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~tl L 298o8-66 E-NNe )/EWT(m)/FN1P(t)/ETI IJP(c) J D, ~".j H AF6020-872 ACC NRi SOUPCE CODE: AUTHORt Dojiisov, S,, I.; Ivanov, A. I.; Lekalova, L. I. ORG: none TITL.7: Industrial production of olectrothermal silumin 60H-I~Oj-f6o-476~ )OT -; 7 SOMC3 : Zotallurgicheskaya i goniorudnaya promyshlennost', no, 1, 1966, 43-46 TOPIC TAGS: aluminum alloy, silicon alloy, mtal extraction, mtal m1ting, kaolin, annealing ABST.-RACT: The electrothqrmal method for productfo~n oi silukn developed by the' All- 0 lui "11m -1 Nfing sium Institute is preferable to the conventional technicuo of producing this alloy by inalting pure aluminum's& silicori4,~ The introduction of '%his vxthod into industry vrill reduce the capital outlay ,(by 25-30'~`D) an(! not cost of silumin production (by 4-5% for low capacity plants~ and by 3^v-~,V- for lar-e anterprises). The alectrothermal mothod for Silumin production is effective even when less than 20% aluminum from the initial kaolin Is used. Experiments were conducted to find optimum conditions for qnrichment of kaolins to p-oduce alloys without-using aluadna. The kaolins ,used in the study had the following cheruc---..l composition in IP': Al 0- 39--62-- SiO2--44 42; -1.6; (CaO+'.:O)--0.2; T102--0,9; P205--0.08; ca. cination Fe2o A b2 loss-12:98. tch of kaolin with~an A1203. .SiO2.rat.ko_of 0.892 was ro.asted j Card 1/2 UDQs 669.mt6 - --] L 29808-66 ACC NR. U6020872 at viHous temporAures and then leached irc-a 200 g/1 solution of alka1i-, in Na,20 at a temperature of 90-951C for one half hour. Curves are given showJng the extr40tion of silica and alumina into solution as a function of roasting -A-emperature. The extraction of silica into the solution increases sharply With tompe,_,ature reaching a maximum of 73-77~' at 900-10000C. Roasting of kaolin at higher temperatures rotards the transition of silica of the soluable :phase. Extraction drops to 32% a", 13000C due to the formation of raullite -which dissolves poorly in alkali solutions. Curves are also given showing ~tho extraction of silica and alumina into solution as a ftiction of annealing tinio.. An increase in the annealing time past one-half hour has little effect on the silica extraction. - Extraction shows a maxi=m at 1,150-200 g/1 Na20- The experimental data are used as a babis for setting up a sy;tam'for optim= production of elootrothermal siluneLn without using alumina.,.' Orig. art-*' hast' 5 figures and I table',, /_JPRS7 SUB CODEt 11, 13 / SUBM DAM none ORIG REFt 002 Card sov/66-59-3.-M/39 AUTHOR: Lekanov., A.G., Maj TITLE: To Eliminate the'Causes for POtElltial Aircraft Aceidents (Isklyuchit' predposylki k letnyn pinlsshestviyam'.. e. Is This Kind of Training Necessary? (Nuzb-ny !I taki-N'e trenazhi?) e PERIODICAL: Vestnik vozdushnogo flota, 1959, Nr 1, PP 37-39 (USSR) ABSTRACT: This is the third of three articles which appear under the main title as given above. The author states that practicing In aircraft cockpits on the ground Is one of the most necessary and effective methods of preliminary fli&t training, He then describerD briefly how such training should be carried out. Card 1/1 LEKANOV,A.G., inzhener; GITLEVICH,A.D., inzhener Mechanized welding of spherical petrole= storage tank bottoms. Svar. proizv. no-3:23-24 Mr '55. (K12A 8:9) 1. Vsesoyuzn;-y proyektuo-tekhriologicheakiy inatitut Kinistaretva tyazhelogo mahinostrbyeniya, (Tanks-,-Welding) 135-5a-4-13/19 AUTHORS: Lekanov, A.G., and Shelomov, M.I., Engineers TITLE: New Design of Roller Support With Independent Drive ('10- vaya konstruktsiya rolikoopo:r.-y- s riezavisimym privodom) PERIODICAL: Svarochnoye Froizvodstvo, 1958, Nr 4, PP 39-40 (USSR) ABSTRACT: in 1957, new roller supports came into use at the Podoll- skiy zavod (Podollsk Plant) for the automatic welding of annular seams on large cylindrical objects. The machine is described and illustrated by a schematic drawing. The device is simp.--.e to manufacture and can be applied in all production oFerations. There is 1 figure. ASSOCIATION: VPTI tyazhdlogo mashinostroyeniya (VPTI of Heavy Machilne- Building) AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 1/1 LEKARIO P. G. Cand Ked Sci -- (diss) "Data OVncqrgtW; the Pathogenesis and Therapy of Hepato-Lenticular Degeneration.11 -Kishinev, 1957. 8 pp 22 cm. (Kishinev State Medical InBt, Chair of Nervous Diseases), 200 copies (KL, 25-57, 118) -141"- LEKkR I B. Providing safety for pedestrians on highways. A-;-t.dor. 25 no.9:8-9 S 162. (?,:m -,::.9, 11 -, ) (Traffic safety) LNKAR'. P.G. Treatment of migraine with nicotinic acid [with al=nary in French]. Zhur.nevr. i psikh. 57 no.9:1164--1165 157. (MIRA 10:11) 1. Kafedra nervnykh bolezney (zav. - skogo meditsinskogo instituts. (MIGRAIIE, therany nicotinic acid ~Rjjs)) (NICOTINIC ACID, therapoutic migraine (Rua)) prof. B.I.Sharapov) Kishinev- une, SIMAPOV, B.I., prof., otv. red.; BOGOLEFOV, N.K., prof., rod..; 11 GERM) D#Ge) ass., red.;jT-,jM'j F.G., dots., red.; U - -V_ SIMMER) A., otv. za w1punk; k~'PI9,, I., to-Z-M. rc-d- (Vascular pathology of the brain and spinal cord; materials of a joint symposium of the nervous disease clinics of the Kishinev and Second Moscow Medical Institutes]Sosudistaia patologiia golovnogo i spinnogo m,ozga; materialy ob"edinennogo simpoziuma klinik nervrqkh boleznei Kishinevskogo i 2-go Moskovskogo meditsinskikh institutov. Kishinev, Gos.izd-vo "Kartia moldoveniaske.." 1962. 177 p. (VIRA 15:10) (CERE-13ROVASCULL-t DISEASE) (SPRIAL C0.0-BLOOD SUPPLY) I -- - - -- 7 1- L- !- ! / .' ~- . .~ I'll ZHIVOTIIISKIY, L.A,., inzhoner-, IMMOV, A.G., inzhener; GITLEVICH, A.D., inzhoner ~ Mechanizing welding operationo in ohell. construction. Svar. proizv. no.7:24-25 JI 155. (WIRA 8 - 9) 1. Veesoyuznyy proyektno-tokhnologicheski3r institut. (Boilers-Weleing) LEMI, P.G. Symptopatology and pathological anatafty of'subcortical ganglia affectic,ne in a chronic course of Botkin's disease. 'teudy 11:33-42 160. (MIRA 1612) 1. Kafedra nervnykh bolemey Kishinevskogo gosularstvennogo meditainakogo instituta, (BEFATITIS, DUTBGTIOUS) (HEPATOLEEMICULAR DEGENERATION) ,JP(,. . '4 ") ... __J.R/j_D ----- ----- A-109A, 0-2,4932 SOURCE CODE: UR/2981/66/000/004/02*14/0218 'tekaienk' I t e: - 14W (dece~~P; AtYMOR: ~tepanova, M G'. Sarul', L. A Kolblunev, -1 0 1 Z4aov, G. T_------.-- ORG. none TITLE: Aluminum powder r high-strength.,,SAP alloy , fo 11Z 1~1 __ ~ SOURCE- Alyuminiyevyye splavy, no. h, 1966. Zharoprochnyye i vysokoprochnyye splavy (Heat resistant and high-strength alloys), 2111-218 TOPIC TAGS: aluminum alloy, aluminum powder, high strength alloy sintered alWdnum powder, kop- metal i p--operty/SAP Uu;lnum alloy A3STRACT: SAP-1 and SAP,2 alloys made of APS-1 anti APS-2 grade aluminum powder (respective- content of aluminum oxide 6-9_iiE_d9-13%T_have a tensile strength of 26-32 IZ/mm2 and 32-38 kg/mm2 0 , respectively. By increasing the content of Clumin*jTq oxide to 23% the strength of alloys can be increa~;ed up to 45 kg/MM2. Two new grades! -of aluminum powder were developed: APS-3 with 13--18% aluminum oxide and APS-4 with 18-23% aluminum oxide. Since the con-tent of aluminum oxide depends on the fineness,;-- of the powder, which in turn depends on the duration of grinding (APS-1 and APS-2 powders require 25 and 35 hr grinding), the grinding process was modified to accel- erate oxidation and lower the consumption of ste,~xic acid (which is added to prevent' the agglomeration of powder particles). SAP alloys made from APS-3 and APS-4 powderq,i Card -L-4-0990-66 ACC NR: AT6024932 have a tensile strength of 40-50 ~g/mm2 at roorr, temperature and 13-15 kg/=2 at 500C, which makes it possible to use these alloys in structures operating at 350-5CCC instea:d of steels and titanium alloys. Orig. art. has: 2 figures and 1 table. (%D1 SUB CODE: 11 SUBM DATE: none/ ORIG RE F: 003/ OTH REF: 001/ ATD PRESS - 11b 1964 LEKATW, D.M., i-nzh.; PUTNAERGLIS, E.Ya., inzb. Transi5torized d.c. converter with 69 volt d.c. pow-ar supply. Vast. sv-iazi. 23 no.12:7-8 D 163. (MIRA 17:2) 1-FKAREV. D.M.; FUTNAERGLIS, E.Ya., inzh. 'Two-way transistorized amplifier for teleFir=3 a,paratus. Vest. ,P sviazi 24 no.7:11-12 J1 164. (MIRA 17:9) 1. Nachallnik laboratorii Rizhskogo ekspluatii.sionno-tek-liniclieskogo uzla svyazi (for Lakarev). 2. Laboratoriya Rizliskogo ekspluatatsionno- tekhnicheskogo uz1a sv3,azi (for Putnaerglis). LEKAREV, D.M., inzh. Stabilized low-voltage rectifier. Vest. sviazi 25 no.6:24 Je 165. (MIRA 18:11) LEKAREV, G.V. Work and live Mr 160. in the comurtist way. Nloftianik 5 no.3:11-4 0.!IPI 4:9), 1. Predsedatelt Saldialinskogo obbonia profsovuza neftyanoy i Idlimicheskoy promyshlonposti. (Petroleum industry) LEKAREV, L.B. _prof.; HYUKHOV, F-8- (Vinn.1tsa) Illness with a temporary loss of work capacity among workers of sugar plants in the Vinnitse. Economic Region. Sov. zdrav. 20 no.8:53-58 161. PaRA 15--l) 1. Iz kafedry organizatgii zdravookhraneniya i istorii ineditsiny Vinnitskogo meditsinakollo instituta. (VIMUTSX ECON014IG BEGION-SUGAR 1UTINERY MMM-DISEASES iWD HYGIENE) (DISAB.-IITY EULUAT10-N) ISKAREV, L.G., proX. (Vinnitsa.) Program of the CFSTJ and problems in dL-3pengary care. Sov. zdrav. 21 no.3:11-14 162. OM 15:3) (C%24UNISM) (DISFENSARUZ) LEKA-RFV, L. D.-scensarLeS Method of providing dispens4r-y servicc to th!! population. Sov. zdr;.v. 11 no. -~, I)ID22. List ol '-Cu!3s-j-;n ,'~ccess.'Lonq, Libr,,ry of Ion;-ri~ss, LEKARM, L.G.,' professor. Problems of dispensary services for the ruxal pop.Liation. Say. Zdrav. 14 no.4:14-18 JI-Ag '55. ()MRA 8:9) 1. Zav.kafedray organizataii zdravookhranoniya i istoril madi- tainy Vismittskogo meditsimikogo instituta, Wr.dotsant S.I. Korkhov) (RIM& CONDITIONS, outpatinnt serv. in Russia) (OUTPATIENT SERVICES, rural, in Russia) LEKARE-4, LLUNIb OH(A)FOUVICii 1~~' 7 SELI SKIY VIIAUTBITY UMASTOK LffurtAL YEDICAL STATIOI 2. ISPR. 1 LOP. IZD. 9 MOSKVA~ !-TDGIZ, 1957- 205, f-_37P. DTAGPS., TABLES. "LITERATURAII: P. 204-206 LMXAR V. L.G., profetteor; RYUXHOV. F.S.-, MERTSK11, V.I. MW~Mlw I Hospital requirements of tl--- population of Yinnitagi and methods "or its estimation. Vrach.delo no.6:635-639 Je '57. (MLRA 10:8) 1. Kafedra organizatsii zdravookhrananiya i istorli meditsiny (zav. prof. L.G.Lel-arev) Vinnintskogo meditsinBk:OgO institute (VINNITSA--HOSPITAIZ) t- LFMUM, L.G.,; KIANTSA. F-A.; RYUKHOV, F.S.; BRNSUR, B.S.; VOLOVODOVSKIY, NWEL-S, 14.P. Hospital care requirements of the rural population and methods for its determination. Sov. :;.,drav. 16 no.2:30-38 F '5? (MLRA, 10: 4) 1. Iz kafedry organizataii zdravookhraneriiya i istorii maditsiny (zav.-prof. L.G. Lekarav) Vinnitskogo med.itsiziAoCo instituta (dir.-dotsant S.I. Korkhov) (MULL CO]WITIONS dispensary care requirements of rural population in Russia methods for Caterm.) (0,UTPATIRNT SERVICES same) / .4 .17--'A' __;, tE7 r .11;- /-- ' _. - I , , . 4 - , Q-n7 . LEKARIV, L.G:. prof. .-"Aww~- ~.Wej? Development of public health in Yinnitsa Province during the years of the Soviet regime. Sov.zdrav. 16 no.10::56-62 0 '57. (MIRA 10:12) (PUBLIC HEALTH, hiBt. In Russia) LEKAREVP L.G.9 Prof. Great surgeon and leader in medics.2 siezze; the 150th anniversary of the birthday of N.I. Pirogov. Vent. AW SSSR 15 no. 11:3-9 160. (PIROGOVp NIKOLAI WANOVIC11p 1810-1881) (MIRA 13:12) LXUREV,,L,Ge, prof. (Vinnitea) Urgent necessity. Sov.zdrav. 19 no.1:4'1-h,5 160. (MIRA 13:4) (POLIO HNALTR) BATKIS, Grigorly Abremvich [deceased); L9KARZV,-leonid-GrigQr-!yevich; OPPEIGEYMI, D.G.,, red.; ZUYEVAq N.,K.p telcbm.,red. [Theory and organization of the Soviet public health system] Teorila i orgamizatriiia, sovetskogo zdriavookhraneniia. Moskva, Cos. i2d-VO mod. lit-17 Vedgiz, 1961. 349 p. (MIU 14:8) (PUBLIC HEALTH) LEKAREV, L.G., Prof. "Disease incidence among the rural poindation (as revealed by data cc attondance at medical and prophylactic,. inatitutions in nine rural districts)." Edited by P.I.Kalliu. L.G.Lekarev. Sov. zdrav.2D no.8:85-86 161. kMIHA 15:1) (DISEASTS-RE, PORT ING) (KAL'I'll, P.I.) LEKAREV, L.G., prof.; PROTSM, Ye.G,,, Misdical attendimce for the rural populationu Reviewed by L.G. Lekarev- and E,,G.Proteek. Sov, zdrav. 21 no.5-89-90 162. (IMIRA 15:5) (MEDICINE, RURAL) IZKAMV, L.G., prof. "Itinciples of dicability evaluation (theory, mthodt orgardzation), by A.F. Tretliakov and othera. Reviewed by L,G. Lokarev. Sov. zdrav. 20 no.12.78-80 161. (MIRA 15z6) (DISANLITY EVALUATIOR) (TRETtLkKOV) A.F.) (BOGOLF-POll, R.K.) (ZIMKINA, A.M.) (SPIVAK) F.N.) (BM, EOP V.M.) (Ilvaumi) A.IA. ) ""a VMTft UdXtV Idog aej!Cj 0 ibod. K- BREGER, A.Kh.; Rrrinlmali uchastiye: KARFIOV, V.L.,, kand.khim.nauk; BELYIISKIY, V.A.; CSIPOV, V.B.,, PROKUDINP S.D.; T'MIKOV, G..S.,, kand.khimoiauk; GOLIDIN, V.A.; RUBMIIII,, Yu.S.; KOROLEV, G.H.; AFONIN, V.P.; POKROVSKIY, V.S.; KULAKOV, S.I.; LEKARE_V,_~.Vj_ FEDOROVA, T.P.; KOROTKOVA, M.A.; KHARIAMOVI M.T.; NIKOLENKOI G.D.; LOPUKUR, A.F.; YEVDOKUNIN.. T.F.; XASATKIN, V.M.,-, RATOV, A.V. Nuclear radiation sources for radiatioml-chemical studies. Probl.fiz.khim. no.1:61-72 '58. (MIRA 15:11) 1. Nauchno-issledovatellskiy fiziko-khJjnicheskiy institut im. Karpova. (Radiochemistty) (Radioisotopes) ARLOZOROV, Z.G., st.a.ruhly nauchnyy sotrudnik; ORLIINKO, Tu.14., starshiy nauchnyy sotridnik; LIMAREV, S.A., vrach Raw method of preparing seri= from the blood of donors with conserva- tion of the elobitlar mass for tranefusions. Vop.per3l.krovi 4:259- 255 455- (91'RA 9:12) (SNRUM) (COLIECTION AND MESERVATION) USSR/Human and Anir:al Physioloey. Blnod. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., 140 8, 1-958, 3633(--'. Author Glants, R.M., Weinstein, S.A., Jekarev, S.A. Inst Title Prothrombin Determination in Blood Taken from the Finger. Orig ?WD: V.Sb. Vopr. perelivaniya krovi, T.4, Kiev, G(')si-eIizr1Qt 1. USSR, 1955) 270-27" Abstract: 0.6 ml of blo3d is taken from a finger e-id placed in an centrifuge tube ccntaining 0.06 ml of 0 1 m solution of sodium oxalate arid is centriVuged for a period if 10 min , 0.1 ml of thr(~raboplr-stin sol., 0.1 irJ- Of 0-25-0-11-1 scl. of CaC12 and 0.1 ml of plasma is placed in a Vidal tube, maintained in a water bath at 370C. The tir,- of the appearance of the clot is noted. The value Card 1/2 31 USSR/Hur,"an and Animal Fhysiojcg- y. Blood - T Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol, No 8, 1958, 36336. of prothrombin Is expressed in second3 (prothrombin tiy.e) . The throrboplastin rnterial used is either a preparation of rabbit (methorl of Kudryashov or Feini vaccine). Prothrombin time as determined in 115 ilonors and 41 patients from finger blood was cn the ;iverage 2.5-3.3 sec. lower than in determinatien3 frnm venous blood. Card 2/2 LITVINIC 0, Ye.A., kand.tekhn.nauk; prinimali uchastiye: LEXAM. V.A.. UZONIRIKO, V.P.. g3rnyy inzh.; STEPANOV, -gorz;y7 iazh.; K V.I., student; X%RLHIXOV, A.-A., student Control of methane ecdi3BiOXL i1L Mine sections. Ugoll Ukr. 4 no.5:14-16 Y7 160. (MIRA 13 -- 8) 1. Kharlk~Dvskiy gorrW7 institILLt. (Donets BaBJAX'--Mine ga a .3 e. KARPUKHIN, V.D.,, kijrtj.tek))n.nauk; LEKARE'l, V.A., inzh. Coal 3al,urati.or, by wate-r ju.-Ing 1*13 pres3ure.' 'zv.vys.ul~he'Lj.zav.; j!or.zi~ur. 1. Kharlkov-~kiy in3~ltu, F,!)rrogli mn6hJno,;tt,oyvinlpl, i1vtoullitik-I 1 vych-,slitoilnoy tekinniki. Pi-kc-mendovatia kaf-alroy r-khmk-'- :.U. be z opasno s ti ~suluma.-c-,ed - Y- 21, lqn-~ STARSHINOV, B.N.; I)INITSKIll, V.D.; SENIKO, G,Ye,; GULYGA, D.V.; BUH, A.A.; KHOPUZHIY, A.G.; Prinimali ucha.stiye: OSTROUMOVP !-%Ya.; SAVELOV, TI.I.; PLISU-.IIOVSKIY, S.T.; IIOISEYEV, Yi...G.; !A'P.!jjT'!7EV, !-!.L.; TARASOV, F.P.; ZAGREBA, A.V.; FAMERV, R.D.; TKACHENK0, A.A.; FREYDIN, L.M.; LUKIN, P.G.; POPOV, Yu.A.; MISHIN, P.P.; KAILA.CHENTSEV, M.D.; DOI14ILTOV, V.A.; AYUKOV~ A.S.; PADi(RJTA, V.P.; VyAZOVSKIY, Yu.V.; SOLODKIY, Yu.A.; KONAREVA, N.V.; SAPRONOV, Yu.V.; SINITSKAYA, S.K.; SAPRONOV, B.V.; LEKAREV, V.L.; STOLYAR, V.V.; PROKHORENKO, Z.A.; BANDINA, Ye.Ye. Results of the first year of oreratlon of large capacity blasL furnaces. Sbor. trud. UNIIM no.11:34-46 165. (H-TRA 18:11) 137-58-2-3629 Translation from: Ref'erativnyy zhurna,, Metallurl;iya, 1958; Nr 2, p 19' (USSR) A UTHORS: Lisina, T. P. , Leka relfa, A.G. TITLE: Corrosion Protection of L~on and Steel Products by Passiva- tion in a Solution of Sodiurn Nitrite Followed by Painting (Zashchita ot korrozii izdeliy iz chernykh me-tallov passiro- vaniyem v rastvore nitrita natriya i posledUyUshchaya okraska) PERIODICAL: Tekhnol. transp. mashinostrc5yeniya, 1957, Nr 7, pp 18-21 ABSTRACT: Parts and non-disassernblable assemblies of iron and steel not Drovided with special protective coatings are subjected to pas,4ivation. The treatment of a part consists of wetting it with an aqueous solution of NaNO* - a 15 N% solution for ternp- orary protection, a 25-3076 solution l.-or long-term storage. During the machining of rrLetal. products NaNOZ is also intro- duced into the coolant liquid (or protection of the metal against corrosion. 'rhe passivation procedure consists of washing, checking the condition of the surface of the part, a second wa5ihing, and passivation by NaNO - Laboratory inves.tigations have shown that the bond strength getween a paint and the sur- Card i/z face becomes impaired on treatment with NaN02 solution of 137-58-2-3629 Corrosion Protection of Iron (cont. variou:j concentrarions' beca!use the NaNO2 crystals attract moisture throug'a the film of paint., lift, it up, and dest.roy it. Therefore, when '~t is necessary to store parts or blanks, they are passivated prior to painting after preliminary washing with aqueous solutions. I. B. 1. Iron-Passivatim 2. Ste-al-PassiwAim 3. ir=--Gorrosian preventioa 4. StaeI-Carrosi= preventicalt Card 2/2 1"-4j 4~ S o'; ~, * ".e., RAM &A Introduction to the significance of therap(mtic and preventive regime in teachiiig about internal diseases. Felldither 'j akash. no.P;60-61 Aug 1953. (CIML 25:1) 1. Instructor in internal diseasec at Kharlkov Yel'Ashar-Midwife ~Schaol. LIXAMA. A. S. ~- . Methods and organization of teaching dlinical discipline to students of a short-term nursing departmevt. Felld.i akush. 21 no.12:48-54 D 156. (MIRA loil) 1. Kharikovskoye meditainnkoye uchilishche. AHD NURSIW--SVn)T AND TRACHING) ~EUREVAV A'.S. Improve the qiuLUty of the correspondence training of medicinl studonts. Felld. i almsh. 25 no.8'-53-57 Ag 160. (Kj:pk 1-Khartkovijkoys meditsinsk."ll, uchilishche No.j. (MEDICINE--STUDY AND TEACHING) MUROMTSFV, G.S.; ACYNISTIKOVA, V.N.; 1,11POVA, L.M.; jr,~,AREVA, T.A. -, ... Composition of gibberellic acid prep~irations of variois origins. Fiziol. rast, 11 no. -1t506-514 164. (MIRA 1':7) I 1. Vseaoyuznyy naticbno-isgloclovatellskiy Inatitut fitopatologii. MUROMTSEV) G.S.; AGNISTIKOVA, V.14.; 1,UPOVA, L.M,; DU5OI/PYA, L.P.; LEKIREVA, T.A. Gibberellin-like substances in ferns and mosses. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. biol. no-5:727-734. S-0 164. (KRA 17:9) 1. Vaesoyuznyy naucbno-issledovatellskiy Insti.tut fii-,-)pato- logii, Moskva. Feldspa&k g1suo jk*d at 12W' to ISW*. V, V. ZVOICICAMMOV 7r.4-r Ltxoxgrad Ftkk, Intl. 1.Yl',K, 1"0, No. 2. pp. 3A W. X4iw. 4 131 83 (1941),-Expefinwnt.,. showtd ti 01 InelthillfthiswIlic slam CCU be obtal"ej stl2w,tolX10'. 'rip.-loveriusolibefiengtemperatute from that commonly ujed lover 13W*) is obWntd by in- cluding in the conposi i Im a I the glaze ZnO. native borairs, and a mixture (A fq:klgp4n. (inkTocline sad platiochLw). Raw (Old"Mithic SLILLC* Can be Uwd for tKetvialn. falitnee. Simi stonewart. 1,11.1fo. w `M `o o * 0 4 I - - o out 09 000 Ole oe I v IN -W-4v,*-*-4-9_O_v1:__ .0 Do 00 so 00 OOOO 4 IQ It It 13 It is hi v IN )p 441 41 42 43 44 W$I cm A1 at% (A-0 ~_ - _ to fly '10 1- n IWILY421111 V I IP so or L L, and Ukama. T. RAW MATZRIALS OP 11121 12. oovi PP. 1-3 afulyiq i-i Kj%-el, of tile pmjwttk~, com"Itk)l), CLI'L4j&2tz0)II. and te,10c of the ecrainic "rupTtic-1 of claps, an.4 1~mc_d i's tuc cauca_~Ijq. Is, C, O*= '11 0 09 0.1 3.1 lF__v-1- T-tM- dd M 9- IW-T I w A -1, V-11 15 A It* v:;W. twit 1, ap"It Its( 64664 Is,( Its It4x,4wwiTq,prIc9 at It Is b It at 41 lot I*, let *,,, It I. 1W-W ISOM", -16A 0 * 0 0 41 0 : : : 0-9 00, 0-41 0 * 0 0 000 k 10 It 0 0 0 0- - L_ UP14111135 ~ FIC 0041 go go 04 ih V. 111 120 31saws"ad add buMd #A a mbeftie for T"h 'M S0411, " h Is the Win btal d th H iu~o p ne In the &vonnm. oi kid ms or dAys wi rep. Ah()~, ftn be used [a amts. not exceeding. X 9 GS & fOAb-' stitute !Or quutx' in L-M!tf CWA,:,ic properties am obtained I te U, CiA7 13 1 kwAW 37,190gmd Sishtut 171-31j,#711he NiGhtof used was aWakm u a hetory !a whkh the C1 irmthod of tIcimpa. imi umd to peep. tht .4jCl,. B. Z. Mimich A1101-ILA &CYALL1A44Pr.XL UMIA1011 CLASUP61CATiON 71,4111 ~04 loo gee -04 000 goo des 2 COO Q96 coo isoo =00 a 0 0 a trols CHC VJAW am "v Ast 464 t u 5 AV 10 M! -r -5 - 11 14 4, 1 x w 11 W -03-F-, a t,c * 1u) A I Ell tv I. E a 0000000004)(10000000000410041000004000000,*oossoo 0 Goo 0 00 0 0 4, 0 o~qjo 0 0 L! L g-q, ~go a VA 0 0 0 0 to * 0 LIKUWA. T.S. , . C~ Effect of' dxying on the properties of Prosyanaya kaolin. llmUy GIXI 0' 1: 4< e 1-59 156. (KIRL 11:5) u (Pronyanaya-Kaolin) LNUMA, T.So -- .. " , F..'" , .. . iffact of inafits liquir Tinaorm on the mcbzziod oilrength t-f half-finishtid porcelain wares, Slr~ G33:1 no,l:.':1-17 157. (Pottery) (Salfite liquor) (MIRA 11:5) LEKARE-Ri: T.S., Cand Tech ;~ci - (diss) "Increasing the mechanical streng .1 ,t', and vrater resIstan-ce of n3vn:x&t3ed uiburnV-J- thin-walled sem-Ulnisaed brick el.-.iy for sinclie :-.iring of household ch-ina .11 Len, 1'959., 11 PP (Min of Hiffher Education usm. Len Urder of Labor feed baarner Te,,hlologic).~- In3t in, Lensovet. Rhair of jeclinolqgy of GeramLics 1.1anufacturing) 1150 copies WL, 34-59, 11h) - h6 -- VOLKOV9 M.A.; LEXMEVAq T.S.; PRAVOVE31OV, K.1f. Perforated ceramic irwojrts for flanaless gas 1mu-ners. Gaz. prom. 6 nD. 1-.22-26 161. (MIRA 14:1) (Gas bwners) I IEFWWAO T.S. Radiating oaramic grewes for -the flameloass oomtest.lon of gas. Txvd7 03XI no.3s68-78 t61. (MMA IS.-7) V. 1. :f.:w --- -irtfectLous and ilm-asitic Equine Disea~ic-9 "r. :)Scow, l9r), I , b t ~y 19'59 Y, t &~ 1, 1, V ol iso F IG , Nr Q. "?~ )Ra a Inte L- _f kz UA 4_5 and llptj kIDIT'Iry Wolff" r-.y ill-,s. jc)-ur 2A r : 7he Honeyboo. : 4, four r-IcMulations At* ll;~S: a 1~1- t~,.-:! Proved y.Z.66'ac.- -,,rop -,t s-,upt~s,ttul the. Jmdip-;3~ttor~! c~f 4-,he cil-1--'r ljor'J'ations bv 1-5-25 ZLICE) dij thn -Perlod of itn flu-st- 73-obev r h a,cl inl*,nv~iloAy t~onffmii--,d 'to raiie its brood. ALEKSANDIINVICIUTE, B.; APALIA, Dz.; BRLINDZA, K.; BAGDONAITE, A.; CIBLRAS, L.; JARKEVICIERIE, R.; LEKAVICIUS, Aj LUKAIT.'ENE, M.; LISAITE, E.; MkICINKEVICIENE, Y.-_,_TITV_ASAITIS, A.; PIP!I.TYS, J.; SNARSKIS, P.; STANCEVIGIUS, A.; SARXINIUM, I.; I.-'jKM-I'.7USA., glav. red.; JANKEVICIUS, K., otv. rod.; NATKEVIGAITE-il~.kNAUSKIlZiE,vl.p rad.; DAIG-fS, J., red.; MIME, E., red.; JJIAITIS, J., --.ekhn. red. ['.Flora of the Lithuanian S.S.R.-I Liatuvos TSR flora. lied, M.Natkevi- ca ite-lvanauaki one. Vilnius, Vc-Llstybine politines ir Trok.~lines Uteraturos loidykla. Vol-3. 1c,161. 661 p. 04][Ri. 15:3) 1. Lietuvos TSH 1-,okslu akademija; Vilna, Wtanikos instit,-,,tas. (Lithuania--Botany) BAGDONAITEY A~; GALINIS, V.; JANKEVICIENEY R-; JEK&U-T NATKEVICAIT-P,-IVANAUSKIENE, M.; PIPINY:3, J.; JIURVINAS,E.; j RIFJ)KAITE, R. ; SNARSKIS, P. ; ;TAI;CEVI,:'IUS)' A. ; SARKINIVIEj 1. ZIEMYTE, E., red.; ANAITIS, J,,, tekhn,, red. (Flora of the Lithuanian S.S.I':4] Lietuvos TSR flora. Autoriu, kolektyvas: A.Bagdonaite ir k--Lti. Vilnius, VaasVblue politi- nes ir mokslines literaturos 1963. 714 P. OCRA 16:9) I . Lietuvos TSR Mokslu Aka.damLja, Vi1na, Botanikos instituixts. (Lithuania-Angriot3perms) IXKAWSKA, Malgorzata Compiitation of the intefral coefficient of capturing droplets of fog'or cloud into a spherical container. Acta geophys Pol 9 no. 1/2, 114-120 161. 1. Katedra Fizyki Atmosfery W, Warszawa. ]POLAND LEKAWSU-1EGORSKA0 Xalgorzate, Inartitute of Geopbysicst Polish AcadmW of Sciences# Warsav Vareamp ActIL g2ophysica, volonles. No 3, JUy/Selyt 1966, pp 199-216 "On Isentropic mean transport from stratosphere to troposphere by baroclinic disturbames." I IMANI, J. "Proper Cooperation of Investors with the Planning Bureau." p.285 "Results of Our Canvassing,n p.287 (PRZEMYSL ROLNY I SPOZnTCZY Vol. 7, no. 8, August 2.953 lofarszavra, Poland) SO: Monthl List of East Euronean Accessions, 10, Vol. 3, no. 5, MaY 1954/Uncl, 1 1, IT IERIODICAL: BRUDGY:;` IT J C rF, - -- 5:. . Vol 7, no. 8, Au.-. 1058 LEXAIISKI, J, The Expcjr-.' Center of the CoT?uij.r-.qion '~'or the Evduation o1' Plans as the exporter of teci- ml !dear,. p. 42. llon'hly List of Ens~. DiroT-ean Access-l-ns LC Vol. 8, no. .1. Anril 1959, Unclus LEKAWSXI, Jerzy, inz. Polish sugar plants, famous in the world sugar Industr"j. Przegl techn 81 no.10:71-9 160. LEKkWSKI, Jerzy, irz. Polish Chinese coaperation; the industrial pla-ts in Kiangricon on the Pearl River. Przegl techn 81 ro.21:10-12 My 160. I-ri-111YE, V. Card. Tech. Scl. Dissertation: T'Concernin,!7 the Effec of Vacuirn on Peat Loris aurlnj- Poflinj- of Cau7tic Soda Solutiono." Moscow Order of lenin Cne-i5cotechnr:2oCic~.1 -Tr2t D. 1, 2 J! u 1 47. SO: Vechernyaya Moskva.. Jul. 1947 (Project #1?830') A P14AIlOVSKIY,A.11., professor, doktor tokhnichei3kikh nauk; RYCHKOV,A.I. dotoent, kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk; !,YjKAYE,V.H., Inzhener Designing evaporators. Mr'47. (MIRA 8:12) (Evaporating appliances) -z,,_j4KAjj!,jLA.X4 YELKINp L.N. Corrosion testing of metals operating in a liquid and vapor sulfur medium. Zhur. VK1140 5 no.-2:238 160. (IMA 114:2) 1. Moskovskiy khimilco-te1rhnologicbeskiy Institut ~Meni D.I. Mendeleyeva. (Metals-Corrosion) EISATKIN"A.G.- LEICAYE, U~.; YELKIN, L.N. Complete processing of sulfur ores by the coutinuous therrial Tiethod. Ehim.prom. no-5:300-30i'~ 14Y 161. (MMI 14::6) 1. Moskovskiy Ordena Le-nina. khimiko-tekhnologicbeakiy institut im. D. I. Mendeleyeva. (Sulfur industry-Equipment and supplies) yElyllK ~ L. IT. ; LE~~AU, V.i':. I lh%--r cryatallizerv. "'ll-ly _nc-33:151-160 t6j. (mi-,"A 11":.L0) (C:.n-.qUtllizatic-n) M',SAT'i V,!-._, L.I-.; Prininali uchast!vE,* MV Ya.l. r-eL-h'-nil: A2 Z n~ s.'afjjr ore,_ Trudy therl" I o2 troati no (11-11A a4slO) (3-., IT YEDCUT, L-N.; LEIRUYE, V.:" Corrosion of metals a liquid and vaporous sulfur Medium. Tr~,dy 1.1101TI n0.35:101-107 161. (MIRA 14:10) (Netals-Corrosion) (Sulfur) 'El MEN p L, IT. ; MUM, V.1' 4 Techanical analysio of s-,ilfur ores for their elenentary sulf-ar content. Trudy FLIUM no.35:108,-11.0 t6l. (MIU 14:10) (Sulfur ores) (Sli-Uur-Analysis) S/1.37/61/00o/01-2/045/149 A006/A101 AMIORS: Kudr7aNtsev, A.A., Lekaye, V.M., Yelkin, L.N., Ustyugov, G.P. TITIZ: EquipmeLt-and technology of developing the continuous thermal pro- cesE of gelenium and tellurium production PER' " 'ODICAL sReferativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, no, 12, 1961, 24, abstract 12G168 ("1'r, Moak. khim.-tekhnol, in-ta im. D.!. Mendeleyeva", 1961, no. 35, 119 - 1L)4) TEXT: On account :)f the complexity and expensiveness-of chemioal methods for extracting Se and Te from slurries of copper-melting, sulfuric acid and other plants, a continuous thermal me'liod is suggested for the reprocessing of slurrius con't;aining Se and r-e. Tne initial material is charged into an externally heated retort, and volatile components, auch as 8, Se and Te, and some admixtures, are distilled, The vapors obtalwd bare cleaned from dust and then supplied to the condenser. -The liquid mixture of the aforemenl;iQned substances is separated in two (or more) rectification columns. In the first aclumn S is distilled, and Se in -the second one; the cubiv fesidue consista of Te. To bring about the given schome, equipment materials ehould be selected, sinoe the materialei to be re- Card 1/2 Equipment and technology ... 3/137/6 1,/Qoo/o i 2/o45./i49 AGG,6/A101 processed are very aggreesive. Special steels and non-metallia inaterials should te tested. The. thermal me-thod Ifor obtaining S,~ and Te has the following main advantages over-chemical methDdel reduced ntmfber of r6proce2sing stages; con- cumption of chemical reagents ie not require,-13 reduced cost price and investment costs; in-proved work conditionti, the possibility of mechanizing and automating the process. V. Gulyanitskiy [Abstracter's notes Complete tranalation] Card 2/2 LEKA'a. V.11,1.; YEIJUN, L;N.; 1EGIIISICiY, M.S.; LIVI FA-ZIN Utilizing the loose res-idue of sulfur limestone ores for the production of cement. Trudy IIKHTI no.36:151-159 161. (MIRA 15:7) (Cement-Testing) LEKAYE, V.M.; YELKIN,L.N.; ULIYANOV, N.S., kand. tekhn. nauk, [Modera methods of sulfur recovery from sulfur ores] -F,ovre*o-fty*e sposoby polucheniia sei-j J.z sernykh rud; iich6ff6'e posobia. Moskva, Mosk. khimiko-tekhnolog. in-t Im. D.I.Mandeleyeva, 1961. 75 p. (MIRA 16:10) (Sulfur) KAZATKIN, A.G.Jq doktor tekhn.nauk, prof. [deceased]; LEKAYE, V.M., kand. tekhn.nauk; YELKIN, L,N., dotsent Operation of screw-bype reactors-;~eat exchangers. Khira.mashinostr. no.4t8-10 Jl-Ag 163. (MIRA 1-6:9) (Heat axchangers) pe t07-175 10. YEELKIN, L.N.; Y12"MIN, A.S.; LINFAZIN, G.N. Feeding and distri'mition systems -)f u,;lt42c--t-Ube a-rid react'Lve apparatus. Trudy ~PUM no.40:17CS-181 163. OKIRA 18:12) Vll,~OV, N.G. [Viliesov, H.H.]; LEKAYE, V.M. [Lekae., V.M.]; KUMETSOV, Yu.F. [Kuznietsov, IU.P.-] Carbon disulfide content of sulfu:- dioxide and methane. Julim.prom. rUkr.] no.1-5-6 Ja-Mr 164. (14IRA, 17: 3) L Me r, (i o 1 (3 e va KI`Si~ I%% V F, Wj"C"ll -i'm c f e by a u-I Cur Trul-17 j Z 80-5~ CRr 11. G. ; KAS ATK 111, Ci redu n t -1rjri of ul f FL-~-~ ri,'Lfc; 6Y 89 '~4-. F V , 14 G from rwt~wme and gullur In LFKPo-A-",-rTT T '7 s - Ila t cyl 7,ina,-::. L~,t r:,-A' s -LEKCZYNSKA, J.: ROGUSKI, K. Adaptation of potatoes to regions. p. 24. (NOWE ROLNICTWO, Vol. 2, nu. 10) Oct. 1953) SO; Montbly List of East EUr-Op3an Accessions, L.C.; Vol. 3) No. 4, April, 1954 LE-KCZYNSKA, Jadwiga Activities of the Znstitute of Plant breeding and Acclimatization. Nauka polska 12 no. 3,01-108 My--Je 161,. 1. Corresponding Member of Polish 4cademy of Sciences, Director, .nstitut,e of Plant Breeding and Acclimatization, Warsaw, LEKER, Kh.Ya. (Cherno-ftsy-) Data on the histar-y of medical education i!: Bukovina. during the epoch of the Austro-Hungarian rule (1872-1914). S,)v. zdrav. 21 no.2:63-(-9 162. (MUR-4 1513) 1. Iz kafedry inor-trannykh yazykov (zav. Kh.Ya. Leker) Chernovittikof;o maditeinskogo instituta (dir. - doteent M.M. Kovalev). (DUKOVINA-44F-DICINE-STUDY AIM TEACIMIG) UZERNIK, Mark Moisqt-vieh [Klectrother.tJcs in the metallurgy of copper lead,, anid zinc] Elaktrotemiiie v metallurgii medi, dvintoa i tsW-,a. Moskva, Izd-vo "Metallurgiia," 1964. 283 p. (MIRA 17:6) Quality of malting barley frm laid-down crops. p. 184. KRIDIA VIASTI. (S"vaz pro spolupraci r armadou) Praha, Czechoslova'-kia Vol. 5, no. 8, Aug. 1959. rion'thly List of East European Accessions (EEAI), LO, Vol. 8, no. 11, Nov. 1959 Uncl. Mim, 3 j. ACRICULTURE FETITODMI'L: T,'STITK, ITOL. 6, no. 2, 1959 Lekes, J. Raising the yield per hectare of ,,,inter whent and barley. p. 74. Monthly LiA of East. Fumpean Accesaioxis, (EEAI), IL, Vol. 8, no. 5, Ma I y 1959,Uncla,~s. LEKES, Jaroslav, inz, C.133c. Experiences in 'ho present research qnd cultivation ,f spring and winter bar-lo u y in the German Democratic Republic, Vest ust zemedel 12 no.4,158-160 165. 1. Research Institute of Grain, Kromeriz, LEK.E5,% Jaroslav, Inz.; VOSKERU.':,A, Jaroslav, ---nz. Solved research tasks on oilseed plants and malt barlt7, cUtiyati-.m. I Vestnik CSAZV ' no.12:627-735 160, (EEAI 10:4) I 1. Vyzkumna st~,nica Cesicosloven5ke akademie zemedelskych ved, Cpava. (CzechosIovrkia---OiIseed plants) (ftechoslovakia-Barley) (Malt) :* "E'3, Jaroslav, inz. OS(,-. I S;rmposium on b&rle,-, genr-tics and breeding. Vest ust zemedel 11 no, 7x265-271 i1 164. 1. Rese&rch Institute or Grain, Xromeriz.