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LEVIO Molse. losifovich; ZUYEV, V.A.., red. (Lymphocytic chorlomeningitis .; acute serous meningitis] LJmfo-tsitarriyi khoriorionlngit; ostryi seroznyl reningit. Eoskva, FeditsIna, 1964. 235 p# (141RA 17:6) LLrvl, H. F. (Let's raise goats) 2. ispr. I dop. W. Moskva, "Sellkhosgis"t 1943. 53 -P - 9 (Feeding and raising dairy gOat3) 2. parer. i dop. W. Modkva, Ooq. izd-vo selhoz. lit-ry, 1951. 126 p. UaSR Farm Animals. Small Hornod 5tock. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 23, 1958, 105665. .e.uthor : Inst : ~-.ioscow Agricultural Acadomy imoni It.. it. Timiry- azov. Titlo : Dovolopraont of a Iluthod of Accoloratud Trans- formation of Coarso-'.*ool and lomi-Coarso 'fool 1hoop Brooding Into ")omi-Fina-'.1ool Shoop Bro--d- Ing in tho Contral Zono of RSFIM. Orig Pub: Dokl. j.70sk. so-kh. akad. im. K. A. Timiryazova, 1957, v yp. 30, ch. 2, 250-Z59. Abstract: Tho crossing of lJorthorn Short-tailod ovios with fina-wool rams of tho Groznyy and Precoco bro-ds in 4 kolkhozos of tho Kalininskaya Oblast on- suras Groator uniformity of tho wool covor in the offspring than in hybrids dorivod from the Bzrngs B.H.; Ymm"Noy, ,I,: ziRsHmLAT, ra.D.; romsTaTiNov, m.; LITZ, N.Y.; WRITI, A.Tu.; NIZOLAUT, A.P.j prof.; NOTOMMISKIT, NoAol 5EWAII, B.7o; SMIN, X.X,, red.; 6ITSMYN. AoT., takhred. EPractical obstetrics; selected chapters] Praktichaskoe akusharstvo; Isbrannye glavy. Kiev, Goo,madoizd-vo USSR, 1958. 565 po (MIRA 12:2) 1. DaystvitelInyy chlen Akadexii meditsinskikh nauk SSSR (for Nikolayev), (CBSMRICS) USSR/Medicine - Virus M "Laboratory Diagnosis of Lymphocytic Choriomen- ingitis by means of the Complement Fixation Reac- tjon," M. 1. Levi, Cand 14ed.Sci, 1. N. Basova, P. V. Rutshteyn, Virusol Dept, Ukrainian Inat Zpi- demiol ind Microblol imeni Mecbnikov,, and Cen Clinical PBychoneurol Hosp, Min of Transp "wevropatol i Paikhiat" VQl XX, No 2, pp 5-12 Describes prepn Of antigen and reaction Of cOm- piement fixation vhich is suitable for lab diag- nosis. This reaction gives results cOrr to Deu- tralization reaction, but is preferable to the 186T77 USSR/Medicine - Virus Diseases mar/Apr 51 (Contd) Utter. States that lynphocytic cloriomeninsdtis is not rare, It comprises no less than 10% of all neuro-infections In'the Ukraine. %I WO/Uedicive - Virus DissMAM Jan "Distribution of the Virus of Lymphocytic Cbori- ixasningitis Among Rodents," M. 1. Levi, N. N. Basova, G. I. Chuyeva, S. 0. Abramovat Ukr Inst or Npidemiol and Kicrobiol imeni 1. 1. Nechnikov "Ehur Mikrobiol, Epidemiol, i Immmobiol" No 1. PP 52-57 Rodents of various species, including 82T cccm= nice and 33 vild rodents of various species, ver caught in urban, suburban, and rural localities. Thirty four strains of the virus of lymphocytic cbmiomeningitis vere isolated from co=Km mice, 241T one from a forest mouse, and on from a field e. The degree of infection of rodents Vith the virus vas highest in rural, next highest in suburban, and lowest in urban. "32 % I -7--A LW 1, M.1 - OMT T K.; KISLYAKOU, L.N.; CHUYIVA, 0.1.; KISILY. R.1.; DIEMR,- V.e.: profe;so;, ispolnyayushohiy oby&zannost' direktora-, ABRMOV. S.G.. savedayushchly. Natural nidi of lymphocytic chorloseningitle. Zht%r.sikrob1ol.~pid.,i Jumn. no.8:7&81 Ag '33- (MM 6:11) 1. Mar1kovskly Institut spidentologil In. I.I.Xochnikov& (for Derk&oh). 2. MwlkovsbW& protivochwwWa stantelya (for Abramov). (Xeningitle. Cerebrospinal) U3IMVkediclne VIrOlogr I*c 531 ,,,A,,Nev'P&r4ysis Virus Isolated From Comon Mice.* I I. Levi~i"Xhar-kov Inst of Epidemlol and Mikrob:Lol Pur Mikro 4id I T-2n., No 12t p 57 Auihor isolated from grey mice a virus vhIch Is patho. g.enic to white mice, causing paralysis, and nom- I pathogenic to vhite rate, guinea pigs, and rabbits. Immonobiologics.1 Investigation (reactions with sera counteracting various known viruses) led him. to the c~m%cluslon that he had isolated a new virus mh1ch Is related to the causative factor of t1ck encephalitis and partly to that of cho& at 1. eo TWO- $Gnts a strWA intArmoMate between the two. Mr av KISLYAK(YVA, L. N., GOLIDj7MDT# A. Ho 2. TJSM (600) 4. Meningitis 7. Etiology of acute serous meningitis. M. I. levi, L. N. Kislyakova, A. M. Golldshmidt. Zhur. nevr. i paikh. 53, No. 2. 1953. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, May -1953. Unclassified. Isvi, X.I.; NISSLI. R.I.; CHUTBVA, G.I.; KISLYAKOVA, L.N. On the epidemiology of Vesicular (pox-like) rickettelosis. Zhur.m1krobiol.epidj imonn. no.106 J& 1~4- (MIRA 7:2) 1, Is Kharlkovskogo Institute spideniologii i m1krobiologii im. Xachnikova. (Rickettsia) ISVI, K.I.; BASOVA. N.V.; RUTSMYN, P.V. Method of applying the complement fixation reaction In diagnosis of lymphocytic choriowningitts; author's abstract. Zhur.mikrobiol.spid.i Immun. no.3:51 Kr 034. (KLRA 7:4) A- 1. Is virusologichaskago otdola Kharlkovskogo instituta vaktaii I syvo- rotok (direktor - kandidat biologichaskikh nauk G.P.Cherlms) I Teentrall- noy poikhonevrologiohaskoy bolinitay Kinist erstva patsy moobehohentya (nachallnik X.Polushtln). (Meningitis) (Complement fixation) ZISLTAXOTA. L.N*l LWI, X.I. UftnWaMMON. Btudy of the carrying ties and excretion of viras in hoase sic@. thuroalkrablol,spid,l Inman. no.3:86 Mr 134. (XLRA 7:4) 1e Is lharlkovskogo instituta ~ idealologil, I m1kroblologli In. Nechnikovae TKII08) (Meningitis) _iS~AV,ed Icine 1#whocytic Choriomeningitis U FD-163C Card 1/1 Pub. 148-lo/28 Author I levi, M* I.; Kislyakova, L. go; Gusev, V. M.; and Volchanetd)mya, Go L Title -fiv_eotigatlon of rodents and their ectoparasites In foci of lymphocytic choriomeningitis Periodical Zhur. mi-lao. epid. I I==- 70 44, jul 1954 Abstract The duration of the existence of lymphocytic choriomeningitis foci, the species of rodents found at the foci, and their ectoparasites were investigated from 1950 to 1952. Forty-nine strains of the virus of"lMhocytic choriomeningitis were isolated from 369 house micey cominon voles, and forest mice trapped at all seasons of the year in residences and industrial facilities where cases of the disease had been reported. No traces of the virus were found in cultures prepared from the various fleas and ticks living on these rodents. The species of the ectoparasites encountered are indicated. No references are cited. Institution Xhar'kov Institute of Vaccines and Serums Imeni Mechnikov (Dir.-Cand Biol Sci G. P. Cherkas) Submitted December 22# 1953 ZRDANOV, Y.M.; LIVI. H.1. -wwj Study of asuroviruses Isolated from aloe, Zhur* alkroblole ep1d. I Immune no*10398 0 054. (MM 8:1) I, Is Kakwlkovskogo Instituta epidemiologii I alkrobiologil in. Xechnikovae (MMVOUS SYMN-DIOU08) (MUSIS) IZVI,, M. I. - "Lymphocytio Choriameningitla." Moscow, 1956. (Dissertation for the Degree of Docotir in Hedic&j Science#). Sot Knisbnaya letopiel, No 8. 1956p pp 97-103 LxVit M.I, - "'o- Rissue culture in poliomyelitis research] Kulltura tkani Y Isuchenil pollosiolita. Stavropol'. Stavropollskaia pravda 1957. 154 p. (MIRA 11:1) (?Igo 0 (POLZqMINLITIS) I" I, M. 1. *Botkin's ollsemse.0 Reviewed by Mol. Levi, Vop.virus 3 no.2:121,125 Xr-k 158 (HEPATITIS, IVECTIOUS) (MMA 1115) ~ ~1: X.I.;__ VALIKOV9 B.G.1 SHTELIMANt Mai KMATQVq TuV# Experimental plague among different populations of southern gerbils KmeridJaniw Pall*), Sbor. nauch. rab. &list. protiroebum. sta. no. 1: -% 1590 (MM 13,10) fc= DZIAT REGION.-PIAGUE) (BERBUS) ,WIq H.I.) VALfXOV9 B,Ge; MpaCV# G,B.j NOVIKOVAv Te,Ie Zxperimental plape In different populations of the lesser ouslik, Sbor, naucb. rab, Eliot@ protivochum#'Sta. no. 1s65-83 1590 (MiA 13:10) (SUSLINS) (PLAGUE) Some additions to the characteristic features of the basic carriers of the plaVe microbe. Sbor, nauch. rab. Eliot, protivoch=, eta, no. 10-19-127 159. (MIRA 13tlO) (PLAGUE) FIZAS AS CARRIERS OF DISEASE) iRODEM AS CARRIMS OF DISEASE) ---- --- --- - -- - -- ---- -- -- - - - - - - --- -- LEVI, M. I.0 VALIKOV9 B. G.9 SHTELIMMO A. I. and KANATOV, TU. V. 01kparinental Plague in Different Populations of Meridional Voles." Tenth Ckaference on Parsitological Problems and Diseases with Natural Reservoirs# 22-29 October 1959, Vol* Up Publishing House of Academy of Sciences, USSR,, Moscow-IAmingradg 1959o Elistinskays, Anti-Flagus Station LEVIO M. I.t YAL#KOV, B, G,, MINKOV, 0, B., and NOVIKOVA, YE- I- -- "uperimental. Plague in Different Populations of the Small SusUk.' Tenth Conference on Parsitological Problems and Diseases vith Natural Reservoirst 22-,29 October 1959# Vol* III Publishing House of Academy of Sciencesp USSRj Mosew-Leningradl 1959. Elistinwwa Anti-Plague Station LEVIS M. I. 82he Interrelationship Between the Primary Host and the Infectious Agent of Flaps." Tenth Conference on Parasitological.Probleme and Diseases with Natural Reservoirsy 22-290otober 1959, Val. II, Publishing House of Academy of Sciences, USSRS Moscow-Leningradq 1959o Anti-Plague Institute of Caucasia and Transcaucasiap Stavropol' LITI, M.1.1 BASOVA, N.N.; SUCMV. Tu.G. Owactoristics of the complement fixation reaction in Tarlous In- fectionse Yop.viru. 4 to.4s456-464 JI-Ig 139. (XIRL 12:12) 1. lauchno-lonledovatellekly protivoobumw institut Kaykaza I Zakmv- kulya Stayropoll oblastuoy. (OOKMXMM.) (1 101, blood) LZT1j.Xj,; EASOVA, T.N.; ZUSIKLN, R.T.; COR IKOVA, T.N.; SUOMMY, Yu.G.; REMY, X.M, Incidenoe of Influents. In Stavropol during the 1957 pandemic. Top,virus. 4 no.5t573-580 S-0 159. (MM 13:2) 1. Yau6huo-is sled ovatel. I skir protivocIhummff inetittft lravkaza I Way- kazlya, Stavropol', (INYWIM, statist.) IaVI, R.I.; CHEREOV. S.G.; LABMMM, N.Y.; EDSHINBUT, R.B. . . ........................ I- Jk6piration usthod for the collootion of fleas from rodent burrows CwIth summary In linglish]. Ned.paras. I paras. bolesn. 23 no.1:64-69 J*-7 '59. (UnU 120) 1. Is Ranchno-looledovatellskogo protivochn--ogo instituta Xwkaza I Zakavkaslya Hinisterstva, sdravookhranonlya SSSR v Stavropole (dir. institute, Y.N. Ter-Tartanov). (YMAS aspiration from burrows (Rua)) - LIVI. N.I.1 BASMA, N.N.; SUMOV. J.G. Optimal conditions for complement fixation "actions in some infections. Act& v1rol.Zngl.Jd.Prah& 4 no.6:348-355 N160. 1. 0aucasian and Transcaucasian Scientific Research Institute of PlWe Control, Stavropol, U.S.S.Re (COMMON?) 'A# N.B.4 LEVIp M.I. The reaction of complement fixation inhibition, Vop.vinw, 3 noo3t259-266 MY-Je 160. (KMk 13 s 9) (COMMENT PIWION) LITI, H. I. Oureat status of the study of selloidosis and some research problems. Zhur.s1kroblol,opid,1 town, 31 no,W33-139 P 160. . (NINA 13r6) 1, Is Wnabno-Issledovatillskoge protivoobuanogo Institute, Irav- k-asa I Saksykastra, (KILIOIDOSIS) LIVIO M.I.; CHEKOMOVAp A.V.j VASILIYEV, N.V. Study of the posoibility of inoreasing the viability and.imuno- ganioity of living avirulent pJAgue vaccine, Zhur.mikrobiol.spid. i inm4ho 31 A0.81105-111 Ag (MIRA .14:6) 1. In Nauohno-ioslodavatell'skogo protivochumnogo instituta, Kavkaza i Zakavkaslya,, Starropoil. (PIAGUE) LEVIO X.I.; BAM10 YU.M. Sam additions to a description of the principal carriers of plague microbes. Zhur.mikrobiol.spid.i immuj. 31 no.9:44-48 S 160. (HIPA 131n) 1. Is Nauabno-ipmlodovatellskogo protivochw=ogo Instituta Kavkaza i.Zaka~kazlya., Stavro 11 Mauz) LEV Classification of serological neutralization reaction. Vop. (SBHOLOGX) reactions and determination of the virus. 6 no.5s630-632 S-0 161. (MM 15:1) REZNIKOVA,, Lyusi Solomonovnal EPSHTF.YN-LITVAN, Rakhill Veniaminovna; LEVI. Halftal-lamitovich; SOXO1DV,, N.I., red.; LTUDKOVSKAYA, xt-,- tekhn - red. - . -' -- ' (Serological methodology of research In the diagnosis of com- municable diseasselSerologiaheskle matody issledovaniia pri diapostike infektaionnykh bDleznei, Moskvaq Medgiz,, 1962. 370 Pe (MIRA 160) (SKRUM DIAGNOSIS) (COMMUNICABLE DISEASES) ,LEVI, MoIs.9- BATUROVA9 R.S.; BASOVA, N.N.,- GER&SYUK, L.G. Reaction of erythrocyte disagglutination. Acta virol. 6:556-557 162. 1. Scientific Research Institute of Plague Cou*ol and Municipal Sanitary Epidemiological Stationt Rostov on N4~ U.S.S.R. (HD"LUTINAT10N INHIBITION TESTS) (INFLUENZA VIRUSES) NIKOLAYEV, N.I.,, otv. red.; 1ZNSKAYA, G.N., zam. otv. red.; PASTUKHDV, B.N., zam. otv. red.; FEN=, B.K., zam. otv. red.; ISHUNINA, T.I., red.; AKIYEV, A.K., red.; DOMARLDSKIY, I.V., red.; DROZHEVKINI, M.S.,, red.; ZHOVTYr, I.F., red.; KOROBKOVA, Ye.I., red.; KRAMINSKIYq V.A., red.; KRATINOV, A.G., red.&-IJWI M.Lp red.; LOBANOVO V.N., red.; HIRONOV, N.P., red.; PE`TRC)V-,; PLANKINAp Z.A., red.; PIPINA, I.M., red.; SMIRNOV, S.M.j red.; TER-VARTANOV,, V.N.,, red.; TIFLOV, V.Ye.,, red.; FEDOfOV, V.N.j red.; PARNES, Ya.A., red.; PRONINA, N.D., tekhn. red. [Especially dangerous natural focus Infections] Osobo opasnye prirodnoochagovye infektaii; abornik nauchnykh rabot protivo- chumhykh mchrezhdonli. Moskva, Medgiz.. 1962. 271 p. (MIRA 160) (COMMICABLE DISEASES) LEVI _Ij-MQMQT, A.G. Sarologieal examinations in plague. Report No.5; Methods of accelerated selection of plague pathogen atraina by the yield.of fraction I. Zhur. mikrobiole, epid. i immm. 40 no.2188-93 P 163. (MIRA 17:2) 1. Is RoBtovskogo-na-Donu nauchno-inaledovatellakogo protivoohumnogo institute, LEVI.J"J.; SUCHKOV, Yu.G.; ORLOVA, G.M.; GEPI.SYUK, L.G.; SHKODA, A.M.; PEYSAKHISp L.A.; STCGOVA, A.R.; LOPATNA, N.F.; SUFJ1AP111K(J'1A, N.A.; PAK, G.Yu.; 141MINOV, K.M.; DOUSKAYA, T.H.; IUSS SOC-7, L.S.; Irl-'r[PUT, V.I.; MRTAZANOVA, E.Sh.; SHTELIMAN, A.I.; UNTRENTIYE-1, A.F.; BASOVAp N.N.; GOLKOVSKIYp G.M.1 XU1DVq G.I.; SAUMV, N.I.; ZALYGINAp N.I. Results of the testing of the reactions or pasnive hemagglutination and neutralization of antibodies in the epizootologic examination of wild rodents for plague. Zhur. mikrobiol., epid. i i=un. 40 n(,.12: 118-119 D 163. (HIRA 17:22) 1. Iz Rostovskogo I Sredfie Aziatskogo protivochumnykh institutov, Chimkentakoyt Taldy-Kurganskoy, Aralomorokoy, Turkmenakoy, Astr&khanskoy I Frunzenskoy protivochumnykh stantsiy. -LEn. Mj.: ZININO P.L; SHTELIMAN, A.1o; SHIRYAYCVj, D.T.; MIRCNOVj N.P.; CHMMZOV., F,D, Hereditary resistance to plague in ftdcnes meridianus. Bul, ekep, biole i med, 56 no.7t75-79 J1163 (KEU 1723) 1. Is Roatovskogo-na-Denu nauobno-isoledovatellskogo protivo- ohumnogo institute i Astrakhanskoy protivochumnoy stantaii, Predstavlens. dayotvitellnym chlenom ANN SSSR N.N. Zhukovym- V'erezbnikov7m. SAGAMVSKAYA, L.A.; SUCHKOV, Yu.G.; MDMDT, A.G. Serological study in plogue. Report No.S: SenBitivity and opecificity of the antibody neutralization reaction in plague and tulararda. Zhur. m1kroblol. epid. I Immun. 40 no.5s65- 68 Yj 163. (MI RA 17 16) 1. Ix Rostovskogo-na-Donu nauchno-looledovateltakogo protivochumnogo Instituta, LM, M.I.; BASOVAO N.N.; SUCRKOV., Yu.0,; MWVAO G.Me; GMSYuxj, L.O. MOMOTO A.G. Reaotion of passive hemagglutination and reattion of antibody neutralization In some Infectionso Zhur. mikrobioL epid. i i-mm. 33 no.IOW-45 0162 (KtRA 17 -.4) 1. Ts Rostovskogo-na-Dmu naucbno-isoledorateltakogo protivo- obumogo institute* Lj~vI,-HjI, Detection of the capsular antigen in the pathoge- r)iag-je In dialyeates. Biul. eksp, biol. i med. 55 no.3:65-69 Kr '#.~.3. 1. WMA 18:2) 1, Iz Rostovskogo-na-Donu nauchno-IssledovatelInkogo protivo- chumnogo institute, (direktor - kand. med. nauk A.K. ShIshkin) Minieteretva zdravookhraneniya SSSR. Submitted May 22, 19U . LEVI SUC11KOV, Yu.G.; ORIAMA, G.N.; GEMSYUK, L.G.; SFK(j-1A, A.E.; ?EYSAMIS, L.A.; CTWOVA, A.F.; IbriA'AIIIA, JI.F.; S1jKHA,"-J;1Y.UVA' ];.A.; PAK, C.Y.; 114UNIMMI, K.M.; DOVSFAYA, 71.1'.; 11ASO'C'U"', L.C.; V.I.; MURTAUX011A., E.F ; 5711FAVAl'... A.I.; UMli'17,6~, A.F.; ~"A,'-"0.-, NJ,; KULDV, G.I.; GOLKOVSKY, G.M.; SALAMAYOV, N.I.; ZALYGIIIA, L.I. Significance of serological rRthods In the epizootological study of plague In w1ld rodents. J, hyf,'. epidem. (Prallm) 8 no.4:422-1.27 164. 1. Institute of Scientific Research, Rostov on the Don and Central Asian Institute of ScientifIr Research, U.S.S.R. '0ACCESSION NR: AP4012734 29/002/0080/0087 S/0218/64/0 ~AUTHOR: Poverenn7*yj A* X.; Levis Mo 1. ~TITLE: Investigation of the relatio~ship'between DNA structure and ilts antigen properties - SOURCE: Biolihimiyas v, 29, no. Is 1964s '80-87 ,TOPIC TAGS: DNA,,:DNA structure, DNA sarologioal'aotivity,, DNA iadsorptibnp systemic lupus erythematosusp passive hemagglutination 'reactions inhibited passive hemagglutination reactions antibody..-, neutralization reaction ABSTRACT: After finding the optimal conditions.for DNA adsorption ion tannin treated ram erythrocytes,, standard serologioal methods were :used to investigate the relationship of antibodies to DNA in the Iblood of patients with systemic lupus arythematosus, The following !reactions were determined: passive hemagglutinations inhibited ,passive hemagglutinationp and antibody neutralization. Findings !shaw that the passive hemagglutination reaction is sensitive and ispecifice Miceoquantities of DNA (0*008-Ool mog) can be detected by i-Cardi/2- ACCESSION NR: AP403.2734 'the antibody neutralization reaction, In some cases,, less !single-strand denatured DNk-and more double-strand native DNA are irequired to neutralize the antibodies in the blood of patients with isystemio lupua arythematosuss and in other oases the requirements arei ;reversed. The serological activity of DNA appears to be determined [by its macrostruoture and does not Fkppear to be affected by differe=es :in nucleotide composition or by number of NH2-groupse Or1g* art* has,' 15 tables, 1ASSOCIATION: Kafedra.biologlohaskoy kh1mii medttsinskogo inatituta,, -Rwtov-~=-Dan (Departm~nt.of Biological Chmist27 Of th0_X9dic&l'ZWtLtUtG)j -_ Naucbno-lasledovatellekLy p4~~voch=M*y justitut.. R.wW-m-Dm (ftleu=c 'Research Aut#Ugue - InaUtute) SUBMIT=. MIP11163 DATE ACQ. OXiLA4 HNOL: 00 ISUB CODE,., AM NO REP SOV: 008 OTHERs 012 card 2/2 TINKER, I.S. (decoalled]; LEVI M.I.; KHOJOiLOVA, A.M.j ALESHINAp Ye.N.; ORLOVA, G.M.; G&ff~~ Imminological comparison of the IA fraction of various strains of the plague pathogen. Zhur.mikrobiel.,epid. i immun. 41 no.5:144 My 164. (MIRA 1812) 1. Rostovskiy-na-Donu nauchno-issledovatellskiy protivochumnyy institut. -=- - LT"P' 1411, I bitOddes to wielsle saids. Top. vins. 10 no,3059-265 It-4s 165. (MIRA 18j?) 1. Rostovakiy-ma-Donu sanohaco-inaledovatellskiy protivoohuwrqy inatitut, 1 Lif.N.-Cf, A.V.; K.V. Mrs',r-lbo-lon cf wi%igen anA arit-A-11ifes 'n t~4~. 1;-~IY --r ' '#~ n li~ I '*itollu~l pygmaniuS Pall 1MU-11zol W_Ah depoSlited an~'Jr- .tu . Cksp. blol. i xed. 60 no.7.91-9L ~l 165. (IJ-*PA _~.:8., 1. q(jatwsk!j_ni-I)cr,,j -rut, 'ns!.! ~L.. POVERM"t A.M.$ L9VIp M,I. Zxistenae of two types of antibodies to desoxyribose nucleic acid, Top# nod. kkin. 11 no,2195-97 Mr-Ap 165. (MIRA IS: 10) 1, Wtitut meditsinekoy radiologii AMN SSSRq Obninskj i Rostovskir meditsinekly institut. , GZRASTUK, -.! H-N~' r-Ur(IKHIN, K.V.,, Primary rsa4- rla '.n wi~:~ ProCiPitatood an".1pno no.10,36-3-), C, 165. 42 1. Ras institu4-1. Aubmltt~,! 14a; SVRMV, Din., prof.t KOMOVA, A.; 1JVI, N. Control of pain In the treatment of periodontal diseases. Stomato- logilai Sofia no.6:337-339 1953, 1. Is latedrats po torapeytichna stomatologlia, pri Haditsinskata akademila Vulko Chervankor - Sovila. lav. katedratat prof. D.Svrakov. (PZMODOETIUM, diseases, ther., pain control) (PAIN, therapy, In periodontium die.) BALCMA. 2, 1 KODUXOYA, A.; DWI, 1. ATAXASOVA, Al.; TSOICT, 1)2r. Chronic bensene poisoning and Its manifestations in the oral wicosa, Stomatologila no.2:74-81 154. (BEAL 3:7) 1, Is ratedrata po, terapsytichna stomatologlia. Zar. latedratal prof. Swrakov. 2. Is Republilcanskiis, nauchno-Issledovatelskl Institut po trudays, khIglena I profesionall, bolesti. Direktort NeWcanov. (BIIZM& poisoning. 0manifast., oral wooss.) (MOUM In various diseases, ftensens, manifest., oral waola) (POISONIN09 Mae *benzene, manifest., oral gass.) MWIWA, 2. 1. 1271, N. Cortain thsorles on ettopathogensels of axphodantosts. Stowtologila, Sof I& no. 5 1276-280 1954 1. b Utedrata po terapetiohna stmatologil. 7AY, katedratat prof# ettoputhogeno, tbecries) ISVI, M. ~ Proposal for preventing diseases transuitted by syringes used in drawing blood for laboratory tests. leb.delo 3 no.6:44-46 11-D '57. (xim 11:2) lo Is klinicbeekoy Imborstorn (28T. 1.10YO bollnitly Xinisterstys YtWtrannikh del, Soviya. (BLOOD-COLUCTION AND MaUVATION) LEVI, N.: GAIMINOV, L, Zleatrophoretic determination of charges of the protein fractions in the blood in Peptic ulcer, Suvremo mod., Sofia 9 no.3.-73-8.1 1938. le Is Toonnata boWtsa na MR.# SOflia (Nachalnik: T. Ivanov). (PI[PTIC: =JR, blood in proteins, determ. bY slectrophoresis (%I)) (SIDOD PRMIN, in various din. peptic ulcer, alectrophoresis (Bdl)) I I HIEV, M. N. I BOZAWJMI St. L -LM,,-N Our observations on m"m U2 tuberculosis and on Its therapys Bttvr. mods 22 iw,nn"i 161, 2. Ts wologichnoto otftlenio na bolnitnata sa kostno-stavna I urologiabna tubarku2osa v Sofiia Pancharevo (01. Iskar Zb, lorsov). (TUMMUIXIS UROGINITAL) A clinical-epidexiologl&U study of spidelmic.h"titis in the city of lhaskov and its envirms between 1 January 1936-and 1 March 1959. Suvrem modal, Sofia no*6:30.-33 960. 1. Iz Ckruzhmta bolnitsat Rhaskovo (MvIekars N-Petev) (HRPATITIS DiMTIOUS statist.) 4 8/073162/028/004/004/00,f 1017/1217 AUTHORS Yeremanko, V*M~j Nizhonkop V.I*pLLsvV116,j - H11 . I .,L and Bogatyrankof B.B. TITLE: Surface tension of liquid alloys of binary meta.lic synda tome having saximum on the liquidus curve PERIODICAL: Ukrainsli), khimichookly zhurnal,, v,28, no#40 1962, 500-505 TEXT: The surface tension and the density of liould alloys of nick- el with aluninum at 39400C and nickel with berillum at 15000c were determineds It was found thnt the formation of the alloys In the atudied systems,, to accompanied by ohom cal interaction which causes docroaainp, of volume and neentive doviation of the Isotherm of the apecifle volume from the additive vnlueno The analogy between the V.1pe of diaparot surface tons Ion/oompos lt~ Ion and the diagram of state to stated* The compound NiBe In In- active toward bothe 'the components of the systeins, 'The oompound NiAl Card 1/2 3/073j62/02e/004/004/004 1017/1217 Surface tension of liquid alloys*#* Is surface active toward nickel and inactive toward aluminium. He- aults -show that# malting alloys conserve,, in a -large degree, the molecular groups corresponding to the composition of the intermetal- 10 phases existing in the ablid alloys* There are 4 figures and 1 tables ASSOCIATIONs Inatitut.metallokeramiki y spetsialnikh splavov AN USSR (Institute of Powder Metallurgy nnd'Spocial Alloys AS Ukr SSR) SUBMITTEDs. March 2. 1961 IEREMNKOp VNoj NIZHENKO, V.I*;,IEVIs N*I,; BOGATIRMOp BoBe Surface tension of liquidalloys of binaz7 metal system vith a ma"WIM on liquMus ourv a. Ukr.khJA.zhur. 28 w.l+s5OO-505 162. (MIR& 1588) 1. Institut metallokersudM i spetsialln,7kh splavoy AN USSR. (Alloys) (Surface tension) Mq=HIS Ye.S.j BUMAREVAt Z.S.; FINODINAt K.V*; KHARITONOVAI L.G.; -Ra"W# , Antietatic treatment of nitron ataple fiber. Khim. volok. no.4t!9-31 163. (MIRA 160) la Viapoyuryyy nauchno-ionledovatellokiy Institut iakunst- vennogo volilma (for Gurdzhip Bunareva, Finodina), 2. VNIVS (fn" Kharitonova). 3. TSentrallnyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy inati+,--t khlopchatobumazhnoy promyshlennosti (for levi). 14Y _ q,__?!B* _, Manufacture of yarn from staple nitron on cotton spinning machiner7, Nauch.-Looletruldy ISNIIKHBI.160 (pubi. 1621t253-lw. (MIRA 18:2) 4 j;, BELDVt B.1., kand. khim. nauk, dotsent;,,JXVI, P.H., starshly nnuchnyy sotrudnik; PISXAREV, I.V.; RAYTHAN, F.Ta-7.-' Reviews and bibliography. Tekst. prom. 25 no.9:80 S 165. (MMA 18, 10) 1. Kafedra organicheakoy.khlmil Moskovskogo instituta narodnoao khozyaystva Imeni O.V. Plekhanova (for Belov). 2. TSantra'. nyy nauchno-issledovatellakty institut khlopchatobumazhnoy promyshlennosti, Moskva (for Levi). 2. Starshlye Jnzherimry Gosudaretvennogo komiteta po legkoy proxWohlonnostl pri Goaplane SSSR (for Piskarev, Raytman). UCTI, P, 3,,, starshiy nauebm" motrudmik Vas of cotton systems for the manufaotwo'of yam frM lLitraft staple.-Takst. prom. 23 mo.3tI5-19 Xr 163. (MM 16s4) Is TS~ntrallnyy nauabso-iseledovateIlskiy inatitut khlopabato- bumshoy promyshlennosti (TSIMBI). (Textile fiberst Synthetic) (Spinning) -xj 1, v. D. ~Audying the pmccan or v~e w,.Mlng if t.ltron ard lftv~ar, f1ber w3rp, Nauch.-ise* *.r~idy z,- 1962 gol,09-165 164. (Mfp~k l8z8) L1VIj R.I.; 11MUM, F.L. as of tnberenloste In children and adolescents treated with streptorqoIn and PAS* Probltnbe 37 no.5:35-.38 '59- (MIRA 12tlO) 1. Is Pervoy detakor tubarkulesnoy bolinitey Hoakvy (nanchnyy r*ovoditel' - prof,V.D.Yarknzon, g1mvny7 vrach A.I.Odintsova (deceased]). (STRKPTOUTC111 - therapy) (PARk-AHINUMLICYLIC ACID - therapy) MAMZON, V.D., prof.; Prinimali uchastiye: Kogan, B.S.; LEVI. R.I. Seventieth anniversary of the ]first Children's Tuberculosis (formerly Olginskaya) Hospital, 1887-1957. Pediatriia 37 no.8:19-24 Ag '59. (MIRA 13:1) i,tGlavny7 vrach 1-y detskoy tuberkulesnoy (byvehey Ollginskoy) boll- n sy (for Kogan). 2. Zaveduyushchly podroatka"m otdolonlyom 1-y detakoy tuberkaleznoy (byvsbey Ollginskoy) bollnitey (for Levi). (HOSPITALS) GROMOV2 V.S,p kand. khIm. naukp otvs red.1 DOtiDUAG, G.E.p kand. khim. nauk, red.; IYEVIVISH, I.K.flevIns, I kaM tekhn, nauks red.; VAIININA, V.K.[Kalnina, kan;, tekhn. naukj red.; RUPAYS, Ye.A.(Rupain, E.1, kand. khime nauk, red.; M'IGEMA,,V.N.j, doktor khim. nauk, red.; WUSH, N.A,[Ermuss N. P ste nauchno sotrap red*; YUKNA, A.D.[Jukna, A.], kand. tekhn. nauk, red.;,LVV.I,S,, red,; SIJKLENVIK., Ch.p red, [Chemical processing and preserving of wood) Khimiche- skaia pererabotka i zashcbita drfveoiny. Riga, Izd-vo MI Laty.SSRI 1964. 238 p. (MI RA l' 1: 1) 1. Latvijas Padomju Socialistiskis Republikas Unatnu Akaesmija. 2. Institut khimii drevesIny AN Latviyskoy SSR (for Gromov, Sergoyevaj Ermush). ]BYLOOLOSOM The plans Iron with changeable, bladess Prm.koop,no,5;29 Ny 156. (PlAne table) (MLRA 9:9) LEVIS S. Hand electric devices for sanding and polishing. Prom.koop. no. 1:30 AL '57. (XLRA 10:4) (aermany, lest-Orinding and polishing) SPASOV, Sp.; KOLMNIKOV, Vl.; IMSPOTOV, T.; SAVOYA, X; LV1, s. - 35arly and renote results of Olbi operation. Xhirurglia, Sofin 11 no.5-6: ,A41vww 1958. 1. Is Sanatorium sa kostno-stavna tubarkulosa--Pancharevo, (TUBBRCUUEIS, OS710ARTIOUL&R. surgery, 01'ai operation (Dul)) i3vi P S. Combined renal and onteeartiaular tuterculosis, Ibirurclia 15 no.2/3:250-251 '62. 1, Is Bolnitea sa koetno-staym tuierkuloss. - ftnebare". TUMCULOSIS MAL oass reports) MULOSIS OSTSOARTICULAR came reports) M DRAG0JVIC, B,j ARSOV, D.; MILETIC, D,; GEORGIEV, K,; SEWIMOV, K.; DAVCLT, F.; LRI, S. Cancer of the stomach, 10-"ar clinical experience. Acta ehir. Iugool, 10 no.2:125-133 163, 1. Hiruroka klinika (Urravnik prof. dr B. Dragojevic), Interna klinika (Upravnik prof. dr D. Aroov)v Fatolooki Inatitut (Upravnik prof, dr D, Miletic)# Randgen inotitut (Upnvnik doe. dr D. Teveev) Madicinskog fakultata, u Skopju. (STOMACH NEOPLASM) (NEOPLASM STATISTICS) (GASTRECTOMY) DOROSIEVj Boris, arkh.1 JZVI, Solomon Color layout of the prevases, msohines, and equipment. Tekstilna prom 12 no.3:29-33 163. 1. Komitet po lekats, promishlenost (for Dorosiev). 2. Durzhaven komitet za nauka i tekhnicheski progres (for Levi). DEYCH, Vullf Sammilovich(Deics, Vulfs], kand. ekon. nauk; TUMASHEVITS, Vitolld Yritoevich (Tunasevtti, Vitolds), kand. ekon. nauk; Primimal uchastiye TILTS, E.E.0 mlad. nauchnyy sotr.; DZEM, P.P., kand. ekon. nauk., red.; NECHETNIY, N.F., kand. ekon.naukp red.; red.; BOKMAN, R. , tekhn. red. S 11 .S.R. Rezhim ekonomil na predpriiatiiakh legkoi promyshlen- nooti Latviiskoi SSR. Riga, Izd-vo Akad. nauk Latviiskoi SSR, 1956. 1" P. (MIRA 16:6) (Latvia-Manufactures) (Poll of economy in light industry enterprises of t he Latvian IKAHOVICA., Natalija; IXVI S red.1 BOKWIS# R,, tekhn, redo (Broadcasting ,from space] Raide. koomoBs. Riga# LatviJas PSR Zinatnu akademijao Ladevniaoibap 1961. 70 p. (Him 15:3) (Radio astronouq) red LEINASARZ,Ingrida; LVI, S., red.; LEKBERGA,, A.s, te red. t [Farming and fam implements in Latvia during the c3ine of ths feudal system] Zemkopibso and zemkopiba:adarba ki IAtvija klausu saimiscibas sairuma. Riga, Latvijao PSR Zinat= akads lmdevniecibas 1962, pe (MBA 15112) (Latvia-Agricultural implements) RINKIS, Gunarsa LKVI, S . red.; IZMRGA, A., tekhn. red. (Methods for rapid colorizateric determination of micro- elements in biological specimens] Hatody uskorennogo kolo- rimetricheskogo opredeleniia mikroolementov v biologiche- skikh ob"ektakh. Riga, Isd-vo Akad. nauk Latviiskoi SSR, 1963. 122 p. (KIRA 16:5) (Trace elements) (Colorimetry) ALEKWMA, Lidlya Nikolayevnal ~f ~-' p red.; LEMBERGA, A.j tekhn. red. (Antibacterial preparation - derivatives of 5-nitrofdran) Antibakteriallrqe preparaty - proizvodrqe 5-nitrofdrana. Riga, Izd-vo AN Latv,SSRp 1963, 217 pe (MIRA 17s3) JAUOIETS, Voldemars; SUNKINA, Ruta; LEVI, S. , red.; PILADZE, Z.., tekbn. red, (Academician Janis Berzina; biobibliograpby] Akademikis Janis Bersins; biobib3iografija, Rigas Latvijas PSR Zinatnu akad. izd-ba, 1963. 77 ple (MIRk 1713) 1. Latvijas Padomju Sociallatiskas Republikas Zinatnu Akademija. Fundamental& biblioteka. FEILE, E.; SLUCKINA, it.; IEVI.j. S., red (Academician Arvids Kalnins; a biobibliographyl Akademikis Arvids Kalnins; blobibliografija. Riga, Lntvijas PSR Zi- natrAl Akad. izd-ba, 1964. 154 P- (MIRA 17s10) 1, Latvilas Padomju Socialistiskas Republikas Zinatua Akademija. Fundamentala. blblioteka. ISVI S red. (Concentration and sPecialization in the sachinery induotry of the Latvian S.S.R.] Konteentrataiia i spetsializateiia, Y mashinostroenii Latviiskoi SSR. Ftlgaj lzd-vo.AN Latviiskoi M, 1964. 75 P. (MIRA 18%7) Is Latvijas Padomju Sociallstiokao Republikas Zinatnu Akademija. Elconomikas institute. TuMSIMVITS, V.F.[Tumaaevic, V.)j SVIKIS, V.; KOLOTUKHINA,, P.I.; DANEKANE, V..-. ZIEHM, L; IL'INA, S.G.; KAFJUINA,, S.; SAKSONE, V.; LEVI, S., red. (The lumbering and woodworking industry of the Baltic Economic Region; its condition and prospects for develop- ment] Lesopilino-derevoobrabatyvaiusbobaia promyshlen- nost' Pribaltiiakogo ekonomicheskogo raiona; sostoianie i peropektivy razvitiia,, Riga, Izd-vo AN Latviiskoi SSR# 1964. 95 P. (MIRA 18s6) 1. Latvijas Padomju Socialistiskaa Republikas Zinatnu Akademlja. Skonomikas institute. XO';.BOIADZHIVj S.; LLTIA- On classification, of- tubermaosis of the vrogmital organs, W"ia (Sofia), 17 no.3037-340 164. 1. Bolnites. s& kostno-stavna i pikocho-polovs. tuberkulosa; (61. lekart ZO. Lersov) LEVI., 3. A. "An Investigation of the Work of a Hinged Plowing Unit on Slopes"; dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences (awarded by the Timiryasev AgrioUtural AcadeWi, 1962) (Isvestiya Timb7asevskoy Sell WwkhoiWaystverawy Akademii, Moscow, No. 2p 19630 pp 232-236) MLOARIA Organic chemistry~-sYnthetic Organic chemistry. G-2 Abe, Jovr s got Zhur - KbImlys, No 14, 1939, No. 49526 Author IInvil X.J javi'~-Sh inst IBulgarian Institute for Pharmacology Title IThe Oxidation of 4-ethylpyridlne by Nueanoso Dioxide Orig Pub sFarmatelya (Bulgaria),, 8, No 4, 20-29 (1958) Abstract :Isonicotinic, acid (1) is readily synthesized by the oxidation of 4-othylpyridine (H) by technical grade M*2 and BA04 under mild conditions: 50 Sps II in o.6 liter 70% H2004 an gradually treated with 400 gms 60% Ha02 at 55 - 600, the solution is stirred for 1 br, after which It Is heated for 1 br at 850 and for 2 bra at 100 - 1050; the filtrate is treated with NH40H to pH 3-5 and I to separated. The mother liquor Is neutralized and the I is precipitated as the complex with CdSO4- C ard 1/2 G-17 LEY I, S. M. uSSR/Magineering - Testing Zquipment, Yilms Instrumentation Sep 50 "Device for Automatic Control and Regulation of 7ilz Thickness," B. V. Deryagin, 11. R. Kudryavitskiyj S. K Levi, All-lUnion, Sci Res Inst of Cinematograpby "Zavod Lab" Vol XVI, No 9, pp 1091-1093 Uses 2 pairs of condensers -- one before one after emulsion bath - in 2 oscillator circuits. Coated film passing between 2d pair of condensers changes their capacitance, disrupting circuit. Voltage change is measured by Inductively coupled voltmeter, and relation established tetween currents and emulsion-layer thickness. FDD PA 169T32 V-29 -Ofeadicil-44" substances ed components) e 9 OF MU-M-An' I I Y AM4. -Ndits S of awns. of gelatin It Iii'm9t, 4-10 were detd-, at 954. in the W"Ve. .1 different .on" Iis. of the drtil a 1rWoYIMlnobeuzAmIdo)_I_jL2ph U1014-sultonle aw blue- P134he 'w5 (nJpP'audrply' and on. j&r=&4ec71bcftzoyIacetamJdo)beutoic add (rij). yellow Cid's forms.s. I - nq (I + kV) - ratio 0 Ahe T61. of the saute to the total v (Whete v i 01. of -the medluni), WhICh IS TMUd for V4C 1. is treated as a differential law I.e. d4 Int " Mo. the integrated !(Jufttfan is q . as eav" Tbe me -Utir"rieniti MY 800119 effect of small arno. (e' tenths Of 4 cc-/M) on v which pass" through a nw. Ubi, n4itiat be due to so effect oil ift (the vis4oxmily of the iaivvnilo but must be attributed to a change of k which Is "hji;1(.o' r 1400 of the shape of the Colloidal particlm Ad- ov. morl jenemily, Mading of the dye m;ls. by '_.)rt'ClcS ey'de"tly results In An unfolding of the Am polymer chains. which thus bewne more elongated 6-1" AgreSter A than do coiled up Partides. DWrg"ing of wbkh would only make the difference of a statistical distf ibution of chain shapes). one can tout k - All), where r - amt. of dye WIK41 by the gelatin. At low gelatin conchs. c, it can be anumed that practically all the dye is , divegaded; sionticfl, and the amt. remainitIg in otioln. can 1w if so, k - f(el1c), where r, concts. of the dye, anti v VPo$M*. or 0 /0 In(MM) CI/C). Verification of this caniisiq lit plotting (I c) ln(VI 1~ us a function of (coile) and obtaining a single curve for trifferrut not-too-situill c and to. Por 11, it is found from the txpti. data. k. (is the absence of dye) - 35, and k-, - 110. licrice. I with the aid of the equation of 'Amha (C.A. 34, 15364) for t lie rat to f of the tat C and the small axis. of the ellipsoid, % Simibr results are found alto for f, l_ to unit font. W - Irtiled thi lit'! otiltv dyes. This conr Itt gelatin Particles In $0,11. are C1011ttated chdn coil, hich. u I sorption of our. jaccactive dy_. enn stretch out by art a fador of 2. 11 further corrobomted by the obscrVatim This cn"cl"timi jAjijX nints, of dye the Iteliti" "Ons _llll&t Will, 111crt- qjdre 41,1 itictm&Ing litoilling shearinit strva, Le, acqUire N. Tim ilaery"'I'therMs! motion within (he chains (r I- -a n4tW for dryirg thk 0-"u by pt*twg arJ q e,jj-f - 1 -1 1, \j J_ .USSR/chemical, Technology -Chemical Products and Their Application. Photographic Materials, 1-19 .Abet Journalt Referat Zhur - Khimiya,, No 19, 1956, 63023 Author: Deryagin, B. V., Levi, S. M. Inatitutiomt None Title: Problems of Rheology in Production of Light-Sensitive Materials Original Periodical: Izv. AN BSSR, Otd. Tekhn. n., 1955, No 9, 43-52 Abstracts Presented is the derivation of a theoretical equation of the deposi- ti6n of a layer of plastic-viscous liquid on a flexible support. The equation determines the correlation betveen properties of the liquid (viscosity (1). limiting shear stress (e)., surface tension (CF), den ity (p), rate or travel of support (U) and angle of egress (0c) of :upport from liquid) and amount of liquid (h) carried off by the support. In the case of deposition of a photographic emulsion on a celluloid base the equation Is of the form: Carld 1/3 USSR/Ch-a-m-lea. Technology - Chemical Products and Their Application. Photographic Materials, 1-19 Abot Journals Beferat Zhur - Xhimlya, No 19, 1956, 63023 Abstractt o.94(u*)2/3. .93)3 U 1/3 ho a X ctgg(jp) I t (l + coo 1/ 2' (r#o- 3 2 4.58 (1 +CoSct)J/L'~g)3/2(r.L/&. ge results of experimental verification of the equa- tion,, an casting of the photographic emulsion, which show that by means of this equation it is possible to calculate with sufficient accuracy the thickness of the deposited emulsion layer. For measure- ment of 7 .7 and 0 use was made of a capillary viscosimeter by means of which determination was made of the time of outflow of the liquid at different excess of pressure, and 7 '? and 0 were calculated according to the equation of Shvedov integrated for the instance of liquid out- flow through a capillary. It is shown that this equation is applicable to photographic emulsions of different concentration of gelatin. De- termined were the effects of temperature and concentration of the so- lutions., and also of surface active agentsj, on v? and 0. There is proposed and substantiated a formula of change in specific viscosity of gelatin solution due to the action of the above-stated factors. Card 2/3 USSR/Chemical Technology - Chemical Products and Their Application. Photographic Materials, 1-19 Abet Journal: Referat Zhur - Xhimiyal No 19, 1956; 63023 Abstracts It has been ascertained that under the action of non-diffusing com- ponents of color development, which are surface active substances, on change in the viscosity by 10 times the coefficient an asymmetry of gelatin molecule, calculated according to the viscosity equation of Einstein and Simch, increases from 19 to 38. With the above stated increase of -q the magnitude of e changes very slightly. Card 3/3 1XV1, S.M. --- --adev Shvedor's rule of flow In a visco-plastio medium. loll.shur,17 no.2sl%-160 Mr-Ap 155. (MM& 8:5) (fteolosy) (Colloids) 57 .Materials. Neuk S.S.S.R., Dodd. Ab. Ni 1"10i . 4o. 9. 43-62.- he wheclogic psoperties olltistin Was., during their Wcad-, i s no km pl"tic Mut by passin the fdra over the stArt. and L-&Vin( a cocillng on the Maly tntralwile4t, det. the tbkkmo of the light-Knifilve Layer, and thtre(ote also the ShUtOgTaPhk pfV%Wfflft 44 the PFOdUtt. 'tilt PAI*f I'S evoted to the detivation cl au opression for the twulskm- I&Ytr thickness, based an the Mm eqwition tJ a plastie- viscout inedluta r ~ dvldx 4 0. A b Schwe-I'Al- M (". 4 yt' 9 Illugh-A "VIA Schwedoll, J~ P Swr iffingwin. Naiddy aid Plaiskily. 1922 (C.A. 16.2 7)).wIstrrvisihe shear stress, 0 tile lintiting shrar stress, and di-149 is the YtWiy gradient. The stlatisk conen., the wnp., and the effects of 1411180"ClIve wMas. are taken into con4idefation. An apitlication of the Nwha I~xtnulA (Cal. 34., 15a%') to the npd. remits bus led to the concluslois thAt the SO-41W Im no th-nSai.1 Asin structure "IsaMe 4 bting sirctch"l, Und that the dy" present Otaily doluble tile 11(frith. W. go ERE, WIMANVIA;ffitwo . I;,~~- ~N, .1- -T -, ~f~ lqlmsmmm=~ 77. No LNVI, a.m. ftalswawwwww Xinstle vatting in coating &zA a nothoil of lwasuring It. Zhur- nauohA prM.fot.1 kin. 1 no.5:354-358 S-0 '36. Mu 9: 11) 1. Vessoyusvj7 nauchno-losledovatellakly kino-fotolustitut. (Photographic owdlelons) LITI, G.Ke WMEM 'Colloid science. Vol. 1. Irreversible systems translated from the Inglish. G.R. KriTt. Uv1swed by S.N. Levi. Zhur.nauh.i prlkl. fot.1 kin. 1 no.3%398 8-0 156. (MM 9:11) (Colloids) (truyt, G.R.)