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LIBANIDZZ, . One and a half years of work of the Georgian Main Administration of Highways, Art, dore 21 no,,4:16-17 Ap 1,58. (MIRA 31:4) (Georgia-Roadaide improvement' (Goorgia-Roade) ISBANIDZE, Sh.A. According to the seven-year plan. Avt-dor. 22 no.12:29 D 159. (Georgia--Road construction) (14IRk 13:4) LIMA _inzh. Work of Peorg.-ian no.4:30- p 16o. road builders under new conditions* Avt# dor. 23 (MIRA 13:6) (Georgia--Road construction) LEBANINE, SK.A., inzh. They took part in the construction of this bridge. Avt. dar. 23 no.10:9 0 160. (MIRA 13:10) (Kakhetia--Bridges, Concrete) LEBANIDZE, Sh.A. Carrying out the decisions of the 22d Congress of the CPSU. Av-t.dor. 25 nol.,?k Ap 162. (MIRA 15:5) (Georgia-Roads) IR.'-,eND@ LEBAPI 1 L. "", , @;, 4 " # construction quali@- . AvT_dor. 2 - - . 6: 8 : I 'c@. - ly 8 rr e 4 (M:FA 1,P:8) 1. Zwnestitell ilachaltnika Glavnogo upravlaniva shasseynykh dorog pri Sovete Ministrov Gr;izinskoy SSR. D0ve1o,-,?-:cnt of tho 'ooi-I in-d-ustr-, ir-, Luiraria. u Budappe3t-, Hungary. T11. 13, rio. 10, Oct. i9r@9. nth-l';' 113t Of --31. E-LIrO-.;erkI .0 Vol 4-,3. j:z. ILBANOV., Ferenc Development of the food industry of Bulgaria. I'Lle1r. ipar 13 no.10:301-302 0 159. 1. 1111ranitclna Promislenno,@wty" o:;,E@rke6ntoje, Szofia. I LEB.""i Illiv I A. A . SHC4ERBATYFff, P. YA. (Colonel, VeLC-rinary Service) and LEBASHOV, A. A. (MaJo r, Veterinary Service) Test of immunogenic propertie--- of the nhoto-vaf--cine P@-air:!A infectious equine encephalo:nJeliti.s. :.z So: Veterinariya; 24; 9; September 19h7; Uncl. TABCON 40 0 0 40 0 0 0 0 40 * 40 0 0 40 * 0 0 40 0 0 0 0 40 0 0 40 0 0 11@_bda Z. Lebda E., gng "Beam Ceiling from Lightweight Con-a-ete" (Stropy belkowe z betonu lekkiego). Inzyieria i Budo,,,ndctwo. No 7-8, 1949, pp. 397-399, 2 figs. The use of light-.-ieight reinforced concrete for ceilings would make possible the laying of compl6tely pre-cast ceilings. Cast ceiling made of reinforced holla,; be.-v@@s as an example of ci_,nstructional nos @;ilhi Ii ties. Ii1he remxk5 containud in t@ii3 article indicate new ..ja-rs for cons t ructi onal solutions in modern building. SO: Polish Techinical Abstracts No. 2, 1951 FOUND/Chenical Technology. Chemical Products and Their Application. Ceramics. Glass. Dinders. Concrete. H-13 Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Khim., No 13, 1958, 44135. Author Kaufman Stefan, Krol Wilhelm, Lebda Edward, Wojtan Tadeusz -------- Inst Title Hardening of Concrete at Subfreezing Tepperature. Ori.6 Pub: Mater. budowl., 1957, 12, No 11, 321-330- Abstract: k study of Lhe conditions of concrete preparation at a temperature of -150, and of its subsequent harden- ing at subfreezing temperature, with retention of com- pression strength of at least 170 kg/en-2. In addi- tion to Polish cements (portiand cement of grade "350", fast hardening and aluminous), Soviet aluLiinGus ce- nent was also tested. It was found that concrete Card 1/2 LERDUSKA, J. The possibility og fit6s on reservations. P- 183 (0chrana Prirody) Vol& 12, No. 6j Aug. 1957) Czechoslovakia SO: MONTHLY INDEX OF EAST EUROPEAN ACCESSIONS (EFAI) 1C. - VOL. 7, NO. 1, JAN. 1@58 tIJ K h j-C't i"'v 1) BAUM, Frantishek [Bauer, Frantisek) dots.) inzh.doktor; MAREK, YindrzhIkh [Marek, Jirdrichl, 6oktor ye6testv. nauk; KUKRAL, Vladimir [Knichal, Vlad:bU_r1,J, prof., doktor,retsenzent; Jaroslav), inzh., retsenzent; FIESHEK, Rudolf [Pesek, hudolfl, prof., inzh.doktor, nauchziyy red. [Isentropic gas-flow; tables and Correction Nomograms] Izen- tropicheskoe tochenie gazov; tablitsy i popravochnye noro- gramnq. Izd-vo.Chekhoslovatskoi Akad. nauk, 1961. 643 p. (MDA 15:2) 1. Issledovatellskiy institut matematicheskil-b mashin, Prague (for Marek). 2. Chlen-korrespondent Chekhoslovatskoy akademii nauk (for Peshek). (Gas dynamics) 0 46 46 6 000000 0 00 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 o a 1, 6 1 Is I so if 11 11 If 11, 4it4 If ri n 71's I, )b I 311 11 uIf 0 u n IS 11 a If .0 61 0 t o -A A-C 1. It I L L a Is L I h fQ .I - U 1 -4 itI t - A M 0 IM lJD K t I i A ve 11 I A 8 L ' ' is . , .1, . s Afto PAL. A. S -4. . flip 411116pplic AcIlml of vorus (I ... 11 molbi substam,ir- I I I I S : 1.,14 1 " 1, 1, , ,, @'J- , '. "'j- , fs-m Ald flili 143 . . , c 12'4 wl.4anct-S w;&, wed 1.11 wd If oh lit I'v(d diAllm .1'.. 1, s 1.1, 11 "t" A 1-1 If , 11% M, .o%avio) 1h,1111111"I "111V 'J'ghi gi-Ils I.-I.N X, 1, and had a %Irak 41"holl. 'T. c1dommitte, P-0.1 ....... s-h-110, 111crithol, hypilon, RIO llfl%"l 11.1.1 a %@ly Oq;hl '11-t. fliccl, al"I fig[, inhdwrd is-.11. -.,Iv wh -ita. I Pi, lillond'.11:1 Ili- KI-Wo .4, l"11K 1, I , 1" if., his, I.A. If ... .. ............ - had Ili, rfle't. I kl,iv- 60 00 002 -914M)II61CAL LITINAT1,1111 CLAIW"KATION SoW.A @11 -1 J.i I -d--P-- ;- -1-T 'v so 0, c of a it g It IT it u of 00 90 Axe All I -i- 6 -Ii-7--i -jj-G -j 14 4 4 VRRA, C.;LEBDUSKA, J.;SEKFah, A. Studies on local anesthetics; pharmacological evaluation of active basic eaters of substituted carbamic acids. Cesk. farm. 1 no.10:554- 563 1952. (CIML 23:4) 1. Of the Institute of Pharmacology of the Veterinary.Sahool and of the Institute of Pharmaceutical Chemistry of kasaryk University, Brno. L. @' 1 -P:,' U S., I A' P i . SIMMA,A.; HRTJBT,J.; JARUBEC,I.; KIU1,J.; VRBA,C.; LIBIDUSLA,J. - Lo,;al anesthetics. Basic asters of sitbstituted.carbamic acids [with summary in -English]. Sbor.Chekh.khIm.rab. 18 no.6:870-879 D '53. (MLRA 7:6) 1. Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry of the University, and Pharmacological Department of the Veterinary School, Brno. (Aawathetics) (Carbamic acid) (Esters) IC-7 4m z IEBDUSKA7--JaroslavJ* prof., dr., Dr.Sc.; POLAKOVA, Illilena, promovana veterinaxii lekar),z Importance of some antiseptics and antibiotics for uterus infection treatment. Voqtnik CSAZV 9 no.3:138-142 162. 1. Vyzkumny ustav veterinarni, Ceskoulovenska akademie zemedelskych ved, Brno. WILLOMITZERP il, dr., C.Sc.; LEBDUSKA J rofev drop Dr*Sco Treatment of poultry capillariasis by Methyridin and other drugs. Vestnik vyzk zemedel 9 no.10:471-473 162. 1. Vyzkunny ustav veterinarniho lekarstvi, Brno. WILLOMITZER, Jindrich, MVDr. CSc.; LEBDUS :IKA, Jaro.s.lav, prof. MVDr. DrSc. Experiences in the treatment of poultry capillariosis by methyridine. Veter medicina 8 no.4:245-248 163. 1. Research Institute of Veterinary Medicine,, Brno. Director of the Institute [doc. MVDr. inz.] Jan Vlcek. c z 2 c0 S L G UiIIII. _:.ncc-nc@ z U-e (7r Z- - - 'I -U y v4 r--.o stav "The Dis-i-i-.1'ectant Ef'octive-nass ol' Acid A-0-lied to _L .-@ s t @- a., and C"oncrete i n "o-11-sinf-z for t*-e Control of 'ca'-ion b- tb-e S'-imminr- cobac,--c--@-um ?-'ei Usi- 0d. Pra.-ue, Vete_--j_nrr@@i "101 'I'l, '70 10, cct -pp r, V U 0 0 0 4ed 7: :---e n z; e r -L;. - e d II ex-pcr any Tre@,, I in o 1 solution CLIQ o 1)cracetic a@-id --.-raI,-cd at the rate o- and 1 1, nor so. -m.. ee r a 1001-') el"Lect al'tel' 3 1-iourS exnos-,,@re; on smo-'U'@I Sur- oved af"er on-,y I hour. 1, Tables, aces U cni _U L ern, IC'D @;zach re.L@'orc;ncez;. (,@:a us c r t rccrj@v-.d 21 20b 6 C ZECHOSLOVAKIA BARTOS, J.; LEBDUSKA, J.; Research Institute of Veterinary Med- icine (VyzkWi~fty-U-d't'tCV-T6terinarniho Lelcarstvi), Brno - Medlanky. "Disinfecting Effect of Consentrate Containing KH210 3-9 KI, and H C1 on Mycobacterium Phlei." Prague, Veterinarni Medicina, Vol 11, No 12, Dec 66, PP 703-709 Abstract /Authors' English summary modified-7: The concentrate invest-iga"ted had the following composition: 5-09 of KH,,io-,, 5.5 g KI, 437-5 ml of 37% H Cl, and 500 ml of distilled water`@. --In a medium of cow feces a 5%j solution of the concentrate had a 100% bactericidal effect in 30 - 60 minutes. A 10% solution sprayed on the walls in an amount of 1 liter per 1 square meter had a 100% bactericidal efroct In 3 hours. Practical apnlication of the concentrato is dincuanod- 3 Tribles, 2 CZ00h, 7 Rurjaian rof- erences. (Manuscript received 21 Fel. 66). LEBECKAJ, Jolanta, mgr; ZELENSKI, Andrzej, dr inz. Isotopic measuring method of the wear of grinding elements of coal mills. Pt. 1. Energetyka Pol 18 no. 1: Supplement: enargopomiar 10 no. 1: 7-8 Ja 164. LEBECKA, Jolanta., mgr..-, ZELENSKI., Andrzej., dr inz, ---- , , Isotopic methods of measuring the rate of wearing out of the grinding elements of coal Mills. Ft,2. Energetyka Pol 18 no.3: Supplementt Fhergopomiar 10 no.20-10 Mr?6A iEBEDI, ANIMMY Transportnoye Znacheniya Gidrotechnicheskikh Sooruzheniy SSSR (The importance of Hydro-Technical Projects for 3oviet Transportation, by) A. Lebed', (1) -Poris Yal-.ovlev. 14yunkhen, 1954. 200 P. (Issledovaniya i Materialy. Seriya 1-Ya, Vyp. 14) At Head of Title: Institut Po Izucheniyu Istorii i Kulltury SSSR. SO: N15 756.12 -L4 "TRIP -LEBEDI Andrey and- YAKOVLEV, Boris Soviet vaterwayB; the development of the inland navigation system in the USSR, by Andrey Lebed' [and) Boris Yakavlev. English language ed., edited by Oliver J. Frederiksen, Munchen, 1956. xii, 161 p. maps, tables. 24 cm. (Institut po izucheniyu SSSR. Publications, Series 1, no. 36) -06509 SOV/141-58-4-25/26 AUTHORS: Kostiyenko, A.I., Devyatkov, M.N. and L,eb-ed's A.A. TITLE: Electronic Detection at Ultrahigh Frequencies (Elektronnoye detektirovaniye na sverkhvysokikh chastotakh) PERIODICAL: Izvestlya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy, Radiofizika, 1958, Nr 4. pp 168-170 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The work reported deals with the possibility of the detection of ultrahigh frequency signals by means of reflex klystrons. An experimental investigation was carridd out on glass tubes types K-11 and K-26, operating at wavelengths to %- 10 cm and X = 3 cm. The detection was achieved by separating the grids of the klystron resonators and by applying to them various positive potentials. This arrangement permitted the obtaining of various potential distributions in the interaction space and in the reflector space of the klystrons. The experimental system employed is illustrated in Fig 1, while its potential distributions are shown in Fig 2. The detector curves are shown in Fig 3 and 4. Fig 3 Card 1/2 illustrates the detector current Wo and the reflector 06509 sov/141-58-4-25/26 Electronic Detection at Ultrahigh Frequencies current Io as a function of the voltage applied to the accelerating grid. Fig 4 shows similar curves plotted as a function Of UT which represents the difference between the accelerating potential and that of the second resonator grid. From the curves it is seen that a detector sensitivity of the order of I A/W was obtained with the K-11 tube; this figure is the same as that of a good crystal detector. There are 4 figures and I English reference. ASSOCIATION:Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet (Moscow State University) SUBMITTED: 25th November 1957 Card 2/2 SOV/109- --@-3-19/30 AUTHORS., Kostiyeriko A.I., Devyatkov M.N., and Lebed' A.A. TITLE: Use of the Virtual Cathodes for the Detection at Ultra- High Frequencies (Ob ispollzovanii virtuallnykh katodov dlya detektirovaniya na sverkhvysokikh chastotakh) PERIODICAL; Radiotekhnika i Elektronilm, 1959, Vol L@, Nr 3, pp 482-488 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The problem was investigated experimentally. The circuit employed is shown in Fig 1; a constant potential Ul was applied to the accelerating grid and to the first grid of the interaction gap; a potential U2 was applied to the second grid of the interaction gap, and a potential U0 was injected into the interaction gap. By adjusting potentials Ul and U21 two virtual cathodes can be formed inside the tube, as is illustrated in Fig 2. The experiments were carried out at wavelengths of 10 - 3 cm. At the 10 cm wave the UHF power was fed to the klystron by means of a cavity resonator as shown in Fig 3a. At the 3 cm wave the UHF power was fed by means of a rectangular waveguide; this is shown in Fig 3b-'. The measured results are shown graphically in Car,i 1/3 Figs 4 - 8. Fig 4 represents the dependence of the SOV/109-- -4-3-19/38 Use of the Virtual Cathodes for the Detection at Ultra-High Frequencies reflector current 10 on the reflector voltage UO for UO > 0. The figure illustrates also the increase of the reflector current hIO due to the ultrahigh frequency signal. The dependence of I and NI on the gotential of the accelerating grid Ts illustra2ed in Fig 0 From the above experiments it is concluded that the use of the virtual cathodes for the purpose of the detection is quite feasible. The best results are obtained when the virtual cathode effect is very small. The detection mechanism at the 3 cm wave is almost iden- tical with that at the 10 cm w3ve. The authors express their gratitude to S.D. Gvozdover f:-r valuable advice and Card 2/3 his interest in this work. Acknowladgement is also made to M.A. Drozdova and V.G. Titov for their help in carrying SOV/109- --4-3-19/38 Use of the Virtual Cathodes for the Detection at Ultrahigh Frequencies out the experiments. There are 8 figures and 2 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Fizicheskiy Fakulltet Moskovskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta imeni M.V. Lomonosova (Physics Department of Moscow State University imeni M.V. Lomonosov) SUBMITTED: September 6, 1957 Card 3/3 INMEMTSEVo A.I.v inzh. (g.Angarsk),- -GAFNER9 Ye.R. (g.Angarsk); KATRUKHAq V.V.9 inzh. (g.Krasnovodsk); IVANOV9 1.1.9 kand.takhn.uauk (Moskva), . 9 inzh. (Moskva) Principal trends in the plan for overall electrification. Elektrichestvo no. 12:82-434 D 160. (NIRA 14:1) (Electrification) A*N* Determining the depTh of drying of large molds. Lit. proizv. no.7:42 J1 163. (141RA 17: 1) LID-DI , 1.11. Automatic control of plant lighling. Eetall,=%_! @, no.6:33 7 16-4. ,J C (NIRA 11/: 9) 1. Zavod "Azovstallil. i E, F, -ACC NR, AP iiI62@ SOURCE CODE: UR/0243/66/ooo/oo3/0047/0050 AUTHOR: j&htjg@A. @N- ORG: LuganBk Medical Institute (Luganskiy meditsinskiy institut) TITLE: Electronic device for preliminary analysis of information from biotelemetric I,- SOURCE: Meditsinskaya promyshlennost' SSSR, no. 3, 1966, 47-50 TOPIC TAGS: TxWmWtT-r--=0ntra1, pathology, biologic computer, medical research L i. ABSTRACT: Study and observaelon ofthe condi ion of the various lystems which make an organism over long periods of time is required to provide doctors and scientists with the information they need, but pr3cessing that information is, in itself, a time- consuming process. Designing instruments capable of making preliminary analyses of imedical observations in accordance with sonic prearranged program, using multi-channel biotelemetric systems, is an important task of modern medical instrument builders. [Practising medicine does not at this time have at its disposal instruments capable of inaking preliminary analyses of information fed to them, and then separating out and re- 1cording the results of physiological function measurements made at the time of the pathology. The author proposes the use of a device which will make this preliminary analysis of information fed into it over 1, 2, or 3 channels. The device can be pro- grammed to record the results of measurements concerning the pathology of physiologic- 1 Card 1/2 uDc: 612-08:681.142 ACC NR- AP6022452 al functions over a single channel, or over 2 or 3 channels simultaneously. The device r,ontrols operation of the recording apparatus automatically. Use is made of 3 similar amplitude-selective electronic relays, a voltage electronic relay, and a power pack. The author is of the opinion that his proposed device will inject objectivity into the information collection process arid will, by eliminating superfluous information, accel- erate the processing of the information obtained, thus aiding doctors and scientists in their scientific-research and practical work. Orig. art. has: 1 figure. M CODE- o6, 09 / SUBM DATE: 26 Jun 65 / ORIG REF: 003 fV S/161/62/004/007/002/037 B102/B104 AUTFORS: Lebed B. 44. , and YakovIev, Yu. M. TITLE: Study of the temperature and frequency dependences of the resonance curve width in polycrystalline ferrites PF.RIGDICAL: Fizika tverdogo tola, v. 4, no. 7, 1962, 1695 - 1700 TEXT: The wi,ith 611 of the resonance curves was measured as a function of t (OC) and f (,,c) d.n spheres of two polycrystalline ferrites: 0.45 M90 X xO.76T-e 0 0.38Cr 0 0.12CuO and 3Y 0 4.65Fe 0 0.35A1 0 The measurements 2 3' 2 3' . 2 3' 0 2 3' 2 3' ... ere :-%ade in the range from -190 to +300 C at 500, 647, 1001, 1496, 2590 -and 9253 LIC/sec. The diameter of the sample was 4mm for 5PO Mc/sec, but was sinaller for the higher frequencies. The measurement curves (Aii(t), J11(11), 6(t); a-magnetization) show that 4H(t) in polycrystalline samples is similar to that in single crystals. At low frequencies the low-temperature broadening of the resonance curve has another cause than at high frequen- cies: in the former it is due to temperature dependence of the relaxation frequency, as well as to magnetization, and the effect of domain structure, Chrd 1/2 S/181/62/004/007/002/037 Study of. the temperature ... B102/B104 whereas in the latter it is an effect of impurities, and principally an effect of the maximum which they cause at low temperatures. The broadening of the resonance curve near the Curie point is due to the temperature fluctuations in *the intensity of magnetization. Unlike in single crystals Of 3Y20 3* We2 031 the 6H here depends notably on the frequeiie Iy, probably because of magnetic inhonoEencity. There are 4 figures. ASSOCIATION: Leninfradskiy elektrotekhnicheskiy institut im. V. 1. Ullyanova (Lbnina)(Leningrad Electrotechnical Institute imeni V. I. Ullyanov Oenin)) 6UBA,-.ITTED: Oecember 28,, 1961 Card 2/2 S11 81/62/004/012/042/052 Bi 2 5/B1 02 AUTHORS: Yakovlev, Yu. M., and TITLE: The tei;iperature and frequency dependencee of the ferromagnetio resonance line width of ferrite monocryatale with garnet and spinel structures PERIODICAL: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 4, no. 12, 1962, 3654-366 2 TEXT: A report is given on experimental investigation of the temperature dependence (between room temperature and the Curie point) and frequency dependence (at the 4 fixed frequencies 1000, 1-496j 2590 and 9200 314c) of Lhe. ferromagnetic resonance line width of sphezrical ferrite morocrystals having garnet structure. Polycrystalline specimens of this type were already investigated by B. "J. Lebed', Yu. M. Yakovlev (FTT, 4, 1695, 1962). It is pointed out that their values for the frequency dependence of the line width of ferrites are inconsistent with those obtained by R. C. Le Crow et a]. (Phys. Rev-, 110, 1311, 1956) and by. J. F. Dillon (Phys. Rev., 105, 759, 1957). The monocrystale of the ferrite Mg Fe 0 I O-52Yn 0.87 1-74 4 were grown by the Verneuil method. The yttrium iron Card 1/3 s/i 81 /62/r.04/01 2/042/052 The temperature and frequency ... 3125/B102 garnets were obtained from a PbO melt at a cooling rate of 2'/hour. The measuring methods are described in the previous work first cited. The temperature dependence of the line width 6H has the same character at all frequencies. The line width of all specimens increases strongly in the vicinity of the Curie point. The characteristic temperature at which the I@ine width of the iron yttrium garnets changes discontinuously is determined by the passage throu6h the frequency 6.)0/2 of the lower limit V of the spin-wave spectrum. Using a monocrystalline disk made from yttrium iron garnet, the measurements of the temperature dependence of nF were checked and found to be correct. This discontinuous change in the line width is due to a nonlinear three-magnon process with a low threshold field hthr "' 2 millioersteds. The.line width of optically polished yttrium iron, in practice, independent of the frequency. The line width LH of such garnets as have a rough surface depends weakly on the frequency. As the frequency increases from 1000 to 9200 Mc, 6H increases by almost 10V@, which cannot be explained by relaxatJ,)n processes due to microscopic magnetic inhomogeneities. Owilig to the discrepancies between the theory developed by A. M. Clogston et a!. and the experimental data. Card 2/3 The temperature and..frequency ... 6/181/62/004/012/042/052 B1250102 obtained (Journ. Apbl. Phys., 29, 429, 1958) it has so far not been possible adequately to describe the magnetic relaxation processes. The disaii,ative term in the equation of motion for ferromagnetic materials 2] reads either XEM X (M X H)/m (Landau-Lif shits --)-, or w r [A,,,H' - M' The losses are characterized by the parameters or Wr.@, -r - 1/or *is the relaxation time. There are 6 figures. ASSOCIATION: Leningradskiy.elektrotekhnicheakiy institut im. V. I. Ullyanova-Lenina (Leningrad Electrotechnical Institute imeni V. I. Ullyanov-Lenin) SUBMITTED: May 19, 1962 (initially) July 18, 1962 (after revision) Card 3/3 LBBEDII B.@L; MUMA, L.Ya. Ferromagn tic resonance in Binglo-crystal iron-yttrium garne-t retAAlng-its magnetic structurt. Fiz. tver. tela 5 no.10.-2963- 296-7 0 163. (MIRA 16M) ANDREYEV,, S.I.; LEBEDI, B.14. ; SOKOLOV, B.M. Generation of nanosecond pulsoo of suporhigh-frequency oscil- latloml. Prib. i tiekli. eksp. 8 no.5:12)3-121@ S-0 163. (KIRA 16:12) 7 ACCMION NR- AP4011.771 3/0181/64/006/001/0297/0300 AUTHORS: Lebed!@,.A*@@X.; Abarenkovaj S* Go TITLE: Magnetic spectra of polycrystalline yttrium alumi@um and yttftum Sadoliniun garnet ferritei SOURCE:. I Fizika tverdogo tela, ve 6j no, lp 1964P.297-300 TOPIC TAGSt magnetic spectrumsyttrium aluminum garnet, yttrium gadolinium garnetj ferrite# garnet ferritep polycrystalline garnet ferrite ABSTRACT: * The Authors have made experimental studies on the -magnetic spectrum of. the iniestigated mineral ferrites in the frequency rarg'a -from 0,1 to 3000 mega- cycles. Results are shown in Figs a 1 and 2 and in Table 1 on the Enclosures. Their, asurementa... show@- that the dispersion of radio frequencies apparently taiparature me has a relaxation character as other U'utho-ra- havo indicatea. The pre- cise nature of'this dispersion is not easy to determines howevers since the ob- served permeability maximum is very broad and difficult t6 locate accurately. Orig. art. has: 2 figures, 1 tablop and 2 formulas. ASSOC, ONi none C AGGESSION Iffit APha986O, 8/()le1/64/W6/003/0M/09U AU-,WRSt Andrgwp So Iq Ldbed' j Be H* Soko]Amq B. He TITLE# Investigation reversals of magnetism in rapidly alternating fields of large amplitude ISOURGE: Mika tvardogo telas vo 6,9 no* 39 19649 915-921 TOPIC TAGSt magnetic reversal,, Terr6magnetic, ferrite, magnetic momnt., magnetic daMing ABSTRAGTi The authors' purpoae'haa been to invdstigate the dynamics of magnetiza- tion reversal inforrites in magnetic fields reaching 10 oersteds during alternations of polarity at the rate of about 103.1 oersteds per second ard to detenixine the damping parameters* It was discovered that the rate of change of thw magnetic moment and the time of magnetization reversal decrease with amplitude of the field only up to 4( certain limitj, determined by the composition -of the ferrite and by the rate of change in the magnetic fields It'vas fouW that at reversal rates of 2010 oersteds per second or greater in the fiel4p the t1me of !,Card, ACCESSION NRt AAM980 reversal and the rate of change of the magnetic moment in the ferrite no longer depend on the amplitude of the magnetizing (reversal) field at maximum fields Of @300 oersteds or greatere At the maximum rate of field reversal used in the experiments about 1033- oersteds per second, magnetization reversal took place in 110-8 seconds, and the energy of the process reached about 4~10-2 Joules/cm:3. The nature of the magnetization reversal, is satisfactorily explained tv phenomaino- logical equations for precession of the magnetic moment of a saturated forromagnet-I ic, The damping parameters determined by ferromagnetic resonance agree in order of magnitude with the value determined by rapdLd revweal of =4petisation, OrigeI art a has 1 4 figures and formulaso ASSWUTIONs none -64 EML 1 001 SUBM= i ::U#ug63 Dais AcQs 32Ku ',-WB CODHs SN HD MW WVs COO MMI OW f Card Rjr E;WT W/EPA (s)-2/E*,-1T (m)PUP_Q)/VdP.(b-) :_'Pt- G -10 IjP( jbIj. -7 -AS(mp)-2/4-rA/AS@1 5/114AEM( )/ZSDQs)/_;SD(tY GG_ ACCESSION..NR.-: :AP4046663 5/0181/64/006/010/2953/2957 AUTHORS:' Yakovlev, Yu. M.; L ed, B. M. 6 TITLE: Minimum width of ferromagnatic re onanc line of yttrium garnet-gingle crystals S01URC& F ogo tela, 'v..-6 -10, 1964 2953-2957 izikat iverd .no. TOPIC TAGS; yttrium iron garnet, single crystal, ferromagnetic reso- nance, line width, relaxation process ABSTRACT! This is a continuation of earlier investigations by the authors OFTT v. 4, 3, 654 and 1695, 1962), except that the measure- ments were made under conditions in which the non-intrinsic relaxa- tion has been reduced to a minimum. The temperature dependence of the line-width of ferromagneticrcsonance of spherical samples of single,crystal yttrium garnet was investigated in the linear region of the variable-magnetization amplitude at six fixed frequencies Card 1/3. L 129'213-65- AccEssim uR: AP4046603 (500, 640, 1000, 1500, 2590, and 9200 Mcs) in the temperature inter- val 200--300C. The test procedure for measuring the temperature and frequency dependences of the line width was described by the authors in detail elsewhere (PTE No. 6, 107, 1962). The Y3Fe5012 single crystals from Which the investigated specimens were grown by crystallization from a molten PbO solvent under cooling at a rate of approximately 10 per hour. The niethod of preparing the samples from the single crystals was described by 1. Ye. Gubler (PTE No. 5, 145, 1960). The results show that the rate of the fluctuation mechanism of relaxation depends on the frequency. Two relaxation mechanisms seem to be in operation. 1. A fluctuation mechanism, which causesthe line width to increase at high temperatures. 2. A mechanism which leads to an increase in the line width of low tem- peratures. At each frequency, the temperature dependence was such that the line width increased at low and at high temperatures, with a fairly flat minimum in an intermediate region. It is shown that both relaxation mechanisms are inherent in an ideal ferromagnet. Card 2/3, L 12933-65 ACCESSION UR; -AP4046603 The authors thank A.- G. Gurevich for a useful discussion of the work." Orig. art. has: 4 figures and 6 formulas. ASSOCXATION: Leningradskiy clektrotekhnicheskiy institut im. V. 1. Ul'yanova (Lenina)-(Leniplrad Electrotechnical Institute) IP934-65 EWT(l)AZPA (s)-2/E'1T(m)/V.,1P(b) Pt-10 IJP(c) JD/JG/GG ASD(a)-5/AS(mo)-2/AFWL/RA&ff(a)/ESD(,.T;r,)- @ACCESSION NR:* AP4046604 S/0181/64/006/010/2958/2962 j. @14- - AUTHORS LebeW, J3 TITLE: Ferromagnetic relaxation in polycrystalline-yttrium iron garnet near the upper end point of the spin wav spectrum -.0 ,-.SOURCE.--- Fizika.tverdogo tsla, v. 6, no. 10, 1964, 2958-2962 :@;TOPIC TAGS.,_:yttrium iron garnet, polycrystal, spin..wave, ferromag- ;netic resonance, line width, line broadening :,ABSTRACT: @To clarify some of the doubtful assumptions made in --.--earl-ter----dedtictionz,---by.-various---authors -:that- the-. maxima-of-the-ferro- :Magnettic resonance line broadening are in accord with the spin-wave theory, the authors,measured the temperature dependence of the line 'width of polycrystalline and single-crystal samples of yttrium. iron garnet Y3FeSO12 and single crystal nickel ferrite NiFe204- The mea- surements were made at frecfaencies 1000, 1496, 2590, and 2950 Mcs Cord 1/3 "S L 12934-6-9 - CCZSS1ON-NR:--- -:70 thor s..-earlier using --.a. --the au -:(PTE @No:. 6@ -407j 56) A- maximum, was observed on the temperature dependence of the idth at 2590 and 2950 Mcs at a temperature corresponding to line W1 _-magnetization at - _,which-the-frequency- -of -the- hon.,.-geneous- precession is@. 6ontaih4a, soin-wave - band-0--- No rtaximum -Vas. observed - at @---__'.1000 -a_nd_-l4!6.Mds.'. ----The.@.ratio- of --the-bomogeneous -precession fre- quency to the magnetization frequency was constant for both frequen- cx ot s a -;! 2950. and- - es.- -.0bServed-intensity. .-t -ne 7wi p aR.s. @_2590 14cs-, And @the.absence of peaks at 1496 and*1000 Mcs, is in ac- .cord with the theory of line broadening in polycrystalline ferrites, proposed by Schlomann (Phys. Chem. Solids v. 6, 242, 1958). -It is shown that if the homogeneous precession frequency lies within the spin-wave spectrum, the magnitude of the line broadening does not agree with the Schlomann theory. Possible causes for this discrep- ancy are discussed. "In conclusion the authors thank A. G. Gurevich- for valuable advice and a useful discussion of the present work." Orig. art. has: 4 formulas and 2 figures. Card 2/3 -"L 12934-65 ACCESSION-UR: AP4046604 ASSOCIATION: Leningradskiy elektrotekhnicheskiy institut im. V. 1. Ul'yanova (Lenina) (Le ctrotechnical SUBMITTED:@ 14Mar64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: SS, EK NR REF SOV: 002 OTHER: 004 _1 :14852-65 AA4L/RM(a)/ESD(gs)/ESD(t), AC07SSION UR: AP4048425 S/0181/64/006/011/3438/3443 -B. M.; Mukha Y a-.-, -Mo s e 1A -V,--I. AUTHORS, e n TITLE: Nonli eiir phenomena in an yttrium i rc n garnet at low fre- quencies SOURCE--':Fizik tv a erdogo tela, v. 6, no. 11, 1964, 3438-3443 -nonlinearity, single crystal, i@@iidnaii Aihe@ denc VT d ABSTRACT: To-ext earlier investigations-by one of the authors e (Yu. M. Yakovlev, B. M. Lebed') over a wider range of crystallograph- ic directions, temperatures, and alternating-field amplitudes, the raturq-dependen@c_e@of the width (6H) of the ferromagnetic reso- _9@'Iahd p er Ye 1. dia.) :w'as @ investigated -4bove-@_thresbqld. measurements were made at 2590 and 1496! a method explained card 1/2 F7 I 14852@-65 ACCESSION: 1414- - AP4048425 elseWherd.(B.,M.. Lebed' and Yu. M. Yakovlevi PTE no. 6, 107, 1962). comparison of the curves obtained for different crystallographic directions shows that the nonlinear relaxation present at tempera- tures below 20* has a clearly pronounced anisotropy, with a maximum in the (100] direction. A fine structure in the temperature varia- tion of the line width is observed at both frequencies. It is sug- gested that the observed jumplike broadening of the resonance lines is due to the, existence of nonlinear phenomena connected with the ..many-magnon relakation processes.. The threshold value of the ampli- tude of the alternating field is independent of the temperature or of the frequency (in the 1000--2590 Mc range). Orig. art. has: 3 figures,and 6 formulas. ASSOCIATION: None SUBMI TTED 27Dec63 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: SS, EM UR REF SOV: 004 OTHER: 005 Card 2/2 M51 A in ABSTRACT: Wo variants of a discrete phase shifter (see Fig. 1 of Enclosure) containing a strip line charged by ferrites end an operating coil are proposed. The ferrite element takes the form of toroidal cores located in pairs between the plates of the strip line and the internal conductor. The operating coil is wound around the core projections. In the second variant, the :Cprrite element takes the form of plates located on either side of the internal lint, strip. Operating- current conduatcra are introduced into the device through apertures in the plates. Orig. art. has: 1 figure. 1941 ASSOCIATION: none SUEUITTEW 16mar64 ENCL; 01 SUB CODE: EC NO REP SOV: 900 OTHER: 000 ATD PRESS: 3239 I Card 1:72 4' V 1 - Toroidal cores; 2 - strip-line plates; 3 - internal conductor; 4, 5 - opermting coils ; 6 - ferrite Plates; 7 - internal line strip; 8 - conductor. i L, oo676 EKD-2/IWI). ACCESSXON NR: AP50125e UP/0181/65/OOT/005/i5l9/1 22 4C 4q'. 4*, AUTHOR: Lebedi, H. M.; Sherl3mgin., K. V. 33;;e'sZ`1_gaTTo_e6f th ovag-i TITLE: e temperature and frequency dependences of the ferr netic resonance line width in single-crystal ferritV& near-the Curie temperature SOURCE: Rizika tyerdogo tela, v. T, no. 5) 1965@1 1519-1522 TOPIC TAGS: ferritej, ferromagnetic resonancep line width, relaxation process ABSTRACT: The purpose of the investigation vas to study the fluctuation mechanism) of relaxation in the ferrites aver a wide frequency intervalp since there are ex- perimental data to suggest that it exhibits a noticeable frequency dependence. I+ was also desired to determine the influence of the shape of the sample on the 1 relaxation process. Consequent3yj, the temperature dependence of the line width (AH) of ferromagnetic resonance with structure of garnet and spinnel, was investi-i gated near the Curie tempereture in spherical single-crystal ferrites with the following COMPOSitiOng: YSFeSO.12P Y3Fe4.asAlo.72OjLaj, Y3Fe3 4-sfti s4O22, and,O!&Mno.92Fel.7003.99. Ip addition, a disc with a height t6 diameter ra- tio 1.20 was cut from single-cryfftal yttrium iron garnet. The line widths were ,measured by a resonator method described by one of the authors earlier (with Yu. m. Yelwyiev,, PTE., No. 60 10T, iq6e)-at fixed frequencies or low, 14700 259o, 4870,'.---- u. M-Al 00676-66 NR: AP50125M 9250, 14lOOOl and 36525 Mcs. The results show that the equation for the fluctua- f ition line width -3@2 A M A(6C - T) fl . -- Curie temperature, T -- temperature, A -- constant) is satisfied at all fre-@ (G C quencies, with the coefficient A proportional to the frequency in the range 3DOO-- 26,525 Mcs., Fluctuation line broadening is therefore observed in a temperature in--@. terval whose magnitude decreases with increasing frequency. The fluctuation line broadening is also found to aepend on the shape of the sample, so that the final expression for the line width takes the form -1/2 AHfI. - CWo(eC - T) F(Ho, Nil MO) where F(Ho, Nil MO) is a function that depends on the external magnetic field, the;' demagnetizing factor, and the magnetization, and is therefore sensitive to the shape of the sample. The pborsic&l processes responsible for this behavior are briefly described. "The authors thank A. 0. Gurevich for useful discussion." Orig. - art. ban: 2 figures, 4 formulas, and 1 table.. ASSOCIATION-. none SUBMTTED: 19Aug64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE., SS M S7?-@ @,007 OTHER: 002 2 L 02257-67 EWT(l)/EWT(M)/T/EWP(t)/ET1 TJP(C) GCVWT1/JD AUTHOR: Lebed', B. M.; Mukha, L. Ya.; Mosel', V. L; Titova, A. G.. ORG. none 7A ngle crystal of the garnet TITLE: Ferromagnetic resonance In a st IN.5Ca2.5Fe3.75V1.25Pl2 SOURCE: FizikiL tverdogo tela, v. 8, no. 5, 1966, 1533-1535 TOPIC TAGS: ferrornagnetic resonance, single crystal structure, temperature dependence, garnet ABSTRACT: The aim of the present work is to investigate the temperature dependence of the line width of ferromagnetic resonance 6H on the single crystal Bi0.5Ca2.5Fe3 5 1 .75V1.2 0 2- The single crystals were obtained by the method of crystallization from the melt with the com- position 28CaC03-40Fc203-GV?05-4B1203 mOl% at a cooling rate of 2C/hr. The temperature dependence was measured on a polished spherical specimen of the single crystal in the temperature range of 4.2--630K at five fixed frequencies in the range of 495-925OMc. It is established that the minimal width of the line AH = 0.5 e at the frequency of 9250Mc is observed at 4.2K for the (1111 direction. For direction (1001 at the Card 1/2 L 02257-67 -1 - --- I - ----- . 1-1 - 1* ACC 'N" R*1 --- A-P-G--0"-l547-5------ - -- ' - . -) - I isam e temperature, AH = 1.3 e. With a decrease in frequency, the anisotropy of All decreases and the minimal width of the line Is observed at higher temperatures. In conclusion, the I authors express their gratitude to A. G. Gurevich.and A. P. Erastova for interest In the work. I Orig. art. has: I formula and 2 figures. SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 21Oct65/ ORIG REF: 002/ OTH REF: 003 Nil; SOURCE CODE: Ult/0048/GG/030/OOG/1002/1007 '1.U-:,::%m,; Gurovich,.&.G.; Lobed', 11.114.-Mironov, S.A.; Starobinote, S.S.; Titova,A.G.; @-h0V1Yzqi-.1, K,V. 0-2G: ins-zituto ot Semiconductors, Academy of Sciences of thoSSSR (Institut polu- provodzikov Akadaraii nauk SSSR) TITLE: Lxcization of magnetoolastic waves Z-neport, All-Union Conference on the Forro P,iy.� -and Antifarromagnotism hold 2-7 July 1965 in SvordlovaL,7 S3*,;nCZ: AN SSSR. Izvostlya. Seriya fizichoskaya, v. 30, no. 6, 1966, 1002-1007 .TOPIC TAGS: yttrium compound, garnet, single crystal, spin phonon interaction, magnel.0- !acoulitic of@@Oct ABST,-UCT: T'.,.o authors have investigated the excitation at frequencies from 0.2 to 3 o" magnetoolastic, waves in three sinf;lc crystal yttriun garnet specimens from ".3 to 6.9 z.-im lon,-, and from 2 to 5 rra in diameter having polished ends that were "lol within 15" and perpendicular to the E1111 axis within 10. 'Dic conatant pa _* a @ extQ;@nal mzjnotic field was uniform and parallel to the axis of the specimen (the L1l1j axis o2 tl-,o crystal). The specimen was mounted between two identical cavity i of viliic-4 one served to produce the exciting high frequency magnetic field .(veaich was parallel to the face of the specimen) and the other, to detect the trans- :mitted wave. Mlagnatoelastic waves could be observed under optimal conditiona with an Card 1/2 L 08752-67 ACC NR: RP6029119 c*.citation power of the order of microwatts. The delay of the magnetoolastic wave I. ;6=:easod monotonically with increasing magnetic field strength in qualitative agree- 4.1"at with the theory of =.Schl'o'mann and R.I.Josoph (J. Appl. Phys., 35, 159, 167, '23S2 (1964)). The magnotoolastic waves wore much less highly damped than is predicted? @y Che Schl'O'mann theory. The authors discuss possible reasons for this behavior alternative to the su- estioa of W.Strauss and F.G.Eggers (Appl. Phys. Lett., 6, 18 v4aich they find unconvincing. Magnotoolastic waves were also observed in Mag-notic fields that wore somewhat stronger than the maximum fields in which they should theoretically appear. It is concluded that further theoretical work is needed. L-c authors thank G.A. Smolenskiy for valuable discussions. Orig. art. has: 5 tormulaa @azd 5 figures. SUB COD3: 20 SUBM DATE: 00 ORIG. REF; 002 OTH REF: 015 bc ACC NR, AP60@3556 sou-RCE CODE: 16/0i8j/66/oo8/o1o/2q58/2,c,64 AUMOR: Gurevich., A. G.; Lebed', B. 1M.; 14ironcrv, S. A.; Starobinets, S. S.; ShevIyagin., K. V. ORRG: Institute of Semiconductors) AN SSSR, Leningrad (In5titut poluprovodnikov AN SSS-,,) TITLE: Influence of the distribution of the magnetic field in a sample on the excita- tion of magnetoelastic waves .SCURCE: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 8, no. 10) JD66, 2958-2964 ,TOPIC TAGS: magnetoelastic wave, magnetic f1.eld, yttrium ferrite 4zecQ ; C.A @V .AB aga- : @@'i;@CT: in view of the disparity between the theory of magnotoelastic wave prop ,tion, developed by E. Schlomann and B. 1. Joseph (J. Appl. Dws. v. 35, 159, 167, 1 2, 1964), and numerous experimental results, includinG those by the authors (Izv. ml :238 :SSSR ser. -Aiz. v. 30, 1002, 1966), a more detailed experimental study was nade of the I Pechanism of the magnetoelastic waves, especially at different distributions of the in-i ,wernal magnetic field. The excitation was with a 1000 ?jd[z generator operating in the ;Pulsed mode (-I psec pulse duration) at maximum power -0-5 watt. Single-crystal y-t- :triu,-,i garnet was used as the sample. The external field was homogeneous and parallel -t-he sample axis. The internal field was varied Iry attaching to the single-crystal 1swiple additional polycrystalline yttrium- iron- garnet s of different lengths. The testd. 0 :consisted of measuring the delay time of the waves and the total losses of the magneto-@, 1/2 ACC NR, Ap6033556 jelastic pulses. The results showed that a series of magnetoelastic pulses was excited ;'atu all values of maximum gradient of the internal field (which rar4ged from 2000 to 13500 Oe/cm). No waves were excited when the internal field was uniform. The plots of Ithe losses of the delayed pulses vs. the external field exhibit ml.-Kima and decrease Iwith increasing field gradient. The damping of the pulse sequences is small (-2 db) land is practically independent of the field gradient. The upper limit of external Ifields at which excitation takes place is much higher than prcdicted by the theory of Schlomann and Joseph, but in weak fields the theory agrees with the dependence of the' 1delay time and of the losses on the external field. The discrepancy in the case of Istrong fields may be due to the action of an additional excitation mechanism., confined 1to the surface of the sample, which was not accounted for in the theory. The authors ithanL G. A. S,-.iolenskiy for discussing the resultG and A. G. Titova for supplying the :,single crystals. Orig. art. has: 6 figures, 5 formulas, and 1 table. SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: olmar66/ oRiG Rmi% oo3/ OTH REF. 012 7 ACC NRi AP6034929 SOURCE CODE: GE/0030/66/017/001/00K7/00K9 AUTHOR: Starobinets, S. S.; Lebed, B. M.; Gurevich, A. G. ORG: Institute of Semiconductors, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Leningrad TITLE: Parametric resonance in a calcium -bismuth- vanadium garnet SOURCE: Physica status solidi, v. 17, no. 1, 1966, K7-K9 and appropriate insert following p. 433 TOPIC TAGS: garnet, parametric resonance, calcium bismuth vanadium garnet, yttrium iron garnet, ferrimagnet, magnetoacoustic resonance, Q factor, resonance frequency, magnetic moment, garnet magnetic Q factor, garnet acoustic Q factor, garnet magnetoelastic interaction ABSTRACT: Observation of magnetoacoustic resonance (MAR) in a recently synthesized ferrimagnet, i. e. , in Ca.)'7BiO. 3Fe3 65V1. 35012 iron garnet crystals, was reported. The sample N4th a highl@ polished sphere, was put into a waveguide at a distance of ;L,/2 from the short circuit. The signal, which was proportional to the resonance frequency magnetic moment, was received by Card 1 / 2 4CC N" AP6034929 a wire loop and fed into a spectrum analyzer. By comparing threshold amplitudes of uniform precession for MAR In an yttrium iron and a Ca-Bi-V garnets, the 2 of the latter substance was deter- magnetoelastic coupling coefficients b, and b mined. The ratio of these amplitudes was obtained experimentally. The magnetic' Q factors of both garnets are nearly equal, and it is reasonable to assume that their acoustic Q factors are-of the same order. The magnetoelastic interaction in 1--a-Bi-V is nearly two orders.of magnitude weaker than that in the YIG; bi and 1/2 b2in the Ca-Bi-V garnet have'nearly the same value but opposite signs. Orig. art. has: 1 figure and 2 formulas. [DR] SUB CODE: 08, 20/SUBM DATE: 07Ju!66/ORIG REP: 002/OTH REP: 006/ Ceird 22 rvf,@, o 3o -.i i U f Lc and Tuchnic,l Dig r, 1 4 '; _her 1 C' L L-" I C 5 5 so Zxtraorganic arteris of the mesenteric segment of the intestine in children* Arkh.anato gist. i embr- 33 no,'1:71-74 Ta,,Kr 156 (MIRA 12:1) 1. Iz kafedrv normallnoy anatomii (zave - prof. H.Do Dovgiallo) Stalinekogo meditsinskogo instituta@ Adres avtora: g, Stalino, USSR, Meditsinskii institut, katedra normalinay anatomiie (NYSENTERIES. blood supply.' extra-organic arteries, pre-& postenatal develop,' (Rua)) USSR/Human end Animci Morphology (Normal jnd PatholoLical) S-2 Abu Jour s Ref Zhur - Biol., No 12j 1958, No 55043 Author bobed' B S. Inst Stclin Institute of Mcdicin,;. Title The Mucose Structurc of the Small Intestine'-- 1-!ioscnteric Section in Children. Orig Pub t Tr. Stalinskop mod. in-tv, 1957, 10, 178-181 Abstrcct : Twonty-five corpses of children in the agc group of 10 dFyF to 10 years have shown thet the number of Pcycr's ploques vcricc frow 7-42. They are Fitucted an the trucore of the lcr,rc intortino as well, but they vro c.-pccially ebundrnt on the ilcum mucose. The size of the plcqucs varies greatly. Card 1/1 LEBEDI, B.V.; SMIRVOV, V.I. C Ori from elags from reverberatory s=el per remcyva L Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; tsvet. met. 4 no.6343-47 161. (1."IFA 14-:12) 1. Uraltskiy politekhnicheskiy institut, kafedra metalli=gii typnhelylch tsvetnykh metallov. (S-lag) (copper) S11MMVP V.I.; LEBEDI, B.V.; TIKHONOV, A.I.; YABLOISKIY, YU.A. Complex processing of waste slags from the copper industry. TSvet.met- 34 no.10:46-50 0 161. (IMEA 14-:10) (Copper industry-By-products) (Slag) SMIRNOV,, V.I.; YABLONSKIY, YU.A.; TIKHONOV, A.I.; LEBEDI, B.V. Flow-sheets for the complete retreatment of slags from plants of nonferrous metallurgy. TSvet. met. 35 no.9:50-56 S 162. (MIRA 16:1) (Nonferrous metal industries-By-products) (slag) IEBED11 B.V.; SMIRNCIV, V.I., akademik Thermodynamics and kinetics of the interaction of --qgnetit,-- with iron, zinc, and copper sulff&s in slag melts. DAL AN SSSR 146 no.4s861+-867 0 t62. (MIRA 15:11) 1. Ural'aldy politekhnichoskiy institut im. S.M. Kirova. 2. AN KazSSR (for Smirnov). (Magnetite) (Sulfides-Metal.lurgy) LREEDIf B.V.; SKTRNOVP' V.I., akademik Experimental determination of the activity of zinc oxide in synthetic &lags. Dokl. AN SSSR U+7 no.1:159-161 N t 62. (MIRA 15:3-1) 1. Urallskiy politekhnicbeekiy institut im. S.M. Kirova. 2* AN Kazakhokoy SSR (for Smirnov). (?*inc oxide) (Metallic oxides) USSR/snaineering Welding Are Electrodes Nov 48 "Speed Welding With Deep Penetration at the Dnepropetrovsk Plant Imeni @Iolotov," D. P. Iebed', 1). V. Shataylo, Engineers, 2 pp " Delo" No 11 ? -2.1 - X3 Method of rapid arc-welding with deep penetration was introduced at the plant in 1946. In this method %0 electrode is not held at a slight distance away from the welded paxts, as is custonary, but rests against the,.flux an both sheets to be,weldecl. Welder pushes on'the electrode throughout the veld.-Saw welders bave'v6lded 100-1PO meters of a 6-mm seams by this xetbod. 4W 56/49T44 LEBED?, D.P. USSR/Engineering - Welding, Columns Jul 51 "Deformations of Columns of Tall BuildiijgG in Welding," D. P. Lebed, tngr, Laureate Stalin Prize,.I. S. Miroshnichenko, Engr "Avtogen Delo" No 7, pp 22-24 Dnepropetrovsk Plant imeni Molotov Conducted in- vestigation of residual deformations caused by welding in H-section columrs. Discusses warping of column flanges, longitudinal contraction, caused by welding of connecting members, depend- ence of this contraction on vol of welded metal and effect of welding of end plates on devia- tion of column butts from their original shape. 20OT44 USSR/I*tallurgy'- Welding, Bridges Jun 52 "Construction of Welded Bridges," D. P. Lebed', Engr, Stalin Prize Laureate "A-@togen Delo" No 6, pp 6-9 Briefly reviews application of automatic welding in ez-onstruction of bridges and dis- cusses in more detail fabrication of bridge recently under construction, claiming it will beworld's largest all-welded highway bridge 1,542 m. long and weighing about 10,000 tons. Max wt of assembly member is 40 tons, length 232T71 P-q m. Describes equipment used for assem- bling and welding bridge elements. Bridge is being erected under supervision of Acad Ye. 0. Paton. 232T71 IEBSDI D.P. laureat Stalinskoy premii, inthener; HIROMIGMIO, I.S., Inshener, Producing all-velded opens for the L.O.Paton bridge in Kiev. Stroi. prom-31 no.12:10-15 D 153. (MMA 7:1) (Kiev--Bridges. Iron and steel) (Bridges, Iron and steel-- Kiev) /- Edf,0 "/ D -A PATON, Ye.O., akademik.[deceased]; IZMI, D.P., inzhener; RADZETICH, Te.M., ftilymp I.S.. inzhener; inzhener; SHUMITSKIY, 0.10. lnveri@r,--L PATON, B.Ye. otvetstvanny7 redaktor; SAK011ffALOT, Ta.A., redaktor; SIVACHINNO, Ye.K., tekhredaktor FUse of automatic welding in the construction of a large all-welded dity bridge] Primenente avtomaticheakoi avarki pri stroitelletva bol'shogo gorodskogo tsellnoovarnogo mosta. Kiev. Izd-vo Akademli nauk Ultrainskol SSR, 1954. 1954. 56 p. [Microfilm] (MIRA 7:10) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AN USSR (for Paton. B.Ts.) (Bridges. Iron and steel) (Welding) LMIDI, D., laureat Stalinskoy premii. Training young specialists in automatic welding. Avtom.avar. 7 no.1:69 Ja-F 154. (MLaA 7:7) 1. GIaIv@'in%hener..%6vvAa -Am. Moloto-va. , (Electric welding -Study and teaching) LNERDI, D.P., inzhener; MIROSHNICIEMO, I.S. Electric flux welding of Martin furnace carcass stands. Svar. proizv. no.6:11-13 Je 155. (MLRA 8:9) 1. Dnepropetrovski7 zavod metallokonstruktoiy imeni Molotova. (Open hearth f@rnaces-Welding) LEBEDI, D. P. Cand Teoh Sci -- (diss) "Technology of the building of welded structures of bridge 4pa&&O' Dnepropetrovsk, 1957. 16 pp (Min of Ifigiier Education UkSSR. Dnepropetrovsk Order of Labor Red Banner Metallurgical Insto, 100 copies (KL, 3-58, 97) 29- 0?@WEA A00W S/125/61/boo/bo2/bo7/bI3 A16013@ AUTRORS: Lebed', D. P., Shataylo, D. V., Tsal'man, L. B. _EI The practice of manufacturing a welded blast-furnace jacket iT_ @ PERIODICAL: Avtomaticheskaya svarka, no. 2, 1961, 69-76 TEXT: Detailed information is given on techniques employed at the Dnepro- petrovskiy zavod metallokonstruktsiy im. Babushkina, (Dnepropetrovsk Metal Struc- tare Plant im. Babushkin) in the prefabrication of large welded secti6ns of the ijacke", for a large new blast furnace of the "Krivorozhstall" metallurgical plant. in e jacket consisted of 25 belts, each of 8 sheets; 18 belts have been welded lh ipto hulls at the Dnepropetrovsk Plant on a special manipuAor-by the submerged- arc process, using a TC-174L(TS-17m) welder. Both the vertical assembly welds and the annular ones on the hearth portion were welded on site by the electro- slag process, while the remaining annular assembly welds were produced marrually . The jacket material was 14F2 (14G2) steel, except for the bottom belts of 09f-29T (M) [O9G2DT (M) I steel with a 30 kg/mm2 yield limit. The 14G2 grade belongs to a series of new inexpensive low-alloy steel types that have to come into wide use for steel structures under the Seven-Year-Plan. The jacket belt Card 1/2 40 S/125/61/000/002/007/013 The practice of manufacturing ... A161/A133 t,hickness ranged from 43 mm at the bottom to 18 mm at the top. The total weight was 334.2 t. Steel other than 14G2 was used for the bottom jacket belts because the 114032 grade was not available in gages above 32 mm. The article Inoludes a photograph of the welding manipulator during welding, details of preparing the ,@@ea and welding process. [Abstracter's notei Details of the electro-slag assembly welding at "Krivirozhstall" and the chemical composition of the jacket stsel, electrodes and flux are not included.j T-he prefabrication job was the firEt of its kind in the USSR and is considered a success, though the deformation of the 25 and 18 mm thick sheets by welding caused some difficulties in the assembly on site. The work time expenditure is compared with two previous jobs - * jacket for a blast furnace of the Plani@- im. Petrovskly built In 1956, and for * :11arTiace of "Krivorozhstall" built In 1959, with the conclusion that 14% more t�me has been spent than in 1959, and 8% more comparing with the job in 1958. The 'L4,G2 steel grade had only a slight tendency to hardening and hot era-Aing. aliere a-ra 5 figures and 4 tables. A330CIATIIONS@ Dnepropetrovskiy zavod metallokonstruktsiy im. Babushkina (anepropetrovsk Metal Structure Plant im. Babushkin)(Lebed', D. P. and Shataylo, D. V.); Dnepropetrovskiy filial GPI "Proy,*tstall- kor.-strakts.'Ya" (,ae Dnepropetrovsk GPI "Proyektsta-Ilko--ist---uktsiya" Oard 2/2 Branch Office) LEBEDI D P kand.t6khn,rWIuk- OKARA V.G. I ineh. Autam&tization- mAchanization of welding operations at tho-Babughkin Me uc'rk Plantin Dnepropetrovsk. Svar. proizv. no.10:3-6 0 161. (MIRA 14:9) (Dili propetrovsk--Metalwork-Welding), LEBED19 D.P., kand.tekhn.nauk,- TSALIMAN, L.B., inzh*; SHATAILO, D.V., inzh. Making steel constrmation elements df 14G2 low-alloy steel. Prom. stroi. 39,no. 1:41-45 161. (MIRA 14:1) (Steel alloys-Welding) __ LEEEDI D -IPP, kand.tekhn.nauk; VOROBIYEV, V.M., inzh.; GUTNIKOVA, B.P., inzh.; SHATAYLO., D.V., :Lnzh. Use of rimming steel for steel elements. Prom. stroi. 39 no.11:50- 52 161. (MIRA 14:12) 1. Dnepropetrovskiy zavod metallokonstruktsiy im. I.V. Babushkina. (Steel, Structural) IY,BED' D P ; OKARA, V.G. .@@-=LIJ Specialized asuembling and welding area for the manufacture of gas holders. Avtom. svar. 15 no.1:73-76 Ja 162. (MIW, 14:12) 1. Ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni Dnepropet-rovskiy zavod metallokonstruktsiy imeni Babushkina. (Gas holders-Welding) LEBEDIY D.P.; VOROBOYEV, V.14.; SIDOWJK, V.S. Automatic butt welding with suspended split electrodes and without manual backup welding. Avtom.svar. 15 no.4:78..81 Ap 162. (1,MIA 15-3) 1. Dnepropetrovskiy ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni zavod metallokonstruktsiy imeni Babushkina. (Electric welding) 11MD1, D., kand.tekhn.nauk; OKARA, V. Introduction of advanced welding techniques. Prom@ stroi., i inzh. soor. 1+ no.3:9-12 My-Je 162. (FJRA 15:7) 1. Direktor zavoda imeni Babushkina (for Lebed'). 2. Glavnyy svarshchik zavoda imeni Babushkina (for Okara). .I@BEDI, D.P.; VOROBIYEV, V.M.; SIDORUK, V.S.; OKARA, V.G. Automatic square-butt welding of metal having a thickness of 40mm using a flux padding and a DTS-24 welding tractor. Avtom. svar. 15 no.9:79-81 S 162. (KRA 15:9) 1. Dnepropetrovskiy ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni zavod metallokonstruktsiy im. Babushkina. (Plates, Iron and steel--@Ielding) (Electric welding--Equipment and supplies) LZBEDI, D.P., kand.tekhn.nauk; TSALIMAN, L.B., inzh.; SHATAYLO, D.V., inzb. Manufacture of steel elements of lOG2SD (MK) low-alloy steel. Prom. stroi. 40 no.12:48-52 162. (MMA 15:12) (Steel, Structural) LEBEDVY D.P.; SIDORUK, V.S. Hot cracking. kvtom. avar. 16 no.2:41-42 F 163. (14IRA 164) 1. Dnepropetrovokiy zavod 4tallokonstruktoiy imetLi Babushkina. (Thermal stresses) IZBED1, D.P.; OKARA, V.G. Manufacture of welded steel-pouring ladles. Avtom. svar. 16 no.7:78-83 J1 163. (MIRA 16:8) 1. Dnepropetrovskiy zavod metallokonstruktsiy im. Babushkina. (Smelting-Equipment and supplies) (Plates, Iron and steel-Welding) LEEEDI, D.P.; VOROBIYEV, V.M.; OKARA, V*.G.; SIDORUK, V.S. Semiautomatic welding with powder wire. Avtom. avar. 18 - no.8s54-55 Ag 165. (MIRA 18sll) -'% 1. Dnepropetrovskiy zavod imani Babushkina. LEBEW, E#S* Effect of some herbicides on soil mycoflora. Nauch. dGk-l. V-7s, shkoly; biol. nauki no.3.-171-2!16 164 (MIRA 17t8-) 1. Rekomonclovana Vseooyuzn-ym nauclmo-issledovatel'skim in- stitutom antibiotikov. 11 ,UFRUIJ, T.P.; L*-)]J-;Dt, E.S. Cytritoxic substances from fungi of various eccologica- 1 g-rci;@l, Antibiotiki 9 no.1:29-32 Ja 164. (mIRA 18:3) 1. Vse.,;ryuzjiyy nauchno-issl.edovateliskiy institut antibio'likov, ll,losk-,ra. 3(5) PHASE I BOOK ZXPWITATIOX SOV/2219 RSPSR. Olsvnoye upravloniye geologil I okhrany nedr G@QlOXiY1 I neftegazonoonont' Vostochnoy Sibirl (Geology and Oil- and Gas-bearing Possibilities of Eastern Siberia) MOSGOW, acatop- 2@ takhixdat.' 1959. 486 p. 1,650 copies printed. Additional Sponsoring Agenoys Vostochno-SiblrnkI7 neftageologicheakLy treat. I Ed-$ V OjeVaell'yovi Executive Ed.: Yo..O. Pershinal Tech. Zd.s r 1.0: dotova. PMPOS3s The book is Intended for geologists Interested in the mtratigraphy, lithology, tootonica, and the all- and gas-bearing possitilitles of the Eastern Siberian platform and Zabaykallye. COV23RAORs This collection of articles contains materials an the stra- t1graphic classification and lithologlo characteristics of sediments of the Cambrian system and of the so-called "ancient" beds devol- d along the northern slope of the Eastern Sayan Mountains and the western littoral of Lake Baykal. Petro Extenaiv* Information on the graphy and paleontology or th*3& deposits is presented, A number or Article& deal with the t0ctOn1O1 Of the southern part or tb& Siberian platform and Its Oil- and gas-bearing possibilities Of the BaYkal-type depressions . There ere 40 tables, 74 figures. And 4 charts . There are 205 Soviet references. ?A= Or CONTEXTS. 12 the Editor 3 XRrss*v. I.?. Lithologic - Stratigraphlo and Geochemloal Characteristics of Rocks of the Southern Part or tra Siberian Platform 8 Tsakhnovskiy, X.A;,OCOaparing the 3tratigraphic Sections of the Early Fa 1@ 10 Series in the Southern Fringes of the Siberian Platform IST ll'Yukhtna, A.V. Lithologic Characteristics and the Outlook for Gas- and 011-bearing Possibilities in the Motakaya 3uIt4 Or the Lower Cambrian of the Southern Siberian Platform GOrYlOntv. A.I. PacLea of the Lower Cambrian Sediments In 249 the Southern Part of the Siberian Platform 2 111yanoTa. z.rh. and L.A. Lynova. Spares In the Lower MmbrLan Sediments or the Southern Part of the Siberian Platform 304 Karasev I P and V.S. Gallmo a. Pauna of the LAMer NI'Ailddle Ram-El"n .2 brU Period In the Southern Part of the Siberian PLatrorm 312 Zay*huk. P-1 N.- Partkova, and U.N. Mashriche&,.ka Oil- a:cumuIzti41PF0pdr=es of the FA@= an U.r an 3dlm*nts 325 KarP,Tsh*v. V.S Cambrian Sediments or the Middl* Course or the Biryusa River 336 Kononov. A'X. Now Data on the Tectonics of the Southeastern Part of the Siberian Platform 356 and V.V, Sarson.M GeologIcAl Structure and the Oil- and Gas-bearing Possibilities of the Selenginskaya Depression 435 YR21VTQv. V.Q., 3.N__QMCLhkQYIa, and The Problem of Interpreting Gravimetric and VAgnetic Data for the Southern Part or the East Siberian Platform Paleontologic Platea 489 AVAILABLEa Library of Congress XNAd 8-20-59 LBBEDI, G.G.; ODINTSOV, M.M.; TRUFANOVA, A.'P@ Ordovician, Silurian, and Devonian stratigraph7 of the Iricatsk amphitheater. Report No.l. Geol i geofiz. no.2:28-41 160. (MIRA 13:9) 1. Vostochno-Sibirskiy geologicheskiy institut Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN USSR. (Irkuti3k Province--Geology, Stratigraphic)