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LEVIN M.L.# TSYTOVICHO V.N. Taking inertia into account in current interaction* Zhurtekh.fiz. 31 no.8%936-938 Ag 161. (MIRA 14-.8) lo Fizicheakiy institut imeal P.N.Lebedeva AN SWRO Wakva. (Electric currents) 9-1/0-57/63/033/002/005/023 DIOOIB186 AUTHORS: Levin# U. Lot and Rabinovich, M. S. TITLE,. A method of strona foouaing for stabilization of str!ilght and toroidal discharges PZRIODICAL; Zhurnal tekhnichenkaV fiziki, v. 33, no. 2, 1963, 164-172 TEXT: The stability of a thin curved plasma pinch is considered by magnetohydrodynamical means applicable when only long-wave perturba%ions are considered. The Rouse function, which for the mechanical variables plays the role of the general LagranCian, is calculated under these restrictions. This function makes it possible to study the long-wavu motions of a plasma ring in an external magnetic field. Here, only the "snake" type motions are investioated (S. U. Osovets. ZhKTF, 39, 311, 1960~ There are 2 figures and I table. SUBMITTED: February 20p 1962 Card 1/1 LEVIN M.L, , - Emission of longitudinal waves In media with weak spatial dispersion. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; radiofiz. 7 no.1:180-181 164. (MIRA 17:3) LUIN 0 M. L, Equil.1brium distribution of an electrical chargo on thin closed conductors. Radiotekhaika 19 no.9sl6-19 S 164. (ICRA 17:10) r ACCESSIO'N NRt AP4020564 ALMIOR: Levin, M.L. S/0057/64/034/003/031)5/0398 TITLE: On the solution of a quaki-statlonary electrodynamic problem by the method of Images SOURCE: Zhurnal'tokhnichoskoy fiziki, v.34, no.3, 1964, 395-398 TOPIC TAGS: Imago, conducting sphere, ring current, ring 'charge, radiation ADSTRACT: The image in a conducting sphere of a c *urrent element normal to the line joining it to the canter of the sphere is obtained. From this Is derived the field of a ring current in the presence of n conducting sphoro centered on Its axis. The- effect of tho,sphore on the solf-inductanco of the ring, and the force an the s;Wro are expressed in terms of tabUlated elliptic Integrals. When the radius of the sphere is small compared With that of the ring, or when the ring is sufficientlk far from the opherej the expression obtained for the force reduces to an approxi- mate formula of M.X.Xlein and X.Druoc);nor (J.Appl.Phys.31,1437,1960). The total energy radiated by a ring current moving with uniform velocity normal to its plane,! in the presence of a stationary conducting sphere on its axis, Is calculated in the. card 1/2 ACCESSION M: !AP40205 ."dipole approximateion" by integrating the square of the second time derivative of the magnetic moment of the image. An nnalogous expression Is also obtained for the energy radiated under similar circumstances by.a ring charge. When the radius of the sphere Is largo compared with that of the ring charge, the expression for the energy radiated reduces to a formula given by G.A.Askarlyan (ZhM 29,388,1955). IS formulas and 3 figures. ASSOCZAi~rom: none SU13MITTED: 11Feb63 SUB CODE: PH DATE ACQ-. 3LUar64 MR REP SOV: 003 ENCL: 00 O=1t: 002 2/2 Card L h241-" _W/AT__ _Z~ S/eooo/64/000/00011017/1022 C SSION INS AT5007972 OY AUTHORS Veksler V. 1 1 G*kker 1. 1. -0 GoltX'E. Ys.', Delone 9. A.; xud . 17; _X~ n Lyk .-9t- Sartk!X!R,_K, A.; Serplehev X. Y.1 Silin. V. A. g Toopp, It. E!j Levin, M 1', R Z. - ly"e j yv','~' - V4" or _ __ W, TITLE$ Radiational acce leration of plamma ,f, Appel Conferene on High Ener %Lb~1963~- SOURCES 1p!~rR!1L 0 Trudy. Moscow, Atomfidat, -12.6,__1Ol7-;1021'*" .1y Accel rators. ITOPIC TAGS: high energy accelerator, plasma acceleration, plasma wavegulds JABSTRACTs The practical realization of the radiational method of plasma accelera- tion (Vokeler, V. 1. CERM Symposium, 1956; Atomaya energiya 2 . 427, ISM Is em- nected with the utilization of a different kind of waveguids structure, within I which a plasma bunch moves under acceleration by an electromagnetic field. Two such wav*ZuLde structures, differing in type of accelerating wave and In method of plasma injection, were produced recently In the Physics InstLtuts, AN SSSR, Initia.1 oVorlments showed that radiational acceleration of plasma was. achieved In bc~h'of the structures. At tM saw time the Radlotechnical. Institute, AN 666R* L 4241-66 ACCESSION WRt ATS007972 carried out a theoretical study of the possibilities of the radiational mothodo The present report contains a brief exposition of all these Investigations. under the two headings oft experimitntal results and theory of radiational accel, Both va"guide structures employed one, and the "me super high-frequencY ascills- tor of 10 cm range which Worsted in the single- stage pulse regime of I a cro- I seconds duration I the average density of power flux through tube croes-sec ton did not exceed 6-103 watts/colt and the YSVN of the entire waveguide system (without 11 plasma) was fiat worse than 1.3. The accelerating waveguldes were tubes of circular, ross-section with wells of noncorroding 4tesl I me thicki the vacuum in the tub" was of the order of 10-7 to 10-6 om of mercury. ?be forces of the radiational liressure which act upon the plasma bunch are found by proceeding from the conser- vation laws. In the plane slectrampatic we" propagated In free space the don- sity of pulse flux equal* the aver"s energy density. Orig. art. has 1 7 f Ixure$ 126 formulas. V ASSOCIATION i Visicheskly Institut Imeni P. go Losbedeva AN USK AN MR11 W1 0MItheekly Institut AN SSSR (Radio Enginowing Institute$ AN W,V . P ;SUBNITTcbt 20&y&4 ENCII 1 00 COD91 or. I No PST SOV 1 001 OTWRs 003 CaM 2/2 ACC, NRt AM004871 .560di- CODO: U_ iV06ii-166103ni6611000310000 At Deloozarov, V.N.; Levin, U.Lo Oac I n6no 21 ngna atic problem Involving a spherical suporconduc- TITLE: Method of images in m etost tive boundary Zhurnal tokhnicheskoy fiziki, v. 36, no. 1, 1060, 3-0 11OURCE: TOPIC TAGS: magnetic field, mnrnotostaticat superconductivity, spheric geometry, electric currentj electronic image, electronic circuit A13STRACT: One of the ntithors has proviously shown that the magnetic field produced ~by a currant flowing in a closed circuit every element of which Is at the same distana from the canter of a ouporconducting sphoro Is equal to the sum of the magnetic field produced in the absence of the superconducting' sphere by the original current and that produced by a certain image current flowing in a circuit obtained from the original circuit by inversion in the sphere (MoL.Levin, ZhTF, 33, 395, 1963). In the present paper this image technique Is generalized to the came In which the elements of the circuit are not all at the same distance from the center of the sphoreo In this case the image currents comprise a nonuniform current flowing in the image circuit obtained by inversion in the sphere and radial currents flowing between the center of the spher L 217-23-66 ACC-:NRi AP600.4871 and tho elements of the Image circuit. The total Lunge current -is solenoidal. This techniquo can also be applied to calculate tho magnetic fleld within a spherical cavity with a superconducting wall. In this case the Image circuit Is outside the spherical cavity and the radial Image currents flow between elements of the Imago :circuit and infinity. This technique is Illustrated with several simple examples, including calculation of the field of a point magnetic dipole In the presence of a superconducting sphere and the radiation of a magnetic dipole moving at nonrelativis- tic velocity past a superconducting spheree Or1g. art. has: 17 formulas and 2 fig=s SUB CCDB-0120/ SUBM DATS: IsmarG51 ORIG RM 002/ Onj jW: 000 Card 212AA-A-- gl~ -,g -RORAMW 7 7 LVIN ingk); LAPITSKATA* H-?- (min"IC) Watfir supply in settlements with dir et conveyance of water qc~ from artesian wells to thn network. Y-O;.CI':;n.tskh* no#71 ?6-27 JI 159. (MIRk 1219) (Water-sunply anginemring) LEVINj 1%s P,& Dimsam, N.D.; I&VIN, A shop of outstanding quaiiii work. Leg.prom. 14 no.?.-46-48 (K= 1. Hichallnik eksperimmutallnogo 2. Vachallnik portfollnogo teekha (leather Industry) teekha (for Dinershtsys) (for Levin) J1 154. 7: ?) YUDIN,, S.B.; ROZENFELID, 3-104 LEVIN, M.N.; KONSTANTINOVI, L.S., I Tj':~Z, TuAss Whop kand. tekbn. nauk, retsenzen red.; TIKWGVp A.Ya., tekbn* red.; ELIKIND, V.D.,, tekbn* red. [Centrifugal casting) TSentrobezbnoe litle. Moskva Hashgiz, 1962. 360 p. (Centrifugal casting) (MIRA 15:7) --LF-VTN-- Mark HlranovlaI4 prof.; ZAWROZHNYY, B.A.,, dotsent.. red.; ECLOUSOV, VA., prof., red.; BOIARIUS, N.N., prof... red.; VOROBITEN., F.P., assistent, red.; GRISHCHEM, I.I., pror., red.; DERIACH, V.S., prof.,, red.; XORSUNI, A.Ya., doteent, red.; XOSHKIN, M.L., prof., red.; KUDINTSEVt Voist dotsentt red,; PIKINp K.I., prof., red.; PRIKHODIXOVA# Ye.l., prof.,, red.; POPOV, I.D., dotsent, red.; SOLOVIYEV,,M.N... prof., rod.; SHTEYNBERG, Soya*, prof., red.; KHARCHENKO., N*So, prof., redo [Repeated surgery in stomach diseases fonowing operations] Povtornye operateii pri zabolevaniiakh operirovannogo sheludka, Xhartkovy Izd-vo Kharikovskogo gos.univ... 1961. 177 p. (Xharkov. Medychr*d inBtitut. Trudyq T81.58). (MIRA 16s2) (STONACK-SURGERY) LEMIJ M.M. Treatment of chronic ulcers of the lower extremities with uroall oitment derived from A3-11um uroinume Vest* dermo i ven. 37 no.2t82-83 V63. (KM 16:10) 1. Is kliniki ko2hnykh i vanerlebeakikh bolezney (zav, - pref, M.M.1a*) anolonskogo meditainakogo inatituta. LEWN) M.M.; BRYANSKIY, L.N. Relationship between the magnitude of the quadratic region of detector characteristic and Its load. Izz. tekh. no.1002-54 0 163. (MIRA 16t12) ISVIN, Holsey Yarkovich; POPOVAO Natallya Yurlyevw; KOISTANTINOT, L.S., --~o reteenzent; CEaMNMOVA, L.S,, red. Isd-va; SHIKITI Mog takhn. red. f0entrifugal casting of metals; survey of foreign literature] Mentr6bezhnala otlivka metalloy; obsor inostrannol literatury, Xoakva, Goo. nauchno-takhu. izd-YI mashinostroit, Ut-ry. 1957, 6o p. (MM 1118) (Centrifugal oasting) I I - ~ I., . .. i . ! -I ~ c a, DI tr L4, -17 I4m. f "4V 4A'S rap Lt _E0 18(5,7) SOV/1 28- /25 AUTHOR: Xonstantinov, L.S., Paykov, A.I., Kanevskaya, T.F., Candidates of Technical Sciences; lebedev, K.P., I Assistant Professor, T-evin M ~Iovikov, P.G. Rozen- l felld. S.Ye. and Khakha iin~,'.~T_)., ndidates of TecY,.ii- cnl liciences TITLE: Letter to the Editor PERIODICAL: Proizvodstvo, 1959, Nr 6, pp 44-16 ABSTRACT: the authors 'begin their letter to the author by lis- ting the difficulties, when explaining the bagic terms of mechanics and generally of every science. ~ ince the time of Newton there existed difficulties in explai- ning and formulating correctly the term "power". With the development of the sciences during the recent years these difficulties have become even greater Thp Academician, B.N.Yurlyar is quoted from his book "Att4zpted new Pormulation of the Basic laws on Mechanics by Newton"; Printing Office Academy of Sciences (TT9S1R) Card 1/2 1952. But these new theories have 'had no influence on based on centrifugal forces, do not corresponl to t"Ae physical properties of the process, 21 .he t`~eor.y of centrifugal casting is not confirmed by his experi- ments; 3) The factors of centrifugal cnetirP A.e to be explained by other factorsq like: tendenr.,y forces, speed of chilling, temperature of the metal, process of orystallization~ The authorerefute Vr-e statements of Loshkarev and call his comprehensions "unintelli- gible" and "unfounded". There are 1 diagram and Soviet references. Card 2/2 GOROZHAIMN, A.H., kand.tekhn.nauk; HOVITSKIY, V.K., kand.teICIIn.nauIC;___ KELYANIN, IoR*, doktor tekhn;juauk; ICDXDVSKIY, S.A.1 kand.tekhn. nauk; IAXZHZMKIT, B.N.# Imnd.tokhn.nauk; KILIKAX, B.S.j kand.takhn. nauk; XWCHM, N.I., Imud.takhn.nauk; TSYPIN, 10&'# )wndetekhne naWC;,.IzvIH, HAX.-_~kand,.tekhnoziauk; RUDDY, A.L., insho; LTASS, A.14.9 n&.tekhn.nauk; CHEUM, B.Z.. kand.tekhn.uauk-, ASTAVYIV, A.A.. kand.tekhn.nauk; TERMAKOV, K.A., inzh.; (MIBOTZDOV, Yu.N., kand.tekhn.nauk; MYASOYIDOV. A.N., iush.; BOGATMZV, T%uMo, kand. tekhn.nauk; UMOV,, doktor.takhn.nauk, Prof.,, SUDIM. L,A*j kand.takhn.nauk; PMIN, P~L, itsh.; MOSEMN, Ye.N., kand.takhn. nauk; PROZOROV, L.V., doktor tekhn.nauk; CHnNOVA, 2.1., tekhn. red. V,010giCal-probI An-thle sanufacture of hetyy machinery] eIWto*i_ kbuologli tiashologo mashinostroontla, 14#akva,. to Goonauchno-tekhn,'isd~-vo.-imebinostroit. lit-, J-t[~teej smolt- .7 scrWat' treatment;, s7 mjt&lsj:y eIr vks t chs:- av la ~br&botktLMM&Ilc'v daylenism., p orb ikalla obrabotica, 1960. 266 '. (Moscow. ' tralinyl nauchno-;iiisledovatelOskit institut tokhnologit i mashi- J;i a - nostroonlia. [Zradj] no. 98). (MIRA 133-7) (steel) (Pounding) (Forging) LEVIN M.M,j AVDULOVp A.N.; ROZENBAU149 B.S.9 red.; LUKIYANOV, A.K., red,; F.L., tekbn. red.; ALEMMA, T.V., tokbn. red. ~J. (Now instruments for measuring angular and linear values in the -a- acture of machinery abroad) Novye pribory dlis, kontrolia uglo- vykh i lineirOU velichin v rwmbezhnom mashinostroanii; ob2or. Ho- skva. 1961. 105 p. (MIRA 14:11) 1. Usntrallrqy institut nauchno-tekhnicheskoy informatsii mashino- otroyaniya. (Machinery industry) (Measuring instruments) LEVIN, MeM.; MIRZOYAW, O.S. -------- Centrifugal casting of thick-walled steel blanks. Lit. proizv. no.9:24-25 S '61. (MIRA 14:9) (Centrifugal casting) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/6223 Yudin,, S. B.,,.S. Ye. Rozenfelld, an"_. Mi. Levin.' Tsentrobezhnoye litlye (Centrifugal Casting). Moscow, Mashgiz, 1962. 36Q . (series: Inzhenernyye monografii po liteynomu proizvod- stvj 4500 copies printed. Reviewers L. S. Konstantinov, Candidate of Technical Sciences; Ed.: Yu.' L. Markiz, Engineer; Tech. Eds.: A. Ya. Tikhanov and V. D. 211kind; Managing Ed. for Literature on Hot Working of Metals: S. Ya. Golovin, Candidate of Technical Sciences. PURPOSE: This book is intended for engineers, technicianoj and scientific research workers. It may also be useful to students specializing in foundry work. COVERAGE: The book reviews the present state of the theory and practice of centrifugal casting. It explains modern concepts if physical fundamentals of centrifugal casting, presents designs of centrifugal machines, describes the most important centrifuan' Card 1/0,, Centrifugal Casting SOV/6223 casting methodes outlines criteria for selection of type and param- eters of the process, and evaluates the effectiveness of the proc- ess from a technical and economic standpoint. Properties of cast- ingso their defects, and methods of preventing them are also discussed. The history of centrifugal casting, the present state of the art# and prospects for further development are also briefly reviewed. No personalities are mentioned. There are 99 refer- enoess .89 Soviet.. 8 English, and 2 German. TABLE OF CONTENTS (Abridged]: Foreword 5 Ch. I. ..General Information on Centrifugal Casting 7 Nature.And-fundamentals of the method T Fields of application and variations 7 Origin and initial development of centrifugal casting 10 Development of centrifugal casting of tubes 10 Centrifugal casting of sleeves for internal-combustion .engines 13 Card 2/P;Z LEVINO M.M.; MIRZOYAH, 0.3o; ZAVIYALOV, V.F. Centrifugal casting of cogwheel blanks. Trakt. i aellkhoz- mash* 33 no.10:43-45 0 163. (MIRA l7ti) 1. TSentralInyy nauchno-isaledovatellskiy institut takhnolo- gii. i mashinostrayeniya. WIN, M.M.1 SADCHIKOV, V.A. ,-" j, * , Experience in draining methane from underworked coal seams and a worked-out area directly to the surface through vertical borsholes. Mauch. trudy XHIUI no.l6tl79-189 164, (MRA 180) MIRZOYAN, G.S.; ZAVIYAUDVO V.F.; ~~N, M,IM.-I Effect of the rapidity of sold rotation on the structure of steel castings, Izv. vys, ucheb, zav,; chern. met. 7 no.3t77-80 164. (KRA 17W 1. TSentrallnyy nauchno-iseledovateliskiy institut tekhnologii i mashinostroyaniya. L 57596=0 EWG(j)/Xl)t(d)/EWT(I//EVIP(*)/t~riT(m~/EWP(w)/FPF(o)/D;G(s)-2/EsIP(t)/LVG(v)/ h /EWP(t)/Er-P k) P(t)MP(b /EWA( ION /Pob/Po-4 A CZ SION WRI AP501TAT5, UR10286/65/000/01110118/0119 621.825 W AUTHORI Kashchank # 1. M.1 Krysin, it. T.; KolpakoV4 ys,. V.1 Suirnov. !0. 0.; )Iikhayloyak Y. Y,~j&Aj TfYtoenkos 9 V.; kgpedeva, b._P.i Tina. Ikurov, V. I*; Lev1n, M. M.1 tdellasn# M. 1. V , TITLEt Method for producing friction parts from powder componentes Class h7q No* IIIT02 SOURCEs ayulloteal Itobrotenly I toyarnykh snakov, no. li, 1965, 118-119 TOPIC TA(;Si ?aircraft brake friction part powder totallurgy ABSTRACTs An Auth orArtificate has boon issued for a method of pro- ducing friction part (e.g., brake-unit part#) for aircraft from pow- T5~ a contains der components# reduce wear, the sixtur _60~70% Iran, 13-16% copper$ 8-10% barium sulfate# 3-7% araphiteF 3-3% asbestos, at a pressure and 27.3% silicon oxide. The mixture is *aspect molded, of 5. tjcm2 and sintered at'a'tesporaturt of 10600 and a pressure of 25 kg/cs [C.'d I/ L 57596 ACCX6B 111 -11 ASSOCIATIONO none BUSNITTED1 09XAY63 INCLI 00 NO asp Boyl, 001) BUB CODZI MM Ael OTRza, 000 ATD Pales, LEVIN j M.M. Error of a voltage harmonics analysis method realized L7 using a measuring receiver with a diode mixer. Trudy inst. kom. stand., mer i izm. prib. no-53:121-123 '61. (MIRA 15:2) 1. Vaesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy in3titUt fiziko-tekbni- cheskikb I radiotekhnicbe5kikb izmerenly, p. Moskva. (Radio measurements) S/115/62/000/007/005/008 E192/B332 AUTHOR: Levin,-N.M. TITLE: System for increasin- the directivity of a directional coupler PERIODICAL: Izmeritollnaya tolchnilza, no. .7, 1962, 38 - 39 T EXT: Tho system (see the figure) can be used over the whole operational bandwidth of a 1-raveauide by simply adjustin- the coupler,to the required frequency. It operates as follows. a wave propagates from input I to input II , some of the oner.f-y enters the branch 1 and appears at the T-junction. By adjusting the amplitude of the wave by moans of the attonuator 2 , the amplitude of the wave appoarinZ at tho T-junctfon is made equal' to the amplitude of the wave ontering from the direction of the junction 4 ; the phase-shifter 3 0is used to adjust the phase-shift between the waves to 180 and so no signal Appears at the output III . When the wave propagates from input 2 to input 1 1 the amplitudes of the waves appearing at the T- junctibn from the junctions 1 and 4 are substantially different and a signal appears at the output III The system therefore Card 1/2 5/115/62/000/007/005/003 System for increasing E192/E382 operates as an ideal d 'irectional coupler and its directivity cafi easily be made Creator than 60 db. r gur o Card 2/2 ... MIN M M., red, [Instruotions 219-33 for checking M-D beterodyne frequoucy motors] Inistruktafte 219-55 PO Po'vorke goterodinnogo chasto- toners tipa VTT-D. led. ofitstallnoo. Knskvos 1957. 6 . ()URA 14:4 1. Russia (1923- U.S.SeRe) Koidtot standartove wr I Is- writellnykh priborov. (11 requency measurements) AUTHORs Levin, MoN. SOy/115-58-1-32/50 TITLEt -Thr-rn-fluence of Upper Harmonics in the Measured Voltage on the Readings of a Tube Voltmeter with an Exponential Charactoristio (Vilyaniyye vyushikh garmonik v izmeryaye- am napryazhenil na pokazaniya lampovogo volltmetra a eks- ponentsiallnoy kharakteristikoy) PERIODICALs lzmeritaltnaya tekhniks,# 1958, Nr 1, pp 67 - 70 (USSR) ABSTRACTj An evaluation is made of the measurement errors of a non- sinusoidal for any distortions in the case when the curve shape does not widely differ from the sinusoidal. Such evaluation may be of practical use for the following pur- poses3 for determining the permissible distortion of the voltage curve when calibrating or checking tube volt- meters; for evaluating the error of the initial level Card 112 meters of standard signal generators caused by non-linear SOV/115-56-1-32/50 The Influence of Upper Harmonics in the Measured Voltage on the Readings of a Tube Voltmeter with an Exponential Characteristic distortions in such generators; for evaluating the measure- ment error caused by relatively small upper harmonics when "practically sinusoidal" voltage is being measured by a tube voltmeter. The behavior of tube voltmeters in measuring voltages differing widely from the sinusoidal (as for instance, impulse voltages) is not considered. The evolved equations were experimentally verified. There are 3 diagramsq I graph, and 6 references, 5 of which are -soviet and 1 English. 1. Voltmetprs--Calibration 2. Voltage-Mearsurem-ent 3. Measurement--Errors Card 2/2 4~, V1,41 f a ouwm L K A.6- -We- L r. ow" tom) S (t N A* 76"mi Sam mosuswift as sloatrw am"MW &I, A. 0. y"" M-0), me-, 6-m~. If-r? LSVINt M.M.; FrATIGORSKIY, L.M. Use of a diode voltmeter f or measuring nonzinusoidal voltages. Trudy inat. Kom. stand., mer i izm, prib. no.48:116-123 6o. (MIRA 14sQ (ElectronAube voltmeter) (Eleotronle measurements)- S/194,/61/000/008/072/092 D201/D304 AUTHORs Levin, M.M. TITLE: The use of a diode voltmeter for measuring HF volt- age pulses PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Avtomatika i radioclektronika, no. B. 19619 23, abstract 8 1152 (Tr. In-tov Kom-ta atandartov, mer. i izmerit priborov pri Sov. Min. SSSR, 1960, no. 48 (108), i09-115) TMCT: The problem is considered of the effect of the volt- ampere diode characteristic on the indication of a diode voltmeter with automatic bias in measuring 11F voltage pulses. From the expon- ential diode characteristic a formula has been derived which relates the amplitude of measured pulses with the voltmeter indications, leakase and time constants of charge and discharge of the diode load. Experimental results are in good agreement with those obtained from the above forula. 4 references. Z-Abstracter's note: Complete translation Card 1/1 LEVIN, M.M. Errors in-the compensation method for mwwuring pulse voltage. Izm. tekh. no,.2o~-%-F 161 (voltmeter) WIRA 14&2) 'I." ? I I 3/194/61/000/012/002/097 D209/11303 AUTHORS: Levin, M. M. and Pyatigorskiy, L. M, TITLE: Applying a diode voltmeter for measurement of non.- sinusoidal voltages PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Avtometika i radioelektronika, no. 12m 1961, 5, abstract 12A14 "Tr. In-tov Kom-ta standatov, mer I lzmerit. proborov pri Sov. Min. SSSR", 19600 no. 48 (108) 116-123 TEXT: The connection between indicators of a diode voltmeter w1th an exponential characteristic in measuring sinusoidal ardnon-sinus- oidal voltages for a general case with small distortions and for amplitude modulation is theoretical)yexamined. Expressions for voltmeter errors in all these cases are obtained. An experimental check which was carried out, showed that the discrepancy between the calculated and experimental results does not exceed 5%. /-Ab-. stractor's note: Complete translation.-7 Card 1/1 --- LEVIN, I-I.M. Circuit for improvIng the directivity of a directional coupler. 1=.tekh. noo7:38-39 JI 162. (MIRA 15:6) (Wave guides) - - 1XVIN, MA Errors of a oompensation method for masuring impulse voltage, Wy inst, Kom, stands, mer i ism. prib. no.6503-42 062. (MIRA 16t 5) 1. VBesoyusnyy nauchno-issladovatellskiy institut fiziko-tekhnicheakikh i radiotekhnichaskikh izaeraniy. (Radio meauWrsments) (Pulse techniques (Eleetronics)) IZVINj N.M. Errors of compensatory impulse voltmeters with static automatic compensation. Trudy inst. Kom. stand., merli iza. prib, no.65s.43-50 162. (WRA 1W) 1. Voesoyuznyy nauchno-iaBledovatellskiy inatitut fisiko-tokhnichdakikh i radiotekhnicheskikh ismereniy. ' (Voltmeter) (Radio measurements) I.ZVIN I X,H. Dissertalion defended for the degree of Candidate of Tecimical Sciences at the J~Ant Scientific Council on Pbysicomathe!:~tical and Technical Sciences; Siberian Branch "Problems of the Tceory of Designing Peak Diode Voltmeters." Vestnik Akad. Nauk, 1-10.4, 1963., PP 119-145 4 ACCESSXON NRs AR4028219 S/0274/64/000/002/AO52AO52 SOURCE: RZh. Radiotekhnika i elektrosvyazl! Abs. 2A332 AUTHORSs Levin., Me M-1 Krasnopistseva, I.f'P. TITLEs Apparatus for precision measurement of the effective area of horn antennas by the two-antenna method in the 3 cm band CITED SOURCEs Tr. in-tov Xom-ta standartov, mer i izmerit. priborov. pri Sov. Min.~ SSSR, vy*p. 70(130), 1963, 97-102 TOPIC TAGSs horn antenna, effective od, 3 centimeter band, antenna power TRANSLATIONs Apparatus is described fective area-*of;horn antennas in the based on the method of two antennas. the effective Ahtenna. area 9 for two Card 1/2 antenna area, two antenna meth- ratio for the mlasurement of the ef- 3 cm, iand. The measurement is In accordance with this method, identical antennas is determined ACCESSION NRi '; AR4028219 from the relpLtion S - XR (P rec /P rad) 1/2 wavelength; R dis- tance between receiving and transmitting antennas; P /P rec rad antenna power ratio). The-power ratio is measured with a calibrated precision attenuator. On the basis of the analysis of the measure- ment-arror components and of the experimental data, ascertained that the apparatus can be used to measure the effective area with error 4 3%. 9,illustrations. Bibliography, 6 titles. B. P. DATE ACQ: 30M&r64 SUB CODE: GE, SD ENCL: 00 Card 2/2 ,Vjjj, M.M.; :r,/01.',APFVA, L.F. I.k- ,., i ,_~ peak dicde Voltmeters Irl Me63 , 'if Performance -,f video Fulses. Izm. tekh. rio.1;4?-50 Ja 164. 1 /1 , mj,--J~ "': 11 1 f livilly M.M.; IMSNOPISTSPA, 10, System for the precise measurement cf the efrectiv-:? area c," ~n= antennas in the three contimeter band using a do-ibl-i ant,-;nna technique. Trudy lnet. X-im. stand., mr i lzir.9 prilb. no.7c*:97-102 '63o (MTPt 19:8) 1. Vassoyuznyy nauchno-lanledov4tallskly inStitLIL fizl-kL'-'-,r-"r-.~jiicheakikh I radiotekhnichaskikh izmarenly. .7 the in-ta, 30: U,,393, 1,, Au: us~ 53, i3 101111, m. 410 Prof - , Clinic Derrato-Venereal L4rca.,~e:;, Clipalov "W. Inst. , "Characteristics (if the Course of Syphilis ~rs'hen Complicatod by bi-p^1 ar Hard Chancre," "lest. Vmerol. I Dernatol., 1.'o. 4, 1948. , - ~ - I - -1 LVIv,p M. M. tavin, M. M. - IfThe manner in which the transition of stomach ulcer Into cancer is clinically recognized," In the a~,mpooium: V. 11. Shamov, Uav,, 19490 p. 265-70 SO: U-4355,. 14 August 53, (Letopia 'Zhurnal lnykh 3tatey., No. 15., 11,349) LZVIN# M.N.. professor. Oatbresk of infootions hepatitis in a family during treatment for syphilis. Vestoren. i darn. n0-3:60 My-is 153. (xLEA 6:7) 1. Iliniks, koshrqkh I veneriaheskikh bolesney, Smoleaskogo meditainskogo institutao (ftatitis, Infectious) (syphilis) LATIN, M.M.; ANDRUTCHINK0. 9.F. I- Cage of nafirus opIdermalWportrophicus perlarticularls. dorm. no.1;47 Ja-11 154. (MLRA ?:2) 1. Is Smolonskogo ablastnogo koshno-yonerologichaskogo dispensera. (Skin-Diseases) LEVIAll M-)q- LUIR, 14.K.0 dotsent, 01 W co-morphological characteristics of traumatic anwarygns. Khtrarglia no-7s6l-65 Jl 154. (MIRA 7:10) 1. Is fakulltetakoy khtrurgicheskoy kliniki pediatrichaskogo i sanitarno-gigiyanicheskogo fakulltetoy Odeaskogo meditsinskogo instituts imeni N.I.Pirogova (zav. kafedray prof. Ta.M.Talashin) (AUURTSM, traum.) LEVIN, M.M., professor; ANDRMCHINKO, M.P. --mW1 Clinical mpects and therapy of atropfitc acrodermatomis. TeSt-T8n- i dorm. no.3:51 MY-Je '55. (HLdA 8:10) 1. Is Smolanskogo oblastnogo vandispansera. (SKIN--DISWICS) ISTIN, X.M.(Tallinn) Cold diseases and their prevention; material for a discussion. 7elld. I akvsh. 21 no.3..49-52 xr l56. (NLIU 9:7) (COLD (DISZA8#4RiViWION) LEVIN. U.N.. professor; LOI>SVjs, V.A. Iffectiveners of vitamin D2 in the trestmeat of oscirlasts. Vrech. delo no.9:"l S 157. (mu... 10-9) 1. Swolenekly oblastnor kothno-venerologichackly dispanser (VITAMI)B-,D) (PSORIASIS) ISVIN, M.M.. prof. (Kharlkov, u1. Dterzhinakogo. d. 93. kv.37) Into results of cardiac suturing. Mov,khir.arkh. no.2:85-86 Mr-Ap 158 (MMA 11%6) 1. KRfedra obahchey khirurgii pedistricheakogo i sanitnrno- gigiyenicheekogo fakulltotov (zav. - prof. M.M. Levin) 1harIkovskogo maditainakogo Institute. (HEART-SURGERT) (SWUM) AMIMV, A.M.p prof.; BEREZOV, Ye.L.p 1rof.; BISENKOV, N.P., kand. mod, nauki BWTSEV, V.R., prof.; DEYNEKA, I.Ya.,, prof.,- DYSKIN, Ye.A., kand. mod. nauk KAZANSKrYp V.I.# prof.; KARAVANOV, G.G.p prof.;-IZ~MRX #.-prof.; MAKSIMKOV, A.B.,, prof.; MAYAT, V.S., profol NAPALKOV, P.N.p prof.j ROZANOVj B.S., prof,; RUSMOV, A.A,j prof,j RUMIOV, G.A.p kand. mod. nauk; FIIATOVI A.N., prof.1 CHUKHRIYENKO# D.P.j prof.1 SHIIMSEV., S.P., prof.; PETROVSKIY, BoVe, prof., otvo red,,- WELINIKOV, AN... prof., redo toma; SUVOROVA* T,Ao, dotsej redo; MIROTVORTEEVAj K.S., red.; RUM'Ap H.S., tekhn. red, [Multivolume marmal on surgery] Mnogotomnoe rukovodstvo po kbirurgii. Noskva, Medgiz. Vol.7. [Surgery of the abdominal wall and organs of the abdominal cavity,, the stomach and intestines Xhirurgila briushnoi stenki., organoy briusbnoi po- losti-zheludka i kishechnika. 3.960. 746 po (MIRA 150) 1, Daystviteltnyy thlen Akademii meditsinskikh nauk SSSR (for Braytsev, Petrovskiy, Meltnikov). 2. Chlen-korrespondent Akademii meditsinskikh nauk SSSR (for Maksimenkov, Filatov). (ABDOM-SURGERY) C-4=4-"-j ADAMCHUKg V.D.; GRONSMj X.Tel DtTAMMOP He'rae Prevvation of ocoupatiowl dematitin in vmkers of the vot apiming induotryo TootedamA van* 34 uoo6tl9-M 160s (KMA 1302) Is Is kafedry kosbr4ykb bolesney save - profs M.M Lavin) kafedry fakulltatakoy kbirargii ~zav* - profs S.M: Nekroa;T) Osamakogo maditaintikogo instituta (dire - dotoent G.M. Starikor) i sdravpumkta &wlenakogo lluokmbinata (my. V.D. Adamchuk), (TWILE VMM -DISFMZS AND HMMS) (SKni--DrSWES) -'--IMINO M.M.- I=sdiate anterior 17-21 Ap and late results after anastomosis according to 160. (STMACH-SURUM) resection of the stomach with Krenlialn. Xhirur ila 36 no.4: fmIlIRL 13:12) GRONSKIYt K.T,; SHITIKOV, V,R, Spilin in the treatment *11' mycosee of the scalp. So7, med. 27 no.3: 129-130 Mr 164. (,"" A l7sll) 1. KI'mika kozhnykh i venericheakikh bolezney (zav. M.M. Levin) Smolonskogo meditsinskogo inatituta. , .1 , I I r f LEV"N --4 ., 1? '.1-, .* of 7,11-- ga!:tric fcllr,-.;Ing resection for peptic ulcOr- Klin. khir. nc.1:71-9 165. ('r-FA 18:8) 1. Wedra obshchy khArurg" p,.dlatr!vheskogo i sanitarno-gigi- yonic-Leskogo fulkulltetev Klarikovskcgo maditsinskogo irstituta, T,EVIN M-M. E~f.', -,.CSEVA, V.A. P ~=- - Materiala on Lhe scr-mlled salvarsan 'aundi~,.e. ir"4y _cM jE.'tCc,',2 161. OmRA lail) 1. Iz kafedry kczhnykh i venericheakikh bolezney (zav. - prof. M.M. Lavin) Smolermkogo, gosudaretvannogo meditsinakego inatit-uta. -UVIN-MAL, prof.~ GECNISMY, K.T. Foot mycoses and th,-;r pv~vontlon 'Jr, !r~tivry. 7e~%. derm. i ven. 38 no.P:71-72 Agr 164. (M,-?A J.q-F.) 1. Knfedra knzhnylli I vvnprj~!hosirikh (Iftv. M.M. Levir.) JuolenOogn mcditsinLkogo inntitut-a. SgYSHLYAYBY, Y.K. (Yoshkar-Ola);BAYULISKIY, 9.9. (Odessa); 1VANOVA, Zh. (Yratea, ., Bolgarlya);USHAKOV, V.V. (StarYY Ofilcol);PROMAN, A.A. (Sverdlovsk); - LVIN# Rol. (Tartu); BRIGADDi, I.Ta. (9oskT&);I&YIN, R.I. (Tartu); (KalininsWa obl.) Problems for students* Hot. v shkole no.6:90-91 N-D 159 NIHA 13:3) (Hathematios-Problems, exercises, ate.) I SOV/ 112 -57 -9 -18670 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Elektrotekhnika, 1957, Nr 9. p 82 (USSR) AUTHOR: Levin, M. W. TITLE: Experience in Planning Telemechanical Outfits In Electric-Supply Systems of Industrial Plants (Opyt proyaktirovaniya telemekhanizirovannykh ustanovok v sistemakh alektrosnabzhaniya promyshlennykh predpriyatiy) PERIODICAL: V eV. -Tr. nauch.-tekhn soveshchaniya po elektroonab. prom. predpriyatiy, Moscow -Leningrad, Gosenergoizdat, 1956, pp 219-230 ABSTRACT: Experience in planning the following outfits is reported: (1) tele- mechanical outfits for 35/6-kv substations at industrial plants and for distribu- tion stations in.~~"Icipal networks; (2) dispatcher control of traction substa- tions in a city transportation system; (3) dispatcher control of water-supply systems in industrial and metropolitan areas, and at individual industrial plants. Amount of telernechanical equipment required for each installation is reported. It has been estimated that 139 men would be required to operate shore pumping stations of an industrial area without automation or Card 1 /Z SOV-91-58-11-14/20 AUTHORSs Berenshteyn, M.G., Kaufman, A.A., Levin, N.V., Engineers TITLEt Adjusting the Regulating Systems of L!4Z High-Pressure Tur- bines (Naladka sistem regulirovaniya turbin vyeokoRo davle- niya LMZ) PERIODICALt Energetik, 1958, Nr 11, pp 27 - 31 (USSR) ABSTRACTi The author describes the most typical defects of the regul- ating systems of LMZ turbines of the VT-25-4 and VK-25-1 types which have come to light as a result of adjusting the regulation of a large number of turbines on the test stands of BMZ and electric power-stations, and recommends ways of eliminating them. The experience so gained can also be ap- plied to VK-100, VK-50 and VPT-25 type turbines. The defects described are as follows 1) the so-called "oscillation of regulation", i.e. a periodic change of the rpm. when idling; 2) excess friction in the summing slide-valve; 3) pulsation of individual organs or of the whole regulating system; 4) fairly severe load-shedding when the synchronizer is ac- Card 1/2 tivated, or even more frequently when the slide-valve is SOV-91-58-11-14/20 Adjusting the Regulating Systems of LMZ High-Pressure Turbines turned around its axis. This phenomenon occurs when the turbines are working in parallell 5) distortion of the re- gulating performance due to incorrect fitting of the throttle of the summing slide-valve blooki 6) irregular movement of the high-pressure servomotor and a disparity between the pressure at the slide-valve and the position of the pistoni 7) obstruction of the throttle windows, especially the wind- ows of the bush of the regulator alide-valve and the inlet aperture of the same. There are 5 diagrams and 1 graph. Card 2/2 1. Turbines--Control systems MA SHINN, M.G., Iash.I--WINJ H.!,..insh. Repair of the control system of AFT-12-1, AT-12-1 turbines. Ilsk.sta. 31 no.5s25-28 Mr 16o. (MMA 13 0-8) (Turbines) SHYSLOV, N.I.; SIPYAGINA, M.I.; KRASNUSHKIN, V.V.;, LEVIN, M.N. (Combined contact-tower process for sulfuric acid manufacture! Kombinirovannyi kontaktno-bashennyi protsess polucheniia ser- noi k1sloty. Moskyap 1962. 39 p. (MIRA 16:2) 1. Moscow. Nauchnyy institut, po, udobreniyam i insektofungisi- dam. 2. Laboratoriya baahennoy sernoy kisloty Nauchnogo instituta po udobrenlyam i insektofungitaidam imeni prof. Ya.V.Samoylova (for Smyslov, Sipyagina)., 3. Gosudarstvennyy institut po proyek- tiroyaniyu zavodov oanovnoy khimicheakoy promyshlennosti (for Krasnushkin, Levin). (Sulfuric acid) LITIN, N.O.. inzhener. Controlling the actusl strength of concrete daring electric heating. Strol.prom. 32 no.9:22-23 a 154. (yTHA 7:11) (Goncrete-Testing) KOZLCHUX, V.M., inzhener; LIVIN, M.P. inthener. 6n; Mechanizing loading operations in road machinery stations. Avt.dor. 19 no.9:12-13 3 156. OMU 9: 11) (Loafing and unloading) IJHIN, M.P*. Inshomer. one-bucket tractor mountsil loader. Mokh. strol. 14 ne.2:28 If 157. (leading and unloading) (MM 10W LEVIN, M.P., inzh. - Tractor mounted cranes* Makho strolt 15 no.4:26-27 Ap 158. (MIRA 11:5) (Cranes. derricks. ate.) LIVIS, getvay Pavlovich; KRIVSHIN, A,P,g red,; SUPANOV, T.M., red,izd-va; [Road rollers; operator's manual] Kotornye katki; posobia mashi- nistu. Moskva, Nauchno-takhn.izd-vo X-va avtomobilinogo transp. i shossainykh dorog. 1960. 215 p. (MIRA 13:12) (Rollers (Urthwork)) ISVIN, M. One Of the best. Maot.less, no.5:22-23 MY 157. (MIRA 10:10) l.Glavny7 inzhener lesozavoda No.16-17, Arkhangel'skaya oblastil. (Ermolin, Vasilii Fedorovich) (Archangel Province-Sawmills) T ,v A V, v I -Flattening the testa of frame saws. S '57. (Saws) Voon-in2h.shur, 101 ( F,-.aA I ~-,. 9; LEVIN, Mikhail Semenovich; AKINDINOT. M.T., red.; POLTEVA, B#Khog A.M., (Preservation treatment of lumber in sawmills; experience of the Archangel Sawmill No-16-171 Antineptirovanie p1lo- materialov na lesopilInykh savodakh; Is opyta Arkhangel'skogo lesosavoda no.16-17. Moskva, Goslesbumizdat. 1959. 39 P. (MIRA 1313) (Archangel Province-Wood-Preservation) IEVIN, M.S., gornyy inzh. Determination of the places to instaA wedge-shaped rings or linings on transition curves. Transp. stroi. 12 no.4s45-46 Ap 162. (MIRA 150) (Tunnel lining) h :X.K%r Pr~14,07 f(;,- *~,v fl na . 3 45 -.3P- "4r I t,- ANDRIANOV, V.N.; BUDZKO, I.A.; VENIKOV, V.A.j DEHIN, A.V.; GORODSKIY, D.A.; GRUDIKSKIY, P.G.; ZAKHARIN, A.G.; KRASNOV, V.S.;_LEV M S. LISTOV, L"Am D.V.; P6N,j.MARKOVICH, LK.; MELINIKOVp N,As; HAZAROV, G.I.; mov SKMOVj B.V.; STEPANOV,, V.N.; SYRWATNIKOV, I.A.; FEDOSLnNp A.M.; TAKMSj A.I* Doctor of technical sciences,, Prrf-semor Iev Efimovich Ebin, 1905-1 on his 60th birthday, BlektricheetW,to,6:91 Je 165. 11 (MIRA 1817) TuberculosIs - I 1 1. . 11 . . A. -.; rD t -' tromtmorit of ?~% ""e fo-r -%f workers. Probl. Lub. "0. '3, 1~51~- 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, tllove::iber- -19A, Uncl. 2 %" I&VIN,-M.S. Affectiveness of treating tuberculosis with penumoperitonsum. Probl. tub. 33 no-1:102-101 '37. (KLRA 10;6) I ,, 1. Is tubarkalesnogo otdoleniya, doroshnoy obl'n1tey Sverdlovskoy sholesnor dorogi, (PMMCMITOEM, AFTIrICIAL evaluation (Rua)) 1WIN, X.S-o PROXOPIYRVA, O.A. micas ~ severe capillary tox1cools in pulzonary tuberculosis 22 no.101123-125 0 158 (MIRA lltll) 1. Is tubarkulasnogo otdeleniya dorozhnoy bollnitey (nachallnik X*A. Loshimrsy) iverdlovskoy chelarnoy dorogis MMPAWTU)SIS, PULMONARY, ther. chemothpr, causing capillary toxicasis (Rue)) (CAPILLARMS 0 chenoth-r. in pulm. tuberc. (Rua)) (PUHPURA. etiol pathQgen. (Rue)) s 41 , - . - c -c! Cain I -h DlsserL,~ L 'Lon: 114'roblm.s of tli.; IarAljl, '.q",;rk of z;lec'.ric Fower ~Xutions for -ul;.,lyinr, i~jral Conswers. 29/12/50 Loscow Inst of -echstnization and -~,Iectrlfication of Agriculture imani V. V.. Lolotov 80 Vecheryaya Moskva Sum 71 USSR/Electrlcity Distribution Systems Apr 52 Short Circuits *A Graphic.,I,n-ilytical Method of Calculating Short-Circult Currents in Steel-Wire Circuits,", X. S. Levin, A. M. Ganelin, Candidates Tech Sci, All-Union Jc i Res Inst for Farm Electrif Lc!itilon "Zlektricb.-I-tvo" No 4, pp 50-54 Proposes a n-:w gr,iphical-analytical metbol for calcg s,;e.,jily -state short-circuit currents in ZmUal li~-,trlbutlon systems using steel Vireez. Defines the area of applAcation of various methods of calag these currents in such systems.' Submitted 14 Dee 51. ------------- AM I 1 .1 228T55 41t. USM/Electricity Power System Aug 52 Stability "Stability of Rural Electric Power Systems thAer Normal Operating Conditions," M.S. Levin, Cand Tech Sci A31-Union Inst for Electrification of Agr "Elektrichestvo" No 8, pp 39-44 Autbor proposes approx methods for ca.Ig max power ratings for squirrel-cage induction motors (i.e., for elec tractors) so that starting them will not impaIr stability of rural power systems. He cites results from checking these methods on a network 235T42 analyzer at Power Eng Inst, Acad Sci U&M, and on rotating models of a rural system. Submitted 25 Sep 51. 2391%2 Avl~ Sh.ort Circuits Calculation curveS for dettr--ir;ir~L ohort circuits in rlu-,ai sellkhoz. laonthly.. irt o Russian Accrissiong, Library of Corif-TESO Juno 1--)53. 'CJTI t; G L . IATIN. X.50; KM. P.Y. ft*wAwgww Tm sero-soqmmoe rawtsum of Induation sotors. Rektrichastro 153. 110.2, 37-41. (MLRA 60) (BBA 56 00.672t4739 '33) I-L. 4 LICVIN, H.S. - IAIGOVOT, V.S.; IRYUXOV, A.A. Static and dyumic stability of local power systems In piedmont districts of lirghlxistan. Trudy Inst.vod.khos.i energ.AX Kir. SR no.1:81-118 134. (KLRA 9: 11) (lirghizistaa--Zlectric power distribution) INVIN,M.S., kandidat tekhnichookikh nauk Calculations of the stability of normal conditions in local electric systems. Nauch.trudy VIKSKH no.1:86-98 154. (KM 8:11) (Electric power distribution) LZTII. H.5., kandidat takhnichookikh nauk. One more remark concerning priority. Xektrichestvo no.4:82 Ap 054. (XLRA 700 (Ilectric wasurements) (Blectric machinery. Synchronous) ;-f-F T- GAMIN, A.M.; ZAKHARIN, A.G.; LEVIN, HoS. Now aluminum steel wire for-r-um-T-olectric lines. Blul, nauch.-tokh. inform, po slek, sellkhos. no.lt47-50 156. (KEaA lotg) (Alectric wire) 8 (2) BOV/112-57-5-10136 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Elektrotekhnika, 1957, Nr 5, p 78 (USSR) AUTHOR: Ebin, L. Ye., Levin, M. S. TITLE: Ground-Fault Protection in Rural Low-Voltage Networks (Zashchita ot zamykaniya na remlyu v sel'skikh elektricheskikh setyakh nizkogo napryazheniya) PERIODICAL: Sb- tekhn. inform. po sel'sk. elektrifikataii, 1956, Nr 2, pp 7-13 ABSTRACT: It in pointed out that in designing rural low-voltage 380/220-v net- works, it is necessary to check the protective system operation on phase-to- neutral faults - If the line protection is secured by fuses, the short-circuit current must exceed the rated fusing current 3 or more times. Should observance of thia rule be impossible, the reliability of the rural-network protection can be increased by sectionalizing the line by means of sectionalizing fuses intended to protect branch circuits against short circuits, not against overloads. Another way to increase the protective system reliability in low- voltage networks in to install automatic circuit -breakers at the substation, set for 1. 5-20 times normal current. V. Ya. R. Card 1/1 IJITINO H.S., kande takhn, ?zuk; EULI, N-K,, kand, takhn, nauk, zl~~ Protection and automtic realosing of distribution networks. ilaktri- chestyo no.12s82-84 D 156a (Km llo) (Blectria power distribution) (Blectrio switcbgsar) JBIN, LJO.; GANALIN, A#Mo; GILINSXIT, AX-, GORNOVICSOV, G,V.; ZIATKOVSKIT. A.P.; XAU7KAN# P.M.; KISEW, N,Ao: MUDY, F.Te.: Ljjjj,-X.5.,,- SLAYN, KIP.: SHIRNOT. B.T.; smimr, V.I,; SKIVOTA, I.S.; TARAWA. T.Te.-, CHABOTAM, V.I.; BRATS, Te.1,; XMIN, I.A.; IOSIPW# B.G.; redaktor-, SARK STA , A.M., redaktor; SHIR ly. KID*, redaktor-, TXPLITSXIY, U.S. redaktor; XOKAROVAe V~X~, redaktor; GUFJMCH, M.N., takhnichookly redaktor. [Rules for the operation of electric Installations in rural areas] Pravila takhnichookoi ekspluatateii sellskikh alaktroustanovok. Moskva, Goo. Ixd-yo sellkhos. lit-ry, 1957. 183 P. (XLRA 10:4) le'Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Glyanoye upraylenlye sel'skikh elektro- stantsil. (Ilectrio pover plants) (Blectricity in agriculture) ZBIN, L.Ye., doktor tekhn.nauk; 1XVIN. H.S., kand.takhn.nauk Effect of grounding the neutral on the current intensity in cases of single-phase short circuits. (Nanch.trudyl TIZSXH 3:483-501 158. (KMA 13:4) (Electric currents--Grounding) (Electric networks) Isvill, M. S. "Problems of Parallel Operation of Electric Power Stations in the Pover Supply to Agricultural Consumers." Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences, defended at Moscow Institute for Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture. 5 January 1951- (Elektricheatvo, 1958, Hr 4, PP- 92-93-) LEVIN M.S. kand.tekhn.nauk; ZHULIN, M.T., insh. Using steel aluminum cables for rural electric lines. Xekh. eel'. hoop, 9 ne.9:24-25 3 158. (MIRA 11:10) Ollectric cables) (Rural electrification)