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L 52827-�2 EWT(d)/EWT(1)/FEC (M)/EEC(f )/EWP(v)/EEC-4/EWP(k)/E'#P(h)/E7iiA W/EWP(D ACCESSIONNR: APS009875 Pq-4/Pf-4/ UR/0115/65/00010OZ/0044/0046 Peb/Pg-4 621.574 AUTHOR; Levin, M. I.; Semko. Yu. L; Solodov, Yu. S.; hfikhaylov, Ye. V. TITLE: Encoding the output signals of pulse-supplied M-var sensors k0 SOURCE: lzmeritel'naya tekhnika. no. 2, 1965, 44-46 TOPIC TAGS: mutual inductance sensoAndustrial process control ABSTRACT: As the measurement process with a variable -mutu&d-inductanc e (M-var) sensor of a differential-transformer or ferrodynamic type supplied by commercial 50 cps has been slow. the authors suggest supplying the sensor with 4-meec sawtooth pulses. An experimental model had a measurement time of 2 maec, an output range of 0 -0. 5 v, and a basic a r ror of t 0. Sf*; varying the pulse tilt angle byt 10% resulted inan additional error of!0.8%. Variationof the supply voltage of an analog-digital -converter byt 20% did not Introduce a noticeable error. Only a block diagram is given. Orig. art. has: 5 figures amd 10 formulas. ;Card 1 i I . I I I I 7 1 i : Ah, !Card 2/2 , . i -~l I I I r G AOCESSION I AP5010095 t)IJVFrS(k) Pac~4/Pt-4/PJ74/ -4 WP UR/0111165/000/007/0MV0005 621-317-329t621.382.3 AUTHOR: Lovin, M. 1. (Engineer); Bulanov, S. F. (Engineer) TITLE: Portable transistorised comparator SOURM.Vestnikavyasi, no. 7, 1965, 4-5 ABSTRACT: The development of a new omparator Intended for mea_aPring directional patterns of broadcasting antennasV reported. The instrument can measure a radio-field Intensity within 3 mv/m - 3 v/m at 150-1600 kc with an error of 7% or less. The gain of the comparator receiver Is calAbrated at each operating frequency by means of a calibrating oscillator which also is a part of the comparator. The receiver gain to calibrated by a voltage applied to the ferrite-loop, antennae. The superheterodyne receiver includes nine P402 transistors and seven P15 transistors; the ferrite-loop-antenna signal is applied directly to a frequency mixer. The comparator weight Is 6 kg. A Winaipal cimuit diagram, some design details,, and calibration procedure are given. OrIg. art. has: 2 figures and i formula. (T3T_~ Ccrd 1/2 TOPIC TAGS% comparatoro portablecomparator, transistorized comparator A. 59524-65 AC&L-35iON NRt Ap5Di8o95 ASSOGIATION s none !iSUMaTTEDt 00 ENCLt 00 SUB COD9: EC ATD Frmss. 4054: 518,517-948 TITLE& On a single beat quadratic formals. with a weighted function SWRCEs Zhurnal vychisliteilnoy m&te=tik1 i matemstichaskoy fizikis ve 5t not L 19659 542-545 TOPIG TAM tio squationt weighted funotionp Legendre polynomial, optiml quadra dblei in studied t + re ..- Bents the got of all ABSTRAM, The foliowi4 pr, pro function f(x) haYUK an abooluteli contirawus na order derivative at the section 15PY; the functions also satisfy the Condition - - 'C < M.4t. A It in desired to find formal" Of the form (APfi(t) +RPM ,where (A> -It and (Jj4) W'O YSM-01 a single formala. for which the cclrd-At~- 1 3281-65 quantity 'Re assumes its mini= value* The general for=aa id~ written AA- terms, or Pan. i6dti=s_:w1th-& series -sumation term. An application Pf, _QraJWr 16-W# yields a single best llunotion#* The author demonstrates the validity or the deri*stion by'reaching the same conclusion through a different approach to r(f +a) , - I the problem. - It to shown thal n,-M.+j_p.,. An application of Tepler's theorem is combined with Legendre polynomials to yield the quantity N(ft + a + 2) 26+1 2r% + 2a + 3 whichp after resubstitution in the general formula, gives the ninimuz an sought. 1 Orig. art. hast 9 equationse ASSOCIATIONs- none SUMEETTEN 21Jul64 NO REF SWs 002 Card ENCLs 00 OT t 000 50 CODE MA KUTYAKOV, A*Fs) inzil. (deceaved]; FOCHATKOV, S.Ye.p inzh.; UVIN, M.I., lrz).. Device for measuring the width of the radiation band of rad;o stations. Voat. nvlazi. 25 no,3:7-11 Mr 1(5. (MIRA 28t5) A P 013010 MURCE'*CODE~--Lfti-/&l-C~166-/OOO/001/0033/0046- AUTHOR: Levin, M.I. (Moscow); Semko, Yu. 1. (Moscow) ORG: none TITLE: The determination of the parameters of periodic signals from the measurement of their Instantaneous values SOURCE: Avtometriya, no. 1, 1966, 33-40 TOPIC TAGS: signal analysis, electronic equipment, measuring instrument ABSTRACT: The general properties of the method for the determination of periodic voltages and currents from the measurements of their Instantaneous values have been studied. This approach makes it possible to determine amplitudes, phase shifts, and instantaneous and average values of the fundamental frequency as well as of the higher harmonics. The present article describes an analysis of the errors In the registration of the parameters in question. In the zero to several kilocycle band the error Is from 0. 1 - 0. 5%. An interesting feature of this method Is the Increase In accuracy with the decrease In signal frequency. On the basis of the new method, the authors propose block diagrams for the possible design of fast digital devices and a. c. converters (automatic digital potentiometers, a. c. bridges, spectral analyzers, etc.). Orig. art. has: 11 formulas, 6 figures, and I table. SUB CODE: 09, 14 / SUBM DATE: 18Sep65 / ORIG REF- 003 / OTH REF: 004 UDC: 621.317.312 NOVI V.F.; sol,otovf YFITIMI -M F SE-VD0 YU.i.-I SEMI 14.111.; ymayKOV, A. - , unjt3 of F., ce-ntralIzed control Sy5teM- Measuring (MIMA 18-9) Trudy MFI 52:133-1Y6 163. ILYUKOVICH, A.M.; I~~ _EEL Temoerature error of induction -,mtt-hour meters, 71rudy Ins-.. Kom. stand., mer. i izm, prib. no.74:101-110 163. (MIRA 18tIO) ,pesoyuznyy nauchno-IsBledo,,ra tell skiv 1wititut Komitats. 1. V standartov, mor i izmeritelinykh pr1borvv pri Sovete Ministrov SSSR. LEVIII, Lnzli.; ----------- Portatle L7 165. MVIN, ~1.1. --7-- jie:d-, Af.:n-ir-if. w!th u t ~ --- . i'.- .- - I , - trat. I mit. fiz. 1 147--1 !,,- J !-. " '-ACd- NR.,'-- AP6015ii 08 SOURCE CODE: UR/0413/66/ooo/oog/0110/0111 _J~ylpj ~. I.; Malykhin, A. A.; Xargulis MENTOR: Gayev, D. V.; Golubev, G. M.; Yu. I.; Spiridonov, G. M. ORG: None TITLE: A temperature control for an internal combustion engine. Class 42, No. 181406 (announced by the Central Scientific Research Diesel Institute (Tsentral'nyi nauchno-issledovatellskiy dizellnyy institut) and the Chelyabinsk Tzactor Plant (Chelyabinskiy traktornyy zavod)] SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztey, tovarnyye znaki, no. 9, 1966, lio-ill TOPIC TAGS: temperature control, internal combustion engine component ABSTRACT: This Author's Certificate introduces a J temperature control for an air-cooled internal com- bustion engine. The control contains a contact type pickup. The thermal contact between the engine and Nx.. the pickup is improved by setting the pickup in the engine cavity which is filled with an intermediate beat transfer agent-such as an easily fusible inert salt. SUB CODE: 21/ SUBH DATE: O9Feb65 1-pickup; 2-control; 3--engine cavity -IAYIIN, H.I., f el'daher (Tallinn). First aid in the treatment of burns under conditions prevailing at rural medical and obstetrical centers and health stations at industrial enterprises. Yelld.i akush. no.1:14-17 Ja '54. (Burns and scalds) (ULRA 7:1) ISVIN. K.I. (Tallinn). Eye Injuries and first aid in such cases. Felld.i akush. no.3: 21-27 Mr 154. (MLRA 7:3) (Eye--Wounds and injuries) N413,31NMORTMR; R- LIVIN R.I. (Tallinn) 1. '=L --. Immobilization of injiwies for transportation. Felld. I akush. no.11:10-13-. contd. N 154. (XLRA 7M) (WOUIM AND DUMINS Immobilization for transportation, splints) (SPLINTS for lumobtlizIng of inj. for transportation) ISTIF XIX- (TaIll-n ) -am Ismobilisation for transportation in injurtem of different parts of the skeleton, Irelld, I akushe uo~12:3-11 D 154. (MIRA 8:2) (SPLINTS for transportation imobilization in fractures) LVIN, (Tallinn) Bruises of soft tissues. FelIdA akush. no.4:3-9 Ap 135. (MM 8:7) (MUSCISS, wounds and injuries, ther.) (SKIN wounds and injuries, (wouNDs An injuRrAs, muscles A skin, ther.) ISVIN, M,J. (Tallinn) Acute empbysemso Folld. i akush. 21 no.,11:6-12 N 156* (KIRA 9:12) (PMONARY KUMA) -L; UI it. M. I. Clmobilization for trensportation; for nonprofessional wAlcal personnel] Transportnaia imobilizatsits; dIts arednego moditsin- skogo personals* Moskva, Nedgis, 1957. 85 P. (KM 10:6) (YIRST AID IN ILIMS AND IWMT) L1__ v I /V N, 1, I / IIAVIV. -(Tallinn) Care of patients with fractures. Med.sestre 16 no.9:18-23 8 '57. MACTMS) (MIRA 11:1) (NUMAS AND NWING) --_, LEVIN. M. I* (Tallinn) for registering, obtaining, storing, dispensing, and inventorying poisons and pownrful drugs. Felld. i akush. 23 no.6t3l-37 Je 158 (MIRA 11:6) (DRUGS) LEVIN, Mikhail IvanovicU; VINOGRADOV, V.V., red.; S~-'HCHILO, K.K., ' [Transportation of sick and injured persons; manual for subprofeasional medical personnel) Transportirovka bollnykh i postradavehikh ot travmy; posobis dlia arednego maditsinskogo personala. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo med.lit-ry, 1959. 95 P. (Knu 13:1) (TRANSPORT OF SICK AND WOUNDED) IZVIN. M.I. (Tallinn) . ---- - - - - V-, Acute carbon monoxide poisoning. 7el'd. i akush. 24 no.3:20-26 Mr 159. (CARBON MMOXIDIS--PHYSIOIMICAL XFFSGT) (MIRA 12:4) LEVIN, M.I. (Tallinn) Periostitto and its treatment. Yelld I akush. 24 no.4:14- 20 Ap '59. (MIOSTNEW-DISIAOS) (MIRA 1215) ~.ZRINV-Melv- (Tallinn) Frostbite and its treatment. Felld. i akumb. 24 no.10t8-15 0 159, (YROSTBITIB) (MrRA 1312) LIVIN, R.I. (Tallin) -------------- Vork of the feldsher medical center In the control of tra-tion. 7911d, I akush. 24 no,12:27-35 D 159o (XM 1312) (7IRST AID IN IUMSS AND IWRY) LEVIN, Xj.'-~Tallinn) -..Mwwm~ - - Latent infections and their influence on the causation and dmlqpwnt of various diseases. Felvd. i akush. 25 no.11:7-14 N 160. (HIU 13M) (INFECTION) LEVIN. M.I.ATallin) Care of pe#ents vith injuries of the spine and spinal cord. Mad. sestra 20 n0:1831-38 Ja 161. (MIRA 140) (SPINE,-WOUNDS AM INJURIES) (SPINAL CORD-WOUNDS AND INJURIES) (SURGICAL NURSING) LEVIN, M. I. (Ta.Uin) Bloodletting. Had. sestra 20 no.4:R6-33 Ap 161. (MP-A 14: 5) (BLOODLETTING) 1zVI M.I.; XOVIKOVA, Ye.I.; MINKOV, G.B.; OPTYAKOVA, A.F.; SHTELIMAX, A.I.; ~~~Ov, YU.V. Serological studies in plague. Report No.11 Detection of antibodies in sera of experimentally infectqd animals by means of the passive he*agglutination on reaction. Zhur.mikrobiol... epid. i immun. 32 no'*lOs86F-91 0 161. (MIRA 14:10) 1, Is Astrakhanskoy i Elistinakoy protivochumnykh stantaiy. (PLAGUE) (9LOOD-AGGLUTINATION) (ANTIGE18 AND ANTIBODIES) IZVIN, ILL (Ta-Uin) Bursitis and its treatment. Felld. i akush. 26 no.9:9-16 S 161. (BURSITIS) (Mul w 10) LEVIN Mt I. (Ta3lin) Method and technic of fangotherapy, Med. sestra 21 no-5:9-18 MY 162. (KRA 15*- 5) (DATES# MOOR AND MUD) LNIIIO M.I. (T,1114n) -Calcanean spura. Fel 'd. i akash. 27 no.2:22-26 F 162. (MIRA 15-3) (HEEL BOIX-DISEAS ) .. LMN,'M.I. (Tal"n) I- Acute thranbophlobitis ig the 1wer extremities and its treatment. Hod.sestra 20 no,,l2t6-IU D 161. (MIRA 15s3) (PMEBITIS (THRCHMIS) 4nTamns . maw=) LEVIN, M.I. (Tallin) ' -- - - " -fb~ turns and the required first aid. Felld. i akusho 27 no.�;28--33 S162. 04IRA 16:8) (BUPI;S AND SCAIDS) (FIRST AID IN ILLIESS AND INJURY) ) Asepsis provided at medloal centers. Med. sestra 22 no.10z 38-43 0163 (KnU 16t12) HALAK111, V.I., red.; IVP11CHENKO, N.N., red.; KOLLEROVp L.K., red.; LEEVIN', H.I#p red.; NIKITIN, M.D.) red. (Internal combustion engines; collection of papers dedicated to the memory of Professor Liudvig Karlovich Martens, Doctor of Technology] Dvigateli vnutrennego sgoraniia; sbornik rabot posvinshchamiyi pamiati doktora tekhnicheskikh nauk,, profes- sora Liudviga Karlovicha Martensa. Moskvax Fashinostroenie, 1965. 454 P. (MIRA 18:4) L 31"9-M EWT(m)/T Di ACC HR: AP6002949. SOURCE CODE: UR/0286/65/000/02U/0110/0110 INVENTOR: Payev, D. V.; GQlubgv. M.; 14vin, M. 1. Maly)(bin, A. A.; Margulls, _T.-Yu. I.; Spiridonov, G. M. ORG: none TITLE: A temperature regulator for an Internal combustion SUILROV Class 42, No, 177106 [announced by Antral Scientific R-es-e-aig Diesel Institute (Tsentrallnyy nauchno-isaledovatellakly dizellnyy institut); and the Chelyabiiiik Tractor Plant (Chelyabinskly traktornyy zavod)] "SOURCE: Byulleten' izobreteniy I Tovarnykh znakov, no. 24, 1965, 110 TOPIC TAGS: internal combustion engine, air cooled engine, temperature regulator -ABSTRACT: This Author's Certificate Introduces a temperature regulator for an air- cooled internal combustion engine. The unit contains a pickup wi h a sensing ele- ment which operates is spring slide valve to regulate the oil flo )to the hydraulic clutch of the blower. The reliability of the device is improved by mounting the pickup an an engine component, e.g. on a cylinder head, and by making the sensing Card 1/3 UDC: 621.43-543.2-533.65 L i4449-a 'ACC NR: AP6002949 :element in the form of a bellows with a long stroke. Additional balancing for the islide valve is provided by connecting the space above the valve to the supply line. .SUB CODE: 21/ SUBM DATEt 25Dsc64 Card 2/3, EAM 77 L 24449-66 ACC NR: AP6002949 1 - sensing element; 2 - pickup; 3 - slide valve; 4 - spring; 5 - fluid; 6 - transfer. section; 7 - channels; 8 space above the slide valve. Card 3/3 XLI MAN t N. H. j , _ LEV, ~Xh -. a Use of LTonebography in the clinical treatment of pulmonary tuberculosise Zdrav, Belore 6 no. 5s43-45 My 160. (MM 13:10) 1. Tubarkuleznoye otdeleniYe 4-y klinicheakoy bollnitay (glavnyy vrach re.M. Seltdimirova) (for Kliptsan). 2. Belorueskiy Institut tuberkuleza (direktor M.N. Lcmako) (for Levin). (TUDOCULOSIS) (BRONCHI-MIOGRAPEY) IMN, M.M2. Tcmographic studly of the lung cortex in children vith chronic tubermaous intaxication. Problotub* nos4130-U 161o (MIRA W12) 1. Tz rantgenoflyuorografichookogo otdala (zav. M.Kh. Levin) Belorusakogo nauchno-iseledovatellakogo institute tuberkuleza (dir. - M.N. Lomako). (TUBOMLOSIS) (UINGS-RADIOGWHY) IZVINI M.Kh. Tomographic image of the mor-I radix pulmonis in children. Zdrav. bel. 8 no.1:30-33 A 162. (IOU 15:3) 1. Iz Belorusakogo nauchno-issledovatel'skogo instituta tuber- kuleza (direktor - M.N. Lomakals (LUNGS--4WIOGRAPHY) ASHlMBAYEVp Tuyzebay Ashimbayevich, nauchn. sotr.j HAYTULESIXV, Tursunbek Baytuleshavich, nauchn. sotr.; KOVALENKO, Tama a Ivanovnas nauchn. sotr,; SHIM, P.S., kand. ekon. nauk., otv. red.; LEVIN, M.L.# red. (Labor productivity of Kazakhstan's machinery industry aid the factors of its growth] Proizvoditellnost' truda v mashinostroenii Kazakhstana i faktory ee rosta. Alma- Ata, Nauka, 1965. 209 p. (MIRA 18%6) 1. Institut ekonomiki AN Kazakhakoy M (for Ashimbayev, Baytuleshev, Kovalenko). LIVIN, H,L., Inshener; imywvt V.A., inzhener. WOPWOMP"04 Rapid installation of blast furnace squIpment. atroi. 15 no.7:1-6 JI 153. Gbor.mato o novotekh, v (KLU 6:7) (Blast-furnaces) BUDANOV. G.V.. vypusk; RZZNIKOV, A.I., vypusk; I&V199A.Lr*~-, red.: PXVZNXH. A.B., red.izd-va; PERSON, M,ff., [cost manual for the assembling of equipment] TSennIk us montash oborudovant'ia. No.2. Clquipment for woodworking, veneer, and match industries] Oborud vanie derevoobrabatyvaiushchogo. fanernogo I, spichechnogo prois;detva. 1958. 32 p. (MIRA 12:4) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Gosudaretyennyr komitat po delam stroitalletys, (Woodworking machinery) r,A / I - If-- SD(AMZV, L.V.. insh.: IMYIN, H.L., Insh. Zrocting aIntering factorles. Nov. tekh. I pertd. op. v Itrol. 20 no.3tll-16 m 158 (M IRA 1i: 1) (Sintoring) !Preoast ooncreto cQnstruction) BOYEV, Sergey Hikoloyevicho akademikl SOKOJLVA, Iya Borosovua; PAND, Viktor TakovIevichi 511EVCHUK, T.I.# red.;, LEVIN, M.L.j, red.; ROROKIKA) Z.P.9 tekhn. red. [He1minthB of unVIates of Kazakbotan; in tuo volumea]Gell- minty kopytoqkb zhivotzqkb Kazakbstana; v dvukh torAkh. AIM- Atap Izd-vo Akad.jnauk Kazakhokoi SSR. Vol.l. 1962. 373 p. (MIRA 15310) 1. Akadeziya nauk Kazakhakoy SSR (for Boyev). (Kazakhstan-Parasitoo-Ungulata) (Kazakbstan-Worms., Intestinal and parasitic) SOKOIDVA, Te.L[deceasedj; BRATNZAft)VA, G.T.; BOCHANOVA, N.S.; ZMKHAREVA, V.I.; ZAKtDMTEVp A.K.; ISATEVAO M.G.; IXAMBAYEVA, U.A.; KRIVOSHEYEV Yu.0.,- KUDAMRGEI'OVI Zh.D.; RAKHMCHIM, S.; TYUT'i&LV,, F.M.; SHIM, P.S.; LAZARENKOt Te.I.; GARANKINA, A.I.; DITACHENKO, R.; PETUKWV, R.M., kand. tekhn. nauk, nauchn. red.; SHUPIDVA, M.A., red.; LEVIN, M.L red.; ROfMINA, Z.P., takhn. red. (Food industry of Kazakhstan) Pishcheynia promyshlennoat' Kazakhatana. Alma-Ata, I%d-To AN KazSSR,, 1963. 172 p. 1, Akademiya nauk Kazakhakoy SSR, Alma-At&. Institut eko- nomiki. (Kazakhstan-Food industry) '4 MIKHMLOV, Fedor Kuz'mIch; SIMSHATOV, Ibragim Shamshatovich; SAVOSIKO, V.K.j kand. ist, naukp otv. red.; LEM, Y.L., red. - ---- ---." (PoptLlar movement for the reclamation of the virgin lands in Kazakbatang 1953-1960] Urodnoe dvlzhenie za osvoenie tselin- rUkh zemell v Kazakhstane, (1953-1960 gody). Alna-Ata, Izd- vo MI Kaz.SSR, 1964. 359 p. NIU 17: 5) -NUU74"L.+ IPATOV, P.P.., naucluw red.j ZVORYKINA, L.N.,, red. izd- va; 0 = KO, L.M., tekbn. red. [Aeoemb2y of industrial equipment in enterprises of the metal- lurgical industry; ore dressing., sinterings, and blaat-furnace plants] Montazh tekbnologicheskogo oborudavaniia predpriiatii, metallurgicheskoi prou7shlennosti; obogatitellmye i aglome- rateionrye fabriki,, domennye tsekbi. Moskva# Gosstroiizdat.. 3.962. 335 P. (MIRA 15:6) (Iron and steel plants-Equipment and supplies) On We tilis"'O' N A31- ue~ A 04.4 A A'Kox~ k N,% Vs- - prr of 0 h J10 .1 vial Lov-114" I.:. i2w., Physics FacLlty, '*Iosccw Lrder Lwdn itate UnIv. im. ,". V. 1,onon,.Scv, -1)4-,. "Contribution to Ue Theory of the Exaltation of Vibrations in the Aerial ViuraUzrs," Zhur. Tekh. Fiz., 14, No. 9, 1944. 10006006040496900690:0 see so 0000-000000400# 0010 A900000000900000000 0 00009000*000000.000*0o 11 Los 00 $1 01 Ikv 0 Is 0 Ank 6 a a a a a v qv LIL : f.; : me tootIP& 00 oor*I son 00b 000 00 002 00 000 so 0 Off 1000 008 C, go so* Poe 00" too .M 00 xv Opwam 0 00 IVA *4W am MUI~ so- too 0. 9*mw~ 00 -jpI we V-OWPMW-. lip so of Amu tte, a - law 00 ~I ei, go - 4 a Doti o j f- a.. a., -jkf Dill"' -Va r woo P 41 A -AU W -A-* 111-JU &-A -1-4 -a-,- -i--rs olp- 4 : I If I I T, 7vy r 0 00*040000006 0 0 0 0 0 9 -4D * 0-07:#~-fe 07-07#-S~-O-O O-si,-&- 4000a mist v it 4~evinM A -nnif !mftnn !n !ht4 theory ,f 4nierns- 11W an". P-, .3 a 01"I. coratiuuA of length .1 and variablo, radius a -aof(j, tf an rxternal lectromotive forre 7 K(s) :s applied to th, mlig, i~ I,,- omp!ex Povoting /if K (j; P jAs f f R 4' f a A%T where I'm is the volume the rcgion Hunded hv tht- qT,hq,re S& and the anteatka. R-- ~ i te iurfat c intugral Ls real and hencie thf. reac,ivc power (s fulh fictermm(~I h~ the volume integrai H % ~ -s !he rear ive -rmq~nn(iit frr a cylindrical conductor of r Lc~ius ao the t o;-responding Q for a ccnducto- of variable ra Hus (inscri6d in the cylindrical one) may be found from QI, (2k /C) I f where ik(j)ist~tdi8tribu iwifur(,,jonfrwthr~mrini J,mw. Lhe axis of either E,rAidu, Sourcei Matheir4itical ROViOW3, Vol 140. 10 ~L Qf, ~4 3~ 90, k MOW M, I- Tmr,-j -1,1,31- vtlaa, RAN - *4 ~V- I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 I L 2 1-- k #A 0 (A 0&is 1,61&IJ 40 m 0 6 1 41 also -9-1 73 Ir of upt "Mmoil d a wk~ a UA Im (MA 1) w"I 1&wk-ALL, CA AwA Sd. M WA-46 We I -m- ROW I O(p ad a an 110 begama OW Ow u do VA cmo at a too vAo6 P -0 md 9 - 1112W10, ohm a b off 890 use 9 r - is '009 :too It too OT .. ... US if 4) 6400 0 v If a d 0 a A a.1,a1, fA a 0 00 ooeoo*ooooo*4~0000000000000toooosooo09000T., 0 1~ A 00000000000000400000 0001009000900000000*0ool -, .- I - - - %- , ~- '. - -.." - I - GORELIK, G.S., "Radar" (Radiolokatsiya). Gootekhizdat, 32 pp., 1947. L-WIN, M. L. OW/Antermis -'Conetmts lob 1947 Antennas - Moasurepente *A Nov Method of Determining the Characteristic Reactance of Thin Aerials," M. L. layino 18 pp '!Izy Ak Nank 71z" Vol XI, No 2 11athematical treatment of subject. MOO 0=96U,6mic 2alselon Moving Along Circular ft%1t - la e Bound by Metal Valls " X. L. Lovins An TWb Cor 0 kiy State Us 5* V, 2 Oftur Tokh Fiz" voi xvn, zo io Reports.results or observations couluctet an 4100- tramic~wdesicns moving at constant ape" cu"OUvw- orbItt 1) ImIde of Ideal candult p1pe v1th tounA. arose soctlon,, so that the orbit lies in-mm, 1.'vIth the lateral cross section and ocumtrft-:v1th- ,:Its and 2) betimen two Ideal comAmating par4W a$ so that orbit Use an U* ~~ime plmms~-wA, ctronics (Comtd.) Oct. equidistant frcu the two cenducting planes. uItte4j, I Fob 1946. LEVIN M. L. war 201 *Tho) Theory of a Slit Antennap* M. L. Levin) Pbyslao- toobnloal lmtltnte,, Gorfkly State University., 3 Vp "Dok Ak Nauk" Vol W331, No 6 'Discusses the theory of a alit antemn&j, fcrm& fr(n tvo, Imife-edge condu tarsp from the standpoInt of lts it 4&8 a tramealssim line. Attwqts to show oagao y that such an apoomah anon a relatively siMle usth- od of obtaining an, equatida for the the=7 of aellt SOM&. &ftltted by Aoadmlolam M. A. loycatorldh V6 A- Ac - -A, I.. Po 90900 0 Os 0;0 0 (P 0111 oplit 00 j16- -00 000 see 74- IL .1cuum -800. ;'M& IS SL jdftj~kee 0, see 00& do AW 0 a MW of's -000 0 r Soo *. see 'I Pogo see "O-No..A. V. sea 1 books ad late* 0,0-5 goo so., ~tt';L see 00% 60 so lose use so oil" .ILA gals 4P4 d See So's '90090 9606609, 0 0 Goo* 00 000000:0:00 00 0000 0 0 0 Tv,VIIII -,14. L. *4 Wr x9W Antsmans "Mism of an Annular Bosco-as 811t In a Wave Quldqpg~ L-alnp ApTook Tints Oor'kJ7 State Ut 14 pp Zhur Tokh lftzlUm Tol IT.Lul No Gl*eo tbaca at a resonance mut, antsmnaj, obspod like a narrow '.t rlng,. ant at *bottae or a and- Inf lulte vow* Saide, of alroular section. Shown that rlng OU cam be mde In reammoo with existing vare. ftbulttod 10 NOT 1947. AM 751M 1XVIN, (kidid Applied 0 Rgao Wlive ftide "Moltau= 12, P*s Tech Tbrou& r us 3"O.'m Out in am I kly PP 105 In= Tekh 7121W V01 ZYM PWoly of subject IT K*tNA of Toot= &,Uitted lo 31ov 1947 - USW/Physics lqov 48 Waves, Electromagnetic Wave Propagation "Propagation of a Flat Blectromgnetic Wave in an Alternately Iaminated Medium," N. L. lavin, Pbyelcotech last, Gor,kiy State U, 6 pp Zhur Tekh Fiz" Tol XVIII, No 3-1 Studies -propagation of a flat transverse (primary) o"lectromagnotic wave in an unlimited (in direction In vhich vayes are propagating) medium vhich has periodic dielectric bands. Levin states it is sufficient to study only the case of one homoge- neous flat VaTe as the local geometry for all go 181497102 USSRPhysics (Contd) Nov 48 principal vaTes is similar. Results obtained are general in character, and can. be applied to other than electromagnetic vaves. Submitted 6 mar 48. 18/49T102 al PA 6M7 Olitionship Between lborgy'Cooffioients Wbilah harectorlse Antenna, Arrangements ba Wave Outdool- L. LoTino rAys Tech Imt, Oarlkly auto U, 3 pp Ak laak- MWO ~ Vol LZI lo a sml-:Wlnlto oylindrical vave guide cc arbitrary lateral-croms-soction having typil Of one -and-. --Walls of veve'gaide and's to part of antenne are donsIdered Ideal Stan %,iwductwe. Mathematical fwBul" showing oubjeot t4ationship. Itted by Aoadealplan M. A. Lem- "-""a - 3.7 lbr ])so 48 Ante=", Slot NathamtIcs - Applied "Tbe Nat I 09cillatlow of Thin Metallic and Slit Ante=as," H. L. Urin, Pb7eicotech Inst, Gkwlkiy State U, 4 pp "Dak Ak Nauk SSSR" Vol IX=,, No 6 Problem, of forced oscillations of thin metallic a=ton=e, excited by ol&e barmonic We may be re- duced to the solution of &'certain integral-dif- ferential equation for current. Shave that some equation my be used to solve the problem of natural oscillations of tbIn antenme, since 35Agriok WMAW10 (Conta) Dec 48 usual methods for solving tbb latter are appllcft--~ ble only for thin amiductors of very special fcrA&. Submitted by Acad M. A. Leontorich, 16 Oct 48. ROPPON N! 7 .M T M W W 0 0 W W U Mr TV we 9 go go 0 or e or ill ofV IS in a a 40- a r 4 A A I 1-Til-1-1-1-Z A 0 ".to$ 00 of SoAo P. 64 00 3671* ?K9 T9L3r*RAPP ZQVATTON FOR GERKRALTErD TqAVSVTSSIOX LTNU 00 WITH SULL LOSS93. M.19. Zhabotinskil. X.L.1,evin and S*V*Rytov. 0 J. Toah. (No. 3) 41w) Phys.. ITSIR- 20 26761 In Russian. 00 a *0 The strict solution of the problem of wave propagation In a spa** so bounded by real conductors requires Kaxwoll's equations to be solved for free space end oonduators-, the boundary cooditions at the conductor 00 a surface being common for both regions. For Ideally conducting lia*& 00 4 11 conductors the wave in pure traverse. This case requires that certain 00, 11olo6trods, configuration' conditions be satisfied. ?he" conditions were 00 -4 formulated by Wonoviuh claw. Aked, Mauk, SSSR, Sero kbyva. 8, 1# (19"116 00 1 Ising his methods the case of a finite aeaduoti,ity is WeaMidored ja which the telftraph equations for conductors with rosistanoo, are derived and their limits stated* A Vmroltastion of the theory shows that even for Ideal conductivity there are waves (spart from the fundamental) whifih are not purely tranevorso, although Tory nearly so. The required electrode couff-gulration in this gonerolisation Is not as strict as In the former case wW the flo1ld of application to corrispontingly widergo B.P.1raus 0 .00 .00 'As 00 Go* 00 too '000 see 00 0 0 0 be * 200 00 6*0 00 goo 00 00 9 'isA 0 *oil fie V 0 P 03 W -00 -00 M.L.Lms. 1 Toorgs. Fit. 30. 311-311 clemakes thmy of ChIl 9011of's one" ITaftle WA the lodw pallmial to gl", a WIS ;1 1- the lare'd4wias Cd tlw flow Is the we" saw, bet 94"d be 01104 fee at Arlormamasm at I*m b, of at of eud"m (owe tbe I 1*'A' Woo" aPW-b" bilsftf- MON't"t, the Letter Problem 'a Cbo*,Y coo""" With several prutjc~aj Owe. sub " I P-au- of -rr am Wam, V*rf aw f9l~ Of 94 gbv"- been I- t" pa#W im d OwAll Olm"m plebas requinm PMINII I" kawlet, a, at field to of -#I- admalme the with W aw of RePreasks fm a hallill P*WI4 Imitailmetf Imo the tWal. W "malloa. 00 -kW to-*A- tM M-twi dIC-1trOlke of ,- Clwt$A- 04"r- mWinte is Parallel path*, MW fietie 'he AL64W* boom the two partims bel" 'fack the d.. celarm6a effect to "ry MrW4. 4"ALL41116CAL LITINATUIC C&ASSWICATM USIVIDASI; W- iraii igis mli gitils ON 0 000000000600000,00*60oo Ix ow 0 a I I W 0 1 111 4 2 I Its 0000 0 a * a 0 0 a 0 0 4 0 0 00 *00*000*0000000000 as* see see coo 090 too see too goo So 40 10410' too 0 too 1310 0 too 61v- r V Rl Me f-# Jr, L"in, R.L. (Phymica-tachnical Institute. Gorki State University). Tlwory of rina ers. -50;5rilll in a wave auide, 639-S2 Sl"ar"# G.G. owl Mulanowskit V-11. (Scientific Pesearch 11hysics Institute, Leningrad State University)s Illumanation of a spectrograph *fit by a naft-abeothing extervied lishl sourro, 663-72 "