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UW %gineering -Wind waves caw 1/1 Flub, 22 8/52 .Authors t Levichp V. G. Title N if-turhidence on the generation and damping of wind waves on the surface of a liquid Periodicalt Dok.:-AN &98R 101/40 615-618p Apr 1,1955 Abstract Amstiming that the wind velocity (U) is knownp a method is described for the theoretical computation of the amplitude of wind waves on the surface of a liquid. Conditions under which the turbulent movement of a liquid io formed and the effect of this turbulent movement on the generation and damping of the waves are discussed. Formulas, which allow the theoretical figures-to be compared with the experimental data armresented. Eleven references: 1 German, 3 English and 7 USSR (1925-19 Graph. Institution Acad. of Sc., USSR, Institute Of Physical Chemistry Presented byt Academician,M. A. Leontoiich, December 22$ 1954 Vim L"". DHay Akee. JJJ. A 09MI-TI104 AbMAS& Ia based as dw !LM nowd tub pw" of tM dbpmW pUm, whicb Its diffullm Coeif, The reduced viscosity lowers *%htly the rate of coaguJadim. The effects are d1wumsed C if the enidopg an the vu der Weak forces. the Brownian am= no., the pnotom of ::rot etc. 34 a.. /Y" I" AUTHWs Leviah, V.G., Kyamlin, V.A. 76-11-11/35 TITLIs The Xotion of Xercury Drops in a Yield of Gravity and in a Xagastio Field (Dvizheniye rtutmykh kapell v pole tyashesti I v magaitnom, pole) PERIODICALs Zhurnal Fisicheskoy Xhimii, 19579 Vol. 31, Nr 11. pp. 2453-2457 (USSR) ABSTRACTt Here the motion of mercury drops in the electrolyte is investigated, where the total system. is located in the field of gravity vA the mag- netio field. The computation. which was carried out in a system in which the drop was located, resulted in the followings Besides the vertical fall in the field of gravity an additional motion of the drop is created in a direction which in vertical to the field of gravity an won as to the magnetic field. The value for the velocity of motion is dbUined and its order of magnitude is evaluated. There Is i Slavic reference. Card 1/2 h'_ r1ft/O 20-3-23/52 ATTTHORSt Koutetskiy# Ya. Levich, V. G. .TITLE# Use of a Rotating Disk-Electrode in the StWy of Kinetic and Catalytic Processes in Electrochemistry (Primenoniye vrashchayushchegoeya diskovogo eloktroda k izucheniyu kinctiches- kilkh I kataliticheEkikh protsessov v elektrokhimii) PAIMICAM Doklady All SSSR, 1957, Vol. 117, Er, 3o Pp. 441 - 444 (USSR) ABSTRACTs The present paper shows that the rotating disk as a device for the investigation of kinetic and catalytic currents offers considerable advantages as against the droplet electrode. Unlike what is the case with the simple electrode, processes on the rotating disk take place during steady operation. It is just this that facilitates the easy derivation of the formulae for the computation of complicated cases of reactions. This is an essential condition for the study of the velocities of kinetic reactions, Besideel the study of stea- dy processes is also experimentally more simple, FInallyp it is possibleg in the case of the disk, also to vary experimental con- ditions considerably by modifying not aily the pH-value of the so- lutions but also the rotation velocity of the disk. The authors do not Intend here to deal with the entire manifold of the various Card 1/3 kinetic and catalytic processes, but the present paper explains 20-3-23/52 Vae of a Rotating Disk-Electrode In t1w Sttdy of Matle wd Odalytio Prooesses in Elea trochemi atry the characteristic method for the solution of problems occurring during the study of kinetic and catalytic processes on the basi3 of individual examplej. As a first example a kinetic quasi-steady process is investigated, which develops in accordance with the scheme k A B (voluas ), A ---* C (electrode). The computation is followed siep by step. In the second characteristic example the volume reaction for the scheme 2A k B ij defined and io thus ZLU k2 of bimolecular character. There are 7 references# 4 of which are Slavic. Card 2/3 ft-3.23/52 Use of a Rotating Dink-Blootrode ft VID Btxft Of MINUO AM dtaiytiO Processes in Electrochemistry ASSOCIATIONs Institute for Physical Chemistry All USSR (Institut fiziebeekoi khi- mii Akademli nauk SSSR) Institute for Physical Chemistry of the Czechoslovakian AN (Institut fizicheakoy khimii Chekhoulovatakoy Akadeaii nauk) PRESENMI March 13# 1957f by A. H, Frumklnt Academician SUBMITTEDs January 189 1957 AVAILABLEi Library of Congress Card 3/3 IntyAlIOV, V.A., LIVICH, V.G. Theory or%-.--.J'.ctrIc double layer at the bmwd"Y Of & metal - electrolyte tnt*rf&cOo Nek.vop.ingh-fili. no.3:~- 27 '58- (Surface chemistry) (Illectrolytes) (MIEA 12:5) 1 LLMCH., V. G.; KREKEW., L. Ya.,* TAUEMMI A. B.; HATASSON) E. M.; "The resistance of eimil ions and suspensions in cm-iection vith the stabilizing action of structure-mechanical properties of protective surface layers," repcrt pre"atea at the Iow-th All-Unim Caawwma an Colloldal ChmIOU7., ThI11418 O*wgbn fWj 12-26 MW 1958 (Kall zbLzr 20,5, P.677-9. 158, Muibum, A.3) AUTHORS:. Ivanov, Yue Bojlkni-~~~ 76-32-3-14/43 TITLE: The Convective Diffusion in a Binary Liquid System in the Critical Region (Konvektivnaya diffusiya v dvoynoy shidkoy sist*me v kriticheskoy oblasti) PERIODICALt Zhurnal Fisich koy Xhimiiq 1958, Vol. 32l Nr 3. PP- 592-597 (U:SGR) ABSTRAM Gibbs (ref 1) had already observed that the motive force of the diffu on process represents the gradient of the partial (oh:!ioal) potential. The vanishing of the diffusion coefficient at the critical point in liquid binary systems was for the first time observed by I. R. Kriohetskiy et al (ref 2)~and (in the same laboratory) more exactly . . by Yu. V. Tsekhanskays. (ref 3). In her determinations the latter used a t6tkting Alsk- of compressed terephthalic said, f6r Al&- the process of solution was investigated triethylamine. The results of the solution-velooity values of the rotating disk at 2900 X Imeasured:snd calculated according to the Card 1/3 formula for the diffusion current. obtained by Levichq are The Convective Diffusion in a Binary Liquid System in the 76-32-3-14/43 Critical Region graphically represented. It is found that the applied formula and the theory of convective diffusion respootivolyg are not to be applied to the critical region* Them., -the' depiWasies- n of the diffusion coefficient znd*xf. the solutidn on the., cozefttrafton - of rtft- dlrftstft *dbutwlie , *wt be taken Jzbq ectoubt, From the mathematical derivations which were performed,, "Itfolaan Soong .0therw.-that, ~the oalculaticns can be performed near the disk with the application of the derivation according to larman. From a dia- VM. SLVirg the theoretical and experimental*3 Iforf We dependence the flow(;j) &tLthe..SdrfftCGfOZthG_djAk* on the solution concentration o. where both values *;inoide vell, it follovs that the obtained expression of the density of flow possesses a general character for all solutions and ftr tbo'bk1tical domain of oonoontrationp,where the fl6w of substance possesses a low dependence on the concentration o and is proportional to-V-W . The numerical value of the Soefficient' and its dayentftnetft o0 are connected with some values of Ca:rd 2/3 constants and can possess different values in different The Convective Diffusion in a Binary Liquid Sys%,,!t kn the 76-32-3-14/4) Critical Region solutions. There are 4 figurei -aid 4 ruference3, ft of which are Sovipf~ SUBMITTED: November 3, 1956 Card 3/3 AUTHORS: Xoutetskiyq Ya., Levich, V. G. SOV/76-32-7-17/45 TITLE: The Application of the Rotating Disk Electrode for the In- vestigation of Kinetic and Catalytic Processes in !~lectro- chemistry (Primenaniye vrashchayushchegoeya 4i"kovogo elektroda k izucheniyu kineticheskikh J. katalitichookikh protsessov v elektrokhimii) ME IODICAL: Zhurnal fizicheskoy khimiij 1958# Volt 32, Nr 7, pp.1565-1575 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The electrode reactions# the course of which is closely con- neoted with chemical side reactions in the volume of the solutionp have recently been investigated eyatematicelly. '-he reactions may be divided into two groups: the so-callodkizedc re- actions in which one of the products of the chemical reaction in the inner volume of the solution diffuses to the electrode, and enters into the electrode reaction; this can be represent- ed by the scheme exchange electrode nA k -4, mB 3 C 17 k Card Ili 2 SOY/76-32-7-17/45 The Application of the Rotating Disk Electrode for the Investigation of Kinetic and Catalytic Processes in Blectrochemiaty The second group are the catalytic reactions in which the substance participating in the electrode reaction is partly regenerated in the exchange reaction into which products of ths)slectron reaction enterl this taken place according to the scheme: exchange electrode nA + mB -+C C ---* I A The Investigation& of these two types of reactions have hither- to been carried out by means of the dropping mercury electrode, it is, howeverg assumed that the method mentioned in the title offers some advantages, as the processes take place within th#teady regime; thus, calculation formulae fo4complicated reactions may be obtained. On the other hand in the case of disk electrodes besides the properties of thA eolutions also the angular velocities of the rotation may be modified within a wide interval, by which fact the experimental technique is simplified, By means of some examples of kinetic and catalytic processes the limit-diffusion currento at the surface of the Card 2/4 disk electrode are calculated. A kinetic process of quasimo- S011/76-11 2-7-17/45 The Application of the Rotating Disk Electrode for the Invcrtira-tion of Kinetic and Catalytic &'rocesses in Electrochemistry lecular character is investigated as first example as the constants of the reaction velocity A -=-> B depeni on the con- ,PC oentration of any of the substances Wbeing in the nolution. The calculations were carried out for the case D / D 2 in the convective diffusion according to L. R. B090LIZ01 they are printed in the DAII USSR. A value 6 k of the thickness of the layer of the solution at the electrole surface in ae- termined in which the reaction takes place kinetically (not in equilibrium). The authors mention the poper .7ritten by Budovakiy (Ref 6) In which reactionn of biaoleculhr character as well as catalytic reactions of a qua:~inolcculur ch,,racter are described, There are 8 referoncee, 3 of which are ")ovlct. ASSOCIATION: Akademiya nauk SSSII,Institut fizichoskuy khimii.,P1!oskva;- Chekboslovatskaya Akademiya nouk IIr,3titL-t fizichaskoy khl-lii) Praga 'r- gu5 (Moscow Institute of Physical Chemistry,.%S lJ3S?;- - - Inatitua of Physical Chemi3try of the Czechoslovakian Aca- Card 3/)r demy of sciences)