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"Northern Donets-Donbass Canal"
17 au m1see to 25 cu m/Pec. A storage reservoir with A
capacity of 546 million cu m will be built at Krasnyy Cakol
to insure a steady supply. Four pumping stations, estRblish-
ed between the 5 gravitational sections, lift the water to
a total height of 237 m.
The Article contains 1 map, 3 figiires nnd 12 photopraphs.
AVAILABLE: Library of Congress
Card 2/2
Large-dianoter delivery coneuitn of the Northern Donets - Donets
Basin Canal. Vad. 1 san.takh. no.1:4-10 Ja 159.
(MIRLA 12:1)
(Donets Basin--Water pipes)
Automatic malt-level indicator. Izm.tekh. no.11%56--59 S 162.
OURA 15: 11)
(Liquid level indicators)
LERNER) V,S.., inzh.
Change in the phase voltages of electric ore-smelting furnaces.
Yest.elektroprom. 33 no.2:62-65 F 162. (211FA 15:2)
(Electric furnaces)
1 37-58-4-6542
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiva. 1958, Nr 4, p 31 ~USSR)
A UTHORS: Petrov, I.K., Zinov'yev, V.P., Lerner,__Y__5.
TITLE: Automatic Adjustment of Certain Processes in Lead and Zinc.
Metallurgy (Avtomaticheskoye regulirovaniye nekotorykii prot-
sessov v metallurgii svintsa i tsinka)
PERIODICAL- Sb. tr. Vies. n. -i. in-t tsvetti. niet. . 1956, Nr 1, pp
ABSTRACT: The following systems of automation of various technical
processes and parameters, developed by the VNII'I'svetMet,
are described. In connection with the automatic control (AC)
of the amount of air delivered to a shaft furnace, a direct re-
lationship has been experimentally determined to exist between
the rate of air flow and the productivity of the furnace, which
is an object of fixed capacity. AC is employed to hold constant
the amount of air blown into the oven. In AC of the rate of
motion of the pallets of a sintering machine, the primary sig-
nal is the thermoelectromotive force of 4 differentia Ily -con -
nected (paired) thermocouples, determining the position of the
Ca rd temperature maximum of the outgoing gases, which should be
Automatic Adjustment of Certa,,n Processes in Lead and Zinc Metallurgy
in the third chamber frorn the "faulf". The AC employs an electronic potent-
iometer, a millivoltmeter with an electronic regulator, a t"ine reiay. and an
actuating mechanism manipulating the rpm of the sintering machine drive.
In AC of the maximum productivity of sintering machine exhausters, the coll-
quantity is the current of the exhatisTer motor, whi(h is held ot an ;issigned
constant level. AC is performed by means of an elec.ronic potentiometer
with a three-position control, a time relay, and a driving mechanisin dc'-
uating a choke in the exhauster intake. In connection with AG of the opera-
tion of the assembly governing the returns in a sintering plant, the problem
of the assembly is delivery of cooled return agglornerate ("returns",? at a
temperature not higher than that desired. In AC of electrical settling furn-
aces for the products of lead shaft-furnace smelting, three regulators em-
ploying electronic potentiometers with 3-position control Sustain a definite
current intensity in the circuit of each of the three electrodes by raismg or
lowering them. The design of AG for the thermal regime of a rotary tubular
furnace provides for AC of the temperatures at the top and bottom ends of
the furnace and of the vacuum, but automatic control of charg:ng is required
for the proper functioning of the AC system.
ht. L
Card 2/2
1 Lead - -Proce~;ses- -Au toira t ion 2 Zinc--Proces~;es--Autc7ntiGn
LZR M . Y.S., Inzhener.
Experimental determination of frequency charActeristice of circuit
members used In automatic control of pressure. Priborostroanis
no.9:1-3 5 157. (MIRA 10:10)
(Electronic control) (Pressure regulators)
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Metallurgiya, 1958, r 4, p 31 (USSR)
AUT14ORS: Lerner, V.,~i, . Kornil'tsev, Yu. A.
TITLE: Automatic Mea surement of the Level of tile Fused Ma ss in
Electrical Lf:ad-smelting Furnaces (Avtomaticheskoye izmere-
niye urovnya rasplavlennoy massy v elektricheskikh pechakh
svintsovoy plavki)
PERIODICAL: Byul. tsvetn. metallurgii, 1957, Nr 14, pp 24-25
ABSTRACT: A description is offered of a pe riodica Ily -functioning in-
strument consisting of a bar and a cable let down by a driving
mechanism (DM) every 20 or 30 min, or at some other time
interval actuated by a tirne relay (TR) and an electronically-
recording automatic balanced bridge (BB) with a disk record
and an electric circuit. When the bar touches the melt as it is
lowered, a voltage relay is turned on, the DM stops, the BB
is switched on, and this measures the resistance of the feed-
back resistor of the DM and records the distance the bar has
been lowered, or in other words the level of tile heat. Then Ihe
TR switches off the BB circuit, raises the bar, and actuates a
Card 1/2 disconnect switch when the bar is in its raised position. The
Automatic Measurement of the Level (cant. )
interval is counted off, the TR operates, and the cycle is repeated. The
level can be measured within the range of 500-2000 mm.
1. vlellallur~-'ry 2. Equipment--Design 3 Equipment--Operation 4. Me 1 -6 s
Card 212
SOV/ 137-58-8-16348
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurf_-.a, 1938, Nr 8, p 16(USSR)
AUTHORS: Lerner, V.S., Kornil'tsev, Yu.A.
TITLE: An Automatic Power-control Circuit of an Electric Foundry
Furnace for Smelting Lead Sinter (Skhcma avtoniaticheskogo
regulirovaniya clektricheskoy moshchnosti rudnoteri-nicheskoy
pechi dlya plavki svintsovogo aglornerata)
PERIODICAL: Byul. tsvetn. metallurgii, 1957, Nr 24, pp Z2-26
ABSTRACT: A description is provided of an automatic power-control
system (ACS) in an electric foundry furnace developed and
tested by the VNIlTsvetmet at the Leninogorsk Lead Plant. The
ACS circuit is adduced, its principles of operation are de-
scribed, as is the equipment used in the ACS. In the conclu-
sions it is noted that 3 variants of the ACS based on measuring
and controlling the resistance in the elect rode -slag -hearth cir-
cuit have been checked out in operation.
1. Furnace.,'-G 2. 3. if,
Card 1/1 lead-I'v iri:_'
_V~5.1, and Kornil -tsev, Y--~.A. SOV/115-56-1 I
AUTHORSt Lernerl, -281;0
TITLE: Measuring Alternating Currents and Voltages by the Compen-
sation Method (Izmereniye peremennykh tokov i napryazheniy
kompensatsionnym metodom)
PERIODICAL; Izmeritellnaya tekhnika, 1958, Nr 1, P 56 (usn)
ABSTRACTs The automatic control and adjustment of many processes
requires precise measuring, recording and adjusting of
alternating currents and voltages. But the control instru-
ments produced by the Soviet instrument industry are not
adapted for this purpose. The automation laboratory of
VNIITsvetmet has solved the problem by using a revised
Card 1/2 version of a common automatic potentiometer, EPD-17. The
Measuring Alternating Currents and Voltages by the Compensation Methcd
method is applicable only for such alternating currents and
voltages whose phase coincides with the excitation phase
of the vibratory converter. The error observed in test
measurements by this method is about 0-5~-. There is 1
diagram and 1 6oviet reference.
1. Alternating 2.
3. Potentiometer s- -Per formance 4. Control ~7yst,~ms--Equipmerit
Card 2/2
AUMORj Lerner, V.S. (Engineer) SOV/110-58-10-10/24
TITLEs A speed pro-p-fttional unit for automatic coatrol circuits. (Blok
proportsionalluoy skorosti dlya ekhem avtomaticheskogo regulirovaniya)
PERIODICAL: Veatnik Elaktroprowyahlennosti, 1958, No.10. pp. 34-30 (USSR)
ABSTRACT.- This article describes equipment designed to vary motor speed over a
wide range an a function of an input signal. The circuit, given in
Fig.l., includes two amplidynes with internal feed-back connected
in two phases of the motor stator with various relays, the function
of which is explained. Graphs of the static characteristics of the
circuit are given in Fig-2. The curves in Fig.2a. were determined with
constant torqtte on the driving shaftl those of Fig.2b. are
mechanical characteristics of the drive with various control signals
on the input and variable torque on the motor shaft. The turves show
that the system in effective. The dynamic characteristics are
illustrated by oncillogramB in Fig.3. The transient process is more
rapid than in a contactless circuit of the same parameters. The
comparative properties of the two systems are 'tabulated and it in shown
that the reco=euded scheme operates very quickly. A circuit used
for automatic temperature control incorporating a speed proportional
unit is shown in Fig.4. The signal from the thermo-couple of an
electric furnace acts on the input of an electronic potentiometer and
Card 1/2 then^.e to the operating device; this delivers the signal to a
A speed proportional unit for automatic control cifcuits. SOV/110-58-10-10/24
regulated auto-transformer which alters the heater voltage in
accordance with variations in the temperature. Throughout the test
the temperature was maintained within the required range. It is
onneluded that the speed proportional unit can be applied to standard
automatic control systems without major alteration. There are 4
figures and I table,
SUEMITTED. August 8, 1957.
1. Electric rw)torj--~'ontrol sy.,;tems 2. Speed reguiator:3--Design
3. Speed regulators-Effectivenens 4. Arnpl.idync.,:-,--flei-formrin(.-e
Card 2/2
AUTHORi Lerner, Y___S1_A_UBt1-Kamenogors1k)
TITLE: The Transfer Function of' tt Vngnetic Amplifier Working
into a Resistance Load
PERIODICAL: Avtomatika, 1959, Nr 1, pl) 58-69 (USSR)
ABSTRACT.- The actual magnetization curve of the core material
is approximated by three straight lines, whose slopes
are the initial and final permeabilitiesi hysteresis is
neglected (Fig l,b). Eddy-current losses are also
neglected. The amplifier is treated as a passive four-
terminal network; the currents arid voltages are replaced
by their mean values and waveform distortion is neglected
(the treatment is closely Storm's). The inductance of
the output circuit is neglected, Eq (1) arid (2) are used
in relation to Fig 2, which illustrates all the quantities
appearing in the equations (the values are the
instantaneous ones), These equations are transformed to
those at the bottoin of p 60 by using the approximations
of Fig 1,b, which now equations are then transformed to
(3) and (4), where S.1 arid S2 are the cross-sectional
areas of the coils and ~il arid TL2 are the effective
card 1/3 permeabilities along the straight lines. Fig 3 sliows
The Transfer Function of a Magnetic Amplifier Working into a
Resistance Load
how 112 - jil varies in tirtie~ The step-function is riot
expanded in. Fourier form, because the expreissions are
cumbrous; insteadj the functions at the bottom of 1) 61
are transformed to ories in terms of the mean currents 1.
Eq (5) is apl,lied to the emf, pd and ohmic loss in the
coils to give Eq (6)Ior (7) in operational form, wfier4! UIC-
bars denote the Laplace -transforms; correspondingly,
Eq (4) becomes Eq (8). These equations are transform-?d to
give the time-constants of the circuits (-r) and K is
the ratio of Y., to 1^'CI The transfer function in
operational form is then Eq (9) for transient states or
Eq (10) for an ideal core in which the a.c. and d.c.
changes are simultaneous,, Eq (11) - (13) then give the
transfer functions for the various quantities; Eq (14)
to an ideal core, These formulae are used tc draw
up the table on p 66, whicli lists (from left to right I
the form of the transfer function, the structt.ral forrula
for the magnetic amplifier and the coefficients in the
(-.ard 2/3 transfer function, Fig 4 gLves some results for a
3()V/1 (~2-5 9- 1-6/ 1"
The Transfer Function of a Magnetic Amplifier Working into a
Resistance Load
magnetic amplifier u8ed to control an asyiichrarious
motor (short-circuited rotor). There are 4 figures,
1 table and 11 references, 10 of which are Soviet and
I English.
5UBMITTED: September 17, 1958
Card 3/3
AUTHOR: Lerner, V. S., R~Ineer 3OV/P-19-59-5-2/22
TITLE: Investigation of the Wiring for the Automatic Regulation of the
Output of an Ore-drying Kiln (K isaledovaniyu Eftemy avtomaticheskogo
regulirovaniya moshchnosti rudnotermicheskoy pechi)
PERIODICALs Priborostroyeniye, '1959, Nr 5, pp 3-6 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: In writing the present paper, the autbox was assisted by Yu. A.
Kornil'tsev. At the VNIITSVET!M (All-Union Scientific Research
Institute for Vonferrous Metals) a new wiring for the automatic
regulation of the output of suoh a kiln was developed. This wiring
is based on -the calculation of the phase conductance of this kiln,
and on the transmission of the regulating impulse * corresponding to
the change of this conductance. The most important peculiarity of the
new system is the use of a device whioth reacts to a signal
proportional to the current intensity of the phase ourrent divided
'by -the voltage of the kiln. The regulation of the output on the
basis of the phase conductance of the kiln facilitates, in some
oases, the use of an astatic regulation wiring without stabilizing
aonneotion. Thus, the whole system of automatic regulation can be
greatly simplified and cheapened. The first section of the present
Card 1/2 paper analyzes the operation prinoiple as well as the most essential
Investigation of the W-4ring for +.ha Aatomatia Regulation S074~9-59-r~-2,122
of the Output, of an Ore-drying K-111n
static, and dynamii zlhara,-teriatioa of t'is device for the
maasuremen-t of the %',i:~ove-mentioned) fraution of 2 given electric
q!aantitiea. Tha sacond section "ItIals with -the characteristics and
the enalysis of tha aat,.)mtAiQ-x-agulat'_o:L wiring. The wiring
developed in the presont paper was industrially tested at the
ore-malting fuima,-a of the Laninogorskiy polimetallicheski-y
kombinat (Lan-Inogerak '-olyWtal Kombinat). The diagrams for the
opercLtioa ol' Th.T_a -aiz,ng are shcwn in a figare. The theoretically
ialm-datsd djvta aza Li good -.onf [Al ( 6J )] max (14)
where 2A90 denotes the insensibility zone of the additional relay unit of
the correction circuit and A1(W ) the characteristic of the noise during
melting. The experimental investigation of both circuits has been done in
an electrolytic bath (electromodel of the furnace) where both controls have
been added. Fig. 6 shows the oscilloeraw obtained. The Engineer A. N.
Ryndin took part in the experimental investigation. Ya. Z. Tsypkin is
thanked for helping to prepare this article for publication. There are
8 figures and 12 Soviet-bloc references.
SUBMITTED: February 22, 1960
Card 319
A method to
S/io 61/022/004/003/014
Bi I 6X321 2
Legend to Fig. 1: 1) Transient process at the filter input in an automatic
control system without introducing any correction; 11) transient process
in an automatic control system without filter; 2) transient process at the
filter output in an automatic control system without introducing a correc-
tion; 3) transient process at the filter input in an automatic control
system with correction; 4) transient process at the filter output in an
automatic control system with correction; 5) adding of an element sensitive
to sign; 2bepo denotes the insensibility zone of this element; 10 denotes
the response time in an automatic control system without filter; Tk denotes
the response time in an automatic control system with filter and correction;
T1, T2, T3 denote the period of the added circuit for the element
sensitive to sign.
Card 4/9
Regulator of thermal processes ip d2arge resistance furnaces.
Priborostroonie no,7M-21 JI 162* (MIRA 15--7)
(Electric furnaces) (Automatic control)
AUTHOR s Lerner, V.S.
TITLEj An automatic level gauge for molten charge in
PERIODICALt lzmeritelInaya tekhnika, no.11, 1962, 56-59
TEXTt Methods including those based on ultrasonics,
radioactivity or contact, have been tried for measuring the
level of molten metal in furnaces, but without great success.
The equipment here described has been successfully tried in
practice. An expendable graphite measuring electrode 100-150 mm
in diameter, connected in parallel with 'one of the main
electrodes, is kept in contact with the surface of the slag by
a current relay operating a follow-up'mechanism which lowers the
electrode if the level of the charge falls. A time-lag relay
periodically withdraws the electrode to ensure that rises of'
level are also followed. A further time-relay periodically
withdraws the electrode to meastire its length by recording the
passage of the hot end past a photocell and then the instrument
readings are automatically compensated for any change in
Card 1/2
An automatic level gauge for molten ... E194/EJL53
electrode length. By adding a device to measure the resistance
of the auxiliary electrode circuit, it is possible to measure
in turn the depth of the slag, charge arid molten metal.
Construction of the equipment is briefly described; schematic
diagrams are given and their operation is explained. The
device is particularly simple when used with electric arc
furnaces, because arrangementm similar to those used to raise
the main electrode may also raise the auxiliary electrode, but
the device can also be used in other types of metallurgical
equipment or when the substance whose level is 'to be measured
is reactive and normal methods are inconvenient.
There are 2 figurcs.
Card 2/2
Electric power regulator for electric smelting furnaces.
Avtom.i prib. no.lt64-66 Ja-Mr '62. (KPA 15:3)
(Smelting furnaces) (Electric controllers)
kuncl . tc 1:` in ; i`;_ '- -,!.. III-.":
:affect o-, Cal
011 re 'ida',o;-y
uciitb. za,,r,; nc,-~ :51-57 AE; '3.
jorno-r-.-. 'a,.
1. Vso1;o-,Lzwr rL~
ins Litut txrotny I-- v I
V5. '.wVP
L'�~301r W.W/W(tY/TW?(b' _WP(c) JD..
:!~g., . -__11I.-
I-ACCESSION NR: AP5020211 UR/0170/65/009001/0025/0033
AUTHOR: Lerner, Vd'S.
TITLE,; Determination -of optimal conditions in converters
i SOURCE: Inzhenerno-fizicheaki.-I zhurnal, v. 9, no. 1, 1065, 2.r
TOPICTAGS: converter. optimal automatic control, smelting furnace. lead
ABSTRACT: The article contains a theoretical derivation of the criteria for o
timal operating conditions in any type of converter. It starts from the assumption
that, In optimal operation, the sum of all flows and forces introduced into the
system from without is at a minimum abaclute value. Also, under steady state
conditions, the necessary condition for optimal operation is that all the Internal
parameters of the converter are independent of time. This is also valid for the
entropy. It follows that the required condition for optimal operation of any con-
verter can be determined from the totality of the external forces and flows. As
a practical exam 1e, Ahe article gives a detailed calculation of optimal operating
~i Card 1/2.
L 05265-67 EM(d)/EWP(v)/EWP(k)/EWP(h)/
FXCC NR,=60jj~49 SOURCE CODE: UR/0372/66/000/002/GO34/GO34
AUTHOR: Lerner, V. S. 5'Y
TITLE: Mathematical description and optimization of automated systems
SOURCE: Ref zh. Kibern, Abs. 2G202
REP SOURCE: Sb. Materialy dokl. 1-y Nauchno-tckhn. konferentsit Kishinevsk. politekhn.
in-ta. Kishinev, 1965, 115-116
TOPIC TAGS: optimal control, information theory, thermodynamic calculation
ABSTRACT: The applicability of e(litations of the thermodynamics of irreversible processes
to the mathematical description of physico-chemical processes in automated systems iE; exa-
mined. Such an approach takes Into account the different physical nature of ffiese processes.
It is shown that the principal itiformation characteristics of the processes are the static and
dynamic admittances of the energy channels. Ile conditions for the stability of autolliated
systems, as expressed through these Information characteristics, are established. A mathe-
matical model of the system is utilized to determine the amotwt of informati'm re(jutred for
its control. It Is shown that a controlled system consumes information. The optimal mode
1/2 UDC:-621.391.17 - - - -j
L o5,e65-57
'ACCNRt -An6n13,V6--
of the system is determined, and so Is the system's optimality criterion. 111e necessary and
sufficient conditions for the existence of the optimal mode are formulated and proved. A re-
lationship Is established between the obtained optimality criterion and Shannon's condition
of maximum channel capacity. 0. L. (Translation of abstractl
SUB CODE: 09, 06/
522447 Md)/AE(Y)/9C
_RR, iAR6021348 SOURCE CODE: U11/0372/66/000/002/G017/6017
AUT11011: Lerner, V. S.
TITLE: Optimal behavior of seLf-regulating (adaptive) systems
SOURCE: Ref zh. Kibern, Abs. 2G110
REP SOURCE: Sb. Materialy dokl. 1-y Nauchno-tekhn. konferentsit KIshInevBk. politekhn.
in-ta. Kishinev, 1965, 117-118
TOPIC TAGS: self adaptive control, optimal control, Intelligent programming system
ABSTRACT: A dynamic system forming its behavior according to the received information as
a result of self-adjusLment and self-organization Is considered. 7be preceding states of the
system are known. Ile system's equations are not known a priori and are determined during
the control process. The general problem of determining the optimal trajectory of ale system
is stated on the assumption that the behavioral goal either Is not formulated or cannot be Bpe-
cified. An axiomatic solution of the problem is presented with respect to determinate and
statistical (information) systems. It Is proved that any optimally behaving adaptive system
UDC: 62-506.1:6-81.142.36
L o5194-67
ACC NRs AR6021348
undergoes a succession of stable states. For information systems these states are character-
ized by decrease in the rate of entropy in the process of adaptation. 0. L. [Translation of
SUB CODE: 06, 09/
Card 2/2
SEIS1101:0K, llik)lay Andreyevich; RET-KII:, VaslJy ledorovi.--h;
hmtv'*~SKIY, Leonid 1,11mvich; Prinirall ucl'arliye
V.Yu.; LA,'7!GVGI!El`rO,
ALEK-'-;U.D?.GVA, A.A., r!,-(i.; GUTC:'7;11.'A, LI.Ya., red.;
IYUBL"Wil, rrA.
[Pri-:~::iples of the of the relial)ility an(i Opera-
tien Df torii nadt?::l.-
no~;ti i ckcpluatatsii vndinelekt'rc~nroi teklmiki. Yorikva,
Sover.skoc retdlo, 550 p. (411,A
; i I I I I .
~\, . "SAVCHINKO, B..; IJWMR, Y:A~
Gral-n receiving station with cleaner. Muk.-olev.prom 22 no.9:8-9
S 1!6. (MLRA 10:8)
LZerastitall upravlyavushchago Orskoy kontoro7 Zagotzerno (for
Savcl.enko). 2. Glavnyy inzhmner Omako7 kontor7 Zagotzerno (for Lerner).
(Grain elevators)
T-IRM, Ta., inzh.
Use of machinery in repairing bunket elevators. Mukh.-eley. prom,
24 no.4:25-26 Ap 158. (MIRA 11:5)
1. Kirovsk-Omskiy elevator.
(Mlevators-Maintenance and repair)
LICEM . Ya .
Automation at the Kirovsk-Omsk Grain Xlevator. Muk.-elev. prom.
25 no.8:11-13 Ag '59. OaRA 13:1)
l.Glavnyy inzhener Kirovsk-Omskogo elevatora.
(Grain elevator--Zquipment and supplies)
22(l) N 1/ 47- 2 -101/1' 1
AUTHOR: Lerner, Ya.F.
TITLE: Expounding the Theme "Three-iliage Current" in Electrical
Engineering (IzIoLlieniye temy "Tr1!khfazny1-; tWl o elt-ktro-
PERIODICAL: Fizika v shkole, 19591 Nr 2, pp 40-46 ("ISSR)
ABSTRACT: The subject "Three-Phase Current", for which the new curri-
culum provides only 4 hours, can be dealt with expediently in
2 lessons. The author describes in detail the r-,rocedure to
be adopted by the teacher in givinj these lessons, and re-
commends that the students be told of the Russian En-ineer
M.O. Dolivo-Dobrovollskiy, who first develored and realized
the system of transmitting energy by three-phase current,
and desiCned the first three-phase non-synchronous engine.
Ile explains the way in which the students should be familiar-.iz-
ed with the construction of a three-phase synchronous" engine
Card 1/2 and indicates what home work the students should be given
Expounding, the Theme "Three-Phase Current" in Electrical Enj,-inecring
from the physics textbooks of A.V. Pgryshkin, S,K. Aniriyev-
skiy and A.L. Bartnovskiy. There are 15 diaerams,
ASSOCIATIOM 238-ya zhkola, "Illoskva (258th Schlool, !,,;osco7.)
Card 2/2
MALOVS N.N., prof.(Moskva); Yq4l~~,,Ja,F. (Moskva); SHAMASH, S. Ya.
AUpusBion of the electrical engineering program. Fiz. V
shkole 20 no.2:59-62 Mr-Ap 160, (MIRA 15:4)
1. Zaveduyushcbiy kabinetom fiziki i elektrotekhniki Moskovskogo
instituts, usoversheristvovaniya uchiteley (for Shamas4.
(Electric engineering--Study and teaching)
. -~t ~
LZRNER, Ya.F. (Moskva)
"Teaching electric engineering in sehool,* compiled by
N.F. Bulatov. Reviewed by IA.F. Lerner. Fiz. v shkole 21
no.1:94-95 JR-F 161. (MIRA 1419)
(Electric engineering-Study and teaching)
(Bulatov, N,P.)
**- LEpimp YaJ, (~bskva)
Studying the topic nElectric meters and electric ass urementFs
during the course in electric engineering in the eleveri-year
school, Fiz.v shkole 21 no.3s42-48 Yq-Je 161. (MRA 14:8)
(Electric measurements-Study and teaching)
(Electric meters)
I A , ,I j' /
C- T , '7 'r'A !,
[Fifty years of the Leningrad trAmwav] 50 let leningrAdskogo
tramia. Moakva, Izd-vo M-va kommun.khoz.RSFSR, 1957. 231 p.
(MIRA 11:1)
(Leningrad--Street rRilwRys)
Prevention of automobile injuries and improvement of emergency
aid for the victims. Ortop., travm. i protez. 26 no. 10:
55-59 0 165. (141RA 18:12)
1. Iz kafectry organizataii zdravookhraneniya (zav. - prof.
N.A. Vinogradov) TSentrallnogo instituts. usovershenstvqvaniY&
vrachey i travmatologicheskogo otdeleaiya (zav. - prof.
Ya. G. Dubrov) Moskovskogo oblastnogo klinicheskogo instituts,
imeni M.F. Vladimirskogo. Adres avtora: pochtavoye otdelerdye
wZarya kommunizma",, Moskovskays, oblast', Podollskiy rayon,
Agrogorod 12/24, Submitted Dec, 30S 1964.
d-,M, . L.
27990- LEhM, E. L. -- Vystoyaniye distallnogo kontea malobertsovoy kosti amputate .
iOnnoy ku-11ti goleni. Txudy pervoy nauch. Rezhresp. Konf-teit po lechenly-u inyplidoy
otechesty. Voyny v ared. Azii. Tashkent, 19h9, S. 315-27.
So: Letopiss Zhurnallnykh Statey. Vol. 37, 1910,.
L 54552::g MT(d)/9E6-2/EWP(1) Pq-4/Pg.4/Pk-4 TJP(c) ~BB/ir,
ACCESSION Mv AP5015524 UR/C286/65/000/009/0064/0065
i AUTHORS t Hisul ovin L, Ya Auzint, Vy Yap; Maksimenko, H, A Lerner! Too La
S 1#_GA Ratura, .53, 3 ShlyaMtiw, D# A,
TITLE% Parellel-ceriso shift register, Class 42j, No. 170203
SOURCE t Byulletent, izobreteniy i tovarnykh zwkov, no* 8, 1965t 64"65
TOPIC TAM I shift register
I MTRACTs This Author Certificate-presents a parallel-seriss shift register
having potential triggers vith gates at the recording inputs. To decrease the
number of storage units, the register contains basic registers for parallel in-
"formation recording and one auxiliary register controlling the shift of informa-
tion in the basic registers. The outputs of each preceding trigger are connected
to the record-gate inputs of the next (see Fig. I Gn the Enclosure). The second
inputs of the zero record &tes of the auxiliary register are connected to the
input for the shift pulse series at output, the one record gates are connected
.:to the,input for the shift pulse aeries at recording. The second Input of the
record gate of each trigger of the basic register is connected to the zero output
of the trigger of the auxl1lary register with the same number. The numeration
Ord 1/oR
AKSELIROD, Solomon ~!ojseyevich; Merk Vikhaylovich; VI,,:OG`jiy,
Lazar' Illich; C/OLIEZAIT, Swmil Shler-ovich; DUCIE, Y--Iov
Sergeyevich; i:ULEKV, Konstantin Vaoillyevich; KALUU-, han
Ivanovich; LEXU,,_Tefirn,LIvovich; LUTSKIY, Voisey Le.~bovich;
PILBTAIY, Vladimir Kirillovich; SADOVNIKOV, Petr FLviovichl
SHLYAMOVICHO Abram-Arozmich; VASIMIEV, B".A.,, red.; BOBC)LLrV,
Ye.M., tokbn. red.
[Problems of radio engineering and rndar]Zadachnik po radiutckl-
n3ke i radiolokatsii. [iy).S.I.I.Aksel 'rod i dr. 1,o,,kva, Gosenergo-
izdtt, 10,62. 414 p. (Radio) (Radar) (MI-',A 15:12)
LERNER, Ye.L., kand. med. nauk
Activity of hyaluronidase in the blood of won" isL full-tem
and prolonged pregnancy and its ch&Wes under the influence
of vitamins C and P. Akush. i gin. 39 no.5:47-51 3-0 163.
(MIRA 17:8)
1, Iz kafedry akusherstva i ginekologii (zav. - zasluzhennyy
dayatell nauki UkrSSR prof. I.I. Grixhchenko) Kharikovskogo
meditsinskogo inBtituta.
iriRG,A. L,glav. rod.; TRIIJI-LZINI KOV, V.A. , glav. red.; T6yPKIII, Ya.Z.0 doktor
tekhn.nawk,prof .,red.; VC-'01011 A A.) doktor tekhn.nauk,prof.
.1 . 1, . Pred.;
SOTSFC';,B.S., ucktor, tekhn.nauk,red.; AGE-YKII:,~-I., r-oktor -.e?.h-..
nauk, red.; GATULOV,iM.A., red.; V12,1KC! ':,V.A., (~oktor tek~m.nauk,
prof.,red.; CHELYUSTKU,A.B., cloktor toklu,. nauk,red.; F!',.GKO:--'YEV,
V.N., dolftor tekhi;.nauI-,rrof.,rod.; IL'IN'V.A.I doktor tekhn.nauk,
prof.,red.; I,JTOV,A.I.jdoktor tokhn.mik,rod.; KAMITSKIY, N.A.,
kand. f iz.--.nntLer..nauI-, red.; KOGAII,B.Ya., 6oktor -Lekhr.nauk. red.;
USHAKOV,V.B., doktor tekhn nauk red - LZ,
I dolctor tekhn.
nauk,prof., red.; A.A. 'p;-ol., doktor tokhn.nauk,red.;
MEYDERju.A., karxi. ftz.-mat. nauk,dots.,red.;
akad., red. ;T11.0~EYEV,1'. V. , red.; .AS'-C)V,A. A. Iriots., red.; LEVIN,
G.A., prof.,red.; LOZIN.-)KI1,11-~.G., uoktor teklu-nauk,red.; NETU.'HIL,
A.V., doktor tekhn. nauk, prof., red.; 101-KOV,V.I.,red.; ROZENBERG,
L.D.,doktor tekhn.nauk,prof.,red.; LIV~!111'S,A.L.,kand.tekhn.nauk,red.
(Autm.ation of'produ~tion;rand'industrial electronics] Avtomatiza-
tsiia proizvodstva i promyshlennnia clektronika; euti;iklopedi.i-
sovrem.ennoi tekhniki. ','oskva, Sovetskaia Entsiklopediia. Vol.3.
Pogreshno-;t' resheniia - Telei=.eritellnaia sistema chastotmia.
1964. 467 p. (MIIHA 17:10)
7. -Chlen-korrespondent AN (for sotokov, Gavrilov, Timofeyev,
IXBnR. Yu.I., redaktor
[Libraries of agricultural literature; a prospectus) Bibliotechki
sellokokhoziaistvennot literatury; prospekt. Koskys, 1956. 14 p.
(tg,RA 9:10)
le'Ruesta. (1923- U.S.S.R.) Oosudarstveanoye isdatelletvo sell-
Bkolkhozyaystvannoy literatury.
[Catalog of publications of the State Printing Houze for Agricultural
Literature for 19561 Katelog izdanii Gosudaretvennogo izdatelletva
sel'skokhoxiaistvannot literatury. 1956. Hoskva, 1957- 126 p.
(MIRA 11:4)
1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Gosudarstyennoye izdatellstvo
sellakokbozyaystvennoy literatur7.
Nomograms for determining the distance between crosscuts. Sbor.
trud.Inst.gor.dela AN MM no.StIO7-n2 161. (KIRA 1512)
(TInnets IMain-Coal mines and mining)
LERNER I Yu.l., of7,rnyj inzll.; HILINER, Ya.L., tor.,iyy inzil.
..IStudy of the I'lictora affonting Wio co3t, of coal t,y nta-
., . tistics methods. Ugol' 39 no.2:38-43 F 164. (MIRA 17:3)
1. Gosudarstvennyy institut p, proyektirovaniy-u ,-,hakht v yuzl,.nykil ra.
yonakh SSSR.
KAMINSKIY, I.N., kand. ekonom. nauk; LABKOVSKIY, B.Ye., kand. ekonom.
nauk; FETFROVICH, I.I., Vand. tekhn. nauk; PINSM, S.Ye.f
Inzh.1 TYURKINA, N.I., inzh.; MOD06, G.I., inzh.; YEFLE-IONDlY,
V.G., inzh.; U-'MR, Yu.j.. inzh.
Problem of a standard structure of management, standard
staffs, and norms on the number of engineers, technicians
and employees in cral mines. 11goll /.0 no.8s60-65 Ag 165.
(MII.RA 180)
1. Institut gornogo dola Im. A.A. Skochinskogo (for all except
Khodos, Khelemend,Ak, Lerner). 2. Donetskly nauchno-isslpdovatell-
skiy ugolinyy institut (for Khodos, Kholemendik). 3. Gasudarst-
vennyy institut o proyektircvanlyu shakht- v yuzhnykh rayonakh
MR (for LerneJ.
Automatic die for the molding of flanged bu.9hinEs. Forosh.zpt.
2 no.1:75-79 Ja-F 162. ('"'I'VI. 15:8)
1. Institut metal-lokeramiki i spetsialtnykh splavov All TYcrSSR.
(Dies (I-Setalworking)) (Povder metallur8y)
LERM,hp YU.S., inzli.; V,.,., irizn.; - ,
7 - , I ,
Sp-~~ialized shop for four..:iing ,,kiprneslum cast ir.-)r,. :, c 4 r troenie
~a-!~, c;3
nc,,:63-65 Ja-F 164.
IVLEV , V.A-.- - ' ' ' " ` -- -
Magnesium cast iron castings for agricultural maebinery. Lit 0
proizv. no.1:35 Ja 165. (MIRA 1873)
~- 2 --- 9
Preparing magnesium cast iron with high plasticity and toughness.
Mashinostroenie no.l.-46-48 '65, (MIRA 1~',:4)
SAWRIN, A.A., iazh.; LERNO, YU.S., Inzh.
Casting piston rings of magnesium cuprous cast iron for diesel
engines, Mashinostroenie no.4:64-65 JI-Ag 165, (MIRA 18:8)
LERNER, Yu.S,, inzh.; SH-:21DSPOVICH, H.Bs, 4A:.Li,*
Ma,.-hinability of magnesium tind malleable cast Iron. Mashino-
stroenle no.6~45-47 N-D 'Lt. (MIPA 1842)
YU.S., inzin.;
Parts Made of fGr hl;av-l
SAVCIIZNKO, A.Ye., gornyy lnzhoner-inarksheydor,-,_.I~~RY.diVIII ~,., rornyy
Autanatic TA-LS tachymeter for tho surveying of
(',',T:~ 1/+:J1'
Ugoll 36 no.11:44-1+5 I's 161.
(Strip min-ing) (Tachyneter)
KRIVORUCHNO, Ilikolay Zakharovich, kand. tekhri. nauk; SLUSFAYLI;KC), A.M.,
dotsent) retsenzent; YELISEYEV, F.G., dots., retsenzent;
dots.,, retsenzent; GLUKHOV, V.A., dots., retsenzent; KIYANOV, F.I~j
inzh., retsenzent; TSD~IDAKGV, V.Mi, inzh., retsenzent; DORWEYEV,
V.G.j inzh., retsenzent; KALEDINKOV, S.S., inzh., retsenzent; KGROLEV,
A.V.p inzh., retsenzent; LOKSHIN, Kh.A., inzh.., retsenzent; FIRSOV,
S.I., inzh., retBenzentj SBAKURSKU , K.D., inzh.t retsenzent; UTKIII,
A*V#p tekb,, reteenzent; VAIETOV, A.I., inzh., red.; BOBROVA, Ye.N.,
tekhn. red.
(Opera-Lion, management, and repair of rolling stock] Vagonnoe kho-
ziaistvo. Moskva, Vses.izdatellsko-poligr.oblledir~enie M-va putei
soobshcheniia, 1961. 319 p. (141RA 14:11)
1. Kafedra "Konstruktsiya, remont i ekspluatatBiya vaeonov" Rostov-
skogo Instituta inzhenerov zheleznodorozhnogo transporta (for all
except Valetov, Bobrova).
(Railroads-Rolling stock)
UMNZT, S*X.p insh.
Lowering the expenditure of binding materials in making foamed
concrete and practices of the building combine No.3 of the
Building Yateriale Trust (87). Trudy NIIZHB no.8.,219-223
'59. (KRA 13:4)
1. Stroykombinat No.3, Xharlkov.
(Kharkov--Lightweigbt concrete)
pie t t6 *.c tudy ri "Hoij
A 011,1; jil'im I:, iw., ~,!4
r, i k
lco. I Cit .1"m xFw6wi,ii; I tail om wi i il,'dui U pf
tomm lvtwj~ 0,!?, i, ~ik ~AJ;,u
. aq to
.vent Ov- Ow tvom. ifict the.,
iuj,,c.t;uj, or-1. . ()it i~,i, x1f o;, r,mli.; (OW1.6lik'd dw follow-
bran "In cilibit!t kvpt ;kt
rown temp. utter I lm,; boua (4 jn~./kr.) :t,-l ill.
rxe;Lwl of fi:Yvl Ll:x l4V;l VU]. 'I'lW
of,[ his clTev t .14~-lwwhs Ott I lie depth (if It y[8 k1licriji L,:
tile Itypoillermia flit: tbiuril --r the. (2) fit
rablits ~uhiv;i Im it kepi sit 40' ativr Ow iiiim-tiou (it
Chltili,$ (70irt I ifilM fiCNICTIt 1~11110. :tIld 14011d Mig'.0 1~!%'Lil Lvi
"A lit
tri I,c 1!v. i1v I. It hill t1w 1IL't i, 4~v,
it Ho'). I
YUGOSUiVIA/ an,~! 4uiirnl ln6criial Sccreti:,n. T-
Abu Jour Rof Zhur - Diol., ND 18, 84325
Authcr Lci,u J~-,vanka; Mick)vi.c, Li(~Ija
Inst --= -------------
Title Effects of Extractz and Hurriones Derived fron P-o--tcrioi-
I!yporAiysicnl L.)Ijes uroa G11 conia.
OriC Pub : j'irkhi,,r farnats., 1956, 6, v,~, i,
Abstract : Rabbits were injected with one u:,il-
oxytocin pc-r "ch k.-, of tiicir live weiLght. Aft-cr
minutes syrrpton-- of hyp,~-~ycc-i.da were observec, *,.*',,.-',ci, -tn-
creased Crandually a;x! ~.',.cn 3ubsiCled after 3 hourr 1.11
tial level. A-.,rc,;niit w--,,,i~r zaiffcxin~,i from diab~---tc,,
be Given injections of Iurc oxytocin in preferencr.-
tuitrin which may cavsc an even cater increase of
cer.da. -- Yu.A. Duslikin
Card 1/1
MOARSKI. Dusan. major dr.; GRULOTIC, Gojko, major dr, ;.LBRO, Zagorka,
kapetan dr.
Local streptomycin therapy of tuberculous lymphadenitis of the
necks Voje sane pregl., Beogr. 11 no.11-12:636-641 Nov-Doe 54.
1. XIInik& z& grudne bolesti TKA
cervical ther.. local streptomycin)
(STEMPTOMYCIN, ther. use
tuberc., cervical lymph nodes. local admin.)
PAVLOVIC, M.. Major dr.; VLATKOVIC, V., kapetan dr.; LZRO, Z., kapetan dr.
Indicated lung resections not performed due io-,"lack of
preoperative diagnosis of dissemination. Tuberkuloza, Beogr.
8 no.3-4:235-238 May-Aug 56.
1. Klinika za plucne bolesti V)4i JHA Beograd (nacelnik:
pukovnik prof. c1r. Jazd1mir Studic).
(PNMMIMTOW, in var. die.,
tuberc., indic. (Ser))
Hy-pertension and ganglioplegic druga in galvanic cervical block.
Cas.lek.cesk.99 no.40:1266-1274 30 S160.
1. 1. a II. interni oddeleni OUNZ - nemocnice (v ramci zdravo-
tnickeho VY skumu) v Kladne, koordinacni Dricovnik C.Sc.Fr.Jindrak.
FTC JC-1.11/9 O.R.L. p 58
Se , T
VIEDi6k S-c_)3,
GECTOMY FoR LARYNGEAL CANCER - A gill7crik konzervatIv nrbe~nzcte
laryngof issio, vagy rdszlegea p6geeltivolftin alakjSban L e r o u x - R o b e r t
J. - FOL-. ORR-. GtGEGY0G. 1957. 2 (49-61)
Conie-rvntive operations were carried out in 136 patients: 81 patients (Grr,,) were
still cured after more than 5 yr. The restoration percentage is 72 (90 cured cnaes)
if the patients are included, who were operated first with a conservative method
without success and later with a more extensive operation which was followed by
radiotherapy. It may be fairly stated that the conservative operations perfot-med
on the basis of the nbove indications result in 60 to 7076 of cases in definitive henl-
Ing lasting for over 5 yr. Out of 77 patients operated over 5 (from 5 to 20) yr. ago,
47 are still alive. One patient died 9 yr. after the operation of metastnaca in the
cervical lymph nodes; one patient developed an oesophageal metastasis. (Thin,
however. might be an independent tumour.) No local recurrence was observed after
5 yr. (really after the 2nd yr).
(XI. 5. 16)
RYZHKOVII F, , izobrotatel ; Y;VGV-TZV, K., , insh, ; LEI:WV, --'. , inzh
A movinp plant, izobr., i rats, nc,8:14 -15 Ag ~ '01, -14:9)'
(Building materialo)
YEF.U40V, S.; LEWV-,-.E.
Members of the Con,-iunist Youth League of the "KEuchuk" Plant
prepare to make the gift of a "saved day." Tekh.mol. 29 no.8:
6-8 161. (MIRA 14:11)
(Rubber industry-Technological innovations)
CY-:I! ur-ration !,J~',otA a
1! 1" ,
(C.-i:!nos, (ICTrlj.~-".,O, otc.)
1:; -.:,. I .
C ..-! A 14 - I
I - , I V,
LZROV I L. . --
Rverything for man. Zdorovle 5 no.8:33-13 Ag 159. (MIRA j):8)
tekhnicheskiy redaktor ..M.Vmm"w~O
(Through Czechoslovakia) Po Chekhoslovakil. Xoskva, Isd-vo OPravda,ft
1956. 46 p. OAGRA 9: 8)
(Czechoslovakia--Description and travel)
MROV, leonid &1zonvich, -SKONRCMU, A.D., red.; KUZMSOVA, G. I..
EAcross the Russian land) Po rueskol sails. Xoakva, Isd-vo
*Sovetaksis Rossiia,* 1960. Z77 p. (KERA 14:4)
(Russia--Description and travel)
I- - 0
P,;L,,'A aga-~r: 'n "--; *.-a,,e~~* ' .. '~B T U'r
,IV-.~4 1812'1
. -A -.,
Standard CSN 35 97 15 for a s!ifety belt. p.JZ6
ENERGETIKA. (Ministerstvo paliv & energetLky. 111rivni :i-ranva elak-L.-aran)
Vol. 5. no. 81 Aug. 1955
East European acce- ions List Vol. 5 No. 1 Jcn. 1950'
BRUUA, Zh. [Benois. J.];-W
Now observations on Pekin ducks administered desoxyribonualsic
acid from Khaki ducks in 1956 and observations on their progeny;
comparison of the changed recipients with control ducks of the
Pekin bread [from "Axtrait des comptes randuti des s(fances
do l'Acadomie des !~jzncos." t.250, p. 211-211,. Jon.4, 190J.
Agrobiologiia no.4:551-554 JI-Ag 160. (MIRA 13:8)
1. laborstoriya fitobiologii Notsionallnogo nauchno-issladovntall-
skogo tsentra, Zhif-syur-Ivatt i Laboratoriya gistofiziologii
Kollezh do Frans, Parish i Nouchno-issledovatellskiy teentr
po makromolekulam Hatsionallnogo nauchno-iseledovateliskogo
teentra g. Strasburg.
(Nucleic acids-Ph7siological effect)
(Duck breeding)
24 (5)
AUTHORS: Glasko, V. B., _Leryust, F,X--. 507/56 35-2 20/60
Terletskiy, Ya. P., Shushurin, S. F,
TITLE: Investigation of Particle-Like Solutions of a
Nonlinear Scalar Field Equation (Iusledovaniye
chastitsepodobnykh resheniy neline3mogo uravneniya
skalyarnogo polya)
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1958,
Vol 35, Nr 2, pp 452-457 (USSR)
ABSTRACT. For the investigation of possibilities offered by the
nonlinear field theory of elementary particles Refs I - 9)
an investigation of the particle-like solution Ref 1) of the
simplest nonlinear equation of the scalar complex field is
of especial importance. Thus it is e, g. possible to find
a qualitative solution of the problem of the existence
and character of the mass spectrum. The authors proceed
from the Lagrangian for a complex scalar field
ce v + Lf~ 'a 7 _ m2 it 7 + F(T*T)l
Card 1/3 ~xo axo [If
, 1:
Investigation of Particle--Like Solutions of a SOV/56-35-2 20/60
Nonlinear Scalar Field Equation
(xo 0 ct, F (v) - a determined nonlinear function. m a
parameter with the dimension of a reciprocal length)
with the field equations
2y a2,7/6.2 _ .2 T - 0;
V 0 11 + F7(7 7 )1
V27 aT 4 /ax 2 _ m2 [.1+ 0
where F1 (v) - dF(v)/dv
E and q are then written down as functionsof T, T and
introduced: 7 - u(r)e`~x 0 V & = .u(r)e isxo
(C . parameter, proportional to a frequency), and E and
are given as functions of u and r, With F(V) - -XV 2/2,,,- rA,,,u
andq -rim -F- IyLand q are introduced and with theIr
aid the first three particle-like iiolutions are derived
(See also fieures I to 3) The relovant mass spectrum is
obtained by numerical integration for the simplest cubic
Card 2/3 term, Under favorable physical conditions a finite spectrum
Investigation of Particle-Like Solutions of a SOV/56-35-2-20/60
Nonlinear Scalar Field Equation
is obtained. There are 3 figures and 10 references, 2 of
which are Soviet.
ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy gosudarstverinyy universitet (Uoscow State
SUBMITTED: March 22, 1958
Card 313
POIAND/Optics Spectroscopy K-7
Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Fizika., No 3., 1958., No 7024
Author : Les F.j. Wiewodniczanskip H.
Inst :-,Myellanian University., Cracow,, Poland 2 1S
Title : Hyperfine Structure of the Forbidden Line CdI 3141A (5s 0
Orig Fab : Bull. Acad. polon. sci-Y 1957P C1. 3P 5, 110 3, 299-303
Abstract : An investigation was made of the hyperfine structure of the
forbidden 3141A line in the spectrum of CdI. The source of
light was a Schuler lamp with hollow cathose. Tie spectral
instrument was a Fabry-Perot interferometer., cro3sed with a
quartz spectrograph. The microphotogram shows that the line
consists of a single component. This is in good agreement with
the Bowen theory (Bowen J.S.,, Reviews of Modern -,Ibysicsj, 1936.,
8Y 58) according to which the transition with T 2 is due
to the interaction of the magnetic moments of tho electron
shell and of the nucleus. Cadmium was used with a ratural
isotope content; 74.9% even. Since all the even isotopes have
Card 1/2
PoIAND/Optics - Spectroscopy K-7
AVs Jour Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 3,, 1958, No 7024
a spin of zero, and the two odd isotopes (111 and 113) have tie
Ra. spin., 112,, the raciiated line is naturally aEcribed to the
odd isotopes.
Card -1[1-
LES, Z.; LES, F.
Determination of electric qjadrupole moments of atomic nuclei.
Postepy fizyki 12 no.5:559-575 '61.
1. Inatytut Fizyki Uniwersytetu Jagiellonskiego, Krakow,
-- IYS-, F.
Nuclear electric quadrupole moments of 121 Sb ani 123Sb Acta. physics
pol 20 no.9:775-782 161.
1. Institute of Physics, -Tagellonian University, Gracov.
Isotope shifts in the Cd 11 lines X3535 X and X 3250 1. Acta
physica Pol 21 no.4:429-431 Ap 162.
I. Imstitute of Physicap Jagenonian University., Krakow.
LF^S.) --,.Fe; IM, Ze
Metallic-dielectric mirrors with high reflectivity in the near
ultraviolet for the Fabry-Perot interferometer. Actit physica Pol
21 no.5:523-528 My 162.
1. Im titute of Physics, Jagellonian University, Krakow.
IES.. Franciazek
SPreparation of single crystalsn by W.& D. Lawson, S, Nielsen.
Reviewed by Franciazek Les, Postepy fizyki 14 no.2:263-264 163o
ILS, F.; LES, Z.
Isotope shift in the ultraviolet lines of Zn He Acts, physics
Pol 23 no,6:795-800 Je 163,
1. Institut of Physics, Jagellonian University, Krakow.
LESP Z. Mrs.; LES, F.; GABLA, L.
Semitransparent metallic dielectric mirrors with low absorption
F 6
coefficient in the ultraviolet region of the spectrum (3200-2400 A ).
Acts, phyi�ica Pol 23 no.2.-211-214 F 163.
1. Institute of Physics, Jagellonian Univarsity, Krakow.
Apparatus for the production of thin dielectric and metallic layers
with optical control of thickness in the visible and ultraviolet
region. Acta physica Pol 23 no.2:255-261 P 163.
1. Institute of Phfsics, Jagellonian University, Krakow.