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Of A self it 00 aa 0 0 00 it Solt sod 000 God 0040 All -lot an discibm. with a CUL L. 'few 11"alaw. -0 1 winso sit &AV it 0 r I r- In vg, I . .0a it , n 1600 , :I. 60000000*04004 94IM&MIWW 0060 000 000 goo goo so* See goo go :04 sole SOO moo woo Woo ,,Joe*# 00 set 002 *0 so 604 000 9--4 0 1 , 0011 i i *0 00 log at - so 5=9 PNWON d die gku flaftode. LJH. LR~6 (5d. Reworch InAt. of (kjanic taterawdistes and 1". Moto*). J. FAp. Ciro. 21. 33741111OV) T1w Wto of is ffrWj h1wo Sim tkirtr" a OCAW arre"A whicb ardinsrals wilbin wwww is bro. and fornis complimird patterns OpIwagnphs Sim) an the inner mufam nt tbr lxdb. This mlinwat presum- ably Is r-dium carbonate, Ow Xa of vohick wWaafas Itows br bat glaws 0- lass d Na by The intrrrW mid :1w exicrod ;.~ 411 Vbulb prvsunwlAy is the feaven fur The WAYWnwify potrulial of gla" efectrO&S. On pri*. fivng"t krrping al the ekvtmk in 11jO. the mdwv Im" ov disolml. wul the aqwunwity Inaracial it n4u"d. J. J. A I I L A ACIAL&W61CAL LITINATiot CSjMW$CAfgW .0 so go a -00 go* -00 goo goo wee so* Ugo wee 0*0 goo vee goo :04 a b U ff : IS FW V, I U11 AM 46 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 010 M 0 0 0 G 0-0 -0-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 ROOM "JOW), a 0t real 4j, . -At the ]veto cktfj Ot W.I.OMMY be due to & rg-owutf, , (the L't1ter "M mists IV* With IT, W in Oftfd bY heati. Of Wq) Were h 9 Nalwc with it tunpute, j 04 followic Wed at a 2 6 g c pro- -fiff'so I.SW d,,r 4-mordin the . treat > m W, Ir to Yield vae " U'vl,' r" > ZA4wV-* -f 3WQ, SM& IVO. t is cftchwe,;4Urqm-, th + w t .. NOW affilmlsomm" "Oft-', MISS W. Of, MR. p . , I ! j ~ 1. --- LZVIN, L.Ye. .00"NWAM" - Intropy and degree of IrreTersibility of processes. Zhur.fjz.khju. 29 no.7:1147-1151 Jl 155. O= 9:3) (Xntropy) (Chemical reaction--Conditions and lave) '1 .1 V 1171~11-tf2:- VR ................... '7"_5 Z'7 SOV/100-58-3-6/8 AUTHOR% levin, LTa Engineer. TITLEt C~U-n Ile of theg-ational Economy. (V.sovnarkhozakh) PEMODICALt IfekhanizatsiYa Stroitellutva) 19587 No-3) Pp 26-28(USSR) ABSTRACTt The increase in equipment of building and assembly organisations has been considerable in the last few years. The equipment is comprised of cranes BTK-5/89 scrapers MZ5-5M9 cranes mounted on railways Mh-15v DEK-20t diesel elootric cranes SKG-25t cranee mounted on pneumatic wheels X-102 and lorry-mounted cranes 1-51- The total capacity of electrical machinery during the third quarter of 1957 increased to 5000 kwts. The increase in weight of precast reinforced concrete units up to 50 tons requires heavy cranes and there was a necessity for diesel powered scrapers XAZ-205 and YaAZ-210B. Tbamechanisation of excavating works in Voroshilovgrad reached 77%. In the case of Voroshilovgradpromzhilatroy and Liskhimpromstroy the mechanisatlon of excavating works reached 90% and 98% respectively. Condderbbk saving was made in the assembly time of cranes BKSM-5 and T-128. Illichevskiy maintenance workshops concentrate on track-mounted machines, compressorey pumps, diesel engines and other power- driven equipment I KacUyev3kiy and Bokovskiy maintenance workshops Card 1/2 AUTHOR: ~T--Ye~-'EllginEter. SOV/100-58-1; F/15. TITLE: Mechanizat-~,,ri of Building Operations in the irkutsk Sovnar- ,!CbOz, (Mekhani-za~1-3iya btroitellstva v Irk-utskom tio, -.ark-hrjz0 . PERIODICAL: StrOjtailstva, 195s, Nr 5, Pp 16-18. ABSTRA,CT: Changes 2aa5el by the mechanization of building opera- tions and subseque.r." re-,~,rganiz'!tion of the industry in the above regior. are deszribed. According to the new reorganization four specialized macbine groups were for 4 2 i..e. exca~rnti-ng or-d =)acl making, machines for vertical and oths-r 'ransport, rtachines providing power and the malntensnl-,~- gro-up. Specla-lization of maintenance is being planned and the Vcst-oktyazh.:-:tr,)y Maintenance Depot is being 7 In,.- in orgar2l za,4ion resulted in I 000,000n' completed in n-ine m-,)nths. TLe output of 1.,"' rz-y-mr),vited innes in 1956/1 increased by 30.W,,, a,-,,I ;3,~rapers by 11%. .V~e Makarlyevokaya and Chertf.Dkk-,D,.,,o r--r-,ts fcr the tranzpr)rtation of lonp_ "-'ail-din-, Constraoted special *.rail(-,r.-; nf 10-ton ~-.a-a,:;--'tY. X.:~ tt~ thins ze~hanizatinn thp Voz01,,,,4'-.tya- zhetroy fulfillvia crana output tr, the eytont r )f 104~. -;J.~:- Tri~.,; -JI.s c-ngagL;d in con- Cai,,-~ 1/2) of BrIldirp, Oleratlcns in the 11~kut-5'.: Sovnarkhoz creting during winter and -I- u3ing clezitrical henttin.~- installation 6PB6 and PB-60. The mechanization of ex,-.avations in this organization reached 92% and the total machanization 88%; in addition the mechanization of assembly of reinforced cincrete constructions reached 97.4%. The mechanization of building finishing works reached the following levels: plastering 88.1~G, pain- ting 80.6%. 1. Construction--Equipment 2. Earth moving equipment--Applications 3. Road building oquipment--ApplicationB Card 2/2 LIVIN. L.Ye., inzh. Building mechanization in the Irkutsk Sconomic Council. Yekh. stroi. 15 no.6.-16-18 My 158. (miu. 11:6) (Irkutsk-Building, machinerv) A. LFTIJ, L. Z. 2. T'S" (600) 4. Textile Finishing 7- Using "vinyplast" In teAlla finishing work. Tekst. Prom, 12, no. 129 19-'j?. 9. Month],% lAst of Russian Accessions, Lilrrar-i of Con-,,ress, Rarch 1953. Unclassified. m IN, 12VIN, Sow aspects of the present-W status of geography in jap"s ISTO AN BOSR*Sergeog. no.6:120-124 N-D 156. (KIRA Nil) (Japan-Geographical research) KHAYASII X.Payanhip W; AND0,Tigrof,; KIMURA I -sZWY'0V..Ir.k.S' translator]j zu1in j, A,Ya..Ltranaldtorl OIZWN~L ~. [tranalatorjj PASHKGVMY, A.A. [tranall0jr-VI'Linmov, P#10j, red.; BUKOVSUYA, N.A., takhn. red. (Ordnance rockets and Japan; military bases are a war tbreat] Raketnoe orU2hie i Uponiiaj voenrWe bear - ugroza, miru. Vatup. stattia. i kornentarii B.G.Sapozhnikova. Moskva, Voen. izd-vo M-va oborony SMR, 1961. 246 p. Abridged translation from the Japanosee (MIRA 3-5:2) 1. Tokiyakiy universitet (for Ando). (Japan-Rockote (Ordnawe)) USSR/Weeds and Weed Control Abs Jour : Rof Zhur - Blol.) No lo, 1958, No 44438 Author :lavin M. Inst :- Title ;'Ihe Chemical Control of tgricultural Crop Weeds Orig Pub :Sotsialistlik pollumajandus, 1957, No 5, 203-204 (Est.) Abstract :No abstract H Card : 1/1 LEvTN M Chemical veed control to be used extensively on flax fields. p.453 SOWTALISTLIK POLLUMAJANDW. TaIlDW.,letonia. Vol. 14, no. 10, May 1959 Monthly List of East European Accessions (EKAT), LC. Vol. S, No. 9, Soptember 1959 Uhal. IEVIN.,14,,; - VOINICH p N.; MEN I YAMINOVICH , 1. New technique for manufacturing slabs of cellular concrete. Ila stroi. Ros. no.9:19-21 8 161. (VIRA 14:10) 1. Rukavoclitell laboratoril tekhnologii avtoklavnykh izdeliy Nauchno-inaledovateliskogo instituts, po stroitelletvu, Sverdlavek (for levin). 2. Glavnyy tekhnolog upravleniya stroit--Itstva Overdlovokogo sovnarkhoza (for Vo7nich). 3. Glavnyy inzh. tresta Tagiletroy (for Benlyamixiovich). (Lightweight con*Mw) I " 011 i S/04Y62/000/003/064/092 0111 C444 AUTHORt Levin, M. TITLEt On a method for the calculation of double integTals PERIODICALs Referativnyy zhurnal, Matematika, no. 3, 1962, 41, abstract 3V210. ("Tartu Olikooli toimotised", 1961, no.102# 338-341) TEXTs Considered in a function F(XIY) integrable in the square L - [- I -r, x *c 1, -1 -< y 4 1 ']. For the approximative calculation of the double integral of F(xpy) one deduces the following formdlat x (z. V) dxdy C;(M) J=O p 01, YI) x 1=0 where (xilyi) L (i-0#11 ... n); xk x for k ji t being a wimber such that f(t, y,) 0 (1 011f ... n)j yIj (J*011,...,m) being the knot Card 1/3 S/04 621000100316641092 On'a method for the calculation ... 0111444 points in the interpolation of the function F(tpy) by a polynomial; U) Y-V4 Xi X4 dx; C; H k=0 V x - xk,~ (x - xf) (x - 91)... -x, X* k=d x ... W-4-JO - .(x - ZA) Pri - -VI-1) integration domain ie a unit circlo with.the cent T4e oaset where the at the origin# is reduced to the considered case by aid of a transforma- tion. of'the variables Accmiox mt AR403109 8/0044/64/000/002/BO53/BO" SOURCEs Beferatiny0y aburnalo Matomattka, Abs. 2B148 AUTHOR: Lev~SLJit,, i wftwow~- TMZ,. Certaln formulas for an approximate calculation of double integrals CrM SOURCM; Ucb. zap. Tartuak. un-ta, vy*p. 1W,, 19629 428-436 TOPIC TAOS: double integral approximate calculation, simple Integral,, dif- ferentiable function TRANSLATION: The author gives some rules for an approximate calculation of a double' integral in the square x-a y-b h) by. means of reducing It to a simple integral in the segment Z--h, jb. The construction is based on the following two equalities, which hold for functions which are differentiable a sufficiently large number of times: Card 1/2 Accusiox m: AR4o3io6S 11 (0. Ow I (X. O)dz (0. &M +0 (A'); 2) if f(x, in even vith respect to x and v x then (Z' O)dx F)dy + 0 00). Aanalogous equalities c" be constructed for Integrals in a rectangle &3A a circle. V. Krylov DATE AcQ: 19YAr64 SUB CODE: 99 EXCL: 00 card 2/2 LEVIN, He Estimating the error of cubsture formulas. Sesti toad akad takhn fuun 11 no.,2s114-nq 162. 1. Academy of Soiences of the Estonian S.S,R., Institute of Cybernetics. LMNJ M. Extremum problems related to a certain quadrature formula (With summary in English]. 1zv. AN Ent. SSR,, Ser. fiz.--mat. i takh. nauk .12 no,1:44,-56 163, (KM 16:5) I* Academy ofiSciences of the Estonian 393*R*,, Institute of Cybernetics, , (Integral equations-1knerical, solutions) k (Polynomials) - LIVIII, M. Extremin problem for a certain class of functions. Irv. AN Est. S&R. Sere fiz,-mato I tekh. nauk 12 no.2:141-145 163. (MIn 16:10) 1, Academy of Sciences of the LPOI.onian S.S.R., Institute of Cybernetics. -LEVIN H, -- tU_ __ Derivation of none of the beat qusdratine formlan. Izv. AN Sets SSR. Ser. fix.-cat. i takh. nauk 12 no-4:376-383 163. (MIRA 17il) 1. leadeny of Sciences of the Estonian S.S.R.,v Institute of Cybernetics. LEVIN3 M., kand. fiz.-matam. nauk Best quadrature formulas with flixed knots. Jzv. AN Est. SSR. Ser. fiz.-mat. i tekh. nauk 1) no.;?;110-114 164. (14-TRA M-9) 1. Acadeqj of Sciences of the Fsorian S.S.R., Institute of Cybernetics. LE71121, M - . A:; E13t. SSR. Remark on an interpolation formula, I-,,'v Ser.fiz.-mat. i tokh.nauk 14 no.23303-304 165, (111111,A 19:1) 1. Inatitut kibernetiki All Eston.-.koy SSR. Submitted July 220 1964- ACCESSION NRt AP5003372 5/02SU/b4/006/012/0772/U`775 AUTHOR s' Levino M,,, TITLE: Representation of an anisotropic body in the form of a regular bar model SOURCE: AN BSSR. Doklady, v. 8, no. 12, 1964, 772-775 TOPIC TAGS: anisotropic body, bar linkage, mechanical model, stress analysis ABSTRACT: The author analyzes the analogy betweeJ3 the behavior of a regular 6-bar linkage and an anisotro2ic plateFP6perating under ---tress. When the bars are straight, they coincide with the three joining edges of a cube of length I and with the diagonals of the ,,three adjacent facen. Forces and moments are applied to the bar i junctions. The transition from a discrete system to a continuous medium is effected bylproportional decreasing of the dimensions of Card 1/2 L 2016-65 ACCESSION NR; APS003372 the element as the length of the edge approaches zero. Equations are derived for the stresses and strains in the individual bars. Certain symmetry properties are observed in the behavior of the bar system. It is shown also that since the bar system has 36 characteristics and the general anisotropy is characterized by 21 parameters, one isotropic body can be characterized by a large number of regular bar ~..models with different angles at the joints. It is stated in the con- clusion that the correspondence between an anisotropic body and a regular bar model can be used in the design of bar systems and vice versa. -An example is presented. This report was presented by V. P. Svegrdenko. Orig. art. has: 2 figures, 15 formulas and 1 table. '-'ASSOCIATXON; Beloruaskiy politekhnicheakiy institut (Belorussian ,,Polvtechnic Institute) 9 ~SUBMITTEDs 26Kov63 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: HE :,,,NR REP SOVt 004 OTHER: 001 IJ taird 2/2 'V~ M SHYSHLTATEV, V.K. (Toahkar-Ola).RLYT&L' SKIT. N.M. (Odessa); IVANOVA. Zh. (Vratea, Bolpriya),USHAKOV, V.V. (Staryy O*kol);PRXSK&ff, A.A. (Sverdlovsk); LVIN, M.N. (Tartu), BRIGLDIX, I.Ya. (Hoskm);IJUS. (Tartu); KASHIN, B.I. (K&lIninekAqa obl.) Problems for students. Mat. v shkols no.6:90-91 N-D 159 (KIRA 13*-3) (Mathecatics--Problems, exercise#. etc.) USSR/ElectricitY Li.terature Apr 52 "Books on Electricity, Electrical Engineering, axA. Electric Power Engineering Published in 1951" "glektrichestvo" No 4, YP 95, 96 Lists includes some 62 books. Some titles are: Receiving-Transmitting Radio Stations /T)rans- ceivers7," by H. A. Levin and Ye. Dobrovollskiy, " The Quartz Crystal in Communications Engineering," by A. F. Plonskiy, and "The Strqvger Automatic Tele- phone Exchange ATS-47," by Farfonovetal. Also translations or "PrlwipUs of Radar," "Theory of SEF Traramission Lines," and "Generation of Special Wave forms." ~2M7 q, 4 44V A \j AVTHORs Levin 123 1 61. TITLE: Highly-adhesive Iditol Glue (Vysokovyazkiv iditolovyy kley). PERIODICAL Sudostroyeniye, 1956, No.4. 39-4o. (vssR) ABSTRACTs As a substitute of the iditole glue (KK) USed commonly for cementing heat-insulating material to the hull of ship the newViKglue has been offered, of the following consistency: Newly proposed (in %) Commonly used Iditol ............. 49.0 48.5 Rosin .............. 8 8 Rendered asbestos ... 15 10 Card 1/2 Crude alcohol ....... 28 33.5 -1~~j zv~ M Ph' ON T;RA~Vp~- OU RUWAOSEV, M.V.; VMKOV, V.M.1 LMN, M.P. Programed teaching in radio engineering courven. IZT. V"q ucbeb. zav.; ra6otakh. 6 no.4:378-386 JI-Ag 163. (MIRA 16:11) * LEVIN, M.F.;-SOKOLOVO L.S. Device for teaching and control in solving radio receiver circuit problems. Isv. vys. ucheb. zav.1 radiotekh. 6 no.4: 443-446 JI-Ag 163. (MIRA 16:11) VOLKOVS V.M.; KONEVETSKIY, G.K.;.'LEVIN, M.F. Analyais of the phase characteristics of a single-stage electron- tube-amolifiprwith'autbmatO amplifIcatioK control abcording to thi-constot dompohpnt of the cathode current. Hadiotekhnika 20 no.3:31-35 Mr 165. (NIRA 18:6) 1; WItvite1'nyye-ch1efiy Nauchn6-tekbn1cheekogo obahchpatys radiotekhnW i elektraMazi imeni Popova. ISVIN, M.2U _inthener. BORODULIN, A.I,, hzb.; LVIN, K.G., insh. Air preheaters made of teat-resistant coacrete blocks. Stall 21 no. 1:17-19 A 161 (NIU 14;1) 1. Kusnetskiy metallurg.aboakiy kombinat i Soynxteplostray. (Ai- preheaters) )'-w ) N1 (I 13RANT. A.L.. kandtdat moditsingkikh nauk; LIVIN. M.O. The role of bronchoscopy In disorders of bronchial perseability between the various stages of a thoraceplastic operation. Probl. tub.34 no.6 supPlament:27 N-D 156. (KIRA 10:2) 1. Is Klinicheakogo tuborkulasnogo sanatoriya Toesoyuznogo Non- trallnogo Boyeta professionaltafth soyuzov no.1 'Dolosay.0 (BRONCHOSCOPY) (LUNGS--SURMY) LIVIN, M. G.: Master Med Sci (diss) -- "The effectiv,3ness and coirs-2 ot extra- pleural pneumothorax in patients with tuberculosis of the lungs. Bas-:.-d on material from the I'Dolossy" sanatorium (central mountain zone ot the southern shore of the Crimea)". Moscow, 1958. 15 pp (Central Inst for the Mvanced Training of Physicians), 2VU copies (KL, No 11, 1959, 122) Con'. riLi-ticns to c 5,- vlt-t Bt-nak, G.7. Debets, and Levin ce.ntribi.tion:3 ;,-,r Cand others. Tranilat i~ n by Vladimir 111. Mat rin-7 c, ",ass., -ealo:ly Mllsem., .1-96C. VII, 192 p. I-lars, Tatiles. 21'5 c-,,. (;jt.,3sian tran3l.-~ticr; :-,r~rics ~f body I'imevn of Archac.-olo,:-,y an! Ethnclo;--y, Harvard v. 11 no. 2) BibAoj.:rzij,hy- p. 174-176. -;J-Llio;,-rnph-lcal rcferenccs incl,~dcd r. 11",otes" 163-192) IN Y 0 G "LIETRNOGRAPFIE ET L'XnMOPOIoOGIE COMIX SOURCES DF-'j ETUDES HISTORLiM; (31M LA IMHODOLOGIE DE LIETUDE HISTORIQUE. DES PEtreat; N flykrl PAS DIHISTOIRE ECRITE)" /t~4~ " -~ ./The Sixth International Congress on Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences, Paris 31 Ju1Y-7 August 1960. ------------------- It Drevniye mog.Ll'niki ChlArotki i nekotoryr-- azrp-kty report submitted for 7th Intl Cong, Anthropological & Ftj,,,olog.,Lc:al Moscow, 3-10 Aug 64. Of t prl W. t. j7p. -~Fj f 1, 4, 1 P"t. -1 19 IL AIR Rc v4 94 .GIMURG, V.V. j ~~VMJJ~q-v YAUMV.- V.P. Preparing for the Sevonth International Congress on Anthropology and Ethnography. Arkh. anat. gist. i embr. 42 no.2:127-128 F 162. (MIA 1512) (ANTHROPOLOGY-GONORMSES) (ETHNOIAM-GOWRISSES) [doceased) The anthropological type of ancient Eiskimots. Trtily YGI?. Otd. biol. 14:262-269 164. (MIRA 1~:4) 1. Institut etnografii AN SSSR imani Miklukho-Mnklnya. LIMB Mikhail Izrvd3ovichl FOODFMMAq Ye.P*v red,; MUCHNOVSKIYp S.A.y red. [For the young worker on the sconomico of induezial production] Mo- lodanu rabochemn ob ekonomike promyshlennogo proisvodotva, Leningradp 1960. 13 1o (HIU 14:7) 11 1. Leningrad. Fublicbnaya bibliotaka. Undu trial management) LEVIN F khail Izralle . RRATZMERP L.P,.. kand. tekhn. nauk, lWote,, ~nauc~.n. red; KfJZNETS, Tu.L., red. [Cybernetics in our lives] Kipemetika vkhodit v zhiznl; beseda o knigakh. Nauchn. red. L.P.Krai=er. Leningrad, Publichnaia biblioteka, 1962. 15 p. (Ka temy WN n-Ab) (B*liography-Cyberneties) (Bibliography-Automatic control) LEVINS, M.I. The Leningrad Public Library a~rvl ita work in thr, fi-,~Id of sclerce information. N71 no.1:6-8 164. (114IRA 17:3) , 1. r . - :--- t . -11, 1 USSH/Medicine - T~phus, Recurrent Aug 49 Salvarsan Therapy "Complications Caused by Salvarsan Therapy of Re- current Typhus," M. I. Levin, Chief, Clinic of In- fectious Diseases, Cen Asiatic Inst for Advancement of Doctors, Tashkent, I p "Sov Med" No 8 After a short discussion of so-called "rudimentary" attacks during salvarsan therapy of recurrent typhuip r-cites two case histories (both with normal apyrexia) from data on 420 cases, including 32 with Jarisch- Herxheimer reaction and 13 with Milian erythema, all of, which were treated with salvarsan In both cases 152M USSR/Medicine - Typhus, Recurrent (Contd) Aug 49 further attacks were prevented. Rise in temperature in one case was attributed to the Jarisch-Ilerzheimer reaction, in the other to Milian erythema. Levin disagrees with the viev of Voskresenskiy, Hnatsa- kenov, Lebedev, and others that these sudden rises In,temperature after arsenotherapy am "derivative" or 0abortive. " He is convinced that only the appear- ance of spirochetes in the blood or an increase in leukocytes can determine whether a given rise in temperature is due to an attach of recurrent (even though rudimentary) typhus or to a complication caused by salvarsan therapy. ..!a -Al" Mon-spedfic foMe of'Suropoan recurrmt typhus. 111ne NA4*j MOBkv& 28t7s Ju17 50. P. 79-W 1. Of the Infectious Diseases Clinic (Head-4, 1. Lovin)p Plans- AmUtic Institute for the Advanced Training of Physiciaxts (Director- D. S. Pulatov) located at the Tashkent No. I Infectious Disessee HosAtal (Head Physician-S. 1. Umarov). CW1 190 5,0 xov.t 1950 lum" it. 1. lAvini, It. 1. - "FMY yeara of loboctmqon Vracheb. dolo, 1949,, WO# 20 colv=w 173-74 SO: U-3566, 15 March 53* (lAt0IAs lzturnal Imich stater, Mo. 249 1?49). Ll"N' X.1.0 kandidat seditainskikh nauk Lob#otom7 in an extensive gunshot wound of the I=c. Zhirargila no.12:63-66 D' 55. (KM 9:7) 1. Is Losovskoy rayounoy bolluitay Imoul Velolenins. (gUvW vraoh P.G*Qrsikh) (WOUM AND INJURIMS gunshot wound of lung, surge., lobectovW) (IUMS, wawads ami injuries gunshot wound, mage, lobeotonw) LIVIN, Mikhail IsrAllovicb; TXKIMV. A.A., kandidat takhaichaskikh nauk. nNUCHWWWW"'I" [Supplying industry with material and equipment] Hateriallao- takhnichaskoe snabzhanie pradprHattia. Leningrad, 1956. 44 p. (11konomika, procTablennogo prodpriiattia: rokomendatellayi ukazatel'Itteratnry, no.?). (NLRL 10:2) (Bibliograpby-Industrial managacmnt) I&M IMikhail Ismilevich- KANTOR, L.H., kandidat skonomichookikh nauk, "WIMYT-mam. I X&Jor construction work* 156. (MMU 100) (Bibliographjr-Construction industry) SOIDDOV, Yu.S*; IZVIN, M.I. Analog to digital fmotion converter for a.c.traneducero for neanning control systems. Izm.tekh. no.3-1-.35-39 N 161. (KTU 14:3-1) (Electronic caUulating machines) SHINDEROV, B.Ya-s Otv. red.; MLINA, R.A., onako tekhn. red. _a red. izd-va; ANDRMV, S-P-, eprocessing scrap metal] for r pererabOtke loma. [F,quipment and design Of shopg radovanie j proektirovanis tsekhov PO (miRk 16:2) obo otallurezdat, 1962. 210 P. KharIkovo M (Scrap metals) LEVI'l, H.I. DIESEL MOTOR in Diesels. Energ. biulat "jo. 6, 1952. Automatic temperature regulation r cooling water A Library of Congress October 1952, Unclassified. MM= hw 2L2va" S=UIM- LEVIN, M.I.; MOROZOV, N.Y. [Automatic signalling in Russian diesel equipment) Avtomatichaskala signalisatsiia v otachastyannykh dlzel'nykh ustanovkakh. Laninrads t Goa. nauchno-takhn. lzd-vo mehinostroit.i sudoetroit. lit-r3 Le- ningradekoe otd-niej 1953. 142 p. (HLRA 7:3) (Diesel engines) (Indicators for gas and oil engines) SOV/124 -57-8-8866 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1957. Nr 8, p 42 (USSR) AUTHOR: Levin, M. 1. W__ TITLE: Optimal Temperature Conditions for Engine CoolingSystems and Temperature - control Requirements (Optimallnyy temperaturnyy rezhim v sistemakh okhlazhdeniya dvigateley i trebovaniyd k avtomaticheskomu regulirovanivu temperatury) PERIODICAL: V sb. : Dvijateli vnutr. sgoraniya. Moscow- Leningrad, Mashgiz, 1954, pp 18-50 ABSTRACT: A survey and analysis of Soviet and foreign experimental inves- tigations on the effect of changes in the temperature of the cooling water on changes in the functional pdrameters and operational performance of engines. The author establishes the boundaries of the temperature regimc that is optimal from the point of view of effective power and operating economy of the engine and that mini- mizes the wear and temperature stresses in the engine components. Automatic cooling-water temperature --control specifications are Card 1/1 formulated. 1, M. Smirnova LXVIN, X.I., kandidat takhnichookikh nauk. Creating Russian automatic diesel mashinostroanis no.3:11-14 D 153. (Ilectric power generating plants. Inergo- (MLRA 9:5) plants) LIWIN, M.I.; WRDZOV, N.Y. Designing basic Instruments for the autmmtizatlon of diesel engines. Pribarostroonle no.9123-24 5 156. (MLRA 9SIO) (Diesel engines) (Automatic control) MIN Mark lonifovich,; ZTSIN. V.A.. dotsent, nauchnyy redaktor: DZHALARIKOVA. -;:~- ~ redaktor; SUSLINNIXOVA. N.M., takhnichekir redaktore [Motors; from the water wheel to the &tomic engine] Kashina-dvigatoll; ot vodianogo kolexa, do atomnogo dvigatelia. Leningrad. GoB.Isd-vo detskoi lit-ry X-va, proev.RSFSRO 1957. 222 P. [Microfilm) (Motors) (M1RA 10:4). AMRIMVSKIT. N.A.; BARANOI, S.M.: VANSH&TDT, V.A., profeisor, Iokt,)r takhnichoukikh nauk; VALIKSON, D.Mj IZHDIZR, L.Y.: IV.AUCHXIIXO, U.N.,. ISTOWIN, P.A.; XATS. A.M. [deceasedJ; ICOLLIOtOV. L.K.; 7 WtUAL --- AJ__ r UIXITIN, M.D.; ROZHDZSTVX!ISXIY. V.V.-. GOFHAK, Ye.11., tel*stva. POLISKAYA. 'R.0., tokhnichesKy redektor (Disuel engInen; a handbook for designeral Dizeli; vorqvochnri ?nno'31s konstruktora. Moskva, Gos. nouchno-tokhn. ty-d-vo viihinostroit. lit- ryj 1957, 442 p, MR,; 10:10) (Diesel engines) , KOLLEROVO L.K.0 kand. takhn. n9ukj--W1ff, R.I., kand.takhn, nauk Automation of diesel power plantso Baergoas shinost roe nig 4 noo 6t22-24. 35 Ja 058. (MIRA 11:13) (Dies161 electric power plants) (Automt1c control) WIN, Me kandetakhnonauk " "! 71. w,7,4~1 - Now indirect-acting thermoregulator for large diesels. Inergommshinostroenie 4 no.2s35-38 Ir 158, (KM 314) (Temperature regulators) 1~ I 1-11 LIVII, Mark Iosifovich; TSMIN, Mikhail Isaskovich; MATMIN. A.S., insh., "tuenzent; ZBROZM. T.T.. insh., nauchnyy red.; APTJDIANq N*A*q red.; FRUNIM, P.S.., rAntomatic systems for controlling temperatures of marine diesel engines] Sistemy avtonatichaskogo reguliroyaniia texperatur v sudonkh dizellnykh ustanovkakh- Leningrad, Oos.soiusnoe isd-vo sudostroitaproxyshl,, 1959. 138 P. (MIRA 12:5) (Marine diesel anglnes--Cooling) (Automatic control) (Tenwrature regulators) t -TSYRKIN; Mikhail Isaakoviebi KLPITANSKIY, Vill Hoiseyevich; PETROV, P.P,j kand. tekhn. naukq reteenzentl FAMPORT, L.I., kand. tokhn. nauk, reteenzent; JZVIN H I * kand. tekbn. nauk., nauchqy red.; APTEK- 'T ' MANp M.A., tekbn. red. lRemote control systems for main marine diesel engines] Sistemy di- atatsionnogo upravloniia glavnymi oudorpi dizeliami, Leningrad, Goo. soiuznoe izd-vo sudostroit, proaWshlop 196L 245 P* (Remote control) (Marine diosel engine's-Water) (HIM 14: 11) ~~.eW~A - , :- ~I. LEVIN9 x.i. Bases for the construction of automatic diesel generators , according to standard projectB. Trudy TSNIDI no.40j3-45 '60. *(MIRA 15:8) (Diesel electric power plants) LMN M. I. - DODIK S. D. Y Continuous stability of stabilizers vith silicon stabilitrons. Izm. tekh. no.10,42-45 0 162. (MIRA l5t.10) (Voltage regulators) KARA1(DMV, Konateptin Borisovich;eLAYII,--&-~-, Prof-, retsenzentl BIEZR, L.A., -red.; BLV.'==V, N.A., tekhn. red-~ (Special techniques in electrical measurements) $petsiall- I nys metody elektrichaskikh ismeranii, Moskva, Vosenergois- dato 1963- 343 P. (MIRA 16:5) (Electric measurements) 11 ktinA. talchn. tawk; TI f."it 111FOV . D-V - , lrzh. h.; i.all~ j- " . : . , DUBRC, V inzl _i~L - - - I . A o 1 Autcaf,til= C,f* fl.sjc~l .cj..~r 1.1anIn. '-o '""- 4-8 S I ". (I I I P.A 17: 12 ) 1/ 4/1 NUZINICEOCY, Y.I.; INVI N X I MASIJNNIKOV, S.M., retsentent; PjMTAVji0i~r.* daktor; XLIIINA, X.N.. takhatcheskiy redaktor'. [Technology of felt manufacture] Tekhnologits valial'no- voiloohnogo proisvodstva.. Moskva. Goa. usuchno-takhn. izd-vo Kinisterstva promyshlennykh toverov shirokogo potrableniia SSSR, 1954. 270 - (7010 (Shoo industrY3 (KLTIA 7:12) - LEVIN,.-U.I., Insh.; 10101alWV, A.V.. Inzh. Expansion of tho falting induntr7 In the 1959-1963 perlod. Tekstoprom, 19 no,B;lf-6 Ag 159. (MIRA 13:1) (7410 X.I.1 GUSHCHAy L.A.; ALITHAN, K.Z., starshiY inzho; PWINV I.Ya.; ZjfOVA p A # Fe Now reapnts for feltwork. Taket.prom. 21 nool2:49-50 D 161. (MM 15:2) 1, NacW,nik otdola valyallno voylochnykh isdoliy RoBglav- logmababytoplye pri Voorossiyokom sovete narodnogo kbozyaystva (for Isvin). 2, G3**Wy inzhe 78entrallnoy nauelmo-inaledovatellskoy laboraforii khlopka i sherati Moogorsovnarkhoza (for Gushcha)o 3. Wentrallnaya nauchno- iseledovateltakaya laboratoriya khlopka I oberoti Mosgorsovnarkhoza (for Alstman). 4. Glavnyy inzh. fabriki 'Tekbvoylok* (for Fevin)o 5, Zave&7ushchiy 2aboratoriyey fabriki "Takhvoylokm (for Aksonova). Feltwork) onim oulfate) = KUZIMICHZV, negon Ivanovich; LEVD Mikhail lonifovich; GODINER, F.Yo,,, red.; GCRBATKIN, B.G.,Ito (Manufsoture of felt footwear and felt]Proizvodstvo valianoi obu- vi i voilokov. Moskva,, Goomestpromizdat,, 1962. 277 p, (Boots.and shoes, Felt) (Feltwork) (MIRA 161l) V. UM/Instrumente, wasuring 7,11 107 Electricity "Methods of Calculating Electric Measuring System," M. I. Levin, 9 pp "Elektrichastvol' Vol LWIlp No 7 Discusses measurement systems vith tvo measuring' factore. Equations are derived determining the current changes In one of the branches and for the sensitivity of such systems. Mathematical discussion vith formulae and graphs. 17T66 T '.;-,T 4?2(P: LEVIN, M. 1. - Yatoly r--ehetn !7kh.~rr., rcierzhn-,hchlkh tonr4l n ferrrmnrrltn-:77~A~ 9-r- dechniksmi. Trui- '., Mosk. enerret. in-in iT. Molctrvn, VYF 5, 1"Al. :7. Biblicj7ri P ncizv. SO: Letoris' Zhurn-l'n,,rkh St-tev, Vrl. 47, 194P Ilis-r-ri-ationo -~mcentc(l Or - LVINp_M.IjL doktor tekhn. menle- Z.11~ Deter-InInC errors of voltaCe transformers, Trudy XII no,13:1396. 143 '534' (XM ntO 1. Mom.kovekly energeticheekly institut in. r.N. Nolotova,, Kafedre, elektropribarostroyenLys. (Rectric transformers) T -T T ~ T TALITSUY, A.V., prof - LITIN X Z doktor tekhn. nank; KLIBA S03309 insh. Device on twisting and Insulating machines for cheoldng the resistance of cable conductors, Trudy XII noo'13sl44-150 153, (XM 3.1W 1, Nbskovskiy energetichenkly Institut in, VM, Holotora, rafedra, elektropriborostroyaniya., (Zleotrio cables-Testing) imm TIM PERIONCAL ABSMACT CARD 1/2 105-6--0/26 IZV33, M. I. Doctor of Technical Sclencees Professor; BYKOV, M. A., Candidate oFTechnical Scienceej TrERM,, N. I., Engineer. Problems connected with the Standardization of Electric Measuring Devices. (Voprosy standartizataii elektroizmeritellnykh priborov.-Russian) Elektrichestvo 1957, 1wr 6., pp 21-24 (U.S.S.R.) The technical committee Nr 13 of the International Electro-tecbnical Commission (MW) recently worked out "recomendations" for acting energy counters and indicators. In November 1955 they were discussed at Budapest, but in view of the fact that a nmxber of points were con- sidered to be unacceptable by the Soviet delegation, the "recommendations" of the conference were left to be dealt with by the technical experts who met in London In Jamary 1956. In October 1956 two projects of the "recommendations" for electric acting energy counters of the class 2,0 and for electric measuring and indicating devices were completed in London and in Naples. At present the definite texts are being worked out by the Hungarian Naticn92 Committee and will enter Into force after being approved by the member states. Some of the resolutions were made In form of compromises as eog, those concerning the binding force of standards, terms of guarantee, etc. In the course of a short survey it in shown 80) SOV/161-58-3-6/27 AUTHORS.- haXLU, it L- D20ior of Technical Sciences, Professor Demidoval R. V., Pool-graduate Student TITLE: The Measurement of the Phase Error in Coils With Mutual Inductance (Izmereniya fazovoy pogreahnosti katushki vzaimnoy induktivnosti) PERIODICAL: Hauohnyye doklady vy9ghey ahkoly. Elektromekhanika i avtomatika, 1958# Nr 3, PP 51-56 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In the introduction it is pointed out that coils with mutual inductance are important elements in marV measuring circuits, and the phase shifting in the latter between current and voltage is evaluated. In this connection a phase shifting of 90 with frequencies ouch as are usual in industry is assumed in practice. As a result of winding capacities, the eddy-current losses, and the dielectric 1 8sees in insulationp phase shiftingi howeverg deviates from 90 . This deviation is called phase error (fazovaya pogreohnost') and increases at high-frequenoy currents to such an extent that it can no longer be neglected. A method is then describedg by means of which the phase error can bd determined on two coils of Card 1/3 similar cohatruciion: a) by measurement of the sumq b) by sov/161-58-3-6/27 The Meaburement of the Phase Error in Coils With kutual Inductance measurement of the difference in the phase errors of the two coils. The wiring diagram of the experimental arrangement is shown (Fig 1). In principle, the relative condition of phases in the two coils is varied by means of a so-called phase- shifter (Fig 3)- By a suitable selection of the phase position and of the input voltage it is possible to determine the phase errors in.the two coils. Pigure 4 shows the wiring diagram for measuring the difference of phase errors. By means of vector diagrams (Figs 2P 5) a survey is given of the phase positions of voltage and current in the coils and resistors. The wiring scheme initially shown is improved and extended in several steps (Figs 6, 7, 6). Also mathematical conaidera- tions are adapted to the improved methods. It is pointed out that the methods developed are rather complicated in practice and that it appears to be more opportune to determine the phase shifting of coils in schemes that correspond to the purpose for which they arseventually to be used. In conclusion it is pointed out that by means of the methods developed it is possible to determine phase shifting within a wide frequency Card 2/3 range. Frequency must be kept constant. There are 0 figures SOV/161-58-3-6/27 The Measurement of the Phase Error in Coils With Mutual Inductance and 1 reference. This article vas recommended for publication by the Kafedra, elektropriborostroyeniya Moskovskogo energeticheakogo instituta (Chair for Electrical Apparatus Construction at the Moscow Institute for Power Engineering) ASSOCIATION: Kafedra elektropriboroutroyeniya Ifookovskogo energeticheskogo instituta (Chair for Electrical Apparatus Construction at the Moscow Institute for Power Engineering) SUBMITTED: June 16, 1956 Card,3/3 AUTHORs Levin, M.I. SOV-115-58-4-22/45 TITLE: Elements of the Theory and Computation of Bridge Circuitry (Elementy teorii I rascheta mostovykh skhem) PERIODICALt Izmeritellnaya tekhnika, 1958, Nr 4, pp 46-50 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The theory of bridge circuitry Is discussed and formulae are given for computing the bridge's sensitivity froms 1) Current (when the bridge is near its balance), 2) Vol- tage, 3) Power. Examples of sensitivity calculations are given for ordinary and double-T bridge circuits are quoted and the effect of Inter-changing the positions of the power source and the indicating instrument illustrat- ed. Unbalanced bridges are also reviewed. There are 6 schematic diagrams and 2 Soviet References* 1. Electric bridges--Theory Card 141 V AUTHORS: Gellfond, A., Karandeyev, K., 105-58-4-35/37 Chistyakov, X., Shumilovskiy, N., Levin, Map ' Yermakovt V., Kobrinakly, N., a-M-otre-~ TITLE: V. 11. Millahteyn (Deceased) PERIODICALi Elektricheetvo, 1956, Ar 4, pp. 94-94 (USSR) ABSTRACTs Obituary notice. On January 9, 1958 Professor Viktor flaumovich Mil'shteyn, Dr. of Technical Sciences died at the age of 44. After he finished the Mookau, Institute for Power Engineering he worked in industry and as pedogogue. In 1938 he became Candidate and in 1945 Dr. of Technical Sciences. Since then he was Director of the Chair for Electric and Automatic Apparatus at the Moskau Institute for Aviation imeni Ordzhonikidze. In 1949 he changed over to the Scientific Rosearch Institutes for Systems at the Committee for Standardsp Measures and Measuring Apparatus. At the same time he worked as pedogogue at the Penza Institute for Industry and then at the Moskau Electrotechnical Card V2 Institute for Telecommunications. He wrote many V. 11. Millshtoyn (Deceased) 105-58-4-35/37 publications and many inventions were made by him. His scientific work included the field of theoretical electrical engineering and radio engineering as well as the problems on the theory and the calculation of measuring instruments, automation elements and electromagnetic mechanisms. Before his death he had his monography "The Energetic Relations in Electrical Measuring Instruments" printed. There are 1 figure. AVAILABLEi Library of Congress 1. Obituary Card 2/2 AIMVIAIJOV, V.N.; BYSTRITSKIY, D.N.; MUSP, V.R.; PANIZIN, V.V.; PZCIIKOVSKIY, G.A,; ZAK, I*G.; LZVINI- H-.-I. Automation of small mobile electric power plants used as temporary and reserve power supply sources in agriculture. Sbor. nauch.-tekh. inform. po elek. sellkhos. no.6:34-39 159. 04ML 13:9) 1. Voesoyusnyy nauchno-iseledovatel'skiy institut elektrifikatsil sel'skogo khozvaystva (for Pechkovskiy)o 2. Saratovskiy . mekhaniicheskiy savod (for Zak). 3. TSentrallny7 dezinfekt- sionnyy nauchno-isoledovateltakiy institut (for levin), (Zlectric power plants) Mectricity in agriculture) NAST-SHMOt AsDes otvored.1 LZVIN, X.I., doktor takhn.nauk, red.; ORNATWIT, F.P.9 kand.takhn.naA, red.; PSTROCHOKO, Vsy~g kand.tok-hnsnauk, red.; GORODOVSKIT, A.F., inzh.. red.; ZASLAVSKIT. S.Sh., iuzh., red.; SIMIBZR, B.Ao, insh,# red,-, KAZANTSZV, B*A*, red.izd-va,- TRYINOTA, X.I., [Problems in the manufacture of general electrical Instruments] Yoprosy obahchago alektropriborostrooniia. Kiev, 1960. 262 p. NIRA 13:6) 1. Akademiya nauk USSR@ Xiyev. Institut elektrotekhniki. 2. Chl4n-kor'respondant AN USSR (for Nester.anko)* (ifectric instruments) BTKOV, Mikhail Alskeandrovich; aRATSIANSKIT. Igor' Nikolayevich; KIFAR, Isaak losifovich; KUTYASHOVA, Telena Kikhaylovna logifavich:-ISMOV, Vladimir Tikhonovich: STRIKAT-OV. Ivan AlWie~yevlch; TALITSKIT, Aleksandr Vaellyevich; KHAHCHENKO, Roman Romanovich; SHUMILOVSKIT, Nikolay Nikoleyevich; XASATKIN, A.S.. red.; VORONIN. K.P.. [Course on electrio measurements] Kure elektrichaskikh lzmarenii. Pod red. V.T.Prytkova I A.T.Talitakogoo Koskyat Gossenergelzd-voe Pt.l. 196o. 479 p. Pt.2. ig6o. 430 p. (MINA 13:10) (Slactrio measurements) S/194/61/000/009/008/053 D209/D302 AUTHORS: Levin, M.I. and Lyubarskaya, A.M. TITLEi Error problems in voltage transformers designed for operating at higher frequencies PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Avtomatika i radioelektronika, no# 9# 19619 14, abstract 9 A94 (V ab. Vopr. obahch. elektropribor., Kiyev, AN USSR, 1960f 83-92) TEXT: The method for voltage transformer error calcula- tions (which amounts to determining a complex error) used for indus- trial frequency transf orm ra, can be applied to transf ormers opera- ting at higher frequencies - up to 10*000 kc/s, At frequencies of 8 - 10 x 103 cycles, capacitive couplIngs can be neglected in the case of sufficiently small number (of the order of several hundred) of turns in the secondary winding. The transformer parameters can be calculated assumi nominal voltages, nominal frequency range, nominal load and pe=sible error, taking into account perlissible Card 1/2 S/194,/61/000/009/008/053 Error problems... D209/D302 change of error with the change of load from zero,to nominal value# and limiting the transformer no-load power consumption. By this method multirange voltage transformer samples for frequencies from 100 to 10,000 sootf voltages from 400/100 to 2000/100 V were designed. The transformer errors at frequencies up to 5000 cycles do not exc- eed: 1 0.2% in the transformation coefficient f, 1 101 in the angle 6; at the frequencies > 5000 cycles these do not exceed: � 0.5% in the transformer coefficient f, � 201 in S. CAbstracter's note: Complete translation,7 Card 2/2 S/115/60/000/06/19/031 B007/BO14 AUTHORS: Levin, M. I., Semenov, V. Fe, Teeplyayev, K. N. TITLE: A Oalvanometria Measuring Amplifier With Semiconductor Thermistors r\ PERIODICAL: Ismeriteltnays, tekhnika, 1960, No. 6, PP. 40-43 TEXT: At A. P. Gordovskiyfe suggestion (R 3 , Author's Certificate No. li6192, September 12, 1953) the zavod ;'I; (ZIP Works) started the manufacture of the galvanometric heat-radiation zero indicator 'T -316 (T-3161~ This Instrument Is highly sensitive# but cannot stabilize the amplification constant. In the article under reviewl the authors describe a galvanometric heat-radiation amplifier with thermistors. The amplification constant is stabilized by means of a strong negative feedback. This feedback along with a few ddditional provisions makes it possible to manufacture sensitive and accurate instruments. First, the authors explain the mods of operatior of this instrument in which thermiators are used for voltage amplification, after which they describe the selection of the bridge parameters and the types of thermistor and galvanometer. The circuit diagram of this amplifier Card 1/2 j A Galvanometric Meaeurin Amplifier S/11 6010001061191031 V-~~ With Semiconductor Thermfetors BOON014 P, is illustrated in Fig, 5. FinallY, its technical data are given. There are 5 figures and 6 Soviet references. Card 2/2 OUSTOT, L.D., inzh. (Sverdlovsk)L LEVIN, MJ., lnzh. (Sverdlo-sk): MARINOT, A.M., lnzb.(Srardlovsk); WiiN, L.H., inzb..(5verd17y#k); PWROKOT, A.P., lnzh. (Sverdlovsk) - Sverdlovsk's 500 kv. substation. Blaktrichostvo no.7!61-65 J1 160. (MIRA 13:8) (Sverdlovsk-Blectric subStAtions) LsyrN, H. I. ---------- Testing carrent transformers with nonstandard rated transformation coefficients, Ise.takh. no.1202-25 D '60. (MIRA 13:11) (Alectric current converters--Testing) DODIKt S.D.; JZVINq M.I. Transistor stabilizers for the current supply of testing units* Ism. tekh. no. 3s28-30 Mr 161. (KM 14:2) (TramaiBtor circuits) DOKTOROV, A.N., kand. tekhn. nauk, retsenzent; PETROV, IL:EEV~IN P.P.? kand. tekhn. nauk, dote., red.; MITARCHUX, G.A., red. izd-va; ELARDINA, A.A., tekhn. red.; PETERSON, M.M., takhn. red. (Automation of diesel electrie-power plants; standard technology and devices] Avtomatizatsiia dizell-generatornykh ustanovok; tipovala tekhnologila i unifiteirovannye aredstva. Moskvay Mashgiz, 1963. 164 p. (IGRA 160) (Diesel electric power plants) (Automation) 1220&" ZWT(d)/ZWp(T)jW ACCESSION NR: AR50064461 TJ1t /0271/65/000/00i/ 35 621-396-694 SOURCEt Ref. sh. Avtomati1m, telemakhanika J vychislitele"y& tekhnika. Svodnyy tom, Abs. WD8 J-UTHOR: Leving M. 1~1 Semko, Tu I i Semenov. V F Solodov, Yi. S*., N. -No; Motheyko, A. A. TITLEt Heaeu'ring i~nits of the "Toontrotekhnika"Vaten CIM SOMCHs Ir..Mos k. energs In-tat vYP- 52, 1963, 133-146 TOPIC TAGSt supervisory control system / Tsentrotekhnika system J\TRANSLATIONs Measuring units are described of the "Tsentrotekhn!Lka" supervisory -Yleontrol syst -The system is designed for operation with several types of thermocouple sonsoras resistance thermometeras and differential-transformer sensors. For each type, special measuring units have been developed which connect the aensor output with thenonalectric measurands and convert them into a binary digital code. Each measuring unit is constructed an a separate adapter which Includes all measuring elements. By means of a special plug-and-oooket crd 1/2 L 00008-66" ACCESSICU MRs AR5",46~ device, the Adapters are connected to the system circuit,, All measuring units convert the deviation of the measurand from its normal value into a digital code. The~xeamwed-difference between the present And the normal values is converted into the code by means of a developing discrete transformation. Speoial individual settings are used to obtain signals corresponding to normal values. nga. 8, Bibl. 4 SUB- COM EXCL 1 00 Cord 11229