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ZALITS14MI, G.I.; 14~ ~K-G-R-
Effect of aminazine on hyperthermia produced by sulfozin. Izv. C4'
Kazakh. SSR. Ser. med. i fiziol. no.2:96-100 161. (MIRA 15-4)
~,.-j4p!sKiy,_ r,_.E__
Change in arterial oscillographic indexes during active treatment
of schizophrenics. Zdrav. Kazakh. 21 no,1:51-56 161.
(MIRA 14:3)
1. Iz kafedry psikhiatrii (ispohyayushchiy obyazannosti zave-
duyushchego - kandidat meclitainskikh nauk G.1.1al'twan) Kaze-khskogo
meditsinskogo instituta i Alma-Atinskoy psikhonevrologicheskoy
Treatment of schizophrenia cases resintant to the usual methods of
active treatment. Report No; 1. Zdrav. Kazakh. 21 no.8:35-39 '611.
(KRA 14: 9)
1. Iz kafedry psikhiatrii Kazakhskogo meditsinskogo institute. i
klinicheskoy psikhoneyrologicheskoy bollnitsy g. Alma-Aty.
Treatment of schizopbrenia, resistant to the standard methods
of therapyf(second report). Zdrav. Kazakh. 22 no.1:30-34
162., (MIRA 15:3)
1. Iz I~Lfedry paikhiatrii Kazakhskogo meditsinskogo instituta
i Alm-Atinskoy gorodskoy Ilinicheskoy psikhonevrolbgicheakoy
ruffect of hashish on the psyche. Zdrav. Kaz4kh. 22 no.9:
30-35 162. (MIRA 17.2)
1. Iz kafedry psikhiatril Kazakhskogo meditsinskogo instituta
i psikhonevrologicheskoy klinicheskoy bollnitsy Alma-Aty.
New equipment in the communal enterprises of Kalinin. Zhil.-kom.
khoz. 6 no.3:3-5 156. (MLRA 9:8)
1. ZameBtitell zaveduyushchago Kalininskim oblastnym otdolom kom-
munallnogo khozyaystva.
(Kalinin--Municipal services)
Our help to private builders. Zhil.-kom. khoz. 7 no.6:6-7 '57.
(MIRA 10:10)
1.Zameatitell zaveduy-ushchego Kalininskim oblastn7m otdalom
(Kalinin Province-BuIlding)
.LENSKIT .,.I,,,_(KalinIn)
So that our cities will blossom ... Sov.profsoiazY 7 no-1:
20-22 Ja 160. (MIRA 12:12)
1. ZavediWuahchiy gorkomIdiozom, chlen Kalininakogo obkoma
profaoyuza rabotnikov mestnoy pronVehlennosti i kommunallacgo
(Kalinin--City planning)
Readers report, advise, suggest... Zhil.-kom.khoz. 12 no.8s15
Ag.162. (WRA 16:2)
1. Zamestitell zaveduyushchegofKalininskim oblastnym otdelom
kommunalinogo khozyaystva. (for-Lenskiy). 2, Predsedatell
tovarishcheskogo suda g. Novaya Ladoga, Leningradskoy obl. (for
Novikov). 3. Instruktor Urovskogo oblastnogo.ispolnitellnogo
komitets, (for Utrobin).
(Municipal services)
LEASKIY, I.A., kand,tekbn.nauk; SALITSEVICH, L.A., kand.tekhn.nauk
Comments on G.S.Kashitsin and A.V.Parshin'n article 'Pre-
vent burns by electrolytes." Bezzop.truda v prom. 3 no.10:
24-25 0 '59. (MIRA 13:2)
1. Makeyevokiy nauchno-iseledovat(31'skiy institut po bezopas-
nosti rabot v gornoy propyablennosti.
(Electric batteries) Kashitain, G.E.)
(Parahin, AS.)
TENS7,71Y, I. A
On 20 December 1946, at t.~-_ Po-.!er Enf%-in,?erin,- In5tlftute i_T~-3ni
defended his dissertation an "Illtminating, the Ar(-a of In,-Iujtri,-,l Enterrfrises
with Floodlighting". Official onnonents - Doctor of Technical Sciences Pro-fessor
V. V. Meshkov, and Candidate of Technical Sciences M. S. Ryabov.
So: Elellctrichestvo, 110 4, April 11)47, pp 90-94 ( U-5577, 18 FehrLia_-
jr 1954
An original metltod i-ras presented for calculating illumination, by means of which
it is possible indirectly to construct the isoluxes of given illurination on an ill-
uninated surface. A method was e-jcamined for selecting the optimal angle of inclination,
the height of the equipment, the type of searchlight, the method of placing searchlights,
and the power of the searchlights. The results 'wefe presented of experimental invest-
igations of searchligbts in the region of a metallurgical plant. On the basis of an
analysis of the results of experimental investigations recommendations were worked out
for normal operating conditions of searchlights. It was determined that the service
life of a searchlight does not exceed 6 months. Data were advanced for investigating
the causes of aging of the reflector surfaces of searchlights, and it was determined
that a cause of aging is the penetration of dust from the dirty atmosphere surrounding
the factory. Some type P-3 searchlights were hermetically sealed, whereupon the oper-
ation of the incandescent bulb, the cover glass, and other elements of the searchlight
were not harmed., while the service life was increase 2.5 to 3 fold.
~jM_TSZU, I.A.. kand.tekhn.nauk
Characteristics of portable coal mine lights. Svetotekhnika 6
no.6..16-21 Je 16o. (MIRA 13:7)
1. Makeyevskiy Institut po bezopasnosti rabot v gornoy promysb-
(Coal mines and mining-Lighting)
40~ ~,~
Lighting standards for underground coal mines. Trudy MakHII 11. r60.
(MRA 1601
(Mine lighting),
RA:CHINSKrY, V..V., prof., dok-tor khim. nauk; LENSKIY, L~4.p aspirant
Studying the interaction between trAtium labeled water and
soils. Izv-. TSM no. L.-13)-.144 165 19:17
1. Kafedra prilkladnoy atomnoy fiziki i radiokhimii Moskovskoy
sellskokhozyaystvennoy ordena Lenina akademii Imani Tlmiryazova.
Eirr(m)/nip(t)/mrp(b) DIW/IJE(C) JD
ACC NRs AP5P13759 SOURCE CODE: UR/0020/65/162/002/0580/0383
AUTHOR: Rachinskly, V.V.; Lenskly L.A.
ORG: Sel'skokhmaystvennaya akademiya im. K.A. Timiryazeva (Agricultural Academy)
TITIB: Isotope exE~~e sorption Of tritill~lrol aqueous solution under dynamic
SOURCE: AN SSSR. Doklady, v. 162, no. 2, 1965, 580-383
TOPIC TAGS: sorption tritium, tracer study, isotope, porosity, physical chemistry,,
ABSTRACT: This study was carried out because data on the sorption dynamics of
tritium in porous media is of theoretical importance for the physical chemistry of
isotopes and of practical importance for radiochemistry, sorption technology, hydro-
geology, and soil study with tritium as tracer. The experiments were carried out in
a column with hydrogen-containing porous soils consisting of soil completely water
saturated, cb*, soil, and soil partially water saturated and using tritium water as a
tracer. The experimental results give a quite distinct picture of tritium behavior
during the filtration of tritium water through the soil. The effective coefficient
of tritium distribution in the soil-soil liquid system amounts in the mean to 1.20.
The mean velocity of the fresh hydrogen and tritium transfer is lower than the mean
Card 1/2
L 1~100-66
ACC NR: AP5013759
velocity of the water f low in the soil pores by about IMP as a result of the isotox
exchange sorption of the hydrogen by the soil. This agrees with the results obtained
by W.J. Kaufman and G.T. Orlob (Trans. Am. Geophys. Union, 37, 3, 297, 1956) by a dif-
ferent method. The difference between the velocity of the tritium transfer and of the
fresh nontagged hydrogen is insignificant and only amounts to 1-2%. It is possible
.to disregard this difference and consider that for practical purposes the tritium
tracer reproduces the sorption dynamics of tagged water with sufficient accuracy.
Orig. art. has: 14 formulas., 2 figuresP and I table.
SUB C.ODE: 07 09 sum Dm: 0%%r64/ ORIG MW: 003 OTH MY: 001
Kari one-year school for construction foremen. Sell.stroi. 11
no-1:27-28 Ja 156. NLRA 9:6)
1.Zavoduyushchiy uchebnoy chastlyu MariyskO7 odnogodichnoy shkoly
(Mari A.S.S.R.--Building trades--Study and teaching)
Ways to increase copper ore extraction at a lower cost price. Gor.
zhur. no.1:11-17 Ja '55. (MLRA 6-7)
(Copper mines and mining)
LENSKIY, j T.D., dotsent.
"Methods of cost analysis In the mining Industry." M.U.Sa7Aro-nikii.
Reviewed by M.A.Lenskii, T.D.Byka7a. Ag '56.
(MIRA 9:10)
1.11achallnik planovogo otdals, rudoupravleniya Degtyamedlruda (for
Lenakly). I
(Hining engineering--Costs) (Savarovskii, M.IA.)
AGEM, A., Tilfs~,V" ~'o
Selection and i-.1roduetion of sequoia on the -Black Sea littomkl of the CaUCCISMS. -Ueq.
khoz. 5 no. 6, 1952.
9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Aimngt, -195A,2Unel.
LEN,%IY, M. M.
Mechanical Engineering
Nomogram for computing errors in dividing the circle. Vest. mash. 32
no. 5, 1952.
Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress,
Uctober 1952, UNCLASSIFIED.
GORDIM, G.N., mayor; LUSKIT, N.G. Inshener-polkovnik, redaktor;
ALMALNDR V, V.;.-7--S--Ta--r,-Sti;z~veytoaant, redaktor; STMINIKO-
VA, M.A., tekhnicheakiy redaktor.
[Problems in aerial navigation; textbook for airman] Vosdushnaia
radionavigataiia v zadachakh; posobie dlia letnogo sostava. Pod
red. N.G.Lenskogo. Moskva, Voennoe izd-vo Ministerstva voorushaWkh
all SSSR. 1948. 139 p. [Microfilm) (HLRA 7:11)
(Navigation (Aeronautics)--Problems, exercises, etc)
.LENSKIY. Petr Hikhaylo3de ; RY2ii-KOV, A.S., red.; PONOMAREVA, A.A.,
tekhn. red.
(Electrification 4-s the foundation for the building of com-
munism] Elektrifikatsiia - sterzhen' stroitel'stva kommuniz-
ma. Moskva, Ekonomizdat, 1963. 78 P. (MIRA 16:5)
ummmy, S. M.
'IA contact heat accumulator at the tedile factory," Industrial Energetics, 1r,-51.
[Planning the construction of oil and gas walle] Flavirovanie Fitroi-
tel'stva neftiany~kh i gazovykh skvazhin. Baku, Goa. nauchno-tekhn.
izd-vo neftianoi i gorno-toplivnoi lit-rv, Azerbaidzllanskoe otdelenie,
1951. 55 Ps' (KIRA 8:4)
(Oil well drilling)
-IZNSKIY, V., kand.t6khn.nauk
Small sewer system for rural settlements. Sell. stroi. 16
no.(: insort.5-8 is 161. (MIRA 34:7)
(sewerage, Rural)
Vodosnabzhenie i Kanalizatsiia (Water Supply Service)i 387 P-, Moscow, 1951,
BORODIN' Ivan Vasillyevich, doteent, kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk- IONSKIL.
V.A.I doteent. kandidat tekhnicheakikh nauk. redaktor; Wr6IOVA, -
-t~.., redaktor; KRYNOMDTA, K.V., tekhnicheskiy redaktor
EPlumber specialized in laying pipelines in the street] Sleearl po
ukladke naruzhnykh truboprovodov. Izd. 2-e, ispr. i dop. Moskva,
Toesoiuznoe uchebno-pedagog. izd-vo, 1954- 277 P. (MLRA 8:5)
Ll 76
ATJT~HORS: Valldenborg, Yu.3o, Lenskiy, V.L.
T 1T LE Some fentures of the application of digital techniques
to the 3olntlon of statistical problems
O'l i R, CE AvI-oma-tiche.-Occore upravlonlye I vychislitel'naya tekhnika.
no.5. '.o:jeovr, 1962. 203-230
TEY,T: i.iniversal digitt,] computers cannot be used efficiently for
solving nt-ritistic.,il P1'011100:3 fOr 3avoral rea.-3ons. Many specialized
analogue cunputing devices have been designed lntely. 1.7hen several
statistical problems of different kinds with related al6orlsms are
to be solved the d(331gn Find construction of a digital device aro
worthwhile. it rvLximally sImplifled rontrol unit and a closely*com-
m,Atqted program rosult In these crises and eliminate programming.
,Such a digitnl device will solve a broader range of problems more
reliably vilth a 31ml)ler scaling and adjusting procedure that Its
analogue countorpnrto The determinntion of the dynamic characteris-
Card 1/5
Some features of the arpliention...
tics of control objects oonziists of the following steps: (1) re-
cording the Input and o-ttrrit random processes and their transform-
ation into a form convenient for furthor computations; (2) cornpixtat-
ion of the in-),it self -correiat 11on, and the input-output cross-cor-
rolation functions; (3) solut'Lon of an integral ecuation and deter-
mination of the transfer functior of the investigated svstem.
In step (1) the randot.ii drocesses are recorded on film by an ordinary
loop oscillogrnph. ~. The recording appears in the form of an opaque
curve on the trnrsn'Pit-it f1ln. The film is Pa3sed between a scan-
ning beam and a phot6plactric element yielding short pulses with
the phnse proportionO. to una read or(iinateq.- Sone 1.5-2 thoilsand
ordinates, each encoj6d b:j, a. 4-bit word (15 quantization levels),
are tallen. Tho meinoi4l ~irzs a capacity of 3 to 4 thousand 4-bit
-,,.,ords. Crithoda-rn~y stor-ge t1ibes nre used as memory devices in the
proposed design. The rromor,' , is autorrun-tLeally switched to the in-
form.ition reganaratJon node nnd the input unit is disconnected t%,hen
S/511Y 62/000/005/002/004
1011 1242
3ome foatiires of the noplication...
the foodIng Is finished. !-,,rror3 introduced by, time and level quan-
Ulzatton:i rtre assumod I.o be not correlnted. . The ordinate value is
roiindodA off tc) the nonrn-3t ri ijantization 1,3vel. This eliminates two.
arrors; the third to mInInizod by a proper centerin of the.process.
An el,roo of O.;5,J' reirmins. The evalufttion.,of the time quantizati.
error is ri-jite cumbprsome, and the comm6n empirical vnlue of 10 sam-
ple3 per period of the highest harmonic is chosens In step (2) the
followinf-, forii-ailas Pre used:
L W-- --.,Z tj- 0 Z-
where N is the number of ordinates. A block diagram of the comput-
Ing device is given and its operation explained. There is one feat-
Card 3.15
Some foqtures of tho rpplientiz)n...
ure of specisl interest In the operntion of the stornge tubes.- the
electron beam "qixO3tionq" the cells one by one,. rogenernting the
InfurmAtion in R cell be-fore proceeding to the next. This makes a
higher density Of cell-9 possli)le. Investigation of errors shows
that a 4" error in a correlation function allows for a 50:1 ratio
between the highest and loviest freqiioncies in the process. No error
is introduced by the finite number of ordinates when the correlation
functions are to be u3od in integral eqiiations. 'When they are used
for other purposes this error will not exceed 1-/O% The over-all
error' up to this stage is r~, 5,4. Step (3) is the solution of an in-
tegral relation of the form
co RX., (31)
,uhnra R. is bhe input correlation fitnetion, R (-I' )is the
input-O'Houlu cross-correlation function and k(t) is t e unknown
plalse response of the. Investigated svstem. This enuation Is solved
by Valdenbarg's method (Ref.7: Automatikn i tolemekhanika, 1958,
Card 4/5
Lgj~�KIY, Va
Q.Xich, dots. kand.tekha.nauk; PAVLOV. Vasiliy Ivano-
vich, dot-s.'k"a-nd'.t'eiR-n.nauk [deceased]; PISKUNOV, P.I., prof. doktor
tokhn.nauk, retsenzent; ZAIIEVSKIY, M.S., dots kaud.tekhu.nauk,
nauchrq.v red.; POFICOVICH, G.S.9 kand.tekhn.nat0k, dote., nbuchrq7 red.
BCRSffCH14VSKAYA, N.M.. red.izd-va; SMIRIIOVA, A.P., red.izd-va;
(Water suoply and sewerage] Vodoanobzhenia i kan8lizatsiia. I-zd.
2-oe, perer. Moskv~h, Goo. izd-vo lit-ry po strait. i arkh., 1957.
379 P. OURA 11:2)
(Sewerage) (Water supply engineering)
vich; FAVLOV, Vaniliy Ivanovich rdeceased],
ABRIWOV, N.N., ref~~-nzent; 7JIUKOV, A.!., rot.-enzent;
YAKOVLEV S.V., retsenzent; LOBAG j7p-
Y 1,V, F.V., retsenzent;
REZVIII- Ye.Ye., retsenzent; TIKOOV, B.S., kand. telchn. naulk,
red.; MARTYNOV, A.P., red.
[Water supply and saweraael Vodosnabzhenie i kanalizatsiia.
Izd.3., perer. i dop. Moskvay Vysshaia shkola, 1964. 386 p.
(MIRA 17:10)
Some.special features of using digital computing techniques in
the solution of statistical problems. Avtom. upr. i vych. tekho
no,5:203-230 162. (MIM 15:9)
(Automatic control) (Electronic calculating machines)
AMN Rt AP6024359. -SOURCE CODE: ~.UR/0280/66/000/00t/OOIJ/0018.~~,,',;'~~,,,,
ORG: none
TITLE: Synthesis of minimum -complexity control systems
SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Tekhnicheskitya kibernettka, no. 2, 1966, U-18
TOPIC TAGS: minimization, control theory, computer design, variational problem
A33STRACT: Normally the analytic synthesis of an optimal control system reduces to the
variational problem of finding a coLtrol-system operator x assuring the extremum. of a ftmeti-
onal I (x). Such an operator must belong in the narrowest Class of a family of classes. This,
however, leads to a deterioration in the quality criterion. In this connection, It is shown that
the ensuing contradiction can be resolved by redefining the problem of the analytic synthesis
of control systems. The minimum-complexity principle is defined: of all the operators with
a given quality level, select the operator of minimum complexity with respect to a given scale
of complexity. Use of the minimum-complexity principle leads to the conditional extremam
problem: find the minimum of a continuous functional G(x) on condition that the functional I(x),
ACC NR, "6024359
representing a quality criterion of the control systems, equals the permissible quality level q
of the system, I. e. l(x) = q. The solution of this problem reduces to the mhAmization of the
functional pG(x) + I(x), where p is the Lagrange multiplier. The minimum complexity prin-
ciple may be effectively utilized to synthesize control systems with Improved technological aM
operational qualities, as., exemplified by its applicabiUty*to a problem of the statistical dyna-
mics of control systems: the filtration of transient signals, since the minimization of comple-
xity, and hence also increase in p, leads to a decrease In the volume of binary memory and
simplification of the structure of the arithmetic device and control device. Orig. art. haw:
28 formulas,
SUB CODE: 12# 09~Al SUBU -DATEt A7M&r66/ PRIGIEFS 007/~ OTH REF: '001
LENSKIT, V.M. (Sverdlovsk)
Solving certain chemical problems. Xhim. v ahkole 10 no.1:65-67 no.I:
65-67 J&-F '55- (MIRL 8:4)
(Chemis;ry, Analytical)
- -..- p tra-7m. i PrOtez- 22
Treatment Of congenital taliPomanuFto Grt0r -) (MIRA 14:12)
no.8:80 Ag '61.
SlITSYN, V-P- rthroereisis
trausplanto fOllov'ng a toz
tr&,M. i vro
R..On.tructjon of bone al joint. Ortopel ~Mm j8-12)
the talOcrur
surgery in -54, 0 165.
rtopedil (dir.
26 no, 1011+9 titilta travm&tologii 1 0 Verdlovsk 14,
1 Iz Sverdlo-vokogO in gina). Adres "VtOro"r- S ortopediio
0 muk 7,.p. Lube
kand. mede pereul0ki dom, 7v Institut travm&tologii
BankovalclY 1964.
Submitted Sept. 15f
LENSKIY, V.M. (Sverdlovsk 14, ul.She~
,ynkmana, d. 32, kv. 89); MYAKOTINA, L.I.
Some biochemical indices of the effectiveness of the posterior
arthroereisis operation of the talocrural, joint. Ortop., travm.
i protez. 27 no. 1:41-44 Ja 166 (MIRA 19:1)
1. Iz Sverdlovskogo institute, travmatologii i ortopedii (direktor -
kand. med. nauk Z.P. Lubegina). Submitted April 19, 1965.
LWXTY, V. 9. Cand. Physicomath. 9ci.
Dissertation: 'The One-dimensioral Longitudinal Zlastical-Plactic Vibrations of a
Bar." Moscow Order of Len n 5tate U. imeni, M. V. Lomonosov, 26 Jun. 1947
SO: Vechernyava MgsloM, Jun. 1947 (Project #17836)
412.N. S.-Le"itky"Oft 150 elastoplextit: Impact of 0 red
against a tlz;d obalstle (in Prili I Nlat. With. 13. INS-
170 i %fAf - IfIf. 19 19).
A -bodij.:d Y,Nl in-Mumil withitlinenr work-
1"."I ...... C 1~14 i- to stfike a rigid target ntifintill).
*1101, 1-11111fix -~ -f4,111 I,( I I-fiv Ari'l 14.14fir liqI0111111i"Al waves of
14 'w- it, - I- as-rill A'.1.
Fm oip,, I, h0v hilth vo- i1i'A All 16%6' wave ffwit I.)lln*r4i
1,% S I 4:,ow a I" (r.011 I OnI.InAff. fr.)nl f he P-int of impact. 1,1101
MR., ti-qI .( file pinsfir -11%r at flip free mi'l interacts with thrl
vw-l -I-iv ta, f- fr,,nf. )m-irg vinkn4livir. flepritted applira-
".." 4 fl..' In"Ifientuny 'harige -mhlimi~ Pwrt~ wave fnints
,ati-I 1,% it j,.-:tfeJ rrfl,-, twn j.,insits rompletp rinaly.4i of the
rttvawri. I fir tiki fifudh rv-Nnind~ in el:viic vibrittilin having
Istri -nl)jrlfrii it, pLutir ~tmin in a im-fir-ifif
.tu,irt Rdja,i-ra I,P the iminkrt end. The ittr3in Jii-
Itilalf)'-fi, and finift f Inqw, I are "I'thn"I 30 4 funi-Ii.All "f flip
Ifill.ft, I Vd-itli.
'll". "111"q -fat" thrif the AlTnIvAiA in valid finly it the, Parti'le
it , ".. I.- fit comparimin % i1h The wave veltwity.
IN, tt-itwii-t. litswe%cr, in nnit~ry it nntninAl atrem anti
rimninal Pwan nfi- upilif in r,-nitsm-tion %ith lAgMngtl CIPOrilinatM
bit-d on flip nuptrainect bar. The bookkeeiiing of the wave
inu-mcliomt, umild be simplifitpil by um. of wave frajectorim in
the rt jilsinp, nt, carried not by Lee and Tuppeir in trettling tho)
winte pir,44em with a more ecimpleit rityppo-nlWn ni-latinn (Briliph
f"fi,iAl Itesmet, %rmament Re-"rrh Itepirt, Thmirrilcal Rp.
xear,h Itplicirt 4/41. 1944) end by Whife for a similar prriblem
5J, appi. Merit. 14, it. 1q (1949); itne Itev. 2. SJ91.
Tjpruolost, i plastichnost'; o truda?Ji A. A. Il'iushina. Moskva-, Gostekhizdat,
19~lfo. 102 p. illus., p-jrt. (Uspe?Jii sovetskoi nauki)
Elasticity and plasticity; A. A. Illiu5hinls work.
LLC: QC101-L5'
SO: Manufacturing and Mechanical EngineerinF in the Soviet Union, Library
of Congress, 1953.
Lenskii, V. S. (Mechanics) Method of construction of dynamic dependence between
tensions and deformations In the dietribution of residual deformation. P, 13
Chair of Theory of Elasticity
Dec- 29, 1950
SO: HerpLld of the Moscow University, Series on Physics-Mathematics and Natural
Sciences. No. 3, Mo. 5. 1951
SUBJECT USSR/14ATHELIATICS/Dif-~~erortlaI equationo CARD 112 PG - 12-1
TITLE On Ostrogradskij's method for the integration of dynamic
equations of elasticity theory.
PERIODICAL Priklad. Mat. Mech. 121 617-620 (1955)
reviewed 7/1956
Treating the problem on the free oscillations of an elastic space, Ostrogradskij
started from the equations of elasticity. The author applies Ostrogradskij's
method to the dynamic equations of the theory of elasticity with two elastic
constants. He considers the equations of the type
212u1_ 2 ID?u1+ b2 2u1+ b2 ~2u1+ (a 2_b2X-62U2 2u3
t2 [a ax2 X2 x2 ~x ~x '~x 'bx
1 2 3 1 2 1 3
with the initial conditions
(2) u (M10 = fi(m) ra Ui It.0
2 2
where a b (A,P-. constants of elasticity, 9= const - density,
M - point with coordinates x1qx-,gx',~ The solution is set up as a Pourier
Priklad.Mat.Mech. 19, 617-620 (1955) CARD 2/2 PG - 121
T (A,N9t
e (r-
where ol, r,-) are local vectora of t1i,~. pointE, A( 6(4 0/- M(xl,x2,x
2 P "3
N( 019 1) 29 10 3) and d*C= dcA Idot Oe3di v., d*d2dV3- Furth-ermore it is set up
(N, t) -T dr
Then a transformation is carripd -)u,t which essentially corresponds to
Stokes' decomposition of a vector into a vorttix Qomponent and into one
component which is free of vo2:tice-ti. The integration of the sixfold integrals
is reduced, according to Ostrograaskij, to the integration of double and
threefold integrals and to operat4cns of repeated integration. Finally the
author obtains an explicit soluticri of Ceiiohyls problem for the equation (1)
with the initial conditions (2). Fcr a - b this solution passeB over into the
Kirchhoff formula for the wELqe eo,.-,aticn.
LENSKIY, V.S. (Moskva).
~' -
~, ~
...: -
.. !~~ I .
Acoustic variant of the theory of spalling. Prikl.aat.imekh.20
no.4:552-554 JI-Ag '56. (XLHA 10:2)
(metals-Testing) (Elastic waves)
lasny., V. S.
Institution of Mechanical Engineers., London, England 30 Apr-2 MaY 57
OThe Construction of a Dynamical Tension Compression Diagram Based on the Wave Propagation
Theory". by V. S. Lensky, Mechanical Institute USSR Academy of Sciences.
SO: Title page and bibliography of papers presented by USSR delegates at subject conference,
Uncl. fd
AUTHORSi Skoryy, I.A.. O.i,.r._'ty Lacturer. and S07/55-58-2-33/35
Kopytov, V.D., Scientific Assistant
TITLEt Lamonotiov - Lectures 1957 at the Xechani cal -1:a them& tical
Faculty of Moscow State University (Lomonottovsklya
chtenlya 1957 goda. oa, tokhaniko-ate,matichookom fakul-tot*
PERIODICAL. Vestmik 'U'aako,sk.g. Univarnitaty. S-ri:.. mitc-tiki,
satroactall, fisiki, kII-Ii, 19~3 ~,r x,pp 241-246 (0:;zR)
ABSTRACT. The Loconceov lectures 1957 took place from October 17 -
October 31, 1957 A" worcdclicated the 40-th anniversary
0r the O:tober -ettoltitlo..
in the,uer.1 m..tinZ A.S. Academician spoke
'On Ay;r.xi=tive Representation :f Punctions of Several
lariablow by Superposition of Func-1:nN 7ith Lose Variables
and C-Entropy of Claostio of Puntti*A~. The lecture gonorallass
'he results of Volciceoror, A.G. T!tushkin. 17.1. Arnol'd and
Y X. Tikhoo4rov. The contents has tet*m already published
(;okl&dyAkademii new), SSZR,1'4,5). 7,rofeenor Xb.A.Rakhcatulin,, Of-1he, A-alemy of S,ienc.4 of
-Investigation of the Boundary Layer of the Motion of a two-
Cospon.tit Liquid%
The ether lecture- wo?o giv" -ptirately in the
.wtLoica and mathit" t,,-_: ol I ~ i nc lect*~re. nort, given.
Lecturer I Generalization of -he Theory
of the Transverse Snook Against . Fl..lbl. Th-ad.
9. A.G. X1111co-kiy. Aspirant . Fl.o Iro-,.4 U.C..tiz.4 B.41..
or Conducting Liquid.
10. 11.7,.Dr*moyev, Lecturer 3 Inotruzento for the Analysis
and Sytha.j. of
11. V.S. L..skiy, L..t.-r . S... 0 ... r.1 Lee* in the Be-
-_IMVr0_r_0Zr*V3I t I ply Leaded Metal..
12. F.D. Alyushnikor, Aspirant v A Variant Of the Theory of
the Increases of D.f*r:mtIoo and Z,--to-PlAatla Stability.
13. Professor W.I._.Uautk and Profeas2r L.A. Lyug.Urnik ,
L.rmptotic behavior of the Solutions of Linear Equations
With Small Parameter 1. the
14. Professor G.A. 01*yD-k I Some 4.1on-Linear Partial
Differential fq-uationA (Survey of th, tlo.ulta of T.D.
Telatooll, Chahou Tuy-'W, $.D. A.S. Y.J.oh.
ikO,. U.S.,..&, S.L. K .... ~::~Ittixay.).
15. trOfogeor M.R. %aLa-turs. ani P.S. Trtfonsv, Senior
3cIeAt_'fLc Assistant o luto-atixation and Proer-Ins.
Card 5
3OV/ 3o--58-6-6/49
AUTHORS; Illyushin, A. A., Corresponding Member, Academy of Sci-enejes,
USSR, Lenskiy, V. S., Candidate of Physical and Mathematical
TITLE: Scientific Foundation of D.LV-DhLl~jzfand Plasticity of Solids
(Nauchnyye osnovy prochnosti i piastichnosti tverdykh tal)
PERIODICAL: Vestnik Akademii nauk SSSR, 1958, Nr 67 PP- 49 - 55 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: Mechanics is to be considered as one of the most important
developmental foundations of engineering. Many recent achieve-
ments in the field of physics were rendered possible only
due to mechanics. Many academic and scientific branch institutes
of investigation, as well as universities work on the solution
of the problem of solidity and plasticity. Soviet Science
achieved important succasses in this field. In spite of this
fact science is not able in its present state to give a
satisfactory answer to a series of important problems of
engineering, industry and natural science. The insufficient
working out of the theoretical problems of metalworking by
Card 1/3 means of pressure, as well as of the mechanism qf metal de.-
Scientific Foundation of and Plasticity of Solids
formation from the semiproduct to the finished product' under
various thermo-mechanical conditions may be given as example.
The backwardness in this field makes the proca.~is of the
production of metals and alloys with required therme-machanic-
al characteristics difficult. 3 main trends may be outlined
with respect to the working out of the solidity- and plasti-
city problems. The working out of formulae dealing with the
connection between stresses, deformations. time and tGmperature,
as well as the determination of the conditions of destruction
of solids, both under singular and repeated stresses are the
first and most important line to be determined. The second
working cycle deals with the general methods of solving the
mechanical problems of a deforming solid, the working out
of the theoretical foundations for the engineering calculation
methods for solidity and stability and deformability, as
well as the experimental methods of the investigation of
the solidity of structuresq machines and plants. The oal--
culation of the stresses occurring during welding may be
designated as concrete technical task. The third cycle of
investigation deals with the physical mechanisms of the
Card 2/3 deformation of solids. The theoretical and experimental in-
Scientific Foundation Of litWnd Plasticity of Solids
vestigation of atomic-molecular mechanisms of the plactic
processes in the deformation of material of solids under
different physical and physical and chemical conditions is
required here. A physical explanation of the behavior of
the material up to its deatruatinn with rapidly changing
stresses as impact, or explosion respectively, as well as
at different temperature conditions ought to be obtained
as results of these investigations. The training of specialist
cadres in the field of solidity and plasticity ought to be
intensified. The already existing laboratories must be ex-
tended and new ones must be built. New constructiona and
test machines, plants, test stands and measuring apparatus
must also be built. The extension of the international
scientific contacts, especially on the problems of experiment-
al techniques, is also required.
1. Solids--Deformation 2. Plasticity--Theory
Card 3/3
kUTHOR: Lensk' (Moscow) SOV/24-58-11-8/42
TITLE: Experimental Verification of the Laws of Isotropy and
of the Delay Effect in the case of Complex Loading
(Eksperimentallnaya proverka zakonov izotropii i
zapazdyvaniya. pri slozhnom nagruzhenii)
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Otdeleniye Tekhnicheskikh
Nauk, 19581 Nr 11, PP 15-24 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: Investigation of the laws of plasticity in the case of
complex loading is a problem which is acute and one of
the most difficult of mechanics of continuous media.,
The aim of the work described in -this paper was to verify
experimentally the two general laws postulated by
A. A. Ilyushin (Ref 14) on the behaviour of materials
in the case of complex loading which determine the
vector properties of the materials: the law of isotropy
and the law of delay, These laws are of consequence
also from the point of view of the theory of plasticity
in the case of complex loading (Ref 14). If ihe isotropy
law is applicable, the relation between the vector of the
stress a and the strain can be represented by means
Cardl/4 of a five-term formula, for instance:
Experimental Verification of the Laws of Isotropy and of the Delay
Effect in the case of Complex Loading
a = Ae + ie + I C L' + 1, D '~ + I E "e"
where A, B9 C~ D, E are some functionals of the
curvatures of the trajectory of deformation along an
1, the structure of which is determined by the scalar
properties of the given material. Due to the law of
delay, the dependence between a and e in the case
of deformation trajectoriEsof small curvatures is reduced
to the laws of the simpler flow theory. The here
described experimental investigation .,ias carried out in
the Dynamic Test Laboratory of the Chair of the Theory of
Elasticity, Moscow University in accordance with the
joint plan of this Chair and the Institute of Mechanics,
Ac.Sc., USSR,, The experiments were carried out on a
kinematic type 04-1 test machine developed jointly by
the Institute of Structural Mechanics, Ac,Sc. Ukraine
and the Theory of Elasticity Chair-of Moscow University,
a photo of it is shown in Fig,l, The machine was used
for applying separately and independently tension and
CarQ/4 torsion on a tubular specimen Ot regulated speedsi it
Experimental Verification of the Laws of Isotropy and of the Delay
Effect in the Case of Complex Loading
was also 9ossible to produce internal pressures up to
800 kg/cm . The control and the recording system of this
machine are such that it was possible to carry out on it
experiments bf the kinematic and the force variants and
also of. the mixed and the purely force variants, i.e. to
investigate -,a~ multitude of cases of the plane stress
state, For measuring the forces and deformations, the
method of pneumatic contact was applied. The results of
the experiments,aimed at verifying the law of isotropy,
are graphed in Figs.3-6 and entered in Tables 1 and 2.
The results obtained on annealed copper subjected to
complex loading lead to the conclusion that certain
properties of copper under such loading are determined by
the law of isotropy and the delay law, i.e. to the
following conclusions:
1. The law of isotropy is valid in the case of complex
loading and the experimentally determined deviations from
that law are within the limits of the accuracy of the
(;ard3/4 2. the delay law is valid, the length of the delay slip
Experimental Verification of the Laws of Isotropy and of the Delay
Effect in the Case of Complex Loading
is about 0.00316 for annealed copper;
3. up to a deformation intensity of the order of 4.5%,
the curvature radius is at no point smaller than
3h*-'2RwO.01 and the flow theory of the type of the
St. Venant theory is applicable for the dependence
between the stresses and the deformation.
There are 6 figures, 2 tables and 20 references,
9 of which are Soviet, 11 English.
ASSOCIkTION: MGU Kafedra teorii uprugosti (Moscow State
University Theory of Elasticity Chair)
SUBMITTED: May 12, 1958
Card 4/4
Illyushin, Aleksey Antono~,I-;~L, and Viktor Stepanovich Lenskiy
Soprotivleniye materialov (St;rength of Materials) Moscow, _F_iz_r_r-a-,.g-;z'
1959, 371 p. Errata sllp 11.nserted. 15,000 copies printed.
Ed.: I. K. Snitko; Teoh. Ed.:,S. N. Akh1amov.
PURPOSE: This textbook is Intended for students in advanced courses
on the strength of materlals.
COVERAGE: This book deals with the following topics: 1) funda-
mental concepts of deflections, Internal stresses, deformations,
actions of internal forces and the process of loading a small
element of a solid body; 2~ the basic mechanical properties of
solid bodies, such as elasticity and ideal plasticity, flow,
creep and relaxation, viscosity and dynamic strength, and fatigue
and failure.; 3)'basic kinematic and geometric hypotheses in-
tended to simplify -,--he mathematical statement of problems deal-
ing with stresses, deformations, dlBplabements, and failures of
Card 1/8
Strength of Materials
soli(:~ bodies subjected to external effects, as well as the basic
equations and methods for solving problems of deformation and
strength of bodies. According to the author, the methods for
calculating strength.of materials presented in the book differ
from the stricter methods based on the theory of elasticity and
plasticity. A number of' simplifying assumptlons of a kinematle
and geometric charac-ter have been introduced. No personalities
are mentioned. There are no references.
Preface 5
Introduction 7
Ch. 1. Stresses and Deformations 13
1. Structural characteristics of materials 13
2. Internal interaction of particles in a body 21
3. Investigation of the state of stress at a point 27
4. Principal normal and tangential stresses 30
Card 2/8
Strength of Materials
5- Strc33es on eiemc-n'-,ar-;,r ar,~as '36
6. Deformation of the of a point 41
7. Action of interi.,al 49
8. External forces 53
9. Conditions of and gei-..aral method
for determininr, and de-
flections in a body 59
Ch. II. Elastoplastic. Defnr;-a-"-.i,)ns ol" Bars 62
1. Mechanical propert.-Lns of various matt'.erials 62
2. Effect of various on r.-.,:~ehan-Ical properties 72
3. On the metihan.-isr, of pla21l-.1c, deformation 8,(
4. Bars of variab'le Method of elastic
solutions go
5~ Sys',-'ems. of bars 94
6. Calculation of trusic,;', 102.
7. Resist-ance of a matr.-r-1-al -Gc; ahcar log
8. Torsion of a rou-,.,id b~-jr iii
L red I *)ading
Strengt-h of a beam under
Card 3/8
Strer,gt'ja nf
S OV/ 3 0 4 1
10 S -.3 a fl;~! a '!)earrl 12 C,
isi-n of a beam,
v a h
E~ aM -.o
14. Bc~am -q-1
r e b,-., Sbablilty of
a beair.~
.6. S a
14 4
C-h. 111 .
!'I a ~7.omplex S.-al".
Of Stress 149
1. T'lume
2. Gererat e-;ac-,, Of shear in solid
bcdies I
3. P tensi -,e pr-=-3su3rp
p te n, Se ".1 and bas-qc laws
of plas 16C,
Card 4/,R
Strength of Materials . SOV/3041
5. Generalization of Hooke's law. Laws of small
elastoplastic deformations 167
6. Conditions of plasticity 171
7. Deformation of a pipe under internal and external
pressure I
8. Plastic state of a hollow sphere 184
9. Calculation of thin-walled tanks 185
10. Tangential stresses In bending 187
Ch. IV. Plastic Flow J2
1. . Strength and plasti(tity of heated metal 192
2. 4.
Rate-of-deformation Uensor and ultimate de-
- formations la6
3. Relationship between stresses and deformations 200
4. Surface friction 202
5. Flattening of a strip 1,ratween rigid plates 206
6. Extrusion of strips and shells 20'_~
7. Flow along flat rigid surfaces 2 1:
Card 5/8
Strengt!-i of Materials SOV/3041
8. Examples 2-18
Ch. V. Creep of Materials 223
1. Dependence of the propertles or materIals on time 223
2. Mechanical theories of creep 233
3. Creep in a complex state of s~-ress 237
4. Pipe under pressure, (plane defor-wtation) 242
5. Method of similitude for determining steady creep 24 5
Ch. VI. Dynamic Strength of Materials 249
On the character of dynamin, st-rength forces 249
2. Effect of the rate of deformation on the yield point 25-1
3. Effect of the rate of deforal4tion on the ultimate
strength 2~)2
4 Retardation of yielding andirrix Ume strength 253
5: Stress diagram for dirnamic Ioaa3 255
6. Engineering theory nf impact 259
Card 6/8
Strength of Materials
7. Longitudinal waves in bars 261~
8. Waves of shear deformation 260'
9. Reflection of longitudinal elastic waves 266
10. Impact of a bar on a rigid obstacle
11. Theory of the measuring bar
12. Construction of the dynamic stress-strain diagram c-
according to the distribution of residual defor-
mations 274
13- Method of impulse preloading 2'77
14. Splitting and breaking strength 277
15. Formation of a "cumulative flow" 2-9
16. -Froblem of puncture 28,~
1.7. Impact on a structure 28-f
Ch. VII. Vibrations of Elastic Bodies and Fatigue of
Materials 288
1. Behavior of materials and structures in the case
of vibrating load-s 2!-33
2. Longitudinal standing wave and longitudinal
vibrations of bars 290
Card 7/8
Strength of Materials SOV/3041
3. Torsional vibrations of bars 290'
4. Bending vibrations of bars 2Q8
5. Phenomenon of fatigue of materials
6. Dependence of fatigue characteristics on various
7. ;Development of fatigue failures
Ch. VI iI. Methods and Means of Mechanical Testing
1. General information
2. Making a specimen and preparing it for testing
3. Geometry of the speciten
4. Static testing machines 3:17
5. Dynamic testing machines 32L)
6. Measurement of small deflections 334
7. Force-measuring devices 34-0;
8. Mechanical, optical, and optical-mechanical methods
for measuring deformations 344
9. Electrical methods for measuring deformations 350
10. Optical method for investigating stresses
11. Photographic recording of processes -362.
SubJec t Index
4%TATLAI~LE: Library of Congress
uard 8/8 3-1-6o.
AUTHORS: Lenskiy, V. S. and Fomina, L. N. (Moscow)
TITLE: Propagation of Uniform Waves in the Materials of
Delayed-yield (Rasprostraneniye odnomernykh voln v
materialakh s zapazdyvay-ushchey tekuchestlyu)
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR, Otdeleniye teklinicheskikh
nauk, Mekhanika i rnashinastroyeniye, 1959, Nr 3,
PP 133-136 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The authors describe a theory of propagation of
longitudinal, elasto-plastic ',raves in shafts with
delay in yielding. It is assumed that the relationship
between the stress, deformation and time is expressed as:
a = U(C't)
It was found from experiments that E'_1 al > 0,
ac/at,0. The relation (1) for the plastic
deformation of materials, where elastic waves propagate
with the velocity a. =F7 , can be written as Eq (2).
The equation of the longitudinal motion in this case will
Card 1/4 have the form of Eq (3). Thus, it is possible to plot a
SO V/179-59- 3-:19/4 5
Propagation of Uniform Waves in the Materials of Delayed-yield
diagram of the distribution of disturbances using the
chax-acter�st�cs only. These can be deter-m�ned as
follows. If a curved part of the surface, Eq (1),
crosses the curyej S parallel to the plane (ac) and is
inclined to thpPj'r.~) by an angle, the tangent of which
is E11 then Eq (2) caii be written as Eq (11). The
formula (3) for the elastic deformations will take the
form, Eqs (5) and (6), where -, - moment of plastic
deformations at the cross-section x = 0. The solution
of Eq (5) for the conditions (7) and (8) can be defined
as Eq (9) for the space I (Fig 1), and as Eq (10) for
the space II, or as Eq (11) for the space III. In
particular-, ;.then such an impact is applied that the end
of the shaft beconies subjected to the stress Cr 01 Eq (12)
will be applicable to the space I, Eq (13) - II,
Eq (14) - III. Fig 2 illustrates the results obtained
experimentally: a - an instantaneous deformation was
delayed for T;** 300 lisec, then increased rapidly -
this corresponds to the spaces I and III, (Eq 14);
Card 2/4 b - the deformation is steady during the same period of
time then is gradually decreased, which corresponds to
SO V/17 9- 5 9- 3-19/45
Propagation of Uniform Waves in the Materials of Delayed-yield
the process of relaxation, i.e. the space I becomes 11,
Eq (13). In order to improve the analysis made by
Johnson and others (Ref 5), the case is considered when
an elastic shaft of the length Z was subjected to an
impact directed along its axis Ox with a velocity V 0.
Another shaft, made of delayed-yield material corresponding
to Eq (4), was placed coaxially to the first one. The
modulus of longitudinal elasticity of both shafts was the
same. The origin of coordinates was placed at the contact
point of the shafts. A diagram illustrating this case
is shown in Fig 3. Since the end x = 4 is free, the
line AB represents the impact wave of loading. Then, the
parameters of motion above that line (spaces VI to VIII)
are found after those belonging to spaces I to V
(formulae top P 136). The stress on the surface of contact
of both shafts, equal to -EV 0/2a0 for t < T, becomes
E 5
4UN x = 0
Card 3/4 for t = T, i.e. it gradually decreases.
SOV/179- 59- 3-19/4 5
Propagation of Uniform Waves in the Materials of Delayed-Yield
There are 3 figures and 11 references, all of which are
ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet
(Moscow State University)
SUBMITTED: January 27, 1959
Card 4/4
7 14 SOV/32-25-1-42/51
AUTHOR: Lenskiy, V. S.
TITLE: Two-Component Peeler for Deformation With a Pneumatic Contact
(Dvukhkomponentnyy datchik deformatsii s pnevmaticheskim
PERIODICAL: Zavodskaya Laboratoriya, 1959, Vol 25, Nr 1, pp 116-117 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: A simultaneous independent measurement of two deformation
components (e.g. expansion and torsional angle) is rather dif-
ficult in the- investigations of complex states of stress. The
feeler which is fixed to the sample and which is to determine
only one type of deformation supplies wrong data for the
deformation of another component. A feeler called "Mekhaniches-
kiy luch" ("mechanical feeler") was constructed which avoids
the above-mentioned diff-iculties by using microscopic ob-
servation. A. F. Kalinin, h'ead of the laboratory, and
Yu. G. Burtsev, mechanic, took part in the construction of this
instrument. This instrument is provided for deformation measure-
ments in static investigations of tubular samples on expansion
and torsion, under conditions of a complex stress with con-
Card 1/2 tinuous recording of the data. The principle of pneumatic con-
Two-Component Feeler for Deformation With a Pneumatic Contact
tact is employed for the latter. The base plate of the instru-
ment (Fig) is 300xl5Oxl2 mm, the height of the instrument is
265 mm, its length with fully stretched "feeler" is 450 mm, the
length of the "feoler" is 200 mm, the basis of the measurement
is 19 and 14-5 mm. A description of the apparatus as well as
of the operation technique are given. There is 1 figure.
ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. M. V. Lomonosova
(Moscow State University imeni M. V. Lomonosov)
Card 2/2
W.C -,T~ :TIMM"
ImnTm A K-
~ft T A Zv d-
m P-A -n- monq. .13."4
..Mqm qV -W
t,.Ir. P_ _Tp. *n,.T. T
-Mlm USTI-V u .,AT
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-I Tt." r.-upmt... J. zlnlx~
ol. InTe- --n m
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MI.T. -rT__
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t- -nt J. "!IT- ASTIT4". T-b.
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(~M-Wj :ptwT-vj& "qljt.ld.M WLJ. -13.=
-14' -_V -(--M) -n-s -a -K `-n .1 V Ztt
brr C-m--wl
Pnq- --V- I%T.n..u
d.-q,A 9,
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11""I'll --- -on
."m -a
'09, q* C - Z.r Le
-7-4.-H T-Tiddv Pu.
TiMISKIY, V.S. (Moskva)
New data on the plasticity of metals under combined loads. Izv.Aff SSS3.
Otd.tekh.nauk.Mekh.i mauhinostr. no.5:93-100 S-0 l6o. (MIRA 13:9)
-21Z~ 0 0
AUTHOR: Lenskiy, V.S. (Moscow)
TITLE: Effects of irradiation on the mechanical properties
of solids
PERIODICALt Akademiya nauk SSSR. Otdeleniye tekhnicheskikh nauk.
Inzhenernyy Bbornikq v. 28, 1960, 97 - 133
TEXT: Numerous experimental data have shown that physical and che-
mical properties of materials alter when irradiated and that t%ese
changes are often permanent. Consequently two aspects are noted:
1) The changes are not uniform w.r. to volume and consequently im-
proved or new theories and compAting methods are required for the
constructions which will be subject to irradiation; 2) Stability
of changes caused by irradiation technology andq at the same Time,
development of shielding against harmful radiation. The author re-
vie:ws the literature available,,gainly Western, dealing with the
above aspects and attempts to classify and generalize the informa-
tion available,, The units employed are mainly those used -n western
Card 1/5 b)e'
27 79b
S/508/60/028 '/000/009/022
Effects of irradiation on ihe D237/D305
works. The mechanism of action of radation solids is discussect
first. A neutron passing through a crystal lattice will undergc a
series of elastic coll-A.B:ion with a-coms (ions) of the crystal. Then,
the energy lost will be
L\ E ~; E02A(A + (2.1)
per atom '(ion). As the energy of a neutron is usually up to seve-
ral millions bigger than that necessary to knock the atom out of
the crystal lattice, cascade phenomena occur. In some cases nucle-
ar reactions result, while for the remaining cases Kinchin and Piz
N (2.2)
1 E d(l + 1) 2
where N1 = number of atoms knocked out of the crystal lattice by
one neutrong E - initial energy of the neutron, E d - energy neces-
sary for displacing the atom, T, - atomic mass of the atoms The au
Card 2/5 ~r
Effects of irradiation on the D237/D305
thor discusses -two effects of, Frenkel defects, namely the volume
effect which may lead to an increase in hardness and the moduius
of elasticity of the material and dislocation effect, causing chan-
ges in density and plasticity. Also the effect on sell"- and ther-
modiffusion processes is mentioned, the existing data for whi.-h
are, howeverp controversial. A passage of a neutron may lead to
the formation of so-called "displacement zones", ar4theoretical
calculations iead to the conclusion that the latter will occur in
heavier metalep while In the light-er metals, Prenkel defects will
occur preferentially. The poseibill'it.-y of Frenke! defeat formation
under P- and y- radiation is men-Cioned and the problem of saiura-
tion is discussedg as well as the feasibility of duplicating some
effects by thermal o.77 mechaniCal pro~-.esses; this JL8 followed by
some remarks on the a3tion c:f radiation on organic materials which
result either in bieakdown of' long chains, or cross linking. Volu-
me and crystalline stru~:,~ure changes are dis~.-ussed next., _Ln cases
of barium titrnate, quar'Lz and vitreous silica~ liThlum fluoride
and lead, and the case is mentior~ed of the des-ruction fCf -.he
crystalline stnucture st criamondc, In d'_ecuesion of changes of eias-
Card 3/5 14y/
Effects of irradiation or. -~b~= D237/D305
tic propertiesq the conc."Welons reached are that in most cases -they
are insignificant and can be neglected. Sh-ifts in re**Av&,nce peaks,
however, are Important and should be taken into account when os-
cillatory properiiee are considered. Considerations of the influ-
ence of radiation on plastio properties show that orizica-L shear
stress and tensile strength increase for metals which, h3wever,
cease to be homogeneous w.r. to their elas"Go-plastic properties.
In case of plasticaq they car. be divided into three groupez 1) Tho-
se with both, tensile st-rength and plasticity diminishing along
the curve on stress strain diagrams 2) Those for Nvhi-.h c--iticall
tensile streng"Ib increases or de-o-reases 'by conssan-, amoun-t; 3)
Those which under a small doee of zadiaTion exhibit an increase in
plastic properties. Experiments on influence of Irradiation on
glide and creep are either inconclusive or 1-hange8 obiained are
within the exper4 mental error interval; one of the poselble exp'a-
nation is that above 1,12 T Dr: /kT '0 c- = tempera-lZure of fliw) diffusion
is a main process ' wJr,.'e belcw it, the main mechanism Of gl,.'Lde is
the non-diffusive mo`~io_n of dielocat-tona. In concluaiong a s-,.aTis-
Card 4/5 X
2 7 79 6
S/_;08/6'O./328/*'000/ 009/022
Effects of irradiation on -~be D237/D305
tical method is indicated for bodies ei-Lher being irradiated or
after the irradiaTion. There are 33 figures and 274 references2 33
Soviet-bloc and 241, non-Sov!et-bloc. The qeferences to the 4 mosik:
recent English-language publi-nations read as follows? ToH. Ble-mitt,
R.R. Coltmang-C.E. Klabundeq T.S. Noggla, Low-temperature reactor
irradiation effects in metajsq J. Appl- Phys~q vol. 28, No. 6,
1957- W. Primakp Fas`--neutr,,-n-_Induc9d -shanges in quar':z and v---t-re-
OUB silicaq Physo Revoj voic 1.1019 Noo 69 1958-, R, Truellp J. de
Klerkq P.W. levyq Neuiv-~-on irradiaiion effec-Us in borosilicaTe glass
and their detection by ultra5on,-c atteniiation and velocity measure-
ments, J. Applb Phys., vol. 29, No. 2~ i9;;Bi A.C. Damask, Hardness
of neutron-irradiated diamonds,, -J. Appl. Phyl:l~' Vol. 299 No~ -1.1,
SUBMITTEDg May 12, _!.959
Card 5/5
AUTHORS; Sokolovskiy, V. V., Corresponding Member of the AS USSR,
Lenskiy,--V. S., C ndidate of Physical and Mathematical
TITLE. Symposium on Plasticity
PERIODICAL: Vestnik Akademii nauk SSSR, 1960,ANo. 8, pp. 104-105
TEXT: The authors report on the Symposium held at Brown University
(USA) on April 5-7, 1960. The following reports were delivered by Soviet
delegates: Yu. N. Rabotrzov dealt with problems of creeping, V. V.
Sokolovskiy with the plastic flow between noncircular cylinders, and
V. S. Lenskiy with the experimental foundation of the theory of
composite load.
Card 1/1
Doe PhyB-Math Sci - (diss) "Study of the plasticity of metals
under complicated stress." Moscow, 1961. 12 pp; (Moscow Order
of Lenin and Order of Labor Red Banner State Univ imeni M. V.
Lomonosov); 200 copies; price not given; (KL, 6-61 sup, 191)
GRYAZNOV p Ivan Mikhaylovicb; -LENSKI7-j--ViktQr_�tepanovich; OGIBAIDV,
Petr Matveypvich; SKORYYt Ivan AleksEndi&,iidhJ,--KIrKGv I.A., red.;
[Laboratory manual on the strength of materials and on deformations]
LaboratoriVI praktikum. po soprotivleniiu materialovp deformiro-
vaniiu. Pod obshchei red. P.M.Ogibalova i I.A.Skorogo. Mosk7a,
Izd-vo Mosk.univ., 1961. 199 p. (MIRA 14:6)
(Strenght of materials)
(Deformations (Meclumics))
BOGATYRFV, I.S. (Moskva); ILIYUSHINI, A.A. (1,1,oskva); LENSKIY, V.S. (XaEkva);
PANFEROV, V.1-1. (Moskva)
The SN testina machine for investigating plastic deformati3ns of
metals under composite loading. Inzh.zhur. 1 n3.2:182-193 61.
(VIRA 111:12)
(Testin-a machineF) (Metals-Testinz)
IIZNqKr V-S. (Moskva)
, 4-
D.D.IVIevis erroneous comments. Izv.AN SSSR.Otd.tekhn.nai,Ic.14ekh. ,
i maohinostre no*3:172-175 MY-Je 161. (KMA 14:P
General theory of plasticity. Vest. AN SSSR 31 no.10:137-138
0 '61. OURA 14:9)
LENSKIYY -Viktor Stepanovich; LITVIII-SEDOY, Mikhail Zinov'yevich;
-_-' - ~~ kausToxI. V.S.-" red.; KOZLOVA, T.A., tekhn. red.
[Mechanics; course in mechanics offered by the Department of
Mechanics and Mathematics of Moscow State University] Mekhanika;
o spetsiallnosti "mekhanika" na mekhaniko-matematicheskom fa-
kulitete Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Moskva,
Izd-vo Mosk. univ... 1962. 41 p. (MIRA 15:7)
(Mechanics--Study and teaching)
Hypothesis of the local definiteness in the theory of plasticity.
Izv.AN SSD*-R.Otd.tekh.nauk.Mekh.i. mashinostr. no.5:154-158 S-0 162.
(MIRA 15:10)
Nev lamp for the lwnineoaent diagnosis of skin diseases. Ye5t. der-m.
i Yen. 38 no.4:54-59, Ap 164. (M.-FIA 18:4)
1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-is sled ova te I I -k ly Institut moditvinBkUh
instrumentov i oborudovaniya (dir. i.P.Smirnov) i TSentrall-vy
kozhno-vencrologicheskiy institut (dir. - N.M.
Turanov)., Moskva.
Gomment on the Hensel lemma. Izv. v7s. ucheb. zav.; mat. no.4:128-
132 16o. (MIRA 13:10)
(Fields, Algebraic)
LENSKGY, Dmitriy Nikolayevich; VIIRNIKOVA, I.A., red.; ZENIN, V.V.,
tekhn. red.
[Functions in non-Archimedian normed fields] Funkt-3ii v
nearkhimedovski normiro-vannykh poliakh. Saratov, Izd-vo
Saratovskogo univ., 1962. 108 p. (MIRA 17:1)
Behavior of analytic functions in non4rchimedian norma3lzed
fields. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.; mat, no.4t62-68 162. (MIRA 15:12)
1. Saratovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni N.G.
ChernysheVBkogo. (Functions, Analytic)
.. . ... -1- ~ -Representat-Jor of prime numbers by polynomials in two indetermlnate~s.
Vest. LGU. 18 no.19:150-154 163. (MMA 16:11)
Upper bound of some number-theoretical functions in algebraic
number fields. Dokl. AN SSSR 150 no.A'.:251-253 Itr 163. -
(14IRA 16:5)
1. Saratovskiy gosudarstvennyy unive3sitet im. N.G.Charnyshevskogo.
Predstavleno akademikom I.M.Vinogradovka.
(Fields, Alge))raic.)
;!Qk-")KOY ~ 1). ti.
Stu;iy of tr,~ .)r~rf.rrulr-s of, ri" ly-no-nia-, va-es. Ycs-.
LGU 19 nn,.7-19-23 I I-iZ.. 0-11~iA
LENSKOY, D.N. (Saratov)
t generalization of prime pairs. 7olzh. :a-at. sbor. no.!:
IL/,-118 163. 10: i I
LENSKOYP D.N.; L1111,111K, YII.V.
Nikolai Grigorlevich Chudakov, 1905- ; on his Wth birthday.
Usp. mat. nauk 20 no.2:237-240 Mr-Ap 165. 011IRA 18: 5)
I,2-11SYI.Y~ V.
Before the vates of the exhdbition opened.
p. 5 (Vynalezy a Normalisace, Ochranne Znemk-j, Chranene Vzory. Vol. 1, no. 2,
Aug. 1957. Praha, Czechoslovakia)
1,1onthly Indey of East European Accessions (1-2-P.1) LC. Vcl- 7, no. 2,
February 11958