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Hemodynamic changes in the internal mama y artery-during electrical
stim~.Utlofi of the parasternal nerve. Grud. R'hir. 3 no.2:50-53
161. (Min 14:4)
1AVROV9 N.N.j. prof., red.
Naterials of the conference of young scientists of the * '-
K:Lrghiz State Medical Institute] Sbornik materialov
konferentsii molodykh uchenykh KC24I. Frunze. No.2. 1963.
72 p. (MIRA 17:10)
1. Frunze. Kirgizskiy gosudarstvennyy maditsinskiy insti-
tut. ZeLveduyushchiy kafedroy normallnoy anatomii Kirgizskogo
gasudarstvennogo meditsinskogo instituta.
,,,, LAVROV, N.N.
Work organization for a young scientist. Trud7 YirgNOAG7- no.2-107-
-li9 165. (MIPA 18-11)
1. Tz kafpdry normallnoy anatomii (zav. - prof. N.N.Lavrov)
Kirgizskogo gosudarstvannogo meditsinakogo instituta.
~2yi _j KRAVCHUK, Hadezhda Vasil'-yevna;
1~~V ~Nijo
lay ~1~'91~y j~h
MAMENSFUT, prof., red.
(central nervous system; methodological textbook for conduct-
int practical work] TSentrallnaia nervnaia sistema; metodi-
cheskoe posobie k provedeniiu prakticheskikh zaniatii.
Frunze, Kirgizskii gos. med. in-t, 1961. 66 p.
(MIRA 18:8)
KONSHIN, M.D,,,-pr-of. doktor tekhn.nauk; .. LOBANOV, A.N.'-,., prof. doktor tekhn.
nauk; IAVROV, N qF., dotsent, kand.tekhne .nauk
Ninth International Photpgrammettic,Gongress &nd the develo ment
of photogrammetry abroad. Izv.'vys. ucheb. zav.; geod. i aerof.
i no.-635,3-68 1.60.. (MIRA 14:5)
(Aqrial p~otogr'~xmetry-Qqn esses)
KONSHIN, M.D.9, doktor tekbn.nauk; LOBANOV A.B. doktor tekbn.nauk;
IAVROVv N.Pdt., kand.tokhn.nELuk
Ninth Inter4ational Photdgramwtric Composo, Geod. i kart.
32:3-IO'D 160.. (MMA 14: 1)
Thirteenth general assembley of the International Geodesic and
Geophysical Association and the prificipal*scientific problems in
modern geodesy. Geod. i kart. no.12:3-2-1 D 163. (KMA 17:1)
"The-perspective of the automation of the techniques of compilation aad prepara-
tion reproduction of the geographic and topographic maps."
report scheduled to be-presented at the 20th Intl Geographical Cong, 6 Jul-
1I.Aug 64~ London.
11provie"'i of the Calculation Foreca:JI-irC of Runoff From 3!~lall Basin-," Zoteorol.
i 3idrolot!~ya, 110 1954, pp
Assumin.,e a uniform fall of precipitation- and unifonril sno,,; th.,,u ,,dthin the water sh~~d
and nroceedinr fro:I7 the fact that the soakiric of theyater into the soil depends
slope, the anthor proposes the following formula y = x[-6 f(s) ds - 0 sf(s) ds, where y
is runoff, x is procipitation, laz~ar, s is loss layer. Hc! obtains expres,ions for t';'10
function f (s), 'U'lle quantit:; Y, and also the coeff icient of water t ransmis ~:icm eta =
x is 'he effective area of 'he basiin, and w is the entire zirca of -im bz.s4n'
(i-Mere w L, I I -.-,) L's
functions of the- m,:i;tbilum magnitude of the 1o_---S (So) and a nwr~bor of t I it
characUerize the relief. The author no __ 4.he -liffiCUlti.~S in t'~jo ~j~),-)JiC__tioyl
of J~iS
formulas to practice, rarticularly in cormection urith the e-stablislimnent of value of
so. He points oui positive results of the computation of rain flood!Z for mr-untain
.rivers accordin.r-- to 6ata on year]~,, preciDitation anr-', runoff. In conclusion he 5p-er~ks
al:out 'he 326---ss.1- for 'he purpose of i..,, rcviriS the method, of coT ntratin.- atten -~n
11 1 t, 11 L .., U 'I- -
on. the -i.-Orkinlf out of methods for 'U:-c determAnation of loss so. (RZIGeol, `;o 5, IC1,55)
SG: Sum-'.'Ilo. 713,01 110v 55
Data on the feeding
40-32 133.
(Kamchatka-Sables) (Sable s-Xamchatka)
habits of the Kamchatka sable. Trudy VIIIO no.13:
MRA 7:5)
00V _
- -Pub. IS&
I~Vrov,:: N. - pDr..Of B
Ac ad mati.zi()n of 'Indu strial
in them USSR
Brlioda 3 55-7-63,, Mar, 1,954
Datg'. -pres6nted th6 _b3imatization bf fo st
arei on a
c re and prairie fur
producl animals (imskrats beavers! lox etc.
mg )~in the USSR. Chart show-
the aWndance of muskrats and racoons in: the USSR is:included.
Ill tratims.
lustitutioxi 1
:-.1 'AU Union Scientific Rea- h -titute-of ting bid t
earc Ins H= us
. r5V
Dynamics of the distribution and of the commercial significance of
the muskrat in the U.S.S.R. Zool.zhur. 34 no.2:441-453 l(r-Ap 155.
(MLRA 8:6)
1. VoesoyuzrWy nauchno-isaledovatellskiy institut okhotnichlyego
promysla Ministerstva zagotovok SSSR.
(I-hwkrat s)
IAVROV, Nikolay Petrovich. prof.. doktor biol.nauk; YCRXOZOV, A.N.. prof ..
-- `- 9
- otvetstvennyy red.; MSINA. LYA., red.;
[Acclimatization of the muskrat in the U.S.S.R.] Akklimatizataiia
ondatry v SSSR. Moskva, Izd-vo TSentrosoiuza, 1957. 529 p.
(Huskrats) (MIRA 11:5)
LkV~DV,N.P., prof., red.; BILHIM , L.S., red.; TROFIMDV, A.,
[Manual on resettling fur-bearing animals] Rukoyodstvo po rasse-
lenitu pushnftch 2Verei. Moskva, Izd-vo Tsentrosoiuza, 1958.
141 p. (141BA 1.1:12)
(Fur-bearing animals)
LAVROV. Hikol&jkjzaYIch- NAUMOV, Bergey Pavlovich; KOLOSOV, A.M.,
prof., red.; BnBNKO, L.S.,-red.izd-va; FOMICH97, P.M.,
[Biology of game animals and birds in the U.S.S.R.] Biologiia
promyolovykh zverel i ptits ItSSR. Pod obahchei red. A.M.Kolosova.
Mpskva, I2d-vo TSentrosoiuza, 1960. 236 p. (min 14:2)
(Game and game birds)
DMILOVI Dmitriy Nikitich;,LAYRQY-,, &P., prof., doktor biolog.nouk.
red,; BIWKO, L,B., red*i%d-"-;'FOHIcIMV, P.M.,
E#anting grounds of the U.S.S.R.; commercial evaluation and
gameland management] Okhotnich'i ugodlis SSSR; promyolovois
otsenka i ustroistvo ugodii. Monkva, Izd-vo TSentrosoiuze,
ig6o. 283 p. (HM 13:11)
(Gam and pme birds)
'I red.;
XOIWOVp A.M.; U-094-L-Pq NAumOvp S.P.; DUKALI SKATAp W.M'~
ROZAFNAP 0.1.9 red. iza-va; MUHAMVAp V,A,p takbn, r9d,
~[Biology of comme rcial aw-sual .:in Us U,S.S.Ro Biologiia vro-
nyalovykh zvorei WSR*-Nmikvap Goo. iz4-vo 'Vysohaia, Shkola,,m
1961. 379 (MM 14:6)
(Game and game birds)
KOLOSOV, Aleksey Mikhaylovich, prof ~ay etrovIcho
P ~P
prof.; NAUMOVs Sergey Pavlovich, prof.; PETRMUYA'.L.P.,
[Biology of commercial animals of the U,~.S.R.] Biologlia
promyslovykh zverei SSSR. Perer. i znachitellno dop. izd.
Moskva, Vysshaia shkola, 1965. 508 p. (MIRA 18:6)
YEGOROV, O.V.., khirurg; LAVROV, N.P., khirurg; KUDELYA, M.I.; KUVAYEVA, A.G.;
ff'_By~'G, T
med.nauk; SIINADSKIY, N.Ye.,; S;IVA:'
.L., ka=:.
med.nauk; MISNIK, I.L.; BAZILEVSKAYA, Z.V... prof.; ERNST~ V.P.
Discussions. Vop. travm. i ortop. no.13.,127-148 163. (NIRA 18:2)
1. Glavnyy travmatolog Primorskogo kraya (for Kudelya).
2. Zaveduyushchiy punktom zdravookhraneniya Makarovskogo
bumazhnogo kombinata (for Kuvayeva). 3. Glavnyy vrach
Korsakovskoy bollaitsy (for Levin). 4. Zaveduyushchiy
travmatologicheskim otdeleniyem bollnitsy Vladivostoka (for
Orlovskiy). 5. Zaveduyushchiy travmatologicheskim otdeleniyem
bollnitsy, Ussuriysk (for Kucherenko). 6. Leningradskiy nauchno-
iseledovatellskiy,institut travmatologii i ortopedii (for Rudenko).
7. Irkutskiy gosudarstvennyy nauchno-iss'-iovatel'skiy institut
travmatologii i ortopedii (for S:Lnadaki-.t,~ Shvartsberg, Bazilevskaya).
8. Glavnyy khirurg Sakhalir-koy oblasti (for Misnik). 9. Zaveduyush-
chiy Sakhalinskim otdelom zdravookhraneniya Ministerstva zdravookh-
raneniya RSFSR (for Ernst).
Ole O's 0 0
a 0, 6
#_&-m_ _J1_J. -A
I j
et A
00 3-
9 g %
0 Al e 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0
1 1 1 V ifU is IS 16 It 0 a
, , a 1 -1, - 0 1 1 a 'I V I a I. a 41 a a
UnderVound gulfleation of coal In the Memosr refflon.
N. V. lAvrov, 1. L. l,arlwrov and R. N. Ilitin. Vrilmik
JAIX.4rer"Trkh. 1939, No. 10, 41; 4.-A method is de-
wri Jorlhe und"Vound gasification of mal delKnits
The coals have a higher activity and ig.
'i"RIMAlity than anthracite roah. Upon being beuted (fit
cook do not pass through she plastic state but their po-
rosity increases sharply. When gasirwasim is conducted
tm-low the fusion point of The "h the latter ftirms a hiRbly
JXWWS $fcUCtUfC Which retaiftS appfol. (he Original I(XII)
of the coal. H. Z. Komich
S411040 IF amy Got ""l1 (k1t CRT
U. 9 AV go I*, to, W11 got a, IK U 89 Is Z* n- _T U An 9 to 0 a IF -I x a, 9 a a ;i a T
000.0 0 4, 0 0 0 d44
61001900 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * & a 0 0 0 0 0
0: 0
j I-Ckk. 3%0
11,mial gmd
imilurmad 9"ific4tkm at
"-CS MI loor temps. vp
Z- Kamk
$oval, $Sao" Nit Q"V ast ad Q-T 194
u 14 1 a
At it of It zi 1"t C'( na
; 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 'o
Vo 00 10 000 0 e 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 & 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 'o 'o 0 :01
w -0 wo, 9-4-6 0;
0 0
0 0~~V v 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
. If" is 0 It so a b b a $I At ja J4 X is V
As V
t -It j
0# of w MONOW IfFuu.
-, : " I a
itin and
No. 4
Oasse iti. Urk. 1940
!U ~'Arw S
cf. C. A. 34. 14016. 70W.-IAb. elpts. were made With
to at
ith 0 (u
r enr
heated sk and w
oll the coal of 9JU
t ss =
several temps.
god thembre-
10(9)1 As Poroiss ash 6 formed. AtIRM-12W
004 but Is cmWerably harder and preserms the
IMI-1400 . a denser ath 11
e coa
oiSinA shape o
I this ash tivnibles for-
formed with loosituditial cracks.
a fused formic-"
resistant, buracd clay. At above 16W
ash is obtalmd. Vo'heu the gas passaSt was fitied with
rovatitiAt Of
l h
d b
, an
sand after the coa
the twificat;OU rved; the temp. Of the
ased. the coucts. of 0 In
F"Vitiga Surface
SAS decreased sharply Anti that of the C oxides increased.
Tbe coal besins to isnite *P-tsm-slY Do heatiAS t0
140-50'. W. R. licun
Dom sl~sexl-
a $I a 43 a pow
it 100
2 goo
----- -- u3sial CW9 0" its
I F I j # its 0 0 IS I w
it K a Or It X t ?9 it of so a 3 a V
0 'a a 0 0 0 ale 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ills
D'a of 0.0060 699699 0000000
4 k __A1
PAIK111119"W Offs ins I
Tboit4ectoo-ibe, 'troolk-s- a-fallypis and door sortes. 0*
pooraturil of the mut"im"ce"the exibdow v*Wty of carbas. i-
Bull. mrad. j,o, 1'. sei.
OW01 nV Ar
I,-The osidIstion of C was itivV211. 00
guird at temps. from Into to ww% the pinc"s is suit
008 Up WOW the y1c),kc-4 the rear. .00
lib"I 41'1 Itoxi-Jettend III% the hythodynionwir% 4 tile rmMki. -:41
so$ he learik"I C + (4 up its a 111% nwocll. 44 44 is k-of the
1.1 pAI'l andrital'se. ifItU the NeVO Old0f With InVICAW ot
&141on4ell. of (h; The activation cmixy is approx. 2h,M)
,,I. Up In the Comfinstion temp. of C the tractioct 800
sea IWI wren C and 01 pin"vdo nnifurnilly. With high nviwns~
Of Oto at trnII-. (Of the covolon-tiom 49 cold a shall' Ith-wase .00
W liar YrNority of the tractiola I- olwTvni. Above Mon
Mo, threquiltill.thm %chnity dqwuds im ihe linesivelk-Ur 9300
01 tile gut rionclit. The forchanisno of the ot,14holion poor. goo
*0 w&% drid. at temp%. above AW. The simplest rqua- too
lion of lite o%idation tructlooll of C is 4C + 30~ - 2C0 +
2COt,. I;rkvw Alto' the ratio C";CO i% giesties than 1.
With a true velocity of the gascutirrit u( r - 41.4 no.jvv. coo
at OW, The Usidat ion traction takes place W, little* fa%l er
than lite dectitupti. of C(h. At 111111* six] r - 4 1.5 in.1 ~90
sm. the ratio between the Ist and teaction i% 800
Six references. W. R. Henn
It 4' ties
sle" woo
0485 .44P OkV 606 OftV 11
q T I I a rM 0 0 a 1 lot 111 1 a a :1 2 v a.,
A, -so Ali,; ;V 1; ir P_ At I ; a, I A 10`14
- a a
04 0 0 a 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a
:19 * 0 -0 0 00 see 0 0 0000 99~000900
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 so 0 a G'o " 9 4 60 of
61009089696660600 * 0 o o 0 1j--# SA-VA 000
7000000 0 0*0 00 0 0 0 0 9 0 0069660000000
03.1 lasso in vX-111J1,11411 14 lilt 101vivil IiJA 25 it It A n A~ 11 tz 11 14 111 16 if If 4,, it L. it 44 0 L: 0
,A 11-C-1 it
The Oed of webt vapw in dip ORYPO Small of ifas sell -
erstm, N,-V-"vmy- Comps. rtrvd. dcad, ui., v.
S. 30.40 Willerriw w itimlith.11
t-, Oic wit -144~1 in Inctmite tile hiralinx
1'. J)rr%vnt sks foriumilkla. By the "Ill. of an opinsm"t
&list. of list to the air-bbist an intensive fire j!rmc it oh.
.04 c tanwit. Ali rivir,tsid 11,0 irmli; fit vidw the 0 vivo", atwtvi. 9
I: e0-'.
'-t - - 11 - . . I
.41P 0.
at. 7
~1 J1k
F -W-ZA An a
IS a AV 0 to 01 Or of It or IT K F9 n It of Ito 01 14
4, 0 j 0 00 0 ~
0 0 0 0 eiv 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 00,000 00 00 SO 0 0 00 of 0 0 0 0 co go 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 A
P_WW W-W-WWWO we 4 0-0 0
#4 #4
00 1
go The pervolaiiam, matiolod of untlowgrosoxiol Casificatlao of
A. It. Clormystocy ~-m4javm, and 1. L. Var-
00A hrrov. Boll. "ad. Sri. O.S.S., Most 36. lab. I"6.
I ii, i rr~
1109-74(ill Russign).--Owing to the horizolital plPsition of
be coW strata of the Moscow region, the free ita-3fication ,
channels becom rapidly obstructed. hipts. okhowed 'so
that. as a result of the obstruction. the M content of the 00
eon its. produced drops. that of CO rise%. Furthre gmifica.
I- I a tion proceeds by percolation through the obstructittot 1113m; 00
00, at the same thne neighboring coal strata becoute thmnally 00
00 pretreatail for gasification. In the preliminary stUr of
formation of percolation channels. the heating Yalu- of the 00
gas produced rises, its pressure drops and the content in 00
nd M fall off rapidly while Ill and CO incrraw. In
00 a the subsequent steady state, pressure and cornim. of the
gas beconle coust., ~g_ (in vol. %) COj JC~14. CO f1-10. 2
fit 17-20, CIL 1. No 50-53, 11,S 2. heating value M),- -
1(M cal./cu. M. Evidently, there is sonle conversion ti-
CO into CO, and Us by the H.0 vapor In the coldcr re- -00
gion% of the stratum; hence the soinewhat low hrating -so
value of the gas as compared with the 1400 cal./cu. no.
00 in above-Smod producers with the saine coal. A chat- loo
ALA_: acteristic, feature of the process is the absence of pitch
which Is so"bed to partial combustion, cracking, and
adimption of, volatile products; this again results Ili 0
lowered heating value of the gas obtalmd. Improvement 9*0
is expected from higher intensification of blowing, the rria.-
:f tive beat losses being roughly InverAy proportional to i~eo
the square root of the intensity of go-ification: higher lie 0
tell1p. along the percolation channels should result in ill-
cromfication'of the reduction reactions, Fzpti. data on
the degree of couspletrivis (it the lissikation are not yet Us 0
avallabit. A drawback of the~.^xvss to partial Waka4e of 40
the produced gas; this to cxj:cW to be countriscied by a u. -;a, A U*o
suitable gmupinS of the c rinth fur incontiv
air and so
Ili, In AV 10 It Thon Jgwo
An i s a n, a it or -1 or m 9
00000 Go* *too a a* a*-** 06:11
UBSR/Fuel - Gaged Jan 52 i
"Concerning Classification of Combustible Gates,"
X. B. Ravich, N. V. Lavrov,
"Iz -Ak Nauk SSSR, Otdel Telch Nauk" No 1, pp 72-80
Disputes expediency of existing classification of gas-;
eOUS fuels by their heat values and method 6f produc-
tion and'suggests new classification of gase's accord-
Ing to,their combustion te, 5 groups, and by ~their
technological utilizatiow7iatter classification~id
Used on ant of potential hydrogen in gas, i.e., Per-.
cez~age of hydrogen yielded by given gas in process.
ing 'In -this respect a13 gases are divided into 4
groups ranging from 500 to 50% potential H content
by:mol vol referred to the original. Submitted by
Acad A. V. Vinter 6-14kr 51.
47 hO-X;L_-j-,L7qj
nV R
ZILIBMINITS, Lev Mikhaylovicb, kandidat tekhnicbeskikh nauk; LAVRDV,
N.V., doktor tekbnichookikh nat, , redaktor; ISLAMNA, T.Y.7,`-
*PgSitor; WTRrMA, R.T., tekhaichoskiv redaktor
[Fuel gases and their use In the national econocv) Gorlucbie gazy
ijkh iipollzovanle v narodnom Moziaistva. Moskva, Izd-vo
*Znanie." 1955. 38 p.(Vaesoiuznoe obahchestvo po raoprostrananiiu
politicbeskikh I nauchnykh manti. Ser.4, no.32) (MLRA 8:10)
(Gas as fuel)
CHKWSMW, AncIrey Borisavich-.,Z&M., N.F., doktar ts~nlcbeskikh nauki
otvetstvannyy redaktor; FARBEROY.M.., doktor tekhnicbeskikh nauk,
redaktor; SHISHAO7, N.Y., doktor tekhnicheofcikh nank, redaktor;
ALITSWUR, V.S.. doktor tekhnicheskikh nauk, redaktor; IVAN07. V.M.,
kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk, redaktor; PITIN. R.N., kandidat
tekbnicheskikb nauk, redaktor; KLIMOV,V.A., redaktor izdatel'stva;
SOMOROV, B.A., tekhnicheskiy redaktor'
[Selected works] lzbraanye trudy. Moskva, Izd-vo Akademii nauk
SSSR, 1956. 368 p. (MLRA 9:8)
It Ghlen-korreeponieAt All SSSR (for Cherayshav)
(Coal gasification)
LAYROV Xolay Y igro *I , doktor tekhnicheskikh nank, professor;
it'" 'M teiffinicheskikh nauk, redaktor-, LANOVSKATA, M.R.,
reda;;or isdatelfetva; M119AY10TA. Y.T., tekhuicheakly redaktor.
[Physical and chemical principles of the combustion and gasification
of fuel] Fisiko-khimicheskie o9novy gorentia i gazifikateii topliva.
Moskva, Goo.nauohno-tekhn.izd-vo lit-ry po chernoi i tavetnoi metal-
lurgil, 1957. 288 P. (MIRA 10:11)
(Thermochemistry) (Combustion)
k f e_v
Translation from: , Referativnyy zhurnal, Elektrotekhnika, 19 58, Nr 1, p 18 (USSR)
TITLE: Commercial Classification of Gas Fuels
(Promyzhlennaya klaBBifikatsiya gazoobraznogo topliva)
PERIODICAL: V s-b.: Gazifik. tverdogo topliva, Moscow, GOBtoptekhizdat. , 1957,
pp 227-229
ABSTRACT: Bibliographic entry.
AVAILABLE: Library of Congress
1. Gases 2. Fuels--Classification
Card III
1AVROV, N.V.. doktor tekhnicheakikh nauk, -professor.
Certain parameters having an effect on the capacity of gas-producer
plants. Podzem.gas.ugl. no.l.-29-31 157. (PIRA 10:7)
1. Institut goryuchikh Iskopayeafth Akademli nauk SSSR.
(Coal gasification, Underground) (Industrial capacity)
LAVROV# )I.V. cloktor tekhnicheskikh nauk, professor.
4 "j.L
Prospeettj for utilizing the ph7sical beat of &--gas Droduced
during undergroune. copl gntifleation. Podzem.gaz.ugl. no.2:89-90
157. NMA 10: 7)
1. Institut goryuchil-h inkoDayerWMi Akademii nauk SSSR.
(COPI gasification, Underground) (waste heat)
MOLOV, N.V., do)-tor tekbn1cheskikh nauk, professor.
"Underground gasification gas combustion in burners with preltrl"-.7
mi7irg" by V.A. Spelsher, V.I. Andreev, Reviewed b7 N.V. lavrov.
no.2:115-116 157. (MM 10:7)
(Coal gasifica~ion.'Underaroimd) (Burners)
(S-Deisher, V.A.)\ (Andreev, Y.I.)
ts'ing-m-edsie to investigate the effect of various factors on the
outline and rate of_displacement of the combustion center. Trudy
IGI 7:3.-32.'57. .. -- - - ,... (MLRA 10.,6)
(Coal gasification, Underground) (Geological modeling)
IUKMTSKIY* V.V. [deceasedl,'dok-tori tekhn. naukg .propodavatell; SOKUM,
Ye,Y.a,~,' clok-tor tekhn. nauk, propodavatell; IONN.'P.D., 6ktor
tekbn namk, propoaavatell-,'GIMMIYARB, X,L.. kand. tokhn. nauk,
prepq;a;;;oll;'IAVRM Y.,--dokto'r tokhn.' mauk, prepodwstell,
IVANT&Wq. .~IIIVF telkdhn.' nauk,.propodavateil;'GOLaBKOV, BeN.,
kana, telchn, nau)4 prepodavatell; MUMSTMp A.Neq kafide' teMX
naut, propodavatell; NXITIN. S.P., kando tekhu~ nank, prp -;ateiq
CHISTYAKOV9 S.7.0 kand. tekhn. muk., prepoda,!atell; DUDNIIIDV, Ye,*G.#.,
dokbor tekhne prepodavatell; EAMSTOV, A.K.,'kand. tekhn.
nauk- propodavatell; VMBA, M.I., kan4. tokbu. naiik, prepodava~vell;
iWAIMOV, SeGe. prof a.. re'd.; WAN, Ya.A~, dote., red,;' AMINSHM,
reP., tekhn. red.; LAR310NOVO GeTe'. tekhn
I. I.,. red*; VORONIN 0 . red,
[Heat engineering handbook] Teplotekhnicheskii spravochnik. Xoskva,
Goo. energs' izd-vo. Vol.2. 1958. -672 p*' (MIRA 11:10)
(Heat engineering).
LAVROV, N.V., doktor telhn.nFiuk
Meebanism of reactions occurring in an underground &-a nroducer;
working bynotbesis. Podzem.gnz.ugl. no.1:10-12 158. (MMA 11:4)
1. Institut goryuchikh iskoppye--qkh im. G.M. KrzhizhAnovskogo
(Coal gasification, Underground)
LAVROV, F.V.,doktor teIhn.nquk;TRIFONOVA, K.B..kpnd.tekhn.neuk
Use of nDproximpte chemical models to study the drifitng of
conbustion centers. Podzem.gaz.ugl. n0-1:18-23 '58.
(MIRA 11:4)
1. Institut goryuchikh iskopayemyl-h im. G.M. Krzhizhanovskogo AN BSSR.
(Engineering models) (Combustion, Theory of)
4 ,q ~-, /Z-~ 6-,
Effect of the conversion of carbon monoxide on the gasification of
coal with steam. Gaz. prom. no.1:20-25 Ja 158. (MIRA 11.12)
(Coal gasification) (Carbon monoxide)
LAVROV, N.V., doktor tekhn. nank.; TA~FONOVA, K.B.,Imnd. tekhn. nauk
of controlling the. conyersion reaction of carbon oxide
by' steam in producing industrial gas in an underground a
producer* Podzeme gaze ugl. no. 2:35-38 156. MA 11:7)
1. Institut goryuchikh iskopayemyk~ im. G.H. Krzhizhanovskogo All
(Coal gasification, Underground)
(Chemical reactions)-
--LAVRDV. N.V., doktor takhn. nauk, prof.; MARTMVA, V..H.
Determining the chemical efficiency of underground gas producers.
Podzem. oz. ugl. no.4:5-7 158. (MIRA 32:12)
1.1natitut goryuchikh iskopayeuVkh im. G.M. Krzhizhauovskoge
(Coul gasification, Undergrouni)
(Hs,~t capacity)
AUTHORS: Lavrov N * V -,-,Doctor of Technical Sciences,
_-Fir--c-~le-n~o,'i. P., Candidate of Technical Sciences
TITLE: State and Prospects of the Subterranean Gasification of Coal
(Sostoyaniye i perepektivy podzemnoy gazifikatsii ugley)
PERIODICAL: Vestnik Akademii nauk SSSR, 1958, Nr 6, PP. 56 - 61 (usn)
ABSTRACT: The first tests carried out with the subterranean gasification
of coal were carried out in 1933. They showed the possibility
of a subterranean gasification without previous crushing of
the coal. Two stations were put into operation at the end of
19409 Podmookovnaya (Tula-Region) for brown coal and
Lisichanakaya (Donbas) for mineral coal. The heating power
of the gas in the 3odmoskovnaya station fluctuates between
8oo to goo kcal/cm , which corresponds to a chemical effi-
ciency of 6o to 65 % The daily output attains up to from
1,o to 1,2 million m5. The main task of this station con-
sists in a further increase of the technical and economical
characteristic factors. The design of the greater station
Card 1/4 Shatskaya in the Moscow Basin, the construction of which is
SOV/ 30-58-6-7/45
State and Prospects of the Subterranean Gasification of Coal
already completed, provides the supply of two gas turbines
of 12 000 kW output each, with the gas of the subterranean
gasification of coal which permits a special economical
utilization of the gaBeS of low thermal power. An industrial
station of subterranean gasification of coal is built in
Angrena (Uzbekistan SSR) which will-supply gas to the TETs
at a distance of 4 kilometers. A brown coal layer of 9.2 m
thickness in an average depth bedding of 156 m was selected
for the gasification. The station ought to supply 2.5 billion m3
of combustible gas per annumy which corresponds to * 000
tons of Angrena coal. The development of the gasification
of mineral coal takes place much more slowly. The station
Lisichansk where the geological mining conditions have proved
to be very difficult (thin coal layers and high ground water
level) was built after the Gorlovka Test Station in the
Donets Basin. The supply of power gas provided in the
design has not yet been obtained. A blast which is partly
enriched with oxygeng but which cannot be considered as
economicp is used in the gas production. The main task of the
Lisiohansk-Station consists at present in further developing
Card 2/4 the gasification proceBeg viza to obtain power gas by means
State and Prospects of the Subterranean Gasification of Coal
of an air compressor and to obtain technological gas by
using oxygen and steam# The Podzemgaz Industrial Test Station
has been working for approximately 2 years in the K-uzuetsk-
-Basin. The coal is embedded in 21 layers of 7 m thickness
and has a gas heating power of 1270 kcal/m3 on the average
and a chemical efficiency of more than 70 %. A subterranean
gasification of coal with previous treatment of the coal
layer by the heat of the exhaust gases was successfully
carried out by Vniipodzemgaz at the Podmoskovnnya Station. The
chemical efficiency and the heating power of both the sur-
face- and subterranean gasification of coal is given in
Table 1. The investigation carried out by A. F. Ioffep
Memberp Academy of Sciencesy USSR9 and by his collaborators
in the flid of the use of semi-conductors for a direct trans-
formation of the heating energy in--to electrical energy
without the use of machineaq which involves brilliant pro
spects for the future, are of great interest. The author re--
grets that the Mining Institute has suspended its investi-
Card 3/4 gaticna in this field which are neither carried out systematic-
State and Prospects of the Subterranean Gasification of Coal
ally by any other institute. The possibility of a regulation
of the' moisture content of the coal layers was shown by the
Laboratory of Hydro-Geological Problems imeni F. P. Savarenskiy
AS USSR. The development of the control methods for the
parameters of the subterranean gasification of coal is de-
signated to be in pattioular antiquated. The Geophysical
Institute has ceased work in this field. The Institute of
Combustible Natural Resources in cooperation with the
Vniipodzemgaz (. high-pressure subterranean gas) worked out
initial determinstions for the theory for obtaining tech--
nological gas by using a steam-oxygen blastp but this work
is carried out much too slowly. The eoozxomic investigations
in this field are also oi great interest. The scientific
work carried out by the AS USSR in this field must be inten-
sified, in which case the Mining Institute should be charged
with the supervision. The best experts in this field also
should be concentrated there. There is I table.
1. Coal--Processing 2. G.ases--Production 3. Gases--Applications
Card 4/4 4. Gases--Economic aspects
Vln HMMSIST C-Vv" ftr Oluni MA APPIL.4
septIft cc ck=UU7 MA ck"Sw Wbooff t
P*L 17 AOM - 801 - tM, I I c, 29"
8*9*"% of row" fabo"I" to bo pwassud at own ~tlcol
M-P 30 VA"k Im.
AkMdemiya nauk SM. Institut gOrYac)dA iskopayeqrkh
GeZifikateiya i.goreniye toPliVa (FUel GaSific%tionand Combustion) MOSCOW,
Izd-vo AN sms 1959 227 P. (Berleet Its: TraV,, 'Vol 3-1) Errata slip
inserted. A.,800 Copies printed.
Ed.: Ed* of Pablishing House: Vo N. rOkrcvvskiY; Tach. Ed.:
PURPOSE: This collection Of articles is intended for scientific researchworkers
and engineers studying combustiaw prOwases-an&: solid fuel gasification.
COVIRAGE: 7his collection concerns the theoretical and experimental study of the
mechanism of chemical reactions occurring in combustion and gasification.
Results of the isotopic method of studying the gas generating proceSB and its
reactions., and the reaction of carbon monoxide and heated coal are analyzed and
the pilot plants used in this study are described. Reactions of coal combustion.,
coal oxidation., methane dissociation and conversion are discussed and their
Card 116
Fuel Gasification and Combustion SOV/3T31
equilibrium constants given in tables. 7he processesof netba oxidation
by oxygen and synthesis-gas production by ox:Ld:Lz1ng'r*tura1 gas with the sub-
sequent reduction of oxidation products by carbon am analyzed as is the ef-
fect of an excessive amount of air on the burning process of powdered solid
fuel. The utilization of heavy petroleum residue and tar for combustion and
gasification purposes is also discussed along with the principles of fluidization.
.,routine control and intensification of physical and chemical proces-
ses by means of ultrasonic vibrations are also covered. No personalities
are mentioned. References accompany all but the first article.
Lavrov., N.V. Grandiose P3- for the Development of the Gas- Industry in the
Union 3
Petrenko, I.G. Isotopic Method of Studying Solid Awl Gasification Processes 9
Iavrov N.V.
11 , V.V. Xbrobov, V.I. 7121ppova., and-I. I. Chernenkov. Mieermo-
-ayhamics of Gasification Reactions 23
Petrenko, I.G. Isotopic Molecules of Principal Combustion Products and the
Gasification of Fuel 30
Card 2/6
Fuel Gasification and Combustion SOV/3731
Galuahko IP.X.# and B-V. Yantorovich. Kinetics of the Reaction of Carbon With
Carbon, Dioxide'and Steam 39
Chernenkov,, I.I. 7hermodynamic Analysis of Yethane Oxidation Induced by
Oxygen With. Subsequent Reduction of Oxidation Products by the Carbon in Fuel 46
Lavrolv~'~. .., I.I. Chernenkov, and V.V. Korobov. Experimental Study of
tW Ti6aess of Producing Synthesis Gas by Natural Gas Oxidation Induced by
Oxygen With Subsequent Reftation of Oxidation Products by the Carbon in Fuel 56
AlItshuler, V.S., ana.G.A. Shafir. 7bermodynamic Study of the Process of
Methan Conversion Achieved Under High Pressure by Steam and Carbon Dioxide 66
v '
and X.B. Trifonova. Study of the Metlume Conversion Reaction
Td Mue e ~db
';V~~eam in Conjunction With the Underground Gasification of Coal 75
Finyagin, A.B. Experimental Study of the Effect, of Excessive Air on the
Process of Combustion of a Powdered Solid Fwl Stream 82
Card 3/6
Fuel Gasification and Combustion SOV/3731
Bogdanov, I.F., K.M. Bartsev, V.V. Korobov,, N.V. Lavrov
, and A.M. Mosin.
Organic Synthesis From Carbon Monoxide and SfFa-m- 91
Lavrov N
and M.A; Samarskaya. Organ~ic Synthesis From, Carbon
Monoxide and Steam 100
Gavrilova, A.A. Study of Kinetics of the Reduction of Iran Oxide by'.Carbon 105
Delyagin, G.N. Experimental Study of Combustion and Heat Exchange Processes
Du-ing Burning of a Liquid Fuel Spray in a Cylindrical Combustion Chamber
Under Pressure
Dermani B. M. Stoichiometric Analysis of Chemical Reactions of the
Combustion ProcLess and of Carbon Gasification 127
-VIyugova, G.Ya., and Ya.l. Chesnokov. Aa&3,vsis of the Process of Burning
Coal in a Layer by the Method of Similitude 133
Card 4/6
Fuel Gasification and Combustion SOV/3731
AlItshuler., V.S., and G.P. Bechenov. Some Conditions Of Normal Operation of
Gas Generators With a Fluidized Bed 139
Finyagin A.P. Problem Of Relative VelOcitY of Powdered Solid Fael and of
Air &.6 an Aerosol Stream in an Experimental Combustion Ch r 148
Ivanov., V*M.,, B.V. Kantorovich., L.S. Repiovets, and L.L. Khotuntsev. Utiliz-
atiOn Of aD Emulsion Of HeavY Petroleum Residues and Tar for Combustion
and Gasification Purposes 156
Ivanov, V.M. Combustion of Liquid Fuel With the Simultaneous Evaporation
of Water Spray in a Common Reaction Chamber 169
Sedhenav, G.P., and V.S. AlItshuler. Effect of Pressure on the Behavior of
a Fluidized Bed 188
Nikola3~eva, V.A.* Gas Fbrmtion Process in a Coal Conduit Do-ring tbe Steam-
Oxygen Blast 19B
card 5/6
Fuel Gasification and Combustion SOV/3731
Bogdanov,, P.F.., 1~- ~-Iav~rov, and Ye. P. Wdaikov. Ultrasonic Vibrations
as a Mans of Investigating, Controlling and Intensifying the Physico-
cheideal Processes of Fuel Production 205
lj~bedev, V.V. Continuous Hydrogen Production by Me~ns of the Yetal-Steam -
Wthod 215
AVAILME: Library of Congress
Card 616 7-18-60 '
0 aur
_&Vl.,,.Aoktor tekhn. nat*, prof.; MMIKUV, re.P , kand. tekhn. n
ITIKOLA7XV, A.r., kand. tekhn. mauk
Sound purification of gases from dust and-prospects for its use
in underground coal gasification.jodse.m. gsz. ugl, no.1:18-22
159. min i2:6)
1.1netitut gory=hikh iskopayaufth AN 853R.
(Sound waves-Indu9trial.applications)
Gas purification,
al gasification, Underground)
21 (1 ),11 (2)
Lavrov, N. V., Doctor of Technical sov/67-59-2-1/18
-rc-3e_nc_~s,Makarov, I. A.9 Candidate of Technical Sciences,
Miroahnichenko, V. S.# Engineer, Perepelitsa A. L., Candi-
date of Technical Sciences# Pinbkert A* Ye.p Engineer,
Chernenkov, I. I., Engineer
TITLE: Use of Air Enriched With Oxygen in Partial Carbonization of
Coal (Primeneniye obogaBhchennogo kislorodom vozdukha pri
polukoksovanii uglya)
PERIODICAL- Kislorod, 1959, Nr 2, pp 1-9 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: An air-blowing engine has hitherto been applied in multizone
shaft furnaces, of which general use is made in partial car-
bonization of coal. In addition to semicoke, semicoke gas
was produced which contained a large quantity of nitrogen.
Thus this gas is very unfavorable for further use for heating
and technical purposes. Consequently, the authors made an
experiment with industrial furnaces in which they tried to
use air enriched with oxygen. As a result, the semicoke gas
was considerably improved and the coking process was inten-
sified. A diagram of a multizone furnace for partial carboni-
Card 1/3 zation of coal is shown in figure lt and its mechanism is
Use of Air Enriched With Oxygen in Partial SOV /67-59-2-1/10
Carbonization of Coal
described. For the purpose of investigating the dependence..,
of the gas yield on temperature during the coking process
the authors made laboratory experiments with Cheremkhovo coal.
Data on the composition and yield of the gas are listed in
table 1. The investigations were conducted by Engineer
L. F. Ovayannikov, with the assistance of Engineer V. N.
Shiktorovt Engireer.A. I. Gorokhovajiand,~Engineer K. A. Bogens.
In addition, the influence exercised, by various oxygen con-
tents on'the.compoBition and calorific value of the gas ob-
tained was investigated. The following data were obtained:
In addition to semicoke and tarp gas with a calorific value
of 2,200 kcal/nM3 is obtained during the partial carbonization
of coal in multizone shaft furnacest using an air-oxygen
blowing engine with an oxygen content of UP to 30 and 35
A gas is produced by oxygen enrichment of 40 % which after
further treatment can be used for synthesizing ammonia. With
an enrichment of 50 % and more a gas results which has a
calorific value of 4,000 kcal/nm3. Prime cost per calorie of
Card 2/3 the gas obtained does not differ greatly from that of
Use of Air Enriched With Oxygen in Partial SOV/67-59-2-1/18
Carbonization of Coal
natural gas (for conditions prevoLiling in.East Siberia)
(Table 4). The oxygen consumption does not exceed 40-50 %
with respect to the amount required by direct gasification
of coal by means of oxygen (producer gas) (Table 3). Table 2
and figures 3-7 (Diagrams) contain the technical character-
istics of oxygen- and air consumption, composition and
calorific value of the gas, furnace output, etc with
various additions of oxygen. There are 7 figures, 4 tables,
and 14 Soviet references.
Card 3/3
LAVROV, II.Y., doktor takhn.nauk prof.; TRIFONOVA, K.B., lmnd.teldin.
--fiiiuk -
Kinetics of the reaction of methane presenco of
contact coal. Podzem.gaz.ugl. nb.3:10-14 '39i
(MIRA l2tl2)
(Coal gasification, Underground) (Methane)
Card 1/2
Lavrov, N.V. and Lapides, N.A. (Moscow)
ie'c~hnological Classification of Combustible Gases
Izvestiya Akademii nauk-SSSR, Otdeleniye tekhnicheskikh
nauk, Metallurgiya i toplivo, 1959, Nr 3, pp 187-189(USSR)
Thi authors suggest that with the use of combustible
gaees for syntheses as well as for fuel, their
clissification by calorific value or flame temperature
has become inadequate. N.V.Lavrov and M.B.Ravich (Ref 2)
ha%e proposed a classification based on the potential-
hydrogen content (sum of contents of H2 and CO and
(2n + m/2) times Cnjim content). The authors have found
thi!t the potential-hydrogen content also serves to
indicate suitability for polymer syntheses. They give
a table of the composition and calorific values of
19 gases together with their potential-hydrogen and
polymer-synthesis values, the latter being the content
of hydrocarbons from which unsaturated hydrocarbon can
be obtained. The gases are divided into four groups;
first group over 500%, second 300 to 500%, third 80
to 300% and fourth under 80% potential hydrogen.
Technological Classification of Combustible Gases
There is 1 table and 2 Soviet references.
SUBMITTED: January 26, 1959
Card 2/2
Possibility of obtaining synthebis gas in semicoke-
producing ovens using an air blast enriched with oxygen.
Gaz.*prom. 4 no.11:16-22 '59- (MIRA 13:2)
(Gas manufacture and works)
- LAVROV H V doktor tel:hn. nauk; MMROV, I.A., kand. tekhn. nauk;
~SHRICHEHKO, V.S., inzh.; PKRMITSA, A.L., kand. tekhn. nauk;
FINSKM, A.Te., inzh.; CHKRIIERMY, I.I., ingh.
Using oxygen-enriched air in the semicolang of coal. tislorod
12 no.2:1-9 '59- (1-TIRA 12:8)
(Coal-Carbonization) (Oxygen-Industrial applications)
. ,Tladimirovich; KOROBOV, Valeriy Vladimirovich;
--w"OL , V ~~ - --'- -
FILMOVA, Vera lvanovna; LIOXW, V.V.,; IVAHOVA,
D.A., red.izd-va; BRUZGULI, V.V.,
[Thermodynamics of gasification reactions and of synthesis
from gSBas] Termoclinamika reaktsii gazifikatsii i sinteza
iz gazov. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad.nauk SSSR, 1960. 97 p.
(MVIA 13:7)
(Gases) (Thermodynamics)
PROBST, A,Te,, prof*, doktor ekonom.naukp; BARDIN, I.P.,
akademik, glavnyy red. (deceased]; OALIPBRIN, V6M&' kand.ekonom.
nx%,n , red.toma; LAVROV, N.V., doktor takhn.nauk, red.toma;
KARTIYANOVA, T.V-.7-r-e-d-.Yo-ma,- ft-DASM, A.I.. red.izd-va; POLIHOVA,
(Development of the industrial resources of Eastern Siberia; fuel
and fuel industry] Rasvitie proizvoditellnykh oil Voatochnoi
Sibiri: Toplivo i toplivnaia promyshlennost'. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad.
nauk SSSR, 1960. 318 P. (MIRA 13:3)
1. Konforentsiya po razvitiyu proizvoditelinykh oil Vostoohnoy
Sibiri, Irkutsk. 1958. 2. Sovet po izucheniyu proizvoditollnykh
oil AN SSSR (for Probst).
(Siberia, Rastern-Fuel)
LLTROV, H-V-; akademik; MOSIN, A.M.; BOGDOOV, I.F.
Kinetics of hydrocarbon synthesis from carbon monoxide and water
vapor on a cobalt catalyst. Uzb. khim. zhur. no.4:62-66 16o.
(MIRA 13:9)
L. Institut energetiki i avtomatiki AN UzSSR.
2., Akademiya nauk UzSSR (for Lavrov).
(E~ydrocarbons) (carbon monoxide) (Water vapor) (Cobalt),
AUTHORS: Lavrov, N. V., Academician of the Academy of Sciences UzSSR,
_X0_r_0_F0_V, W, and Chernenkov, I. I.
TITLE; Method of thermodynamic computation of the py-rolysis of light
PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk UzSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya tekhnicheskikh nauk, no. 6
196o, 67-76
TEXT: The authors review the necessity of increasing the resources of
unsaturated hydrocarbons (ethylene and propylene) by the method of oxidation
pyrolysis of saturated hydrocarbons. The oxidation pyrolysis was investigated
by Soviet and foreign scientists [Ref.'5: K. K. Dubravay and A. B. Sheyman, Oki-
slitel'nyy kreknig, (Oxidation Cracking) M.-L., ONTI, 1936; Ref. 6: M. Ya. Kogan,
and L. D. Balashova, Okislitel'noye degidrirovaniye etana, Otchet MITKhT im.
Lomonossova, M.,, -(Oxidation Dehydration of Ethane), 1947; Ref. 7: P. P. Karzhev
and G. A. Baluyeva, Khimioheskaya pererabotka neftyanykh uglevodorodov (Chemical
Processing of Petroleum Hydrocarbons) M., AN SSSR, 10; Ref. B. Problemy okis-
leniya uglevodorodov (The Problem of Oxidation of Hydrocarbons) Institut nefti
Card 1/8
Method of thermodynamic computation of ... Aio4/A133
AN SSSR, M., AN SSSR, 1954 and Ref. 9: Deansly, Wotkins, Chem. Eng. Progr., 47,
No . 3, 134, 19
-51]. The first investigations on this problem were performed by
K. K. Dubravisy (Ref. 5). Oxidation pyrolysis experiments were performed at. the
ONTI, MITXhT im. Lomonosov and by the AoadeaW of Sciences USSR (References 5-8),
whereas expe:riments of oxidation pyrolysis of ethane and propane performed at
the IGI AS USSR were not satisfactory. As the pyrolysis is accompanied by a vol-
ume increase, the reduction in pressure should increase the amount of unsaturated
hydrocarbons in the equivalent mixture., The reduction in pressure by addition
of inert solvents (nitrogen, hydrogen, carbon dioxide, methane) is considered in-
expedierit and the introduction of water vapor into the reaction zone is recommen-
ded despite of contradictory data on its effect on the yield of unsaturated -hydr6-
carbons and on coking. The purpose of this investigation is to establish the
gas equilibrium of the pyrolysis C2H6, C3H8, C4H, 700 _ 1,5000K depending on
variations over a range of oxygen and water vapor concentrations in the raw ma-
terial ' In view ofthe complexity of this problem all possible transformation of
the raw material, e.g., oxygen and aromatic compounds, were investigated to de-
-termine the most advantageous reaction process. It was assumed that the equili-
brium mixture of the pyrolysis C2 "6' C3H81 C4HjO contains C2H4' C3H6' C2 H2'
Card 2/8
Method of thermodynamic computation of .... Aio4/A133
CA' CA' CH4' CAW CA' C4H6' '~2' 02' CO, C02' H20J CH 3, COOH, CH 3C"O I C6H6'
The required 17 unknown equilibric partial pressures are determined by 17 inde-
pendent equations, 14 of which, representing the equilibrium constant of indepen-
dent reactions according to Gibbs law, are:
1. CO + H204="02 + H2 K
2. CPY~Y6 + "2 KP'2
3- C2H6---bC2H4 + H2 K
4. CH4Q:--C2H. + H2 K
PH2, PCj
H_,jP Q_,
Card 3/8
8/1 7 60/000/006/003/003
Method of ikiermodynamic computation of Aio4/Al33
5. CH. ;'OOH:~~ CH4 K
+ C02 P-:r
6. cH ,Ho-4~ cH4 + co
.3 ~p&
7. C F C2H CH K
3 4 4 p?.
8. C3'3 + C2'C2H6 H6 C02
9. 2C) + 0~~--2CO2 K
P CHt P CzH4
PCkH,.* PHZ' PC02,
PCzHr* P Oz
P2 ,
P 2 * P0,
Card 4/8
Method of -;hermodynamic computation of ....
10. 1..) = PCHA PC ;z
N + 02:~F-* C02 + CH4 1~ 10 PCjHq* POZ
11. J,IH --"" CA + H2 K P 2- PC4 ir
1 10 pit PC+Htg
PH.2 P9-
12. C4H6 + H2 K P - -- --
'4,H8'-17 Piz Cf.Hg
13- '.4%l-2C2H4 Kp = PC2Hv
15 C4,Hg
14- + C2H2:w-- C6H6 + H2 lcpj~, =H C
4H6 PCjHj' PCxH2
Equations 15 and 16 represent the constancy of ratio (15) and ratio --HA- (16)
Card 5/8
Method of thermodynamic computation of Alo4/A133
in the raw material and in derived equilibrium gas. Values of both ratios are
given for ethane, propane and butane. The equality equation of the -sum of par-
tial component. pressures to the total pressure in system is 2: Pi = Ptot (17)
where.m _- C HHzO , = water vapor concentration in the initial mixture,
n In +i
n = C H hydrogen concentration in the initial mixture and Ptot = pressure
n 2n
in the system equaling I atm. [Abstracter's note: subscript tot. (total) Is a
translation from the Russian 66(obshcheye).] In view of the difficulty of solvr
Ing equations (1) - (17) by conventional methods the use of a EC5~M(BSEM) elec-
tronic computer is recommended. Most favourable thermodynamic values of sub-
stances participating in the reaction were achieved by extrapolation of available
data on acetaldehyde and interpolation of acetic acid data at 1,000 - 1,5000C.
All calculations were carried out according to equation
R ln K +A
p T
Values of potentials and 6 HO of substances participating in reactions-1 - 14
Card 6/8
Method of thermodynamic computation of .... AIo4/AI33
were obtained from N. N. Lavrov, V. V. Korobov and V. J. Filipova [Ref. 21:
Termodinamika, reaktsiy gazifikatsii i sinteza. is gazov (Thermodynamics of Gasifi-
cation Reaction and of Gas Synthesis) m., AN sssR, 196o. Calculations of thej&x
acetaldehyde potential at 800 - 1,5000K was based on the initial constant of mole-
cule described by K. S. Pitzner and W. J. Weltner [Ref. 23: Am. Chem. Soo. 71, 18,
2842, 1949] Acetaldehyde molecules have no symmetric elements, therefore their
symmetric number is 6 = I and all frequencies have nondegenerate characteristics.
Fourteen equations were determined during the investigation of vibration spectra
525, 918, iaA, 1.350, 1.370, 1.4A, i.74o, 2,710, 2.915, 3.005, 764, 883,
i.44o and 2.976. The 15th equation corresponds to the delayed internal rotation
of the CH3 group around C-C. The height of the barrier decelerating the rotation
of this group was determined as C2H50H = TQ + H2 according to data on the
equilibrium of the dehydration reaclion of et 1 alcohol and the thermal capacity
of acetaldebyde steam [R6f. 27: C. F. Coleman and J.J. de Vries, Am Chem. Soo.
71, 18, 2839, 1949]. The assumed height of the barrier equals 1,000 cal/mol.
The addition of two equations, obtained by the calculation of progressive and ro-
tation. components, provides ~ xr+P = 5.7263 + 18-30224 lgT. The free intermal
rotation component is i~ xf.i.p. = 2.2878 19T - 3.4183. [Abstracterts note: sub-
Card 7/ 8
Method of thermodynamic computation of .... A1o4/A133
3cripts r (rotation), p (progressive) and f.i.r.(free internal rotation) are trans-
lations from the Russian BP (vrashcheniye), flOGT (postupatellnaya) and C-8.13UP,
(svobodnoye vnutrennoye vrashcheniye).] To determine the decelerated internal
rotation component it is necessary to calculate the value:
0-f.i.r. ~2-815 (1 red '1038T)'/2 = 1.8053 (FTF,,)1/2 - 10381
where T = 8001 1,000, 1jlOO, 1,200, 1,300, 1,400, 1,500 and Qf.i.r. = 5.io6,
5.709, 5'987, 6.254, 6.509, 6.755, i.992. Equations and thermodynamic values
quoted in this article permit the application of latest computation methods and
an extensive analysis of components over extensive temperature, pressure and con-
cent-ration ranges. There are 3 tables and 28 references: 18 Soviet-bloc and 10
non-Soviet-bloc. The references 'to the most recent Baglish language publications
read as follows: Deansly, Wotkins, C.hem. Rig. Progr. 47, N 3, 134, 1951; Carpen-
ter R.' A., Foxtler,_F. C. Petr. Ref- 31, N 4, 148, 1952; Sherwood, P. W. Petr.
Raf. 30, N 11, 1517, 1951; Weltner, W. J. Am. Chem. Soo. 77, 3941, 1955.
ASSOCIATION: Institut Goryuchikh iskcpEVerrqkh AN SSSR (Institut of Combustible
Minerals, Akademy of Sciences, USSR)
SUBMITTED. March 18, ig6o
Card 8/8
---- ---------
Thermodynamics of gasification processes. Trudy IGI 11:23-29
Mr 160. (Coal--Gasification) (MIRA 13:6)
Gasification of oemicoke from Moscow coal in a channel with the use
of an air-steam blast enriched with oxygene MdY IGI 13:39-43 160.
(MMA 14:5)
(Coal gasification, Underground)
Underground gasification of coals under high pressure. Trudy IGI
13:75-82 160. .1 1 (MIRA 14: 5)
(Coal gasification.. Underground)
Production of industrial gas in the underground gasification of
I . Lisichansk coals. Trudy IGI 13:83-86 160, (WRA 14; 5)
(Lisiebansk-Coal gasifications Underground)
Oxidation pyrolysis of ethane and propane for the production of
ethylene. Gae.pron. 5 no.4:33-37 Ap 160. (MIRA 13:8)
(Itbylene) (Ethane) (Propane)
ILAVROV, Nikolay_nq4kp~krovich, prof., akademik; AGIRALOV, Aleksandr
Ivanovich Ldecaaaedj-, POPOV, V.M., kand.tekhn.nauk, nauchnyy
red.; KOKAROVA, T.F., red.; ATROSHCHENKO, L.Ye.,
[Fuel resources of the U.S.S.R. in the seven-year plan]
Toplivnaia b828 SSSR v samiletke. Moskva. Izd-vo *Znanie."
1961. 31 P. (Vaesoiuznoe obahchestvo po rasprostraneniiu
politioheakikh i nauchnykh xnanii. Ser*3,.-Ikonomikap no,3)
1. AN U2SSR (for Lavrov).
FR=ODIZMHV, A.S.;, doXtor takhn. nauk, prof.; ALIT-
SHULMI, V.S., doktor tek6 ne rmy, Y.M., kand. tekbn.
nauk;TSEX-T-1- B.S.' PWSAKOTA, T.A., tekhn.
red. 12d-Va;
-, RTLINA, Yu.Y., takhn. red.
(Fuel goses in the national economy; work of the All-
Union Conference] Iopollzo*venie gorluchikh gazov v narodnou
khosialetva; trudy Tsesoluznogo soveshchanile. Moskva,
1961. 266 p. (MMZ 14:5)
1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut gorluchikh iskopayezykh.
2. Chlon.~-korresi3,ondent,At..S.tS.EI (for. PredvodiidlevY3-,In-
stitut gOxYhchDdi,1vkop9yenykh Ali S'~IM (for Lavrov, Popov)
(Gas as fuel"Congresses)
Invustigating the reconversion of C02 for the purpose of
enriching gases with carbon monoxidee Izv.Aff Uz.SSR. Ser.tekh.nauk
no.2:70-78 163.. (MIM 14:3)
1e Dwtitut energetiki i avtomatiki AN UzSSR. 2. AN UzSSR (for
Lavrov). (Carbon dioxide) (Carbon monoxide)
LAVROV, N.V., akademik; ZYBAL04 p GOP&
Reactivity of Angren and Moscow coals. Izv.tdi Lz.SSR. Ser.tekh.nauk
no.6:5B-63 "61.
1. Institut goryuchikh iskopayesmykh AN SSSR i Institut energetiki
i avtomatiki AN Uzbekskoy SSH. 2. AN Uzbekskoy SSR (for Lavrov).
(Moscow Basin-_Cou1__Analysia) (Angran Basin--Coal--Analysis)
j j 0 1D
AUTHORSj Vaoillyev, S. F., Lavrov, N. V.
TITLE: Oxidation pyrolysis of gaseous and liquid hydrocarbons for
obtaining unsaturated and aromatic monomers for chemical
PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no. 2, 1962, 494, abstract
2M283 (Sb~ --Ispolizovaniye goryuchikh gazov v nar. kh-vell,
M., AN SSSR, 1961, 141 - 149)
TEXT: The results are given of an investigation into the oxidation
pyrolysis of C2H6 and C 3H. in C2H 4 and C3H6 in large laboratory once-
through plant at near-atmospheric pressure. In the oxidation pyrolysis
of C2H6 and C3H8, 70% by weight C2H 4 is obtained, and 43.2% C2H 4 and
14.5% C3 H6 by weight, respectively. It was shown that the oxidation
pyrolysis of gaseous and liquid hydrocarbons has certain technical and
economic advantages over the thermal pyrolysis of these hydrocarbons. A
sketch is given of the plant [Abstracter's note: Complete translation]
Card 1/1
of dust and spray, traps- Trudy
On the scientific classification IGI
16:315-328 161. (MIM 16:7)
(Gases-Purification) (Dust collectors)
Present-day trend ofthe research work on the pprification of
combustible gases by the removal of hydrogen sulfide and carbon
dioxide, Trudy IGI 16:367-387 161, ~MRA 160)
. (Gases--Purification) '
Oxidative pyrolysis of butane. Trudy IGI 16j59-65 161. (MIRA 16:7)
(Butane) (Oxidation) (Pyrolysis)
LAVROV, N.V.; POPOVI V.M.; AGIBALOV, A.I. (deceased]
Prospects for the development of the gas ifidustry in the U.S.S.R.
T-rudy iGi 16:3-6 161. (JERA 16.-~)
(Gas, Natural) I
I Republic conference on the development of the gas industry and
coordination of thexesearch work on combustible gases. Trudy
IGI 116:483-487 161. (WRA 16:7)
(Uzbekistan-Gas industry)
WQV7-N4k4D.Uy-V1ad1nir=ziah;- HURYGIN, Aleksey Petrovich; POPOV,
V M., kand. tekhn. nauk, otv. red.; SAVINA, Z.A., red. izd-
SIMBA, G.S., tekhn, red*
[Introduction to the theory of combustion and fuel gasifica-
tion]Vvedenie v teorilu goreniia i gazifikatsii topliva. Mo-
skvaj, Izd-vo Akad. nauk SMs 1962. 23-/+ p, (YMU 15:9)
JAYUY,.ILV,,,,,.,.,akademik, dokTor lueklm. nauk. Prinimali Ucbastjye..
A.A.1 SHIKIROV, K.Sh.., retsenvent; BAYIITSKAYA, A.V.p red.
[Aindamentoos vf the combistion of gaseous fael) 09novy gc-
reniia ga~cobrazmgo topliva. Taslikent, lzd-vo 9' TJzSSR,
1962. 1a7 P. (MIRA 18:6)
.A,, Sekretart Otdoleniya tekhnlcheskikh nauk AN UzbekS.SR
(for Lavrov).
Using gas as fuel in the transport industry in the Central
Asian Economic Region. Gaz. prom. 7 no.121:15~49 162
(MMA 17 17 )
LAVROV, V.V., akademik, otv. red.; BAKLITSKAYA, A.V., red.;
[Use of gas in industr7] Ispollzovanie gaza v promyshlen-
nosti. Tashkent, lzd-vo AN UzSSR, 1963. 204 p.
(MIRA 17:4)
1. Konferentsiya po gaziCikatsii Uzbekisteme. Tashkent, 1961.
2. Institut ispollzovaniya topliva AN UzSSR i Sredneaziatskogo
sovnarkhoza (for Lavrov)..
0 1
LAVROV. akademik, otv. red.; UKLITSKAYA, A.V., red.; EYDELIMA3
A.S., red.; SHAFMVA, K.A., red.; KARABAYEVA, KhA,
tekhn. red.
[Materials of the Republic Conference on the Development
of the Gas Industry of Uzbekistan] Materiely Reepublikanskoy
konferentsii po gazifikatsii Uzbekistana, Tashkent, Izd-vo
AN UzSSR, 1963. 291 p. (MIRA 16:8)
1. Respublikanskaya konferentsiya po gazifikatsii Uzbekistana,
Tashkent, 1961, 2. Akademiya nauk UzSSR (for Lavrov).
(Uzbekistan--Gas, Natural)
Atomization of mazut by natural gas in gas-mazut heating of
open-hearth furnaces. Izv. AN Uz. SSR. Ser. tekh. nauk 7
no.5:74-81 163. (FJRA 17.-2)
1. Institut ispollzovaniya topliva AN UzSSR.
LAVROV1. N.V.,. akademik (Tashkent); KUCHUX, S.D., inzh. (Tashkent);
--.-----VILIKEVICH, V.I., kand.tekhn.nauk (Tashkent); GOLIDFILID, M.L.,
inzh. (Tashkent) ..
Use of gas fuel for the operation of diesel locomotives. Zhel.
dor.tranap. 45 nov8143-46 Ag 163. (MIRA 16:9)
(Diesel locomotives) (Gas as fuel)
LAVROV N V akademik; ',.UKSANDN',V, ',.V.
Reviews. Gaz. pran. 10 no.4..115-5-6 165.
1. Akademiya nauk Uzbekskcr~ SSR (for Lavrov).
ACCESSION-11Rs AP4038531
AUTHOR: Lnvrov# N. V, (Acidemicinn)
TITLE: Features of the.,combitstion mechanism of carbon
SOURCEt AN 55SHe Dokl'ady*p v. 156, no* 3, 1964, 662-665
TOPIC-TAGS: carbon, carbon combustion, carbon combustion mechanism,
carbon oxygen complex, carbon combustion medium, carbon combustion
ABSTRACT: The carbon combustion schemes proposed by various authors
are reviewed, and a carbon combustion mechanism suggested by the
author in an earlier study is more accurately defined. The
1! suggested mechanism includes the dissociation of-molecular oxygen
carbon dioxide, and water vapors, and the formation by atomic ---
oxygen of an intermediat e carbon-oxygen complex of the keto-group
ty The dissociation of oxygen takes place both in the process
e pee
d an a result of homogeneous chain reactions.
of'che sorption an
Card' 1 /4
In the absence of oxygen in the reduction zone the carbon-oxygen
complexes undergo thermal destruction witli the liberation of carbon
monoxide. In this zone the mont probable reactions ares 1) tile
reduction of C02 to CO, 2) tile renctton of carbon with water vapor,:
and 3) the conversion of CO to C02 by water vapor under the effect
of catalysts. In the oxygen zone the carbon combustion follows a t:
different mechanism in dry and in moist media, Lee#, 1) Hechanism
for a dry mediums
a) XC4-oj-xc+(W -ado q
2xG + (0j adi - 2C.-.CO.
kc?l 2C~_IIGO -.* 2 (x + 20D (1)
G_ %.r' - 0 GMO
+(Oo)ads- 1 2 (X 0 C+ZCO. (2)
C-0 ~G= 0
complex A complex B
Card 2 /4
Mr.,,C. 77-
';---2) Mechanism for a moist medium
21C + Ot 2C,,CO 2 (x 1) C + 20D.
Cx_j0D 2C._jCO+O-2(x-l)+0D+ON .(3)
H+02 -*OH+AC H +Os Oil + H + Os L OH + H,
+ XC _* G,_jOD &C0
2xC+O.--;2=C.-,OD+ -2(x-i)C+CD+COa.
The reaction of hydroxyl. radicals with carbon leads to a comnlex
Aoi~bianc-hed chain reaction (Formula 4)ensu-rings continuous combustion pro-
cess IntroductIon of such inhibitors as chlorine can remove
active centers from the'combustion process and not only prevent
C.,d :3/4
CO combustion, but also stop the reaction (Formula 4 In this
case the combustion will proceed according to Formula *3 ioc;v ,
follow the combustion scheme in a 'dry mediune Origo'arto hass
18 formulas.
I ASSOCIATIONt Institut ispolzovantya topliva, Tashkent (Institute
for Fuel UtLILtation)
SUBMITTED: O4Feb64 DATE ACQ1 09jun64 ENCW 00
SUB CODE t 00 No REF SOVt 005 OTHBR: 004