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Fuel Abstracts Vol. 14 No* 4 37?2. OMPUTION OF-AUMMATICALLY CMITIMLLED DRYEFS AT '!.a(; Ootober 1953 rtuu~] 01OW3KY [I-MP. OOLaremkorv, A. ;;~'(657e-up3iT-iFireF6of tut, Industrial Furnaces, I flascov),' 1%2, Vol. 17, 44G).. Three ycajs' axperfence vilth tunnel dr7er, Kilns,StO.; Ij sor.'~arlzw. AULOPZ LIC LU11PCJ-2LU1'L rcLulatIC11- 1-(.-U1L(;: fili-) C"-Ls J-111 bu. (;U..P-(.rLatcd 1,y IULI J!i Combustion c21j be rcgidhUd L(.- ALIIIn 12-1,~,. Di-jcm- vj1Lh iiLIL 1,1i'tI2~ I'l fhwId be planned With 2 dr7yfn~ (I) 1,. 1: Cr, witii R-11. 70-iWAO; (2) In wldc~ 110 LOM !;f1N1i1:QL!C L:.!:c~ .qjr teMPLIMM'L, Shotild be regulated. IAXWWV, A.P. Use of gas throttles. Ogneupox7 19 no.5:232-233 154. (MIRA 11:8) I.Krasnogorovski.v zavod im. Ionina. (Gas governors) _40% ilChemical Technology. Chemical Products and Their Application Silicates. Glass. Ceramics. Binders, 1-9 Abst Journal: Referat Zhur - Xhimiya, No 2, 1957, 5241 Author: Iare '2~1 lnstl.tution: None Title: Drying of Shaped Articles with a large Amount of Heat Transfer Medium Original Publicat-lon: Ogneupory, 1956, 140 1, 32-34 Abstract: On drying of heavy and intricate chamotte bricks, produced by plastic ferming, in accordance with conditions specified in the manuals kmoisture content of heat transfer medium >70% and temperature ^,70mgOO)j a considerable amount of rejects are obtained due to cracks and flaws caused by drop in moisture over the cross-section of the art1cle and uneven shrinkage. To prevent rejects drop in moisture ccntent between surface and center of the article must be minimal, which requires decreasing of the external and an increase of the In- ternal diffusion of the moisture. In addition, under the above Card 1/2 f- 1,7 TSIGLU, V.D.; K&MINSKIY, V.K.; KUSHNIRIK, N.I.; PANKRATOV, D.I.; LUMIKOV, A.P.; EMOND, X.V. Redesigning certain elements of low tonnage gas chamber kilns for burning di;as bricks. Ogneupory 21 no.3:107-114 '56. (MLRA 9:8) 1. Eharlkovskiy institut ogneuporov (for TBigler). 2. Krasnogo- rovskiy ogneupornyy zavod (for Kaminskiy, Kushnerik, Pankratov, Larenkov, Eysmond). (Firebricks) (Kilns) ALEKSEYEV, I.A., STAROKON', V.A. LLARENKOV, A.P. Automatic temperature control in tunnel dryers. Ogneupory 26 no.8:379-381 161. (MIRA L4:9) 1. Krasno orovskiy ogneupornyy zavod im. Lanina. Mmperatitte regulators) (Kilns) KHABIBULLIN,Sh.T.; LARMOVI,L.V. Observations of Abell's comet (1953g) and Schwasomann-Wachmann's (1954g) at the Ingellgardt Observatory. JeI55- (MLRA 8:12) 1. Astronomicheskaya observatoriya imeni Engellgardta (comets) USSR / Human and Animal 1,1orphology (Normal and Pathological). -14ethods and Technique of Investigation. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biologiya, No 4, 1959, No. 16872 .Author :-Larev, N. V.; Lyun'kov, N. Ya. Inst : IRTE-~~Rsr]a. cultural Institute Title :On the Problem of Preparation of a Contrast Mass for Blood Vessels Orig Pub :Izv. Irkutskogo s.-kh. in-ta, 1958p vyp 8, 192-196 Abstract :No abstract given Card 1/1 Oissl-;rta~-,-C)n UZI 31fb 17 i-an ~-)'2 0-It 3 t V~-,Ciat~r--.a Z~ Xloskva, LARGIN, I.F., kand.tek-bn.nauk Correlation between the diameter of the trunk part and the di- mensiona of paws of pine stumps buried in peat deposits. Torf. prom. 36 no.8:26-29 '59. (MIRA 13:3) 1. Kiyevskiy torfyanny inotitut. (Peat) LhR GlN.A, 1"'. - 1. "A Study of Food Digestion and Metabolism (Nitrogen, Calcium and Phosphorus) of Milch Cows on Rations Containing a High Portion of Succulent Feed." Cand Agr Sci, KharIkov Veterinary Inst, KharIkov, 1914. (RZhBiol, No 2, ~an 55) Survey of Sci,,-ntific and Technical 'issertations Defended at USSR Higher Educational InQtitutions (13) SO: Sum. No. 598, 29 Jul 55 USSR / Cultivated Plants. Grains. Legumes. Tropical M-1 Cereals. Abs Jour ; Ref Zhur - Biologiya, No 2, 1959, No. 6236 Author : Largskly, Yu. N. - i~6 7A InBt Vo 6 ih gfidUltilral Institute Title :.Application of Fertilizers According to the Mal,tsev Method of Soil Cultivation for Corn and Winter Wheat Orig Pub :Zap. Voronezhsk. a.-kh. In-ta, 1957, 27, No 2, 349-355 Abstract :ExperimentB comparing the effect of fertiliza- tion in conjunction with plowing without mold- board on 40 cm and with moldboard on 32 cm on leached out thick chernozem on Voronezh hybrid corn and Stepnaya 135 winter wheat were carried out at the field experimental stationg Voronezh Card 1/2 Card 2/2 22 . 12~ LARGSKIYj Yu. N., Cand Agr Sci--(dies) "Effectivt* of ferti-I-Im -jI-j for corn and vrinter wheat in (lumpm- and non-&um~,*p1ovdng on lixiviated chernozem.11 Voronezh, 1958- 19 PP (Lill of Agr USSR. Voronezh Agr 1nst), 150 CoPies (IM,30-5B,129) d IARGU, Gheorghe On Iasi construction sites. Constr Bue 15 no*697--4 3.8 MY 63. IARGU I Gh. Again the Iasi scenery. Constr Bue 16 no.731:1 11 Ja 164. 149~, Gheorghe The trademark of the factory, the guaranty of good quality, Constr Buc 16 no.753s2 13 Je 164. LARGU, Gh. ., - r '~4. Scrap Irun for steel Iri-IF. Buc 16 no.767;4 19 CHIRULESCU, M., ing.; PLOSTINARU, D.; LARGU, Gh., corespondent; GALIS, Reghina, corespondenta; BkRB=-Tk',-St-.--,- News. Conntr Due 16 no.775;1 14 N '64. 1 1. Head of Construction Site No.601, Tirgu Jiu (for Chirulescu). 2. Galati Branch of the Voluntary Editorial Office of "Constructorul" (for Barbalata). RARBALATA, Stanciu, econordst; U-RGU, Gheorghs; DORU, T,, corespondent Now cadres for the 1965 tasks. Constr Duo 1.7 no.783:4 9 Ja 165. LAROIJ, Gbeorghe, corespondent Matorial. stimulant.s. (-onstr Buc 17 nr),784~1 16 ja 165. I "' - '. , T' SANDA, Constantin, coresp.;..' AIRMT, C11601-911L, c i U coresp.; FUSTAI, Aurel, ~oreEp.; OPMEZ, '..ndre' our leaders, our pride, Constr Dic 17 1. Chairman of the Traic-lini- of site 501, Brasov, of Irust No.5. (fc- 0!*(~37;' GonsiderafionB on the eDneept of boring. Patrol si gazee 12 no.8; 354-358 Ag 162. -4~41 I. I ing. Z--- Aspects of the development in drilling techniques. Petrol si gaze 14 no.1:10-15 Ja 163. LARIs Io -- Considerations on ths drilling ability& Patrol si gaze 12 no.89354~58 Ag --.61, IARI, To, inge Cybernetic interpretation of the work of drilling turbines, Patrol si gam 14 no,9t42l-4Z7 S'63. LARI, I.; STEFANESCU, D. Aspects of mathematica logic in analyzing the information on geophysical properties of geologic formations. Patrol A gaze 15 no.2:49-,53 F t64. KUNIN., L.L.; IZMANOVA, T.A.; WICHES, N.S. Apparatus for determining the anourt of hydrogen separated during the conservation of specimens. Sbor. trud. TSNIICHM no.31:110-113 163. (~aRA 16:7) .X (Metallurgical analysia--Eqnipment and supplies) IV, (Gases in metals--Analysis) 295h2 S/08 61/011/005/007/017 B102Y33101 AUTHOR: Larichev, A.,_V. TITLE; Spectral and angulq~K distributions of gamma rays from a plane monodirectional CoDu source, scattered in iron PERIODICAL: Atomnaya energiya, v. 11, no. 5, 1961, 443-445 TEXT: Angular and energy distributions of gamma quanta scattered in a plane iron shield were measured by means of a total-absorption spectro- meter with cylindrical NaI(Tl) 80 mm in height and diameter. The measuring method is described in Ref.4: Ye. L. Stolyarova et al. (Apparatuses and methods of radiation analysis), Sbornik nauchnykh rabot MIFI, no. 3, M., Gosatomizdat, 1961. The results are grap, ically presented. Fig. 1 shows the energy distribution of the Coto gamma V_K radiation scattered in a 15.6 am thick iron sheet. This thickness corresponds to 6 mean free paths. Fig. 2 shows the angular distributions relative to the intensities of the nonscattered radiation for three barrier thicknesses. The intensity Of scattered radiation depends ex- ponentially from the scattering angle: 1(6) = I(O)exp(-B/G .). In a card i/10 __1? 29542 S/08 61/011/005/007/017 "pectral and angular distributions ... B102YB101 semilogarithmic coordinate system, the measured intensity values fit the theoretical straight lines rather well. Fig- 4 shows the angular dependence of the intensity of the scattered gamma radiation in a solid angle of 2nsin 8,&G for three barrier thicknesses. The energy build-up factors were found to be increasing linearly with increasing barrier thickness IL0x. The theoretical straight line calculated by the Monte-Carlo method lies somewhat above the experimental one but within the error 1411' limitsq since the theoretical error amounts torv8%. There are 5 figures and i references: 3 Soviet and 4 non-Soviet. The four references to English-langaage publications read as follows: G. Whyte, Canad. J. Phys., 96 (1955); J. Hubbell, E. Hayward, W. Titus. Phys. Rev. 108, 1361 3R9157); H. Goldstein: J. Wilkins. Calculations of the penetration of gamma-rays, US. AEC No-40/3075, 1954; M. Berger, J. Doggett. J. Res. Nat. Bur. Standards, 56, No. 2 (1956). SUBMITTED: March 13, 1961 Card 2/0., h 01/007/022 3/89PR2h~(000/0 B1 B102 B186 I/j_ 6:102S AUTHORS:. Mitin, V, I. TITLE: Build-up factors of soft gamma-ray dose in aluminum SOURCE: Moscow.~ Inzhenerno-fizicheskiy *institut. Voprosy dbzitetrii i oashohity ot izluoheniy, no. 1, 1962, 55-56 TEXT: The authors*meaeured.ibe energy dependence of the dose build-lip factors f6r'gamma point.sdurces in the range 0-1.45-0 66 M v The measurements were, made. with the'mono-energetic so Iuroes CeM *(B,=0-145 Me,4 30 me), H9 203(E 0.27.9'Mev, 2'0 ma), and C81.37(E, = o.661 Mevq 5 mo)* A compensated BQint~illation. gamma dosimeter derv'ed as gamma-ray detector. The.shields in. which, the ~build-up factors were measured were aluminum sheets 750-750 mm in size and with the optical thicknesses p r-1,2,3,4; 0 00 isthe gamma,ray absorption oo'eftioient,,and r the thickness. The build-up factor was determined from the ratio of the dosimeter indications, r)) and without (P ) shield,. Br(;i r) - P (IL rVP e-por. The with (P(Po 0 0 0 0 Card.1/2 Build-up factors' of sofi ... results,obtained agre'e closely with the experimental dita*available. There is I figure. Card 2/2 8189Y 2/000/001/009/022 3310; 11186 P AUTHORS:. 'Laricheyj A?'.. V9. ILevchenkot P*# 1) ...TITLE: The'effect of channels in the shield on-the ittenuation of ~the gapma, radiation. of %eitended sources, SOURCE: mosoo~w.- n ezr7n o = h(~ ot-izluchisiobeeki in~lt itlit 10 --at-U-73 i:z 0t uchen~iyv.,eno~.~ tv ashchity f9 TEXT-. The effect of conical or cyl1ndrioal shield chatineis is: ca2culated for y-ray sources In ihe shap6 of. a truncated cone.' or of'a'Zln*. In th.* case"of the truncated cone covered'sith a shield containing.the,oonical obannelp the dose~rate at poAnt A in calculated. by !At P(ft' (I - coo a ORPA, C63 + Wo. 44% +mf(01(pt+.4A*ec4j, 6W*ee#))X V) son Card 1/3 ~7- S/692)'62/000/00/009/022 Tho~ #ff ebt ot channels -in ihe B102/1)1" k in'. the gamma constant of Vie isolope, the -specific -sou"O iWtivity and (x) Mig to function. The pt-dep'endenbe of*the rodikeed doso,rats obtained for-. ' Nal :is shown in ?I-Oil P(d-O #t)'Oenotes. the dose.rate 00. 9 at'' A without shield channel E (a) is also calculatedi.' Nr, &- lingar, source and avylindrioal' channel -the redu oed dose rates P, 7- are calculated, where P and PI are the doietates. at any point behind the, shield,,vithout and wiW.-I-Tay scattering taken,,into aoccuntj Pospa dehot6.Ithese dose rates if: no channel exist a t W, and i (ct)* 'ar* Ah* T-ray p aA h -lengths-volthout'and -with.:dhannel t Sica's. is. the - shield t 'o J6. the! linear. attehuation -fa6toi b(t)f S(t Mit A obe build,-UV" act'ors's., ftmerical. calculations w0e. made for ~*O 193 59 pR 0'029'..0-5, 0-7,1.0j: and 3.0 and 0 301 .61D ~Ad Is the angle Card 2/3.--,. S/M/62/000/00i/bO/OM The effect of the B 1 1 a6 be vpeen-channel axio and shield plane.. For lead, steel and water and 'CoMy-rays (1.25 Mev) the th8oreti6al resulto were partly o-ompared with experimental data. For G_ 90 agreement was close, for 60 0 a divugence veas observed I.-ray reflections from the channel valls. There are- 8 figures# 4AM Fig. 1~ ad-rd 3/3 ),51,)j9 8/892/62/000/004/012/022 B102/B186. AUTHORS: Levchenka, V. P. TITLE: Soinfillation gamma dosimeter with compensation of the hardness dependence SOURCE: Moscow. !Inzbenerno-fizic institut. Voprosy dosimetrii i zashch.iGy__q_t_T_zlucheniy, no. 1,' 1962, 01-83 TEXT:- The authors have-developed a scintillation dosimeter Oome crystal mm) is a standard one Orovided with KI(TI) for compen. ~satfng.'the energy dependence of,the instrument's Indication. The dost- ..-iiqter,oonsIst6 of- three 'blocks: (1),crystal plus 4-4149(PEO-29Y-Photo- t .Itiplie'r, (2) the measuring unit, and (3) the high-voltage-pdwor-supply J~u unit BG-16 (VS-16) for the multiplier. (2) consists of a cathode voltmeter with a 6 Hlrl 6N1P) tube with integrating RC-eircuits at the Inputj a micro-ammeter MOpa) serves as indicator. With I ky on the FEU-gg, the sensitive range is from 0-0-45-mou/sect the coarse-range from 0 :-'.450 mou /sec. The added KI(Tl) compensating plate has the di*ansions .40 =4 x 0.3 mm,, and is glued onto the up'per face of the crystal. The Card 11/2.' F ~451 5 r 3/892/62/000/001/019/OM- B102 /Ble6: AUTHORS: Cherevatenko, G. A.., Larichev, A., V. TIT LE s k'scintillation spectrometer for investigating'the angular.- spectral distributions of electron bremestrablung SOURCE: ~Moaoqw Inzhenerno-fizioheakiy institut. Voprosy A o z i,me trii i zashihity ot.izluoheniy, no, 1, 1962, 125 TEXT: A scintillation-speatrometer,'mith a NaI(Tl.).orystal of 80, 80 -cle 9-igned. for. investigating the ele,otion bremestrahlurig speo~trum, is described. It consist,s of four main unitst the. transmitter unit the amplifier, ihe''pulse height analyzer, and the.election.-eupply f2r the photoelectrionic multiplier. The transmitter.u.niti ihich was: speoiall designed, and.'is not of s-tandard.typq, containe.-thd sp-ectrometer-uni-t the preamplifier, a lead oading with the collimator, and~tfie adjusting, dolly. The spectrometer unit contains the NaI(Tl) crystal., an 4~aj- 16..- (FEU-1B) multiplier, and a voltage divider for aupplying the FEU eleotrod6s, with the neoe'seary.potentials. Everything is enclosed in a' steel -veasel - B'the PZU against: -,li&t eleotr6mqg-Aitiol of 2 mm wall, thiokness that shield ..Card 1/2*: S, 69~ 62,900/0 1 22 01/0-9/0 a ion spectrometer for -8 -- A. abint ill t, Bi02 BI f ield a an d mechanical -:616sed ivith b Aamage. A 40 mm wide windPw black paper qerv, e a for gamma-ray transmiselon. IIhe;-.'-li'gOt-. f agh whobe intensity is..proportional to -the energy absbrbe'&'t.',.ii '-q o-niverted Aht-0 voltage pulse.which isifed directly from the ItV, to --the preampii,fier~w,~.,The~_' latter consists of.six'.tubes connected via fout functional' ca oade f irst and theIast-being double-tube cathode*tollo#ersf# The s e o 6nd an d. third ca .scades serve for amplifying..: The lead, h6u ing of the dollibator serves as a shield- against scattered radiation,..and.:bas a *all thi knebb, c at least 1-56 mm;.'As front part, directed agafnet. our~e 0. -A S. 3010~ AM. itd.-tot -thick.- The housing consists of rings of 55.,kg vweijh~t each al. - weight amounts to about two tons. The collimators used Jn the apparatue have aperture diameters of 10, 20, and 30 mm and canbe seledI6d-ao6ot-di*ng,.. to the type of mea:sure'ment s being taken. The inner diameier.ofAhe-. housing., is . 1*6o.--mm;. its' length can be varied up to -700 mm,: so that' larger crystals. and" multipliers can Also be used. The.adjusting 'jdqll:y :fjerves.-fox~.i all three direotio a There-aie 3- shifting the transmitter unit in n figures. ard 2/ _0 L. 2 022 B102/066 AUTHORS: Larich~y ::A: i4richeva, V. ~TIT LE: in loh, verP .., ,o VA ,he 'ma tr.ix - of the.' furfot ion of a -sointillaiian spectr6moter SOURCE:, Mose ow. Inzheii'ernorrizicheskiy'.inititut,. v6pros dozimetrii. y i, zd'shchity 0t-. izipoheniy' 'no. 19629 !50A55' 'TEXT- The,corre'atione- 6i, Comit~n distribution, .hoto ffj IC'ien" soiid ang!~, .-Iow-~6ner& 1. . . Oy 1 In the kay'absorpi.loji .:necleasary transitibh from ~%Jfe- Ise-helaht spectrumi Xo.$be true '.-y-4&y appPra ub,pu *ith -scintillotion. spectroo'e'tei, haVe'already Veen' calcuilated b~r Tus t%-. Kazanski (~ribb~iy'A -tekhnika i " __ , ekspej~imen.ta"- no.'.4',"32, '1959).'-- :.'Re.,obtained the''correctlo'li'for" by means'.of. the.- original mmtiri.x:of-the Compto.n.'contributiong; Sinec thle ~)wthod As cumbe~rs6me, and.-mbi'.free.fxom errors, . tb.e.4uthoirs, b:er6 us'e the inverse. -complete. matric'eq -of. the.: sensitiVity Xunct-iq~. (of ~ do-Iliction... Pribory..A metddy anal iza izlu* cheinlyt.noi-31 Gosatom f941.1, for 0aloulat' ing. the c'0irection foi.,',vopectrometer with an"S.O.."Op aw"Mal(ITI) -Cara - 6/6 09/066/OPI/622/022 -T i6h'- of Ate 'imatr lx.:,-o f.: he: g I 02pB1,46 brya a!., ~nd himato~ -) GO 1~ Leyi - - .#: 0.9- 1 . . . 811i.-alAO mwjb, dUme to; ThP '.Ielati6i~` obt*aAne~d.,fb'r"th-'e-~'n-o'rm mation-6f -,One Andident iphb.ton -equale-A-lidt gIven b~ J-,. Rubel ,I (ReJ?-*-SOLAiitrum.p29, 6 "195 8) -14, p lit i4oim;.a, th it the.- i4d PI I* a k, -k pb ,~11* )'.~~e 0 ton i:~ N~t~i-:R A Ot on irsknamisaidn efftOto,ano th j ir Veda I 0 b - rp*t i~i n nui~. up~ 9,;.4 so -the t lat ;`*qbo" ,a -'L, oil 'E d Om ph k'a oft 6ii k Aq;~Ut4 ition -varyoAD 'a' alistas r IQM~ ph :.e em'efit t hie' 'origins -As 'in -the,--C.omp'* istributi6n ~'f - e' I he'-- ori, t i lor .3 app e A ginaI_..AhO*invdrb6:. 061-mair- ces.,,aro.:e: 6oo e'-, rea- -1 close -y - v ne E.IAtisan, and D.'Cormak Th u t a. agr6e bbtiii; A V uc eonibsi"16-9+nd*1099~i-195EI)'-i~'d J. k6ck6m:-"Qfuo1 - Inif ii~-`..406-3, 171 I Thp`.Iw~exse jc.:ie`joha3ricte' ii d ~y-thi_ f 6 Or 959 r ze 2.1-0,0" OP 'ertles: DrkeS~16ndi 1 ot zi~~:.brl 'i - ' _' -11 ng~.e ement: a~- It to A iagonal g nAI*-,zbdtrIx;. :'.a'nd':_'m''o-at-_6f its. _Ofts~di~g6 i -- na. . elements:. tie o' km 60 d- dist ibution :1 S1 ~,gu ak-an. enp r x of Co~-- Y7~ "as-- _79-61-641000/003 1003-101-9~ argy -.171ind-1.33-awitiev-~4 ~rraysr r-- V -stributW -om-a. p ne -_singlee- dire c, no of I ---s,ourc.e.116-11o W, ing transitiog thk h heterogeneous: shielding barriers pug -nia e- _Pb__aiid Al.- -A 470-mcurie Co source was placed at 2 m from the fiat hi. in- f 'Pb and Al sheets 75x75 cm of various thick- eld., g arrierp 'which, consi sted- 0 S iie-b "i (Pb 2 And- 3 -ciix, -Al 6.7 and 13.4 cm)and, with Pb+A1 and Al+Pb - pairings. Ylea~StIrWrnients were made,at. 0, 10, 20, 40, and 60o. by a -scintillation spectrometer ':*i- th.a a.i#gle Nai(T11 rysta1,_(70x5O-mm). I -A ith g collimator.. 3 00 mm, long, w a 20-mm, Id _,,.APe3-ture,,','was used. It is shown that the heterogeneous:shie retains the following characteristics of homogeneous shielding: (1) The position of the,-maximum of a --y-Tadiation, scattered at- a given angle ~O corresponds to-the value of the energy of a le 0;~ (2)-the exponential dependence of the ridiatioh.scattered. sifigly through an ang sity- of -the scattered radiation on.the Angie e obtains regardless of the arrange- ..'.-inten the sheets. The arrangement o shee f the: t.does affect substantially the 2nagni u e of,the intenait~ (which grows with increasing angle),- which leads to differ- ry,~accuinulafion factors' for alternate sheet arrangement ent.ene g s. A comparison bet*6en~thii,s4bjpct.ex~erimentaI results andthe theoretical calculations of cited on -Card 1/2~,. Good agreement obtains for. pure Pb and. the for Pb+A1 the e xperimental values e xceed.the theoretical. Ad- work- is. in progress to ascertain-the validity of the assumptions e,- in,Rock-welPs, ricel.s et al.'books on reactor shield' g re the practical cal- in i7_~,.",cu_ tionlofaccumulatio,4 factors in heterogeneous media. 9- figures, ~ 10 references r-d _/z U Russian'language Soviet and 8 English-lan nage). 9 7 ;'Unvestigation:of the sensitivity... S/796/62/000/003/004/019 203 137 65 urce ~ and 'otheir: nearby objects. The -ray spectra of Hg -Aul.9.8, Gs Zn and Na.24 iso opts -were. measured.., The energy. resolution,'as defined by the width the peak .at its midheight divided by the peak energys Iwas measured# and a linear -vaiiati~ri oil the ie solution with the square root 'of. the energy Was found. (cf. Koch, H., -i"photocontrib ution (ratioLof the.area the totalia~abs6rp.tion peak and the t6taid-area underneath the amplitude distribixti6n) was m"su,redt the test points lie slightly below the curve defined by .Be-rg er I a semiempirical formula.. A numerical-iiiatrix.of the contribution due to o'Cbm-picin-acatt6ving of the.y-rays is com- b rpolation of the experimental puted, y4nte peciia, of V011~4111.1661, and 1120-kev..y4ine s_js-,shovin (full,page). . Prior-to inter- inua we're nor lized for one impulse in the total- _P~Qlati6n al.i.experimental-cont- ma a,i"ItVAKe -aia-6f truci ion,~an .... .. e---, Accura! -pra ion_q~..,spepkr ~An~_ih 4 * . ..-real -sp6ctr to-a 100,kev -energy: 6i UZI Tom ie~,.y -ana yzxpg,.:- pzjr~e t --,6f~t6. h.~ -~b :4ha-Ahstrum- -t -rays 61iivtu~ ppec.r., . ,. . ~, i ~, , 'Z~_ 441-6'-~ unima y-Lener to- the:rnatriks, is -a_.phic -1i _gr a 'j.-an e-result-18-found to be:-favorable.- -There are: 41iguies- (c6un'tink.the ind`4- ref6 rences (I.Russian-Ian Soviet, .2-EngUsh-la*n uage U.S. and guage -:$Wles of undetermined language; pro bably English). ASSOCIATION:. None:given ,Mquipment' forthe~rneasurement. of -complex S,/796/62/000/003/018/019 reported'.bV-T.Hockurn (Nucl.Instru--m.-'A-v...4, n-o.3,,- 1959, 171). The use of a large, stal -an,elevated- ro!gistrati ; effectiv- neon % e or 1..;Mev Y- y ensures, on, so ,f Y-xays)# --the he'av shieldn reducos the n g ac -groundAol aVout 15 -jpuls6s /sec. The stability.of the equi ent is 'ood: 1.5-2.% PM 9 da -.`tht~ eneigy ocale~'j The- energy peak is- also highly load- stable; .T _ y on._, i 2inteigral.cotint1ro a -C ange,- In m 500 t shift in the ~5,00 -pAses sec engen ers a a ,kof 1,46isbI thah,21%. Th~- instrumen t-thus offe d -promise- for the measure- r-B goo t co-, is t bro .rnent~ o, mp ex y- pec ra., over a ad.range of -energies and. intensities I the -bf'the~~:spe Ictraiof scattered - V- rays, I aInd the, performance of quaritita- t- ive r. anti- 'qualitative isbtl6pw analysis etc. . A comparison ~ is rn~de between the mAblaboration *o Ahe, amplitude, spectrum of*the *Y-rays. of~ equilibrium radium for ution-as mea - present equipment and D - Peirson I s ornpton distrib sured. on the zti- (Natuie 173, 1954, 990); the .individual 1 .inIes obtained with the .-mbaLsureme V. ;pr,dseiit:.eqiiioii-~n-t~--aze-~.-io'und to-be defined more sLharolya Spectra of the intensity ,.WA-,T-AC&YO A&WAS& CL %#U .0-source-j. scattered at angle" '. of " '50, and 700. in a 16-cm e al o shown..- There~are-7 figure 1. o and the Z above-cited English- arr:LerL,.ar, 6 IaAgU4g'P'.'U-r S. refe- rences," ,~"SOCIATION: None: given. ~Card:--2. /Z S/796/62/000/003/019/019 -G- A-7 YAkshin 7W A-UT140A . "0 V. ?Fxc,evj- -.V4,Gherevatenko _0 lie--:4eii6itivity: unctio'nf '5~~- t&40iii scintillitib re at,\ve $~4 ev .0, kys. t- N W~ Y-- ins b y-)7 W6 _ry 6' 48 190'. -the ii nidtiVity' u=ion- a I p rJLMeU on..' epx, -'1Ui(Tl)_c_,r ys t i'i", A -o,, _44]7i6bitill t`-~sp ornetex a bk-d 6 .th. i e-termi-naii -iQ_OUJ64tIvd -b AW~ t .y p, _qq4q. tjkt YO pe, 037- mpton 41wi t nterva -The di~Bta and e - IB Otribd 3Lon-- or~a~g vewenergy, In. a Pb hou ing with a 300- phot6ilectronic multiplier'(PhM) were.placed 0-MM nimator. . Th z _.diam c0 Y- iray~source was -placed on the collima- toi at. a:diiBta*nce `of 75 cm from the . crystal suiface.~ Upon prearnplification -and.-an- e, ar7- a; yvWwas perfo me mplification, the amplitude anal r dona -AN-100-1 (Ai-- 100- 1). 100-channel amplitude analyzer. The sources employed were: HgZ03 OIA098-(0'411-mev); C6137~(0.661mev) Zn65 (1.14 ev); Na?_4 (2.76 .279, mev), m -neIv),-~and- ce(,(4.45:mev The energy depend nce of the energy resolu- a Po,+Be s6ur n -~'-ti6n-6nidheight width.of total-absorp#on peak.divided:by the amplitude of the peak)' it n y function of a scintillatio, 'spectrometer.~5/796/6Z/000/003/019/019 is- plotted; ---theI' con cura qualitatively with that of H.Kodh et al.- (Nucleonics, -":.V. IZ"* _1961,' '51.) an~df is" quantitatively comparable to foreign data on crystals of simi- -lar dimensions'~, The energy dependence of the photoeffectivaness and of the photo- contributibn'(iatio'of the area underneath the total- absorption peak to the total area underneath i6 .,.amplitude distribution) is also: plotted'wid compared to the values computed `a.ccordiing to the sevxii&mpirical formula, of M.-Berger et al (NBS J. Res., 56~- 1955, 355)'.~ . The.Compton-contribution. for y-rays with a maximal energy of .z shown in- matrix form normalized to one"impulse registered i n the total- -,ab9'o-_rption_,p' ea~ "for 5 -~me_v'y- rays and.- a 1-kev energy, interval-,;.- -To verify the cor- ~:1- iT.e,ct.nes s-- f the matrix, (P lalitativelys- the aziriplitude, spectrum,of th e -y-rays of equi- adiam was taken and elaborated to obtain'the total- sensitivity function. 'Th ,6 ,ra~diu,mspectruxii, :elaborated . by means of the inv ers .e matrixt is shown in the f6Trn of-a histogram,. Agreement ~between histogram and the, instrumental spectrum is reasonably go6d (strictly speaking, the matrix of the sensitivity function is in- tende IAIfor the processing of continuous spectra). Thus,,all neceasary elements of t4 a specro .me r .:,thetotal'sensitivity unc i9nof ter for ation of the equipment ffe,6ts'in th Jns are obtained for.a, e e. trumental. spectra maximum energy of 5 mev. ~':.The .re ~ar e -4figurIee- and3 references- (I. Rus sian- language Soviet - the authors v.47-5Z of..the efract S/796/621000/003/004/019 _,paper-pn p. present compendium, Ab the Z.Engliih~-lan & references cited in the text of- the present abstract. None given. lz - LARICHEVp A.V.; OSANOV, D.P.; POPOV, V.I. Spectral composition of ~/-radiation from homogeneous cylirdrical sources, Atom. energ. 13 no.2:145-151 Ag 162. (MIRA 15:8) (Gamma rays-Sp6ctra) ACCESSION NR: AT4021249 9/2892/63/000/002/0040/0046 AUTHOR: Larichev, A. V. TITLE: On the question of the distribution of scattered y radiation intensity behind protective screens SOURCE: Vosprosy* dozimetrii i zashchity* ot izlucheniy, no. 2, 1963, 40-46 TOPIC TAGS: 7 radiation, energy scattering, protective screen ABSTRACT: The author acknowledges in literature that there are designs for pro- tective screens for various installations,, but he also noXes that these are applicd only to the so called standard geometries of radiation sources and protect- ion media. Fis goal was to investigate the spatial distribution of y rays from bounded parallel beams scattered in a protective barrier. Previously attained experimental data on the spectral and angular distribution of scattered -y rays was the starting point for this work. The dependence of the constant A on the thick- ness of the protective barrier can be known faetbis of the Inclination Of BE for a plane unidirected source from the following equatioal A (E7 Z) OR - 1).~ Card* 1/2 VO ACCESSION NR-. AT4021249 where 2 1 + go c(E Z) 7 2TOO [110 - exp (-TT/290)] (A and 9 are constant values). In addition to being ablel 6 estimate Oe factors 0 of inclifiation for a bounded parallel beam of the above type, the author, through a series of mathematical arguments, is able to attain the change of factors with f the distance from the barrier and estimate the intensity of the scatter6d radiaticqi- at those points of space where nonscattered radiation is absent.. The author uses this case to express his thanks to 0. L Leypunskiy for valuable advice in the discussion of the results of.the article. Orig. art, has: 9 formulas, 2 figures, J I a I and 1 table. ASSOCIMON: Moskovskiy inzhenerno-fizicheskiy institut~-(Moscow Physics and Engineering Institute). j 00 AM, 06Apr64' SUBMrr=o. ENCL: 00. SUB CODE: PH, AS WD REP SOV: 005 OTHER: 006: Card 2/2 1AREM, A,.Vi; NITIN V.I. -. ....... ._, :, 'P Ener& dependence of the.angular distribution-constant of scattered-,4'-rays. Vop. doz. i zashch. ot izluch. no.2;47-50 163. v (MA 17:3) ACCESSION NR: AT019052 S/0000/63/000/000/0214/0217 AUTHOR: Larichev, A. V. TITCE: Investigation of the spectral and angular distribution of Gamma rays after pAi5age through a shield SOURCE: Voprosy* fiziki zashchlty* reaktorov; sbornik-statey (Problems in phy- sics of reactor shielding; collection of articles). Moscow, Gosatomizdat, 1963, 214-217 TOPIC TAGS: nuclear reactor, reactor shielding, Gamma ray, Gamma ray spe-ctral disturbance, Gamma ray angular distribution, point source, isotropic sour e,', homogeneous shielding, heterogeneous shielding, planar source ABSTRACT: The angular distribution of Y radiation after penetrating through homogeneous and heterogeneous shielding was Investigated as a function of the X-ray energy using the experimental arrangement described in Ye. L. Stolyarova et a]. (Pribory* I metogy* agaliza izi chenly, No- 3, Moscow, Gosatomlzdat, 1962). The ~_ray sources (Au 9 , Co O.and Na2 ) were either pointlike and isotropic or planar and unidirectional. Shielding barriers.were made from lead, iron, alumin- um and combinations of two of these materials. The angular distribution of the W-rays s a function of energy for a homogeneous material (Pb, ILx 6) can be COM ACCESSION NR: AT401.9052 represented by: Ae-0/0~ where A and 00 are constants and 91does not depend on the thickness of the barrier. In the case of lead,,the constant A Is proportional to the energy storage factor given by "D Bir - I kAj I - 1+0,2 00. (2) The angular distribution of the Yradiation for two-layer' barriers (?b + A] and A] + Pb) for point and planar sources is given In Fig. I of the Enclosure. it can be seen that eq. (1) retains Its validity for the case of a planar unidirec- J~ tional source, although a change in the order of the layers Influences the slope of the logarithmic lines. For a pointlike Isotropic source, eq. (1) is not satisfied in the case of a two-)ayer barrier. Better agreement with experimental'! results is obtained from the relationv The energy storage factor wa also found to depe on tfte total thickness. h of the barrier. Orig. art* ass 5 figuros and formula&4 Card 2/ 4 ACCESSION NR: AT4021257 S/2892/63/000/002/0100/0108 AUTHOR; Kovalev, Ye. Ye.; Larichav, A. V. TITLE: The problem of protection against electrons and bremsstrahlung from the outer radiation belt of the Earth SOURCE: Moscow. Inzh.-fIz. Institut. Voprosy* dozimetril I zashchity* ot iziucheniy (Problems of dosimetry and radiation protection), no. 2, 1963, 100-106 TOPIC TAGS:. radiation belt, cosmi,c radiat-ion radiation protection, beta ray, bremsstrahlung, space flight, electron stream ABSTRACT: The aut%ors note that in recent times Information on full electron streams and spectrum in the Ehrth's outer radiation belt has undergone considerable modification. it has been found that previous estimates of the full electron streams in the outer radiation belt, based on radiation-counter tests, were ap- proximately 1,000 times too high. The purpose of the present article is to re- view problems of protection against the electrons and bremsstrahlung of the outer radiation belt In the light ! the new Information available- with respect to the streams and the spectrum of the electrons. The authors consider the radiation hazard to the astronaut (and, concomitantly, the shielding requirements of the capsule) in terms of the new data and analyze the contribution of the electrons Card 1/3 ACCESSION NR: AT4021257 and the bremsstrahlung, respectively, to the over-all dose past the shielding. A model is proposed for this purpose, based on several simplifying assumption*s (an isotropic spherical source of bremsstrablung), and an equation is written for the intensity of the dose in the center of the cabin. Tables are given, showing the relative contributions of various spectral components of the bremsstrahlung and other parameters as well. It Is established that the greatest contributions to the dose intensity of outer belt electron bremsst~ahlung are made by electrons with energies of 0.05-0.3 Mev. The data presented refer to a space-capsule wall constructed of a material with thickness d = 0.1-10 9/cm2 and atomic number Z (in the particular case of carbon Z = 6, but the data may easily be extrapolated to other light substances by multiplying the values given by Zeff/6). in the pecond section of the article, the estimates derived for the bremsstrahlung doses are supplemented by a calculation of the doses of penetrating electrons of the outer belt. The author establishes the fact that the intensity of the electron dose decays very rapidly as the thickness of the shielding Increases. With a shielding thickness of d < 1.0 9/cM2, by far the greatest part of the dose I- due to alactrons whIch-Penetrate through the shielding; at d > I " 2 g/cmil the dose is determined ontiraly by bromostrahlung. In concluslom, the AUthord attar GIFtAIM practical considerations with respect to radiation protection In the outer belt, emphasizing two fundamental,requirements: 1) for-reduced bremsstrahlung genera- ign, the shielding must be manufactured of a material with-a low atomic number; ~ t, r 2/3 ACCESSION NRi AT4021257 2)' for increased bremsstrahlung absorption, the shielding must be manufactured of a material with a high atomic number. The authors note that these conditions are satisfied by a combined shielding, consisting, for example, of a layer of low-Z material (outer layer) and a layer of.high-Z material (inner layer). Orige arte has: 7 formulas and 7 tables* ASSOCIATION; INZH.-FIZ, INSTITUT, MOSCOW (Engineering Physics Institute) SUBMITTED: 00 DATE ACQ. P6Apr64 ENCL 00 SUB CODE: SVP LS NO REF SOV:'' 009 OTHER: P03 Card 3/3 U952 _;4027/001/043/043 S10%V B108 'AUTHORS: Doroshenko, G. G.', and Larichev, A. V. TITLE: Counting efficiency method of studying continuous fast- neutron and gamma spectra PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya fizicheskaya, v. 27, no. 1, 1963, 141-146 TE~T: This paper deals with a new method of spectroscopy, which utilizes the high.efficiency of a scintillation detector and by one order of magnitude reduces the time required to collect information by the usual method of measuring the differential spectrum of the charged particles# The new method is based on the known depen 'den6e of E the absolute counting efficiency on E the energy of the fast neutrons of-gammas and B the energy threshold of the counter. The integral aoufit rate N is related i E max to f(E) the differential spectrum sought by the equation N f ME (E)dE. E min, Card 1/2 5/048/63/027/001/043/043. Counting efficiency method of BIOB/BlP The subscript i at N, E and E indicates.the given form of counting min efficiency. The best results were obtained when f(E) was represented in n the form of a polygon: f(E) < f E-E where (F,) k-1 k k for E>,O and ~(E) 0 for E< 0. Reaults obtained with this method agr ee well with other experimental data. This paper was read, at-the 12. Annual Conference on Nuclear Spectroscopy, Leningrad, January 26 February 2, 1962. There are 6 f igures. Card 2/2 pp et Haacowi,*Atmizdiat~1964. .370 p.' illus., biblid. 1700 copies printed. 'MP cosbi6 radiation, solar radiation,' space radiation,bazard,' radiation ~safe, t, 0 y,. radiation belt, radiation dositip-try,.radiation.'pr'tection, solar corpusculai. radiation,' nucl ar propulsion engine e -PURPOSE-AND COVERAGE:. -This monograph may be of interest to persons concerned-with -isa compilation of prbblems: of ~ radiation* safety in space flights.. It articles ioritten -by! various authors on cosmic radiation, its sources, levels, dosimetry echniques ,_ and physical methods.for protection against radiation. The authors t of radiation safety in space flight as fully as purpose was. to present the problem -,,,:.possible. Peculiarities of cosmic radiation dosimetry are outlined; radiation _:::t*conditions matter, and '-in space, basic interactions of cosmic radiation with the protection are analyzed.: Chapters 1-and..3 were written by Z. B. Keirim- lMakkusi Chapters 2 and 4 by M. A. Sychkov, Chapters 5 and 8 by A. V. Larychev Chapter.6-by Xe. Ye. Kovalev,.Chapter 7,by Ye. Ye.*Kovalev and-L. N. Smirenn;;, Chaptek'9_ by V. Ga Bobkov, and Chapter 10, by 'V. P. Demin and V. A. Sakovich. -'.,TABLE OF CONTENTS [dbridged) I :1/3 UDC 539.16+628.584-523 -.1 27302-66 ACC NRs AM001040, ~-Toreword~ _7 3 :h.. l.-- - On dos;Lnetry., of cosmic radiation 7 -7' Clio 2 - 0 Fri mary (galactic) cosmic radiation (rCR) "42 3...- : Solar cosmic radiation (SCR) 60 Ch 4.: The earth's inner Oradiation belt 103 5i, ~ _'The earth's outer radiation belt 117 lCh4 ~ 6. C .Intera tion of high-energy protons with protective material 135 -Cho, 7o.- -Protectioh against protons of the e'arthoa.'inner radiation belt and solar , -flares -~_200 Ch i B.. :Protection againstelectrons and bremastrahlung of the earth's outer radiatior 240, .belt. Ch. 9. Nuclear energy. sources in-spacecraft 259: 10. Protective_ shielding of nuclear reactois In spacecraft 300 - Card 'ACCESSION Nk:' AR5014384 UR/0068/65/000/004/VO10/Voll Soma: Refs zh..rizikas, Abs. 4V75 AUTHOR:, Chist6v,, Yes Db,. Larichev% A. V. iw~ ~TITLEI -Investigation of reflected gamma-rff s2ectra in the labyrinths of large cobalt installations _!CITED SOURCE:''Haucbn. raboty in-tov okhrany truda VTsS?S, v". 3(29), 1964, 49-66i TOPIC TAGS: radiation shielding,, cobalt, gamma radiation, gamma spectrum TRANSLATION:' The spectra of reflected y-radiation were studied in the concrete large cobalt installations using a scintillation y-spectrometer made' -a ti 1,yp of standard components with a thallium c vated sodium,iodidt crystal 70x5O mm~ Jn size-and an rEU-43 photomultiplier. It is shom that all spectral distributions :have a iMximum In the 70-90 kev energy regions The position of this region is -ted i0ard the lower energy side as the distance to the emitter is Increased. .,Dosage-spectra with average energies in theigO-150 kev range are plotted from the measured-y-ray spectra.. A.method L~ proposed and discussed f r designing labyrinth n, 7 L 28367-66 EPF(n)-2/EWA(fi)/EWt(m)/ETC(IYEWG(m)/EWP(i),&tl- JH/M ACC -N,Rt -AP50Pj6452 SWROE, -CODE:: M/0089/05/019/004/0395/0396 ORMI None TI,TlB:'-*Angular distribution of gamma rays scattered in shielding a erialp from a point source SOURCE; Atomnaya-energiya v. 19 no. 4, 1965, 395-396 TOPIC TAGS: gamma scattering shielding, angular distributions gi nuclear gimma raj ABSTRACT: In reviewing some alternative methods used for the determin- ation .of.\gamma scattering in nuclear shieldinjAj~he author's attention Mes Ara,~i~_ to' the empirical formula: 10=1 (0).2n sin 0dQ=a1q-qj0%. presented by Yu. X anskiy (Ato '6'9_4-1 2 A Us mnay Energiya, 116~e: j'j~'. is tha scatterl~j,intensity in the space element It (0)_,-~ke scatterti~ intensity at an angleiAlJn the unit solid angle, a I acid'- the constants oharact- erizing the meditim and the tacident-radiationeff6rgy. The author's aim mas :to measure the constanV-:%.`v, f or. various -.materials..,, The measurements ene of. gular: ~ igy distributi66s were mad6,U*,Y means of'ii scintillation speotrometer,,.The measurements andloalculations.showed the accuracy of card bDo,: 639*122:5390121*72 IARICIRM-s, R.K. Devi~-e fo" the Ivel-, of riyllind.-Ical mi --ingi. Y=, tekl . noo C jalo 14,79E4. (MIRA 17 r7) LARTCHOV, K.Ke ...... Damping device far manometers. I=. tekh. no.3:28 Mr 164 (MIRA 17-.8) LARICHEV L We are extending the network of health combines. Okhr. truda i sots.strakh. I+ no.5:23-24 My 161. (14M 14: 5) 1. Nachallnik Ukrainskogo respublikanskogo kurortnogo upravleniya profsoyuzov. (Ukraine--Health resorts, watering places, etc.) - LARICHEVP L, ... Ukrai,,Aan resorts. Nauka i 2hyttia 12 no.906-37 S 162. (MIRA 16:1) 1. Predsedatell Ukrainskogo respublikanskogo soveta po upravleniyu kurortud profecisionallnykh soyuzov. (Ukraine-11dalth resorts, watering places, etc.) KARAM, Roman Grigorlyevich; LARICHN, Leonid Semenovich-, IPISAPJ;T, B.P., red.; GITSHTEU, (Health resorts of the Ukraine; an aid to selection of patients for health resorts] Kurorty Ukrainy; posoble po otboru bolInykh na kurorty. Kiev,, USSR, 1959. 189 p. (HIRA 12:9) (UNRAINE-HRALTH RESORTS, WATERING FMCBS, RTC.) BRMDENBURGSKIY, Galiley Lazarevich; LARICHEV, L.S., red.; BYKOV, N.M., tekhn. red. &---- [Systematic rules for sanatoriuuhealth resort selection of patients with cardiovascular diseases) Metodicheskie ukazaniia p0 sanatorno-kLirortnorm otboru bol'rWkh sardechno-sosudistym3. zabolevaniiami. Kiev, Gos. med. izd-vo USSR, 1961. 14 (MIRA 15:3~* (HEALTH RESORTS., WATERING-PLACES, ETC.) (CARDIOVASCULAR SYSM-DISEASES) IARICBE79 loeonid Serasnovich; SOVETOV, Vasilly Niko2fiyeVich; GIONSOVs CHUCHUFAK, V.D., tekhred. -[liaMet for patients and gaests at the resorts of the Ukraine] %katka dl:la lechwhchikheia i otelykWushchikh ma kuroltakb McftiW, '2,dopeizd, Kiev, Goo-med.izd-vo USSRv 1961- 50 P. (MM 15:5) (TY-MAINE-MnTH RESORTS, WATERING FLACES9 LTC.) ILOICHEVA, Ye.M., nauchn. sotr.; SlIVAREVA, Yu.11., nauchn. sotr.; HAMM I S,V., red.; GOLIDFAYLI, L.G., red.; POSPFUNIA, G.P.y red.; Prinimali uchastiye: BMMI, V.I., kand. kMia. nauk, red.; IVAUOV, V.V., kand. red. nauk, red.; KATLE-EV, R.G., kand. med. naWc~ red.; URICFQ7 L S red. G.A.t red.; OFFEIZEY1,11 D,G., kande ined. nauk, red.; POLTOReTOV,, V.V.,, red.; CHUNJIlov, L.A.,, doktor gcogr. llauk, red.; VULTSON, I.Z., red.; HZINMIA, U.S.) teklm. red. Plealth resort3 of the U.S.S..-43Kurorty SSSR. Mookva., Mzdgiz, 1962. 797 P. (14IRA 15: 11) (RMTH RESOM, INTATEARIG PLACES, ETC.) KARilYEV, Roman Grigorlyevich; LARICREV, L-E.:,)nid Sen--no-;-Ir,~h; ClUb'NAKOV.1 r,---d.- (Ilealth resorto of tho Ukraj.nt ; ranual for mOdleb! SOOT- tion cf sanatorium and health re:ort treatmentl Kilrorty Ukrainy; posobie po meditsinskonil~ otboru Pa sana-uor-no- kurortnoe lechenie. Kiev,, Woro-le, 19(4. 22), p. (""' I R-k ri: 8) LAnICILt7v, M. FA 57T21 Doe 1947, Water Heaters Engines, Marine "Methods of Measuring Crust Inside Water-Heating Pipes of Boilers,- M. Larichev, Engr, 1 p "Horskoy Flat" No 12 Describes system to measure encrustation formed m inside surfaces'of vater-heating pipes. This is very important as crust of more than 0.5 mm vill greatly reduce operating efficiency of boiler equipment. Edi- tCWB request reports from operating personnel to be able to draw up standard for critical thicknesses of crusts for various-tyle boilers. 14 AUTHORS: Klyachko, Yu.A., Kunin, L.L., Chistyahova, Ye.h., 3 2-12-4/ 7-1 Larichev, N.S. TITLE: Analysis of Gases in Steel by the Lethod of Heating in the Vacuwi (Analiz gasov v stali meto5Dm valarm-nagreva). PERIODICAL: Zavoaskaya Laboratoriya, 19.57, Vol. 23, Nr 12, pp. 1410-1412 (UgSR) ABSTRACT- The existing source3 of errors of the rapid methods as well as the apparatus beloiGing to thein consist, according to the opinion of the authors, in the fact, that the gas which was eliminated during the course of experiments carried out, %-ias supposed only to be hy- drogen, but, in reality, also C02 wrater vapor and GO were existant. A new apparatus is suggested in this parer which, first of all, per- mits the elimination and capture of va-por and highly volatile gases from the sample. The vapor is condensed and the %water obtained is frozen-in and -..reighed, the captured gases are determined in the sayiie manner. Next, the products are determined Miich are elimin-ated in the course of time, In thi3 vray the content of H21 H20 '"a C02 can be determined separately in the sww9le. The apparatus consistB of a system of quartz tubes, to one end of ahich a tubular furnace Card 1/2 containing the sample is fitted. The Nracuum pump .Ath the corres-P.-rd- Analysis of Gases in Steel by the Method of Heating 3 2-12'-4/ 71 in the Vacuum ing measuring devices is located at the other end of the system. In the system itself the ir-+ercept--on chambers (extensions) for the capture of vapors and gases including the corresponding measuring devices are located, as 17ell as a connection vith the spectrograph. When carrying out the experli;;e-at the fact that part of the condensed vapor goes over to hydrogen, has to be taken into account, vthioh can be determined spectrographically. Here it ivas detenninea that, if the eliminated vapors and gases are not eliminated from the part in which the heated sample is located, a decrease of vapor elimina- tion -aith a simultaneo-us increase of forming of hydrogen takes pl~lcc. There are I figure, 2 tables, and 4 Slavic references. ASSOCIATION: Central Scient-ific Research Institut.- fo- perrous Metallurgy (Ts 'entralf iiauchnrl-is sled ovate!' skiy institut chernoy metallurgiTi1j, AVAIIABLE; Library of Congress Cara 2/2 1. Steel-Gas analysis 2. Instrumentation -4 if 15, A. IF V R. i v -z v Ft i 4; 4 !L rr 12 ..~N I 29561 S/024/61/ooo/oo5/ooi/oo9 14" tddo 113-4-11013) E140/E135 AUTHORSoo Kulebakin, V.S., and_!~~~ (Moscow) TITLEo- Multi-invariance in automatic control system3 PERIODICAL,. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Izvestiya. Otdalaniye tekhnichaskikh nauk, Energetika i avllomatika, no.5, 1961, 7-12 TEXT,. The authors consider the invariance principle as applied to multi-parameter systems with multiple disturbance3, The study is conducted on the assumption that the processes in such systems can be described with sufficient precision by aystamB of linear inhomogeneous differential equations. X = F M ii ij n wh ere i,a--~' is a matrix of differential operators with i ij ~~n constant coefficients; X is the column vector of coordinates xip F is the column vector of the disturbances fi. For thi3 system it has been proved that the condition of invariance of the Card -1/4 29561 S/024/61/ooo/005/ooi/009 -Multi-invariance in automatic control... E140/E135 coordinate Xl(t) with respect to the perturbation fl(t) is the identical vanishing of the adjunct All of the determinant ailij. It is assumed that the system (1) is in the form wharEt the 'number of equations is equal to the number of regulattd coordinates. To obtain invariance of several coordinates with respect to a single disturbance or of a single coordinate with respect to several disturbances - termed multi-invarianaa ~ ths adjuncts. of several matrix elements must ~,ranish.. identically, WhIAB preserving a nonvanishing value of the determinant of the mat-1-Y... The following parti,--ular problems arist,. 1) How many adjun--ta v~ elements in a single row or column of the determinant, 0 can be identically equated to 0 with ' z,..: n In other worda, how many coordinates x-(t) can be made BimultaneouBly in7ariant with respert to a single dtsturb&n---^- fi(t) "L 2) Can the adjuncts of the diagon&l alaments ~-.f llh=- determinant ,1~a?.jll, 1 be identically equated to 0 wnth j4 0, 2".a- fa it- possible to make sinraltane-cusly tn*:;,ar~-an*~ ill C~cordiniates zi('.) w-4th respest to their --orreavsndfrnz disturban-,ea fi,ft) Card 2/4 29561 Multi-invariance in automati,~; .... S/024/6i/ooo/oo5/oo-,/oo9 E140/E135, 3) Find the greatest number of adjunct3 of arbitrarily lotated determinant elements which can be equated 4-dantically to zez-c~ without -ranishing of the determinant itself, The authors nrove a number of theorems which gi--.a -nacesaary conditions foT the invari.Lance of a single coordinate with xe3pa,~- te. n = 2 disturbances or n - 2 coordinates with respes-t tG a single disturbance, since it is possible te equate to zer-o n - 2 adjuncts of elements in a single row or, ~~clumn o-f a nonvanishing determinant, The necessary -conditions for the invar~~ante of ea,:h of the system coordinates with respect to the corresponding Derturbation have been foundq sinse it is possible to equate ta zero the n adjuncts of the diagonai elements of the daterminant. It is possible to equate to zero n - I adjuncts of arbitrarliv located determinant elements not all in a single column or :row, A determinant with nonzero elements vanishes if n - I adjun-.t? of the elements of a single row or column, 21 ddjuncts not lying on a diagonal or n + I adjuncts of alaments, with n alementa on the diagonal, are equated to zeros The practical. applitation of these reaults lies in the determination of whi~~h system Card 3/4 2 5.- Multi-invariancs in automatic control- 00'h/61/000/005/002/009 E140/E135 parameters must be manipulated to obtain �nvariance. To cause a givsn adjunct to to adjust a single element entering into to cause m adjun--ts to -vani.3h, it is ne-.Bssary adjustable elements in the i~;orres.p-anding be assigned to the adjusted elements are a set, of simultaneous equationa. There are 4 Sovie-t-blot.- -~afare=93,. SUBMITTED3 May 30,, 1961 the required type of -,rani-sh it iz gu,"'fitien-L the adjunct, The:refore, to ha-ve m adjunvts. The 71aluar~- 'to found by the 3c,!,jt4-.n N CLMz,d 4/4 AGGF-WION XR: "4011318 6/0103/64/025/001/004110053 AUTHOR: Larichey, 0. 1. (Moscow); Perellmriatt. L 1. (Moscow) TITLE; Suboptimum control of multivariable systems with linked outputs SOURCE: Avtomrsatika I telemekhanika, v. 25, no. 1. 1964. 41-53 TOPIC TAGS: automatic control, suboptimum automatic control, multivariable automatic control, linked outputs multivariable control, hot strip rolling mill, strip tension automatic stabilization ABSTRACT: A multivariable * IR-loop automatic -control system is. considered which can be described by this act of differential equationst F, lZe (0) - U1 (9) where Fj jxj (4) is a differention operator of the output variable of the i-th loop :and'-Tj (tY.**'V;(4 is the control signal in the i-th loop. The signals _Uj (1) form an N-variate control vector The control linking of the loops means that. the .Cd.rd 112 D S/0000/64/DDD/000/0049/0055- 6SION M- AT50 4111 Xulebakin, V. SAACadend-03im); r: :-Semi-invariance in automatic control systems #R-.E-. Vaesoyuznoye soveshchaniye po teorii invariantnosti i yeve primeneniy~2 so inva ntnostf v kThectory of Invariance in automatic control SYE~tC,jr trudy soveshchaniya. Moscow, lzd-vo Nauka, 1964, 49-55 z,,-,-_~ -TOPIC TAGS - differential equation, linear differential equation, invariance. -contro theiry, automatic control _Aystem,,invariant system i-ABSUICTt The paper considers control systems which can be described by systems Iof., finear differential equations of the first order where F (fi) is a vector of n-petturbations acting on the system. It is sho,.m nV ons or a) .'If one coordinate is I ' ariant with respect to n-2 perturbati h-4,toordinates are invariant with respect to one perturbation, then it is vossible to Aet to zero n-2 adjoint elements of one row or column in the matri-Y Lwd 1 2 I ~.. I I - , "4048824 irfensional`pha~e tate of th.e system at Point xo:7,e'.scrj es- e-s T andlh6_~bint':kl des 6"ribis the desired statet then It is requ. ired to find such Uopt(t) lhg' the syetem from x0 to x, in a minimium amount of time. It is shcw n thal a6boT611shed,by designing an equivalent system, providing that the character- Is t tiond. When the initial conditions of the equivalent system are determined correctly, the time,Tmin, requirod to bring the equivalent system from one point of the phase -other Is-7the same-as the-minimum time-for. the. optimum. control process in the lbe equlvalei4 system is only, of the ith order and its initial conditions can e*Aluated-- from the fact that the real control function U (t) can always be replaced by n U2, Un - const. , Which will also bring the system'to the same point in thd-]~h"Oplane during some Interval7. The proposed method is actually an algorithm of -acontrol computer and results in significant simplifications. A three-loop numeric;a ic j~eation-bf ar h lUu+i a Byam f r th p 64.gravlty in appace It. At Atlims, Y. L#');~db.e ~cdl~ E~ ans. on tj*l: 4143~,:Lqqj NO. -67). OrIg. ar. 'I a4d 2 figures. equaUo kBSOCIATION. Norte 3UBMTTSD:."~:09D6669 - ENCL-, 00 Sm CODE;- IE ip t W EF Sov.., 006 OTHER-, 002 vt LARICHEV,- 0.1. (Moskva) Singularity of optimal quick-response control in a class of systems with multiple couplings. Avtom. i telem. 26 no.1:28- 30 Ja 165. (MIRA 18:4) IZMANOVA, T.A.; XLTACHKO, Ye.A.; LARICHN, N.S. Control of the operation of Instramente used in the analysis of gases iu metals. Trudy ko-m.snal.khim. 10:267-269 160. (MIRA 13:8) 1. T.Sentralloyy nauchurn-issledovatel'skiy institut cbernoy metallurgii, Moskva. (Gasee in metals) (Chemical apparatua) jojp~7, . r. A- cllya srell. Shkol'.- sbor, I- --,Ir,ch --PO _ Y,~Lrai,:P_lnak. 'a q-) 6.()Orelr~z A* lol'~ - ~ S' rt. 276s. s che 8- narw, II - LOF-0 'rl""5 - 07 512( 076) ell - e (55- 960) 4r. 25k. r 1955 LARICHN, P.A., konoulltant. Teaching mathematics in the 5th class during the 1954/35 school year. Mat, v shkole no.4:53-54 Jl-Ag 154. OMU 7:7) 1. Metodist po matenatike Olavuogo Upravleniya shkol Hinisterstva prosveshchenlya, RSFM. (Mathematics--Study and teaching) -4 ".8 i9anselyevich; 20RINA. Ya.A.. redaktor; TYSMVICH. Z.V.' q64 W=6~kiy redaktor [Requirements for written work in secondary school mathematics) Trabovantia k pisimennym rabotam po'matematike v areanei shkole, Moskva, Izd-vo Akademil padagog. nauk RSFSR, 1955* 19 P. MIRA 9:12) 1. Ohlen-korrespondent APN RSFSR (for Iarich6y) (Kathematice-Study and teaching) UrddHEV, P. A. 4899. LARICHEV, P. A. Sbomik zadach po algebre. dlya sred. shkoly. kazan', tat- nigoiulat, red. ucheb.-ped. lit., 1955, 21sm.--natatar. yaz. ch. 2. dlya 8-10-go klassov. izd. 5-ye, s 6-go rwi. 295 s. s chert. 18.000 ekz. 2r. 75k. v per. -- (54-56072) 512(076) SO: Knizhnaya Letopis', Vol. 1, 1955 MRICHIff P.A. (Moscov) ". - - ~ .-I. - j""'jai'd Improving the methods of teaching mathematics In schools. Nat. v shkole no.4:1-6 JI-At '55. Mu 8: 9) (Hathematics-Study and teaching) WRIOMO ftfel Afs"slyevich; LIPMKINA, rodaktor-.XAMOTA, N.N., re dakt 9 r. [Collection of problems in algebra; for classes 6-7 of the seven-year and secondary schools) Sbornik sadach po algebre; dila 6-7 klassov samiletnel I srednel shkoly. Isd. 8-9. Not- kra. Gos.uchebuo-podagogichaskoe Isd-vo Hinisterstva prosve- shcheniia REM, Pt.1.1956.239 p. (KM 9:5) (Algebra-Problems. exercises, ate.)