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1Ph' 27 1/064/62/000/005/002/002 B144/B13P, "'UTHORS Labntin, ~. L., CandiJate of Technical z;ciences, .11"al'shina, L. P., Dmitriyeva' V. P. TITLE: Corroal4on of steels -in butyl acrylake and acrylonitrile 11~iiimich-skaya promyshlennost', no. 5, 1962, 067-68 TEXT: The studies were unlertaken in connection' with the ~iroduction of rubber by emulsion polymerization of commercial butyl acrylate M (containinp, I of hydroquinone and 0.12-3.0 of acrylic acid) and 97 -', acrylonitrile (II). The corrosion of carbon steel CT-3 (St.3), chromium steel A13 (Kh13) and Ni-Cr steel 1X181497 (1Kh18N9T) was studied at room and working tenpqratures in the liquid and gas phases and at the interface. (I) St-3 can"be used ,,;ith standard I, but if the --crylic acid concentration exceeds 3 -'-1Kh18N9T should be used. In a 100-hr test at 980C in aqueous solutions of acrylic acid (3.0-0.1 1/j by 7ieifrbt) the corrosion rate of St.3 vas from 4.B8 to 22-55 mm/year, but resistant. ExceDt for the Ni-Cr steel, agitation incre--sed the co.rosion rate. (I!) Commercial II is neutral and noncorrosive, but becomes acid and Card 1/2 61/064/62/000/005/002/002 Corrosion o itteels in butyl... 3 144/Bl3a slightly corrosive when boiled or agitated. Normally St.3 can be used; with hiah-purity products, horwever, Ni-Cr or Cr steels are recommended for precision parts. Further tests'revealed that even corrosion-resistant steels are affected, if they are only in contact with the vapor. This can be prevented by Ureasing. M109T proved to be fully resistant. The polymerization was not affected. There are 4 tables. Card 212 S/064j62/000/001/008/008 B110/B138 AUT HOR s Labutin, A. L.- TITLEt Scientific-technological conference on the prevention of corrosion in aggressive media PERIODICAL: Khimicheskaya promyshlennost', no. 1, 1962, 75 - 76 TEXTs Between Hovember 29p and December 1, 1961, a conference was held on the prevention of corrosion in aggressive media, in the Leningradakiy Dom nauchno-tekhnicheskoy propagandy (LDETP) (Leningrad House of Scientific-technological Propaganda). It was convened by the Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut sinteticheskogo kauchuka im. S. V. Lebedeva (All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Synthetic Rubber imeni S. V. Lebedev)v Leningradskoye otdeleniye VKhO im. Mendeleyeva (Leningrad Department of the VKhO imeni Mendeleyev), Leningradskiy sovnarkhoz (Leningrad sovnarkhoz), and LDVTP. It was attended by 230 persons including 80 representatives from foreign scientific research and planning organizations, and representatives from the chemical industry. A. I. Marev, deputy director of the VFIISK re- Card 1/3 S/064/62/000/001/008/008 Scientific-technological... B110/B138 ported on the electrochemical behavior and corrosion of metals in anodic and chemical pasaivation, Ya. M. Kolotyrkin (Fiziko-khimicheakiy institut im. L. Ya~ Kakpova (Physicochemical Institute Imeni L. Ya. Karpov)) reported on the importance of the potentiostatic method for the passiva- tion and depassivation by halide ions. S. A. Balezin (GPI im. V. I. Lenina (GPI imeni 7. 1. Lenin)) dealt with inhibitors, that by Ye. I. Litvinova (LTI im. Lensoveta (LTI imeni Lensovet)) gave examples of corrosion of chemical apparatus, Yu. A. Archakov and 1. D. Grebeshkov (,VNIIneftekhim) dealt with the hydrogen corrosion of chromium alloy steels Ooo0c, 400 - aOO atm). A. A. Babakov, Ye. I. Kareva, and Ye. V. Zotova (Institut kachestvennykh staley TaNrIChermet (Institute of quality steels TsNIIChermet)) reported on low-nickel steels which were found suitable for apparatus in contact with acids, according to studies conducted by the WIIKhimmash, GIAP, NITJIF, and VNIISK. Ye, A. Borisoya talked about the use of Ti alloys for apparatus and A. B. Yanovskaya (VNIISK) about the behaviour of Ti alloys in aggressive media. I. D. Nefedova, Ye. A. Kamenska, Yu. M. Ivanov and A. A. Somova (GIAP and Giredmet) reported on new corrosion resistant alloys of Ti, Zr, and other rare metals. Ti + 0-%a Sn in 60 - 90% CH 3COOH9 Ti + 2% Rb in Card 2/3 S/064/62/000/001/008/008 Scientific-technological... B110/B138 60 - 85% HCOOH, and 35 - 56% HNO3 (2000C), Ti + 2% Ta in HCOOH, H2SO4' H3PC 49 Ti + W/o Mo in HCOOH, HC1, and H2so4showed best corrosion resistance. V. A. Toropov and A. N. Krutikov (NIIKhimmash) discussed the use of duplex metals, A, Yao Shapiro (LTI imeni Lensovet) Cr - Ni and Cr - Ni - Mo steel linings, 1. Ya. Klinov (MIKhM) the use of polymers, G, Yao Voroblyeva (VNIISK) the use of fluorocarbon elastomers. L. P. Mal'shina (VNIISK) reported on liquid nairit developed by the VNIISK and Yerevanskiy zavod SK im. S. M. Kirova (Yerevan Synthetic Rubber Plant imeni S. M. Kirov). A. L. Labutin and N. S. Fedorova (VNIISK) self- vulcanizing liquid thiokol, L. P. Raspopova on thiokol latex, Yu. V. Bryantseva (Voronezhakiy zavod SK (Voronezh Rubber Plant) talked about ebonite linings. G. A. Maksudov (NIUIP) reported on self- vulcanizing glue, R. S. Roskina and E. A. Zitar (VNIIG) talked about asbovinyl coatings, K. G. Bergman (NIUIP) reported on refractory con- crete, and L. Z. Zasukhina (LTI imeni Lensovet) on enamel coatings. Card 3/3 S"ON'Iat- AR402"7701-- A CCES.I S/0276/64/000/002/BO34'BC-85 !...SOURCE. RZh. Tokhnologiya mashinostroyaniya, Abs. ZB465 iAU M Oil Labutin,.A. L.-, Zubova, 0. A. TITLE: Some now things in the field of non-motallio coatings for chemical appara- tus CITM SOURCE: 5b. materialov Konferentaii po bor'be a korroziyeyo Gorlkiy. 1962. ?5-90 TOPIC TAGS: anti-corrosion coating, chemical app"atus, nairit, low-molecular polychloroprone.' solvent, carbon black, magnesium oxide, vulcanizing agent, shipbuilding, t1dokoll aging# oll, kerosene, fluoro-~plastio, gas-flame dusting, Zino oxide TWSLA-TION.- The paper describes a number of now polymer materials used as. ;Lnti-corrosion coatings in the chemical and other branches of industry, as wall as various kinds of equipment for applying them to the surfaces of tubes and apparatus and for welding vinylplastio sheets. A rubberizing compound of liquid nairit, consisting of polyabloroprene. solvent, carbon black. 1/3 .:c ... ACCESSION las APWO2M1 magnesium &W Lino oxide as vulcanizing agents! and vulcanization accelerators, is applied in several layers to the cleaned and defattod metallic surface on a chlorine-mirit base bY brushings sprayingg dipping or pouring. To protect chemical apparatus, the thickness of the coat is 1.5-4 mm; for abrasive wear. 2.5..3=. After a 3-day exposure to air in order to volatilize the solvent. the coat is vulcanized in a closed drying chamber for 20..24 hours at 100C. Coats of liquid -nairit 0.5 am thick have no pores and are impermeable to water, have satisfactory resistance to oil, iaochol..gasoline, sea water. transformer oil. 10% hydrochloric acid, 65% sulfuric acid and other c1ucvdcals. Under protracted action of water and corrosion-active media nairit coatings can be exposed to temperatures up to 70C. It is planned to manufacture various sealing fittings protected by neirit, instead of bronze. In shipbuilding, liquid nairit can be used to protect propellers, condeneors,,and other parts operating in sea watar. Protective coatings with a liquid thiokol bass are applied in one layer of the required thickness to a metal surface primed with chlorine-nairit or covered with VTUR. X-50 or 88-H siting. bymeans; of a spatula or trowel. -.-Thiokol coatings are distinguished by high resistance to the atmosphere and are durable in aquoous solutions of salts, sea water-and other organic solvents* .-F 7hey age gradua4y in storage and can be exposed for a long time to the air and AC--ESSION 1IR: AF4,027'701 aqueous solutions at temperatures up to 70C (briefly*up to 100C) and to oil and kerosene to 25-30 degrees higher. Thiokol coatings require no hoat troatmont. Tho paper also discusses studies on obtaining fluoro-plastio coatings from stool by the method of gas-flame dusting. ate. Nine :Illustrations. L. Xamionskiy, DATE ACQ.- 24-Mar& SUB CODE: CH.-MA ENCL& 00 3/3.% -Card LABUTIV, A.L... kand.tekhn.naWtj MALISHINA, L.P.; DMITRI~EVA, V.P. Corrosion of steels in butyl acrylate and nitrile of acrylic acid. nim.prom. no.5:373-374 My 162. (MIRA 15:7) (S,teel-Corrosion) (Acrylic acid) DOLGOPOLISKIT, I.M.; LLA~B~UTI "j LEIEDEVY N.S.[deceased]; BABATAN, Sh.K.; MALISHINA, L.P., DDLTAYEVA, M.F., red.; XOGAN., V.V., tuekhn. red. ["Etinoll" lacquer] Lak etinoll. Moskva, Goskhimizdat, 1963. 66 P, I.Korrozila v khirUcheskikh proizvodstvakh i sposoby zashchity, no.19) (MIRA 16:10) (Lacquers and lacquering) (Acetylene compounds) UDIM, Petr Grigorlyevich; SAGALLYEV, G.V., red.; BAKLAWV,, N.A., red.; BAYTIN, I.A., red.; KLINOV,.I.Ya., red.; !A=Tm a I w red.; TIMBUKOVp P.D., r6d.; VELSER,, A.A., red.;OU~AKS_ye.G., [Cbrrosion-resistant pipelines made of nojimetallic materials) Korrozionnostoikie truboprovody iz nemetallichaskikh mate- rialov. Moskva, Gonkh4misdat.. 1963. 219 p. (Korroziia T khimicheskikh proizvodstTakh i sposoby sashchity,-DO.20) I (MMA 16s8) (Pipelines--Corrosion) (Nonmetallic materials--Corrosion) 'ACCESSION NR AN4008907 BOOK EXPL401TATION S/ Doigopollskiy., 1. M.; Labutin., A. L.; Lebedev., N. S.; Babayan, Sh. A.; ,1-1.allshina., L. P. 'Ethyn6l lacquer (Lak etinoll), Moscow, Goskhimizdat, 1963., 66 p. illus., biblio. Errata slip inserted. 5,500 copies printed. Series note: 1~orxroziya v khimicheskikh proizvodstvakh i sposoby* zashchity*, vy*p. 19. TOPIC TAGS: corrosion, ethynol lacquer., chemical resistant plastic, protective paint, acetylene hydrocarbon., acetylene trimer,, tetrameric acetylene PURPOSE AND COVERAGE: The book describes *0ie methods of obtaining and using ethynol lacquer as a film-forming substance in protective paints and grounds and also as the base when making chemical-resist=t plastics. The book*is intended for engineers and technicians specializing in the protection of equipment and metallic articles from corrosion. TABLE OF CONTENTS (abridged]: Introduction - - 6 Ch. 1. Methods of obtaining and the properties of acetylene hydrocarbons 7 LABU!11, AL, BVroved apparatus for the application of films of uniform thickness. Lakokrasemat.i'ikh'prim. no.102 163. (MMA 16:2) 1. Ysesoyuznyy nsuchio-,issledovatellskiy institut sinteticheskogo kauohulm imeni ake4amika S.V. Le-badeva. (Protective coatings) J.. 77~!' -77' 770- --J' padch a adovatell-s)dy'~inatitut~,eiritetiobaskogo - la km ik'oihtetl6b6skd~,o kauchuka -(Solentific Research ~iFt;~e of Monomfts for Syn -ENCL-: -OD DATE AC s' 2IAui63.-' cH..:. WREF SOVs OPQ,: :OTMI LABUTIN, A.L., kand.tekhn.nauk; ROZHKOV, Yu.P., inzh. Metal corrosion in rosin medium at high temperatures. K-him. mashinostr. no.6:26 N-D 163. (MIRA 17:2) JABUTIN. A.L.; MAKAROVA, Ye.I.; SEMENOV, A.A. Use Of butYl rubber in anticorrosion rubbers. Kauchi rez. 22 no,2:19-21 F 163. (mmA 16:2) 1. Voesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut sinteticheskogo kauchuka imeni Iabedeva. (Butyl rubber) (Corrosion and anticorrosives) LABUTIN, A.L.;,FEDOROVA, N.Sb - ~ Rubber coating by means of flame spraying vit~j thiokol. Kauch. i rez. 22 no.9t27-30 S 163. (MMA 16:11) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut sinteticheskogo kauchuka im. S.V. Lebedeva. Ya :i76 3 z; 0' So 01-1 Z T-, 1- f OV" armed~.-,by~ perlLOW, n requene-wett ng I -"- *1 , -, - I . ", I ~ :- --th -fr ~vu so ose e ~"u T" . gp- fli- nt _104 A 5 a- iftAjiifi4i`-~ is: -.4h e, u enance.of ~-TUM-~ ---Voat lrlgo -j -f -tie 1 lDrrOl fo ac ugsj---~ E UTW"~ n bt 'Pgng ~k_z, 3 gg xgg Mi WAR gi, E -:5 I Ell jW AM Z' LABUT114 A. L "Antikorrozionnye pokx3rtiya na osnove no-.,rykh sintetichesk-11ch. report submitted for 35th Intl Cong, Industrial Chemistry, Warsaw, Sep 64. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovateJ.Iskiy institut sinteticheskogo kauchka im S. V. Lebedev, Leningrad. IABUTIN, A.L., kand. tekhn. nauk; DOLINKIN, V.N., inzh. Instruments for welding the=cplastic sheets. Svar. proizv. no.8: 41-/+2 Ag 164. (MiRk 3-7:9) i 64 jj lied*- -the a apd; r, ad e c opperr t.: LABUTIN..A---I.-.; FEDOROVA, N.S. -1 Protec-~ive coatings from thiocol pastes applied without heating. Gidroliz. i lesokhim. prom. 18 no-5:8-10 165. (MIRA 18:7) /Ow/bou Aw, Lida to fid -5y' bOr*", 09 on-preventa-A-T.. dtil I bet 6-eu ~9., on At c op ok- ---var ty.jeomes: in tl2ree vul ,i~ io p4inted 10 --t;fiie0,typos, are- llf- th (Softv~ ypo 0: '62AStibi 'd -t4od rbiti6tance tci ap t~int-,A .-gag d"di min-~ A'd WOA,t~,Corroq an'. tho ioll- ow LOW 'd- o6al,- puk, -Orp IABUTIN,_".~,_ SEIVENOV~ A.A. Weld.-'vng of brand FSG pclyia-~&atylene plate~i. Y-puch. i rez. 00 * 24 no.6:33-34 65. (MIPk 18:7) 1. VseE;oyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskly insititut sinteticheslogo Rauchuka im. S.V. Letedevc- VORONITSOV, 111I.A.; GRODEN', G.K.; "IlL11311MVIN"I'S, A.V.; j2j,.5jjj~jj.1, A.IT 1,Tew apta on s.K=,eia-, -- tin ore deposits. 7ap. 16.,:es. main. o-D--.,a 9-2 no.6:736-739 163. (1,111R1. 18:3) :1. Severc-VosLcchnyy komple'?,ml-r., rauchno-issledovatellskiy it Sibirskorc) otd---lenya SSSR, Magadan. LABUTIN, A.V. t - BSUIN. Ye..G. ~Cux xThebry of relay-contact SYstems' by M,A.Gayrilov,Raviewed by A.V.labutlne Avtom. i telem. 14 no.1:118-119 Ja-F '53 iHMA 10:3) (Electric relays) (Automatic control) GRIGORIYEVp G.G.9 dotsentp kand.'Lekhn. nauk; LABUTIN, B.D., inzh. I New design of the device for co-o--rtiinnt_e'_Iiei*a-buremen'LI of drawing the profiles. Trudy UralopolltekhAnst, no.101:98-103 160. (14IRA 14:3) (Measuring instruments) G.RIGORIMY., G.G.; NAUKOV, K.A *- IABUTIN B D.- RABIWOVICH, A.B. - dat- on the, useful life of main parts of a blast furnace charging-arrangement. Izv. vys. ucheb. zave; chern.-mat. 5 no.10.180-188 162. (MIRA 15:11) 1. Ural'skiy po]Litokhnicheskiy institut. (Blast furnaces-Equipment and supplies) GRIr.ORqEV, G. G., dotisent, kand. tekbn. nauk;_WUTIN B. D.., awalwtent Comparptive evaluation of disk and vibration screens for Vis, line o~'coks feed to skips. Trudy Ural'. politekh Inst. no.119:4-io 162. (MA 1~:J) Materials handling) Blast furnaces--Equi;mnt and supplies) ~ GRIGORITEV.0 G. G.,, kand. tekhn. nauk, dotsmt;--L-AB-U-T-I-NL-B- D--, assistant Remarks on methods of determining certain additional loaft on the metal structures of skip bridges. Trudv Urall. politakh. inst. no.119:11-15 162. (MIRA 16:3.) (Blast furnaces-Equipment and supplies) GRIGORIIEV, G.G., dotsent, kand.tekhn,nauk, L&BUTIN, B~D,, inmh. --.1- 1 - - 1. _0=82wip of air leak-ar- in the charging system of a Ylast furnam. Stal,' 22 no,2:111-1-12 F '62, (IMIRA 15 % 2) 1. Urallskiy politekhnicheskiy institut im. S.M. Kirova. (Blast furnace a-Maintenanoe and repair) IABUTINj Regularities of gas leakage through looseness in coupled parts of'blast furnace charging arrangements. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; chern. met. 7 no.2:183-188 164. (MIRA 17:3) 1. Urallskiy politekhnicheakiy inatitut. LUNN, D.N. Labutin, D.N. "The solutich of a s, stem of linear equa~ionsll Sbornii, nauch, tr, .0-.- ~-pyatigor. gos. ped. in-t)., Iss,ie 3, 1946, p. 39-:,l. SO: U-3042, 11 March 53, (Letopis Injkh Statey, ',No. 9, 1949) LABUTn, , D.N. Labutin, D.N. "on avem~e magnitudes", Sbornik nauch. trudo-i (PfaLi--Or. -0s. ped. in-t), issue 3, 1946, P- ~2--:- SO: U-3042) 11 March 53, (Letopis Inykh Statey, No. ~) 1'/:-411 LABUTIN, D.N. Labiftin 'D.N."On the averase harmonic", Sbornik nauch. trudov (pya,.i,,or. Cros. peA. ), Issue 3, 1948, P. 5-6-59. 0 SO: U-3042, 11 March 53, (Letopis Inirkh State~-, No. 9, 1549) LABUTIM, DJ'1. Labutin, D.,V.110n the question o,,7' equalization of curves", Sbornik nauch. trUdov keyau:or. i~os. ped. in-Q, Issue 3. 1946) p. 60-61. SO: U-3042) 11 March 53, (Letopis Inykh Statcy, No. 9, 19"'g) LADUTIN, D.N. Labut n. -N. "On mat.,,ematical expectancy", Sbornik nauch,, trudov (!~va,.i-ar. j-os.ped. in-t), Issue 3, 19,4d, p. 624-67- SO- U-3042, 11 March 53, (Letopis Inikh Statey, No. 9, 1949) ',,~UT~IN.D.~I. WaAO- The rank of a matrix. Uch.zap.Xab.ped.inst. no.8:29-32 255. (HURA 10:3) (Matrices) SOV/44-58-4-3013 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Matematika., 1958, Nr 4., p 84 (USSR)- AUTHOR: Labutin, D.N. TITLE: On the Mean Velocity of' the Variation of a FLmotion (0 aredney skorosti izmeneniy& funktsiy) PERIODICAL: Uch. zap* Kabardino-Balkaroke,gose pede in-ta., 1957" Nr 12., pp 65-Ti ABSTRACT: If the function is continuous on the segment and this segment is diVided into equal parts., then the mean velocity of the variation of the function on! the whole segment is equal to .the arlthmetic average of the mean velocities of variation on the partial segments* A proof of this obvious statement and ex- amples are given* REVIEWERtS NOTE: The requirement of continuity of the function Is supetfluous* S*P* Pullkin Card 1/i AFANISIYF.V,, V,G., inzh.; IABUTIN-,--E.B.-I-inzh.j SUKHACHEV, V.E., inzh. Remote control system for a bridge crane. Mekh. i avtoz. proizv. 18 no.10:22-23 0 164. (MIRA 17;12) TbI vs: No Jim U3,441 a--I,- I m1i A S- V, I-SbUtin 01341 LAW110. RUM. UAW. Mar. 31. IWIS. Alumite is of 9 N&UH itt an amt. cuff esponding to Lhe couvetsiou of the so a autfate lacts combinect with Al Into NAJ(h, or slightly Irm he NajM fortard i- vernowed muf tbe residue 6 treatecl -ith N&GH oak. to cvuwn A" into sduotloole; Imu this tbe A" is scrui. in the woo ma-aner. 00 woo =00 0: .3 CIO 0 see Go 0 so* 00 zo a :00 0 too -40 LIO 0 L A.. .W. atom 13i"isaA so* M... A 004 63111104C 0 Am I- V--q -r 141two gailrovad low .0 1, .1 Ir it : 0" I 7L Or a a KAM A IG; An a -00- 0 0 0 009 9 0) 00 so so* 4 o go so* 00 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0*0 0 to 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 O a 000 0 is 0 & 0 o 0 W P P 1 is m I ,. , a a I AS if a a m 2 )a v -*-W-r- U Ac & - -4 -, I --- -00 it to -00 00 00 a if to -00 AwnwWwo sulfate and alusWax. Labutin. -00 Mum. 43,1141's. IM. AluWtc -tTVMVV-wftk-o-- goo =so 000 coo 00 ago . 00 0 00 it 004 roo 'A j'.. SLA SITALLUKICA1. UTINATURE CLASSIFICATOM 7Z saw. 013.tnv too It ad *" A" 0 S AV 1.0 is it a, K, It a, "t -- 'I 4A a a a Cm 0 Al a 1 9 a 2 a 4 D 0.0 o o 0 a 0 o 0 0 0 0 : got 0 0 0 0 ) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .6 0 0 o o 0 o 0 0 o 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 #4 oft oom *01k so. 00. 09- :66 0- 010-1 w w w 0 0 0 0 0 0 OF*-*-*-44L-v If SO .141, I'll L j: 19 Of Ubutla- 0Ond 0117*n, S. 0. ALI'MIR nIN Pftl?- k 00 tw4talitith a W; X11.011 ~4%sliofs fosds-4w thr 1111,kf- 00 fliv AWalt., mimried by obaftsinx %ith NANI '.I I.', to Alxmg 86ri of the AIA). %la% rm,mt,1, 00 %ithart 00 041 00 :jig 0 e 1W IR 14 0 16 00 00 so 9 'o 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 * 00 0 0 * 0 0 0 00000 -lx go r 00 ally sills"#,s 0 a A IS I I I jj It * 0 0 0 g 0 0 0 4 0 00 0000 MG, 0 00 000 00 0 0 * 0 * 0 0 0 I I a q is 1, 1) 1) M is % 11 to is4 x a x p x A so It v u is a It If x 0 a #1---a w -4-g of I a L -A-M-AAC-M�R ji~ a ~ 4 1- MY so 0 0 .It -00 00 00 r Devitlualudw and predpitatloc of allunduals soludons G. V. L41wits atut S. G. Koltypin. Uskie AfrjW. S. so laminate Sohn, IA)I&iWj (tv -00 * 0 aluaile cmtg. AWh 63 -124, S" UAt-1.43 w0 R 1 -1111110 T 2K 38 x. p" 1. were dcQkNMLWd In SUtMIAV" MINI Mialtill 100 tancously evapd. to a cuum, 4 MOAK g. A" thri 1 *0 00 f For ppiv. of AIA the 74a. was dild. to )(41 X. pc-r I. Thr AlOs mst. kNintainiml 0.2%&Ot. 11,W-RathmAun 00 a =so a Zoo to 0 to 00 ZI 'S so 9 A. t zoo As a I L 4 tIAIt VII- CK-Al. .. &MR4101 C1,6SIVICATIO X-J.. o': us 0 WO 0 RO a IF a am 0 A 0 1 it 1"9 A a 3 4 9 top It It u it M It I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 :14 0 0 * 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 41 0 0 0 0 go : 0 Is 0 0 0 0 a 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0, UP Ns Damn ISRA,-XV Jill No it v x p 0 41 4j rj 1. u v d I, L1, , k . . . W: wA M A" 1110 $t0 I. at 0, 0it PIOCISSIS ANo P60#11,1111 'H4. -lot - ------ ;-so 00 A 00 .00 son. .1 -00 40 Romoftl take ftom 416dut4i Williams. 00& 414*4 fus. mrr imird in an aulo ---Rug. A Clow Willi fluornw. 0 "mifl* so of* isib 0 roe 44110 Wes 0e ties AIM SLA xCTALtUSGKAL LITC64YORI CLASSIOX,11TION j %*Iasi at C.- 0 so a 3 a T log o m a i vr imoAs u 9 AV so tf ff It It It tc It doe 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 46 0 0 0 : : : : 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 000000 9 10-0000 41 0 too Foe coo see goo goo tles coo WOO 0 0 n** O'D 0 0 0 0 --M 2.0 LUO 40 3%JL 05 910. -A v Im. on immairttif1wilundwe $an. vrith rzWM crystaVism out. This is fidletiftl' 14 ad. The filuitte in curbanated, the Al(Oll)l fortned s, rillefeml 011" Stitt .11W lemaining NalCO, -An. Is 11-1 f-" tivall" furtber cluArtlitlew4 INA alunallmle. Tlw lipW. so AI(Ollf, 6 fused with W40. 14 furtil umm alutnimte. ht. Ilawh wee 14 %too talw "it any jIF"9 Vigo lot on I It a I * a 0 10 so* 0* ~601.0 so we 0 0 0 o 0 ,, 1.1 '1 .- - , --j 1 - SOV/137-58-10-20696 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 10, p 51 (USSR) AUTHORS: Agranovskiy, A.A., Labutin, G.V. TITLE: Complex Process~in~go A~Iunite ~�re ~(Kiirnpleksnaya perera- botka alunitovoy rudy) PERIODICAL: V sb.: Legldye metally. Nr 4. Leningrad, 1957, pp 51-55 ABSTRACT: The complex processing of the ore envisages utilization of all its useful components: A1203, S03, Na2O, and K20. The caustic, ammonia-caustic, and reduction m ethods of process- ing the ore are examined. The last yields the best technical and economic. indices. The method is based an removing the S03 in the Al sulfate by reducing roast vAth a gaseous or vapor- izing liquid reductant. The roast gases contain up to 70jo S02. The roasting is performed in fluidized- solids furnaces. Reduc- tion in accordance with the countercurrent principle provides 951o decomposition of the A12(S04)3. The reduced ore is leached at 1000C by circulating caustic solution containing 120 g Na2O/liter. The aluminate solution is freed (,,' silicon at Ca:rd 1/2 1050 and is centrifug6d. As the solution is evaporated after SOV/137-58-10-20696 Complex Processing of Alunite Ore separation of the Al hydroxide, Na and K sulfates are liberated. Sintering of a portion of the resultant sulfates with the return hydroxide and leaching of the Na aluminate derived compensate for the loss of caustic in the pro- cess. The reducing method, with a sintering arm, makes it possible to obtain A1203, HzSO and K?S04' 4' L. P. 1. Aluminum-potassium-sulfate--Processing 2. Minerp-ls--Separation 3. Centrifuges --Applications 4. Sulfates--Sintering Gard 2/2 137-58-6-11358 Translation from-. Referativnvy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 6, p 15 (USSR) AUTHORS: Labutin, G.V., Ivanov, N.A., Melamed, R.I. TITLE: Development of a Method of Granulating "Damp" Limestone- nepheline Mix (Razrabotka rnetoda granulyatsii "mokroy" izvestnyakovo-nefelinovoy shikhty) PERIODICAL: Tr. Vses. n.-i. alyurnin.-Ynfgn. in-ta, 1957, NY 40, pp 1.32-137 ABSTRACT: With the object of producing granules, a "damp" limestone- nepheline mix (pulp) having a molecular ratio of CaO/SiOZ =2 and Na2.0/AIZO3--l v-.,as prepared. The chemical composition of the mix is presented. The "damp" nepheline mix proved capabl-e of granulation. To do this the pulp (cake), pressed out on a filter, is granulated in a drum mixer with the return c!-.,.;'. ( N15%). The filtrability of the pull:) heated to 600C is quite high, coming to 1. 1 t/i-n2 lir. In granulometric composition, the resultant nepheline granules are suitable for sintering both in rotary furnaces and in furnaces employing the FluoSolids process. I. Sinters--Development 2. Calcite--Applications Card 1/1 Nephelite--Aupli.cations A.Sh. 137-58-6-11921 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 6, p 106 (USSR) AUTHORS. Labutip, G.V., Melamed, R.I. TITLE: New Findings on the Behavior of Potassium in the Production of Alumina jNovoye o povedenii kaliya v glinozemnom proiz- vodstve) PERIODICAL: Tr. Vses. r..-i. alyumin.-magn. in-ta, 1957, Nr 40, pp 144-150 ABSTRACT: The preliminary data of experimental studies performed to clarify the 'behavior of K and Na caustic in the hydrochemical treatment of alumina -contamirg ores and the conditions of formation of the corresponding aluminosilicates (A) are set forth. The experiments were run with kaolin and kaolinized specimens of alunite and bauxite. It is established that: 1) pure -potassium caw~tic solutiors, i.e., solutions containing no reflux alum-.'r-a, behave in a fashior analogous to Na. caustic solutions when siliceous alumina-bearing rock is processed: 2) when the same rocks are treated under moderate conditions (95-980C N'l-2 hours), potassi,.im aluminate solutions form Card 1/2 virtually no A in the precipitaTe, while Na solutions, under the 137-58-6-11921 New Findings on the Behavior of Potassium in the 'Production of Alumina same conditiors, form it n quantitie-, approximating the theoretical. 3) as treatment time increases, the difference in the degree of formation of K and Na A starts to vanish,- this permits the conclusion that K A come down more slowly in the precipitate ~nd thug explains the peculiarity of its behavior; 4) an increase in tempera.1ture speeds the precipitation of K A, but the kinetics of its precipitation remains 51owi~d, since under these conditions Na A come down considerably more rap-idly. This makes. it possible to assume that by proper selection of leaching time i'reduction of this time) it would be pos- sible to attain low losses of K cauStic: 5) the foregoing permits the conclu- sion it is possible to carry out. potassiurn-caustic ),ydrochernical production of AlZC3 from readily-decomposed silic eous form.- of ore without significant losses of caustic. The K content in the working solutions under these condi- tions should constitute > 50% of the total caustics (calculated on Na.20). N.P. 1. Aluminum ores--Processing 2. Pot assi-m---Chemical reactions Card 2/2 _0 VERESHCHAGIN, F.P.; PONOMAREV, V.D.; LABUTINj G.V.; IVANOVA., L.B. XA=4~-' Dehydration of a polydisperse alunite are in a fluidized bed. T-Sve~ met. 36 no.11:4-1-46 N 163. WIRA 17: 1) SHIRCKIY. V.F., otv.rod.; ANOKHDI, r.K., red. (Moskva); DVOYNINA, A.P., red.; LABUTIN, I.I., r9d.; LINIKOV, G.S., red.; ROBINSON, O.S., red.; FROLOV, Yu.P., red. (Monkva) [Abstracts of reports of the Scientific Conference in Honor of the 110th Anniversary of Ivan Petrovich Pavlov's Birth, 19591 Tezisy dokledov Nauchnoi konforenteii, poovisshchennoi 110-i godovahchine vo dnia rozhdenila lvana Petroviche Pavlovs. Riazen 1959. 224 p. WRA 14:2) 1. Nauchnaya konferentsiya, poovyashchannays 110-y godovshchine so dnya rozhdeniya Ivana Petrovicha Pavlova, 1959. 2. Kafedra fiziologii Ryazenskogo mditeinskogo institute imeni. almdemika I.P.Pavlovs (for Wroldy). 3. Kafedra normallnoy fiziologii Ryazonskogo meditsinskogo Institute Imeni skademike I.P.Pavlovs (for Dvoynins). 4. lafedra fiziologii zhivotnykh Ryazanskogo sellskokhozyaystvennogo instituts imeni P.A.Kostychava (for Labutin). 5. Dom-muzey akademilm I.P.Pavlova, Ryazan' (for Linnikov). 6. Ka- fedra anatomli i fiziologli Ryazanslcozo poaagogichaskogo institute (for Robinson). 7. Kafedra normallnoy fiziologii Ryazanskogo me- ditsinskogo institute imeni akademiks I.P.Pavlova (for SakhBrova). (=VOUS SYSTEM) US-SR[Eliwetronles &hibitions Jul 52 "Iran.smitters "A Driver (Exc iter) for a Short-Wave Transmitter;,, L. Labutin (UA3TsR) "Radio" .90 7, pp 4o-43 MUs driver is designed for amateur short-vave transmitters of the 1st and 2d classes. Its output paver is sufficient to drive a 100-v transmitter and its frequency stability is con- siderably better than that required by the Min ,of--Qoz=nicati1ons "Instructions'.0 226T8 IABUTINO L. 235T54 UwR/Electronics - N'arrow-Band Filters Oct 52 "Quartz-Crystal Filters," L. Labutin (UA3TsR) "Radio" No 10, PP 33-37 Describes the operating principles and character- istics of quartz crystals used to obtain small passbands, particularly as they are used in com- munications receivers. 235T54 1. LABUTIN, L. 2. USSR (600) 4. Radio - Anaratus and Suoolies 7. Designinu quartz: filters. Radio no. Il. 152, 9. Monthl lists of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Tebruary 1953, Unclassified. Voltage Regulators Quartz calibrators. Radio No. 4, 1953. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, June 1953. UNCLASSIFIED. LABUTIN,L.; A A ROV,B. Shortwave and ultraehortwave receiver. Radio no-11:29-30 1'55. (Radio, Shortwave) (MI-RA 9:1) L&BUTIN, L., master radiolyubitellskogo sporta. --04"W"- The tactics of shortwave competitions. Radio no.12:9-10 D '55- (Radio, Shortwave-Competitions) (KM 9:4) LABUM, L. Tactics in short-wave radio competitions Tr. from the Russian p. 15. RADIO. (Ministerstvo na poshtite, telegrafite, telefonite i radioto I Tsentralniia suvet na dobrovInata organizatsUa za subeistvie, na otbrana:ta) Sofiya. Vol. 5, No. 4, 19_96 SOURCEE: East EN=pean Accessions Ust (MAL) Library of Congress, Vol. 5, No. 11, November 1956 1.~- 1 4 r) L , 7 - I 111:t '-' - AUTHOR: Labutin, L. TITLEi SSB-Traasmitting on One !Ado Ban(. (SM-rabota na oc.onoy.!)0'-k0vrSY polose) PERIODICAL: hadio, 1958, Nr 5, p 26 (USSR) ABSTRACTt In this article a radio amateur (call sign "UA3CH") tells his experience in S3B-Transmitting, using one side band, since February 1958. In one of 'the following issues of this periodical, an SSB aparatus will be described. AVAILABLEt Library of Congress Card 1/1 AUTHOR; Labutin, L. (UA3CR) ._07-58-7-22/"41~ ---------- TITLE: An SS3 Transmitter (SSB peredatchik) PMIODICAL: Radio, 1958, Nr 7, Pp 30-33 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author describes the transmitter of his radiostation UA3CR for single side-band working. To obtain the single side-bE,nd and suppress the carrier wave balanced remodula- tion is used. The side-band shaping device is built in the form of a separate attachment to the normal receiver fox, telegraph work and is switched in between the master .-ener- ator and the power amplifier. It consists cf an AF phone) amplifier, two balanced modulators, a crysta]- heter- odyne and an IF amplifier with crystal filter (Fi&ure 4). In the present instance, to obtain the upper side-band at the output of the transmitter, :he lower side-band is iso- lated after the 1st balanced modulator and the differen:-_ frequency after the 2nd. The lat balanced modulatcr feeds a two-stage IF amplifier. In the anode circuit oil the Ist stage is included the band-pass filter oystem, consist-ing of twc, sets of 3 crystals and a twin-gang variable condenser to cover the 20- and 15-meter bands. The second stage acis Card 1/2 as an additional RF amplifier and also converts the singi-e- An ~SB Transmitter phase voltage after the first filter into 'Iwo-phase voltage needed by the 2nd balanced modulator. The normal transmit- ter to which the shaping assembly is connected consists cf a master generator and power amplifier and works on 20.15 and 10 meter bands (Figure 2). It functions best when the anode circuit is tuned to the 2nd or 3rd harmonic. The anode circuits are interchangeable, a different one beirg used for each waveband. The output stage works as a Cla-'s C amplifier with an anode voltage of 1,000 -;-. When the shaping assembly is switched ir and the transmitter func- tions as an SSB transmitter, the output stage is ccnvertei from Class C into a Class AB1 by altering the negative bias from -70 to -45 v. The peak input power then comprises 180 watts. Details of boils, filters and chokes are given. The transmitter was linked to E. double quadrant, antenna aligned to the North, and to a rod antenna. There are 3 circuit diagrams, 1 block diag::am, I graph and 1 drawinE. 1. Radio transmitters--Equipment Card 2/2 ZABMN, Z. (UA3CR) SQ SB. Radio no.9:43 S 160. (KIRA 13:10) (Amateur radio stations) ~A-BUTIJIM ICR) - _L-_(IJA SQ SSB. Radio no. 11:32 N 160, (NIPA 14:1) (Amateur radio stations) GULYATIV, G.; GAUKIDON, R., master radlosporta (Moskva); GONCUPSM, V.; master radiosporta Wvov); BUINOVICH.,.8op master r'adiosporta, (Stalino); S]MIM.0 Tn., mastet radiobport .a; IVANDTA, To., master , L,_,, master radlosporta ( kya); radiosporta (Chelyabinsk);_;WTIN Kos SHWKO, V., master radiosporta; GBS=. B., master# radiosporta (Xbar'kDv); Shtraus, V., pervorazryaAnik (BuguruBlan); VOWSYAWN, )L, pervorazx7adni (Simferopol'). Is it really entertainment and not sport? Radio no.5:13-14 My 160. (MIRA 13:12) 1. Predsedatell sportivnoy komissii Fedei~atsii radiosporta SSSR (for Gulyeyev). (Amateur radio stations) LABUTIN, L. (UA3CR) CQ SSB. Pladlo no.5s2l-22 My 162. (KRA 15:5) (ReAio operators) (Amateur radio stations) LABUTINP L (IJA3CR) Pictorial report from Framz Joseph Land. Radio no.1-1:16-17 N 162. (MIRA 15:12) 1. Spetviallnyy korrespondent,zhurnala "Radion. (Franz Joseph Land-Radio operators) LA13UTIN ~j_A.J(PA3CR) What is SSB operation? Radio no.9:20-23 S 163. (MIRA 16-.12) KV?,Y,OVI, G.A.; L4BUTRI, M,Lm.ifacturo of pancla in reinforced concrete molds in &-~-haliv. Bet. i zhel.-bet. no.7,,426-.327 U'l 161. (NIRA6 14:7) 1. G!Llvn-.yy inzh. trest-i Sall-Jialinspotaneftestroy (for Kurkov). 2. Direktor 01-hiiv-II-or:o filiala Sal,.-halingiproprona (for Latutin). conczete) LABIMIA, N. A. - - -- - - - LAIWIV, If. A. I KUZN--ITSOV, D. V. 36205 Opyt vnedrerd_" uskoriteloy na Obvinskom royde. (Treat "Kamlesosplav"). Leg. prom-st'. 1949. No. 31, S. 3.8-19. SO: lAtopsVZhrunal'nykh Statey. No. 49, 1949 USSR/.3am Animls. Q-3 Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol., No 19, 1958, No 8al07 Author ~,Ulasevich L.S. Inst : Moscow Academy of Veterinary Medicine Title : The Blood Picture in Swine as Depending on Breed and FecUng Orig Pub : Tr. Mosk. akad. vet., 1958, 2D, 214-216 Abstract : No abstract Card : 1/1 so Sambdia'so *gigo ^ 0 4 * 6 0 - 1, 1, - IF egos eve-9-4-weve: 0000090*00000909 0 0 * ; ; 0 0 a 0 9 0 0 0 f 0 0 0 0 0 *;~ 10 a lids& to SKIIIIIJUIS is I I- Ali numbilunite4i a as As or* A at ft r 4 1' _tLLL2_m -A. Sao- ~-P 4.f.- Opof at-- -of. of S. V. Labutin. 9 production of &1-I., fmm absoftes 4)6 ir 3, No. 9. 46_4gigW_-I~ &-Tfcaummt 0 -00 an CUM (it Iq&OH the high sulfate content pmlits 011tainjult only dit. Pow. of Na aluminate'. &1n- -00 2 a be ppid. by the or otina in tjje,,e wAns. canno -60 1...: VU .00 migitatim JOI(CM16. to oCdcC to eliminatc Shutites were treated with the theoretical SM t. of NAOH -00 410 IfiLt". and then with an cicesp so 40 required to dossave the -0 60 or NA011todimpolvetheAl. jj*juwn.dWwjIvedQI% 0 Ole =00 06 th. At; the 2ud dissolved 90% gi or ,I the So, and .4% of W. Rathinano the Al and V7, Of the SO'- =00 00 Z* 0 00 =00 7w 0 wee A~O.SLA AITALL.IJRGKAL LITIRATUSE CLAS11FKATICH tt* 0 4" woo sinoaq -j %pigs.) .0 041 opt it too 0 9 1 A 3 V U It AIO -0 L% It no Or K, K 't U, it a a it 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 IDIDTOO +00-11041P, ~-09111 0 0 0 6 9 0 0 0 & 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 IP 00 9 0 0 00 to 9000 0000000 p 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 4 a N a nix It a 33 34 A a A, I I Is it aAS Id Is AS 1? 4 a n a M a A r 11 ,A- 4- L Ax F 2-1 I-X-JL-f A 00 V. LaboOss. Run. 00 is "td. With a Pola. of 9 .14,011 iu an ant. awrespandi" to tho coam" of tho sti'date kAso, mnbisself With A) Into NasSO.. or sl4bily leaf he NsAoSO. formed A, removed mid the mildue a treated with N*011 vain. to couvw AIM into shaminate. froto th6 the AIM is anxi. In the uv.W m- um. aI ! 00 ill .1b: "* 3 0 0: I L A OETALLURVIKAL 4.11911ATURIF CLASSIFICATIOlA --F AV ID it 01 it 9 a of tt a 11 0 9 0 0 0 me 0 zoo . 00 see go ce 0 14100 Ives %so -ja -As -i-aw a AS II I a 1. 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 It W-1 i a ; ; I x N PWF j Al 400 pa of*$ WWI W_.wiww a- 41 -40 a aj~ 4M T.- UP J." 00 ther thall vamum ter is fed fmn the top ra use ,. 1. coo X90 wee, too &&A-ILA SETALLWAXAL LRMTI*g CLOWVATION. 9041 e a OULInCk l 1 x 0 A a 3 1 v4" l 0 9,0 0 ~q ,0 9-0:0 0 0 0 OV 0, W 0 4 0 0 i1 'I 40 . 8 'o Wo co 04. :0- :0 ~ A,1-3 &K 7714~ ,--S ~ V I&SMIN, S.V., gornyy inzh. . Comminution of lime in ore-treatment plants. TSvet.met. 28 no.6:51 Iff-D 155. (Mna 10: 11) (Lime) (Flotation) LABUTIN PA 22/49TIO0 Maliftao Uceiver Tit~ Oct 48 beclUatime AmplituEle "Stabilization of An-plitude Oseillations." V. TAbutin, i p "Radio" No 10 Common defoot of homemade heterod7nes used for tuning receivers is that amplitade of oscilla- tions vhIch they generate varies from bandto band. This can be avoided 'by shunting coils with constant resistancea. Includes one circuit diagram. w 22A9noo LABUTINs V. K. "Simple Amateur Radio Construction'! (Prostayshiye radiolyubitellskiye konutruktsii), r-opular Radio Library, 96 pp. 'Moscow-Leningrad, 1949. uaums, Y. X. - - USSR/Radio - Literature " Now Books ('Mass Radio Library' Series Published by GOEenergoizdat)" "Radio" No 10, p 60 Oct 51 Includes the following books; "Forroresonanea Voltage Regulators" by S. Ya, Livshits, "Amateur Television Receivers" by I. M. Bardakh and Le V, Troytskiy, "I~he Wired u~ by V. K. Labutin_,, and "IntroducTio-n-t-o-Iffiff dio n d the ~S:ubso;riber ~Poljnt~""~ Vo ~K,, L~abt ~ a " by D. Konas :Iq lygin. e 2d-named book gives X jygjj~ Te=hniquesO by ~D a. descriptions of amateur television receivers with 5-., 7-, and 12-inch screens. PA 20BT62 LABUTIN, V. 6664. Korrektirovaniye elektrolitov nlestyashebego nikelirovaniya disullfon-nftalinovoy kislotoy po dannym analiza formalina.,E , 1954. 6s. 24 sm. (N-vo avtomb., Trakt. i s.-kh. mashinostroyeniya SSSR. Tsentr. BYuro tekhn. informatsii. Obmen opytom v mashinostroyenii. No. 35). 1 555 ekZ, Bespl.-Avt. ukazan v 1-ontse teksta.-Bez tit. 1. 1 obl.- -755-386-zbL 6 .h9.248 SO: Krdzhanya latopis' No. 6, 1955 . din Konstantinovich; 1011MIMILD.A.0 rodaktor; SKVCRTSOV,I.K.. to 0 -rodaktor [Radio ongineorlo-book] Kniga radlomastera. Moskva# Gos*ej2~rgq izd-vo 19556 215 P. (Massovais radiobiblioteka. no.234) (MLRA 9:3) (Radio-Receivers and reception) LABUTIN, V. (Leningrad) Controlled-voltage rectifiers. Radio no.12:41 D 155. (MLRA 9:4) (Radio--Rectifiers) IABUTIN, Vadim lonotantinovich; TARASOV. V.I., redaktor; VORONIN. K.P., -10, - 0 - ffimlawarty wraftwWow [The class D amplifier] Usilitell klassa D. Moskva, Gos.energ. izd-voi 1956. 30 P. (Kessovaia radiobibliotaka, no.262) (Amplifiers, Blectron-etube) WaA 10:2) Z K AUTHOR: Labutin, V. ,107-12-33/46 TITLE: Design of ah-Iterative Band Filter (Raschet mnogozvennogo polosovogo filftra) PERIODICAL: Radio, 1956,NtL2, pp. 41-42 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Methods and formulae for designing i-f multisection ladder filters, and examples of such filters are presented. The filter is intended for i-f amplifier circuits where high adjacent- channel selectivity and small distortion within the pass band are essential. A number of high--Q similar circuitsinsure a very close to the square-; shaped frequency characteristic . An example of 5-section filter is considered in some detail. Graphs and formulae enable one to calculate the generalized attenuation, the transfer constant, the frequency characteristic, and other param tars of the filter. There are two figs illustrating the curwes and one showing the construction of the 5-section filter. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 1/1 v"'~f MdOetie V i" ;. TAR-~SCV, F.I., redalctor; VORONIN. N.P.. blew developments in high-quallty amplifteatlool bovoe v vysokotachostvennogo usilentis. V(,skva, Goa.anerg. izzd-vo, 1957. 47 P. (Massovala radioMblioteks, no-274) C!'U'l~'n 10:10) (Radin-Receivers a-A reception) 9(4) PHASE I Book mmonniox SOV/16-17 Labutin, Vadim Konstantinovich Prosteys'hi-ye konstruktsii na, poluprovadnikovykh triodakh (6imple Electronic Equipiment Using Transistors) Moscov, Gosenergoizdat, 1958. 47 P. 75,000 copies printed. (Series: Massovaya radiobiblioteka, vyp. 297) Editorial Board: A.I. Berg, V.A. Burlyand, V.I. Vaneyev, Ye.N. Genishta, I.S. Dzhig:Lt, A.M. Kanayeva,, H.T. Kr6nkell, A.A. Kunkovskiy, A.D. Smirnov,, F.I. Tarasov, P.O. Chechik, V.I. Shamshur; Ed.: F.I. Tarasov; Tech. Ed.: X.P. Voronin PURPOSE: This booklet is intended for zadio mateurs. COVERAGE: The author explains the basic operating pAmciple of transistors and their special features and properties. He describes their application in receivers and amplifiers and illustrates the subject vith a description of several a pparatus using transistors. Wo personallties are zientioned- There are no references. Card 1/2 Simple Electronic Equipoent Using Transistors SW/161T TAIBIZ OF CONTM: The Nov Rival of the Vacm= Tube Amplifying Properties of Crystals Economical Anplifiers for Crystal Receivers ftato-pnonosmph set Miniature Receivers With Transistors SInple Tests of Transistors AVAIIABrZ: Idbrary of Congress (TK.T872.T73L3) 3 11 24 30 3T 46 Card 2/2 LP/MW 5-12-59 AUTHOR: Labutin, V. SOVIC7--5,3-11 1 -~7/4C TITLE: An Ultralinear AmDlifier (Ul'tralineynyy usilitell) PERIODICAL: Radio, 11058, Nr 11, Pp 42-44 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author discusses the resDective merits of the use of pentode and a triode in the output stage circuit of a h--,zh- fidelity 1-f amplifier. He explains how ultralinea-.- con- ditions preserve almost the same efficiency and output P0-.';e-_ as in a pentode circuit, while the internr-l resistcince I's nearly as g-reat as that characteristic of a triode circuit. The charaoteristics of an ultralineaz- ar.~cli.47ier can be sTill further improved by taking over into the cathode circuit that part of the primary winding which is led into the screen grid circuit (Pigure 4, upper circuit diagram). Typical cherall- teristics of amplifier circuits reviewed in the article are shown in Table 1. The sDecific requirements of the output transformer of ultralinear amplifiers are discussed, and the optimum values of the distribution coefficient of Soviet out- put valves, together -N-itb their typical electriQal conditions Card 112 when they are used in ultralinear amplifiers, are given in An Ultralinear A"Dlifier 0 Table 2. Figure and Figure 5 the 6P3S beam tetrodes. There are 5 sets SOV-11~-7-:,;-;- I --- -2 ly./.-4C 7 shows an ultralinear amplifier oircuit., circuit of the output ulturalinear stage an of circuit diagrams, 2 graphs Eind 21 tables~ Card 2/2 AUTHOR: Labutin, V. K. , Regul&r_- Member of the Society h SOV1108-3-2-10115 TIT~E: On the Parameter -11 of the Triode Trmsistcrk,- and the z11 Generalized Resistance- and Amplification Characteristics (0 parametre h1l poluprovodnikovogo trioda i z11 obobshchgnnykh. kharakteristikakh soprotivleniy i usiluniy) PERIODICAL: Radiotekhnikap 1958, Vol- 13, Nr 2, PP. 59-68 (USSR) Received: April 25, 1958 ABSTR&CT: A new parameter, the "directivity parameter" m2 was introduced here. On the basis of the latter generalized characteristics and resistance- and amplification diagrams are put up. These demonstrate theamplifying properties of the _ tkiode tramistdr '.. when small signals are used at low frequences. The introduction of m2 is explained as follows: the presence of an internal static feed-back in Lhe tri6de tranbist6r ' leads to the fact that the transfer Card 1A factors are different from zero in direct as well as in the