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e - oi f
AUT11O:'S Ebln, L. Yj,. -;~i, D(,r- t (. r
Tech nical Scionc, vu, Candid~ It e C: f Tec-i-.)"
Sciences, Zhulin, 1.1'. T., En,,ir.e~r
TITLE: St,,.nd a rd S~et-i onn t'~, v Ec,-,noz- ic C'~,r D,~~nL; i
(Normy na piotnoot:
PERIODICAL: Ele1-tric.,-.oo'.vo, 191-1, **,r 11, pp 83 - 64
ABSTRACT: This is a co-i-.-.c:-.t on --ticle bY P.'~. Gr%Jinc::~y
and in Nr
~::'tion of
This Lrticle j;i-,rer' a
of det-r.-.,ininj --tardar(I., of a-,.
deno-ity with 7~ufricient luo-1,1fty. D-
wor!:, liowever, ~re dizp-~c~ arvl rc-1.;-,-J;re a
sutotantiL~tion. In thir com--.ent it t:.
fact t*'at tl~e of T vi:' r h " cn'~; tt: r,--11 i n
Pori od Iactu--ily .--ts vr~lly -little i~~fI,- r-,c t'.C*
cholce of con'~-lz. tor ol A -;I' v~l W--".
Card 1/3 period c,.-en within vide limit.-, r1loor; rr)" not-icc-bly
affect the limits of oconomiic opor,.tion. of con",,i-tors
Standard Sp~.cificatior,z
,alth adjal--ont
by thc~ authoro ("f artielc r,-. -~t f,atiir'A 4.:. a
man'-,r. L. '! 6 to 'he api'l tc,
pla-minU. It !u conside--e,,! to be u
frum a rcntiiiurj~;-
If, hcmev~--r, a d-J'2,--oA-lMuOu!;
more correct to concf~c--' of
oize. T-e --alculations 'Lt-An a !C-LrlL-
of vxcur.-'Ll-ly if i~- t'.e
4',ie r~,, re 0 G f 14
ia i*' i c i1 -ir _,O rj~
d f r e Lly z*~tt-d volh, e.,; ev)-ildl b(--
demo-,A.ating t*,-,-,t t-,,! linil-c of econo-i,~ llt).d
of irAividu,-A to th~? c14L --,,.i-c
- -1- '-,- - f-, -,,or of 1.5 - 2 are T-.-e
Ma-Y V'l Oj
-ire 2
f-eiires ani Soviet references.
Card 2/3
Standard Specifications for Econonic Current De.izities SOV/Io'-Ii8-11-19/2e
ASSOCIATION: Vsecoyuznyy nauchno-icoledovatellskiy institut elektri-
fil:atsii sellskoGo khozyaystva (All-Union Scientific
Research Institute for the Electrification of
Card 3/3
ZULI, N.M.. kand. tekbn. nauk,;. 1~111. M.S.._Jmnd. tekbn. nauk.
Sectionalization of rural electric networks. 9*hA elek.sote.sellkhos.
16 no.5:33-36 158. (MRA 11111)
1. VeasoyuzWy nauchno-iseledovatellskiy Institut elaktrifikatsti
sell Bkogo khozyaystva.
(Ilootric power distribution) (Bural electrification)
IBIN, L~Te, doktor tekhn,nauk; ISVIN. H.S., kaaA.tekhn.nauk; ZHULIN M.T.
loonomical loads for agricultural overhead lines of 6-10 kilovolts.
Dokle Akad. sellkhos, 23 no.3t45-48 158. (MIRL 11t4)
l.Vassoyuznyy nauchno-iseledovateliskiy institut alektrifikatsil
sel'skogo khozyayetva, Predstavlena, akademikom I.A. Sudsko.
(Blectric power distribution)
SIRGOTANTSIT. T.T.. kand.takhn.nauk; TURASOV. I.T., kand.takhn.nauk;
ALULM, Sh.M., kand.tekhn.nauk; ANIMIANOT, T.N.. doktor tekhn.
nauk; ASTAIFITICT, N.H.. kand.takhn.nauk; BUDZKO, I.A.. akedemik;
BTMITSKIT, D.N., kand.tekhn.nauk; YITALIS. B.5.. kand.tekhn.
nauk; GIRSHBIRG, T.T., insh.; ORMUT. TeX. Inzh.; GRI-
CHUSKIT, E.Th., Inzh.; ZAKHARIN, A.G.. doktor tekhn.nauko.
ZLATKOYMaT, A.P., kand.takhn.nauk; IOSIPYAN, S.G., Insh.;
ITSKOVICH, A.M., doteent; IAUMN, B.X.. Insh.; IYITKO. N.H..
insh.; KORSHUNOY, A.?.. kond.takhn.nauk;
LOBANOT, T.N., dotoent; LITTINMO, A.F.. Inzh.; KEDOUT,
G.F., insh.; PIRKIIAYKA, P.Ta.. kand.takhn.nauk; PRMIKOYA,
M.I.. kand.takhn.nauk; SMIRHOY, B.T., kand.takhn.neuk; FATTU-
SHWO, S.G., Inzh.; KHODNEY, T.T., Insh.; SHCHATS, Te.L.,
kand.takhn.nauk; NBIN, L.Te., doktor takhn.nouk; INTIII, I.A.,
kand.tekhn.nauk; SILIN, Y.S., red.; SMTANSKIT, V.A., red.;
[Handbook pertaining to the production and distribution of
electricity in agriculture] Spravochnik po proizvodstvu I
raspredeldniiu elektricheekoi energii v sel'skom khozisistva.
Moskva, Goe.izd-vo aellkhoz.lit-ry, 1959. 900 p. (MIRA 13:2)
l.Teesoyuznaya akademi a sellskokhosyaystvennykh nauk imeni
T.I.Lenina (for Buds ~.
(Rural electrification)
AUTHORS: Prof. LOD. Ebin (Doctor of Technical Sciences), Levin M.S.
and Yakobs A.I., (Candidates of Technical Scienc-631--
TITLE: A Scale of Standard Capacitor Ratings for Series
Compensation of Rural Transmission Lines (Shkala
nominalinykh parametrov kondensatorov dlya prodollnoy
kompensatsii sellskikh setey)
PERIODICAL: Vestnik Elektropromyshlennosti91959vNr 4tpp 55-60(USSR)
ABSTRACT: Series compensation of rural transmission lines Is being
tried out in the Moscow and Leningrad obl"tus. It Is a
hindrance to the general introduotion or series compen.-
sation of rural lines that no suitable range of standard
capacitors is available. This mathematical article sets
out to suggest a rational range of capacitor ratings and
rated voltages for series compensation of raral lines.
Expressions are given for the permissible voltage overload
of capacitors and for the minimum reactive power required
for series compensation. In practice, in most cases, the
reactive power required lies between 0.1 and 0025 of the
Power transmitted by the system. Usually the capacitance
Card 1/3 required does not correspond to available standard values
of capacitors and a number of capacitors must be
A Scale of Standard Capacitor Ratings for Series Compensation of
Rural Transmission Lines
connected in series, (as the rated current of rural lines
does not u3ually exceed 60A there is usually no question
of paralleL or series-parallel connection of capacitors).
Not only a?e there differences between the rated currents
of lines aid capacitors but also limitations in the range
of capacitor ratings available make it necessary to use
larger capi.citance than is usually called for. The
economic e.-"fect of having a continually variable series
of capacitors is then considered and then the limitations
introduced by having only a limited number of sizes are
examined. It is considered that there should be either
three or ftQr sizes of capacitor in the range, and for
10 V circitits a range of 509 35 and 20 WAR is to be
preferred. The rated voltage of series capacitors is
Card 2/3 then brief.y considered and it is recommended that
capacitors intended for series compensation in rural
A Scale of Standard Capacitor Ratings for Series Compensation of
Rural Transmission Lines
lines of 6 - 20 V should be made for a rated voltage of
600 V whilst capacitors for systems of 35 W should be
Card 3/3 made for a rated voltage of 1.0 W.
There are 5 figures, 1 table and 4 Soviet references.
SUBMITTED: May 22, 1958
AM M.S., keLnd.tekhn.u&uk, SHULN, M-?-, kand-tekhu.nauk
Increasing the cilculated distance between poles for rural oTerhead
steel aluminum llues. lauch. trudy VINSKR 4:304-315 139.
NIR& 13:11)
IIBIN, L.Te., doktor tekhno nauk, prof.-,-I"i , MoSe, kandletekhn,nauk
Bblooting the ftre pup for rural overhead lines and replacing
conductors in connection with increased demands. Rauch. trudy
VIXSKH 6:229-253 159. (KERA 13:12 )
(Ilectric lines-Overhead)
(Rural electkification)
L.Ye,, doktor tekhnonaaks, UWIN, H.S., kand-
mmair, N.M., insh.; ZBIN9 T_. W.7 Tn-z b
tekhn.nauke ZUL', N.M., kand.tekhn.naaks SOLITSET#
KORSEUNOV, A.P., inshe
41 ad networks*
e~jj y tbj1m V~f ~~ig ~n 6 and 10 kv, over
1. UGPI "Tyashpromelektroproyekt* (for Feiormark)e 2# TOOSOnSW
nauchno-jealedavatellskly institut slaktrifikateit sel'skogo khosray-
stva (for Sbin, Levin, 2411). 3. Giproselielektro (for Solntsev,
(Electric power distribution)
(Electric currents--Grounding)
LISTOT, P.M., prof., doktor tekhn.nauk; GANILIN, A.M.; GRICHKYSKIY, E.Ye.;
-L3T1N,.,X.3.0; NURADTAN. A.Te.; MATIN. R.K.; TAKCBS, A.I.;
IWINA, G.A., red.; TCM. A.M..
[111sotrician for rural electric power systems] Blektromonter
sellskoi elektrifiketsit. Pod red. P.U.Listova, Koakva, Toes.
uchabno-podagog.izd-vo Proftakhisdat, 1960. (MIRA 13:5)
1. Chlon-korrespondent Teesoynsnoy sizdamil sell skokhos.nouk
(TASKhMIL) (for Listov).
(Illootriciane-Handbooks, manuals, etc.)
(Blectrlolty in agriculture)
Using electronic calculating machines for analyzing rural electric
networks. Hekh. i eleksooto. sellkhoz. 19 no.2t59-6r 161.
(MIRA 14:3)
(Zleatria network analyzers)
LEVIN Me kand.tokhn.naukj MMYAN, A.Ye.0 kand.takhn.nauk; STOLYAROV,
inzh,; KHOTLASHOVp E.N.0 ijuh.
Electric and economic calculations of rural networko with
electronic calculating siohines. Mekh.i slak.sote.sellkhoz. 19
w*3t45-49 161. (MIRA 14:10)
I& Yeasoyuznyy nauchno-isole6vatel'okiy inetitut elektrifikataii
oel'skogo khozyayotva (for Levin, MmvAyan).
(Electronic calculating machinee)
(Electricity in agriculture)
ISVIN, M.S., kand.takhn.nauk (Moskva)
Problems concerning criteria for the quality of autonatic
regulation of the operation of electric power systeriB.
Elektriebestvo no.4!91,-92 Ap '62. (MlRA 15:5)
(Electric power distribution)
EBIN, L.Ye., doktor tekhn.nauk; ZUL', N.M., kand.tekhn.naukl; LEV
kand.tekhn.nauk; YAKOBS, ;%.I., kand.tekYn.nauk; Z ri, Y.T.,
kand.tekhn.nauk; IL1ICFEV, FoV*j inzb.-. KUZNr-TSOV, V.I., lnzh.
Concerning A.P.Korshunov's article "Efficient design of 6 to 10 kv.
rural electric power transmission lines." Elek. sta. 32 no.12:
78-83 D '61. WRA 15:1)
(Rural electrification) (Electric power distribution)
(Korshunov, A.P.)
EBIN, L.Ye.., dcktor takhn.nauk; LEVIN, M.S.$--kand.tekhn.nauk; ZHULIN,
M.T., kand.tekhn.nauk
Mechanical design of steel-reinforced aluminum wires with small
cross section. Nauch. trudy VIESKH 709-115 160. (MIRA 15:8)
(Electric lines)
IXVINq M.S., kand.tekhn.nauk (Moskva)
Calculation of electric power distribution networks using the
*Minsk" electronic digital computer. Elektrichestvo no.4tl-5
Ap 163. (Electric power distribution) (MM 1615)
(Electronic digital computers)
(Electric vitworks)
IZVINj M.S., kand.takhn.nauk
doe of electronic computers in calculating rural electric powr
distribution networks, Mauch. trudy VIESXH ns185-2D4 162.
(KRA 16:3)
(Elootrio power distribution) (Rural electrification)
BUDZKO, Igor' Alsksandrovichp doktor tekhn. nauk, prof,,skad.; ZAKHARIN,
Audrey Georgiyevlch, doktor tekhn. nauk; EBIN, Ley
Tefimovich, doktor tekhn.neuk, prof.; KANAXIN, H.S., inzh.;
LEVIN, H.S., kand. takhn. nauk; YAKOBB, A.I.v kand, tekhn.
-nauiLl UM75, U.S., inzh.; ZUL1, N.M., kand. tekbn. nauk;
POYARKOVt X.M., kand. tekhn. nauk; MURADYAN, A.Ye., kand.
tekhn. nauk; KRAUSP, V.R., kand. tekhn. nauk; SHATS, Ye.L.j
kand. tekhn. nauk; IOKHVIDOV, E.S., red.; BULIDYAYEV, N.A.,
tekhn. red.
[Rural electric poweir distribution networks] Sellskis elek-
tricheskie seti. Moskva, Gosenergoizdat, 1963. 262 p.
(MI RA 16:5)
1. Visesoyuznaya akademiya sellskokhozyaystvennykh nauk im.
V.I.Lenina (for Budzko).
(Baftl slootrifiastion) (Electric power distribution)
GANELIN, Alekeandr Moiseyey1ch TE iN,..5gm SnlomonQvich.. Prinimali
P.N., doktor tekhn. nauk, prof., red.; YZLININOVA, G.P.,
red.; TOKER, A.M., tekhn. red. I
(Handbook for the beginning electrician working in rural
electrification] Spravochnik molodogo mekhanika sellskoi elek-
trifikatail. Pod red. P.N.Listova. Moskva, Proftekhisdat,
1963. 464 P. (MIRA 16:8)
1. Chlen-korrespondent Vaesoyuznoy akademii sel'skokhosyay-
styennykh nauk im. V.I.Lenina (for Listov).
(Rural electrification-Handboolp, manuals, etc.)
I&VIN, O.S., kaW. tekhu, naukj SMETANICH, 'ra.S.,, kaW. fizik-mtematich.
nauk; MUHBLIT, I.B., inzh.; IMSTIGIMMA, L.P., inzhe
Economic evaluation of the configuration of a power distribution
network using an electronic digital computer. Blek. sta. 34 no.5:
51-54 MY 163- (MIM 16:7)
(FIlectria power-diotribution~
(21*eUvaa digital co*tbrs)
EBIN., L.Ye.p doktor tekha. nauk. prof. (Morkva); LEVIN M.S.J* kand.
tekhn. nauk (HoeYva) ' -
Technical and economic baslo for the reliability level of
overhead power distribution lines. Elaktrichestvo no,2:8-12
F 164. (MIRA 170-3)
BUNKn, I.A,, prof., doktor tekhn.natik, nkalemik, EBIN, L..Ye., prof.;
LEVIN, M.S., kand.takhn.nauk
"Principle3 of efficient rural electrification* bY V.K.Filt:gachev.
Reviewed by Vaskhnil and othera. Flektrichestvo no.4:95w-96
Ap 164. (MIIIA 1714)
1. Vsosoyuznaya akademiya se1takokhozyaystvennykh nauk Imini
LenInFj (for Budz)o).
AUTHORs Andrianov. V, Nei Budzko, Is Ael Venikov, V. Aol Demin, As Vol Gorodskiy
Do Ael Grudinakty, Pe Gel Zakharin, As Gel Krasnov, Ve Set Ievinj Me So Listov, ;.
Markovich, 1. Nei Hellnikov, No A.1 Nazarov, Go I.1 Razev1.91_,_D1._r.T91U* Be Vol
Stepanov, V, Nei Syromyatnikov, Is Ael Fedoseyev, As Hol Takobs, As Is
ORG: none
TITILs Doctor of technical sciences, Professor L. Too Ebin (on the occasion of his
60th birthday
SOURCEt Elektrichostvo, no. 6, 1965, 91
TOPIC TAGSi scientific personnel, electric notwork, lightning
ABSTRACT: Professor Lev Yefimovich Ebin, 60, graduated in 1928 from the
Kiyevskly elektrotekhnicheskiy Institut (Kfyev Electrotechnical Institute).
Between 1929 and 1936# he worked in the Donenergo system and published various,
original papers on lightning protection and grounding.devices. From 1936
EBIN works at the Vaesoyuznyy nauchno-iseledovatellskiy institut elektrifiket-,
sH seltakago khozyaystva (All-Union Scientific Research Institute for the
Electrification of Agriculture) where he heads a laboratory. 1n,1937, he
defended his candidate's dissertation and In 1951 his Ph. D..Thesie dealing
with studies of the nonsymmetrical operating conditions of electilcal net-
works and of stationary and nonstattonary alectro-thermal proce a In the
- . - I- % I - nate
L 2?592
country* Those works served for further development of the rural distribution
networks* He showed oonsiderabla interest in the problem of the raising of scion-
tific porsonnele Ebin was dooorated with "Znak pochota" and various nodalis Orige
art* hass 1 figuro'o LJ-PW
SUB CODE 1 09 SUBM DA79 t norm*
--- W--~
A necessary book. Zashch. rest. ot vred. i bol. 8 no.4t6l
Ap f63, (KMA 16s10)
lo Direktor Reepublikanskoy stanteii sashchity rusteniy.
(Plant diseases)
!-q organizatiem -f -tLe. plarst prot~,-tion
cemin.,) iii !~!:ronja. Ziuh---h. rast. ot, rr&4. i b-A. 7
' 6.) , (~,.'TIRA I K6)
1. Re.-iliAbIlA.scanskoy qtanto3ji zashnhity ra.-4,~--niy.,
Prot!c-fion of)
..... . ........ .
DIgentive capacity of pancreatin. DoklAN BSSR 2 no.10.*431-
433 N 158. (XIFA 12:8)
1. Predstavleno akademikom AN BSWI T.N*Oodnevym.
The technic of mnnufncturing dried Dhenolized nntirnbies vnccine.
Vop.virus. 3 no.1:49-50 Ja-F 158. (MIRA 11:4)
1. Belorusekly institut apidemiologil, mikrobiologii I gigiyeny,
(RABIES, prevention & control
dried phenolized vAccine, preo.ktochnic (Run)
Preparing developers without mercury chloride for electropboretic
examination of proteins on filter paper* Leb.dslo 4 no~'6;47
N-D 158 (MM 11:12)
1; Iz biokhimichea~my laboratorit (%Ave - kand.biolouauk K.Sh.
Levin) Kinskogo instituta epidemioloeii,, mikrobiologii I g1glyany;
4fluence of the composition,of VXL c*ulture medium and of the
age of the culture on the of live miciobes In dry BCO
vaccine. Zdrav. Belor. 5 no.2:17-19 7 159. (MIRA 12:7)
1. Peloruaskiy instiiut epidemiologit, mikrobiologii I giglyany.-
EDELISHTEYN-Illya Vladimirovicb; DUKHLIY,.VasiUy Alefii**Vtdq"~~q
14oisey Solomonovich; RYABENKO, A.I., red.; GULENKO, 0.1.
,, rj-,--rekhn. red.
(Financing and issuing credit to agricultural enterprises]
Finansirovanie i kreditovanie sellskokhoziaistvennykh pred-
priiatii. Kiev, Gossellkhozizdat USSR, 1962. 347 p.
(MIRA 16:2)
__J/ 11,/ /7 1,-
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 8, p 53 (USSR)
AUTHORS: Popov, R.B., Levin, M.V Munits, I.N.
TITLE: On the Prere ornation of Enterprise in the Alum-
inum Industry (0 predposylkakh avtomatizatsii predoriyatiy
alyuminiyevoy promyshlennosti)
PERIODICAL: Sb. materialov tekhn. inform. Gos. in-t po proyektir.
alyumin., magniyevykh i elektrodn. z-dov, 1957, Nr 1,
pp 36-38
ABSTRACT: An examination is made of the major conditions for automa-
tion of processes in the aluminum industry, namely, continuity
of the process, operational reliability and controllability of
the equipment, and good dynamic process characteristics. Ex-
amples are presented of the models and dimensions of plant
and equipment specified in plans and yet unsuited to the require-
ments of automation. The problem of the need to develop con-
trol attachments for unstable and readily crystallizing solutions
and pulps of alumina production is examined, also the need for
expanding investigations of the objects and methods of automa-
Card 1/2 tion, as well as introduction of special means of automation
SOV/ 137-58-8- 16625
On the Prerequisites for Automation of Enterprise (cont.)
meeting the operational needs under the conditions obtaining in the produc-
tion of aluminum and alumina.
V. Shch.
1. Aluminum industry--~WR 2.. Alurninun industry--Autmnation
Card 2/2
VOYTINSXIY# Ye.Ya. (Leningrad)l IEWDEV# O.M., (Leningrad); . LEU#,_ M.V.
(Leningrad); mixis, r.K. (Leningrad)
Graphic method for the periodic analysis of the measurement and
evaluation of encephalograms, Vop.psikhol. 9 no.2tl52-157 Mr-Ap
163. (KMk 16 W
LXVII, H.V.. inzhener.
Yinishing cellular
35 no.4136-37 AP
concrete wall panels and blocks. Strol. pros.
057- (MIRA 10:3)
(Bu;ldtnr, block@)
LND(. N.Y., Inith.; MYKDVA# T.A.
Autoclave-bardened porous concretes made with local Ural
materials. Trudy NIIZHB n0:8:129-135 159-
(KWA 13:4)
1. Sverdlovskly filial Yeasoyusnogo nauchno-issledovatel'skogo
instituts prowysblowWkb soorusbonly.
(Sverdlovsk Province--Lightweight concrete)
(Perm Province--Lightweight concrete)
LSVIN,,M.Y., inzh.
Causes of crack formations In foamed concrete panels and methods
for their sliminattoi. Trudy M1ZHB no.8.-151-157 059.
(MTRA 11t4)
1, Sverdlovskiy filial Yeasoyusnogo nauchno-lusledovutel'skogo,
institute. pronWohlennykh sooruzhonly.
(Concrete slabs) (Lightweight concrete)
ZOROVSKIT, Te.14.; LEVIN, g.V. # nauc
h4Y-y 80trudnik
Ing concrong a Precast viaduct using higb-strongth rapid barden-
too. Prom-stroi, 37 nOO3:38_41 Kr 59,
10 MavrW Inshener tresta Tuzhural m (HIRA 12:4)
Ubr",k1y). -igoledoatoletallurgstroy (for
2. Hanchno skiy institut prOmsdanty
I soor'"henly Akadenii stroltelletva &rkhitektury SSsR (for
(Precast concrete construction) (Viaducts)
Livni, A.v.; Y"in, N.A.; KM, F.A.; VASIYANOV., D.P.,
a--XUMW-SOVv A.L. tekhn. red.
e ;
[Teabnical specifications for manufacturing articles from
cellular concretes foamed fly ash concrete, breeze foamed
fly asb silicates and foamed clinker concrete] Tekbnicheskie
usloviia na izgotovlenie I.Welit. iz avtoklavnykh iacheistykh
betonov - penozolobotonap penozolosilikata i penoshlakobetonaj
proekt. Moskva., TSentr. biuro, tekhn. informatsiis 1959. 62 p.
(KLU 15:2)
1. Akademiya stroitelletva I arkUtektury SSSR.-Inotitut novykh
stroitelInykh materialovs otdolki i oborudovaniya zdaniy.
2. Ilauabno-isoledovatellskiy institut novykh stroitellnykh
materialov Akademii stroitelletva I arkhitaktury SSSR (for
Kudryasbov). 3. Usuchno-issledovatellskiy institut betona i
zhelezobstona (for Baranovq Rozenfelld). 4. Nauchno-iBoledova-
tol'skiy institut organizataiis mekhanizateii I tekbnichookoy
pomoshchi stroitellstvu Akademii stroitel'stva I arkhitektur7
SSSR (for Bordyug, D.Ya.). 5. Naucbno-iaeledovatel'skiy institut
prouWablenrgrkh zdaniy I. isooruzheniy (for Levin). 6. Zapadno-
SibirWd7 filial Akademii stroitelletva i arkhitektury S= (for
Kalnina), 7, Ural'okiy filial Akademii stroitellstva I, arkhitek-
aacm Vrn-r
MIN 14J.
Effectiveness of two-otage beating in the manufacture of air-entrained
slag ash silicate olabo. Bet. i zhol.-bet. 9 no. 5!199-201 My l62.
(14IM 15:6)
1. Rukavoditell laboratorii tekhnologii avtoklavnykh izdeliy
Sverdlovoko o nauchno-iooledavatel okogo institute, po stroitel'stvu.
ISand-lixe products) (Lightweight concrete)
. . . . . . . " - - -, _. - . - _. -.-- - .~L.A, '-
ACdESSION NR: AT4042303 8/0000/63/003/000/0263/0270
AUTHOR: Avatreykh, 0. A., M. V. Levin, Lyandres, M. B., Timoleyev, V. V.
TITLE: Electromagnetic DC pump for pumping metal in the system for cooling electro-
lyzer elements
SOURCE: Soveshchaniyo po teoreticheskoy I prikladnoy magnitnoy gidrodinamike, 3d,
'Riga, 1962. Voprosy* magnitnoy gidrodinamiki (Problems in magnetic hydrodynamics);
doklady* soveshchanlya, v. 3. Riga, Izd-vo AN LatSSR, 1963, 263-270
TOPIC TAGS! direct current pump. electromagnetic pump, liquid metal pump.
refrigeration, coollng system, electrolyzer, conduction pump
ABSTRACT: The authors note that In the production and transport of light metals pumps
with high-power and high-efficiency are required, while in order to ensure accurate
measurements It Is essential that the pumps used have good adjustment qualities. At dif-
ferent stages of the production process the conditions under which the pump Is operated
and the power supplies used to drive It may vary considerably (in electrolysis plants high-
power DC lines are available; in other shops single-phase or three-phase AC Is preferred).
Different types of pumps are therefore required in the production of light metals. In the
present article, one of the cases In which an electromagnetic pump Is used in fight metal
i 1/3
1production is considered. During the process of testing one of the electrolyzcra it was
discovered that there was a need to cool the rods to which the cathode was attached. Air
Cooling was found to be ineffective, and water cooling was rejected for reasons of safety.
This led to the decision to employ the liquid metal as the coolant. A DC conduction pump
with Berl es-connected driving coil was selected as the best pump for the particular task.
In order to make use of the DC lines In the shop the pump was connected In series with
the clectrolyzer. The advantages of this type of connection under the specific conditions j
encountered are discussed in the article. The pump designed for the test elcctrolyzer was
rated to provide a flow of the heat-carrying agent (a eutectic Pb-131 alloy) of Q = 0. 5-0.7
iM3/hour at a pressure of P = 1.5kg/CM2. A 2000-2500-ampero power supply was used to;
drive the pump. The pump was operated for 30 days in the cooling system of the experi-
mental cathode device of the electrolyzer. After this period, inspection of Uie pump and
the Inner part of the channel failed to reveal any damage whatsoever. The efficiency of
the pump, calculated on the basis of Its pressure, productivity and power consumption
when operating with the experimental olectrolyzor, was only 2-3%. The authors describe
the various calculation methods normally used in the design of pumps with optimal struc- i
tural dimensions. Since the pump reported on in this article had non-optimal dimensions,
a study was made of the applicability of these methods to such pumps (that Is, to pumps
whose structural dimensions are not optimal). The stand on which the pump testing was per-
i formed Is described In detail In the article. It 18 noted that the same alloy used in the cool-
Ing system was employed as the working liquid. The processing of the experimenUd results
of this test is described (the method of least squares was specifically used in the approxima-
tion of these data). The fundamental mathematical expression, on the basis of which the
calculated characteristics of the pump were obtained, Is analyzed. The authors note that the
determination of the causes of the divergence between calculated and experimental p = QQ)
characteristics, when the static characteristics show good agreement. is essential to the
design of a pump to be used in an Industrial cooling system associated with an olectrolyzor
cathode unit, since it is to a large degree on the nature of these causes that the feasibility
.';of employing the conventional methods of calculating high-power pumps with non-optimal
.Amensions depends. Orig. art. has.- 2 formulas and 4 figures,
NO REF BOV: 006 OTHER: 004
GORMAN, A.I... kand. teklui. nauk, dota.; D.T.Lj(jt kand.
tekhn. nauk, dot3.; L--NIN, M.V., Inzh.; EM111*0V,
kand. tekhn. nauk, aoTI.', TMIMIU1 red.
(Principles of automatic control axui jraLomated eleutric
drives In the cons truc Lion -industry] Ooncv-1 avlomatik! 1
avtnmatizirovannogo elektroprivoda v otroitollstve. L.~-
ningrad, Strolizda-L, 1964. 348, p. (r'i IR A 18: 1)
YEREMENYO. Yu.M., aspirant; LEVIN, M.V., kand. tekhn. nauk; SATALKIN, A.V..
doktor tekhn. nauk '--
Porous slag silicate as the lightweight structural concrete. Stroi.
mat. 10 no.11:32-33 N 164. (MIRA 18:1)
ACC_NRsAP60i7682 SOURCE GODEs- UR/0097/63/000/012/002,6/0Q~0
AUTHOR: DA Vi N 1. (Engineer); levin-M. V. (Candidate of technical sciancee)S
kert ~o technical a6l6ild6b); FeERV, V*-S. (Technician)
ORr.: noln~
TITLEt Deformation of cellular concrete during autoclave processing
SOURCE: ~Beton i shelesobetoni, no* 12j, 196% 28-30
TOPIC TAGStI.-conarites materisa deformationg thermocouple
:A'dairice-has been developed for measuring axial defor-
im&tjon of'C'onorets In anautoclavee The device consists of a
brace for a concrete test section ? x ? X 21 ono one end of which
18 fixed, the other and beihg a transducer tomeseure longthenlne
jor shortening of the test sample, plus a thermocouple to be in-
ibedded in the center of the test sample* Samples of porouB and
joellular concrete were subjected to autoolave testing of 4 + 4 + 10
ihoureq maximal autoolave steam pressure 10 atm. It was found
1that various types of cellular concrete have different strengths
-before steam treatment and are capable of resistance to the tax-
:perature stresses-and destructive processes during steam treatment
"to different degrees. Xes,suring the deformation of cellular con-
orste'during autool&Yo treatment allows a judgement to be made on
!the suitability of the various types of raw materials used, the
r.d ing of the oonoreteo'bef6re the treatment and'
flolenor o Ty
1 2
ACC MAP 6017682
Analysis of the electrocencephalogran by the periodo ram
method. Biofizika 8 noo2t242-245 163. fWRA M10)
1, LeningradekayA-poikhonevrologichookaya bollnitsa Im, P.P.
USSR/General Biology, Cytology. B-2
Abs Jour: ler. Zh.-Biol., No 9, 1957, 35049
Author Levin, M. Y&.
Title Concerning the Reproduction of Stable Cellular Elements In
Wharton's Jelly in the Umbilical Cord of Man
Orig Pub: Dokl. AN SSSR, 1955, 1o4, No 6, 922-924
Abstract: The reproduction of the connective tissue cells in Wharton's
JeIly in -nIs umbilical cord is described. Numerous mitoses
occur beginning with the early stages of the embryo's develop-
ment (0-7 cm long) to the seventh month of uterine life. Ami-
toses with transverse and longitudinal lacing of the nucleus and
fragmentation of the nucleus occurs from the third month of ute-
rine life. No success was achieved in establishing a distinct
localization of the cell div-1oion within the bounds of"the umbi-
Iical cord. The absence in the later stages of the development
Card 1/2 -1-
USSR/General Biology, Cytology. B-2
Abs Jour: Ref. Zh.-Biol., No 9. 1957, 35049
of the embryo of'mitosis in WhartoiVe jelly indicates, in the
opinion of the author, the early differentiation of its connect-
ive tissue elements preserving theAbility to reproduce only by
means of amitosis.
Card 2/2
LVIN, x.E. Gas mnsks for the ioFulatlon, 2. i7d., doF. Yoskva, Cos. nauchno-tek!!n.
izd-vo khlm. !it-ry, 10,42. .1,6 F. (54-53479)
UG447.6.14 10,42
Levin, M.Ye , Kalinin, G.A., Mandrazhitskiy, M.N., Sinitsyn, V.P. and
Fedorov, V.I.
Zashchita ot eredstv massovogo porazbeniya (Defense Against Weapons of Mass
Destruction) Moscow, Uchpedgiz, 1958. 181 p. 100,000 copies printed.
Edo. (Title page): Sinshchyn, V.P. Candidate of Technical Sciences and Malinint G.A.
Ed. (Inside book): Lavrovskiy, K.Y.; Tech. Ed:ffatspov, K.I.
PURPOSE: This book is intended for public instructors of the PVO DOSAAF
(Antiaircraft Defense Unit of the All-Union Voluntary Society for the
Promotion or the Army, Aviatign and Navy).
COVERAGE: This book includes general information on atomic, chemical and bacteri-
ological weapons and measures for individual and collec+ive protection from them.
The various Authors contributed to the text as follows! JA.Yo. Levin wrote Chap-
tgr'n lp20A ond.61 U.N. Mandrazhiiikly,' Chapters 7,8 and-91 G.A. Nalinin -
Chapter 10; V.Po Sinitsyn-Chapters 11., 12, and A; and V.I. Fedorov -Chapter 5-
Card l/ 3
Defense Against Weapons (Cont.) 1132
There are no references
Introduction 3
Cho 1. Modern Xeaw of- Air Attack 5
Ch. 2. Atomic Weapons and Their Destructive Force 16
Cho 3- Impact, Fraguentation and Incendiary Meaw of Destruction 43
Cho 4. Chemical Weapons aud Their Destructive Effect 53
Cho 5~ Bacteriological Waspons'and Their Destructive Effect 62
Ch. 6. Individual Means of Pr*tection 74
Ch. To Collective Means of Protection 90
Ch. 8, The Protection of Food Prodacto, Water and Fbange Fran Con-
tamination by Poison Gases., Radioactive Substances and
Bacterial Agents 103
Card 2/ 3
Pon I BM WV/4103
Invinp Moisey Yevxeyavich., Georgiy Andrayevich maLininj, xuun Nikolayevich
Nmdra='UEW*-VIM8ffIn Petrovich Sinitsyn., and Valarly Ivanovich redorm
Zashohita ot aredstv nusaMo porashenip (Protection Against Means of Hun
Dextrution) 2nd ad. Moscovj, lJchpedgizx 1960. 176 p. 50J,000 copies
General Id. i V. P. SinItRYn., Candidate Of Technical Sciences., and 0, A.
Kalinin, Mt A. A. Korothyj Tech, Idj JR. V. Tsyppo.
PUMM: This book In intended for the ptiblic Instrictors of pyo
DMW (Air Defence Organization under the All-Union Vol=t&17 society
f0r;the Promotion of the ArmWo Aviation and Navy).
COUMM: Me book given fundamental Jnfm-=tjcn an atoodc.0 chemicalt and
bacteriological veapone and on means of individual and collective
protection. It st&tes that the problem has been studied zu;Mciently
and that at the present time adequeta meanB of protection exist for a
vall-organized and trained popalfition. . -No peracnalitleg am mentioned.
There are no references,
poisonous, RsdjoaLtive., or Bacterl.01.0gIC&L Ownuou-
Card 2/3
Protection Against Means of Mass Destruction 807/4103
Ch. 9. Tasks and Organization of the Lama Air Defen" Relative to
Dwellings., Zatablishments., Institutions., and State and Collective
Forms, Rules of Conduct and Action for the Popilation According
to the Signals of the local Air Defense 103
Ch. 10. Reconnaissance of Stricken Areas 320
Ch* 21. Nwrgency and Rescuing Operations in Stricken Areas 130
Ch. 12. Fire Prevention Me&sures; Ixtinguishing Fires in Progress and
Breaking Out 336
Ch. 33, Methods and Means of Decontamination; Degassing and Disinfection 145
Ch. 14. Daties of Persmukel, of Self-Defense Groups Responding to Signals
Given by the Local Air Defense 166
AVAMBIRs Ldbrary of Caagress (UA926.1438 1966) AC/rn/ec
Card 3/JL 8-25-0
SOVI 112 -58 - 3-4206
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Elektrotekhnikaj 1958, Nr 3, p 108 (USSR)
AUTHOR: Levin, M. E..
TITLE: Type U542 Ferrometer (Ferrometr tipa U542)
PERIODICAL: V eb.: Raboty M-va elektrotekhn. prom-sti SSSR po mekhaniz. i
avtornatiz. nar. kh-va- 3. M. , 1956, pp Z01-Z03
ABSTRACT: Principal data are reported onAtype U54Z ferrometer developed by
Kiyev "Tochelektropribor" plant. The ferrometer permits determining the
following character! stic s of magnetically soft materials: (1) dependence of
peak flux density on the peak or effective values of the field strength, or the
peak value of the field-strength first harmonic; (2) relationship between the
first harmonic of the Aux density and the field strength; (3) dependence of the
permeance and specific losses on the flux density or the field strength. The
errors in determining flux density or field strength do not exceed+ 5%. The
specimens should be in the form of bands or ring packs.
1. 1. K.
Card 1/1
Unit of the U501.1 type tar detendaing lCioss in abeet materials at
frequencies up to one kl"cycle, Trudy inst. Komstand.ner i izm,
prib no.64:65-69 162. (HM 26&5)
(Sheet steel-Magnetic properties) (Magnetic Aeakttvaents)
LICVIN, N. (Kharlicov); UIVETS, I., fotolyubitel' (Vorkuta)
Support for the "Luch-57" flashlamp. Sov.fnto. 19 no-8:56
Ag 159. MIA 1:).- 1)
(Pbotography-Squipment. and supplies)
termwiElam of the Prellufr Nlrtl~ 'a th, R.I:j
.. ........
t.Q-43 t,
L L b.1
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 1. p 99 (USSR)
AUTHORS: Levin, M. Z., Shumilov, K. D.
TITLE: Determining the Counterweight Required to Balance the Load
on the Upper Roll of a Blooming Mill (K opredeleniyu vesa kon-
trgruza pri gruzovom uravnoveshivanii verkhnego valka blyu-
PERIODICAL: Tr. Donetsk. industr. in-ta, 1957, Vol 19, pp 65-67
ABSTRACT: In designing load balance, the starting point is the require-
ment that the pressure between the bearings of the upper roll
and the clampdown screws must be ZO-:40 percent of the weight
of the parts (P) to be counterbalanced; this yields a counter-
weight that is quite large. An analytical expression is derived
for the relationship between the moment of the counterweight
and the moment of the weight of the P to be counterbalanced,
with allowance for the rated torque of the motor (M), the ratio
of the starting torque of the M to its rated torque, the dimen-
sions of the clampdown screws, the transmission train value
from M to clampdown screws, the,flywheel moment of the
Card I /Z motor, and correction factors for the flywheel moment of
Determining the Counterweight Required (cont. )
other parts and for the resistance of the friction forces between the P. An
example of the determination of the magnitude of a necessary minimum
counterweight is presented.
1. lleoudng nMa--RoLU--Counterba3Azeing
Card 2/2
SOV/ 137- 57-11-21405
Translation from: Referativnyyzhurna I, Metallurgiya, 1957, Nr 11, p106 (USSR)
AUTHORS: Levin, M.Z...--Shumilov, K.D.
TITLE: Determining the Power of a Motor to Drive a Wire Reel
(Opredeleniye moshchnosti dvigatelya dlya privoda provoloch-
noy motalki)
PERIODICAL: Tr. Donetsk. industr. in-ta, 1957, Vol 19, pp 73-75
ABSTRACT: Equations are presented for determination of the power (P)
of the motor (M) required to drive reels in which the distribu-
tion of the wire (W) in annular form into a coil is done by a
rotating cone. The total P of the M required to drive such
reels is N=N,+N? hp, where NI is the MP required to rotate
=ka2Vr/751j hp
the cone, this being calculated by the equation N1
(K being a coefficient for steel W), wherein K is n . 7$00/4-9.81=625,
d is the diameter of the W in m, Vr is the relative velocity of
the W in m/sec, equal to the rolling rate, and 71 is the effic-
iency of transmission from motor to cone. NZ, the motor
Card 1/2 power required to strand the W, is found from the equation:
SOV/ 137-57-11 -Z1405
Determining the Power of a Motor to Drive a Wire Reel
0.4 A
N s r hp, where a is the yield point of the wire material in
': 7500 D ~q
Z' a
kg/cmZ. D is the diameter of the reel of W.
V. D.
Card 2/2
SOV/ 137-57- 10- 18724
T ran slation from: Referativnyyzhurnal, Meta Iturgiya, 1957, Nr 10, p39(USSR)
AUTHOR: Levin, M.Z.
TITLE: Selection of Parameters for a Blast-furnace Skip Hoist (Vybor
parametrov skipovogo pod"yernnika domennoy pechi)
PERIODICAL: Tr. Donetsk. industr. in-ta, 1957, Vol 19, pp 77-82
ABSTRACT: We are informed that intensification of blast-furnace opera-
tion leads to an effort to raise the capacity of skip hoists by
increasing the capacity of the skip car. It is pointed out that in
some instances it is helpful to increase the speed of movement
of the skip cars. The derivation of an equation for determining
optimum speed is given, and an example of the determination
thereofis adduced.
Card 1/1
Possible rope acceleration durinF the lowerinF of skip Mists
in dump tracks. Trudy BE 36 Ser.met. no.6:73-75 '59
(Hoisting machinery) (MiRA 14:9)
Determination of moments in the transmission coupling of a rollinr
mill during, the griprinr of metal by the rolls. Trudy DII 36
Ser.met. no.6:86-93 159. (MIRA 14-.9)
(Rolling mil3s-Transmission devices)
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mashinostroyeniye, 1961, No. 2, p. 17,
# 2VI30
AUTHORS. Levin, M. Z., Shumllov, K. D., Leshchinskiy, M. F., Rafalovich, A. I.,
Dabronoj,' S.' N.
TITLE: The Determination of the Pressures on the Rolls and the Power of the
Motor of Roll-Straightening Machines
PERIODICAL-. "Tr. Donetsk. industr. in-ta!', 1959, No. 36, PP. 5-27
TECT -. Formulae are presented for determining the bending moments, the radii
of curvature, the pressure on the rolls, and the power of the motor. A method to
given for verifying the calculation formulae by the investigation of the straigh-
tening process of 8-20 mm thick sheets on a 7-roll plate-stralghtening machine.
It is suggested to make more precise the calculation of roll -straightening machines
by determining the power consumed by each roll to straightening a strip. The
power is calculated from the total curvature (removable curvature + curvature of
deflection), hereat, the deflection curvature is determined from the experimental
magnitude of the depth of curvature, under the assumption that the bent axis of
Card 1/2
LEVIN, X.Z., dotuent
Mwevitir M~'
Selection of a reduction gear ratio* 1zv.v7s.ucheb.zav.; chern.
met. 2 no.5:101-105 W 159. (#dRA 12:9)
1. Donetskiy lndustrial'Mry Institut. Rekonandovano kafedroy
mekbaniahaskogo aborudovaniya "etallurgichaskikh tavodov Donet-
sk-ogo industriallnego instituta.
(Metalworking machinery-Transmission devices)
Detemininp pressures on rollers and capacity of the motor for Vol-
ler straighteners. Trudy DII 36 Ser.met. no.6:5-27 '59.
(MIRA 14:9)
(Rolling mills-EquipMent and supplies)
Investigation of blast furnace tap guns. Izv. vys. ucbeb. zav.;
charn. met. no.10:167-171 160. 04IRA 13:11)
1. I)Dnetskiy industrial' W Institut.
(Blast furnaces-Xquipment and supplies)
Invootigating rapid w1mobee for manipalating the baUso Isr.M.
uohob,savol obern.met. 5 noJI&I88-190.1600 (KM 15312)
1. DDnetskiy politakhniohookiy institut,
(SLast furnaose-Equipment and supplies)
Investigating the performance curves of blast furnace
charging mechanisms. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; chern. met.
4 no.32:176-181 161. (MIM 14:12)
1. Donetokiy po3.itekhnichookiy institut.
(Blast furnaces-Equipment and supplies)
(Feed mechanio=)
LEVIX,,,,N..-2.; SEDUSH, V. Ya.
Determining the pressure acting on the piston of a clay, gun.
Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.; chern.met.7 no. 4:164-171 164. (MIRA 17:5)
1. Donetakiy politekhnicheskiy institut.
A"ddt&MV, Yu,G.
Forces in pushing the metal through manipulator rolls an
continuous billet mills. Izv. vys. ucheb. Sav.; chern.
met. 7 no.806-80 164. (MIRA 17:9)
1. Donetskiy politekhnichaskiy inatitut.
- - --- ---
"" ' J'-- A--
Checking a floor-type charging machine for skidd-4r4 and varpage.
Izv.vyo.uoheb.zav.; eYern.mat. 8 no.61l9l-193 t65.
(MIRA 18:8)
1. Donetskiy politekhnichookiy institut.
LMNI N.A. (yaroslavli, u1. Tolbukhina, 37/17, kv.31)
Vascular glomeruli in the inner ear of man. Arkh. anat. gist. i
embr. 1+1 no.7:IC9-3-U Jl 161. (HLA 15:2)
3., Kafedra anatomIA cheloveka (zav. -, prof. A.N.Alayev) Yaroslavskogo
meditsinskogo instituta.
"The Helminthe or Shrews and Kirine Wents in the Arkhartgol's), ObltBt."
Tenth Conference on Parasitological Problems and Liseases with batural
Reservoirs, 22-29 October 1959, Vol. II, Publishing House of Academy of
Sciences, USSR, Moscow-Leningrad, 1959.
Institute of Lumber and Wood Chemistry of the USSR Academy of Sciences,
GUTWER, I.I. (Ioniggrad., 51j, Beloostrovskayag 39.. korp.4, kv-48);
J&M~N.~A. (Yaroslavl', ul. Tolbukhina.. 37A7v kv-31)
Ph in ens, of *fenestration" and lballs* in the neurons of sensory
gang1lia. Arkh.anatt,,gist.i embr. 44 no.103-100 Ja 163. (HIRA 1615)
1. Kafedra, patologicheskay anatomii (zav. - prof. V.G. Chudakov)
laningradBkogo pediatricheskogo meditsinikogo instituta i kafedrs.
normaltnoy anatomii (zav. - prof. A.N. Alayev) Yaroslavskogo
meditainakogo institute,
Reviewing the State St&dard for active mineral additives for bindi
substances. Tsoment 2T-no.lt5-6 Ja-F 162. (MM 16151
(Binding materials-Standards)
Av _;2~,
xi- - I
a Ion of the mmtoodcal structure of a bird's bmW labyrinth
to its way of life. Zool.zhur. 34 no-3:601-604 W-Je 055.
(KM 8:8)
1. rafedra normallnoy anatomil Taroslavskogo seditsinakogo instituts,
(Birds--Anatomy) (Labyrinth (Nar))
LIVIN, N.A.$ kandidat meditsinskikh nauk.
Specimen preparations of animal tasues and organs. Ist.T shkole no.3:
83-84 Ky-je 156. (KM 9:8)
1. Ynroslavskiy seditsinekly institut.
(Natural history--Technique)
IRVIN, N.A.. kandemed.nauk.
.mmomOO'kaking photographic copies of biological drawings. B101. v shkole
n0-5:83 S-0 158* (XIMA 11:11)
1. Yaroslavek1y meditsinskly Inatituto
(Visual aide) (Photomechanical processes)
In&XP8n8iVO MOthOd of stuffing and mounting animals. Biol. v
shkole 6t81 N-D 158. (XM 11811)
I* Taroslevskly meditsinskiy institut.
Applying physical modeling to Un calculation of optimum
paramtera of smoothing LC filters. Izv.v7s.ucbsb.7av.;
prib. 5 no-5:8-15 162- (MIRA 15-.9)
1. Leningradskiy elaktrotekbachookiy institut avyani
imeni M.A* Bonch-Brpwovichs, Rekomendovm kafedroy
snergetiki predpriyatiy Ovyazi,
(Eleotric filters)
S/14 62/005/005/002/016
Levin, N. A.
Physical modelling in the design of optimum parame-
ters of smoothing LC filters
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh ..zavedeniy. Priborostro-
yeniye, v. 5, no. 5, 1962, 8-15
TEXT: The author shows the relationship between physical model-
ling criteria and the design and coat parameters of a choke-input
(LC) smoothing filter. Design formalas are derived which make it
possible to apply the results of physical model analysis of an
LC filter to the calculation of its optimal parameters. The pro-
cedure of calculating these parameters, as determined on a phy-
eical model, is given. It is shown that the above design problem
can be solved on a digital computer by minimizing the reduced
filter weight function of several dimensionless variables and the
program for this operation on a 89GM-A(BESM-2) computer is given,
There are 5 figures.
oard 1/2
D2 01 YD3 07
rPhysical modelling in ... S/14
ASSOCIATION: Leningradukiy clektrotekhnichookiy inatitut avya
im. Me A. Bonch-Bruyevicha (Leningrad Electrical
Enginearing Institute of Communication im. Me A.
SUBMITTED:' January 23, 1962
LEVIN# NoAq (Yaroslavli ulitsa Toltxikhina, 37/17, kvartira 31)
Blood SUPPlY of the labfrinth in cattle. Arkh. anat., gist.
i embr- 1+5 no.706-io3 je 163. (MIRA 17:4)
1- Kafedra anatomij cheloveka (Zav. - prof. A.N. Alayev)
Yaroulavskogo meditainakogo instituta.
LXB=V, A.N., kindidai tokhnichaskikh nauk; ININ, N.7., redaktor;
RATNIKOTA, A.P., redaktor: UBITOV, A., tikMffTMeklr redaktor
(Mine shaft supports in the Karaganda basin] Poddershanle gorrWkh
vyrabotok*na shakhtakh karagandinskogo basseuina. Moskva. Ugle-
tekhIzdat. 1954. 85 P. (MIRA StO
(Karaganda Baoin-Mine timbering)
TASTRNOV. Abill-Kazhit. kandidat tekhnichookikh nauk; IXVB.-A,&.- ,
otvatetvannyy redaktor; ZAZULISKAYA,, Y.F., takhnTcheskty, reTaktor
[Isyer mining of thick coal seams in the Karaganda Basin] Sloeval.-
razrabotka moshchnykh ugollnykh plastoy v Karagandinskon basest-do
Moskva. Uglatakhizdat. 1956. 38 p. (XLRA 1U:3)
(Karaganda Basin--Coal mines and mining)
INOZXKTSKY, Pavel Petrovich; POLOZHIT, redor Mikhaylovich; SHUTDMAN.
Maks Iosifovich; CMXASSKIT, Feliks Borlsovich, ITUBOSHCHIJISKIT,
Dmitrij* Xarkovich; POZIN, Tevgeniy Zalomanovich; LEVIN. 1.7.9
otvatstyenayy redaktor; KOLCMITTSXV, A.D., redaktor TRITWItya;
KMOVMOVA, 2.A., takhnichaskty redaktor
[Mechanization of coal loading in mines of the Karaganda Basin]
Makhanizatsita havalki uglia na shakhtakh Karagandinskogo ugoll-
nogo bassaina* Moskva, Ugletakhtsdat, 1956. ln p. (WA 919)
(Karaganda Basin-Coal mining machinory)
IYON. S.; LXVIN. N.Y.. otvetstvennyy redaktor; SHUSHKOVSKATA, Te.L.,
reddIM-1-MiTel'stval HADRINSKATA, A.A.. tekhnicheskiy redaktor
[Problems in the opening and preparation of mines in the Karaganda
sin) Voproay vakrytila I podgotovki shakhtnykh polei Zaragandin-
9ogo baseeina. Moskva, U letakhizdat, 1956. 174 p. (MISA 9:7)
(Karaganda Basin-loal mines and itning)
GRISHAYMO, Mariya losifovna; LMUMI 11-9v otvotstvannyy rodaktor;
01MIMSHKO, V.A., reduktor lzdatelletva; VASHIVA, T.A.. redaktor
Watelletys; NADBINSXAYA, A.A., takhnichookly redaktor
[The leader of a coal mining crew for vari d operations] Brigadir
komplakenoi prokhodchaskoi brigady. Hoskv:. Uglatekhizdat. 1956.
239 P. (MI2A 10:3)
(Coal mines and mining)
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