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USSR / Microbiology. Microbes, Patho3onic to 11,1an and 7
Animals. General Problems.
Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biologiya, No 5, 1959, No. 19541
Author Gordina, P. V.; Lazuremko, i. S.; Remova,
- 7F-
T. N.; Silakova, V.; Tsetkov, V. S.
Inet Not Given
Title The Reaction of ',;Ioopin- Cough and 1,1hooping
Cough-Diphtheria Vaccine
Orig Pub Zh. mikrobiol., opidemiol. i Immunobiol.,
1958, No 6, 21-26
Abstract No abstract given
Card 1/1
I jig -p a
j ri
.9 A.
Reactivity induced by whnrping cough and whooping cough-diphtheria
vaccines. Zhur.mikrobir@-epid. i immun. 29 no.6:2.L-26 Je 158
(MIRA 11t7)
1. Iz Instituta epideml@;logii i mikrobiologii imenj Gamajej
AMN SSSR i Instituta.pedtatrij AMN SSSR.
(WHOOPING COUGH. Jmnunologr,
whooping cough & whooping cough-diphtheria vReclues,
eff. (Rus))
(DIPHTHERIA, immunology.
whooping cough-diphtheria vaccine, eff. (Rus))
whooving anugh & vhooping cough-diphthariA vAccinea
LAZURFNKO S.R. inzh.; LAPINSKIY, Ye.I.1 inzh.; CHUDAKOV, V.D., inzh.
@ v ctors. Trakt. i
Analyzing the comparative studies of industrial tra (mIRA 18:7)
sellkhozmash. no.7:13-14 11 164.
1. Chelyabinskiy traktornyy zavod.
"Chemical Study of Fritillaria Raddeans Rgl. 11 Sadykov,, A. and Lazarevsky., L. (p. 163)
SO: Journal of General Chemist (Zhurnal Obshchei Rdmii) 1943, Volirie 13, no. 3.
Technical station in a school. Fiz.v shkole 20 no.4:90-')2 JI-Ae
16o. (4IRA 13:3)
458-ya arednyaya shkola, Moskva.
(Technical education)
Third All-Union Conference on Electron Hicroscopy. Mikrobiol.
zhur. 23 no.3t76-77 Q61. (MIRA 15*7)
-- LAZURKEVICH, Z,V. [Lazurlmvych, Z.V.1
Method3 for raising vicrobiologically sterl1v atilmals and
their use in scientific experiments. Mikrobiol.zhur. 24 no.2:
60-64 162. (MIRA 15312)
Simple'nethod @or checking bacteriological purity of cultures of
unicelplar algae and detecting bacterial mutants. Mikrobiol. zhur.
24. no@ a 61-63 t62. (MIRA 16:5)
KODUM, V.A.; EYNOR, L.C.; I'A Z.,[.; S-1-
;-:-on of the
c - rf reso
ichlorella villgaris. Dop. AN, 63.
i JTj!-,t;tIjt 'cctr@n
1. Institut mikrabinlog- All ukrssR.
Fretistavlenu akuipmikun AN UkrS,:I@iI, '.K."I'e:,cvYm.
MrIfflYIN V.!.. fForldl,uril
z H -@, PO'l A., @ G
or lj:7irf: 61--vie-3 for ng
cardiriel t(mi"'ter-altio@ point-, In the 7rowth of micro-organtoms.
111krobioll.zhur. 27 1610
(MiRA 18-5)
1. Tnsti'ut mi-krob-rilogii i v;ru.,-,oloo-li AN UkrSSR.
- M;,@
Geology of:the lower Iena (Iena Depression). Trudy Ibuch.-isel. Lust.
geol. Arkt. 81:461-W3 157. (MIRA 11:5)
(Iena Talley--Geology)
Geological Interpretation of Individual structures photographed
with a atandard camera. Inform.biul.MIGA no.11-67 '58-
(Photogri,phic Interpretation)
New data on the geology of the northern Verkhoyansk Range. Inform,
biul.NIIGA naL,,14'-50-58 159. (MIRA 13:7)
I to 11 if it W 4 16 11 0 a At III
A S L A I I A a, .1 As M a
a it U a Ad a Is U x 0 4 41 a a 0 44:
It I I I I j 6
lif 'j, "11:11111110
4111 1.- Highly elastic deformation of polymers. look place at a icanp. which invrca@sed withiretlu'C"ncy
'Cite tirillp he dtfor klat on as 5 of I he Mal.
A. 11. Airkliandrov still Yu. S. Lazurkin, J. TPch. Phys. - at whil:11 t t i w U.
(11. S. S. K.) 9, 1219-WOM91).-Ilic defortuation of a deformation was -&)' for static forces anti -25' for
subliatice C(Msiitq of an Ordinary deformation w - IOLX) inin.-I; it incrersed by 6@01 for a W-fold in-
which k indcliendent of little anti a "highly eWlic defoirnia- crica,le of - III. TCCWque of meChALWICALl t*$U Of VW_
iitm"/)hiavingiLrela%at~mtiniet. Ifthespecitneni%nuh. Caulutes of rubber and plastics. G. Gurevich and P.
00 1" a 1.,i.ldi, f."-, t It-, 1) - DO I -ia) where . i,il Kollek.. Ibid. IW7-7!); L C. A. 32. 10931-The
*0 1. anti . the frcqu,,rtc),. In sgmmcnt with this reet way of dctg. the nicvh. properties o(rubbrr, ctc., 6 to
r,-.uatiun. the 0-temp. turv" -Are shifted to higher tempit. inclitsurc tire rate of mcreasc of drformAtion at a con%t.
" hcn w incrtraqvii; tile ruji. value of n. is alojimt reuchird at force -'nif varltni@ tellills. Vein. of tire dcl'oriniition proi-
0 0
a trinji. which Is the higher the greater i- . The linic ( duced in, at vArit)u5tviitlm.eitAyal!m)twgultici~nt.
00 13 u."i'lly'liminkhell with rising te"Ill., r. g., for Polymerized 1@lle illusion -if butallicut: rubber pl.tied against temp.
at x1vt.1 S-illal"ll curl,es. In t:uut%c 4 vulcallitation
G# tile
4-1114""Prene, front 11) sec. at - 4T to (" st
flit:W cluvVS Invullir ll,wry unit
shifted to hijibrt
1 V11tie,11 front 1 10 l(XX) D-lemp. curves are Is"
xiven ftir vulcaniaA rubbeir. hall-vulcanized elmmite, anti when confirim-d 1w.ling with S ceasr. to aff-i
inethyl-i".arrylate rmin; tile curves for the latter are the turvvi, the vulcallitatioll is compicte. Tt;t,4ou at
,(W 14cl, ig tile firilill. altille ii not u 511flicicrit tilt flit 1111. Ittiltri, of
11jil,d I.y Illaslicilm in Inw, temp$. , Se
@ttlmawcs there is all intlirval (d tvallps. (ION'tit LN) or .1(11 v"Ic4nizalimr. I-A-iiiti, i,, not plastic; the rl-M-111AI 114
widr) in which they arr Will at high, and ritt'ilwir-like at forillation "l-ry'd by C11111,11 and Daynes (('. .1. 10.
GAV) is a part of Ow highly , IA.tiv &G onia I hill. drlend,
I-, valtieti of .. 11. Dynamic method of studying Ihi, conditi-1 tif tile ript., anti ii -plAir-1 by ths-
elastic materials. Via. S. l-,takin. Jbid. liml it. -
v . I- of lCull'. oil the fair of dcfor ilia tion. Poly4tyretir
C hild,fs ahout I rill. wide unit 0.4 cim high wcrr 1.4.1101 1.
t ally rompreliml I -IAAXk Iiiiies jirr inin. The ilia%. de. 11AI al-Al alliti-Mt tilt plAiticity; SMAylaymne phrs tie -
fitfill4lion was C1.1,116, cill. *1 lie 101P. was varit-d between I-IF111-1 At A h'Nll trillp. thivir foriu, lillct tilt fair
8 art S, .4dufmiliAliou at l4t,,Ill trillp. i, licalixibic, but thr). regain
llio and M'. Results for rwbb4rr + 3% lvell. livir illillil %haPt! fill a Lnd treating. L)fxlijL&ry heill
Chr %horp increase of tilt- di4ortilutitill with rising troill. '
'Malli-cand ljrilllrnri@ irst.N ;)I lililyniers are urwelialitIr
J. j Flikerulan
4 .11 alt, 0.1
U Is it IP 0 K K 4 R 9 It U ff it is mul n i
00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0
0 0 0 0 0 0:0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 4 0 0
g 800
7 X411 0
all, -a aw am, 'S,
An I S a OW 0 0 v 1 Ar ft 3 a a
4 0 6 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01
* 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ei
' A 2,
It, All, to is A-A
S4,fl@nirlg tsMpvfjktUrQ Of polymers A. P.
ov and Va. 8,
1 R
L t"
-3M in(itillij,.. t
S x @@; R. 43 'Wj "'
:%7d'1i(t044Wn linsitsh) A @tiolv %- a- wmhi, - 4
0 .
J1 11
I IN4Y'jYrenr (I., Moll
(1) Atening tviup., it)
: 11, M)MMPIC with respect to
4 the traction of high mol. jet. and 13; prt@
0 .
t"Kil-.11 of fracti"n of low moll. wit.'(snoriumer) in vach
nd lwtwtm (1) still (2)
"itiple, No ramlatism was
les w1upw Intrii(XI-1.4 hitill 1130. wt
d MINI ssull
a 0 0
00 ail
"r P
11.0 liv. 111.4. wt,. varyills. fnAll Is- jj@),Jjlsli
j coo
will li-mi it) 135,1111. Tilt Mateliblit ;eItIp.
tile too
0 ijs@
to -
Will I'S And NNIM decreas"t frogn 100
wt. ("lollolner) its-
f low n1ol
o .
and (101, re,p. TIIV- 91MA
to 407
eg tip
mi,cd frum
--it tile vie%v: ilt4t the IwAtenInK Xpdillners 6 twt IV. fee
00 111
0 0 io
hijity of, 1, Wtul imit-, j.,t
dvt.I. I% tile 1116, ".1
11 IN"-
'11ch llwl@. A1111migh linvist Iidvincr, in flih
than firatichc( and vaer
a I..'r @Ateuing lesup,
uler, a '111.111 it,,. of mi- litik,, v. x.. 21 to 5 per tip,
mavroinul. linvar link,, callit"t c-litially ch-Luxi. the sit -
r1lingloup. lIo%vrvCr, it tile iw. 0IvT-1ljtlk1App"vAVhC-
Ilic itto, nf links lit the liorarch.61., Own lit.. d M tilt. fw4y.
liter is iticreaft4i and the @@sfts ... inK to,ip. i, rai,, -L
J. W. I'vrry
DO 0
ttatLU1tG1 .C.AL L-ITIRI,
I .
a 4 2
FW 0 IS 9
JIM 1. a
Jilt 0
.A ----% ;slin RA
0 so
06 0 0 0 0
lot It
D It
00 a 0 0 Jr 0 0 0
U 0 0
as 00 0 0
slift"th of Amerodws and Orysilanking MUM-
Uko Wyman. A. 1'. ALASSANDROV and 1'. 1.
Wumvi (Oukl,dy Akad. Nauk. U.S.S.R., 46,
3ON 11 ; Cwjipt. Rend. Actd. Sci. U.S.S.R., 1944,
46, 2111 4 : Chem. Abs., 1015, 39, 5114). - Rubber.
JiLv rL,lonieti rdo be grivalled in twu da&,",
stelicildisig on dic effect of filics on tensile wleqth -
11) &AU111 lJOylliffiW4 i.)Pltlie, polybutsuftene,
I 11411A N*. IJU144 -;, .1 lid "Wt It) I tUhtW# h&%V illbeyttilly
J.'% OrnOr @Iirijj:16 115 40 kj:./wj. caO whitch "u,
be inctrivi up to Amur W) LS./ul.tim by in.
implilAti'm of fiffirl'. (ii) NAIUMI tubber, chime-
pirtir. llulyl rublier hAvir inherently high temile
-tirmalai If-W 1V) Lg./ whkb are not
gICAY iWIVAIC11 11)@ fifIC11. Tht difftlelit Mpunse
W 11W9, lomv Im ifuv (ij thr (4,1 that -Oetchip4t of
OW U1111144 V4,1011lerv Iliju(VO CtylliAll-41ion only
if) mirmbel, of ffie m,"und grimp, which thereby
1311defco a (i.1111 Uf - Af-luadillg." *1116 viewpoint
IN 5411MUd b)' dW (ACt thAt h@ticlg Stfetd"
iUbtcr. of Ow @vuisd group a!x)vt the ns.lx of the
VIY11A1111171 CAUW% U 1h1tP 111UP in ItnSile littgr4gth,
The 61,C0141timis w1wirelly a(livi: filler. act's to
vju-ilj@ ArAn, iii Airsself cla-.1-mirrs 6 discu-sised.
"----@-@'@'@;-@@-'@-- "F,
iiature of the large deformations of high-molecular compocMda in the
vitreous state& 2mr&Tekh.Piz. 21,267-86 151. KLRA 4:3)
(CA 47 no.17:8468 153)
1. Inst. Phys,Froblems, Acad.Sci. U.S.S.R., Moscow.
USSR/Pbysics Plastics
Mar 51
-Nature of Strong Deformation of High-Molecular
Substanep-a in the Vitreous State," Yu. S. Lazurkin
R. L. Fogelson, Inst Phys Problems, Acad Sci USSR
"Zhur Tekh Fiziki" Vol MT, No 3, pp 267-286
Characteristic of plastics is temp of brittleness.
(cf. Boyer and Spenser, "J Applied Phys" 15, 398,
1944; Uberreiter, "i Chem Phys" 18, No 4, 399, 1950).
Studies phenomena of forced elasticity of high-mol
substances and finds they obey formula: T'= Z70-exp
(U - a(r)/kT giving relation between relaxition time
(r) of ejastic@deforwatlon and temp (T) and tens@on
YiA. z;.
Dissertation: "Mechanical Propertier) of' lol.-:rmers in a Vitreous ;)'tate.11 Dr Fhys-4@!ath
Sci, Ins". of Physical Froblem.- i:Lend .-@. 1. 'favilov, kcad 3ci Ul')@-':., -,9 MaY 54. llecherlriaya
vloakval 11,10scow, 20 1%y `51,
SO: 3124 284, 26 Nov 1954
lj%Z 17, y @3. r--IA U'-. J)
tic..s of butndie:--2
ntirilt! uol@ 3 P31Dcr P-resented at tl,,c cj.:, 0?@d
i. ns
Physics of High Polymers, 2" Jol-.-2 !'eb 57, 1,:Gsc0V,, VWAI - I
"On the Qualities of Polymeric Glass and the Mechanics of Glass Formation
of High Molecular Combinations,"
Inter-vuz Scientific Conference (Mez11vuzovskiye nauchnyye Konferent Ji)
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly, 1957, i4l 9 PP. 73 - 76 (USSR)
Abst: In January 1957, the Second All-Union Conference on Photosynthesis
took place, organized by the institute of Plant Physiology of the Academy
of Sciences, USSR, and by the Facultys of Soil-Biology of the Moskva
University. About 700 representatives of 130 scientific-research
institutes, vuzes and ministeries were present. The introductory report
was made by Aoademician A. L. Kursanov who described the development of
photosynthesis during the last ten years and invited the teienti-sts to
concentrate their work on the application of radioactive and steble
isotopes. Nearly 100 reports were read: 13 on photochemistry, 9 on the
iuvestigation of chloroplAst structure, 19 on the investigation of pigments,
9 on the photosynthesis of imter plants, bacteria, et@!.
"The Effect of Radiation on the Properties of Sili2one Resins"
Truly Trms"tions of the First Conference on Ralloactioa Chemtstr3r, 1406acw,
Izd--vo AN SM.. 1958. 330-up.
Conference -25-30 March 29571 1408COw
IAZUPJCIN, 1@(". -
(Institute of Atomic Energy, Acad. Sci. USSR, Mozcrm)
"Cold-Drauring of Glass-Like and Crystalline Polymers,"
paper submitted at Soviet High-Polymers, Itnl. Conference, Nottingham,
Mk, 21-24 July 195B.
AUTHORS: L-azurk,in, Yu. S. , --Ushakov, G. P.
E310 - 3-6/ 30
TITLE: The Effects of IA-Irradiation on the Properties of Silicon
Rubbers (Vliyaniye oblucheniya na svoystva silikonovykh rezin)
PERIODICAL: Atomnaya Enerriya. 1958, Vol- 4, Nr 3, - 280 (USSR)
pp. 275
ABSTRACT: Silicon rubbers are subject to a number of changes in con-
sequence of /r-irradiation; these changes are caused by the
"radiation sewing". Young's modulus increases linearly with
the dosage of irradiation; this is the case up to dosages
originating from 150 - 200 mg of Rg-equivalent. The vitri-,
fication temperature (-120 to -125 C) practically does not
change in irradiations ug to 100 mg of Ra-equivalent and in-
creases to (-100 to -115 C) when the irradiation is carried
out by a 270 mg Ra-equivalent. In the case of "radiation
sewing" the velocity of crystaPization decreases. The melt-
ing0temperature drops from -35 C at the starting point to
-55 C when the rubber was irradiated by a 40 mg Ra-equivalent.
An irradiation with a 100 mig Ra-equivalent suppresses crystal-
Card 1/2 lization almost completely. By this a hard rubber is obtainedg
The Effect of r -Irradiation on the Properties of Silicon Rubbers
the modulus of which amounts to 200 250 kg/CM2, and which
shows great resistance to cold.(Tg -12500- Its extension
in breaking is, however, very small (15 - 20 ,!to), its strength
being 30 - 40 kg/cM2. There are 5 figures, 2 tables, and 12
references, 6 of which are Slavic.
SUBMITTED: May 25, 1957
AVAILABLE: Library of Congress
1. Si-licon rubbers-Properties-~h-Irradiation effects
Card 2/2
L A)
AUTHORSt Varshavakiy, Ya. M., Vasillyev, G. Ya., 2o-2-31/1
Karpov, V. L., Lazurkin, Yu. S., Petrov, 1. Ya.,
TITLEt On Isotopic Exchange between Gaseous Hydrogen and Solid Poly-
mere Under the Action of Nuclear Radiation (Ob izotopnom obmene
mezhdu gazoobraznym vodorodom i tverdymi polimerami pri dey-
stvii yadernykt izlucheniy)
PERIODICALt Doklady AN SSSR, 1958, Vol. 118, Nr 29 PP. 315-316 (USSF)
ABSTRACTt In the case of irradiation of polymeric hydrocarbons gaseous
products, which mainly conatain hydrogen, are separated out. The
explanation of the problem of the reversibility of the correspon-
ding process, i.e. of the possibility of the penetration of hy-
drogen from the gaseous phase into the molecules of the polymer
during the irradiation would be desirable. The authord@ried to
explain this problem by the method of the marked atoms, using
deuterium; they studied the exchange of isotopes between the
gaseous deuterium and various solid polymersp.-a the radiation
field of a nuclear rector. The following polymers of the vinyl-
aeries were examined: Polyethylene, polypropylene, polystyrol,
dard 1/3 divinyl-caoutchoue, polymethyl-metacrylate. The performance of
On Isotopic Exchange Between Gaseous Hydrogen and Solid Poly- 2o-2-31/66
mers Under the Action of Nuclear Radiation
the measurements is described shortly. A table illustrates the
effectively found percentage of deuterium in@he above given poly-
merics after the irradiation. The results of various parallel
measurements differ at the most for o,o2 per cent. On occasion
of all these polymers it was shown in particular that the pene-
tration of deuterium is not connected with the adsorption of
gaseous deuterium. The control tests, which were made for thiz
purpose, showed that, if there is no radiation, no dueterium was
found in the polymer. The effects, observed here, obviously are
cuased by a chemical interaction between the molecules of the
polymer and the molecules of the d6ut-erium on occasion of the
action of deuterium. The highest quantity of deuterium penetrated
into polyethylene and into polypropylene. In polybutadiene and
polystyrol the exchange is some what slower, whereas in the case
of polymethyl-metacrylate no signs were noticed of an exchange.
At present a mechAnism with the formaii049f free radicals, i@s
assumed for polyethylene: H-CH9-Rl-- 4 H-CH-R, + H.Probably the
deuterium penetrates in the case examined here because of a
reaction between a.polymeric radical and a deuterium molecule
Card 2/3 into the polymer: R + D2---->RD + D, RH + D 4 + HD. The equili-
On Isotopic Exchange -detweezi Gaseous Hydrogen and Solid Poly- 2o-2-31/66
mers Under the Action of Nuclear Radiation
brium concentrat on of the solved deutrium in the polymer has
the order of lo- mol/g.The penetration of deuterium into the mo-
lecules of the polymers may, to some degree,'also be caused by
exchange of isotopes between the gaseous dueterium and@the free
radicals. There are 1 table, and 5 references, 4 of whi0h are
PRESENTUs June 24, 1957, by V.A. Kargin, Academician
SUBMITTEDt June 24, 1957
AVAILABLEi Library of Congress
Card 3/3
5(4) SOV/20-122-6-2'1/4-
AUTHORS: Tsvetkov, Yu. D., Dubnov, N. U., Makul I skiy,
Lawakin. Yu. S. . Voyevodskiy, V. V., Corresponding '@Iember,
i, -
TITLE: The Investigation of the Spectra of the ElectrcnParama!7net.ic
Resonance of Some Polymers Which Were Irradiated at 77 0K
(Issledovaniye spektrov e.p.r. nekotorykh polimerov,oblucb:ennykh
pri 770K)
PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1958, Vol 122, Nr 6, PP 1053-1@056
ABSTRACT: The athors carried out the above investigation for the pu'r-
Pose of solving several problems connected with the structure
and chemical behavior of organic radicals in the solid phase
as well as with the mechanism of chemical transformations
in solid organic bodies under the influence of ionizing radia-
tion. Polyethylene, polyvinyl chloride, "Teflon" (polyethylere
tetrafluoride), polydimethyl siloxane, polyisobutylene, poly-
methyl methacrylate and natuval rubber were investigated. Car-
rying out of the experimento Is describer] In short. At T70K
Card 113 a very intensive signal of pdramagnetic electron resonance
The Investigation of the Spectra of the Resonance of
Some Polymers Which Were Irradiated at '17 0K
with a C--factor near 2.0036 was observed in all samples. After
"thawing" of the sample dovin to room temperature the signal
was in all cases found to change. In some cases, the signal
vanished completely as a result of "thaviing" (polyisobutylene,
polydimethyl siloxane, natural rubber). In the case of other
materials the character ff the signal and its fine structure
changed considerably. A comparison of all data obtained gave
the following result: The character of the spectra obtained
by investigating not "thawed" samples can be fully explained
by the assumption that the predominant primary chemical act
in irradiation is the strippin,-, of one of the C-11 bonds in
the mnin chain (or in the absence of a i.;Iain chain the strip-
ping of a C-H bond in a lateral chain). The specti-Lim of
paramaEnctic electron reaonanne recorded at 77 0K connints of
6 componenta. The even number of the spectrum in thin as well
as in other casoa is connected with the formation of' the ri-di-
cal -Ch 2- 611-CH2- . The authors then discuss several details;
especially such as concern the investigation of Teflon. By
Card 2/3 the irradiation of Teflon at low teiiiperatures it is possible
The Investigation of the Spectra of the Electron Paramagnetic Re@_ona:jce of
Some Polymers "MAch Were Irradiated at 77 0K
to obtain materials with fully satisfactory mechanical
properties. These substances contain a large quantity
(,vO.l %) of free radicals. There are 2 figures and 7 ref-
erences, 4 of which are Soviet.
ASSOCIATION: Institut khimicheekoy fiziki Akademii nauk SSSR
(Institute for Chemical Physics of the Academy of Sciences
SUBMITTED: July 24, 1958
Card 3/3
'21 (8), 1.5 (0
AUTEORS: Mokullskty, M. A f JLazurkin, Yu. S., SOV/20-125-5-15/61
Fiveyakiy, M. B., Kozin, V.-T-.
TITLE: The Reversible Radiation-mechanical Effects in Polymers
(Obratimyye radiatsionno-mekhanicheskiye effekty v polimerakh)
PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 125, Nr 5,
PP 1007-1010 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: By the action of an ionizing radiation the mechanical
properties of polymers may be changed to a considerable
extent. The authors of the present paper investigated some
mechanical properties of polymers during irradiation. The
investigation was carried out in water-cooled vertical
channels. The fluxes of the neutrons and r-quanta, as well
as the energy dose absorbed by the samples were measured on
this occasion. Moreover, several simple devices for
measuring the mechanical characteristics of polymers under
irradiation were constructeu, and, especially, a device for
recording the extension curves (6--F-) for use in a reactor
were reconstructed. The authors investigated polymers of
different radiation resistance and different character of the
Card 1/4 most important radio-chemical variations. By comparing the
,Inhe-Reversible Radiation-mechanical Effects in SOV/20-125-5-15/61
mechanical properties of the samples located in the radiation
field with the properties of original samples (and with
samples which, though irradiated, were tested after
irradiation) reversible radiation-mechanical effects were
discovered. They are based upon a temporary reversible variation
of the mechanical properties of the polymers. This variation
occurs during irradiation and vanishes as soon as irradiation
ceases. The authors observed the following reversible
processes: 1 ) Decrease of the strength of polymethylmetacrylate.
2) Decrease of the limit of the enforced elasticity ffB Of
polyvinyl chloride. 3) Increase of breaking elongations of
polyvinylchloride. 4) Increase of rdaxation rate of the tensions
in the investigated substances. 5) Increase of the creep rate
of polyvinylehloride, polystyrene, teflon, and rubber. Points
2-5 are then discussed in detail; thus it was found thatiT B
decreases in the case of a dose rate of 46000 rad/sec by -25 %
and increases approximately linearly with an increase of the
dose rate. After irradiation ceases, the reversible effect
Card 2/4 vanishes after less than 1 minute and only a remanent effect
The Reversible Radiation-mechanical Effects in SOV/20-125-5-15/61
remains. A table contains the values of creep rate under
various conditions. As a result of the irreversible
destruction effect, the creep rate increases. Also this effect
increases linearly with increasing dose rate.Ttae diagrams 3-4
show the considerable reversible change of creep rate caused
by the switching-on and -off of irradiation. The reversible
radiation-mechanical effects may be of physical and also of
chemical nature. The molecules excited by the ionizing
particles during the dissipation of energy "pass through"
states with weak excitations, which do not suffice for the
stripping-off of the chemical bonds, but which correspond
to local heating to high temperatures of short duration. This
may accelerate the relaxation processes and change several
properties of the substance. However, &lso a chemical
mechansim.must be taken into account. To what extent it is
able to explain the reversible radiation-mechanical effects
can be explained only after further investigations. There are
4 figures, 1 table, and 2 Soviet references.
Card 3/4
24 (4), 21 (8)
AUTHORS: Vasillyev, G. Ya., Usatiy, A. F, SOV120-125-14-11161
Lazurkin, Yu. S., filarkov, A. A.
TITLE: Measurement of the Luminescence and Darkening of Glass During
the Process of Their Irradiation in a Nuclear Reactor
(Ismereniye lyuminestsentsii i potemneniya stekol v protsesse
ikh oblucheniya v yadernom reaktore)
PERIODICAL: Dokledy Akademii nauk SSSR@ 1959v Vol 125, Ur 6,
pp 1219-1222 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The present paper is intended to work out the construction of a
device for the simultaneous measurement of the luminescence
and dark6ning of transparent materials in a nuclear reactor
and to deal with the carrying out of experiments by means of
this apparatus. The usefulness of parallel measurements of
the yield of the luminescence and of the darkening of the
sample may be seen from the close connection between these
phenomena during irradiation. The device consists of an
aluminum tube of 5 m length and 60 mm diameter, inside of
which two tubes of the darkening tract (polished inside) and
one polished tube of the luminescence tract were fitted.
Card 1/3 Further dotalls of tho apparntus nre described. Luminescence
Measurement of the Luminescence and Darkening of SCV/20-125-6-111/61
Glass During the Process of Their Irradintion in R !Tuclear Reactor
and darkening were measured in the perpendicular, dry, channel
of 65 mm (with external water--cooling) of the experimental
reactor VVR. In this reactor ordinary water is used as
moderator and coolant, The Ghannel was near the active zone
of the reactor. By variation of the power of the reactor
various valueo are obtained for the differential dose. In the
case of all experiments temperature remained below 350. The
samples consisted of '10 mm thick disks with a diameter of
20 mm. The following quantities were measured by remote control:
a) the brightness of luminescence and its time dependence at
various differential doses, b) The darkening of the samples
and their time dependence at various differential doses.
c) measurement of darkening after irradiation was stopped.
Measurements were carried out on various types of quartz,
pyrex glass, cerium glass, polymethylmethacrylate, and
polystyrene. In the case of all quartz samples, the relation
B = AP holds up to a differential dose of P = 2000 rad/sec,
where (@denotes the specific brightness coefficient of
luminescence. In the case of polymethylmethacrylate and
Card 2/3 polystyrene the brightness of luminescence iric-Teases wM progvesing
Measurement of the Luminescence and Darkening of SOV'/20-125-6-11/61
Glass Dur--ng the Process of Their Irradiation in a Nuclear Reactor
time and increasing integral dose. The optical density D for
some dozens of minutes remains on the equilibrium level, the
amount of which depends on the differential dose, and changes
only little with an increase of the integral dose. The
measurements carried out in the course of this investigation
are only the first part*of a series of measurements which
is planned. There are 3 figures and 2 Soviet references.
PRESENTED: January 8, 1959, by A, P, Aleksandrov, Academician
SUBMITTED: September 23, 1958
Card 3/3
AUTHORS: Mokullskiy, M. A,
Kozin, V. I.
R 208'@
Lazurkin. Yu. S., Fiveyskiy, M. B.,
TITLE: Study of the Mechanical Properties of Polyme During the
Process of Irradiation,11, Strength and Ultimate Forced
Elasticity of Solid Polymers During the Process of
Irradiation in a Nuclear Reactor
PERIODICAL: Vysokomolekulyarnyye soyedineniya. 1960, VoIL 2. No@ 1,
pp. 103-109
TEXT: The authors exposed polyvinylchloride (PVC) and polymethyl-
methaorylatei(PMMA) to irradiation in a BBP(VVR) nuclear reactor,
Data on the neutron beam are given in Table 1, The irradiation was
carried out with a dose of 46,000 - 56,000 rad/sec at 20 - 600C in
vertical channels cooled with water. During irradiatic-n, the strength
and ultimate forced eia8ticity of were determined with the apparatkis
illustrated in Fig. 2, and the creep by that in Fig, lo Fig- 3 shows the
Card 1/2
Study of the Mechanical Properties of Polymers S/190/60/002/01/13/0?1
During the Process of Irradiation. I. Strength B004/BO61
and Ultimate Forced Elasticity of Solid Polymers 8208 1
During the Process of Irradiation in a Nuclear
dependence of the strength of PMM& an the integral dc3e@ Fg@ 4, the
dependence of of with PVC on the integral dose- The denrease in ,ff ';s
almost proportional to the radiation intenaity (Fig. 5). The irradiation
was interrupted by switching off the reactor, and it was seen that of
increase immediately about 25 - 30% (Fig, 6): The breaking length also
increased after switching-off of the irradiation (Table 2. Fig@ 7).
As well as the known irreversible processes, based on interlacing and
destruction, reversible processes also on irradiation There are
7 figures, 2 tables, and 5 Soviet references.
SUBMITTED: October 15. 1959
Card 2/2
'_0 '@
AUTHORS: Mokullokiy, M. A., Lazurking Yu. S., Fiveyskiy, M, B.
TITLE: Tnvestllgaiion of the Meohan@t.,al Properties of P2il-M-er.-I
During the Process nf irradiationla. Creep of Solid
Polymers and Rubbers During the Process of Irradiation R
in a Nuclear Reactor
PERIODICAL: Vysokomolekulyarnyye aoyedineniya, 1960, Vol, 2, No. 1.
p?. 110 - 118
TEXT: The aim of this work was to establish changes in mechanical
properties which re-form after cessation of the irradiation. The method
of examination is described in Ref, 1, The authors examined the creep
rate in dependence on the mechanical stress applied and the integral
dose. Fig., 1 shows the change in creep for unplasticized polyvinyl-
chloride at a radiation intensity of 46,000 rad/sec, a stress of
0-5 kp/mm2, and 520C. For comparison, data are given, that were obtained
from nonirradiated material, and material taken out of the radiation
Card 1/2
Investigation of the Mechanical Properties of S/190/60/002/01/14/021
Polymers During the Process of Irradiation, B004/B061
lIo Creep of Solid Polymers and Rubbers During 82082
the Process of Irradiation in a Nuclear Reactor
field. Fig. 2 shows the same data for a streRs of 1 kp/mm?@ The time
dependence of creep is reproduced in Fig. 3. A Table gives the experi-
mental data./The same experiqents were carried out with unplasticized
poly3tyre et'Ppla,3ticized PVCV(Fig. 4), vulcanized rubber from natural
rubber of the type NKLNK ig, 5), from CK14-18 (SKN-16) nitrile
rubberL@(Fig. 6), and from pQlyi8obutylene_rubberKF'ig. 7), In all the
substances examined, the creep rate increased in bounds, and decreased
again when the radiation was switched off, This effect increased with
increasing irradiation intensi.'*y. A reversible change in The
relaxation rate was observedz The authqrs mention a pap,@r by Yu, S@
Zuyev (Ref. 4), thank N. V@ Zvonov for making the experiments on the
reactor possible., and the mechanics 1, F. Yermakov and K. K. Shchqrbo
for their collaboration- There are 7 figures, ! table, and 6 Sov-,et
SUBMITTED; 0-1tober 19, 1960
Card 212
[simple calorimetric method for measuring the absolute
energy dose received by substances situated in powerful
fields of ionizing radiations] Prostoi kalorimetricheskii
metod izmereniia absoliutnoi energeticileskoi dozy, polucha-
emoi veshchestvami v moshchnykh poliakh ioniziruiushchikh
izluchenii. Moskva, In-t atomnoi energii, 1960. 10 p.
(MIRA 17:1)
@L 17604-wO: WG(j)/@1VT(m)/EPF
(C)/EPF(n)-2/F-WP(j)/r/El.-IA(h)/Er.,A(l) pc-4/pr_4/
@-Peb/Pu-4 AS(mp)-2/ASD( -3
AW22018 lock Excf M/1'WMaj
ovi Go P.; Gushcho, Yu. A.: lAzurkin, Yu.6 @#e @azakov, Ve 0
Effect -of the- phase state of pollrethylenel durin5 Irradiation an the character of
the lattices being formed (Vliyaniye fazovog @608TqjanVa- polietilena pri
obluchenii--na kharaktor obrazuyitshche"ya setki) Moscow, 1460. 19 pe illusep
biblio. 155 copies printed, (At head of title: Ordena Lenina 11@atitut Atom-
noy Energii lip T
V. Kurchatova AN WSR)
TOPIC TAGS: Crystalline polymer, radiation chemistry, amorphous polymer,
44! flu --as
-Maw- 11 Oh-
_:jhe malt ng-, point -pf- cry both
--polyetbY. DO c We are-.-vontradict
-increasing-d'osago and practical constanc - va been obse ed. This discrepancy
Y ha rv
may be due to the difference in temperatures at which irradiation has been Mr-
formed* The lattice bt4ing formed may have a different character during Irradia-
tion in the crystalline state than daring Irradiation in the aaorphous state,,
despite the approximately Identical consistency, and nay affect the malting point
Crd 1/2
(Anisotropy of 1Wperfine splitting In electron para-
magnetic rasonance spectra of irradiated oriented
polymers) Anizotropiia sverkhtonkogo rasshchepleriiia v
spektrakh elektronnogo paramagnitnogo rezonansa oblu-
chenrykh orientirovanAykh polimerov. Moskva, In-t atom-
noi energii, 1960. 22 p. (MIRA 17:2)
B 04/BO54
AUTHORS: Ushakov, G. P., Gushcho, Yu. A., Lazurkin, Yu. S., and
Kazakov, V, S.
TITLE: The Effect of the Phase Condition of Polyethylene During
Irradiation Upon the Type of the Resulting Network
PERIODICAL: Vysokomolekulyarnyye soyedineniya, 1960, Vol. 2, No. 10,
PP- 1512-1320
TEXT: The authors studied the dependence of radiation cross linking on
the state of low-pressure polyethylene. Polyethylene samples were irradiat
ed in thin-walled aluminum containers in the presence of helium in the re-
actor (dose 150 - 1625 Mrad). Crystalline samples were irradiated at
45 - 500C, and amorphous, molten samples at 130-160 0C. A table gives the
change of the melting point caused by irradiation, the change of the
vitrification temperature, and of the high-elasticity module Eco . Fig. 1
shows E00 as a function of temperature, Fig. 2 thermomechanical curves
of the samples irradiated, Fig. 3 E as a function of the irradiation
dose, and Fig- 4 the nonmonotonous Roapendence of the melting point T m
Card 1/2
The Effect of the Phase Condition of Polyethylen.e S/ 190/60/002/010/011/0-46
During Irradiation Upon the Type of the Resulting BO04/BO54
on the dose. The autao-@,s found that the crystallization properties of ir-
radiated strongly depend on its phase condition during irra-
diation. Irradiaticn in a molten state led to a fast drop of T and a de-
crease of the cry:jtallization degree. On irradiation in a crysTalline
state, the authors first observed a slight drop of T , then a constant
value, and then a slight increase. The crystallizatimon degree decreased
more slowly than on irradiation of melts. These effects are interpreted
as different types of network in the amorphous and crystalline states.
In the amorphous state, the network fixes the disordered state of chains.
In crystalline samples, however, the cross links fix the local order of
polymer chains. This effect corresponds to the effect of increasq of T M
in rubbers when their chains are oriented. There are 4 figures, 1 table,
and 18 references: 7 Soviet, 7 US, and 3 British.
SUBMITTED: May 10, 196o
Card 2/2
AUTHORS: Kiaelev, A., G., Mokullskiy, M. A_ Lazurk-ir. Yu. S,
TITLE- Ani8otropy of Hyperfine Splitting in Elestron Paramagn,?tic
Re nnan^a cq;np tra of Irradiated Oriented PolymerR7
PERIODICAL: Vysokomolekulyarnyye soyedineniya, 1960, Vol, 2, No. !I.,
pp, 1678 - 1687
TEXT.i The authors wanted to identify the radicals forming on the
irradiation of polymers by the hyperfine structure of the epr spectrum.
Experiments were made by stretching oriented polymers. The epr spectra were
taken at variousangles between orientation of the polymer and the magnetic
fleld at 9000 Mc sec in the high-frequency modu;ated magnetic fieli. Tile
investigation covered low-pressure polyethyleneWstretched in the cold
state; po 0
,,Iytetrafluoro ethylene (Teflon),@jstretched at 300 C; p!_j@1-.rji_n 1
0 methacrylate,
chlorideVatretched at 72 C; polymethyl tatretchod a't @40 C,
I -Cin ev
Irradiation took place either in the reactor acuated quartz ampuls
at 40-5000 or by beta radiation of a Au eedle (half life 64.6 h)@ As
is shown by Fig,, 1, the intensities Of t,@ ne,.; and their number depend.
Anl@sotropy- of Hyperfine Splitting in Electron S11901601()O2101"10141027
Paramagnetic Resonance Spectra of Irradiated B004/BO60
Ori-3nted Polymera
in polyethylene, on the angle between elongation axis and magnet c field
1:.rPction. This result is discussed on the basis of "he formation of an
alkyl radical@ (4)
H H (") H The latter has four equivalent H protons and a
12 12 central HM proton. For the componenTs shown in Fig-!,
/C. '1@1 C 1\C1-11V\ equations are derived on the basis of the projection i
'(4) 1(4) of H (1) and H (4) pro-cons.-
H H2 1) H ext - H0 - (112) @[ I ] 4 4 (one poss i t I I i ty,, L//
MI, @,. 4m T IIa) H ext@ H 0- (1/2+[11,4[41@(one possib!14@ty.- -m 1@+4m I
1 -4
ITt,) H ?MT
ext H0 + 2[4JJ (4 possibilities,. m W 1 4 10 L
11 1a) H 11 112) J- [I ? [4 (4 pona i bi I I t 1041 t -m M + 3m
ex' 0 r
!Ilb)H H (112)[1) (6 possibilities! M 2m, 2M
. ext 0
Card 2/5
Anisotropy of Hyperfine Splitting in Electron
Paramagnetic Resonance Spectra of Irradiated B004/BO60
Ori,?nted Polymers
Hext den.@tes the outer field, Ho AcolgepB; g,. -, g factor of the free
electron, PB @ Bohr magneton, m and m I the projection of the proton spin
(4) 4
Qf H(!) and H protons on the magnetic field direction- The dependence,
fo-Und experimentally, of the position of spectral, lines-fits theoretical
r.otions. HM and HM protons are not equivalent ".-,) each other. The
density of the unpaired electron is lowsr on H (1) than on H(4) Data con-
firm the formation of an alkyl radical on irradiatil-in at 77-"K Follyethylene
irradiated at 40-50 C gave an epr spactrum with 7 oomp*nents, each of
which was a doublet.. This t3pectrum corresponds to a uniform interac?,ion of
an unpaired electron with 6 protons, This is believed to point to the
formation Df an allyl radical-CH _CH(2)_CH(4)_, Ani.qotropy
2 2
was likewise observed in criented Teflon; the spectra. however, werp not
analyzA,d, No anisotropy was observed with polyvinyl nhloride and polyamide.
The absence of anisotropy in polymethyl methacrylate and polys-.yrene is
explained by the fact that there is no proton in the immediate vicinity of
Av;13o-ropy of Hyperfine Splitting in Electron S/190/60/002/0!@A-4/'G27
Paramagnetic Resonance Spectra of Irradiated B004/BO60
Ordented Polymers
tK,@ arpaired Plectron, thar might cause, as with polyethylene. an
an,ksotropy of hyperfine splitting The authors ref-r to investigations
conducted by V, V. Voyevodskiy (Ref . 1) at the Institut khimi-,h,4.gkr)y AN SSSR (Institute of Chemical Physics of the AS USSR) Th-re ar@@
7 figures and 7 references: 3 Soviet, 2 US, aT,1 2 British
SUBMITTEDt May !0, 1960
Card 4/5
'I S IOHff I
Fig. 1; Spectra of oriented lowgreogure golyethylene irradia@ed at 77'K-
Measurement made at -30 C. 0 , 45 , 6o , 900 are the Lingles
between orientation of sample and direction of magnetic field. Fo.
00 and 900 the theoretical scheme of position of lines and their
relative intensities is given.
Card 5/5
AUTHORSs Fiveyskiy, MokullskiyL,_M --A,
TITLE: A Simple CqJorimetric Method of Measuring the Absolute
Energy DosPReceived by Substances in Strong Fields of
Ionizing Radiation@
PERIODICAL: Atomnaya energiya, 1960, Vol. 9, No. 4o PP. 321 - 323
TEXTY,-- A steady calorimetric method is used for measuring the
radiation energy received by a sample if the dose rate is not too high and
the effect of other energy-generating processes in the sample is
negligible. For intense irradiation (high dose rate), this method is not
applicable, particularly because the establishment of thermal equilibrium
takes too long a time; in this case, the sample is so strongly heated that
it either melts or disintegrates; at least the high absorbed integral dose
changes the structure and properties of the sample significantly, For this
reason, the authors of the present "Letter to the Editor" developed in
1957 a simple nonsteady calorimetric method which is suitable for studies
on reactors and other sources of strong radiation. The method has been
testod during the last few years. The principle of the method is as
follows. A sample for dose-measuring is placed at time t-O in a radiation
Card 1/4
A Simple Calorimetric Method of Measuring the S/08SWO)7009/004/016/020
Absolute Energy Dose Received by Substances in B006/BO70
Strong Fields of Ionizing Radiation
field which is homogeneous and constant within the sample, under such
conditions that the temperature at the center of the sample increases
linearly for a time i independently of the surrounding temperature,, i is
proportional to the square of the characteristic sample dimension d and
inversely proport-ional to the coefficient of thermal diffusivity Z. There-
fore, dT/dt is a function of the dose rate and heat capacity of the
sample, and the dOBe rate can be calculated from the formula
P - 0.417 c(dT/dt).. c is the specific heat of the sample material V@
(cal/ (dT/dt) 0 is measured An de gjhour, and P in Mrad/hour,
Polystyrene, polyethylene, silicone rubbei@ t? Teflon, molten quartz, etc..
were used for the dosimeter. The sample had a cylindrical form (30 mm
diameter and 50 mm height). This size has a T value of 2 - 3 minutes which
is required for the meqsurement of dT/dt (Fig,, 1). In this time interval,
the mutual shielding of the parts of the sample may be neglected. Copper-
constantan thermocouples were used for the measurement of temperature,. The
construction of the dosimeter is very simple (Fig. 2),, All parts with the
exception of the thermocouple consist of nonactivizable materials. The
Card 214
A Simple Calorimetric Method of Measuring the S/089/60/009/004/016/020
A@solute Energy Dose Received by Substances in B006/BO70
Strong Fields of Ionizing Radiation
whole instrument was inserted in a perpendicular hole in a reactor and
checked in a radiation-free zone before measurements were carried out. In
this manner, the dose rates for different substance3 were measured in the
holes 'of the B8P (VVR) reactor. The error was 5 - 1 0@6'- 1-Fig - 3 shows the
distribut,ion of the dose r@te along a hole in this reactor ior poly-
ethylene@Vapd quartz glass.@Vlith this method the anomalies of the T(t)
curves may'also, be found. Thus, for example, the T(t) curve of polytetra-
fluoroethylenOkshows a sharp bend which may ascribed to a phase trans-
formation due to irradiation (of. Fig. 4). There are 4 figures and
4 references: 3 Soviet and 1 US.
SUBMITTED: April 14, 1960
Card 3/4
A Simple Calorimetric-Method of Measuring the
Absolute Energy Dose Received by Substances in
Strong Fields of Ionizing @adiation
SPeCimen. 2 -, ther-
mOcouple hot JUTIction.
3 - alumtnurn foil. 4 -
flexibla f3lispender-insq-
lator. 5 - thermocouple
cold jLVICtLon. 6 - ter-
minals "Onneoted to a
meaouring inatrumont.
Card 4/4
PEROV, Boris Vitallyevich; GUDIHOV, Matvey MatVeyevich; LAZURKIN, yu.S.,
dokt. fiz.-mat. naukt-prof., retsenzent; SHEMM , L.I.9 red.
izd-va; ROZHIN, V.P., tekhn. red.
[Oriented organic glass] Orientirovannoe organicheskoe sUklo.
'-foskvay Gos.nauchno-tekhn- izd-vo Oborongiz, 1961. 49 p.
(Plastics) (MIRA 14:6)
MOKULISKIT, M.A.; rAzuRny, Tu.S.
Beta emitter based on AuW for use In studies of
properties of materials subjeathd to irradiation.
10 no.2:16o-162 F 61.
(Gold--Isotopes) (Beta rays)
the physical
Atom* Onerge
(MIRA 14:1)
Origin of broad electron paramagnetic resonance lines in nucleic
acids and their complexes with proteins. Dokl. AN 55SR 141 n').6:
1483-1485 D 161. @MIRA 14:12)
1. Predstavleno akadsmikom A.F.Aleksandrovym.
(Paramagnetic resonance and relaxation) (Nucleic acids)
"Observation of Radier-.1f; in Pm1plIns Dziring Irrrultation U.31m, the F,'M
Method. Klnc@lc Lwdi."
paper preaented at the Gympjjium on Dfologicut Kffrct@; of' loni7irig Rldlatton
at the Molecular Level (JAFJ,), 2-6 j,ay i,)Gpy
AUTHORS: Ushakov, G. P., PL-Lzurkin-s@-@@Snd Gushcho, Yu. A.
TITLE': The nature of lattices formed when either crystalline or
amorphous polyethylene is irradiated
SOURCE: Trudy 11 VsesoyuznogQ soveshchaniya po radiatsionnoy khi-
mii. Ed. by L. S. Polak. Moocow, Izd-vo AN S'O'jR', 1962,
TEXT: The present study, which is a continuation of earlier work
(Vysokoriolekulyarnyye soyedineniya, 2, 1512 (1960)), was cay'ried
out to determine the effect of lattices formed when amorphous or
crystalline polyethylene (FE) is irradiate'd, on the physical and
mechanical properties of the polymer after irradiation. Low- and
high-pressure PE specimens were irradiated (u-p to 1625 Mrad), under
He) in both.amorphous (130 - 1600C) and crystalline (45 - 500C)
btates. Crystalline s-pecimens were then heated to 1500C and slowly
cooled. Amorphous ?B gave rise to la-latticesl@ whilst both a- and
'k-lattices' formed in crystalline irradiated samples. The modulus
Card 1/3
.j S/844/62/000/000/090/129
The nature of lattices D204/D307
of elasticity (B) for k-latticeo decreused with increauing (lose of
irradiation (increasing crose-linking), but -this effect waG Cori-
siderably weaker than that observed for a-lattices; thus for net-
work density corresponding to 12 - 13 C atoms between cross-link-
ages a-type PE was rubbery *(E-,230 k@/cm2), whiist k-type 2B was
still rigid and crystalline (E--4800 . The m.p. of a-PE decreased
almost linearly with the growing proportion of cross-linkages
whilst the corresponding effect for k-PB was less pronounced and
discontinuous. The degree of crystallinity was simultaneously low-
ered, slowly for the Ic-, and rapidly for the a-lattice specimens.
The a-lattice8 are formed by the cross-linking of convoluted poly-
meric chains. When crystalline PE is irradiated, the cross-linka-
ges. for either between locally ordered parallel chrlint3 of Gimilar
trans-configuration, to give the hitherto unknown k-lattices, or
between disordered nonparallel chains (in the amorphous regions)
to give the a-lattice. As in the case of-amorphous irradiated spe-
cimens, the lowered crystallinity of k-PB is due to the decreased
inter-chain distance on cross-linking. The m.p. is lowered when
--ouch lattice8 are formed, owing to (a) decreased crystallizability
Card 2/3
Thv nature of lattices ... D204-/D307
and crystal size, and (b) decreased flexibility of the polymer
chains. There are -3 figures.
ASSOCIATION: Inutitut atomno onergii AN SSSR (Institute of Atomic
Energy, AS IJSSR-@
Card 3/3
AUTHORS: Lazurkin, Yu. S., Hokullskiy, M. A. and Piveyskiy, 14. B.
TITLE; Nature of the reversible acceleration of mech@uiical re-
laxation procesoeo in polymers under irradiation
SOURCE: Trudy II Vsesoyuznogo.soveshcnaniya, po radiatsionnoy khi-
mii. Ed. by L. S. 2olak. Moscow, I_zd-vo AN 53SR9' 1962,
TEXT: By "acceleration of mechanical relaxation processes" is un-
derstood a wide range of phenomena, including acceleration of stress
relaxation, acceleration of creep, and decrease of ultimate forced
elasticity. In the present work the authors studied the accelera-
tion of creep Ckm-/@ (SKN-1d) nitrile rubber irradiated in a nuc-
learreactor, this being a continuation of previous investigations,
with the difference tLat in the earlier work -the effect of irradiat-
ing rigid polymers wau studied. Sanple6 of the test material were
stretched tinder constant load for 45 hours to attain equilibrium
deformation, aimost all the deformation occurring during the first
@10 - 20 minutes; other samples were stretched for 16 mins. The
Card 112
,6 -1/000/000 i'l 0- '1 --
.3/81 J/ 1 Z'J
Nature of the reversible D408%jO7
stretched sami)les, still uri(;t:r ioad, @.:cre irr-adiated at intensiry
2 x 104 rad'
- /see, whereu,)on cree,) %.,as initiuted Lit the ratue of
4 x 10-) sec-1 in both cases. T11c results indicated tiat the acce-
leration of creed gnq relaxation in resins t..ras caused by rupture of
lattice bonds, i.e. the so-called 'chemical' mechanism and not by
the "physical" mechanioli (described in an earlier work@ as is the
case when rigid polymers are irradiated. Efficiency of the destruc-
tion process was evaluated by th@@ method of Tobolokiy !.,t al 17or
the analysis of chemical ru ion. By means of the Irinetic theorv
of resin elasticity an e(JULLtion was derived re.L-Ating the rate of
creep unuer irradiation to the number of bonds rupturing per second
in 1 cM3 of material. Substituting into this equation the experi-
mental data for SKN-18 rubber, n,%tural rubber and ,olyisobutylene,
the numbers of bonds rupturing per 100 ev of absorbed energy were
estimated to be 3, 4, arid 19 respectively. There is 1 figure.
ASSOCIATIOV: Inotitut ato.,.moy energii A@ SSSH (Institute of Atomic
Energy, AJ U3SR)
Card 2/2
KOZLOV, P.V., otv. red.; ANDRIANOV, K.A., red.; DOGADKII-1, B.A., red.;
V.A., red.; KOLESNIKOV, G.S., red.; KOROTKOV, A.A., red.;
KOESM, V.V., red. i LAZURKIN,,.Yu.S. red - MEDVEDEV, S.S.,
red.; MIKHAYLOV, N.V., Z red.;
red.; FREYMAN-KRUPENSKIY, D.A., tekhn. red.
(Adhesion of polymers] Adgezila polimerov; sbornik statei.
Moskva, Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1963. 142 p. (MIRA 16:10)
(Polymers) (Adhesion)
KOLESNIKOV., G.S., otv. red.; ANDitIANOV, K.A., red.; DOGADKIN, B.A.,
red.; DOLGOPIOSK, B.A., red.; YENIKOLOPYAN, N.S., red.;
KARGIN, V.A., red.; KOZLOV, P.V., red.; KOROTKOV, A.A.,
red ; KORSHAK, V.V., red.; IAZURKIN, Yu.S.t red.; MUM,
S.S., red.; MIKHAYLOV, N.V., red.; PASYNSKIY, A.G., red.;
red.; FREYMAN-KRUPENSKIY, D.A., tek-hn. red.
filaterochain higiz-rcolecular weight compoundq] (;oterotqepnye
vysokomolekuliarnyq soodineniia; nbornik statei. Moskva,
Izd-vo "Nau7KR-" _6 p. (MIRA 17:3)
KOLE&NIKOV, G.S., otv. red.; ANDRIANOV, K.A., red.; DOGADKDi, B.A.,
red.; DOLGOPLOSK, B.A., red.; YEDIKOLOPYAN, N.S., red.;
KARGIT11 V.A., red.; KOZLOV, P.V., red.; KOROTKOV, A.A.,
red.; KORSHAK, V.V., red.; 14ZURKIII, Yu.S., red.; MEDVEDEV,
S.S., red., MIKHAYLOV, N.V., red.; PASYNSKIY, A.G., red.;
SLONDISKIY, G.L., red.; SMI11TOV, V.S., red.; TSVETKOV, V.N.,
red.; FREYIJAN-KRUPEIISKIY, K.A., tekhn. red.
(Carbochain high-molecular weight compounds] Karbotsepnye
vysokomolekuliarnye soedineniia; sbornik statei. Moskva,
Izd-vo AN SSM, 1963. 287 p. (MIRA 17:1)
AUTHOR: Lazurkin, Yu., S.
TITLE: Symposium on Yolecular Mechanism of Biological Action of
Ionizing Radiation
PERIODICAL: Atomnaya energiya, v. 14, no- 3, 1963, 330 - 332
TEXT: The interna.4onal symposium organized by the IAEA and the Academy
of Sciences of the CSSR was held in June 1962 in Brnu OSSR); it was
attended by 85 scientists from 21 countries. Among them the following
Soviet of Soviet-bloc personalities gave lectures: Usatiy and Lazurkin
(USSR), kinetics of accumulation of radicals in albuminsi Drasil"(CSSR),
direct and indirect effect in radiation affection of ascitic cancer cells
(Ehrlich); Belyayeva (USSR) measurement of comiosition of water-soluble
cytoplasm albumins; Amiragova, Savich, Shallnov (USSR), effect of inor-
ganic peroxides on-radiochemical transformations of purines and pyrimidinm
in aqueous solutions; Cherkasova and Fomichenko (USSR), effect of X-rays
on the albumin content of various sections of the central nervous system
and the liver;, Drobnik (dSSR), lethal effect of p32 transmutation and UV
Card 1/2
Sym@osium on Molecular ...
B102 B186
P)-irradiation; Benesh and Soshka (CQSR), role of the Predecessors of
DNA in the bor.q marrow cells; Karpfel, Palechek, Shlotova (6SSR), effect
of introduction of DIIA into bone marrow; Petrova (6SSR) radiobioloeic
reactions on a-irradiation of alga zyGnema; Skalki,-Matlyasheva and
Soshki (C"'SSR),-linear--increase with--dose (30-300 r) of free deoxyribo-
polynucleotides in the tissue of irradiated animals; Gradechnaya, Arber,
Kellenberger (dSSR), inactivation and reactivation of lambda-phages on
irradiation; Fradkin, Golldfarb, Vinetskiy (USSR), radiation effect on
phages at rest.
Card 2/2
Mechanical properties of rubberlike polymers in the solid
state at low temperatures. Vysokom. soed. 6 no.3:504-
511 Mr'64. (MTRA 17:5)
1. Nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut rezinovoy promyshlennosti.
Study of the complexes of nucleic acids with acridine orange by
the optical activity dispersion method. Dokl. AN SSSR 155 no.6:
1440-1443 AP 164. (KRA 17:4)
1. Predstavleno akademikom A.P. Aleksandrovym.
710ng,@62' EWT (d P(j)/T PcW-_4/Pr_4..@_ ESD( )/AnTR MUS
-ACCESSIM NRs AP4030370 S70,90/64/006/003/0504/0511'
-AUTHORSt Lazurkinj Yu. S.; Bartenevg G. H.; Ushakovp Go P,,; Voyevods@M, Ho V.
TITLEs _&Aanical properties, of 'rubbeF_74@jce polymers in the solid state at low
-*Sokomo1ekulyarny*ye soyedineniya v.
SOURCE: _VY 9 6, no. 3t,1964i 504-511
-Ibutadiene.- styrene- -polymerl,-.b tediene-nitrile
--t t tensile strength forced-
lei ti t Wr
,po ymer, C say a ate v a ructura an empera. eg:
77 ielai~tici~yi~brittlii---6ti6fiehF,~66lid.-'-state.,-frost-reai4t=--e/Sa--40-rub"r.
IA3STRACT: The present investigation of the methods for estimating the frost
-wres-istance QZth6 rubbers is similar to several -earlier ones conducted by the
authors' eX apt --that a. larger number of-speoimena.was's d It conducted
ttudie w
rwith unfilled-vulednized rubber a buWiene-atyren@_base ..70 Tp'@AMS-50, SKS-3%'
f - (Skai
;-SKS-10),- and a1dolon a butadiena-anitril@@Eaie -40,`W-26, 1 @x-18). Polystyrene.
'and polyacrylonitrile rubbers iere also atudied_*__TFe_ir moo-hanioal chaxacteristics
ware determined at temperatures below that of vitrification# by means of the
apparatus HINWO, at a constant elongation rate of 0.06 mm/minute. The teat speci-
mens were of dumbbell shape 2 ma thick, with a 16-am long central constricted
CaH 1/2
10?92 6
SION' NR: -AP40303TO
iportion.- The tests*are::conduc.ted..with thermostatic cooling by liquid nitrogent at
ztemperatures. -frow-.-19.5.6C to -that-*.of mechanical:- vitrification.- @The coefficients of
1inear expinsion,werd determined by means oE an NIIRP dilatometerl and the tempera-
-ture of atruatural vitrification was ascertained from the break point in the linear
shrinkage curve. It was found that in but-sdiene-styrene rubbers the temperature of
mechanical vitrification rises with increased styrene contentp the brittle strength
remains constant, and the region of forced elasticity diminishes. In butadiene-
nitrile rubbers the vitrification temperature also rises with iner-ased
acrylonitrile content, but (due to a simultaneous rise of the brittle strength) the
region of forced elasticity remains practically constant. The vulcanized rubber
deriyed from M-40 had the highest brittle strength. The ooncept of frost resist-
anceVbf packing rubber materials was defined in terms of the temperature of mechani-
caT-vitrification and temperature of brittleness. Orig. art. hast 6 charts and 1
ABSTRACT.- There am as yet no reliable data on the binding energy of the
complementary chains in the double 1zlix of DNA. This is due chiefly to the
experimental difficulty of direct microcalorimetric determination. The authors
worked out a method of determining the binding energy by introducing Into BNA
a small number of local intermolecular or covalent supplementary bonds (or clips)
between the complementary eliains. When a dye (actinomycin or acridine orange) acts
on DHA, the melting curve of DFA changes characteristically. The melting point and.
the melting-temperature range increase. If all dye molecules introduced into the
solution are bound to DUA so that each clip is formed by one dye molecule,, the clip
c3neentration is determined by the formula a 2D/Pj where D-is the molar concen-
'Card 1
he-_-biriding-e -and-`
ki to- nergy
additional -enerMr0-: This: -requires howe4er that..'as the DIIA melts th dy
the e a
must not go into solution but stay bound to the DNA molecules. This @.,ondition is
essential only till melting reaches 60-70%, and it was found that actinoiVcin,
proflavins, and acrIdine orange meet it at low ionic strength of the solution.
Results show that the heat of the helix-coil transition in DNA depends markedly
on the ionic strength of the solution. At a melting point of 55G, this heat of
transition is 2.7 + 0.7 kcal/mole. Orig. art. has: 1 figure, 1 table, mid 2
%, - - I . - -25
,echar,ism of actinomycin - DNA complex. Biofizikp- 10 no.1:17
'65. (14IU 18: 5)
1. Institut atomnoy energii Kurchatova, Moskva.
'I B
pla tcZ C, 30 no. 3,-@59-562
institiit, epide-alolo-JI J mikrobiol-o-O'll
.4f P
Case of ovarian arrhenoblasto!za without virilism. Trudy AMN SSSR
21 no.4.*78-81 152. (MLRA 10.8)
1. Iz ginekologicheekogo otdoloniya (zpv. - at. naLchW sotrudnik
L.A.Novikova) i patologoanstomichei3kogo otdela (zav. - at. nauchnyy
sotrudnik Z.V.Golibert) TSentrallaogo nauchno-lealedovatellskogo
onkologicheakogo instituta im. P.A.Gerteena (dir. - chlen- korr.
AMN SSSR prof. A.I.Savitskiy)
(OVARIES, neoplasms,
arrhenoblastama without virilizatioa)
without virilizatioa)
Combined therapy in prinary sarcoma of the vagina. i rad.
31 no.4:74-75 Jl-Ag 156. (MIRA 9:10)
1. Iz ginakologicheakogo otdalaniya (zav. otdaleniyam T.Yejeliseyeva)
TSentrallnoy klinicheskoy rantgeno-radiologichookoy bollnitay (4ach.
I.M.Lo'bodenko) Miniateretva-putay eoobahchaniya.
(VAGINA, neoplasms
sarcoma, primary. combined ther.)
vagina, combined ther. of primary sarcoma)
Experience in radiotherapy for ralva cancer. Vop. onk. 6 no. 9:202-
106 S 160, (,'.IIPA 14: 1 i
,@LAZURKINAt V.D.t Taladably nauchnyy sotru'dnik
Ghaul therapy for cavernous hemangioma of the vagina. Vest. rent.
i rad. 35 no. 5:62-63 My-Je 160. (MIRA 14:2)
1, Iz rentgenoterapevticheskogo otdela (zav. - starshiy
nauchnyy sotrudnik I.A. Pereslegin) Gosudarstvennogo nauchno-
iseledovatellskogo instituta rentgenologii i radiologii Rinisterstva
zdravookhraneniya RSFSR (direktor - doktor med.nauk I.G. Lagunova).
Some proble=s in -the cl-inica.1 aspect and radIaTion --herapy in
primary melanoblastoma of the vulva. Med. rad. 9 no.2:8-14 7 164.
(MIRA 17:9)
1. Rentgeno-radiologicheskiy otdel (zav.- prof. 1.1. Tager)
Instituta. eksperimentallnoy i klinicheskoy onkologii AMII SSSR
i rentgeno-terapevticheskiy otdel (zav.- dotsent Pareslegin)
Gosudarstvennogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo rentgeno-rRdiolog-
icheskogo instituta, Ministerstva zdravookhraneniya R@FSR.
Clinical and pathomorphological changes in tissues in radiotherapy
of cancer of the female external genitalia. Med.rad. 9 no.9:33-40
S 164. (MIRA 1814)
1. Patomorfologicheskiy otdel (zav. - dotsent Ye.D.Savehenko)
i rentgenote-rapevticheskiy otdel-(zav. - doktar med.nauk I.A.
Pereslegin) Nauchno-issledovatellskogo rentgeno-radiologicheskogo
instituta Ministerstva zdravookhranenlyn RSFSR.
r er,
r Tn'
PAVU)VAg T.G. TIMUMs V.D. (;-IoW=)
matiwd Ar canputiziL, tho &WorbDd dwoo in InUvoavitary
C=v.4horaW of canoor of tho cerv-lx uteri. Trudy 'jSentro
lmt. rentg. i rod. 11 m*I&W---97 1164.
(I'llm 18 Z11)
Extent and nature of tw Byrvanlw glaciation In the northwootern
part of the Weat Siberian Lowland. Vest.Mosk.un.Ser.biol., pochv.,
geol., geog. 14 no.4:209-216 '59. (MIRA, 13:6)
1. Kafedra obahchego zemlevedenlya Moskovskogo universiteta.
(Siberia, Wentern-Glacial epoch)
Glaciomarine sediments of northern Airasia. Vest. Mosk.
un. Ser.5: Geog. 15 no-3:48-53 My - Je 160. (MM 13:7)
1. Kafedra obaheliego zemlevedeniya Monkovskogo univcrsiteta.
(Eurania--Creology, Stratigraphic)
(Sediments fGaology))
*00000040 *0 00 0 0 0 9 0 f 0 0
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4r , -V , !"", 1.11
........ ..
Eswiuaas the phospbolus And aitlopa requirem-nts ol
40111 pUnts. A. @ V. , LA,tjr.kjI. Pckhuly Mad.
Na" 1930,@N,3- I- (;-I:li
Jiro. 'so. 1. M i Kill, tile, %ok! fifIt AtUAll -111
Allilitts lackitlK ill A lvflAi(I - le"I'llt "is" 11" it
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slid K11,110. fdkell till by lilaw" ccr'.414 And
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Mgoal* NNW bo"Snv
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LAZURSIKYY, O.V.; IXJSHECHKIN, 0.1., diyonrr chlen.
Zffect of a single enrichment of soil with phosphates on the dyu-mics of
phosphoric acid in the soil, on crap yield, and on the (Viality of augar
beets. Dop.All URSR no-5:375-380 151. (MLRA 6:9)
1. Almdemiya nank Ukrayinslkoyi RSR (for Dishechkin). 2. Instvtut fiziolo-
hiyi roslyn i ahrokhimiyi Akademiyi nauk Ukrayinalkoyi RSR (for Ii-azurslkyy).
(Phosphates) (Beets and beet Enigar)
.... ..... 1: " _'.
On the fertilizer system for use in grain-beet crop rotation
Dop.AN URSR no.4:368-372 155. (NM 9:2)
1.1netitut fiziologii roslin ta agrokhimii AN URSR. Predstaviv
diyaniy chlen AN URSR O.I.Dashechkin.
(Fairtilizers and manures) (Rotation of crops)
-The role of Phosphates In inciresslug Soll-tertliTy.
Dushechkin, A. V. Lazurskil, nFid V. M Ala zou (lust.
Plant Physiol. and Agrochem.. Kiev). Pocchv dvnia 1955,,
NO. 10, 1710.-Plot expts. with Phosphates ion a somewhat
potlzolizecl illeadOw Chernozen) were condutted for 5 Years
iang-yorrotmion test. The Padded varied from W,-120,--
Cie. up to-480 kg;/ha-. In the form of acid phosphate and
rock Phosphate. Avail.
able P was detd. by extg.- with 0.5N
AcOHandO.BNHCI. The latter method give bigher values
than the AcOR method. In both cases the amt. ofavailable
P has been decreasing after the Ist or 2nd year, with rock
phosphate 5hmving .
a trend of increasinK again on the Ult
year. With the rnck- the 1,11 has gradually fisen. frtuu 5.0 to'
The hightr-the quantity of P addrd tht higher was the,
microbialflora. Of spe@hd zignificarce was the rise in Azolo.
ba;jtj which apparently helred the N supply. J. 3, Joffe
z-f /1@,
USSR//Cultiva`,--@O. Pl-nits - Grp-ins.
Abs Jour : R..S 'Litur - Diol., 110 10, 1958, 44o28
;,UtLor : Lazursid-y, il..V., Torms'--vokayan, Yc-.G., Manzali, V.D.
Inst : AZ Mcrainian SSR
Title : of OrCT..-Lic 'd-a'a'al Mixturcs Appli'd _j
wi.-,'v,jr 111@.Lat and Grassc-s.
OriG PLfb : V s'j.: -?-,',:stn. or[pn* ud-)')v-niya USM. Kiyev, 101 MITI,
1957, 37-101-
Abstract : .)'L Inottitutu of Plant Fiy,,i%)1DCy
and Agricultural Moci,;-@rY )Z -'LI'.,o "Wadonq of Sci(@nc,s of
USSR DII t: Q Gli[@'tly CICIP podz-j1iz,-d
30il, *('11L Vd(Ii'ti:)II IL".) t.-,. 1)"i-)spi%.orua furtilizerr: (,4.;i a
(Ins,-: QP 60 11 0 of 2 --mc/lI.Li of t.:anurc incr, uz;
I.;?v5 il, -
'U'Lu amolult of ac k@ soil and lind a
fLx'c, -)li nitrificati-m. no c1car rulati,.)n
Card 1/2
- 16
LAZURS-K.IY, O.V. [LazurB'kyi, O.V.1, kand. sellskokhozyaystvennykh naWc
Ground phosphorites as an important fertilizer in the Ukrainian
S.S.R. Visnyk AN URSR 29 no.2:53-59 F 158. (MIRA 11:4)
YUKHD',CHUK, F.P.[IUkhyirr-huk.F.P.j, otv. red ; VISHINSKIY, 0.14.
LVyshyrislkyi, 0.1-11.j, red.; GOLG.BA: R.A.[Holomba, P.A.]
red.; DVITRENKO, P.O.[Dinytrenko, F.C.], doktor sell'-hoz.
nauk -I.G.[Illiasbenko, M.H.], red.;
., red.; ILYASIOIKO, 14
KOLOWV, O.M., red.; KUKSIN, 14.V., red.; P@VRSKIY, O.V.
[Lazurstkyi, O.V.], kand. sellkhoz. nauk, red.,"POFOV,
F.A red.; SAMBUR, G.111.[Sambur, H.1111.], red.; SP14TSEVICH,
C!, A:fsamtsevynh, S.A. 1, red., liTT)f)ROVA, N.A.,I-and.8ellkhoz
nauk. red.; YAl'T'OVSKrl, I.V.[IAshovs'kyi, I.V.1, red.
[Nutrition and fertilizers of farm crops] Zhyvlennia ta
udobrennia sillstkohospodarslkykh kulltur. Kiev, Urozhai,
1964. 137 p. (MIRA 17:10)
1. Ukrainslkiy naukovo-doslidnyy instytut zemlerobstva.
YUK111mcflux, F.P.[IUkhyrnchuk F'P.1, otv. red.; VISHINSrJYj 0.11.
(VY81pynalkylij red.; GOLOMBA, R.A.[Ifolamba,
red DM,1TRENKOI P.O.[Du7trenko, P.O.]) red.; ILIYASHRITKO,
M.G$lliashenko, red.; KOLOBOV, O.M., red.;
KUKSIII, M.V., red.;.LAZURSKIY, O.V.[Lazurslkyi, O.V.]. red.;
POPOV, F.A., red.; SAM.BUR, G.1,1.[Swnbur, rod.;
S91TSEVICII, S.A.(Samtbevych, S.A.], red.; FEDOROVA, N.A., red.;
[Fertilizers and cultivation practices] Dobryva ta agrotekh-
nika. Kyiv, Urozhai, 1964. 160 p. (MIRA 17:12)
1. Kiev. Ukrainslkyi naukovo-doslidrryi instytut zemlerobstva.
ACCESSION NR: AP4042264 S/0089/64/017/001/0060/0063
AUTHORS: Daruga, V. K.; Lazutkin, I. I.; Nikolayev, A. N.; Sakharov#.!;
V. K.; Sinitsy*n, B. I.
TITLE: Study of the passage of neutrons through carbon and through
a carbon-iron mixture
@.SOURCE: Atomnaya energiya, v. 17, no. 1, 1964, 60-63
TOPIC TAGS: reactor material, neutron cross section, neutron in-
i-eraction, neutron spectnim, fast neutron spectrometry
ABSTRACT: In view of the lact that thooretical calctil.-itiowl ar(@
ade difficult by lack of detailed information on the crt)E;s scction@l
ic)-,_ t.he -interaction between netitrons an(I matter, the a@itlhors consider
'_@he spatial distribution of neutrons of different onergies passing
4 1
Tjji7 paS'9a e
through layers of carbon from 10 to 130--151) CT_
0 neutrono through an Iron-carbcri raixti-IrO C!0'11',:.311-,Jnrf 37.4@Z -f trcw-
by volume was also investigated. The B-2 channel of the BR-5 reactor
served as the neutron source. The measurements were made under con-
ditions of semi-infinite geometry,'and the neutrons with E > 3 MeV
leaving the channel had the same energy distribution as the fission
spectrum, becoming softer at low energies. Sulfur and aluminum
threshold indicators, thorium fission chambers, and proportional
recoil-proton counters were used as fast-neutron detectors. Thermal
and epithermal neutrons were detected with copper and indium reso-
nant indicators. To permit comparison with the available results,
the experimental data were converted into neutron attenuation func-
tions of an infinite flat isotropic source. The experimental data
show that the neutron relaxation length in iron increases for low
energies, while in carbon it remains practically constant over a
wide range of energies. Consequently the addition of iron to the
carbon decreases the relaxation length of the neutrons in the upper
groups (E > 2 MeV)'# while the addition of carbon to iron decreases
the-relaxation length of the neutrons in the 1--1.5 McV. By choosing:
i1 1 2/5
ji@qlwf@. - . . - I @- @ no @1: A
the suitable composition of the mixture it is possible to make the
neutron relaxation lengths practically equal over a wide energy
interval. The use of such a mixture, which is relatively cheap and
heat resistant, is quite promising. "The authors are grateful to
M. Ya. Kulakovskiy for participating in the discussion of the ex-
perimental results and to A. A. Goncharenko for help with the worlc."
Orig. art. has: 3 figures, 2 formulas, and 2 tables,
8 .!ODE: N11 NR REF SOV: 009