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LARCHOKO, Anstoliy Afanessyevich; SHATSILLO, 0,1., inz-h., red.; GTI RTS, T_-M _-._TMCM _.r__8 ff _. [Automatic control of gas operated industrial and central-hosting boiler systems] Avtomatizateiia otopitelInykh i promyshlennykh gauifitsirovannykh kotellnykh. Leningrad, 1960. 25 p. (Lenin- gradskii dom nauchno-tekhnicheakoi propagandy. Ubmen peredovym opytom. Seri~w ~Inergstika. vyp.1). (mIRA 14;~) (Automat control) (Boilers) LA, er rc~ 17.~ A~A.; LUSS a, L.. n, zo LARCHENKO, A.P. Basic characteristics of the endogenic metallogeny in northeastern China. Trudy MGRI 3?:235-259 161. (MIRA 15:1) (China--Ure deposits) j 7 URCIIIE'..1 , - ~ . and Toch Dissertation; " Lav~,A` p, t 4 0,-, 1.1--- -t of Fuel Physical Ohara cteristic o on the of Fuel SpraYing in Diesel EnCines. 28/3/50 lbscow Urder of the Labor Rad 1~anner Petroleum Inst imeni 1. R'. Gubkin. SO Vecheryaya Mosk-,.".-, Sum 71 AID P - 1359 Subject USSR/Engineering Card 1/1 Pub. 78 ,- 22/30 Author Iarchenko, I. F. Title Preheating of petroleum products in railroad tank cars. Periodical : Neft. khoz., v.32, #12, 73-76, D 1954 Abstract : A new type of portable oil heater with steam semi-circular coils attached to the vertical collector pipes is described. The coefficient of heat transmission of this heater is about 65% higher than that of the conventional heater with continuous coils of the same diameter and total length. Two drawing and 7 Russian references (1941-53) Institution: None Submitted : No date LARCHE increasing the efficiency of heaters. Heft. khoz. 37 no.1:64-69 Ja 159. (KM 12:3) (Heating) LAaamwo, I.,F.; LKRCIMNKO, T.11. Calculating pipe sizes for submerged beaters. Heft-khoz- 38 no.2:60-64 F 160. (MM 13:8) (Heating pipes) (Petroleum--Transportation) LARCHEI-MO, . K.T. z5843. L4RMEIMO. K.1. Razvitie i povedenie fMoksery v zashehty. ot usloviy pitaniya. Trudy. Vsesoyuz. in-ta zashehty rasteniy, vyr.. 2, 1949, S. 29-51 SO: Letopist Zhurnallnykh Statey Vol. 34, Moskva 1949 LA Ift 01, 121 liNO , , Y - I - 26497 Zalcono~ernostii ramritiya ozi:,~-,oy sovk' (Agrotis se~-etwn schiff). lzvestiya al-ad. - - J. .1 nauk SSSP, 3eriya Biol., !c,49, ~o. 4. c. 1170-~4 - Bibliogr: c. ';013-94 '30: LFT-."FIF,' 1"0. 35), 1949 USISR General and Special Zoology. Insects. P 4s J-our: Ref Zhur-Blol.) No 4, 1958, 16213 Author Inst Not given Title .:.Morphological Characteristics of Insect Metamor- phosiIs. (Morfologicheskiye osobennosti metamor- foza hazekomykh.) Orig Pub: Chteniya pamiati N. A. Kholodkovskogo, 1954-1955 gg. M.-L. AN SSSR 1956, 24-31 Abstract: The.fat,tissue (FT) of the insect, larvae growing under the most favorable conditions always develops successfully; only thus do the larvae pass into the adult stagi.' The FT of larvae growing under unfavorable feeding conditions is rather small or is completely absent. The less FT, the more there are free mesenchyme elements and cells of the blood, and vice versa. When the FT does not Card 1/2 IARCWXO, X. I. Features of the ontogenesis of insects. Trudy Zool.i4t. 23:5-214 156. -. (HLRA 10:3) (Insects-Development) (Ontogezq) LAROMMO - ais .a..x WOMOMMOMM Features of insect ontogeny [with sunmary in English]. 3nt.oboz-35 no.3:510-517 '56. (HLRA 9:10) 1.Zoologichaskly institut Akndemii nRuk SSR. Leningrad. (InBects-Development) ,k Lay-v 1) S-r, z, K T i j F.1.,l 1"rQ, 1~ I, ~i i" f. ~N ,,I r s o a 1 in t i 1 2 e i o r 'iY I, u s. 0 4 I i I L-' v i, IF, 0 1: C I va 0 Y t I j. c: c- a vo r i: 1:~4 I-, L f tbo suir.1;fer. 0~~, n d tlioir oyl. lor o J ~,,;c fr-c fn ~Q- .10 t c, 2 0 da ., -3 w, --)f o4e qw-,! i ty o! fooc.. ()!l I , r i. CC! J 0 T o ctr..- v I a t *.I,- e 4, ,,2 alid d;1v C"I'MaORY GENERAL&SPEC,Z001,00W. INSECTS ABS. JOUR 7040 TITL!'-~ len &t",L prov -10c i bap, i.- v da ertaining phyi5iolug2~cal preparedi-craza of the diapau3- and the-it, surviva.3. during h4~-Ner- nz~tiun- The pr&parednass of thr, bfretlc-,~v i!i connectud ;iikh ths-, I'at. anti watior contiztt.-~ ii, tiiiAr Z)cdies. Tho mi,-dinutp. ju comic-cLed with f~3ecling %.)n Ieiv%it-, with a low *1 iy bot, ~iaather aftor Iayi"F., a sig- preparation for diapau-,4c (over two rao)-iths), D 2 /~- C _"y INSECTS 3 0 10 ci Pua.; --~15 S T""-.CT C R D an-i -ti-ke preparedness i2 assoriated w5th .c-dl!jg ay). lea-veti -ejith high LC f t, irt cool, hilywid vealher, wiLh the v,,,ception of ~;exual mat;L-ation, and a short (5-25)days) prepar- j ation fQr diapauae. Tiie foodinpi; conditions which elim:Uialtc- sexual maNturity and t3horten the prepar4tion. for diapause PAre f oy-m-ed essentif4lly -%~t the end of the aum-m%tie and ir, the autumn, 'but depc-ndAng on the weather,! the potato vDriat- and tbo planting times 14 ")v K I -777_777 3 oTl c e 5 (155 _:~:P C ol In iteli. t i oil to I'l --W-ra Cure V C; j -it, Z) "lc i Cory bor s nim Z 2 f,)n t~-:ie ba.,;i.~3 of avoragv lc,mL-n- clay L ew.!-~-a C!'We"; Fo:-- el;:ve lc~pvnnrit cFf' the O'~' 50 j.-S nteces!~~,..ry, ior 0-10 for tbc nupi.:, 10~` 7,6 C 0 (JN1 t" Y GEN EY? A L&SPEG.zo~,yGY. INSECTS ;,13s. JOUP Zhu-r 1959, ~io. 7037 -1--p I Iq :;T T 1T L ReGO-ing the I.;trwic with athex- solanaceous plants CiOPE not vsSelitially affeet tile e2z,,ount of heat nece~zsarv for zbr; ezitira cycle Qf development. A sum of effec, tive tewpi-:tra'j,.ures of' 3'.0 -Ka- ~-Stjx:aTed for "Pp -; -t - , 1-1 3p, in in .1910 at thu; threshwId oL dr:vt~A o-ow en It. (11,5). Consnquentl.- E'!--- aw- ou~.,tt t~f heat r.,scesgary for tht, devalciprttent of CPP, --'.,j crjrAitrior, oa any tvrritDry af itfju area] The depe;-kdancn of the pherv).Ogical oeve3op- Pi3 t!4 e .5 ~:Ier:ikjds for Oovelonv r f., -i 'I i_., t h P U 7 Ko orade-R, r.,T r 1; b W AN bscip fcrec.ast. Of C)f Colvadc tatc. beez;.!,~ C.PB) in 0_7 of' P.-Aar-d ill 191:,~ -Ulat the. 1cj ~!t 'Lila 'As- devc-10-onent of 11.5 C C!711 to 1---i'ay with an ."or t)~ract4,ct_ tkie a'-- wi-i_`cli the bcotle c v r.-. a a c, t e F~ -f k d t h, e n;A m bu r c f e ne, r - ZOOLOGY J GENE' o . A 95') j..J.3cz JOU11- T IT L-F t he es fr(", be I- A only 3-11 C,-j r A1 j pt A 4 X-!3 t P_ S, . t-, tjxe da t w -v c:1AXIC Ux I a , .1iri, L '."EN) ER A L &SPEC ZOOLOGY. I NFIECTS S . j 0'. 1!-.' 7041- O!'T G, PU I when tile f-:~Ilowlng sums c-f effective Cemper-t " ;`() 0, -1.1rol loc.0, aturez; are roacbed: 20 260c) and 36c; respecti,vel". or.~- gencration developm whan t.,)-:- sum oJ2 effecti%-.~ tomper- at"n-es if-; 360 -720-1 wKile two occur W-ter, 06 silin greater than 720*. Ilit, unniml. d--svia- ma!~s occurence of eac-Ij 6tage and the preEptive of one or two Zgnerations makes ii; necest3ary to in~~spect and varry ulat extax-min-aiion C R 0 3/4 Harmful -Tiv-:0ets -3 nd i t s j -.U C. 3-,*) -:1 Y arc. hC n ke-0 R . I USCR lj~ i Oevv~!Iopnient of the Coiorado Potato -~Jeetif,% ~Leiitj.notar*a deccri- !~;.nc!ata 5!~.vr) and Thei;~- CwmuctiOM wiCh m--y be-, 'by r nim. 2. 14. A N S, S 19 5 3,06 -.'- 15 -i, - r~tivhc-r of and th,:~ ha'uhilig of the bej,,-*.! its ~ cIf-,--,.c,I--I;-, ted with the ez.'.e-:~11ive temperatar.-Is, reflect i L 1, f, , ~ g I.- e 11 -, 1, v e 4: c r. t h e a .: t la I ,gr ow t 11 in namber and settlir,~- down of ttke Colorado pota-c, bettlE. (CIIL') . 'Ihc vrei--test grovtb and colic t i on 0~~Cur Juring the develop- ment of two r.,ei)-~.rat tonz , tfmt is , during; the (izu-1y reprodviction of the bootle-ta alid a *Distribution and Population Change. 34 C 0 ON t :GENER A L&SPEC30OLOGY. INSECTS 7 0 6 Tx T L,-. a d x c r, r a t J on. A n J i i c ra ~:i e j. ii h E, n umb er or C11B also oc-curs di"ring tbo fltvolopmrnit. of ~1(~ z:uatvier- gciieration, Th~~ nornbor uf n s n.-,, 7,eyslri.%tions FAyizi the hatchit'g, tizws of tile (.-Ilrulott~d for - 11-Irge territory ijr-ler Y:;ri.ous ter-moratox.-- cotiAit-ions mokc it possiJ31c prek-lict tile distribution rou'tf- r,f, rha bur,~t)e~:; irl Various (.)I Pulan(l, V-Di- of Imu tc-rritovy ib if TIiF-, firit t.,murner generation in neiFji- L bourinf,7 uistrictg t~arly an,17 "lie 0 1-:, o 7036 weatht~r and feeding Conflitio;;S favow, tile-, miaturing and the migration of tile bectles. arge-scale reprodtiction o CPB 1.-3 pos.,iiblc, if for two yew-s in suc,.:e--jion or more the Oevelopment. c,~' two complete generations or a 4ingle late. one take place. The gro-ith and the ctiange im tlAe nuirber -,f CPB in vzjri,,1u:5 zones ond provinct-.3 nt' Pol;ind over a tell year period are closely rula-ted t,,.# the con- ditions os* temperature and tiatcbing times C-l"D 35 USSR General and Specialized Zoology - Insects. P Abs Jour : Ref Zhur Biologiya, No 5, 195-01, No. 20881 Author : Larchenko I. ' ~ Inst -7 f~ven - I ft t Title Peculiarities of Development and Propagation of the Mallow Moth (Pectinophora malvolla, Hb.) Under Conditions-of the Uzbek SSR Orig Pub V ab.t. Materialy Ob"yodin. nauchn. sessli po khlopkovodst-4-ti. T.2. Ta8hkent. Gosi%dat. UzSSR, 1958, 321-325 Abstract Pectinophora malvella-(PYO,on~wlld mallow has long been known in-Uzbekistan, with the exception of Khorezm and Kara-Kalpak regions. In 1936-1952 in the wastas of cotton gins, there were discovered only 1-4 caterpillars of the moth during 1936-1939. Onthe wild Card 1/3 U35R / General and Specialized Zoology - Insects. Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biologlya, No 5, 1959, No. 20881 moth in the foci of their mass propagation in the Taehkentskaya Oblast', shows that the mallow moth ia encountered in great numbers. So gar, the roasons for the moving of the mallow moth from the wild mallow to cotton are unknown. It is necessary to study the dependence of the mallow inoth on Its basic feed plant. Theoretically, the transfer of the moth .'-rcm the wild mallow to cotton could happen (and did happen in the Norshenskiy Rayon of Azerbaydzhan and In Armenia) under the influence of cooler weather. -- A. P. Adrianov Card 3/3 SKARREp O.F.; TERMIKEVICII. M.C.; h1fl-LITOVA, T.S.; 1ARCHENW, L.N. Effect of the naivr(- of cati.n on Lhe mobility of oxygen atcms in anior, in aumous iiolutions. Part 3. Mir. fiz.. khim. 37 no./,:879-881 11-1) 163. (MIRA 17:7) 1. Dnepropetrovsldy gosudar.-Avennyy universitet, ACC NRtAP6035834 (AIN) ---SOURCE- CODE: UR/9413/66/660/620/0037/00 INVENTOR: Dregvall, Go F,; Samuilov, A. M.;.-Larchenko,, L. No ORG: none TITLE: Preparation of phospbony1choline c-L-nalogs,Class 12., I-To. 187021 '[Announced by Donets'Branch of"the All-Union Scientific Research Insti- .tute of Chemical Reagents and High Purity Chemicals (Donetskiy filial Vsesoyuznogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo.instituta khimcheskikh reaktivov i osobo chistyldi..Id-iimicheskikh--veshchestv)I SOURCE: Izobreteniyal promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 20, 1966P 37 TOPIC TAGS: pesticide, phosphonyleholine analog, /V'k7k~-/ OAV"'-V~ ABSTRACT: To obtain phosphonyleho line analogs with peaticidal prope rl ties, e.g., phosphates of 1-propylamino-2-propanol, dialky chlorophoophates are treated with 1-propylamino-2-propanol alkoxides. SUB CODE: 07/ MM DATE: 29May65 UDC:547.261118. [WA-50; CBE No. 143' [Psl~ BELYAKOV, P.K.., gornyy inzh.f_JARq111~NKO, U.: gornyy inzh... SHAPOVAL, N.A., _L- __ gornyy inzh.,- PETRENKO, Ye.V., kand.tekhn.nauk Controlling roofs by complete caving with mechanized knocking-out of supports. Ugoll Ukr. 7 no.6:14-15 Je 163. (MIRA 16:8) 1. Artemovskiy ugol'nyy kombinat. Name: Dissertation: Degree: Affiliation: LARCHENKO, Mikhail Grigorfy~vich Formation and development of realism in the Bolorussian literature of the 19th Contury Doc Philological Sci Zn-ot indicateg Defense Date, Place: 27 Doc 55, Council of Belorussian State U imani Lenin Certification Date: 30 Jun 56 Sourco: BMVO 5/57 ZAYTSEVA, N., studentka; LARCHENKO, N., studentka a-- Accuracy of the solution-of poorly conditioned systems of linear algebraic equations. Trudy MIZ no.1W173-186 160. (MIRA 16:12) 1. Moskovskiy institut inzhenerov zemleustroystva. L&RCHKITKop N.To Case of hyperchromic anemia in a patient with artificial evophagas following caustic soda poisoning. Terap. arkh. 26 no.2:77-79 Mr-AP 154. (MMA 7:8) 1. 1z 1-y torapevtichaskoy kliniki (dir. prof. B.A.Ghernoguboy) Hookovskogo oblastnogo nauchno-iseledovatellskogo klinicheakogo institute, imeni H.V.VleAimirskogo. (ISOPALGUS, stenosis, *caustic. surg.. artife esophagus, poetope hyperchromic anemia) (ANEMIA. HYPXRCHROHIC, *after surg, form. of artif. esophagus in caustic stenosim) LARCHENKO, N.T.; YUDIN, Yu.g. Lethal'outcome in bronchial asthma. Trudy mol. nauch. sotr,. MCNIKI nolt178-181 "~9 (MIRA 16:11) 1. 1z 2-y terapevticheskoy kliniki ( N.A. Allbov) i patologo-anatomicheskogo otdela (zav. prof. 8.B. Vapberg) Moakovskogo oblastnogo naucbno-issledovatellskogo kliniches- kogo instituta, imeni Vladimirskogo. -3ig- 1-6~ EWT(d)/jTP(0') 1 128 -JaMMYSION NR: AR5004810 S/0044/64/000/011/B118/B11G 4101; Ref. zh. Matematika, Abs. 11B508 SOURCE: L.~a�c drik n i and the accu _T-ITLE.- On donditio ality criteria form c racy of lutions-of systems of normal equations' so ju ? -stroystya, vyp. 22, 1964 C Mosk. in- ITED SOURCE: Tra, ta ingh. zemleu Tie 5. -,--.--TOPIC TAGS: matrix function, approximation-method, normal equation., conceit o-na, 1i ty criterion TRANSLATION: It is noted that the conditionality of matrices of systems of normal equations is connected with the vanishing of the significant figures on the left when approximate numbers that are close to one another are subtracted. shown that in the case Card 1/3 M M5 100~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1, 3 ESSION NR-.-- -ARS004810 f a poorly conditional system, the influence of the irreducible or-and the acdumulation of round-off errors increase greatly. ethods are analyzed for determinin ~g the conditionality of matrices calculating a normalized determinant, by calculating the Tur_~nq and Todd numbers. It is noted that a normalized determinant does not give a quantitative characteristic of the influence of the con- ditionality of matrices on the accuracy of the solution. The con- ditionality numbers make it possible to distinguish between a well conditioned system and a purely conditioned one, but are insu f f -i- -il.ciently sensitive to reflect the degree nf ty. Theas- exam -e a It is shown that ec 'oftbe degree o on a ditiofiality can be obtained f t alcu ~thd ~inqles between hyperplanes. A quantitative cort- C lat h 4c is oitablished between this criterion of conditionality ar-~ tbe load of significant figures when solving a system by the Gauss method, Corresponding recommendations are made with respect to expanding equations in poorly conditioned systems. Bibliograpby, Card --1 3 281 65 IACCESSIoN NR9 AR5004 5 titles. Ye. 1j. SUB CODE: mA ENCL.- 00 LICard NUVCHENK0, A.A.; PASTEMIAK, A.Ye,j, LARCHENK0, R.M.; SOKOLOVA. L.I. Diseases of the upper respiratory tract and ears in wor)mrs at the Serpnkhov textile mills. Gig. i san. 24 no.6:48-51 Je '59. (MIRA 12:8) 1. Iz 14ookovskogo oblastnogo naiiehno-iseledovatellskogo kliniche- skogo instituta imeni Vladimirskogo. Mookovskogo nauchno-ioaledo- vatellskogo instituta sanitarii i gigiyony imeni F.F.Erismana i ob"yedinennoy bol'nitsy imeni Semaahko Serpukhova. (OCCUPATIONAL DIMSES ear & upper reap. tract dis. in textile workers (Rua)) (EAR, die. occup., in textile workers (Rua)) (MM'SPIRATORY TRACT, die. same) LARCHM0.9 Remo Abscesses of the nasal septum in children* Testootorino 23 no.2t46-49 F 161. (MIRA 3.424) I* Iz kafedry bolezney ukha.. nosa i gorla (zave - prof6 191* grl*rbatov) pediatricheskogo fakul'teta II Moskovskogo medi- tainskogo instituta imeni N.I. Pirogova. (190SE-DISEASES) LARGBMKO, I.F.;.kRGHSNKO, T.H. Galculating pipe sizes for submerged heaters. Reft-khoz. 38 no.2:60-64 F 160. (UM 13:8) (Ifeating pipes) (Petroleum--Transportation) VASILOYEV, TuA., kand. tekhn. nauk; RYBANICHENKOP Yu.I.; LARCHENKO, V.I. Stepping-type reducing motors. Avtom. i prib, no,~~49-52 ji-s 164. (MIRA 1893) VASILIMT, Yu.K.9 kand.tekhn.nauk; PROKOFIYEV, Yu.A.,karid.tekhn.nauk; RYESALICIENKO, Yu.l., inzh.; LARCHENKO, V.I., inzh. Stepping reducer motors and semigraphical method for thelr design. Elektrotekhnika 36 no.12:11-16 D f65. (MIRA 19z1) L 358hO-66 EWTT ( 1 ACC NR: AP6015344 SOURCE CODE: UR/0119/66/000/005/0074/OOz6 AUTHOR: Vaynberger, G. Ya. (Engineer); Vasil'yev, Yu. K. (Candidate of technical sciences), Karpenko, D. K. (Candl-diti-eof _fC_~&~Ic_iFsciences); i,Kabkov, G. Ya. (Engineer); Larchenko,_Lr.j. (Engineer), ballchenko, Yu. I. (Engineer) ORG: none TITLE: Stepping motors SOURCE, Priborostroyeniye, no. 5, 1966, 24-26 TOPIC TAGS: stepping motor, micromotor, servomotor RShD ear stepping servomotor, EShD stepping servomotor Ik ABSTRACT: A very brief description is supplied of (1) RShD reactive-rotor gear stepping motor intended for smaller steps and higher speeds and (2) EShD Card 1/2 UDC: 621.313.13-133.4 L 358ho-66 ACC NR: AP6015344 permanent-magnet- rotor two-stator stepping motor intended for larger steps, higher torques, and quick response. They were developed in the Kiev Institute of ,Automatics. An RShD-10-FD-lV motor is intended for operation at a fixed .frequency of 100t 2 cps, it is equipped with an electromagnetic detent and a :damper. Technical characteristics of eight RShD and five EShD types are Aabulated. The RShD types have: maximum static torque, 140-4500 g-cm; ;maximum 0 erating speed, 100-3500 steps per sec; power consumption, p 13-300 w. The EShD types have: maximum static torque, 1000-18000 g-cm; !maximum, operating speed, 500-1600 steps per sec. power consumption, i 250-1000 w. Orig. art. has; 3 figures, Z formulas, and I table. SUB CODE: 09 / SUBM DATE, none / ORIG REF: 004 dCard 212 L o4g91-6 -17 ACC M: APW2'22U --SOURCE COM -DR/0413/66/000/0(Y7/0027/0027 AUTHOR: Larchanko, V. I. A7 ORG: none TITLE: An eight-phase stop electric motor. Class 21,-No. 180240 SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki,, no. 7, 1966, 27 TOPIC TAGS: electric motor, magnetic field intensity ABSTRACT: This Author Certificate presents an eight-phase stop electric motor. The motor includes a winding-free symmetrical toothed rotor and a winding formed by coils located on the eight-pole nons5Tmetrical toothed stator. The design reduces the forces of the uniaxial magnetic stress. The coils which pertain to the adjacent phases are displaced in respect to one another by A 7rgeometrioal degrees. SUB CODEI 09/ SUBM DATEs 22Jul64 card.0-net, UDG: 621.313.13!--133.3-025.4---!!-,1 GERSHOV, H.H.; AVGUSTAYTIS, L.M.: KRAUM, A.Ya.; - Dyeing rayon bands in light colors with continuous variation of shades. Ieg. prom. 18 no.5:52-53 My 1586 (MIR& 11:6) (Dyes and dyeing-Rayon) J-A AID P 854 Subject USSR/A stronomy Ciird 1/1 Pub. 8 13/13 Author : -Khrenov, L. S, Title : Review Periodical Astron. zhur,,, V. 31-5, 487-488, S-0 1954 Abstract ; A general favorable review of the book The Technique of Calculations by Larchenko, Ye. 0. Institution % None Submitted No date GANISHIN, Vladimir uilcolayevich; KHREMV, Leonid Sergeyevich; J"CHEM Ye.G redaktor; ARMLIDOVA. K.S., redaktor; KOLESNIKOY"A.'17. MERcheaki.y redaktor. (Tachymetric tables for the calculation of vertical and horizontal distances in working with circular tachymeters aid plane-table ali- dades] TakhoometricheBkie tablitay dlia vychisleniia prevy9henii i gorizontallnykh prolozhenii pri rabote a krugovym takhoomtrom i kipregalem. Izd* 2-e, perer. Moskva, Goslesbumizdat, 1955. 247 p. (Tachymeter) (Stadia meaguremontB) (MIRA 8:5) GOPMYSV, A.V.; IARCHMM, Ye.G. ------- Lose of precision in solving systems of nornal equations b7 means of gradual elimination of unlmovne. Sbor. st. po geod. zo.9:109- n6 155. Mu 9: 6) (Irrors, Theory of) (Equations) LLUCHBNKO, Te.G. . Methods for increasing labor productivity in the operation of small calculating machines. Sbor*etspo od. no,10:3-13 155. ()MU 10:2) (Calculating machineer T K, H H C- H E- IV K 0 ~ ye . (_I. GOMM'. A.V.; IARCRENKC, Te*Gv Using X.M*Lavrentlev's formulas for determining the accuracy of normal equation j.3olutions. Sborestepo geodono.10:55-61 '55. (Iquations, Linear) (KM 10:2) LARCHNNIO, YefIm Gerasimovi,qAj_WRDE7XT, A.Y., redaktor; INOZBMTSEVA, A.I., XUZIXIN, G.M.. takhnicheakiy radaktor [Xechanization of the computing vork] Nekhanizatetis vychislitelInyiI rabot. Hosliva, lzd.-Yo geodez. lit-ry.-1956. 299 p. (MIMA 10:4) (Calculating machines)- Nsthematical instruments) URCHEM. Ye.G., kandidat takhnichaskikh nauk. Methods and processes for solving direct and inverse geodetic problems on a plane*Good. i kartouo,1:59-64 Mr 156, (MA 9:10) (Geodesy) -LARCHYNKOO- re.u., kandi"t tekhnicnesnKn nauK. Iffectiveness and accuracy of tables of natural values of trigonometrical functions. 6eod. i kart. no-3:36-40 MY '56. (H12A 9:1C) (Trigonometrical functions) ~ 0 T kandidst tekhnicheskikh nauk; PAVIJDV, V.P. Answers to readers' questions. Geod. i kart. ne.8-.66-70 0 '56. (MIRA 10:1) (surveying) (I /V 10!~ AUTHOR: None given 6-lo-il/12 TITLE: Criticisms of the Book by Ye.G.Larchenko "Mechanization of Computation Work" (Iz otzyvoV -na7E71gu --fe.G.Larchenko ".Mekhanizatsiya vychislitellnykh rabot") PERIODICAL: Geodeziya i Kartografiya, 1957, Nr 10, PP 74-79 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Many-opinions on the book were received by the editorial office but, on account of lack of space, only the most important critical remarks are mentioned here. Essentially, the book is ivell received. It is written in plain language, and, at the same time, scientifically exact. In spite of this fact a number of errors is pointed out. Besides purely technical and MELthe- matical errors,.some errors made with respect to historical data are pointed out. Fault is also found with respect to the omission of the most important works in this field in the attached bibliographical index. There are 2 references. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Cara i/1 :LARCViENKD1 4e. -3(4) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/2028 Maslov, Aleksey Vasillyevich) Yefim Gerasimovich Larchenko, Aleksandr Vasillyevich Gordeyev, and Alekg-androv Geodeziya, ch. 1 (Surveyin pt. 1) Moscow, Geodezizdat, 1958. 510 P. ~13,000 copies printed. girrata slip inserted. Ed.: A. V. Maslov; Ed. of Publishing House: A. I. Inozemtseva; Tech. Ed.: V. V. Romanova, PURPOSE: This text is intended for the practical use of land surveyors and for students in vuzes specializing in land use sciences. COVERAGE: The book is the first part of a three-part Intensive course in surveying. It covers, in considerable detail, the fundamentals of plane surveying and cartography, especially in relation to agricultural uses. There is also an introduction to geodetic surveying. The text contains not only detailed Card 1/20 LAECAHEI 111:0.1 Ye. G. The Tendonclea in the Develouii.-ont of Co-i-,mutation Tochninques in the UISSB Pnd Abroad. " report presented at the.Remlar Sci. Conf. on Soil Sci., Geodesy and Acron,hotoeeodesy, Iat the RIIIZ (11-bacow Inst. for Scil Sci. Enezineerinu,~ 26-31 Jan 1958. 3(4) AUTHOR: Dal_e~ro , Te . G. cent, Candidate of S0111/1 54-58-5-5/18 Technical Sciences TITLE: On Tables for the Calculation of Increments of Rectangular Coordinates and for the Solution of Inverse Surveying Problems With the Help of an Arithmometer With Control ( 0 tablitsakh dlya vychisleniya prirashcheniy pryamougoll- nykh koordinat i resheniya obratnykh geodezicheskilth zadach na arifmometre s kontrolem) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysc-hikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Geodeziya i aero- fotos"yemka, 1950, 1Tr 5~ PP 43 - 52 (USSR) ABSTRACT: This paper includes five-place tables and methods of cal- culation by utilizing these tables, which were tested in 1956 - 19571, with the collaboration of 1. G. Lishchinskiy, T. A. Kuskovaq Students, Diploma Candidates at the MIN, and of I. P. Sergeyev, Surveying Engineer. The model table was examined in the TsNIIGAiK in May 1957 and was found to meet expectations. Such tables are considered to be very applicable and to represent the most accurate set among Card 1/2 all five-place tables of this kind. They offer a controllable On Tables for the Calculation of Increments of Rectangular SOV/154-58-5-5/18 Coordinates and for the Solution of Inverse Surveying ?zroblems With the Help of an Arithmometer With Control means of calculating increments and to solve inverse surveying problems in a plane. As compared to the tables of I. F. Bulekov these tables have the advantage of offering a more comprehensive control of increment cal- culations. The firnt part of the tables takes up 23 pages and includes all values of the three trigonometric functions Cos a, sin a. Cos a - sin a A-2. COs (u+450) for angles a from 00 to 900. Each page features nomograms for the de- termination of the second cor2ections. The second part of the tables covers 4 pages containing the values of square roots with five correct places. Sample problems are attached to show the calculation of incroments and the solution of inverne problems with the help of these tables. There are 3 tables and 2 Soviet references. ASSOC IATION - Mookovskiy institut inzhencroir zemleustroystva (Moscow Institute of Commassation Engineers) SUBMITTED: March 10, 1958 Card 2/2 3M PHASE -I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/2767 -Larcheako, Yefim. Gerasimovich Pyatizna6hnyjre tablitsy d1ya resheniya geodezicbeskikh zadach na ariftometre (Five-Place Tables for Solving Geodeti-c' Problems With an Arithmmeter) Moscov, Geodezizdat, 1959. 49 P. Errata slip inserted. 15,000 copies printed. Ed.: M.Ye. Nekhoroshev; Ed. of Publishing Hcuse: T.A. Sham Tech. Ed*:--V4V. Rananova. PUMIOSE: This booklet is intended for geode:3ists. COVERAGE: . The tables in this booklet contain the natural values of trigonometric f - 'Ctkmof,~eos o(, sin cK. (com%,- sin OQ to I he !fifth decimal place ana values w of squsxe roots. The tables are intended Io aid in computingincrements of riSht angle coordi*nates wid the solutior. of inverse geodetic problems on an arithmmeter. The explanatory text acccmpanying the tabler. provides examplea for computing increm4uts of coordinates, th.e solution of inverse geodetic problems problemsY Card 1/:3 Pive-Flace Tables for Solving (Cont.) sov/2767 the-emputatiowof intersects and.resectLms., and linear intersects. A supplement - contains four nomogram of ft~ w2w having general, application in x*thematical treatment of theodolite measurements and the solation of e r dections. No personalities are mentioned* No references are given. TABIZ OF COMMITS: Explant6tion of the Tables Coi~p&ting increments 4 Solving an inverse geodetic problem 5 Computing intersects 7 Computing resections 9 Computing linear intersects 12 Card 2/3 3W sov/6-59-2-12/22 AUTHORS: 1,a-chPrikp,_Ye. G., Candidate of Technical Sciences, LishchinakiyT I. C-. TITLE: On the Use of Nomographs for Large-scale Recordings (1 : looo, 1 ; 2000, 1 : 5000) (0 primenenii nomogramm, pri s"yemkakh v krupnykh mauahtabakh (1 : 1000, 1 . 2000, 1 : 5000)) PERIODICAL: Geodeziya i kartografiya, 1959, Sr.2, PP 56-60 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In this paper two nomographB are shown which were recorded for the formulas (1) and (2) according to the logarithmic ana- morphosis and points of adjustment. These formulas are applied to the calculation of exceedings and corrections of longitudes of lines measured by means of a telemeter, because of the in- clination to the horizon. FSr distances of 10 - 250 m and in- clination angles of 11 - 20 combined net nomographs can be re- corded simultaneously for both formulae (1) and (2). The nomo- graph covers 6 sheets, one of them being shown here. Tacho- metric tables for arguments within the same limits cover at least 150 pages of the size used in this case. In figure 2 the nomograph of the points of adjustment for the formulas (1) and Card 1/2 (2) is shown, by means of which also the exceedings h and the soy/6-59-2-12/22 On the Use of Nomographs for Large-scale Recordings (1 : 1000, 1 : 2000, 1 5000) corrections As can be determined simultaneously because of re- duction of the'distances to the horizon measured by means of a telemeter. The principal advantage of these nomographs as com- pared to those which have been used till now (the most precise of which being that developed by Professor V. N. Vysotskiy) consists in the fact that according to the nomographs shown in this paper the values of the exceedings h and the corrections 46 can'be obtained due to the inclination of lines, i.e. at a position of the line which solves the problem. - The nomograph atlases compiled by N. I. Modrinskiy, F. F. Pavlov, and D. Ye. Levit were very useful, but are not very comfortable in field work. There are 2 figures and 8 references, 6 of which are Soviet. Card 2/2 LkRCHENKO,,To.G, Tables of natural values of trigonometric functions. Trudy Inst.fiz.i mt.AN BSSR n0-3:250-256 159. (14IRA 13:4) (Trigonometrical functions) 3W SOV/154-59-4-14/17 AUTHOR: Larchenko, Ye. G., Doctor of Technical Sciences TITLE.- On "The Teaching Device for the Calculation of Coordinates and Heights of Bench Marks" by S. G. Morozkov%, MI. M. Izve- kov , V. F. Pavlov, A. A. Pchelina. (0 "Posobii po vychisleniyu koordinat i vyaot opoznako-%" avtorov S. G. Morozkova, M. M, Izvekova, V. F. Pavlova, A, A. Pchelinoy).(Publishers of Geo- detic Literature, Moscow, '957)(Izdatellstvo geodezicheskoy literatury, M., 1957) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebny!:h zavedeniy. Geodeziya i aerofotos"- yemka, 1959, Nr 4, PP 115 - 122 (USSR) ABSTRACT: At the end of 1957 the sec:)nd revised and supplemented edition of the teaching device for the calculation of coordinates and the height of bench marks was published. It is meant for land surveyors and topographers who develop surveying -rids Y * luable ld 1/10000. The book is a va in the scales of 1/25000 ar device but it shows a number of shortcomings which are dealt with in detail in the preeent paper. Rec ommendat ions are given which should be taken inlo consideration in the new edition. The edition of 6000 copieE is already sold out. There are Card 1/2 3 figures, 4 tables, and I Soviet references. On "The Teachin- Device for the Calculation of SOV/154-59-4-14/17 a Coordinates and Heights of Bench Marks" 'iy S. G. !Aorozkov- , Y. tf- Izva- kov , V. F. Pavlov, A. A. Pchelina. (Pub'lishers of Geodetic Literature, Moscow, 1957) ASSOCIATIONt Moskovskiy institut inzhenerov zeinleustroystva (moscow Institute for Land Survey Engineers) SUBMITTED. June 28, 1958 Card 2/2 LAEHENE AUTHOR. No.. Gi... soir/6-59.5-24/26 t TITLXt Chronicle (Khrealka) FZMDrC1L1 Gool.riya I kartagrafiya. 1959, Yr 5f p 76 CUS53) IATUCT. True March '7' to 20, 1959, the regular tonforente was h Id &I the Mo.kovokly inatitut Inshoner-6V som2oustroyetva : (Uoscow Institute of Land Surrey V4glmevrv). The confora o9 van att nded by about*00 representatives of schools, . ; a n I In research In.tituteas an4'liarlous production 1 : rg" 1201ons. In the plan-" no -wahly, the following paper were r 241 Professor S. A. Ud.chl..-Corrss pond I" UeA.r of the TAMIL (All-Union Academy of Aericultural Sciences 1.9al T, 1. Lenin). 'To",* af Land Survey and Land Survey SoIonce In the tight of . Resolution. of tba 21ot Party Con4rreas of the CPS3." A. T., Peaftlay, Representative of the t rstvo seltakojo khozysyatv. -SSSR (Nlnlltrlr Of XIni :. Larl turt of the USSR), Raosic Problems of Loci Survey In ; the US33.- Professor 1. T. boahkov "problems of I rat on and of the InT*0tlgftj1OA Of 30110 In the XOI%!h~" I zal:t . t L. . Survey Section, 10 pap*ra'woro read. - 7v vio cut 1/2 Geodetic Section, the following paper. or. read, 1~e. _G.Larchtnkov Doctor of Technical Sciences, *On th Apprazimation We thod for the Estimation of the &course; of C IculAftan Rovults.- Yu. Y. KoRnIts, Candidete of Technical Set n M-F-Me 6 0.3, "Now Patterns ~'olution of Normal FAuatione. V. Kh. lust troyICandidate of To.hnia.1 Sciences. *r-pl-rawat of tho Indications Of the Radio Altimeter for the Compilation ofAproximately Oriented Photographic Mope.- To. -I. art, Cend 11.%o of Technical $alone**, "Production of-FI-vai-a-Ty-the , Aid f a Compiling D*koo.-M. 51, Favol-9 ly, ftglnoor of the v~ To.ntrallac a*I'Xh a od atl i s or at kI (C l c a o ra pr ywz e pr ya y y Ect.1,11oh-st for Agricultural Aerial Photography), "ftpvr16AQt Coined In the Froduation of Plans of a Moont 1awas Terrain for Agrioulturel Purposes, VISh the Zoployson ; Topographical map*.- - Is Candidate of Technical Sol note, am 9 -to 3t4lent K. A. Zykav .0, the Application of the Radio-goodetto System of the T61110111 (Central scientific Research Institute of 0:0002TO Aerial Burval %Od CortWaphy) to jorima photography. h I of the Use of a Laws tag leadwastor FL WI_TZ% Will . I Inttrument noting List of eight In coodatic T CA" 2/2 VDT% for Agrivaltv".. ANMOV, SeA-pfim Alekseyevich; LARCHE 0. Ye.G., rea.;-vAsIL'YEVA. V.I., red.izd-va; ROMANOVA,--V-.V.,,---- (Tables for.,~he reduction of directions to a plane and the calculation 'of spbarical excesses of triangles] Tablitay re- duktsii napravlenii na ploskostl i sferichaskikh Jzbytkov treu- golinikov. Moskva, Izd-vo goodez.lit-ry, 1960. 90 p. (MIRA 13:6) (Triangulation) (Geodesy-Tablesoetc.) 16,6%Db "9e 6q(,,g3 AUTHOR: Larchenko.,.-Yes G,.,., Doctor of Technical 3/15 60/DOO/01/007/017 -Sclences B007YI3123 TITLE: An Analysis of Accuracy in Solving Systems of Normal Equations \Y PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Geodeziya i aerofotos"yemka, 1960, Nr 1, pp 65-74 (USSR) TEM. Here, the analysis of accuracy in solving systems of normal equations with the aid of computers is investigated. The accuracy is analyzed by the number of decimal digits and significant digits in the components of the initial, equivalent, and elimination system. First the factors influencing the accuracy (for the determination of the unknown from systems of normal equations on computers by direct methods) are shown. For illustrating the explanations of accuracy in sol-ting systems of normal equations, the values of the unknown and quadratic coefficients that are obtained in solving two poorly specified systems are given in tables-1 and 2. Here, a method for improving the solution of poorly specified systems is suggested. Although this method demands only slight additional calculations, it offers satisfactory results. It can be applied to any position of equations in the system. It is based on the calculation of deviationB in the equations of the normal system. The method itself is well-known but has not yet been applied for improving the solution of poorly specified systems. It is Card 1/2 q (I An Analysis of Accuracy in Solving Systems of Normal S/1'rj4J60/000/01/007/017 Equations B007/B123 explained in detail. Poorly specified systems can be solved by means of the logical possibilities of an electronic computer with preset control using commands for a conditional transfer. When computing each individual quadratic coefficient of the equivalent system, the computer compares its relative error to the relative-erior previously fed into the computer. If the relative error obtained is smaller than the given one, the computer continues solving the problem acoording to the basic program. If, however, this'error exceeds the given one, the computer makes a conditional transfer and finds the solution according to an additional program. Then, it returns to the operations provided by the basic program. The additional program can be set up e.g. according to a suggestion of S. G. Sharupich (Ref 6). Khaletskiy and the Polish astronomer and mathematician T. Banakhevich (Ref 7) are mentioned. There are 3 tables and 7 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy institut inzhenerov zemleustroystva (Moscow Institute of Land Survey Engineers) Card 2/2 LARCHENW, Ye.G., doktor takhn.nauk "Calculating machines. Pt. 1; Xe7board calculating machines" by V.N.Riazankin, GqJPJrstigneev, N,H.Tresviatskii, Reviewed b7 B.G.larchonko. Izv-.vys. ucheb. zav.; geod. i aerof. no.5:135- 14o 16o. (MIR& 13:12) 1. Moskovoldy institut inzhonerov zemleustroystva. (Calculating machines) (Riazankint V.N.) (EVB+A eev.9 G.P.) (Treoviatakiit N*N*F GANISHIN., Vladimir Rikolayevicb; XHRENOV~ Leonid Sergeyevich., prof.; LARCIWKO, Ye.G. red.; MELIHIKOVA, A.G.., red. izd--va; red. (Tachymetric tables for calculating heights and ground distances using a circular tacbymeter and alidade] Takheometricheskie tab- litsy dlia vychislenii prevyshenii i gorizont~allnykh prolozhenii pri rabote s krugovym takheometrom i kipregelem. Izd.3.2 dop, Moskva, Goslesbumizdat.. 1961. 251 P. (MIRA 15:1) (Surveying-Tables etc.) GANISHIII, Vladimir Ilikolayevich; KMWOV, Isonid Sergeyevich, Prof.: LARCB3N'SO Te.G,, red.; VASILIYWA, V.I., red.izd-va;, [Tables for geodetic leveling] Tablitay dlia geodezicheskogo nivoliravaniia. Moskva, Izd-vo gsoaez.lit-ry, 1961. 132 p. (MIRA 15:2) (Surveying--Tables, etc.) LARCHENKO.-Yefim Gerasimovich: SHURYGINA., A.I.P red.izd-va; RDMANOVA, kv_., tekhn. red. (Five-place tables for solving geodetic problems] Piati- znachnye tablitsy dlia resheniia geodezicheskikh zadach. Izd.2., perer. i dop. Moskva, Gosgeoltekhizdat, 1963. 82 p. (MIRA 16:6) (Geodesy-Tables, etc.) MASLOV, Aleksey Vasillyevich; J*~W~Q,Jefim- Gerasimovich; GORDEYEV, Aleksandr Vasillyevich; ALEKSPiNDROV, Nikolay Nikolayevich; Prinimal ucbastiye BATRAKOV, lu.G.; ZUBRITSKIY, i.v., pftr., retsenzent [deceased]; VALSIL'YEVA, V.I.,, red.izd-va; ROMANOVA, V.V., tekhn. red. [Geodesy] Geodeziia. [By) A.V.Maslov i dr. Moskva, Izd-vo "Nedra." Pt-l- 1964. 490 P. (MIRA 17: AQ 1. Zaveduyushchiy kafedroy geodezii Belorusskoy sellskokho- zyaystvennoy akademii (for Zubritskiy). MIKBNEVICH, Grigoriy Vasiltyevich, dots.; RYAZANOV, Viktor, Pavlovich, dots.; SIBIRYAKOVA, Aleksandra Dmitriyevna, dots. Frinimali uchastiye.- BATIRAKOV, Tu.G., dots.; VITMAN, A.I.p dots,,; YOOSHEEV, L.S.., aspirant; KORDBOCHKIN, M.L., assistent; NEKHOROSHEV, M.Ye.,, retsenzent; DOGOLYU130VA, N.S., retsenzent; VIKOLENKO, NU., retsenzent; CHMUKHIN, L.S., retsenzentj NESHCHADIMOV, L.S., retsenzent; JLAR.911-EN~[ prof., red. (Surveying) Geodaziia. Moskva, Nedra. Pt.2., 1964. 338 p. (MIRA 17:12) 1. Zamestitelf nachallnika UDravleniya sallskokhozyaystven- nykh aerofotos"yemok (for Nekhoroshev). 2. Kafedra vysshey peodezii Omskogo sellskokliozyaystvennogo instituta (for Bogolyubova, Nikolenko, Chernukhin, Neshchadimov). LARCHENKO, Ye.G., doktor tekhn. nauk, prof. Iterative method for determining the optimum points with reference to the given ones. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; geod. i aerof. no.2: 13-17 165. (MIRA 18:10) 1. Moskovskiy institut inzhenerov zemleustroyatva. Submitted Nov. 21, 1964. IARCBMTKO-DCBON,, N. T.: Master Med Sci (dips) -- "Reflex the-rapy of bronchial U asthm using a suspension of bismuth carbomte on 'lie nervous-receptor apparatur of the lungs". Mosco-j, 1959. 16 pp (Ifin Health PqrSR, Moscow Me-0- Stomatological Inst), 250 coPies M~ No 17, 1959, 111) " ]["fm cv,-N.2., .- ~ - - - - Pulmonary reflexes in the therapy of bronchial asthma. Trudy mol. nauch. sotr. MCNIKI no,1043-151 t59 (MIRA l6t1l) 1. Iz 2-y terapevticheskoy kliniki (zav. prof. N.A.Allbov) Moskovskogo oblastnogo nauebno-issledovatel'skogo kliniches- kago instituta imeni Vladimirskogo. IARCHENKO-DORON, N.T med.nauk Treatment vith sarcolysine of rayelomic disease. Vrach.delo no.8: 142-144 Ag 162. (MIU 15:11) 1. Vtoraya terapevticheakaya klinika (zav. - starshiy nauabnyy sotrudnik L.P.Pressman) Moskovskogo oblastnogo nauchno-issledo- vatellskogo klinicheskogo instituta imeni M.F.Vladimirskogo. (SARCOLYSINE) (KMCYW-CANCER) LARCFYMOV, A-Ta.; LYALOOVIC14 B.S. Tarkhan horizon in the western Kopet Dagh of Turkmenistan. Izv. AN SSSR* Ser. geol. 25 no*12:92-94 D 160. (MIRA 13:11) 1. Turkmenskiy filial Veesoymnogo nauchno-iseledovatellskogo neftyanogo Instituta gQroda Rebit-Dag. (Kopet Dagh-Geology, Stratigraphie) LARGHENKGVP A.Ya. Ydocene deposits of the westem Kopet-Dag. Izv.All Tark.SSR.Ser. fiz.-tekh,.p khim.i geol.nauk. no.1;101-103 161. OMA 14:8) 1. Turkmenskiy filial Vaesoyuznogo neftegazovogo nauchno- isaledovatellskogo instituta. (Kopet-Dag-Geology, Stratigraphic) LARCHENKOV, A.Ya. Correlation of the Miocene deposits of Krasnovodsk peninsula. Izv.AN Turk,SSR,SerJIz.-tekh.0 kbimA geol.nauk no.1:118-120 162. (MIRA 16:12) 1. Turkmenskiy filial Vsesoyuznogo neftegazovogo nauchno-issledo- vatel'skogo instituta. LARCHERKOV, A.Ya. i -. Prospects for finding oil and gas in Mesozoic fractured rocks in eastern regions of Turkmenistan. Neftegaz. geol. i geofiz. no.3:25-27 163. (MIRA 16:8) 1. Turkmenskiy filial Vaesoy-uznogo rieftegazovogo nauchno- isoledovatellskogo instituta. IARGHENKOV, A. Ya. Onkophora beds of the Kulmach Range of Kopet-Dag, Izv. 1.11 Turko SSR, Ser, fJz,-tekh., khim. i geol. nauk no.6,.116- n7 161. (MIRA 15:3) 1, '-N=kmenskiy filial Vsesoyuznogo neftegazovogo nauchno-issle- dovateliskogo instituta. (Kulmach xsnge-Lamellibranchiata, Fossil) L; ~ 1 14 --,. -, _-, " , '.7, . !%~ . "Immurt.incr-, )f Liviin,-, nt of Kholao~-ory Cat,tl(:." Cand ~jy Sci, ~.'oscciw Order of Lcnin, ALricliltural -Ica-' K. A. Ti-vdr~-azev, 1:'~oscow, !9c:, ITo 17, p- _p r -l' 5 ~c SO: Su--li, 110i 704, 2 Nov 55 - Survey of 0 ientific and Tecimical Dissertation, at USSR Higher D-lucational Institutions (16.) USSR/Farm Animals - Cattle Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biol.j No 15, 1958, 69323 Author Larchia, V.A. 11~ Inst Vologda Dairy Institute Title Reactio-n of Kholingory Cows of Variovis Constitutional Types to the Abrupt Chaiiges of Weather Factors duri;lg the Period of Pasture Maiiitei-n~Lce OriG nit Tr. Vologod. iaolochn. ill-ta., 1955, VYP- 13, 39-49 Abstract No abstract. Card 1/1 - 34 - USSR / Farm Animals. General Problems Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 5, 1958, 21422 Author Larchin V. A. Inst Title The Effect of the Type of Constitution of the Organ- ism upon the Increase of Milk Yield and Endurance of the Kholmogory Cattle (Vliyanlye tipa konstitutaii organizma na povyshenlye molochnosti i vynoslivostl kholmogorskogo skota) Orig Pub: Tr. Vologodsk. molochn. in-t, 1956, vyp. 14, 81-95 Abstract; During the last century, the Kholmogory cattle changed considerably: the average live weight of cows in- creased from 375 to 540 kg., the transverse length of the body - from 160 to 174 cm., the circumference of the breast from 1'(5 to 191 cm., width of hind- quarters - from 54.5 to 61 cm., the circumference Card 1/4 3 USSR /Farm Animals. General Problems Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 5, 1958, 21422 Abstract: of the udder - from 97 to 124 cm., etc. For every 100 feed units conuumed, the milk yield increased by 4o-45 kg.,; for I kg. of weight increase in young cattle up to 6 months of age, the average expense of food decreased by 1-1 _1/2 feed-units. The milk yield of cows increased, on the average, from 1,000- 1,200 to 3,920 kg., and in a better group, up to 4,430 kg. of milk. The biological resistance of animals to disease increased. The changes which oc- curred in the breed are conditioned by breed improve- ment work and by the raising of animals under defin- ite type of feeding (low concentrate, moderate con- centrate, voluminous, "dry" and succulent type). An experiment intended for the study of the effect ,of the feeding level (low concentrate, voluminous type of feed rations) upon the development and pro- Card 2/4 USSR / Farm Animals. General Problems Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 5, 1958, 21422 Abstract: sisted of heavy-weight, massive, highly productive animals, and the second one, composed of the lighter (breast circumference 23 cm. and body length 8 cm. smaller than in cows belonging to the first group) and yielding less milk (67%. less). In the first group., 12% of the cows had tuberculosis, and in the second', 44%. Card 4/4 LARCHINg Vot dots, I --.- ~ Improve Kholmogory cattle. Nauka i pored. op. v sellkhoz. 8 no-5: 69-71 My 158. (MM ll-5) 1. Vologodskly molochnyy institut. I (Dairy cattle) LARCHIN, V.A. Significance of the line breeding of maternal families of the Kholmogory cattle for increased milk and butterfat production. Agrobiologiia no. 3:432-435 My-Je 161. (MM 14:5)~ 1. Vologodskiy molochnyy institut. kDairy cattle breeding) L&RCHIM, N., irizh.-tekhnolog Consider our work as of Primar7 importance...Obshchestv.pit. no.2:7~9 -F 160.. (MIRA 13:6) 1. Levoberezhnyy trest stolorykh, Novosibirsk. (Novosibirsk--Restaurants, lunchrooms, etc.) POLA71D./'-!~ -,bu Cri- 2u' ':-'0,~ roll, ic 3;, c- -74, 2, 1- 7.- 23- Y- b 9 11 rc abitr-c'u CL~ rd JOUR 22 19, . TTTI, art' -i.rwawie (;o1oraw) 1011-it, ICrT(- PUB ,. . I ri I ta Os f V: r I.-i vi I r -C. leL4-ves au; fat.; ;olk: I v i f c r. t I e o 1. ii i I i4 e Lt It. a sia et I Im, bot" ii. z;i,! r:- ri ') I o I a c t i ';,~ c IZI U '~l I- ~: )I Os V. COIIIT, o s f t i o r, i, po c;-iali-lc~ il., t,.,(; ve: etntiuf, VI%: :,I'. 0l C~',ell CA. T: D 167 P ST, TI 1 T ME ra~lo f.;:' A % Z! C. i i,;;. po ta IV C! t -in t )!I U." 0 aA!." -)i.,eollont ly, ,~. " (. I 13' i c oll 10 it . I . , 1 , n-959, r ~i ol `a- TV kto 11 W I Q' tier f 1 it pI ry - LARFLIN, P.N. Chemistry - Study and TeLcUng "Extra curricular study of chenistry-11 L.I. Rozina. aevieved by P.-I. Karelin. Dim. v ohkole no. 2, 1952. 0. Monthl,y Iist of Russian Accessions. Library of Congress, Ilovember 1952. L171CLASSIFIED. IAM14RUV j, A. to, I Yavdachenko, V. I., Itaisman) G. F.2 and L=X,~o I USE OF BAI,.,ICIFSK QUARTZIT.~S IH T::,-, ~~'C.UFACTUR--- OF, DINAS IVOR COKE OV-71'!s Ogn.eupory, 10 (7-8) 10-14 (1945)--'-The Bai,,ichesk quartzites contain Si02 98.65, A1203 + Fe203 ~ Ti02O.28, CaO 0-56, and loss on iEnition 0.2L,%. Refractoriress is 17400, water absorption 1.3%, voluine porosiVl 3.3/'0", bulk -vei-,,-h-'u 2*514 Fm.1 C1303, and specific gravity 2.65- After laboratory firing at 14,600, water 0 absorption was -14.2 to 3.2%, volume porosity 8-5 to 9-(Yj~, bulk, 2. 29 F- ,n./cm.3, and specific -rawity 2411 to 2.50. The quartzites were sorted to remove friable sandstone and then used in amounts of 20 W 25% uith otl-,er quartzites to prepare Dinas suitable for metallurgical and coke ovens. It is possible to use these quartzites in armunts greater than 25% provided the fraction lessthan 0.01M -rrn. is 20 to 30%. LAIMIKOV, A. P. "Complete grinding of Dinas nu-xtures in the mixin.g rollers" Ogneupori, No. 3, 1948