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KYTI-LUIOV, V.N. (Wovosibirsk, ul. 1905 g-, 5, kv.1) Morphology and histochomistry of formed smooth human chorion during the course of normal pregnancy and in hydramnios. Arkh. anat. i embr. 42 no.1:54-.59 Ja 162. (VIIRA 15:4) 1. Kafedra akusherstva i ginekologii (zav. - prof. S.L.Keylin) i kafedra gistologii i embriologii (zav. - prof. M.Ya. Subbotin) Novosibirsko o gosudarstvenno o meditainakogo instituta. ~CHORIOIO ~AMNIOII--DISE ASIS) (PREGIWICY) in -tmb"L:a-~. proLf KrTMhNOVA G.D. Study of group and Rh factora in maternal and fetal blood. Vope okh.mat.i det. 7 no.906-60 3 162. (MM 15t12) 1. Iz kafedry akusherstva i ginekologii (zav. - prof. S.L. Keylin) Novosibirskogo meditainakogo instituta. (RH FACTOR) (BLOOD GROUES) (JAUNDICE) USSR/Cultivated Plants - Fruits. Berries. m Abs Jour Ref Zhur Biol., No 12, 1958, 53832 Author K_yts, A.L., Shkarupa, Z.1. Inst lb("estan 41(7icultural lustitute Title The Effect of Top Dredsing with Mineral Fertilizers on the Grape lield. Ori.- Pub On the basis of experiments conducted in 1954 in DaCel3- tan on Mutsal-aul, Soykhoz, application of mineral top dressinG over the back,",round of nitro~Len fertilizer is recor.mended for obtllninC; hiGh and consistent grape yields. -- I.N. Guseva 40 Card 1/1 L 41'z~ o-66 EWT ( 1),/EWT (z)/'T/ NP(O/ET.I. 1JI;U Z~iJ ACC NRt 'AP6018043 SOURCE CODE: UR/0185/66/011/006/06811/06.2 AUTHOR: Kytsay, M. Ye. ORG: Semiconductor Institute, AN URSR, Kiev (Instytut napivpro'aidnykiv AN URSR) "I TITLE: Low-frequency-conductivity fluctuation in GaAs .77 -. V ? SOURCE: Ukrayins'kyy fizychnyy zhurnal, v. 11, no. 6., 19660 681-682 T~YIC TAGS, semiconductor conductivity, semiconductor research, gallium arsenide) 'IF-4-T-r t ABSTRACT:7 UFuct=uat on n 1-f conductivity has been studied in GaAs specimens with overall dimensions of 30 x 3.5 x 0.7 mm. The specimens, which were cut so that their working surfaces were per,pendicular to the (111) direction, had the following characteristics at 300K : resistivity, 0.317 ohm/cm; carrier density, 8.89 x 1015cm-3; carrier mobility, 1990 cm2/v-sec; resistivity at 77K, 10 ohm-cm. A typical spectrum of 1-f conductivity fluctuation at 3.2-mamp current is shawn in Fig. 1. Evidently the 3-f conductivity fluctuation is mainly a surface phenomenon, since surface conditions considerably affect the level of fluctuation. Etching increases the carrier lifetime near the surface and also introduces noise its the Card 1/2 L 41340-66 ACC NR, AP6018043 d7'4 Fig. 1. Conductivity fluctuation iv, GaAs I - Etched surface; 11 polished surface. result of reduction of surface recombination centers: this noise amplitude varies approximately inversely with fluctuation frequency. Orig. art. has: I figure. [WPI SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: llPeb66/ ORIG REF: 005/ OTH REP: 006/ IeZ7 Card 2/2' 11b KYTYR, Zdenek Effect of roughness on pressure loss in longitudinal flow of medium through the bar bundle in a tube,, Jaderna energie 9 no. 8:265 Ag '63- 1. Statni vyzkumny ustav tepalne techniky, Pralia. KYUBAR, A.G. -1 " - Narrow-gauge track with reinforced concrate ties. F-ut' i put'khoz. 8 no.8tj7-19 164. (in q-A 1. Zamestitell nachal'nika Tall in-%'yafKp skoy itzkokoleyroy di-nnts-'i Pribaltiy8kcy dorogi. KMAR, A.G. (Tallin) %Zl Action of the modern rol2ing otock on a narrov-gauge track. Pat' i put.khoz. 6 no43:16-17 Mr 162. (MIFA 15.-.-1) (Estonia-Railroadso Narrow-gauge) A.G. Business accounting in a narrow-gauge railroad division. Flutl 4 put. khoz. 8 tio.6-.42 lO`.J+. 1 17:9) 1. Zanestitell nachallnika 'FRI I I n-llyhykenakoy distRntsii, Pri- baltiyskoy dorogi. VINNIKI M.I.; RYABOVA, H.S.; GRAWVSKAIA, Zh.Ye.; KOSLOV, Kh.; ja I. Kinetics and mechanium of reactions in concentrated-strong acid media, Part 6, Zhur.fiz.khim. 37 no.1:94-99 Ja 163. (NIRk 17: 3) 1, Institut khimicheakoy fiziki AN SSSR. MBARp Kh. V., Cand Vet Sci -- (diss) "Comparative histo),o- I gical study of the oviduct in poultry." Tartu, 1957. 22 pp with graphs; 1 sheet of ills. (Min of AgrtmulIzwke USSR, Esto- nian Agr Acad), 100 copies (KL, 2-58, 115) -50- Country USSR -CATEGORY Farm Animals. Poultry A35. JOUR. RZ3101,, i~0- 13t 1958, 110- 59607 AUTHOR J~yuba r, _ Kh. V INST. 2-stonian Agnoultural Academy TITLE Permanent Topography of the Mucous Membrane of the Oviduot of Laying Donestic Birds ORIG. PUB. Besti Pollmaj. Akad. teaduslike toode 0ZU- mik, 3b. rauchn. tr. Est. a.-kh. akad., ABSTRACT In the first quarter oP the infundibulum of the oviduct (starting from the ovary), the folds of the mue-ous membrane (1,1111) are straight and longitudinal in all domestic birds. In tho Ickat 3A Of tho Illfw)(1111VIlu", of the hen, duck and goose, the highest FWL (>150-3000 are covered with secondary FIN folds whioh are con3iderably shorter. In the * 19571 31 236-240 CAR,D: 1/3 COUNMY USSR CATZGORY Farm Aninals. Poultry ABS. JOUR.. Miol-, Ao. 13t 1958s No- 59607 A U T H OAR. T M L. I ORIG. PUB. : ABSTRACT : albuminous part of the oviduct, MI are ar- Oont'd. ranged spirally; they are several times higherand broader than in the Infundibulum. The FIMM are lower and thinner in the isthmus tbAn in the albuminous part. In the uterine portion FM are longitudinal and their edges are wavy; here, M-IM are considerably thinner than in'the albuminous part and iothmus, "Vaginal' is also covered by longitudinal FM CA.ID: 213 COUNTHY : USSR CAT~~ORY : Farm Animals. Poultry mik, Sb. nauchn. tr. Est. s.-kh. akad.,v AB33TIRACT : The oviducts of 5 hens, 5 ducks, 4 geese and 4 turkey hens were examined histologically. The glands of the albuminous part of the oviduct represent branched-off tubular glandi in all domestic birds. Around the lumen of the gland of the hon and duck there are 5-7 glandular cells, of the goose 6-10, and of * 1957, 3, 241-248 ABS. JOUR. RZBiol., No- 13, 1958, 1140. 59606 AUTHOR Kyubar, Kh.\(,, MT. icultural Academy -TITI,.L,: The Glands of the oviduct of Laying Domestic Birds ORIG. PUB. : Eesti Pollumaj. Akad. teaduslike toode I-ogu- CARD: 1/3 q - 67 Country : USSR CATEGORY : parm Animals. Poultry A3S. JOURG* Miol. , No. 13, 1958, 1,,o, 59606 AUTHOR INST. .TITLE ORIG. PUB. ABSTRACT the turkey hen 6-8. The size of the glands cont'd. of the albuminous part of tho oviduct depend., on the position of the egg boing formed in a particular part of the oviduct, as well as on the.stage of the period of laying. In a goose, at the and of the period of laying, the glandular tubules were more narrow than In the middle of this period. The diameter of the glandular tubules of the isthmuz was larger than that of the albuminous part, in CARD: 2/3 COUNT-.ZY :TJSSR C,lTj--GORY :Parm Animals. Poultry ABS. JOUR. IRZBiol-o No- 13) 1956, No. 59606 AUTHOR L`3T. T ITLI, ORIG. PUB. : ABSTRACT :all the birds studied. The diameter of glan- cont'd. dulax tubules of the "torine portion is ap- proximately twice less than that of the al- buminous part and of the isthmus. CAID: 3/3 - 68 MBERGER~.I. Self-service eating establishments in DrewUn. Obshche,~Av. pit. no.6:56-57 Je 1610 (MM 14:9) 1. Direktor Upravleniya obshcheAvemioga pitaniya TSentrallnogo rayona Drezdena. (Dresden--Restaurants, lunchroomsj etc.) MMLIR, 0. - i~=Ional organi2atinn of thp -imrking arna of designpri; and constructors. Biul.nauclhAnform.,,-. trud I zar.pllata no.21 13-36 '59. "1. t , (MIPA 12'-5) (Design, Industrial) (Office, squipment'and supplien) 11MIGMIKO, V.S ; KYUBLER, O.A.; BOLTUKHIN, A.K., dots., retsenzent; inzh., red. [Transparent drawing and design stencils and materials.; album of drawings] Frozraclave chertezhno-konstruktorsIde trafarety i I)rinadlezhnosti; allbom chertezhei. Moskva, Mashinostroenie, 1964. 130 P. (ViIRA 17:8) -KYU13LERY O.Av Prcblems in tho organizatJon and onnipment of wc.-I:Ing a--eaf: for designers and engincers. Vych. i org.tehh. ., rtroi. i p---oekt. no.2:85-88 164- (~riu.A 18:10) 1. Gosudarstvennyy institut tipovogo I eksperlmentallnogo proyektarovaniya i tekhnicheskikh issledowani-y GosstrcytL SSSR. BITLGAR.U.' _~\T .and 'I-\-.ENTAII0V, 1, Chair of Military Field rrau,uatolotry of Lhe Drain and 'Nervous System, Aij~her Insti- tute of Military Medicine (~~atedra po 'voonn0-J)Dl0V,-I trav-ma- toloiriya na glavata i na nerviiata sistema, VVINII), Diroctor (rulrovoditel), Prof G. Snvov "A Case of Modullar Cono reraLomall Soria, Nevrologiya, Psikhiatriya i NavrolchirurglynJ Vol 5, No 3, 1966, pp 181-182. AbstracL 61uthors' Russian and English summaries, modified7: The article describes a case of medullar cone toratogia. '11, 1 e most characteristic feature of the disease is a slow but T)ro-- gressivo ovolution, significant chanaes In the medullar cone without destruction, and prosenco of another malformation -- spina bifida. Five references, including 4 Bulgarian and 1 Russian. (Manuscript receivedg October 1964). 1 L _3L,50114_66 1) /Y~,Tp 6-0 P(0) 1,,T*~,, 6-9-3571 r_i6C NR: ILF6024748 SOURCE CODE: DU100 o1goliT i ATM-OR: Enyndzhiov, L..-, Elankoy D.: Kyuch ve 0-11G.- Instltuta of Gonoral and nic; ChorAstryj_j~~p4 Acadany oE.S(~Icncos TITMI - Uquid-liquid extraction 1 a turbulent f1mr SOURCE: Bulgaralca akadoniya na naukite. , Doklady, v. 18, n.:~. 10, 1965. 935-933 TOPIC TAGS: liquid flcr,;, turbulent flow. fluid diffusion, fluid dynamics ABSTRACT: ..In an earlier paper, "he authors established rend. A,csd. bulp.. Sci. 18, 1965, No 8, 755) an expression for the mass transfer coefficient of the continuous phase for the case of turbuient ,flow extraction whonover the droplets of the disporsedphaso behave like solid srheres. However, in a number of cases the surface of the droplets circulates frooly causing an increase in "-.he transfor rate. Consoquantly, formulas are proposed for the other extreme ease aa well an intorp;lation expros3ions for the intermediate .4agion. It is also 1mown, however, that an joxtraction undor turbulent COnditl=3 is quite frequently accompani6d by a, a coalesconc.e. with a rubsequont break-up o-A' the drops. Although these cas4s are of greGt'bractical intara~t,'no attempt at quantitative or oven semi- .quantitative intarprotaticai of 'the tranr.~er procasis has bevn mndo so far. The authors carried out experiments in straight pipos..of . varyinG. ktjngj~iu a-L ~L3h5O4-66 AtC _NE~ ~24748 4 Re numbaro of - 10 r n, for two-p6so flows comp-isi* cr"a CC14J d J2*-C1`20) c modal extraction syotom. An analysis of the exparimontal data cnows that under the above mentioned experimental conditions tho ooluto trans-for machanism ks.roprosonted eceentiallyby a continuoun.diffusion proccoo. It definitely rules out the poauibility that the coalesconco-redispor3ion ch-Ininn =7 caus the interphaso renewal* "Lldb. paper was present,,)(! by Academician D * lv=ov on s, f0rige art* 'In Eneff Orig, art' bast 3 figurou and 7 formila, 12 july 1965, fims.. 34.8off none MIG REFs 002 SOV REFt 002 SUB CODEt 20 SPW DAITE t J; om REFt 0041 -Card Tjp(o) W ACC NR, AP6021,749 SOURCE CODEs B1U70-5n-765-r0DT0_10W9T57 AUTHORs, BqWddovo L-i Blenkove Doi, ORG: Iratitute of General arA :I BLI rian At V of sciewee -mmuda ordsta TM.'-'% iqmid-liquid =traction a turbulent flow L SOURCEt Bulproks &Weniya m nauUte. DoWAdys vs 18, no* 10, 19659 935-08 TOPIC TAGSt 14cpAd flow, ttirbulent flow, f3:tdd diffusion, f1uid dynamics ABSTUCT: In an earlier paper, the authors established icomp,t. rend. Aced. bulg. Scj.' 18, 1965g No 8, T55) an expression for the wass transfer coefficient of the continuous phase for the case of turbulent ~.flow extraction whenever the droplets of the dispersed phase behave like solid sphereso However, in a number of cases the surfa4ce of the droplets circulates rreely causing an increase in the transfer rate. Consequently, -formulas are proposed for the other extreme case as well as interp6lation expressions for the intermediate regiont it Is also known, however, that an extraction under turbulent conditions is quite frequently accompanied by a- a coalesconce..with a subsequent break-up of tha~Aropse Although these cases are of great~'Oractical interait, no attempt at quantitative or even semi- quantitative interpretation 'of the transfarpriocess has been made so far. -!he authors carried out experiments in straight pipes of ver g -yin kangqm; at- Card 1A I I ii-~q U-,f- h U- I