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ACC NR1 AP603.4165 of medium Intensity, say, up to several tens of thousand gauss. Even if certain changes could occur with a high-intensity field, these changes would not last much longer than the duration of the field. A substance passing at la relatively slow speed through the field would return to its initial con- ,dition with practically no delay after it leaves the field* Levich, although admitting that the situation might be otherwise If water containing impurities$. say ferromagnetic admixtures, were used, is basically skeptical. To establish definitely whether magnetic treatment of water has practical V value, Levich recommends experiments under controlled conditions* ffM PROSt 4245-ig SUB CODEs 20& 23 SUBM DATEt none L DOBRKVp D.; VELICHKOV, L.; !!VICHAR07, P. Lymphography. Suvr. zed. (Sofila) 16 no.lot620-625 165 1. Katedra po rentganologila i radiologila (rukovoditel - prof. 0. Khadzhidekov) L Katedra po surdechno-sudoya khirurgila (rukovodital - prof. K. Stoianov), Institut z spetsiiallzatelia i usuvursheanstvuvane na lekarite, Sofila. LEVICMS E.K. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -OWMA. Caae of glycogeroein In a 7-year-old child. Azerb. mod. zhur. 4.1 80-93 Ja 164, (MIRA 17112) 1. Is detakoy klinicheakey bollnitay Imani profs A,FKamyova (glavnyy vmch - T.S.Tairova)o RUSAMV,, AI,,l LEVICHEV,, 8,1, Thermodynamic study of the surface layers of liquid solutions. Part Is Composition of surface layers in tAnary systems. Nall* shur, 27 n0,51 749-754 3-0 165t (MIRA 18SIO) 1, Leningradskiy universitet imeni Zhdanova. AM50-2.0529 ~Monograph' UR/ Lav16hev, V,. 00 Stepuko, Ya, V";Joje 11sont Bs I* Fundamentals of radio engineering and'vadar; radio transmitters and raceivers.(Oonovy radiotekhniki I radiolakatati; radioperadayu- shchiye'L radiopriyemnyye ustroystva)-:2d ad., -rev. 'Moscow, I,Voyenizdat M-va 'obor.. SSSR, 1965* 583 po LlIus, .47,000 copies 7rintedo :,'toPrC.TAGSt ra4io.-transmitterp radio.raceiverg radio transmitter theoryo--radio receiver theory PURPOSE AND COVZRAGEI -This 'taxtbook Is intended for students In radio engineering a 66ols 'ape cializing in redic4communi cations and radar. it may also -be of Interest to military officers -engagova in tfie oFe-ration and maintenance of radio-communication,'radar, and electronic equipment as well as to students In civilian radar schools. This textbook is one of four volumes on the subject "Principles of radio engineering and radar". Radio transmitting and receiv- ing equipment are covered in this volume. Considerable attention is paid to the physical~side of phenomena occurring in the processes of transmission and reception._ Ch. 1.7, section l,'2,, 3, and,12 and Ch. 1I werewritten by V. 0. Levichev; Ch. I sections:6,-7s and 8j by -Ya. V. Stept*; sections 4, 9, JO and 11 by B. J. Fogellsot iand Ch.. 1i sectian,5 by, A, M, Kalashnikov,. -There are no references. 'Card- 'I A .03 ACC W AM5020529 TABLE OF CONTENTS,fabridgedis Ch. 1. Radio-transmitting equipment 3 I.General information on radio-tranamittlng equipment 3 ~2. Externally-excited tube -- 6 3. Lonr, wedium-, and short-wave self-excited tube oscillators -- 29 4., Frequency stabilization of self-excited tube oscillators 45 5. Ult.rehort-wave self-excited tube oscillators -- 60 26. -Klystron oscillators 88 7. Magnetron oscillators 105 8. Electronic oscillators and traveling wave amplifiers 131 9.' Amplitude modulation 154 10. Frequency modulation 180 11. Pulse moduiatlon - 191 1.2. Radio-transmitter circuits - 222 Ch. 11. Radio-re%.eiving equipment -- 233 1. General information on radio-receiving equipment -- 233 2. Set noise and sensitivity of a radar receiver -- 245 3. Input i6pedance of an amplifier with a grounded cathode 258 4. input circui--g of radio receivers - 267 .5. Iligh-frequency amplifiers -- 281 6. Detection of amplitude modulated oscillations 321 Card 2/3: t 2b375-66 - - - : --ACC -t4R-- ~---AI5020529- f ---- cmd VOLCHOK, I.Z.; LEVICHEVA, M.M.1 !IjyAYIA, 14.1.1 SIMSHAS, A.I. Practices in the use of milled sandy portland cement in the manufacture of asbestos cement products. Trudy NIIAsbeettse- menta no*1705-89 163. (MIRA 17:10) - - --- --- IMOVICH T6M*j kandetskim.nauk; BLCUj G*S*,, kandatekbnonaukj iwiamw, Got*# insbe I LVI 'MWA,, MeMep imbe Effect of t~s operating conditions of a sheet-molAiTig I=hine on the frost resistanas of autoolabed ambestom eanent. Traft 1114boottafmants. na,,13s" 162. (MIRA 15112) (Asbestos cementThermal properties) BERKOVICH, T,M,j ISAYEVAp 0,A.; BYKOVA, K.M,;_W~CW4,p-X.M.; KIWNTA,, Z.F.1 VOLXOVAv S#B~ Intensifying the hardening process of asbestos-cement shoots made with portland cement t7 additional brief wetting of the semifinished producto Trudy KIIAsbeetteementa no,l5t6"l 162. (KMA 16s?) (Asbestos cement) BERKOVICH9 T.M.; ISAYEVA, O.A.; NOVIKOVA, D.A.; KFtUHYAv Z.F.; JZM TRETIYAKOVA9 R.K.I'BYKOVAV K.M. IM.M.; Study of combined processes of heat and moisture treatment of asbastoo-coment sheets for N.I.Ershov's unlined mechanized produotion-line units. Trudy NIIAsbeettsementa, no.1508-56 162. - (Asbestos cement) WRA. 160) , ,:. A. "Effect of Sodium Fuloride on Blood Cholesterino of i.orral Rabbita, 2nd In Inducod Cholesterinaemia in Rabbits." Farmakol. i To-.dcol., 9. No. 3. IV~. Citair Pharmacology, First Moscow Order Lenin Med. Inst., -19416-. ,LEVICHEV, L.; KOCHETOV, S. Creating an automatic plant* Mest.promA khud.praWs 2 no.2s 30-32 F 161. iKIRA 14:4) 1. Mavrary inzhener khlebozavoda No.19 Voronezh (for Levichav). 2a Sekretarl partbyuro, khlebozavoda No.11 Voronezh. (Voronesh--Bakers and bakeries) LEVICHEVj N.K.., pDdpolkovnik, voyennyy letchik pervogo k1usa Flyer makes a Computation for a land4n . Vest,Vozd.F:L, no,7s5O-52 n 161. (A4rv3An a,, KWtary6-Ianding) (KMA UsS) L1VIOJMV....;!.1.,aspirant. Investigation of progressive methods of stokers in electric pover plants. Trudy LM ns,7sl63-170 154. (MM 9-9) (Boilers) AUTHOR: Levichev, P.I., Candidate of Economic L"J~cilences TITLE: --------------- On the Question of 6electing Lndices for Bonuses to Staff of Thermal Electric Power Plants for kuel and Electric Power Economies (K voprosu o vybore pokazat- eley premirovanlya personala teplovykh elektrostantsiy za ekonomiyu topliva I elektroenergii) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy - Energetika, 1J58, Nr 9, pp J7-103 (US-OR) ABSTRACT: The current indices for awards to staff of thermal electric power plants were establsihed In lJ3j and are no longer applicable In view of the development of automation and changed working conditions. The author then makes the foliowing suggestions: Six primary indices are given and the L'iZures for fuel economy plus those for over consumption (-) are given in percentages. qhese values are: 1) A vacuum deviation of 1% from the norm (2 Temperature change of Card 1/2 the feed water of 10C (:~ :-,07) Zi) Over-cooling of the V On the question of belectIng Indices for brinu5!ee to Staff of Thermal Electric Power Plants for kuel and Llectric ,ower Economies condensate by 10C (- U,16); 4) Reduction in steam temperature before the turbine by 10C (- 0.05); 5) Reduction of steam pressure before the turbine by 0.1 atm (- 0.10); 6) powcr consumption for internal needs by 1% (1 0.ko). The presence of fuel equivalents permits coml.utation ot results lor fuel and power economies at the power station as well as of norms for, fuel and power economies at any place of' work. There are L grai.hs and I table. ASSOCIATION: Kafedra ekonomiki promyshlennosti i orgunizatsii proizvodstva lvanovskogo energeticheskogo instituta imeni V.I.Lenina I' ~` ~-,- rt a] Fcoromy and. the Organization of' erouuction, :cw,-Y#n Pnwi-r Fngireering Institute imeni V.I.Lenin) SUBMITTED: June 4, 1j58 Card 2/2 XALAMIXOT# Anatolly Nikheylovich, mayor; MW%, Takov Tasillyevich, podpolkovMk; WI~LW0j,G,, mayorl QATSTICH,, T,10# insh#- podpoWnIko obehoMy red.; TIIMOT, &I., insh.-polkeynik, redal MOLOYA, 0,7., [Principles of radio engineering and radar] Osnovy radio- tekhnitl I radioloketall, Xoekva, Toon.izd-vo X-va obor. SSIM. Tol. 1. [Oscillation systems] KolebatelInys sistemy. 1959. 354 - (KIRA, 12t6) (RodarT (Radio) SLUTSKIr. Veniamin Zakharovich; FOOLISON, Boris Illich; LEVICIIEV. Vladimir Grigofytvicb.L TAGODIN, Oleg GavriloviAb~;~iman ucfiis~ye ~Z-FMKZL, I.Z.; STEMK, Ya.V.; MATLIN., I.I.,, red.j PODWONIX, R.L.# tekbn. red* [Awdskinentals of radar and redie vagineering; display units, rectifiers, and transistor devices] Oenovy radiotekhniki i radio- lokatnii; indikatory., vypriamiteli, i. poluprovodnikovye pribory. By V.Z.Slutskii I, dr. Moskva, Voen.izd-vo H-va obororq SSSR# 1961. '3N 355 p (MIRA 24sl2, (RZar) (Radio-Equipment and supplies) 4UML-V dimir Griggrl"micht STE,7X, Yakov Vasillyevich; FOGICLISON, Borlt- Illich; FMINIfil uch"t4ve KAUSHNIZOV,A.M.; HATLIN,,I.L, red. t BOU)NDN IK. R. L. . takhn. red. (Prinloples of radio engineering and radar; radio transipitting and reosiving deviossl0snovy radiotakhniki 1 radioperedaiuahchis i radlopriamnys ustroistva. Moskva, Vosnizdat, 1962. 494 p. (mim 16:1) (Radio) (Radar) t LXVICMAp YXI redel IBVSTIGNLrYFVAp V.S.p tekbno red, (General m'ormo used in the machiwr7 industr7 for awbin' bardened steel on latbes] Obshebemashinostroitellrqe norma- tivy rewhi v rezanlia pri tochenil. zakalennoi, stali. Mo- skva, 1961. 74 p. (KM 15W 1. Moscov. TSentrallnoys byuro prmweblenzWkh normativov po trudu, (Turning-Production standards) LIVICREVA, V.M.# red.; KOHISHINA, L.I.9 tekhn. red. [?I= norms established in the general machinery industry for shen m4lding and coremaking]Obobobomashinostroitellrqs normativy vremeni, tk 19gotovlanie obolochkovykh form i sterzhnei. Moskva, 1961. 65 p. (MIU 15112) 1. Mosoow, TSentrallnoye byu'ro promyshlev;fth normativov po trudu. (shen molding (Fo=d4--))-Produ4Ion statidards) a ( standards) r .~ -, - - - " , --- - ~ , w - - 1A; A.P.; IAVICHRVA, V.S.; POYAblOV, P.I. I Syn hocVcin for treating typhus and paretyphoid diseases. 35 ti.e.341 no.1 ~6pplwwnt:33 Js 157. (MIRA 11:2) 1. Is kliniki infaktalonnykh bolesney (zav. - prof. I.A.Loontlyev) Holotovskogo maditsinskogo institute. (CHLOROKYCITIN) (TYPHUS) (PARATYPHOID ME) A F solamosev, 2. TITIBI ftiontI114-motbod Conference on %be Problem of Br9akimg-up looks by Explosions (Pervoys asuchms- "to4lebeekoye seveshobsolys p0 problose drobleRlIft gorrqkh par*& VS97vom) PUNDIMe Is"otlya Akadeall Peak 662M 004*loalyo Tokkaiaboak1kh sank, 1955, Ir '5. pp 143_144 (60ii) ASSEU02i On yebruary 24-26, 1956 a conference was bold sm breaking- up "eke by explooLsom at the Institute of Slaing, AO.84.. Out (Ustitut Gormago Dem Al sm). too Pool I* from 32 tow" participated and the partlelpanto Los Used representatives of forks, Research Irelltoes of the Ad.8c. from various pan# of the Soviet Vales, dopa,r!!~~tal research Lastitatas md.of.hlgb~r to"Al" astolldown". re Or room A som test for the 41"I"AlOft Of 4XV412 ,!vs~ Is crus" operations. by L. 1. D-0 least, Institute at Klaing Ao.8c. UMI An investIGStIOD Of the brigamy according to Ross as a characteristic of the Properties Of OKPIGOITOG Is breaking-up rocks* by 8- P- I&VIchik, Ustitut4b Of mi"JIGO Aa.da., VIMi on the isflmaco Of the eiplool" characteristics %se"loolved as the 401821ty of breaking down or highly I Surod and flooded rocks, by 1. 1. MosLosts. l"altuto of SO&-yorrous Notals and 4 14 *on SU laboratory too of &*so, i the brookIft- =qm "4M. 3. T. 0'E' mot "eke, by L. 1. eltuto of Mini", As .54 VOSS. Is the sootlom relatiad; to*dotoralaw %be dimensions of fraposSe the folloNift avers wore promes"Al an UA quantitative Mogo of %be %Sall t p of reeks and fte toeballom 0f,11.012 Card 3/0 ==:I. dairlas work with exploolves Is rGIU%" soortiestime IN It. 716 aw", ~l I CZECHOSLOVAKIA DOLUM, S.; LEVICKY, V.j Institute for Normal and Pathological Physiology of the Slovak -15-a-&R-ijo-f sciences (Ustav pro nomalnu a patologicku fyziologiu SAV), Bratislava. "Relative Prevalence of Elastin and Smooth Muscle Tissue- in Vessel Walla." Prague, Ceskoslovenska F~rsiologiep Vol 14, No 59 Oct 1965; p 343. Abstracti Study of composition of canine aorta and several major versels from forelegs and hind logs revealed that elastic tissue varies, decreasing distallyt but the cell diameter of the smooth muscle remains more or less constant. The muscle forms about 40% of the wall. Paper presented at the 15th Physiology Days, Olomouc, 28 May 65. 1/1 -lotis On tit-' -luintenance of trehnical In tL-3 w regulat Outlonal ArrV and the respon.sibillty of cM.-3fs. p. 82,1. 7iLJ"C-TU"MIXI GLAS!1K. Beo~-,rad, Yugcnlavla. '101. 3, no. 12, Dec. 1955. Monthly List of East Enropean Accessions (EMI) LC, Vol. 8, no. 1c), Sept. 1959. Uncl. LEVICNIK, T. Equipment for decrea3ing beat consuption In the cement U4ustry' P. 138 TEHNICKI PRZGIED. (Centar za naucnu dokumentaciju i produktivnO3t NR Hrvatske) Zagreb. Vol. ?, No. 4, 1955. SOURCE: East European Accessions List, (EML) Library of Congress, Cole 5# No* 89 Aug. 1956, YUC,"ISLIXIA/Choi3ical Tyjchnolo~7,. ChozLical Product$ -nd Micir *,ppli- H-13 Q,%tion. Ceramics. Class. Bindin-,, Materials. Concrete Abs Jour Ref Zhur - No 24) 1958j. No 82484 Author lavicnlk T. Inst Title Operation Control of Rotary Kilns Orir, Pub Tehn. preal.p 1956., 8., Ito 5,, 119-122 Abstract 'Rio feasibility of utilization of control nonsuranonts (of which the most i;.rportf,.nt ones are the atick ps rimlysis and flaric condition) are oLVhasized. ;.ppamta, which are based on the detection of mgnotic proportion of 02JI Pcm't the automtic masuruant of oxY.3.3n contont in flue gases. -- S. Tipol't Card 1/1 45 LVIGNIX, T. Application of automatic devices. P. 13. (Radioamater, Vol. 9, No. 1, 1957, Beograd. Yugoslaria) SO: Monthly List of East luropean Accessions (ECAL) Lc. Vol. 6, No. 8, Aug 1957. Uncl. UMCNIK,, T. *Contact rectifiers." P. 251 (Blectrotehninki Vestnic. Blectrotechnical Review) Vol. 23, no. 7/8 JuIY/hg. 1957. Ljubljana, Yugoslavai Sot Monthly Index of East European Acceasions (EEAI) 1C. Vol. 7, no. 4, April 1959 DO h. Principles of the construction of auromatic electric measuring devices for studying shrinkage deformations. Bet. i zhel.-bet. 8 no.5;219-222 My ,62. (MIRA 15:6) (Precast concrete-Testing) LIVIDOV9 V.A. Principles of the construotion of automatic electric meastwing instruments for studying the kinetics of slow thermal procesm. Insh.-fis.shur. 5 no,8s66-70 Ag 162. (KRA 15111) 1. Polltekhnichookiy institut imeni M.I.Kalinina, Leningrad. (Electric instruments) (AutovAtion) LZVIDOV VAsl ZAVIROV, M.G. )bans of autmatically controlling the density of pulp Gar. shur. no.1001 0 163o (MLU 16;11) LEVILOV., V,A --TIKHOIIOV, O.N. High error limit of the discrete measurements of speeds and accelerations. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; prib. 8 no.2:113-117 165. (KIPA 18:5) 1. Leningradskiy gornyy institut. Rekomendovana kafedroy avtoma- tizataii proizvodstvannykh protsessov. A C ,-FSSTON NR: AP5011742 AUTWR- Levidov, V. A.. Tikhonav 0. N. UR-/0146/6,,/'008/002/0113/0117 I Id TITLE: The upper limic of error in the discrete measurement of velocities and acceleratl*ns SOURCE: 1M. Pribarostroyeoiye,, v. 8, no. 2s 1965, 113-117 TOPIC TAGS: automatic meagurementAelemechanics, test Instrument reliability, V velocity measurement. acceleration measurement ABSTFACT: In the measurement of near-zero velocities, discrete methods are norm- ally employed. Such methods may also be used to -ensure near-zero accelerations as well as quantities proportional to higher order derivatives. In the present article, the authors propose a formula for the estimation of the upper limit of error in the discrete measurement of velocities, accelerations, etc. In the method outlined in this paper, the fundamental factors which exert an influence on the error magnitude are considered in torms of their reciprocal interrel-ation. nis approach makes it possible to find an optima 1 interval of discreteness for which the upper error lisit vill be minimal. Examplet are given illustrating the 1/2 _L 4h772-65 ACCESSION MR: APSOU742 method of estimating uppAr limits of error in the discrete determination of velocity, acceleration and a value proportional to an n-th order dertvative. The mathem.atical apparatus of the authors' method Involves the use of a Taylor series. It is shown in the article that the estimation of the upper error limit of a level-discrete differentiation is carried out in a fashion similar to that uFfed in the case of time-discrete differentiation considered specificaily in this presentation. Errors in time- and level-di6crete velocity measurement, for ex- ample, are of ar, identical order of magnitude. Orig. art. has: 21 formulas aw, 2 figures. ASSOCIATION:. teningradzkt7 garnyy institut SUEMnMW: 30K&y64 00 REP SOV: .002 (Leningrad Mining Institute) ENCL: 00 SUB OOM: 1E 000 Cqrd 2 Pq ACC Nko AUTHORt Anoliko H. V.1 lAvidov, V. A. ORG: none SOURCE CODES UR/611576676-66/6-61/0027/0029 - I TITIEt Estimating the error in discrete measurement of velocities with regard to random interference at the input of a discrete differentiator SOME: lzmariteltnaya tekhnika, no. 1, 1966, 27-29 TOPIC TAGS: measuring apparatus# error predictiont correlation function, signal interference ABSTRACT: A method is proposed for estimating systematic and random errors at the output of a discrete-difforontiating monuuroment, device with rogard to random interference at the input. Since the form of the correlation function is entirely responsible for tho difforential and spectral proporties of the stationary random function, the authors givo tuo examples to illutrate the effect of theme proportion on the resistance of the difforentiator of interference. It is shown that the interference stability of a discroto difforentiator is *lose to optimum in the case of low-froquon4 interfaronass High frequonoiss in the interference W be filtered out at the input with- out distorting the useful signals The relationship between the total error and .~tho 4Uo _of. the di.wretenisee interval is considered in the case of differentiable and non-differentiable interference. Orig. art. has: 19 formulas. IJPRS: 33P9931 SUB TI of 12 / SU13H DATEs none / ORIG REF: card t~- LW* 6AI:l-L2-6LL-'3-OM V Wto 40B VA 1. LEVIDOV, YU.3. 2. UWR (600) 4, Coal-Mining Machinez7 7. Device for recording the motion speed of the "Donbass" cutter-loadero Eng. Ugoll 28 no. 5, 1953. 9. MO List of Russian Accession , Library of Congress, APHTL -1953, Uncl. IVANCHUXO, G.Te., LIBVDW. Yu.S., TTK ov, T. y&. Thyratrou qwod llvdtore lauche trudy INIUI noo2slft-163 058, (MIRA 13:8) (Thyratrons) (Eloisting machinery-Speed) 71K: - ITAKCHIKI, G.Tso--L~N"Doy. TU.S. , TIKHOKOT, V-Ta. Continuoug automatla oantrol of asynchronous drives mine hoisting. Nam4h. 'irady IIZUI noo2j201-208 158* (Min 13, 8) (Notating atachinery-Ilectric driving) (Automatic control) ITANCEMOt G-Ys., LITIMT, Yu.S., TUMNOT, V.Y&. Xodal tug a mine hoisting unit with asynchronms drives Neuche trudy INTO no.2:209-211 158. (MIRA l3t8) (Hoisting machInery-Blectric driving) (Xine hoisting-Blectromechanical analogies) - --- ------ IVANCHENRO, Georgly YeYtikhiyevich, prof., doktor takhn. nauk; MARKUS, Georgiy Oskarovich; SAVCHENKO, Vladimir Leontlyevich; -LEVIDOV, Yuriz Samullovich LANGE, Mark Vasillyevich; PESIN, Naum Yakovlevich; BD S.M.; MIRSKAYA, V.V., red.izd-va; LAVRENTOYEVAO L.G., tekhn. red. (Automatic control of hoists] Avtomatizirovannoe upravlenie mashinoi. Pod red. G.E.Ivanchenko. Moskva, doogortekhisdat, 1963. 116 p. (MIRA 160) (Karaganda Benin-Mine hoisting) (Automatic control) TZVIDGV, YU.9- Studying tha stopped-relay system of automatic control of a hoisting machine with an asynchronous drivo, by means of a phase plane. Much. tnidy KNIIJI no. 110+213 162. MIRA 170) LEVI-.,,OV Yu S. ,~~ 6 Improving the dynamAta -,f an autora+14-, holsting miwhinn a jynchror4oua mot-ore Naurh. trudy MAUI no.111:1221-22) If.4, Calculating rheostat stages during the ttutoiratlor of dump skips. lbid.s225-239 MPA 18,8) :13DISOV) M. IZ17M M.; vener SOha 1 163. 1. Fram t'.Ie Sclan-Afic Research (Diractort Prof. P. POjkhf'!"t'lv%/ :1 d OM (,,t7 DIsnerwary-, So-fla (Chief l1byrtclar. St. !3t,:jRrov)- POFKUVA, L.M.; LEVIK, N.P.; WATSEKHOVSKIYO A.P.; P12NICHE.NKC), ".N. First test of the use of chromat~es to lrj,.-reasf~ tr~ !;r-at Cf clay muds, Burenle no.4.#12-14 '64, (MIRA 3180ji 1. Moskovskiy ordona Trudovogo Kraenogo ZrAmeni. Institut neftA,- - Y.hJmJchoskqy I p7ovoy prozWoblenrionti lir. akad. GjjUly:a i Krasnodarskiy fillal Vsesoyi.znogo neftegazo-i-c-,go -au,,-- vatel'skogo J.nstJtata. ~ ,,, - zi Ifi, --~.-Iry-17- M.,- - I -DjIrInrI lion V "ElektronerLmlkroskopische Untersuchung dunner Halbleltersch-1--hten von Typ AIIjBv) erzeugt ml.ttels Kathodenzerstaubung." report submitted for 3rd European Regional Conf, Electron Microncopy, Praguep 26 Aug-3 Sep 64. DOLIONW, Audrey Timofeyovich, dote., kandetakhn.nauk; ZOIDTARRY, G.A., dotes@ kandetakhneasuk;I , dots,knod.takhnonauk; LVITSKIY,j I.So# dote., ndotek 9 uk; SAXILOTO T.Koe dots*, kand.tekhm.nauk; ROZIN, X.As, red*; SHIRNOV, A.Go, red,; SOKOUNA, U.N., takhnered, [Hotel technology end repair work] Tekhnologtia metalloy i remontnoe delo. Moskva, Goo. Lid-vo sallkhoz. lit-r7, 1957, 542 p. !(Hetmls) (MIRA 11:4) - (Agricultural mochinary-Maintanance and repair) 124/63/000/003/062/065 D234/D308 AUTHOR s Levikov, TITLE: Aonnection between resistance of metals to cutting and mechanical:st.rength characteristics of metals PER IODICA1 Referativnyy shurnal, Mekhanika, no. 3, 1963, 66, ab- straot 3V486 (Dokl. Moak. a.-kh. akad. im. K. A. Ti- miryazyeva, 1962, no. 73, 241-254) TEXT: The author points out that the hardness of a metal, deter- mined- by', the pressing-in method, the limiting tensile strength and relative elongationg not being connected with the reeietanob to destruction, - determine the resistance to cutting in a lesee'r degree than the aotual.resistance at the moment of breaking off, the hardness determined by scratobingt and the relative reduction. J-Abstracter's notes Complete:tranalation.-7 card 1/1 ACCESSION NR: APS004418 S/0108/tj5/020/001/0010/0017 AUTHOR: Tikhonov, V. 1. (Active member); Levikov, A. A. (Active member) TITLE: Quasi-optimal linear filters for pulse signals SOURCE: Radiotakhnika, v. 20, no. 1. 1965. 10-17 i TOPIC TAGS: linear; filter. pulse signal, signal filter .ABSTRACT., As matched filters in many cases are difficult to build, quasi - 'optimal filters may be used. The latter only slightly impair the output signal-to- noise ratio if the filter passband is suitable for the pulge dtiration. the relation between them not being very critical. Formulas for the signal -to-nois~ ratio re,'-rtion are nffered for the following cases: (a) both the pulse and the Amplitude- ACCESSION NR: AP5004418 !amplitude -frequency characteristic resembles the resonance curve of an oscillatory circuit. The signal-to-noise ratio at the outpu of a quasi-optimal filter whose passband is decreasing can approach (Z E/N4 value (which corresponds to the optimal filter) by using gating techniques. The integrating ability of an oscillatory circuit without or with a perfect gating is derrionstrated. such a circuit can sum coherent packets of r-f pulses with a high pulse duty factor. Orig. art. has: 6 figures, 31 formulas, and 2 tables. ASSOCIATION: Nauchno-telchnicheskoye obshchestvo radiotekhniki i elektrosvyazi (5( ientific and Technical Society of Radio Eng-meering and Elertrorommumcation) SUBMITTED: Z3May63 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: EG NO REF SOV: 0 10 OTHER: 000 Card Z/Z IIMMN_1~ Iva-gat R n gT' WMA I Ell R"'M 10POP UMOXHIN,p Fedor Ivanovichs inzh.j LEUKOY) Abram Hendeleyevich., inzh.; MAVRITSYNj Aleksandr MikbAylovich, fEzh*-,- PrInImal uchastiye SNZWOp Ye.I.j. inzb.; FOTIM, M.M.p otv. red.; BZWV,, V.S. rod. izd-val PROZOROVSKAYA., VA.0 tekhn. red.; MINSKER, L.Lp [Electrical engineering in mining]Gornala elektrotekhnika. Moskva, Gosgortakhizdatj 1962. 379 p. (MIRA 15:12) (Electricity in mining) AUTHORt Levikov, A,V., Engineer SOV-91-58-10-7/35 TITLEt The Tftg-Thvav44 of the Pulse Lines of Reduced Level In- ~Bow dicators (0 produvke impullanykh liniy snizhennykh ukazate- lay urovnya) PERIODICALs Energotikf 1958, Nr 10, p 11 (USSR) ABSTRACTs The author describes how at his thermo-electric power station they have started to blow through the pulse lines of reduced level Indicators by forcing cold feed water into the boiler drum. The process only takes 3 - 5 minutes. There is one diagram. 1. Boilers--Equipment Card 1/1 LVIXOV G. Sea transportation centers of western Afrl,ca. Mor.flot 25 nool:41-43 Ja 165, (MIRA 18:2) 1, Rukovoditell gruppy Gosudaratvonnogo proyektno-konstruktorskogo i nauchno-isoledovatallskogo Instituta morskogo trnn:jj-,*rta Ministerstva morskogo flota Soyuza SSSR. L~Ija&IV G. .A, cr.c;t tf s~.jpping iror. ore rf SIVI- !kr, Method of determining the , rl flot 25 no.gt42-43 S 165. (,IIHA 18:9) 1, Rukavoditelt gruppy Gcoudarstvennogn proyektnc--konntmk-lorskOgo i nauchno-iouledovatollskogo Instituta rcrukogo trawporw. IXVIZDV9 G.A. Item from UO*5:4" Soviet and foreign Journals. ?rakt..1 sellkhossesbe My 159 4gricultural machinery) WYA 12:6) S.G. inih.; LrijfOV,, G.A. FDGINsKlyl 12 no.11 &60 Breakwater with a perforated vertiad wall. TranSP- 6trOi, N 162. 1 (MMA 15:12) (St, Liturence4ver-Breakwaters) KOVRIGINI V.D.;.WVIKOV, jA--I MMHAMEVp F.P.9 TREPENEMKOV,, I.I., xand, texEr.-Taux.-rateensent; BUDIIEO# V,I., inab.,, red.1 TIMMVp A.Tago temnt [Tractors of capitalist countries) Traktory kapitalistichat okikh stran; spravochnik. Moskva,, Mashgis, 1963. 421 p. (MIRA 16:9) (Tractors) IZVIKOV 0 G.'k. . inzh. + no,4:55-56 Ap 164 Floating breakwater. Transp. stroi. 11 1-IIIIIA 17:9) YARMUKHAMEDOV9 T.A.j KORNLICHUK, G.P.p inzh.;_ LEY~~ . G.1. OV,- - - - -- Technical progress at the KattaKurgan Oil-Extraction Combine, Mazl.-shir. prom. 27 no. 4%36-38 Ap 161. (MIRA 14:4) 1. KattaKurganakiy maslozhirovoy kombinat. (Natta-Kurgan-.Oil inftstries) i ISTINOV. I.I., inxh.; IVASHCHMO, R.R., lash. Devices for the control of cable tightezingo Shakhtestrols no.,9M-16 S 157. (MIRA l0slO) (min hodsting-lquipment and supplies) MISS) KBA OSMSXIY, L.S.; DANCRICH. Vj.; AVDIYZ14KO, T.G.; ARELOGICLIM11Y, A.1r.; GAK, A.M.; IXPIYANTSU, Tu.P.; ZILIN=IY, T.M.; ITANOT, P;Sj; ITASHCEMO. P.R.J X"INIXA, M.D.; EUTCHENKO, A.G.; KOTLYAROVA, A.T.; XWGLYAKOVA, M.D.; L19VIKOV,_Jj LIBXIND, R.I.; NIKOLAMA, N.A.; NAUMMIKO, V.F.; PRUHHH77T.; PRISTAZHNIKOV. V.S.; POSEDINSLAYA, L.P.; POKALYUKOV, S.N.; POPOV. A.A.; SOLOKINTSIT, M.N.; TARABOY, I.V.; FILONINKO, A.S.; MUSHOV, Te.L.; WRAYMAN, L.I.; YAKUSHIN, N.P.; ZVORTKINA, L.N.. red, Ltd-va; LOKILINA, L.N., (Horizontal mining in foreign countries) Provedenie gorisontalinykh i-yrabotok za rubeshom. goskya, Ugletakhtsdat, 1958. 342 p. (MIRA 12:4) 1. Kharkov. Veesoyusnyy nauchno-looledovatellskiy institut organizateli i mokhanizataii shakhtnogo stroltallotya. (Mining engineering) LEVIKOV LJO., Imbo; MAMOV, A.A.0 inzh.; TKACHEV, S.Se. Inzh. Wes for using hoists In sinking vertioal mine shafts, Shakht' strol, 3 161, 1 RA 34:3) n0,403 IP OCI (Sha$t sinking) (Hine hoisting-Safety measures) LEVINOV, I.I., izxzh.; KMOV, A.A.., inzh.; TKACHE;V, S.S., inzh. I Iftles for the technical operation of slAking hoLets,w Revuwed by I.I.Levikov, A.A.Markov, S.S.Tkachev. Shalcht.stroi. 6 n0-4831-32 LD t62. (MM 15:4) 111ine hoisting-Safety meavarso) DOEMKIIII O.S., starshiy naucbnyy sotr.; LEVIY s LCV,_I.I,, star My no- ucbnyy sotr.; TARASOV, I.V.,, stuFsTdy nsuchnyy sotr.; EMKOV, A.A.; BORZOV, X.V.0 otv. red.; MRLKCVA, Ye.P., red. izd-va; HINSKER, L.I., tekhn. red.; UVMEIIKO, V.G.j, tekhn. red. (Rules for the technical operation of oinking winchev]Pravila tekh.. nicheskoi ekspluatatsii prokhodcheskikh lebodok. Moskvap GoBgor- tekhizdat, 1962. 57 p. WIRA 15:9) 1. Kharkov. Ukrainskiy nauchno-iseledovatellskiy institut orga7.- nizatoii i mekbanizataii shakhtnogo sti-oitel'stva. 2. Ukrainckly nauabno-issledovatel'skiy institut organizataii i r-okhanizatsii shakhtnogo stroitel'stva (for Dokukinj, Levikov, Tarasor-), 3. GlavrWy mekhanik trosta "Donetskshakhtoprol-hodka" (17or Markov) (Winchoo) 8,4-5-21A2 AUTHORSt Levikov M and Zhitinakly, L. TITLE: Life Suggests Improvements (Predlozhenlya podskazannyye zhiznlyu) PERIODICAL: Grashdanakaya Aviatsiya, 1957, Nr 5, pp. 28-30 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The article is a response to the decisions made by the XY Party Congress. Aviation workers held a number of economic conferences to discuss further possibilities of lowering the cost of flights, increasing the volume of operations and introducing relevant improvements. The article summarizes these suggestions. The following improvements in flying are possible: to straighten the routes between certain points, like Leningrad-Moscow by 110 km or Stalino-Krasnodar by 150 km; not to fly too high when a lower altitude is time-saving; to adhere to schedules and regularity of flights; to establish stationary searchlight units on landing strips; to promote socialist competition; to speed up repair jobs and eliminate idling; not to misuse parts and to load each plane to its full capacity; to deliver goods in time and thus avoid paying fines. The following examplen are quoted to illustrate the debate at the nimarous conferences of aviation workers, hold all over the country Card: 1A following the XX Party Congress: during the 10 months of the last year, 84-5-21/1.2 Life Suggests Improvements (cont.) in the unit commanded by comrade Dobudoglyy 486 flights were cancelled, thus losing 713oOOO ton/km. Comrade Fostikov, aircraft cor=ander with the Ukrainian Territorial Administration, suggested shortening the flight time between Khar1kov and Sverdlovsk by half an hour by flying at a lower altitude. Comrade Kolltsovj unit commander with the Northern Territorial Administration, doclared that In 1956 flights on the route Moscow-Arkhangellak were only 52 per cent of the scheduled regu- larity. Comrade Naydenyshev, party secretary at Novosibirsk airport, urged following the highest performance standards in competition. He was echoed by aircraft commanders comrades Kuchava and Gezhoyan, with the Georgian Territorial Administration. The unit commanded by comrade Kosenko fulfilled the plan of cargo transport by 121-122 per cent. However, the same unit is criticized in the direction of Simferopollp as stated by comrade Ovechkin, traffic control chief with the unitionly 45.5 per cent of the plan was filled. The planes should be loaded to their full capacity; Instead, the article com- plains, 100 kg below load norm is considered unimportant. In fact, it means a loss of 128 ton/km (per plane) on the route Moscow- Kharikov, and 1140 ton/km on the route Kharlkov-Sverdlovsk. Due to such "trifles" the Tbilisi airport failed to deliver 150 tons of cargo. In the North-Caucasian Administration, 2370 tons were wasted Card: 2/4 by incomplete loadings, and this means a lose of 145,000 rubles. 84-5-aA2 Life Suggests Improvements (cont.) Vnukovo Airport was criticized for its refusal to handle transit cargo: hence, other airports, e.g. that of Talling cannot accept baggage going via Vnukovo. Comrade Khokhlov, political instructor at the Novosibirsk LERM, and comrade Lyubarskiy* engineer at the KharIkov LERHIpleaded the reduction of time spent on repairs. Comrade Zdorenko, chief engi- neer of the Krasnoyarsk Administration, and cmrades Ross and Vinknert foremen at the local Kra3noyarok LMIM, shortened the time of routine service from 200 hours to one or one and a half days. Controller com. Kiryanov suggested a new method (not specified) to lengthen the service of manifold tubes. Comrades Koshmanov and Ivanov invented a new device for starting aircraft engines with current from the airfiold electric power network. Improvements in radio navigation(not specified) and introduction of the automatic landing system have increased efficiency at the KharIkov airport. Comrade Chistota complains of careless hand- ling of equipment in the Novosibirsk LERM. Comrade Kocharov, unit chief of the Krasnoyarsk Terr. Adm., reported that his unit lowered the carrying cost per I ton/km. by 8kopeks . However$ this reduction of Card: 3/4 cost was achieved mainly by buying gasoline in Mo3cowo where gasoline 84-5-21/42 Life Suggests Improvements (cont.) is cheaper, (due to a better supply system.) The North-Caucasian Administration lowered the expenditure for maintenance of the airport buildings, airfieldsp etc. by 1 per cent. The article complains that often money assigned for maintenance is spent unreasonabl:-,, A photo (made by P. Belabanov) shows a group of student workers of the Sverdlovsk airport, studying Marxian economics under the super- vision of L. Nikanorov, a propagandist. AVAILABLE% Library ?f Congress Card: 4/4 84-58-6-47/59 AU;HOR- TITIE: About the Movie "The Purpose of His TAfe" (0 kinofillme '*Zeal$ yego zhimi") Coments of a Spectator (Zametki Zritelya) PMUODICAL: Grmhdanskaya avlatelya., 1958., Nr 6,, p 36 (ussR) ABSTRACT: The author criticizes this film on the life of air transporta- tion personnel for its deviations from reality and for the distortion of its main characters. 1. Air transportatlon--Personnel 2. Motion pictures--Applications Card 1/1 22 SOY/84-59-10-40/53 AUTHORS: Levikov, M.9 and Zhitinakiy# L. TITLE: Before the Court of Comrades pERIODICAL: Grazhdanskaya aviatsiya, 1959# Nr 10i pp 28-29 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Stressing the importance of the "comrades' courts" in the education of the masses in the spirit of communist morals, the authors list a series of ex- amples of the successful work of such courtep enume- rate the GVP subunits where this useful practice has been neglected, and urge the local press to support and popularize the decisions of the courts. The comrades' courts were efficiently used in the Moskov- skoyet Ukrainskoye and Kazakhakoye upravleniye GVP (Administration of the GVF), in the Yakutskaya avia- gruppa (Yakutakaya Air Group). The sessions of these comrades' courts were attended by all personnel. It is not so in the subunit commanded by Alekseyev (Syktyvkarskaya Air Group), where in 1958, the com- Card 1/3 rades' court had only one session, or in the subunit Before the Court of Comrades SOV/84-59-10-40/53 commanded by Filenkin (Northern Administration), where not a single session of the court took place in 1959, Unsatisfactory sessions of the courts were noted also in the Moldavskaya Air Group# in a number of subunits of the Krasnoyarskoye and Azerbaydzhan- okoyeAdministrationst in the subunit commanded by Romanov (Volga Area Administration). The sessions at Baku, Vnukovo and Kuybyshev airports used to be attended by way a few of the personnel. The Initi- ative displaqed by the Ukrainskoye Administration of the GVP in conducting a seminar for the chairmen of .the comradest courts, at which lectures were-deliver- ed by the state proseL.-tor of Kiyev and by the prose- cutor of the South-Western railroad is praised. The authority of -. comrades' court, to a great measuret depends on its chairman, An outstanding captain, Ivan drigorlyevich Yaroshenko, was elected to be the chairman of the comrades' court in a subunit of the Moskovskoye Administration. A respected Commu- nist, engineer, and chief of a shop, Aleksey Sergey- Card 2/3 evich Smirnov was for the third time reelected to 69739 8/084/60/000/05/011/060 DO47/DOO6 AUTHORS: Leyikov.-M.; Zhitinskiy, L. TITLE; On the Order of the Day: Technical Progress PERIODICAL: Grazhdanskaya aviatsiya, 1960, Nr 59 PP 5-6 (USSR) ABSTRACT: ~~hiz describes technical progress in a number of GVF installations. The report of A.&.Kulgin in the Su- preme Soviet is referred to. Several fliers of the Vostochno-Sibirskoye territoriallnoye upravleniye (East Siberian Territorial DireAtorate) have flown more than 1,000 hours in the Tu-104, including Com- r'ades Glqq_henkov, Tegqzqy, Xsrinin, 8uplov and Sere- bryannik6v. At*the aviation repair undertaking headed by Comrade Izmiry Tu-104's are repaire 3on an end- less line. The workers have undertaken to repair over and a~qve the plan two Tu-104's and 50 ASh-82T Card l/ 3 engines. AVtU,~Wert.&IWSP~headed by Comrade Shakhov 69739 S/084/60/000/05/011/060 DO47/DO06 On the Order of the Day: Technical Progress Card 2/3 the repair of jet engifies has been fully automated. Preparations are being made to repair the airserews of AI-20 engines on a line. Technical progress is being made at the Novosibirskiy, Sverdlovskiy, Alma- Atinskiy, Llvovskiy and Khabarovskiy aeroporty (Novo- sibirsk, Sverdlovsk, Alma-Ata, LIvov and Khabarovsk airports). Technical flight conferences are an ef- factive way of putting into effect the decisions of the June plenum of the Central Committee. Such a conference was held in the aection commanded by Com- V~ rade Sirotin, of the Severnoye upravleniye (Northern Directorate). Those who took part in the discussions were comrades TAJbA=, section engineer; Captain Gudkevich; Navigator Astashkevich; Qorbachev and 9pipt,el.1, flight mechanics; and Illarlonov Aead of the OTK LERM. Comrades Mochek and (iolubenko, en- gineers of GosNII GVF,, s-poWe-at a conference- on the Il-18 in th_e_X_a_z_&_Yffs_Y6ye upravleniye (Kazakh Diree- 69739 8/084/60/000/05/011/060 D047/DO06 On the Order of the Day: Technical Progress torate). Conferences held in the Zapadno-Sibirskoye upravleniye (West Siberian Directorate) and Belo- rusakoye ufravieniye (Belorussian Directorate) are also mentioned. In the latter the following took part: Comrades G.orbasenko, instructor flight-mechanic; Zekhov, radio-operator instructor; BarkovskiT, senior navigator- Konakov, flight mechanic; Shaktarina, head of the LiAN canteen brigade; Captain Neklyudov. Another conference was held at the repair undertaking where Comrade Gurlyanov is secretary. The Politi- chaskoye upravleniye GVF (Political Directorate GVF) has recommended that party organizations should have a creative approach to these conferences. There is 1 photograph. Card 3/3 LZVIXOV9 M.; NIKOLAW9 V. Khowledge of scononics paranises success in the fis14 Gmsh, aye no.3tl2-13 Mr '161, (MM 340) i0wrical (Aerotautlesp C XZVIKOV,X.I., inshener I I 't Rebuilding a locomotive repair plant. Tekh.shel.dor.6 no.8:23-24 Ar, 147. (KM 8:12) (Locomotive works) LICIVIZOV, M.L. (Arsamas). , Mathematical training of those who graduate from secondary schools. Mat.v shkole no.2:31-32 Mr-Ap 154. (MIRA 7:3) (Hathematice-Study and teaching) 004 004 00.0 '111i 00 2, oo *0 sit 90 0 8 of Ala No SONAGO ads a%" bWNW. A. V, roodww" "d P. M. C4& #00 am. (U. IL 0. PhL cum. Zow. 100. a. to 0" 1 afth up to bd" abubodlim d w4 &A kwOm. Two rud" is wow. of MINestin a tow rw of U. 0. Uft" U i a ii ilia ;fn hoo 0 I a 4w 0 a 1 9 61 a 06*0000000000000 0 *00 00 .60 see "00 too 00 :0* 404 Age me* No* as* No* SOV/68-59-9-10/22 AVkhWtS:_j~vikov P.M. and Ozerov, V,V, TIPLO: A New Scheme for Contintiouc Washing of Raw benzole P.&RIODICAL: Koks i khimiya, 1959, Nr 9t PP 33 - 35 (USSR) ABSTRACT:A scheme for continuous washing of raw benzole operating at the works since 1957 is described (Figure 1). Raw benzole from the CS column is passed into a centrifugical pump which sdrves simultaneously as a transpoi-tinG and mixing apparatus. Concentrated sulphuric acid is passed to the same.pump throuGh a proportioning, apparatus, The mix- ture is passed into tile contact apparatus (Figure 2) from which it flows into a regenerator, where for the regener- ation of acid, technical water is supplied. The regener- ator (Figure 3) consists of a pipe with a copper SDiral, From tho re6enerator the mixture is paseed into a settling tank with a conical bottom. Acid is removed once per shift and the acid tar once every three days, From the settling tank benze-le is passed Jato a secoiad settling; tank (cylind- rical, lead lined vessel of 1.5 m~' capacity) where it remaino for 15 minutes. The removal of acid from this tank is done periodically as requirede The boutom. part of Card 113 this separator has an external heating, which prevents the SOV/68-59-9-10/22 A New Scheme for Continuous Washing of Raw Benzole Caxd 2/3 solidification of acid tar during winter, Then the ben:Role is passed into a neutralizer (cylindrical vessel, 1.5 m' capacity) to which an. excess of alkali is supplied through a bubbling tube* The neutralized benzole with excess alkali flows by gravity into a storage tqnk - servinG simultaneousl as a settling tank (capacity 63 m-~'), The residence time in~ this tank - 10 hours* During this time the alkali settles to thu bottom from which it is pumped-back i5to the neut-- raliser. The alkali cycle comprises 5 - 6 m. of a 10 - 151/11o alkali solution which circulates until the alkali content decreases to 0.5%, then it is removed and fresh alkali - pumped in. The consumption of acid varies from 25 to 45 kg/ton depending on the bromine number of the raw benzole. The consumption of alkali 2.5 kg/ton. The yield of regen- erated acid of 45 - 5V%, amounts to about 90,,rr*, of its consum- ption, Benzole losses 0.2r;12. Laboratory control of the operation consists of checking the quality of washing (Colour and bromine number) and the residual alkalinity of the washed fruction once per shift, and the alkali content in thu neutraliz;ation solution once pk.;r days SOV/68---201-9-10/22 A New Scheme for Continuous Washing of Raw Benzole There are 3 figures* AS,-.~OCIATION: lAoskovskiy koksogazov77 zavod (Moscow Coke Gas Works) Card 3/3 YgVSTAFIYEV,, A.G.# kand.tokhn-nauk; UVIKOV, T&M.1 KOTENI(OP L.A.; BELENOVs Ye.A. Characteristic process parameters of continuous washing of the fraction boiling in the 14D-1450 range, Koks i khim. no. 5:39-41 161. (MIRA 14:4) le Moskovokiy institut khimicheakogo mashinostroyeniya (for Tevstaflyevp Belenov), 2, MKGZ (for Levikov)e 3. TSentrallnyy nauchno-ionledovatelf- skiy ibstitut komplekanoy avtomatizatsii (for Kotenko), (Coke industry-By-products) (Benzene) LEVIXOV, P.M.; YAPLITIA9 Ye.G.; POLARYER, 0,G. Coke-chemical dicyclopentadiene. Roks I khim. no.11:43-47 161. Ovilu 15: 1 ) 1. Moskovskiy koksogazovyy zavod. (Dicyclopentadiene) (Coke industry--by-products) - ~00 j,-tjL&b*- Ile 00 so c 991 008 V, 00 f 00'r 004 0 * 4 a a 34 a x IbML&vm v (,* . I (". im. t"a~LOItAft,4 am dpotolwd. owe. kb 046 so* Olt n 0 d a a & '00 000 00 Is** doe 00 see U so not 9.9- 00 too 9 9d a a 9 1 v 01 9 a 11 J1qIF u is 4F 40 0 00 o0 0 o 0 o '41 0 ire I* 01--o -0, 'go 0,000060460 400 6 el 0 :::::01066090000909960 00040000000000090f000 .ind'n4mtrallti6f oallsofoun, and nk-kol. g. 11,14yitux, Zhor. Wk. 13"19w).-It *33 Otto- that lwuttil Attrrs for sIx-rtral and pfyA~ric app. can be pmpd, leans Pt, Rh, Pd, and MI by cathode Watering. Pd can br u*d lot Altm hav d ;6 1 .1 and few d > 1.3 Pt is otchil. Ni cam be fag ustd only in spcciAc cus" whem filters with d 40.5 are tv- quited. Roytar Uach- Immy, S.I.; UWTIRA, I.N. .1" Bactericidal lamps. Zh. obsh.blel. 12 no.2.*248-157 Mar-Apr 51, (Cuff. 20:8) BODRITSOVA, A. 1. ; Tantalus carbide disk lamps. Svototakhnika 5 no.11:20-?4 N 15 9. (MIU 13:2) L Onsudaretyanrqy optichookly institut. (Ilootric lamps) (Photography-Squipment and supplies) 24(4) SOV/61-b-5-21/34 AUTWRS t Lavikov, 8.1, and Shishatsicaya, L,P* TI T1X Hydrogen and MarciAry-Helium, JAmps for Sr-4 Spoctrqlhotomters (0 vadorodnoy I rtutno-gollyevoy lampakh dlys spektrofotometrov SF-4) 0 FERIODICALt Optika I Spektrookopiya, 1961), Vol 0, lir 5 pp. M-601 (USSR) AMTRACTs Quartz photoelectric opectraphotanstari SF-4 are widely used to measure optical densities or transmission -coafficients of liquids and solids in the region 220-1100 riqs* Two continuous arnission ItCht swirces are used In conjunction with these s".ctrophotometer3 s an In2andeacent 186Mo A-7 anti a hydrogen lamp V-SM-3. A pertoeizz .,hock. of the gradL.Mion scalo of SF-4 is made by means of a third lemp,- a morcury-holium lamp iWFU-2. The V-3FU-3 lamp is shown in Fir, 2. It Is a low-voltage are lamp with a directly heated oxide cathode which works an d.c. or a.c. This lamp has a devico known as a "Iiert C.An": fto discharge betrean electrodes passes thraugh a narrow aperture in a screen thich separates the cathode from the ana(la. A small soiral tube made of virs is placed in this aperture and this practizally doublw the emission Intensity of the lamp. The cathode oxide layer Is eoposit-id usinr, a saacial technique which ansurea high ztaL41ity of the emission Intansity. The lamp is mde from glaas ZS -5 and special "uviol" glass is used to -z r t -4 F~ Mnlmi (Fiz, 2). Thit-4-ioeft or the virdi~.w -all On, :^, Hydrogen and Mercury-Helium Lamps for 37-4 SPectrophotmeters OAVISI-b-5-21134 0.2 m. The optical traawalvajon of tne windov (ae-X~; botwaai 200 and 340 m-~&) ia chown in Fig Is zhe is fill-A with dried and purified hydrogaa at a pressutre of A to Eg. A d.T. or rectified ase. voltage of 250 V and a fil=eat trarrant of 3.6 A Sz required to start the lamp. After the ar~! 11r. stra,:k, the filament nirrent in lowered to 0.3 A. The lamo 4zar. be usa(I also 3n a.c. (it wor;w then as a rectifier). Fig 3 ahows U3 r3l,,tive cnan5a il- Cho emission intensity of tha V-47~'-3 lazip FAfj a fun.-tion of ita -xor::~ins life (aborut 200 hours). To obtain a fstable omiGcion the c-Aply is stabilized by means of a upocial ftla,:tronie Oe-vi!.o F,?4--36 whlloh holdt the discharge curreat constant to withi.-4 For moasurements where the emission interisity has to be very c.)nstant a battery of acm=iators has to be used (Fig 4). The mera~,,rv-h9lii= lamp RSF..*-Z is similar in its constracti2n and dimensloas t3 t!j* hydrogea lamp. lraVJ-3,just described. It differs only by the absence of the spiral in tho aport-Ara of the r screen betwsoa the ar--x!,3 a:%,i tho cat!,-,,es. The ,Zr;_2 an.) is filled wi4A- helium at jn-'k~ i= fir a.-.0 a small an(riat of mor--4;.-y is adied to heliam. The eleArit:al caaxacterlitti ?i of the moreury-halium lamp are the swao as tiiaa of the hydrogea lamp exc3pt that the -working voltsg* is only 35-15 V air. tr-4 strikiar, voltage Is only 150 7 d.c. Gard 2/3 The RS?J -2 lamp oAti ba also f,.,d. f r.,= a.,:. ; its striidnC voltage is Hydrogen and Mercury-Holium Lamps for SF-4 S poet rophotmetors SOV/151-ti-5-21/34 then much lower and it behaves as a rectifier. The most intense helium and mercury lines between 226 and 1083 mg emitted by the RSFU-2 lamp are listed in a table on p, 691. The working life of either of the two lamps to not lose than 200 hours. Both these limps can be used in optical or spectral apparatus other than the spectrophotometer SF-4- If the stability of the emission is not important then these lamos can be started using a circuit shown in Fig 6. SUEMITTSDs June 4, 1968 ca A 3/3 s/196/61/000/009/012/052 9194/Z133 AUTHORSj Bodretsoval AsIol and Levikov# S,I, TITLEs Now developments in electrodo:light disc lamps PERIODICALt Reforativnyy zhurnal, oloktrotekhnika i onergetikag not9t 1961, 11-12, abstract 9V 92. (Svetotekhnika, no-3, ig6i, 21,44) TEXTs New types of electrode-light lampst A4-3 04-3), A4C-3 (D4S-3)s A-1 (D-1) and others, have been produced in the USSR, These lamps are considerably better than incandescent lamps In uniformity of radiation, though they are not so bright, The brightness may be increased by raising the incandescent temperature of the discs, However, a great increase in brightness cannot be obtained in this way because the rise of temperature soon shortens the lamp life. A second, more helpful method, is to make the .4argest possible number of narrow ducts through the disc. In lamps of this type with a disc of 3 mm diameter there were, on av*ragot 30 ducts with a mean depth of 0.9 mm. Each aperture radiated almost an a black body. on average, the brightness of Ca.rd 1/2 S/031/61/01JL/005/017/018 E202/E192 AUTHORSi and Shishatakayal L.P. TITLEs Comparison of spectral intensities of hydrogen and deuterium radiations PERIODICALt Optika i spektroskopiya, v.11, no.5, 1961, 689-691 TEXT: I The authors compared the intensities of the three Balmer lines of the continuous and band spectra of hydrogen and deuterium in identical conditions of excitation in an arc discharge lamp, operated at 0.3 A and 80 V. The results are as shown in the table. The authors also ana 1y ed the short wave region of the UV spectrum from 2500 - 1460 1, of the hydrogen and deuterium discharge lamps. By plotting the relative intensity of radiation of hydrogen and deuterium against the wavelength, it was found that deuterium is more effective I i.e. more intense) than hydrogen, not only in the 3600 - 2150 A region, but also considerably further, almost down to 1710 At the latter wave- length the two gazes show equal intensity. In the shorter wave- lengths, down to 146o 1, hydrogen in more effective. Card 1/2 39297 S/048/62/026/007/028/030 B117/B144 AUTHORS: Levikov, S. I., and -Shishatakayal L. F. ---------------- TITLE: New deuterium lamps PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Izvestlya. Seriya fizicheskaya, v. 26, no. 7, 1962, 964-966 TEXT: The radiation intensities of now ACOJ-3 (DSFU-3) (Uviol glass window) and Anf-25 (DLF-25) (lithium fluoride window) deuterium lamps were~ compared with those of standard BCOY-3 (VSFU-3) and.3,16-25 (VLP-25) hydrogen lamps. Balmer lines measured with a C.0-4 (SP-4) speotrophotometer proved to be more intensive in the radiation speotrumlof deuterium lamps- than in that of hydrogen lamps. The mean intensity ratio of Balmer lines was 1 29 f r red, 1.11 for light bluep and 1.37 for violets In the 3600-il5o I region, intensity measurements of the ultraviolet continuum in the four types of lamp showed deuterium to be more effective than. hydrogen. The radiation intensity of D 2 exceeded that of H2 by; 50-60 % at ~ - i200 I but only by 30 % at X - 3600 1. A comparison between the intensities of ultraviolet radiation of VLF-25 and DLF-25 conducted with Card 1/2 3/048/62/026/007/028/030 New deuterium lamps B117/B144 the-monochromator of a C-TT-~41 (SP-41) de o9 showed deuterium to be more effective than hydrogAn to nearly 1700 ~. Its radiation inten ity decreases rapidly between 2200 IL and the end of the range studied (1460 1). At 1700 1, the two gases have almost equal radiation intensity OTh~ results show that the lamps used for the spectral region as far as ;7 0 should be filled with deuterium, and VSFU-3 lamps should be replaced by DSFU-3 lamps- Hydrogen should be used for all other souroes of ultraviolet radiation. This paper was reported on at the XIV soveshchaniya po spektrookopii (XIV Conference on Speotroscopy). There are 2 figures and 1*table. Card 2/2 TIEVIKOV) Ccriparinon of the spactral radiation intensities or hydrogen and dottnrlum, Opt. I crol-Ar. 11 no.5:!IC9-691 11 161. (I'lip'l 14-10) (Ilydrogon- -%'Jpc-.tra) (Deuterium- 4;1 octra) - LEVIKOV, S.I.; SHISHATSKAYA, L.P. Now deuterium lamps. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. fiz. 26 no.7t964-966 Jl 162. (KRA 15:8) (Spectrophotometry) ACCESSION NR: AP4039415 S/0077/64/009/003/0218/0231 AUTHORs Levikov, So 1. TIT*LE: Contemporary light sources SOURCE: Zhurnal nauchnoy L prLkladnoy fotografLL i kinematografti, v. 9, no. 3, 1964. 218-231 TOPIC TAGS: light source, incandescent lamp, gas-discharge lamp, alactroluminescent lamp AUSTRAM Recently developed light sources wideli used in scientific photography are reviewed. They can be classified ass 1) incandescent# 2) gas-discharge, and 3) alectrolumLnescent. In the first category concern is shown for the development of an assortment of commercially competitive incandescent lamp# with improved parameters (light output, lifetime). Apart from tungsten. use is made of rhenLum, rhanium-tungsten alloys. and tantalum carbide as filament material to achieve brLghtnies of the order ofe-8 x 107nLu6 RecentIK,tiodine lamps with tungsten filament have bean developed I in VhLe he successive reactLon of tungsten VLth Ladino results in ICard 1/3 ACCESSION NRt AP4039413 longer (double) life and con;t8ant light output without bulb contami-, nation. Higher (in excess 0 x 10 nits) light output can be achieved with gas-dLacharge lamps. These can be divided into: 1) daylight luminescence lamps. 2) mercury- and sodium-vapor lamps, and 3) superhigh brightness high-pressure lamps (pulse- and arc-type). The intensity of these is a function of plasma and gas temperatures and the practical range is limited by the temperature stability of their atectrodes and the bulb materials Recently, attempts have been made to use polycrystalline corundum (sapphire) or water- cooled steel (with quartz windows) in place of quartz as bulb material. The following types ofsphere-type, high-pressure (30-50 atm),argon-filled, mercury-vapor lamps are produced in the i SSSRs DRSh-100, DRSh-250, DRSh-500, and DRSh-1000 with intensities (at the canter of die discharge) of 7, 1 , 1. 3, and 1. 2 x 108 nits respectively* The following types of high-pressure (working pressure., 20-25 stm) xenon-fLIled are-lamps are produced in the SSSRi DKsSh-13O and DKjSh-lO0O for use with direct current* The latter can be ;,divided into 3 subolaoses. acaording to the interelectrod*. spacing: DK*Sh-10004, DKsSh-lOOOBj and DXsSh-lOO0V and for use with alternating Card 2/3 ACCESSION MRs AP4039415 current, DKoSh-1000-1. Their inteneLtL (at the center of discharge) are 5 x 1076 4, 5 x 108, 2,2 x 108# 1*4 X 1A and.2 x 108 -nits, respectively,, The third category of light sources is concerned with electro- i luminescent lamps which occupy an intermediate position between the incandescent and gas-discharge lamps, Among thesaj two types of zirconium lamps are produced in the SSSRt DATs-50 (50 w, 3 x 107nits) and DATs-500 (340 w, 4 x 107 nits) with a short lifetime of 75-100hr.. DLac-type olectroluminescent lamps are used in cases where uniform continuous illumination is required over on area of several tens of 2 mm (microscopy, microphotography). Among these D-39 D-5, and D-10 are most widely u;ed and their Intensities (at the center of iha disc) are 2.x 107 x 070 and.10? nits, rospectivelye.-OrLge art* has: 13 figure&. ASSOCIATIO SUBMITTE I ATE ACQs 18jun64 ENCLt 00 SUB COM 0 REP SOVt 013 OTHERt 018 IZVIXOIV S.I. Ultraviolet radiation lampo used in "atroecopy (reriew). Zhim. prikl. spektr. 3 no.5:473-486 N 165. (MIRA 18t 11)