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LENFELD, Jiri Biological @valuation of the ether. Scripts. med., Brno 27 no.3-4: 53-6o 1954. 1. Z farmakol. ustavu. lek. fak. Kasarykovy univ. v Brne, prednosta prof. dr. Jere Stefl. Z farmacol. ust. lek. fak. Falackeho univ. v Olomouct, vedouci ustavu. dr. Jeri Leafeld. (ETHER, ETHYL, anesthesia an& analgesia biol. metho& of evaluation of eff. of ether in anesth. of animals, new appar.) (ANESTHESIA, INHALATION other. appar. for biol. evaluation of eff. in animals) LENFELO, j Irk 't k on the narco I ~ea of n e tizing pro e on- StAbi d thar.- Jill LeoleLd. 30014 zed Fac, -Mrd. Unir. Afasar~k. es 7== 78, i&,_Wjq5aXrz2gjish SUM- muY).-,k sliecial procedure for thei itudy is described.- - The effect of variousf"rs. especialij of the presence of ither-sol. cork impurities,in-nonstabilized ether?on ants- beta ivesticated, The preseace'd'ether-sol. cork substances lowers its anesthetic powir. so that more ether must be used, This effect persists even after, the' impuiitits havebetn removed by redistn. to the "tent they. cannot bi detected. The preience of cork Impurl intensifies the - deleferious'effects caused by autoxida Ne.~ t decompn.',-This applitsespetially to wondary toxic effects: Pos. reacilons, f6r the presence of prodLcts of autoxidation ind of cork Impurities may bp demonstrated at the s= e, 'thne Contrary to other investipmrs, L. believes ULtt the cork/331purides mrt unfavorable efftets un the pharmacol.! llrojkutle3 of ether. The significance of these findin s to~ ~Jhjicians and sorgelbas Is emphasixed; B. S. Lev na-71 j~ 4113xperimentat and clinical re-evaluAon at the antifftju- JV rustic effect of Convallarin majalis and AdQnis vernalls. L. Mbus!ay, M. Kroutil, I.. Unfeld, K, rrnav:k~, 'M.~ zemine! Vykydal. and Ultiv., MmQue" INla A Czech.). Lfkahl 'Ce4kick 94, 7733-42t 10-55)~ Freshly. PTepd. Pnd suIxutaiteousiy admip;stercil eat. from ,I. vernalis (1) suppressed the hyalurouidas- (H) cd-ma in intact rats. if hereas In mdee!Takctomized rats it oused a stight enhancern6t of the H Ldema, The! cxt. from C~ !Wjalis UU) acted only sriglitly in suppressing the H edema In intact rats but inihazic,~d the ederna in adienakctomized animals. - Saponin (IV), ~ Na Ovate, u nil mmodioLate also inhibited H edema. Formalin arthtitis was inductil Ind its 'Course observed dmty fur 12 &tys. In all groups of untreated :Intutt ruts the devricipintnit of artbritI3 Li:mtimied during thistime. Daily subcmanev is Lr6tnientwith 3 nil. (per kg. body wt.) of a 270 ext. of M or I or daily adminisLration of 10 mg. IV, rithex sabcatamously or arAy, strikingly lin- proved the symptom% in lnt~wt rats; the M group was pra ficidlyhealedontheOthday.. Theeameofartluitisin the untreated adrtnalectomjzed~ gmups vrw similar to the can- tra&o1ralightlybetter, 111,,ifar~wMout Curative effect in ai:SF~tvmized rats; I slighd~- impaired the course of ad&ida In adrenalfctomized vats. Both subcutaneo a us lid ocat IV showed carativC rffect eveu in the adrefialt5aamized - - stabilited map, IV was Incifoclive whim thf arthrItis was r, a 2nd administration of 11010. Antlarthritic effect of M and 1, but not of IV, appears mediated by the adrenals. Twenty patierits with arthritis or other diseases of joints !were treated with J11 tincture (20 drops 3 times a day up to 2r1iml.). No5triking(Jieraptuticefftet~,ra3appa.-ciit. CZECHOSLOIAKIA/Pharr-acolo&j. Toxicology. Therapeutic Drugs of Lnzy- V matic Origin Pibs Jour Ref Zhur Biol,, No 11, 1958, No 52036 Autho,- Klabusay L. Inst ~~ Title &onidase Orig Pub Voyon.-med. Zh., 1956, uo j., !~i Abstract Bhonidase (I), a protein preparation from bull's testicles pc-esesses hyaluronidase activity. I-a homogenous, finely ground -powder of light yellow volor is recorunended for ex- ternal application in ulcers and Dupuytren contractures, ~;hronic indolent ulcers, etc. It is administered daily for perioas of 15-60 days according to the effect. Ti,:: dose of administered I is determined by the area of the lesion. I is spread on a sterile pad of gauze, moistened by a ste-r- ile solution and is applied to the lesion; the g.,).uze i. cov- ered with wax paper. The administration of I is contrLin- dicated in tuberculosis and malignant tmors.-- D.k. Bystroletov Card 1/1 & ~!F /V P F_ (_ 1) T, EXCER11A 14MICA Sec.6 Vol.1113 Internal I-Sod. Mar 57 1517. LENFELD J., KLABUSAY L. and TRNAVSKY' K. Farmakol. -Ust. L6k. -11'a ~., ~omouc. 4Pf fznivct ovlivndnr serotherapie tetanu hyaluronidasou. Improved serotherapy of tetanus using hyaluronidase tSL. FYSIOL. 1956, 5/1 (64 -69) Graphs 5 75% of mice given tetanus toxin out, vivo If treated with this combination. It is re- commended to give,serum s.c. or i.p. and hyaluronidase I.v.(10 I.U./20 g.weight). Hahn - Prague (XX, 2, 6, 8) C7,ECHoSWVfd9,',/Pha=acology and Toxicology. Narcotics 7-1 fibs Jour Ref Zhur - Biol., No 15, 1958, No 71o68 Author Lenfeld J., Klabusay L., Malinsky j. Inst Title Late Manifestations of the Stopethyl Phenomenon Orig Pub Ceskoel. fysiol., 1956, 5, No 2, 231-234 !,bstract Stopethyl (tetraethylthiuran disulfide) (S), which is used for the treatment of alcoholism.. was administered to guinea pigs in a dose of 0.25 g/kg during 3 days. j'Ster 28 days, a 20 percent solution of ethyl alcohol (F.1) was injected intraperitoneally in a dose of 1 m1/100 g. (at the end of the experiment, 1.5 n1/100 g) to the same animals, once in 2 weeks during 73 days. Two weeks after the last injection of E;., a histoloGic examination was effected. Discovered were: injuries of the liver (perivascular infiltrates, in- creased acidophilia of the liver cells, necrotic foci with proliferation, and others), kidneys (hyperemia, inte'rstitial and perivaecular infiltrates), and lungs (in 50 percent of Card'. 1/2 t- ' CZECHOSLOVAIMI/Pharmacology and Toxicoi.-)(q - Acrenerbics V. ,hbs Jour Author Inst Title Orig Pub Ref Zhur - Biol., No 2, 1959, 9117 Lenfuld, J., Kroutil, M., Z~im-ack, J., Holanova, J. Effects of Quercetin Upon the Uterus, Heart and Blood Pressure and Its Relatio-,-i to the Action of Adrenalin and Ergotaraine Scripta med., 1956, 29, No 7-8, 289-3o6 Abstract Quercetin (0) induces co-.tractions of the isolated ute- rus of rabbits, rats and c,,uinea pigs (in rabbits, with lesser effect than adreaalin (A)). The stinulatin, ac- tion of Q on the uterus is weakened by ergotanine (E), but to a lesser dearee than the action of A. Q acts upon the sympathetic nervous system and directly upon the smooth musculature of the uterus. The cardiostimu- lating action of Q, unlike the action of A, is n-A inhi- bited by E both in the normal and in the fati&ued heart. Card 1/2 LENRLD, J.; KROUTIL, M.; ZEMIPAX, J.; KROUTIlbyA,, J- AntiT)hlogiAic effect of emetine. Gesk. fYaiol. 7 no-3:270 Mav 5 8. 1. Farmakologicky ustav lek. fak. FU, OLomoue. (MOTM4, eff. antiphlogistic (Gz)) (INFIAMM&TION, exper. antiphlogistic eff. of emetine Itz)) LENFEM, J.; KROUTIL. M.; ZEMNEK. J. 3ffect of urethane, demecolcine and podophyllotoxin on experimental in- flammation. Cesk. fvaiol. 7 no-3:271 ~~Y 58. 1. Farmakologicky ustav lek. fak. FU, Olomouc. (INFIAIVATION, experimentalg eff. of demecolcine, podophyllotoxin & urethane (Cz)). (METHAN3, effectB, on exper. inflamm. (Oz)) (PODOPHYLLUM, podophyllotoziri, eff. on exper. inflamm. (Cz)) (COLCHICU14. demecolcine, eff. on exper. inflaam. (Cz)) 'KROITTIL, M.; ---9MNFK, Jr.; M-IFPSILD, J. Docrense of anti-exiiclite effect of phenylbutazone Find P -ketophenyl- butazone by aiiinopyridine. Cezk. fYsiol. 7 no.4-.329-33'0 'TUlY 58. 1. Farmakologicky ustav lekarske fak-ulty PU, Olomouc. (AMMOPYRDIE, effects, on anti-exudate eff. butazone (oz)) (EXIFIA"PES AND TUNSUIATES, anti-exudative eff. butazone, reversal ly (PIMINUMAZO IE?, eff. same) of phenylbutazone & nketophenyl- of phonylbutazone & T -k-etoplienyl- aminopyrine (Oz)) LENYELD, J. Phnnnacological Btudies on neurohnmoral regulation of inflammation. Cenk. f7siol. 7 no.4:331-333 July 58. 1. Farmkologicky ustav lek. fak. PU. Olomouc. (INFIAMATION, exper. off. of analeptics (Cz)) (ANAMPTICS, off. on exper. inflamm. (Oz)) RWISCIIILD, L.; TZITUTELD, J.; JOIRDA, V.; MALINST-7, J. Effec' of emetine on nhiebitio. Ceok- fYsiol. 7 no.4:333-3,34 inly 58. 1. %.rmatologiclm I-linika, farmakologicky a histologicky ustav lek. Dik. FU', Olomouc. (73TINTINE, offecti, on exper. phlebitit3 (Oz)) (PHLEBITIS, exper. eff. of emetine (Gz)) LMM,10, J.; JEZDIMKY, J.; KROUTIL, M. .Airther studies on antipyretic effect of emetine. Cesk. fYsiol. 7 no-5: 500-501 Sept 58. 1. Parmalcologicky untav lek- fak. PU, Olomouc. (EMKIIIE, effects. anti-Pyretic in rats (C%)) (ANTIPTILETICS , -i nt . L ~ - c;lic eff. of ametine in ra4s (6z)) LEMMD, J.; KROUTIL, M. 11--~ Attempted demonstration of the effect of apomorphine in inflam tion in rats. Cesk. fYsiol. 7 no-5:501-502 Sept 58. 1. Farmakologicky ustav lek. fak. FU, Olomouc. (INFIAIVATION, exper. eff. of apomorphine in rats (Cz)) (APOMORPHINH, effects, on exper. inflamm. in rats (CZ)) Couatry : CZECHOSLOVAKU, v Category: Phairacoloa. Toxicology. Cardio-Vascul--r .."gents. Abs Jour: RZhBiol., No 6, 3.959, No 27781 Autlior Lenfeld, J.; Kroutil, M.; Kroutilova-HoLanerva; J. Inst Title quercetin mad Cardiotonics. Orig Pub: Scripta raud., 1958, 31, No 1-2, 19-28 Abstract: Experiments an isolated heart of froG demonstrated that quercatin (I) potentiates cardiotonic action of r-stropiiantldn or glycosides of Digitc.1--is lanata. In experimits on x-abbits, I increasc-s the toxic action of h-strophanthin. Applicatioa of I in guinea pigs for t~iu duration of 3 days beforQ the experiment iacrcasos the toxicity of sLroj~lanthin by 321a. - Frciu tile author's resumc Card : 1/1 V-27 im, J. Effect of rat's age and sex on the course of inflammation and on phenylbut3-- zone sensitivity. CeBk. fysiol. 8 no.2:133-134 Mar 59. 1. Predneseno na schuzi Oki. biologicke spolecnosti, pobocky v Olomouci, dne 9. na 1958. (PEMYLBUTAZO11R, effects off. of age & sex on antipyretic off. in rats (Oz)) (AGING, off. on phenylbutazone Bensitivity in rate (Cz)) Lmmsw, J. Analysis of the niechaniom of action of caffein in acute and sub- acute phases of formalin inflammation. Cesk. fYsiol. 8 no-3:219-220 Apr 59. 1. FarmakologicV. ustav lek. fak. PU, Olomouc Predneseno na III. fysiologickych dnech v Brne dne 14. 1. 1959. (DIFIAMMATION, exper. eff. of caffein (Oz)) (CAFMIN, eff. on exper. Inflamm. (Gz)) LXMLD, J.;KR(YUTIL, M.;BOCXK, M.;CTVItTNIXJ.;MAYAR, J. Toxicity and anti-inflammtory effects of chlorocrotylpyrazolid~ne. Ceek. fYsiol. 9 no-l.87-88 Ja 60. 1. Farmakologicky a histologicky ustav lek. fak. FU a Farmakon, n.p., Olomouc. (PHENYLBUTAZOITI, rel. cpda.) KROUTIL, 14.; L3NYEM, J.; CTVRTNIK, J.; MAYER. J. Anti-inflammatory activity of new trasentin derivatives. Gesk. fysiol. 9 no.3:294-295 My 160. 1. Katedra, farmakologle lek, fak. PU a Yarmakon a.p., Olomouc. (PARASYMPATHOLYTICS pharmacol) (INFLAMMATION exper) LENFEID.J.: SLADKOVA. 0.: GRUNDW, H. On the mechanism of the Inhibition of inflammatory avelling by caffeine with special reference to serotonin. CeBk.fysiol. 9 no-3:296 My 160. 1. Katedra farmakologia lak. fak. PU. Olomouc. (CAFFEINE pharmacol) (SMOTCHIN pharmacol) (INFAI&WION exper) VYKYDA1, Riroelav; IONFELD, Jiri Our experience vith antimalarials in rheumatology, Clinical part. Casdek.eesk. 99 n0-29:1075-1079 19 Ag'60. 1. Interni klinika lekarske fakulty PU v Olomouci, prednosta prof. dr. P.Lukl, Farmalcologicky ustav lekarske fakulty FU v Olomouci, Drednosta doc.dr. J.Lenfeld. (ARTHRITIS RHM4ATOID ther) (ANTIRALARIALS ther) LENFEELD P J. senteric vascular occlusion. Cesk. gastroent. 16 no.2:139--l. -46 I-Lr 162. 1. 11-. interni klinika LFH KU v Praze, prednosta prof. dr. Jiri Syl-lab--, (MESENTERIC VASCULAR OCCLUSION) JCZECHOSLOVAKIA J. LENTELD, 0. SLADKOVA and 'el. GRUINDMAN, Department of Pharmacology of Medical ra-MuTty of Palacky University (rarmakologicky ustav lekarske fakulty ralackeho University) Head (prednosta) Docent Dr J. LENFELD, Olomouc. "Mechanism of Inhibition ol Inflammatory Edema by Caffeine with Regard to Serotonin." Prague, Casopis Lekaru Ceskych, Vol 102, No 20, 17 May 63; pp 554-558. 'bstract [English summary modified]: Studies in vitro (caffeine ar.tasonisri of serotonin-induced contraction of rat ileum) and in rats, administering caffeine and epinephrine s.c. either in loco (planta pedis) or dorsum after subplantar injection of dextran, fornialin or serotonin to induce edema. Results indicate that caffeine inhibits edema not by serotonin antagonism but but a regulatory process probably involving catecholamines. Six graphs; 1 Soviet, 5 Czech and 6 Western references. AUL. Mi AP6006041 SOUMB CODE: /014/004/0293/0294 AUTHOR: Grundman, M.; Lenfeld, J. ORG: Department of Pha=acology, Madical Facultyp Palacky Univers4tyt Olomouc (Katedra farmakologie lek. fak. UP) TITLE: Clarifying the antagonism of some antirheumatic drugs to the effect of neostigmine on the masseter muscle in rats [This paper was presented during the Twelfth Pharmacologic Dayst Smolenice, 29 Jan 65.1 SOURCE: Ceskoslovenska fysiologie, v. l4,.no.J;, 1965, 293-294 TOPIC TAGS: rat, pharmacology, driw Qxreat, myology ABSTRACT -Study on rat masseter muscle in vitro using chloroquin, phenylbutazone and neostigmine indicates that the effect of the anti-inflammatory dE2gzposkeletal muscles involves factors other than cholinesterase or anticholinesterasdIPPOrig. art. has: 1 figure. fj-PR_S7 (P SUB CODE: 06 / SUBM DATE: none / ORIG REF: 001 / OTH REF: 003 L. 13575-66 ACC NRt AP6006058 SOURCE CODE: CZ/0053/65/014/004/0301/0302 AUTHOR: Lenfeldp Je; Jezdinsky,, J.; Dusek, J. ORG:' Department of Pharmacology and Pathological Anatomy, Medical Faculty" ~ahllacky UniversityP Olomouc (Utedra farmkolegile a patolegicke anatomia lake fako UP) ..TITLE: Effect bf caffeinet reserpine and apomorphine on inflammatory changes in rats with damaged aArenal medulla [This paper was presented during the Twelfth '.*Pharmacologic Days,, Smolenice.. 29 Jan 65.1 SOURCE: Ceskoslovenska fysiologie, vo 14, no# 4, 1965, 301-302 ~TOPIC TAGS: drug effect pharmacology, nervous system drug, rat ABSTRACT: In rats who were surgically or chemically (et-hanotl*adreno- medullectonized, caffeine, reserpine and apomorphine has less of an anti-exudative effect; even reverted. Thus,adrenomedullary catecholamines rather than serotonin,as stated b othersare apparently mediators of anti-- Y exudative effect of reserpine, Orig. art. has: 1 figure. [JPRS] So CODE-: o6 SUEH DATE: none ORIG REF.0 003 OTH REF: 001 jW KNYAGIVIN, G.; LENGA, V. Selecting the most satisfactory size and shape of riser depending on the solidification time length of the casting. Lit. proizv. no. 5:32-36 My 161. (MIRA 14:5) (Founding) LENGAUERp G. 0.- USSR/Astronomy Nev Instruments Sep/Oct 50 Photometer 11Davn Photometer With Star-Shaped Image," G. G. Lengauer, Natural Sci Inst imeni P. F. Lesgaft, Lab of Astrophys "Astron Zhur" Vol XXVII, No 5., PP 315-319 Da8cribes portable photographic photometer for meas- uring surface brightness, mainly at dawn and twi- light. Photometer is based on use of "ocular pupil" method., in 'which pupil diameter is selected by com- parison with resolving capacity of photoemulsion. Includes photograph of apparatus. 168T4 168T4 Tr--Lnslation from:- Referativn~7 zhurnal, P. 79, # 163o 81766 S/035/60/OGJ/02/08/0()9 Astronomiya i Geodeziya, 1960, No. 2~ ALUF-0-Ft.. Lengauer, 0. G. ;;Q~~ -U On the Method of Precise Photographic Determinat�ons of Artificial Satellite Positiolts xi PEPIODICAL: Byul. st, optich. nablyudenlya iskusstv. sputnikov Zemli, 1959, No. 6, pp. 6-7 T=Mt A device is pro-pos~Bd for photographic determinations of the Pcs.1tion of a sati-,111te, corresponding to a definite instant. Two thin filaments are s-!,retcbed at a certain distance from one other, near the focal plane of the camera. Their direction is app:7oximately perpendicular to the direction of thE satellite image motion. The third filament, parallel to the first twe, is shifted uniformly between them -toward the motion of the satellite image. During its displacement, at definite Instants the contants are closed which produce marks on the chronograph. The satell1te leaves a track on the photoplate, wiln interruptions where its image crossed the filaments. The position of the Card 1/2 Lk 81766 S/035/60/000/02/0~/009 On -,,he Method of Precise Photographic Determfrations of Artificial Satelllte Positions interruption in the track of the movable filament the stars. The time instant, corresponding to ttis is determined from the relative rositions of the chronograpr marks, The described, method can. alsc weak sa:tellites, when tbe motion is imparted to the in direotion of the satellite motion. In this case, filaments will. appear also in the stellar tracks. thereby is reduced, is deter-mined in rela-tion ~c position of the satellite, three Interruptions a-rid be applied In photographing camera or the photoplate -'~.nterruptions duc- to The accurac:y of the m,~-thod k~ M. Lozinski-y VX Card 2/2 88941 3/035/61/000/001/018/019 116 0 (107, /0 g"01 //47 AOO1/AOO1 Translation from- Referativnyy zhurnal, Astronomiya, i Geodeziya, 1961, No. 1, P. 72, # IA520 AUTHOR: ..Lengauer,__G.,O, TITLE: On Possibility of Night-Time Visual Observations of Artificial Sput- niks PERIODICAL: "Izv..Gl. astron. observ. v Pulkovel', 1960, Vol, 21, No. 6, pp. 83- 113 (Engl. summary) TEXT: The author proposes to mount martificial sputnike so-called cata- photes ("katafot!') which are,optical systems with a property of reflecting the light incident on them babk to the source of the light. By illuminating a sputnik with a powerful projectorl it is,pbasible, under certain conditions, to see a star- like spot formed by the cataphote of the sputnik. The observer, however, has to stay close to the projectorp and:this leads to the necessity of observing the spot on the bright background of the-projector beam. The author performs calculations of the background brightness, formed by the projector beam under various observa- tion conditions, on the basis of-the recent published data. He finds the corres- Card 1/2 86941 S10351611000100110181019 AOO1/AOOl On Possibility of Night-Time Visual Observations of Artificial Sputniks ponding limiting stellar magnitudes of a luminous point which is still visible on this background. To detect the sputnik, a sufficiently wide projector beam should be used, for which purpose the p18 jector is somewhat defocused. At a candle power of the projector amounting to 10 candles and a beam width of 50, one can hope to observe the sputnik with an AT-1 telescope up to distances of 500 km. By means of a focused beam, the sputnik can be observed at distances up to 1,500 km, but itis necessary to have an accessory for a sufficiently exact guiding of the projector to the sputnik. Photographic observations are also possible. Author's summary Translator's note% This is the full translation of the original Russian abstract. Card 2/2 !`LOL"UKDVy LENGAUER, Ci,(;,~ SPOYANOVA, K.T,,-i Mil, Selec",.on of stars for Euldlnr, a Iong-focuc -,~ lzv~ GAO 2Z, no,1;91.98 164- WIRA I-Fz3)' -A U i=- P~, PHASE 1 BOOK EXPLOITATILON 3017/5575 Akademiya nauk SSSR. A3tronomicheskiy sovet. Byulleten' stantsiy opticheskogo nablyudeniya ink-uastvennykh sputnikov Zemli, no. 6. (Bulletin of the Stations for C-tical. Observation of Artificial Earth Satellitea. No. 6) MoBc-ow, 1959. 23 P. 500 copies printed. Sponsoring Agency: Astronomichezkiy novet Akademii nauk SSSR. Resp. Ed.: Ye. Z. Gindin; Secretary: 0. A. Severnaya. PURPOSE : This bulletin Is Intended for scientists and englnesr--s concerned with optical tracking of artificial oatelliteza. COVERAGE : The bulletin contains 9 articlea which present the results of satellite observatUions, and describe method5 and specific equipment used for photographic observation of eArth satellites. An appendix contains a listing of 84 Sov--1et satel- lite observation stations with station number. No Card 1/0- Bulletin of the 0-tations (Cont.) A, C;7 r; are mentioned. There are no references. TABLE OF CONTRITS: Panova, G. V., T. Ye. Syshchenko, B. A. Firagc, an;! 1". Ye. Shchegolev Glavna y Fulkwinkaya) AquI-rono7.n'L.--.he!_qkaya k~b-er- ~Puikcvo) Aatroncirnic Obaerva'ciry --.h:-7 vatoriya AN SSSR - Main , 1; Academy of Sciences of the T-'*SSRI.. Ob2ervatlona of S,:~ccrd Artificial Earth Satelli-lUe 01.0-571 P) at Staticn Wo. 039 1'.%_!.kcvo) (Observations: B. A. Firage. D. D. PolozhentBev, V. Fanova., N. M. Bronnikova. Measurementa and Cal culat- -1,-,n ~:-; - -~4. Ye. G. V. Panova, D. Ye. Shchago-i-ev, B. A. Firago, and leva) Lengauer Q G. Main (Fulknvo) As:10~.-renc-mic Ob~-~~-:rvatbr_:7.r cf Acalemy of Sciences of tfie USSR]. On MethodB fer Prer--1,3e graphic Determinations of the Pwiitions of Artific;1a.1 Farth lites Card 2/t)- Bulletin of the Stations (Cont.) 3.9V/5575 Klimenko, I. Ye., and B. D. Fomenko [Stalingradskaya 3tantaiya nablyudeniya ISZ - Stalingrad Satellite Tracking Station.' On Some Problems in the Method of Satellite Observation 8 Khusainov, S. Kh., and Sh. Karatayev [Stantuiya nablyudeniya 13Z pri Kzyj - Ordinskom goo. pedin3titute - Satellite Tracking Station at the Kzyl - Orda State Pedagogica-I !notitutel. Table of the Conversion of Horizontal Coordinates Into Equatorial Co- ordinates i0 Eynasto, Ya., and U. Veysmann [Inatitut fiziki i astronoiLLi AN ESSR - Stantsiya nablyudeniya sputnikov pri Tartuakom gos- darstvennom universitete - Institute of Physics wnd Aatroromy of the Academy of Sciences of the Estonian Soviet Sociaiiat Republi,3. Satellite Tracking Station at Tartu State UniverBity]. Picelim- -e Satel- inary Results of Using Automatic Recording in Theodolit lite Observations -11 Zatsiorskiy, L. M. [Main (Pulkovo) Astronomic Observatoryj. Modift- Card 3/6 Bulletin of the Stations (Cont.) cation of the NAFA-3s/25 Photographic Camera at P~zlkovo Firago, B. A. [ Main (Pulkovo) Abtronom-1,-- Ob2ervatoryl. atical Errors in the Readings of Hundri-~dld-,s cf Second3 of Flrint- ing Chronographs (21-11 Nos. 001, 011, 045 - llqr-4~, 143, 146, ~oc,) A. I.- 1957; 235 - 1958) Romero, G. [Santiago Astronomic Obnervat-ory of thia of Chile]. On the Illumination of an Artlfi~--Iai Results of Photographic Observations of Artif-Icia-1 Earf.11. lites a .Urasin, L. A., L. L. Andriyevskaya, L. K. K-,-j-!Jkova, an~~ Kh. Shakirova [A3tronomiclheakaya obserjatcl.iya lzrn, Engel'- gardta, Kazwit-Astrorcnic Ka-7 an b. Kalikhevich, F. F., and T. Ya. Ivakina (N-Jko.-LayevskoyiE~ otdeleniye GAO AN SSSR - Nikolayevsk Department of the Main Astronomical Observatory of -the Academy of S~;Ienc;eri Card 4/6 Iq . Bulletin of the Stations (Cont.) SOV/5575 of the USSR] c. Kalikhevich, F. F. Corrections of the Universal Time of Photographic Satellite Observations in the Above Depart- ment, Published in the Bulletin of Optical Satellite Tracking_ Stations No. 2 20 d. Rlimishin, !. A. LHead of the Tracking Station of the Astronomical Observatory of the L'vov State University imeni I. Frankol [Astronomicheskaya observatoriya Llvovskogo gosun.-*Lversiteta im. I. Franko. Astronomic Observatory of LIvov University1m. I. Frankc](Methods use;d: Deych and Kayzer. Observers: 1.. F. Vavrinyuk, I. V. ShpIchka, L. F. Lutsiv-Shumskly. Measurements: A. A. Kopystyanskiy, and L. F. Lutsiv-Shumskiy.) e. Bratiychuk, M. V. [Head of the Tracking Station, Uzhcgorod State University] [Uzhgorodskiy gosuniversitet Uzh- gorod University.] (Calculator: Shvalagin) 122 f. Russo, Yu. D., and F. I. Chuprina. Odessa Astronomical Observatory. (Methods used: Deych and Tsesevich. Ob- server: V. V. Grek) 2-' Card 5/6 L - 15318-66 EWT(1) GSIGVI =CC 14, iT6003702 SOURCE CODE: U 6 9 AUTHORS: Kellnikov. 0. A* (Corresponding member AN SSSR)l Lengauar, G.- Ail TITLEt. Astronomical chromatic refraction, in connection with guiding large telescopes ;K SOURGEt AN 54._Aqt_r~r? I Optichaskaya nestabillnost' zemnoy atmosfery (Optical instability of the eafth's atmosphere)* Moscow, Izd-vo Nauka,, 19659 5-9 TOPIC-TAGSt 31ght refraction, 1, h-ismV astronomic telescope, apectraphotometric analysis ABSTRACTs It Is-shown that refraction at a given wavelength-."chromatic refraction"- depend$ UltirAtO4,.Oa the standard air refractive index, The latter is not easily measured,, however, and determinations by different authors vary widely, The refraction of a given star depands on the energy distribution in its spectrum and on the spectral sensitivity of the radiation detector, It is beat to use isophotic wavelengths, and these have been coVuted for a number of temperatures, along with spectrophotometric gradients, The formula for computing these gradients is given* By knowing deviations in the gradients# deviations in isophotio wavelengths may be computed, hence the corresponding. refractive index., and thus the chromatic refraction4 Card 1/2 L -.1. A. IIE~itu.nml. of i'ulp Lines in Drciif-,ing Ir.9t.-allations L ~ Usitir the ]~--;)eated Vibrati. i! C Uld TOCII S(-~, LOW Ill'I"'id 1 ?i:A of 7,,Iiter Trans"ort ;~iigineers, Lerdrip~rad, 1954. (`C*-,'h;--ekh, llll.~b 55) SO: Sum. il~o. 631, 26 uf,, 55 - Survey of Scientific and Tec~i:.-Jcul Diss,--.rta','Lur.s Defended at USSH ldi-mer iLducati.;nal (1111) LENPLUP,&,k~,; ZIMBERM, D.B.; YAROVSKIY, A.D.; KAMENETSMA, I.Ya.; KRASFMW,IKOVA, N.G.; CHECHIK, B.A.; NEYMAN, B.G.; KORKUSHKO, O.V. Organization and first results of the work of a specialized team to control thrombolic complications in V4---. V-r.-ch.delo no.lt108- 109 Ja 163. (MUZA 16:2) 1. Kiyevskaya stantsiya skoro" medits3'xiskoy pomoshchi. _THRCVMW ;I (XIEV-EKBOIJSM) (KM SHTRAUS, Kh.; LENGEL, L; FRICH, T. Influence of air pollution from cement dust on the body and public health. Trudy LSGMI no 50:102-112 160. (I-MA 14: 1-1) (RUM.ANIA-AIR POLLUTION ~ (BE-MIA-PUBLIC HEALTH) KUPCHA, S.; SHTRAUS t Kh.:. LENGEL- , I.; DELYANU, 1,1.; KOMIZ, V. Sanitary and hygienic study of air pollution in the city of T. of the Rumanian People's Republic. Trudy ISG-'.I no-58:113-1.16 '60. (MIRA 14:11) (RUMANIA-AIR POLLUTION) NITR'r L.; IMIGELI, Z-L. Effect of phbriy-l-acs-tJ(, a-,Id and slnf~~,w,:r :3-~ ~~r syntheals. AntiblotAk! 10 v (1.11RA i8z6) I. Fa-rratsFvf.A(;hesM.y i~avod D---brets~~n, Vengriya. It Ij IIF Cu iTU lu periodicals: I Vc). - 3, no. 1 , Jan. lQC:' , - . in the foca ir. tl,,e Western LU?CjEL~I ~ I _L I coun~.ries. P. 11. ,~ontlily List of East Eurqrem Accessim s _11~ Vol. '9'. no. ~':a- 10501, I_Tnclass. MICIER" vIj inz~t, dr.,, S'AARCUK. Z.,nion, KUTZEI-MORIME-11, Jarog2av R--.cUoacti-m apro5cl concentration measurement by the retnoda of fiLtr--tion and oil electrostatic precipitation. Jaderna ener.c-',e 11o,10006-3T 0 i57. 1, Ustav hyglen7 prace a chorob z prmoiani, Praha Uor Ler-2--). 2. Ustav jadarne fysiky, Ceskoslovenska ak~az3rde ved., Preaia Ovor Starcuk and Kuttzendorfer). LIZIGERIV- Current problems in radiation dosimetry and health physics. Cas.1ek. cesk. 103 no.1:7-10 3 Ja164. Liii&tifts of isotope renograpby in the diagnosis of renal artsv~r itetiosis.. .Ibid.' 11-34 . 1. Ustav klinicke a experimentalni chirurgie v Prazereditel. prof.dr.B.Spacek, DrSc. LENGER Vladimir Present state of production and distribution of medical radioactive substances at the Radiochemical Center in Amersham. Jaderna energie 10 no.M381 0 164. 1. Tnstitute of Tndustrial Hygiene and Occupational Diseases, Pr( I -igue. INNGBR, ~Iadinir, Je-, NOCA, Ladislay Now type of an electroprecipitator. Pracovni lek. 6 no,,6:354 15 Noy 54. 1. Ustav higiarq-prace a chorob z povolani Praha. (APPARATUS AND DiSTRUMINTS electric precipitator) LENGER., V. ; MATOUSEK, V. ......... I- Thermoelectroprecipitator; preliminary communication. P. 555 CHEMICKE LISTY (Ceskoslovenska akademic ved. Ceskaslovenska Spolecnost, chemicka) Praha, Czechoslovakia. Vol. 49, no. 4, Apr. 1955 Jan Monthly List of East European Accessions LC, Vol. 9, no. 111960 Uncl. LENGza, v. j. vr-~*W'.m ~~, Aerosols In control of dilat In working astablishments. Fracoyni lek. 8 no. 1: 53-6 Jan 56. 1. Ustay hygieny prace a chorob z povolant, Praha. (DUST, control with aerosols (Cs)) (AMOSOLS, dust control in Indust. (Cz)) LEVGFER, V. LEWM, V. Electrostatic precipitator adapte-1 for use at high rates cf flow. p. 345 Vol. 50 no. 1. Jan. 1956 CHEMICKE LISTY. PRAHA. CZECHOSLOVAKIA SOURCE: EAST EUROPEAN ACCESSION8 LIST (EEAL) VOL. 6 NO 4 Apri-1 1957 "ell'q &-)~- V, J- Czechoslo-vakia/Fitting Out of Laboratories -- -1n8truments, Their Theorf, Con- stinuction, and Use, H Abst Jouxnal: Referat Zhur - IG-dmiya.. No 1., 1957., 1345 Author: Lenger., V. J. Institution: None Title; An Electrostatic Precipitator for High-Speed Sampling Original Periodic&l: Chem. listy, 1956, Vol 50, No 1, 146-148; Czech Abstract: An apparatus is described permitting the sampl:Lng of aerosols, gases., and vapors even at. high flcvr rate3 (10-25 m/sec). The flow through the sampling inlet is maintained equal to that of the surrounding stream. Card 1/1 LENGER) V. Notes on Starcuk-Kutzendorfer's article "Measurements of the Concentration of Natural Radioactive Aerosol by Means of the Filteration Method and the Electrostatic Precipitation Method." p. 3o6 (JADER-14A ENERGIE) Vol. 3, no.10, Oct. 1957, Praha, Czechoslovakia SO: Monthly Index of East European Acces~ions (EEAI) LC, Vol. 7, No. 3, March 1958 77- 7-. ZL LENGXR, V.J. Dosimetry of discrete and internal3g, administered radioisotones. Neoplasma, Bratial. 6 n0-3:280-294 1959 1. Institute of Industrial Hygiene and Occupational Diseases, Prague, CSR. (RADIOMETRY) LEMBR, T.J. Ionization chambers for use in treatment with radioactive substances. Neoplasma, Bratisi. 6 no.4:409-414 1959. 1. Institute of Indastr~al Hygiene and Occupational Disease, Prague, GSR. (RADIOTHIRAPY equip. & supply) LENG]IRl Vladimir j.; KUMNA,Jan Q -- Type and degree of hazard In modern workshops utilizing radio- luminescent substances. Pracovni. lek. 11 no.7:364-367 S 159. 1. Ustav hygieny prace a chorob z povolani v Praze; Hygienicko- epidemiologicka stanice UNV v Praze. (LUMIIIESCKNON) (RADIATION INJURY etiol) 24149 Z/038/61/000/007/001/001 D219/D303 AUTHORS; Lengerp Vladimir, and Matougekj Vladimir TITLE: Pressure ionization chamber for dose rate measurement of local gamma radiation PERIODICAL: Jaderna' energie, no. 7, 1961, 234 - 238 TEXT: The article describes the design and characteristics of pres- sure ionization chambers, and their advantages for local rate mea- surement. The term local gamma radiation is misleading as it inclu- des, apart from gamma rays, radiations arising from the influence of the primary radiation on the surrounding materials, retardation beta rays, and secondary electrons. The intensity of the local ra- diation varies from 3.1 /Ar/hr. (in lime rock) to 21 Fr/hr. and over (in uranium rock). Measurement by pressure ionization chamber has the following advantages: 1) One can use a quantity of gas which would make a normal ionization chamber very large; 2) One can use a much smaller electrode surface for a given quantity of Card 1/4 24A9 ZZ038/61/000/007/0WOGI Pressure ionization ... D219/D303 gas resulting in a much better ratio of ionization current/electron emission; 3) The pressure ionization chamber does not work in the saturation region: as the pressure rises and the static field falls the recombination along the a-ray path rises much faster than the agglomeration along the P-ray and secondary electron paths. Pig. 3 gives the dependence of saturation of a particles in polonium at 10 atmospheres pressure on the intensity of the electromagnetic field. Values for 3 given intensities of electromagnetic field are also given; 4) The measuring arrangement is very simple, the electro- meter is used as a zero indicator; the ionization current is much greater than the insulation current. The disadvantage of the pres- sure chamber is its size, and low efficiency in the case of low energy protons (Below 150 keV). A ball shape vias selected for the chamber mainly because the radiation comes from many directions, it is also the best from the strength point of view. The volume (capa- city) is 14 liters. The chamber was tested to 26 atm. pressure, was cleaned with steel balls, washed with alcohol, and nitrogen. A mano- meter is permanently connected as a indicator of tightness. The Card 2/4 24149 Z/038/61/000/007/001/001 Prepsure ionization U D219/D303- electrometer can be covered with a polythene bag in case of damp surroundings. The whole-cha-mber weighs 12 kg. It is sug--ested that a miniature electronic voltmeter fix*ed to the chamber would be the most suitable arrangement; the authors did not have such an instru- ment and used a Vulf-electrometer. To be able to measure local ra- diation, it is of course necessary to 1-MOW the instruments' read- ing when this local radiation is absent. The best way to do this is a steel cubicle with a wall thickness of 25 am. In the laborato- ry the value for the local'radiation was 7 gr/hr. By repeated expe- riments it aas fo,,-,nd that an intensit~r of 2 LLr/hr. could be neasu-_ red with a variation of 10 ~, at a pressure o~f 10 atmospheres. 'There are 9 figures and 1-0 non-Soviet-bloc references: The references to the 4 most recent English-language publications read as follows: B. Hultqvist, Studies on Naturally Occurring Ionizing Ra~iations, Stockholm, 1956; R. Sievert, The L7xDo,;ure of Man to Ionizing Radi- ationst U.N. General Assembly, A, 31 . Jan. 1957; G.J. Hine, G.I;. L"y Brownellt Radiation Dosimetry, New York 1956,179-184; P.J.R. Burcht Supl. Brit. Inl. -Rad. 7t 20. 1957. Card 3/4 Pressure ionization ... 24149 Z/03 61/000/007/001/001 D219%303 A3bOCIATION: dstav hygieny pra'ce a chorob z povlhni, Praha (Insti- tute for Work Hygiene and Occupational Diseases, Prague) Fig. 3 - Legefid: 1 - Saturation 10 L jo Card 4/4 S/058/6WOOC/006/010/136 AOO'1/A1Gl AUTHOR: Lenger, V. J. TITLE: Description of a technique for measuring atmospheric radioactivity and for separating radioactive aerosols PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Fizika, no. 6, 19621. 17, abstract 6BI17 ("Zdravotni techn. a vzduchotechn.", ig6i., v. 11, no. 2, 55 - 61, Czech; Russian and English summaries) TKKT: The layout of an apparatus is described, which is intended for the continuous control of atmospheric radioactivity, and also for separating, and measuring the concentration of, radioactive aerosols and gases on large-scale nuclear plants and in hot laboratories. The measuring part of the apparatus ensures sufficient sensitivity to determine the maximum admissible concentra- tion of most of the more widespread radioisotopes. Aerosols are separated with polarized electrical filters in the passage of the radioactive medium through special electrical receivers. Polarized electrical filters are made from a porous dielectric (in the form of a glass fabric or a glass-fiber packing), con- Card 1/2 Description of a... S/058/6 2100010CAIG 10/ 1 Y, A061A101 taining a spiral or grid-like conductive electrode. If the potential on this electrode is sufficiently high, the surface of the dielectric is polarized and, as experiments have shown, it appears as a very efficient filter for the majority of aerosols that have been previously ionized by ari auxiliary field. It is rioted that polarized electrical filters present important advantages as compared with similar mechanical, centrifugalj or electrostatic devices. The filters under consideration offer a considerably greater efficiency, a large throughput capacity, a reliable operation in separating both finely and coarsely dispersed media, and are suited for continuous operation. P. Sosenko [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 2/2 LENGEROVA, A. ~- Inequa.lity of cellB produced by the fiBBion of the mother cell. Chekh.biol.Z no.1;18-Z8 Ap 153. (HLRA 7:2) 1. Biologicheskiy institut ChSAN, radiobiologiya, Praha. (Celle) LINGBROVA. A. KATOUSEK, V. Difference of reaction to irradiation in daughter calls from the same mother cell. Chekh. biol. 3 no,3:155-167 Aug 54. 1. Inetitut biologii ChSAN, radiologlia, Praga. (CALL DIVIS ION, Resotsanium caldariorum, variation of respoase to Ionizing radiation of daughter cells) (ALGAIR Haeotaenium caldariorum call division, variation of response to Ionizing radiations of daughter calls) (201MIONS, effects, ionizing radiations on Hasotasnium caldartorum daughter cells, varidfiijit7 of response) LINGEROVA, A. kr,~ Method of evaluation of the effect of ionizing irradiation of microorganisms. Fol.biol., Praha-l no.1:54-61 2 Yeb. 55 l..Biologichaskiy institut ChSAN, radiobiologiya. Praga (PROTOZOA, Tetrahymena gelciiJ, off. of ionizing radiations. method of evaluation of eff.) (RADIATIONS, effects, P ionizing. on totrahymena gelcii. method of evaluation of off.) -.Pec4f7c f eat! xn.- n haematopoieuC.' e C.P. 17-1 ins Uutf:, Academy of GASHEK. M.; LANGIROVA. A.; HOIRNOVA, 1. Analysis of the role of blood cello in experimental investigations on failure of skin homotransplantation in warm-blooded animals. Fol.biol.. Praha 1 no-5:319-320 Oct 55. 1. 3tologicheakiy institut CHSAN. eksperimentalinaya biologiya i genetika, Praga. (SKIN TRANSPLOTATION, experimental. off'. of erythrocyte suspension in chick embryo on homografts) (BRYTRROCMS, off. of erythrocytic suspension on skin homografte in chick embryo) 1ENGEROVA, Alena Method of investigations of the effect of ionizing radiations on microorganisms. Cesk. biol. 4 no.1:45-52 Jan 55. 1. Biologicl,7 UBtaV CSAV, radiobiologie, Praha. (MICROBIOLOGY, microorganisms, eff. of ionizing radiations, technic of investigation) (RADIATIONS, effects, on microorganisms, technic of investigation) LENGEROVA, A.: ZEMN]f V Biological protection against ionizino radiation. I. Protec .tive effect of embrovonic tissues. P. 343. CE3KO3LOV-6NSKA BIOIDGIE. (Ceskoslovenska akademie ved. Biologicky ustav) Praha. Vol. 4, No. 6, June 1955 SOURCE: East European Accesslons List ( EE4) Library of Congress. V01. 5, No. 1, January. 1956. ESSLOVA, Marta; LENGEROVA, Alona Effect of the composition of medium used in exposure of tissue culture to roentgen rays. Cask. biol. 4 no.6:358-361 June 55. 1. Biologicky ustav CSAV, experimentalni biologio, Praha. (ROEINGEIT RAYS, effects, on tissue culture, off. of clilture medium on reaction) (TISSUE CULTURE, effect of radiations on, x-ray, eff. of culturn nedium on reactinn) HASEK, Milan: LENGEROVA, Alena; MATERNOVA, Eva Analysis of the role of blood cells in experimentAl overcoming of intolerance to cutaneous homografts ii warm-blooded animals. Cask. biol. 4 no.9:564-565 Oct 55. 1. Biologicky ustav CSAV, experimentaini biologie a genetika Praha. (ERYTHROCYTES, in exper. skin transpl., role in overcoming of intolerance to homografts) (SKIN TRANSPLANTATION, experimental, erythrocytes in overcoming of intolerance to homografte) Ot j 'N Ty T -:. Gy :Gej~crul .' ro-lems ol Patholol(v. Immunity 1959, ~,To. JOUR. %. RZBiOl., -"'0- 12 .5621- va, A., Hajer, J., Haternova, VIP. I,1, J- uole of Cells in the Process of Apposition S'~ .1:`-15'. :Cei3kosL. 1.91-)5, vol.11, I~o.lo, 627-630 AT,33 T.--IA CIT :no abstract C it:~ D : ]./I CZECHOSLOVAKIA / Human and Animal Physiology (Normal and T-4 Pathological)i Blood. Abe Jour : Rof Zhur - Biologiya, No 13, 1958, No. 60174 Author : Hraba, T.; Ha3koya, VI; Longerova, A., Vojtiskova, M; Inst : Not given ------- Title : Effect of Intraombryonic Injection of Heterogeneous Blood on Antibody Formation Orig Pub : Coakosl- biol., 1956, 5, No 1, 1-4 Abstract : Chickens injoctod with the blood of turkeys, gulnoa-hon3l and ducks in the course of their embryonic development showod no changos in the formation of agglutinina and precipitins. -- L. N. Dayneko Card 1/1 CZECROSIDVAKIA / ffwman and Animal Physiology. The Action of T Physical Factors. Abe Jour Ref Zhiz - Biol. iio 15, 1958., No- 7o653 Author :.Jung Alena !~:rpv Inst : Not given Titlo :The Lethal Effects of Intrauterine Irradiation of Pats as a Function of the Stage of Growth FLt the bhment of Exposure Orig Pub :Ceskosl. biol., 1957, vol 6, No 4, 276-286 Abstract :-'let embryos were irradiated with d.oses of 200-400 r in one of five stages between the seventh and the fifteenth day of intrauterine life. The radiosengitivity was de- temined by the degree of lethal affect. Intrauterine death of the entire litter vas seen following irradiation in stages from one through four. The greatest lethal effects on those surviving until birth were seen following Ceard 1/2 CZECHOSLOVAKIA / General Biology. Individual Development. B Enbryonic Development. Abe Jour Ref Zhur - Biologiya, No 4, 1959, No. 14379 Author Lenqerova Alena. Inst 0t g ven Title The Effect of Intrautorine Irradiation Upon the Morphological and Hematological Changes, the Interrelationship of Sexes and the Body Weight of Rate Depending Upon the Stage of Their Development at the Time of Irradiation Orij3 Pub : Cekosl. b1ol., 6, No 5, 321-329;lqil iYostract : 'Ihen living young rats vrere examined aftor the pregnant rats were Irradiated by X-rays, changes in their peripheral blood which would indicate Impairments effected by radintion Card 112 CZECHOSLOVAKIA General Biology. Individual Development. B '5~bryonic Development. Abs Jour Rof Zhur - Biologlya, No 4, 1959, No. 14379 were not found. Deviations of the 1:1 head index are not statistically reliable and cannot therefore serve as Indicators of the radiation's affect upon sox differentiation or upon the differentiation in the sensitivity to radiation of the two sexes. The maximiLni deviation from. the normal weight effoctod by radiation is observed In young rats, the mother of which was treated with X-rays on the 13th day of pregnancy. This deviation doos not coincide with the maximum effect of lethal radiation. -- V. A. Dorfman K 7 14? 7A I'FDICA Sec 2 Vol 11/7 P!-Ysioln,-Y July 53 3267. SPERMATOGENESIS IN RATS IRRADIATED DURING EMBRYONAL DE- VELOPMENT - Spermatogenesa krys po ozd'~cni v embryogenese Lenaerov.1 A. and Vojtl'i1.1-.ovd M. 13iol. fist. 4~SAV, Ex-).Biol. a Gen ~-, -Praha - CSL.BIOL. 1957, 6/5 (330-333) Tables 5 Illus' 7 Tile testes of 6-week-old rats which had been X-rayed with 200 r. or with an ID95 on the 7th, I Ith or 15th day of intrauterine development showed the following changes: Spermatogenesis was decreased after irradiation on tile 15th day and either decreased or increased after irradiation on the 7th or I Ith day, while a marked decrease in weight of the testis was observed in all cases. The most pro- nounced changes were seen after irradiation on the 15th day of gestation, These changes were also uniform, in contrast to those after irradiation at an earlier stage. It appears that the damaging effect of a given dose depends chiefly on the stage of development at which it is applied. The correlation with size of dose is less regular. With irradiation on the 7th or Ilth day there is a greater individual variability, both in damage and in reparative processes. EXCERPTA ~~EDICA Sec# th Oct. 57 3161. LENGEROVA A., LENGER V. J., ESSLOVA M., TUSCANY R. and VOLFOVA M7-Trdpt-.-6f-E-1ophys. Inst. of Industr. Hyg. and Occup, Dis., Prague. *The influence of the shape of dust particles on the rate of phagocytosis in vitro BRIT. J. INDUSTR.MED. 1957, 14/1 (43-46) Graphs 3 Illus. 1 The rate of phagocy-tosis of 2 shapes of dust particles - 'long' and 'round' - was studied in an investigation in vitro in cultures of macrophages from the spleen of chicken embryos. The round particles were phagocytosei preferentially. This re- sult is discussed from the standpoint of existing theories of phagocytosis as well as from that of the relation between the rate of phagocytosis and the harmfulness of different kinds of dusts. zxcERj>TA mED17,k 3ec 16 Vol 7/2 Cancer Feb 59 570. Th, problem of delayed death after transplanlation of non-irradiated homokgnus lisfur to lethally irradialtd attirru;ls K otAzcc pozdni sairti letilne oziifcn~ch ~.i%-(Auchu po tratisplantaci ncoziiien6 hornologni tkAn(-. IXNGF.RovA A. Biol. Ost. CiAN', Odd. E.xp. Biol. a Genet., Pralia (',s1. Blol. 1958, 7AR ~3-2 )~,raplis 1 Many cases of 'delayed death' occur in lethally irradiated animals saved by the single injection of a suspension of horno- or hetcrologous blood-forming cells from non-irradiated donors. I'licse cases are explained 1)), an in-vivo antigen-antibody reaction between (lie host and the homo- or heterograft or biood-ro,tiiiiig titic. The authors attempted to discover whether this was a reaction of the graft against the host or vice versa. It was assumed that, ifdclaycd death is due to reaction ofthe homograft against the host, then this might be prevented by using cmbr onal blood-forming tissue for therapy, as by the tise of this therapy tolerance migTt be induced toward the host. Mice irradiated with goo r. were given to7 boroologoUS liver cells from 18 to 2o-day-old foetuses. This caused survival Of 35% of irradiated animals as compared to o% in the controls. In no case, after the administration of embryonal homologous blood-forming tissue did delayed death occur during the critical period Of 4-5 weeks after irradiation, when only a temporary decrease in weight could be found. LENGEhOVAj_ A! TTPKCfVA, Marta Qna;..VO. Postpartum reactivity of female mice to malg-specific antigens. Folia biol. no.1:21-26 162. 1. Institute of Experimental Biology and Genetics,-Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Prague. (SKIN TRANSPLANTATION experimental) 14ATOUSEK, V.; LENGEROVA, Alena; VOJTISKOVA, Marta Further observations on-the sex ratio in the offspring of irradiated male birds. Folia-biol. no.1:27-33 162. 1. Institute of Experimental Biology and Genetics, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Prague. (RADIATION EFFECTS experimental) (SEX) LENGEROVA, Alena; VOJTISKOVA, Marta Two-step transplantation therapy in lethally irradiated mice. Folia biol. 8 n0-5;288-297 162. 1. Institute of Experimontal Biology and Gonotics, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Prague. (RADIATION INJURY-, EXPERIMENTAL) (LIVER) (TESTIS) (TRANSPLANTATION) (IM4UNITY) (SKIN TRANSPLANTATION) (OVARY) HASEK, M.; HORT, J.; LENGEROVA.-Alona- VOJTISKOVA, Marta ....... ~% " - , . . J, Imminological jolerance in the heterologous system. Folia biol. 9 no.1:1-19 163. 1. Institute of Experimental Biology and Genetics, Czechoslovak kca!demy of Sciences, Prague. (PARABIOSIS) (IMMR1ITY) (ANTIGENS) (ERYTHItOCYTES) (TRANSPLANTATION) (SKIN TRANSPLANTATION) (BLOOD TRANSFUSION) (BLOOD GROUPS) (HYBRWIZATION) LENGEROVA, Alenal VOJTISKOVA, Marta Prolonged survival of oyngoeic male skin grafts in parous C57B I mice. Folia biol. 9 no.1-72-74 163. 1. Institute of Experimental Biology and Genetics,, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Prague. (SKIN TRANSPLANTATION) (DOWNITY) (PREGNANCY, ANIMAL) (INSE14INATION) (SEX) (MATERNAL-FETAL EXCHANGE) LENGEROVA, Alena; POLACKOVAI ME~rta The requirements for -61srance induction in cell-graft3 from adult donors. Folia biol. 9 no.3:189-195 963. 1. Institute of Experimental BiolW and Genetics, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Prague. (TRANSPLANTATION) (DfMUNITr) (CITOLOGr) (BONE MARROW) (LIVER) LENGEROVA, Alena Quantitative study on-Interactions of cullular grafts in mouse radiation chimaeras. Folia biol. 9 no.3:196-202 163. 1. Institute of Experimental Biology and Genetics,, Czechoslovak Academy of Science) Prague. (RADIATION INJURY, EXPERUMAL) (SKIN TRANSPLANTATION) IMIGEROVA, Aaena; VOJTISKOVA, Marta R6.Le of the thymuB in mouse radiation chimaeras. Folia Y-ol. (Praha) 10 no.3t245Q49 16-4 1. Institute of Experimental Biology and Genetics, ftechoslo- vsk Academy of Sciences, Fraguero LRICZEROVA, Puena Lmminological problems of radiation chJinera2. Rtnp~&-ry mat CSA7 0 71, nc,.8-.1-93 1-64 BLATTNY, Ctibor, akademik; HASEK, Milan, doc. dr.;-,.LENGEROVA, Alena, dr..; SVOBODA, Jan, dr. Problems of Michurin's biology. Vest ust zemedel 11 no. 5: 200-203 '64. 1. Corresponding member of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences (for Hasek). IVRIOV,A.; STRUSIE-VICI,B.; MIGHEL,I. Investigations concerning the efficiency of incubation at 430C. of enriciment media for the isolation of Salmonella. Runanian med. rev. 7 no.4s.19-23 O-Dt63. Dr SIN US)! INI:-d thr; a"','R 'T ril :;";wnTatf.) Publ.lct~ w% k- n- pal 011] a !"ew to rl "'I d j i ,c 4.4. 11 I a CarrierB a Sa (.Jrdemic c r 0 c t '.vr e 5 ~:xd b, i 1 Vu vw.-ci inc. I-R~ 1RWANIA Bucharestt Microbiolo-gini-Parazi-cologia M-1 ogiat L_4100. %Oi '1101 81 Ito 11 39 degrees Celsius and also at 43 degrees Celsiuc!~. Incu- bation at 43 degrees led to a higher proportion of POSiti7S results for so typhit 0. pnrathvnhi B and other Salmonella4 it had the same efficiency in-i'SiF diiect ion of Salmonella carriers among former typhoid and pp-ratyphoid patients as incubation at 39 degrees. Parallel coprocultures and bile cultures are ITco=ended, with incubation of tho med-la at 37 degrees and 43 degreee Calsiuss Contains 3 tables and "I reference,-, of which 2 are Rumanian., 2 Russian, 2 British and 1 German* LV2 MAIER, N., Dr.: LINGHIL L dr.; MARGINNANU, C., dr.; PITRZANU, R., dr.; FANKA, M., dr, Npidemiological and immunological role of natural sources of wator in conditions of specific contamination. Rev. igiena microb. epMem., Bucur. Vol-3:19-35 Julv-Sept 55. 1. Lucrare executatu in Inatitutul de Igiena, filiala Cluj si Fillala Cluj a Inst Dr. I Cantacuzino. (WATER SUPPLY contamination by sewage & waste from indust. plants causing epidemics of dysentery, typhoid & paratyphoid fever, in Rumania. (SEWAGE contamination of river water supply causing epidemics of dysentery, typhoid & paratyphoid. favor, in Rumania. (TYPHOID FEVER. epidemiol. traneya. by contamination of water supply by sewage. epidemiol. & Immunol. study in Rumania. (PARATTPHOID FEVERS, epidemiol. (SAME) (DYSENTEU caused by contamination of water supply by sewage, epidemiol. & immunol. study In Rumania. LENGNIX, R.N. Standards for the masses! Standartizatsiia 29 no.8:25-26 165- (MIRA 18-10 TAUSZK,, Eva, dr.; LENGUEL, Anna, dr. Trichuriasis causing severe hypochromic anemia. Or-7. he-~il. 105 no.6:267-269 9 V64 1. Orvostovabblepzo Intezet, III. Belgyogyaszati Tansz6lk es Qrozagos Kozegeezuegugyi Inte:yet, Parazitologiai Osztaly. AGOSTONY Eva, dr.; JANOSSY, Gergely, dr.; LRIGUEL, Gyula, dr.; SZOLLOSSY, Ervin, dr. Isolation of viruses and serological tests in the 1962 keratoconjunc- tivitis epidemic in Szeged. Orv.hetil. 105 no.5:225-227 2F 164. 1. Szeged, Varosi 1(6zegeszsegUgyi JarvanyUgyi Allomas. LENGUEL o -dr. POLGAR, fhdre, d.-.,- KEVEHAZI, Ferenc, dr. ==~_kjjm, Alveolar pulmonary microlit-hiasi:!-. Orv. hetil. 105 no-4: 1896-1898 4 0 1 e, 1. Povorosi Bajcs7~-Zsilinszky Korha27., Rc)ntgenosztaly,, I. Belosztaly es III. Belossztaly. LENGUNS F.F.. tekhnik; KAYAROV; Yu.7h., inzh. Converting the control circuits of sluices and protection of substations to operational alternating current. Blek. sts. 29 no.10:52-55 0 '58. Ollectric substations) (MIRA 11:11)