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- - - - - - - --&WWFAVC IMP
Sensory innervation of the renal veias in man. Urologiia no-i4.-41-47
O-D 155. (MIRA 9:12)
1. Is kafedry normaillnoy anatomit (nach., chlon-korgeBpondent AMU SSSR
general-mayor meditainskoy slushby prof. B.A.Dolgo- oburov) Voyenno-
meditsinakoy ordena Lenina akademii imeni S.H.Kirova.
(11DRUS, blood supply
veins, sensory iunarvation)
Professor Vladimir Mikolaevich Tonkov. 1872-1954; brief survey
of his life and scientific, pedAgogical and public activities.
Arkh. anat. gist. I embr. 32 no-3:3-19 Jl,-S 155. (UM 9:5)
1. Iz kafedry normallnoy anatomil (nach.-prof. B.A. Dolgo-Saburov)
Voyenno-meditainskoy ordens lanina akademil Imeni S.M# Kirova.
Tonkov. Vladimir N.1
Tonkov, Vladimir N.. bibliog)
LRY, I. D.
,- - - -- Rucapoulated receptors of the lymph nodes In man. Elul. sk"p. biol.
I nod. 40 no.11:73-76 U. 155. (MIRA 9-1)
LIZ Voyeano-meditainskov ordena Lenina &)mdemti Imant S.M. Ilrova.
(LYMPH NCDVS, Innervation.
entapoulated, receptors)
DOLGO-aAMOT, Boris Alekseyevich, professor-, IAV, I.D., redaktor;
XHARASH, G.A., takhnielmokiy redaktor
[Anastomosis and collateral circulation in man] Anastomozy i putt
okollnogo krovoobrashcheniis u chaloyaka. Ird. 3-e, parer, I dop.
Claningradl Goes izd-vo mod. lit-ry, Laningradskoe ot-niao 1956.
141 p. (KLqA 9:12)
Sec-5 Vol-10/5 Gen.Pathology Vayri
1548. LEV I.D. *The pathological morphol.ogy of interneuronal
synapses in the autonomic gangll;. of the renal plexus
in man (Russian textX ARKH,PATOL. 1956, 18/5(64-69)lllui. 5
Investigations were concerned with the ganglionic ne,work of the renal vein in 16
cadavers (causes of death: arterio6clerositi, renal f P. phaeochromocytosis. duo-
denal carcinoma, cancer of the bladder and of the maxillary sinus. and Hodstein's
disease); speciments were stained according to Bielachowsky-Gros. Impregnation
of the synaptic structures was good and revealed nerve endings the size of pin-
points or club-shaped on the ganglion cells or in the immediate vicinity. especial-
ly In the case of carcinoma. Similar changes were also observed in experiments
following marked loss of blood In cats. According to modern views the endings of
the preganglionic fibres consist of two constituents, viz. a neurofibrillar compo-
nent in loops or reticular Lit form, and a protoplasmatic perifibrillar substance.
The latter is demonstrable only If severe colloid changes have occurred in the
neuroplasm. Experiments have shown that Increased argyrophilia occurs only In
the early stage (24-48 hr.) following severance of the preganglionic fibres. This
subsequently disappears, simultsneous with the occurrence of Waller's degenerat-
ton. 7bese findings were confirmed by Kolosov In 1954. 7he changes described
In fact affected the synaptic structures rather than the dendrites of the ganglion
ceUs of the ANS. Brandt - Berlin (Y,~*)
LEV.I.D. (Leulngra4. ule Lebedeva, d.37a)
Interneural Junctions in vegetative ganglia. Arkh.anat.gist. i
embro 33 no.2:73-78 Ap-Je 156. (KIRA 9:10)
1e Iz kafedry normallnoy anatomil (nachallnik chlon-korrespondent
ANN SSSR prof. B.A.Dolgo-Baburov) Voenno-meditsiuskoy ordeaa Lenina
akademil iment S.M.Kirova.
(GANGLIA. AUTMOHIC, anatomy and histology,
interneural junctions (Rus))
Iloonardo do Vinci as an Anatomist9 by D.A.Zhdanov. Reviewed by
I.D.Iove Arkhoana%,gist, I embr. 33 no.4-.89-91 O-D 656. (KUU 10:4)
(IMORARDO DA VINCI, 1452-1519)
USSR/Human an-' Ani;rnl Morphology (Normal aLd PatholoGical) flarvouc; S
Abs Jour Hof Zhur - Biol., NO 7, 1958, No 31252
Author Lev I,D.
rast :_IMT-Mve-n-
Title : On the r--oblem ConcerninC; the Structure of Syz.aptic JurzL_'-_.-,t;
in Sensory Ganglia.
Orig Pub : Tr. In-t eksperim. u,)rfol. ;JJ Gru.?-S)SR, 1957, b, 15-17
Abstract : In the synaptic Junctions in sensory calls of (pngUa of the
human ronalplexus, luring; silver stanins according to Gross-
Billshovs%iy, synaptic structurec are exposed vrith well-porcep-
tible neurofibrillac an,.1 protoplasmic copponentse PrcEpn(,!-
lionic fibers terminate with ro=d formtions, surrounded by
a 11.0it crown of perifilurillary E-ubstance., whIch liffers frcm
the protoplasm of the nerve calls. Tho. aath,.r con.3iders that
in the case -when the pericellular nppainzuzz -a represented by
a smll ring or eyelet, ir7preC=tion o" 113 acurofibrillar
Card 1/2
USSR/Human and jUiiml ~brphDlo57 (11~;rml and Pntholodcal) 11'ervouz S
Abs Jour ; Hof Zhur - Biols, No 7, 1958.. No 31252
skeleton occurG. If the perifib,, Mar 31U-,St~. 7110 inside the
sr.all ring absorbs the silver, th= the irmll rinG is trans-
formocl into a round formation.
Card : 2/2
IZKAYL40VA. 1. V. ; L~V, I D.
Seasion cf the JAningrai Society of Anatoalats. Hintologriits &:.,i
Yn, bryolo~jlsts . Arkb.anat,gist. 1, embr. 34 no.2: 124-126 Kr-Ap 1 ~)7 .
(ALIAT014Y) (HlbT(JIA)GY) ,HL4 10:10)
I&V, I.D.
"Studies of the human body from Hippocrates to Favlov* by Hugo
Glaser. Reviewed by I.D. Uv. Arkh.anat.gist. i embr. 34 n0.4:
118-120 Jl-Ag 157. (MIRA 10:11)
USSR/Humr-n --nd Anir--rl Yorphoic--y (Nrrrr!l r-id Fc-tho1c,(1crl) Nervous S
Abs Jour i Ror Zhur - Biol., lic 7, 1958, No ~1229
Inst s Not Givon
Titlo : Concerning Sono Fornc of Intornouronal Comcctions in
Sytipothotic Onnglia,
Orig Fub t Byul. oksporin. blol, i --,j,-AtsIny, 19571 - 4,), No 4, n6-120
Abstrnet s The constructicn of the hirim ronnl nerve network wrn ntuliol
Along with the paricollulrr -pp-ratusocs -.,.rny structureG wore
found which possess r- closq) rel.-tionshir to t'-1c crpvules of
the nerve cells. FrocoodbiF fron then rro cci,17,itionc of one
or savor:l nerve fibers wh-4ch form ntracrom rr 'fieftions
-round the crpeulo. The nore complicrted strvatures rro thick
plexi, of th-in nomt fibers which wr!-p the c,-p,:ulc of tl7o
nerve calls in dis-~,imilor cepaulas. An rfferent function of
the forurtions ~oscribo,.' is Foscible.
Ccrd 1/1
USSR / Human and Animal Phyviology. Nervous System- T-10
Abe Tour Ref Zhur - Biologlya, No 1, 1959, No- 3815
Author 'AV"
Inst Not given
Title On the State of the Synaptic Structures of the Spinal
Cord Nerve Calls In Irradiated Rate
Orig Pub Byul. eksperim. biol. i mod., 1957, 44, No 11, 109-113
Abstract Considering the histology of the spinal cord sympses
in the rat, as described in the literature, as nom 1,
non-specific degenerative changes of various degree
in the axo-soratic, axo-dendritic and axo-vasal types
of syna];aes were discovered on a aeries of microscopic
alices of the spinal cord of rats that had been exposed
to irradiation with a dose of 450 - 600 r and manifested
signs of acute radiation disease. Alongside the altorod,
completely no2wal synapses also were found. Theec
Card 1/2
USSR / Human and Aninal Physiology. Norvous System. T-10
Abe Jour Ref Zhur - Blologlya, No 1, 1959, No- 3815
findings,on the one hand, confirm the idea on the 41gh
susceptibility of the CH3 to a penstratfng radiation,
and, on the other, indicate its great adaptability. The
rise or fall of oloitability, doponding on tho irradiation
dose, might be explained by the changes in tho nynapees.
-- E. I. Plonska.7a
Card 2/2
TONKOV, Vladimir Nikolayevich, prof. Ldeceased); DOLOO-MUROVs B.A.,
prof.6 reds rod.; RIJIJCVA, H.S.,
[Selooted works] Isbrannvi trudy. Fj7d red, )~.J.Dolgo-*obn-
rova. Leningrad, Goo.izd-vt) Aod.lit-ry Ked-ciz, 1959, 356 p.
(MIRA 13:1)
1. Chlon-korrespondent AVIT ZSR (for Dolrc--Jb1b--A-
T-1; .. '"ARM, iaft.; 'T LICHINSKIYO K.I.; IRV, I.D.; MA%i=A, P.M.;
KAN11f, S.F.
Survey of work of the Birth All-Union Congress of Anatomists, Histo-
logists and Imbryologints. Arkh.anat.gist. i embr. 36 no.2:95-127
F`59- (MrRA 12:4)
Work of the editorial board of *Arkhiv anatonii, gistologli I
embrlologill in 1958 and plans for -1939. Arkh. amt. glet. 1 embr.
'36 no-3:108-110 Mr 159. (KIRA 12:7)
GINZBURG, V.V. (Leningrad, 121, -al.Picareva, d.14, kv.7): LEV. I-D-
(Leningrad, lontanka, d.101, kv.12)
Pages from the history of Russian anatomy; activities of V.L.
Gruber in Russia. 1847-1887. Arkh.anst.gist.1 embr 37
no.8:88-102 Ag '59. ZHIRA V.:11)
1. Kafedra normal'noy anatomil (nach. - chlen-korrespondent
AMU USSR prof.B.A.Dolgo-saburov) Voyenno-meditlinskoy ordena
Lenim akademli Im. S.M.Kirova).
I&TONT hint)
LIV, I.D. (Ioningrad, 7ontanka 101, Icr.12)
Collaterals in the hind leg of a dog following section of the
afferent nerves. Arkh.anat.giist.i embr. 37 no.11:38-48 N 159.
(KIRA 13:4)
1. Irafedra normallnoy anatomil (nachallnik - chlon-korrespondent
AMN SSSR prof. B.A. Dolgo-Sabitroy) Toyanno-meditsinskoy ordens.
Lenina akademit Im. S.M. Kirova.
(F"MMITIMS blood supply)
(BLM VISMMS phystol.)
IA.-(Lenin-g-r-ad-p--Fontanka, 101, kv.12)
From the oreative legacy of A.P. Chekhov; on the hundreth wmiveroary
of the great Russian writer's birth. Arkh. amt. glat i embr. 38
no.1:117-122 Ja 160. RUM 13:7)
1. Wedra normallnoy anatomii (nachallnik - chlen-korrespondent AMN
SSSR prof.B.A.Dolgo-Saburov) lfoyenno-meditsinskoy ordena, Lenina. akFtdemli
im. S.M.Kirova.
Plenary session of the A11-Union Society of Anatomists, Histologists,
and Embryologista. Arlch,anat.gist.i embre 38 no.2:104-130 F 160.
(MIRA 14:6)
3tate of receptors of the posterior ,:tremity in dogs during
the development of collateral circulation and radiation
sickness, Biul, ekep. biol. i mod. 49 no. 4:36-41 S 160.
YZA 13: 10)
lo Iz kafedry normallnoy Puatorii (nach. - chlen-korrespondent
AMN SSSR B.A. Dolgo-Saburwr) i Amfedry normallnoy fiziologii
(nauch.-prof. I.T. Kurtain) Voyenno-wditsinskoy ordena. Lenina
akadem.ii imeni S.M. Kiroint.
Changes in the synpatic endir4gs of the nerve cells and of tho
capillary valls of the spinal cord in dogs in acute radiation
sickness. Biul. skap. biol. i mod. 50 no,l2s94,-98 D 160.
(MIRA ]Ati)
1. Iz kafedry normallnoy anatomii (nacha4!nik 4 chlen-korrespondent
AMN SSSR prof. B.A. Dolgo-Saburay [deceased]) Voyeano-Aeditainskoy
ordena Lenina akademii imeni S.M.Kirovaq Leningrad. Predstaviena
deysivitellnym chlenoin AMN SSSR V.N.Chernigavokim.
L3V,.I.D. (Leningrad)
Life and creative activities of Boris kleksoevico./ Dolgo-Satumv.
Ark6anat. gist~ itlealln' 4:3-19 Ap 161. - WRA 14:5)
(I)OUIO-SAgURM 041, BUY IT VVICH, 1900-1960)
LEY, I.D. (laningrad, Fontadut, 101., kv.12)
wDissection of tholwain* by Ldazlo Komaromi. Reviewd by
I.D. Lev. Arkh. amit.pigist. i smbr. 42 no.6:124-126 Je 162.
(IMU 15:6)
G (KOMCM 1 1#7,M)
TOMOV, Vladimir Nikolayevich, prof.; DOLGO-SABUTOV, B.A., prof.,
red.; ~E-V--",-red.; MEAMSY, G.A., tekhn. red.
[Textbook of normal human anatonflUchebnik normal'noi anatordi
cheloveka. Izd.6., perer. i dop. Pod red. B.A.Dolgo-Saburova.
Leningr&d., Medgiz,, 1962. 762 p. (MIRA 15:11)
1. Mon-korrngnondent Akadeicii neditsinski1di nauk SSSR (for
'.3 rv~
normal'nvy an,,,'.
llr.C'fL!. Klrcriii,
KNORRE, Aleksey Georgiyeviah; ~472_Loa4t.Davldovichj DYSKIN, Ye.A.,
red.; KHARASH, G.A.p t4k" red,
[Vegetative nervous oyAtem; a morphological strdy] Vbqotta-
tivnaia nervnain sistema; morfologicheskJi ocherk. Li-iin-
grad, Medgis. 1963. 86 p. OGRA 16:8)
KNOM, A. G.,-
"Straoture of the peri:~Iaeral ner7ous eyatem in human embryogme-
sis" by D*M. Golub. Re-riewed by A.G. Knoppe, I.D. Lev. Arkh.
anat.,,glet.1 embr. 44 no.1d.19-121 Ja 163. (MIU 160)
1. Pediatricheakiy meditsinskly institut,, kafedra giatologii i
embriologi4, Leningrad, 9-100.. Litovskaya, ul, 2 (for Knorre).
2. Voyenno-meditsiniskaya akadeniya imeni S.M. Kirova, kafedra
normallnoy anatomiip Leningrad, ul. loebedeva, 37a, (for Isv).
KNORREt A.G.1 LEV# I.D. (Imingrad., Yontankap 101, kvartim 12)
Basic controversial qaoutions in the morphology of the vegeta-
tive nervuus system. &-khe anate gists i embre 45 noo9su-102
SP63 (MIRL 170)
1. Adres, Irnarret Leningrad, Litovskaya ul.9 2f Goaudustvennyy
Zpadlatriabeekiy medits.inskly Institut, kafedra gistologii i
GZGZYAN, D.M. (Ltjnlnc'Toi,
Stato of the rocf.;ptlol- f*jl,,-i:a',,il-
after excision of 1,11c fum&raL
45 no.7:49-54 Ja
1. Inatitut evolyuU;iornoy
(dir. - cl-dei:-kor-real~wAoril A i
nor.malln,.-y anatoirdl
proC. V.11. G.~,.,Lncv)
imeni Kirova, Leningrwi,
4;~-,r 4 jq,
-,i.,n,Ttk, akarhmh iMo-ni Mr---
1,irlrwrad, !IT.-I
d 1
MUHULOV, Stirgey Sergeyevichj profog ret., LEV, I.D., red.
(Innervation of the intra- =3 ext.-acrez-ial ve-lous form.
tions] Innervatsiia intra- i ekstrakrarl vanozrqkh
obrazovanii. LeningrIL&I YoditBinap 1~ .. . 1t - p.
(MRA 18111)
Use of infrared rays in studyirg sup)rficlal veinis In man urder
normal and patho'logical conditione. Arkh.anat.,, Lgict. I. embr.
49 no.10:33-89 0 165. (MIPA 18:12)
1, Kafedra moditsinskoy (z&v. - dotsent Yu.S.V,lyll,i,
kafedra normallnoy anatnii (zav. - prof. V.NJhirat) I kAfedrz,
patologicheakoy ancttomii (nachaltnlk - chlen-korrespondent
AFIN SSSR prof. A.N.Chistovich) Voyenno-maditsinakoy orderia
Lenina a~ademti Imeni Kirova. Submitted April 6, 1965-
LNV, A. D.
Effectiveness of streptoworcIn in a compound wthod of treating
toxic forma of dysentery and toxic dyspepsia In young children.
PedistriLa 39 no.3:90 Yr-Jo 956. (XLRA 9:9)
1. Iz datskogo otdel~nLja BakLnekoy bolluitsy Imeni Dzhaparldze.
ClWcal and virusolog$,cal istudy of pollowyel-itelike diseases camsed
by Coxackie viruses in Baku, Top. virua. 7 no.2t242 Kr-Ap 162.
WI RA 15: 5)
1. Institut apidemiologii, mikrobiologii i giglyeny i detakoye
poliomiyelitnoye otdoloniya ob"yedinennoy bollnitsy Ho.14, Baku,
YEMELtYAIIOV,D.S.p prof.,, daktor tekhn. nauk. (translator]; jp~A~L.
[tranolator)j PIKKAT-CKMISKrY, G.A,, kand. tekbn. nauk, -o--t-v'-.-
red.j GADZHINSKMA, Y,.A.p red.izd-va; ILIDISUTA, 0.14.p toklm.
red.1 SHWAR, S.Ya., tekbn. red.
[Flotation of mineralv)Flotat9iia polezrvkh iskopacWkb. mo-
skya, Goagortakhizdat,, 1962, 213 p. Translated from the
Eng3iah. (MM 15:10)
Coal flotation. Biu:L.ttgkh.-ekon.inrorm.~-oo.nAuch.-isel.inst.
nauch,i takhoinform, no.2:82-83 163. (MRA l6s2)
(Factory mna0ewnt)
Coal flotationo Blulotekh.-ekonoinform.Goa.nauch.-Isal.inst.
nauch,i tekh.inform., no.2i"5 163. (MIRA 16t2)
ANDREYEV, Grigorly Yakavlevich; SIIERZHUKOV, Geliy Yefimovich;
SHEVCmmKO, Valentin Yakovlevich; lj~V,_kk
SPAVKIN, I.P., ved. red.; KUMiETSOV, P.G., ved. red.;
PENGLER, K.I., red.
(Manufacturing and using glass-reinforced plastic pipes; a
survey of foreign technology] Proizvodstvo i primenenie stek-
loplastikovykh trub; obzzr ;-.arubezhnoi tekhniki. Mosk--ap
GOSINTI, 3.962. 89 p. (lema 10) (MIRA 17:4)
"AUTHOR: 2rhin Z
Tat e Ti-ust, Us it (Treat TatnefteproVod t
X ft IE oicdetroy a roy
TITLEs Machines for cleaningand insulating pipe lines 1220 am in diameter
,SOURCEi Stroite'lletvo,truboprovodov-p no,49 1965j 25-27
TOPIC TAGS: pipeline,, water suppljy fiystem, pipe, alloy
ABSTRACTi Along the second section of the FAmakoye water main,, :Ll, t-he vicinity -
[of Naberez~a~e Chelrq, a set of mathines has been used for cleaning and insu-
:1atIng pipe 1220 mm In cdametere W-121 is the cleaning machine, Df-121 Is
.theinsulating machine, AnA T-50 Is Vio trolley auspenalons
The OM-121 has a 205 h.p. motor turning' at 2,000 ropeme, Aich drives all the
assemblies, The principal units are the same as those of the OHL~12 prodaction
;machine intended for cleaning pipies 1020 in in diametere 7h9 front operating
1parts of the machin3 consist of two rotors turning in opposite directions&
IOne rotor has 80 scrapers, while the other has 48 flat metal brushesp The rear
.1operating parts consists of two mate and grass brushes, uhich rub peLmor onto
;the pipe.
-For convenience in transportation,, the machine is made demountable, and, has a
starter fo use in ~dnter weathers If needed# the machine may "oily be ro-
'f itted for cleaning pipes 1020 in diamatero
- I . - .0- 1 ~ ... I. 1. .tlr%n. *Lill% Zn-l
Same 4efects were discovered In the isichins. Thust the primer tank Is too
small# as there is only enough for c*ating 230-300 m of pipe. 7he capacity of
the tank must be increased to 250 literas Pumps must be installed for filung
the fuel and.primer tanks.
While testing machines, tests stere made of now scrapers UM plates
made or hard allcq. 7hese scrapers were utsed without replacement to clean 25
km of pipe with a moderate and high degree of corrosionp while other scrapers
had to be replaced after cleaning 6C"00 M Of pipe. Tests were also made on
.round brushes, Oiichp unlike Mt brushes, showed high resistance to wear*
~The 3X-121 insulating machine has a 40 h.p. motor turning at 2,006 rpmj, which
Mves all the honemblieso The fmme of the machine carries the 'motor and all
iof the drive units for the wheals, two asphalt pumpap and two reels for winding
the tube -with Insulating material* An the tranami.-sions units are connected
.-together by a chain clutches or cam and roller chainse
The machine is provided with a restraining device operatL ng at the same time
the pipe is being laid* This makes it possible to dispense with manual opera-
,tions by tvio workers,, and gives ote:bility to the machine, During the t4stop
14 km'of pipe was insulated, using a mastic of commercial type with granualted
rubber added* The tests showed that iiVi course of the days, the machine is
in operation 33% ahead of the tim4i~ The 7-50 trolley suspension has three axles*
They are hinged together so that they can take the curve assumed by the Pat
thus distributing the load uniformlv, During tests and use the ouspe no
stressed the pipe.. beyond the allawjAo limit, oo that it was flattened in some
Card 2/1-.
L. 21924-66
ACC NR: AP6014621
parts. The design'bf the suspension is being improved. T-35-60 Pipe layers
,were in use on the Kamskoe pipe line, They showed a number of disadvantages,
It was impossible to revereethe pipe layer, The fuel tank is too smalls in
addition to 'other disadvantages, Clexting and inualation of the 1240 mm diam-
Ptervater main was done by an inteUated method. But, since pipes 1M MM in:
diameter, made of 373. steel are very sensitive to shock,, hhd they have consid-
orably greater longitudinal rigidityg any attempt to do the work sAth the ;1pe
,layerearranged in the usual way causoe the pipes to bond* Then# use was made
of the now technology for insulating and laying operations 1woposed by the
Strength Laboratory of the All-Union 3cientifio Research Institute for Stool
_ApLaL for pipes =0 mm in diameter. The experience gained showed that It Is
,,possible to lay pipes 1220 mm in dianater.
.The nominal expenditure of Jabo:r ;or 1 ka of pipe 1020 mm in diameter is 501 hours, and 12201m in Id1imeter 367 man hours* For cleaning and insulating
~the pipe by hand and then laying,, the labor expended is 178118 man days,, while
when the work is done mochanioany mid the pipe iz laid at the same timep the
expenditure is 2996 man days, As a result of using the now machinesp the
jaying Uostso simply as a re4ults of shortening the construction times# 4"
decreas6d by 970000 rubles# Origs art. has, 3 tigures and 6 tables. [jpRs]
SUB CODE: 13 SUBM DAM none / ORIG REF: 001
card ~ )13 -not
IF,V A. P. ~ inzh.
A water jet doen the launderi.-g. Ilauka i zhin' 26 no.6s3l
Js 161, (MIPA 34 -.7)
(Waohing machinea)
Studying the circulation systems for laundering. Sbor. nauch. rab.
AKKH no.7:3-14 161. (MIRA 18:5)
IIIHINSON, I.M., podpolkovnik meditsinskoy sluzhby; LIV, A.S.. podpolkovnik
maditainskoy slushby
Some data on the role of the water factor In the aptlestology of
dynenter7. Voen.-sed. shur. no.4:59-60 Ap t56. (KLU 9:9)
Rapid method of deternining bacteriological pollution of
water by means of impressions of aidtocolontes. Iabjdelo
5 no.2t43-44 Mr-AP '59. (MM 120)
Iz--v-, -A .- - - - --carA.-Teali. zel- . - -- - -- -- --- - - -- - - - - - - - --- -- --- - - - - - - - - -- - -- -- - - --
Dissertntion: "Nons tn tio nary Con-litlong ir, tEe !"qj-retic Circuit of a
net." Moscow Inst of CcTrrunlcatlcn EnvInetrs, 5 Jun 41.
SO: Vechernyaya Mor-kya, Jun, 1947 (Project #17836)
LEV, A. Yu.. and MOSIAVBM.. L. 1.
"Criteria for Ihaluating Tons-Telegraphy Systemep" Vast. Sv7azi, no. 4, 1954.
Translation m-644, 26 jul 55
Assistant Froresaor, oaacee, Electrical Rngineerine Commmications Inst.
AV 9It 64.LA4
USSR/Electronics - Telegraphy FD-532
Card 1/1 : Pub- 90-8/13
Author : Yaroslavskiy, L. I., and IAv, A. Yu., Active Members, VNORiE
Title : Frequency spectra of tone-frequency telegraph systems with amplitude
and phase keying
Periodical : Radlotekhnika 9, 64-71, May/Jun 1954
Abstract : Article analyzes frequency of oscillations spectra amplitude- and
se-keyed by periodic telegraph signals. When the frequency of the
carrier oscillation is near the keying frequency, additional oscilla-
tions (besides carrier, upper and lower sidebands) appear in the line
spectrum. The amplitude and frequency of these oscillations depend
on the ratio between keying and carrier frequency and on the phase angle
of the carrier oscillation relative to the telegraph pulses. States
the tone-frequehcy telegraph system with phase keying was suggested by
A. A. Pistollkors in 1931. Three references: 3 USSR.
Institution : All-Union Scientific and Technical Society of Radio Engineering and
Electric Communications imeni A. S. Popov (VNORiE)
YARDSLAVSKIY, L.I., kandidat takhnichaskikh nauk; LIT, A.Yu., kandidat tekh-
nlc.Usklkh naut.
Jvaluating systems of tonal telegraphy, Yestosviasi 14 no.4.,7-9 Ap 934,
(NM 7W
1. Doteenty Odeeskogo olaktrotakhnichaskogo Instituta avyasi.
Displacement Of the spectrum of sigwds. Blektrosylas' 10 no.4:
68-74 AP '56. (NM 9:7)
(4dio-Transmittere and transmission)
Not given
Technical-Soientifio Conference Held at Odessap dedicated to tiie
Day of Radio. (Nauchno-tekhnicheskaya konferentaiya v Odeeset
poavyashchemaya dnyu radio, Russian) 80 (U.S.S.R.)
Radiotakhnikat 1957, Vol 12, Nr 7, PP 79-
ABSTRACT: The XI. teohnioal-scientific Conference took place in April 1957
at Odessa. During the main session the following lectures were
helds A.A.P.MIN: "On some problems from the theory of the anTli-
fier schemes with transistors", A.YU.IXVs "On works carried out
in the field of compression of the--pWo6neopeatrum." 58 lectures
were delivered at the conference, 14 of then in the department
of radioengineering and 16 in that of electric telecommunication.
Special interest was caused by the lecture delivered by
A.I.YMACHATUROV on "The problem of the stability of reception for
retranslation in aircraft". A.A.RIZKIII spoke about "Generalized
equivalent schemes and genem21zed amplifier cascades."
AVAILABLE: Library of Congress
Card 1/1
AUTHOR: Breskin, V.A., Lev, A.Yu., Millman, D.P.
TITLE: On the Compression of the Frequency Spectrum of Binary
Communications with Small Probability of One of' the
States (0 szhatil chastotnago spektra dvoichnykh
soobshcheniy s maloy veroyatnostlyu odnogo iz sostoy-
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy - Hadiotekhnika,
1958, Nr 4, pp 466-473 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The author discusses a method for increas-Ing the effect-
iveness of communications channels to allow binary
communication transmission. He suggests decreasing the
necessary number of distinguishable levels by dropping
certain unlikely combinations of binary symbols. A
probability evaluation is made of the interference
arising from this method of communication tidnsmLssion.
The paper deals first with the method of transmission
and then evaluates the aistortions by constructing a
Card 1/~ theoretical probiem of probability. This is soived by
On the Compression of the Frequency Spectrum or b1nary communications
with Small Probability of One of the States
constructing a complete manifold of' minimally-sufficient
regions isolated wrong zero with n - 3l by
determining P ( ") where n 2, by reduction to an
isolated wrong zero where n 3 and by determining p
where n - 3. Finaily a comi;utational example
follows and as a supplement the formulation of p (-*)
from the minimum amount of data. There are L Soviet
ASSOCIATION: Kafedra teoril elektricheskoy svyazi i dallney svy,Izi
Odesskogo elektrotckhn1che!;kogo instituth s%rjazi
( Mair of Electro-CommunieLtions and Long Distance
Communications Thfory, Ode.-;sa hlectro-EngineLring
Institute of' Commi-micatloriss)
SUBMITTED: February 24, 1J58
Card 2/2
61~ s/142/60/003/006/olo/ol6
AUTHORS: Breskin, V.A., Villner, A.Ye., and Lev, A.Yu.
TITLEt On the approximation of a binary message by a
Markov chain
PERIODICALs Izvestiya vyashikh uchebnykh zavedaniy,
Radiotekhnika, 1960, Vol-3j No*6, pp. 636-643
TEXT: The article concerns the best approximation of a binary
message by a Markov chain. The illustrative material of the
article in concerned with the binary signal obtained from the
facsimile transmission of line drawings. The closeness of a given
statistical model to the events it approximates can be defined in
various.waya. One of the most frequently used criteria in the
minimum mathematical expectation of some power of the error V711__
magnitude. In the present article two methods of calculating the
parameters of higher-order Markov chains are examined. The first
uses an the initial data the probability distributions of the
length of black and white bars. In the second method the basIc
statistic is the distribution of black-white combinations for 1, 2,
3 time units. It is found that the second method yields a Horkoir
Card 1/2
On the approximation of a binary s/142/6o/oo3/oo6/ol0/O16
chain which corresponds much more closely to the statistical
characteristics of the actual message. The author points out that
this is not accidental, since the Important statistical properties
of the message and the Markov chain are more correctly described by
the combinations than by the simple duration distributions. In
particular, it is found that the facsimile signal for line drawings'
can be sufficiently well approximated by the Markov chatn C2 2.
There are 2 figures, 4 tables and 3 Soviet references.
ASSOCIATIONt Kafedra dallney a,.7az.i Odesakogo elaktrotekhnicheB-
kogo institute, avyazi
(Department of Telecommunications,
Odessa Electrotechnical Institute of Communications)
SUBMITTEDi lecember 10, 1959
Card 2/2
PIROGOVO Andray Aridrayevich; NAZAROV,, H.V.,, retsenzent; LEV. A.Yu.,
reteenzent; OBRAZTSOVA, Ye.$., red.; TRMDU,,- L.A., te~.
(Synthetic telephony) Sintaticheskaia talefoniia. Mosky&v
Svifffizdat, 1963 118 P. (MIRA 160)
iTelophons) (Speech)
~ LEV Aleksandr Yullyevich; RIMIN, A.A., otv. red.; KOMARUVAP
Ye. F. jp d.-;- RU(AXVA, S.F., tekhn. red.
[Wire broAdcasting amplifieril Usiliteli provodnoi eviazi.
floskva, Sviaslizdat, 1963. 317 p. (MIRA l6tU)
(Ampliflerg (Electronlna))
florms for the number of workers. Soto. trud 8 no.6:113-119 Ja 163.
(MIRA 16:9)
(Uta-aina-Pipe miLls)
Problem of the enlarger. Sov.foto 18 no.12:52-53 D 158.
(Photograpby-Inlarging) OGRA 11912)
Caves of the palsolithic parlo4 near Samarkand# Friroda, 41 no-7:105-106
JI '53. NLU 6.- 6 )
1. Usbekskiy goslAdaretvannyy uAlversitat imeni Alishers, Havoi.
(Sams, kand--Caves)
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnalp Geologiya, 1957, Nr 12,
p 47 (USSR)
TITLE: NeW Data on the Paleolith of Uzbekistan (Novyye dannyye
po paleolitu Uzbekistana)
PERIODICAL: Tr, in-ta istorii i arkheol. AN UzSSR, 1955p Nr 7p
pp 9-28
ABSTRACT: Bibliographical entry
Card 1/1
LV, D.N.
Ito of primitive man. Priroda 49 no.8:77-78 Ag 160.
(XM 13:8)
1, Samarkandskiy gosudarstvennyy universitat im. Navoi.
LEV J, F - -,--
How to avitch off the electricity. rUn.takh. 6 no.12:24-25 D 161.
(MM 14112)
(Electric switchgear)
LOBACIEV9 P.V.;-Izv, G.M.1_1"OTKIN, Ye.M. 1 PIRUMOV9 A. I.;
SMIRNOVj LoIep inzbe) nauchrq7 red.; SKWOVA, A.P., red.
izd-va; MOCHALINA., Z.S., tekbn. red.; RODINOVA, V.R.,, tekhn.
(Prevent level and prospects for the dcmelopment of sanitary
engineering and the production of azitary engineering equip-
ment] Sovrememiyi uroven' i perepektivy razvitiia sanitarnoi
tekbniki i proizvodstva vanitarno-tekhnichsAogo oborudova-
niia. Moskva, Gosstroiizdat, 1962. 283 p. (KIRA 15:8)
1. Akademiya stroitelletva i arkhitektury SSSR. Institut
sanitarnoy tekhnil-do
Uff, 1.9 lush. (ftmskaya oblast I).
~ -11 - -
Decreasing the Inflammbility of diesel 01344nes, Pbzb. dolo 4 nof5t
18, my 1580* (MM rL 15)
(Diesel ongim)
OIMBMO Me (lAnirjM'4dh,,4~,-j'* ... Do (LOnIMPMd)
vent"03AV IMPDlt&ivloh Oruberl on tha ISM wmivvrmr7, of
his blrtl4 ArTche wAtes, gloU L embre 47 noe9sU2-= 6 164,o
(HIU 2mal)
u Atb3d Aw 22p 1964
MY I I, D.
Readers$ Conference or morphologiats of Eastern Siberia. Ar~:h.
anat. gist. i embr. no.lOsl25-127 0 161. (MIRA 14:12)
Arrangement of instaUations for combined grouping of PYL-1
seismographs at SS-30/60 and SS-24P seismic stations. Razved.i
prom.geofize no.43:41-45 162. WIRA 15:8)
(Seismometry-Equipment and oupplies)
L 40317-66
ACC NR' AP6005348
INVENTOR: -Vo-Vutskiv, Vr S.; Vishn-yakov, Ye. P.; Shnirson, X. B.; 1. S.9
irodzerwkiy, V, Ael Tabakov, A, P.
G: none
TITLE: Method of recording weak e2MI~Ssions and earthquakes.~~ Class
42, No. 177640
SOURCE: Izobrateniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy,, tovarnyye znakL,, no. 1,
1966, 92
TOPIC TAGS: earthquake, seismic
explosion, eteM j --"s AAZS~ &51
ABSTRACT: An Author Certificate hae been Issued for a method of re"'-di
weak explosions and earthquakes based on determination of the interrela-
tion function of seismic vibrations. To impro7e the quality and reliabil
of measurements, the values of the function obtained for a nud)er of
receiving points arranged along the profile are summed up with the vary
Ing time shifts corresponding to t1ione predetermined by the location of
the receiving points along the profile. [LD1
SUB CODE: 08/ SUBM DATE: 29Jan63/
UDC: 550.341
ZILAGY11 Tibor,, and MILTEmyr., Laszlo, rnatitute of PathophyniolOgy at the
Iidical University (Director: 1913MM, L.); of tho Xn-
-r~itute for Anatomy at the Medical University (Director: KRONTENER, r.);
tg2d BENKO, Karoly, of the Central Laboratory at the Medical ?Jniv#!rai4.j
.,)irector: BE
NKO, K.) in Debrecen fo-riginal-language veraions not given-
'Intravancular Precipitate FormatLon During Anaphylactic Shock In the
(.uinea Pig"
budapest, Acts Microbiologica Academiae Scientiarum Itungaricae, VO-1 1.1,
110 11 2 Jun 1966, pp 71-78.
Abstract: (English article) The studies reported had the aim of clarifying
ibether pulmonary intravascular precipitate formation during anaphylaxis in
the guinea pig had any anaphylactogenic function. Ferritin, having high elect-
ron density and thus suitable for electron-microscopic studie,s, was used.
The absence or mild course of anaphylactic shock in guinea pigs with a high
serum antibody level validated the cellular theory of anaph)iaxil. 'Ille forma-
tion of intravascular precipitate during anaphylactic, shock sholild be regarded
as a secondary effect with no pathogenetic role. 12 references, including
1 German, 7 Hungarian, and 4 Western. (Manuscript received 4 De: 1965).
lnsta-UatiOn for combine(I grcolplng of PM_2 fielmographs.
Razved I PromegeofIz. no.43i46-51
iseismometrY 162* NUU,
-Equipment and
SUPP-lies) .15:8)
Miltistage mixer. Prikl. geofiz. no.36s 118-137 163. (KIRA 160)
(Seismic prospecting-Electronic equipment)
ACC NRs AT7002654 SOURCE CODE: UR/2552/66/000/047/0029/0041
1AUTHORS: Grodzenskiy, V. A.; Lev, I. S.; Slutskovskiy, A. I.
!ORG: none
1TITLE: The problem of selective properties and sensitivity in groups of low-frequency
'seismic receivers connected in parallel or in series
,SOURCE: Moscow. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut geofizicheakikh
Imecadov razvedki. Prikladnaya geofizika, no. 47, 1966, 29-41
TO?EC TAGS: seismologic instrument apiamie dpeee-edwm seismologic station, seismo-
AB::rRACT: Grouping of seismic detectors has been successfully used to inzrease their
ef:-.*.-.ctive sensitivity. Sometimes the grouping is used in order to increase the
seitAtivity of the seismorecording channel; in that case the seismic dete.ztors are
connected in series. However, frequently the desired increase In the senaitivity is
not achieved because the true relationships between the output Impedance of a group
of aeismic detectors, the resistance of connecting wires, and the input itipedance of
amplifiers, i.e., the transient characteristics, are not taken into account. A
triaisient characteristic in this case is defined as the ratio of the frequency
chio-acteristic of a seismic detector, coupled to the input of an amplifier, to the
friquency characteristic of the same seismic detector under no-load conditions.
Th3 problem of stationary harmonic oscillations in an equivalent "seismic detector
lam..)lifier input circuit is considered. It is shown that when n identiciL seismic
de:actors are connected either in parallel or in seriesj the phase shift C-P) remains
con;3tant; however,the absolute output impedance is decreased n times when the
det,!ctors are connected in parallel, and is increased n times when they are connected I
in iieries. The absolute impedance and the phase shift were determined ex?erimentally
1fo-z seismic detectors of the SPEN-1, NS-3, and SP-15 types. It was found that for
all three detector types, the absolute output impedance had its largest value at the
frejuency of the first electromc-.hanical resonance (y1); at the same freq-.1ency ip - 0.
At frequencies w > 2w, the absolute output impedance of all the three detectors varied
Imuch less than at w < w, where it sharply decreased with a decreaae in the frequency.
on the basis of the experimental study of the characteristics of NS-3 type detectorsj
it was found that it is most suitable to connect them in series, thus excl-Aing the.
rea~nance conditions of operation. However, when grouping the seismic detectors of
thd SPEN-1 typep it is most practical to connect them in parallel when ther are coupled;
to seismic stations of low input impedance, and in series when they are c,Dupled to
seismic stations of high input impedance. Orig. art. has: 18 formulas, .5 figures,
ani 2 tables.
SO CODS: 08 SUBM DATEs none/ ORIG REFs 002/ ATD PRESS% 51131
I qrd 2/2
LEVI I. V.0 SAXOVIC119 P. V.0 K-r.VDIN,, N. A.
*,. I
Ga3tric and pancreatic secretlons In acute parenwymatous hepatitis
and cholacyotitio, Klino riedep Foakva 28:6s June 50. p. 89
1. Of the Hospital Therapeutic Clinic (Head-Prof. N. A. Keydin)v
Lfvov Medical Institute# Vvov.
CUI 19, 5o Nov-s 1950
I- '.. ~ p ._.:- ~r ~ /.
MTEM, I.A.; Ufft_I.Tae; insh. (Kolpashevo, Tomskoy oblasti);
GOLOVKO.-T-;7, I-VAJbf1*O; S.S., Insh, (Nikolayev, USSR).
Our readers continue the discussion. Izobr. v SSSR 2 no-9:31-32
S 157. (MIRA 10:10)
l.Rachallnik Byuro sodaystviya ratsionalizataii i isobretatel'stvu
Altayskogo traktornogo tavoda im. W.1. lalinina (for Dogterev).
2.Naohallnik Byuro. sodaystviya ratsionalizataii i izobrotateitletyu
Khar1kovskogo alektromashinostroitellnoi,-o savoda (for Golovko).
(Inventions) (suggestion systems)
jl~~!,I__Ya., Insineer
T=Z: P&tary Core DxC%jAng With a Bit Having P&Iria'"ble Cvre-Bw~ntl
(Rotornoye burenlys, kolonkons dolotam a brosowy g:r='.ozoz3:crr)
M-=lj.4L: Neftyanal 1938, ]Fr 5., p 6 (MBR)
JBSTRACT: The MX-1-12" con-bit with a core-barrel 6 m.long has been usal
by the ZoVeibneiftegeologLys truel. for cove CeLlling. Va,:Ar +.,!:a
most favorable drilling c=ditlons., the length of the cora-l~r:.rral bw
been extended to 12 z. DjA to Us uame;tisfactory core rwi~ra::-.r -~'t
bas been often necessary to shorten ro,=d trlpa,, =4 this h= &e.-
versely affected the productivity Of 1450r, Therefore, m&-haaic
A. S. Sidorov raMested that a retractable core-barrel shoull be
used. This would make it possible to use a bit without liftLng it
until it is completely vorn out. In order to accomplish tbla,
the conventiorAl type of core-barrel was redesigne.1 as irAlcated by the
author in a sketch. The redesigned core-barrel consists of two parts,
the'core-receiver, which is 3500 m. Ing) and its extenBion Piece.
The desiCa of the core-breaker depends on the formation which has to
be drilled. The introduction of a rectractable core-bar~e,-_' tze
CarCe 1/2
:totary Core Drilling (cont.)
Lucreased the core recovery to 67.5 percent from tba 50 peraeat att%ine'. in
.onventional rotary drilling. Xomwer, the n&w t-jpe made it possible ho realize
a saving of 205j,000 rubles in one single explcrptory operation. Itere is cme
ASSOCIAMON: Zapsibneftegeologlys. treat (Zapsibneftegeologiya trust)
Dkill"g--'IiSthr~' doro" - 2. Coro -4arrel.e-Dori ipi
Card 2/2
ghwl"fism, of Vkalska booms AWL &JI-
eal Ab-t.
Vol. 48' No a =25" x
4-e- -I
k P, r4
4 r, w
at asev
ucts t
ldlag pro
ve. ,
im? rtatt ". The pmliwts can be ow-I -1- -1 ...... .
s ,
7W29 mA CarboniUtiOn Produnts 4.
4.1t resins and film-foryn
ng nuf"
~t-A%, light brown to swinge and emlain mt t
c t
pkzir within 10 brs. at O-W' ttmp. range.
Phase analysis of cast iron Ukr.khts.zhur. 21 no.3:655-660 155.
(MLRA 9 ~, 3)
1. Dnepropetrovskiy metallurgicheskiy institut Imeni I.V. dta:tlua.
(Cast Iron--Analysis)
a0povii" Ode-
44" Ra-A. - ~~ - - , ; 1. - - , .. .,.: ., I ; ,
St. and C i 1,
W-U61 ;,v-,
f ru 1, ~! 'T v
St 'p;-r
hen Y1111AIM-5
lam loo
4 leth
4 dkAtlar fric Plf 3~~310, vr"
O t
o a
Slaal# an ovitu b~jjh, woh with 2Ar WaOlf
tLn$m Imith R4 r&IM113ze from sle.. and dry.
Ul dune a ttd s vKM be purified by imssing It thrfugb V,
oAuma Jt3rged with Al NI. Hurch
jr', Y ff
TranslatioT. from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 5, p 256 (USSR)
AUTHOR: Lev, 1. Ye.
TITLE: Distribution of Alloying Elements Among the Phases n White
Cast Irons (Raspredeteniye legiruyushchikh elemen'tav mezhdu
fazami v belykh chugunakh)
ABSTRACT: Bibliographic entry on the author's dissertation for the de-
gree of Candidate of Technical Sciences, presented to the
Dnepropetr. metallur8. in-t (Dnepropctrovsk Metallurgical
Institute), Dnepropetrovsk, 1957
ASSOCIATION: Dnepropetr. metallurg. in-t (Dnepropetrovsk Meti-Illurgical
Institute), Dnepropetrovsk
1. Cast nw.-Ije.- 2. Alloys--Vetallurgica- effe~As
Card 1/1
I 0.00n -0.0MIPI, 9 wW of vztrmod Ere "b BAW"AW7. A f m
AUTHOR: Lev, I. Yo.? Engineer. 129-12-7/11
TITLE: On the distribution of chromium between the phaseii in
white iron. (0 raspredelenii kJiroma mezhdu fazami
v belom chugune).
PERIODICAL: Metallovedeniye i Obrabotka Metallov, 1957, Nc.127
pp. 49-52 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The problem of distribution of chromium between phases
in steel and iron is of great sciantific and technical
importance however, little data is available on this
subject a~a such as there is is contradictory. ~-.Ihe aim
of the work described in this paper was to.eluciCiate
the great divergence in tho results of indiNidual
investigators and to improve the accuracy of ava.~lable
data on the distribution of chromium between the
individual phases in white iron. The carbon an(I
chromium contents of thn investigated eleven spe-;imens
are entered in Table 1, 9.49. The material was I)roduced
by melting charges of the desired composition in
magnesite crucibles. The,results of analysis showed
that the chromium content in the carbide phase of a given
melt was non-uniform and,in specimens of smaller diameter,
Card 1/4 the chromium content in the carbide phase was smaller,
On the distribution of chromium between the phases in white iron.
whilst specimens of an equal diameter had an almost
equal content of chromium in the carbide phase, Therefore,
the authors assume that the chromium content in the
carbide phase depends on the speed of solidification of
the iron in the mould. To verify this assumption,
experiments were carried out aimed at ensuring considerable
differences in the speed of cooling during rec-rystallisation.
The obtained results are given in Table 2 and !;hese
confirm the dependence of the chromium content in the
carbide phase on the speed of cooling during the casting
of specimens; the slower the cooling during solidification
the higher will be the chromium content in the ca-rbide
phase. The chromium content in the carbide phase also
increases with increasing tem erature of pouring the
metal into the mould (Table 35. The higher the carbide
phase content in the iron, the higher will be zhe
chromium concentration in this phase. The graph, Fig.1,
p.51 shows that with inogeasing annealing time at the
temperatures 950 and 680 0 the chromium content in the
carbide increases. The author arrives at the following
conclusions: by direct analysis of the ferrite and the
Card 2/4 cementite in white iron it was established that the
On the diE:-;ribution of chromium between the phases in white iron.
chromium is mainly concentrated in the carbide phase.
-1he chromium distribution between the phases ic not
co~nstant and depends on the following factors: size of
t:ie specimen, the nonuniformity in the distribution will
tti the larger the thicker the casting and the higher the
pcuring temperature; the chromium content in the carbide
p.~ase depends on the speedlot ing during crystallisa-
t':)n and is larger in cas W
.16 Ai~%% ling down slowly; with
itj;reasing carbide phase quantities,, an impoverishment
of the ferrite in chromium becomes more pronounced;
differences in the chromium content in the initial
phsses increase with increasing total content of the
ch--omium in the metal; isothermal annealing of white iron
leals tc an increased chromium content in the eementite,
the higher the temperature and the duration of the
treatment, the higJter will be the chromium concentration
in the carbide phase. Thus, the nearer the irc-n is to
the equilibrium, state the more chromium will the carbide
phase contain. The difference in published data
relating to chromium distribution between the phases is
attrAbuted to the f-t that these were obtained in
Card 3/4 anal:rses of alloys dIffering as regards composition and
1 On the distribution of chromium between the phases in white iron.
cG,uditic-ns of manufacture.
There are 4 tables, 2 figures and 10 references, 5 of
which are Slavic.
ASSOCIATION: Dnepropetrovsk Metallurgical Institute.
(Dneproptitrovskiy Metallurgicheakiy Institut)
AVAILABLE: Library of Congress.
Card 4/4
AUTHORSt Levj I.Ye., Kovtun, M.S. SOV/163-58-1--53/53
TITLEi The Characteristic Properties of the Compound Phases of Malleable
Hard Cast Iron (K kharakteristike svoystv fazovjkh aostavlyayush-
chikh belogo chuguns)
PERIODICAL% Nauchnyye doklady vyashey shkoly. Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 1,
pp 279 - 283 (USSR)
ABSTRACTt The mechanism of the anodic processes of the frectional dissolu-
tion of ferrite or austanite, as well as the separation of ce-
mentite was discussed. It was suggested that the properties of
the composition of phases of malleable hard cast iron should be of an electrochemical method. This method possible to.obeerve the change in the anodic potential
of ferrite and cementite in the hardened dies. The potential of
cementite was found by the compensation method. The cementite
simple was Immersed in the electrolyte and acted as an anode. A
-platinum spiral ser;ved as the cathode.
It was found that the potential difference between ferrite and
cementite in relation to the composition of the electrolyte
amounts to about 150 mv in a normal solution of FeSO 49 about
Card 1/2 100 mV in a normil solution of HC1, and 50-60 mV in a normal
The Characteristic Properties of the Compound Phases SOV/163-56-1-53/53
of 9 Usable Hard Cast Iron
ablution of KC1.
The determination of the electrochemical potentials of the com-
pound phases of malleable hard cast iron shows that the mcqt
suitable electrolyte for carbide analysis of malleable hard cast
iron is the 0,3 HC1-aolution.
By determining the potentials of every phase the proper electro-
lytes may be found for the phase analysis of diverse cast irons,
There are 3 figures and 4 references, 3 of which are Soviet,
ASSOCIATIONs Dnepropetrovekiy metallurgicheakiy institut (Dnepropetrovsk
Metallurgical Institute)
SUMTTEDs October 1, 1957
Card 2/2
In nee
-- - a -
Z. U4. JR 4.,. 3'.
1& "0 a
um 0
i A. 11 PIPIjk I
a d
w, ,% I
ii A. I HI
A !In
is .-II
AUTHORS: Kovtun, hl. S. SOV/163-58-4-45/47
TITLE: Differential CarbJde Analysis of White Fig-Iron
(Differentsiallnyy karbidnyy analiz belogo chuguna)
PERIODICAL: Nauchnyye doklady vysshey shkoly. Metallurgiya, 1958,
Nr 49 pp 255-257 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: It is possible to obtain a pig-iron in which the carbide phase
consists only of a eutectic cementite, or of a entectic and
secondary cementite, and in which, after slow cooling, the
perlite cemLn+.its is also present. The method of a differential
carbide process is g1ven here. 5mall plates measuring 6 by 30
by 60 mm were used. Each plate was cut into three equal parts.
The first part served for precipitating all three kinds of
cementite. This part was subjected to carbide analysis in its
original state. From the second part, the secondary and the
eutectic -,ementites wero prealpitated. This part was heated
quickly up to 7501 and queno'.ed in a 10% NaOH solution. The
third part was used for precipitating the eutectic cementitep
and quenched at 11000 for this purpose. The carbides were
Card 1/2 prenipitateA in these specimens according to the method worked
Differentia-1 Car"Cide Analyzis of White Pig-Iron SOV/163-58-4-45/47
out before (fief 3). The data obtained were compared with the
calculated oarbide quantities. Calculation was carried out
a,zoordlng to the lever principle (Ref 6). The method of
differential c;arbide analysis worked out here was tested with
white pig-iron specimens alloyed with chrome, nickel, silicon
and aluminum. The data obtained are given. This method permits
determination of the composition of eutectiel secondary and
eutectoild :-,emantite in the subeutectic white pig-iron.
There are 2 tables and 7 references, 6 of which are Soviet.
ASSOCIATIONs Dnepropetroyekiy metvallurgicheskiy institut
(Dnepropetrcv-ik Ins',4tute of Metallurgy)
SUBMITTEDt Notember 4~ 41957
Card 2/2
18(5) SOV/128-59-5-a/33
AUTHOR: Levq,(!andidate of Technical Sciences
TITLE: Non Uniform Distribution of Components in White Iron
PERIODICAL; Liteynoye Proizvodstvo, 19599 Nr 5, pp 36 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The author gives a survqy of literature and of his
own investigations into distribution of silicium,
aluminum, nickel, chromium and manganese in white
iron, The contents of the components in iron and fer-
rite as well as the distributing coefficient of the
various elements are stated. (see Tab.). The results
are descussed in brief, There are 3 references, 1 of
which Is English and 2 Soviet.
Card 1/1
18(0) 307/32-25-4-67/71
AUTHORSt Levp I. Ye., Mal't3ev, V. F.
TITLEs Conference on Chemical Production Control in the Metallur-
gical and Metal-working Industries (Sovoshchaniye po khimiches-
komu kontrolyu proizvodstva v rpetallurgicheskoy i metallo-
obrabatyvayushchey promyshlonnosti)
PERIODICAL: Zavodakaya LaboratDriya, 1959, Vol 25, Nr 4, P 509 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: In June 1958 the IV Ukrainjkoye respublikanskoye zoveshchaniye
rabotnikov kh1micheskikh laboratoriy (IV. Conference of tl,,e
Workers in Chemical Laboratories of the Ukrainian Republic)
was held at Dnepropetrovsk. There were 302 delegates repre-
sentine 65 plants and 31 scientific research- and educational
institutions. The existing GOST-methods of chemical analyses
were discussed and it was stated that these methods are
obsoletel, arid that there are no standards at all available
for some analyses. On the ba~jis of these statements a number
of analyaic methods are suggested for introduction in plant
laboratories, such as the photo-colorimetric determination
Card 1/2 of silicic acid and aluminum oxide in refractory aluminum
Conference on Chemical Productlen Control _'n the --07/32-25-4-67/71
Metallurgical and Metal-working Industries
silicateal the det,3rmination of small amounts of nitrogen
in metals and alloys; the aocele.-ated determination of
calcium oxide in molten agglomerations, blast-furnace and
open-bearth alagal limeotoil-Fq and dolomite; various ampero-
metric and trilonometric arnlyses and other methods. The de-
velopmont of the following methods is mentionod as the main task
for further studies: the analytical chemistry of titanium,
zirconium, tantalum, molybdenum, tungsten, and rare and trace
elementaq methods for the determination of small amounts of
aluminum, chromium, vanadium, nickel, as well as methols of
the phase analysis. :'~n pa-z-ticular of ores and non-metallic
inclusions. A mechai.lzation of the supply of samples to the
laboratory as well as an acceleration of the manufacture
of samples was also demanded.
Card 2/2
180) SOY/32-25-6-4/53
AUTHOR: Levv 1. Ye,
TITLEs Carbide Analysis of White Iron (Karbidnyy analiz belogo
PERIODICAL: Zavodekaya Laboratoriyag 1959, Vol 25, Nr 6,
pp 656 - 656 (USSR) I
ABSTRAM The electrochemical separation of carbonaceous alloys in
phases, is based on a selective dissolution of ferrite or
austenite and separation of the carbides. In the case that
there are more phases, the anode potential is determined from
the one of the most electronegative phase. In the electro-
lysis of white iron (1) which consists chiefly of cementite
and ferrite# ferrite dissolveso so that the potential of
ferrite may be assumed to be lower than that of cementitei
there are, however, no safe data to be found In publications.
For the determination of the cementite potential, ground
metal sections from (I) were prepared in the case under review
by a special procedurer the sections being lined with bakelite,
Card 1/2 and cementite electrodes were thus obtaitted (Fig 1). Measure-