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N- LEVIN, D.1, kand.rIz.-matem.nauk; NIULINA, L.H., kand.geol.-mlneral.nauk Churaoterlatice of the behavior of potaAsium and potaBsium-sodlum feldspar under the effect of heating. Stek. i ker. 22 na.3t26-29 Mr 165. (HIPA 18:10) 1. Gosudarstvennyy iseledovateltakiy keramicheakiy institut. LIVIN, D.R. Lavin, D.X. OThe use of beat &ow the wet mixtures of lumber kilnR for beating the air,w Trudy Sib. laso-tekha. In-ta, symposimi 3, Issue 3, 1948, p. 35-44 SO: U-2888. Istapis ZhurnalInykh Statey. No. 1. 1949 VEIJER# V.N. doktor takbn.nauk; LIRAKDSYANTS, G.A., t&ndatekhn,nauk; LOUIS,, V.S., inzh-; ism I D 14. inzh.- RDZHANSKIY, V.Yel, inth.; R=Tj R*A* . Insho; FRMXUB, ivi:.' irsh'. Water system for the regulation of the K-150-3,30 turbine developed by the Kharkov Turbo-Generator Plant. Teploenergetika 9 non:10- 17 N 162. (MMA 15:10) 1. Vessoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellakiy teplotekhnicheskiy institut i Khar'kovBkIy turbogenertorn zavod. (Kharkcrv-Steam turbinesT (Hydraulic oftTmechanioms) *00000*0000* 0.*so of 0 sf: f7fl-fil-se.9wil; 0 0 0 * 0 v 03 1 it 1) li NO Is If It a J` & 0 V a 0 m I' W I AT C7jF A OA I 0., z a ~A_ 9 AJ 00 Al 00.0 t usUbio& 1), Ls"p, VeMoot XseAmmovil Ptom. row to , oo i .UU -The FnM Zowtv, 193011 Chm 0* . , -4. ZO find A" %MbwbilVd Aft" i dills 11"d Is 12% N&~. T)w ith" fit# mbowt#"J Aft 00 8 ' Atrato listacas 00 .00 -00 06 1 *00 00 J" Zoo 00 ot 40 & I goo of ire* goo too u11 AT W3 it. nitsimi isnow soon v a I a a 00 0 0 0 0 of 00 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 a ::fees 00 0000 0 0 & 0 0 0 0 00 0000,0 *a 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 00 VW "k-W71 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 i 6 4 41, TO'* 0 0 1 o 4 6 0 0 o 0 0 o a r 0 1 IJ U 14 '1 0 4 Is A,Z)v blob IGVJII# NP V U M a INS LF Is p a Q 41 u 0 01 fa0 L AA 06 U OF 0 A -6. I I1 00 .It. C". ZM(F, MR.-Angytiml data aft 6046 GO a,. -00 00 *** 00 00 a 90 j 04 ZOO 004 too GeV 't so 4*0 mi l lose l, TOO 6 - -- - - - 0 j1 r-r r w 0 1 j -u it 40 to -il " 71 1w i a 4 1 Ra . i . 0 00 094 a 6 0 00 o 0 0 0 0,0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0~4 0 0 0 0 0 0 at 0 0 0;0 0 000 000 of** *fees 091 i " Is lp RIl 'a a so a jab A P: a if w A# M a b VSO IV 4-61, Ij Cl ~.- 2 A 1 0 A It --45Z - - - - - - -t-,61. -49 ve Ibm-pUss w4dwd of ubid4s. 11, A Latbm- o ( Oml b " w .a e.". I . jmvl KfsAWwwW4)bw"~j* J At"iffalrd owibw of toolanills StAr Irmlibco ik.4,111"l toy S. C. A. 29, 23%4'). ct"I nut he m-14-1 44-01 A mimmalWas- twy Is"uhim, A A 11, 09 -00 -00 00 . lo 00 '.64 Of 00 00 00 so ...... V t ewa so is' 4 a A o goo ofe, 0o go l . f 0 o o 4 0 o 0 0 a Oooooo 0 e 00000000 0:::: 000060 Cc mrmf, -V ..) 1 ~7rl D. yeat industry and Trade - AcccuntIng Proper accounting is basic to lowering canrin~; costs. jrvi. 535--, 2~ no. 1, 19f2. Ian Accessions, Library of Congress', Aumst 195f, Uncl. 9. Monthl List of Russ 2 -D. 2. USSR (600) 4. Meat Tndustry-Accounting 7. Goat calculation of sausage products. Miss. ini. 5'SSR 23 no.5 1952. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, &b== j953. Unclassified. f 4vko d-171- VE footi LIVIXg David Karkovich; GINZBURGo A.S,.o prof.,. doktor tekhn.nauk, speteredel 1.9., red.; WBUZHINSKATI, L.T,, takhn,rod* [Thermodynazie theory and design of drying apparatus] Termo- dinaulahasksia toorila I raschat sushillnykh ustanovok. Xoskya, PI%Udbv roxisdat, 1958.. 166 p. (KIMLA 12:2) (ThermodynsmiW (Drying apparatus) LILVIN, D. R. rhermodynamic theory and design of drying apparatus. Trudy HIM no.2.-49-61 058. (mm 1):3) (Drying apparatus) (Intropy) i 7, Z T- 1 5 Ali '45 Eli a -012 fj 41.!, j T-4 A A mov, I- a :1 A a it oil A Va JM1 I I 3 1, 1 A .1131 1 3 A Mv tAll 13 1 A VZVIN, D. M. ,,Themodyn=ic Investigation Of the Processes Developing in the Interior OF THE Material Growing DrY." Report submitted for the Conference on Heat and MAss Transfer) Minsk., BssR, june 19611. LEV.0, D. M. "Drying of crijohed rubber." report submitted for 2nd All-Union Conf on float & Mass Transferp Minsk, 4-12 may 1964. Siberian Technological. InDt. 'IMN ~)J;EFWI ~WPJ( k )127rr~ h I'/FW7vx' I )/ETC(m) -6 MW L -2./F~t?f v)j1::2/F ACC-NL ----:----SOURCK-CO]Zi---IM/,0286/65/OW/024/0027/0029 AP6=869-- Av=Hss vener, Ve Nei K!Ejk2gants, G, A Levine D. M4 ORG I Dolls TITLEt Method for regulating steam or gas turbines. Class 14,, No. 176926 zainnpundod by All-Union Heat Technology Institute (Vs9soyuzr47 toplotekbuichookly institut) SOMCEi Byulleten' isobretenly i tovarrqkh snakov, no. 240 19650 27-29 -TOPIC TAGSs gas turbine, steam turbinev turbine control, servomotor AWTRACT regulating ate' y4hia Anthor Certificate presents a method for re am or ti bineaNquipped with main servomotors (with out-of? valves) and intermediate servomotors (with control valves) by supplying condensate to the intermediate servo- motors. To increase reliabilityp a mixture of food vater and of condensate (for examplel-in the water-water ejector) is supplied to the min servomotors (see Fig. 1). To increase speed of response and to reduce servomotor size# a second design supplies the main servomotors of the regulating and out-off valves with feed water which acts in the direction of olosinge, rd LWCs [621AW621,4301-346-522 I ACC Nib 212 MAER, V.N..v doRtor tekhn.naAl KIMMOYANTS, GO., Rand. t,^Rhn.raukj LEVINI D*M,p I.n4h, Vater system for steam turbine o,)ntrol, Znorgotlk. 13 xp 165. (Mvu 18s6) GINLB';)14';, A,S. 0 I.LVIN, T).V,, ; V A. New bock. Flulfillw-I P-4-11 rjUiriv, by ll,G.flmankov, Khtm. prom. 41 no.202 F 16 5 OCRA 1?,:') 4 1. Moskovskly tekhnologichnskiLy Inatitut plahuhPv. pronyalilennosti (for (linzbirg). ~. Sil.-Irskiy in3titllt (for TA,.,In'. ". Vses,-~-juznyy natichno-issled6vAte-l'skly institull zerna I 1',r Rav:ttikov, VA.). LEVIN, D.V.; KRYUKOVv S.M. Semaar variations of elements in certain places of the central part of the Soviet North. Inform. obor. NIIGA no.3202-37 162. (MIRA l6tl2) LEVIN, D.V.; KRYUKOV, S.M.; VOLK, V.E. Structure of the western part of the lChatanga depression according to aercmagnetic data. Uch. zap. N11GA. Reg. geol. no.2:84-118 164. (MIRA 19:1) VC)LKJ? V.E.; YRYUKOV, S.M,.; I-E-VIN.-D.7. Basic c~aractaristicn ~jf the submirface stru~t~;re- '.r, t*--- part of the TayrVr deprqsslon accordira, to aeromagnuti,-- dfitA. Uch. zap. NIIGA. IL3g.geol. no-3-110r,1-128 '64. (mir.-A IF:10) LEVIN, D.Y.; XRYUKOV, S.M. Preliminary results of aeromagnatic investigations of the Terkhoyanek fold zone, Lena-knabar trough, and adjacent areas, Inform.blul. NIIU no.13:65-69 159- (MIR& 13:5) (Siboria-Magnatism, Terrontrial) 0 LEVIN. D.Y.; IMTUEOV, S.H. Tectonic divisions of th" foUndation of the Arctic portion of the West Siberian Plain based on aeronagnatic Was Tmdy NIIGA 96:130-134 159,- (MMA 13:5) (West Siberian Plalm-Goolog7. Structural) I&VIN D V KRnW, S.M. -Ivjl"L-t~, I Yield work results of the aarmagastio expedition of 1959. Info=. 003-68 160& DWA 14s6) biulj=U no.3 (hasolut Northerb-41bPetic proppeoting) 3/169/62/000/006/029/093 D228/D304 Karazlk, As Nis, Kryukoyl S. Fl. and Levin,, D. Vs. -2 ?reliminary results of an acromagnatic surv ey in 1960 -2 .--.'.H 10 D I C A LReferativnyy zhurnal, Geofizika, no. 6, 1962, 29, ab- stract 6A216 (inform. byul. In-la geol. Arktiki, no. 22, 19060, 37-42) ."7XI; The results of an acromagnetic survey over three areas in 1960 are described. The survey was fulfilled in order to study the :byssal siructure of areas and expose lintrusive bodies. ?reviously unknown local anomalies, related -to intrusive b6dies,-were re- vealed. /-Abstracter's note: Complete translation._7 Card 1/1 KRYUXOVS S.M.; LEVIN D V Using three stations for recording the variations of a magnetic field. Trudy XIIGA 132tl63-165 162. (KIRA 1614) (Iratic regions-Magnetismg Teftestrial) XARASIX., A.M.; JWU1GVj, S.M.; LElftNp D.V.; SHCHEWVA-NOV, V.G. Lou altitude factors In aeroganna-wagnetic mwveying. Trudly NIIGA 132s172-179 162. (KUU 16 SO (Prospecting-Geophysical methods) 'I , STLPPANOV Yu.0. inahener-kapitan 2-#o rangal tims ID.kand. voysnno-morokikh _~! ~,T ' I n;4, kapitan 3-go ranga, sapasa /j, Work of the U, 8, Navy JA creating military space weapons, Mort abor. 47 no.102-89 Ja f64. (MIRA 1817) IZVIV R. insh. A self-Wopolled el*otrietvibratory compactor for cvncrete. fia stroi. Roo. 3 no*2:9 F 162. (MIhA l6s2) 1. Stroitelletwo Bratokoy gidroele *rootantoii, Mbrators), Pecullarities In the use of barrIer-layer photoelectric calls in photoelectrocolorinstric apparatus. Med.prom. 13 no.7: 32-19 J1 '59. (MIU 12: 10) lo Ifediko-Instrumental'My zavod "Krasnogvardeyats" (PHOTOMTRIC CILLS) KHOMM, P.O.; LEVIN, B.A. Densitometer vith automatio rooording of the optio&2 density am we. Fiziol.zhur. 46 no.StIO24-1027 Lg 160, (KIRL l3s8) I.Irrce the Chair of pathological physiologyp Paediatric Institute, Leningrad. (PROrEIRS-4NALTSIS) (MNSITOWERS) Yl I" MIN pag w"'g Koll "/-* ~ '141, /-- Id. ~ I /--- :, O~e - ~-- - 1, I - I . - . AUTHOR; -Levin,__E,.-D, 68-6-8/19 TITLE: The Mechanism of the Yormation of Sponge in Coke. (Mekhanizm obrazovaniya gubki v kokse) PERIODICAL: Koko i Khimiya, 1957, ho.6, pp. 24 - 25 (USSR) ABSTRAIT: It is demonstrated by calculations that the rate of beating of the top part of the coal charge in a coke oven is higher than in othei- parts of the oven. Therefore, sponge in coke is formed by passing gases through the plastic mass formed in the 4top part of the oven. There -a I figures. ASSOCIATION: Magnitogorsk Metallurgical Combine (Magnitogorskiy Metallurgicheskiy Kombinat) AVAILABIZ: Library or Congress Card 1/1 SOII/68-58-8-6/28 AUTHORS: Varshavskiy, T.P., KoE;an, L.A., Levin, E.D. and Shevchenko, B.S. 11TLE: An Apparatus for the Determination of the Concentration of Dust in Coke Oven Gas kUstanovka po opredeleni7u kontsentratsii pyli v koksovom gaze) PERIODICAL: Koks i Khimiya, 1958, lir 8, pp 18 - 21 (USSR) ABSTRACT: A modification of the usual apparatus for the determination of dust in Cases adapted for measuring the dust content in the gas in ascension PiDes during charging of coke ovens is described and illu8t~ated (Figures 1 and 2). The main features: samplinG tube from heat-resistant steel, and the filler from glass wool enclosed between metallic screens of 0-5 mm mesh. A good reproducibility of the results is claimed (table). There are 2 figures and 1 table. ASSOCIATION: Magnitogorskiy metallurGicheskiy kombinat (MagnitoCorsk Metallurgical Combine); VUKHIN uard 1/1 1. Coa 1--Proce s sing 2. Coal gas--impurities 3. Coal gas --Testing equipment SOV-168-59-3-6/23 AUTHORS: Ka el'zon2 Seppar, A.M. and Mbayev, F.P. TITLE: An Improvement in the quenching of Coke (Usovershenst- vovaniye tusheniya koksa) YBRIODIGAL;Koks i Khimiyaj 1959, Nr 3, pp 27--~4 (USSR) ABSTRACT: An investigation of the ,.oke quenching process has been studied on the Magnitogorsk Works, the results of which are reported in the paper. The distribution of moisture in the individual size fractions of coke - fJg1 and table 1. The distribution of coke In the quenching car - fig 2 and 3; the distribution of time between the individual operations of the coke quenching car - table 2; the dependence of the coke quen-bing time on the spraying capacity of the quencher (Mrof water/min) - table 3; the distribution of moisture in coke on the coke wharf - fig 5 and table 41 the design of the spraying installation used on the Magnitogorsk Works - fig 6. It is concluded that the necessary conditions of the stability of the moisture content of coke is the stability of the'quality of the coal blend, heating Card 1/2 conditions and coking time, as t1,',e above- conditions SOV/68-59-3-6/23 An Improvement in the i~,uench-ing of Coke determine the size distribution of coke and the amount of sponge it containz. Theie is a large variability in the distribution of coke on the cross sectional area of the coke quenching car of the same design on various batteries. The duration of the quenching period with technical water is 20-25% lower than that with effluent water. The spraying equipment used on the works is described. There ai:,e 6 fj.eAx--s and 4 tables. ASSOCIATION: Maguitogorskiy Metallurgichezkiy Kombinat (blagaitogorsk Metallurgical Combine) Card 2/2 8(2) SOV/32-25-4-46/7, AUTHOR: Levin, E. D. TITLE, Thermocouple for Measuring the Temperature of the Top of the Coking Mass (Termopara dlya zamerov temperatur verkha koksovogo piroga) I PERIODICAL: Zavodskaya Laboratoriya, 1959# Vol 251 Nr 4, P 485 (USSR) ABSTRACT: A thermocouple was designed (Figure) to determine the tempera- ture in the upper layer of the coal charge and of the coking mass. The protective covering of the thermocouple is a atee: tube with a diameter of 25 mm, the length of which is chosen depending on the height of the layer, the coke tower height and the coke tower cupola. An iron disk (diameter - 350 mm, thickness - 5-10 mm) is welded to the lower end of the protec- tive coveringl this prevents the thermocouple from sinking down into the layer. An iron cap in welded'to the bottom of the iron diskj in thie'eap, there is the contact of the thermocouple. When iron-constantan thermocouples are used, the constantan electrode is welded to the inside of the iron cap; the second electrode is the protective covering. As the thermocouples are Oard 1/2 exposed to the effect of hot coke gases during the measurements, SOV/32-25-4-46/71 Thermocouple for Measuring the Temperature of the Top 3f the Coking Mass they are subjeot to carburization and must be cailrated after every three measurAments. There is 1 figure. ASSOCIATION: Magnltogor okly mstaZlurgiahoakly kombinat (Magnitogorvik Movil.- I .Vurgiual Kambirat) Card 212 LIVIN, X.D.; PRAVDITYY, I.G. Inproving wthods of determining the total sulfur content of 11cLuid products of by-product coking. Koko I kh1a, no.1:48-* 160. 1. Magnitogorskiy metallurgichookly kombinat. (MIU 13:6) Woke industry--By-product*) (Sulfur-,Analypis) LEVINq 9. D. Cand Teeb Sci - (disB) "Meohanism of sponge formation in coke and methods of decreasing its amount." Sverdlovsk, 1961. 15 PP; (Min- istry of Higher and Secondary S ecialist Education RSFSRI Ural Poly- technic Inst imeni S. M. Kirov)?, 150 copies; price not given; (KL, 5-61 supl.191.) LEVIN, EX.; PHAVDIVYY, I.G.; NAGIHSLAYA, L-V. Using the head fractions of crude benzene for producing compressed materials. Koko i khim. no.8:44-46 '61. (XIRA 15:1) 1. Kagnitogorskly metallurgicheskly kombinat. (Benzene) (Building materials) LEVIN, E.D.; VASILIYEVA, A.G. Analysis of sodium phenolates produced In dephenolizing units. Koks i khim. no.9:50-52 161. (YIR.' 1~:I) 1. Magnitogorskiy metallurgicheakiy kombinat. (Sodium phenoxide--Analysis) LEVIN, E.D.1 PRAVDIMs I-G- Methods for using tar acid. Koks i khin. no.9:54-`7 '61. .0 OURA 1 ~~: 1 ) 1. Maenitoeorokly metallurgicheskiy kombin,:,t. (Tar acids) PETROV, V.S.1 LEVIN, B.D. On M.I. Chudakovls book "Industrial use of lignin.0 Gidrolis. 1. leackhim. prom. 16 no.2132 163. (MIRA 1616) 1. Sibirskiy takhnalogichookly institute I(Lignin) (Cbudakov, M.I.) I ILE.VIN, 'E.P!o; dWXOVA9 Z.P. Determining phenol content pf pyrogenemis lignin tax-vi vith the method of high-frequency titration. Gidrolls. i losokhim.prom. 16 no.8sl6-18 163. (MA 17: 1) 1. Sibirskiy takhnologicheskly Inatitut. LEVINP E.G. (Sverdlovsk) Possibility of partlal substitution of the ureter w1th pla,stio protheses; "rimental research. Urologiia 28 no.2t29-32 *-.Ap'63. (MIM 16 t6) (URST (PIASTICS IN 19DICIIM) is"N. N.G. 09n" LopboLuthus. flors SM 20-.2?5-282 '54. (KIAA 7:?) (Ublat") KOLOHDYTSET, 4R -X AO-terdlovsk) Unusual ease of multiple homologous calculi of the left ureter In bnmplasla of the left kidney. Urologlia 24 no.2t62 Mr-Ap '59. (KIRA 1202) OCIDW, abnormalities, bypoplasta with homolateral ureterolithlasis (Rus)) (URWIFLS. calculi in homolateral renal hypoplasia (Ran)) IYAWY, I.I., agronov,-ontanolog(Khaybullinakiymyon. Bashkirskoy SSR); , 4, 1 , ; G&R, X.A. Letters to the editor, Zashch.rast.ot vred.i bol. 4 no-3:60 my-je 159. (KIRA 13: 4) 1. Zaveduvushchiy punktom slushby uchets. I prognozov Irkutskoy oblasti (for Levin). (Plants. Protection of) WIN hibi Tm .5. Producing prestressed concrete bwma. Tranap.stroi. 6 no.5:8-11 My 156. (NUtA 9z8) 1. Nachallnik treat& Odestransetroy (for Levin); 2. Nachallalk tokhntcheskogo otdola (for Shvets). (Girders) (Prestressed concrete) !-- Manufacturing wall blocks using coarse porous concrete. Transp, strol. 7 n0-5:11-13 MY 157. (MIRA lo:11) 1. Nachallnik tresta Odestrannstroy. (Concrete blocks) (Lightweight co=rete) LVIN. R.I.; SUMS. YP.S. Wire-reinforced concrete bars used In reinforcing precast reinforced conorste structural components. Transp.stroi. 7 to.7:9-11 JT1 157. (MIRA 10:11) 1. lachallnik tresta Odestransetroy (for Levin). 2. Nachallnik takhnicheskogo otdola tresta Odestran::!ro (for Shysts). (Precast cn tz LETINO Bole Iftys of lowering osuatruotion costm. Trausp. strot, 8 n#,917-9 5 1580 (KIRA Ili 10) 1,N&*Wlnlk trests. Odostranestrore LEVIII, m. I. Our successes In lovering costs of housing construction. Transp.strol. 9 no.12.-7-10 D 159. (MIRA 13:5) 1. Nachallnik tresta Odeastranestroy. (construction industry--Costs) - LIVIN B#I.1 MUZIMS Tg V,X, ~ ~ ~1-00 Using milicalcits an the construction sites of the Odessa Trust for the Construction of Trammportation Facilities. Transp. stroi, 10 uo.10.-28-32 0 160. (XIU 13:10) 1. Nadhallnik tresta Odenstranostroya (for Ierin). 2. zamestitell nachaltnlka tekhnicheskogD otdola Odeastrannstroya (for Krizhevskiy). (Odes sa-Sand-lime products) KMRYkVTSEVA, T.L.; IEVIN,, E.I.; TARURA, V.I., agronom-entomolog; HIRCBMICV2 G.Ao Readers' letters. Zashch. rast. ot vred. i bol. /. no.2:59 Mr-kp 159. (HIRA 16:5) 1. Starshiy agronom kolkhoza imeni leninap Semilukskogo rayonat Varonezhakoy oblasti (for Hiroohnikov). (Flanto,, Proteotion of) TEVINI__E.T. Odessa Transportation Construit-lon Adminlatration makas a contributl:n to Its city. Transp. istrol. 3.4 no.7718-20 J-1 164. 39 Upravlyayushchiy trestom Odeastranestroy. (MIRA 18i1) VYIK,YAJ.; LEVASHOV, M P.; ?;rCHAY.?.VSKIY, G.S.; KRUIEVSKIY, V.M., T:-SLER, P.A.; KOBRINMIYO G.S. Large-psmal buildings of standardized aiitocla7ed elewnts. Transp. stroi. 15 no.5t23-26 MY 165. (MIRA 18i7) 1. odeastranestroy (for Frizhavakly). 2. Nauchno-tasledovatellskly in.. stitut betona i zhelezobstona Goastroya SSSR (for Kobrinskly). A' off OWN rift. OF* a It, 438-MIN h=a 91104-TW . W and 0. 9 far aw e"F" Olin F So, , anbed. Wk a seepwask" = TW 4.r t opium bm a few 000 v rum a. P-0 WOO SOW 0 jo *9 #Ad 0 bMW 0116011- b. -vow b v f 4 004 aft- , w A i'4 I t WascaNtmaedst mm emapaLewv" md"p, m- anWoW bbwy of dw on ik a*& see .90 00 ISO ISO goo '60 see ISO IS@ goo ,00 s IALV~Ak M1110110111 CL"WWATIft 94- -8, Its Ei~- - - - -- - - .-- - - - , - - , 0& too" Iiiissive goo- adws4p 1100141" *0 1 Samoa At 4.0 444 mAks"Iml 0144111 am sis 'flow is 11 60, 00 la 0 0 0 00 ~01 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 6 0 0 4 0 a 0 0 0 0 ley Jtruutum of IsiliLs'ol its on the *4.319 or jiouctrill vgV,- I. ."(C,Anpt# i-nio A::Udo 311 o UO Ao 4o #o# J)jj2# j5p r, II r, curves of ttie uuIphuric e3wra or Luaigo ww tuoindjo leuco-baaej U on, InvestiraW .. The curves for the3e giub3ttrcc3 are very similar, whvmn j tnoot- of t c :ory-sponlins- Iyes Jiffer consideraoly. T%is .9 provu:ly tue to the t~~As- tence In the Indiro mol. of a weakened inVmal # It bond, which rivej riju t- the Irtt-n3e colour of the co-tplunl. As ~*.* .11 -1- 1 a 11 A I- IT 0 A-JL-L-A-L-LJL C -"fA-1 L~ a It 1 -4 A I A 1, Ow A It4o 00 00 a vamemw awl F. S. Levin. IRS R.) 16. No, 01111. 3616-14 *00 .-AwctrcIpbolumetric UWAIMAft- ==Yt '-00 0% bbUWW CoMpda. of a-pk dy- ruAdc maw .00 -1 Iful" tbf $WlfG .0 OOJ icoportrealtbesepradoctsdA 000 "o' formo and Jirdrsoom forms W 0111111 cbst'Ift"1101W wAlAto cumpas. and the raw ul Ibek hy,UWFP6 In AIL&h the structuro peopownt b it". 418". el"4791MOU10)). spectrum cul"S.Ul X=11.1. t COO SO Perot ted. G 1.1. K.MAAIWIRW oil 4014IJ .60 *No all -.4-4 U 0 AV -0 to *a lot; stun Icarian Jim 0 0 00 SO 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 go 0 too* t00 A4 Joe a -W 1 9 go to 1 0 0 0 9 9 0 0 0 0 0-0 0 0 000 0 00 a 0 0 0-4 -Offie"-0,640 0;.~ ~ 0 000000000 0 0 0 P"COVAI Omp "6p#8#46 well 00 00 A 00 t woo O*t 00 1 ftrus d Me dwivedvee of kew W&. R. '24W A!vu Is. to"ll, Siad. fti. 'IM-111 WA&'mw Od". it awasmir 4w*yl mw cilio goe". CaNbet lopwasm. Car. wtow is kv "7b C14 ctj~' t(clia)-coolt cut It 'CO-VOW-coolt F- on-vows d UK W.. ti..( U. Cw IMA.&IdWWwpliallab., dMm..230;;W W. X. 140d.byilwj~~X. H coo 4mwuv. In wilwy. 0 am bfdtdrud frovioll dwftk AbmWj" In the Mx. abmwptbm in the abumm cd b7dralr*). OW csk~w- am f1w" Aw dig SM 4 at*" The opwind date ma be opg4W to &t. glrwtwj lion- Tbw&udbOtb$d"tftjh"'b'x"wwwt Mbtalmnaga 4MUM tw aUtm of the lolval, its aw A. de b 3w thms usher IN ow silew The dft. of 0 to Vdibb I Is Mot favemw lbas JIM thOw" 9(nictutaft sod vm nwopkoy Uat dcarbly-subatituted WO wi& MA IV,-kd, be* "Its -0 and CHICO C11(cifi-exioll. a c N4 CJfr-C-C-4W-() "S 0 I got i :go* do* 197- Not u IS AV too 0 00 0 0 o: 00*0000000*0*00* MIN, I.S.g FWD(ANO Z.I. Pblarography of orgazda kuao derivatives* Trudy Xm awl, khin, W42-62 152. (xim n:6) (Halides) (Pblarograpby) USSR/Chemietry - Instruments, Production of Phenol FD 178 Card 1/1 Author i Parlashkovich, N. Ya., Levin, E. S., and Avakyan, N. I. Title Automatic potentiometric control in phenol produotion Periodical i Xhim. prom. 3, 51-52 (179-180), April-YAy 1954. Abstract i Established the possibility of controlling automatically by means of a potentiometric appliance the neutralization of the sulfonated mass In the manufacture of phenol. Developed two schemes for the control of this process, which are described. Found that automatic control not only in-. creases the capacity of the continuous neu*tralization stage, but also reduces the use of sulfuric acid by making possible a more complete utili- zation of the sulfur dioxide evolved during neutralization. Illustrated by 2 figures. Data are arranged in 3 tables. 4 USSR references and 5 foreign references are listed. Institution i Scientific Research Institute of Organic Intermediate Products and Dyes imeni Klim Voroshilov P,ARlr.A-qMMICH, N.Ta.: MIN. Big.; AVAKTAN. W.I. %-_MwwwMww"ww Automatic potentiometrlo control in phenol mannfacture. Zhim. prom. no-3:179-180 AP-MY 154. (MLRA 7:8) 1. Nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut organichaskikh polu- produktov I krasitelay [I=. I.Voroshiloval (Phenol) (Potentiometer) USSR/Chemistry Phenol, production of rv-y Card 1/1 Pub- 50 - 8/19 Authors !Avin, E. S., Avakyan, N. I., Parlashkevich, N. Ya Title Automatic potentiometric control of the decomposition of sodium phenolate Periodical Khim. prom., ]NO 70 415-418 (31-34), Oct-Nov 1954 Abstract Describes automatic potentiometric control of the decomposition of sodium phenolate into phenol and sodium sulfite with the aid of sulfur dioxide and water. An antimony electrode is used to deter- mine the end point of neutralization. Seven references, 2 USSR, one since 1940. One table, 5 graphs, 2 figures. Institution State Scientific Research Institute of Organic Intermediates and Dyestuffs. USSR/Chemistry --Reduction Card 1A, Author Levin, Z* 3 and Fodiman, Z. I. Title Reduction of the Aromatic Halogen Derivatives on a Mercury xxxDrop Electrodes Periodical 3 Zhur. Fiz. Xhim. Vol. 28o PA. 4p 601-612, Apr 1954 Abstract: a The article deals with the reduction of aromatic monohalold derivatives (with exception of C6H 01) on a mercury cathodes and the gradient deoxidation: of po;~;Wdese The theor7 of retardation# applied in the above-reaction, explains the-form of polarization curves and the ki- ~netic characteristics of reaction. The semiwave potentialV j in this case, signifies a kinetic rather than thermodynamic quality. Fifteen references; tables; graphs. ,Institution t E. Voroshilov's Scientific Investigational Institute of Semi- Products and Pigments.. submitted April.6, 1953 --LIM/Chemistry card Aut.hors 9 Lavin, E. and-Shestov, A. P. Title Polarographic determination of sulfone,s i6ilodical Dokl,' AN .53- 0 960 FAL 5, 999 1002, June 1954 'Abstract PolarobTaphic determination of sulfone3, originated in connection with the sulfonation of aromtic hydrocarbons is discu3sed. The secondary products of ouch sulfonation reaction are Ar - S02 - Arl. In many cases sWlones are formed but with only one or several vulfo-&roups - rjO31:- Such substances are water-soluble juat as aromatic sulfo-acid3 thus making their Identification and separation quite dif ricult. Three references. Tables, gvaphs. Institution.. The.K,.E. Voroshilov State 5cientific-Rese. Ir Orranic Semi- -irch T. titute o' producti a6d Ryes. Presented by: Acadenician, A. H. Frun-Jdn, April 13.. 11754' __'1'(;l+ra-"iolnt Abnorp!Aon Jp,-wtr;i ani Gon:;~.ructiorl o" Dogr--, in 'clenne and j ; , lons) Hocco,,., Chanical IrAus-Iry C!-,-er -at US-?, H.1-her 3dlicational Inatit,it~' L-lbOT' Of Red 3anner Phyzical Chcmi-al Inz+ in-ini 1. Ya. K,.-pov, !!oscow, SO: Knj6linaya !afor)lsl, 14). 25, 1" Jun 55 For the Degree of Cindlclate in Cimmic!:~l Scl-cmees 5(2)t 5(3) AUTHORS: Gribova, Ye. A., Levin, E. S. SG7/32-24-11-1"/"7 TITLE: Selective Det0r"t?MTT3W__o? -Sulfuric Acid and Suifo Acids by Titration in Non-Aqueoun Solvent (Razdellnoye o,)re- deleniye sernoy kisloty i sullfokislot titrov.'rAyem v nevodnykh rastvoritelynkh) PERIODICAL: Zavodskaya Laboratoriya, 1958, Vol 24, Nr 11, pp 1~56 - 1358 (US2R) ABSTRACT: It has already been shown (Ref 1) that in non-aqueous mixtures containing nitric and sulfuric acids or sulfuric and hydrochloric acids the acids can be titrated selectively one after the other. Succeeding titrations can be carried out in the analysis of the mononulfo and disulfo acids of anthraquinone, the monoculfo acids of naphthaline, and the benzosulfonic acida. Dried acetonitrile or acetone were uted as solvents. The titration is successful vith~.morpholine and diphenyl guanidino. All tbe titrationB were Card 1/2 carried out using a glass elor:trode as a potentiometric Selective Determination Of Sulfuric Acid and Sulfo S071/32-21-11-!3/37 Acids by Tit~:ation in Non- Aqueous Solvent control. There are two potential steps in the titration curve. The first potential wave appears when the oulfo acids and the sulfuric acid have been titrated completely to the binulfate. Tile bisulfate in further titrated until the solution is completely neutral, tit which point the second potential wave appears (Diai7ram)- The maxinum error is 2~fo. The presence of water inter- feres with the determination and at a concentration of more than 5-7% prevents it altogether. The--- are I figure, 3 tables, and I referencc.,4.%Mg~V~ ASSOCIATION: Institut organichemkikh poluproduktov i krasiteley im.K.Ye. Voroshilova (Institute for Organic Intermediate Products and Dyes imeni K.Ye.Voroshilov) Card 2/2 SOV/75-14-i-26/3? vin V V Re f -in ;qomers of sorp- 3)j 5(4) pozdYshs 0 of the ThrGs , ad Jkb ion .,,M=6/jjjfr&r 0.,rov klUTHORSS it 'Determinst .. I M ant , at,:Lv 0 '-PMWI~ To&bar LiYe trekh iz ThAs OU ~Uieurllr-'= a opredel64 TITLE1 gitroohlorobe ,hestveunoy pri p0moshchi, infrakra'nkh tion 5,ectra (Koli ikh sm9s' lorborLzOla V n:Ltrokhv pogiosh"heniya) 14, lir " Vp 126-132 spektrO skoY Jchimii 1 1959' VO Zhurus, sn&jItichs the the primary prodUct Of isomerSt (Uss) robeAzene,le a ixture Of - and 9- he TeOhni 0.1 itroohlO I of M_isomers. In t kBSTRACTs ion Of chlorobanzOue . low content or the direct de tor- ed nitrat'arying ratio ' with & .1abof&ted f ~q basis Of the infrax in a I t aper a method is esojAer On content results preset - and P'i itrochlOrd on the Single- ,inatiou Of the m O-n e recorled, )f the apparatus ption spectra. The ;pectra &r jLbsor- M The i oal data given in froM the difference, The techni, us are the 3 sl?ectrometer IKS-11' for investigst'o "ve nt for b6am cond ione 9 Was used as so hr68 COM- the vorking etr rid tra of the t and bon t ach!O n sp ,e e solvent' A t ki. 1 C arbon orptiO of th 'The Quantitative Determination of the Three Isomers of Nitrochlorobenzene Whaj Ewaza=lz, 121t.Xvtbar 'try Mesas of Infrared Absorption Spectra SOV/75-14-1-26/202 shown by figures. The spectra of the m- and o-i ?omer are characterized by narrow Intense bands at 1063 cm- and 1 1053 0m- , which are lacking in the spectrum of the p-isomer. In the spectrum of the latter isomer there is, instead, a very intense and characteristic band at 533 cm- 1. In the spectrum of the m-isomer there is a band at 917 cm- 1, which; though not very intense, nevertheless may serve the purpose of characterizing the m-isomer, as the two other isomers do, not absorb at all in this domain. Also the band at 879 c= is very characteristic of the m-isomer. These differences in the spectra of the 3 isomers suffice In order to distin- guish them In a mixture. For quantitative determination the characteristic band of the p-isomer at a frequency of 533 cm- is especially well suited because in this domain the other isomers do not absorb. For the determination of the m-Isomer the band is unfortunately not intense enough at 917 cm . Card 2/4 Therefore, the band at 879 om-1 is used, although this entails ;I L-Af JLA~.; %40 The Quantitative Determination of the Three Isomers SOV/75-14-1-26/32 of Nitrooblarobenzenc i&aa P=aevt 'Vop' he-A by Means of Infrared Absorption Spectra the danger of its being influenced by the bands of the o- and p-isomers at 848 and 846 cm- I , which are in cl?se vicinity to it. By narrowing the width of the gap to 4 cm- it was possible to resolve the m-isomer bands at 879 and 867 cm -1- It was found that with an m-isomer content of 0.5 - % in the mixture, the error caused by superposition by the bands of the two other isomers does not exceed 10% (relatively). In the case of a higher m-isomer content the error is caused only by faults of the measuring device and amounts on the average, to 1%. On the basis of these bands determination of the m- and p-isomer in mixtures is possible. The gauging curve for the determination of p-isomers is given in the paper. There are 7 figures and 7 references, 3 of which are Soviet. LSSOCIATIONt Gasudaretvannyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut organioheskikh poluproduktov i krasiteley im. K. Yo. Voroshilova, Moskva (State Scientific Research Institute for Organic Card 3/4 Intermediate Products and Dyes imeni K. Yo. Voroshilov, Moscow) 50) SOV/32-25-1-20/51 AUTHORS: Gribova, Ye. A., Levin, E. S. TITLE: Titration of a Mixture.of Amines in a Nona ueous Medium (Titrovaniye smesi aminov v nevodnoy sredel PERIODICAL: Zavodakaya Laboratoriya, 1959, Vol 25, Nr 1, pp 38-41 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Organic solvents often allow titrations that cannot be carried out in aqueous mediums Thus, for example, many aromatic amines can be titrated in glacial acetic acid with a chloric acid solution (Refs 1-4)- It was observed that titrations in chloro- benzene, acetone, acetonitrile, have much more distinct titration end points, than is the case with glacial acetic acid. In controlling the contact hydrogenation of aniline, a mixture consisting of cyclohexyl amine (1), dicyclohoxyl &mine (II), and aniline (III) must be analyzede A method is described according to which t1tration takes place in acetone with an 0.1 n chloric acid solution (in dioxane), The titration curve of (III) in acetone shows the same abrupt potential jump as titrations of the cyclohexyl amines in aceti-~ a-,J.d (Fig '). The titration was carried out potentiometrically on a LP-5 Card 112 potentiometer. The analysis of a mixture of (I), (II) and (III) SOV/32-25-1-20/51 Titration of a Mixture of Amines In a llonaqtteous Medium requires two titrations. The first allows the deter=!nation of the content of (III) as well as of the sum of (11) and (1). The second titratiork, which is carried out after a preliminary treatment with salicyl aldehyde, yields the content of (II), while (I) results from the difference. There are 3 figures, I table and 12 references. ASSOCIATION: InstItut organicheaki4kh poluproduktov i krasiteley I=. X. Ye. Vo:-oshilava (Institute of Organic Semiproducts and Dyes imenl K. Ye. Voroshilov) Card 2/2 5(2) JWTHORI Levin, E. So, Candidate of Chemical Sciences SOY/32.2!-&33/53 TITLEs Criticism of the Book by Sh* R. ?Palito go No Das and Go R. Somayadzhulu, Wco-a4ugooTitration (Retsenziya na knigu Sh. R. Palitj go No Dae i Go H. Somayadzhulu, Nevodnyye titrovaniya) Gookhimizdat, 1958, 400C Copies, 10 Printed Sheets, Prji3 1, Roubles (GoskbJ,dzd&t, 1958 g., tirazh 4000, ob"yom 10 pech.l. tsena 7 rub.) IPMUODICALs -Z&vodskaya Laboratoriya, 1959, Vol 25, Nr 6, PP 76,1-768 (USSRj' ABSTRACT: The criticized book has .1 32pagess the contents is presented in a very concentrated form. The theory of acido is described in brief, the glycol titration somewhat more detailed and also in brief;the other methods of acid-alkali titrations; in non-aqueous medium. Finally 1, P, Xreshkov, editor of the translation gives a short survey on the papers published at-ter the original book (1954-1957) had been published, This book is neither to be regarded as a monograph nor as a systematic manualt but much more as a detailed survey. A disadvantage of the book is the interpretation of the acid theory by Lewis which is described without making reference to Bronsted's theory, as Kiit did in the introductory chapters of the Card 1/2 book, Chapters 3 -.7 on the glycol titration are described very Criticism of the Book by Sh, B, Palit, V. H. Das and SOV/32-25-6-53/53 0. R. Somayadzhulu, Ron-squecus Titration. Gookhimizdat, 195e, 400C copies, 10 Printed Shoots, Prize 7 Rcrables detailed because they contain papers by Palit and are therefore subjective. Only two chapters deal with the new moot effective methods of non-aqueoua titrations, containing only some enumerations without a detailed discussion of the results. Translation and compilation of the book am satisfactory with the exception of some printing errors which are pointed out. Card 2/2 UMMM-M61,229 PODIVAN, Z.Is; LWIN, B.S. Polarographic control In the production of contact antbraquinons. Zav.lab 26 no.10:1088-1090 160. (NM 13:10) 1, 11suohno-issledovatel'skly institut organicheskikh poluproduktov I kraviteley. (Anthraquinons) (Polarography) LEVIN I S.; YODIMAH. Z.I. Polarography of 4-nitrophemyl- and 4-switophanyl-aso-salicylic acid. Zav.lab 26 no.10:1090-109) 160. (KIRA 13: 10) (Salicylic acid) (Polarography) LVIN, X.S., kand.khimicheakikh nauk .Polarographic analysiag by T.A.Kriukova. S.I.Siniakova, T.Y. Arefleva. Ravievecl by I.S.Levia. Zav.lab. 26 no.9:1165-li66 l6o. (MIRA 13:9) (Polarography) (Kriukova,T.A.) (Siniakova,S.I.) (Arefleva, T.V.) 'TXFQWIMW, A.Peg otvored,; ALIMARIN, I.P., red.; ='MAN, N.B., red.; KLMOVA, V.A., red.; XEMMOT, A.P., red.; KU s V.I., red.; red.; POMATSKATA, Z.I.. red.; MSHADZ&g TeOG*j red*: TALIROZI, VA.. red.: TSUXMWN, A.M., red.; SHIMMIN. T.M.. red.; S1OMnMq Yu,N,t red.; TMOMOT, K65*, [Conference on organic analysinj Soveshchanle po organichaskowu analizu. Tesisy dokladov. Koskva, Isd-vo Mosk.univ., 1961. 170 P. (min 14:4) 1. Soveshchonlye po orgonicheskomu analisu. 1961. (Chomistryj Analytical-Congresses) (Chemistry. Orgonic-Congresses) LEVIN' E.So FODIIAAN, Z.I. Polarographic analysis of some organic intermediate products. Jrg. poluprod. i kras. no.2:183-200 161. (JURA 14tll) (Polarography) LEVIN, E.S.; CHLENOVA, R.S.; FODIMAN 9 Z-I- Polarographic analysis of indotoluidine. Org. toluprod. i kras. no.W01-208 161. (MIRA 14:11) (Indoanilins) (Polarography) _LSYM B,S.; OBIPOVA.0 14A. . S-~ Wchardam of the pDlarographic reduction of aromatic sulfonic acids and aulfones. Part ls Coulometric investigation. Zhur.ob. kh,Lm,, 32 no.?:2oe*-2oqi n 162. (MA 15 z 7) 1. Nauchuo-lsoledovatellskty Lnotitut orgazdcheskikh poluproduktov I krasiteley, (Sulfon.Lc wide) (Reduction, Electrolytic) Mlll L, linetio currents in the reduction of naphthal nesuUonia acids* Dokl*AN SSSR 244 no.lsl59-162 vq 162a (MIM 15: 5) 1e Gowidaratvemyy nauchno-inaledovatellskiy institut polupro- duktov i krasiteley. Predstavleno skademikom A.N.Frumkinym. (Naphthalensu.Uonio acide) (Reduction,, Electrolytic) tF.VIN, E.S. Change of the wchanism underlying electrochemiial res!',~tirnz in a nonprotogenic medium In rosponse to the addition of a Proton vjnrx. Dokls AN SSSR 151 no.6:1375-1378 Ag 163. (KRA 16:10) 1. Gosudarstvennyy nauchno-issledovatellskly institut pollupraJukt.ov I krasiteley. Predstavleno akndcmikom A.N.Frumkinym. VINOGRADOVA, X,P,j LEVINj B.S. ......... .. I--.- Preparation of aome haloamino derivativee of Ays-Wasine (F and BrAsaidoe). Zhur.VKHO 10 na.5089 165. .(MIRA 18;11) 1. Nauahno-issledovatellskiy institut organichaskikh polupro- duktov I kraoitelay, LEVINP E.S.; RODIONOVA, G.N. Tautowrism of laotams In vapors studied by mears of Infrared spectroscopy. Dokl. AN SSSR 164 no.3t584-587 S 165. (H m. 18:9) 1. Sutmitted March 2, 1965. LIVIN. P. We will got It also In the Kusnetsk BasIn. Mant.tzgl. 9 no.2.* 24 7 16o. (MIRA 13:7) 1. Zamestitell nachalfulka otdola. rabochego snabzheni7a tresta liselevskugolf, Xubass. (Kuznetsk Basin-Restaurants, lunchrooms, etc.) UVIIN I F. Z~ According to Lenin's plans, stroi, trubqwov. 6 no*5tl-2 My 161. (14IRA 24:7) (Pipelines) f LIVIS. 7.B.; 100SMEA. N.A. - WOMENWAMOW Vascular reactions in subjects with peptic ulcers under the effect of conditioned and unconditioned stimullo ?er,&rkh. 22 no.6:60-62 Mov-Dec $0. (CLHL 20:5) la, Of the Department of ftenIty Therapy (Read-Prof.F.D.Levin), Turkmen Hadt"I Institute. XXVII, F.B.: NANnffA, M.B. ONW Role of the cerebral cortex in regulation of blood sugar following admInistration of Insulin in peptic ulcer. 131n. sod., Moskva 29 no.12:54-58 Doe 51. (CUM 21:4) 1. Professor for Zarin. 2. Of the Department of Fmculty Therapy, Turkmpn Medical Institute, &zA of the Department of Hospital Therapjr, Ishevsk Medical Institute. LEVIN, F.B,, aspirant ;noreasing the weight gain in swine by using Usaue preparations. .*ivotnovodstvo 22 no.7s38-39 '60j, (MM 160) 1, Vassoyuznyy institut eksperimentallnoy vaterinarii. (Swine-Feeding and feeds) (Tissue extracts) KATYUNIN. 1.P.: 7AKHAROT. P.Y.; K02WV, N.D.; IRVIN. Y.D.. redaktor [What the automobile driver must imowl Chto nsobkhodiao ponnit, vladelltsu avtomobilia. CXoskya] Isd-vo Iftskovelmia pravda,P 1956. 49 P, (MLRA 100) 1. Moscow. Otdal regaliroyantya ulichnogo dvtzhonlys. 2. Otdal regullrovanlya ulichnogo dvizheniya Upravlentya Ministerstva vatLtreunlkh del kore Moskvy (fto Natyunin, Zakharov, Kozlov) 44tomobile drivers) ZMIGCIRQDS]rAU, M.YA; rsdaktor,- UIASHNI]COY. V.?.. tekhnicheskiy redaktor [Where to study; a manual for students entering higher and secondary schools for special studies (tectmical and vocational) in Moscow and Moscow Province in 1956] Kuda poiti uchit'sia; spravochnik dlis. postupalushchikh v vysshis. srednie spetsialInya uchabnye savedenita (takhnikusy, uchilishcha, shkoly) i tekhnicheskie uchilishcha Xoskvay t Moskovskot oblasti v 1956 godu..God izd. 10-i. (Koskva] Izd-vo NMoskovskaia pravda.4 1956. 214'p. (HLRA 9:10) (Moscow Province--Technical education-Directories) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION U.S.S.R. MWeterstvo vysshego obrazoviudys, 541 Aspirant=a pri mookovskikh vpsbllrh uchebm7kh zavedwdyakh, nauchnykh I nauchno- Issledovatel'skikh uchrezhdomiyakh; spravochn' " postupayushchikh Y 195T godu (Graduate Division of Moscow Schools of HiSter Education and Scientific Research Institutions; a Ylapual for Students Entering in 195T) Lmoscwl "Moskovskaya, prayda"., 195T. 151 p. 10,pOOO copies printed# Ed.: Levin., F. D.,- Tech. Ed.: Kalashnikov.. V. P. PMUNM*. The book Is written to acquaint the reader with the available field for graduate vork in the various educational institutions in Moscow. COVERAGE: The book contains a list of educational institutions with graduate divisions in a variety of subjects. It offers other pertinent data for those wishing to enter graduate vork., Including copies of forms to be completed by applIcauts., Card l/ 3 Graduate Division (Cont4 TAME OF CONTEM: Implementation of regulations concerning graduate divisions of schools of higher education and scientific research Institutes 3 Regulations concerning graduate divisions of schools of higher education and scientific research institutes 4 Measures for Improving the training and certification of scientific and educational personnel 11 Instructions regarding the procedure for granting academic degrees and the use of acad-4c titlels 20 Syllabus for German language courses Syllabus for French language courses Syllabus for English language courses 36 40 44 Scientific institutions of the UM Acadanq of Sciences 49 541 Scientific research Institutes of the Acadeq of Civil Engl1wering and Architecture 56 Card 2/3 Gruluate Division (Cont-) 541 Academy of Conmanal Economics Immi K.D. Pamfllov 57 Scientific institutions of the USSR AeadwW of VAdical Sciences 58 Scientific institutions of the PJM Academy of Pedagogical Sciences 61 Scientific institutions of the A.U-Unlon AcadwW of Agriculture, imenl V.X, lranin 62 Institutions of higher education vith graduate divisions, of the UM Ministry of Higter FAucation 64 Institutions of higher education vith graduate divisions, of other ministries and departmients 70 Scientific research institutes vith graduate divisions 74 Announcements by institutions of higher education and scientific and scientific-research institutes regarding admission to graduate vork in 1957 93 AVAnAZZ: Library of Congress Card 3/3 00/mas 8/12/58 Anatcliy Ivanovlc-n; IVIS. To.A., kandids6 tokhnicheikikl. rsuir, sposts.rodaktcr; T"Vf'. rodaktcr; 41A"liwiiO, V.I?., tq~Lni- choskiy rodaktor [Amateur p11010 rapher's componinn] bputnik foltoliubitells. lzcL. 3-s, dap. cxogskval lxd-vo "Hookovsksis 2rovda.0 1957. 238 P. -U ld. (Photography)