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IXNDVAI, V. Ourcombine operators in the E24AG factory. p. 27 (Allami Gazdasag. Vol. 8, no. 3, Mar 1956, Hungary) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAL) LC, Vol. 6, no. 6, June 1957. Uncl. 0 . ; 0 ',,IC, I !A) L. V A I- S- et. J~J. hallini, Vto,tatir, effc of neW sugar derill3ti'vle:3 ~jl. --yntlie-iS ine deri~latl`es of nonosacchrldes. It" diethylMll -Lv' .ai Tuclolpianyok lildollkirlYos Akaderqia- 1950 I-'agyar T -I-,L, no !ungal'Y VOl'* 2) Fe-,- - 1060 ccessions Vol. I !,',onthlY List of 1,:ast European Uncl. C/Vl) V4~ JARARI, I.; IMTDVAY, 13. Mhe notion of a-dinitroDhenol on heat pro&wtion and body temperatura in hy-noxic hypoxia. Acta physiol. hung. 13 no.2:147-3,51 1958. 1. Institute of Pathophysiology, Medical University, Pecs. (ANOXIA, exper. eff. of 2,4-dinitronhanol on heat prod. & body temperature in hypoxia of rats) (NITROPMOIS, eff. 2, 4-clinitronhenol on heat prod. & body temperature in hypoxia of rats) (BODY TAMPEXATURE, eff. of drugs on same) LENDVAY, E. The role of surface bydrwWls of A1203. xH20 in the luminescence of adsorbed f2uoreacein moj.eoujes, Act& pbys H=g 13 no.39333-340 161. 1. Research Institute for Technical Physics of the Hungarian Acaderv of Sciences, Budapest. Preuented by G. Szigati, S/061/63/000/001/025/061 B144/B186 AWHOR: Lendvay, E. TITLE: Luminescence of phosphors based on adsorbed fluorescein PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no. 1, 1963, 91, abstre:ct 1B632 (Acta phys. Acad. scient. hung., v. 131 no- 3, 1961, 289-302 ELI, ng.; summary in Rues.]) TSM Oreanic substances showing in most cases an intensive luminescence in dissolved state, do not exhibit this effect when they are-in soW. state or adsorbed on solid bodies. It is shown in the paper that fluorescein adsorbed on the surface of an Al 0 *H 0 film obtained by 2 3 2 anorlic Al oxidation emits under the effect of UV light an intensive green luminescence, It is established that the intensity and the wave-length of Lhe emission maxima depend on the method of chemical surface treatment of the Al 203* H2 0 film. Treatment of the film with alkalis yields -the hijhest effect. [Abstracter's note: Complete translation.] card 1/1 LENDVAY E - =JARAIJ.; RICHTER, K.; KOVACS, P.; SOMOGYI, M. '"i on the luminese6nt protprties of ZnS phosphors prepared at the room temperature. Chekhosl fiz zhurnal 13 no.2:14Z-147 163. 1. Research Institute for Technical Physics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, 3ungary. 1,ENDVAY9 E. - Ar-',fl P-h.79 on. the nucleation in olf~'uelon ci-Y3~al 9-"~r'il,- Ilung 17 no.3-3-15-340 '6L" 'e 0- Techn"ca' flhy-~Ics~ H'Ungx-e-a;, - L - 1, 1. Research lnstitl~ ~r(--ptnteli '01 -- -,- p,caderfly of Sciences., Budape5t. UNDIJAY, Edmond Luminescence and activation, of unfire6 ZnS-s. Asta Dhvs-~ca 11o.11 26 no.3/4!699-695 S-0 164. 1, R~serirch Tnstitute or Technical Fhvs-'~c.; of the Hunganan - n ~,(-,adtNpy OLI S:iences. budauest. L MiVAY, 117. "Experiences in merging -the 'rospital and dispensur-y on Sandor PeterIfy Street. (I-TF E :GUGf, Vol - 34 -' - ry.) p, 176. 11 1 FPGE.SZS: - , no. 7, JulY 10,53, Dudg-rest, ':unga . SO: East European, L. C. Vol. 2, No. 12, Dec. 1953 LENDVAY2 Labxlo, gepeszmernok Ne4 dri,VeB deoigned at the CBepel Automobile Factory. Jarw, mezo gey 9 no.6:210-216 Je '62. 1. Csepal Autogyar Kiserleti, Uzem muszaki vezetoje. LENDVAY. Odon Some practical applications of luminescence. Musz elet 16 no.22:7 '61. 5106116--1000100310091036 B144/B186 AUTHOR: TITLE: paratus for r id analjsis of organic natural and Ap ap synthetic substances PERIODICAL.- Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no. 3, abstXact 1963, 150 3D18 (Hung. patent 147826, November 301 196o), TEXT., 'The apparatus patented comprises an activator, a light source %(LS) a measuring part (MP). The activator serves to apply and fix the fluor6acein on the surface of the component tested, and consists of ...4-washing system and a drier-with IR lamps. Some organic fluorescein compounds in.adoorbed atate'are capable of emission, if the adsorbent contains th e,groups -OH, -NH, -NH , etc. In theIS, the excitation of 2 the activated componLant is effected. The LS comprises Hg of hydrogen lamps and an.optical system, by means of which.the incident as well as the emitted1ight-is fixed. The 14P.which receives and records the tor for decomposing the incoming signst contains a monochlroma ifluorescent light.and measuring devices recording the fluorescent light Card 1/2 z4l L 32_1~6-66 T/VR(t)/ETI IJP(c) GOAD :C NR: AP6020619 SOURCE CODE: hIJ/0034/65/013/003/0231/024,!~, AUTHOR: Lendvay, Odon ORG: Res6Aibh~ Instit emy 6i'Sdienceso- ute for Physical Technologyp Hungarian Acad Budapest (Maygar Tudomanyos Akademia Muszaki Fizikai Kutato Intezete) TITLE: Diffusion method for crystal growing SOURCE: Magyar fizikai folyoirat, v. 13, no. 3o 1965p 231-249 TOPIC TAGS: crystal growing, chemical decopoosition, nucleation IV ABSTRACT: The diffusion method for crystal growing was discussed in detail on the basis of references in the literature. A description was given of the theoretical and apparative aspects involved and the advantages of the technique were outlined. It can be employed with especial advantage for compounds that are insoluble and decompose at temperatures below their melting points, such as complexes and organic salts. The mechanisms involved in diffusion nucleation and crystal growth were discussed and various parameters employed in practical applications were described 4nd illustrated, [JFRS1 SUB CODE: 20 / SUBM DATF,- Oloct64 / ORIG REF: 002 / OTH REF1 012 7k9- LENDVEY Ivan inz. Automatic control system of river boats built in the Komarno shipyards. Doprava. no.2:134-138 163. 37762 D244/3302 AUTMRS: Lend-el', B., Sekey, T. and Chuppon, T I T L'E' On the '--drolysis and poly c onde.,, sat i on of -,,,,e cl,lorooilane "hi ~ ' kt-cheskoye primeneniye S 0 U P C'E:, K _..,iiya 1 pra I.J ii. no. o: Dj'~laJyj ;,ikh soyedineniy; taudy konferentsi" .4 niye. II Vses. konfer. ,),j diorl-lussii, resje L prim. kre=ieorg. soyed. Lexi. 1958. Lejj4n-rL~d, !7,d-vo AN ~33R, 1961, 184-194 TEM T.he objec-. of the work was to investigra-te the oyj'.e::~ of me- thy! siloxanes wiih a h-ILLIdi averaQre functionality u,.-,d to f-Lill a v _proper,y of -the hydroiysate on quan-itatively measurable v . _~ 1, -ulne hydrolysis purame-~ers. Ii was thuo desired -Qo 00"Ublizh do- n o the ~)roduct properties on tu'lie conditions of yriro~y~ _o. ,dence e v U - -V:4 -*,, _. The hydrolysis was conducted in butyl acetate satura e- For the gel-forming sysiems the fraction of Polysiloxane C> 0 1 =els was determined by changing 'the composition olf d-rolysin.,g Card 1/ 3 S/661 /61 1/0001/006/04r 2,103 1 On ther hydrolysis ... :)244;/ D.) 02 edium. For the systems in whi ch there was no go', at 4 on L',,U fi,:j'- - V _L I . U portion of polysiloxane formed was examined in relation to tlie con- ditions of hydrolysis. Di-ffusion constant, measure:.,e-.cits Lz~;ed -for characterizing average degree of the polymerization, us-4:i,:,- dry bu- Uyl acetate as~a solvent. The method of moments was uL;ed for cal- culating the diffusion constants on the basis of c 1 X2 Dde 2 c - 22 M t 1 2 C 2 where 'H0is the zero moment, '.i2- the mome-nt of secord, order, - time in seconds, c - cone entration and 3 a const"i-nt, equal to 2. - was found tha' T) increases in an all-aline or buffered me- 10 IU Card 2/3 S/661/61/000/006/042/081 On the hydrolysis ... D244/D_,'02 diu-:i. 1.1"hie presence of cc.-tain cations, in narticular during hydrolysis showed tne same action as the increase in pH-,. D i11 all concentrat,lon regions investigated decreased if PH of t'.e hydr,_-~Iyz- in:7 --..odium (distilled water) had a lower value '61han zl:i- 3P0 ~+ solution used. The authors concluded that in Na of tile increasing pH during hydrolysis -is con'.ciected wJ-u,-.- -~he increasir,6 diffusion constants or the mean dif-fusion conotants of the primary hydrolysate. -I- decrease of the mean molecular o--F' hyl sJ loxanes with increasin- pH and the accompanyin:, wez~,;,. me Uendency to.,ards gel formation in SiCl 4 - (CH 3)2 Sicl2 syate:,s indi- cated clearly the decreasin--, de,--ree of polydispersion which favored (D 0 t;le condensation. ~_ discussion followed in which 'N. N. So'~-olov (V----'I, rioscow), N. S. Leznov (Hoscow) and X. A. -4-ndriar-ov took part. There are 4 figures and 15 tables. ASSOOD.TION: Institut obshchey i neorganicheskoy khimii universi- teta im. L. Etvesha, Budapest (Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry of the U im. L..Et niversity Card 3/3 vesh, 3udapost) LM I YEL, P. L Method for rapid separation of gastric mucosa In the formation of a gastric pouch by I-P-Pavlov's method. Fiziol.zhur. 45 no.8:1029 Ag '59. (HIRA 12:11) 1. From the department of internal medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Univernity of Uzhgorod. (STOMACH surgery) KHOLLOP Ya. (Hollo, J.] (Budapesht); UZON19 D. [Uzonyi, G.) (Budape8ht); MP,I)ML, T. [Lengyel, T. ] (Budapesht) Differential ebulliometric measurement of the shifts of azeottopic point in the system ethanol- water induced by CaC12- Zhur.'fiz 1him. 36 no.l-.53-56 Ja 162. (MMA 16-.8) 1. Budapeshtskiy takhnicheskiy universitet. (Ethyl alcohol) (Azeotropy) (Calcium chloride) I ; 16504-63 A;ACCESSION NR; AP3005282 -.1 of themethod.when used to describe phenomena in the low-energy re- gion. It is:~.showh.tbat the s-wave dominant solution of Chew, Mandel- -478, .1960) -does not describe the stam and Hoyes (Phys., Rev. v. 119, energy 4ependence Of the partial waves-in _-N scattering. The approx-I imations for the scatt6ring-length and the-resonant behavior of the phase shift.~on the,solution~of~the set, of !.equations for scatter-- ling partiallwaves is also discussed.'. The most probable form of the 0 4,fscattering.phase shift'is discussed.: Relations between the 0 !-contributions of the 1jr- interaction to the a and,p 9N scattering ~-are obtained and their-implications for-the static limit are waves. j~. considerede The static limit.-is takenin the final expressions and 1 IS compared.with the experimental data., Satisfactory description of ... ... i.the.experimental,data on -rK. scattering. is' obtained.if the Vw inter- ~action-is takeri into account ~.and satisfy.cortain conditions, and if assumed thatthe phase shifts~have a resonant character. "The ;.authors are,grateful to D~~ V. Shirkov-for,useful advice. One of us :Card b558o S/881/57/000/001/006/013 Ao66/A126 AUTHORS: Shkoda-Ull~yanov, V. A-, Lend'yel, V. I., Krivskiy, 1. Yu. TITLE: Determination of the total cross sections of),n-reactions for medium and light elements with the aid of the avalanche theory SOURCE: Uzhgorod. Univeroitet. Nekotoryye problemy sovremennoy fiziki yadra i clementarnykh chastits; abornik atatey, no. 1, 1957, 60 - 72 TEXT: It has been shown earlier (V. I. Golldanskiy and V. A. Shkoda- -Ullyanov. ZhETF, 26, 623 (1935)) that the total cross sections of yn-reactions for heavy elements can be calculated precisely enough by using the equilibrium spectrum obtained with the help of the avalanche theory, i.e., the photon spectrum integrated over the entire length of the spectrum. This iftethod is now applied to light and inedium nuclei-, and the resulting spectrum is used to calculate the total J' n-react ion cross section for iron which is in good agreement with experimental Card 1/2 S/dbl/57/000/001/006/015 Determination of the t0t-Ul Cross ..... A066/A126 data of several authors. '211 U "i , 0j 50 Mev - b, the experimental value beinU, 0.43 Mlev - b (cf. L. i?tatz and R. G. Baker. Phytj. Rev., 82, 271 (1951); 1.. 1. Eatz nd i. G. Cameron. Cn. Journ. 1111 s., 29, ' .08 (1951)). For elements, Iteavier than iron it is ahown thatCry can b-2 tot determined from the photoneutron yield of a lump 10 cm thick. fl',ore Urc, 4 tables and 2 figures. jUB;,!ITTED: October 15, M6 C J, d 2) / 2 3/881/57/000/001/009/013 Ao66/A126 AUTHORS: Krivskiy, I.Yu.,,Lend -~V. I. TITLE: The equilibrium spectrum of photons near the initial energy SOURCE: Uzhgorod. Universitet. Nekotoryye p~oblemy sovremennoy fiziki yadra i elementarnykii chastits; sbornik statey, no. 1, 1957, 86 - 88 TEXT: A comparison was made between S.Z. Belen'kiy's (Lavinnyye protsessy v kosmicheskikh luchakh - Avalanche processes in cosmic ra,,s ~, GTH, 1948) ap- proximate equilibrium spectrum dx- e + f ("a (5) E) e .021 and the spectrum obtained by Lend'yel et al. (Nauchnyye zapiski Uzhgorodskogo, gosudaestvennogo universiteta, v. 18, 1957): 16 1 rr r (E,,, E) e-- d x f (0) (T", 1) e C), (4; Card 1/2 43 /881 /57/000/001/009/0L3 The equilibrium specbrLL:r of photons near the .... Ao66/AI26 where Er f (0) + f (0) - 2,29, 0,773. l2ea j2 3 to 0 Here, EO is the energy of the primary photon producing the avalwiche, E the pho- ton energy, and, P the critical energy of the medium. The number of photons given by Belentkiy's spectrum for the energy range near the initial energy is shown to be too small by 20%. There is 1 table. SUBMITTED: October 1, 1956 Card 2/2 SOV/58-59-10-21847 Translation from: Referativnyy ZhurnalFizika, 1958, Nr 10, p 17 (USSR) AUTHORS: endy Lomsadze, Yu.M. TITLE: Application of the Modified Method of Perturbations to N-P-Scattering Using the PS(PS)-Variant PERIODICAL: Dokl. i soobshch. Uzhgorodsk. un-ta, 1958, Nr 2, pp 7 - 9 ABSTRACT: The presence of neutron-proton scattering was calculated using the symmetrical PS(PS)-variant of pion theory in a first non-vanishing approximation of the modified method of perturbations (cf. e.g. abstract 21842). Adopting the modified method of perturbations apparently some- what improves the agreement between theory and experiment in comparison with the usual method of perturbations, although it is not possible to achieve complete agreement. If it be assumed that the coupling between the nucleon and pion fields is only effected through the PS(PS)-variant, the modified method leads to a resonance peak of the cross section in the vicinit ,y of ^J4 Bev energy in the laboratory system. Card 1/1 Yu.M. Lamsadze 67181 SOV/58-59-7-14826 Translation from; Referativnyy Zhurnal Fizika, 1959, Nr 7, p 36 (USSR) AUTHORS: Krivskiy, I.Yu.' Lend'yel V.I., Lomsad-ze-, Yu.M. TITLE:- On a Possible Explanation of N-P 3cattering PERIODICAL: Dokl. i soobshch. Uzhgorodsk. un-t, 1958, Nr 2, pp 11 - 14 Ion beam contains, in addition to the ABSTRACT: It is siLggested that an ordinary p /I usual pseudo-scalar pions, an admixture of scalar pions that form an-Is6tqpic sextet together with the former. Using the Hamiltonian of interaction H(x) = 'g 5 T 'P 1 9 TV I "F'P I the neutron-proton scattering process (the nucleons not being polarized) is then calculated by the usual method of perturbations. In the case of the constants g = 7.6 and g' = o.96, it is possible to achieve sufficient- ly satisfactory agreement between the magnitudes of the differential, as well as total effective cross sections and the experiments in a wide energy range from - 100 to - 600 mev. If It can be admitted that the principle of the independence of nuclear forces is violated while re- Card 1/2 taining their symmetry at high energies, and if one assumes that '? 3 On a Possible Explanation of N-P Scattering 67181 SOIV/5 8- 59-7 -14826 -V2 (Tpo (in contrast to the usual Lp = TO), it then becomes possible to achieve just as satisfactory an agreement betweeA theory and experiment in the case of p-p and n-n scattering as well. Such violation of the charge independence of nuclear forces at high energies (at 10 Mev amounting to less than 1% and at 40 Mev amounting to less than 10%)~apparently does not contradict experimental data available. Yu,M. Lomsadze C~ird 2/2 510 sov/158-59-7-14827 5-00 Translation from; Referativnyy Zhurnal Fizika, 1959, Nr 7, P 36 (USSR) AUTHORS.: Krivskiy, I.Yu.,,.I~endlyel, V.I., Lomsadze, Yu.M, TITLE: 57'+-P Scattering in the Light of the Piontublet Hypothesis PERIODICAL: Dokl. i soobshch. Uzhgorodsk, un-t, 1958, Nr 2, pp 39 - 42 ABSTRACT- The process of V +-p scattering is examined on the basis of the hypothesis contained in the authors' .-preceding study (abs. 14826) but with a substitution of the PS( 'PS) variant for the PS(FIV) variant without affecting the results of that study, It is shown that it is possible to achieve agreement between theory and experiment up to energies of -J 200 mev in the framework of the usual method of perturbations if it be assumed that the scalar pions in the beam account for approximately 1 or 2% of the total. In this case the coupling constant in the PS(PV) variant corresponds exactly to the constant obtained for the PS(PS) variant in the authors' preceding study on the basis of examining nucleon-nucleon scatterings (with allowance for the equivalence theorem). Card 1/1 Yu,M, Lomsadze 67182 c2 L/I 6 900 sov/58-59-7-i4828 Translation from: Referativnyy Zhurnal Fizika, 1959, Nr 7, p 36 - 37 (USSR) AUTHORS: Krivskiy, I.Yu., Lend'yel, V.I., Lomsadze, Yu,M TITLE: Some Considerations Concerning Pion ParityO PERIODICAL: Dokl, i soobshch. Uzhgorodsk, un-t. 1958, Nr 2, pp 43 - 46 ABSTRACT: Since the hypothesis of the parity pion doublet (abs. 14826, 14827) leads to satisfactory agreement between theory and experiment (mainly in connection with nucleon-nucleon scattering), the authors proceed to an analysis of the basic experimental and theoretical data available at the present time. These data lead the authors to conclude that pions have a pseudo-scalar character. The authors examine data con- cerning neutral pion decay into two gamma quanta, negative pion capture by the deuteron, J( --p scattering entailing charge-exchange, azid the photoproduction of pions; they conclude that these data in prjjiciple do not contradict the hypothesis of the parity pion doublet. The authors suggest a number of experiments for the direct verification of the existence of a slight admixture of scalar mesons in the pion beam. Card 1/1 Yu.M. Lomsadze 3/058/61/000/010/005/100 AOOl/AlO1 AUTHORS: Lomsadze, Yu. M., Lend'yel, V. I., Krivskiy, I. Yu. TITLE: On the problem of nucleon-nucleon scattering at high energies PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Fizika, no. 10, 1961, 24-25, abstract 1OA256 (V sb. "Probl. sovrem. teorii elementarn. chastits", no. 2, Uzh- gorod, 1959, 195-210, Engl. summary) TOM The consequences of the hypothesis on existence of a scalar 'r6-Meson triplet in addition to pseudoscalar-mesons, are-studied in detail. It is shown that an assumption of the 'presence in a Jmeson beam of 1-2% admixture of scalar t-mesons does not contradict available experimental data; moreover, it is possible, even in the framework of the perturbation method, to obtain charao- teristics of a number of processes concordant with experiments. In pa&ticular, the followiiig results are obtained on the',Pasis of this hypothesis:- 1) correct ratio of cross sections for processes of IL-meson scattering on deutrons, 2) good value for the Fanovsky,ratio, 3) correct ratio of cross sections for photoproduction processes, etc. Experiments are proposed for detecting scalar -j~-mesons. Considerations are presented on violation of charge independence of Card 1/2 S/058/61/000/010/005/100 On the problem of nucleon-nucleon scattering ... AOOl/AIOl nuclear forces at high energies. Total and differential cross sectiona of NN- scattering (calculated to the first approximation of the perturbation theory) 0-- agree well with experiments in the 100 - 600 Mev range. V. Lendlyel [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 2/2 3/056/61/000/010/006/100 AOO1/A1O1 AUTHORS! Lomsadze, Yu. M. Lend'yel, V. I., Krivskiy, I. Yu., Fushchich, V.I., Khim'ich, I. V., Lim, L. F., Effist, B. M. TITLE: On applying modified perturbation method to interpretation of nuclecn scattering PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurn&l. Fizika, no. 10, 1961, 25, abstract IOA257 (V sb, "Probl. sovrem, teorii elementarn. chastits", no. 2, Uzh- gorod, 1959, 211-216, Engl. summary) TEXT: Differential effective cross sections.for all types of.NN-scatter- ing have been the *first non-vanishing apprbximation of the modified perturbation method (consisting in a special summation over all simplest barion loops inserted into internal %-meson lines of the Feynman 2nd-order graphs); assumptions are made on existence of scalar Ic-mesons and violation of charge independence of nuclear forces at high energies. The cross sections calculated for the range 100 - 600 Mev agree sufficiently well with experimental data. Thereby t~e' results of the preceding study (abstract 1OA256) are additionally substantiated. An interesting possibility is discussed that at sufficiently Card 1/2 S/058/61/000/010/006/100 On applying modified perturbation AOOI/AIOI great coupling constant, the scattering cross section may be completely in- dependent of its value. [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] C ;ard 2/2 WMSADZE, Yu.M.; IMIDIMO V.j.; KRIVSKIY, I.Yu. Yroblem of the scattering of nucleons on nucleons at high energies. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; fiz. no.4:123-129 '59, 04IRA 13:3) l.Uzhgorodukly gosuniversitat. (Nucleonn--Scattering) 1OMSADZI, Yu.M.;,MIMIYEL, V-1. LLendliel, V.I.J; KRIVSKIY, I.Tu. L Kr " s 4aT,T."f 7.7' 1.. -- - . Scattering of a neutron on a proton from the point of view of a 7- -meson pair doublet. Ukr. fiz. zhur. 4 no.1:123-125 Ja-F '59. ww, 12:6) 1,'Uzhgorodskiy gosudarstvenny7 universitet. (Neutrons--Scattering) (Protons) (Mesons) S/O,-8/61/OOO/O06/CG6/0iE3 AOOI//AIQI AIMHORS: Lend'yel, V.I.,, Lomsadze, Yu.M., Ernst, B.M. TITLE: The application of the "strong" ~aolipling method to a simplest mcdell PERIODICAL-. Referativnyy zhurnal, Fizika, no. 6, 1961,. y), abstrac-- r"'A315 ("Djkl. i soobshch. Uzhgorodsk. un-t. Ser. fiz.-matem. n.", 1960, no, 3, 31- _32) TEXT: To check the relativistic method of strong coupling in the field theory (abstract 6A3i4), the author considers an example, the equation of a harmo- nic oscillator placed into a field of ex-.ernal forces. It is shown that already the first approximation, in a case of a strong external field, makes it possible to find the wave function at 0 with a very high precision. K,T.-M. [Abstracter's notet Complete translatioril Card 1/1 LOMSADZE9 Yu.M.j-~-_R1YELO_Y.I. [Lendlie3.9 V.I.); ERNST,, BA Parity doublet of TY-mesons * and- Chew' s--approximaticm me-thod. Ukr. fiz. zhur. 5 no.6:773-776 Y-D t6O ~ WRA 140) 1. Uzhg6rodskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet. (Mesons) LOMSADZEP Yu.M.,--LE,ND.IYEL# V.I. [L~ndliel, V.I.] All-Union Conference on Elementary Particle Theory. Ukr. fiz. zhur. no.6:865-868 N-D 160. (14IRA 14:3) N (Particles(Nucipar phy7sics)-Congresses) ICHSADZI, YU.M.; Lw&, VgI.; XINST, B.M. A Behavior of cross sections of TIp-scattering at high energies. Zhur. eksp. i teor. fiz. 39 no.4:1154-1155 0 160. (MIRA 13.'11) 1. Uzhgorodskiy gosudarstvenny7 universitet. (Protons--Scattering) S/058/62/000/007/010/068 A061IA101 AUTHORS: Lendlyel, V. I.,$ Lomsadze, Yu. M., Ernst, B. M. TITLE: Parametric correlation in the effective range theory using Mandellshtam's dispersion re.lations PEMODICAL: Referativnyy zhurna-1, Fizika,,-no. 7, 1962, 29, abstract 7A274 soobshch: ("Dokl. i Uzhgorodsk. un-t. Ser. fiz.-matem. n.", 1961, no. 4, 19- 20 TEXT: The authors proceeded frbm the analytic characteristics of the energy variable of the singlet amplitude of fixed angle p-p scattering, and used a new form of approximation of experimental data (in accordance with the general scheme of Cini, Fubini, Stanghellini - RZhFiz, 1960, no. 4, 7765) to determine more accurately the coupling constant f2 which turned out to be somewhat less than the universally adopted value f2 - 0.08. They also succeeded in determining the parameters of the effective-range theory, and found them to be very near those specific to the Yukawa potential. V. Lendlyel [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 1/1 LOMADZE, YU.M.; LEND'YEL, V.I.; KRIVSKIY., I.Yu. [Kryvslkyi,. LIU.] MIRICH) 1. V. Third All-Union Conference on the Theory of Elementary Particles. Ukr.fiz.zhur. 7 no,4:448-454. Ap 162. (MIRA 15-8) (Particles (Nuclear physics)) S/056/62/043/003/036/063 B108/B102 AUTHORS: Lendlyel, V. I., Lomsadze, Yu. M., Ernstf B. M. TITLE; A more exact determination of parameters of thp effective radius theory with the aid of Mandelstam's dispersion relations PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, v- 43, no. 3(9), 1962, 974 - 976 TEXT: On the basis of the Mandelstam dispersion representation for scalar,~l.,,I-scattering,amplitudes, M. Cini et al. (Phys. Rev., 114, 1633$ 1959) have proposed a~ function F(W) which makes it possible to determine 2 the coupling constant f by extrapolation from the region (,)>/O to the non-physical point W = -112. w is the square momentum of the nucleon. To pproach that pole the authors suggest an "inverse" polynomial of the form w A0 + AIF(,.)) + A2F'(.) + A 3F3(&)) + At the non-physical point -1/2, the function F(-1/2) - -1102. Extrapolation of experi- mentaVdata on low-energy pp-scattering distribution led to the coupling Card 1/2 A more exa;ct determinatio.n of... S/056/62/043/003/036/063 B108/B102 constant f2 _ 0.058 -+ 0.005. The following parameters of the effective radius theory were caloulateds a equiv " -17.6-10-13 cm, r = 2.80-10-13CU4 P = 0.045, Q - 0.0127. These numerical values indicate that the nucleon interaction potential at low energies is a Yukawa type potential. There is 1 $able. Assoc TION: Uzhgorodakiy gosudarstvennyy universitet (Uzhgorod State University) SUB1.1ITTED: March 29, 1962 Card 2/2 ISAYEV, P.S.; LENDIEL~ V.I.; MESHCHERYAKOV, V.A. Partial r, N-scatiering waves with allowance for /-7'//-"-interaction. Zhur. eksp. i teor. fiz. 45 no.2:294-302 Ag 163. (MIRA 16:9) 1. Oblyedinennyy irstitut yadernykh iseledovaniy. (Hadons-Scattering) (Nuclear reactions) ISIMYUK, N.D. Faectric furnace for.building up cutting tools. Prom. anerg. 12 no.3: 16 mr '57. (KLRL 10:4) (Electric furnaces) LENDZION, Ahdrzej- PENCZEK., Bibiknna; SKORAI Stanislaw r = - Epoxide resin adhesives modified with polyvinyl acetals. o1 e y 4,wc-zT.:a wieloczast 7 no.2g68-72 F 162 1. Instytut Tworzyw Sztucznych, Warszawa. SKORA, Stanislaw; BROJER, Zbigniew,-, LENDZION, Andrzej Application of cool hardened epoxy cor*sitions for metal gluing. Polimery tworz wielk 7 no.9:328-330 t 162,, 1. Instytut Tworzyw Sztuaznych, Warszawa. LHIMITI, Barbara; POL, Jozefa Determination of the quality r filtration papor. I n. Unt-r. Lublin seot. D 19:115-123 1 64, 1. Katedra i Zaklad FarmacJ1 Stosowanej, Vydzial Farmaceutyczny AM w Imblinie (Kierown1k: prof. dr., farm. lietiryk Nerlo). LEOZION, Kazimiera The Paleozoic in the large &nticlinal fold of Slawatycze in the light of recent drillings. Kwartalnik geol 6 no-4: 513-525 162. 1. Zaklad Geologii Nizu, Instytut Geologiczny, Warsza~m. IENDZION, Kazimiera 1-1-.1-1 .1 11 Occurrence of trilobite fauna in the Cwnbrian depmit3 of Lactern Poland. Frzegl geolog 10 -1- W08-109 F 162. 1. Instytut Geologiczn~, Warszawa. IEN-OZION K.. MIKHM-YAK, R. (Michniak~ RJ; ROZANOV~ A. L Lithostratigraphic corre'ation of the Late Pre-Cambriar and Lower Cambrian of the Svietokryzakia Mountains and nor4hweitern part of the Russian Platform. Iz-v. AN SSSR~ Ser, col. 30 no.8;95-96 Ag 165. MRA 18!,9) 1. Geologicheskiy institut TSentrallnogo upravleniya geologii Pollshi, Varshava, Institut geologit Pollskoy Akademii nauk, Varshava i Geologicheskiy institut AN SSSR, Moskva, L.E',TDZION. Kazimiera Problem of the stratigrapIrT of the Cambrian fornurtion along the border between Poland and the MISR, Przeg-1 Ceol 9 no-4--.219-221 16,1, (EEA! 10:,9) Oeoiogy) lo p4 ry r fil l p p x 4 4 p c i A c I URBAN, Anna;LVIDZYK I- -Mar I a So-called sosinopbilic granuloma of the ileum. Pat. polska 7 no. 3:307-311 July-Sept 56. 1. Z Instytutu Onkologii w Krakowie, Dyrektor: doe. &r. H..Kolodziejsk& i z II.I.Kliniki C;hirurgicznej A.M. w Krakowia Dyrektor: prof. &r. J. Jasienaki, Krakow, Instytut On#ologii. u1. Garnearsks 11. ODSINOPHILIC GRANUIDMA, case reports, ileum (POW (ILMN, diseases, aosinophilic granuloma (Pol)) CRETA, G.; CONSTANTINESCU, Gh.; LENE, I. Experimental studies on some steam ejectors. Bul St si Tehn Tim 7:139-149 162. LUEM, Joan. Irogress in cardiology in the last twenty-fiva years. Srp. arhiv lekar 82 no.4:437-442 Ap '54. CRFA 3:7) 1. Rad is urednistvo primilo 29-V-1953 god. CARDIOLOGT *Progr.) LRIER,J. The possibility of use of some anthropometric data in the evaluation of nutritional state of adults. Cesk. hyg. 9 no.3:162-168 Ap'64 1. Lekarska fakulta hygienicka KU, Praha. 4-1 LEMaL BjIehnert', B. I Screw and flute instabilities in a law-prossure plamma. Atom energ. 14 m. D 82-91 Ja 163. (MnU 16: 1) 1. Korolevskiy tekhnologicheskiy institut, Stokgollm. Shvetsiya. (Plasma(Ionized gases)) LENERTJI Roland (Jaskowice Slaskie) Production development of plants for the manufacture of con- crete mix. Przegl budowl i bud mieszk 35 no.7:303-306 Jl 163. LENNTS, G.M., assistent. "Won= - Investigation oil new brands of cellulose sulfite for Internal water treatment in locomotive boilers. Trudy KHIIT no.23.-188- 199 '53. (KIaA 10:8) (Feed-water purification) LENETS, G.M. New Types of Colloids of Alkali Sulfite Cellulose for the Interboiler Treat- ment of Water in Locomotives.n Can& Tech Sci, Kharlkov Inst of Railroad Trans- port 3ngineers imeni S.M. Kirov, Kin Railways USSR, KharIkov, 1954. (U, No 16, Apr 55) SO: Sum. ITO. 704, 2 Nov 55 - Survey of Scientific anA Technical Dissertations Defended at USSR Higher Educational InstituticrLs (16) LINETS, G.M., kand.tekhn.nauk Deodorizing stock care and barns. Yeterinariia 35 no.10:65-66 0 '58. (MIRA 11:10) l.Khartkovskir institut Inzhenerov zheleznogorozhnogo transporta, (Deodorization) (Barns) L'BlIETS, G. M., kand.tokchn,naulc Elimination of unpleasant odors in incubators and incubator boueos. Ptitsevods tvo 9 no.7:44 JI 159. (MIRL 12-.10) (incubators) (Deodorization) LFSETS.-G.M. Mar 11cov) Removing odors from railroad cars after hauling livestock or poultry. Gig. i san. 24 no.9:86 S '59. MI-EU 13:1) (RAILROADS--LIVESTOCK TRANSPORTATION) onrl-Itions for C-nlves in the, Pnsturt- P-~,riodsll Vett-,rilnavy Acniiqmv, Min Hi,-her Ed,,IcRtion USSR. X-,scow, lq~,~ (Dis~er- tAtion for t~-e deEree*of C-n-iidate In Veterin-ir7i SO: !.~tonisl j,"n. 27t 2 jl'lv '155, TUTUSH I N 1 14. i. 2 kand . v u tti r. n aulkE A kand. ve te r. n uu k Jyj lal-*"3. Veterinarila d i Sep -je Prophylaxis C' W~14tC. M 'I e 4Q no.11:59,.60 N 163. (Ml-,',~ 17:9) 1. Yuzhno-Kazakhsthnskaya nauchno-issledavatellskayd vaterinarnaya st-untaiya. LENETS. 1.A., dotaent; TUTUSHIN", 141.1.2 starihiy nauchnyy sotrudnik gi,xper.1marital se2.aniam polocning of .9heep. Veter-inarjia " no.ii8l-82 Ja ~64. (MIRA 17:3) 1. Buryatskiy seltskok~,ozyaystvtirrjyy ingtitu-,U- (for Lenats). 2. Yuzhno--Kazakhstan--k-aya viaterirlarnaya star-tsiya (for TutusUn). LYSOGOROVP S.D,, doktor seI'ffkokhozMstvennykh nauk, prof.; LEN~?. Effect of the deptly-of-p1ming on the nutrition of corn from soil. Agrobiologila-mait-.882-885 N-D 162. (mm 1 :1) 1. Khersonskiy-sellskvkhuzya"tvennyy institut imeni A.D. TSyU-rupy-- (Plants-Nutrition) (Corn (Maize)) (Plowing) LENEV, L.M. (Chelyabinsk); NOVOKHATSSKIY, I.A. (Chelyabinsk) Thermodynamic characteristics of iron metatitanate. Izv. AN SSSR. Met. i gor. delo no.4:87-90 J1-Ag 164. (MIRA 17i9) NOVOKHATSKIY, I.A.; LENEV, L.M. Determining the thermodynard.-- charanteristics of cobalt altiminate and cobalt and nickel metatitanates. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; tsvet.-met. 8 no.4-68-74 165. (MTRA 18:9) 1. Chelyabinskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut. LENEV, L.M.; NOVOKHATSKIY, I.A. Thermodynamic characteristics of NiA1204- Zhur.neorg.khim. 10 no,llt2400-2403 N 165* (MIRA 18:12) 1. Chelyabinskiy nauchno-issledovateliskiy institut metallurgii. Submitted April 13, 1964. RUSAKOVY L.N.; NOVOKHATSKIY, I.A.; LENEV, L.M.-, SIVINSKAYA, A.A. Synthesis and characteristics of mineral phases In the systems FeO - MoC2 and MgO - Doklo AN SSSR 161 no.2,410-412 Mr 165. (MIRA 18:4) 1. Chelyabinskiy nauchno-issledovatel.1skiy institut metallurgii. Submitted August 71 1964, ,3 42 42 --(A _C012 --.&i~/00713/66/011/C 2/3 7/0 8 ACC NR% AP6019052 AUTHORs Novokhatskiy,'I. A.; Lenevp L. M.; Savinskaya, A. A.; Gorokh, A. V. ORG: none TITLE: Diagram of phase equilibria in the system MnO-A1203 (corundum) SOURCE.- Zhurnal neorganicheskoy khimiip v. 11, no. 2, 19669 427-428 TOPIC TAGS; phase diagram, phase equilibrium, phase analysis, manganese compound, aluminum compound, corundum, malting point -03) d . used a 204 w AB.9"IRACT: Specially synthesized high-pixtity 111,~O, a-Al an ~IiAl ere s initial components during a study of the p1haso :.'O--~ia in the system. The malting 0 2 3 (corund=)~ points of mancranese aluminate nrr', thi .~.;uween XbA1204 and cc-Al 0 were measured with a and the temperature of the eutactic line between Mrit) -- ', - --:,Ji measured by a PtRh(6)-PtRh(30) theninocouple. The INkiA1204 melt'-'.' :~-;iigruentli 'at 1850�150 without peritectic decomposition at 1560C. The temperaturu of the eutectic, line between MnA1204 and a-A1203 was 17701:15C and bet-ween,: 'z and oc -A120 *MnO and MnA1204 1520tlOC. The compositi6n of the eutectics between 1NIA1204 determined by the exposure-quenching method, was 27 wt% MMG and 73 wt". Al 0- whereas 2 -~. I ' the eutectics between MO and YhA120 had the following composition: 70' wt,N' XaO and 21+ wt% A1203. The phase analysis of ae sin-tering products of the mixture of XhA120, -01 - P" i--AC-C-Nk-,-iP-6-0:2 and L4 carried Out in a CO atmosphere for 3 hro-ai 1700C revealed the absence of mutual olubility in the solid phases. The'x-ray dif- fraction and optical characteristics of Mmo and YMAl 0 after sintering in a CO atmosphere at 1500~ ior 3 hr-. remained the same as in the in- itial materials. This indicated the a noticeable mutual absence of solubility als'o between these compounds, These data were used for Plotting the phase equilibria diagram in the "~10 dum) system (see Fig. 1)o The melti. -A1203 (corun- f. YA-n0 and ng points o~ '-A'203 were 1785 and 2050C, respective- ly., during Plotting of the diagram. The diagram was the simplest type Of eutectic diagr not differ from that for the Feo-A3 am and did system* Orig, art. has: 1 fig, -203 (c .orundum). 1.F047 1 Ar A9 y,,7,r qI10-, AL101 ~4/.- I'J. Fig- le Phase equilibria diagram of the system "Lho-A'20.3 (corundum) SUB COLE: 07/* SUBM DATE-. 2lNov64/ ORIG R.EFs 006/ oTH RW; W4 jggy,_L.N., inzh.; LELEYKIN, V.L., inzh.; TSIRELI, Ya.A., inzh.~; KULrYEV, T.M., .inzh.; AVANESYANP G.M., inzh. Organization of the operation of complex electrical networks. Elek. sta. 36 no,10:72-76 0 165@ (MTRA 18.10) 1. Gosenergcnadzor (for Lenev). 2. LVS Leningradskogo rayonnogo upravleniya energeticheskogo khozyayBtva (for Leleykin, TSirell). 3. TSentrallnaya dispetcherskaya sluzhba Azglavenergo (for Kuliyev, Avanesyan). LENEV. VI. Sympathetic ophthalmia following panophtbalmitia. Khirurgiia, Sofia 9 no.5:457-460 1956. (PANDPHTRALMITIS, complications, ophthalmia, sympathetic (Bul)) (OPHTHALMIA, SYMPATIFNIC. etiology and pathogenesiff. panophthalmitis (Bul)) L 1685-66 EPA/D1T(1)/E7V1P(f )/T-2 WW ACCESSION MR: AP5021806 UR/0114/65/000/608/0005/0007 621.515.001.5 /3 AUTHOR: "in (Candidate of technical sciences); !~!nevaj, Do K. (Engineer) Aj TITLE: AxiAl-flow.compresaor stage with degree of reaction e r,4 0.75 SOURCE: Energomashinostroyeoiye, no. 8, 1965, 5-7 TOPIC TAGS: com essaLr stage, axial flow, blade profile, air flow. compressor rotor ABSTRACT: At present design calculations of axial-flow compressor stages often are based on generalized data on the blowdown of blading. Since such deta are available chiefly for stages with e - 0.5 and 1.0 but not for those with 0 - 0.75, the authorsi to fill this gap, present the results of a comparison of the basic theoretical and experimental data on the effective subsonic stage K-81 with 0 r.-- 0.75 and with axial direction of flow at rotor iniet, developed at the Le- ningrad Metal Plant. Thejeaturea of this compressor stage also are of direct interest to desipereq since it may serve as the basis for dasigning the flow passages of axial-flow compressors, This is a subsonic stage and It can perform Card -1/2 L 1685-66 ACCESSION NR: '"5021806 very efficiently at peripheral speeds of up to 260 m/sec (at t 17*C). In the resence of a rotor RPM of 3000, this stage assures an air flow rate of - 200 kg/ sec. Calculations of the air flow and pressure coefficients, velocity triangles, I and blade profiles for this stage were compared with its actual tests in single- and triple-stage compressor models. It was found that the efficiency of the K-8t stage in sufficiently high, and the maximum adiabatic efficiency of a group of three.K-St stages in 89.5%, which warrants recc=sending them for use in gas- turbine Axial flow compressors at peripheral speeds of up to ~ 260 =/sec. Further# the dealgneii-and experisumtel,flow angles coincide over the greater part of th*' height ofithe blades df 'this k't*g&A Orig. art, hasi 6 figures* 2 tables* ASSOCIATIONf., none MR SuRaTrED: none .00 no W. Mi .004 UZ it. 44. _0 Card 2/2. SBPUNT, S.Ya.; VOSERESENSKIY, S.K.; ABMIIPOVA, L.N.; Prinimali uchastiye: LI, K.P.: ROGOVA, G.I.; SBADRIIIA, S.A.; OSIPGVA, T.N. Decomposition of apatite in fluosilicate acid and the preparation of monocalcium phosphate. Khim. prom. no.10:50-54 0 161. (MIRA 11:2) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledavatellskiy institut udobreniy i insektofungitsidov. (Apatite) (Fluosilicic acid) (Calcium phosphate) SHFUNT, S.Ya.; ARNHIPOVA, L.N.; ~FTEIA Z.L.- GUSEVA Z.I, 2 y .-." - Obtaining phosphoric acid luf the decomposition of magnfur7- containing phosphorites fluosilicic acid. Khim. -Prom. 42 no.9:674-678 3 165. (MIRA 18-19) EWT(m)/EVIP(e) WH ~.6 k(fd_~k-_A:P_~60-06465- SOURCE CODE: UR/0064/65/000/010/0757/0758 AUTHOR: Shpunt, S. Ya.; Arkhipovaj L. N,; Leneva, Z. L.; Guseva, Z.I, ORG: none ~_ 0 TITLE: The decompostion of apatit y hydrofluoric acid yielding 15 phosphoric acid SOURCE: Khimicheskaya promyshlennost', no. 10, 1965, 757-758 TOPIC TAGS: fluorine, fluorine compound, hydrofluorte acid, fIltration, phosphoric 'acid ABSTRACT: The article gives the reaction and describes the flow schem( for the decomposition of apatite by hydrofluoric acid yielding phos- phoric acid. The hydrofluoric acid for this purpose can be obtained from "poor" fluorspar with a large amount of impurity in the forn, of Sio which, when the ore is treated with sulfuric acid, forms fluo- silicic acid which also forwards the decomposition of the apatite. The CaF2 obtained from the two stage decomposition reaction can be used to prepare pure hydrofluoric acid. In the experiments technical hydrofluoric acid containing ^~J~3% HF and eN--,# 5% H2SiF6 was used. The experiments proceeded atr--~ 100 C in a laboratory reaction vessels Card L 29905-66 ACC NR- Ap6oo6465 fitted with an electric heater and a mixer and lasted about 30 min. The filtration rate of the precipitate reckoned in dry precipitate was 1,400 kg/( The h sphoric acid yield contained 45-48% P20r, 0.3-0.b% CaO a~d 5-8%pFoand can be used for the production of double suDerphosphate or of ammonium phosphates.: The.flow schemefor the-preparation~of double superphosphate thrbugh-the reactiori of phos- phoric acid and calcium fluoride is also given, 6rig. art. has 3 figure and 4 formulas. SUB CODEi 07/ SUBM DATE.- none/ SOV RIEP: 002 Card LENE-VICH, Lev GAgorlyevich, prof.; ZEMSKOV, V.S., red.; M.ALYAVKO, A.V., tekhred. (Multiview method in descriptive geometry] Bezosnyi metod v nachertatellnoi geometrii. Izd-vo Llvovskogo univ., 1958. 155 P. (MIRA 12:4) (Geometry, Descriptive) GURVICH, G.TS., kandidat okonomichaRkikh nauk; SINITSKIT, Kb., radaktor; LEMSKIT, M., radak-tor; TRUKHANOVA, A., tekhni- cheekly [Labor productivity and production'cost in the White Russian peat industry] Proizvoditallnoott truda i sabestoimost' produktsii v torflanoi promyshlennosti Belorusekol SSR. Minsk, Gos.izd-vo BSSR, rodaktaiia nauchno-takhn.lit-ry, 1955. 185 P. (MLRA, 9:1) (White Russia--Pmat industry) - LENEM , G.4., geroy* Sovetskogo Soyuza, general-mayor. .." Forge of regillar army officers. Discussion with Major General G.M. Lenevyi, Hero of the Soviet Union and Head of the "Supreme Soviet of the R.S.F.S.R." Military Academy in Moscow. Voen. znan. 31 no.6:6-7 Je 156. (MLRA 9:10) 1. Nachallnik Moskovskogo Krasnoznamennogo voyennogo uchilishcha imeni Verkbovnogo Soveta RSFSR. (Military education) USp/Geophysics,- Oceanography CArd 1/i Pub. 22 12/43 Authors I Leneykin). P 3 Title I ~On thetheory of unsteady wind currents over -A deep sea Periodical I Dok. ANI SGSR. 106/1, 47-501, Jan 1, 19561 Abstraot, i An amIly sis of the processes of develo*ent and stabilization of currentsj, formation of the field of density due to the action of the wind on the surface of a deep sea is presented. The analysis is base6 on the theory of unstabilized wind currents in-an infinitely deep channel with vertical paral- lel walls where the wind is not changing with time, but along the diameter of the channel and,. in addition, before the movement of the current forma- tion, the vertical ITadient or the liquid density is the same for the entire mass of liquid. A solution of the equations expressing the main quantities .0f.the problem leads to the following statement: the time required for the lormation of a current is about 3.5 days. Two USSR references (1953 and 1955). Graph. Institution State Oceanographic Institute Presented by-.,.AcademiciIan V. V. Shulf,~ykin, March 26, 1955 FRI 11 1.0 1? tic ZI t a a A s 6 p 1 9 W 11 U 11 14 is is 0 16 It W a )d 8 10 Is It 13 M 30 M W 011 Is 0 A. 4) $1 is as J] 0 A A --jL. r a I I a ilk a is r it 1 1- U I A-L. -1-L AA It a A J..U ..01.1 00'4 I&I.M914 Akp 0*0 Cancer and the musk Stands. JIM Scott Aud)qi txnfrI.1 k Univ., Unto, Ctrebuslov.1kia). 143, IOD-I 1(1948).-1n makinx numeroui cafts 0*9 ofailroox-arricumna in rats a few ravi were found rrfrAr- Those had enlarged musk glanife. the site ofa It-tatil. 0o whirrras fit mmit rats, and fit 401M chose with ~unvssful 100 cdntvr grafte. the unuck glands were the itze, of a plich"J. -00 In $0 (Ar. M111131nistration of rtt~. of thew glands has not mvented gucet%,dul grafting of cancer. but rats .0 0 firrid FY c (r. t became gunvptible after removal of 0 Ou" " C goo cuI a thtculagird.Lk7s. s. This suggests that JIMSIbly the musk stands exen a horivional Inhibitory Influence on cancvr --*,I trovith, '00 00.3 goo 900 4*0 900 Joe tie 1111111 A"O.StA MITALLUORGOICAL 1.1191116111419 CILASSWOCATI(Rd boo 41; cta.&n. lie 0 Ld a a a I At As 2 4 a 3 8 U ca LV so OJW " 0 It P Or Of It 41 It 91 K U It it K KLO n 1111 0 0 0 0 111111, 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 LKUM, J. Xffect of aldel7de. peroxide, and of atoppers on the pollution of ether in anesthesia. Lek.list7 6 no.4:101-106 15 Fab 51. (CIML 20:5) 1. Of the Institute of Pharmacology (Hoad--Prof.Jiri Stejfl,M.D.) of the Medical Faculty of Masaryk University, Brno. "'i"IFE LD J4 Ko kritice pracc.: Vliv aceta1dq1!ydu,, peroxdu a korku na Wtrabu etheri prI narkose (Je Twifolds, Lekwako liatyq 6,9 101, 1951.). f-D"i"cussion 0-1 the 'Urucia nEffect of aldelude, peroxid-3 aad oS' stoppers on the ponution of other in anea. ;i;3i&!-/, Lek. liaty 6:10 15 1617 51 P, 305-6, 3. Of the Institute of Pharmacology of tha Modical FacultV of Masw7k Ualvor3ltj, Srro (He.-A-Prof * JIrI Stafl, H,D.). CIM Vol.4 20, No" 10 Oct 1951 LEN"IT,I), J. Sedative, analgesic, and local anesthetic; a musk gland extract. Lek. listy, Arno 7 no. 17:433-435 1 Sept 1952.(CLML 23:1) 1. Of the Institute of Pharmacology (Head-Prof. Jiri Stefl, M. D.) of Masaryk University in Brno. LINFILD, Jiri; KLABUSAY, Lambert; KROUTIL, Harto Iffect of ReIllotus officinalin toa and ita oomparlson with polonta. Lek. listy, Brno 9 no.20:459-46i 15 Oct 54. 1. Z farmakologickeho ustavu lekarske fakulty Palackeho university v Olomouci. Vedouci ustavu: Dr. Jiri Lenfeld. (COUM&RIN, derivatives, ethyl biscoumacetate, comparison with Helilotus officinalis extract) (PLANTS, Helilotus officinalls extract, comparison of anticoagulant properties with ethyl biecaumacetate) (AIMMAGUIAMS0 Relilotus officinalis extracts, comparison with etbyl biscoumacetate)