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pe USSRAledicine - Cancer, Tumors Jan/re"; 1.11edicine - Protective "Iermeri!-.s, Effect of "Protective Ferments ne '~uppressors o: Cnncer- ous Tumors," 1. F. Leontl,,ev, 111oocow, 2 pp "Uspekhi Sovrem Biol" Vol ICK7TI, jo 1 PA 47/49T53 3u=arizes worl- oL" :utllfr, l.'edawar, and other 'en-La In basis of the;r vor':, corcluden it is possible to statT thit injections o,' rrotact- ive ferment solutions hi' ~t -,)Ositive effect only in mice afflicted with ascltic cenrer. Besults were not satisfactor., in otlrcr r"!:71 T11-7-V - i. F. PROF USSR/Biology Blood Chemistry Fab 51 "Type of Nervous Statem and Blood Chemistry," Prof I. F. Leont'yev "Prirods" No 2, p 69 Attempt to correlate the bromine content in the blood of asthenic sanguine, choleric, and phlegmatic dogs with their temperament failed except that the strong types showed a higher content than the asthenic. However, a definite relation between the bromine :ontent in the blood of the dog and the age of the animal was established, this content diminishing with age. 213T15 '2_2 Preservation of sheep skins with brine I .Ilwjjta*j lotd. K 13, 1-irm mJ vmth-l a, d-rilmd firr Ir,emit -11-v An';jlC,.4l Am, Ailh I.ra- i,v -~Oimjg ifli fire, ~ ill A ~,iwlf atut. ,f lltp-ilp a, A - ..w-l 1,, thr lqm, And rither I 'W in 11" -It. NI 'M PI-Luf ifides inl ~,.iestl~ms -tn,-! tinswers 2'j- No. 3, 1952 Monthl _LIL of i~isslw Accf~:-Aons. 1.,itj!--;ry of (~r)n., %TIONTITIV, I.I.; LTUKSEIfBURG, H.S., kandidat takhnichaskikh nauk, retBenzent; G.I., inzhoner, retaenzent; PAVWV, S.A., doktor tekhnichaskikh nank. professor, spetsredaktor-. IVANOTA, N.K., redaktore DUBOVKINA. N.A.. takhnichaskly redaktor [Manual on processing hides] Rukovodetvo po obrabotke kozheyrtia. KoakTa, Pishchepromizdat, 1953. 158 p. (Microfilm] (MLRA 7:10) (Leather industry) LEONTITSV,-I.I.; ALVJML'M, N.Y., retseazeAt; ZHULIN, A.P., inzhener. - I- , .- ~ redaktor; SIMUOVA, N.L., redaktor; KISINA, Ye.I., tekhnichoskiv redaktor. [Guide to the processing of hides) Rukovedetve pe obrabetke koshevennogo syrlia. Forsisdanlo. Moskva, Pishchppromizdat.1955. 188 p. (Hides and skins) (HLRA 9:5) CHMAN(N,; VORONTSOV,S., inzhener; VOTHOVA,P., inihoner; LBOVT4TEV,1., inzhener I - ~- -, What should be the equipment of a modern meat combine. Mias. Ind. SSSR 26 no-3:30-37 '55. (MIRA 8:9) 1. Glavnyy Inshener Moskovskogo ayasokombinnta (for Ghuyanov). 2. Moskovskiy oyasopererabatyvayushchly zavod (for Vorontscrv)- 3. Vaesoyusnyy nauchno-Issledovatel'skly Institut myasnoy pro- oyahlennosti (for Voynova). 4. Glavnoys upravleniye myasnoy promyshlennosti (for Leontlyev) (Keat industr7-ACquipment nnd supplies) 4 --- - ':-~ -1 1 - - - TIMOKHIN, N.A., insh.: LICONTIM, I.I., in2h. 0 Now method of pig skinning with preliminary scalding of the carcass Ieg. prom. 16 no.8:42-44 Ag 156. (KnU l0tl2~ (Hides and skins) ISORTf "T'*'PANShto~ - Brining sheepskins, Mlas. ind. SSSR 29 n0-1:17-19 158. (KIRA 11:3) (Rides and skins) LIONTIYEV. Ivan Ivenovichi, inzh.; SIN.ITSYN, Konstantin Dmitriyevich, kand. tGkhu-Aauki,3OKOLOVSXIT, K.S.. Insh., fspetsred.; (MITW, N.P., insh.. reteonsent: NOVOMWA, L.Y., red.: SOKOLOVA, I.A.. [Kanual on leather and fur raw materialso hair, and bristle) Spra- vochnik po koshavennomti i makhovoma syrliu. volosu I shchatino. Moskva, Pishchapromisdat, 1939. 05 p. (MIRA 13:3) (Hides and skins) LEONT'YEV, 1. 1. (Chauffeur, Sovkhoz "Nov-ye Zelenki", Chervensk Raion, Minsk Oblast'), and 7JLkRKIN, V. V. ~Main Veterinary Surgeon). "Disinfection of animal husbandry buildings by utilizing the automatic liquid-manure distributer fs-praye-r7. It Veterinariya, Vol. 38, No. 4, 1961, P- 76. ZHAITHII, V.V.; LEMPIEV, i.i., siorer. DisAnfestion of livostock buildirigs uvjni,- tnuck--mr~,zit-l manure spreader3. Veterinarila 38 no-4:76 Ap 161 Nir.-A lg:L) 1. Cdav-nyy Yp.--rina.-nyy vrac,% sovkhoza "llo-,We Zellenklo, Cher- vcmskc-(~o rayona, Miriskoy oblariti (for "harkin). 2. ScvIenn-7, lim- ',ileriki". Cher7enskop rayoria, Mannkcy oblat;" (I..-: ontlyar). LrID-STAY. 1. 1. The manufac"Ure of bent -ioressed wheal rims frc* the Dine and soft decidtious woods. Moskva Goslesbumisdat, 1049. 94 T). (50-29838) 1. Lrc'01F v p T. 1. 2. U33R (6oo) 4. Technology 7. Making bent-wood chairs fron coniferous and deciduous soft woods. '!oskva, GoslesbiLaizdat, 1952. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, A-)rJ-l -1953. Unclassified. IJCOBTITBT anovich; ABUKHOV, Leontly GrigorlyeTich; KMOIXV, P.P., Nummumm" a Iml b reumtor; IUWWWVA. Z.F., redak',ar; VOLUMVER, R.S., tekhnichaskiy rodaktore [Bent-wood. furniture production] Proizvodstre gnutei mebeli. Moskva, Goslesbunisdat, 1954. 119 ps' (HUA 8:5) (Awniture Industry) LEONTITIT I I - RATIN, A.G.; SHOLENSKIT. K.I. Industrial manufacture 0 f arqtiet boards. Der.pron. 5 t#-7:17-19 JI 156. (Farquetry5 (MIRA 9:9) KLLITEYEVSKIY, R.Te.; -LEONTIYE-V -1 1.-I.; ILIINSKIY, S.A.; SORPKIN, V.S. I I Automatic lines for the production of planed ;i*bar and parts. Der.prom. 10 no.3:7-9 Mr 161. (MIRA 14:5) (Woodworking industries) (Automatic control) I ~ 014T I YEV', -1 - T-.-.- kand. tekhn.nauk Few duvelopments in the manufact.-,.re of bey-it chairs. j.;. , 10 no.12;2.-/+ D 161. (MIRA ]-,~ 1, Mentrallnyy nauchno- -looledovatel4skiy lnstttut mc',:h,nizatol ~. obrabotki drevesiny. (Chairs) --- LEaNTIYEV, I.M. Role of triobommads in atrophic rhinitis of rdine, Taterlmarlia 37 no#1147 14 160. (MIRA 1W) 1. Altayokaya nauchno-isoledovatellskayn veterinarmaya otantaina. (Altai Territory-Trichamonao) (Altai Territory-Swine-Diseases and pests) (NoBe-Diseases) LNONTITIV L. glavnyy veterinarnyy- vrach Pyshchugskogo rayona, Konstromskoy - toa-stil. Use of SK-9 against eczema and scabies in swine. Velverinariia 33 no.4: 80 Ap 056. (Swine-I)iseaoee)(]Cczema)(Scables) (M12A 9:7) LZONTIYEV, K. L. (Veterinary jur.aeon, PyjhchuEsk ;iaion, Kostroma Oblast') "1'reatment of erlsipelas in swine with antibiotics" Veterinariya, Vol. A no. 10, October 1961, pp. 81-89 .-K 0 0 AUTHORS: Lkont,yev, K. b., Lerner, A. S/044/62/0 00/007/095/100 C111/C333 Ya., O*Shanin, D.'A. TITLE. On some problems of examining the system 112,1an and Automat" FERIODICALt Referativnyy zhurnal, Matematika, no. 7, 1962, 80-81, abstract 7V396. ("Vopr. psikhologii," 1961, no. 1, 13-22) TEXT. The activity of humans in automatic eystamo and in ayLWms -with manual control iij discussed. It is emphasized that the hu=an equipped with the most complicated and exact technic3 will continue to play the role of the principal link in modern systems, and that it is impossible to formulate and solve control problems properly if one limits himself to examining the technical aspects and neglects the psycho-phy.iological factors related to human participation in cuntrol operations. A speedy solution of the problems related to the question of the psycho-physiological properties and possibilities of humans can only be attained through mutual efforts by peychologists,' PhyZiologists, engineers and mathematicians. As results general principles for rational designing of control desks, signal boards and indicating appliances should be obtained. The authors reduce the consideration of human factors to the construction of the desks, boards and indicators, Card 1/2 L IM2,66--- ACC NRs -A-F-66di-010 . ............ mutcE CODE: TW/0286/65/000/322/00 AUTHORS: Kuznetsov, V. S.; Vikhman, V. S.; Leontlyov, K. L.; Zharov, N. A. ORG.- none TITLE: Controllable iight filter. Clans 57, No. 176489 SOURM Byulleten' izobrotoniy i tovarnykii Z11MOV, no. 2 29 1965t 63 L TOPIC TAGSi light filterp eloctrooptic effect ABSTRACTs This Author Certificate presents a controllable light filter Consisting of a polarizer, an analyzer, and (between them) a sot of anisotropic plates, e.g., of cellophane, having rotational dispersion. For inertialoss control of the light pass band of the filter, the filter is provided with sheets,, e.G.p of ammonium dihydro- phosphate capable of electrooptical effects. Transparent electrodes, to which the controlling voltage is supplieds are applied to the nheetsp which are placed in front, of the analyzer (see Fig, 1)o .Card 1/2 UDCi 535-345-66 ~.Wl - - - L nrm.66 24870-66 _EWT(d)/MP(y)j_EWF k)LM~P(b.)/EWP(1) 4 C NR: APM373 SOURCE CODE1 UR/0'41*6/000/002/0107/0107 ~AC AUTHORBa Kuxnsteovj__V* Sol Vikhmanj Ve Sol Leont'Zov, 1. Lot Zharov, ff. Aol Rez, I. ORGt none 13 TITLEs An automatic pyrometer of the spectral ratio. Claxs*42, No# 178146 SOURCEs 12obreteniyag promwe enrVye obraztsyp tovarrWe wuLkiq no. 29 19669 107 TOPIC TAGSs automatic control technology, pyrometer,spectrum analyzer, precision instrument machinery ABSTRACTt This Author Certificate presents an automatic apeatralratio pyrometer, The pyrometer contains & radiation receiver, an amplifier, an output signal oommutatorp and an indicator or & slave mechanism. The design shortens the pyrometer responee-timeq increases the instrumental precision, and simplifies the scaling circuit of the pyroutetere The vnit has an electro-optical system in the form of a rapid response dispersion light filter with an eleatro-optical crystal (Bee*pig. 1). This crystia is switched by an electronic commutator. The output ofl -the circuit'controlling the sensitivity of-the radiation receiver (to normalize the! Card-.1/2--- _tMC $-_ 536.52,1~ s621,- 383-1 ACC MRs AP6006373 0 Fig. 1. 1 rapid response controlled elsotro- optical light filter; 2 - circuit for controlling the sensitivity of the radiation receiver. output signal) is connected to one of the outputs of the electronic cocoutator. The output of the sensitivity control circuit is connected to the outputs of the radiation receiver. Orig. art. hast I figure. SUB COM Ojov*= 'DATE: 06Jun64 ; I Lev Abramovich, 1901- 11EON7 ~_ IV - Sketches on economic problems in a time of transition. Leningrad, Pribol 1927 375 P. LBOXAV 0 ~v kbramsovich.- 1901- Soviet oconwWj textbook on theoretical probleus of the transition "OnMIS) plans, theses, literature. Moskva, goakovskil rabothil. 1928 127 P- W-VA7 LEONT4V, Lev Abramovich, 1901- LEONTIEV, Lev Abramovich: The basic economic problem of the USSR Moskva Goff. izd-vo polit. lit-ry, 1939. 105 P- (51-49146) HC335.L41373 74 -. 2 Li. CA F 1 YEV , LF V Ar,14 A!-' ~-' -:,i' , I !-J, i - SAYM. ZIMNMNOYE I NEO?P~DGLJ]-',OYE 071ZHENIYE SOVREME14NOSM (?i.OSY.V,Q I-CWTHDA7, 1 Q40. 45p. (Author's Fspud., A. U(,NVYEV, at he9d of title) LI-ONTIEV, Lev kbramovioh, 1901- Economic problems at Paris Peace Conference Mosdva Pravda 1946. 30 P. (52-42603) D814-565.L4 LF,ONAV, Lev %bramovich, 1901- Lu)ONTIEV. Lev Abramovich- The Soviet method of industrialization Moskya, Pravd-1, 1946. 39 P. (50-33851) HC335-LA138 "6. Lev Abramovich, 1901- LEO!Tr I The political econooV of socialism in the works of Lenin and Stalin Moskva Pravda 1948. 38 P. (50-10901) M)85.L45 L~)O\V'6 . Le, Abramovich. 1901- LEONTIEV, Lev Abramovich, 1901-: The future intensification of the general crisis of cqpitalism after the Second World Idar Moskva Pravda 1949. 6) p. (50-550,42) HC59.L46 IZONTIYEV.- L. A. *Dollar Inerialism in Western &wope," 1949 120-V-1-11 The SiAte Publishing House of Political Literature has published a textbo3k entitled "Political Economics. 11,44i-he te:ctbook has boon comr)il(.,d trf a Cr-.,up of economists: led by Academician K. V. Ostrovityanov; associate member of the U-SSR Acacia.-.Ty of Sciences, D. T. Shepilov; Associate 1.5amber of the USSR Academy of Sciences, L. A. ---r n Leontyey member of the All-Union Acndemy of Agricultural Sciances Named After eni I, B. Kaptev; Prof. 1. 1. Kuzminov; Doctor of Economics L. M. Gatovsky; Academician P. F. Yudin; Associnte Member of USSR Academy of Sciences, A. 1. Yashkcrv; Economics Candidate V. I. Pareslegin. In the compiling and finishing of statistical materials included L-1 the textbook, Doctor of Economics V. N. Starovsky took part. The textbook contains three sections: 1-Precapitalist mans of production; 2--Capitalist mans of production; 3~-- Socialist means of production. The textbook is being Issued in a mass edition. LEON-71=1 J5 789 .L5 Ekonomicheskiye krizisy (Economic crises) Noskva, 1956. 60 p. At head of title: Komnunistich-~.qkaya Partiya Sovertskceo Scyuza. Vy:-s'-.aya Pa,Uynaya Shkola. Bibliographical footnotes. Pis 1.0, U ~u2ijojdT:-Di.',T 11"56. P. TALILS. F%~uZAYI'E';- TYAPKIN, Hikolay Kapitonovich. kand.skonom.nauk; LEONTIM, L.A., red.; KTASOYNDOY, B.. red.; TAKOVLZVA, Ye., - - (Planning is the law of life of a socialist enterprise] Plan - zakon zhizni sotsialiatichaskogo prodpriiatiia. Pod obshchei red. L.A.Leontlevs. Moskva, Mosk.rabochii, 196o. 35 P. (HIU 13:8) (Russia-Zoonomic policy) PAVWV. Tikhon Oevrilovich, kand.ekonom.nouk; j!jONT1YHT,-L.A.. red.; KTASOYBDOY, B., red.; TAXOVLNVA, To., (Increasing labor productivity is the path to abundance] Povy- shenis proizvoditallnosti truda - put' k isobiliiu. Pod obahchei red. L.A.Leontleva. Moskva, Kook.rabochil, 1960. 35 P. (MIRA 13:8) 1. Chlon-korrespondent Akademii nauk SSSR (for Leontlyev). (Labor productivity) ATABZKOV, Villyam Boricovich; VASIL'YEVA, Yelens Vladimirovna; -LEON-T,-TEV, red.; XTASOTIM, B., red.; MMYK, M., tWhy materials, equipment and electria power arust be used econonicallyl Pochamu nuzhno akonoano raskhodovat' syr's, mate- rialy. elaktroanargiiu. Pod obahchal red. L.A.Leontleva. Moskva. Rogk.rabochii. 1960. 38 p. (MIRA 1):9) 1. Chlan-korrespondant Akademli nauk S&M (for Loontlyev). (Saving and thrift) (Russia--Industries) IVANOV. Nikodin Andreyevich, kand.okonom.nauk; LZONTITEV, L.A., red.; KUUTSKIT, V., red.; FAVLOVA, S., tekhn.r-ed-,------------- [Business accounting in a workshop, section. brigade] Khozialat- vennyi raschat tsekha, uchastka, brigedy. Pod obahchei red. L.A. Leontleva. Moskva, Mosk.rabochii, 1960. 41 p. (MIRA 1)ig) 1. Chlen-korrespondent Akademii nauk SSSR (for Leontlyev). (Iu,'astrial management) REMIZOV, Konstantin Sergeyevich, kand.okonom.nauk-, LZONTIYXV L.A., red.; GRINGAUZ, S., red.; YAKOVLZVA, Ye., tekhn.r6&.- -11-F _-_ - ~ I [Organization of wages in the U.S.S.R.3 Organizatsiis oplaty truda rabochikh v SSSR. Pod obshchei red. L.A.Leontleva. Moskva, Hook. rabochli. 196o. 46 p. (MIRA 13:8) 1. Chlen-korrespondent Akademii nauk SSSR (for Leontlyev). (Wages) DOYACHMO, Vitaliy Vasillyevich, kand.ekonom.nauk; LEO11T' M, L.A., red.; KLTMSXIT, V., red.; WMYK. K., tekhn7.-ri&.---'- [The cheaper each article, the richer the entire countryj Deshevle kazhdoe izdalie - bogBche vois strana. Pod obahchei red. L.A.Leontleva. Moskva, Kosk.rabochii. 1960. 55 p. (MIRA 13:9) 1. Chlen-korrespondent Akademii nauk SSSR (for Leontlyev). (Conte. Industrial) LBMIYEV, Lev Abramovich; RABINOVICH. M., red.; GKRSO)MG, S., red.; -.- KLIMOVA, T., Ellementary couroo in political economy) Usebalinyl kurB poli- tichoskoi ekonowii. Moskva, Goo.izd-vo polit.lit-ry, 1960. 535 P. (MIRA 13:11) l.Ohlon-korresporident Akademii nauk ; I (for Leontlyev). (Economics) MITROFAIIOVA, Nina 141khayloviap kand. ekonor. nauk- IEOIITIYEVO L.A.p rod.; I.IYAWIEDOV, 13., red.; SliLYK, I-,.J, te~Zi~iZ- 9 (How prices for goods are determined in our ccuntryl Kak ob- razuotsin toona na tovary v nashei strane. Pod obshchei red. L.A.Loontlova. Yoskva, YoBk. rabocbii, 1961. 47 p. (M IRA 15: 1) 1. Chlon-korrenpondont AN =11 (for Loontlyev). (Prices) SUPOWITSKIT, S*, kand.okonou.nauko' LIONTITIV. L.A., red.; MTASOINDOTP B., red.; SHLWj K., takhn.rod. I (What are the pablIO oouswuption funds] Chto sobol prodstaTlialut obehohentyannys foudy potroblentia. Pbd obahchei red. L.A.Lem. tleva. Moskra, Kook,rabochil, 1961, 49 p, (miRA 1012) 1. Chlon.-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Lsoutlyav). (Plaanc*) I SHEREM, Anatoliy, Danilovicb.. kand. ekonom. nauk; 12ONT'YEV, L.A., red.; MYASOYLIDOV, B.,, red.; S=K, M.p tekhn. red* (How the profit of an enterprise is used] Poriadok ispollzcvaniia pribyli predpriiatiia. Pod obshchel red. L.A.14ontleva. Moskva# Moak. rabochiij 1961. 50 P. (MIRA 1/,sl2) 1, Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Leontlyev). (Profit) (Industrial management) BUDAVEY9 Vaevolod Yurlyevicho kand. ekonom. naukj IWNT'mq L.A., red.; MYASOYEDOVt B.# red.j SHL'fKq M.p tekhn. [What are the fixed assets and wor" capital of an enterprise] Chto takoe oenovMe i oborotnye fondy prodpriiatii. Pod obabehei red, L.A.Leontipa. Moskvav Moak. raboahii2 1961. 51 p. (MIRA .1418) 1. Chlen-korrespondent Akadsaii nauk SSSR (for Leontlitv) (Capital) IVAPUSHKI14, Aleksandr Petrovichp kand. ekonom. nauk; PAVLOV, Tikhm, Gavrilovicho kand. ekonom. nauk; LEONTIYEV, L. .. red,,, WASO'YEDOV, B. p red.; SHLYK, M. y t:422-. red. [Uncovering hidden potentialities for reducing production costs] Vyiavlenie rezervov snizheniia sebestoi=.gti produktsii. Pod :obshchei red. LoA.Leontleva. Moskva, Mosk. rabochii, 1961. 55 P. (MIRA 2~.11) 1. Chlen-k out Akademii nauk SM (for Uontlyev) ow-Costs, Industrial) 'AKOVLNVI,, Ye V., red.; -,tekhn. red. [Wh,gt Is political economy] Clito takoe politicheaknis ekono- miia. Izd. 2.. perer. Moskva, ?Iosk. rnbochii, 1961. 101 p. (MIRA 14:5) 1, Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Leontlyev) (Economics) LEONTIYEV, Lev Abram-ovich; ZEInIKO, G.A., red.; SHADHILA, N.D., tckfx.. re(7.. 11'aterial self-interest in work; popul&r disru~sj,~n c' f Lre of 4~~ problems in the building of co=----un-,sm] Mater.-Lallnaia zair't6:-e--'j Lr. nost' v trude; populiarnaia beseda ob odnoi iz problem korrur-i!~ti- cheskogo stroitel'stva. Moskva, Izd-vo VTsSPS Profizdat, 1961. 38 (MIRA 14: -L 1. Chlen-korrespondent JUI SSSR (for Leontlyev). (Incentives in industry) SLESAREV, Vaoiliy Vasillyevich, kand. ekonom. nauk; LWiTIYEV, L.A. p red.; MASOYELOV., B... red.; PAVLOVA, S., tekhn, red. [What the real incomes of U.S.S.R. workers are corposed of) Iz chego skludyvaiutsia reallmye dokbody rabochikh SSSR. Pod obshchei red. L.A.Leontlyeva. Moskva, Mosk. rabochii, 1961. 47 P. (MIRA 15:4) 1. Chlen-korrespondent Akademii nauk SSSR (for Leontlyev). (income) LEONTIYEV, Lev Abramovich; MIETSYM, V., red.; SHLYK, M., tekhn. red. (Comunism and work] Kom--.unizm 1. trud. Moakvu., Mook. rabochii, 1962. 77 p. (MIRA 15:7) 1. Chlen-korrespondent Akademii nauk SSSR (for Leontlyev). (Labor and laboring classes) LEOLTITEV, Lov Abrmovich Frimai-j courso in econor-.ica]'Nachal'Tqi kurn politichoskoi ekononii. 2., perer. izd. I-lo-Ava., Gospolitizdat, 1962. 509 P. (1,111RA 15:9) (Econorics) --LEOIITIYLV, L* ---, ------I Engels and Karl Marx's "Capitsl." Vop. ekon. no.9:68-E2 S 162. 04IRA 15:9) 1. Chlen-korrespondont AN SSSR. (Marx,, Karl, 1818-1883) (Engels, Friedrich# 1820-1895) IEONTIYEV, L. .1 Economics and the ideological struggle. Vop. ekon. no.8: 27-42 Ag 163. (FIRA 16:9) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR. (Economics) (Communism) LEOPTOYEV, L.A.; SUVORKINA,A.F. Automation of the control and regulation of brewing processes in the cooking shops of the Ostrankino Brewery. Trudy TSentr.nauch.- issl.inst.piv., bezalk.i 163. (KRA 17:9) 3 W-M-M a = _WWM W M, Ao 90) SOV/143-59-5-3/19 AUTHORS: Leontlyev, L.B., Engineer, and Fertik, Docent TITLE: Unattended Electron-Ray Oscillographs for Recording Single Vulses PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchcbnykh zavedeniy - Bnergetika, 1959, Nr 5, pp 16-25 (USSR) ABs,rRACT: The authors describe the specific features of unattend- ed electron-ray oscillographs for recording single pulses. One of the authors worked on such a device,al- ready in 1940/41 together with N.A. Chebotarev, Can- didate of Technical Sciences who was Rt that tine a student at KhETI. The authors descr-ibe a small-size unattended electron-ray oscillograph EMAO-2 of which the circuit diagram is shown in Figure 4. This device is designed for recording single pulses of a duration of up to 15 microseconds using ordinary-35 Lim camera film. An 7L055 electron-ray tube was used whereby the electrode voltages were selected higher than indicat- ed in the factory data records. The voltage at the Card 1/3 second anode was increased to 1,200 volts and at th SOV/143-59-5-3/19 Unattended Electron-Ray Oscillographs for Recording Single Pulses third anode to 3,200 volts. Figures 5, 6 and 7 short photographs of this device. It has the dimensions of 20xl8x23 cm and may be combined with a camera whereby the dimensions increase to 20xlBx5O cm. During the period of 1953-1954 a normal-size unattended oscillo- graph AEO-1 was developed with the participation of Docent A.L. Vayner. This device has thd dimensions 90x24xlOO cm and is combined with a "Zenit" camera uoing 35 mm film. The device may be used for investi- gating lightning protectore. The ocanning duration is 15, 50 and 150 microseconds. The device ha.,3 slave sweep and may be operated by radio. Batteries 63TE- 128 and converter MA-25014 provide the required power for about 5 hours of operation. The cameras used for the MIAO-2 and the AEO-1 use "Yupiter-3" lenses (F Card 12/3 1:1.5). The EMAO-2 may be also operated by radio J"OV/143-59-5-3/19 Unattended Electron-Ray Oscillographs for Recording Single Pulses There are 3 circuit diagrams, 3 oscillograms, 6 photo- graphs and 6 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Kharlkovskiy politekhnicheakiy institut imeni V.I. Lenina (Khnrlkov Polytechnic Inutitute imeni V.I. Lenin) V1 SUBMITTED: December 18, 1958 Card 3/3 9(6) S/146,/60/003/01/004/016 D002/DO06 AUTHORSs Leontlavo, Engineerl g~~V~I,q Junior Scientific Staff Membe ?!EtikL S.Mt Candidate of Technical Sciences, Docent TITLE: A Recording Device for Measuring the Energy of Single Micro- second-Impulses PERIODICAL: Izveatiya vysshikh uchobnykh zavedeniy. Priborostroyeniye, 1960# Vol- 3, Nr 1, pp 26-34 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In 1957-1958, the authors developed an automatic independent 1 - e recording microjoulemeter (Figures 7, 8, photograph, 9), de signated a "RAMDZh".rj~It can measure and recogd auto3alucally 8 - - * 10- ...10 joules, pulses with an energy of 5 single electTic - and is intended for cases which require completely indepen- dent operation of the devicet without any servicing or exter- nal power network and control. In cooperation with Engineer F.M. Maksudov, the authors developed a special thermo-conver- ter with indirect heating (Figure 2) called thet!LK!~'t which Card 1/2 is a modification of the 'ITKP-3001 thermo-convetter L Ref, 3, Si'146,,60/003"Ol,'004/016 D002/DO06 A Recording Device for Measuring the Energy of Single Microsecond-Impulses 4_7, to be used as the integrating element of the "RAMDZh", The "TKP" has the following characteristicst a semiconductor- body temperature coefficient of 3,5% per 10C, resistane of aemi-conductor element at 200C - 10-20 kiloohms, and resist- ance of the heater - 7-14 ohms. It has a spherical shape and is 0,15 mm in diameter, The summary error of the "RAMDZh" does not exceed 8~5%,, Engineers N.S.Vid and Mechanician V,P~Zhilo, also t .- ~Tysh, V.L,Korotchavey The article wqa recommended by th ook part in itr, developme-nt. e Kharlkov Polytechnical In- st1tute imeni V.I.Lenin~ There are 5 diagrams, 4 graphs, 1 photograph, and 5 references, 1 of which is English, 4 Soviet, L-0-ITlYIN Maintananco oparationa of tho NNIL3-4 apiaratuz hsL-;o 'r4cc.-4 =ch casiore Artoa., telom. i oviazi 8 no-134 Ag tiV,. 17:10) 1. Starrhiy olaktrono':hnnik, 4U-Ma-Atina~,.oy dintantaii :azakliskoy dorogi. L, L:-(! 1v -F i ~/ r V L -t -- PINUS, G.V., &I'nTSOV, V.A., VOLOMiov. 1 0M.; MNTIYXV, L.I.. doktor geologo- mineralogichookikh nouk, L.P., redaktor izdatel'stva; AST"'YXVA, G.A., takhnicheskiy radaktor. [Hyperbasic rock of Tuval Giperbazity Tuvy. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad. nauk SM, 1955. 133 P. (Trudy Tuvinskoi komplekenoi ekspeditaii, no.2) (HLU 1015) (Tuva Autonomous Province-Patrolog7) CMIKIN, T-V-, Und.tskhn.nauk; MILIAR, V.Ta., prof.; TOPMMOV. S.D., kand. takhnonauk; KAMIN, Y.G., lath.; BOGOSWVSKIT, V.I.. intho; IMT#137, L.I., insh. VAgmetized roasting of Lisakovokiy ores In a fluidized bad. Stall 20 jio.13.sq65-q?1 N 160. (MIRA 13:10) le Veesoyoznyy nauchno-iseledovateliskiy institut metallurgichookoy topolotakhniki, Inatitut metallurgli Uralskogo filials, Akademil neak, Uralmekhanabr. (Knatanay,Xrovince-Iron ores) (Ore dressing) CHUKIN, V.V.p kand.tekhn.nauk; TOPORKOV, S.D.9 lo.".tekhn.nauk; MILLER, V.Ya., prof.; YARELIN, V.G., inzh. LEONTIYEVI L.I., inzh. Magnetizing roasting of Lisakovskoye deposit iron ores in Gor. zhur, no.6s6o-64 Je 161. (KMA 14:6) (Kuatanay region--Iron ores) (ore dressing) KILLER9 V.Ye.p prof.j_LEONT'Y-FVq L.I.9 inzh.; UTKOVI V.A.9 inzh. Production of metallized pellets from finley ground concentrates. Stall 21 no.2tlO2-105 7 161. (MM 14:3) 1. Institut metanur ii Urallskogo filiala Akade-mii nauk SW* ~~e dressing) MI.; CHUMOV, G.I. Problem of the existence of solid solutions between mono- and dicalcium ferrites. Zhur.neorg.khim. 8 nool:257-258 Ja 163. (KIRA 1615) 1. InBtitut metallurgil Urallskogo filiala All SSSR. (Calcium farrates) (Solutior* Solid) LEONTIYEV, L.I.; CHUFAROV, G.I. Kinetics and the mechanism of calcimn ferrite reduction. Zhur.neorg. khim. 9 no.lt25-28 Ja 164. (MIRA 17:2) 1. Institut matallurgil Urallskogo filials. AN SSSR. CHUFAROV, G.I.; LEONTOYEV, L.I. Reduction of calcium ferrites by 1wdrogen under equilibrium conditions. Dokl. AN SSSR 154 no.4:881-882 F 164. (MIRA 17:3) 1. Institut metallurgii, Sverdlovsk. 2. Chlern-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Chufaroy). CHUFOOV~ G.T.1 LEONTIYEV, L.I.; SAFOZHNIKOVA, T.V,; BOGCSIZV-'NY; V-3. Phase transitions during moroa&lcium ferrite re.,,:ticr, 10 no.2043-545 F 165. ]p 11) 1. Submitted July 6, 1964. ISM110VA, AN., starahiy nauchn)y sotr.; VORONIN, I.N.j mlr-.dshiy .K nauchrWy sotr.; AN"TONOVA, G.P., tekhnik; ANIKMIT 0, O.F tekhnik; RESHETNIKOVP N.S., dots.; 1,~~.PNTIYEV, L.N., rladshiy naucluWy votr,j otv, za vypusk; BASINIEVICH, I.R., red. izd- va; 0MCIIISHCHEVA, V.I.p toklm. rod. [Album of working drawings of the basic prxts and units of the ZIL-157 inotortrucklAllbom rabochikh cherteshei osnovrykh detalei i uzlav avton.obilin ZIL-157. Flookvaj doslesbumizdat. Pt.2.[The chansle except the ZIL-157 ongine)Shassip krome dvigatolia ZIL-157. 1962. 280 p. (KIRA 15:10) 1. Khimki. TSentrallrWy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut mekhanizatsil i energetiki lesnoy pror-yohlennosti. (Motor-trucks-Denign and construction) VOLOCHKOVICH, Klrill Llvovidi; I-EGNTIiEV, Ai.!.tolly flikolayevich; LEGNTIYEV, L.N., dAt,)r guci.-,-Arier. nauk, otv. red. (Talitoa-4-lungollart-Altai i:.ctta-ll,,.)g(,rLic zoriel fulitsko- Mongolo-Altalskala zuna. 1,'o~;~-ja, Ilaukri, I (~l 1'. (""IRA 17:12) PA LVM/Geoloff coal Sep "Geotectonio Canditicna in the Caucasus Daring the Aaleaian Period.," L.N.Ioeontyev, V X.Rhayn, Institute of Geology, AaadenW of Sciences of Azerbaijan, 4 pp "Ccmptes Pendue (Doklady)'~ Vol LIII, No 7 SubJect area is characterized by clay shales and sandstones (coal-bearing in some places). Detailed description and geologic map are given of the area. 21T34 1A f" c LXNT IYLV, L. N. Leont!Yev, L. N. "Causej of th-a floodwater erosion activity of the -'akatalO- Nukhinskiy section of the Bol'shoy Kavkaz," Trudy Azarbaydzh. nauch.-issled. in-ta gidrotekhnki i melioratisii, Vol. 1, 1949Z on cov~:-r: 1942/, p. 91-100 SO: U-3566, 15 March 53 (Letopis 'Zhurnal Inykh Statey, Nc. 14, 1949). 269`~ 4 Tcl,,ton,-che!;ko(, Stro C.-4e T 'r:-,toriya P ?y-ulleten' ,osl:. O-Va Tsspytateilcy P Blbliogr: 37 Nazv. 1% ~Btratlfloatlon Jbr 49 *Discovery of Lower Cretaceous Deposits in the Interior of the Minor Caucaeus,* L. N. loontlyev, AzerbaydLzhan Petroleuz &pedition SOPS, Aced Sol TJSSR, 4 pp "Dok Ak Nauk 23SR" Vol LXV, No 2 Previously, in western section of Smkheto- Urabakhokly zone., lower Cretaceous aeposito were known only along north regions of zone,, almost where It borders the Mxrlnokiy depression. However, Loontov., in 1945, and Abdullayev, independently in Jq%JiBco-eqj -1 nor~hvestqf Ddabek. SubmItted S. 0 Jan W. iqAqThq i YHAP!, 0 Yiynr),,, YIA-Ov. A833. LFOIT"711) L. Doklafiy Akad. Inuv SSIS~R, flovaya, -"eriy,), -L )j, l(A.,l, Qs. 721-A. Biblioirr: S. - 72h~ ~30: Letopis' No. 33,1949 LEONTIYEV, L. 11. 35898 0 tak nazyvaemom "Glavnom nadv igen malogo kavkaza. Doklady aked. Naud sssr, novaya seriya, t. Lxix, n6'.' 3, 1949, c. 4ff,)-12--Bibliogr: 22 Nazv SO: LetOpiB' 2hurnallnykh Statey, No. 49, 1949 LZONTIM, L.N. Character of the tectonic interlinking of BIul.XOIP. Otdgeol. 28 no.5:33-33 15). ("t DR&-_4qqlqg7j, StrupfaWal) Xopet D&&) (Ura Man-Geology, Structural-TAra Ehn) Kopet Dagh and Zara X1K. (XIU 6:12) ,-(Osology, Structural- Structural) (060logy. 1, . LEOTIT&V, L. "I. ; TI-j,'POV, 111. J,:. 1 2. U-3SR (600) 4. Tannu 01a nountains-Granite 7. Age of certain caledonian grnritos from the e,urtern Tannu Ola ?Its. (Tuva), Dokl. AN 'ISSR, 86", No. 1, 1953. 9. Yonthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, April, 1953, Uncl. LZOSTIYEV, L.B.; OBHUGIEU, V.A., akademik. The 'Tanim-ola" intmsi-re complex in Tuva. Dokl.AN SSSR 91 no-5:1199-1202 Ar. (WaA 6:8 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR (for Obruohev). 2. Sovet po izucheniiu proizvoditelL nykh oil Akademii nauk SSSR (for Leontlyev). (Tava autonomous region--Geology) (Geology--Tuva autonomous region) pjRymjn, A.Te.; DROBININA, N.Ta.; ~IORTITJV, L.N., dok-tor geologo- ............... r. mineralogicheskikh naA, otyetstvannyy redakto reda 3tor; A VYIVA, G.A., tekhnich"BkV redaktor (Carbonates of the Tuva Autonomous Province) -Karbonatnyo porody Tuvinskoi avtonomnot bolasti. Moskva, lzd-vo Akademii nauk SSSR 1955- 75 Ps (Trudy Tuvinskol komplakenoi ekspeditsit, no.1) (MLFA 9:12) (Tuva Atatonomous Province--Carbonates (Mineralogy)) L&OMjjLwj&&,V iko lays vie h; VIASOV. K-A-. OtYotetvannyy redaktor; IADTCHUK, L.P., redaktor izdatel'stva; USHINA. P.S.. takhnicheskiy redaktor (Brief geological sketch of Tuva] Kratkii geologichaskii ocherk Tuvy. Moskva. Izd-vo Arkademii nauk SSSR, 1956. 76 p. (Trudy Tuvinskoi komplakoaoi skapaditeii, no.4) (KIPA 9-12) I.Chlon-korrespondant AN SSSR (for Vlasov) (Taya, Autonomous Province-Geology) BRITSEI, N.Y., akademik, rodaktor [deceased]; WMIIYNV, L.N., doktor geologe-mixeralogichookikh nsaki radakfe-r-, %Oftft, L.P.. re- daktor-, SORSIR, A.A., rodaktor; SOMROT, B.A., takhnicheskly redaktor. (Goology aid mineral resources of the central pLrt of Northern Caucasuej Goologiia i polosays iskepaemys sredianoi chAsti Se- vermogo Kavkaza. Moskva, Izd-vo Akademil nauk SSSR, 1956. 285 P. (Caucasus--Geology) (MLRA 9:6) ISONTIM. L.N., otvatstvenW red.; SHAKIWNOYA. P.A., red. [Natural conditions in the Tuve Autonomous Province] Prirodaye unloviia Tuvinskoi avtonomnoi oblasti.[0tv. red. L.U.Leontlev, P.A.Shakhunoval. Mosirva, 1957* 275 P. (MIRA 11:4) 1. Akedemiya nauk SSSR. Sovet po izuchaniyu proizvoditel'tWkh ail. (Tuva Autonomous Province--Geography) . I -- I',~ 'I-- -~ -, - - I - /17, - KHAIN, V.Ye.; LNONTIYXV, L.N. Origin of Iake Sevan. Zemlevedenie 4:52-61 '57. (MLRA NO) (Sevan, I-ake) i\"C~( 11"T 20-2-48/62 ~ ~i ~ Cli t r C f _Li j I i t "Pa. i.'. ia' ~At A-~', r ~ C i::-'b --rl i t 3.;, 1 t' I b0:: yt i i - '1.~ i an :;r 2, ~71 A 21 _1A T discoverc(l ~trf* in ~tjy cal"~-'. '. .'nt "-t!' ':i J ."o 'C L x o r: ::l'. .~ln' to in t':"; 3 1 n Z, t i o LI ev'_'! v: L 1 o a _i'~ n f; 1, t I t t:.C that the~;O fun'-.ells oc~:"lr of thc are conf~.Cnlratf'~d for... --hich are )-irto ~)f t,.(-, main co::...-.on rc.-ional-t,_~;to;dc ccau~,e of t1he I.-L-iberli-c- for_ati,~.n cciinect ion sith the )r(,-J _Jc CO -, f C. 4)la'l'J r expiration of 5. %Jl~--.'J'-1_4t-__:- _-- c t i I.; h-ili lt~ vari:., ', ion- of ~)os i t io... i.. t '-.~ i v i _t utc.) L;iff-vr --:. tot-Mit - fr,~.:~ tl.c, ' 1.: ultra-bal;ic roc"~S li'y a _ail~QLIIY cotto_-I-'t of tuniwa'aalcium an6. pattlar all-ali. ap,jruachuo to t'%1-- Curd 1/3 crate unit2 of basic 'jasalts. Accordiu_; to Ll',U Q:. ','. , th-~., I'lature o.' Li.Alierlitc Ya'.:ut 20-2-48/62 da:., of ' i .,bi..r it %;, :~cj teF, b,,i:;ic b-inriltr, aii~* A br- conniecrrd :zat~ir-,tl t;,:rIua i;!' t: va. to 1:j-.! tu' 3 L E., i.',u ,; trat ic :)o~: i iC-':, Uf ~U At Of po:-,itiori OC I" Q1 I Vt C V i:,~A' c- i t c rcv( a t -30 e I r C' I I t i t LI I tA .1, T -k a 3 v f-, t .I C. r (I 1) o v c r u." I'vL~ n: u -a t i L* t i i c that thr~ fv, .1:-, allw~qo con-nected t I I a t i2 r c t -:? d i t, lie )2r-~ 1 ~ I t c, t,-,c t ~r(,3 1 t no t direct C CO I" t 7; c .:i r r: -, c 0.,&(; Jvil uf Tr~ip,, .-:.a 7'r-;p t il.c: a) t e 'or (;r)i,t :.U(:E; it III . 1 j~i.'rczi for:-,aticri of t!,, ud a') it wcnt .11;-.-- the ru"t-irc of the r.L iat(~ la : er,: h e I -, av -i -e, t: 1 2/3 V 20-2-48/62 f cu",Q,~ntr tjjrj i 1" 13 t a k e ri d d licat than 'i LA I' C, f i'; T".(" f,.Lct of, sabn_ :A I o f t 1, t c AP 110t lli(i i i, 1, in t lic t i r uhfi:~ f t c r. f t o i roucrvoii, are by 'A f ,.I i f 1 t t i l-, C'. t 1, c cz, 0 r n r r c;.. c 7 Yaloitakaya komplekenaya ekspeditaiya Yakutskogo filiala Akademii nauk SSSR, Geologicheskiy muzey im. A. P. Karpinskogo Akademii nailk SSSR D'i Feb. 3, 1957 Jan- 30, 1957 b rr~ :7, fc, KRAVCHENKO, Svet Moiseyevichj VLASOVA, Yelena Vladimirovna; LEONTOYEV, L.N., doktor geol.-mineral.nauk,; VLASOV, X.A.) glavnyv red.; V~RSTAK, G.V., red.izd-va; PRUSAKOVA, T.A., [alkali rocks in the central Aldarij Alwh lochnye porody TSentral'Adjo Aldana. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR, 2M. 188 p. (Akademii& nauk SSSR. Institut mineralogii, geokhimii i kristallokhimii redkM elementov. Trudy, ho.14). (MIRA 16:5) 1 1. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Vlasov). (Aldan Plateau-Rocks, Igneous) (Aldan Plateau--Trace elements) IIAUMOV ~ Guriy VauU 'yovich;_ LEOIIT IYEV, L.N., doktor g eol,rln. nauk, otv. red.; MEYEROVIUB-, O.V., red. Izd-va; FOMOVA, T.P., tekhn. red. [Vestern Yakutia; economic and geographical features]Zapadnaia IAkutiia; ekonomiko-geografichaskaia khai-pktoristika. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR., 1962. W p. WIRA 15:9) (Yakutia-Economic geography) SMIRNOV, Aleksandr Dmitriyevich; BULDAKOV, Vitaliy Vasillyevich; VLASOVP K.A.,;_L~~~,_I_Ndoktor geol.- miner. nauk, otv. red.; STRIGLN, V.M., red. izd-va; PRUSAKOVA, T.A., tekhn. red.; GUSEVA, A.P., tekhn. red. (Intrusive complexes in the Eastern Sayan Mountains]Intra- zivnye kompleksy Vostochnogo Saiana. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR, 1962. 120 p. (MIRA 16:2) 1. Chlen-korrespondent Akademii nauk SSSR (for Vlasov). (Sayan Mountains-Rocks, Igneous) LEONT I TEV il L. N. Tectonic pattt:rn of the Silb~,,,ririn Fla*form Ln t~ie 7rrA.Sr'~.-n-41 and La-,,o Pre-Cwnbrian and the nature of the Vilyuy Low),ind. Trudj 1-jeol. rraiz. All SSSR no.14-.5F,71 163. 17-,1l .) SERDYUCHENKO, Dmitriy Petrovich; GLEBOV, Aleksey Vladimirovich; PAVLOV, Vladimir Aleksandrovich; 'ZOULFUN 6j.., doktor geol.-miner. nauk,; ZNANMKAYA;'-T.'V., --r=ezd-va; YEGOROVA, N.Y., takhn. red. . . .1 (Ludwigite mineralization and (Fe-B-TR) pWagenesis in ancient platforms) Liudvigitovaia mineralizatsiia i (Fe-B-TR) paragenez v drevnikh platformakh. Moskva, Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1963. 133 P. (MIRA 16t9) (Ludwigite) (Ore deposits) (Paragenesis) SMIRNOV, Aleksandr Dmitriyevich; NEDUMOV, Igor' Borisovich; BULDAKOV,-Vitaliy Vlgdi-lrovich; VLASOV, K.A., glav. red.; W-Ir r -K .,, doktor geol.-miner. nauk, otv. red.; PLATOVp NiA.y rred. izd-val VOLKOVA, V.V., tekhn. red. (Riphean structures in the Eastern Sayan Mountains and the distribution of pegmatite zones in them] Rifeiskie struktury Vostochnogo Saiana i polozhenie v nikh pegmatitovykh polei. Moskva, Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1963. 152 p. (MIRA 16:7) 1, Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Vlasov). (Sayan Mountains-Pegmatites) ~',(lj,O!UKHIf:A, Sofl~a Yev~.,tmlyuvna; ,,x.a .,::f3vOjr,:,O,jr Ors, IYEV, L.N., aoktor naur"., (Av, red. (Geolory of rare clemant (1,~pooits in 1-Svica an,-I fleir ecunomic vignificance] Gwuloj,:ila mt--,t--)z-o7.hdenli redlAkh clemontov Afriki 1 lkh ekonom.1chotikoe znachcnin. Mc- !;kva, Caukm, 19U. 303 P. 1. Chlen-korrejj,umiunt A~; (for Vlasov 25601 ~/197/61/000/006/001/007 B104/:3201 AUTUUR I Leonttyev, L,, TITU: Estimation of working reliability of.complicated systems PBRIODICAL.j Akademiya nauk Latviyakoy SSq', 'Izves~iya, no. 6 (167), $961, 15 - 22 TEXTt It has been the aim of a number of papers to show that the wo'rking reliability of a complex apparatus can bedotermined by the relation n P(t) - exp(-L Xit), where P(t) is the probability of undioturbed operation during the time t, and Xi is the frequency of disturbances in the i-th element. Other authors proceeded,.for the same purpose, from the differential equation U TIJI K, I + 'S - - , - - - i.-.2- - Card 1/6 25601 8/197/61/000/006/001/007 Estimation of working ... B104/B201 .t for the probability distribution of the time of exact operation of an e~lement in the apparatus. A further re lation for the determination of working reliability was given through T, -I 2 Each of these three relations is valid for definite conditions. A condition all three formulas have in common is thati they indicate the- working reliability of complex apparatuses thrt-have gone through a training time. Curve3 of the probability distribution of exact operation of a complex electronic apparatus (solid line), and of the disturbance frequency (dotted line) are pre3ented in Fig. 1. As may be seen, these curves can'be divided into three sections. Most of,the disturbances arize with in the time from T0 to T1, and none.of the above mehtioned t relations.holds for this section. The appli'cation of P(t)- exp X(t) dt) Card 2/6 J