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3/197/61/006/006/001/007 .Estimation of vorking B104/B201 (4) for calculating the working reliability of untrained apparatus is unsuitable due to the difficult calculation process.' In the author's opinion, the distribution of disturbances for all N parts of an apparatus. may be written in the form f(t) - k 1fi(.'-) + k2f2(t) +.k3f3(t), where fi(t) denotes the distribution density of disturbances due,to production flaws, f2(t)is the distribution density of disturbances due to breakdo-.Ms,'-and f3(t) is the distribution density of disturbances due to the aging of parts. For f1 the author ubtains + Ta)" A (1) 2a02 081/' in where Td is the expectation value of that timeg aftpr which all defective parts wore'exchanged, and G' Cr is the mean square de'viation of TS. For these two quantities, bard 3A 2,e6ol a/197/61/000/006/001/007 Estimation of working-... B194/B201 0a, Inif (0) V'Fir I ca 0 2 e (15) (16) T(O) I -/i is obtained, where T82 In [/(0). 08. 1/*fn- I = - - 2ae (13) is valid. Using earlier results, the author obtains (t + Tor (I Tt.V k k --TV -1 (19)'. e +k2Xe + r ~jf T7r Card 4/6 S/19 61/000/006/001/007 Estimation of working B104YB201 t where ki are normalization factors. Ultimately,.P(t) so I -_r f(t)dt; Texp tf(t)dt is given for the expectation valub'of the t0ime of exact 0 00 2 operation, and r(t-T,xp) f(t)dt for the mean square deviation. The 0 working reliability of an apparatus consisting-of elements connected in series only is finally exanined taking the failure of elements into account. 3 AI) AQ) is obtained and explicitly written down. Under the premise that a system of three elements connected in series offers an exact operation only when all three elements perfo-rd borrectly, P(t) P t (t) is valid,,and 1(t)P2( )P3 Card 5/6 2 S/1~7 61/000/vi/001/007 Estimation of working YB B104 B201 V+ TO), vll (33) Py) = e- C 1 2a, dt 2 cc f e a is obtained. There are 2 figures and 5 Soviet-bloo references. ASSOCIATION: Institut elektr6niki i vyohialitellnoy tekhniki AN Latv. SSR (Institute of Electronics and Computer Engineering AS Latviyakaya SSR) SUBMITTEDt December 8, 1960 Awl CeErd 616 it, de tern r1o* Ole 900 'WeOn e* I'I'l C % t .Ye-onol ~,.1.100 0 S311. e9tl - g u n, e ba of el?On ISV.01 .14ell I as notes VLO611 ner fnt VIC 0i5 t ) ' RID ' ensi~l -derea of ? 0 91. tjr6e r, NL 01C Ste e%'P 'n r 01, in 'rity~ nic s1 Y~ k) %, t .', are t In er ta als t tjme J'ar )erft a C de r0 Ia* - e 5 0. k 0 jine tbor 10 1- e1cc I al t .Only trie Oneritl at YjC tne fal V'NOIC r2yie au 'Olso 0 -.0 06Tatu~ a 'o r~ %X%e 0, ))1e urinr, . ous of C Sall a'p? Ile ne 0-4er jj.G, a, q1 app %bat ().re .bjIi%'1 0,oel I tyke ,be alo -. effect' to be 5,110V a to - n of -4 0 19 r. - t%e tic tita ,;,t Iit$ al after 5PCV re~ ~3. Iav IM j;%)IMI 'Jay, aD IL ja* fa'lu S S ,,.,trV0x1 11 Tbi'l tyi0%, bi 5 0r06tj tiRe the re trq C n a 0 r t'he ve Tren C'q e r -1 c"), an ap? ja'h 0 f f . ju. cu bov tjon T061 "rib,, nt f Or or j I ara aj.9 On Sta ent It rC a,?? fne nS C C -1-1p on 'JOT t Un the t'nC iM, perloa. TeMa3 IT 0f ic~al Ids 0r0 a.r t ICS -no . jur fal r,aT 316 00/012/001/005 S/197/Mo B117/B106 orient ial law ... Iof the meLn life Range of exp racteri8tic a is knOll0kige n optimum n of -reliability Cha ecessary for a 13 during determinatiO systems- This is n a reduction Of failure electronic ements and jnich the of composite of the ind ividual e1 )f the apparatust during determined under utilization tine time I n of failure wag vious testing The opera istributiO~ is submitted to pre.ou -operation * holds and the d gh ng al law IOns: (1) the apparatus the apparatus thl ution, agi exponenti 1g assumPti (2) breakdown of Lw of distrib the fOllOw'r facturet on faults of the manu. escribed by the exponential It' ridependent of accidental defects is -(3) acciden tal failures are i iual failures by the normal lawi versa, (4) breakdowns of individ 0 and T1, (aging) and vice uaion: Between the times operating time are independent. Concl ned from the relation apparatus elements exponential law. Ti is determi reliability obeys an tem without A - (t/B) % exp + t -2 To 2). To - mean life of a SYS X . intensity Of 2do. square deviation of T 0 9 3 2 - 00 root mean P- X f2n. The accidental failures apparatus; A - (TO/B) - (2/dOX51n)-, B - 00 the failures of the of n elements is determined from the mean life of a system consigting card 2/3 /6? -Ole '2 C 110. Vj j c5e on T -be -'b 0 e1. a 0 P, 0 G- 3.rk'x , c0.1 5. O'r '~j ~Aj C Y~. (I ONI ~' , , 0 Ir OrO. er'ns ctro S T. I.Cs rone Ole O~ 0. T 0 IF -Lel' 0 0 G U61 06ct .10~ e 5vAl . t ? 01 r L '0 ,0 01 0 en t 5 rx'. Ca3.e'l ~'4 . .0. tko 0 Ole "L I n-DI 'na -00'o ro'bl- al Oro -re '9 0~ e1e PSCT tts t e r T c t O'n OT 'ne.Gted. 0'j . a, '0'D 3 t'a CLO ty~c 'PT 0 .-r,e ? 4 0'j A -ns '5 5 go c"11 CLO 0, g,67,,,jje 0 0 ~~ -CLO 0;,7C T g. '90 0 3~10 r t' tl~e '011SIb e in 'P /Vol 95 t _D3 ~.s 0 11 0 06'y' 3. GOT b-j C1 ~Soe rl)-\ Synthesiz 0,- a 6/197/62/000/002/001/C)oz b'0VB138 OleMents ;Ire onj ne: y 11,qerul obtaining P , p v -e p whc m refers to an arbitrar m )n~ y oleml2nt. Pn T n -ap 'milarly obtained for P0 . 0 j is s- m n cerie3-connected cle ento as 'a reserve. The required safety of opera- tion is attained by cor"Ibined connection of the elLent3. In this case, 11 fl rl I - n P. "I I I " ( 1)) , .'Jhere P min is the mninimum safety Of operation. There are 11 fi,-ures and 2 Soviet references. AS3CCIATICINt In3titUt elektroniki i vychiolitellnoi lekhniki Al: Latv. 63? (Institute of Electronics and Computer Enrinecrin.'r, AS Latviyskaya ~)SR) Jb:,,-IT'L ED t July 6, 1961 Card 212 U932 S/690/62/003/000/008/009 D201/D303 I'UTHOR: Le6ntlyev, L.P. TITIZ-: Experimental determination of the parameters of probability-distribution law of duration of reliable operation of electronic equipment SOURCE: 4cademiya nau1t Latviyskoy SSR. Institut elcktroniki i vychislitellnoy telthniki. Trudy, v. 3, 1962. 1vto- matika i vybhislitel'naya telchnika, no. 3, 133-139 YEXT; From the theoretical analysis of reliable operation of electronic equipment, taking into account the ageing of components, the author shows: 1) In order to determine the parameters of the pro'b- ability distribution lm-7 experimentally it is not necessary io dis- tinguish between the causes of faults. 2) &xperimental data should be processed in such a manner as to obtain -numerical values of dis- neraion and of mathematical explectation of tl~e,time of reliable operation. 3) When determining the value of the overall intensity of failures it is necessary J:o account for the time during which the Card 1/2 -LEONVYEV, Leonid Pavlovioh. Prinimali uchastiyei )WAYRULLIN, G.G.; I IMISERK, K.Yn., kend. tekhn.nauk, retsanzent; SAVEL'YEVA,Ts., red.j BCKWIS, R., tekhn. red. (Introduction to the theory of reliability of radioelectronic apparatua],Vvedenie v teorliu nadezhnosti radioelektronnoi ap- paratury. R111, Izd-vo AN Latvilskoi SSR, 1963. 186 p. (MIRA 16t10) (Radio--Equipment and supplies) (Electronic apparatus and appliances) ACCESSION NRs AT4038170 6/2690/63/005/006/0177/0189 AUTHORt -Leontlyeve L. P. TITLEt Distribution laws for gradual failures of radio parts SOURCE: AN LatSSR. Institut elektroniki i vy*chislitellnoy tekhniki. Trudy*, v. 5, 1963. Avtomatika-.i vy*chislitellnaya tekhnika (Automa-: tion and computer engineering),~*no. 6, 177-189 TOPIC TAGSt quality control, industrial planning, probability theory, statio,tical distributidnt distribution statistics ABSTRACT: Wrobability analysis is used to solve the problem of aging: of equipment in the case when the parameter describing the ajing can vary in one direction only (increase or decrease). The problem is equivalent to determining the integral and differential probability distribution laws of the time.of faultless operation from the known characteristic of the random function and the known distribution of the random quantity of the parameters at one or several values of the random function. Physically the integral distribution function re-, presentsthe ratio of the number of.times the equipment in out of Card 1/2 1-00A _rm M. ACCESSION NR: AT4036170 -A order. It is shown that if the random procpas represents an aggre- gate of realizations, each of which changes in one direction only, then the procedure for determining the parameters and the probabil- ity distribution itself can be greatly simplified. A proceduie is developed for determining the faultless operation time distribution. law and its parameters from results of short-duration (truncated) tests. The conditions under which the distribution law is normal are discussed. Orig. art. hass 3 figures and 37 formulas. ASSOCIATION: Institut elektroniki i vy*chislitellnoy tekhniki AN LatSSR (Institute of Electronics and Computer Engineering, AN LatSSR): SUBMITTED: 00 DATE ACQs 04JUn64 EHCL: 00 SUB CODEs IE, Mh- NR REP SOVs 004 OTHERt 000 'r7 Ord 2/2 V"I-L 04412.Z7- IJP(c) TG/JD ACC NRi AT6019747 SOURCE CODE:-Olf/k 92/65/000/011/0193/0198 AUTHOR: _Leontlyev, L. P. ORG: none TITLE: Methods for the determination of approximate aging d stitution times of elements , ilmes an sub SOURCE: Akademi a nauk -InstLILA 91S joulki i AvtomaUka vychislitellnoya tekhnika, no. 11, 1965, 193-198 TOPIC TAGS: circuit reliability, electronic equipment, nonmetal aging ABSTRACT: The author describes a method for the determination of approximate aging times and substitution times of electronic elements. It is based on the minimization of the lose function. For certain simple types of distribution (e.g., gamma distribution) the theory yields reasonably simple equations for the determination of substitution times and aging times which can be used during reliability determination of electronic equipment. Orig. art. hes: 24 formulas. SUB CODE: 09, 14/ SUBM DATE: -Nov64 VDCj 621.37/39.019.3 'L 00682-67 EWT(1) Ac-c--N-R-37 LP6005306 SOURCE COM: UR/0413/66/000/001/00/.0/0041 AUTHORS t Sa V, Sqj aranov, Yu. Vs; Belyakov, A Lsontlyev M, Ya'; Polyakov, Ve ve; Potnevskly, , 144 1 I-Sorozkin, BLap ORG: none TITLE: A coaxial switch, Class 21, No. 177478 SOURCE: Izobreteniya, proWshlenyWye obraztay, tovarnyye znakip no* 1, 1966, 40-41 TOPIC TAGS: electronic switch, coaxial cable ABSTRACT: This Author Certificate presents a coaxial switch fitted with connectors mounted in the front part of the switch casing. These connectors are used for connecting the coaxial lines which are switched. The switch also contains an eleme connected with the switching mechanism andmith the catchos of the switch operating positions. The design increases the quality of the connecting contacts. An un- ground9d section of a nonsymmotrical strip line is used as the switching element. This ungrounded section rests on the contact disks connected with the central pin of the connectors. The switching mechanism is fitted with a ring containing a spring-loadod rod which rents on one of the small balls of the catch. A bushing-is mounted on the rod and in rigidly connected to the dielectric holder of the switchi. mechanism (see Fig. 1). A second spring-loaded small ball of the catch is mounted 1/2 UDG: 621.316.544.9 L 00682-67 r-A P; P%CC NRI AP6M306 Fig. 1. 1 - ungrounded section of a nonsy=etrical .strip line; 2 - contact disks; 3 - con- nootor; 4 - ring; 5 - spring-loaded rod; 6 - small ball of the catch; 7 - bushing; 8 - dielectric holder; 9 - apring-loaded amoll baU; 10 - triangular groove in the radial channel of the ring. This ball enters in the triangular groove located on the lateral surface of the rod, Orig, art. has: 1 figure. SUB COIEs 09/ SUBH DATEs 16Sop64 Card 2/~ TIDMOV, B.T.;,_1!FOUT9TETt_M.D starshty alektromekhanik; XHUL11P, N.M.. starshty Inshener. OWhat should a sigailing and communications district be likels Artom., telem. J eviax' 4 no. 12:17 D 160. (MIRA 14:1) 1. lachallnik Hostovskoy distantaii signalizatsit i svyazi Severo- lavkazakoy dorogi (for Temerov). 2. Zasbchitensicaya, distantsiya signalizateii i evyazi Xatakhakoy dorogi (for Leontlyev). 3. Mu- romskaya distantsiya signalizataii t avyazi Kazanskoy dorogi (for 1hulap). (Railroads--Signaling) (RailroddB-Communication systems) ~._LEONTIYEVj, M.N.; Kininwll ucimstlyet BAKINA, K.V.; KISELEVA, O.M.; ~, Ye.A.; KARIDVAI S.A.j DUBNOVAp S.S.; SEKERYAW# A.G.; ZAMORINA, Z.T.; MIIAMINA9 Ye.F.; KOZELISKAYA, O.P.j VASILIYOVA, z 1:4 ZOTOVp S.N.; YZMLOV, A.I.; BEZLYUDIIAYAp V.V.; NAZAROV, B:A ; ASHIKBMINA, V.M.; ASYAKIIIA, A.N.; TROITSKAYAj, B.I.1 SKVOP.TSOVp A.V.p red.; IZSHAKOVp I.T., tekhn. red. [The economy of Orloy Provincel a statistical maraual] Narodnoe khoziaistvo, Orlpvskoi oblasti; stftistichesIdi sbornik. Orelp Goestatizdat, 1960. 281 p. (MIRA 3-4:5) 1. Orel(Province) Statistichoskoye upravleniye. 2. Zamestitell nachallnika statiaticheakogo upravleniya OrlovBkoy oblasti (for Leontlyev). 3. Statisticheskoye upravleniye Orlovskoy ob- lasti (for all except Leshakov) 4. Nachallnik statisticheskogo upravlaniya Orlovskoy oblasti (for Sicvortsov (Orlov Province-Statistics) LMNT'Yh-V, M.V., inzh. Towerless syntax of wate:r supply with autcmatic cmtrcl of tha operation of the pumps of water 11ft no.29 Sbore n~LU'h* trUde Dnepr. inzh.--strol. init. 18143-56 16.1 (MIRA 1? ~7, j LEONTIYEV, N. In a progressive enterprise of Moldavia. Pozh.delo 7 no.6:26 Je 161. (MIRA 14:6) (Holdevia-Factories-Fiies and prevention) LEONTIYEV, N., general,-mayor Communist Party and the Communist loath League, Komm. Vooruzh. , Sil 3 no.109-44 J& 163. (MMA 16 1 4 (Communist youth league) (Russia-Armed forces-Political activity) Uourlyzv, 11.9 general --major -L 1. --, . Creativity and formaligm In partywork, Kc::r.,. Vco-.z*-. '!~' 46 no.12: 30-37 Je 165. (mirtA 18.101) A., "'rr~r- F'rol) I em c) f' C; n~nrj !zat ic, I1o~ - -,I ;if.'! t ""cr i C a I Ex "I. A.' oa!, Flyinj,i Peroonnel", Voytnnomeflitsillskiy zhurria'l, k). Tric rvilchor suggests rc~Lular medical (!,,-.iuAnaL.Lcnr histta:1 of Uc asking tile critIre tuilt in formatical. there E* (-, -Tramslation D525515 Ij LC a r i 0 o, r ~a p, i Gen It! i 4.4 -C -,rwqa LIONTIM, N.Y., kand.tekhn.nauk Representation of seashores on general geographic maps. Trudy TSNIIGAII no.92:3-37 153. (XIBA 10:12) (Seashore) (Cartography) LP-bNr'YF-V, V. F. VMWGooq,,raphy - Book review Card 1/1 Pub - 45 - 12/1.6 Authors I lofa, L. E.; Ryazantsev, 3. 14.; and Leontlev, 11. F. TIUS I Russian economic maps and atlasen Periodical 9 Izv. All S35R. ser. qeog. 1, 86-900 Jan-Feb 1954 Abetract I A review is rrade of the book, "Russian Economical Maps ani Atlases," by A. I. Preobrazhenski,,r, --ublished in 1953 by Geo~,ranhical Publishin:7 Office and con- taininr~ 329 pa-es. The book recounts the develoMent of economte mans from their be7innin4 in the 17th centiry to tl-e present time and finds that their compilation in accordance i-,rith scientific nrincinles only began under the Soviet Government. The book does not sufficiently shmi the connection be- tween the development of statistics and tir- connilation of economic mapso An outstandinq featire of the book is a list of handmde and TTInted economic maps-1,243 of the latter. Institution Wbmitted .. -1- -11.- ~MEMM L,ew IN i, F. .UssR/ Geography Map making Card 1/1 Pub. 45- 7/17 Authors $Leontlev. N. F. Title IThe representation of rivers and river valleys on outline geomorphr ological PeriOdical I Izv. AN SZSR. Ser. geog. 3. 62-72. May - Jun 1954 Abstraot t The river system are taken as a basis for showing the relative positions of other features on a map.'It is explained that the density of a river system depends not only on the climate but also on the topography. An analysis to made of maps to show the percentages of rivers of different lengths. Differenciation is =do between the older and newer valleys and a scheme is illustrated for showing the steepness of the valleys. Nine U-5SR references (1936-1952). Table; maps. Institution: GeograPhic Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR Bubmitteds LEONT N-F ..A.. USSR/ Geography - Book review Card 1/1 Pub. 45 - 10116 Authors I Grigor!yev, A. A., Academician: and Leontlyev, N. F. Title I Atlas of the world Periodical t Izv. AN MR. Ser. geog. 6, 98 -92, Nov - Dec 1954 Abstract I A review is made of the book, "Atlas of the World," edited by A.-N. Baranov. ~nubllahea by the Publishing Office of the Central Directorate of Geodesy and Cartogra,,~by of the 141nintry of Internal Affairs, in Moscow. In 1954. The bao't contains 87 double-oage mnvs. 44 x 57 cm and larger and 109 single-pn~~e layouts containing 26) maps with varloui-, scales. Some shortcomin~':s are pointed out but generally the booir in ratrd high. Inotitution: ..... Submitted: 0.... LF60NT'TEV, N.Y. Concerning two articles devoted to the renovation of topographic maps. Vop.geog. no.34:196-199 154. (KLRA 7:12) (Maps) ter.. 13offorly'N.Y. ~ I Interdepartmental conference on topographical maps. Ser.geog. n0.3:90-93 My-Je '55. (Cartography) Izv.A1 SSSR- (KIRA 8:9) v /V-/ AVRAAMOVA,A.A.; AIAMPIYW.P.M.; BADIRIYAR.G.G.; BORODIII,I.A.; VISYTJTIN, V.Y.; GUM,A.A.; GURARI,Te.L.; DANIIAN.A.D.; i)EAMTANKO,P.A.; YXMUKOV.M.P.*, KOLOSKOV.P.I.; LAYrZV,I.D.-, IZW'YlV,N-Y.; PICHNI- KOV.A.H.; FROKHOROV,A.I.; RUDZIIKO.N.A.; CHEbAkSV,GAT.; TAKIMOV,A.T. P.V.Pogorellskil; Obituary. '55 - Izv.AN SSSR. Sor.geog. no,3:94-95 my-Je (HLU 8: 9) (Pogorellskii, P.V., 1899-1955) 14-57-7-14269 Translation from: Referativn y zhurnal, Geografiya, 1957, Nr 7, p 11 (USSRT AUTHOR: Leontlyev, N. F. TITLE,* Use of the Analogue Principle in Drawing a River System on General Geographical Maps (Primeneniye printsipa analogov pri izobrazhenii rechnoy seti na obshchegeograficheskikh kartakh) PERIODICAL: Sb. statey po kartogr., 1956, Vol 9, pp 29-34 ABSTRACT: Referring to the general geographical map of the Rumanian People's Republic (which is a part of the Soviet World Atlas), the author shows that the system for selecting rivers, worked out by G. P. Davydov on the basis of involving the density of the river net of the USSR, can also be applied to those areas for Card 1/1 which such systems have not yet been devised. LBONr'Ylff. N;F., kand.takha.nauic,; YOLYNSKAYA, V.S., red.izd-va; MMOVICH, B.G., (Using topographic m&Ps in,geographical research] Ispol'zovanie topografichaskikh kart pri'geogrefichaskikh issladevaniiakh. Xookval 1938. 118 p. (MIRA 12:2) 1. Academiya mauk SSSR. Inatitut geografii. (Maps. Topographic) (Geography) AUTHOR i Leont'jov, N.F. SOV-10-56-4-15/2-91 TITLEt Isobath scale for "~,rtoCraphy of shkalakh izobat (J.'AyrI podvollnogro rellvefa) PERIODICALi Izvestiye rv.Lak Serya geo~;rafichesk-'Iya, 1958, fir 4. pl, )9-.l()6 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The artir-le deala with inobath scales use3 for the carto- graphi3al ropr(,iv!nt,'-ti(;a of submarine relief. The amount of information on geomorphological and geolo6ical features of submarine relief accumulated in recent years requires a careful consideration of rie-thods for Map- ping this relief. The first steps in this direction were taken by I.P. Zarutskaya itrid V.P. Zenkovich who developed theoretical questions concerning this cartography. A scale with ev(~n profile intervals equal for the entire map- ped territory is best, from the mathematical point of view. However, due to the K2'eat morpholoi,,ical difference in the surface r;)lief, it is not used even for larj;e-3cale maps. Therefore, in practice, such scales are baned on the pre- liminary investigation of the angles of slope of the p.,irti- Card 1/2 culer surfaces in regard to the amplitudes of the peaks, Isobath Scale for the Cartc~4;raphy of Submarine Relief SOV-10-58-4-15/2~ the space occupied by various altitude sthge3 and the investigation of the pocition and relation of the dif- ferent types of reliefo. Therefore, for various relief types, different scales are worked out with an adequate (-~Iose contour interval for each altitude zone. The article is accompaniod by illustrations of methods of mapping sub- marine relief, which wore taken from the Atlas 1'.Lira. There are 3 charts, 1 scale and 12 Soviet references. 1. Gartography--Theory Card 212 SOV/10-c8-6-12/21 AUTHOR: Leont'yev, N.F., Martynova, Z.I. and Lq f rE"T"yTvjrw%R TITLE: A Review of US Topographical Maps from a Geographical Point of View (Geograficheskaya otsenka topograficheskikh kart 3ShA) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR, Seriya geo ra- fichesklaya, 1958, ITr 6, p 113-119 (USOSR~ ABSTRACT: The authors review the published topographical maps of the US and find chat these maps have many defects. As these maps were produced by different departments, the legends vary, and many topographic elements are missing. Very little attention is paid to the mapping of the soil-vegetative cover. Hydrograi-hical data are also insufficiently reproduced. If the soil relief is renroduced meticulously, the river net is reproduced only schematically. Card 112 The authors find that aerial photography is SOV/10-58-6-IP/'I A Review of US Topographical Laps from a Geographical Point of View not adequately utilized for the preparation of US maps. To a certain degree, thi!; shortu- aGe of good maps can be explained by the in- sufficient p-,,eparation of necessary special- ists in American schools. There a.-e i4 refer- ences, 6 of %,'rich are Soviet and 8 1im,--ican. ASSOCIATION: Institut geografii All SSSR (The In~,,titute of Geography of the AS USSR) Card 212 SOV/10-58-6-17/21 AUTHOR: Leontlyev, N.F. and Serebryann~-j, L.R. TITLE: The Study of Problems of Physical-GeoEraphical Mapping (K izucheniyu voprosov fiziko-Ceogra- ficheskogo kartografirovaniya) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR, Seriya [-,eor-ra- ficheskaya, 1958, Nr 6, p 140-143 (USSR~ ABSTRACT: This is a revie,.~,, of the first volume of the book by A.G. Isachenko, published under the title "Physical-Geographical Mapping". Card 1/1 -7r---,?//!C - c9- 16/2 c: AUTHOR: Leontlyev, N.F. and Chernozhukov, K.N. TITLE: Geographical Atlases of Red China PMODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR, Seriya geograficheskaya, 1959, Nr 5, pp 104-108 (Uss'-?) ABSTRACT: This is a review of geographical atlases published in Red China. The last publiAed World Atlas is based on information furnished by various Soviet atlases, ASSOCIATION: Institut geografii All SISSR (Institute of Geography of the AS USSR) Card 1/1 3(2) SOV/6-59-8-15/27 AUTHORSs Leontlyev,,N. F.,.Candidate of Technical Se 'lences, Martynova, Z. 1.0 'knt 9 # -Ae-kil-Candidate of Geographical Sciences M TITLEs Gn the Atlas of Belorueskaya SSR (Ob Atlase Belorusskoy SSR) PERIODICAL: Geodeziya i kartografiya, 1959, Nr 8, PP 58-63 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The atlas of Belorusskaya SSR was published in 1958. It has 140 pages, and the edition comprises 15,000 CoPies. It contain.9 8-general and political administration maps, 56 general geographical maps, 8 physical maps, 48 economic maps, 9 ethnographical maps, and 9 historical maps. The climatic chart and the map of peat deposits are excellent. The forest ma-p and goobotanical map are not entirely in agreement with one another. The fauna map is highly interesting. A scheme of the economic relations of the Republic with other areas of the 'USSR Is also given. The characterization of the population is not exhaustive in the.ethnographical maps. A particular advantage of the atlas lies in the fact that maps of individual oblast' of the Republic, namely physical, administrative, and economic maps of each of the oblast' are also inserted. Card 1/1 There is 1 Soviet reference. --mouTlyry, X F..--Iwnd.tekhn.nauk,; SMTGINA. L.I., red.izd-ve; HAUNI, Te.Y., Lusing cartographical methods in geographical studies] Toprosy primeneniia kartografichookikh matodov pri geografichaskikh looledovaniiakh. Kookva, 1960. 173 p. (HM 14:2) 1. Akademiya nauk SM. Inatitut geografil. (Cartography) (Goographlool research) IMORTITIV, N.Y.; UUMIL. L.I.; OLYUNIM, T.N.; PMBUZHNNSllr. V.S.; 7KMMKI- N. V. Now Concepts on the orographjr of Ti*nsbaikalia' lwvJY SSSR Ser.geog. no.4:82-88 Jl-Ag 160. lki; 1317) 1. Institut geografii AN SSSR. (Transballml ia-4(ounta ins) BORODIN. I.A.; TJONTITIV. L7. Sew work on agricultural rartograp4 ("The compilation and auditing of agricultural maps and atlases" by H.I.Nikishov. Reviewed by I.A.Borodin, I.I.Leontlev). IzT.AN SSSR.Ser. geog. no.4:135-137 Jl-Ag 160. WERA 1317) (Agriculture-44aps) (Nikishov, H.I.) IJCONTIYEV, N.Y. HApping dolta--type shores* Trudy Insts geoge 79:112-117 160. O(IU 13%7) (Volga jslta--gape) LE014T IY PW.,_Va_ojay Fedorovich; FILIPPOV, Yu.V... red.; hXiCHCHENKO, - ka., red. izd-va; BUNGURUV) V.S., tekhn. red, (Geographical foundations of the cartography of submarine relief on bypsometric maps) Geograficheskie osnovy karto- grafirovaniia podvodnogo rellefa na gipsometricheskikh kartakh. Moskva,, Izd-vo geodez.lit-r-y., 1961. 205 p. (MIRA 15:1) (Submarine topograpIV) LEONTIYEV, N.F. Preliminary computation of 'the depth scale. Geod. i kart. no.1; 54-57 Ja 161. (MIAA 14:9) ~Hydrographic surveying) LEONTIYEV, M. 9. - Conference results on comprehensive atlases of republics, territories and provinces. Izv.AII SSSR.Ser.geoge no,,3:144-146 Yo-;e 161. (MIRA 14-.5) (maps) IZONTI UV I -ILY- A trip to Yugoilavia. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. geog. no.6:1"-146 11-D 161, (MIRA 14:1.2) (Yugoslavia-Geography) (Yugoslavia.-Visitors, Russian) LEONTIYEV, N.F. Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries in Split, Yugoslavia. Okeanologiia 2 no.5t945 162. (MIRA 15:11) (SplAt-Oceanographic research) (SPUt-Fisheries-Research) IZONTIYEV, N.F. Role of data from the literature in constructing relLiefs of #I-w- aea bottom. GeodA kart. no.3.-48-54 Mr 162. (MIRA 15s12) (Submarine topography) LEM, I YEV, s. F. From the o' t--i -,:" '%a0 i kart. no.9t58-4-2 S 163 '. (MIRA LF.CIITIYEV, II.P. Relief classification and its reflection in the geomorphological map legends. Izv, AN SM Ser, geog, no*605-92 N-D 164 (MIRk 181l) 1. Institut geografii AN SSSR. GOKMN) V.M.; LEONTITEVp N.F. 1 -1-- 11--i"N" A good series of maps 6r-foreign countries. Izv~ AN SSSR. Ser. geog. no.1:146-149 Ja-F 164. 4UR.' 17:3) Mail IYLV, 11. F. '77 gi i LIT KORZHUTEV, S.S.; YITVITSKII, G..N.; TEGOROV, O.V.; NAWOV, S.N.p- ZOLINIKOV, V.G.: KARAVAYEV, M.11-, FArIW..IN, S.P.; KOS-IACHEX, K.P. Prlntna---~. uchas"iye! DITAKOI;OV , F.V.; GEHASIX.OV, I.F., akademik, red.;- PRE01IL4ZHE!21KIY .V.S., red.; RRITER, G.D., red.; ABPAFOV, L.S. red.; ARMAND, D.L.,. -e(L; red.; ZOB, S.V., red.; DZEi~ZEYEVSKIf,, B.I.: red..- KQ~',Alt) I.V.I red.; LAVRI24KO, Ye.M., red.;. LEOLT TLIJUI:OV, P.A., red.; LIVOVICII, M.I., red.; IXESHCIIUtYAKOV,. Y-A.. red.; MINTS, A.A., red.j MURZAYEV, E.M.j, NASI1,10VICII, A.A., red.; FOKSIIISIIEVSKIY, V.V., rod,p POI-IUS., IN.L., re3.! ROZOV, red.; SOCHAVA, V.B., red.; FORMOZOV. A.11., red..; YA11311111, A.L., red. (Takutia] lAkutila, Xoskrvu. ljauxu, 1965, 464 (FIRA 18:8) 2. Akademiya nauk SSER. nshj.-I'-ut geografii. 2. Institut geogra- fii AN SSSH (for Korzhuyev. Vit-v-,tikl7)- 3, 'Yakutskiy filial Sibirskogo otdeleniya All 3~SR (for Yegorov). 4. Moskovskiy oblastnoy pedagogir!hpskiy Ir. I..K.Yrupskoy (for flaumov). 5. Pochvenryy muzey Ali' SSSZ (for Zollnikov). 6. Moskovskly go- sudarstvenrVy univorsite.- im. kU.Lcmonosova (for Karavayev). 7. Proizvodst7ennyy nau,.f=--isqIp-Jwateltskiy institut stroitelt- stva Gosstroya SSSR (fc.- Ka..~h.irin). 2. Institut geografii Sibiri i Daltnego Vostoka S-'bIrskcg-.! otdeleniya All SSSR (for Kosmachev). AVSYUK, G.A.; ARMAND, D.L.; VENDROV, S.L.; GELLEP ', S.Yu.; GERASIMOV, I.P.; GRIGORIYEV, A.A.; GRICHUK, V.P.; DZERDZEYEVSKIY, B.L.; KAI-V-.NI?I, L.G.; _j~~q!i --Y.EV,, I.I.F.; LIVOVICII,, M.I.; PS'P7AY-FI,', E.M.; ISAKOV,, Yu.A.; TI I - NEYSHTADT) M.I.; RIKHTER, G.D.; SOBOLSEV,L.N. On Academician Vladimir Nikolaevich Sukachev's 85th birthday. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. geog. no.4:3-4 J1-Ag 165. (MD),A 18:8) L 42982-66 FYI 79M 'M, P6013232 SOURCE CODE! UR/0413/66/000/008/0022/0022 INVENTOR: Volkov, V. L.; Drozdov, A * K. Kabyshev, A. S. Leont' yev. N. G.: Ustinov, V. K. ; Frayman.-H. S.; Tairlin- ORG: none TITLE: Preparation of trichlorosilane. Class 12, No. QQIQ [announced by the Podol' sk Chemical Metallurgy Plant (Polol' skiy khimiko-metallurgicheskiy zavod) SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no, 8, 1966, 2 TOPIC TAGS: silicon compound, hydrogen chloride, explosive forming ABSTRACT: An Author Certificate has been issued for a method of obtaining a trichlorosilane by an interaction of silicon- containing crudes with hy4rogen chloride. To prevent forming dangerously explosive polychlorosilanes'l coarse-crushed si licon- containing crude of 30-mnyparticle size is useU_w-tWW continuous feed of hydrogen chloride. Conversion is completed by reciprocal circulation of the silicon- containing crudes in the reaction apparatus equipped with an arrangement for mixing and conveying solid crude. [Translation) [NT] SUB CODE:O-;,l (/.SUBM DATE: 24Apr64/ r_'A 1 11 h r. 7-c0 r. 6/ " N. -A - U31CH/Phya(ca - Maenctic field Card 1/1 Pub. 146-10/21 Fr) - lb9ci Author : Leont'yev, N. 1. Title : A measurer of ma6netic fields that utiliLes the magnetic resoliance or protow Periodical : Zhur. eksp. i teor. fiz. 2~, 77-84, January 1955 Ab~itract : The author describes a measurer of magnetic fieldj that uses the effect of nuclear absorption of protons. The measurer possesses an automatic circuit makin.-~ it possible to measure fields with an accuracy of 0.006% plus or minus. Ile indicates the areas of its application. He thanks Dr. V. Sh-ruttsv. Five references, non-USSR. Institution: Submitted : February 11, 1954 BOV/120-59-1-25/50 AUTHORS:L.eontlyev, N. I., Udovichenko, Yu. X. TITLE: An Omegatron (Omegatron) PERIODICAL: Pribory i tekhnika eksperimenta, 1959, Nr 1, PP 101-105 (USSR) ABSTRACT: This mass analyzer is designed for use at the lower mass numbers (up to about 45) and uses cyclotron resonance prin- ciples. The design is very similar to those of Refs 4 and 7. The basic dimensions and parameters are ro = 0.8 cm. E0 M 1 V/cm . and H m 3400 oersted. The table shows that the resolution is not very high above mass number 22; an improvement can be had by reducing the applied voltage, but at the expense of a considerable loss of intensity. Figs I and 2 show the theoretical and actual systems used in the chamber (the accelerating voltage is provided by a standard oscillator and amplifier and the high-frequency plates are 2 mm apart, and enclose ~ control plates. Fig 3 shows how the background current varies with pressure; Fig 4 shows how the resolving power and ion current vary with the+con- trol voltage (curves a and b respectively) for H~ Fig 5 shows the same quantities as functions of high-frequency Card 1/2 voltage. Fig 6 shows the residual gas spectrum; Fig ? shows SOV/120-59-1-25/50 An Omegatron the line shapes given by neon isotopes, and Fig 8 shows the resolving power (curve a , from experiment; curve b , from theory). In all cases the curves were taken with electron currents of 5-7 AA (the best working range). The paper contains 8 figures, 1 table and 7 English references, SUBMITTED: January 29,, 1958. Card 2/2 S/1206o/ooo/ol/o2l/051 AUrHORs Leontlyev, N.I. E032/E314 TITLE: A Field Strengt Meter for Low Magnetic Fields PERIODICAL: PrIbory I tekhnika eksperimentag 1960, Nr 1, pp 78 - 82 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The meter is designed for the region I - 14 Oe and is based on the measurement of the cyclotron frequency of electrons in the measured magnetic field. The accuracy of the instrument is _+ 0.05%. The instrument is shown diagrammatically in Figure 1. It consists of 4 plates and a central cathode. One pair of opposite plates is earthed and the other is connected to a high-frequency oitillator. The cathode is at a negative potential (1-3 V) relative to the platen. It has a by-pass condenser connected across it as shown In Figure 1. so that it is effectively AC-earthed. The probe is placed in the measured magnetic field H so that the latter is perpendicular to the high- frequency electric field. If the frequency of the oscillator f feeding the plates is equal to the cyclotron frequency f 0 of the electron in the measured field 0 82894 S/12o/60/000/02/025/052 Y,2 0 E041/E421 AUTHOR: Leontlyev, N.I. 4 TITLEt Resonance Instrument for Measuring Intensities of Magnetic Fields PERIODICAL:Pribory i tekhnika eksperimenta, 1960, Nr 2, PP 93-98 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The principle used is the cyclotron-resonanciof hydrogen ions in the field to be measured. The intensity is measured from the difference in frequencies of H+ and H2+ or H2 + and H3 +. The average value of a field (even containing large non-uniformities) is measured up to a value of 31500 oersted. The accuracy is +0-05% and refers to the absolute value. The method normally employed exploits proton resonance but this leads to undesirably high frequencies in strong fields. The use of ionst however, has been objected to since the cyclotron frequency given by Eq (1) is in practice subject to a shift caused by the constant radial electric field within the volume of accelerating ions. To overcome this objection, the difference in frequencies Card 1/3 of two different ionic masses is measured. The corrected 82894 S/12o/60/000/02/025/052 E041/E421 Resonance Instrument for Measuring Intensities of Magnetic Fields form of Eq (1) is Eq (2) and eliminating E(r) when two kinds of ion are present the magnetic field is given by Eq (6). For the particular cases of H+, H2* and H3+ ions the field is given by Eq (7) and (8), in oersteds, when -the frequency is in Mcls, In addition to the cyclotron resonance, there is also a polarization resonance dependent on the ionic concentration. To avgid error from this Bource, the density is kept below lo /cm3. The arrangement of the electrodes in the instrument is Fig 1. An electron beam is directed through a 4-sided enclosure made up of deflecting plates connected to two high-frequency oscillators. The other two sides of the enclosure are accelerating electrodes. The magnetic field is parallel to the beam. The table on P 95 gives the optimum gas pressures for different ions agd enclosure sizes. Measurements were usually made at 10 mm lig with an enclosure 12 x 12 x 15 mm high. A block-diagram of the instrument is in Fig 3. The oscillators cover the range o.665 to 24 ~Ic/s in four Card 2/3 ranges. A twin-scan display is provided by beam-switching. 82894 S/12o/60/000/02/025/052 E041/E421 Resonance Instrument for Measuring Intensities of Magnetic Fields Investigations have been made using a magnet whose field was more stable than 7 x lo-5 and could be varied over a wide range. Fig 4 and 5 show the variation in measurement error as a function of beam current and accelerating voltage respectively. Fig 6 is a similar curve for collector potential. From these graphs the optimum operating conditions can be deduced. A useful application of the device is for stabilizing a magnet field, in which case it may sense the intensity at the edge of the field, where it is non-uniform, and not reduce the useful field volume. The author thanks Yu.K.Udovichenko for assistance during development, S.V.Kurillnikov, N.V.Aleksandrov and I.P.Koryakov for making the components and M.Z.Maksimov for appraising the results. There are 6 figures, I table and 11 references, 6 of which are Soviet and 5 English. SUBMITTEDt February 25, 1959 Card 3/3 4000/03/029/059 L14OA563 AUTHORS: Leont ~mv, N. I. Udovichenko, Yu.K. and Kurillnikov,S.V. TITLE: OmegatrogNith Panornmic Observation PERIODICAL: Pribory i tekhnika eksperimenta, 1960, No 3, pp 100-103 ABSTRACT: A mass analyser for low masses using a CRT indicator is described. It employs a light-weight magnet (2.9 kg) with inhomogeneous field. The magnet is similar to one employed in a common magnetron type, omitting openings in the pole faces. The field intensity at the center of the gap is 2000 Oe., maximum inhomogeneity in the working region of the analyser 3.5%. The ion source and analyser is a chamber composed of thin sheets of tantalum previously described in*Ref 5. The working bands of the oscillator are 86 - 121, 112- 360 and 560 2000 kcs, corresponding to masses 36 - 25, 27 - 8, 5 2, The carrier is frequency-modulated up to 25%, with slow sawtooth waveform 2, 4, 7, 15 and 30 sec. The spectrum of noon 20 and 22 obtained by the instrument is given in Card 1/2 Fig 4. The peak at 18 is due to water vapour in the eoni'r V, K/ -,,%ko,/u. K) fr,o6orv', iehhr,',kA rk-s-per'Ime'43 11S1, Mr. I , op. 161-Ids 819911 s/i2o/60/000/03/029/055 E14O/E563 Omegatron with Panoramic Observation instrument. It is stated that the precision of the instrument is not less than 5% (precision of what not stated). There are 4 figures ax,d 6 references, 'I of which are Soviet and 4 English. SUBMITTEDi April 16, 1959 Card 2/2 S/12o/60/000/005/023/051 EO32/E5i4 AUTHORS: Leontlyev, N.1 Udovichenko, Yu.K. and Maksimov., M.Z. TITLEt An Omegatron with a Nonuniform Magnetic Field PERIODICAL: Pribory i tekhnika eksperimenta, 1960, No.5, PP-97-99 TEXT: Brubacker and Perkins (Ref-3) have shown that an omegatron can work in a nonuniform magnetic field. The present paper investigates the resolving power of an omegatron in a non- uniform field which falls off along the radius in accordance with a parabolic law. This type of field is of great practical importance since it is obtained in a magnet with circular pole- pieces and plane-parallel gap. An expression is derived for the resolving power of an omegatron working in such a field and it in shown that there is no point in increasing the degree of non- uniformity above 3 or 4% since even though the resolving power increases,the intensity decreases very strongly. Moreover, experi- ments showed that the accuracy in the case of a highly nonuniform field is not very high. The present authors have used a permanent magnet having a weight of 2.9 kg and a gap of 29 mm. The degree of non-uniformity was 6.5%. A typical spectrum obtained is shown in Card 1/2 AUTHORS: Leont' v. TITLE: Indication in the Ome,;atron PERIODICAL: Pribory P. 100 S/12o/60/000/005/0W051 E032/E314 N.I. and Udovichenko, Yu.K. of the Resonance Absorption of Energy i tekhnika eksperimenta, 1960. No. 5, TEXT: Usually, the appearance of resonance in the omegatron is determined from the position of the maximum of the ion current at the ion detector. A simpler method is to record the resonance from the position of the maximum of 'absorbed high- frequency energy. In this method the ion detector is unnecessary and the DC amplifier can be replaced by a low-frequency amplifier. The present authors have used this'method with the omegatron described by them in Ref. 4. Experiments showed that the amplitude of the signal depends strongly on the gas under investigation. For different ion masses there are different optimum values for the pressure at which the signal amplitudes are a maximum. Thus, for H + the optimum pressure -4 1 is 7 x 10 mm Hg, while for H+ the pressure is Card 1/2 2 S/120/60/000/005/040/051 E073/E335 AUTHORS: Leontlyev, N.I. and Kurillnikov, S.V. TITLE: Meter for Measuring the Magnet c Field by means of a-Magnetodielectric Probe I PERIODICALi Pribory I tekhnika eksperimenta, 1960. No. 5. P. 135 TEXTs For measuring magnetic fields of various configurations an instrument has been designed, the operation of which is based on the dependence or the permeability of a magnetodielestric on the magnetic field potential. It operates in the range of 100 - 8 000 Oe, the accuracy being 0.5%. Compared with an instrument described by M.P. Zelldovich and S.M. Rubchinskiy (same Journal, 1958, No.-I, P. 56) this instrument has a more simple circuit and a morc simple design of the probes, The calibration oscillator operates at the two fixed frequencies, 760 kc/s and 4 Mc/s. Comparison of the frequencies of the measuring and calibration oscillators is by means of the zero beat method. The zero beat is determined by means of the setting indicator (6E55). The magnetic-field potential Is determined on tte im o the Vernier of a variable condenser Card 1/3 S/120/60/000/005/040/051 E073/E335 Meter for Measuring the Magnetic Field by means of a Magnetodielectric Probe of the metering oscillator and the calibration curve. The instrument is calibrated by means of a nuclear instrument. The measuring device has two interchangeable probes, the difference being solely in the material of the c;vre coil. The core of the coil of the first probe is machined from the t1oxyfer" (1-1000 (P-1000); the second was made of carbonyl iron (4, W 3.7) . The first probe is suitable for the range of 100 - 370 Oe. the second for the range of 300 to 8 000 Oe. The core dimensions are,~ 3 min dia.; 1.5 mm centre hole; 3 nun thick. Coils with 27 turns were wound toroidally on the cores. The toroidal shape of the windings was chosen since, in this case, the accuracy of orientation of the probe in the field does not greatly affect the results of the measurements. The coil of the probe is connected to the metering oscillator by a 1.5 m long cable. The probe is fitted on a perspex rod, 4.,2 mm external diameter, which is rigidly fixed on the coaxial cable. The instrument indicates Card 2/3 S/12o/60/000/005/040/051 E073/E335 Meter for Measuring the Magnetic Field by means of a Magnetodielectric Probe the average potential of the magnetic field which exists in the volume of the probe coil. There is 1 Sc*?iet reference. SUBMITTED: :Iuly 17, 1959 Card 3/3 LEONTIYEV, N.I.; UDOVICHENKO, YU.K. Additional focusing of resonance ions in an omegatron. Prib. i tekh. eksp. 6 no.2:129 Mr-Ap '(I. (MIRA 14:9) (Mass spectrometry--Equipment and supplies) S/120/6 2./06'6/603/021/o48 E192/E382 AUTHMS: Leontlyev, N.I. and Yalcovlev, V.Ya. MLE: A pulse-gene-rator for displaying probe characteristics PE.'10DICAL: Pribory i tekhnika eksperimcnta, no. 3, 1962, 93 - 96 TI;X~I,: The generator is designed for the display of probe c~,c,rzctcris'ics in electrode-less pulse dischar-ges. The measure- ment system employoc'. is illustrated in Fig. 1. A signal from the lulse -enerator is applied to a double electrical probe t'-irouL;h a separating transformer T and a resistance r. The %;3 pl current in the probe circuit is primarily depen4ent on the interral resistance of the probe gap, provided this is much smaller than r - The volta-,,-e developed across r is therefore proportional to the probe current and this is applied to the oscillograph (see Fig. 1) throuzh the transformer T . The pulse applied I p2 to the probas has a linearly rising portion from -60 V to 0 a a flat portion and a linearly rising portion from 0 to +60 V, the overall duration of the pulse being 60 Us. The front edge of the Card 1/4 s/12o/62/000/003/021/o48 A pulse-generator for E192/E382 pulse corresponds to the trig~;ering of the time base of the oscilloscope. MsO15 1;s after termination of the pulse, when the investi--ated discharge is extinguished, the time base is triZ~;cred aSain and a horizontal line corresponding to 0 probe current is displayed. The pulse-gonerator is based on 2 vacuum tubes and 9 thyratrons. The 2 vacuum tubes are double triodes and are used as anode-Zrid limitors. An RC phase-shift network is inserted between tho limiter so that its output pulses can be shifted wit'n respect to each other by 10 - 50 iis. the pulse from t'a first liniter is a,,lied to the grid of the first thyratron ol A. p n i-,'!iic?i proCuces a fast pulse at its anode. This pulse ignites the next thyratron and actuates the supply of the investigated The -pulse of the second thyratron has a duration of about 10 I;s and an anplitude of 140 V and this is applied to the first Zrid of the third thyratron T 3 ; the second grid of T 3 is also normally at a negative -potential so that T 3 becomes i3nited only when it receives a pulse from the second limiter. Card 2/4 S/12o/62/000/003/021/o48 A pulse-enerator for .... E192/E382 !)roCaces a pulse for trig--erin-,r tile time base of the oscillo- ~~ra,)~i zand for i-nitin- tile pulsing thyratron TI, A special circuit ba.-3ed on 2 thyratrons, T 6 and T 7 1 is used for the seconda.-cy triSrerin~; of t1he time base. T6 of thi3 circuit is tri.-cred siraul"aaeously with T4 * The cathode circuit of T4 produces in the no-ative portion of tile probe voltage; it also trig~;Ors tile next thyratron T 5 after a delay of 15 iis, which )roduccs t:10 positive portion of tile voltage. These voltages are coiabined izi tile secondary winding of a doul;le transformer connected in the cathode circuits of T4 and T 5 & A detailed circuit dia-ram of t'he PU13c-gencrator is given. The authors than,'-z N.V. Alcl:sandrov for taking part in the construction of the _renerator. There are 5 rigures. Card 3/4 s/i2o/62/000/003/021/048 A )Lilse-Uencrator for .... E192/E382 ASSOCIATION: Fizilco-teldinicheskiy institut AN Gruz55R (Paysicotechnical Institute of the AS Georgian SSR) 5 U D,* ITT E DJuno 27, 1961 F ni - =70 ,p, a.40C-70 1110Z r," card 4/4 3/057/62/032/002/007/022 B104/B102 AUTHORS; Demirkhanov, R~ A~, Lt~~ and Kosyy, I A, TITLE; Concentration measurement of charged particles in a strong high-frequency pulse discharge in a magnetic traveling field PERIODICAL: Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fiziki, v, 32., no. 2, 1962. 180-1,84 TEXT: The authors compare the results of measurements of the charged particle concentration made with strong h-f pulse discharges using data obtained by the microwave method. The measurements were made with a cylindrical quartz gas discharge chamber (800 mm long, diameter: 36 mm/"' The plasma was excited by h-f electromagnetic traveling waves- The particle concentration was determined with the aid of a double Mo-vire (I mm in diameter) probe. The voltage drop due to the probe current at a resistor is fed into an3HO-1 (ENO-1) oscilloscope (Fig. 1) The results of the measurements made at 1,,10-1 and 6-10'2 mm Hg are in good agreement with those obtained by the microwave method. Measurements of the distribu- tion of the electric field made it possible to determine the surplus charge of the ions caused by the different rates of diffusion of ions and Card 1/3 3/057/62/032/002/007/022 Concentration measurement of B!04/BI02 electrons to the chamber walls The concentration of the surrIus ior,3 is low compared with that of the ions.,, WIth r_.3 0.65 cm ni surplus ' 3.6-108 cm-3, ni - 4.5 10 3 cm - The authors thank T M Filatov for his assistance in the probe measurements, N_ I Malykh for microwave measurements, and I- R, Yampol'skiy for discussion of the probe measuring methods There are 4 figures, 1 table, and 7 referenzea: 5 Soviet and 2 non-Soviet.. The two references to English-language publications read as follows: B. Wharton.. a, M. S,, Donald,, J Appl, Phya. )1, 2. 428, 1960; D.. Bohm. The characteristics of the electrical discharge in magnetic fields, Ed. by A. Guthrie a. R. K.. Wakerling, New York. Toronto-London, 1949,, SUBMITTED. November 24, 1960 (initially), April 3. 196' (after re-liznn,- Fig. 1: probe measuring circuit; Legend; (1) probe; (2) to the oscilloscope; (3) battery Card 2/3 S/057,/62/032/,PP2/007/022 Concentration measurement of ... B104/BI02' (p Fig. I 14C-60 0 -Z (;ard 3/3 "j" 1- 1 (",j ~-rW 'b'j ? AI-l. ii6 CY~ Ve Tyke s Y, v "q 'or's ,IP6 J~~S, qq Le 01, c 011 e%cr 'bJ nII q.mqe " ,%% vrm 09 -beC V ,Oro .6 lag c-I C) -re 9 0 /B ,b p,IaMLIS vlvirogl2r, 1--e . .)f the c1; , tr ,Per,tro5copl Xt '~.qcj P t":, Cjrd . Th, rad-in' so of the - .1 - '. - .; -- tl-. S t! spiral I.I., a, vir. Plasm' C)"16 er I x'Af, ~ I e (i d.P la - 'r , travc'!Lng 7. w ,rc, 'th -, + 0 "4ave5 TI 9. v.,- t, gVp '4G H 'I "I I t wafs 90 ElTI, ani Atli at ynrt Vl. t11 a.e - r 1) , 1. gc',nerators OPe Ylith, t- R I f3 - Co o or ob(!5 b!!er~ e - th It 1, two V4 ty., r r e (I TI, n jr C&Ixl~ b"19 pv I MI .10togr r and ntr '10 ",T th, -ftigli nPe ri on for Tho- ,d part: f that - rragn4~, d-A t ,,nd rror of Id be az.. Ica I KI T h COU 5igna'. p6t th 'A, probe . _ j~ H 'jrj;7;, of S/056/62/042/002/004/')55 Pla_,ma Instability ... B102/B138 ,javie order of maCnitirle -as that of the ionic "sound", observeJ by A. V. Ncdosp.aoov (Paper No 217, :;alzburg Conference on Placma Physic3 ani Con- trolled Thcrmonuclear Reactions, 1961). S. S. Germayeva, h. M. 13~-jrkhula- rov arc thanked for help, S. 11. Lozovskiy and I. R. Yampol'Eki~.. for lia- cu3zionn. V. P. Velikhov (Preprint IAE AN 196o) rLnd G. V. Gorleyev (ZhE','F, 21, 19, 1954) are mentioned. There are 7 figurea, 2 t~,bleq, -tnd 7 reforenccot 6 3oviet and I non-joviet. The reference to the Enpli.:;h- la.iruare publication readz a3 follows: P. C. Thoneinann ct al. 11-ature, 169, 34, 1952. "U-',! JTTED sjuly 6, 1961 I'l. Fi r-. 7. I'lasina oscillation frequency (kc) as a tion of M atomic weight of the pau. (1) ex- rri,l~,_-ntal curve, (2) marnetoacoustic frequency. 'J 4 61711646 tWt(II/EPA(sp)-2/EPA(wl-2/VF~d(t)/T/P-WA(MI-2 pz-00-4/Pab-101-4 r AT ACCESS ION NR.- APS003234 8/0057/65/033/001/0043/bO46 'AUTHORs. Desir nqXgR.A'/ XossYV.I.A./ Leowit, 'Yev.N. I'/ LozVokly'l.11d Mai- ;'',Yu K-/ rilatgya.T.M. A TITIA: Interaction of a traveling eloctromagaglig wame with-kJA-a-fifflia SOURCE: Zhurnal tokhnichookoy fiziki, v.35, no.1, 1965, 43-46 TOPIC TAG91 plasmas Plasma conflasment, plasma heating, plasma ~4ave absorption, traveling wavo ABSTRAM An experimental investliation was undertaken to test the possibility of confining a plasma by, means of a 1,-Aveling electromagnetic wavc as proposed by 9.jv.~ Onovete CFIzIka plasay I problemy ipravlyayeolykh termoyadernykl. reaktsiy glassa physics and problem of controllet thermonuclear reectlons7 Vol.,4.p.3tlzd.AN SSSR, 1958). A toroAdal pulsed machins ~:-Av employed, otallar to that described elsewhere by k.A.Douirkhanov et al , (ZW 32 ' 248,1962). Hydrogen plasma t -as Investigated at a' pressure of,0*06 = Kgo One segao,tile/sec traveling waves were produced with a do- lay lln~ terainated An its surge ipedance. The phase volocit) 'was Soo x 107 ca/isee -.i Cord.1/3 and the maxiavA amplitude of the magnetic field was 230 Oe. The electroa density and temperature and the longitudinal component of the high frequency magnetic field were measured at various distances from the axis to the discharge tube by means of probes. The electron temperature was 1pyroximately constant at 60 000 OK and the electron density was of the order of 0 4 CM-3. From the measured data the gradients, of the plasm& pressure and the magnetic pressure were calculated. The plasma pros- sure. gradient everywhere exceeded the magnetic; conf lnement of the plasma was so- cordingiy not achieved. SoMe calculations are presented concerning the behavior at' ;a plasma In a high frequency magnetic field. To achieve confinement It Is not suf- ifictent simply to increase the magnetic field strength, for the high frequency f told tends to heat the plasma. It 19 concluded that conf Inement can be achieved only In an incompletely Ionized plasma withs. large electron density# In which ener-: gy can-be-transforred fron.the electrons to the walls of the chamber via the Ions iand the neutral particle. "The authors express -their- gratitude to SVKtjrIl!jjj --- iand ff.V.Aloksag4roV for constructing the powir supply for the hIgh-frequency did- 'charg Ortgoartsbas: 13 tormulas and 2 f!Tures. Card 2/3 L V-. ( - ; ~/ r, _~ L. V I I j - ) ~-I SHUSHXOV, AsMe, Inthenerl LZONTYVI__&_K.; MUM, N.Go Sum of the angles of closed polygons plotted through several inter- secting lines. [Trudy) VRIMI no.28:83-M 154o (HLRL 8:2) (mine surveying) LEONTIUV, N.K., starshiy rLauchnyy sotrudnik. -Z- XI. Contribution to the problem of trends in the study of rock displacement under conditions prevailing in the Donate Basin. Ugol, 29 no.3:2"26 Mr '54. (MLRA 7:3) 1. Donetakiy filial Veesoyuznopo aauchno-iseledovatellskogo marksheyderskogo Instituta. (Donets Basin,darth movements) (i:arth movements-Doneta Basin) Lions of DA'~T-rlinLn~ 1-3 'Jun-I :'cscow -l,-'orestr-Y Vecheryaya Moskva Sum 71 0! ON r Y&A N.L. - PHASE I TREASURE ISLAND BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REPORT AID 311 1 BOOK Call No.: AF612018 Authori LEONTIYEV, N. L., Doctor of Agricultural Sciences Full Title: ELASTIC DEFORMATIONS OF WOOD Transliterated Title: Upruglye deformatsii drevesiny Publishing Data Originating Agency: Central Scientific Research Institute for Machine Woodworking (TsNIIMOD) of the Ministry of the Forest Industry of the USSR Publishing House: State Publishing House of Wood and Paper Literature Date: 1952 No. pp.: 120 No. of copies: 3,000 Editorial Staff Editor: None Tech. Ed.: None Editor-in-Chief: None Appraiser: None Others: Gratitude for valuable assistance expressed to the following workers of the wood cellulose laboratory of the Ministry of the Forest Industry: Ivanov, A. I., Yengovatov, V. K., Ivanov, V. A., Rzhanov, M. G. Text Data Coverage: This is a study, In the form of a textbook, written to cover the growing need of the industry for technical literature due to the large development of Russian Forestry. 1/5 Uprugiye deformatsii drevesiny AID 311 - I PAGE Ch. 7. Study of the Deformation of Wood under Longitudinal Stresses 89-102 8. Elastic Characteristics of Basic Kinds of Wood of the USSR 103-11 Bibliography 117-11~ Purpose: Not stated Facilities: None No. of Russian and Slavic References: 5 before 1939, and 20 after that date Available: A.I.D., Library of Congress. 3/3 1. IIZOYI I YEV j N. L. FROLOVA, N.G. 2. USSER (600) 3. Wood Pulp Induatry 4. Chromtic-yolumetric w thod of determining aodium aulfate in the cauatic. Bum.prom.27ft. 6 - 1952. 9. Monthly List of Ruesian Acessiona, Library of Congreaa, Februar , 1953. Unclassified. LEONTITNV. N.L. (author]; OTLIVANCHIK. A.H. (reviewer]. Manual for the statistical treatmeat of observation results (OStatistical treatment of observation results.' N.L.Imeontlev. Reviewed by A.M.Otlivan- chik). Der. i lesokhim. prom. 2 no.8:31 Ag 153. (KI-RA 6:7) (Statistics) (Leont*ev, N.L.) A 7 A 124-11-13603 Translation -from: Referativnyy Zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1957, NT 11, p 177 (USSR) AUTHOR: Leont 'yev N. L. TITLE: Experimental Investigations on the Resistance of Wood to Prolonged Loads (on TS. N. 1. 1. M. 0. D. materials) (Ekspe rimentall n)yr-- is .; Lm&~ vaniya soprotivleiiiya dreveqiny dlitellnomu deystviyu nagruzki (1) materialam TS..N, 1. 1, M. 0. D. )) PERIODICAL: V sb. : Issledovaniya prochnosti i deformativnosti drevesinv, Moscow, Gos. izd-vo lit. po str-vu i arkhitekture, 1956, pp ABSTRACT: The paper presents the results of tests on flawless small sarnplc:, of pine, spruce, and ash wood made with prolonged application of (.(,r stant loads. Empirical "time - def orma tion" curves are shown for a small number of spruce and pirie samples, and curves of resistance to prolonged loads are shown for sprtice and ash samples, extcrided over a loading , period of froin 100 to 000 clays, It is establisbcd that the orientation coefficient of the prolonged resistance to COITIpresisiio, along the fibers of ash wood is less than 0.7, and in the other cases less than 0.6. Relative to the determination of the crushing strerigti, Card 1/Z in t-ornpressicirt and cleaving alo.tig the filiurs, (he Awlior re(onirne,,o, .T 124- 11-13603 Experimental Investigations on the Resistan(e of Wood to Prolonged Loads (Continued) that two samples be taken that are adjacent to the main one along the length of the trunk, whereas for the determination of the limiting strength in tension along the fibers and static bending another two samples be taken that are adjacent to the i-nnin one along the circular perimete r of the c ross - se( tion of the trunk. (V. N. Antipov) Card 212 LBDNTITIV, N.L.; KRECHRMY, I.Y.; TSARV, B.S.; SUKHOVA. A.Y. Iffect of high temperature conditions of drying on the physical and mechanical properties of wood. Dar. prom. 5 n0-10:3-5 0 '56. (HLRA 9:11) 1. TSentrallmy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy Institut makhanichookoy obrabotki dreveniny. (Lupber-Drying) I VQ I -I L.M., redaktor; SARKATSKAYA, G.I., redaktor izdatel'stva; BAGHUR114A. A.M., tekhnichookly redektcr r 4-Long term stretch of wood] i4itel'noe soprotivlenia dreveniny. Moskva, Ueelesbunizdat, 1957. 130 P. (HLU 10:13) (WOWI) LZONTITEV. H.L.1 KUCHETOV, I.V.; TSARZV. B.S.; BOLDMOV, R.P. Xffect of high temperature drying of pine wood on its physical arA mechanical properties. Der.prou. 6 no.6:3-6 Je '57. (MLRA 10:8) I.TSentrallny7, nauchno-iseledovatel'sk1jr institut sekhanicheakor obrabotki drevesiny. (Lumber-Dryin (Wood-Testingl) IZOVTIYICV, N.L. doktor sallskokhoz7avetvennykh nauk Strength of green wood. Dar. prom. 8 no.10:9 0 '59. (PIRA 12:12) (Wood--Kointurs) LNONr'YZV, N.L. Training of technicians for the vooApulp and paper industZ7. Bumsprom, ~4 no.7:21-22 Jl '59. (MIR& 12:10/ 1. Direl-tor Snrpul-bovskoy bumazbnoy fabriki. (woodpilip inluntry) (Paper industry) Ve L'oo'- p(:) tel r andlonk nc-Bulld, ng mate-crn pd. gfz' 196()- 7 rial P 4: NerniPt.,111, Errat,, a 0.11P 111se Nor, A.m* ev, rted. jnf! t-1 ~f Doctor ,e6 00 1 octor of ' Of 2ec4nIca, 1 0 copies zrtf omat Rybakova E Techn, cal S,I 'clences . loll LJteratuj ngInee,- c ences p I ~ r0fesso re (Mas I Tech. I rofessor. ~;Iz)- Ed. r; pd Is book : T-P- Sokol Ed. of ' * Of archit..t., Onas Ova; 1016.11 4~j)j, tyrski." Managing Fd. COVRRAcE. and otil a Intended for Machine-b er PersorL. f 0.r This r, interested I.LUldlng 01 Lzme 4 di ~, ` s the fourth of the Propertcon'3f~ructj,,, In Other "I'llsses non a les constructl -Metal 4-vOlwne B of 11 W r Pn,4 -11 -1dj 'A Q C material, andbOok onill I. wAterial, apPil cati sLutabl on M&chlne-Bujjdt -Lr ph Sat1d 194a Ons. Textj e for use In ng Maf-,, CnP_d..Y81c;A1 and Mech"I naten le vood I References cal. Of these Mater, Plastic Machine buj i,4 I PrOPe I ais . ceraml _U-truz foll ov A -rt ea are are revi ?I, -r listed. no e1wed ru~,b, nd-'V"ua'. chaPtera. Persenallay'zi da-'% tle~. (_'F rlal_s (cont.) )v /4419 tri Ch. 1, N10,liraj. WO,--Ki and XII have cm t yev beer' (yP1'tT-edj1 Doctor Of Technical. PrPertles -wo'ciri- Ir Structi Selen'2eF) Prnfe!j!,,~ Of vood cn9 Iq-r unin, C" 'rr , tabj,s - Natural Wc,, .d llal~!rlajs (y 30lences, Profensor 'ra'skiy F, r'. Ve!)eer I Doctor Of Tez:hl,,j. Glued 1,1,Ywood Core plywe Methr_,cb for determIning pb)rsicamccha, 35 core plWcod _Leal Prope- 3~ Ues p, 3am-Ple selecticn methods o 4 va j Methods for Yv 0, Testing P tPating Physiccmechanical Properties lyw0c,d for ImPregn9tnd lumber transParency -px'e-qsed limh__ .LIGNTIYV, N-l-, doktor sellskokhozo nauk Wood strength at various moleture contents. Der-prom. 9 no.10s13 o 16o. (M MA 13: 10) (Wood-Misture) LIONT I TEV, 11. L. Determining the strength of wood. Standartizataiia 24 no.qs34- 36 S 160. (MIRA 13:9) (Wood-Teating) JEONTIYEV. N.L. Determining volumetric weight of wood with variable noisture content. Standartizatsiia 25 no.6:43-45 Je 161. (MIRA 14:6) (Wood--Tables and ready--Reckoners) LEONTIYEV, Nikifor.jgontlyevi h, prof., doktor sellkhoz. nauk; SAV-40V, Ye.I., red.; IEIJEDEVA, I., red. izd-va; FARAKHINA, N.L.j tekhn. red. (Tecbnique of statistical calculations) Tekbnika statiatichaskikh vychislenii. 14oskva, Goelesbumizdatp 1961. 231 PIRA 15:3) (H (Mathematical statistics)