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19W,mv, I). PA-5/49T73 LTSSR/Medicine - Antibiotics ---------- Medicine - Marine organisms Jul 48 D"Narine Microflora as a Source Of Antlbiotics,n Tabeder I IV 2 p "Fr1roda" No 7 Presents studies to determine antibiotic value of marine microflora. CItes work of Soviet and foreign scientists. D. Sol) Wn/Geology ."Geological Sciences In 'low Polaw 4 pp ,priroda" NO 9 bi@s aeveloPea Bel. foun&A by Stasz'c' 1. i of 80,718t. 1)eocrib" Polish Geo d@reetiol C,001 Inst for Higher r.piny -under - GeOl )MMMY geology St,t, Ceol ST, () and Impm-tant schools., polish G@01 SO publishe& In PO1andL6 9/49T% LEBEDEV, D. V. UM/Geology Sep 48 _to d1jr, "Geological Sciences In Now PolaW @,.Y.. _je 4 pp "PrIroda" No 9 Polish Geol. Sci, founded by Staszic, has developed rapidly under direction of Soviet. Describes State Geol, Sv, Geol. MaBeum, Geol Inst for Higher Schools, Polish Geol Soo and important geology I journals published in Poland. 9/49T54 LEBEDEV, D. V. "Wormood and Simib r Plants," Priroda, No.9, 1948 LBEEDEV, D. V. *MStaasquoia - Living FossilB." Priroda, No-10, 1948 LEBEDRV, D. V. "Streptomycin is Necessary for the Growth of some Types of Bacteria,- Priroft, Wo-10, 1M J,FD-rD:T;1-v D. V. USO/Medicine Plants, Poisonous Dee 48 Medf6ine Histamine 'The Nettleve BurnIng Mechanism," D. V. Lebedev, i p "Pr1roda" No 12 According to research conducted by Emelin and Feldberg (Jour of Phyaiol, 106,44o,1947) burning Is caused by histamine contained in the nettlele spines. The nettle usually con- tains 0,005-0.02@((g of this substance in con- centrations of 1:1,000 to 1:500, Presence of 0-031-0-13;49 acetv-lcholine in the plant vas also determined. F RA 25AW150 77771T"@1_7711 117-1 7(77 i__ UMM"Icine Botany- Fab 1948 Medicine Biqgraphies "Review of 'Russian Botanists. A Biographical and Bibliographical Dioticwwy. -Vol I.' by S. Yu. Lipshits," D. V. Lebodev, 3 pp .Fwau4ilua.@%. Kenuov-, A5 -Priroda" Vol MV11, No 2 This is first vol=e of new work which will acmprise ton volumes when ccmplete. It will cmtaln blogra- phles of about 8,000 Russian botanists and workers in associated fI'elds from 1725 to 1941. Idst of sources Is appended to each article. Review is, on the whole, favorable. 69M PA 6.),773 'USO/Visaialne - Gai, P61acning Fob 1948 Medicine - Heredity) Me0hanism *Yperite and Matations," D. V. Lebedev, 2 pp, NPr1roda". 'Vol XMIIj No 2 Re cant medicobiological investigations of mustard gas have shovn that It (1) attacks enzymatory --Pparatus; (2) affects nucleus; In particular, mitotic activity is decreased. Larger doses split nucleus resulting in chaotic dissemination of chromatin. Var- Ions Investigators have utilized this fact for produc- ln@'artificial mutations. Chiefly VL@ and British ,sources; one Russian reference. ft 67M PA 6)772 LEBEDEV, D. V. "Soviet Vegetation and Plant Resources in the Struggle for National ReconBtru-c- tion," Priroda, No.3, 1949 UM/Medicine -.Institutes, Research Apr 49 Medicine - Literature "Reviev of 'Handbook of Agricultural Scientific Research Institutions of the USSR, " D. V. Lebedev, 'I pp "Priroda" No 4 Colmiders book most timely since previous edition came out in 1939 and is outdated. Compilation of --tnformation on these institutions is important due to their rapid expansion.,-under the Soviet govern-- .ment: 214 research institutions in 1939 (122 large 57/49T61 USSR/Medicine - Institutes, Research Apr 4.9 (Contd) oms): 6,959 in 1947 (922 large ones). Book is devoted mainly to a description of the 9M large agricultural research institutions. Deplores fact that only 2,000 copies of this 305-page handbook were printed. 57/49T61 USSR/Biology - Literature Apr 49 Medicine - Entomology "Nev Foreign Scientific Journals and Series," D. V. Lebedev, 2 pp "Priroda"Wo 4 Briefly describes contents of 24 new foreign Journals and rev-iews including: "AgrartudQmw3yi' Szenle" (Agricultural Revieir), Budapest; "Buletinul Polytechnicii 'Gh Asachil" (Bulletin I- of the lGh Asachi' Polytechnical Institute) Iasi, S@ T Rumania; "Medicinisk Forum," Copenhagen; 57/49T7 USSR/Biology - Llterature (Contd) Apr 49 "Entomological Wevs," Nanking; "Hortus Sanitatis," Pkague7 and "Studium Generale" (General Studies), Biu-rlin-Gottingen-Heidelberg. Also includes several Tro and British publications. Ab 57AW7 UMA%dicine - Streptomycin May 49 Medicine - Bacteriology "Utilization of Bacteria Whose Presence Is Necessary in Streptomycin in the Search for Streptomycin Foamers," D. V. Lebedev, i p "Priroda" No 5 Michurinian theory makes it possible to explain the fact that some bacteria require the presence of an antibiotic for their development. Briefly describes so-called streptomycin-requiring bacteria. Wtial stage of experiments involved finding a new streptomycin creator, which involved the use 57/49T91 USM/Medicine - Streptomycin (Contd) may 49 of Actinomyces, griseus. B. coli and Pa. aeuruginoaa, were grown in a streptamycin solution of varying concentrations. Growth of streptomycin-requiring bacteria was not noticed in solutions containing a--tinamitic fungi other than A. griseus. 57/49T91 USSR/Engineering - Scientists Aug 49 Rocket Theory "Review of Russian Scientific Personalities. Sketches of Outstanding Workers in Natural Science and Engi- neering," D, V. Lebedev, i p Priroda" No 8 Among the 127 scientists described In the book are Academicians S. I. Vavllov, A. Ye. Arbuzov, V. A. Obruchev, L. 1. Prasolov, B. A. Keller, L. S. Leybenzon, and Prof V. V. Danilevskiy. Also in- cludes Lomonosov, N. Ye. Zhukovskiy, Mendeleyev, N. M. Przhevallskly, Michurin, 1. P. Pavlov, @ftft 67/49T73 USSR/ Engineering - Scientists (Contd) Aug 49 1. P. Polzunov, inventor of the Eteam engine, K. E. Tsiolkovskiy, originator of the rocket theory, and V. I. Bazhenov. Omits some important names: P. A. Kostychev, soil scientist, F. F. Bellingsgauzen, discoverer of Antarctica, and-A. F. Mozhayskly, in- ventor of the airplane. 67749T73 P4 D. V. 2a. JITS3R (6rDO) 4. qotany - Oibli-o7raphy 7. Riblio7raphy olf' Hungarian botanical literature 'lot. Zh!@r., 37, No. 1, 1952. Biblioteka lotanicheskopo Instituta im. V. L. Korarova AdadeMii f@JaUk TSSFt Lerir, f7rad. 9a. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Coripre3.-:, Apr-il 1@)52, U,TCLA')73!FIT-,'D V'k P_otanv - jjibl@o7xaThy Soviet botanica lit-@_rature Pot. zhur. 37, no. 2, March-April 1952 SO: Month List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, 1953, Uncl. D, 11 LS7,Dr-IV) V , Botany - Bibliorgarhy clovie4- botanical literature. D. V. Lebedev. Bot. zhur. 37 No. 3 1952. Botanicheskiy Institut, im. V. L. Komarova, Akademii Hauk SSR Monthly List of %Rssian Accessions, Library of Congress, Sentember 1952. TRICL. LEBEDEV, D. Ve Botany-Bibliography Soviet botanical literature. Bot. zhur. 37 no. 4, 1952. Monthly List of Fcassian Accessions Library of Congress, November 1952. UNCUSSIFIM. 1. LEBEDEV, D. V. 2. USSR (600) 4. Botany-Bibliography 7, Soviet botanical literature. Bot.zhur. 37 no. 6, 1952. 9. Monthly Lists of Russian Accessions, Library of CanCross, I&rch 1953, Unclassified. KIRPICHNIXOT. M.E.; LEBMMV, D.V.; SMIRNOVA, N.V. o_n_-__i , - ",_ _" @ @ Aleksandr Allf sov ch Grosegeim, 1888-1948. Koskva, Izd-vo Akad.nauk SSSR, 1953. 127 P. (MLRA 6:11) (Gorsegeim, Aleksandr Allfonsovich, 1888-1948) (Bibliography--Grossgeim, Aleksandr Allfoneovich, 1888-1948) (Grossgeim, Aleksandr Allfonsovich, 1888-1948--Bibliography) (Caucasus--Botany) (Botany--Caucasus) LT-',B-i,,D--,V, D. V. 11 -' Selected Works on Agronomy A. T. Bolotov, . Fruti-Grmiinp, Forestry and Botany. Article and Comentaries by I. M. Folyakov, Corr. Akad. Nauk, and Berdyshev, A. P. , Editors." (p. 82) Baranov, P. A. and -@ebedev, D. V. SO: JOUIU-TAL Or, GETFERA1, BIOLOGY (Zhurnal Obshchey Biologii) Vol. XIV, No.1 (January - February) 1953. LKBEDEV, D. V. New botanical journals of the Chinese People's Republic. Bot.zhur. 38 no. 2:277-279 Mr-Ap '53. (MT-gA 6:6) (China-3otany-Periodicals) BA.F211110V, P. A. ; LEP-ED',X, D. V. Botany Selected works on agriculLure, fruil ;-rovil.n:r, roru.@try ari I lf@o any. A. T. -Dolotlov. Article and co,:d:,,ents by th(@ editLo.-s 1. 7". '--'C.-IYay ni @. 171. Berdyshev, of KQV tt Acadeui,, of the Ukrainian S.S.q. lleviewed by A. D'-!'i-Mov, D. V. Lebudev. Z' 1. 1 @ r. ob..biol. 14, No. 1, 1953 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Jurie 1953, Uncl. LEBEDEV, D.V. Soviet botanical literz;Lture. Bot.zhur. 38 no.2:279-293 Mr-Ap '53. (MLR& 6;6) 1. Botanicheskiy Institut im. V.L. Komarova Akademii Hauk SSSR, Leningrad. (Botany--Bibliography) (Bibliography--Botany) (Agriculture--Biblio- graphy) (Bibliography--Agriculture) L7@BKM, D. V. Soviet botanical literature. Bot.zhur. 38 no.4:618-623 JI-Ag '53. (KYRA 6:9) (Botany--Bibliography) (Bibliography--Botany) (Agriculture--Bibliography) (Bibliography--Agriculture) L?,8E_-,)EVj D. V. LEBIDEV, D.V. 1 @,- Soviet otanical literatare. Bot. zhur. 39 no.21279-295 Mr-AP 154. (MM A 7:6) 1. Botenicheakiy institut im. V.L.Komarova Akademii nauk SSSR, Lenin- grad. (Bibliography--botany) (Botany--bibliography) Book, published 100 years late ("Fruits, berries, vegetables, cereals, and spices; history of their origin and therape-atic uses from ancient times to the present.' N.Z.Umikov. Reviewed by D.V.Iebedev). Bot.zhur. 39 no.6:92l-9Z4 N-D '54. (MIRA 8:2) 1. Botanicheskiy institut im. V.L.Komarova, Akademii nauk SSSR, Lenin- grad. (Umikov, N.Z.) (Botany, Medical) Bibliography of literature on the 7Xaternary period In Poland ("Research on the I%iaternary period in Pbland," volumes 1-4 [in Polish]. Reviewed by D.V.lebedev). Bot.zhur. 39 no.6:925-926 11-D 154. (MLRA 8:2) 1. Botanicheskiy Institut Im. V.L.Komarova Akademii nauk SSSR, Leningrad. (Poland--Geology, Stratigraphic) BARANOV, P.A. -, IMBRM, D.Y. Forgotten pages from I.V.Michurints biegrapV. Bot.zhur. 40 no-5:752-757 S-0 155. (HLRA 9:4) l.Betanicheakiy institut imeni V.L.Komareva Akademii nauk SSSR, Leningrad. I(Miaharin, Ivan Vladimirovich, 1855-1935)(Vavilev, Nikolai Ivanovich, 1887-1942) LERELEV, D.V. @,: - "H.Vbridization of earn; collected articles". @evieved by D.V. Lebedev. Bot.zhur. 40 ne.6:864-866 N-D 155. (miaA 9:4) l.Betanichaskiy institut imeni V.L.Kamareva Akademii nauk SSSR, Leningrad. (Corn (Maize)) LMI3V D.Y. @@jow- - Continued publication of *A bibliography of Canadian plant geography", H.A.Senn. Reviewed by D.V.Lebedev. Bot.zhur.40 ne.6:866-867 N-D 155. (MIRA 9:4) (Canada--Phytogeography)(Senn, II.A.) 3ARANOV,P.A.-, IKMXV,D.V. Heribert Uilsson and the discussion on the importance of polyploidv. .Bot.zhur.40 no.4:548-552 Jl-Ag'55. (MIM 8-'11) 1. Botanicheskiy inBtitut imeni V.L.Komarova Akademii nauk SSSR, Leningrad (Chromosomes) (Nilsson, Heribert, 1883-) New data on vegetative hybridization. Bot.zhur.-tSim.40 no.4:603- 6o4 Jl-Ag'55- (miaA 8: 11) 1. Botanicheskiy institut imeni V.L.Komarova Akademii nauk SSSR, Leningrad (Hybridization, Vegetable) @,--bedev, D. V. PT/5 102'7.6"2 Vvedeniye V Botanicheskiyu. LiteratunlaESR; Posobive Dlya @@eobotanikov (Introduction to Literature on 2-otany in the USSR) Moskva, Akadlemk-niga, !956. 382 P. At h(@a@ of tLitle: Akaderniiya Naul, SS"-SR. 9otanicheskiy Institut. RATVMVA, T.S. Ctrenslatorl; LASKEVICH, Yu.1. Ltranslator]; OSTRYAKOVA-VARSHAVER, V.P. [translatvr]; KHVOSTOVA, V.V.Etranslator]; BARAKOY, P.A., redaktor; ASTAUROV. B.L., professor, redaktor; SYSINA, N.A., redaktor; IOVLEVA, N.A., tekhnich8Bki.V redaktor [Polyploidy; collection of articles] Poloploidiia; sbornik statei. Perevod D.V.Iebedev'a i dr. i a predisl. P-A-Baranova i B.L. Aptaurove. Moskva, Izd-vo Inostr.lit-ry, 1956. 398 p. (HLRA 10:6) 1. Chlen-korrespondent Akademii nauk SSSR (for Baranova) (Polyploidy) L E B!E DIIEEV I ASHIN, M.S.; OLLMV, Tu.M. . @D.*@V Soviet students need a good textbook of genetics. Vest. Len. un. 11 no.21:135-143 '56. (W-RA 10:2) (GENNICS) LEBE - --- - - - - Some remarks concerning I.I.Rovinakilis article 'Philosophical bases of the biological theor7 of species.* Bot.zhur.41 no.2:267-271 F '56. (MLRA 9:7) I.Botanicheskiy institut imeni V.L.Komarova Akademii nauk SSSR, Lenin- grad. (Origin of species) USSR/General Division. Ej.@itori. Abs Jour Ref Zhur-!_'iolo@-iya, 1171o 3, ()2/2 Author D. V. Lebedev Inst Title News of Botanical Life Orig Pub Botan. zh., 1956, 41, Vo 2, 306-308 Abstract Brief reports are Eiven on the death of August Pulle, the Dutch Botanisti the appointment of D. Shatterdzhi, the well known classifier of plants, to the post of Director of the Calcutta Botani- cal Garden; and the formation of a committee which is to continue the publication of the hand- book on the nomenclature of viruses4 The pub- lication by Dzh. Khetchinson and DZ. Doltsi- yes entitled "Flora of Western Tropical Africa," issued by the Botanical Garden in Klyu (the 0 Card 1/2 OUDOVSHCHIKOVA, I.V..; LEBAW, D.T. Discussion on general problems of biology in Poland. Bot.zhur. 41 no.3:445-449 Mr 156. ()GRA 9;8) (Poland--Biology) Lanw.111C D.V. .News of the botanical world. Bot.zhur. 41 no.3.-459-463 mr 156. (KM ") 1. Botanicheakty Institut imeni V.L. Komarova Akademii nauk SSSa, Leningrad. (Botany) LEBAM. D.V. I *conversion" of winter wheat to imring wh^-at- H.Stubbo's new data on the je 156. (MLRA 9:10) Bet.zhur.41 ne.6:897-899 eni V.L.Komarovs, Akadsmii inuk SSSRO Leningrad. l.Botanichaskiy Institut im (Wheat) SABININ, A.A. BOMMSEV, V.P. @, @UBMEV, Dj. -, Concerning N.I.Sharapev's book "Now fatty oilseed plants.* Bet.zhur.41 A006:901-907 Je 956. (XTaA 9:10) I.Betanichookiy Institut imeni V.L.Kemarova Akademii nauk SSSR. (Oilseed plants) ,/-,! /''@ cle I " @ .1. @ - USSR / General Division., Dictionaries, Refarance Books. Bibliographies A-9 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol.,j No 11 1958, 11o 180 Author : Lebedev, D.V., Lipshits., S.Iu. Inst Not Given Title A Bibliographical Reference to "Botanicheckiy Zhurnal" Orig Pub Botan. zh., 1956, 41, No 12, 1737-1881 Abstract The referance consists of four section : 1) an alphabetical index of the materials published in "Botan zh."; 2) auxiliary index of printed works to which reviews, papers or critical disucssions at meetings were devoted; 3) an auxiliary index of persoma3ities; 4) a list of new species and genera of plants described in "Botan zh. "la a table, the changes in the name of the journal, its place of publication and the composition of its editorial board are noted. Card 1/1 UTKIN, L.A.; GAMIMMAII, A.F.; NNVSKIY, V.A.; SOKOLOV, V.S.. otyetstvennyy redaktor; IJEBEDEV. D.V., otvetstvenn@y redal-tor; TARASOV, G.A., red,aktor itdIet6l"ft"4, TVERITINOVA, K.S., tekhnichesV-.iy redaktor [Bibliogr&jphy on medicinal plants; an index to Russian literature. Matiuscripta from the 17th to the 19th tentury, printed works from 1732 to 19541 Bibliograflia po lakaratyennym rantonliam; ukazatoll otechostvannoi literatury. Rukopist XVII-XIX vv.. pechatnye izdanita 1732-1954 q. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR, 1957. 724 p. (Bibliography--Botany, Medical) (MLRA 10:4) L:uu V, D.V. "Charles Darwin, the great naturalist" by V.M. Korsunskaia. Reviewed by D.V. Lebodev. Bot.zhur. 42 no.4:656 Ap '57. (MLRA 10:5) 1.Botanicheskiy Inatitut im. V.L. Komarova Akademii nauk SSSR, Leningrad. (Darwin, Charles, 1809-188-il 2, (Korounskaia, V.M.) LNBEMV, _D.V. Ljiarar .y,jjgacy.of 799 my 157. .5.'7,0- Valerii Ivamovich Taliev. Bot. zhur. 42 no (MLRA 10:61 (Taliev, Valarii Ivanovich,-1872-1932) (Bibliograph.v--Biology) (Biology--Bibliography) -3 C' P r-_V, J LEK-TTEV, D.V. Yvalutionary viewa of VAlerii Ivnnovich Taliev. 3ot.zhur. 42 no-9:1338-11,53 s '57. KaA ic-:01) 1. BotanicbeskiY Institut im. V.!..KomnrovA Akndemii nauk @;IJSR, -eningTad. (TAliev, Valerii 1-m-iovich. 1872-11)32) (Evoluticn; T V, D.V.; MONSON, V.P. "Biological problems" [in French] by Marcel Prenant. Reviewed by D.V.Labedev and V.P.Efroimeon. Bot.zhur. 42 no.10:1515-1518 0 157. 1. Botanicheskiy institut im.V.L.Komarova AN SSSR, Leningrad. (Genetics) (Prenant, Marcel) LZBIMV D Bot.zhur, 42 The vroJe 't C;f (KrRA 10:10) Ut j, all SsEa, Leningrad. jas t it 0 tally) / @ --- . 4 (- i - L I, ( I , lZBEDEV D.V.- LIPSHITS. S.Yu. ,..;;; - - I Bibliographical Index to the journal "Sovetakala botanika" (1933-1947). Bot. zhur. 42 no.12:1739-1857 D 157. (MM 10:12) (Bibliograph.v--Botan.v) AUTHOR: Lebedev, D.V. (Leningrad) SOY-26-58-9-55/42 TITLE: A Book on Botanists of Our Native Country 1,vniga o botani- kakh nashey rodiny) PERIODICAL: Priroda, 1958, Nr 9, pp 119-120 (USISR) ABSTRACT: Review of the book "Vydayushchiyesya Otechestvennyye Botanl-- ki" (Eminent Potanists of the Fatherland), Uchvedgi.z Publish- ing House 195Y, 443 pp, by Bazilyevskaya, N.A. , Mleyer, '.;,I, Stankov, S,9. and Shcherbakova, A.A, Card 1/1 17(4) AUTHOR: Lebedev, D. V. SOV/30-58-12-44/46 TITLE: Autobiography of Charles Darwin (Avtobiografjya Chariza Darvina) PERIODICAL: Vestnik Akademii nauk SSSR, 1956, Nr 12, PP 107-109 (USSR) ABSTRACT: This is a revie'v of a translation from English of the Darwin's manuscript, the full title of whica is "Reminiscences of the Development of My Mind and Character (autobiography), Diary of Work and Life". The translator was Professor S. L. Soboll, who also wrote the preface and comments on his translation (see reference). Cara 1 /1 LIMEDEV. D. V. '' Now bibliographical manuals useful to botanists. Bot. zhur. 43 no.l.- 115-123 Ja 158. (MIRA llt2) 1, Botanicheskly institut im. T.L. Komarova AN SSSR, Leningrad. (Bibliography) IMBEDMV, D.V. Publishing "The flora of Czechoslovakia." Dot. zhur. 43 no.4:618 Ap '58. (KIRA 11:6) 1. Botanicheskiy institut Im. T.L. XDmarova Akademii nauk SSSR, Ioningrad. (Czechoslovakia-Botany) ,-IMEDN,- D.V. - Publishing "Excerpta botanica," a new journal of botanical abstracts. Bot.zhur. 43 no.10:1498-1499 0 '58. (MIRA 11:11) 1. Botanicheokiy institut imeni V.L. Komarova AN SSSRj Leningrad. (Botany-Abstracts) ISIZIEV, D.V. -, LIPSHITS, S.Yu. "List of British vascu-1ar plants" [in English] b7 J.1. Dandy. Reviewed b7 D.V. Lebedev, S.M. Lipshits. Bot. zhur. 44 no.4-. 578-579 Ap '59. (MIRL 12:10) l.Botanichaskiy inatitut im, V,L, Komarova Akademii nauk SSSR, laningrad. (Great Britain-Botany-Catalogs and collections) SHISHKIN, 3.K., glavnyy red.; BARANOV, P.A., zamestitell glavnogo red.; BAJMBYEV, F.Kh., red.; SINSKAYA, Ye.K., red.; LIPSHITS, S.Yu., red.; LEBXW , Dj..,,red.; YAKOVLZVA, V.M., red.lzd-va; SMIRNOVA, A.V., (Problems in evolution. biogeography, genetics, and breading; collection of articles dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Academician H.I.Vavilov's birth] Voprosy evoliutsii, biogeo- grafii, genetiki i 8alektsli; sbornik, posviashchannYi 70-letiiu so dnia rozhdeniia akademika N.I.Vavilova. Moskva, 1960. 335 P. (MIRA 13:7) 1. Vaesoyuznoye botanichaskoye obahchestvo. 2. Chleny-korrespon- denty AN SSSR (for Shishkin, Baranov). (PLANT 5, CULT IVAT3D) (GENETICS) LEBE DEV, D.V. "Genetic and cytogenetic dictionary" by R.Rieger, A.Michaelis. Revie,wed by D.V.Lebedev. TSitologiia 2 no.2:252-253 Mr-@-Ap 160. (MIRA 14' 5) (GENETICS-DICTIOPURIES) (RIEGERY R.) (MICHAELIS, A.) GUDOVSHCHIKOVA, I.V.; LEBEDEV-,-D @ "Guide to Russian medical literature." Edited by S.Adams, F.B. 'Reviewed by I.V. Gudovshchikovat D.V. Lebedev. Sov. zdrav4,39 no7;88-89 160@ (KMA 11-A) k.u"@.o,wWHY-MEDICINE) (ADAM, S.) '10GERS9 F.B.) LIPSkITSP S.Yus) (LEBEDEVp D,V, "Pavel Vasillevich Siuzov as a naturalist" bv S.F. Nikolaev. Reviewed b7 6JU, Lipbsitop D*V, Lebedev, Biul, MOIP. Otd. biol. 65 no. 4s237-339 JI-Ag 160. (MIRA 13:10) (SIIJ7Mp PAVEL VASILIEVICH) LEBEDEV9 D.V.; LIPSH=' S.Yu. "History of botanical rpsearches in ;ndial Burma, and Ceylon* b7 S.N.Das Gupta, H.Santapau, A R.Rab. Pts.1-3. Reviewed by P.V. 'j. MOIP. OW. biol. 65 no,5:322-%123 Lebedevp SIIU.Lipshits. BL s-o r6o. (MM 13:12) (INDIA-BOTANIGAL RESEARCH) (BURM-BOTANICAL RESEARCH) (CEYLON-BOTLNICAL RESEARCH) (DAS GUPTA, S. N.) (SANTAPAUg H.) @" (RAO, A.R.) LEBEDEV, D.V. "Introduction the old paleobitanical literature" by Frantis@*ek V Nemejc. Reviewed by D.V.Lebedev. Paleont. zhur. no.2:135-136 r61. (MIRA 14:6) (Bibliograplry --Paleobotany) k0mejc, Frantigek) LE-BEDEV, D.V. "Bibliograph7 of sports medicine ard related fields with a review of foreign literature 1936-1953" by A.Arnold. Reviewed by D.V. Lebedev. Sov. zdrav. 20 no.6:93-94 161. (MIRA 14:7) (BIBLIOGRAPHY-SPORTS-HYGIENIC ASPECTS) (ARNOLD, A.) LEBIEDEV, D.V. ; LOV , -3. V. ; GVSY.V7FIK0*v' P B..',[. Equipment for tensile testinz at very low temperav;res. Sbor. trud. TSI,*,T-, CIE.! no. 78: 111-118 1 -_4 . , @ -1 SUKACITV, MI., akademik; MOLCHANOV@ A.A.; DYLIS, N.V.. do'T-.tor @AFES, biol. iiauk; TSELII-IIKER, Yu.L.; URPOV, V.G.; P.I.I.; DINESMIAN, L.G.; PERELI, T.S.; YEGOROVA, S.A.; Y121IKEYEVA, M.G.; WLISHAKOVA, V.S.; ZOIJT, S.V.; ALEKSMiDROVA, V.D.; LEbEDEV, D.V., red. [Fundamentals of forest biogeocenology] Osnovy lesrioi biogeotseriologii. Moskva, liauka, 1964. 573 P. (IAJHA 18:2) 1. Akaderiya nauk SSSR. Laboratoriya lesavedeniya. I ALL NNs AP6002176 SOURCE CODE: UR/01,16165/0()81006/0084/0090 AUT14OR: Lebedev, D. V.; Makarikhi n, S. 1. GRG: Leninerad Institute of AXiation 1njJrmWSM"_ (Leningrad skiy institut aviatsionnogo priborost o -ni a) - Iq TITLE: Drift of a gyr scope ng variable kinetic moment and offset mass center and subjected to constant overloads SOURCE: IVUZ. Priborostroyeniye, v. 8, no. 6. TOPIC TAGS: gyroscope, gyroscope error ABSTRACT: Reaction-start gyros having variable kinetic moments of their rotors are analyzed. Systematic drifts of such a free gyroscope subjected to constant overloads are considered; the gyro mass center is off- set by z w -a (see figure). Differerttial equations of the motion of such a gyro are set up, solved, and a formula for the drifts is derived. The drifts are due to the fact that the aerodynamic -resistance and friction Card L 18542-66 ACC. NR: AP6002176 torqiies acting during the rotor free run are projected on the axis of outer-gimbal rotation, which causes a precession of the gyroscope with relation to the inner gimbal! laxis.- It is found that a free gyro of the above type has a continuous drift of both the i ,outer and inner axes. Even an ideal (a - 0) gyro does not hold its aids in the constant! 1position in space; it has an inner-axis drift. Orig. art. has: I figure and 132 formulas. SUB CODE: 17 / SUBM DATE: O1Jul64 / ORIG REF- 00 1 ACC N.R; A1@6035953 SOURCE CODE: UR/0129/66/000/010/0041./0044 AU7HOR: Koziova, N. A. Lebedev, D'. V. ORC: T!;.;IIChE%N9-:T TITLE: The mechanical properties of Kh2lG7AN5 steel at the temperature of liquid hydrogen SOURCE: Metallovedeniye i termicheskaya obrabotka metallov, no. 10, 19066, 41-44' ez", oil T0?I0 TAGS: Zzzl manganese steel, nitrogen, tU mnachanical property, low tempera re property steel stru6ture/Kh2lG7A1N5 steel- ABSTIRACT: The effect of structure and heat treatment (annealing at 1050-1300C i followed by water quenching) on the mechanical properties of five heats of Kh2lG7A:;5 steel cbntaining 0.02-0.10%C, 19.5-i2.2% Cr, 4.7-5.7%. Ni, 7.0-7.8% Mn aad 0.22-*0.25% N at -253C has been investigated. It was found that all the specimezs, 2 except for those with a fully austenitic structure, fail in a brittle mmanner at 253C regardless of the annealing temperature. Unstable elastic-plastic deforzatio.. U? to the fracture was observed in all: specimens at -253C. The strengthening modulus increased'with increasing content of 6-ferrite. Strength characterist.-cs increased b'Ut ductility sommewhat decreased with increasing ferrite content, For this reason, the 6-ferrite content nust not exceed 15%; this can be achieved by annealing at ter,- ?erat@ures not exceeding 1100C. Orig. art. %as: 5 figures and 1 table. SUB CODE: 11:/ SUBMI DATE; none/ ORIG REP: 004 Card j/.1 UDC: 620.17:669.15124-194;536.48 ,',OLOMIYF,TSf B.T.; LEEBEDEV, E.A. Volfampere characteristics of a point contact wlth glass--type semiconduc@,ors. Radiotekh. i elektron. 8 no.12.2"'P-20r)P, r, 163. (MIRA 16:12) ,*, A- I t *1 @ Effect of disturbance of short-range order on the electrical properties of so] id solutions with tetrahedral structure of distribution of atorns. D. 1. Tretlyakov. Some electrical properties of solid solutions in the system AgInTe2-2InSb. S. M. Manayev, V. D. Prochukhan. (Presented by D. I. Tret'yakov--15 minutes). (Paper not presented).] Investigation of thermalry.stimulated current in vitreous T12Se-As2Te 3- A. M. Andriyash, B. T. Kol6miyets. Measurement of the mobility of current carriers in vitreous chalcogenide semiconductors. I. B. Ivkin, B. T. Kolomiyets, E. A. Lebedev. Oxychalcogenide Glasses. B. T. Kolomiyets, V. P. Shilo. (?resented by B. T. Kolamiyets--20 minutes). Renoz--@; -@-i,2@_.cnted at the 3rd klational Confarcnca on Serd-conductor Compounds, 16-21 Sept KOLOMMS . B. T. ; MAMONTOVA, T. N. ; IPEDEV E. A. ; MAMS, T. F. ; STEPANOV, G. I. ; LASHKAREVI V. Ye.; SALKOV, f. A.; SHEYNKMAN, M. K. "Fast recombination processes in single crystals of CdS and CdS;-,." report submitted for Intl Conf on Physics of Semiconductors, Paris, 19-24 jul 64. L 6805-65 z-6/Fq-w4 IJP(c)/AS(m-% 2/ EWI'(I)/M~0(k)/EWT(il)/T/EWP(q)/FWP(b) P 3SD/AFWL/ESD(t)/RA&4(t) RDWIJDIATIWII ACCESSION NR: AP4044637 9/0048/64/028/00a/1298/1290 ';AuMoRt jvkin., Ye.B.s Kolomiyets. D.T.; Lebedev, B.A. ;TITLE: Measurement oZ carrier mobility In vitreous semicanduptors of the T12SCA82-@' (Se,To)3 system ffoport, Third All-Union Conference on Semiconductor Compounds hold; @in Kishinev 16-21 Sept 1963-7 sonce. An SSSR. Iz*.'Seriya fizicheskaya, v.28, no.8, 1964, 1288-1290 .]TOPIC TAGS: semiconductor conductivity, Hall constant, Hall mobility, drift mobill-' ty, selenium compound, AE2enic compound, tellurium compound, thallium compound @7 ABSTRACT- The conductivities/land Hall constants oi V, txeous major comppition T125eA9,2Se3_XTe@%ere measured at room temperature for values of x from, 1.2 to 3; the Hall constant was measured at temperatures from -30 to 70oC for x = 3;. and the carrier drift mobilities were measured by the method of W.E.Speare (Proc. 'Phys.Soc.8-70,669,1957) for values of x from 0 to 1.2. The Hall effect measurements I'were performed with alternating current in an alternating field to facilitate mea- 0-7 to 10-6 V). The Hall mobility was found to be: :surement of the weak Hall emfos (I independent ofJpmperature and to increase from 0.02 cm2/V sec for x 1.2 to 0.08 1/2 L 6805-65 ACCESS ION IM-AP4044637 CM2/V see f -ift mobility measurements were performed with samples or x 3. m The, d r ifrom 20 to 40 microns thick. Carriers were produced at the surface by a flash of light not exceeding 0.1 microsec, and the drift of both electrons and holes was ob- .served. The ratio of electron mobility to hole mobility was found to be 0.5 and in- i dependent of composition. Conduction In these materials Is accordingly of the p- type. It was not possible to obtain accurate values for the mobilities t,heaselves ,because both the electrons and the holes -trere short lived (approximately 3 x 10 'See). 6 figures. :ASSOCIATION., none T 00 ENCL, 00 SUM StM CCOH.- as, EM NR RU SOV.- 001 GMER4. 003 2/2 12474 SOURCE CODE: uR/ol8i/66/oo8/oo4/1l36/U3q AUMIOR: .Kolomiyets, B. T.;.Lebedev, E. A. -60 GRG: Yhysicotechnical Institute im. A. F. Ioffe, AN SSSR, Leningrad (Fiziko- tekhn TITLE: Effect of impurities on the mobility of carriers in amorphous selenium SOURCE: Fizika. tverdogo tela, v. 8, no. 4, 1966, 1136-1139 TOPIC TAGS: selenium, semiconductor carrier, impurity conductivity, electron mobilit, hole mobility, carrier lifetime, temperature dependence) impurity level ABSTRACT: This is a continuation of earlier work by one of the authors (Kolomiyets' with T. F. Nazarova, FTT v. 2, 174, 1960) where it was established that glass-like semiconductors, unlike crystalline ones, retain their intrinsci conductivity char- acter independently of the impurity content. The present investigation is devoted Uo a more detailed study of the role of impurities in the conductivity of glass-like .materials. To this end, a pulsed procedure, essentially similar to that used by Y. E... Spear (Proc. Phys. Soc. v. B76, 826, 1960) and J. L. Hartke (Phys. Rev. v- 125, 1177, 1962), was used to measure the dependence of the carrier mobility in glass-like selenium on the type and content of the impurities. The measurements were made on thin samples, using semitransparent electrodes. An excess carrier density was pro- duced on one of the surfaces by illumination or L.Y electron bombardment. The mobilitz was determined from the change in charge on the content of the sample. The results L 29988-M ACC NRI AP0012474 0 show that an increase in the impurity content greatly reduces the mobility, and that impurities like As and Te exert a greater effect than S. The impurities also affect the effective lifetimes of both the electrons and the holes. When Te and As are introduced, the electron lifetime Increases, whereas P and Tl will decrease greatly the electron lifetime. The hole lifetime ilecreased slightly when P was used, but did not change noticeably when S and Te were introduced. Both electron and hole mobility increased exponentially with the temperature in the range 250 - 300K. The experimental results are explained as being due to an increase in the number of shallow and deep traps resulting from introduction of the impurities. Orig. art. h": 3 figures, 3 formulas, and I table. SUB CME: 2D/ SUBM DATE: 3aAug65/ oRiG REF: oo3/ oTH REF: 003 1. BORISLAVSKIY, V. S.; IEBEDEV S. G.; POPOV, G. M., Eng. 2. USSR (600). 4. Gas and Oil Engines - Testing 7. Economical method of testing internal combustion engines. Prom. energ. 9 no. 10, 1952 9. MonthlX List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, January -1953. Unclassified. LEBEIZV, F.; KOTOV, P.; VITALICH, A. @@ For wider dissemination of technical information. Za rul.14 no.7:4-5 0 156. (MLRA 10:3) 1. Zamestitell predsedatelya gorodskogo komitets, Dobrovollnogo obehehostva sodeystviya armii, aviateii i flot4.(for Iebedev). (I Iechnical education) .LEBEDEV,.F.D. -- - For t'he working reactor and for the trade union key workers Sov,prof- spiuzy 7 no-3:59-61 F 159. (MIRA 12:3) 1. Direktor izdatelletva Vsesoyuznogo tsentrallnogo soveta profsoyuzov Profizdat. (Bibliograpby-Trade unions) Name: LEBEDEVj Fedcr Fedorovich Dissertation: Variability of Intestinal bacilli under the Influence of loucocytea In cultures Degree: Doe Med Sci Affiliation: CNot Indicatog Defense Date, Place: 6 Apr 56, Council of Leningrad State Order of Lenin Inst for the Advanced Training of Physicians imeni Kirov Certification Date: 16 Mar 57 Source: B11VO 13/57 KASHKIN, P.N... zasl. deyatell nauki RSFSR Laureat Gosudarstvennoy premii, prof., otv. red.; LEBEDEV,- F.F., prof., red.; KOKUSHINA, T.M., doktor'.Md&._1MV2;_YiX; LEVIN, M.V., tekhn. red. (Materials on the variability of microorganisms; papers of the Department of Microbiology] Matexialy po izmenchi- vosti mikroorganizmov; trudy Kafedry mikrobiologii. Le- ningrad, 1962. 195 P. (MIRA 16:7) 1. Leningrad. Gosudaratvennyy institut usovershenstvovaniya vrachey. (MICROORGANISMS) (VARIATION (BIOLOGY)) LEBEDEV, F.K. Role of temperature in tle wear of Teflcn. Avt. r--o=. ----I (,II,Tp_i% IF. ,, JC) I no.602-34 JO '65. j 1. Izhevskiy mokhanicheskiy institut. ,EBEDEV, F.K. Inveangating thm wear 7-e!,iar.anr;-. of Avt. prom. 30 no.1-3.29-29 Mr 164-. (MIRA 1726) 1. Kurganskly mlashinnstrcitellryy Irstit,2t, 584-66 EWT(m)/BWP(J)/ETG(m)/T RM ACC NRI AP5021519 SOURCE CODE: UR/011 AUTHOR: Lebedev, F. K. ORG: Kurgan Machine-Building Institute (Kurganskiy mashinostroitel'nyy institut) TITLE: The temperature of surface layers of worn polymers SOURCE: Avtomobillnaya promyshlennOBVP Ino.",8, 1965, 28-29 TOPIC TA polymer, friction, lubrication, temperature distribution , antifriction - echnetium compound ABSTRACT- Although numerous Soviet and foreign researchers studied the friction and 'syear A12Las@tics )?little is known about the tolerable operating conditions (specific load _P , slipping velocity temperatures) determining the working capability of certain polymers (particularly I used in bearinas./-I'The present author investigated the resulting temperatures as a function of-P ana A temperature distribution over the depth of the sample in tepblons using a InM11-1 testing device. Results show that the temperature developed depends on all the f@ctors under study, I. e., the specific load, slipping velocity, and lubrication conditions. Mwever, the dominant effect on the surface layers of the polymers under study was due to the relative sliding velocity. The beat generated 18 basically concentrated within the surface layer at depths up to 0. 4 - 0. 5 mm. Orig. art. has: 2 formulas and 4 figures. SUB CODE: 0-7, /31 /1 / SUBM DATE: none / ORIG REP: 005 JW 5/000/009/00-'8/0029 LXMEV, F.M., SHTLaUSHIS, Yu.S. Determination of pulse wave speed in certain diseRses. Kline' med' 36 no.8-'111-115 19 '58 (MIM 3-1:9) 1. Iz knfedry terapii dlia usovershenstvovaniya vrachey (nach. prof. P.I. Shilov) Voenno-mecLitsinskoy ordena. Lenina akademii imeni S.M. Kirova (RTLSE. pulse, wave speed determ. in hypertension & artorioscle- rosis (Rus)) (HYFERTENSION, physiol. pulse wave speed determ. (Rua)) (ARTERIOSCIMOSIS, physiole' same (Rus)) SHILOV, P.I., prof.; LKWEV, P.M. (Leningrad) Case of calculous pancreatitis. 37 no.11:122-124 N '59. (MIRA 13:3) 1. Iz kafedry terapii dlyn, usavershenstvovaniya vrachey 'Aqo.1 (nachall- nik - prof. P.I. Shilov) Voyenno-meditsinakoy ordens. Lenina akademil imeni S.M. Kirova. (PANCRRATITIS case reports) KURTSIN, I.T.; ZVORYKINt V.N.; KURPATOV9 I.K.; LEBEDENP F.M. Studying gastric function by means of the Bykov-Kurtsin method in clinical practice. Terap. arkh. 32 no. 3:60-67 Mr t6o. (MIRA 14:1) (STOMAQH) SHILOV, P.I., prof.; MPED-E.V, F.M. ------- --- Role of corticovisceral disorders in the pathogenesis and course of gastric and duodenal ulcer. Terap.arkh. 33 no-4:54- 60 161. (MIRA 14:5) 1. Iz kafedry terapii dlya usavershenstvovaniya vrachey (nach. - prof. P.I. Shilov) Voyenno-meditsinskoy ordena Lenina akademii imeni S.M. Kiro7a. (PEPTIC ULCER) (CEREBRAL CORTEX) SHILOV P.I., prof.--LEMDE S Effect of basic etiological factors on the development and courso of peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum. Sov. med. 25 no.4:3-8 Ap 162. (MDU@ 15:6) 1. Iz kafedry terapid No.1 dlya usoverstienstvova-,uya vrachey (nachallnik - prof. P.I. Shilov) Voyenno-meditsinskoy ordena Lenina akademii imeni S.M. Kirova. (PEPTIC ULGER) LEBEDEV., F.14., inzh. Firing system of iiigh-pressure drum b-i-ilers witn tUra,-_svF_-,-Z]C- steam coupling. Energotik 1.2 no.5:11-13 My 164. (KIRA 17:6) ACCESSION INR: AP4031820 3/0247/64/OWOO?-/0364-/O.-)68 AUTHO.-R: Labedev, F. M.; Hheyfets, 11-1. G. TITLE: Methods for simultaneous investigation of eyelid conditioned reflexes and the functional state of the cardiovascular system in umans SO'UT,CE: Zhurnal vp@sshey nervnoy doyatellnosti, v- 14, no. 2, 1964, '4-368 0 3 TOPIC TAGS: eyelid.,conditioned reflex, cardiovascular system, multichannel electrocardiograph, synchronous recording apparatus,. electrocardiogram, sp@hygmogram, plothysmogramo phonocardiogram, conditioned reflex recording, eyelid position recording ABSTRACT: A special six-channel electrocardiograph apparatus (see Enclosure) which synch-ronously records electrocardiograms,, D.lethysmograms, phonocardiograms.. conditimied reflaxesy and position of the eyelid is described. The special feature of 'this -apparaklus is that the processes are recorded by AC current of low frequency. This makes it possiblo to record very slow and even Card 11/rLtrJ ACCESSION NR: AP4031820 stationary processes without distortion. In this case the positions of the eyelid can be recorded as well as position change. The selec- ted 100 cDs recording frequency J-3 hiG@h. enough to ensure adequate discrimination of investigated processes and at the same tuime is low enough for sati@;faGtory electrocardiograph ink reproduction. Another feature is t-he independent AC ge.nerator unit which prevents the appearance of extraneous picl,.ups to which multichannel eleetroeardio- graphs are particularly sensitive. Orig. art. has.- 2 figures. ASSOCIATION: Xafedra terapii d1ya usovershenstvovaniya vrachey llio. 1 voenno-maditsinskoy akademii Lm. S. M. Kirova Therapy Denar""nent for the Advancement of Physicians of the No. 1 Military- ,iedical Academy) S TUT BE X ITTED: 05Apr63 DATE ACQ: 07MaY64 ENCL: 02 SUB CODE: Al%,@,SD NO REF SOV: 003 OTHER: 000 Card 2/q )- ..,W4EDEV, F.M.; FISHZON-RYSS, Yu.I.; KOIESNIKOV, A.I. Rate of pulse wave spread; methodology and clinicodia.gnGstic significance. Kardiologiia 4 no-3:82-87 My-Je 164. (MIRA 18:4) 1. Kafedra terapii usovershenstvovaniya vrachey No.1 (nachallnik - prof. F.I.Shilov) Voyenno-meditsinskoy ordena Lenina akademii imeni Kirova, Leningrad. I' RA AID P - 3522 Subject USSR/Power Eng Card 1/1 Pub. 26 - 16/30 Authors Lebedev, F. M.., Leshchinskiy, L. V. and Shtunder, E. P., Engs. Title Preventing slag formation on superheaters of high-pressure boilers Periodical : Elek. sta., 9, 49-51, S 1955 Abstract : Superheaters of 105 t/hr, 86 atm and 5000C boilers at one power plant showed a considerable slag formation. The authors discuss causes and report metallographic tests made on the steel piping. Scouring and blowing of pipes is recommended. Seven diagrams. Institution : None Submitted : No date ZAROCHENTSEV, G.G., inzh.;__I4P3P2LZ,_Z._K., inzh.; STANKEVICH, G.L., inzh.; PETIKO, V.M., kand.tekhn.nauk) FAYERSFTEYN, D.G., inzh. Gas burner with peripheral gas supply j'or large boiler units. Elek. eta. 33 nb.7:12-1$ Jl 162. @ (MIRA 15:8) (Boilers-) (Gas buxiiern) RABINOVICH, O.M., prof.; FAYP,-RSIITL-'YN, D.G., karid.toldin.nauk; PETIKO, V.M., kand.takhn.nauk; LEDEDE inzh.; VYSOTSKAYA, A.I., inzh.; YEREMENKO, R.V., inzh. Increase in the evaporation capacity of boilers converted'to operation on natural gas. Energetik 10 no.11:11-]J+ N 1626 (MIRA 15:12) (Boilers) (Gas as fuel) LEBEDEV, G. I metodiot Let'-- carry out the Zrod traitiono. Prof.-t-'@h. cj'-, . ')I - -1 "r - - 251-26 F t6.,'+. ('fI.!-'A 17:9) 1. Laboratoriya politL@o-,,os;--itatellnoy raboty Mcntrallnoso uchebno-actorliclies'l,logo kabineta. SOLOMKO) A.; LEBEDEVI G. I Gas veldin of@ metals in a propane-butane flame Av-t.fransp. 4 no.8: 26 Ag 162. (Gas welding and cutting) (I-FIE.A 16-4) INBEMEV, G., inzhe Organiring the production of polyvin7l chlorida linoleam, Stroi. mat. 4 no.9:19-21 S '58. (MIRA 11:10) (Linoleum) LEBEDEV G Gvardii 'Kapitan, komandir roty; ZAGORULIKO, V., mayor The chief importance lies in an individual approach. Voen. vest. 42 no.6:7-8 Je 162. fMIRA 1516) 1. Neshtatnyy korrespondent zhurnala I'Voyennyy Vestnik" (for Zagnrullko). (Military education) L 1462-66 W(1)/&1AQ)/T/&1A(b)-2 BW/RO ACCESSION NR: AP5012840 UR/0348/65/000/004/0055/0056 632.0 AUTHOR: Lebedev,, G . VA TITLE: Symposium on biological methods of pest controL SOURCE: Zashchita rasteniy at vrediteley i bolezney,,,no. 4, 1965, 55-56 TOPIC TAGS: agriculture, antibiotic, insecticide,,pesticide, biologic conference ABSTRACT: A symposium on biological techniques for controlling agriculture and forest pests was held in Novosibirsk in November., 1964 under the auspices of the Biologicheskiy institut Sibirskogo otdeleniya Akademii, npk SSSR (Institute of Biology. Siberian Division, SSSR Academy of Sciences)ftb5ut 100 specialists took--: part. Among the papers read at this meeting was one by PTof. A. 1. Rubtsov (Zoologicheskiy institut AN SSSR (Institute of Zoology, AN SSSR)) n the coordina-@ Pene by Prof. tion of scien4fic resgarch in biological methods of pest controK,@16@ V. I. Poltev4-'(hZR)1AVthe use of microbiological techniques, and one by Candidates V. A. ShchepetillnikoVIVIVnd N. S. Fedorinchik (VIZR) on new trends in the develop.! ni@nt of biological meEhods. the success rk in th isolation of trichograms against 10 species of pests is mentioned, as well as woi@ with other entomophages., Production of the biological preparation Entobakterin 3 La.'recommended, and a num-@ I Card 1/2