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5(3) SOV/79-29-7-53/5,7
AUTHORS: Khayrullin, V. K., kll-~eneva, A. It, Abramov, 7. S.
TITLE: Synthesis and Isomeri zation of the Mixed EF-ters of Di-
dichloroisopropylphosphol-olls Acid. V (Polucheniye i izomerizat-
siya smeshannykh efirov di- P-dikhlo ri zo pro pil fn 9f ori,-, toy
kisloty. V)
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal obshchey khimii, 191/9, Vol 299 111-c 79 pp 2355-235159 (LSSA)
ABSTRACT: Interaction of alcohols with PC13 yi~-Ids alkylilinh1oropho9phites,
dialkylehlorophosphites, dialkylphoBphorous acid, and trialkyl-
phosphites depending on the, nature of the radical, the presence
of substituents, and reaction conditions. Treatment of chlorine,
and cyanine-substituted alcohols (Refs 2, 3 res.PectivelY) with
PC1 ives acid chlorides of phosphorous acid and in some cases
phosphites. The oc , r-dichlorhydrin of glynerin was used for this
investig,ation. The compound reacted -~,-ith PCI3 at room temDeratuzp,
and ~vav,:i 'he. folloving -.ompounds: Tht, a~,id dichloride ~f
--di C
oisopropylphz. STlhorcus Pc-1 el 122~a) , the racid
monochloride of di- P*-di-chloroi-soviopyl-.q,)~--,horous at.J-d
Card 113 P iifhloroisopi -!~Yl ,~.Ster of
and the di-P
Synthesis and loomerization of 'lie Mlixed E.,;terz of -wr 3
L ~ V/7.0-29-7-53/C
Di- dicliloroisopropylphosphorous Acid. V
r-dichloropropylphosphinic acid (9.8~~.). According to
M. I. Kabachnik and P. A. Rossiyskaya (Ref 4), the latter is
formed an inter- or intra-molecular isomerization of tho
tri-P -dichloroisopropyll)hosphite. The roaction of the
octr dichlorohydrin of glycerin with PC1 is demonstrated in
the scheme given. The intact phosphorous ht0r, which was not
obtained in pure form, reacted rith cuprouo chlorido. This may
be regarded as proof of the existence of phosphite in the
solution (Ref 5). The acid monochloride of di-P , PO-dichloro-
isopropylphosphorous acid Tras saponified with water, and the
resulting substituted phosphorous acid condensed rith aldehydes
and ketones. The acid dichloride of the same acid was used
for synthesizing the nixed esters of phosphorous --cid bY
treatment with aliphatic alcohols in absolute ether in the
presence of pyridine at -6 - 00 (Yield 47-65%). The phyrical
properties of the synthesized esters are given in table 1
Card 2/3
Synthesis and Isomerization of the Mixed Esters of SOV/79-29-7-5 3/~;-"
Di-~ , Pl-dichloroisopropylphosphorous Acid, V
those of the alkyl- A, P'-dichlorci-sopropyl --sters ---lF' the
alkylphosphinic acids in table 2,
There are 2 tables and 8 references, 6 of which are Soviet.
ASSOCIATION: Kazanskiy khimiko-tekhnologicheskiy institut
(Kazan'-Institute of Chemical Technology)
SUBMITTED: July 3, 1958
Card 3/3
q'!'3j%- SOV/79-2.9-8-19/81
ATITHORS: Khayrullin, V. K., Ledeneva,_A~..I., Abramov, V. S
TITLE: On the Reaction of,Dialkyl-phosphorous Acids With Aldehydes and
Ketones. XXI. Di-PIPI-dichloro-isopropyl Esters of the Substi-
tuted a-Oxymethyl-phosphinic Acid
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal obshchey khimii, 1959, Vol 29, Nr 8, pp 2551-2553
(USSR)- -
ABSTRACT: The authors continued their investigations concerning the syn-
thesis of different a-oxyalkyl-phosphinates by condensation of
the dialkyl-phosphorous acids with carbonyl compounds (Ref 1),
and extended them to the di-pgp-dichloro-isopropyl.-phosphorous
acid. They found previously (Ref 2) that condensations which
lead to the formation of chlorine-substituted a-oxyalkrl-phos-
phinates take place also without catalysts at room temperature.
The condensation of the P,pl-dichloro-isopropyl-phosphoroljs
acid, and other acids with chlorine atoms in the ester radicals
of different structure, is very interesting. The above-mentioned
acid was obtained by action of water on the corresponding acid
Card 1/3
On the Reaction of Dialkyl-phosphorous Acids With Aldehydes and Ketones.
XXI. Di-p,pl-dichloro-isopropyl Esters of the Substituted a-Oximethyl-phcs-
phinic Acid
CH C1 H C1
(C :~
~C~2C" 2 CH2C 2
The condensation of this acid with aldehydes and ketones was
mostly carried out by mixing equimolar quantities of the re-
actants, without catalyst, atvroom temperature. The end products
were best separated if they were crystallizable. The formation
of a compact crystalline mass indicates the end of the re-
action. The data of the esters recrystallized from 96% alcohol.
are presented in the table (NNO 1-5), in addition to the di-
tert.-(i,1,1-trichloro)-butyl estersr hitherto unknown of the
a-oxy-p-ohloro-isopropyl-phosphinic and a-oxy-P,P9-dichloro-
isopropyl-phosphorouE3 acids (NNO 6,7). The condensation products
of the di-p,pf-dichloro-isopropyl-phosphorous acid with acetic,
propionic, butyric, and isovalerianic aldehydep cyclopentanone2
etdit..Vresulted in the form of sirupy liquids the purification
of which was difficult. There are 1 table and 2 Soviet references.
Card 2/3
Or- the Reaction of Dialkyl-phosphorous Acids With "Lldehydes and Ketones.
XXI. Di-p,pl-dichloro-isopropyl Esters of the Substituted a-Oxymethyl-phos-
phinic Acid
ILSSOCIATION: Kazanskiy khimiko-tekhnologicheskiy institut (Kazanf Chemo-
technological Institute)
SUBMITTED: July 3, 1958
Card 3/3
L 1017L-66, VW(d).AM"(341W(--),42F(A1-2AW fl'%
- - v i4 , -,5- '? .- ~- - /-i
qL1 ! 5 `~ Yq' '; Y;, ~ r-
Belav, K. P M-1. Ovehinnikova, T. L.;
AUTHOR: Kadomtseva, A. M.; Le!!M,,
Timofeyeva, V. A. q
ORG: Physics Faculty of the Moscow State Universit~ im. M. Wmonosov (Fizichesk#y
fakulTt-A-Ro'skovskogo gosudi~7s-Evennogo universiteta)
TITLE: Features of the temperature dependence of the magnetization of thulium ortho-
SOURCE: Zhurnal eksperimental'noy i teoreticbeskoy fiziki. Pis'ma v redaktsiyu.
Prilozheniye, v. 2, no. 6, 253-256 1.0
TOPIC TAGS: thulium compound, temperature Aependence pgLgn tiz~-Cion, magnetic moment
ABSTRACT: The authors observed an anomalous temperature dependence in the magnetiza-
tion of thulium orthoferrite. When the temperature was reduced to 90K the magnetic
moment was reoriented from the c axis to the a axis of the crystal. Below 90K, the
spontaneous magnetic moment of the single-crystal thulium orthoferrite remained ri-
gidly oriented along the a axis of the rhombic crystal. By plotting the rotary mo-
ments in the (001) plane of the single-crystal thulium orthoferrite at temperatures
78 to 4.2K, the authors obtain, from the rotary moment (p = 90*, the values of the
magnetization at different temperatures. The temperature dependence thus obtained
for the magnetization is shown in Fig. 1. At 92K the spontaneous magnetization along
the a axis is zero for at this temperature the magnetic moment is still oriented
along the c axis of the crystal. After a slight decrease in the temperature (-2'),
L 10174-&
ACC NR- AP50264oo
dr" Glglce the magnetization along the a axis Increases rapidly.,
reaching a value 1 G/g/coP, owing to the reorientation
of the magnetic,moment from the c axis to the a axis.
With further drop in temperature, the magnetization de-
creases smoothly, vanishing at 18K. Below 18K, the
spontaneous magnetization along the a axis again begins
to increase. The vanishing of the spontaneous magneti-
zation is obviously the result of compensation of the
0 4 a ff -f4V magnetic moments of the iron and thulium ions, which
should be observed if the exchange interaction between
Fig. 1. Temperature depen these ions is negative. An analogous phenomenon was
dence of the spontaneous apparently observed by the authors earlier for samarium
magnetization of single- orthoferrite at 4.2K (FMM v. 19, 778, 1965), but it was
difficult to present an unambiguous explanation of the
cx7stal thulium orthofer- phenomenon observed there, since no measurements were
rite along the a axis.
made below the compensation point. It follows from the
measurements that the magnetic-compensation points observed for the majority of rare-
earth ferrites with garnet structure are also possessed by some orthoferrites of
rare-earth elements. Orig. art. has: 2 figures and 1 formula.
sTiB com 2o/ sm DATE: o8jul65/ oRIG REF: 002/ OTH PEF: 002
Card 2.
Quantitative determination of aliphatic and aromatic aldehydeS
in the form of 2,4-dinitrophanyl hydrazones. Prikl. biokhim. i
mikrobiol. 1 no. 6t675-679 N-Z 165. (MIFLA 18112)
1. Vaesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut vinodeliya i
vinogradarotva "Hagarach". Submitted April 19,, 1965.
Effect of saline folding on
chlo7ride ip sylvinite searrs
trudy Peria NIUI no. 4:24-29
the distribution of potassium
of the UWor Kama deposit. Nauch.
162. (MA 17:6)
- - ....2 1-1.17- ,
Re' iability of the results of geological pr)-~pe~:t-!ng. '!a-anh.
trudy PermNIJI no.5g24~,28 163. (MIPY, 18~--3)
S ta b i It t f
and content of lliE basic "uzer Kama --~.Vxq-
"llum Sul% Jepc!3~t,, N't-uCh. trk."-i,7 -)rlr,!l "l! :2,f-31 .6'.
vOPNIN, V.I.5 RAYEV03KIY, V~I., 1,A.
- - I -- %~
Density of the explcra-crY 'n the .3`age of
- u
exploration of 'h~ Upper Kama jeposit. Nauch.tmaly 17arm
NITH no. 4:30-39 162. (MIRA 1~~6)
LIDENTSOV... inzh.
Construction elements made of compressed wood. Biul.teldi.
inform. po atrai- 5 no.11:24-26 X '59- (MM 13:4)
(Wood. Compressed)
LEDIE1,1TSOV, E. Ni., Cand. Tech S~ci - (uJiss) "Totally-pressed wood p1ristics
in the internal firiislArg of buildir,-s." Lenin-rad, 10,60. ll~ pp
chart---; (Mini-stry of H_JEiaG-r and Seconda.- Specialist Educat4on e,
Y -1 1:;
Lenin-rad Order of Labor Red Banner Construction Em_--.ineerir- Im:t, G~ _ 4r
of Construction Production); 250 copies; price not -1ven; (KL, 1j;1)
GCLM, Sh.N., ksnd.tekhn.nauk--]~~~11-~H-- inzh,-, NIKULAM, A.Bop
inzh.; PAVLMO, V.T., inzh.; PLAKIDA, H.A., Imnd.tekhn.nauk;
PMDBYA. A.I.,'doktor tekhn.nauk; SPIRIDONOVA, O.M., kand.tekha.
nauk; MATSKIT. P.S.. inzh.; YBDORTSOV, B.D., Jazh., retsenzent;
(Manual on finishing operational Spravochnik po otdelochnym
rabotam. Pod red. I.I.Forednis i O.M.Spiridonovoi. Leningrad,
Goo.izd-vo lit-ry po stroit., arkhit. i stroit.materialam,
ig6o. 497 P- (MIRA 14:4)
1. Leningrad. Glavnoye atroitellnoye upravleniye.
(Finishes and finishing)
GOLAND, Sh.N., kand. tekhn. nauk- LEDENTSOV, N.M., inzh.; NIKOLAYEV, A.S.,
inzh.; PAVLENKO, V.T., inz-,.,----PLAYIDk, MJ:--Itand. tekhn. nauk;
PORADRYA, A.I., dcktor tekhn. nauk; SPIRIDOROVA, O.M., kand. tekhn.
nauk-; SWATSKIlp P.S., inzh.; FEDORTSOV, B.D.9 inzh., retsenzent;
KAPLAN, I-I.Ya.9 red. izd-va; PULIKIUA, Ye.A., tekhn. red.
(Handbook of finishing operations] Spravochnik po otdelochnym ra-
botam. Pod red. A.I.Poradnia i O.M.Spiridonovoi. Leningradp Gas.
izd-vo 1-it-ry po strait., arkhit. i strait. materialam, 1961.
497 p. (MIRA 14:7)
1. Leningrad. Upravleniye po zhillshchno3am i grazhdanskomu stroitell-
(Finishes and finishing)
-;~Z- INJI., inzh.,, assistent
Cl-orr-,ration of scl6nce and practice. Sboraiauch.trudov LJ31 m.2!,,-
r 11 it. (IMA
.1 ".
(Constructlon industry)
Iffect of low temperature and of ionizing irradiation on proteins
and proteiu *actions in the blood serum. -Biul.eksp.biol.i med. 48
ne.11:57-59 H 159. (MIRA 13:5)
1. Iz kafedry biokhimii (zav. - Prof. S.A. Braylovksiy) Sverdlov-
skogo meditsinskogo instituta (dir. - prof. A..7. Zverev). Predstav-
lena de~stvitelluym chlenom AM9 SSSR V.N. Chernigovskim.
(COLD effeetal
z~, a,
Ural' ekoye fioveehchnnlye po spektroskopii. 30, Sverdlovsk, 1960.
Materlal~ (Materials of the Third Ural Conference on Spectros-
copy) Sverdlovsk, Metallurgizdat, 1962. 197 D. Errata allp
Inserted. 30OO'copies printed.
Sponsoring Agencies: Institut fiziki metallov Akademli nauk SSSR.
Komissiya po spektroakopli; and Vrallakly dom tekhnik!L VSNTO.
Edo. (Title page): 0. P. Skornyakov, A. B.-Shayevich, and S. 0.
-Bogomolovj Ed.: Gennadiy Pavlovich Skornyakov; Ed. of Publish-
Ing Housei M. L. Kryzhova; Tech. Ed.t N. T. Mallkova.
PURPOSE: The book, a collection of articles, is intended for staff
members.of spectral analysis laboratories In industry and scien-
tific research organizations, as well as for students of related
disciplines and for technologists utilizing analytical results.
CP-4 1/%5
Materials of the Third Ural Conference (Cont.) SOV/6181
COVERAGE: The collection presents theoretical and practical prob-I
lems of the application of atomic and molecular spectral analy-;
sis in controlling the chemical composition of various materiali
in ferrous and nonferrous metallurgy, geology, chemical Indus-,
try, and medicine. The authors express their thanks to 0. V.
Chentsova for help In preparing the materials for the press.
References follow the individual articles.
Foreword 3
Sheratkov, Yu. A., and L. P. Makeimovskiy. Investiiation of
the dependence of the total intensity of spectral lines
on the concentration of elements In an aro-dIsch4 rge plasmft 4
Card 2/15',
Materials of the Third Ural Conference (C.ont.) SOV16181
Finkellshtiyn, A..I., B. 1. Sukhorukov, T. M. Korniyenko,
and Yu. I. Mushkin. Utilization of acid and alkali
properties for spectrophotometric analysis of amino-
hid-roxy compounds by means of ultraviolet spectra 168
Finkel'shteyn, A. 1. Spectral determination of composi-
tion and structure of melamine pyrolysis products 171
Korobkov, V. S. Spectroscopic manifestations of inter-
molecular hydrogen bonds 174
Kolobova, V. N., and V. V. Zharkov. 'Quantitative determina-
tion of residual monomers In polystyrend by.*ltraviolet
absorption spectra 178
Yu. K., and E. N. Borodina. Absorption spectra
of blooff -serum under the effect of ionizing radiation
and low temperature 180
Card 13/ 15
Dehydrogenase activity of tissues after a treatment with lov
temperatures and ionizing radiation. Radiobiologiia 3
29-33 t63. (M:1RA 1632)
1. Sverdlovskiy gosudarstvennyy meditsinakiy institut.
ACCESSION NR: AR4027238 S/0299/64/000/002/PO661PO66
SOURCE: RZh. Biologiya, Abs. 2P418
UTHOR: Kler, 0. V.; Ledentsov, Yu. K.
TITLE: (3P418) Morphological changes in the skin under the influence of low
temperature and irradiation
CITED SOURCE: Sb. tr. Sverdl. med. in-t, vy*p. 39, 1963, 95-109
TOFIC TAGS; radiation, frostbite, skin, skin morphology, radiation damage
ABSTRACT: Twenty guinea pigs were subjected to x-irradiation of doses of 500 r,
as well as to low temperature (frostbite, 11-III degree). The morphological
changes in the skin were found to be more extensive after combined treatment than:
after frostbite alone, in agreement with a more severe clinical course of the
disease. After the first day the morphological skin changes were the same in
animals receiving frostbite plus irradiation and frostbite alone. Three days
after combined injury, the number of macrophages was lower than after frostbite
Card 1/2
alone and the disintegration of ;he leukocyte barrier was delayed. On the fifth
day after combined injuryi acidophilic granules were observed in the cytoplasm
and on the surface of neutrophils; these were not observed after frostbite
alone. On the seventh day there was delayed sloughing of tissues, a decrease
in the rate of growth of the epithelial layer, and small numbers of acidophilic
granules. On the 10th day there was rel4tively low phagocytic activity. The .1:
regenerative power of the tissues -was not suppressed by combined treatment.
Card 2/2
-"'- - --
Change in the content of some amino acids in the blood and
urine under the influence of low temperature and ionizing
radiations. Biul. eksp. biol. i med. 56 no.8.,60-64 Ag 163~
(MIRA 17:7)
1. Iz kafedry biokhimii (zav. - dotsent A.M. Genkin) Sverd-
lovskogo meditsinskogo insUtuta. Predstavlena deystvitelinym
chlenom AMN SSSR A.V. Lebedinskim.
SLAVTN, S,V., doktor ekonom.nauk; GRAHIK, G.I., kand.ekonom.nauk; KUZAKOV,
X.G., kand.ekonom.nauk; MIKHAYLOV, S.Y., kand.ekonom.nauk; WAPALIN'
B.F., kand.geograf.nauk; KAMSNITSXR, L.S., nauchnyy sotrudnik;
MOWIN, D.D., nanchnyy sotradnik; TYUK098W, A.P., nauchnyy sotrudnik;
IRTSOVA, N.A '-"' inzh.; KOZLOV, B.K., kand.tekhn.nauk, starshiy na-
uchnyy sotrudnik; BRO=WN, L.B., starshiy nauchny7 sotradnik;
BOVKUN, A.Ye.; VEMININ, A.A., okhotoved; ZERCRYEV, N.A., retsenzent;
AGRANAT, G.A., kand.geograf.nauk, red.; PUZANOVA, V.F., kand.geograf.
naiik; SHOKMAN, V.I., red.izd-va; B1WZGUL, V.V.,
[Problems in the development of the productive forces of Kamchatka
Province] Problemy razvitiia proizvoditellnykh ail KamehatBkoi ob-
lasti. Moskva, 1960. 420 p. (MIRA 13:7)
1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Sovet po i2~ucheniyu proizvoditelinykh ail.
Sektor prirodnykh resursov 1, ekonomiki Severe. 2. Zaveduyushchiy Sekto-
rom prirodnykh resursov i ekonomiki Severa Soveta po iz-acheniyu proizvo-
ditellnykh ail AN SSSR (for Slavin). 3. Institut onergetiki AN SSSR
(for Kozlov). 4. Tikhookeanskiy rybnyy institut (TINRO) (for Broa-
shteyn). 5. Starshiy ekonomist Kamchatskogo oblplans (for Bovkun).
6. Kamchatskoye otdeleniye Vaesoyuznogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo
inatituta zhivotnogo syrTya i pushniny (for Vershinin).
(Kamchatka Province--2conomic conditions)
Hydrological and bydrochemical conditions in the Baltic Sea during
the period of the International Geophysical Year. Trudy GOIN
no.55&77-96 160. (MIRA.14:7)
(Baltic Sea-"Hydrology) (Baltic Sea-Water-Composition) -
__ LEDER,-I. Z.
Hydormateorological surveys for the Baltic Sea. Trudy GOIN no.
65:163-167 161. (MIRA 14:8)*'
(Baltic Sea-44ateorology, Maritime)
(Baltic Sea--Hydrology)
Using a semiconductor electric thermometer In studying the
thermal microstratificatioq~W the Baltic Sea. Trudy GOIN
no.70.`61-70 162. (KRA 15:6)
(Baltic Sea--Temperature-Measurement)
CSFMIOHORSZKY, Vilmos, Dr. ; TRIM, Jozoef, Dr.; BETAY, Maria, Dr. JAUB,
Tivadar, Dr.
On a synthetic mascle relaxant and on results of its application.
Orv. hetil. 100 no.35:1272-1274 30 Aug 59
1, A Badapesti OrvoBtudomnyi Fgy6t,3m Sebeszeti KlinikELjanok
(igazgato: Hedri Endre dr. egyet. tarar) kozlemenye.
(MUSCILM MLLUNM, pharmacol)
LF.DFdi,--.J-qzs.ef-.--dr.; MAY, Maria, dr.; CSIMIOHORSZKY, Vilmos, dr.;
JAW, Tivadar, dr.
Anesthesia in thymectomy performed during myanthenia gravis.
Magy sebeszet 13 no.6:390-393 D 159.
1. A Budapesti. Orvostudomanyi F-gyetem I. 9z. Sebeszeti
Klinikajanak kozlemenve Igazgato: Hedri Fadre dr. egyet.
(THMS GWiD surg)
T; T EN T T 0
"'P -1,3r7
-,E:~ 7
!r.*7Tn! V T~ El~
HTA.IGARY/Raclio Physics - Application of Fadiophysiml methods 1-9
Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Fizilm, 1,1,, 6; 1958., 110 139355
Author : --Lz~~JOZ~Sef
Inst Not Given
Title Color Television
Orig Pub Radiotechnika: 1957: 71 No 10) 292-293
Abstract Popular article.
Card 1/1
"U'r-111 4.
"Notes on color television."
P. 21 (Radiotechnika) Vol. 8, no. 1, Jan. 1958
Budapest, Hungary
SO: Monthly Index of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC. Vol. 7, no. 4,
April 1958
BARKA, Laszlo, dr.; LEDER, Jozsef, dr.; SITKERY, Ivan, dr.; POMMERSHEIM,
Ferenc, dr.
Postoperative aerosol therapy. Orv.hetil. 102 no.8:357-358 19 F'061.
1. Budapesti Orvostudomanyi Evetem, I. Bz. Sebeszeti Klinika.
Air-current curtain, a new methal of rrotectim- en'r-ince ~Ioors. p. 341.
I " -.1 i. I .
(~-OV--~ Vol. 1. '10- 11, -,0'r 1--)56 Praha, Czechoslovakia)
, I
I-, j: 2 : ec 1., 17. ncl.
5 Yonthly List of :,-ast I uropean Accessions (EEAL' LC, Vol_ , No. 1, , 95 U
KOBETSY M.; IVANOVI N.; LEDIM) N. neshtatnyy korrespondent (ftwmansk);
Rrom the mailbox. ~bst.prom. i khud.promys- 4 no.308 Mr 163.
(~Um 16.4)
1. Direktor gorodskogo prombytkombinata,, Biyskf Altayskogo kray (for
Kobets). 2. 1-bgi-levskoye oblastnoye upravleniye mestnoy promyshlennosti,
Beloruaskoy WSSR (for 14orgavtsov).
(Efficiency, Industrial)
LMDXR, Stefan
Dynamics of imconditioned and conditioned vegetative reflexes
in the course of catatonic stupor. Keur. &c.polska 5 no-2:171-
176 Mr-Ap 155.
I- Z Panstwowego Instytut Psychoneurologicznego w Pruszkowie.
yrektor: prof. dr Z. Kuligawski.
catatonia, conditioned & unconditioned vegetative
autonomic in schizophrenia catatonia, dyn-mics)
aatonomic, In schizophrenia catationia, dynanics)
Problem of BplenectomV in endocrdit-is -re-uta. with report of
a MS~. Polski tygod. lek. 12 no.22:833-835. 27 HaY 57.
le 2 Oddzialu Choro~ Wewnetrzrqch Gentralne&q Szpitala MBP;
ordynator; prof. B. Jachwedas Adres: Warszawa, ul. LitewBka 5 m. 1.
splenectomy (Pal))
(SPIMW, surgery,
excis. in nubacute bacte endocarditis (Pal))
LEDER, Stefan; URBANSKI, Ilicz
A case of mental disorders during the course of disseminated lupus
erythematosus. Polski tygod.lek. 15 no.37;1418-1421 12 S 16o.
1. Z I Oddzialu Psychiatrycznego Ijstytutu Psychoneuroloicznego
w Pruszkowie; dyrektort prof. dr. Z.Kuligowski; kierownik oddzialu:
prof. dr A.Jus.
Group psychotherapy on Pychlatric wards. Neurol. neurochir,
PsYchiat- Pol- 13 no.3'.'405-414 163,
1. ;~ oddzialu Psychiatr7cznego lnstytutu PsychOneurologieznego
((h,irozeany kierownik: Prof. dr A. Jus) Dyrektor Instytutu:
Prof. d7 Z. W. Kuligowski.
LEDER, Stefan
Apropos of group psychotherapy. Neurol. neurochir. psychiat.
pol. 13 no.6:929-934 N-DT63
l. Z Oddzialu Nerwic Instytutu Psychoneurologicznego w Prusz-
kowie; kierownik : dr. S.1--der.
Some remarks on current theoretical and practical problems in
psychotherapy. Zhur. nevr. i psikh. 63 no.9.1245-1248 163.
(MIPA 17-10)
1. Psikhonevrologicheskiy institut, Prushkuv, Varsha-ia.
4- Ile
Tho determination of carotene according to
G. MI Vu.,G.,Leda. Gilkna i Sawa. 19SI,
No. 6, 37--4 I.-The Naladze method (C.A. 42, 13841) was
refsamd. Tht use of absoirbent cotton 6 unsali%tActory-
for obtaining putt carotene satnz. and shouki be reptawcd
with fresbly ppId. CaCO, or Ca(011),. Coloffinetry of the
initial mi. of filtrate with cotton gives higher than normal
result*. The nectsmity for using a colovitnticr in%tcad of a
IM11 anent rok)r "e nutkes the method unsuitable for t
held use. G. M. XOSOUPOIT
t Land
z i o C4. 1
kill I t tar --a VI, 56
T lie ~-Si IZXS'-- (I ua 1 t t J. e!5 0 CT, lie, o.~ 1's I,; %o w e, r,
vnr-i-~tty, hybrid variety and Lhe j, T,11 -
tia, var-, :-t y 1.646 vrerv i fvqes~
aver.-ige matu-InIg viriefjes surva:~ip-..'
rapid ripeniknE; in roughn T)r