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LE3111CHENKO, S. S. , ZVEREV., B. I., and KjUPOV) V. 11. "Processes of Phase Transfornmtion_~ J,-~ Pojy~~p ~ r sT I ~, r A- 1, -- -' - ... - - 1. Nuclear Radiatiol-l" Truay-Transactions of the First Conference on Radioaction Chim-dutry, Moscow, lzd-vo AR SSSR, 1958. 33OPP. Conference -25-30 March 1957, Moscow 5/844/62/000/000/094/129 D20*/D307 AUTHORS: Karpov, V. L., Leahchenko, S. S., Mitrofanova, L. V. and Finkel I , E. E. TITLE; The effect of various additives on radiational cross- linking and thermal stability of irradiated polyethylene SOURCE: Trudy II Vaesoyuznogo soveshchaniya po radiataionnoy kh- mii. Ed. by L. S. Polak. Moscow, Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1962, 547-553 TEXT: The aim of this work was to find suitable stabilizers for irradiated PE and thus increase its usefui life at higher tempera- tures. The additives, i.e. soots and silica gels, a copolymer of phenol and styrene, 112N.C 6H 4* N(C6H 5)2, dinaphthylmethane, dibutyl 9n maleate, dibutyl Sn stereate, dibutyl maleate, 2-naphthol, and phenyl-c~-naphthylamine were mixed into PE by rolling and hot-pres- sing, in amounts of 1 - 15 parts by weight. The specimens were r' Card 1/3 3/844/62/000/000/094/129 The effect of various D204t/D307 irradiated in air and vacLWin (-100 Mrad, at 0.6 - 0.8 Mrad/hr), and their thermonechanical properties were studied at 150, 200 or 30000. Channel and 'Vulcan' soots,I.the plienol-atyrene copolymers NH 2'C 6H4'- N(C61i 021 and silica gel l,,Abro.9oll exerted no stabilizing action on PE; additives containing aromatic groups exerted a pronounced anti- radiation action; additions of silica gel type 'Al (6i02 containing uni- and polyvalent metallic admixtures) and of the organotin com- pounds excrted a strong stabilizing effect. The specimens contain- ing 10 parts by weight of the above stabilizers had their useful life prolonged from 6 to 6U*hours at 2000C and from 200 to 1500 hrs at 1500C. The effects of stabilizers depended on their content,* the medium (air or vacuum) and temperature. Additives containing aro- matic groups thus prevent cross-linking on irradiation but do not inhibit oxidative ageing processes, and vice versa. Organotin de- rivatives may participate in reactions proceeding through hydroper- oxidE! radicals and leading to the formation of a network with oxy- gen bridges. The assistance of N. I. Sheverdina and L. V. Abramova, Card 2/3 3/844/62/000/000/094/129 The eiffeot of various D204/D307 who supplied the organotin compounds, is acknowledged. There are 3 figures and 2 tablea. ASSOCIATION:* Fiziko-khimicheskiy inBtitut L. Ya. Karpova; NII ka- bellnoy promyshlennosti (Phydico-Chemical Institute im. L. Ya. Karpov; NII of the Cable Industry) A Card 3/3 L 13.U4-63- EM/WP(.j)APF(c)/EWT(m)/BDS AFF,,'C/ASD/RPL Po-4/ "/9d/)MY/JW*D/H ACCESSION NRO. AP3003781 S/0190/63/005/007/0953/0~"' AMOR: lAshchenko, S. S,; Kar __2M v. Lj Kargin, V. A. 77 Tr=:.. Electron-diffraction study of fluorine-containiMLMI-yMers A SOURCE.- Vy*ookomolekulyarnrye ooyedineniya, v. 5.. no. 7, 1963, 953-959 TOPIC MSt fluorIne-containing polymer, fluorlne-containing copolymer, elec- tron diffraction, crystalline copolymer, amorphous copolymer, copolymer film, polymer MatallIne lattice,,rubberlike copolymer, substituent, subatituent size, substituent distribution, chlorine substitueat, vinylidene fluoride, here,- fluoM)ropylone, chlorotrifluoroethylene ABSTRAM The struct f co lymers of vinylidlne fluoride and hexaflu- P:~ eblorotriflu thylene ani vinylidene oropropylene (c era 1) and oroe fluoride (copolymers II) have been studied by the electron-diffraction metbod. The purpose.of the study vasto determine the effects of the nature of the second monomer, its content,-and its distribution along the chain on the cry- stallization capacity of they-o~jMrs,\\ The experiments were conducted with unstretched and stretched fi Iwo of copolymers I containing 7-35 mol% CA Cord 1/2 L ~ 13334-63 AC=X,DN Mt AP3003781 groups and of copolymers n containing 16.6-66*7 mold C?2112 groups. The re- sults oT the study, presented in the form of tables and a ectron diffraction a patterwi, show that copolymers containing up to TO% C3Ffi groups in the vinylidine fluoride chain and up to 16% CAH2 groups in the chlorotrifluoroethylene chain E exhibit a crysta. line striiature identical vith that of the respective homolymers. An increase in the content of the second monomer in the copolymers gradually induces disorder in the crystalline lattice. Copolymers I containing over 15% C,F, grcaps and copolymers 11 containing over 25% C:F2lr2 groups are amorphous a~eexhibit rubberlike properties. The results indicate that the anorphoun character of these copolymers is due to the great difference in the aize of the subatituente (C1 and -CF3 groups) and to an irregular distribution of substi- It is concluded that it is possible to convert plastics tuents along the chain. into polymers with rubberlike properties by the Introduction of large and ir- regularly distributed atoms or groupo.vhich upset the regularity of the chain. Orig. art. has: 4 figures and 3 tables. ASSOCIalON: Fiziko-khimicbeekiy Inotitut im. L. Ya. Karpov6. (Physicochemlcal institut') SUBMTEDS 3000t63 DM ACQ1 08Aug63 ENCLS 00 So CODKI! CH NO MT-SOVI 003 OT HER: 003 Card 2/2 ~Ef UF(WETF(O-2/EWR(J)A~~1 M 01JOK ~-L -64695-;65, -'ERT(M)t ACCESSION UR: 06012289 UR/0058/65/000/003/DO75/PO75 f"3 SOURM: 'Ref. 7sh, Fizika,-Abs. 3DC07 -; -- . --.- AUTHQ~: Ye va Z. ~ # I Moro Slovokhotova, N. A.1~ Leshchlenko# S. Karpov, V. L,# !Finkel,, E. E~1- L. V. ,.OMitrofanova 'TITLE: Spectral investigation of diang Ies caused by ionizing radiation in polyethy-, lene stab"ized by'tin dibijtyl maleaty--_ A. CITETP SOURCE: Tr- KomJ2,--po spektroskopil. All SSSR, vyp. 1, 1964, 503-511) 1TOPIC TAGS.,.,polyethylene,:antioxi4ant additive, spectrographic analysis, ionizing. Iirradiaitioni. ir spectrum TRMGLATIOH: It bi found that the addition,of tig dibutyl maleate reduces the oxi- dationfate of.polye'thylene during.thetinal agingland when it is subjected to loniz-1 iing radiatioti in,air. A shift In'the carb I.Ion band In the Infrared spectrulm .-I - - OXY -1 from 16i$ C,M,.!:f.f%orluntreated.oolyothylone with tin dibutyl maleate to 15135 cm af- ter, irrAdIatloh, in a.vacuum: indicates that the polymer radical is joined to the tin atom t(i ilor" a'iriaikyl tin salt. This is used as a basis to explain the antioxi- ALEKSP11DROV, A. Yu.; EERLYANT, S.M.; KARPOV, V.L.; USHCHWO, S.S.; OKHWBYSTn4, O.Yu.; FOKEL', E.E.; SHP121EL19 V.S. Study by the M8sebauer effect of the behavior of dibutyltin dimaleate as stabilizer in the irradiation of polyethylene, Vysokom. soed. 6 no.11:2105-2107 11 164 (MIRA 18:2) 'L 00747-66 EPF(O)/&I(m)/E'.4P(J)/T/E7,IA(h)/&-.A(l) RPL RM/WW ACCESSION NR: AP5020964 UR/0190/65/007/008/1319/1322 AUTHOR: Karpov. V. L.; Leshchenko, S. S.; Mitrofanova, L. V. ; Finkel', E. E.~ TITLE: Characteristics of the radiation crosslinkav %f certain polyolefins and their copolymers In a nitrous oxide medium SOURCE: Vysokomolekulyarnyye soyedineniya, v. 7, no. 8, 1965, 1319-1322 TOPIC rAGS: polyolefin, polyethylene, polypropylene, copolymer, nitrogen compound, crosslink, radiation effect ABSTRACT: The effect of nitrous oxide on the radiation crgssjinkage of P2!X2.t11YL_ ene,~pol, ane"hnd an ethylene- propylene copojy=rjVMN1hvestigatcd by the __,rpropyl, extraction method, 'It was shown that nitrous oxide accelerates this process in comparison to radiation crosslinkage attained In vacuum. The greatest accelera-*: tion was noted in polypropylene, from which it was concluded that the increased radiation crosslinkage yield is associated with the suppression of degradation, The acceleration effect In polyethylene was smaller since the prevailing process, upon its it-radiation, is crosslinking and not degradation. It was fjuggested that Card 1/2 L 00747-66 ACCEIS )SION NR: AP5020964 the mechanism of energy dissipation from polyisobutylene to nitrous oxide, proposed by J. Okada (J. Appl. Polymer Sci. 7, 1731, 1963), obtains for tile other polyolefins. Orig. art. has: 4 figures ASSOCIATION: Fiziko~khimicheskiy institu~ im. L. Ya. Karpova (Physico- chemical Institute) Nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut kabellnoy promyshlennosii (Scientific Research Institute of the Cable Industry) SUBMITTED: 22Aug64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: GCIAIP' NR REF SOV: 005 OTHER- 000 Card112-2 L 226.5-6 6. _~-EWT(A)IFRY(c) 11PFIn).~21,EWP j )/EWA WIEWAM GG/M ACCESSION.NR: AP5022220 UR/0191/65/000/009/0008/0012 4~,~e78.742.2.01:539.12.04:678.048 ell, OR: Gladkova, G. I.; Yegorova, Z. S.*, Karpov, V,, L.; Leshchenko, S. S.1 itrofanova, L. V.,,YJS1ovokhotov&j H. A.; unkel", E. - Chernti_6V";-3'.' M. ... f*"~' 44t" -, A, Xj --- TITLE: Thermal stabilization of irradiated polyet; Leneby-industrial anti- oxidant~s 11 SOURCE:: Plasticheakiye massy, no. 9, 1965, 8-12 TOPIC TAGS: antioxidant additives polyethylene, antirad additive, gamma radiation, radiation effect ABSTRACT: The following industrial antioxidants were introduced into polyethylene~ in amounts of 2, 5, and 107.: 2,21-methylenebis(4-methyl-6-tert-butylphenol); 4,41-metttylenebis(2-m*ethyl-6-tert-butylphenol); 2,2'-methylenebio(4-ethyl-6-tert- butylphenol); N-isopropyl-NI-phenyl-p-phenylenediamine (nonox ZA); 4,4'-thiobis ,(6-tert-butyl-m-cresol); 4,41-thiobis(Z-tert-butyl-m-cresol); phosphite of P-24 (P-24 being a phenol-styrene condensation product); and di-g-naphthyl-p-phenylone-I diamine, The polyethylene samples were then irradiated, kept in air thermostated at 150 and 200C.for various periods of timep and tested for relative elongation and tensile strength. The compounds were found to have a stabilizing effectLf .Card-1/2- --L 2265-66 - --- -11. . - - ---. -. -1 ACCESSION NR: AP5022220 their content is 10 to 20 times the amountintroduced into polyolefins to protect the latter from oxidation during processing. The most effective antiradiation additives kept the elongation of polyethylene irradiated with C060 gamma rayn at 30-3504. Infrared analysis showed that during irradiat:ion, particularly in tha.course of thermal aginG, the stabilizer concentration in polyethylene decreases markedly. It is found that irradiation not only causes the formation of trans-vinylene unsaturation, but also gives rise to systems of conjugated double bonds whose number increases substantially during thermal aging. Carbonyl groups are formed both during irradiation and thermal aging, but in much smaller quantities than in cable polyethylene. "The authors thank G. Ya. Richmond for supplying the antioxidant samples." Orig. art. has: 7 figures. el (157", ASSOCIATION: none SUMITTED: 00 ENCL: 00 SUB CCODE: HT9 GO NO REF SOV:, 005 (YLM: 005 Card Wamnr '44 tMe". !~ ~_, . 4~ M~M. YAWF "-, - M'~ :,___1_2R2j=66 ---E.Ujm)ZEPF(n)-2/W(J)/T/EWA(h)/EWA(l) IJP(c) GOAM I ALL MR, AF 010428 (A) SOURCE CODE: UR/0020/66/167/002/0339/0341 AUTHOR: Veselovskiy, R. Leshchenko, S. S., KaMov, V. L. CM-11 'V ? ORG: Physicocbemical Institute .im. L. Ya. NjE2qv_(Fiziko-khWcheskiy Institut)13 TITLE: Some aspects of tht'radiation chemistry of polypropllene..b S SOURCE., AN SSSR. Doklady, v. 167,, no. 2, 1966, 339-341 TOPIC TAGS: polypropylene,.gamma irradiation, irradiation effect ABSTRACT: Structural changes occurrint ain isotactic polypropylene (intrinsic visco- sity of 5.3) imAer the Influence of Co gamma irradiationttere studied. The contri- bution of radical and ionic reactions io-the cross-liWi`ng process was found to be negligible, presumably because the side methyl groups cause steric hindrance effects which do not permit the polyprolylene chain to come sufficiently close to one another. Vinylidene-type double bonds were found to be responsible for the formation of cross- linkages in polypropylene. The cross-linking is thought to result from the interac- tion between an excited double bond and the polymer chain, and the energy raquired far the excitation must be propagated along this chain. The rate of formation of vinyli- dene groups, determined by IR spectrometry, is much faster below the gelation dose (6.5 Mrad) than above it; this is explained by a higher rate of consumption of vinyli- dene groups after the gelation dose. The consumption of active oxygen-containing UDC: 678.742.3:660.85 .d 1/2 L 23921-66 ACC NRs AP6010428 groups may be governed by the following mechanism: CH, Clio CH, it I if it I if It 4111 -C - 0 -C _W->-C - G- C--- C - IC_ If ~ If if 11 11 "Off Thus, the decomposition of these groups follows a radial mechanism followed by ~he rupture of the main polymer chain. Introduction of radial acceptors into the polymer prevents such ruptures and thus.shifts the start of gelatiop toward lower doses. The paper was presented by Academician V. A. Kargin on 26 June 1965. Orig. art. has: 2 figures, 1 formula. SUB CODE: 07/ SUBM DATE: 14Jun65/ ORIG REF: 003/ OTH REF: 009 sov/85-58-9-13/33 AUTHOR: Leshchenkol V., Chieff L'vov Oblast Aviation Sports TITLE: Beginning of the Road (Nachalo puti) PERIODICAL: Kryl'ya rodiny, 1958, Nr 9, pp 10-11 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author describes the progress made in glider sports in L'vov since the opening of an aviation sports club in that city in February 1956. By the summer of 1957 ten glider teams were in training, and more than 130 glider pilots were trained during the year. To avoid improper flying practices and to save time, fuel and funds, greater stress was laid on thorough ground training. The DOSAAF oblast committee turned over to the club an airfield with all its equip- -ment.*Additional gliders contributed to the club helped expand flying opportunities. The author states that the club misses a proper handbook on gliding, Card 1/2 SOV/85-58-9-13/33 Beginning of the Road glider models, and radio equipment describing the new -oplane on the field for charts gliders. The absence of an aer ndicap. There on the ag purposes also constitutes a decided ha trainil otographs showing individual gliding instructors. are 3 pb tsionno-sportivniy k-lubs ASSOCIATION* Livovskiy oblastnoY avi8 ports Club) (L'vov Oblast Aviation S Card 2/2 KWAGHEVA, V.; IX.SHGWt%2j_V, a t 7 ar r'~M Rapid method for determining the moisture content of raw fe v, 1, materials., Miasaind. SS6R 33 [i.e,34) no.2:54-55 163. (I-ILLA 16:4) 1. Kraanodarskiy nauchno-isiledovatellskiy institut pishchavoy promyshlennosti. (Moisture I-L~asurement) LES)ICIMIX0, V. A., Engineer "A New Wsian Gear lclottin,~ flachlaell Stankti I Instnimeilt, 17. No. 9. 1946 BB~-52059019 =31cm-an, V. A. ItSelection of the Parameters of Throttle Valves ilL the Tracking Systeract if C,3pyirz Machi-aes. 11 Thei.-I-i f or deoree of Ivand. lechnical Sci. Sub 12 JUM 50, All-U,Aon Cc:7resDondence Polytechnical Inst (11,iniztr~~ of Hi6her Mucation USSR) Summary 71, 4 SeP 52, Dissertations Preucated, Qr Bee-rees iti Science and Fr,,,,inecriGU In Mloscow in 1~.JO. From Vechernyaya, 1.1pskya. Jwi-Dec.1950 , F. U I, -,: ic: E, I-1,0, i A . r 'or * c~ u -- -tion -ind Lubr-ic!;n's Flow olf oil throuch throttlu. v,.-I.ire aperturcn of ---*-' --- '', ; - . -14....", --, i instr. 23 'To. 3, 1952 Monthl Liot of Rus:31an Libr-7rj of' Gon--,i~-o, 'uly 'I'rcIr-,:-.sIf-*,,!,;. LESHCHEIIKO, V.A., kandtdat tekhrdchaskikh nauk. rully automatic uachins for machining large-sized paztls. EIZi] LOITITOKAM 25:147-162 152. (~TLRA 8: ~) -.1 (Milling machines) LISHCHMFKO, V.,L; KUZNWSOV, V.K. Manufacture of throttle slide-valves for monitoring systems based on the method of hydraulic tests. Btan.i instr. 24 no.7:23-25 Jl 153. (MlaA 6:8) (Slide-valves) LESJUMIO, V.A. line oil filtering in hydraulic control systems. Stan.i instr. 24 a-D.10:17- 19 0 153. (HLBA 5:11) (Oil hydraulic machinery) LICSHCBMIKO,V.A. Selection of parameters for hydraulic contour follovers (statics). Stan.i instr. 26 no-8:3-7 Ag'55. (MLRA 8:12) (Milling machines--Hydroulic driving) 112-57-7-14527 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Elektrotekhnika, 1957, Nr 7, pp 112-113 (USSR) AUTHOR: Leshchenko, V. A. TITLE: Peculiarities of Two-Coordinate Followup Drives of Type KFS-3 Duplicating Machines (Osobennosti dvukhkoordinatnykh sledyashchikh privodov kopiraval'nykh stankov tipa KFS-3) PERIODICAL. V sb. : Avtornatizatsiya tekhnol. protsessov v machinostr. Privod i upravleniye (Collection: Automation of Technological Processes in Machine Construction. Drive and Control of Machines), Moscow, AS USSR, 1956, pp 180-197 ABSTRACT: Followup drives for automatic machining of complicated profile pieces are described, and requirements that the drives are supposed to meet are con- sidered. The two-coordinate KIFS-3 electric -and -hydraulic followup systern consists of two drives. The first, or coarse, drive sets a constant feed rate for the feeling and actuating organ (cutter) in the direction close to Uric tangent within the section being copied. The second, or fine, drive correctij the direction Card 1/3 IIZ-57-7-14527 Peculiarities of Two-Coordinate Followup Drives of Type KFS-3 Duplicating . . . . of feed up to its full registration with the tangent. The main finger of the copy- ing device moves automatically along the master contour and contacts the mas- ter at all times. The output signal of a sinus-type potentiometer associated with the copying device is amplified and used to control electric motorf. on the longitudinal and transverse carriages. The carriages travel at speeds whose values are proportional to the cosine and sine of the angle between the tangent and the master contour at a given point. The correcting electro-hydraillic drive is controlled by a signal whose value is proportional to the discrepancy between the positions of the feeling and actuation organs. As a result, the cutter re- peats the movements of the copying device and reproduces the shape of the pro- duct. The above two-coordinate drive was tested experimentally. On its basis, the KFS-3 copying cutting machine was built, which can work steel models up to 12 mm thick, 3,800 mm long, and 1, 500 mm wide, with an accuracy of + 0.1 mm. The feed rate can be adjusted between 20 and 400 mm/min. The above two-coordinate electro -hydraulic followup drives secure: (1) automatic follow- ing of a closed contour without intervention by the operator; (2) constant feed Card 2/3 112-57-7-14527 Peculiarities of Two-Coordinate Followup Drives of Type KFS-3 Duplicating . . . . rate; (3) high speed of copying at high precision; (4) only a slight effect of play in feed-drive kinematic chains an the accuracy of copying. A description of a simplified all-hydraulic KFD-1 drive is also presented. This drive, tested with the 6N12 machine, revealed its workability at rates over 1,000 mm/min. On the basis of the KFD-1 drive, a copying milling machine was constructed that has a longitudinal travel of 1, 500 mm; transverse, 1, 000 mm; and vertical, 800 mm. S.D. Card 3/3 74 AUTHOR: TITLE: PERIODICAL: ABSTRACT: Card 1/2 Leschchenko, V.A. Means for Increasing the Stability Speed and Efficiency of Hydraulic Copying Tr~nsmission. (Sredstva Povysheniya Ustoychivosti, Skorosti I K.P.D. Gidravlicheskogo Sledyashchego Privoda). Stanki I Instrument, 1957, No. i, pp. 10-14 (U.S.S.R.). Development work on copying transmissions for special copying milling machines manufactured by the Go?kiy milling machine factory is reported. Referring to the single coordinate hydraulic copying unit, improve- ments in the circuit are discussed and tests of their effectiveness reported. The stability can be improved by a throttling valve by-passing the servo- cylinder. At a given opening self-excited oscillations are eliminated without increasing the copying error. Throttling valves in series with the power cylinder eliminate instability at the expense of the copyIng speeds and large loads. Families of curves are reproduced showing the oil circulation against the pressure drop at different control valve dtsplace- ments wit,. 74 a throttle. bY-pass an,, Oeries throttles and wjthCU,. stalled betwe An air pist., loaded accum en the PUMP a ulator Permits hi., -nd the con,r.-1 V her c0PYJ valve in- _ng 3peeds with the same pump Output- The stability error can be reduced by _i3 the control the vertA circuit d unchanged. The copying valve. tapering Ports in ical Plane olfagaj,am of t1le copy ng control in horizontal milling machine is Shown wherein the above improvements are intro- duced. A Copying error of +0.1 r,,n at a rate of feed of 1,000 mm/min Is achTeved. Another diagram illustrates Copying In the horizontal. plane on a vertical milling macj14 ne. The text Includes It dia- grams, and It sets of graphs. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 2/2 ZLYCIMT.K'O, Igor' 7-akharovich; GOLYNEM, I.I., Inzh., retsenzent; LIMOMMO, V*A*, kand. tekhn. nauk, red.; UVAROVA, A.Y., tekhn. red. 1. - -1 1-1 - I [Self-osoillations in hydraulic drives of lathes and milling machines] Avtok6lebauiia v gidroperedachakh metalloresbushchlikh stimkov. Roskwa. Goo. nauchno-takhn. izd-vo mehinoatroit. lit- ry,1958. 219 pe' (Machine tools-Vibrations) (HM 11:10) 25(l) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/2383 Akademiya nauk SSSR. Komisslya po tekhnologii mashinostroyeniya Avtomatizatsiya mashinostroitellnykh prot-sessov. t. II: Privod I upravleniye rabochimi mashinami (Automation of Machine-build- Ing Processes. Vo,]Q: Drives and Control Systems for Process Machinery) Moscow', Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1959. 370 p. Errata slip inserted. 5,000 copies printed. Ed.: V.I. Dikushin, Academician; Ed. of Publishing House: D.M. Ioffe; Tech. Ed.: I.F. Kuzlmin. PURPOSE: This book is intended for engineers dealiqg with auto- mation of various machine-building processes. ZOVERAGE: This is the second volume of transactions of the second Conference on Overall Mechanization and Automation of Manufac- turing Processes held September 25-29, 1956. The present volume consists of three parts, the first dealing with automation of engineering measuring methods. The subjects discussed Include automatic control of dimensions of machined parts, inspection methods for automatic production lines, in-process inspection Card 1/7 Automation of Machine-building (Cont.) SOV/2383 devices, application of electronics in automating linear measuring processes, and machines for automatic Inspection of bearing races. The second part deals with automatic drives and control systems for process machinery, including appli- cation of digital computers in the control of metal-cutting machine tools, reliability of relay systems, application of gas-tube frequency converters In the control of induction motor speeds, magnetic amplifiers and their use in automatic systems, hydraulic drives, and ultrasonic vibrators. Part three deals W4 th mechanisms of automatic machines and auto- matic production lines. The subjects discussed include linkage, indexing, and Geneva-wheel-type mechanisms, friction drives, automatic loading devices, diaphragm-type pneumatic, drives, various auxiliary devices for automatic production lines, and methods of design and accuracy of cams. No person- alities are mentioned. There are no references. TABLE OF CONTENTS: PART I. AUTOMATION OF THE PROCESSES OF ENGINEERING MEASUREMENT Card 2/7 Automation of Machine-building (Cont.) SOV/2383 Gorodetskly, I. Ye. ZTeceasedT Automatic Control of Dimensions In Machine Building 5 AlItshuller, A.N. Determining Optimum Conditions for Controlling the Mean Diameter of Machined Parts 9 Kopanevich, N. Ye. jenin prizewinne.D7. Inspection Methods for Automatiq Production Lines 29 Dvoretskiy, Ye. R. Standard Devices for Active Control 39 Vikhman, V.S. Application of Electronics in Automating Linear Measuring Methods 45 Klusov, I.A. Metrological and Statistical Checking of Some Automatic Inspection and Sorting Systems 53 Shitov, G.A., Ye. M. Dvoskin. Experience Gained in Develop- ing Machines for Automatic Inspection of Bearing Races 62 Card- 3/7 Automation of Machine-building (Cont.) SOV/2383 PART II. AUTOMATIC DRIVES AND CONTROL SYSTEMS FOR PROCESS MACHINERY Mayorov, F.V. Digital Computers In Automatic Control of Pro- cesses 75 Khetagurov, Ya. A. Some Problems Concerning DiglICal Control c,1 Metal-cutting Machine Tools 88 Zusman, V.G., and I.A. Vullfson. Designing Digical Program Control Systems for Machine Tools Q8 Sotskov, B.S. Problems Concerning the Reliatility :~f Relay Systems i07 Labuntsov V.A. Application of Gas Tube Frequency Converters in the Control of Induction Motor Speeds by the Frequency Method 117 Naydis, V.A. Controlled Electric Drive for Metal-cutting Card 4/7 Automation of Machine-building (Cont.) SOV/2383 Machine Tools 124 Dunayevskiy, S.Ya. Magnetic Amplifiers and Their Use In Auto- matic Electric Drive Systems 133 Zaychenkop I.Z. Dynamic Stability of Hydraulic Drives 146 Kamenetskiy, G.I. Hydraulic Drives With a Servo Control System (Hydraulic Amplifiers) 162 LqLs.hchankq_,_V.A. Study of the Dynamics of a Hydraulic Servo 'Urive for Copying Machine Tools 173 Barke, V.N. Study of the Transformation Ratio in an Ultrasonic Vibrator 192 PART III. MECHANISMS OF AUTOMATIC MACHINES AND AUTOMATIC PRODUCTION LINES Levitskiy, N.I. Development of the Theory of Mechanisms of Automatic Machines 203 Card 5/7 Automation of Machine-building (Cont.) SOV/2383 Nakhapetyan, Ye. G. Dynamics and Type of Wear of Geneva- wheel Mechanisms 210 SheRbvits, E.I. Study of Indexing Mechanisms for Tables and Drums of Automatic Machines 222 Cherkudinov, S.A. Linkage Mechanisms of Heavy-duty Drawing Presses 253 Revkov, G.A. Controlled Friction Drives Made by TsNIITMASh 27Q Preys, V.F. Some Problems In the Theory of Loading and Posi- tioning Devices 278 Medvid', M.V. Automatic Feeding of Piece StocX Into Working Machines 292 Kamyshnyy, N.I. Vibratory Loaders for Machine Tools 311 Rubtsov, P.I. Experience Gained by the Avtozavod iment Likhacheva in Developing Standard Mechanisms for Automating Auxiliary Operations in Metal-cutting Machine Tools 326 Card 6/7 Automation of Machine-building (Cont.) SOV/2383 Gerts, Ye. V. Designing Diaphragm-type Pneumatic Drives 336 Bron, L.S. Standard Auxiliary Devices for Automatic Lines 352 Borun, F.L. Problems of Profile Design and Cam Accuracy for Process Machinery in Vacuum Tube Industry 363 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress GO/e.- Card 7/7 10-27-59 BASWA, Trifon Maksimovich, prof.; ~~CHEIMG.--Y.-A.-.-Imnd.tokhn.nauk, retsenzent; B=VITIN, I.I., red.; KAYEVSKIT, V.V., red. [Hydraulic servomechanismol Gidravlicheskie sledieshchie privody. Moskva, Goo.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo mashinostroit.lit-ry, 196o. 281 p. (MIRA 13:9) (Oil-Hydraulic machinery) LESHCHENK0 V ich; ZAYCHENKO, I.Z., doktor tekhn.naukp vx-Andrkyw -Y*t ' retsenzent; MOROZOVA, M.N., red. izd-va; MODEL', B.I.9 tekhn. red.; r-ORDEYEVA, L.P., tekbu. r*d. (Hydraulic servodrives for the automation of machine tools] Gidravliobeskie alediaBhchis privody dlia avtomatizattaii stankov. Moskva, Maohgiz,, 1962. 367 p. (MIRA 15:7) (Machine tools) (Hydraulic control) YERMAKOVp V.V.; ~ ~HGHENKO, V. 11 tekha nAjgk, retaonsent; -Ta; h-KIND; V.I., tekhn. red. (Hydraulic drive of machine tools; some problems in the design and construction) Gidravlicheakii privod metallo- rexhushchikh stankov; nekotorye voproiy raschata i kon- otruirovaniia. Moskva, Maahgiz, 196). 323 P. OU RA 16: 8) (Machine tools-Hydraulic drive) I I Using the method of "nic linearization of nonlinspritiee for determining the stability of a hydraulia servo drive.' Stan. i instr. 31+ no.6:3-8lie 163. (MERA 16:7) jOil hydraulic machinery) ZAYCIfENKO, I.Z.; MYSHLEVSKIY, L.M.; KAMM41R, Ya.A., kand. tekhn. naukp reteenzent;,LESHCLWKO, Y.A.j kand. tokhn. nauk, red. [Hotary pumps and bydraulic engineol Lopastnye nagooy i g1dromotory. MoBkvap Izd-vo "Mashinostroonio," 1964. 211 p. (MIRA 17:4) r--'wT(d-)' Fo-4/kq-h/Pg-~4/F,6-4/P1-4 ACCESSION URs AP5003103 S/0l2l/6h/O('~)/,'09/OGM/OGO6 AUTHCA t LeBhchenko, V. TITIXs~- Stability,pnd:sccuracy of trnking of hydraulic 3erv,.M#,-chPnisT.!1 with P singla aperture choke vn1ve SOURCE: Stanki, instrument,, no, 99 1964, 1-6 T077C TAGS: - hydrAtIlAlc cquipwnt servomechanism,, nonclactric re&mIgtor, velve AbGtract:. An examination of the stability and tracking accuracy of bydraidic:servos vith single aperture choke valves. The stability Is calculated on-the basis of the harmonic linearization method, taking ac- count of fundamental nonlineariti6s-and their asymmetry and also with re- gard to the sizeend characteristics of the choke mounted betucen the chembeis of'the delve motor. There is a comparison of the quality of servamochanisms-with single and,quadruple aperture control valves an4 recom= ndations. are given on preferable fields of application. Ori&. art. has 3 figuraa~.35.fornulas,, *nd 5 graphs. ASSOCIATIONs none SUBMIrMi 00 ENCLt 00 SUE CO-"F- 1E NO 4SF SOV t -003 OTHERt 000 ipis Card 1/1 :":: 3, 1.- 7-*j 7 J-." ~). I., . G . Control Planned and votorized t iming reb%.vs, .)rom. , '0-- . I , 1152. llont~ijy List of iiueqiqn Ac~ns on -lar(-,i l):,2. .- - -Pt- ~L, Libnry of Conw,resn, I l I J. - - - I -. T-- - r~ -- - - I- ---- --- -~-- -_ -- o- -1 KOZWV, B.Pe, kandidat takhnicheakikh nauk; IESUCHKNKO. V.G.. inzhoner. Electropneumatic controllers for caprone hooierv stabilizing machlueFs Ieg.prom.15 no.2:22-26 7 155* (MIRA 8:4) (Electric controllers) (Hosier7 industr7) LICSHCE3NKO, V. G. Automatization of boiling &rA bleaching apparatuseg. no-3:36-37 mr 155' (Textile machinery) Tek-s' (~~ 8-.4') BELOV, V.P., kandidat takhnichaskikh nauk-, 49SHCHESKO, V.G.. inzhener. SPIRIMNOV, I.I., inzhener. Blectric drive for the BWW-140 sizing machine. Tekst.prom. 16 no.2:40-43 7 156. (MI-RA 9:5) (Sizing (Textile)) (Textile machinery) LESHCHEUKO, V*G*; SPIRIDONOV, I-Is -"~ ~ec ~~,Mol6lng device on warping machines. Taket.pron.17 no.2: 35 36 F '57. (Warping machines,Lttachisents) (MM 10:2) II'TASMICH. V.A.-, IXSHCHM, V.G. Stabilization of knitted fabrics made of synthetic fibers. Leg.prom. 18 no.10:25-27 0 '58. (KRA 11111) (S7ntbatic fabrics) LESHCHENKOp- V.G.; MIL'MAN, A.Ya. Use of pbotoresistance in automation circuits for textile industry. Izv VY816cheb. zav.; tekh.tekst.prom. no.4:102-107 '61- (MIRA 14; 9) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut tekstillnoeo i legkogo mashinostroyenlya. (Automatic control) (Textile machinery) LESIICIMKO Vasiliy SgamanovioL; MILIM, Yakov Vladimirovich; kand. tokhn. nauk, retsenzent; KUMM, V.I., inzh.,, red.; TAIROVA, A.L.,, red. izd-va; GO1U.,FYE';, L.P., tokhn. red. [Pneumatic systems for textile machinery) Pnevmaticheskde ustroistva tekstilinykh mashin. Moskva, Mashgiz~ 1962. 150 p. (Textile machinery) (Pneumatic machinery) OURA 15:10 BELOV, V.P.; EMU, B.P.; LESHCHENKO, V.G,; SHMELEV, A.N., kand. C. &-j tekhn. nauk --Y'71.M., red.; TAUVIA, A.L., , ret3erzent; p red. izd-va; EL'KIND, V.D., tek~x,. red.; DEWINA, S.F., tekhzi, red. (Automatically controlled electric drives of textile machinery] Av-tomatizirovannyi elektroprivod tekstillnykh mashin. Moskva, Mashgiz, 1962. 371 p. (MIRA 16:2) (Textile machinery-Electric driving) (Automatic control) I 1-11LIMAN, Ya.V.; LESIiCIMKQ,.V.G.; SYAGUBSKIY, A.13.j ~nzh, retsenzent; ELAGGSKILLOVA, NJU., inzh., red. (Automated electrical drives of the rrschinery of syr,thetic fiber factories] Avtoratizirovannyi elaktroprivod,in zavodov sintoticheskogo volokna. Voskva, Vashinos'ropenle, 1965. 195 P. (miltA 1~,:10) Disinfection of footwear In epidermophytosis [with summaz'7 in Anglish]. Vest.dern. I ven. 31 no.6:24-28 N-D 157. (MIRA 11:3) 1. Iz kBfedr7 kozhnykh I venerichookikh boleznev Owch. - chlen- korreopondent Akademii meditsinskikh nauk prof. S.T.Pavlov) Voyenno-moditBinskoy ordena Ienina skademii imeni S.M.Kirovs. (RINGWCU, prev. and control foot, disinfection of footwear) (ANTISUSIS AND ASUPSIS footwear disinfection in ringworm of foot) (Swas disinfection in ringworm of foot) T33HGEMITMO, V.M. , podDolkovnik meditsinskoy aluzhby Chamber for shoe disinfection in PpiderMODhytosis. 7oen. ned. zhar. no.4:84-83 Ap '59. (MLU 12:8 (ANTISMSIS AND AS:-IYSIS, shoe disinfect. in prev, of ringworm (Rua)) (SHOES, disinfect. in prev. of ringworm (Rus)) (AINGWOPM, prev. & control shoe disinfect. (RuB)) - LESIICMNKOt V.M., kand.meditsinskikh nauk (Tyborg) Modern methods for disinfactiniy tho shoes of patients with fungous diseases of the feet. Felld akuBh. 25 no. 10:15-16 o l6o. (MIRA 13:10) (SHOES-DISINE-ECTION) (EELT-DISEAS:cS) LESHCHENKO, V. M. kand. red. nauk Results of the dermatological use of hexachloraphene Vest. derm. i von. 34 no.1:82-83 A 160. iMIRA 14:12) 1. Iz kafedry kozhnykh I venericheakikh boleznoy (nach. - chlen- korrespondent Akademii meditsinskikh nauk prof. S. T. Pavlov) Voyenno- meditsinskoy ordena, 14nina akademii imeni S. 14. Kirova, (PHENOL) (SKIII.-DISEASES) IESHCHENKO V.M - YARGVIKOV, V.I. Disinfection in candidiasis. Zhxw. mikrobiol., epid. i L==. 32 no.lOt29-31 0 161. (1-11;A 14:10) .1. Iz kafedry kozhnykh i venericheakikh bolezney voyenno-meditsinDkoy akadendi im. Kirova I Leningradskogo instituta antibiotikov. (M6NILIASIS) (DISINFECTION AM DISINFECTANTS) IZSHCHENKOj V.H., podpolkovnik meditsinskoy aluzhbyt karid.rcd.nauk Significance of vitamins in the prevention and treatment of pcyodermitis, Voun.-wd. zhur. no-4:74,76 Ap 161. (HIRA 15:6) (VITAMIN: IMRM) (SKIN-DISEASES) LESHCHETIKO., V. M. , podpolkovaik meditsinskoy sluzhby, Frevantion and treatment of side effect5 during antibiotio in in hospitals. Voen.-mcd. z1hur.Inoj5: Z -37 My 161. (MI"r-A 14:r') (AXTIB OT CS~* lazHUZAKOP V.-ki,&-podpolkovnik moditsinskoy sluzhby, kand.ned.nauk. Treatment of patients with epidermophytosis of the foot under hospital conditions. Voen.-med. zhur. no.8:69-72 Ag 161. (DERMATOPRUS) (FOOT- -DIS WiS) (MlItA 15-.2) LESHCHEIIKO, V.M., kand.mad.nauk (Vyborg) Warts and their treatment. 1&d. sestra 21 no.2:51-53 F 162. (MIRA 15:3) (WARTS) L ;M52-65 -,i%!A'(h)/v.WP(k)/EWP(%)/'-'~R(d)/'Clr(m)/T-2/~WP(b)/EM(d'/kWP(w)/EVIP(t) FE 7-WiU7- FAVMV4D, ACOWSIM: HRt AP5024626 ug/0198/65/002/005M66/0071 t- Leshchankoj-V. Ajy, -M.- (Kiev) A TIME.-i Detemining stneses And defor=tions in rotating disks IMund thel pro- po~bvlnellityl limit SOMOSt Priki-Aldrisaft Mdkhaloa --Ve1 not-59 10651 66-71 TOVE TAGSt contimupt'vm,~~i..7""la,~ticity theory, elasticity theory, defomation~ ri", - stream loa -pUstlo aUormation ABSTWTs The deformation curves are obtained experimentally an rotating diakK~n tfie plastic range of ~the materiale. Two types of steels are used for the disks with given stress-strain curves, The magnitude of the deMm-.tio-a--va-s-dRermin A b),maans of Iaccurate strain gaugai (resistance type). the disks had external diameters of 340 nits internal diameters of 90 ms and a thickness of 20 mm. The eiiperimental results were compared with t-go.types of theoretical calculationst ores based on ideal theory of plast ^Ifte other based on the theory of smill elaztic,~~plaatio deformations, , The results are shown on Fig. 1 on the Lholosure as Us propagation of the plastic region versus the disk rotatioa rate* Curve A ;L/3 00 Il a L&SHCHENKO, V.M., kand. red. nauk, podpolkovnlk redit-31n.9ka.7 Experience in the work of a supernumerary garrison der-matovonoreologist. Voen. med. zhur. no.10-71-72 o 165. (MIrl;% 18:11) WMAI 2%Rt_4ffn* e-Im hm, W L 1932-66 EV1T(d)AWr(l)1T-21EV1P(l) IJP(c) 1'8'1/GS/8C ACCESSION NR: AT5023170 UR/0000/65/000/000/0204/0210 AUTHOR: Leshchenko, V. M. (Kiev) TITLE: Algorithms for aircraft guidance control processes SOURCE~0'Vsesoyuznaya konf ntsivA nn avtomaticheakomu operativnomu upravleniyu proizvodstvennymi predpriyatiyami. 1~~ Moscow, 19~_3.&~C_~_miticheskoye operativn5ye upravleniye proizvo&stvennymi proteessami (Automatic operative con- trol of production processes); trudy konferentaii. Moscow, Izd-vo, Nauka, 1965, 204-210 TOPIC TAGS: flight control system, aircraft control equipment, computer control system ABSTRACT: After pointing out that the next stage in aviation automation is the establishment of automatic controls of all flights within a given air space, the author briefly discusses: 1) the basic stages of flying object control; 2) the synthesis of:appropriate algorithms; 3) the criteria for optimum motion of air- craft; 4) various elements of single aircraft control; 5) analytic relationships reflecting the dynamic and kinetic features of flight; 6) requirements imposed on the control procedures; and 7) various possible coordinate ripresentations. Card 1/2 7- 71 1932-66 ACCESSION NR:! AT5023170 The resulting algorithms are quite involved, And, as an example, the paper out- lines and explains in considerable detail the block diagram of the algorithm for tbe'prevention of conflicting situations which was developed and tested on the BESM-2 computer. Orig, art. has3 .1 formula and 2 figutes. ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITTED: 1lMay65 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: AC, IE NO-REF SOV: 002 OTHER: 000 ATD PRESS:,////16' I~A Card, 2 TUMASHEVA, II.I., dotsent; LF.SHCHFNKO,_V.M. Correlation of ant1-0-fit.repLOlyrJn and antihyaiurorii-,'_~4ve vl-~h the copper and zinc confent in the blood of patients wlth alope-la, are a and vitiligo. Vest.dorm, i ven, ~8 no.',t39-41 MY I " A ti (mj:,- 18:22) 1. Kafedra kozhziykh i venericheskikh bolezney (zav. N.1. Tumasheva) VInnitskogo modUsinskogo irisUtuta. Submitted Juno 16, 1963. L -EWj(m)jMPjw) IMPt i ) 4EPS W 01-i T Iptc 3 ACC NR. AT6008674 JD/WWAM/J&%/GS WUYd CdEt ~R/OOOQZ6~/600/bd~/V294/0304 AUTHORSs Kozlov. I.'A. (Kiev); Bazhenov, V. 0. (Kiev); Leshchenkop Ve M. (Kiev) ?3 f3 7Y ORG: none TITLE: Investigation of the stressed condition and strength of ps_~~bine disks SOURCE: Vae~pytynoy-e soveshchanAye, p.o- voprosam staticheskoy i dinamicheskoy prochnosti - materiIalov i- kons.trukt8i kh'olem'e-nto'v pri vy okikh i nizkikh s temperaturakht MI. Termoprochnost' materialov i konstruktsionnykh elementov ermal airenGth'o'f'm-aior-ialo and construction elements); materialy oovoclichaniya. Kiev# Naukova, dumkap 1965p 294-304 TOPIC TAGSt turbine bladep turbine wheel 9 gas turbine, stress analysis, fatigue strength 111 1111 '),b ABSTRACT: The ntreas conditions and strength qL-DhrQzj%gn-njqkel gas bine disks of complicated profile were experimentally investigated and compared with theoretical results obtained by dividing the disk into circular sections (G. S. Pisarenko, i dr., Nekotoryyo voproey proohnonti lopatok i diskov gazovykh turbiji# Izd-vo AN UkrSSR, 1962). The disks were cant'integral with the turbine bla4es,-PStreas profiles were obtained at 18 000 and 24 000 rpm, and maximum discrepancies Of 18~ with calculated values were observed (curves of the calculated and experimental stress profiles are presented) for symmetrical disks, and of 150--160% for conically shaped disks. Stress profiles were also obtained for the two types of disks just prior to failure (at Card 1/2 -L- 24451-66 C NR AT6008674 500 and 54 000 rpm respectively, for 196- and 148-mm outside diameter). it was found that the maximum stresses at failure were different by 54 from calculated values.. It is concluded that present theoretical methods are inadequate for predict- ing the strength of complicated turbine disks;, Orig. art. has: 10 formulas and 7 figures, SUB CODE: 13, 20/ UM DATE: 19AU965/ ORIG REP: 011 Card 2/2a~060 1032-7-67 7a*- ~R-AN020923 U11156-916-610-0 /002/02361 1 6237 AUTHORSt Ponomarenko, 11. Ye.; Lechchenko, V. M. MG: Institute for the Prob1crin of ',-'-t,!rials Sciclice, 0 TJkrSSR, Kiev (Inatitut materialovedeniya A"11 V problem TITLEi Apparatus for investigating friction' and wear of antifriction materials speeds of up to 50 M/000 --~ t Leningrad. Gosudarstyentir j__gj._q.~qIogI-Ch*eskiyinstit"It. Trudy, no. 130, 1965. imeneniye avtomatiki, radioclektroniki i yadernykIj izzlucheniy pri g1drologicheakikh sledovaniyakh (Application of automation, radio electronics and nuclear rudiation in drological studies), 3-97 TAGS: hydrologic instrument, telemetry equipment, electronic measurC-1-'.--!nt ABSTRACT: The authors describe the layout and operating principles of the units, dc-- I vices and equipment for automation, demote control and signalization in the pilot model! of a grouped system of automatic hydrologic telemetering stations developed in 1962-61; by the Department of Isotopes, and Radio Electronics of the State-Hydrologict.1 Instit -ute- ric~--~ ng I sti- in cooperation with the Chair of Telegraphy of the Odeosa Ei~J i i ~~girieeri n' - ,tute of Communications , The entire system is based on ~-odid-a-F-66 -a-n--d--. hfg-hl7i ferristor elements are used throughout. The design of the system is dc!3cribed, - Card L 38691-66 ACC NRI AT6017532 in detail in Trudy GGI, no. 101 (1963) and no. 115 (19614). Systems- of this type are designed for automating the following processes: 1. measurement, 2. conversio.i (coding), 3. information processing (correcting for nonlinearity in the picPup, information transmission, 5. sorting, and 6. accumulating infor.,vition on punched tape or other types of memory carriers. The electronic elements used in the units and equipment of the system are described, diagrams of each of them are given and -,heir purposes are stated. Diagrams and descriptions are also given for the various subunits used in the system. Orig. art. has: 34 figures. SUB CODE: 09, 08/ SUBM DATE: none/ ORIG REF: 001/ OTH REF: 000 Card 2/2 Itc- L 4oi4q-66 ',ACC NR1____AP5b2i648 cz/oo6o/6576007664/Oif6 01,30 AUMOR: JoYorks,,__J- (Doctor of medicine); Blezak, J. (Engineer); Novak, M.; ~eakoj__ J, Llleutenant,colonel, Mot first clans) iTITIZ: The little latown Offect of sol&r radiation on he h~r*[or#&"7 Z~ SOURCE: VoJenoke zdravotnicke listy, no- 4, 1965, 176 180 MAY .3 1.1966 TOPIC TAGS: solar radiation, solar radiation abasorpti n Ionizing radiation human physiology, blood serum Avospace Technology oivislon ABSTRACT: Two hundred andrinetedft investigations of the Takata flocculation reaction N(cre carried out under various conditions: during suarise, underground at deAhs of 4oom and 16oom., during solar eclipse, after having charged the subject body with a positive and negative potential, and at altitudes of 4,000 and 12,500M. The investi- gators were not able to confirm the results of Prof. Takata. In the experiments the original Takata reaction, of which there are four variations, was used excluflively. I ml of blood serwft was obtained as prescribed by Takata and diluted in a p1lysiologi- cal solution 1:9 and 2-5 ml of 10% NaSo 3were added. Over a period of 90 minutes the solution was pipetted into 12 test tUes (at 200C) and then was titrated with the Takata reagent. The experimental subjects were all young, healthy men in the 18 to 40 year age bracket. In the verification of the alkali time effect results similar to those of Takata were obtained. Orig. wt. has: 3 tables. Card 1.12 ---------- 37154-M EWT(l) - IJP(c) SOURCE CODE:- W02017651000700470106/0115 ACC NRj AP6017289 AWHOH: Leenevskiy, H. M. ORG: none TITLE: Dependence of the static characteristics of cores with rectangular hy8teresis SOURCE: AN BSSR. Vestsi. Beryya fizika-tekhnichnykh navuk, no. 4, 1965, 1o6-115 TOPIC TAGS; magnetic hysteresis, hysteresis loop. magnetic core, re-ft netization, magnetic permeability, permalloy ABSTRACT: To facilitate selection of optimal core thickness for a given computer, 4utomation, or remote control applicat I n. the author analyzes the influence of core thickness on the static !Msteresis T loop', under the condition that the hysteresis loop c5f the material is sufficiently well approximated by a parallelogram whose ascending and descending sides have a given slope, and the differential magnetic permeability does not vanish in the saturation region. It is assumed further that the core is bo- mogeneous and the reversal of magnetization produced by the external field advances from layer to layer of the core. It is shown that the presence of absence of a linea. section on the ascending branch of the hysteresis loop is determined by the ratio of the field corresponding to the end of remagnetization of the inner layer to the field corresponding to the start of remagnetization of the outer layer of the core. The nature of the dependence of the differential magnetic permeability of the core on the L 37154-66 ACC NR. AP6017289 nonlinearity of the hysteresis loop, on the ratio of the inside and outside diameters of the core (Y) and on all other magnetic characteristics of the material is dis- cussed. The influence of y on the start, end, and magnitude of the linear section of the ascending hysteresis loop is illustrated by means of a table for two brands of permalloy. With increasing core thickness, the coefficient of rectangularity decreasi ea. Formulas are derived which permit calculation of the static characteristics of the cores for digital computer applications with sufficient accuracy, and yield the geometrical dimensions of the cores for optimal conditions. Orig. art. has: 3 figures, 29 formulas, and 1 table. MM CODE: 20/ SUH4 DAM 00/ ORIG REP: 006/ OTH REY: 001/ 2/2 af CZECHOSLOVAK-IA LE31,71, I; ileurological Cliinic, :,ac. of Gen. 1.'od. Chr~r-,ez -~,niv. Vnoob. Lek. 1M), Praj7'U'e, 'iead (P--adnosta) !,'.embor of Academy K. HEITINE2; Pediatric Neurology Department Fac of Pediatrics, Chnrle3 University (Detuske llouroloricke Oddeloni I'lak. Detsk. Lek. KU), Pra!~ue, Head (Vedouci) Docent Dr I. LESNY. "Degenerative Nervous Diseaoes and Domyelinating Dineases in Child- hood." Prague, Ces1ko3lovenska Neurolorie, Vol 29, No 1~, Jul 66, pp 261-268 Abstract /Author's _Mnglish summary modified 7: Differences between dogeneratTve nervous diseases and denyelina-ting conditions are dis- cussed. Tho first are the decay of the nervous tis:--ue, w1hich is systemic and slowly prof~ressive. '11ho second are caused by the destruction of myelin and are leucotropic, have a remittant course, sonetimcs with sud-;en exacerbation, and nro subchronic or subacute. The first group are her-ditary and probably due to a fault in the chemistry of the chromosomes. T'he second group are autoagr033iVe diseases appearing as an exaggerated reaction of 'the body to anti- gens. A prenorbid congenital weakness of the olif-?odondror,,lia is probably the cause of the diseases. 5 Western, 6 Czech references. 1/1 (14s. roe. 28 Jan 65). BUNGARY LESZ,KOVSZKY, Gyorgy, TARDOS, Laszlo, ERDELY, Ilona, and HARSANY1, Kalman, Chi,noin, Cl~e-ma-c,ar and Pharmaceutical Works (Chinoin Gyogyszer- es Ve- gyeszeti Termekek Gyara) in Budapest. "The Pharmacology of Diphenylalkyl Deriva.ives. Part 1: Comparative Studies of Coronary Dilator Diphenylaklylamine Derivatives" Budapest, Acta Physiologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, Vol 29, No 3-4, 8 Jun 1966, pp 283-297. Abstract: [English article) A total of 86 diphenylalkylamine derivatives were investigated. They were developed from the well-known coronary dilator prenylamine. The pharmacological studies were designed to find compounds equal or superior to prenylamine and to establish any relations be- tween effectiveness and chemical structure. The data obtained were presented in tabular form. A number of the compounds were at least as effective as prenylamine. The secondary diphenylpropyl structure seemed to be the most effective. 14 references, including 6 German, 2 Hungarian, and 6 Wes- tern. (Manuscript received 3 Jun 1965). 1/1 - 59 - L 3990h-66 DX(t)/En ioi,(c ji) ACC NR: AT60201187 SOURCE CODE: AUTHOR: Letf)j-q- V_ CZ/2514/6,5/00/051/0017/0021 ORG: Astronomical Institute, Czechoslovak AcadenV of Sciences, Observatory Ondrejov TITLE: Titanium abundance in the solar-atmos-phere\.' SOURCE: Ceskoslovenska akademie ved. Astronomicky ustav. Publikace, no. 51, 19 5. 1 3rd Consultation on Solar Physics and Hydromagnetics, Tatranskn Lomica, 13-16 October 1964, 17-21 TOPIC TAGS: solar atmosphere, thermodynamic equilibrium, photosphere, titaniuz I ABSTRACT: The number of weak and medium neutral-titanium. lines with known relative oscillator strengths is large enough to permit the drawing of & well-defined curv(, of growth for the solar atmosphere in local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE). Provided the conversion factor of the relative into absolute f values is known, titanium abundance can be determined directly for any solar atuosphere model. Results! naturally differ greatly due to the different conversion factors used. The author analyzes in detail the various methods of determining titanium abundance in the Folar atmosphere. The fornula for conversion is also analyzed. A table in the original article lists the values, conversion factors, and methods used try other authors to determine titanium abundance. Orig. art. has: 1 formula and 1 table. (ccl SUB COEE: 03, 20/ SUBM DATE: none/ OTH REF: 024 Card 1/1 L36829w-M EWT(d)/EWP(1) IJP(c) GO/BB ACC NR, AP6017929 SOURCE CODE: UR/0378/66/000- 11002 /0057/0102-7 AUTHOR: Korolev, M. A.; Kuz-min K. S.; Lavrov, S. S.; Letichevskiy, A. L; Stolvaroy, G. K.;_Shura-Fu_ra, M. R, L ORG: None -4Y TITLE: Report on the ALGEK algorithmic langtta&e SOURCE. Kibernetika, no. Z, 1966, 57-IOZ TOPIC TAGS: algorithmic language, economics, information processing, com- puter application, machine translation ABSTRACT: This paper presents a description of an algorithmic language termed ALGEK (algorithmic language for economic problems). It extensively uses the data on the ALGOL-60 language, the SUBSET ALGOL-60 (IFIP) language, and the input-output procedures developed for ALGOL. The present work also makes use of the ideas of COBOL-60 language and the input-output procedures develo ed p elsewhere (D. E. Knuth,L. L. Bumgarner, P. Z. Ingerman, J. H. Werner, D. E. Hamilton, M. P. Lietzke, D. T. Ross, A Proposal for Input - Output Conventions in Algol-60 (A Report of the Subcommittee on ALGOL of the ACM Programming Languages Committee). Communications of the ACM, V. 7. N 5, May 1964.) The proposed language may be utilized for the composition of pro- r-4 1/2 UDC: 681.142.001:330.115 36829-66 ------- ~Cc~i_t__~~1~6_01 -7-9 Z_ -9- -31 grams for some typical problems in the processing of economic information and makes it possible to start the development of translators. The preliminary ver- sions of the language were discussed at several conferences and seminars. The draft of the language was sent out to several organizations. The present publica- tion has been approved by the Group of Algorithmic Languages for Processing Economic Information attached to the Commission for Multilateral Cooperation Between Academies of Sciences of Socialist Countries on the Problem of "Sci- entific Problems in Computing Technology" (Gruppa algoritmicheskikh yazykov p0 pererabotke ekonomicheskoy inforrriatsii (GAYaPEY) Ori komissii mnogostoronnego sotrudnichestva mezhdu akademiyami nauk sotsialisticheskikh stran po problerne "Nauchnyye voprosy vycheslitellnoy tekliniki") and is being recommended for a description of economic problems and for the creation of translators in the coop- erating countries. GAYaPEY recommends that the authors of the language per- form work on the creation of an input-output apparatus and retains the right to insert corrections into the language. The following are treated in great detail: the structure of the language; fundamental symbols, identifiers, digits,. quotations, and fundamental concepts; expressions; and operators. Comrades Yu. Ya. Bazilevskiy, M. N. Yefimova, and A. S. Frolov rendered a great deal of assis- tance in the work, and the authors express their gratitude to them. Orig. art. has: 9 tables and 3 figures. SUB CODE: 05/ SUBM DATE: 04Dec65/ ORIG REF: 000/ OTH REF: 007 Card 7- PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION 1049 Kabardi-no-Balkar A.S.S.R. Statisticheskoye upravleniye Narodnoye khozyaystvo Kabardino-Balkarokoy ASSR; statisticheskiy sbornik. (National Economy of the Kabardino-Balkar A.S.S.R.; Collection of Statistics) Nalchik, Kabardino-Bal-karokoye knizhnoye izd-vo, 1957. 112 p. 1,000 copies printed. Additional Sponsoring Agency: U.S.S.R. Tsentrallnoye statisticheskoye upravleniye Compilers: Leshchenko, Ye.V., Zakharov, G. V., Akimova, A.G., MolIkov, I.P., Zhiveynaft~,.F., Sukbova, N.N., and Agaronyan, P.K.; Chief Ed.: Zimovnov# L.I., Chief, Kabardino-Balkar S.S.R. Statistical Administration;.Ed.: Sukhova, N.N.; Tech. Ed,: Tkhakakhov,-'B. Zh. PURPOSE: This book is intended for economists and economic statisticians. COVERAGE: This is a statistical compilation containing the conventional stat- istical data on the development of the national economy within the present- day limits of this Republic. Recent statistical data are contrasted with those for 1940, and in some cases also with those for 1923 and 1913. In many Card 1/3 National Economy ofthe MAbardino-Balkar A.S.S.R.; CoLlection (cont. ) IV19 cases, when describing the state of national economy as of today, the compilers list figures for individual rayons and for the town of Nallchik. output in physical units is available only for basic commodities4 TAMZ OF CONTMM: Ch. I. Sunmary Section 7 This chapter contains data on population and administrative and ter- ritorial units Ch. II. Industries 11 Growth of industrial production in physical units; dymmic indices; proportion of industrial workers; labor productivity; number of industrial workdrs Ch. III. Agriculture and 1habandry 23 Area of farm lands; electrification; MTS and tractor park; grouping of farms by size and ownership; area sown, head of cattle Ch. IV. Capital Construction 59 Capital investments; housing development; public utilities Card 2/3 1-22-59 GLADKOV, B.A, GRACIn. , L.N., UVIT, G.A., LAIIIIJUS, A.S.,,V,-HCi9',NKO, Tu.A. rUDINOV. V.A., PROKOPOVICH, A.Ye.. red.; IVANOVA, TIKRAIJOV, A.Ya., [Modernization of vertiCR1 turning Inthe93 ModernizRtsiia toknrno- knruselInykh stnnkov. Pod red. A.B. Prokopovicha. Moskva, Goo. nauchno-takhn. lzd-vo mashinostroit. lit-ry, 1958. 265 p. (MIRA 11:9) 1. Moscow. RksperimentnlInyy nanchno-iseledovntellskiy institut metallorezhtLehahkikh stankov. (Lnthea) 25 (1,T) MLSK I boot KIMITATIOB 30TAW P.O. Shplaol-shteyn. V.A. ludInav, h.j.2. A.. X*dlrnl:ktllya tokarnykh stankovi rukovedyashohlye astorlaly god rnitation of LAtheal Instructions) Moscow. Mangle, 1958. 286 V. 6,800 copies printed. Sponsoring Ageneys Noscow. 1koporlmentalInyl naucbn*-I&~I*d*V&tGll~kly InotItut met Ilorethushchlkh stankov. 34.s A.To. fro:.Vovlcbl 19d. of Publishing Nouses N.A. Ivanowas ,go, Id.o To. X. Fktvoyov*j Managing &d. for Literature on Mota Working and Tool Ratings N.D. 3*7iollman. gaginaer. PUMPOSEs This back In Intended for manufacturing personnel dealt" with the operation of machine tooU, and for designers to plant machine-shops, and engineer-toohnaloglate. card 1/5 COVINA018 The book presents an Analysis of the existing operating stock of lathes and omtawllshoo basic trends In modarnlistion. It Includes examples of distaning and design solutions related to wadernIzatIon of the main drive and to*& drl Too classification and description of various attachments for reducing Auxiliary time and easing the vork of an operator, description of various dtvlceo for w1doolnX the range applicability of machtne tools, examples of sodornlaing the best* tool types of the engine-latme group, a" discusses problems concerning Inprovement of vlbrotlon-otabllity and "IlAbIlIty In the operation of nechIne tools and how to prolong their lite. go porgemalittes am mentioned. T%400 arm references. All Soviet. TASW OF COMMs Introduction Ch. 1. Brief Survey and Analysis of the Technological loevol Of the 0PGT%tIO4 Stock Of TA%b" Ch. ". GRPWSKIY, I.K., Inzh.; IMHCB30KO. Zh.Ta. Some properties of alkyl sulfates of symthetic alcohols aDd their solutions. Maol.-zhir.prom. 26 no-7:24-26 a 160. (MIRA 13;7) 1. NIISZh i KS. (Cleaning compourAs) (Sulfuric acid) (Alcohols) BESprATOv, M.P., kand. tekhn. nauk-,-,IJkBIIC HIM, Zh.Ya., iftZhe Affect of electrolytes on the critical concentration of micalla formation in aqueous solutions of a mixture of primary and secondary alk7l sulfates. Mael.-zhir.prom. 26 no.12:24-26 D 160. (KIRA 13112) 1. Hauchno-iseledovateltakiy institut sintoticheakikh zhirozameniteley i moyushchikh aredetv. (Sulfuric acid) (Electrolytes) (Micelles)