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LANKMITS. A.V. Determination of the size of the fetus in labor and so:n'e factors in its development. Vop. okh. mat. i det. 6 no.10:44,49 0 161. (MIRA 14:11) 1. 1z kafedry akusherstva i ginekologii (zav. - chlen-korrespondent AM SSSR prof. L.S.Persianinov) II 14oskovskogo meditsinskogo instituta imeni II.I.Pirogova. (FETUS) LANKOVITS, A.V. Some tenas used in obstetrics. Vop. okh. mat. i det. 7 no.1:70-71+ Ja 162. (MIRA 15:3) 1. 1z kafedry akusherstva i ginekologii lechabnogo fakullteta (zav. - chlen-korreapondent AIC SSSR prof. L.3~*- Peraianinov) II Moskovskogo meditsinskogo instituta imeni R.I. Pirogova. (OBSTETRICS-ThERMINOLOGY) MATSPANOVA, O.D., kand. med. nauk; IANKOVITS, A.V., Prof.; KRASOVSKIY Ye. B. , doktor me'd-.7nila A. LIEENZON L.L., kand. med.nauk, red. (Authors abstracts of scientific papers completed in 1961) Avtoreferaty nauchnykh rabot, vypolnennykh v 1961 g. Red. koll.: O.D.Matspanova i dr. Moskva, 1962. 118 p. (MIRA 16:11) 1. Moscow. (Province) Oblastnoy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy in- stitut akusherstva. I ginekologii. 2. Direktor Moskovskogo oblastnogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo instituta akusherstva i ginekologii (for Matspanova). 3. Zamestitell direktora po na- uchnoy chasti Moskovskogo oblastnogo nauchno-issledovatellsko- go instituta akusherstva, i ginekologii (for Lankovits). (OBSTETRICS) (GYNECOLOGY) (PEDIATRICS) IANKOVITS , A.V. Cesarean sections in Moscow Province in 1961. Vop. ck'r,. i (J,I,Tftl det. 8 no.7:57-63 til 163. 1, 17:2) 1. Iz Floskovskogo oblastnogo nauchno-issledovatellsko'go instit,,uta akiisherstva i ginekologil (direktor - kand. med. nauk :).D. Matsroanova, nauchnyy rukovoditelf - prof. A.V. Lankcvits). n'7~ LIA.-N!~~.~;*A., --. ~ - z Tabulation of transient processes in electric ii;tworks synthesized on the basis of Bessel's polynomials. ElektrosviazI 17 no.9: 43-54 S 163. (NIRA 16:10) I ~ I I . . I - . I . I ~ , . 1 1 .. - - , - , i 1 .,.. . I I .. 1. 1 .~ ~ I . " - : 1, 1 .. . .. " '. : ; ,.1- . - I . .ARZIIANNI.KGV,, Yc..P.,- UON2, A.A. ------ -- ---- - Optimal charactE!rJ sties of lor-7-frequency filters. 4L.djotekh- rdka 20 no.10g21-30 0 165. (M-,.tA !8~11) 1. Day:3tvitelln7ye chleny Nauchno~-tekhnichcukogo )bqbchestva radiotekhniki i elektrosvyazi. MITE, A.A.; STKAHEV, A.A. ..... . Some results of the study , f L. 1. M~.d'l I:; - Elektrosviaz' 19 no. 12:501-66 D '65 ('.fT'-,A 19:1) L 47212-66 ACC NR, ARGO19063 SOURCE CODE: UR/0274/6G/000/001/AO08/A008 ;AUTHOR: Lanne, A. A.; Okunev, Yu. B.; Sikarev, A. A. iREF SOURCE: Tr. uchebn. in-tov svyazi. M-vo svyazi SSSR, vyp. 214, 1965, 49-58 7ITLE: Statistical evaluation of one class of phaGe-jce, Ired signals ISOURCE: Ref. zh. Radiotekhnika i elektrosvyazl, Abs. 1A46 ITOPIC TAGS: signal analysis, phase shift ;TRANSLATION: A group signal in a phase-keyed channel can be represented by the follow-, ling equation: k. z(t)~ 2 Ak cos (kb).l ++ k-k, 2rc ~m'ere ca,-= k -kj + 1 n is the number of the phase components, T is the pulse width; 2 i~k is the initial phase of the k-th component, and "k is the random discrete phCAbr. hift of the k-th signal component. In the case of determined signals, the peak fact- r is expressed by so k. V A, k k-*, Card 1/2 UDC: 621.391.133 ACC NR. AR6019063 k il~ h, ere Sa-min max A;c*o3(kcao1+qk) :and s0< C YTn-n IC is an absolute constant. It was established that for a group phase-keyed signal th a number of components n>6, the selection of the original phases do not affect the statistical properties of the signal. Evaluation of statistical signal character- Rstics are also presented and examples illustrating the application of the results are iven. 5 figures, 1 table, 1 reference. N. G. ISUB CODE: 17/ 2/2 Pv KADEN, N.N.; LAIIOVAYA,_V.P. Morphology of the gynoecium and the fruit of geranium. Nauch. dokl. vys. sbkoly; biol. nauki n0-4:104-109 r63- (MIRA 16:11) 1. Rekomendovana, kafedroy vysshikh rasteniy Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta im. Ioomonosova. MUSHKALO, L.K.; SHLYK0, D.I.; L.-I NO',,"AY A, Ye.I. Condensat' , of with unsatu-aLed ketcnes. Peport No 2. Ul:-.',r'h-,*,m.zhuf-. 30 no.5:502-5103 164. (1! T - .-.ttf 18:4) 1. Kiyevskiy gosudarstvepnyy universi4et. I MUSEX&M, L.K.; IANOVAYA, Z.1. 1-1 .--. .-. --- Condensation of unsaturated carbonyl compounds andg-halo ketones with p-aminoothylmereaptans. Ukr.khim.zhur. 21 no.5:631-635 '55. (MLRA 9:3) 1. Xiyevskiy gosudarstvennyy univeraltet imeni, T.G.- Sh'evchenko, Kafedra organicheskoy khimii. . (Carbonyl compounds) (Ketones) (Thiols) LANOVOY, 1. D.: Master I-led Sci (diss) -- "rhe use of the SoviEt al- bomycin in Lreating endometritis (Experimontal-clinical investigation)". Kiev, 1956. 20 pp (Kiev Order of Labor Red Banner Med Inst im Acad A. A. Bogo-molets), 200 copies (KL, No 7, 1959, 129) LANOVOY, I.D. Using albomycin in clinical obstetrics and gynecology Lwith sumnary in Engliahl. Aku8h. i gin. 33 no.6:37-40 N-D 157. (MIRA 11:3) 1. Iz kafedry akusheretva i ginekologii (zav.-prof. A.Y.Anialmov) i kafedry farmakologii (zav.-Drof..F.V.Kovshnr') Stanialnvakogo meditsinskogo institute. (PUEMRIMI, COMD1. endometritis, ther., albomycin) (AIF21BIOTICS, ther. use albomycin in puerperAl & postabortive endometritis) (ABORTION, com-ol. endometritis, ther., albomycin) (ENDOMETRITIS, ther. same) IVANOVA, T.I.; LANOVCY, I.D.; ASMOLOVSKIY, G.V.; FEDOROV, R.V. Therapeutic effect of monorUcin in experimental endometritis. Antibiotiki 9 no.5:462-463 MY 164. (MIRA 18:2) 1. Iva o-Frankovskiy meditsinskiy institut. IVANOVA, T.I., prof.; VIKTOROVSKAYA, Ye.N., dotsent; LAKOVOY, I.D.; KRIVOSHEYEVA, M. V. . ..... Use of albomycin in treating women with inflammatory diseases of the genitalia. no.3:121-122 162. (14IRA 15--5) 1. Iz kafedry akusherstva i ginekologii (zavo - profs A.V. Anisimov) i kafedry mikrobiologii (zav. - prof. T.I. Ivanova,' Stanislavskogo meditsinskogo instituta (dir. - dotsent G.A. Babenko). (GENFMTIVE ORGANS, MUM-DISEASES) (ALBO!4YCIN) S11901601002100910121019 B004/BO60 AUTHORS: Lanovskaya, L. M., Gantmakher, A. R., Medvedev, S. S. TITLE: Polymerization of_fL ~lenejby Means of the Combined Catalyst a-TiCl 3 - AlR3 in the Presence of Various Monomers. I. The Effect of Various Monomers on the Polymerization of Ethylene A PERIODICAL: Vysokomolekulyarnyye soyedineniyaq 1960, Vol. 2. No. 9. pp. 1391-1397 TEXT: The authors wanted to study the interaction of Narious unsaturated compounds with the combined catalyst, and its affect on the polymeriza- tion of ethylene under coziditions at which these compounds still poly- merize at a negligibly low rate. The authors describe the purification of the reagents, the reaction vessel (Fig. 2) with magnetic stirrer and Card 1/4 Polymerization of Ethylene by Means of the S/190/60/002/009/012'/019 Combined Catalyst a-TiCl 3 -AlR3 in the B004/BO60 Presence of Various Monomers. I. The Effect of Various Monomers on the Polymerization of Ethylene thermostat, and a device (Fig. 1) which served for introducing the octane solvent and the (i-C4H9)3 Al into the reaction vessel. The measure- ments were made at a constant ethylene pressure of 200 torr by the Method developed by A. I. Gellbshteyn and M. I. Temkin (Ref. 8). The experimental procedure was worked out by Gritsenko and Lanovskaya. a-methyl styrene, isoprene, butadiene, and isobutylene were used as ad- mixtures. In the first series of experiments (Table 1, Fig. 3), the monomer was filled into the reaction vessel before introducing the ethylene. In the second series of experiments (Tables 112, Figs. 4-6)9 the ethylene was first polymerized during two hours, the monomer was then added, and polymerization was carried on for five more hours. In the experiments specified in Table 1, the authors used TiCl3 which was ob- tained from TiCl4 by reduction by means of antimony. Table 2 specifies Card 2/4 Polymerization of Ethylene by Means of the 3/190/60/002/009/012/019 Combined Catalyst a-TiCl 3 - AlR 3 in the B004/BO60 Presence of Various Monomers. I. The Effect of Various Monomers on the Poly~erization of Ethylene the experiments in which TiCl was produced by the reduction of TiCl 3 4 by means of titanium metal. Experiments revealed that the polymerization rate of ethylene is retarded in the presence of one of the monomer com- pounds mentioned. The molecular weight of the resulting polyethylene is, however, not iitfluenced thereby. As to their reaction-retarding effect, the various monomer compounds are mentioned in the order buta- diene, isoprene -;;. styrene ;;P. isobutylene > a-methyl styrene. Diene hydrocarbons, thus, have the greatest retarding effect. The addition of monomers prio:r to or after the beginning of polymerization bears no in- fluence on this effect. The authors mention a discussion by A. R. ' Gantmakher on a lecture by A. A. Xorotkov at the International Symposium in Prague, 1957. There are 6 figures, 2 tables, and 8 references; 2 Soviet, 4 US, and 2 German. Card 3/4 Polymerization of Ethylene by Means of the S/190/60/002/009/012/019 Combined Catalyst a-TiCl 3 - AlR3 in the B004/B06O Presence of Various MonomerSq Iq The Effect of Various Monomers on the Polymerization of Ethylene ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-khimicheskiy institut im. L. Ya. Karpova (Physico-chemical Institute imeni L. Ya. Karpov) S IJBM ITTED April 11, 1960 Card 4/4 85414 S/150/60/CO2/011/010/02-1 Is-.8101 B004/BO6O AUTHORS: Lanovskaya, L, M., Gantmakher,, A,. R., Medvedev, S, S, TITLE: Polymerization of Ethylenelby Means of Combined a-TiCl 3' AIR3 Catalyst in the Presence of Various Monomers II Some Problems Concerning the PolymerizationqMechanism in the Presence of Combined Catalysts I PERIODICAL: Vysokomolekulyarnyye soyedineniya, 1960, Vol, 2, No,. 11-,.' pp, 1655 - 1658 TEXT: This is a discussion of the results obtained by the authors in tte~.l concerning the effect of various monomers on the polymerization of ethylene by a-TiCl 3 -AlR3 catalysts. The authors' experiments revealed that additions of isobutylene, styrene, isoprene, or butadiene reduce the polymerization rate of ethylene, complexes~of these monomers being formed on the catalyst surface,, The ability to form complexes is reduced in the series butadiene >isoprene >styrene >isobutylene >a-methyl styrene. This succession is analogous to the series obtained by other researchers for Card 1/3 ItUMRP-10 85414 Polymerization of Ethylene by Means of S/190/60/002/011/010/027 Combined a-TiCl 3- AlR3Catalyst in the Presence B004/BO60 of Various Monomers. II. Some Problems Concerning the Polymerization Mechanism in the Presence of Combined Catalysts ccF.pounds of platinum, silver, and other metals. The authors base on their expr-,~-imental results to conclude that the monomers react with the titanium component of the catalysts A reaction with the aluminum component. which is a Lewis acid, would yield another series of activities. The following reaction scheme is given: /R ki / R R k R TiCl-~~Al! R 4 M~~M,TiCl Al-R (1) M'TiCl ~A4i --~4TiCl AI~R (2). \MnR 2 \MnR \MnR \m n4lR Polymerization by combined catalysts thus does not have a typical anionic course, but is a more complicated process~ This has some resemblani~e with polymerization in the presence of lithium alkyls, but differs from it by specific properties which depend on the structure of the combined catalyst. The authors mention A. A. Babushkin, L, A, Gribov, and A. D Geliman There are 14 references: 5 Soviet, 4 US, 3 British, 1 French, and ~. German Card 2/3 85414 Polymerization of Ethylene by Means of S/190/60/0Q2/01j/0!()/()27 Combined a,.TiCl3-AIR3Catalyst in the Presence B004/BO60 of Various Monomers. II. Some Problems Concerning the Polymerization Mechanism in the Presence of Combined Catalysts ASSOCIATIONt Fiziko-khimicheskiy institut im, L, Ya Karpova (Physico- chemical Institute imeni L, Ya, Karpov) SUBMITTED: May 5, 1960 Card 3/3 IANOVSKAYA.,-L.M.; MAKLETSOVA, N.V. [deceased]; GANT14AYJ1ER, A.R.; '- -"' 14~DVEDEV, S. S. Polymerization of ethylene in the presence of various composite catalysts based on TiC13- Vysokom. soed. 7 no.4:741-'746 iD 1f-5. Nature of the active centers in the processes of polymerization in the presence of composite catalysts based on TiC13. Ibid.: 747-750 (HIRA 18:6) 1. Fiziko-khimicheskiy institut imeni Karpova, Moskva. ARSEYEV, Aleksandr Vasillyevich; LAROVSKAY'A, 1". R., red.izd-va; DOBUZHINSKAYA, L.V., telchn, red. [Burning of natural gas) Szhiganie prirodnogo gaza. Mo- skva, Metallurgizdat, 1963. 1+07 p. OURA 17:2) SEMENENKO, N.A., doktor tekhn.nauk, prof., nauchn. red.; LANOVSKATA, M.R ,red.; GINZBURG, R.Ta., tekhn. red. [Power engineering processes in cyclone smelting] TSiklon- nye plavillnye energo-tekhnologicheskie protsessy; trudy nauchno-tekhnicheskogo soveshchaniia, provedennogo Moskov- skim energeticheskim inatitutom v marte 1962 g. Nauchn. red. N.A.Semenenko. Moskva, Metallurgizdat, 1963. 119 P. (MIRA 16:10) 1. Moskovskiy energeticheskiy institut (for Semenenko). (Smelting furnaces) (Separators (Machines)) NEPOt-91YASHCHIY, Igor' Lazarevich; BURSHTEYN, M.D. , red.; LANOVSKAYA, M R . dec-ea-secTj- red. izd-va; ATTOPOVICH, M.K., teklm. red'F_ (Design and construction of coking machines]Koksovye mashiny, ikh konstruktsii i raschety. Izd.2., perer. i dop. Moskva, Metallurgi?dat, 1963. 388 p. (MIRA 16:2) (Coking plants-Equipment and supplies) L~tmvvv~ 1-1.6. LANOVSKIT, N.G. FAmperience in eliminating shortcomings in factory operation. Tekst.prom. 14 no.5:44-45 My '54. (MLRA 7:6) 1. Glavn" inshener Glavlankhlopproma. (Textile industry) I" / t -.'- A /I/ I - 1 1---. Z LANOVSKIY.M.G. r- For an earLy fulfillment of the fifth five-year plan. Tel-st.prom. 15 no.8:4-6 Ag'55. waA 8:11) 1. GlRvny7 inzhener Glavlenkhlopproma (Textile industry) LANOVSXIY,M.G., Simplifying the managerial structure of cotton textile enterprises. Tekst.prom.15 no.10:68-69 0155. (KIZO. 8: 12) 1. Glnvnyy inzhener Glavlenkhlopproma (Cotton manufacture) LANOVSKIY, M.G. Manufacture-eT prinked. varicolored zephyr. Teket.prom. 16 no.10:69 0 156,, (MM 10:1) 1. Glavnyy inzhener Glavlankhlopproma. (Cotton fabrics) L,,? 1Y 0 V_~ A- ~ Y/ N LANOVSKIY, M.G. Development of the textile industry in the Leningrad Economic Region. Tekst.prom.17 no.11:16-19 N '57. (MIRA 10:12) 1. Glavnyy inzhener UDravleniya tekatillnoy promyahlennOBti Leningradekogo sovnarkhoza. (Leningrad economic region--Textile industry) LASOVSKIY, M.G. Improving the assortment and increasing the output of fabrics for children's clothing. Tekst. prom. 18 no.8:17-20 Ag '58. (MIRA 11:10) l.Glavnyy inzhaner upravleniya tekstillno7 promyshlennosti LeningradRkogo sovnarkhoza. (Textile fabrics) (Children's clothing) L&NDVSKIY, M.G. Struggle for technical progress. Tekst.prom. 20 no.2:7-12 7 160. (MIRA 13:6) 1. Glavnyy inzhner Upravlaniya tekstilinoy prowyahlennosti Leningradekogo sovnarkhoza'b, (Leningrad Province-Textile industr7) LANOV8KIY, M.G. Expansion of the textile industry in the LeniWb4 Economic Administrative Region. Tekst.prom. 21 no.9:26-29 S 161. (MIRA 14:10) I. Glavnyy :Lnzh. Upravleniya tekstillnoy promyshlennosti Lensovnarkhoza. (Leningrad Economic Region-Textile industry) LANOVSKIY, M.G. On the road toward complete automation of production processes. Tekst.prom. 22 no.6:5-8 Je '62. (MIRA 16:5) 1. Glavnyy inzh. Upravleniya tekstillnoy promyshlennosti Leningradskogo soveta narodnogo khozyaystva, (Textile industry) (Automation) LANOVSKIYO 14.G.p red.; SKOLINIK, I.D.p red. [Scientific and techri-Jal conteBt papers of the members of the Scientific and Technical Society of the Textile lndustr,~ for the period from 1962 to 2963; materials on an exchange of experience in production technology] Konkursnye nauchnn- tekhnicheskie raboty chlenov NTO tekstillnoi promyshlemosti za 1962 - 1963 9,; materialy po ~bmerm proizvodstvenna- tekhnicheskim opytom. Leningrad, Nauchno-tekhn. ob-vo leg- koi promysbl. Leningr. pravlenie, -1964. 89 p. (MIRA l8s4) A ri., -tho b' ti" iclOAphshl" r" inbit prinvul1w k~:.thv "t OU 4hkb --Wbrv~ff~ rj IWU Zu& LANOWSKA, J~QWiga Investigations concerning the appearance of mycorrhiza in potatoe~s of the Lorch varietylin field'and.-forest cles:fi:~dg plantations. ITocz nauk roln rosl 82 no.3:779-804 '161. . . . .1 - A '. 1:. Zaklad Ekologii Rolfiiczej, Instytut Uprawy, Na'wozenia i Gleboznawatwa, Pulawy. ksincl . tek~,n, nauh, i V;A in,zh., P,A, A d.c. w--,th nr.intEA prcm. MI-RA Q 1-ANSHMIKOV, M.T.; LAKEV, V.L.,, starshiy inzh. Increase in the protection of automatic block systems of elect.-ified railroad districts against overvoltages caused by lightning strokes. Avtom... telem.i. sviaz' 6 no.4:32-33 Ap 162. OMA 15-4) 1. Nachallnik laboratorii signalizatsil i avyazi Sverdlovskoy dorogi, vneshtatnyy korrespondent zhurnala "Avtomatika, telemekhanika, i avyaz'" (for Lanshchikov). 2. Laboratoriya signalizatsii i svyazi Sverdlovskoy dorogi, (for Laptev). (Railroads-Signaling-Block system) (Electric protection) LAWHCHIKOIT, M.T~; ALYAKDI, G~A. A device for locating electric lines. Avtomop telemo i sviazi 6 no.7: 29-30 JI V62, (RIRA 16:2) 1. NachalOnik laboratorii signa-lizatsii i avyazi Sverdlovskoy dorogi, vneshtatnyy korrespondent zhu�mala "Avtomatika,.tele*1dwmika i - svyaz.~" (for Lanshchikov),, 2. Starshiy inzh. laboratorii sigmlizataii i svyazi Sverdlovskoy dorogi (for Aly&.#). (Electric lines--Underground) (Electric lines-Measurement) LANISHM, A.P. . . Activate the work of production conferences. Put' i put. khoz. no,3:1-2 Mr 158. (MIR.A 11:4) 1. Sektotarl TSentrnllnogo komiteta Drofsoyuzn rAbocliikh zbelemodorozlinogo trannnorts. (Ilailronds) LANSHIN, I.A. Hinicipal, ecommy of the capital. Gor.khoz.lbsk. 35 no.9:15-20 S 161. (V=,-A 14:101) 1. Zaveduyushchiy otdelom Moskovskogo gorodskogo komiteta Kommunisticheskoy partii Sovetskogo Soyuza. (~bscow-Manicipal services) .~ANSHIN, I-A. Prepare the city for winter in gooo time. Gor. khoz. Mosk. 36 no. 9:1-5 S 162- (MIRA 15:10) 1. Zaveduyushchiy otdel-m gorodskogo khozyaystV& Moskcvskogo gorodskogo komiteta Kommunisticheskoy partii Sove-Lakogo Soyuza. (Moscow-MunterPI&Aezvaeew_mRCold weather conditions) SEAMTAROIT-CVP 14. 1. and LANSHINA. L. V. 1111"'4,' J-41tV`111 , ,L . t~, ome Microstructure of Sound., it report presentedat the 6th aci. Conference on the Allplication of Ultrasound in the Investigation of Matter, 3-7 Feb 58, Moscow, organized by 1,'Ltn. of Education PSFW and moBcow (YblzBt Pedagogic Inst. im N. K. Yxupskaya 85524 e000 (3-1-01, 1619 -116 2) S/020/60/133/003/029/C31/XX Boo4/W64 AUTHORS- Lanshind. L. V~. and Shakhparonov. M. 1. TITLE: The Fine Structure of the Rayleigh Dispersion of Light in Solutions and the Dispersion of Hyperacoustic Vibrations PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1960, Vol. 133, No- 3, pp. 624 626 TEXT: The apparatus used by the authors to photograph the fine structure of the Rayleigh line of dispersed light has already been described in Ref. 1, The authors investigated mixtures of acetone and water at 250C with a molar ratio of acetone of 0.0; 0.06; 0.2; 0.4; 0-7, or 1.0, and mixtures of water and methanol with a molar ratio of the latter amounting to 0.15; 0.36; 0~6; or 1.0. Measurements were made by means of the Hg line A = 4358 A, and for pure water also withA = 4046 A. The photographs were phctometrically treated with an H&4 (MF-4) microphotometer. Fig. 1 shows the propagation velocity of hyperacoustic vibrations in acetone - water (co-0.6*10100see-1, A4----22-10-6 cm) and methanol - water mixtures (we--0.5-10 10 sec -1 Card 113 8 5'5 2 JU The Fine Structure of the Rayleigh Dispersion S/020/60/133/003/029/031/XX of Light in Solutions and the Dispersion of B004/B064 Hyperacoustic Vibrations A--22oO-10-6 cm) as computed from the equation 6VIV = 2n(v/c)sin(0/2). The data of Refs. 4, 5 on the propagation velocity of ultra-acoustic vibrations (wj_-56.1o-5 sec- 1, A-24*1o_3 cm) are added for comparison. A considerable negative dispersion of hyperacoustic vibrations was found to exist; 491-0 reached about 5%, while the root mean square of deviation was only about 1.4%. The negative dispersion vanishes with falling water concentration xV i.e., for acetone - water at x, = 0.65 and for methanol - water at x 1 = 0'5~ This negative dispersion is explained by the structural relaxation of water, and corresponds to the well-known anomalies of water. Moreover, the integral intensity I C of the central component and the intensity I tr of the translational component by Mandel'shtan, and Brillouin were compared, and the refractive index n,4_was represented as a function of concentration (Fig. 2), Considerable positive deviations from the Raoult law were observed in the acetone - water mixtures The fluctuations of concentration attain their Card 2/3 8552h The Fine Structure of the Rayleigh Dispersion S/020/60/133/003/029/031/Xy of Light in Solutions and the Dispersion of B004/BO64 Hyperacoustic Vibrations maximum at x 1-~0.4. In this range of concentration, nA passes through a maximum and I c/21 tr through a minimum, In the methanol - water mixture which is almost ideal, the fluctuations of concentration are slight. 1c/21 tr passes through a maximum in the same range of concentration in which nA-attains its maximum. There are 2 figures and 6 references: 5 Soviet and 1 Indian. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. M~ V. Lomonosova (Moscow State University imeni M. V, Lomonosov) PRESENTED: March 7, 1960 by V, V. Shuleykin, Academician SUBMITTED: March 7, 196o Card 313 ~v' :3D IMSE I BOOK EITLOITATI17if SOV/5469 SoveshchAniye po kriticheakim yavlcn:C't-,!r i fly-aktuatalyam v rastvorakh. Moscow, 1960. Kritiche.iklye yavlenJya i flyuktuatail v rartvoralch; trudy yanvarl 1960 g. (Critical Phanomcna and Flue- tu-,tiona in Solutions; Tranaactiona of the Conference, January 1960) 1.;oocow, Izd-vo t"11 05SR, 1960. 190 p. - 2,500 copien printed. Sponaoring Agencies: Mcade-miya nault SCO"11. Otdelcniyo khlmi- chenk.0ch nauk. EoskovzUy Conudaratvennyy univornitot im. M. V. Lomono3ova. Milm-1choakly falcul'tot. Hernponsible Ed.: N. 1. Shakhparonov, Doctor of Chcmical Sciennes, Professor; Ed. of Publiahin~ Hounot E. S. Dr65unov; Tech. Ed., S. 0. Tildiomirova. MRPOISE 1 This collection of articles is intended for scientific personnel concerned with chemistry, physics, and heat power engineering. Card i/9 Critical Fhenozm~na and Fluctuationo sov/5469, COVFRAGE i The book contair-. 24 of the 26 reportS read at the Conference on Critical Phenc-mona and Fluctuationa In Solutions organized by the Chemical DivIolon of Eoocou State UnIveroity, Anuary 426-28, 1960. Me ruporta contain ranulto of invosti- gations carried out in recent years by Soviet phynicinta, chemiuts, ani heat power enCincera. Tho Organizing Co--iittee of the Con"erence wao compozed of Professor Rh. I. Amirkhanov, A. Z. Goli~, 1. R. Krichev.kiy (Chairman), V, K, Samenchenko, A. V. Storonkin, 1. Z. Fizher, and 111. 1. Shakhparonov (Doputy Chairman . References accompany individual articles. TABLE OF CONT12ITS: Foreword Amirkhanov, Kh. I., A. N. Korimov, and B. G.'Alibekov [Lab- oratoriya molelmlyarnoy fiziki, Da_ro3tanakiy filial AN SSSR Laboratory of Molecular Fh7aics, Dagentan Branch, AS USSR]. Thermophysical Properties of Matter at Critical Temperature Card 2/9 3 Critical Phenomena and Fluctuations SOV/5469 Althadov, Ya. Yu., and J-1. I. Sh~.,.!~'hnaronov [Laboratoriya. fizilo- khimii rastvorov, KhinAcFe_L.1,dy H, !'~ozlmoldy gosudarzt- venyy universitet im. I.1. V. Lononooova -- Laboratory of the Physical Chemistry of S61utionz, Chcmir;try Division, I:ozcoif State University imeni M. V. Lo-monosov]. Dielectric Properties of Solutions in a Superhigh Frequency Fieldc~-.l Concentration Fluctuations 14 Beridze, D. K., and M. 1. ShaJcbparonov [Laboratory of Physi- cal Chemistry of Sol-u-fi-ons, db-.'Ee. ~=TDivision, 1:oBcoii State University imeni M. V. Lomonocov). Lipht Scattering in Solu- tions Having a Critical Stratification Point 21 Vuks, M. F., and L. 1. Lisnyamkiy [Laboratorlya nolekulycxnoy optiki, Fizicheakiy fakulltet, Leningradskiy gosudaratvcnnyy universitet im. A. A. Zhdanova -- Laboratory of Eolecular Optics, ?hysIcs Division, Leningrad State University imeni A. A. ZhJanov1. Intermolecular Interaction and Light Scat- tering ip Solutions of Pyridine ando(- Picoline In Water 27 Card 3/9 .;r!'Ical Phenomena and Pluctuationn SOV/52,69 Zatncpina, L. P., and 11. 1. Shr~,-.!~n:~:oonov [Labora-tory or the rhy3ical Chemistry of S~-Z-Lutionrs, Division, T',Oocow State Ur-oversity imcni 1.1. V. Lo-monozov]. Rayleigh IASht Soattering in Nitrobenzene -- Cyclohexane and Ethyl Alchol - Diethylamine Solutions 32 Kansimov, R. 11., and M. 1. Shalch-po-ronov, (Laboratory of the Phy3ical Che-niatry try Division, Moscow State University Ineni 11. V. Lommonooov). Dielectric Prnper- tie.s of Solutions in Elecloomc,_,motic Fields of -the Millimetric Band and Concentration Fluctuations 37 Krichavskiy, 1. R., and N. Ye. I'diazanova (Laboratoriya vyzokilrh davleniy 'i GIA? -- Laboratory of High-Prensure [Studieaj, cow StatJ Design and Planning Scientific Research Institute of the Nitrogen industry]. Diffusion of Liquid and Gaseous Solu- tions in the Critical Region 45 Krichevskiy, 1. R., and Yu. V. Tsekhanskaya [Laboratory of Card 4/9 Critical Phenonena and Fluctuations Sov/5469 Hiah-Prossure (StudIval, GIAPI. Kinetics of Hotorogencoua Processes in the Critical Rogion 54 Krichovskiy, I. R., N. Yo. 11hanzar-own, and L. R. Linz3hits [Lab- oratory oi~ High Pressure [Studicaj,'GIAPI. Liquid-Vapor Equilibrium in the Critical RoCion of Liquid-Syatcm Strati- fication 61 Lomiova, N. N, and IM I SI-1rhp _~O - 1'1~ ?.ronov (Vaborzitory of the Physical Chcmist;~~Of iut- G~~S' ChT-,,.iotry Division, Moscow Stato University imeni M. V. Lc-.onorov]. Permittivity and Molecular Structure of Solutions 73 Lanshina L V and N. 1. Sh,.Ichnaronov (Laboratory of the .i ~'=~_~;.iktlry of-S-olu-fi-ons, 6H~c=io ry Division, Moscow State Univorsity imeni 14, V. Lomonosov]. Thin Structura of the Line of Rayleigh Light Scattoring in SolutionB 77 MoIchov, N. V., and Ya. M. Labkovekiy [Karodra c1cparimontallnoy fiziki Dnepropetrovskiy gosudarstvonrWyuniversitot Depart- Card Critical Phenomena and Fluctuations Sov/5469 m,,n' of.Z-Dorimontal Pht, sics, Dacpropctrovck State University]. I'lostiCation of Dmsity Fluctuationo in Ether and B:.nzcno BaEcd on X-Ray Scattering at I'larrow tm_-lcz i1okhov, 11. V., and 1. V. Kirsh [D~~partnmt of F.,:pcrimcnt_-l Firjaics, Llnopropotrovsk Stato Univcroityl Variation in tho Sizos of Conccntration Flictuantiono in RolationDhip to Tom- pcra'Luro and Concontration in Bin-xy Liquid Systma HavinG an Upper Critical Dissolving Wnporaturo Nozdrov, V. F., B. 1. M_%li.yanov and M. 0. Shirkovich [Mookov- skiy oblastnoy podazogichocIdy inGtitut -- Fcdagogical Insti- tute of the Mczc6ll Oblast]. Hyporoonic Invootigation.: in Orr,anio Liquids at Constant Density in the Vicinity oi the Critical State Rott, L. A. [Minskly loco telchnichookiy institut -- Minak' Forestry Engineering Institute]. Concerning tho Diffusion in. the Critical Stratification Region Card 619 Critical Phenomena and Fluctuations- SOV15469 Roshchina, G. P. (Laboratoriya molek-ulyarnoy fiziki, Fizi- che3Riy fakul'tot, Kiyevskiy gonudar3tvennyy univeraltet im. T. G. Shevchenko -- ' Laboratory of Molecular Physics, Dlvi- Zion of Physics, Kiyev State University imeni T. G. Shevehankol investiglatlon of Fluctuations in Solutions by the Method of Light Scattering log Skripov, V. P. [Laboratoriya molckulyarnoy fiziki,Urallaldy rolitelchnicheakiy inatitut im. S. 1,1. Kirova -- Laboratury of Nolecular Physics, Ural Polytechnic Institute imeni S. M. Kirov). Special Structural Features of I-latter in the Vicin- ity of the Critical Point and Transfer Phenomena 117 Slcrlpov, V. P., and Yu. D. Kolpakov (Laboratory of Molecular Physics, Ural Polytechnic Inatitute imeni S. M. Kirov, and the Laboratoriya teplofizik1,,Ural'akiy filial M-1 SSSR -- Thermophysics Laboratory, Ural Branch, AS USSR], Light Scat- tering in Carbon Dioxide along Pre- and Post-CrItical. Isotherms 126 Smirnov,. B. A. (Institut neftekhimicheskogo sinteza AN SSSR Card 7/9 Critical Pheno-mona and Fluctuations SOV/5469 In5titute of Petrochemical Synthenin, AS USSR (moscow]) Visual Oboervations in the Critical Reg-on Richer, I. Z., mid V. K. rrokhoranko. Concerning the Fluct- uations of Coordination Numbers in Liquids Richer, I. Z. (Bclomz~dZr Gosudarstvennyy Univ ercitat -- Belo- rusoian State University Pannk)) Correlation Analysis of the Critical Point .Shn1d,naignoy 1.1 1 (Ir3hwa:'xrj of %L Fgry3iml Chemiatry of tolu- tions,t ~is~vision, Ifoacow State Univeraity imeni M. V. Lononozov]. Fluctuations in Solutions Shimanskaya, Ye. T., and A. Z. Golik [Laboratory of Molecular Physics, Physics Division, Kiyev State University Imeni T. 0. Shevchenkol. Investigation of the Critical State, Liquid- Vapor, of Solutions by Tepler's Method 137 142 148 151 161 Card 8/9 'Critical Phenomena and Fluctuations S GV15 k6 9 Shimanakaya, Ye. T., Yu. 1. Shimanakly, and A. Z. Colik (Lab- oratory of Molecular Physics, Division of Phyaic3, ]Uyev State University imeni T. 0. Shevchcnito]. InveotiCation of the Critical State of Pure Subatancea by Tepler's Mothod 171 Reeollition of the Conference on Critical Phenomena and Flue- tuRtions In Solutions :L89 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress (QD545.-073) jF/dfk/ju 10-28-61 Card 9/9 IANSHINAI, L.V.; SHAKHPARGNOV, M.I. Fine structure of the Rayleigh line of scattered light,, and the propagation velocity of hyperacoustic oscillations in water. Dokl. AN SSSR 137 no-4:830-832 Ap 161. (MIRA-14:3) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvermyy universitet im. M.V. Lmnonosova. Predstavleno akademikom-V.V. Shuleykinym. Underwater acoustics) ight- Scattering) R AIIA IMM.NOV, M.I.; TUNIN, M.S.; LANSHINA, L.V.; SUMMINA, G.G. Hyperacoustic properties of liquids and molec4~ar structure. Ukr.fiz.zhur. 7 no.7:792-796 Jl 162. (MIRA 15:12) 1. Moskovskiy universitet. (Sound-Speed) (moleau,100) S/185/62/007/007/010/010 1048/1248 AUTHORS. Shakhp7~rnnov, JO.I., Tunin, M.S., Lanshina, L.V., and Sikhotin--., (,.G. TITLE: The hyperacoustic properties of.liquids and the structure of molecules PERIOD ICAL: Ukrainslkyy fi7ychnyy 7hurnsl, V.7, no.7, 1962, 792-796 TEXT: The dispersion of sound velocities in the hyper-. acoustic ranL~e.was studir-!d in a number of pure liquids, using the technique described by I.L. Fibelinskiy in UNF 63, 355, 1957. The ekperiments were carried out at 20-850C *and were based on the exami- nation of the fine structure of the 4538 1 RaYle'i,,-,h line. The Card 1/3 .-)/185/62/007/007/010/010 1048/1248 The hyperacoustic proi,erties of.. . absorDtion of ultrasonic ,,Pives with frequencies of 8.5 - 34.4 M ": /:, r (, wf;s -also me;7isared. Accuracy was :LO.3 - 17o' in the ultra- sonic, and *2 - 3~ in the hypersonic ranges. Dispersion of the sound velocities was observed in the following media: carbon disul- fide, F-athylene chlorine, clrbon tetrnchloride, thiophene, furnn, ben7,ene, styrene, and pyridine (all P-t 200C), in methylene bromide (at 240C), in quinoline (at 700C) 2nd in naphtAlene (at 850C); no dispersion was observed in wn.ter, methanol, acetone, to:.uene, hep- tane, P.nd cyclohexane, --t 2011C. These results show thnt dispersion takes place in medi-i molecules have R four- or six-element "Closed rinn-11 s-uructure, or a "double-ring" structure with a -(-I- electron config-uraz ion: or in medial contpinin,-'r a non-satunted radical in the moleculk" -, or in media made up of simple molecules Card 2/3 S/185/62/007/007/010/010 1048/1248 The hyper:icoustic properties of... having jr-electrons, i.e.,in all whose molec ules are compn.ct and possess a, relatively large number of mobile electrons. The mecha- nism of the Rcoustic dispersion in non-dissocipted dis- cussed, ana a certein analogy is discovered between the structure of a molecule and its tendency towards fluorescence and acoustic relaxation. There are 2 tp.bles. ASSOCIATION: bloskovskiy universitet (The.University of Moscow) Card 3/3 NOVOZIJILOV, V.V., doktcr ekon. nauk, prof., otv. red.; LAR;KAY,11 I K.A-..1 red. [Mathematicoeccnomic croblems; transactions] Matematiko- ekoriamichpskie proble-ty; trudy. Leningrad, lzi-vo -'~er~rgr. univ., Ic63. 88 P. (MIRA 17:7) 1. beningmAskaya konfe-rentsivit po voprosam prireneniya ma- tematiki v sotsialisticbeskoy ekonoudke. 1st, 1961. I j UNsXATAj X. B.T. B.M.I. 1288 and K. LFinujkcnZ!~,lx--- 0 -d ka Effect of -W,r7~b..C.RtOnt-on-HlI;h Temperature Strength of 145; Cr, 149. 111, 2.5% W Steel - )JETAI.LLMG, vol. 15, 1940, ti.. 10, Pp. 25-31; 3300 words. I ilvsytm , ]~. A. USSRA-et--is Steel, Chromi-i7,m 111o 2 Y~'-- eni-m colvrbium. Jan/,Feb 4V "The Effect of "Tio'bium or the L,-,~:t-inr S-)Iidity of Chrome 11--lybdenily, Stlecd a- 55CO," Ya. S. Gintsburp, CanC, Tech Scj.; A Sba- kovic,l; LFns--,71 imcni T. T. Po" 2' Res Turbo,- 04 IC-r I- I 'r f Stu-',--',--s effcct of resio-'!-.rce t*--:) 0 a -c -L L'Y ror O-zone steals containing 2-;7%- Cr ~In--', 0.5; 1 o. ci~, s clate on stnbi'i' of c! ie- molybdeniim-niobium steels at 5000. PA lAQ/T71 00 00 Ui 0A V3 4r &&.9 7j, 0 WO 71, Appikstim d Colwnbhm (Nb) to do CindRIMed of Cillromium-Molybdenum Steels at IOWF. Tonglutess a. Russian.) Ya. S. Gintsburw, K-A...- (I. , V M-Omihl ~,Bx._ and _ .Stanyukovich. Katloturb and Turbine Manufacture), Jan.-Teb- 2948, p. 17-19. Investigates the application of columbium to the resistance of various Cr-Mo steels containing 2 taI 7% Cr and 0.5% Mo. Data cited concern the tough- I ness of the given steels at 1022*F. and are pre- sented in graphic and tabular form. 3 AS*-SLA AITALLURGICAL WERATUAll CLASSWICAT1011 Jow mom 193093 -11 0- COK w AV 1 so Ls t' f, o o o * 0 a 0 0 0 0 e 0 -t- 4-0 00 9 V . V ~ - R_w_W_4"V_4~ 1-00 -00 -so 9 140 2 so 0 ZIP 0 solb too !00 too tool 0 N 9 1 w 14 0 0 to 0 0 0 ESTULIN.G.V. EYLEKOV.A.P.; LANSKATA,X.A. iiXetal testing at elevated temperatureo*"IA.S. Gintaturg. Reviews& by G.V. ZotuliniA.P.Wllnikov, N.A. Lanmkala. UwAs.b. 21 no.4:509-511 155 (WAA 8:6) 1. TS*ntral'W nauchno-too.ledoTatollpkiy institut chernoy metallurgil. (Metals - Testing) (Gintsburg. IA.) ~_nN~KhM ~_\A I .18(2) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/2192 Pridantsev, Mikhail Vasillyevich, and Ksenlya Alekseyevna Lanskaya Stali dlya kotlostroyeniya (steels for the Manufaqture of Boilers) Moscow, Metallurgizdat, 1959. 303 p. 4,500 copies printed. Ed.: G.K. Shreyber; Ed. of Publishing House: Ye. N. Berlin; Tech. Ed.: P.G. Islentlyeva. PURPOSE: This book is intended for scientific workers of institutes and educational institutions, and engineers and designers dealing with the production and application of heat-resistant steels. COVERAGE: The book presents data on changes in the structure and properties of steels subjected to high temperatures and stresses for a long period of tine and data on the effect of carbony al- loying elements, impurities, and structural factors on the pro- perties of pparlite and austenite heat-resistant boiler steels, Problems of the theory of creep, heat resistance, and the prin- ciples of alloying are discussed. Information is also given on Card 1A Steels for the Manufacture of' Boilers 30V/2192 the properties of pearlite and austenite heat-resistant steels for boiler installation and on other designs intended for long- time service at temperatures of 500-7000 C. The authors thank Senior Scientific Worker R.M. Kireyeva of the Steel Institute of TsNIIChM and laboratory techniciano R.A. Raykellson and L. M. Maksimova. There are 115 referenceo: 74 Soviet, 33 English, 5 German, and 3 French. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Preface 3 Introduction 5 Ch. I. Creep and Long-time Strength of Metals and Alloys 9 Ch. II. Structural Instability and Change in Properties of Steels Due to Long-time Service at High Temperatures 27 1. Pearlite spheroidization and coagulation of the carbide phase 27 2. Graphitization 32 3. Aging and formation of new phases 34 C ard 2/ 4 Steels for the Manufacture of Boilers SOV/2192 4. Thermal brittleness 5. Redistribution of alloying and carbide phase 6. Diffusion and self-diffusion I Ch. III. Corrosion Resistance of 1'. Gaseous corrosion 2..Intercrystalline corrosion 43 alements between solid solution 47 inlron and steel 58 Steels for Boiler Units 67 68 78 Ch. IV. Effect of Alloying Elements on the Properities of Heat- resistant Steels for Steam Power Installations 82 1. Effect of carbon 82 2. Effect of chromium 88 '3. Effect of molybdenum go 4. Effect of tungsten 92 5. Effect of vanadium 96 6. Effect of titanium 100 7. Effect of niobium 113 8. Effect of zirconium 136 Card 3/4 Y_J:)_D~f d -1 LIM RE I JI 59 if to 8 9 'in 8" to fgg ~l la N. go -.~q v -44 gig -So 2.0 b .8 7c 24 A UO a 8 L -9 2 T A U Z o vg~ IN * 18 1 IA V~ Ov .5 81-d .7 6l 31 .9 M.'scow. Tnentral'nyy nAac.-,jr'-Iz,' JI e Ij v3t~2 .." IF 11"', horn.,- me ta I I ur,;l I SPetXIAI'nYYe atoll I OplaVy (special $*.eels anI Metallurgi--dat, 196(.1. Jibs o. (Series: Ito: St-arntic trala-, YYP- 17) Errata slip Inserted. 4,CCO copies P~Intel- Sponsoring Agencies: In5titut kacheatvennykh staley; GV3udarstvemnyy PI avyy koaltet Soveta Klnistrov SSSR, and Glavr'-Tyc upravlonlya nauchno-lasledovatellskilch I proyaktnykh organizaL31y. Ed.a M.V. Pridantsev; Ed. of Publishing H>use! A L. 0--eret3kaya; Tech. Ed..- V.V. Kikhaylova. PLMPOSEi This book In Intended for anginacring and reses.".1i per- bonnol In the metallurgical and maclitne-bull ding Ind-;3trles. M) COVERAM This book contains papers on the physloal properties or p clal industrial steals and Alloys. IndIvIlual pape:*3 trestr I t'hee problem of flakc formation in steels ajU preventive neaiurem, 2> the effect or alloying additions and heat treAt,,Irlt on the ;trjc- ture and properties or steel, steel corrosion And preventi~r measure* And th ertles or cjjrc.-.J=-njckel Allcys. Tharv are 120 ~.ference*?ec 22 English. 9 ce.-an, and 2 French. e 97 Soviet, Y. [rroressor,Voctor orTechr.1c,il jCanJldste or Technical Sclence3). The =Jf"t of Properties of Low-Alloy Biller Steeln 60 Prld~tn M.V.,anJ K.A. Lan'a%aya. New Steel lditlio,4t ft:,lyb1onan ev4r. Plan' for Cracki -a 86 Llyahllto a.L., zu~d G,A. Torpanowt JCAn,"I~atc3 of Ter..nt:il Selenceal. Effect of NIob1tL,. on th,! Pr,pertles of Steel 99 LIvshIt5, 0 L., and G.A. Torpanova. New TYpes Q.' CDn't-r-tional Steel 103 lvarov..A.Q. [Candidate of Technical Science,]. The St-'F of Hit4h. Sp-L-4 Cobalt Steil 10-1 P,itrenl4o, A.G. [Erigineerl. Properties or coi~t Transfor~~r Orit-le El.~trical Stieetu 1 N9 A~A- [V~zln-erj. Cold Rolled Dyn- 0-1~ MectrlcAl A.A. tcAnaiaite or T~craiicai 7. A. =had,,-, jLnEln-r). Mea- of lrxrea3lng the Plas-Icitj if' Z'ell 6.1 rAbak,~v, A,A. , a,'-, F~iglneer; . Pitt'-t. of Chr,.J.. Stal.'. Ste 3 164 Y~.N. Knreva. Stab'11=1.1;g n! Its EfCt-at; on of IkhlC-tJ7 St"! zo4 tot>~%'