 Pub. 22 - 21/4K Nrioftoal I Wk. AN SM 103/2p 215-218, Jul 11, 1955 klmmract i has kho %hap* of a avrity wItn a flat bottom with not very diffused edges; 2) the spin orbital addition was considered as a disturbance# i.o., the P.4:,~< or t(l, a, 1. Ton reforencess 4 USSR and 6 USA (1950-1955). __U8&R_1K_Uc19ar Physics --isstrusents and lastallations. Methods of Measurement and Investigation C-2 Abst Journal j Referat Zhur - F121ka, No 12, 1950, 33829 Author s Lapitskly, Tu. Ta., Lovintov, I. I., Slivkov, 1. N., Shamshov, V. X. lustItutIOU IAStItUte of Chemical Physics, Academy of Sciences USSR Title I 16CUS109 System of Ionic Ao"leratlng Tube OrIginal Periodical t Zh. tekhn. f1zIk1, 1936, 26, go 4, 733-739 Abstract t A method Is given for the calculation of in Ion-optical system of a G-s*ctlon accelerating tube of *no Mv and the experimental result$ are listed. The principal focusing system emsists of 2 electrodes, located directly past the output opening of an ion source. This systou produces a converging beam of Ions. The position of the point ofconvergenco can be varied over a wide range by varying the poten- tial VI on the first of the above electrodes. Thus, the variation of the value of VI (over a rang* from 6 to 32 kv) Is a convenient CU'd 1/2 USSR/Nuclear Physics - instruments and installations. Methods of Measurement and investigation . C-2 Abet Journal a Referat Zhur - Mika, No 12, lose, 33829 method of regulating the diameter of the bean on the target. A setup Is described for measuring the Ion current and for visually observing the beam user the target. The developed focusing system has made It possible to obtain at the out- put of"the tube a conveniently adjustable Ion beam with a current of up to 600/j& continuously and up to 2 as In pulses. cam 9/2 SU3JECT USSR / PHYSICS CARD I / 2 PA - 1374 AUTHOR LEVIATOVI 1. TITLE the Amount of Nuclear Spin-Orbit Interaction. YERIODICAL lurn.sksp.i teor.fis, 10# fasc-5, 987-geg (1956) Issued: 8 / 1956 reviewed: 10 / 1956 the author names all relative quantities of the moduli V 2/V1 of the central and of the spin-orbit potential on the basis of all data known to him, V2/V1 can be determined from the data on polarization at high energies (100 to 300 MeV) without determining the density distribution Q(r) of the nucl9ons in the nucleuel on the assumption that the spin-orbit correction makes only a small contribution towards the phase. One finds v 1/V2 - k2g , where 0m is the angle under which the maximum polarization P M is observed. Thme average Value of V Z /Vi is 3,5.10- 27 am2. The estimation of V2/V1 from the data on scattering at low energies and from those on levels and shells requires certain conditions concerning the 5form of5Q(r), but It can in some cases be carried out correctly. The levels of He and Li : The ex- perimentally well determined course of the phases P 1/2 and P3/2 in the case of scattering of nucleons by H*4 within the enerp range o5 f5om I - 15 MeV can be computed with great exactitude by putting Q(r) exp(-r /a ). The- otential which agrees best with the experiment in given, so that V 2/Vj - 3,3.1o ~7cm2 is ob- tained. The one-particle doublet levels of 017, and Pb 209 : By solving the iurn.eksp.i teor.fis,.LO, fasc-5, 987-989 (1956) CARD 2 / 2 PA - 1374 Schroedinger equation for the potential with plane bottom and smeared out edge ,the author alleges to have obtained a more exact result than R.J.BLIN-STOYLE, Phil-Mag-2-6, 977 (1955) and for V 2/V1 and V 2/V1 the first perturbational ppproximation 'is explicitly given. A table shown the values of V2/V1 for smeared out L-0,57(017)0 6-Op29(Pb 209) and V, - 50 MeV. The order of filling the levela in the shells computed with the help of a potential between the osoillator po- tential and the rectangular well furnishes V 2/V1 - 4- 10-27 cm 2, The relative amount of the spin orbit potential remains constant within wide limits if the energy of nucleons and the dimensions of the nucleus change, and amounts approximatively to 3,5-10- 27 cm 2_ This may be explained by interpreting the effective nuclear potential as the average potential of the nucleon forming the nucleus. In the case of such an averaging over the closed shells the forces (e.g. tensor forces) which depend on the product of the spin of the outer nucleon and the nucleons in the nucleus make no contribution in first approxi- mation. The existence of a strong apin orbit interaction Is an argument In favor _# 4 -4 of the existence of forces of the kind'V(r) ( l(6 I + a INSTITUTION: Institute for Chemical Physics of the Academy of Science in the USSR. ~U. tl RWR LMNTOVI 1, 1, Doc Phyo-Math Soi -- Oise) "On *w Nuclear. Spin-Orbit Interaction. 11 Most. 1957. 23 14- pp, 22 am. (Academy of Sciences USSR), 1.25 copies (KL, 18-570 93) .c vOn the Radius or the X Particle," paper subirAtted at the M-Union Conf. on Nuclear Reactions in Medium and Low Energy P)Wsiost Moscow, 19-27 Nov 57 "Measurement of Polarization of (D4T) lk-utrons at F,,, = i8oo kev 1WjR Acad. Sci. and Inst. of Chemical Physics paper submitted at the A-U Conf. on Ruclear Reactions In Medium and Low Energy Physics, Moscow, 19-27 Wov 57. *14easuremsnt of polarization of ?rotons firom(D D) Reaction Inst. of Chemical fts'05 paper submitted at the A-U Conf. on 1*uclear 'Reactions in Medium and Low Energy PbYsics, HOSCOW, 19-27 Nov 57. 9 -., It - j-'-, - _-, -, . ~ -, - .": ; ,, `j~--, ~- ~t -:~~""",~,'~4-.o:_;~ -- - I- I I , - -; -- -:ij, : - ~ !~ i 'i - - , - ~ -.1- - 4 , - - L-ILMTOV, 1. 1.0 MILLERs A. V. aM SHAMSM, V. Ve- 9A New Motbod of Measuremmt of Mentma Polari"tion and r~-H*4 fts" Analp1mpo Nuclear Pbpios (Amstordsm),, 3. Vo.2p p. 2219, 1957 Imt, Chadcal. PMyicso AS MR %glish trasslation VUR-Wi-q- wbe Zo and SHAMSHZ-Vq V. N. pDapendence, of (D D) Neutron Polarisation on Deuteron A6mrgy.0 Nuol,sar Pbysios (Autordam)j, 3s No.29 p. 237o 1957 Inst, Chemical FIVvicss AS UM' Ikoglish translation AUTHOR LEVINTOY I. I, MILLER A,, 7; V, - 3. PA - 2672 TITLE ---- A ow me-Uro-rfor meaeure.-.;er~t of ro-!frcr, prila-izition and phase analysis of n - Re4, (Nov-jy ~;-etcd izz-arenij'a -rolarisataii neytronov arednykh energiy i fa3ovcy ~nixliz rassoyaniya n-H94. Russian.) PERIODICA Zhurnal Eksperim. i Teorel. F"ziki 1957: Vol 32.. Nr 2, 274 283 (USSR). Reviewed; 6/1957 Roooivod45/1957 ABSTRACT The measuring method mentioned in the title has an efficiency of ^,I in the energy domain of I - 20 MeVEnd practically no 'background of a counter, As an Intermediary result it rendered precise description of the phaae analyals of scattering a,- n*4 and the measuring of the polarization of (VD-D)- neutrons for thick and thin targeta within the enerey domain Ed m 400 - 1800 keV poesible~ As scattering material. jje4 was used by the authors In their analyzer. Polarization properties of this nucleus are discussed In detail, Thin proportionality oounters filled with helium served as measuring devices. The roaotion (D*D) served as a source of the polarized neutrons, Measuring of the azimuthal asZ=etry of the scattering n-H94. The measuring device is discussed on the basis of a sketch. CARD 1/2 PA - 2672 A now method for measurement of neutron polarization and phase analysis of n - HeC Thiok and thin sirconium taresta saturated with deuterium were used for measurinC. A The precise dosoription of the Lhasa analysis of n-lle4 scattering__ Only two of the ::oat doubtful phane 61 were investigated by tho cr. the assumption that the remaining phases 6 0 arid ~): are auffiziently anrurately known. 6; were investigated at neutron ener(;Ies of 2,45 a-i 3,4 MeV- The energy Z - 34.4 MeV: The aAytmetry of scattering- was measured for 7 angles of rotation of the counters and meaouring results are shown together in a table. The energy 2,45 MeV: 6j . By comparing the experimental asymmetry on the occasion o the soattering of neutrons with known polariiaition 6- was oompared with the -o,-,I,tjted asy-i-metry for different vaiue 'of the phase 6- . Results found here confirm J.D.. SEAGRAVE'S measuring of the pha8p- b,- at En W 2,61 MeV, (9 illustrations tund 1 tabled) ASSOCIATIONs not given. PRESENTED BYt - SUBMITTED: 1- 10. 1956~, AVAILABLE: Library of Congress. CARD 2/2 AUTHOR LEVINTOV I.I.- MILLER A.V., TARUUOV E.Z., SHAMSHEV V.N., PA .. 2693 )TITLE 'The Dependence of the Polarization of (D*D)-Neutrons on the Energy of Deuterons* (Zavisimostv polyarisats1i (D+D)_**ytronov ot onergii doytonov -Russian) PI~RIODICAL Zhurnal Eksperim. I Tooret.Fizi4 195~,, Vol 32, 11r 2, PP 375-376 (USSR) Rsseivod 5/1957 Reviewed 6/1957 ABSTRACT A method described by I.I.Lovintoy et al., Zhurneksp. I teor. fig. Vol 32 Mr 2. 274 (1957) facilitates the m*Asuring of the polarization of (D+D) neutrons in dependence ondouterom energy. The authors had at their dis- posal the aoseleration tub* of the Institute for Chemical Physics of the Asadery of Science of tko USSR., whisk furnishes deuterons with a maxi- mus energy of 189o W. Polarization was measured on a thin and on a thick zirconium target. Tko situation of tko rotation center of tka counters and the values of the apertures of the 5 channels of the discriminator a- re given. The values of asymmetry measured by means or the thick target are shown together In a table. The maximum polarization of (D+D) neutrons computed from those data in demonstrated in a diagram. The results thus found are to be regarded as "yield" of the polarization. This "yield" of the polarization of (ND)-gioutrons (at as angle ofon = 490 in the labora- tory system) at first (about from EdOO to 0#9 MOV) increases considerab- ly and later only sligktly. For tke second series Of measurements a thin zirconium target ( 15o keV ) was used. In the case of a long duration of bombarding of the target witk D-ions a renewed distribution of the deu- Card 1/2 terium layer takes place and the thickness of the target changes. There- The Dependence of the Polarization of (D+D)-Neutrons on PA - 2693 the Energy of Deuterons. fore, the thin targets were exchanged after operation of from 2o to 3o kours. A further table vontains time here measured values of asymmetry and a d1agram Illustrates t1ts berefrom computed values of Fm&x for(D4D)-iAeutron. The results found here, is spite of a very different method of measure- maRts, &gro# with the results obtained by RX, MEW at il., UsIv.phys. Astas 27, 577 (195h). F61ariiatioA of tho (D+D)-neutram uP to Ed-1,6 MOV therefor* depends monotoseunly on the deuteron energy. ( 2 il-1# and 2 tables) 0 AWOCIATION Institute for Chemical Physics of the Academy of Science of the USSR PRESSUM BY SUMMED Lls-1956 AVAILABLE Library of Congress Card 2/2 ~ 56-34-4-53/6o AUTHORS: Levintov. I. I.; Miller, A. V.. Sham3hov, V. N. - ---------------------- TITLE: The Measuring of the Polarization of (D+T)--11Putrons at a Deuteron Energy of 18oo keV (Izmereniye polyarizatsiJ. (D+fl-neytronoy pri energil deytronov 18oo keV) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimenta'A.Inoy I teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1958. Vole 34- Nr 4., pp. 103o -- 1o32 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The reaction T (d, nj He4 at a deuteron energy of E d - 1o7 keV passes the level 3/2 of the nucleus He5 formed by deuterons. For this reason the neutrons obtained at this energy can not be polarized. At Ed a 2 MeV already a noticeable amount (about 50 %) of higher states is obtained. The explanation of the polarization degree of the neutrons produced in this very important reae;tIon would be of interest. The polariza. tion of the (D + T) neutrons was measured according to an earlier described method (Ref 1);, In which a thin tantalum target saturated with helium was used, the target being ccolableto a large extenti t1ris the ion current coull be increased to Card 113 6omicroamperes. The control test consisted in turning the 56 34~4~53/6o The Measuring of the Polarizatiin of (D+T),Neutrone at a Deuteron Energy of ISoo, k9V counters in a direction vertical to the impinging neutron current. Alao the possibility of the c,.,currence of a para. sitary asymmotry was chenked and it was found that the count- ing velocities in both pooitions of the countere coincide up to c.5 ~, The results obtairked for the azimuthal asy=etry of scattering in various angles of emission of the neutrons from the target &re shown ir, a table: it holds that f1j.n+ 45 67.5 90 112:5 135 Pn(%) ?.� 3 12-+ 3 10-t 3 2 _+ 3 0 + 5 With increasing energy of the deuterons polarization will increase as we'll.. The determination of the degree of polari- sation of the neutrons with a neutron enerju of about 8 UeV, where the existence of a resonance in assumed, would be of especial interest. At present the author measures the polari- zation of the neutrons originating from the reaction D(T.n)He', for greater deuteron energies. There are I table and 3 references, 2 of which are Soviet. Card 2/3 56-34-4 -53/6o The Measuritg of the Polarization of (D+T)-Neutrons at a Deuteron Energy of 18oo keV ASSOCIATION: Akademiya nauk SSSR (AS USSR) SUBMITTED: January 18; 1958 i. Naut.-ona-Pcl&r--'-zet' on Card 3/3 25283 B/056/6'/040/006/004/031 4~ S-00 B-102/B214 AUTHORS: Levintov, I. I, Trostin, I.. S, . ....... .... TITLE- Nputron polarization in a reaction C 12 (d,n)1113 PERIODICAL: Z~urnal eki-perimen!allnoy I teoreticheskoy fiziki, v. 40. no. 6, 1,361 , 1570 - 1571 TEXT: The authora measured -.he awpl:itudes of the scattering asymmetry rjlr the netitrona from the reaction C,12(d & jn)N13 by means of a helium analyzer. The meanurements were made for the neutron 6:roups 'ali,:h fire. responsllbl~. for the formation of N15 in the ground state The 12 3-Me'-- neutron beam from the cyclotron of the ITEF AS USSR was fixed to the graphite target (thickness: i 6 1!,ev according to the deuteron ran,-0 ~,y a aystom of matrnetlc qu~drupole lonaen. The cross aecticn ~~'& the tr-am rn the trurt,et wao 3 11 mm , and thF- mi!an ,urr-)nt was 1 5/-,. aI'll" hr!ktuih proportional ce~jnts.-r~" r~f the analyzer operated at 6,Z6 a*,m; thio prerour" was accurate to " 0 5 mm fig The counterg were continucusly traversed bY a current of te-AinicallY pure heli-im (purtty 99 8r;'), flow rate 140 =3/sec~ Card 1/ 4 25183 3/056/61/040/006/004/031 Neutron polarization in a reaction. B102/B214 ~rs) was The plane of the helium analyzer (a battery of three :ountc perpendicular to the reastion plane. The target was at a distance of 150 mm from the axis of the pump Tho pump axis passed through the center of the effective counter body whose length could be varied (between 15 and 25 mm) according to the angle of eminsion of the neutrons The correction for the observed asymmetry of the anisotropic d1stribution of the neutrons was about 2 - M'O', The recoll nuclei of helium that were recorded could be tras-cl back as due to neutrons of E 3~ O~8 E max (E max the maximal ener y for the given angle of observation)- There were no neutrons in this range Nhich were relat,?d to an 1115 production In an excited state, i e, In fa-.t only 3uch neutron G T3 ups were measured which *4 ere emitted on the proluction of ground state N in an energy interval of the deuterons determined by -the thickness of the target ( , 1-6 Mev). The background did not exceed 10 - 151,'2 and was eliminated by special measurements, The analyzer counters were calibrated for neut 6ona of the reaction under investigation for an angle of emission 0 n - 60 , The polarization was calculated from the asymmetry by using Seagrave phases Card 2/ 4 25- 113 S/056j6l/O4o/Op6/qO4/031 5eutron polarization in a reaction B102/B214 4 for the soattering of neutron by He The values obtained for the neutron polarization are given in.the Table; they are shown In a figure for E a 11.8 + 0.8 Mev. The positive values ofAhe polarization are taken in d F L td, -~ 0 the direction A k k n 0 (lab. syst.) deg 20 30 40 45 50 66 70 so n En (lab. Syst.) Mev 11-4 11.2 1o.9 im 1o.6 10-3 ~.92 9.54 P 2.6 0. 12.8 21.6 36.4 33-1 11-7 -22.6 n :t 1,5 tl .7 ~5.2 +4.6 +2.1 i3-9 44.2 +4.9 The authorn thank the cyclotron team as well as P. A. N741ovsEy and V. A6 Smotryayev for help. There are 1 figure and 2 references: I Soviet-bloo and 1 non-Soviet-bloo. The reference to English-language publications reads as followst J. D. Seagrawe. Phys. Rev. 22, 1222, 1953. SUBMITTEM December 26, 1961 Card 3/4 IR 4-~ Ina, 41 IXMMVj Ijo; TROSTIN,, I.S. Neutron polarization in the C-12(d,, n)N13 reaction. Zhur. eksp. 1 toor. fis. 40 no.6sl570-1571 Je 161. (HIPA l4t8) (Nuclear reactions) (Neutrons--Scattering) KLUVETS, V.P.; 1XVINTOV MOROZOVP B.V. Unit values of the amplitude of 1r ! p-ocatteringo Zhur.ekspA toorefist 41 nools246-153 Jl 161. (MIRA 14:7) la Institut teoreticheskoy i eksperimntallnoy fisiki AN SWR. (Mosorm-Scattering) TROSTIN, I.S.1 SHOTFIAM,, V.A.; A~XINTO~, ~.I. Neutron polarization in the reaction T (dl a) H&49 toor.fis. 41 no.3s?25-727 S 161, Zh=.eksp.i (KIRA 14:10) it Listitut teoretichemkoy i eksperimentallnoy fisiki AN SSSR. (Neutrons--Scattering) (Nuclear reactions) -34013 $10561621042100110311048 B125/B102 AMORI Levintoyl 1. 1. TITIAts Polarization and charge exchange in super high-energy Tp - scattering PERIODICALs Zhurnal, ekspurimentallnoy i tooratichookoy fitiki, v. 42, nos 1 # 1962o 191-195 TEM If the exchange cross section in TV-scatterlng approaches r - (t, 2 0 for then the limiting value of the polarization will ,p ~421.4 is j< _(/2 e vhere the limiting cross section b for elastic lr+p scattering. In 77+ and 73p scattering P_, has the same modulus but different sign. If 0 then F~,a 0. The cross 0 ections of the charge exchange reactions irp-~7-nq -rr9p---1T~n are 2 -2 1 ~2 j2) :onnected with M e-k ('g-( + Ilh- (2)s The-superscript by fr4 Card 1/6 34013 3/056/62/042/001/031/048 Polar12ation and charge exchange in B125/BI02 denotes half the difference or half the sum of the corresponding values for the scattering of 7t or T~' fromprotons. The relationship between k-IS-p k-ih- and k-Ig # k-Ih at high energies is explained by the dispersion relations by 0. F. Chu IX. 1. Go-Idberger, F. E. Low and J. Sambu (Phys. Rev.p 106, 1337, 1958). 9* - (W t MVI 6JA* + (W - .4f) B*i + (3) +(1+211 and W) - h+ .2A (W - M) A:': + fW + M) B:11. T Yr iftw" (4), (V Elab 112M~I, slab is the meson energy in the laboratory system.) Card 2/6 311013 5/056/62/042/001/031/048 Polarization and charge exchange in B125/BI02 M and are the masses of the nucleon and meson, 2, 2 2 2 2 2) 2 2) is w 11 + A +2 f +k M +k the square of the total energy in the center-of-mnn:i system c . 1). From the expressions Re Z- (v, A') P Im E'(*/, As) -/dv' Re Z- (v.. At) A v"1 - V, v2 Im Z- (Y. At) dv' P *Now* w (V-1 - S) " -, P (e. and 0 2 IM Z" (vI, AS) v" dy' v Re Z' (v, A2) - P~ VIS - VI Re Z+ (vo. At) vt Im Z*(v', At) dy'. !--' -- W~ q V-2 V.2 Card )/6 _P.k,;j ~"i S/056j62/042/001/031/048 Polarization and charge exchange in B1251BI02 for the asymptotic behavior of RsZ'* and ImZ* at .PO k " Reg* (CO. at) - 0. (12) k-11M g- (00, - 0, 0 Im g- A oo, (14) nd analogous relations for k- Ih follo wo for -the asymptotic properties of : he amplitude for k-L-and The following two cases are possibles if the charge exchange cross section per unit interval of the square of -the trrinsferrad momentum approaches zero at high energies# then k-1Reg_("~- k-IBe h_(, 't 2) - 0 (15) and P 0.2). With 2) T,- 1 (_,442)/ 0 (16). / 0, k-'Re k-'Re g --k- He g_ Similar relations hold for k- 1Reh- 94~ 2). From (16) (13) the author obtains after some intermediate calculationst Card 4/6 34013 S/056j62/042/001/031/048 Polarization and charge exchange in ... B125/3102 1r) g T)h/tTe'last (20) for the square of the (Mr) tot/0elast + oxtremal polarization averaged over the scattering cro3s asaticn. (f/;)g,, are the portions of the total cross section of charge exchange that are related with(Re g)2 and (Re h)2 at very high energies, No reliable data are as yet available on the total oross seetlona cf charge exchange at energies of some Bev. The estimate 8*-fk-'R-o g 4(4')_1~2, 10-29 022 which is exceeded by (61r) haiao at high *norgies follow* from the optical model. Then r_X Vi/ i F'7 '4~ 6~. Charge exchange does not always vanish with vanishing pola-riiation. The change In the spin direction in the scattering of * from polari%ed protons does not always disappear at high energies (if V~,4-A - 0)- (13), (14) and the equations following therefrom hold for the transfer of arbitrarily large, finite momenta and also if the energy ten4s tooo, A private communi~,.ation made by N~ G. Birger is Card -5/6 311015- 3/056j62/042/001/031/048 Polarization and charge exchange in B125/B'-02 mentioned. 1. Ta. Pomeranchuk, K. A. Ter-Martirosyan, A. F. Grashin, and F. A, Paylovskiy are thanked for critical remarks, There are 6 refsren~.ea; 2 Soviet and 4 non-Soviet. The four references to Engl.ish- language publications read as fc1lowst G. F. Chew, M, L. Goldberger, F. E, Low, J.. Nawbu, Phys. Rev., 106, 1337, 1957; A. C. Finn. Phys. Rev.. 1_19~, 17M, ig6ol D. Amati, H. Fier%, 'N. Glaser. Phys. Rev. Lett., fv~ 89, 19601 L. Wolfenstain. Phys. Rev., 22, 123, !953- ASSOCIATrOSt Institut tooreticheakoy i eksperiment&'Llnoy fiziki Akademii nauk 335H (Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics of the Academy of Sciences USSR) SUBMITTED# ju,4y 17, 1961 Card 6/6 L 10197-63 EWP(q)/EWT(m)/BDS-AMC/ASD--U'D/HW-2 ACCEMIM N.R: AP300OD30 S/00%/63/044/005/1437/1441 (P~ LP AUTHOR: Le Okorokov V. V,; Smct--Yayev, V. A.; Tolche-,rikov, D, L. Trostin, vnt2.v., It Irl Gross structure of the rioutrcm_ energy sNpetl-,~ qand P018--ftsti-an in (d, n) react.Lons on nuclei of intermediate mog SWRCE: Zhurnal eksper. i teoralW-. fiziki, v. 44, no. 5, 1963, 1437-1441 TOPIC TADS: neutron spectra, gross structuma, stripping X-eactiom,, nautron. polarization ABSTRACT: With an aim at obtaining data on gross atzueturas In atr-14r.,pirg reactions involving neutrms, & studv vas M - MAI produced in (d. n) reactions on neutraL cc. = = Ca fr-r dautercn. energies of 12.1 plus or minus 0,4 mv wifffor a neutron emIssion angle 100 in the laboratory system, Proof that the rw,-Lxf levswli rcrm:Lng a group -'rith a grr"S8 peak actually have the sam spin a.-A paxity wauld b,~- cf pral,irilsz ror a check on nuclei formed in specific stripping reactiowi. To thia cril. the Card L 10197-63 AMMON NR: AP3M30 3 polarication and angular d1stributior. of neutrona of the main grcas peaks were also in,~estigated for the Co(dn)Ni ez"A Fee (d,$ n) reactions. A time-of-flight technique was used with a multich&rtnel time a.-mlyzer of ranosecord rarAe,, operating on a vernier-scale principle. A d1stinct gr,cs,'j atru-cti)-re *.W fctLrd to be present In the neutron spectzs. When.-aa the pr~-t,~n spe!ztra of Schiffer eL al (Fhys. Rev, Y. 115, 427, 1959) contain several jxaks cf approximately the same height, the neutron spectra obtained he:re cmtaln alorg with peaks of comparatively small height one peak with height Etva-ral times tha-G of the othera. Some relation is fourA bet',reen the extent to whizh the rrotxn 6hells are opulated and the intensity of the proton spectra. Tht iclariz-tti.~n angle was found to be about 11 and 7% for the Co(d,u)Ri iL-A, Fa(d,n)Ni reactiong, respectively, and the angulax mcmentum, of t1vt captumd yz-:,,ton ws &reat!r than or equal to 3. on the whole, the obtained experiment-al data aV-ee with the views for which definite quantum numbers can be assigned. "The authors express their deep gratitude to the cyclotron creir of the Institute of Theoretical aa-A Experimental Physics for the faultless operation. of the Mtior ar-A to V, St 'Repin? V& &4Qttn' and 1, 1. Mtroftr-,oy for aid inn the m-azu-rements." original art ling 4 rigures. Card 211 L 19?2Q--61 /BDS--AFnC/A->D ACCESSION KR: 030U031 s/0056/63/044/005/1442/1444 AUTHCH: JAvintoy, 1, 1.: Pavlosvskiy, F. A.-- Iq TITLE*# Attempt at detection of the polarization of recoil nuclei in stripping reactions sOUM: 22iurnal eksper. i teoret. fiziki, v. 44, no 5, 1963, 1442-1444 TMc TkW: Stripping reactions, recoil nuclei, Gemma background ABSTPACT: %he polarization of U-8 nuclei from the Li-7 (p.,d) reaction was determined from the asymmetry of their Beta decay. The deuteron energy was 10 M4V and the extracted beam from a cyclotron via used. This reaction was chosen in view of the possibility of using Alpha-Beta coincidences in the measurement of the Beta-decay aaymcwtry, in order to decrease the background. Nuclei emitted from the target were accumulated in helium and carried by a fast stream of the gas In a strong magnetic field to vell-shielded counters. %be asymmetry observed was negligible and connected vith the small effective value of the polarization of 'the nuclei., not being a consequence of depolarization effects. It is shown Card 1/2 L 10200-63 ACCESSION WR: AP3000031 that -the varlous usual sources of depolarization am little effective in this case. Asynmtry values vere obtained for two intervals of the c.m.s. emission angles of the nuclei# Attempts to study polarization in other reeactions vere wwuccessful, owing to the CA=& background. "We thank B, M, StasevIch and the ciclortron crew imde his direction for their assistance during all phases of the vork." Original article has I figure and I for=ula. ASSOCIATION: Institut teoreticheskoy i eksperimentallnoy fiziki (Institute of Theoretical wA Mcperimental Pbysics) simaTro: i 5Nov62 DATE AM: 12JUn63 ENCL: 00 SUB CCVE: PH NR FMF SOV: 002 Or=: 003 Cord 2 XAMAVEIS, V.P.; LEVIN70VI I.I.; MOROZOV, B-V* I - --- -- - - Conwison of e3ASticl?P- and pp-scattering based on a model with three Regge poles. Zhur. ekap. i teor. fis. 45 no.3s679- 683 3 163, (MMk 16s10) 1. Institut teoreticheskoy i eksperimentallnoy fisiki. (Protons-scattering) (Nuclear models) KkXAVEISP V.P.; j!ptI?4TOV, I.I.; J4jfiOZO'V, B.V.; SHAYMOV, ~LD. Polarization in pp-scattering at an energy of 8.5 Bev. Zhur. eksp. i teor. fiz. 1+5 no.4tl272-1275 0 163. (MIRA 16:11) 1. Institut toorstichoskoy i skoperimentallnoy Mild i Ob"yedi- nen*y institut yadozmykh issledovan1y. UEVINTUVp I.I. Calculating the real part of the scattering amplitude as the asymptotic behavior of the imaginary part. Zhur. eksp i teor. fize 45 no.4:1275-1277 0 163. WRA 16:32) 1. Institut teoreticheskoy i sksperimentallnoy fiziki. 4L jf~MW-2 lam. A-MLCM^V 7 1 tk r le-ts 1~1 1 1^1 Oft of~j.flvjf ~I/VMLIOO 'IV 6-torp. Vim "U-ortsimtad-itt the a" -papa required, a more-,,- 4f m-,-",Eam KANAVPT-1. IF.P.,,-. IEVI?fruv, I.I.; HOROZOV, B.V. Polarization In elastic proton-proton scattering at high energies. W. fiz. I no.106-102 Js 165. (MIRA 18s?) 1. Institut. t4moratichenkoy i akap"rimnntallnoy flziki Gosudarotvionnogo 'komitetok po Ispolliovanlyu atomnoy energil SSISR. AUTHOR: Sergeyev, A.3., Docent 10-5 _58 ~'8 TITLE: Dissertations (Di:isertataii) PMODICALt Elektrichestwo, 1958, Nr 5. PP. 91-92 (USSR) ABSTRACTs For the Degree of Candidate of Te&mical Sciences. At the Ural Polytechnic Institute imni Kirov (Urallsiciy politekhnicheskiy institul. im. Kircva): M.Lelintov on June 27, _12a"Electromechanio Tramitior. Frooissc~5 in a Synchronous X5fo_r71-n0TE;'C&se of Periodic Load (of the Com- pressor Type)". Official opponents: N.S.Siunov, Profeasor. Doctor of Technical Sclencea, I.D.Uxumo-T, Doc-mt and A.T.Blazhkin, Candidate of Technical Science3. 1.5,Pinctrik on Jun-, 27~ 1,949 "Eleatromech&ftz Transition Proze!ase3 in Asynohronous Ylotors". Official opponents: W.Miunov, Profe.33or, Doctor of Technical Soiences, A.A.Yanko-Trinitskiy, Docent, Candi- date of Technical Sciences an.1 P.M.Mradnovskly, Engine-er. I.D.Urusov on June 27- 1949 "The Uedianical Strength of the Cas-ing of Electric Machine3 Subject-al to the Action of Electromagnetis Loads". Official opponentq: I.B.Sokolovnikiy, Doctor of Technical Card I/I+ Science3 and M.V.BelyVev, Doc-mt, Candlidate of Technical Scierce.,i. Dissertations 1-05 -58 5-25126 S.P.Sitnikov on March 6, 42950 "Some Proble-um Connected witn khe Theory of Aro-Extinguishing Devices". Official opponents: N.B.Slunov, Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences, V.G.St-1pqx-:-1. Docent, Candidate of Technical Sciencts and V.1I.Si-r0ko-i, D--cent, Candidate of Technical Scien--Att. D.U.Shakhray on Jun* 26, 1950 "The Investigation of a Special System for the Electric Equipment of,!s". Official opponenti: I.B.Sokolovskiy, Professor, Doctor of Tuhnical Sciences, M.V. Belyayev, Docent, Candidate of Technical Sciences and A.Ye.Tropp, Candidate of Technical Sciences. (;.P.Xropachev on June 30, 1953 "Imirestigation of an A-synchronous Starter in Synchronous Machines with Salient Poles aM klithou Starter Cage". Official opponents: N.S.SiU=7, Professor, Doctor of Technical Scienoes, S.A.Volotkovskiy, roctor of Tednnic&3 Sciences and R.A.Pirumyan, Docent. V.P.Shasherin, on January 18, 1954 "Some Problem of Cathode-Oscil- lographic Measurements when Testing High,-Frequency Apparatu3". Official opponents: H.S.Siunov. Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences and V.G.Stepanov, Candidate of Technical Sciences. R.N.Urmanov on June 7, -1954 "In--restigation and Calculation of Cir- cuits ; Ith a Three-Phaze 'gelding Ard". Official opponents: S.A.Vol-)tkov3kiy, Professor, Doctor of Technical Scienc,,!s anJ Carld 2/4 G.P*Mikhaylov, Professor, Doctor of Technical Scienc-?:;. Dissertations Card Y4 10 5-5 8 - 5 - 1251 ?8 At the Sverdlovsk Mining Institute imeni Vakhrzhev (Sverdlo-i!3k4 gornyy institut im. Vakhrusheva): I.P.Petrov on February 15, 1954 "Electric Locomotive for Pits wth Repulsion -T motion Motors for Single-P-lase Currentr- of Normal Fr-- quency". Official opponents: R.S.Siunov, Professor, Doctor of Tec'n- nical Sciences and A.T.Blazhkin, Docent, Candiiate of Techni:~sl Sciences. At the Gorlkiy Polytechnic Institute imeni Zhdanov (Gor'kov3k-.y politek icheskiy institut im. Zhdanova): S.N,,Shevchuk on June 14, 1949 "Problems of Insulation againi t koq of Heat in Electromotors of Metal-Working Machines". Offi;iai- c-,- ponents: D.M.Morozov, PrOf!1sort Dostor of Technical N.V.Shchedriri, Docent, Candidate of Technical Sciences and X.P.Shvakov, Engineer. A the Tomek Polytechnic ln~stlitute imeni Kirov (Tomkiy politekh- nicheskly institut im. Kirova)): G.F.Pukhova on March 26, 1947 "On the Prcble= of the Automa%ic Pe- Connection of Indivldml Line3 in the Case of Electrio Traw- mission with Bilateral Feed". Official opponenti: V.A. Vo.-.;rov, Professor, Doctor of Technical Soienoe3 and I.D.Kutyavin, Cand.- date of Technical Sciencts. Dissertations A.H.Zhilin on April 26, 1950 "Trang-ItIon rrooesses in Three-lKaip Circuits in the Ca,3e of flon-Simultan-ec-as Phase Connection". Official opponents: V.K.Shaherb!Akov, Professor, Dw:tor of Terhnicil Sciences and Yu.Ye.Nebolyubov, Docent, Con-lidate of Technico.7. Sciences. V.A.Abakumov on June 30, 19,40 "Automation of a Series-'.Ioura llo~.or According to the Leonari C-1=,uit -with Shunt-Woiind G,--nerato-'. Official opponents; I.A.B&I'a-shev, Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences and L.I.Gandzha. Do-.e-).t, Candii&te of Technicai Scienct.:3. V.U.X03tikov on March 13, 1954 "Methods of Detennining E(r.114valent Specific Ele-atrio Conductivity'. Official opponents: V.K.Shcherta- kov, Professor, Doctor of Teohnicol Solenoes and VJI.Titov, Do,,ent, Candidate of Technical 30.enses. AVAIWLEs Library of Congress 1. Scientific reports-U&SR 2. Electrical eqnIpment-USSR Electrical engineerIng-US-91i Card 4/4 . ............ wu~ PA 1614T 19 I -~01 Oymbrowu Hubines Jul 0 Sallont-Pole mcb1ass ii.Determ1natiIon of Angle e In Sallent-Pole Syn- chronous Machines," S. D. lavintov, Cand Tech Sci,, Sverdlovsk Branch, A3.1-Union Inst for 11ft- trifIcation of Agr "Elektrichestvo* No 7, pp 64-65 Proposes nomographic method of determining angle 9 according to current and phase,, given quadra- ture-axis synchronous reactance of machine. Ba- sis of this systeals-vector diagran for syn- chrowus afthift with given operating condition. LITIMT, S.D.* kand1dat tokhaicbeekikh nauk. Iffectinc self-synchronization of generator* of.rural hydroelectric power plants. Nokb,, L elsk.sellkhos. no-4371-75 AP 153* (NM 60) Is Sverdlovskly filial Tessoyusnogo, nanchno-looledovatellskogo insti- tuta slektrifikatsil sel'skogo khosysystvae (Driamos) IRVINTOV,S.D., kandidat takhnichookikh nauk. TAGIROV,K.A., Inshener Static characteristics of agricultural load. Nauch.trudy T no.2:99-124 154. (KLRA 8:11) 1. Sverdlovskly MW Voesoyusnogo Instituta alektrifikataii sell- skogo khosymystva (Ilectriolty in agriculture) AID P - 466 Subject USSR/klectricity Card 1/1 Pub. 27 - 29/34 Author Levintov, S. D., Kand. of Tech. Sci., Sverdlovsk Title Conference on Scientific and Technical Problems of Electrification in Agriculture. (Current News) Periodical Elektrichestvo, 7. 91-92, J1 1954 Abstract In April 1954 a conference was held In Sverdlovsk on pro- blems of electr1f1cation of agriculture. The conference was organized by the oblast section of VNITOE (All-Union Scientific Society of Power Engineers and Technicians). Institution : Sverdlovsk Section of VNITOF Submitted : No date /A O~C-- J GTOZINT. Visa Semenovich. kand.takhn.asukt TAUMMITIT. Boris Alak"yevich, Insh.; MMS, Avresm LIvarich, insh.; KOSTIN. Xonstantin Ye4orovich, insh: t ALIAb, kandetaktm.nank; TARASOT. A.So. insh jretsensent; TiMUTUT, N.P., takha,red. CThs equipmnt of rural IWdroslactric power plants] Oborudovanto sel'skikh g1droalektrichaskikh stentaii. lad. Z-oe. parer. Pod. obehohei rmlektalst V*S.Gvosdeva. Moskva, Gogensuchno-tokha. ixd-vo mashinostroite lit-rY, 1957o 423 po (NDU 11:2) (*droolootric power stations) lll~ ISTIDYM, Samell Davido-rich, kand. takhn. iqp~ dots. Graphic mthod, for calculating the wsc)kanical characteristics of do, wtors associated vith oomplio&4d'qo=eotlou circuits, Ixv, v7s. uobsb. say.; alsk-tromekh. I no.3:102-UO 058. (NM 11W "X , 1, Ufedra slaktrofilatell proxWohle Odprlyatly Chelyabin- skogo politekhn1oheskogo Instituta. Ofteotrlo machinery-Diroot curitmt-Oraphic wthods) SOV/144-58-8-13/18 AUTHOR: lovinto7, S.D., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Docent, TITLE: Engineering Method of Calculation of the Mechanical Characteristic of a Short-circuited Asyr-chronoue Motor (Inzber.ern,yy metod rascheta mekhaaicheskoy kharakteristiki asinkhronnogo korotkozamknutogo dvigatelya) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedeniy, Elekt-rcmekhanika, 1958, fir 81 pp, 102 - 107 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Current methods of calculation of the mechanical ch-arac- teristics of short-circuited asynchronous motors, taking into consideration the influence of the magnetic saturation - in the of the ateel and the displacement of the current rotor (Refs 2 3 5 6), are complicated. Some of these methods requir; knowledge of various values not contained In catalegues, e.e. of the height of the rDtor slots (Ref 6). In text and reference books, the Kloss fcrmula is recommended, which involves considerable errors in the range of high slip values. In this paper, an attempt is made to gi-te a simple approximate method of !,-alculation of the nechp-nical characteristic of a short-3ircuited asyr-chronous motor with deep slots by means of it would be p~kssible to determine suffIciently aeruratelj C8rd1/3 the torques for the entire zone of -the sif s zr the motor; P & SOV/144-58,9-13/18 Engineering Method ~,f Calculation of the Mechanical Characteristic of a Short-aircuitad Asynchronous Motor for this, only a minimum of cotvlogue doca are required. The here presented method of calcu2ztlon is based on the simplified equation: M 2 - . s s "k - + k .13" 8 IC /respectively where IL- and a.- are the critica-I toraues and the critical. S114,01Mis the torque correspc.-di-ng to the 01-11~ s 1-n Fi6ure 8, experimental data aLre compared witt datst calculated by means of the here presented zeth.o,ft. It can be seen that the greatest difference tot-ve'nn tale t7rjuas determined by means Of Bq (5), p 1051 azA tho-ze determined experimentally does nc4v- exceed 5 - 6%. The here presented method is ejillabIe fir Card2/3 osla-.11stting with adequate accuracy +,be ~i..zch~~:2i,~al SOV/144-58-8-13/18 Engineering Method of Calculation of the Mechanical Characteristic of a Short-circuited Asynchronous Motor characteristics of short-circuited asynchronous motors and is applicable to various calculations of asynchronous drives. A calculation example is included. There are 8 fig-area, and 8 Soviet references. ASSUCIATION: Kafedra elektrifikatsii promyshlennykh predpriyatiy Chelyabinskogo politekhnicheskogo instituta (Chair for Electrification of Industrial Undertakings of Chelyabinsk Folytechnical Institute) SUBMITTED: May 23, 1958 Uard 3/3 LMICfUV, A.N - LXVINTOVI gJLEL"*-.-a kL-!MMMWG-&__ Determining the volumetric weight of refractories by gamma-ray absorption. Ognoupory 23 no-7:319-324 158. (KIRA 11:9) 1. Veenoyusnyy nnuchnn-lesladovatallekty Institut ogneuporoy. (Refractory materials--Testing) (Gamma rare--Industrial applicAtinno) *A /IV 110-3-2?/22 AUTHOR: Levintov, S.D. C_nLdidate of Technical Sciences. TITIZ: Tile DesiEn of StartinG Resistances for d.c. Motors (Raschet pus!:-ovy',.-h soprotivlenij d1jr, elcktrodvij~atelpy DostoyannoL:o tokt) PIMIODICAL: Yeatnik- Eloi~,ti-oi)rori.,islilennosti, l?-5'c_I Vol* 20 Po-3, 1 ZO bs;-M). AB.STRACT: The total resiLtance ren-,uirod in IV-he ax-mature circuit during startinC can easily be calculated for all t.-pes DIP d.c. motor. division of t-I-P startinz resistance into steps can be done anal'y'vically onIy for inde-,endently-eycitcd notors. For snries- and coi,,,:,3und-,.1,ound ziotois, CrtadinfT must be decided graphically. The al-ticle describes and exc:_;-,lifics in FiG. 1 a 6raphical lr-,roccdu-rc which i,,ak-e3 use of t-he rel.,Au-ion- ship between the =tor torque 3rd the current-# TLere are 3 fi,:Iur!_~s, 3 Rus-Aan reforences. ASZ,OCIATION: Chelyabinsk, Polytechnical Institute ( Clio 1.7,,:..b inslaziy polif eki.nichcokiy institut) AVAILAPUB: Library of Con--ress L_ Crrd 1/1 2. Electric motors-Torque 2o Electric motors-Current USCOW-DC-54708 IEVIBTOVj S.D. Calculation of load diagramo of an electric drive with a Btatic Wmnt depending on the path. Izv, vya, uchebs 7AV.; elektromekh. 4 Uvo .&W-120 161o (MIM 1424) (Electric driving) LEVINTOV -k_ kanj 4~. tekhn.nauk, doteent Transient processes in the synchronous drives of piston machines. Energe abor. no.2;55-95 159. (MIPUk 15:1) (Electric motorsp Synchronous) ISVINTOVO S.D., kand.takhn.nauk, dotsent De-termination of the comyounding ;tb' shold" current mapdtude. Energ. abor. no.2*.96- 021159. (MM 15:1) (Electric generators) (Electric poier distribution) ihk LIKVInO~j ~-Dt-,-JWM.t8khn.naUk; SUVCROV.. G.V., inzh. Concerning the measurement of the r.m.s. value of the current of electric motors. Prom. onerg. 15 no,7:24-26 JI 160. (MIRA 15:1) (Electric motors) (Slectrie currents, Alternating-Messurement) IVINTGVR SD,j kandUkhnonauk, dothertj XRAMOV9 I.Ya.,, inzh. Pating the power of the motor of a pieroing mUl. Vest.mash. 42 no,400-51 AP 162. (pipe -113 (MMU 15:4) LLrVINrOV,, SanAll Davidovlch,, kWA*tekhu*nauk,, doteent WoUation of the load diagram of an electric dirve vith static moment and moment of inertia dependent on-the path. IsvVYB,Uchob. sav.; slaktromakh. 5 no.4s429-436 162. KIRA 15:5) 1. Kafedra elaktrooborudovaniya promphlonnykh predpriyatty Chelyabinskogo politekhnicheskogo instituta. (Bleotrio driviM) LZVIRTUVt S,D,p kand. tekbn, nauk,, dotsent; XRAVTSOVj, N-Taep Insbo Loado of the electria drives of the &=M=7 me-chmisma of a bloozlng mill, Isr, Mo uohebo say.1 energ. 7 no.640-46 is 164 (MIIU 1718) 1. Chelyabinskiy politekbnIcheakiy Inatitut. Plvdatayl ma kafedroy elektroprivoda i avtomatizatsii prouqsblwm7kh ustanovok. LEVI N T,-)V ujamue I I Etc, J, I -,~v,L Ci-.P ~anf I. 3econd odition of V.P. Andrew and 111,A. StLb- rOn I:i book "?rin- c1ples of electric drives". Iz-.r. vys. uchob. zav.; clektromekh. 7 no.8:1037-1040 164. 04IRA 27: 10) 1. Zaveduyushchly kafedroy elektroprivoda I witor-ntimtsii prr,myshlonnykh viqtanovok Cholyahinskogo poll tekhnichius~,cgo Inutituta. w 'It 7 elyaji 1 r-~ 1 y I, o1 i tokhrii ch er,'- ok t, r v f:,k. - 1 ~ r 1 -7 o i , i v t 0 - ~.-i t 1 .4 LEVINTOV, 5.D. knnd. takhn. nauk; POLYAKOV, G.V., inah. Recuperation of electric power in the transport systems of open pit mines, Prom. energy 20 no.5t4-9 MI 165. (KRA 180) BROMN, M.Ya.; VYDRIN, V.N.; YFRK3KHIN, F.K.; KISLYUK, V.A.; KRAYNOV, V.I.; -MVINTOY..S.D.1 RIWN, V.Kh.1 '.RWBRYAKOV, AX; SEDER, B.E. Method of controlling the tension in continuous rilling mills. Stall 25 no.71629-631 Jl 165. (MIRA 180) LITLN"TA KLKHTINM, A. I. Materials for the stn& of the hlAer nervous ftnetion, in children in rhowatiss;proliminary commmnloatioz6 Topro pedlat, 20 no. 5: 14-18 S"t-Vot 1952. (CM 23:3) 1. Of the Department of Hl&sr Nervous Activity (Head - Prof. N. 1. Krasnogorskly, Active HeAbor AM USSR) and of the Clinic for Older Children (Scientific Supervisor - Prof. A. R. Toloylk), State Solent If to-Amearoh Pediatric Institute (Director A. I. Liboy). K1USj[OGMffff,.N.N.j LIITZRMA, S-Te. Unconditioned radiation reflexes In rheumatism In children. Podiatrita no.5t27-28 B-0 154. (VT-R A 7:12) (MUKATIC MURT DISRASN, In infant and ek4ld, unconditioned radiation reflexes in) LIVIETOVA, S.Tes Some problems In establishing a regimen In nurseries for children with chronic dysenter7. Yop.okh.mat. I det. 1 no-2:74-76 Mr-Ap 156'. (MLRA 9:9) 1. Is laboratorit vyeshey nervnoy dyatellaosti (zav.-doyetvitell- nyy chlen AMU SSSR pirof. N.I.Krasnogorskiy) Gosudurstvennogo nauchno-tooledovatellskog o pediatrichoskogo instituta (dir.-prof. A.L.Liboy) Leningrad. (CHILDRAW-DISMS-9S) (DIXT) (DTSWART) kandidat KAIRTINOM, A.I., 4*ktor moditsinskikh naukl 4 KAL meditalaskikh nauk; SINVA, T.N.. Unconditioned secretion of the salivary glands in cases Infeettous hepatitis (Botkints disease). Top.okh.mat. I dot. I no.4;44-48 .JI-Ag 156. (KLItA 9 3 9) 1. In otdols vyoshey nerymoy doyotollnoatl (say. daystvitellayy chlon ANK SSSR prof.1.1.1rasnogorjokly) I kliniki starshogo vosraste (konsulltant - prof, A.S.Voloylk) Gosudarstvannogo nauchno- Isslodovatel'skogo pediatricheskDgo Instituts,'(dir. prof. A.L. Libov) Leningrad. (MiPATITIS, WWTIOUS) (SALIVARY OIANDS) LEYMOVA, Set*. dotsent Conditioned reflex activity in children with recurrent rheumatic carditia and cardiac defects, Pediatrits 39 no~2:20-26 Mr-Ap 136. oa,RA 9: 8) 1. Is laboratorii vysshoy nerynoy doyatelinoott rebeaka (save - doyetyltollnyy chlen ANN SSSR prof, N.1.1r&suogoz$kiy) I kliniki starshego detstra (pauchnyy rakovaditell prof. A.D.Volorik) Nauchno- iseledovateliskogo pediatriahookogo InstItuta (dire doktor meditsin- skikh nauk A.L.Liboy) (nigMT10 KURT DISXASS. In infant and child, .conditioned reflex funct. In.(Rus)) (RdrL]X. CONDITICEMD. in rheum. heart dims In child.(Rus)) smigak"s omw B. V. -Tbr PM-4- Tb6 Nis ts Is woo.. nowl"m led in a gum DW ws. ef sbe w was sm A an 11 rundrWift. I%Awh i~.'ef rac Lorio "!"~Ad -~Dc...ur".Amation of !~Clct-are of a nc- T;, I. I _cr.,c~jlat,~ i~zldiatl:n 1. le. DudavsKiyo i,p DA-a;-,.iI-o-m, 'Z. V. Lc-,rino-:44ch, Kharlko*., inst of Refractories hOgneupor-j" lid bp nP 370-378 Descriloos mcl.~ud in w.1,A-ch. ra pid transfe. of laric anoirtL; of hc~A iz; rialized by light radiaticn from incandczcent bcatwir4.; upiral. '~'pplicaticm of tiir. acc themocou'de in fori-, t)f disk, whIch mcaLumo temp of zample di.-~h bottor., providcL lor priEci.,~4- dc..'I of dx-ij.W: cnd noment, pr(montiry; overficatia- of 'otal Uze 04 dic-Ln h~ :~un. 14tno-d hac been uscd cince 151.51 at 1wit i;~,,eni ox-JAhunikidze instual of c-11ho, PA 23rL63 VJDATUITO I.To,; LITINTOTICH, I.T,; DRAGILVTA, H.P, - Rapid determination of porovityg moisture absorption and volume weight of refraotory materials. Opsupory 18 no-1133-42 153- (XIRA 11110) Ltharlkovskly Institut ognsuporovo (Refractory materials-Testing) 1,T#,; ISTIMTICK, Te.T.; DRAGIIJCU, X.F. Notbad of rapid determination of the specific gravity of dinas bricks, Oguoupory 18 xo*6:260-263 J* '53. (MRA lltlO) lotbartkovskly lastitut ogmetTerev. (Firebrick) (Specific gravity) _j, -.7,