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mumini, n.v.; iLvni, v-Ya. Ths2smite fvm tho NVsbtyu r"lan In tho Urs2s. Trudy Mbots awl* MIM SM w&?Os92F-95 165* UWA 18:22) --AT6003104 BOU120B CODE: UR/3181/63/000/0-15/0325/0330 0THOR., Darnfax"j--v.M.; Levin, V.Ya.; Temellyanov, Te.I, ORG: None TITLE: Method of-testing powder type gas generators SOURCE:-Kuybyshev. Aviatsionna Institut. Trudy, no. 15, pt. 2, 1963. Doklady kustovoy nauohno-texhnioneskoy konferents1i po voprosam mekhanlki zhidkosti I gaza (Reports of the Joint actentific-technical Mur n id and-gas), 5-330 TOP 10 TAGS: gas engineering, combustion engineoring, test method ABSZ~ACT; The experimental unit permitted osoIllograph recording of the phange in weight of the fuel charge during the combustion Rroceeell A schema of the apparatus Is given in the article. The experiments 'ere aimed at answering a series of practical questions In tne design t,,. of more efficient powder type gas generators: determination of the gas flow rate through the nozzle'. temperature of the gas befo;!e the no iTe-. velooltoy of the Sao through the nozzle opening, and the magnitude of he linear rate of-fuel combustion In the chambert as well as measure- went of the change In weight of the fuel. Formulas are developed In* Itthe article for oaloulation of the temperature of the gas before and ACC NRJ AT60033,o4 0 after the nozzle. No aotual experimental data are given. Orig. art. hast 14 formulas and 5 figures, SUB. 003M SUBM DATZ: 00/ ORIG REP 001/ BOY RV 3 000/ OTH RV 1 000 ACC NRo AP6004390 (A) SOUR-cE CODZI UR/0020/66/166/003/0593/0594 AWHORi Andr-lanov. K. A. (Academician); Slonimskiy,,G. Le; KItM2rAoiLkjy A. Zhdanov, A. A.; selavtseva, Ye H.; V. Yu. ORGI Inv_;1tute of-*~teroorga _$c4S_qSSA_LW (Inatitut elemento, organichesklkh loyeiNinily --a emli nook SSSR) ? TITLEs Morphological forms of high-elastic polymersq.4 SOURCE: AN SSSR. Dakledy v. 166, no. 3, 1966. 593-594 TOPIC TAGSi morphological form, high elastic polymer, silicone, polyalloxane ABSTRACT: Recent studies of morphological forms In high-elastic polymers have dLs- proved the older theory of high elasticity which is based on the Idea of random en- tangled macromolecules. V. A. Kar4in and associates (DAN, 144, 1089, 1962) have observed fibrillar structures in these polymers. In this study the morphologica forms of high-elastic polymers have been studied with polvaluminodimethyloiloxan!s (1) synthesized by polycondeneation of aluminum butoxidalwith a. w-dihydroxypoly- dimethylailaxane. The-morphological forms of I were Inveitigated by electron micro- scopy. I was shown to have a globular structure with g2obular formations varying in site from 50-100 td over 1000X. The small globules vere, possibly, macromolecules. The large globular formations conqIsted of small globules which were either aggregat an a result of molecular interactlou, or linked by chemicil bonds formed In polycon- 1/2 VDCs 541.68 4", ACC NR, AP6004390 densation, or both. This globular structure,-formed In two steps, is apparently one of the common morphological forms In amorphous polymer* both in the high-elastic and tha glassy (G. L. Slonlm#Pl)l V. V.. Koral-sk. at al. DAH,156, 924, 1964) states. The presence of globular and above-mentioned fibrillar morphological forms In high-olastic polymers raises the following problemst 1) fundamental review of the older theory of high elasticity; 2) studies of the effect of the morp .?#ical forms of amorphous polymers " their high-elastic and mechanical VIA .#-4! 3) determination of the af- fect of the ajntbasis conditions and conditions rmations of a solid or also- tic body on the type of morphological forms produced. Orig. art,, h"t I figure. (301 OVS COM 11/ SUBM DAM 20Jul65/ ORIG Ort 007/ ATD PRISSIA06 ml:krA-112 _7 .17= L 27824-66 C-PF(n)-2/EWT(m)/ETC(F)/EWG(m)/EWP(t)/F-TI WW/JG/JD ~ACC NP, AP6015731 SOURCE CODE: UR/0032/66/032/005,'0626/0627 AUTHOR: Yelyutin, V, P.; Kostikov, V. I.; Maurakh, M. A.; Hitint B. So ORG: Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys (Mookovskiy: inatitut stali I splaVOW .TITLE: Unit for studying the wetting of solids with li id iefractory metals or compounds '16 SOURCE1, Zmdskeya,laboratorlya, v. 32, no. 5, 1966, 626-627 TOPIC. TAGS s wetting, refractOr7 metal, liquid metal. ABSTRACT: A unit. .4or study g the wetting of sq-We with jiquid refriwtory metals such as.titanium7kirco=p. vanadi romium. iob 'A ni. 7rhenium L- /7 t an it a.1=,7-_-an-J-t uml-7ch - ium, (M~Zjdenw , f a mol ;n metal ungsten h been designed and built. e spreading o droplek oNthe' olido t contact angle, and other parameters are recorded by a high--speed motion-picture camera and can also be observed by television. The unit bre a water-cooled vacuum chamber where the.tested specimen (150 mm long and 50 mm wide) is placed and heated by the electric current to the desired temperature, up to 3000C. At the top of.the vacuum chamber, a tiny arc furnace melts the tested metal$ a droplet .of which is dropped on the tested solid. A shielding gas atmoaghere may be used in testing, and (,he vacuum in the chamber may be varied from 5, 10- mm Ng. at room tempers- C4rd 112 UDC: 532.23.07 27824-~"- L ACC NRi Ap6015731 ture to 1010-3 mm Hg at 3000C. :The specimen temperature is measured by an electron pyrometers',,orige art. has: I. -figure. (ND) U/ I'll' SUBM DATE,. SUB COM 1 none/ ORIG REFI, 001/. ATD PRESS: , jl Card 2/2 A Y ACC NRl AP6001238 VtOfb-) -1JP(0 JD/JG/WB SOURCE CODE: tIR/0363/65/001/012/2208/2211 AUTHOR: Yelyutin, V. P. : Koistikov, V. to I Levfn.V Ya. * Maurakh, M. A.; Mitin, B. S. ORG-. Institute of Meet and AII!Ms (Institut F;tnli i splavov) TITLE; WettlnL of tungsten with liquid alUMIMM oxide 1% 4;7' All SOURCE: AN 9SR Ilya. Neorganicheskiye materialy, v. 1, no, 12, 1965, 2208-2211 TOPIC TAGS.- tungsten. aluminum oxide, silicon dioxide, molybdenum, WE ABSTRACT: The wetting of tungsten and molybdenum with liquid A1.0. and of tungsten with a liquid Alp.-S]0~ mixture was studied by placing a drop oE the liquid oxide or mixture on a plate orrolled W or Mo. The drop was allowed to spread, " temperature was quickly low- ered, Abd the area novered by the o)dde was measured. A formula was derived (or tM de- this area on the mass of the drop In the absence of Interaction between the liquid pendence of and solid and for small equilibrium contact angles:_ n$ 2m pnr3 A eon M Z= P fk em -0- 2 -S%, TX where S Is the area of spread. 8 was calculated from this formula for the systems W-A'203- W-A1,30CS102 and Mo-AI20.9 and was compared with the measured values. It w shown-Wat Card 1/2 UDC: 546.78:532.64 -L--13561-66-:---- ACC NRt AP6001238 as the Interaction between the solid and liquid IncreaseB, the discrepancies between the two sets of values become more appreciable: in the Ca" Of MO-Al 0 , the deviatiotm from the calculated curve were much greater than in the case c d,,%ecause the effective charge of Mo Is greater than that of W. Orig. art. has: 3 figures and - formulas. SUB CODE: 11 SUBM DATE: 05J4165 ORIG REP: 002 OTH REF: 001 LEVIN, Vasill Ye !Xg,4c A ..',h;j2L'NIK0VA, A.I., red.; H ZA1, ., tekhn. red. [Nliclear reactors] IAdernye raktor7. Moskva, Gosatom- izdat. 1963. 303 P. (MIRA 16ill) (Nuclear reactors) ,e IEVIN, 11. Yu. "Expanded Plenum of the Comittee on Comets and Meteors of the Astronomical Council., AS IZBR.O" Byul. VAW, No-10, pp. 55-56, 1951 TranBlation 54459 LEVIN, V.Tu,- SLONIKSKIT, G.L. Ofi the origin of meteoritic chondrules. Dokl. AN SSSR 113 no.it62- 64 Mr-AP '37o (KERA 10W 1. Inatitut fisiki Zemli im. O.Tu. Shmidta i Institut elementoorga- nichaskikh noyedinenly Akademil nauk SSSR. Predstayleno akademi- kom V.A. Irarginym. (Meteorites) L IMI=63 LIWP M /DIT (m) /BDS AFFTC/ASD JD ACOWSION WR: AP3002020, S/0193/63/004/OD3/044/0430 AUTHOR: Gorxors)d Vt I imo L. lavint V. rue Yr A 57 on the cat&,.- TITM: Study of - the effect of wirious lithi W 17tic * propaUse of zinc adds :bi the bmmleoul&r m-ReVuSe of WSSR isotopes SWM: Kinetika, i kqLt&l&, Y. 4, no. 3, 1963, 4=-Qo IOPIC TA(;St 03790A isOtOPO U01=94i ZnOutalystp U1, Get- kinetics ABSTVACT:',~ Within a temperature, range of 42.5-550C am Oman pressures of 5-200 m H9j. the authors studied the haKso] ocular exchange of- oxnem isotopes (see anclo- Sure) in the presence -of Zno v3d Znrj to which Li sub 2 CO- sub 3 (0.250 0.5, and 0. 75 . atom _% LO and metallic Ga. (0. 25 and 0. 5 &to& % Ga) had been added. The activation sasra~ for this retction was about 40kcal/mol. It was first-order with regard to 09 Addition of Li to ZmO increased the reaction ratep while addit:6j~ of Ga slowed it,dom. 7here was an Inverse relationship between the amunt of ad present and tphe reaction rat#. The greatest lose of activity was famd with a ZnO preparation containing 0-3 atm % U. The electronic work functions measurvI for pure ZKO catalysts and, those containing U and Ga were almost identical. rn an ojwgon atmosphere m Mg),, addition of both IA and Ga reduced the work funotim Card. 11*- ~ ................. ....................... ------------------------- ACOMICH N11.4 03002020 to values below that for pure ZnO. The authors conclude that the limiting stage is the sorption of Wgon- molecules with disooci.&Uon into their otom. A comparison is made of the physical and catalytic properties of them* preparatiou. A possible mechaniam for the effect of Li and G& is hypothesized. Orig. art. has: 5 figareas .3 schmatic diagrams, 2 tables, and 3 fozuulaa. Jin- --Do -I0 Mend4OLoys" Y4dW#kiy Mimi ko-tokhnologi shoddy institut (Ngeo,ow Chadcal M2gi4sering rhatitutp) SUMITTED: Uj9m762 LATE ACQ: 12Jul63 ENCL: M SUB CODE: 00 SO RV 307: 006 OTM: 006 Card ....................... ...... ....................... ACCESSION NR: AP4008167 S/0195/63/004/0061086310866 AUTHOR: Gorgoraki, V. I.; Kasatkina, L. A.; Levin, V. Yu. TITLE: Effect of additives and operating conditions on isotope exchange between oxygen and zinc oxide SOURCE: Kinetika I kataltz, v. 4, no. 6, 1063, 863-666 TOPIC TAGS: zinc oxide, zinc oxide lithium, zinc oxide gallium, zinc oxide indium, oxygen 18, Isotope exchange, homomolecular exchange, Isotope exchange rate, zinc oxide calcination, lithium, gallium, indium ABSTRACT: The effects of addl-fig Li, Ga and In and of changing conditions of preparing the catalyst, on the kinetics of ZnO Isotope exchange (018) were investigated by methods described in authors' previous work (Kinetika I kataliz 4, 422, 1903). Data obtained are compared with results of studies on homomol- ecular exchange by the same preparations. Increasing temperature of ZnO calcining from 850-1200C somewhat increases isotope exchange rate. Addition card 1/2 ACCESSION NR, AP4008167 of Lt (0. 5 + 0. 75 at. %), Introduced at 850C, increases the rate of the ZnO isotope exchange, the rate becoming greater than the rate of the homomolecular exchange reaction. Addition of Ga and In, introduced at 850C, decreiaseB Isotope exchange rate. Increading temperature of calcining ZnO containing 0. 51/9 .Ga from 850 - 1200C increases isotope exchange rate to the point that It equals the rate of pure ZnO calcined at 1200C. In 'all cases with the exception of 0. 5 and 0. 75 at. 76 Ll additions, the rate of the homomolecular exchange reaction is about that of, or somewhat greater than the isotope exchange rate of ZnO; with LI the homomolecular exchange Is slower. The authors consider It their obligation to thank G. K. Boreskov for discusising the -material of the present work. " Orig. art. has: 2 tables and 3 figures ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy khimiko-tekhnologicheskiy institut im. D. I. Mendelayeva. (Moscow Chemical Technological Institute) SUBMTTED: 21Jan63 DATE ACQ: 09J&n64 ENCL: 00 S'UB2?2DE: MA ~'NO REV SOV: 004 OTHER: 003 card. N' "~!i W-1 . I I.: C, I 6 ANDRIANOV, K.A., akadomik; SILONIMKIY, G.L.; i"fl*,,'(,;~;.Til"~.,~--,..~..I :1....; .. . " A.A.; BELAVUSE114, Ye.M.; J-7VIN, V.Yu. Supermolecular structures of highly elliati-- ~.clymern. D.,)KI. A14 SSIJR 166 no.3:593-594 Ja 066. 19:1) 1. Institut elementoorganicheskikh ooyedirionly AN Z'S~~R. L 37010-66 ACC NR. AP6023 W_ SOURCE CODE: UR/0190/66/008/007/1312 131 3 .AUTHOR: SlonimskiX. 0. L.; Andrianov, K. A.; Zhdanov, A* A.; Levin. Belaytoeya, Ye. M. OHO: none TITLE: Supramolecular structures of cross-linked high elastic polymeral SOURCE: Vyookomolekulyarnyye soyedineniya, Y. 8, no. 7. 1966, 1312-1313 TOPIC TAGSs elastic polymer, form, globular structureo siloxane, aluitosiloxane, poly'aluminodimethylai- loxane, netvork structure , rubber, polymer cross linking, polymer structuret polycondensAtion, solubility, elasticity ABSTRAM J. of he structure of cross-linked polyaluminodi- M*thXlgjloxA e rubberlaas completed by means of electron microscopic photographs of platinum-carbon replica. AI%UMV-100 electron microscopeP Vag used, The rubber used had the follo;lng chemical structures Card 12 UDC: 08-0103+678.84 .7' r p T AM15054 CiNTI: AIMIOR: AndrIanov, K. A.; Slanimakiy, G. L., Zlidane.),j, A. A.; Kashutina, A.; Lev n YI-1. MM' rnst'Itute of Orpanoelemental Compoundg, AN SSSR (Institut element oorganicheskik soyedt-nen-i-y' Ail' USSR) ------ TITLE: Thermomechanical Investigation of polyorgarometallic alloxanes containi bivalent metals SOURCE: Vysokomolektilyarnyye noyedineniya, v. 8. no. 5, 1966, 898-902 JOPIC TAGS: polymer, metal, stlomane, atom Ythermomechanical property, bivalent metal ABSTRACT:_111g, 4 prope~K~,~es of polymers with atoms of bivalent metals In the siloxane chain 'have been investigated. It was shown that the introduction into the basic polymer chain of metal atoms capable of forming coordination bonds con- siderably changed the thermomechanical properties of polymers. The effect of metal atoms on the flow temperature of polymers depends on the distance, between the metal atoms and on the nature of the metal. OrIg. art. has: 5 figurefi, 1 formula, and 1 table. INT) SUB CODE* 11, 07/ SUBM DATE: 22ME.y65/ ORIG REF: 009/ OTH REF, 001 UDC: 678.01:53+678. A'OUOR. TITLE: P"'PIODICAL.- ABSTRACT; Dryzgo, Ye; Levin, Ya. 3011-107-58- B-26/5 3 The "Vosk.hod" Radio Receiver (liadiopriyomnik "Voskhod") Radio# 1953t lir Ot pp 23-24 (Uc-'ZR) The "Voskhod" receiver uses 8 transistor trioies in a super- heterodyne circuit an2 covers 720-?,000 m UN and 157-577 m V6. The set is ;idapted for use as a pick-ur amplifier. The set consists of a converter, heterodyne-cum-mixer tith tap- p9d auto-transformer coupling, 2 IF stages, 3 AF stages for radio reception, and used when with the pick-up, the triode detector acts as a fourth AF amplifier. Frequency response feedback is used in the amplifier section. Printed circ- uits are used and the set is powered by four 1.5 v batter- ies connected in series. 'Lt is thus very suitable for coun- try areas lacking electricity supply from a grid. There are 2 drawings and 1 circuit diagram. 1. Radio receivers--Eruipment 2. Radio receivers--Performance Card 1/1 GOROYdiOVSKIYI V.M. I ISVIN, Ya.A. Detormining the preDence of fog-promotinp, ;cnstituents in the 5-mothyl-7-hydrcxy-lt3l4-triazaindolisl~DO photographic sta- bilizer. Zhur.nauch.i prikl.fot. i kin. 6 i.o.5:385-386 s-0 161. 1. Filial Vseaoyuznogo nauchno-issledovatrWakogo kinofotoinsti- tuta, g. Kazan's (Photographic emulsions) (Triazolopyramidine) LEVINL Yaj.; XUKHTIN, V.A.; GCROKHOVSKIY, V.M. Effect of Btruc,-.z-&I factors on the stabilizing action of purines. 2hur.nauch.i prikl.fot.i kin. 7 no.5s388-3-39 S-0 16 ?9M 15111) 1. Filial Vaesoyusnogo nauchno-isaledovatel'skigo kinofotoinatituta, Kann', (Photographio emulsions) (Purinea) 7 -4 Li~ T- NEGOROSHKOVA# N.Aojp -LE;VINp U.,A~ KUKHTINO V.A* Condensed heterocycles. Derivativis-of -:Lphanyl-(2 p3-vj-Wasolino- ppimidins. Zhtw. 00. Mime 31 no. 2:495-497 P 161. - (MPA 14:2) 1. Kazanskiy filial nauchno-isoledovoitallskogo kinofotoinatituta, (Pyrimit4ine) LWIN# Ya.A*j KUY=IM. V.A. Some now types of the Arbuzov rearrangement. Part 12: Action of mercury acetate on trialkyl phosphiteso Zburob,khiz, 31 no,5s 1552-1553 MY 161. (KMA 14:5) 1. Kazanskiy filial nauchno-isoledovateltakogo Lofotoinstituta. (Phosphorous acid) (Mercury acetate) 77- A.P.; KUKJrrIN, V.A. Synthesis of some derivatives of 4x 5s 6, 7-dibenz-10 3-diaza-2p 4s 6-Mloheptatrions. Zhuroob.khim. 31 no-5sl573-1576 M# 161. (KMA 140) 1. Kazanskly filial nauchno-iouledavatellakogo kinofotoinatitutas (Cyclohoptatriens) LEVIN., Ya.A.; KUKHTIN, V.A. 2-Sulfo-4-hydr~mq-6-mothylpyrimidine. Zhur.ob.khim. 32 no*5: 1769-ino Yq 162. (KERA 15:5) 1. Kazanskiy filial nauchno-isoledovatellskogo kinofotoinatituta. (Pyrimidine) GOROKHOVSKIY, V.M.; LZVIN, TA.A.,- KISEMA, I.P.; GALIMOVA, I.M. Relation tetween the desensitization action and the heigbt of the oacillographit- peak of desorption of the homologues of 4-cx&-6-mtbY1-1,2,4 triasolo-(2,3-a) pyrimidins. Zbxw. nauch. i prikl. fot. i kin. 8 no.3*05-206 My-Je 163. (MIRA 16:6). 1. Filial Vessoymogo nauchno-iiialedovatellskogo kinofot& institute, Kazan'. (Triasolopyrimidine) (Photographic emulsions) _~~~#~EDOTOVA,, A.F.; UKUVA, N.Y.; SAV .ZMA, G.A.; Ku4HTIN, V.A. Condensed heterocycles. Part 2.- Cond*zation of 5-alk-y-3-amino -1-3-amino-1,2,4-triazoleo with acetoaeptic eoterg Zhuroob Ikhim* 33 no-4:1309--1314 Ap 163. (MMA 16:5) 1. Kazanskiy filial Nauchno-iiialedovatellskogo kinofotoinatituta. (Triazole) (Acetoacetic acid) LEVINS Ya.A.; GULIKINA, U.A.; KUKETIN, V.A. ...... Condensed heterocycles. Part 3: Condensation of 3-amino-1,2,4- triazole with some /9-ketocarboxllic eaters. Zhur. ob. khim. I 33 no.8:2673-2677 Ag 163. (MIRA 16:11) 1. Kazanskiy filial nauchno-ivsledovatel'Akogo kinofotoinstituta. LEVIN, Ya.A.; KUKHTIN, V.A. Condenied heterocycles. Part 4: Condensation of 3-amino-1,2,4- triazoles with djaceto- and diproplonitrilea. Zhur. ob. kh1m. 33 no.8:2678-2682 Ag 163. (MIRA 16:11) 1. Kazanskiy filial nauchno-issledovatellskogo kinofotoinstututa. - , I -` 7777T!'1',.--'- - '-~ - " ~: ~.." - - LEVIN, Ya.A.) SFRGEYEVA, E.M.; KIMITIN, V.A. Condensed heterocycles. Part 5t Interaction of 4-chloro-6-mothyl-1,2,3- triazolo[2,3;4pyrimid1ne with some nitrogen bases. Zhur.ob.khim. 34 no. 1:205-209 J 164. (MIRA 17%3) 1. Kazanskiy filial Nalichno-imaledovatellskogo kinofotainstituta. -4, VIN, Ya.A.; FEDOTOVA, A.P.; KUKHTIN, V.A. Condensed heterocycles. Part 61 MachanIsm of the fornati-an of a-e sla- tam 6-oxo-1,2,4-trIazo1o[2,3- ]pyrimidine. Zhur.ob.khin. 34 no.2149~- 501 F 164. OC RA 17 13) 1. Institut organicheskoy khimii AN SSSR, Kazan'. LEVIN, Ya.A.; KUKHTIN, V.A. Condensed heterocycles. Part 7% Syntheses and transformations of some 4-substituted 6-methyl-1,2o4-triazolo[2,3- djpyrimidines. Zhur.ob.khis. 34 no.2s502-508 F 164. (MIRA 170) 1. Inatitut organichasko;r khimli AN SSSR, g. Rawil. LEHN, Ya.A.; PIATONOVA, R.N.; KUKHTIN, V.A. Condensed hetercoycles. Roport No.8i Condensation of 3-amino- 1,2,4-tria2ole with cyanoacatic enter. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. khim. no.8%1475-1480 AR 164. (MIFLA 170) 1. Inetitut organicheskoy kbimii AN SSSR, Kazan'. LFVIN, Ya.A.; SHVINK, N.A.; KUKHTIN, V.A. Condensed heterocycles. Report No.91 Condensation prodLets of ethoxymethylenenalonle ester with 2-amonothladiazoles and 2-aminothlazoles. Izv. All SSSR. Ser. khim. no.8:1481-1484 Ag 164, (MTRA 17:9) 1. Institut organicheskoy khiinii AN SSSR, Kazan'. G0POFH*)VSK-"Y, V.M.P, KLIFUTITN, V.A., 1EIRI, Ya.A.; BORIN, A.V-j KI~-ELEVA, -I.P.; V A RZ 4 N %-"j'vA , i , P. StudyIng the -qtabillzing effect of some derivatives of 1,3,4 - triazas-ridolizitm. rru,v U-IFY1 no.46.-26-30 162. (MIRA 18t81' ACC NR, A~6023114 SOURCE CODE: UR/0379/66/002/001/0142/0143! AUTHOR 1 11 1,yasov, A. Vo Levin, Ya. A.; !jotnikov :~j N. L.; Valitoya, F. Go ORG: Institute of ftwdo " Eby3ical Chemistry, M1 SM. Kam' (Inatitut organicheskoy i fitichaskoy khimii AN SSSii) TITI.Es Electrochemical generation of hydratyl radicals SOURM Toorstichookaya i eksperimentalInaya khimiya, v. 2, no. 1, 1966, 142-143 TOPIC TAGS: electrochomistr7, froo radical, hydrazino derivative, alectrolytio cell, electron spectrum, electron paramagnetic resonance, rodox reaction. rosonatur/RE-1301 resonator ABSTRAM. 'It is knoun -that organic froo radicals of the type a(, c(-dl~h ;j6.Dici7l6drazYl11(DPPH) are obtained by treating the corresponding hydrazines Vith lead dioxide or other oxidizing agents. The authors studied the possi- bility of obtasin g these radicals by electrochemical oxidation. An electro- 3,ytic cell containing platinum electrodes, as described previously, was placed directly into the RE-1301 radioapectromoter resonator. Measurements .were made in acetonitrile, dimothylf amide, dioxane, alcohol, and aqueous- alcoholic solutions with a,1hj!~razinoTe,=entration of about 10-2H/liter. Tetraxethyl-anmcnivm iodidS and Wao do were used as the supporting elsqtrolyto. To improve the resolution of electron paramagnetic spectra, the ACC NRs A solutions were deeassed by the freezing method. The formation of hydrazylo An eloctrochadcal oxidation of the original compounds can be depicted by the Schemet Ph 2~_NII_R + OH- Ph2N N R + H200 PhjK N Rg Phe N R + a. Ilius, the authors h"Wahown that electrochemical oxidation as wTU as electrochemical reduction of compounds of the diphenylpicry1hydrazind tyke --,load to the fomation of free radicals, the properties and structure of *Aich can be studied by the electron paramagnetic resonance method. SUB CODSt 07 SUEM DATSs 21jun65 ORIG REFt 006 OTH REFt 004 L 39728~_% :-.WT Acc n: Ai%U07189 son, GE; COD',;,i trtl/017(1,/66/Olrj/002/0225/0!rn't AUTHORS: Lovin, Ya. A.; Prikhod'kol 1. M. ''ORGi none ITITLEt The temperature of a.thin body under a porio(lic chango in the heat ~ranrjfer :coefficient and in the ambient temperature EOURCE: Inzhenerna-fiziche3kir zhurnal, v- 10, no. 2, 1966, 22c-227 TOPIC TAGS: beat transfer, temperature distribution, periodic coefficientp heat :transfer coefficient ~ABSTRLCT. The heat treutofer to a thin body under a periodically varying heat I transfer coefficient M and ambient temperaturo t. lb investigated. The rulalyaio iis carried out in two atips. First, the solution is found for the first period of ;the oscillation in cc and too To thin endq the curves of Of (T) and tc(!') aro iapproximated by straight I;non. Tito second atop In the cnlculation consintl of ldetermining the temperature of the thin object at the end of any period of the I ;oscillating ct and tc6 To do this, the properties of second-order inverce sequences are used. This leada to tho equati-ai Xrd 1/2 UDC. 556-244 Card 21'2 0~; Lvu, Ta. Now schematic of an imtermadiate-frequency channel, Radio no.3: 24-25 Mr 16o, (MIRA UtO (Radio-Raceivers wd reception) LZTIH, Th., inzh. 'River fleet at the lkhibition of Achievements of the National Sconomy of the U.S.S.R. Rech. transp. 19 no.10:54-56 0 160. (MIRA 13:11) (Hoscow-kchibitions) (Inland water transportation-kchibitions) SOV/c6-59-12-7/20 AUTHOR: Levin, Ya. A., Candidate of Technical Sciences TITLE: -K-8 ~uy ~Oftfie_Cooling of Gas-Turbine Blades by an Air-Water Mixture PERIODICAL: Teploenergetika, 1959, fir 12, PP L&3-46 (USSR) ABSTRACTi One way of increasing the operating temperature of Gas tu~?bines is to cool the blades, but attempts that have been made to cool the rotor blades internally have so far been unsuccessful. The present urticle describes a method of external cooling that was tried. In this method a mixture of air and water is discharged from slots in the outlet ed6es of the nozzle guide vanes. The general arrangement is clearly shown in Fig 1; water is delivered through an elliptical copper tube to a position as near as possible to the root of the 6uide vane. The bottom end of the copper tube was sealed off and a single hole was made near the bottom facing in the direction of the outlet edge. Devices of this kind were installed on 17 of the nozzle blades, and water could be supplied at different pressures to different numbers of blades. Thermo-couples were fitted on the Card 1/4 rotor at the blade root and a q--arter and half way up SOV/96-59-12-7/20 A Study of the Cooling of Gas-Turbine Blades by an Air-Water Mixture the blades. The measurement procedure is briefly described. Typical test results are plotted in Fig 2 forthe case when the water was delivered through four blades. The curve numbered (1) relates to the thermo- couple half way up the blade and curve (2) to that one quarter way up. It will be seen that cooling was very much more effective at the centre of the blade than a quarter way up. It was very much less effective at the root, though, in any case, the temperature there is only some 300 to 3600C as against 550 to 6500C at the middle of the blades. The reason for this poor cooling of the blade roots was that relatively little water was delivered to them. This occurred because it was not possible to discharge the water closer than 30 mm from the nozzle blade roots, The salt content of the coolin6 water used was fairly high, and the water distribution could be judged from the friable deposits formed on the blades. Most of the deposits were oil a barld 40 to 50 mm Card 2/4 wide, the lower edge of which was at the level of the p~ i~; k7 11 SUV/~-6-59-12-7/2U A Study of the Cooling of Gas-Turbine Blades by an Air-Water Mixture holes supplying wat9r. The deposits -were caused by relatively large drops of water striking the blades. If it had been possible to deliver the water at the blade roots, drops of water would have cooled the entire blale surface except for a small part near the periphery. A diSCU88iOn then follows about the rate of supply of water and its distribution. If the drops of water leaving the nozzle vanes are too small or too large, cooling is less effective than for an intermediate value. Accordingly, optimum cooling conditions may be obtained by selecting the optimum flow rate through blades and varying the number of blades through which water is discharbed. An approximate formula is given to represent curve 1 of Fig 2. Further tests are required coverinG a wider range of gas temperatures and rotor speeds to se- whether the formula is more generally applicable. It is concludeO that this method of blade cooling is promising. The nozzle blades are also cooled, blade erosion by the Card 3/4 water is hardly likely to occur, -qnd them are not likely SO V/96- 59- 12 -7/ _20 A Study of the Cooling of Gas-Turbine Blades by an Air-Watur Mixture to be variations of temperaturu that could dnmaj,o trie blade. The problem of deposit formation requires further study. There are 2 fiGures and 2 Sr4~lish refereuces. Card 4/4 sz - 1 c, d i n ri cn:~ri t, r: rC f n P-? nk r- n r -,v r, Jr.:2 t kniev. 6'-opor. me.. n-). 5 3 '63. MALICHUND. V,I.; Structural defects in presses for the SH-143 stiff mud processo Ogneupory 19 no.1:35-36 '54. (Km U-. 8) (Refractory materials) (Power presses) UVIN. YaJ. and GENKIN, R.L. clinical ConsiArations, Classification and Treatment of Frostbite. SovetakWa Medicina 1943, 11-2y 12-15. Translation-2524467 30 Apr 1954. LEVD-11. ----a. F. 29316. osobe-most-, dla-nostiki raka kardial'.,.o~-o I. otdela zheludla. Voprosy ordkoloZii i N10. 1-2. 19'8, 3. SO: lzr,;ntya Ak. flauk Latvivskoy 55R, *,';0- 9, SePt-, 1955 V'11.. F. 2917 Rentgenolor-apiya raka Vopro~;y i rentienolorii, No 1-2, 1948) -1. ])O-53 SO: Letopsil Lhurnallnykh Statey, Vol. 39, Moskva, 1949 t L~. . . 29265 Zliniko-rentgenologlobsekiye osobennosti yazvy kardialinogo otdola zheludki. Voprosy onkologit i rentgonologii. No 1-2, 1949. a. 244-51 SO: Letopeif Zhurnalliwkh Statey, Vol. 39, Moskva, 1949 it -- X, v/v I I Isyukhno, Z. 1. 0 Lyechyenil Gipofiz,,rnoy Gipyertionil 1, *1 Ghastncsti, cl- yezni Kushinga. Vrnchyeb byelo, 1949t No. 91 ~;T3. 787-92 12. I-11yeditsinskaya lfikroticlogiya, Innuiclogiya F~irazitclcgiya InfyektsionnTle "I Bulyezni EpIdyemiologiya A.Myeditsinskaya !-likrolAclci7iyav Tmr-wnolc.~iyai Parazitcloglya Epidypmiologiya SC: UTCFIS NO. 38 LITIN, Ta.1r.;R0ZAMAUZ, D.Ts. Roontgonotherapy of disseminated laryngeal cancer* feet* otorinalar., Moskva 14 no. 3:62-66 MjW-Juns 1952. (CLML 22:4) 1. Docents. 2. Of the Ukrainian Roentgen-Radiological Oncologic&l Institute (DArector Docent To. A. Baslov). Kharlkov. Ta.l.; ROZIN"UZ, D.Te. Clinical aspects and roentganotherapy of malignant twoors of the nasopbarynx. Vast. otorinolar., Hookya, 15 no. 1:45-* Jan-79b 1953. (CIML 24:1) 1. Docents. 2. Of the Ukrainian Roentgen - Ra4lological and Oncolog- ical Institute (Director - Docent To. A. BazIOT) and of the Clinic for Diseases of the Jkr, Throat, and Nose (Head -- Prof. A. M. Watanson), Kha 11cov Medical Institute. Zi- ROZANGAUZ. D.Ye., doteent; ISVINO Ya.1.0 doteent. -Mw"Mrv-"~ I- , Clinical aspect of malignant tumors of palatine tonsils iind I-ray therapy. Vest.oto-rin. 15 no.5:59-64 S-0 '53. (HIaA 6:11) 1. Ukrainstly tseutrallnvy rentgano-radiologichesiciv i onkologichaskiy Insti- tut. (Tonsils-Tumore) (X-rays-Therapeutic use) -EEEI;WTA- MEDICA-Sec-1 I Vol 9/1 Q.R-.L-. - - - - Jan - -56- 69. LEVIN Ya. F.. IROZENGAUZ D. E. and YANKELEVITCH M. E. %led. Inst.. j fKharkoff. *Effectiveness of roentgen therapy and teleradiun i therapy in laryngeal cancer after preventive dissection of afferent vessels (Russian text) VESTN.OTO-RINO-LARING. 1955.2 (51-55) Tables I All 3patients treated by this combined treatment In the first stage of the disease were free of recurrences for 13 to 22 months. Of 20 patients treated in the 2nd stage 16 were free of recurrences (5 observed for I yr. , 4 for 2 and 5 for 3 yr. Of 16 patients treated In stale fit. 5werstreeof recurrences (3 observed for I yr., I for more than I r. and I or 3.5 yr. ). Of 10 patients treated In stage IV only I remained cured lor 3.5 yr. In the treatment of laryngeal cancer radium seems to give better results than roentgen therapy. Korbler Zagreb (XI. S. 14. 16) ISVIN, Ta.7.,dotsont; ROZANGAUZ, D.Ye.,dotsent; TANKIMICH, X.Te.,doteent. On the paper by T.M. glopikova-Troitskmia 00n radiotherap7 of laryngeal cancer with a preliminary ligation of afferent veoselss Vest. rdut 1, raA. no.6:74-~5 N-D 155. (KUU 9t4) 1. Is Ukrainskogo rentgano-radiologichookogo I onkologichookogo instituta (dir.Doteent Ye.A.Batlov) (LARYNX, neoplasms ther., radiother.. with preliminary ligation of afferent blood vessels) (R&DIOTHIRAPT, in various die. cancer of larynx, preliminary ligation of afferent blood vessels) LAVIN, Ya.F., doteent; R02MIGAUZ, D.Ye.. doteant: YANKXWICH, X.Ye.. uumnt Effectiveness of roantgenotharapy and of teler&dium, therapy of laryntreal cancer following section of supplying vessels. Vest. oto-rin. 17 no.2251-55 Hr-AP #55. OaRA 8:7) 1. 1z Ukm1nskogo rentgeno-radiologichaskogo t onkologichookogo instituta i kliniki bolezney ukha, gorla I nosa (zav. prof. A.Y. Natanzon) Xharlkovskoeo meditsinskogo instituta6 (LARM. neoplasms, ther., x-ray & radium after arterial section) (RADIOTHMRAFT, in various diseases, cancer of larynx, after arterial section) (RADIUM, therapeutic use, cancer of larywc, after arterial section) ISVIS, Ya.Y., dots; ROZENGAUZ, D.Ye., dots. Precawerous state In otolaryngology. Trach.delo suoplement 157:58 (MIRA 11:1) 1. Marlkovskly institut meditsinakey rndiologii I klinika bolesney ukha, gorla I nosa (zav.-prof. A.H.NAtanzon) IhRrlkuvskogo maditainakogo inatituta. (CANCER) ROZENGAUZ, D.Ye., dotaent; LEVIN, Ya.P.9 doteent Effootiveness of radiation treatment of laryngual cancer in relation to the stage of the diseases Zhure ushe, non. i gorl. bol. 21 no.3: 6647 My-Je 161. (MIRA 14z6) 1. 1z KharIkovskogo institute, meditsinskoy radiologii i otorinolo- ringichookoy kliniki Xhartkovskogo meditsinskogo inatituta. (LARDa-CANCER) (X RAYS-THOULWIG USE)- LIMI Ya.F.; CHMMVSKAYA, A.P. Use of telegamma therapy in malignant bone tumors. Med.rad. no.5s 41-46 161. (MIM 14,11) 1* Iz rentgenc7skogo otdola Khartkorrakogo instituta, meditsinskoy radiolo il. IBOMM--CANCER) (GAMKA RAYS-THERAMTIC USE) L,EVIN Ya.F,,- TSYUKHNO, Z.I. Method for the X-ray therapy of Itsenko-Cushingle disease and its late results. Trudy Ukr.nauch.-isal.inat.ekaper.endok. 18:265-271 161. (MIRA 16:1) (CUSHING SYNDROME) (X RAYS-THFAAPEUTIC ISE) Ra=GAUZ, D&Y&., fttsent; LEM, Ya.P., dotsent Primary ma-Uple malignant tumors with a lesion of the otorhino- laryugologibal organs* Vmreush.,nos.i gorlbol. 22 no.4t65-67 JI-19 162. (MIRA 102) 1, Is kafedry bolezney ukha,, gorla i nosa (save - dotsent D.Yee Rompus) Khartkovelcogo meditsinskogo instituta i rentgoinovskogo otdoloniya Nav. - dotsent Ya.F. Levin) Miarlkovakogo inatituta meditainskoy radiologil. (CANGM) (OTOMMOIARYNGOU)GY) LEVDI, Ya.F., dotsentl ROZEIGAUZ, D.Yeep dotaent Melanoma of the otorhinolaryngological organa.Zhur uah*p nos.i gorlebol. 23 mo*3228-33 My-Je'63- iMIRA 16:7) 1. Iz rgntgenologicheekogo otdalenlya (zav.-doteent Yajelsvin) Khartkovskogo instituta mediteinakoy radiologii i kliniki bo- lezney gorla, ukha i noaa (zav.-dotsent D.Ye.lRozongaus) Xharl- kovskogo(meditainllkogo inatituta. MEWC14A) (OTORHBOIAfMIGOLM) 'N' ROZENGALTZ, D.1a., dctcnnt; LEVIN, ya,. dotment Caan of a primary mult P1#1 lu=cr, Zhur. uO.*, roA* J gor, bol 24 rit-1.109 164. (rN(A 180) J. 1z Khartkovokogo Instituta m-dit,piInskoy roidlologil (dlr. - dotoipmt V.I. Sbantyrl). LEVIN, Ya K. karxi.tekhn.nauk (r.Nevocherkassk) Use of filtration waters in the zone of irrigation canals for water suPply purposes. Gidr. I mel. 14 no.1;41-48 Ja '62. (MIRA 15-1) (Irrigation canals and flumes) (Water supply) LEVIN, Ya.K., kand. tekhn. nauk Dynamics of freshwater under irrigation canals. Trudy VNIIGiK 420-19 163. (MIRA 17t6) t LEVIN, Ya.K., kand. tekhn. nauk Da=ing of flowing artesian wells. GJdr. i mel. 16 no.7:55-58 J1 164. (.141R.A 17:11) 1. Yuzhnyy nauchno-issledovateliskiy institut gidrotekhniki i melloratsil. ~ LEVINP-ya.K. __. Overlap of flowing artesian wells not equipped w!tli !-rlr va,L-iun. Razved. I okh. nedr 30 no.1005-57 0 'At. I I tKMA MD.) 1. Yuzhnyy nauchno-lesledovatellEkiy in5titut gldrot-lehn!ki i melioratsil, LIVIV, YA.L. Improving preparations for ship repairs. Rach.transp. 15 no.8: 7-9 Ag 156. OMU 9: 11) 1. Zamastitell nachallniks Tekhupravlenlyu Mnistaretya rechno- go flota. (Ships-Naintenance and repair) ISVIN, Ta.L. --"Woornwdustries of the Ministry of the River Fleet during 40 years. Rech.tranop. 16 no.11:38-39 N 157. (MIRA 10:12) 1. Zamestitell nachalinika Tekhnichookogo upraylaniya Ministerstya roohnogo flota. (Ships-Maintennnee and repair) LEVIN, Ya.L.j ABDURAKHMANCIV, T.R. Effect of Lagoohilus Ise infusions on the heart In frogs. FamA tokso 23 no#48347-348 J:L-Ag 160. (MIRA 1493) 1. Kafedra farmakologii (zav. - prof. I.E.Akopov) Kubanskogo medit- sinskogo instituta imeni Krasnoy Armii. (MART) (lAriDGHILUS) 61361 %2510 sov/io6-59-9-10/13 AUTHORt Levin TI7LZ: 69-sign Pormulae for the 8tabilisation-Circuit for the Output 91tage of a Semiconductor Triode~5Ultra-Lov Frequency Amplifier.,~5 (Short Uo_m_m_u_n_I_ca~ion) PHRIODICALs Ilektrosvyaz'q 19599 Nr 99 pp 75-77 (USSR) ABSTRACTs The author develops formulae for calculating the values of the elements of a series-parallel circuit (Figs 1 and 2) for stabilising against temperature change; one element is a thermistor. The design procedure is described. The initial data is3 A. The transistor stage circuitt developed and satisfactory at room temperature, with a simple divider in the base circuit. B. The temperature range (T T IX; To being the mean temperature) over ;t'ich thoe circuit is to be stabilised. G. The constants C = 2 mV/degree and B. B is a constant for the thermistor) the resistance of which is given by B Card Rm exp -7 (2) 1/3 1. The points of complete compensation (To, Tj and T2) are first determined from Eq (8) and the values of 67381 sov/106-59-9-10/13 Design Formulae for the Stabllisation-Gircuit for the Output Stage of a Semiconductor Triodeq Ultra-Low Prequcney Amplifier m and n (Bqs (13) and (14)) are found from exponential tables. (The formulas are based on the Cheby3hev polynomial (x3 - 3/4x) which ives the best approximation to zero over the interval � 11. 2, By substitution of the above values iu Eq (17)) the value of Rlmo can be calculated~ (RSmo is the combined resistance at To of the thermistor and the resistance Rw connected across it). 3. From Eq (16) can be found the value of FINO (thermistor resistanco at temperature To) and from Eq (15) the value of the shunt resistance RW, 1+. Knowing that U = U - C (T - TrIom) the series resistance, value Ra claonote founaofrom q (W. 5. Since the value of the thermistor is given at temperature T = 293 OX, so Card e%p fB(To - 293)1 (19) 2/3 HT 293 = RMO L To 293 Fig 3 shows experimental results. 67391 SOV/106-59-9-10/13 Design Formulae for the Stabilisation-Circuit for the Output Stage of a Semiconductor Triode, Ultra-Low Frequency Amplifier There are 3 figures and 5 references, of which 1 is English2 1 is German and 3 are Soviet. b~l SUBMITTED: February 7, 1959 Card 3/3 p i LEVIN, Ya.M. Structui~l changes of the pulmionary vessels In ex-perimenta: ductus arteriosiis in dogs. Ekap. khir. i anest. 7 no.6:23-29 N-D 162. (!CiuA 17. ll-j'~ 1. 1z otdela eksperimentallnoy biologii I patologil (zav. - prof, IA, Yesipava) In3tituta eksperiizentallnoy biologil i meditainy (dir. prof. Ye.N. Meshalkin). -IZVIN, YaM,- Concerning the temperature stability of transistor circuits. Elektrosvias' 15 no*10*.70-71 0 161, (KIRA 14:10) (Transistor circuits) LEVIN, Ya.M. Experimental reversible model of hypervolemia of the lesser circulation. Eksper. khir. 5 no. 5sl7-22 160. (MIRA 14:1) (BLOOD VOLUME) (HYPERTENSION) - T, 36719-65 I ACCESSION NR: AP50044Z4 5/0108/65/020/001/0057/006Z AUTHOR., Lay Un_Laj.M*__ TITLE: Generalized d-c supply circuit for a transistorized stage SOURCE: Radiotekhnika, v. 20. no. 1. 1965. 57-62 TOPIC TAGS: amplifier. transistorized amplifier. dc supply ABSTRACT: Shortcomings of the known methods for evaluating the transistorized- stage stability are listed; among thzse are; (a) no comparison of ntabilizing ciicuits an the basis of their power consunVticm in possible #~nd (W the stability criteria K. So which are derived from the stabilization factor S do not take into account the voltage Ueb. The classical generalized d-c circuit suggested by K. V. -&, --nor.- -1-19TY&Y in. tuivaient-r-esiurancem of emitterv base, "d collector circuits, equivalent sources In the base and collector circuits, -and alro, a lose resistance which parmite comparing various Xard 1/2. A im H Ii Y5' -1- ITO 'M 36719-65 ACCESSION NR: AP50044Z4 supply circuits on the basis of their power consumpt'Aon. Ten variants of the transist rized stage are tabulated, and formulas connecting them with the generalized circuit are writtun. Orig. art. has: 3 figures, 14 formulas, and I table. ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITTED: l5Oct6Z ENCL: 00 NO REF SOV: 005 OTHER: 003 SU13 CODE: Er, 137-58-4-8593 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, hietallurgiya, 1958, Nr 4, p 324 (USSR) AUTHORS. Zamoruyev, G.M., Levin, Ya.N._ TITLE: The Use of Raciioactive Phosphorus in the Itivestigation of the Transfer of -Metal in the Wear of Steel (Primeneniye radio- aktivnogo fosfora dlya issledovaniya perekhoda veshchestva pri iznashivanii stali) PERIODICAL: V sb.: Primeneniye radioaktivn. izotopov v chernoy metal- lurgii. Chelyabinsk, Knigoizdat, 1957, pp 202-213 ABSTRACT: The degree of transfer of metal (TM) from one steel body to another during wear is studied in relation to the type of wear. p3? was employed as the TM tracer. It was introduced into the steel under investigation during the casting of the specimens. Addition was in the amount of 0.001% of the metal. TM was studied on a MI-type friction machine in which one of the speci- mens in the rubbing couple was radioactive. The types of wear studied included those due to surface creep, pitting, abrasion, scratching, and oxidation. The TM from one rubbing body to the other differs with different forms of wear, and the intensity of the T'11,1 is not directly related to the intensity of the destruc- Card 1/1 tion of the. surface due to wear. N. G. 1, St,ee1--Abrasion--'J'est results 2. Pho-1phorlis isotope-- (Rar-11oactive) --Applications LEV W. Ya.N. Car experience in the organization of technical education. Politakh. obuch. no.2:24-30 P '58. (MIRA 11:1) I.Direktor aredney shkoly No. 61 go. Ufy. (Technical education) IZVIN, U.N.; IVANTSOV, G.I. DOtermining the relation of interphase energies In the system copper - iron. Fiz. met. i metal-loved. 16 no.4:535-539 0 163. 1. Magnitogorskiy gorno-metallurgicheakiy institut. (MIRA 16:12) NE, - =N,_ Ya. S. MM/Chemistry - Hydrocarbon oxidation Card 1/1 1 Pub. 147 - 4/21 Autbors I loffe, 1. 1.; _LeviR,,,,_Ya. S.; Sokolova, E. V.; Kronich, I. G.; and Shirokova, N. ';-- Title Study of the kinetics. and mechanism of vapor-phase incompleted oxidation.of benzene with molecular oxygen Ferlodleal t Zhur. fiz. khim. 8,, 1386-1394, Aug 1954 Abstract The kinetics of benzene oxidation with molecular 0, was Investigated at high hydrocarbon concentrations and relatively low temperatures and pressures. It was found that the kinetics of oxidatJon reaction corresponds to the kinetics of a degenerated explosion. The relation between the rate of reaction, benzene:oxygen ratio and.portial 0- ------- PA-essure-,~--was-establlshed-,F-The-inhibiting-e"e,otl-of--the-quartz-sur-- face on the volumetric reaction of benzene oxidation, is discussed. -.-.Six references: 2-USSR and 4-English (1929~1950). Tables; praphs drawinas. Institution i The K.-E. Vorashilov Scientific Research Institute if Organ. Semi- Products and Dyes Submitted July 3o 1953 UM/Chomietry Hydrocarbon oxidation Pub.-147 - 5/21 Autbori I Ioffe, I. I.; Levin, Ya. S.; and Kronich, I. G. Title i Induction of the reaction of bentens oxidation PdtlOdlc&l I Zhur.-fiz. khIm. 8, 1395-1398, Aug 1954 __-Abstmat -The-inductive effect of- hydrocarbons other-than benzene on the oxida- tion of benzene, was investigated. The principle problems of Induc- tion and the circle of compounds found to be most suitable for such induction, are listed. The intensity of benzene oxidation was esti- mated by the amount of phenol formed as a product of oxidation. The effect of adding ozone to the reaction mixture# is described. Five referenceas 2-USSRI 1-USA and I-English (1940-1954). Tables; draw- ing. Institution The K. E. Voroshilov Institute of Organic Semi-Producto and Dyea, Moscow Submitted July 25, 1953 5(4.) SOV/76-33-4-18/32 AUTHORS: loffe, 1. 1., Levin, Ya. S., Kronich, I. G. TITLE: Investigations in the Field of the Kinetica and the Mechanina of the Vapor Phase Oxidation of Aromatic Hydrocarbons (Issledo- vaniya v oblasti kinetiki i mekhanizma parofaznogo okisleniya aromaticheakikh uglovodoro4ov). VII. The -Effect of Water Vapor on the Thermal Oxidation of Benzene 1*6, Molecular Oxygen (VII. Vliyaniye vodyanogo parn na termicheakoye okisleniye benzola molakulyarnym kislorodom) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal fizicheskoy khimii#1959, Vol 33, ITr 4,PP 663-860 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The investigations of benzene oxidation with an oxygen water vapor -mixture mere carried out in an apparatus and according to the method of the work reported in reference 2. The water vapor (WV) was introduced into the quartz reactor (volume of 50 or 100 ml) by an automaticallyoperatinG portioner. In order to examine the specific influence exqrcised by (WV) par investigations were carried out with oxygen-nitro.-on mixtures (Table 1). It was found that in the mixtures with (WV) (under the same conditions) a phenol (I) yield which is by 2Cr,*4 hiEh- er is obtained. With riainj temperature the yield in (1) in ,* An increase of the reduced (with and without (17V), Table 2) Card 1/2 reactor volume gives the save yield of (1) at the came de,---ee f SOV/76-33-4-19/32 investigations in the Field of the Kinotic3 and the Pechanipm of t'.,.,e Vapor Phase Oxidation of Aromatic !!ydrocarbone. VII. The Effect of Water Vapor on the Thermal Oxidation of 'Benzene b7,,. Molecular Oxyj;en of conversion of benzene at a simultaneous tonperature decrease and a prolonged roaction tiLe (Table 3). The reduction of the ratio benzone/ox;rgen in the roaction mixture leads to an c--:- tension of the process of complete combustion (Table ;). A-1 increase of the relative amoDnt of the (717) addel leads to the general conversion of benzene anj inc.-eases the yield in (I) (Table 5 for experiments at 725 in a 50 ml reactor). The positive influence exercised %r ('.TV) on th-c yioid in (1) is explained from a point of view already described by way of benzene oxidation (Rof 41. Thtire are 1 fi,-ure, 5 ta)Ies, and 4 references, 3 of which &~-- so-,riot. ASSOCIATION: Institut organicheakikh poluprolu!~.tov i krasiteley iL:. K. Yo. Voroshilova (Institute of Crg qic Semi-Products and Dyes imeni F., Yo, Voroohilov) SUBMITTED: September 25, 1957 Card 2/2 Wnl, U.S.; IVANCR, I.S., red.1 MDROZOVA, M.K., rod.1 SMCHEM, GA., (ORWA- home" aftHmOp is forola oewdzioal Zormwborocb3W* kwmb&W T umbeztaWkb strazakh, Moskva.. Vses,im-t saWn. i tekbutimformateUp 1960, IU p. OM 1515) (Hameting maohinery) rO VD, T-T, AIN Sj Ile oil All %I jr ; la. IOFFE, I.I.; DOBROVOLISKIY, S., - - INJV Ya.S.1 GRIM R.M. KAMBUITM, V.A,j KRONICH,'';SOK6WfA# Yieve Simila ity of reactiona.catalyzed by liquid and solid acids, Probl. ki~.-'i kat. lOt294-297 t6O. (3(IRA 14:5) 1. 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Pirogova i Ksucbno-iseledova- tellskogo instituta eksperimentallnoy khirurgichookoy appera- tury i instrumentov (dir. M.G. Ananlyev), (IARYM-TUMCIRS) (BIOPSY-EQUMEOT AND SUPPLIES) N KISHCHANIXOT. B.N.; STUGOV. I.I.; LIVI B081NO. X-?-; KUZ'MIN, V.A. I 0v Now mthod Of 61091ting and pouring oxidising alloys. Prom. energ. 12 no.3t25 Kr 057. (KrZA IOW (A118YO (smiting) M: LEVINV Ye., inzh. Equipsont for the mechani2ation. of loading and unloading work. -SOV. torg. 36 no.907-40 S 163. 04IRA 16:10) 1. Vaesoyuznyy nauchno-issladovatallskiy i eksperimntallno-konstriak- torskiy institut torgovogo mashinontroyaniya. GOIA)VIIFV; 0S., UNKIN, A.; ~k,71N,~ Y~e.-, 14,Y)INp D4 Vae of Infrared rays* Zhii. stroi& no#%Z8 165. KRA ISM) MIKHELISON, L.A.; -LYVIll-A,--je.A. New foreign drugB. Medo Proms 13 no.8:64 Ag 159. (MIRA 13:8) (DRUGS)