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I=Mgjg~RRJ~e_ Axperiments on the production of iron-coke in the U.S.A. Koks i khim. no,.12:61 160. (MIRA 13:12) (United Statee--Coke) LESHCHINER R Ye Coke-oven gas plant in Hiroshima (Japan) (from "Coke and Gau," no.256, 19(k). Koko I khim. no. 5:61 161. (MIRA 14:4) (111roolilma, Jajan--Coke industry) LESHCHINER, ROYS, Hassi er Ermel gas field in Sahara. Gaz.prom. 6 no-5:54 Mv 161. OURA 14- 5) (Sahara---Gas, Natural) r LESHCHINER, R.Ye. I., A - Brief neva from abroad. Khim.i tekh.'topl.i masel 7 no.2:72 F IjO'. (MIRA. 15i1) (Petroleum products) IMHCHIII.i.R, R. Drief news of the gaa industry abroad.,)m. 6 no.2:52-54 161. (HIRA 14:4) (Gas iridu8try) .- LFZRCHINER, R. Ye. I 1---.- Brie-f-- new-a from the gas industry abload. (Gas, Natural) Gaz. prom. 6 n0-3:54 161. (KM 14-3) LEJHCHINERI Developlent of lmdergr-unal stonge In. F',,rope. r;~~ze prom. 6 no*4.52-54 161. -1-4 .--) (Gas--3torage) LESHCHDIFRp R.Ye. .. Brief news from the gas indu3try abroad. G~7.-prom. 6 no.4:55 161, ('U-rA 14:3) (Gas industry) ALITSHULER, M.M.-, LESHCHIN.&R, R.Ye. Some problems of the economics of the chemical processing of gas produced by underground coal gasification. Nauch.trudy VNIIPodze aza no,7:83-96 162. (MIRA 15M 1. Sektor tekhaiko-lokonimichookiy Vaesoyuznogo nauchno- issledovatel'skogo instituta podzemnoy gazifikataii ugley. (Coal gasification, Underground) (Gas research) ~ .)~_~-~HCHINF,~R~- Economics of the transportation of gas produced by underground coal gasification. Nauch. trudy IMII Podzemgaza no.6:125-130 162. OMIRA 15:1-1) 1. Sektor takhniko--okonomicheskly Vsesoyuznogo nauchno-issledovatel'skogo instituta podzemnoy gazifikatsii ugley. (Coal gasification, Underground) (Gan-Transportation) LESHCHINER. ~,, kand. ekonom. nauk M_ Evaluation of the effect of various technological losses in undergrow2d gasification of coals an the cost of the gas obtained. Nauch. trudy VNIUVzonaza no.8zlO8-114 162* (MIRA 16:6) 1 1. Voeaoyuzny7 nauchno-iseledovatellokiy institut podzemnoy (jazifikataii ugley. (Coal gasification,, Underground-Costs) LESHCHIM?, P..Yn~ It. Tjse of cC'Ke oven gRs in blast furnaces. Kokn I khim, n,;. 3: 5~ 164. (VIRA 17:4) IESHCHINER, R.Ye. Gas industry of the Netherlands. Gaz, prom. 9 no.8;4'1-49 164. (MIRA 17:9) LESHCHIM., R.Yo. :"),I "-,(I Yef L!.r)vi~,, L; '.'. . Y n.V. , 1-,!(i. ;:.W, "o J. . 1~~:q) 13SHCHINO.S.R. Efficient textile layout. Leg.prom.15 no.8,14-15 Ag 155. (MLRk 8:10) 1. Zamestitell nnchallnika znkroynogo teekhm KhRrIkovskoy ahveynoy fnbriki in. Tinyakova. (Clothing industry) 02291-67---- EWr CC NR& AR016557 SOURCE CODE: uR/olq6/65/OO0/O12/AO09/AOO9 AUTHOR; Sedin, V. A.# PivhTchuk, V. A.; beshchinerg.l. A. 44 TITLE: Solution.of'so'me practical problems on induced current installations SOURCE: Ref. zh. Zlektrotekhn1ka I energettka, Abs'. 12A62 REF SOVRCE: Sb, Voyr. elektrich.mo4elirovaniya Voley. Saratov, Saratovsk.un-t, 1964, 72-86 TOPIC TAGS: induced current, electric analog, electric field, electronic simulation ABSTRACT: Data are given on the use of the Induced current method for simulating electric fielde I a plane-parallel slot capacitor and in decelerating systems vith circular and triangular pins on NUT-V3 Induced current modelling devices (see abstract 12A61) and vith a drift probe. 13 Illustrations, bib~liograpw of 3 titles. From tbe.summarr- ETranslation of abstract] SUB CODE- 09 ymb _UDC1_ 53b2_12 NENAGLYADOV, Ye.; 1ESHCHINER, Ya. Industrial annex of the uPravda" Combine, M gtroi.Roa. no.3:28-31 mr 161. (MIRA 14:6) 1. Upravlyayushchiy trestom Mosstro7 No.14 (for Nenaglyadov). 2. Nachallnik tekhaicheskogo otdola tresta Mosstroy No. 2j. (for Leshchiner). (Moscow-Printing plants) LESHCHIVISKA, S.S. [Leahchynolka.. $.S.) Early laboratory diagnosis,.of yeapt-like fungi of the germs Candida. Ped.p akush. ~ gin* 25 u*.le 163. (MIRA 16:5) 1. Ukrainalkiy naukovo-doelidniy institut okhoroni materinstva i ditinstva ( O.G.Pap (O.H.Papl.,viddi-1 prof llaktiki ta terapii dityachikh M.-.---rob. (MOTIMASIS) (CHILDRE11-DISEASES) L 17732-66 LVT(m)/ETC(f)/EWP(w)/EUG(~)/T/W(t) DKO idMIJIJIGS ACC RK; AM 01344 SOURCE CODE: UR/0000/65/000/000/0157/0163 AUVOR: Tauraytis, A. S.; Leshchinskas, V. P. ORG: E TITLE: Fatigue of salanisan electrographic films under the action of a corona dis- charge SOURCE: AN AzerbSSR. Institut fiziki Selen, tellur i ikh primeneniye (Selenium, tellurium-laRn-d-t-h-eTr -utilization). Baku, AN AzerbSSR, 1965, 157-163 TOPIC TAGS: selenium, selenium compound, oxide formation, corona discharge, elec- tric potvntial, solubility, solvent action, metal physics ABSTRACT: Various types of selenium layers were subjected to corona discharges, and their fatigue (drop in limiting potential) was studied as a function of duration of dischavge for different current densities of the corona discharge (0.25, 1.25, 2.5 and 4-5 Va/cm2). The limiting potential (measured with p.dynamic ielectrometer) dropped steadily as a function of discharge time (measured to 3000 see) above 0.25 pa/cm2. F-3r negative coronas the results were similar but potentials were lover for identit:al curr nt densities and the drop in potential was greater. The depen- Card 1/2 L 17732-66 ACC NR: AT6001344 dence of potential on discharge time is given as a function of specimen distance from the corona wire (10, 15 and 21 mm); its value increased with distance as a re- sult of the increase in resistance which was calculated to be 0,9-1010, 1.4-1010 and 2-1010 ohm respectively. An experiment showed that the fatigue resulted from the formation of Se02. During discharge, the surface was washed with alcohol and .water and a sharp restoration of potential occurred each time the washes were ap- plied. The solubility of Se in these solvents is nil while the solubility of Se02 is high. The SeO2 formation was caused by-local heating due to the localization of corona current in Se microcanals. For negative coronas almost all ions were either 0 , 02 or 03 whereas other ions probably were present in the positive corona, thus explaining the lower potentials under negative discharges. The washing (preferably with water) of electrographic surfaces made, of selenium was recommended to elimi- nate fatigue.j( The authors express their gratitude to I. H. Gal'vidis and 4. 1. Hyunko for interest in the work and for valuable 3ugg ns. Orig. art. has: 7 figures. SUB CODE: 11,09 SUBM DATE: IOMar65/ ORIG REF: 009/ OTH REF: 002 Card 2/TV7,- KOPOSOV, Ye.S. (Leningradv Moskovokiy pr. d.50, kv-3); TRUNIV, M.A.; ~MHCHLLcMAYA,-A.F. Follow-up and successive treatment of goiter in the polyclinic and hospital. Vest.khir. no-1245-52 162. (MIRA 15:1) 1. Iz gospitallnoy khirargicheakoy kliniki (zav. - prof. A-V- Sairnov) leningrads'logo sanitarno-gigiyenicheskogo meditsIrskogo institute. i endokrinologicheskogo kabineta polikliniki flo.16 (g1. vrach - A.F. Glebushko) 9. Ieningrada. (GOITER) I " I" nj BAUNOV, V.G. , prof.; LESHC; j ;,..- .; LIB:'l:-:'-1:, L.L., ?a 1. ::'ej. SAI-ISONOVA , I.. K. ; S HleE'Ybl,-, 1R., ,~t N I 1-nidence of diabetes meill.itus accordinil t(, a s r'vey r-f tine populption. Sov. med. 28 no.4:57-61 Ap 164. (*l-'IR.,', 177: 12 1. Labir-atorlya vozrastnoy fiziologii i patologii cheloveka Instituta fiziologii AN SSSR i endokrinologicheskiy otdel Instituta akusherstva i ginekologii Atli -SSSIR, Leningrad. 2. Deystvitellnyy chlen ANI SSST- (for lYiranov). LESHCHINSKOLTA. A.S. M __ -w imbr7onic development of the Seven trout In Lake Seven. Trudv Savan.gidrobiol.sta. 13:227-237 152. (KLRA 9:8) (Sayan, Lake--Trout) USSR/Biology Ecology Card t 1A Authors j Leshchinskaya, A. So Title I The role of light in the lifo of spawn, and larva of the Azov khamsa (fish) Ferlodical I Dokl. AN SSSR, 97o Ed. 1~ 165 - 168, July 1954 Abstract I The role of light in the life of spawn and larva of the Azov Sea fish (Khamsa) (Engiaulis Encrasicholus Haeoticus (Pusanov) ), is explained, Twelve reforences. Table, graphs. Institution The Azov-Black Sea Scientific-Research Institute of Sea-Fish Economy and Oceanography. Presented by Academician., E. N. Pavlovskiy, April 26, 1954 LISHCHINUAU. A.B. - kandidat biologicheskikh nauk. Viability of roe, Urvae, mA fry of the Kuban roaoch (R. rutilus hookelt) In Azov vaters of vw7ing salinity. Trudy VN1RO 31 no.2: 97-107 '53 - (nm 9: 8) 1. Azoysko-Chernomorskiy nauchno-looledovateliekly Institut rybuago khozy&ystva I okesnografli. (Azov. Sea of--Ro&ch (Fish)) LBSHCHINSKAYA, A.S. ~ WOMMOMMOM WO---, Qmlitative and quantitative characteristics of zooplankton and toobenthos In'fresh-water reservoirs of the Crimea. Trudy Irarad. biol. sta. no.14:30-4,6 '57. (KM 10:8) (Crimea-Yroah-water fauna) (Reservoirs) 13SHCHINSKAYA, A.Oj Sme reaultB achieved and outlook for the vork of the Ichthyo- logical Group of the Salekbard 3tation of Uw Ural Branch of the Academy of Sciences. Trudy Sal. 3tats. UFAR SSSR no.1-26-31 159. (MIRA 14:9) (0b' River--Ichthyological research) . LESHCHIMMAYA t A.S*; ULOMSKIY, S.N.,; MAKAROVA, N.U., red.izd-va; , UP., [Zooplankton and benthos of the ObI Bay as food for fishes) Zooplankton i bentOB Obakoi guby kak kormoviaia baza dlia z7b. Sverdlovsk, 1962. 75 p. (Akademila nauk SSSR. Urallskii filial, Sverdlovsk. Salekhardskii Btatsionar. Tnidy, no*2)o (MRA l6s2) (0b1 Bay-FiBhes-Food) TIKHOMIROVA, G.P.; BELENIKAYA, F.I.; MADIYEVSKAYA, R.G.; LESHCHINSKAYA, F.I. Pol4rographic behavior of trlmpth7lh~rdroqulnone. Ukr.khim.zhur. 29 no.1231306-1310 163. (MA 17t2) 1. Ukrainskiy nauchno-isaledovatel'skiy institut pishchevoy promysh- lennosti i Kiyevskiy vitaminnyy avod. SZRBINOVA, Y.I.; Frinimall uchastiye: LESHCHUSKAYA, I.B., diplonant; MM, T.T., diplo.mant; MAKSIMOTC, i IB., labo ra-fit I Conditions of fermentation and the selection of pure yeast cultures for semisweet table wines. Trudy VNIMV mHagarach" -,'-.83-95 160. (MIRII 13;11) (Wine and wine making) (yeast) IMHCHINSKAYA, I.B.; BOGAUTDDIUVO Z.F. flucleases of Serratia marceseens. Mikrobiologiia 32 no.3: 1,12-415 My-je'63 (MIRA 17:3) 1. Kazanaki:r gosudarstvennyy universitet. y fol:A, C, IV i*.., 1) 1 C H I f is, Fi, y Comparr,'Ave study c" A c o f E, i t n ro r, I iy ti c I& c 1, e r Mikrobi~~Ijg:! I~i '43 i,b-.-"p 164. 1. Kjizsn9k;y gosudarnttfonnyy llir,-4,;o!-.n-,- IZSHCHINSKAU,,I.B. Study of the phosphodiasterase activit7 of aaproph7tic bacteria. Mikrobiologiia 34 no.5:786-792 3-0 165, (MLRA 18t-LO) 1. Kazaywkiy gosudarotvannyy univerfiitet. DUBINCHIK# Ye.A., inzh.; LESHCHINSKAYA. M.A.,_ inzh. A now network for winding concrete reactors. Vast. elektroprom. 33 no.702 JI 162. (MIRA 15:11) (Electric reactors) (Electric power distribution-Equipment and suppUes) i I ~ Ul", ~, , . 1 r B Cj B P 0." ~_.V, Yi, 7! L of ivij ar.~I I z 3 c n r) r i b ?.:,R7 0 D-1 C,*.-- 11,~f,~ F i y 1 6 2 1 ;_~'2 D a u c- a - t hi% f 0 1"m v 0 3 0 4 ran R, I o C~ ne 2(1, d a,-, b e.1---n J e 'I Ic -),., d of s mu'. tz~.Iecu c~:-m on ination of :;07..:- 300r--Z~ v.-, n t S -2,; e s i) ~_. c t r -~; r, i S -~ x c " t e d c i n t ri a d o f E; 3 F_ p 1 c, -: n t o e a r c d i s c h a r,~ o '-, e t o r z o c o - e r j c r 0 ~.o obtain the excess of Cain talc. disc"'IarCe %-zhich is need~.d to f o rm. molecular bands of CaF 2 and to reduce '6iie influence of thc; b wei0ed samDles are mixed *.,;it'- CaCO. in the vol--ime ratio o f 'eturmired by molecular band 5290 Be by 'bunds 2346, 31171- and 2~:)O 9 B by 2497.7 and 2',,00'.7 A. The simultaneous determination of Li Card 1/1~ t v l o l Fc 1" 2 -,er band s'7107 F - 2 6 z ov e (a t o r i of Stoc, ar."; 2 2 P - 2 b t --t rn n,. tne c o 1 im a io n r o r t h P, .7, L: o ,j 1 4 1 ~ o n i s pl a c e .7, - fr o.7. 0 d-.* sul --ced in such ;I -,'jj-r th, s r,--d rE: f t 'le cassut'~e. The pho to r. i:-, a,: 0 L t v e o - a 1 o zL--. rc curr,~nt is 2C a, ex-osur~! ,;,jc, the s,it of 5;,-, e -a p 11 a ra t u T A E F - 2 '-VII-2) c%n -ai;,--: for ~~ntrodi;cinj L-C ::.13 crarce. Ph.- f u ,. r. -. I i t r, o ~' t &r) f, ! t U 'L is by a 3=a- V iD r t i r,, 7 Ch U i n '. c, r e t t i u r. c s%octro. is )erformed b~- th,~ ~:i e t.3 d o f s i u ~ak eni n'~- R r z) c C t -'n 0) ca5:.-~--, t C, j i I s o r at,) d e x e r I t d- E3 r b u L- en 2 0 0 a n a t v t.." G LLn a z;-- ~3 fcr anj 2 .L 2. c v 0 1 o C Iarz f-- I G -.ral U L' L. ,r, t f L' C, rj r 1 3 '.0 tr~ t--an-:1ation. C~il-6 2/2 24(7) AUTFORS: Stepanov, P. A., kaya, M. S. Sergeyev, Ye. A., Bf-,lobra-ina, V., Lcohchinz;- TITLL: A Rapid Spectral Analysis of' 7.'_Jth Ct to Alkali, Boron, Fluorine, and Other Llements PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akadc-mi i nauk SSSIi. S(,rj-.,,i 1959, Vol 23, Nr 9, PP 1149 - 1150 (USSR) ABSTRACT: By the mass-spectral analysis th;~ Lij illb, Cs, B, F, and Be are not determined with oufficient a~:curacy. Th~_ :irst three of these elp..ients izay, ill the pulverized samplcs arf.; evaporated from a channel of the carbon electrode, be deter- mined with sufficient accuracy. The lines used -for the aralyz;_Js with respect to these elements are then giien, in .,,'hich case the content of these clements was detcr;nined accordin,', to the abGolute of the linoij. The i,,rror i:, givuri -1o, ing to 0.0002~,,. The calibration cut-v(.s for thf~ dol,eri:~t;iation of these thrcc ualf!i-ictito tire !;hcy,,n by fi6ure 1, and it i.,i t'oarld that the mirieralc6ical state of th,_ sa,,,ipl(:s does not (_, Card 1/2 influence the results. The analysis of metallo%-.etr.,c Sal.-,Ple3 A Rapid Spectral Analysis of Sa-%plcs '.Vith- S: C 711, 1 e - 244 //:z 7 Respect to Alkali, Boron, Fluorine, and Other ~le..%cnt3 with respect to boron, lithium, and berylliuma, with a sin,ul- tanuous dete=,ination of some ton othc-r Llements, is carried out by the introduction of powder into the urQ discharGe, in which case copper electrodes are used. Lines are given, accord- ing to which boron, lithium, and berylliu!,ri were determined. In L the determination of flaorine calcium carbonate was added to the samples in order to be able to reproduce the CaF band. It was found on this occasion that the addition of calcium dimini- shes the inflaence of the base i.taterial in the determination of Be, B, and Li. The error in these analyses is given as amounting to 2.10-4 for boron, to 5.10-4 -for lithium, and to .10-2~, cr fluorine. There are 1 figure and Soviet r,--ferenccs. 5 Card 2/2 BRGDSKAYA, N.I.; VYCHUZHLIIIIIA, I.F.; MlkLVA, Z.V.; IMHChP7SjjEA I-',.S.; ALEKSEYEV, N.N., red. - [concentration of a wide range of micli-oelements from nature waters on a mixed sorbent with subsequent spectrum analysiol Kontsentrirovanie shirokogo kruga miki-oolementov iz p;-irod- nykh vod na smeshannom sorbentu, o posleduiushchir. npektral'- nym opredelenlem. Leningrrid, Vsos. nauchno-lssl. in-t moto- diki i tekhniki razvedki, 1962. 21 p. (Obmen opytom, no.55) (MIRA 17:4) GLEYZER. L.A., dots. k-nd. tekhn. nauk, DANILICVSKIY. V111 retsenzijit,; MALUV, A.11.,dote..kand. tekhn. nauk, nauch:ijry red.; LESHCH133KAYA, N.K.,red.; LuKHMWYA. H.Y.,tektm, rod. LAccessory equipment for lathework, mll';ing, and other operationej Prisposo'ilanlia dlia tokornykh, fruzernykh i drugikh robot. Moskva, 19~8. 76 p. (MIRA 11:12) (Machine tools) ALEKSAADROVA, V.R.; IMHOHIIISKAYA,- N,.-P.__ Differential diagnoa'tic and prognostic significance of the color rea9tion of the bile in epidemic hepatitis. Trudy IBGM1 46,38-45 109.0 4. (t1IRA 13:11) 1. Wedra infektsionnykh bolezney Loningradskogo sanitarno- gigiyenicheskogo meditainskogo instituta (zav. k&fodroy - prof. V.V.Koswchevskiy). (HEPATITIS, INFECTIOUS) (COLO11IMETRY) Ka fed r pi cl ni r,(, f-w't V t'~,av, kal'Odroy prof. L -x, 1. r, i L 1, t~, tit 4. ape r I rrp 11 t~i noy mol ' t i ny Cit,,,,,, lcm t jndenl. AMN S:1,171R A v . I- " ' ' ' : 1~ '~ 7 ' I " ~. ', :il t '- - ~ . !-I 7 - , ' , . : I I - . I - - . I . . "I ~(j v '_ . T t-, - , -, , - , , I i0 I I LIFSHITS, Abram Borisovich; SIIUAKH'1~11.', Yakov Khaimuvich; 'CHMSMA 11.Z" rp I d.; ELIKINA, EX., teklin. red. [Planning in distributing cold-storaCe warehouses] Plani-- rovanie na raspredeltitelOrrykh kholodillnikakh V10.91-va) Gostorgizdat, 1962. 115 P- i14MA 15:7) (Cold storage warehouses) KRAMARENKO, M. P., polkovnik reditsinakoy aluzhby; GIKALOV, G. S., polkovnik meditainskoy aluzhb7; IMHCHINSKAYA,-R. G. Treatment of patients with rheumatic fever with hormones In combination witb other substances. Voen.-wd. zhur. no.12: 26-28 D '61. (MIRA 15:7) (RHEUMATIC FEVER) (ADRENOCORTICAL HORMONES) USSR Phase G:nvorsions in Solids. E-5 Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 4, 1957, No 9306 Author Geller, Yu, A., Leshchinska R.P. Title a u Stabilization oKh-e R-esidual Austenite of High Speed and High-Chrome Steels Against Tempering. Orig Pub Metallovedeniye i obrabotka metallov, 1955, No 1, 26-33 Abstract The authors study the influence of preliminary soaking at room temperature and above (2500) on the completeness of the traLnsformAtion of the residual austenite of high speed steel R9 and h1gh-chrome steel Khl2F followed by tempering and heating to the usually employed temperatures (56oO for R9 &nd 510P for Kh12FJ ). The transformation of the am~tenite is determined from the change in the magnetic saturation and also of the specific electric resistivity and length of the specimens. It is found that stabilization against tem- pering develops noticeably as a result of the following: (a) soaking for more than 3 -- 6 hours at sharp temperature, Card - 1/2 USSR / Phase Conversions in Solids. E-5 Abs Jcur :Ref Zhur - Fizika, Ho 4, 1957, zi:) 93,o6 Abstract :with the stabilization increasing upon soaking up to 24 hours, but not increasing any further; (b) low tempering, causing no transformation of the austenite; (c) increasing the chro- mium content in the austenite. As a result of the stabiliza- tion of high speed steel in the first tempering to 5600, com- plete transformation is reached only as a result of triple tempering. Since the martensitic transformation of the jus- tenite increases the hardness, the wear resistance, and the heat conduction of the ateels, it is recommended that stabi- lization be prevented 4 tempering immediately after harde- ning with heating without prolonged soaking at temperatures not high enougIi to cause transformation of the austenite. Card 2/2 LIDUO 26387 SAW6-1027/00VO-0/020 Is .51 b0 B1031B20f) AUTHORSi Gulyayev, A. P., and Leshchinskaya, R. P. TITLEs Scale of fracture surfaces of high 3pc-,J st,-1 PERIODICALt Zavodskaya laboratoriya, v. _27, n,- H Ica"), TEXT: The authors developed a scale for evalliatinr n f. c t i f t t! i grains on the fracture surfaces of high-speed stfol. With nrrmal h~_at treatment, high-speed steel has a fint-grained and -_:-nrho,,da1 fracture. In this case, the grain nize- i.,; rl-noti~-i by '10,' 3'a1', rill.'_,sirns 9 to 11 of the rOCT-5639-51 (GOST-5639-51). Hcwov-r, unde-r -~:.rtain conditions of heat treatment or during hot plastic deforr%a*ion high-speed steel is prone to abrupt enlargement )f the The fracture surface of such a steel has a chara,_-~~r4z:' i,- _-Ica3 and i3 -allf-d "naphthalizing". The minimum grain surfac(, for wh:c~. fi- spangles can still be differentiated with ~ii-! nak-l -.i,, arr-int~3 to ^j 9000 - 10,000~2. In the case of even smallf~r gr~iins. tl,. arin,~1, be distinguished any more and the fracture surl'a-~ Th,., characteristic features of the naphthali.-ing fra:-turz- ar-~. h-)-fiover, Card 1/3 26387 0/ 0? 0 Scale of fracture... clearly recognized under the microscopt- or I;tr ~h,!rs~ exists no quantitative determination m-,!hod for 'ht~- wrain s--- i.; speed steel by means of the fracture surfact-. For *.hs t. h authors developed a 10-step method illustrat-~,d by .; [Ab--tra~:tr-rq notes not reproducible3, which characteriz,~s th-, of the a,zsf~-ri;t;r grains from very large to normal. Each st-~p -)f '.Ii- :kcal 12 WU.; pt.Dtographei in 3-fold and 100-fold magnification.. Th- numb-rj e-f the s-al~- --orrE-Spond to the scale divisions in GOST-5639-15I with rospe- t,~ th~- cc an average grain. The grain size of eanh. st#!p 'h- equrition, n - 2";', N being the number of the stpp, ii !,,h,? gr~ii,:S per IcId Th,~ 6 4 cm , of the reproduction ourface in 100, authors used various heat treatment processen (e g., r-r-eat,.-I hardt-ning) in order to produce grains of different size in snecim-:ns ~f P,8 (R,.6) steel. The grain size was determined on the polished miiros,ction by calculating nodal points (S. A. Saltykov, Ster,,om~trit:e,,,skaya m,~,tallo- grafiya (Stereometric metallography), Metallurgizdat k~*956))- The authorl scale differs from that in GOST-5639--"l by class,,fyInig th,.~ microstructures as well as the fracture surfaces of the stepl. Mor--~,r, -,n th- authors' Card 2/3 Scale of fracture ... 26,187 .9/0 ',216 1/rj27/(,C)Fj/O 10102r) B103/B?O(, scale the degree of heterogeneity of the grain size of the same step (S max/Saver = ratio between the face of the largast grainz and' 'hat of average ones), is much higher than in the GOST 3Cale The ratio Smax/Saver fluctuates with different scale diviscns ~e~w-pn ~ an~ 10. An evenness of the grain size is, however, not obse-rv-,-d in re-31 mioro- structures. In the case of the naphtnalizing fractu.--_~ this becomes specially obvious. The authors' scalf? Is therefoi- v-ry well suited for determining the grain size according to th,- microstrilcture in such specimens. There are 10 figurF-3 and 11 Soviet bloo reff~renco. ~Abstracterls notes Essentially compls~.t(~ translation.] ASSOCIATIONi Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-insledovatol skiy nyy institut (All-Union Scientific Roi~t_-rir-h itut- c,f Instruments) Card 3/3 S/126/62/ol3/002/007/019 E039/EI35 AUTHORS: Gulyayev, A.P., and Leshchinskaya, R.P. TITLE: The influence of rate of heating on grain size in austenitic high speed steel PLRIODICAL; Flzlka metallov 1 metallovedenlye, v.13t no.2, 1962, 233-24o TEXT: High speed steel P18 (R18) after normal heat treatment possesses small grains, but in some cases the so-called naphthalene cracking occurs. This is likely when the steel has been repeatedly hardened without intermediate annealing, and in such cases the growth of large grains of austenite is observed. This leads to a deterioration of its mechanical properties. Such samples cannot usually be improved by subsequent heat treatment. Existing theory cannot explain all the many phenomena connected with the formation of naphthalene cracking. In the present work the dependence of grain size on the rate of heating in the austenite temperature-range, and also that corresponding to the a--) y phase change is investigated for the austenitic Card 1/3 The influence of rate of heating ... S/126/62/013/002/007/019 E039/EI35 high speed steel R18. The following conclusions are drawn.- 1) The size of austenite grains formed by heating steel R18 up to 1280 OC depends on the speed of heating in the above temperature ranges. 2) The dependence of grain size on the rate of repeated heating has the form of a curve with a maximum correBponding to rates of the order of 50-500 OC/inin. At thiS rate repeated heating always leads to the formation of naphthalene~ cracking and large grains in the microstructure. With very small (0-7 OC/min)-Ind very large (4500 OC/min) rates of heating the grains remain small even after long soaking. Consequently repeated heating of the steel R18 up to 1280 OC without imtermediate annealing leads to the formation of naphthalene cracking only at definite rntes of heating. 3) By heating at a definite rate (500 OC/min) it is possible to form naphthalene cracks and coarse grains in annealed steel. 4) The structure of steel having naphthalene cracks initially is not improved by subsoquont heating at any rate of heating in the range 0.7-4500 OC/min. 5) The dimennions of samples undergoing repeated heating do not influence the'grain size. Card 2/3 GULYAYEV, A.?.; LESHCHINSKAYA, R.P. Effect of the rate of heating on the austenitic grain size in rapid tool steels. Fiz. met. i metalloved. 13 no.2:233-240 F 162. (PaRA 15:3) 1. Vse3oyuznyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy instrumentRlInyy institut. (Tool steel--Metallography) (Metals, Effect of temperature on) GULYAYEV.1A.P.: LESHCHINSKAYA, R.P. Naphtalenelike fracture of high-speed steel. Metalloved. i term. obr. met, no.9:22-Z7 S 163. (MIRA 16:10) 1. TSentrallnyy nauchno-insledovatellskiy institut chernoy metallurgii i Vsesoyuznyy neft--gazovyy nauchno-issledovatellakiy institut. 190900006600060009000 9 ;0 0 0 00 oo 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 'A LL 11 .0 1, AOL -a" IM a to* Jim spo 41 11". M"Al M a A A ol oureako a A--- 00 0 ii 0 0 a no biologicM indWace of walor Do the fetmoulall" L -00 j O go nws al"k. A. Kiiov aral 5 ' It". Of * ~ # 7 ,Z NrP:1936 1 CA N *00 f rm' r . dj1 tj. 4. L j jj , 4dye pfoom. it. "ey -00 00 a jhj7'-ThR bint. hulu'rov 4A UP. well and river water, rWil the 41timagly ImAlul"I wat" Sur s dis ummed d -40 . l c p Hipts, with chWri -b H -00 :0 it nated water showed that a live( maul, CyPel (A d lk Wi h ic it. W1 ticifi 141krala, 5-15 me. of "ti" Cl. l ".lvea" " 800 The (mg. mulle with chlowinated water wctr rAVl'g4t4r. Vul'. . 1 f ttfW* por -- t in natural wateril aloo) off. I the gtj,wlb noatinh ~ t favorably. W. A Mrmov Goo ~ 13 ... .. 000 go o 00 0 40 8*0 1200 i Will 49 tro a ~ Al ; 7:. tell" .11 0.. boo U is AV so A 0 T79 -101 it 1 11 ow 0 A I s* 010 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 al 0 0 0 6 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 & 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 4; 0,010000009000 LLI--U a Ill Is 11 V a All a a V a 0 a 0 a a a 4 -1-JA-ML S ' A-k-- t-A J-.A - 004 MCI ..9 t *OM, psoell"S ago .10FIlly.11 "1 00 00 -00 A S01942141101741ALUSUILIRSA. C.f.,.Iuhin,k4ya. Spt,,- * I YoikkuY4 Prof" %l0 16 j2 a .I4-tX(l9"j A 0 - . , ,. . , new M~t %train, designated Sk, is inme active than strait, X11and reaches m&'- hrm"ItIllim loorwr (H,4 instead of I I In -60 00 In The lenwatcr). Tittges and tvrvrl %h m SwIformam'a loo 00 baracterlstirs to lah. trials an4l in &,tual ;K(MILIK-litsil. - to )UILAn V. 0o j.'- 106 *0 -00 so 400 so . 3 .00 COO 00 Co 0 0 w0 o : 0 SON, JLJL-A .0 ; re 0 goo see to too 41, 1 a - S L A AdIALL60141CAL LITINATIMIN CLAUVICATION he 0 Now. 4'"LAW boo Islas* sitip a" dips ISLAIII ad dwv III 0 ..IIL;ML.94M -wt sss~-%sssk. 0 10.0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0, 0 010 0 0000000000000000 00 of o:::: l 0 000460000000400 000 900000000,0000*4 0# ES~ I _Z. e~ _j, .. TI --j. L 'A'ie,.r All-Union 13c.-ic -it if if, I: i,,, t I tat,-i ,),' , 11"Illivit, ; ~.'Ll .1j":If '".".tIorl )~*, -1,14 '1 I 5 0, r. I ,,:"j ,MTY,2673 I OTA ; Lk, 7 , L. , ~,, 1, ; . ! , , 'T ~ ~ ~ - /,I, , , ., " i ; , .. "A. 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 LESHCHINSKAYAp S. S. Yeast Effect of conditions of production on the improvement of fermentative properties of alcohol typos of yeast., Mikrobiologiia, 20, no. 6, 1951. Kl*ev 3-w~A' 0-~"11 ~- 14J.1L6f k(C4.1." - I ~ 1~ MMonthl%-List of Russian Accoggion , Library of Congresep I-larch 1952. UNCLASSIFIED. (7 'o,"Ment _hchi' fermentation propertles of alcohol yeatt. S, S. I^hchill- Fil V N ame .- s iesoyus. KIKMRya. Frudy Kiev. " 1017 irt. From. 1953. No. 1, 117-30;, Rtferat ZAwr Kkil". 1055. No. 4M; d. C.A. 46, 92496.-Pror-~4ed ul~ .~E-d of lab. cultures In production Increased the;ntensity of their Proliferation, their ftrlnellt2tion energy, their ability to -prodiwe a1c., and their resistance to high ternp. and infec- tion. Their tvturn to origin-Al lab. conditions for 13 njunths vd characteristics. The nelf. effvt of weakened their acquit I.A. conditions is attrilmfed to accuinulatiou of metabolism products, dr!Aeflon of witrients.and almuce of aerAtion. M. lJosch LFFECIIIIISKA'fA, Sh. S. Leshchinskaya, Sh. S. -- "I,~,proving the Penneriting Properties of Yeasts under Production Conditions." Kiev State U imeni T. -3. I;i;evchen]-:o. Kiev, 1954. (Disseration For the Uegree of Candidate in biological Sciences). So: Knizhnaya Letopis', No. 11, 1956, P-,) 103-114 T-n -7- USSR/Biology Yeast Activity Card 1/1 Author Zabrodskiy, A. G. and Leshchinskaya, S. S. Title The activity of yeast in the presence of the products of protein aplittinc, Periodical Mikrobiologiya, 23, 313-316, may/jun 1954 Abstract The morphological characteristics of yeast cultured in a mash of partially decomposed maize were investigated. It was established that under these conditions tile yeast cells reproduced more rapidly, fermented suGars more energetically, matured more quickly, and died out faster than cells cultured in media poor in the decomposition products of proteins. Ilie reE;ult, of the investigations are presented on 3 graphs, and 3 charts. 4 Soviet reftren-_cs are cited. Institution Kiev Affiliate, All-Union Scientific-Research Institute of tile Alcol.01 Industry Submitted December 7, 1953 MOSTOVAq L.O.,; GARMIZA, S.A. [Harmiza, S.A.]; LESHCHINSKATA. S.S. (Leshchynolka, S.S.3 Dysentez7 carriers and their control. Pod., akuBh. I gin. 20 no.2: 10-14 158. (MIRA 13:1) 1. Ukrainskiy nauchno-i9sledovatel'skiy Ingtitut okhrany mtertnetva i detotva im. Geroya Sovetakogo Soyuza prof. P.M. Buyko (direktor - zaeluzhennyy vrach USSR M.D. Burova). (DYSMERY) BALMINA, T.A. [Baliazina, T.A.1,; LZSHCHIN=AYA, S.S. YL-le of veaatlike fungi of the genus Candida In the develop-.ent and course of diarrhea in young children; praliminar7 report. Ped., akush. I gin. 20 no-3:25-30 158. (MIRA 13:1) 1. Ukrainakiy nauchno-iseledovateliskiy inatitut okhrany materinstva I detstva im. Geroy Sovetskogo Soynza prof. P.M. Buvko (direlctor - zaaluzhenuyy vrach USSR M.D. Burova). (NDRILIASIS) (DIAHHHF-A) , - '. , Sit, !'.' ~- 11, ", A . il. I I h. ..' I - ;.S. .i- DT;'ll " i ' ' ;1. t , LE~. .;-1- li b~':?hchyrjmlka, S.S.I. Early dilagnooi3 of influenza in childrer. Pediat. abish. einfik. rio,3:8-10163 (miful aria) 1. Otdel proftlaktiki 1. t9rapil detskikli b(,.lezney ( zav. - I-and. mod. nailk A.O.Andruahchuk) i laboratoriya virusologli Mrrainsko- go nauchno-issledovatqllskogo initituta okhrany materinst-va i detsbra (direktor - kcand. med. n-auk O.G.Pap (Pap. 0.H.]. USHCHINSKAYA. V. YEL. Effective antibiotic therapy for otitis in children. Zhur. ush., nos. i gorl. bol. 20 no.5:71-72 5-0 160, (MIRA 14:6) 1. Iz 2-y detsko (EA.-Y somaticheskoy bolfrtitay Kiyeva. DISEASES) (ANTIBIOUCS) LICSHCHINSIKA, Ya.S. On the problem of acid-base equilibrium and ketonemis in wound opsia. Hedych.zhur.17:371-385 '47. (HIRA 11:1) Z Ukrainalkogo institutu klinichnoi meditsini (direktor - skad. .D.Strazhesko) (ACID-BASR XQUILIBRIUM) (ACYrON]CHIA) (WOUNDS) AYZANBIMG, O.A., prof POVOIDTSIXA, G.M.; LESHCHINSIXA. Y&,.,S. livalumtion of the adreaaline teat: Medych.zhur. 21 no.6:65-76 '51. (MMA 11:1) 1. Z viddilu funktsionallnoi diagnostiki (zav. - prof. O.A.Ayzen- berg) Ukrainalkogo instititutu klinichnoi meditsini (direktor - eked. H.D.Strazheako) (ADRUIALINK) (LIVER--GLYCOGINIC YUNCTION) IJSBCHINSKATA. Ta.S.. kandidat meditsinskikh nauk (Kiyov) Significance of the dynamics of katonemis in various function tests for evaluating clinital forms of diabetesmellituB. Probl.andok. I gorm. 2 no-3:8-14 My-Je '56. (MLRA 9:10) 1, Iz otdola funktsionallnoy diagnostiki (zav. - pr6f. A.A.Ayzanberg) Ukrainskogo -nauchao-issledovatel'skogo institute klinicheakoy medi- tsiny imeni akademika N.D.Strazhesko (dir. - prof. A.L.Mikhnov) (DIABMS KILLITUS, diag. blood in tunction tests ketone bodies. off. of.apinaphrine, glucose & Insulin tests in determ. of clin:. forms) (BLOOD ketone bodies in diabetes mellitus, off. of epinephrine. glucose & insulin for determ.of clin. forma) (KETONE blood in diabetes mellitus. off. of epinephrine, glucos & insulin for determ. of olin. forms) (ILPINIPHRINIC, off. on ketone body level la blood in diabetes mollitus for determ. of clin. forms) (GLUCOSE. off. same) (INSULIN. off. same) Country : USSR T Catepry: Humn and Piyajoloey. Circulati~:,n. Blood Vuasclz Abs Jcur: RZhDiol., 'J%~ 10, 1958, 88880 Author : Leshchinslmyn, Ya., S. Inst : Research Institutv of Cliniv%l Medicine. Title : Vascular Re-,ctLas In Various Far,.Ls of Enaccarditis OriC~ Pub: Matcrialy po Db;-,cru nauchn. infomi. Ukr- n-i in-ta klinich. izOLitsiny, 1957., vYPY 1) 103-109 Abstract: No abstr-.ct. Card . 1/1 USM/Humn and Animal Physiology (Normal and Pathological). T-4 Heart* Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol... No 16) 1958, 74766 Author : Lashchinakaya) Ya.S. Inst 1krainian Scientific-Research Listitute of Clinical Medicine. Title : Vascular Reaction in Patients with Heart Failure with Phe- nomena. of Circulatory Insufficiency. Orig Pub : Materialy po obmonu nauchn. inform. Ukr. n.-i. in-t klinich. meditsiny, 1957, vyp. 1, 109-114. Abstract : No abstract. Card 1/1 - 55 - L'ISHCHINBrAU, U.S., Vascular reaction changes w2der the influence of oxygen therapy. Mat.po obm.nauch.inform. no,2t63-77 158. (MIRA l3t6) 1. Iz otdala fanktoional'noy diagnostiki (sav. - prof. Ayzenbarg) Ukrainskogo nauchuo-looledovatellskogo Instituta klinicheekoy meditsinyt Klyev. (RULMS) (OXT'GIN-PUSIOLOGIGAL X"ZGT) (ISDOCANDITIS) AYUNBL4, A.A., prof.; -L&SIICIIIIISKAYA, Ya.S., kand.mod.nauk; NVOLMSKAYA, G.M., kand.ined.nauk,- BEIWAKINAp Yo.A., nauchnyy notrudnik Some problems in the pathogenesis and clinical characteristics of rheumatic lesionB in tho cardiovascular system. Vrach. delo no.12: 48-54 D 161. (MLI l5tl) 1. Ukrainskiy nauchno-isoledovatellskiy institut klinicheskoy meditsiny im. akad. N.D.Strazhesko. (CARDIOVASCUlAh SYSTEM-DMASES) (hHEUMITIC HEART DISUSE) USHCHINSKArA, Ya. S., kand. mod, nauk Change in metabolic processes during the inhalation and subau- taneouB methods of oxygenotherapy in rheumatic lesions of the cardiovascular system. Vrach. delo no.3:36-45 Mr 162. (MIRA 15:7) 1. Otdel klinicheskoy revmtologii (zav. - prof. A. A. Ayzenberg) Ukrainskogo nauchno-iseledovatellskogo instituta klinichaskoy meditsiny imeni akademika N. D. Strazhasko. (METABOLISM) (OXYGEN THERAPY) (RHKUMATIC HEART D15ME) LESHCHINSKATA, Ya,S*# kandomed*nauk Change in the metabolism of amino and fatty acids in rheumatic lesions of the cardiovascular system. Terapoarkbe no.6:72-78 162. (MIRA 150) 1. Ix otdola klinicheskoy revmatologii (zave - prof@ A.A. Ayzen- berg) Ukrainskogo naucbno-ioolodovatellskogo instituts, klinicbeakoy meditainy imeni akad. W.D. Strazhasko (dir. - prof. A.L. Mikbnev). (AMINO ACID METABOLISM) (ACIDS, FA-Lff) (RHEUMATIC HEART DISEASE) ROSTOVTSFV, S.T. Mineralogical composition of fluxed sinter and characteristics of its reduction. Report no.l. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; chern. met. 5 no.3:12-23 162. (MIRA 15:51) 1. Dnepropetrovskiy metallurgichaskiy institut. (Sintering) (Iron--Metallurgy) LESHCHINSKAYA., Ye.I.; ROSTOVTSF.Vp S.T. Mineralogical composition of fluxed sinter and characteristics of its reduction. Report 116,2. Hzv. vyv. ucheb. zav.; chern. met. 5 no.5:5-15 162. (MIRA 15:6) 1. Dnepropetrovskiy metallurgicheskiy institut. (Sintering) (Minaralogical chemistry) ye. Im. Illeasonal Chanvn!i in ti:c c." ~ci. 11) Jim 5ummarY 71, 4 Sen 52, Dissertations Prosonted for Deprees In Faience and Engineerim, in Moscow in 1950. i~-)m Vechprnys.Xit Fockvr-, Trir-Df~c II)f;o. YE. V. Skin Seasonal changes of the integument of mwmnals. Zool. zhur., 31, No. 3, 1952. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, October 1952 XqW Uncl. Contr,11 Tal)., Kiih, Cint.-,,jl Inst. !~-pid,imiol.. and "Icroblol. %.lentral '.~ibcrculolils "Cultivntion of BCG cultures on the 71ycccoll synthetic mediwm Zhur. M11--robiol., Epidemiol., i Immunobiol.. ;~o. 6, 1944. IJCSHCHINSKAYA, Ye.N;TOGUNOVA, A.I; Axperimental, study of B.C.G. atrains. Probl. tuberk., Moskva no.4:51-55 July-Aug. 1950- (CIRL 20:1) 1. Of the Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology imeni Honored Academician N. P. Gamaleya of the Academy of Medical Sciences USSR (Director -- Prof. V. D. Timakov, Corresponding Member of the Academy of Medical Sciences USSR). ISSHCHD ;IKWAV, Ye. N., ond LOGINOVA, M. I. "Cultivating BCG Cultures in a Zinc Medio." (paper read at a session of tb-- institute's Scientific Council held during the first holf of 1954-1 Proceedings of Inot. Epidem and Microbiol im. Gomoleya 1954-56. Laboratory of BCG (no head identified] Inst. Epidem and Mcrobiol im Gumnleye AMS USSR SO: Sum 1186, 11 Jon 57. LF,SIICHINSKAYA, Te.N.; KHATMVIR, M.L. Studying the biological properties of BCG cultures grown on a VIM medium with zinc. Zhur. mikrobiol. epid. I Immun 28 no.2:135-136 7 '57 (KLRA 10:4) 1. Inatitut iment N.F. Gamalet AMN F'JSR. (13CG) (BACTKRIOIA)GY--CULTURES AND CULTURS IMIA) LESHCHINSKAYA,17-11.,; BITKOVA, MI.; MALIVfd!OVA, O.H. Biological properties and biochemical features of cultures of BCG grown in variOU3 atLIture media. Probl.tub. no.6z65-73 161. (MITO. 1419) 1. Iz Instituta spidemiologil i mikrobiologii imeni H.F. Gamaloi AM SSSR (dir. 0.V. Baxoyan). (BCG) (CULTURES A11D CULTURE MEDIA) ToGuNOVA, A.I., L. A. D'i ffi On the exp~-rim,mt,il (Z 'ir.1 vp~~-in- fcr intracutgnpous use. Prob-1. ~ub. 41. no.6.60-63 163. (KIRA 17:?) 17 Imitituta opideml;)-logii r%1krobi-o log! 11 i11 1-~~ ~4A AMN `).)'T~i. 12SHCHINSX&TA, Ta.V. PhAgocYtic activity of leukocytes in influenza and in aeute respiratory catarrhs. Zhur. mikrobiol. apid. I immun. no.12:26-28 D '55. (HLRA 9:5) 1. 1z Inntituta virusologii imeni Ivanovskogo AJOI SSSR. (PUGOCYTOSIS, In various diseases, influenza & rasp. catArrh.) (COMHON COLD, immunology, phagocytosis) (MIMMIZA, immunology, phagoqytosin) 41r- .'VI I I L-) , ~r ~ v ~~ -. ( if '-, ,, - CWJXAXOV. M.P.' IiZNIXOY. I.I.; DZAOUROT. S.G..- ye.y.; GIAZUNOi, B.L.-; DUBNYAKOVA, A.M.; POVALISHIRA, T.P. Hemorrhagic fever with nephritic syndrome in the Upper Volga Basin. Vopovirus. 1 no.4:26-30 JI-Ag 156o (KW 10:1) 1. Institut po izuchaniyu poliomialits AMN SSSR, Moskva. (viDarc HimoRRHAoic YSVXR, epidemiology, In Russia (RUB)) (n) Iso4noi Ajoj.,q& -al Pug SJt4uamTlv Onoaq,4 Paunozo PUP 9TQMTUV -IT49amOP O!~ paqrraj svA UOT40aJUT 4MA4 49a22ns Pug -TaAaJ Z) JO TOOJ 3TWapua SUTSWOZ) '4991qo uKuqs -AOIU'4qo 4uqq aPnTOU00 sjoq4ne aq4 'Pa4uasaid u,4ap aqj jo sTauq aqj UO *SITnSaJ aAT4V2aU DAUB 9)ITIsns TTumg Ott; jo poolq aq'~ q'4-TA U0140u" uOT'MTJ 4uawaTdwoD aqL -4puujq TuumsaaAa snqaoljo puv (JOTTnW ouqoq 0-40WOW 'T-Eud snamSTd onTTOIT3 '-TTui joVuw gnijallo JO ATJDTqD Pa4O7SUO3 UOXUH Xj)(SAOMUPV uT PunOJ 9'4uaPOJ 4944 suOT4uOw aj3TW9 atIl 'Ua2T4UU JaAaj Z) RITP, uOT43naJ uOT4vXTJ 4uamaTdtuoD zq4 uT Mnsaa aAT4U2aU oAuS uoTsuadons XoT4 qqTx pajoajuT 9BTd Paula moij ejas -pajog -T'~gaAUT pug suoSva XT)IsAozuqmo(I Pug XT319AOmuPV uT PaIOMOD aJaA '-zITqq 9n4uuTBjvm joluaomjoa saToods aiqj ol 2uj2uojDq TTu 'sX3T4 SaPOXI IMT14 'zTnf; sn,.~=T91vm 10VP:)w'aa lq.4T"% pa490jul f-13AN 9~1 useq paq 3TV4100 OtQ .Oulu jo 4no sagoo XTS UT 94Tn$g`J ""Tood "89 *OT*T pug ~:T alaA 9AG411 TA uOT'4zgaJ uoT'4uyTj vlas 4900 T,4auinq *H JO ua5T4U9 PUB Qjas al"go 44 aAT4TSOd aq, uT u,14 jo 4no saggO uaAag UT PauTU'4qo ajon S~T"g~)a 4uvmaTdMO0 au,4 Cj-[4uaPT .Pajanooo aggasTp Q74% jo sasuo ajaqn saMT930-1 UT u~ooq'4ud . 0'4 PajznpuOz) ajan suo,,469T,~gaAuT UDT2Oj0,~T9qjvd Pug TvaTSOTOOZ -03~:J-OVT JO sa9'M uT laA;)J-?3 PaUT4UOZ Pa"Q'~ vias 66 JO uaA09 saTPoqT4uu BUTXTJ-4UamaTdU1Oz *c, *W jo poq,~am) _A4jTj *sTgOU28TP 1UT,~UalajjTp joj pasn oun (AOXv0mtt3 uOT4Dvaj uOTI.PxTj 4uawaTdmOD 0141 S4UaT40d jUaaAag UT sTsollaznaq pug IsnqdA4 pToqdA4 jo AMTqTssOd atl,4 qno paTnj suoT4u2T,4sa-&uT TQ3TSO'1OJaS AjqvaaPTGuO3 Advaaq4 uIDAmOTEE 'uaAT9 -v,.~uaTqvd aR4 JO UOT4TPUO3 a" P'Aoadml quOj,:pn9ajTuvm TvOluTIO *la"J aju 99UTPUTJ TvulaWT Pug ajn4oTd POOTq quaiv addaqs aq4 uT ?ulJ-mD "UXSAO'[MO Jo b su pagou2BTP vu," 4"M suOTI-OBT-49;)AUT ~~6T gqiodai XaOm 8qI 95auTTT aTTJq0J P qolqA uT ?,-E- 6 dd qad-uuf , OU te ToA 'TT3ojO9njTX-X9ojdo 'IMM 9-33UOPS c, _jo Apn,49 jg3jp;W ~O A*WaPV3V 19T411afTO110 *S pug .Cq mi),Sga aq-4 uT jaAad 1b Jo 00TVqT-z'~"Ta oq,4 To woEqojj OUm r 4,f~ , :-- x,; - ~~ /,~ --' , - _,- r k - - - , - 10, 1 .1 --1 1 - --- - -1- -1 - jj . 7:~ . . 0- To.;.. lMndidht La ,~ _- -- r-,. . . ofesser; L--,z , -, 000"' - mm"Opiwow C I i n i c a I a t p e c t a a n-., di agn o a i s o f non pa re 1y t i c -) c 2 ! c,~q,3 I - - 1 e - ?ediatriis no.3:13-'P. Mr 157. ~HLRA .,t - lo, (POLI CHTS " I ) USHCHINSKAYA, Ye.T. (Moskva) Glinical aspects of Q fever. Klin.wd- 35 Ii-e-341 no.1 Supplement: 38-39 Ja '57- (MIRA 11:2) 1. Iz kliniki viruerVkh lnfektsiy i laboratorti endemicheskrikh likho- rodak Instituta virusologii AM11 SSSR imeni Iyanovakogo (dir. - prof. P.N.Kosyakov) N Y811a) C: ii, 7 - A- GLAZUNOV, S.L.; LNSHCHINSKAYA, Yo.V.; DUBNYAKOVA, A.M. Clinical characteristics of hemorrhagic favor with a kidney syndrome in Kalinin District. Klin. med. 35 no.1:80-85 J& '57 NLRA 10:4) 1. Iz Instituta po izuehaniyu pollomiyalita AMN SSSR I rayonnoy bollnitay g. XashinA Xalininskoy oblaati. (WXILIS DISMSE, apidemiol. clin. aspects & ther.) ZPSHTRYN, F.G., SOROKIWA, Te*Tu., TITOVA, G.V., OXAZZVA, L.D., SXMASHKO, S.A., DITBITTAKOVA, A.M., ZHUZF1IGrHA, M.A., KMTROVA, G.D. Clinical and laboratorv dRtA on influenza A, In Adulte according to finding during the 1953-1954 epidemics Zhur.mikrobiol. epid. i immun. 29 no.9:29-33 S 158 (MMA 11:10) 1. Is Inotituta vlruaologit imeni Ivanovskogo ANN SSSR; MDJMA# epidemiolo Al, In Runsia (RugTi I V,:- P 1,4 q L of t~,,- n 7 n.v Prot; 1,~7, r -nd r TSUM. M.B., prof.; LZSWHINSKATA, TO.V., (Xookva) Differential diagnosia of pollouqelitim; analysis of the work of the diagnostic department. 23 no.10:10-16 0 '59. (POLIONMITIS diagnosis) (MIRA '13:2) I&SHCHINSKAYA, Te.V., Clinical characteristics of diseases caused by viruses of the Cox- sackie and ECHO gToup. Pediatriia 36 no.2:80-86 F '59, (MIRA 12:4) 1. 1z Instituta poliomeyelita AMN SSSR (dir. - prof. M.P. Chumakov) (COXSACIN VrRUSFZ, infect. clin. aspects, review (RUB)) (VIRUS DISMASES ECHO virua infect.. clin. aspects, review (Rua)) LESHCHINSKAYA. YS.V. C2.inical problems in hemofrhagic fever witb a renal ovndr=e in Tula Pr'ovince. Zhur.mikrobiol.opid.i immun. 31 no.9:134-138 S 'CO. 1. Iz Instituta p0 izur-*heniyu poliomiyelita AWI SSSR. (TUIA PAOVINCE~HMMUIAGIC FEVER) TSUKER, H.B.; LF.SHCHII:SKAYA, Ye.V.;GURARIY, R.M.; VDOVKITA, T.I. (Moskva) Clinical character3stics of epidemic serous meningitis ir the Maritime Territory. 38 no-3:40-46 Mr'60. (MIRA 16:7) 1. Iz Instituta po izucheniyu poliomiyelita MT WSR i Primoral-ogo krayevogo otdola zdravookhraneniyu. (MARITIME TERRITORY-404111GITIS) BARTOSHEVICHt Ye.N.; TSUKER., M.B.;-IZSHCHINSKAYA.. Ye.V.; SOKOLOVAl I.S.; MARTnOIKO, I.N.; ANDREYEVA, L.S.; ASHKMNA, Ye.Te. Ib.Iioqre2Itis:Like paralytic diseases in children inoculated with 3.ive Sabin vaccine. Vest. AMN SSSR 18 no.6:16-21 163. (MIRA 17:1) TSUKER, M.B.; V011~11~,~~ LFSHCHUCKAYA, Ye.V.; BELYAYIEVA, A.P.; AIIDIU-,'fF'IA A. . .'A' . Problem r-l' t, - J , disoases. Zhur. nevr. i psikh. 63 no.10i M'.- ::., : i, 3 1 (1-1,11A 17:5) 1. lns~ tf,~' i - . ' ~ ' t,ri 1, virunnykh entsefalltov (dlr. -prof. M.P. cte-4:~." ! At::;l ZSH,