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KREJCIR, Jq MOM, A, Single purpose two-arbor milling machine, Stro' vyr 9 no.6:315 161. a 1. Sigma Olomouc,, n.p.., Lutin IEYJCIVS,KY) IdUnD dr. Utilization of scientific, technical and economic informationg especially pat-*4 literature. Nova toohniM no,W85~-287 160, 1. Patentovy referent, Prvni brnenake strojimy, Zavody Klementa Gottwalda,, n.p., Brno, KMS, Oldricb, V. Purkyne'B student years,at the medical acbool in Prague. Cas. lek. cask. 95 no.14:386-390 6 Apr 56. (BIOGRAPHIN8 Purkyne, J) KYKHNEj - CHAPLIK$ _ A ~.~p A.V. Theory of inelastic atomic co2livions. Zhur* eksp. i teor, fiz. 43 n0-3. 889-892 162. (NIM 15:10) 1. Institut radiofiziki i alektroniki Sibirskogo otdeleirAya AN SSS& (Collisions (Ruclear physics)) K~ KYKHOVSKIT,-A-J- Some peculiarities of transforming wbite tin into gray* Fiz. met. I metalloved. 6 no-3:487-495 158, (MIR& 11:10) 1. Ukrainakaya sellukokbozyaystvennaya, akademlya. (Tin-Metallurgy) (%tallo-praP4) BALIBALOV, I.A~; SOKOLONTA, N~N.; VAPMAKOVA, V.L,-~ POPOV, P.D.; KYKOV, A., red.; RUIDINAj 0,; teklm. red, Basin workers during the first year of the seven-year plan and tasks for 1960]Shagi seniletki; itogi raboty truzhenikov Kumbr-,;sa v pervar godu sarmiletld i zadachi ra 1960 god. L--:r:- rovo, Kemerovskoe knizhnrje izd-vo, 1960. 1f,-,0 p. (YORA 15- 11) (Nmetsk Basin--Ecorzaric comlitions) ACCESSION NR; AT3013101 s/2757/62/000/002/0091/01liS AUTHORSs )W*kov, Ya- V-1 Salpagarov, Kh. x. TITLE: Contribution to the t-heory of integro-differential equatlo;as SOURCE: AN KirgSSR. Institut fiziki, matematiki i mekhaniki. Issle- dovaniya po integro-differentsiallny*m uravneniyam v Kirgizii, no. 2, 1962, 91-116! TOPIC TAGS: integrodifferential equation, Volterra equation, Grunwall Bellman inequality, periodic so lution, uniqueness, stabil- ity, boundary value problem, hyperbolic integrodifferential equation ABSTRACT: The Volterra integro-differential equation is investi- gated by using the generalized Grunwall-Bellman inequality. The study covers the existence of theperioAc solution of the limiting mode, continuous dependence and uniqueness of the solutions and other problems.- The Y(t0 ) stability of the solutions is examined Card .1/2 ACCESSION NR: AT3013101 and certain theorem 'derived concerning them. Bounds are estimated for the solutions. Uniqueness, b?undednpso, stability, and esti- mates are also derived for the soiutions"of the first boundary-value problem with in~egro-differential"equat3*~'gns of the hyperbolic type. Orig. art. has: 23 formulas. ASSOCIATION: Institut fiziki, maiematiki i makhaniki AN KirgSSR (institute of Physics, Mathematics, and Mechanics, AV KirgSSR) SUBMITTED: 00 DATE #CQ: 30Sep63 ENCLz 00 SUB CODE: MM NO REF SOVt -009 OTHER: 008 Card 2/2 I-CMUrIN', YA. L. Schweissen Der Buntmetalle. Nerlin., Technik, 1952. P. U4 Illus., DiagTs., Tables Translation from the Russian: "S varka Tsevtnykh Metallov", Moscow, 1950. Added T.-p. in Russian "Literaturverzeichnis": p. 143-144. N15 615.927 .k6 K-,"LACTTY,O, YU. A. ElWm YU.A.; ATLLSDV. A.G.; SWIRO, M.M. (Analysis of gases, nonmetallic Impurities, and carbides found in steel] Amlis gazov. name talli ohs-skikh Ykliuchenil I karbi- dov v stall. Moskva, Goo. nauchno-takhn. lzd-vo lit-ry po chernoi I tovetnoi metallurgii, 1953. 593 p. (MLRA 7:8) (Steel-Analrois) k)TIlk V Y CZRCHOSLOVAKIA/Ilheoretical Physics - Quantum Meahsnics Abe Jour : Ref Zhur - Fizika) No 6., 1958, No 12362 Author :Kylakov$ Yu.1. Inst :Mosc w-tt9fe-UnIversity Title :New Proof of the Dirac Theorem Orig Pub Chekhosl. fiz, zh., 1957, 7) No 4, 504-505 Abstract New proof is given for the well-known Dirac theorem con- cerning the form of the wave function in the p representa- tion, corresponding to a divergent wave in the x represen- tation. Card 1/1 BULGARIA/Nucloar Physics - Nuclear Reoctions G-5 Abs Jour : Rof Zhur - Fizikt, No 12, 1958, No 26960 Author ; Kyl.--kov Yu.1. Inst : Moscow Ua-t-o-U;Mversity Title : Invariant Matrix Polynordnl for Totol Spin S=l. Orig Pub : Dokl. Bolg. AN, 1957, 10, No 4, 257-260 Abntract : A now dorivntion is cffored for -the natrix polynomirls for S=l. Previously obtvinod by V.I. Ritus (Roferat Zhur Fizikr, 1958, No 2, 29401)., ~o si-mr-rize the bilinctr combinetions of spherical tonsors Gj'M (n, A ), the nuthor uses the reduction for thQ aphohon funotion Y 1:1(" Tho ralrtiono bi)- twoon the mrtrix palynominle L 'Y I ~-md the Logondre polynor-inls and spin operntors b;'O-ob~~clnod. Those roletions mr,~kc it possible to simplify considorebly the expansion of en arbitrnry intarnetion oporct9r, inveriant -under rotation end reflection, in polynominls L"';I (nl,n). 1,1 Card 1/1 Cancer Aug 53 the Electrically Ind 'uced Reaction of- Erythrocyte Precipitation, EyLakova"27 Path- ohistol Lab, Karaganda Oblast Oncol DispensarZr, Nariganda Klin Med Vol 31, No 8, YP 79-80 Describes further research on the electriqally induced reaction of erythrQcyte ppta proposed by Prof A.L. Chizhevskiy. Graph shova the rapid alqd evenly descending curve characteristic for the blood of cancer patients. Author assu s that this method deserves further research and experimentation as a valuable aid farL the diag_ nosis of malignancy. 273T50 XYLAROVAI K. I ~= ---------- "Preparing and improving workers' qualifications in the training work of machine-tractor stations." P'. 514 (Mechanisace Zemedelstwi) Vol. 7, no. 22, Nov. 1957 Prague, Czechoslovakia SO: Monthly Index of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC. Vol. 7, no. 4, April 1958 L 26488- EWT(I)/EWA(h)-: ACC-NR, - AP6013067 SOUXIN =914 Ufl/qO48/66/1~30/004/0520/0627 AUTHOMS _KY asov Y.-A.; Lyamichey.I.Yao 2rldv N.* Pershin.G.G.; Peterimov S,V, Taborko,N. ORG: None TITLE.: -problems of electroluminescout indicators': and imake - A-epo,rt Fourte.enth Coplerence on Lumines6eace held in RlLa, 16-23 'September 1965/ SCIURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya fizicheskays, vo 30, no. 4, 1966, 620-627 T,OPIC.TAGS: real time data display,image converter, electrohminestence 64,~ V ZA*44.., ~40A -JAA.4-,A~" -h p v o:a gene -1 a1scussion of the prob ABSTRACT: The a r is de ote&t ra loms involVed in development of electroluminescent display screens (matrix-screens) and electro-., luminescent converters of visible and x-ray images. In conjunction-with the-screens it is indicated that current research is aimed at increasing the peak brightness of electrolumineseent phosphors (important because the average viewing brightness is a function of th~ maximum brightness multiplied by the excitation time of a Sezeen element and divided by the inter4al:between successive activations)-and development of means for realization of information storage on or for the screen. Approaches to enhancement of brightness are Improvement of the composition of phosphors and..electro- forming, which involves application of an no or do potential to the,electrolt Card 1/2 L 26488a.66 ACC NRt AP6013067 0 capacitor while the bindor (paraft-1n) is. solldifying* Realization oi otorago4s Oon- nected with development of approapriate control circuitry, includingexternallstorage components. A block diagram of wcontrol circuit for a matrix screen with external. storage is shown in a figure. Remearch in the field of image converters is b,4!ing carried out along the lines cf-Improving the parameters cog photoconducting povidered materials 'in the visible and x-ralf regions, theoretical and experimental deteizination of the optimum operating conditions for converters of different design, desigxidevelop- ment and improvement.of the techn0logy of image converters. A table giires a aeries of formulas that should be useful in designing new.image converters. Mention is made of work on development of tubes for cmaverting ultrasonic Images to visible images. Photographs reproduced in the text show a converter image of a TV test patterzand images of x-ray,pictures of some vacuum Itubes and electronic components displayed on a 200 cm2 screen. 'Orig. art. has: 14 formul as and 5 figures. SUB C(DR: 09, 2.0/ SMM DATE: ~OO/ ORIG REF: OOS/ OM REP,: 004 Card 21 R Y 2 USSR / CultivatQd Plants. Coroain. Abs Jour ROP zhur - Biol., No 81 1958, No 34655 Authors 3taiykov, G. InBt Title Corn in the Poopla's Republic of BulSaria. Orig Pub Kukuruza, 1957, No 10, 59-61. Abstract Not givon Card 1/1 BULGARIrL / Chemical Technology. Dyeing and Chemical. H-34 Treatment of Textile. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Khimiya, No 23, 1958, 79941. Author Kylchishtov, S. Inst t given. Title The Modern Methods of Boiling and Bleaching Cotton Fabrics. Orig Pub: Leka promyshlenost, 1957, 6, No 4, 18-22. :I.bstract: A review (Taethods being in use, equipment and chemical materials, continuous methods; applica- tion of NaClOZ). Four references are given. Card 1/1 V 1* M* SPitsyn, I. and K-yieshov, I. Me Investigation of the binary ys en Vict* Page 1197. s t Rb2 WOh - 'd03' The M. V. Lomonosov Moscow State University February 14., 195o. SO: Journal of Physical Chemistry, Vol. 74, No. 10. October 1950. KT=Oyt N Tyaotnyye zdaniya moakvy (Tall buildiap of Moscow, by) 11. I~rleBhclv A. Poadnev. Moskva, Xoskovskiy Rabochiy, 1954. 218 P. allus 609 527N/5 884 .19 MEV'SUY; A. A. Turkmenistan - Fruit Culture Local graft stocks for the Main Turkmen Canal Zone. Sid i og., no. 7, 1952. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, -1953. Unclassified. KY-LJ,, A. ; =NIOV, K. Condensed tars from heavy fractions of shale oil. P. 1,13 (Trucb,) No. 2, 19156, Tallin, Estonia SC: Yr~'Y-'HLY IND~'X 11"W -EAST EUROHAN ACCIESSICI~,"S ( 2S Aj) LC, I L - 7, C. I , JAN. 195 F it Chemical products x-15 USSR Ithemical TeChnOlOgY- and Their Application Treatment Of solid mineral fuels Abs Jour: Referat Zhur - Khimiya, No 9j 1957.9 31845 Author : KY111 A.T.., Usk I.A., Vallas K.R, of the Total TarrY Products and ' of Title : Investigation c Shale-proceissing industrial Fractions of operating Installations . slantsy. Khimiya i tekhnolog*lya, O-rig pub: Sb.*. Goryuehiye St. gos. izd-vo, 1956, 93-105 No 2, Tallinj Z Abstract: Technical and physico-chemical indices are givens of the total tarry products and of the individual fractions produced at the industrial, shale--pro- cessing installations. Optimal limits of fraction cuts, are determined, in industrial distililition, C ard 1/42 USSR /themical Technology and T11eJr APPlicati;n Chemical Products 1-15 Treatment Of solid mineral fuels Abe JoUr.- Referat Zhur - 11himiya, No 9, 1957, 31845 on the basis of characteristics of distillates and distillation residues* Quality indices of fractions obtained on tion processes permit using different distilla- to determine the advis- ability of carrying out atmospheric or vacuum distillation, in each specific instance. Curveei are shown by means of which the corresponding drop-point temperature is determined for different amounts of residue. C ard 2A bed lar amolo W Ta %yj 6:1 im i it' z- Xb~ uO " AM r Jm 9, -'cG br~ D;~ . T p ESTONIA / Chemical Technology. Frocessing of Solid Fuels H-22 Abs Jour : RZhKUm., No 12, 1958, No 4o928 Author i LyJJ.!~, Alumyae, T.E. Inst i hoaaomy of Sciences - Title : Oxidation of Shale During Drying Orig Pub % Izv. AN Est. SSR., Ser. t,~khn. i fiz.-matem. n., 1956, 5, No. 3, 196-205 Abstract : No abstract Card 1/1 K, T AARNA, A.Ta. [Aarna, A.Jj, doktor takhnichaskikh naukg retsenzent; XVILI, X. [Kull IJ, kandidat -okonomicbeekikh nauko rst4enzent;j~L~'-A---T-L- I [011: A-1.1, redaktor; KITIT, A.A., redaktor; KIKHELIS, K-.177[11M-Its' K.A.), radaktor; OUBIRGRITS, Kark Takovlevich, redaktor; ROGIRA, G.M., vedushchiy radaktor; TASHCHURZHIESKATA. A.B&, takhnichaskiy redaktor [Ingineering and economic problems of industrial semicoking of combustible ahale; a collection of papers] Yoprosy tekhniki i skonomiki promyshlonnogo polukoksovanita goriuchikh slantsev; abornik statei. Leningrad, Goo.uauchno-tekhn. izd-vo neft. i gorno-toplivnoi lit-ry',.I*aingr.otd-nie, 1957- 337 P- Mn 10:7) 1. Kivioli PolavL-4-vikeemia lombinaat. (Oil shales) K~LL, A.T, AUTHOR: Kdll, A.T. ~Kylll, _ruZ'ryavtsev, I.B., Sciences TITLE; On the Sulfation of (0 sullfatirovanii 23-5e-2--'Z'/G A.T.), Candidate of Chemical Sciences. Rikken, V.A., Candidate of Technical Oil-Shale Tar Olefinic Hydrocarbons olefinovykh uglevodorodov slantsevoy smol PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk Estonskoy SSR, Seriya tekhnichaskikh i fiziko-matematicheskikh nauk, 1958, Nr 2, pp 105-117 ~USSR) ABSTRACT: The considerable content of olefinic hydrocarbons in the oil- shale tar found in the Baltic States is the nrereauisite for obtaining synthetic detergents and wetting agents. A.T. Kyll with his coworkers have ppoved the possibility of obtaining surface-active sutstances, such as Namonoalkyl sulfates by means of sulfoesterification with concentrated sulfuric acid of olefinic hydrocarbons of dephenolized medium oil-shale fraction. Experiments have shown that sulfoproducts obtained from the oil layer, which is separated from the acid-layer, have better surface-active properties than those originating from Rcid-layers. Compared with "Teepol", a detergent produced in France on similar principles, and DS-RAS, a detergent de- Card 112 veloped by Institut Nefti Aii SSSR (Petroleum Institute AS USSR) On the Sulfation of Oil-Shale Tar Olefinic Hydrocarbons 23-58-2-31/P by M.A. Geyman and A.Ya. Larin, the Estonian detergent is eaual to the French product and surpasses the one prodaced in the USSR. There are 4 tables, 8 graphs, 1 chart and 9 references, 4 of which are Soviet, 3 English and 2 German. ASSOCIATION: Institut khimii Akademii nauk Estonskoy SSR (Institute of Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of the Estonian SSR) SUBT01ITTED: Jan 21, 1958 Card 2/2 1. Wetting agents - Sources 2. Detergents - Sources 3. Hydrocarbons - Sulfation 4. Detergents -- Evaluation KYLL', A. T - "Problems in connecticii with the use of the slates of Estonia (Estoniya) repwt prese&Ad at the esoMm of the Presidium of Vm Counell for CO- ordumtIon of Sclex4lfla Work of fte Academies of OcIanwe of Thd= IterblICS MA ftumb" (an Mvelopa* of Hebeavhes on RJWj HASM1W COMCUB&I) 2L JUM 1958. (Vest. Ak Sauk SMs 108s No- 9p pp- 101-2&) Head of the Institute of Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences, Estonskaya SSR KMI, A. [KaLl;A.], kandidat khimicheskikh nauk; LAUS, T.; ELENURM, A* - I The two-stage thermal processing of sHale. Kesti tead akad tehn fuus 9 no.2.-105-112 160. (EKAI 9:12) 1. Institut khimii., Akademii nauk Estonskay SSR. (Shale) PFASH I BOOK M(PLOXTATION BOV/6205 Makarohenko, A. F., Reap. Ed. Oj3novnyye voprosy elektrofiziolo'gil tsentra2inoy nervnoy alatemy (Basic Problems in the Bleotrophysiology of the Central Ner- vous System) Klyev, lzd-vo AN UkrSSR, 1962. 231 p. Errata slip Inserted. 1600 copies printed. Sponsoring Agency: Vaesoyuznoye fiziologicheakoye obahohoatvo im. 1. P. Pavlova. I n a t I t u t fiziologii im. A. A. Bogomol I tea Akademii nauk USSR. Eds.: A. F. Makarchenko, Resp. Ed.; D. S. Vorontsov, P G. Kostyuk, F. N. Serkov; Reap. Secretary: I. P. Semenyutin; Teo~. Ed.- Yu. M.' Bokhno. PURPOSE: This book Is'Intended for physiologists who are Inter- ested In recent advances in eleotr~ophyslology. Card 1/3 13asic Pioblems in the (Cont.) SOV/6205 cMERAGE: The present book is a collection of art~eleS Pre- sented it the Sympdsium on Electrophysiology held in Xiyev on 1-2 July 1961. The articles in the collection are grouped Into the following sections: 1) ZlectrophysiOlOgY of neurons (sensory, motor, and relay neurons of the spinal Cord, and neurons of the retina); 2) Induced electrical potentfias of the cerebral cortex; and 3) Background rhythms the cerebral cortex. References are given following the individual Chapters. No personalities are mentioned. TABLE OFCONTENTS: General Problems of Neuron Electr~ophysiO1097 P. 0- XOStYUk, Kiyev) 5 ElectrophysiolOgY of Retinal Neurons (A. L. Wiov, Moscow) 29 Electrop siology of Nourom of the Spinal Gan8lia, Of progslA. A. Lev, Leningrad) 40 Card J/3 Basic Problems in the (Cont.) SOV/6205 Primary Responses of the Cerebral-Cortex (A. 1. Roytbak, Tbilisi) 75 Some Peculiarities of Electric Potentials Induced in the Cerebral Cortex (V. A. Artemlyev, Lenin- grad) 96 Secondary eoe1*etr1*_Reactions of the Cerebral Cortex(tK. M. Kyllanda Moscow) 110 Nature of the Background Rhythms of the Cerebral Cortex (Ye. N. Sokolov, Moscow) 157 Some Factors Determining Changes In BEG Rhythms (Yu. G. Kratin, Leningrad) 189 Mechanism of Variations in the Background Rhythms of the Cerebral Cortex (L. A. Nov:Lkova., Moscow) 201 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress SUBJECT: Biology and Medicine IS/dmp/bc Card 3/3 2-12-b3 L.1348,1i-66: WT(n)/W(t)/XWP(-6) UP(a) JD/WB ACC NRs AP6002219 (Af) SOURCE CODE: UR/0000/65/038/012/283*t. $35 1/29 AUTHOR: Kocherain, V. P.-,, Xy-1-osova ,R. X. ORG; Pral 9WA_Ma!Yersity_im._A._N. Gor0kJy (Urallskly gosudari t- veunyy universitet) TITLE: Oxidation of molten pbosRhates and chlorides of sodium and zinc SOURCE: Zhurnal priklednoy kh1mii, v. 39, no. 12, 1965, 2832-2113S TOPIC TAGS: corrosion, iron, oxidation, zinc chloride, sodium chlo- r l *de phosphate The rate of iron oxidation was studied at 8500C in t e fol- lowing binary salt melts: NaCI-Zh(PO3)2, NaCI-NaP031 NaCI-Na4P,207, aud NaCl-Ha3P04- The object of the work was to learn more about the corrosive properties of molten salts, widely used high temperature lub- ricants. The isotherms of the average rate of iron oxidation iti vari- ous melts is shown in fig. 1. The isotherms (8500C) of the average rate of iron oxidation in various melts are shown in fig. 2. The polytberms ofthe average rate of iron oxidation in various melts are showti in fig. 3. The rate of iron oxidation was found to increase in the sequence, UDC: 542.943 + 546.72 Card 1/4 L 13483-66 ACC. NR, 'AP6002.219 A A ago. gas- Rai ow OWT B log -Fig. 2. Isotherms of average rate Fig, 3. A--average rate o,,-' iron of iron oxidation in various melts; oxidation (g/CM2-hour); B--:time A -average rate of iron oxidation (hours). Other denotationo same (g/CM2.); D--time (hours). Other as in Fig. 1. debotations same as in Fig. I. tard 3/4 L 13483-66 ACC NRt AP6002219 NaCl-NA004, NaCl-Na4P;07,,NaCl-.NaPO3, NaCI-Zn(PO3)2- lt~was found that the vacuum degassing of:melts-iwas-reflected in an increased'rate of iron oxidation.- X-ray examination revealed.that in the course of'oxi- .dation in NaCl_Na3PO4 and NaCl-Na4P207 the iron surface iii coated:with magnetite and wuestite, respectively. In the cases of oxidation in NaCl-NaPO3 and NaCI-Zn(PO3)2:the iron surface is coated with respective iron salts. X-ray analysis was carrIed o ut under V. N. Kcinev at the laboratory of Ural University in. A. N. Gor'kiy. Orig. art. has: 4 figures. SUB CODE: OW ..-SUBM DATE-.:2lAug6.3/- ORIG REFi. 008./ OTF1.-REr: 002 USSR Mseases Of cultivated FICLYlts Abs JOur A,Lithor inst Title orig pub 58 No 39679 Ref Zhur - Bioley No 9, 19r , KY ulturol Instit"t" and MeLlsures to Lzerb0,YdJca1 J%Gr"- SorGliuu Fields 1,,-gc Blistcred SlAut Oil control This Discastao 4, 151-156 Tr. Azerb. S--Ih. in-ta) 1957) study on tho a results Of the rilA'IQII oT th b, R Abstract This is a acac on of sorc~u.' o ,lyjXspo:ritu'1 joloCy ana contoxlinAi 195o-i953 in b conducted by tl"-' "'Ithor in ara aOs- ehrenbarcii Kuhn o2linG t1-1is cl's--asc I'liddle "'Wia. ~Jeans of contr cribod. ccxd 1/1 XYLYWYK) 0. V. TI,y nyi, Taras, '~'E-192C .r ~L,,+ I "Soviet literary criticism." Reviewed by 0. V. Yylymnyk. Visnyk AN URSR 22 I~o. 10, 1950. I UNICL. 9. 'r!onthly List of Russian AccessiOns, Librnry of Congress, Methods of analysis of the hanaliV of materials in maohij~ factoriene Tech praza 15.=64:274"280 Ap J63, 4 U4,6techm, PrahaW KYHOVSKIr, U.K., redaktor (Vegetable and vine crops and potatoes] Ovoshcho-bakhahavye kulltury i kartofelf. 21 parer. tod. Alma-Ata, Kazakhskoe gos. isd-vo. 1955- 306 P. (MLIU 10:3) (Kazaketan-Vegetable gardening) (Kazakhstan--Potatoes) FAVEL, I.; Kfl,?YA14U p S.; KISHIUI N. Electrophoretic examination of blood serim-proteins in experimental deficiency of vitamins A. B; C and D, and biotin. Vop pit. 20 no.2:47-50 Mr-Ap 161. iMA'14:6) 1. Iz kli-niki Pitaniya i diyetatiki pri, bollnitse imeni 6.oktora Kantakazena Bukharest., Rumyniya. tDEFICIENCY DISEASES) (BLOOD PROTERS) 1~ 11 : 1- K)KR, F. More or less average deviation for valuation of yarn? p. 118. (Textil., Praha, 'fol. 9, no. 4, Apr. 1954) SO: Monthly list of East European Accessions (BEAT), IL Vol 4, No. 6, June 1955, Unal K' ;)') --) /I- ' ," - I I , . I, KM4R, F . To enmnd progressive labor methods in all cotton spinning mills. p. 1.47. (Textil, Praha, Vol. 9, no. 5, May 1954) SO: Monthly list of Fast European Accessions (I UL), LC Vol. 4, No. 6, June 15,55, Uncl r:T. 1--, , i- . e- Dry weight 3f sanples and commercial wei(I'lit in ~Ielivery. n. 2!~J. 11 TD=IL. 1171i.-iisUrstvo lehkoho prumyslu) Praha. Vol. 9, no. 8, Aur. P54. &~`TRGE: 7!,a5t Buropcan Accessions Lazt, Vol. 5, no. 91 -,*tp-*k erlbt!r 1 -?56 KY1 R, F. The winding of rovin6s on roving frames. p. 101. (Veda a Vyzkum v Prumyslu Textilnim. No. 1, 1956, Praha, Czec-'-oslcv,-k:;a) I-Ionthly Index of East European Accessions (EL41) LC, Vol. 7. no, 2, February 195~'~ 7. 136-12-6/'.8 AUTHORS: Mechenov, P.I. Candidate of Technical Sciencesi and Kynchev, K.S. TITIE: Practice at the Kurilo (Bulgaria) Lead Works for the 0 Recovery of Silver from Zinc Froth (Praktika izvlecht-,niya serebra iz tsinkovoy peny na svintsovom zavodc. Kuril-o' (Narodnaya Respublika Bolgariya) ) PERIODICAL: TsvetiMe Metally, 1957, No.12, PP. 30 - 35 (USSR). ABSTRACT: At the old lead works of Kurilo, the zinc froth contains 2 - 3% Ag and is melted in a 600-kg oil-fired rotary furnace (Fig.1) to which 5-10 kg of wood charcoal are added. After completion of fusion, the heatinE is stopped, oxide powders are removed and the chargS allowed to cool. When the liquid reaches a temperature of 600 C, the silver crust is removed and dis- tilled. The -authors give details of this practice with materials balances (Tables 1 and 2). They analyse the results in terms of the equilibrium diagram for the system Ag-Zn-Pb and describe results of experiments on the layering of the fused crust. Finally, they give results of the vacuum distillation of an enriched Ag-Zn-Pb-Cu alloy. An editorial note indicates that before the advantages of the Kurilo practice can be realised in Soviet works, difficulties due to the introduction Cardl/2of manual labour into large-scale production must be overcome. 136-12-6/18 Practice at the Kurilo (Bulgaria) Lead Works for the Recovery of Silver from Zinc Froth There are ?I figures, 3 tables and 3 references, 2 of which are Russian and 1 German. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 2/2 XYNCHEV, P.I. Separating and tracking the kinetics of complex specific inductive capacitance. Prib. i tekh.eksp. 6 no-4:131-136 ji-Ag 161. , NIM 14:9) (semiconductors-Electric properties-Measurement) SXVARIL, F.; GRUMMWER., D.; h-n;GL F Inhibition of theapontaneous splitting of hilmn Jwglobulin Weparatia3s by 67--aminooaproic acid. Coll Cz Chem 28 no*3: &A,651 Mr t63. 1, Institui;e of Sera and '14waines., Prague, and Institute of Organic Ghomistry and Biochemistry., Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences., Pragubs, CZECHOSLOVAKIA - MCL, F Serum and Vaccine Institute, Prague Prague,,Collection of Czechoslovak Chemical Ccmmuni- cations, No 12, Dec-emb-er-19-9. pp 4644-4650 - "Graphic method for computation of the sedimentation coefficient*" KY NCL 9 1. , Preparation of specimens for electron microscopy of infectious mu"~,ertals. Acta vJrol. (Praha) [.Fng.] 8 no.4:381-382 J3, 164. 2. Tnstltute of Sera and Vaccines, FraguE, Czechoslovakia. KYNCL, F. Removal of arystale frnm biological preparations for &!Ectron rAcroscopy, Folia morph. (Praba) 13 n0.4!413 165. 1. ingLitute of Sera and Vacctnas:, Prague. Suba,'-tted November 11, -9641~ LA12i4-66! EWAW T EWA00-2 ARs A 006102 SOURCE: CODE-. CZ/0053/65/01-4/0()4/03~.9/03;21 AUTHOR: aitzovap D.; kirnell F.; Kral Zo; Smjkal,, F. M) ]L ORG: Research Institute for Antibioticap RoztolV (V~zkumny us .tav antibiotik). -TITM: Effect 'of changeO in the acid-mbase balance on nephrotoxicity of neomycin [This paper was presented during the Twelfth Pharmacologic Days,, Smolenicep 28,Jan 65.1 SOURCE: Ceskoslovenska Irysiologies V- 14# noe 4P 1965t 320-321 TOPIC..TAGS: acid base efpdlibriumt ratj, antibiotic, neomycin., pathologyp toxicology, urology ABSTFACT; Acidosts brouoht on by. administration of ammnlum chloride ~reduced urinary concentratto .nof n"-ycin in rate to 367 units per Olt :uhereas in control rats aind those given nothing,but sodium carbonate -'(WaHOD3), the cOncentratton was 834 to 837 units per ale Neither acidifi-! Ication.or alkalization prevented the nephrotoxic.histopathologic. effect j of this- ill)S SUB GODE.6 06 SIUVATE: none ORIG BEN 604 Cwd KYNCL~ J. MERT. 0. Significance of waterglass as a staiilizer in Ibleaching with hydrogen peroxide. p. 182. (Textil. Vol. 12, no. 5, Mav 1957. Praha, Czechoslovakia) SO: Month3y List of East Europgan Accessions (EFAL) I.C, Vol. 6, no. 10, October 1957. Uncl. KYNCL.1 J.; MEW, J. Significance of waterglass as a stabilizer in bleaching with hydrogen peroxide. P. 226, (Textil) Vol. 12., no. 6, June 1957, Praha,, Czechoslovakia . Vol. 6, Mo. 11 November 1957 SO: Monthly Index of East European Acessions; (EEAT) Yyncl, F. Vocational field vork fo:~ students of the Industrial School of Cerari-cs in 'the ceramic industries. r.113 (Stavivo. Vol. 35, no. ), Yar. 19,57. Praha, CzechosluvaUa) SO: Month',ly List of Last European Accessions (M-11) LC, Vol. o, no. 10, October 1957. Uncl. KYNC~L~alavy--inze Maintenance regulations for motor vehicles. Zel dop tech 9 no.7:209-210 161. ,KYNCLp Jaroslav.. inz. Organization cf 'work in the repair shops for railroad motor aars. Zel dop tech 9 ro.lOs294-297 161. CZECHOSLOVAKIA IMLCL J. and'WAITZOVA, D., Antibiotics Research Institute ustav antibiotik), Roztoky near Prague, Docent Bngr M. HEROLD, Dr of Sciences, director, ItContribut-ion to tho Problem of the Neuromuscular Effect of Neo- mycin" Prague, Casopis Lekaru CesMch, Vol CII, No 26, 2d June 63, pp 713-717. Abstract [Authors' English summary, modified3: Neomycin-N- meth-UTe-sulfonate has, no curare-like effect.The complex of neo- mycin with dextrasulfate blocks the neuromuscular transmission in doses higher than 20 milligrams per kilogram of neomycin plus 60 milligram per kilogram of dextransulfate i.a. Lower doses (10 milligrams per kilograi~-, of neomycin Plus 30 milligram per kilograr.r, of dextransulfate) in single application have no ef-fect on contractions of m. gastrocnenius, but with repeated application the neuromuscular blockade again sets in. Neomycin with sodium polymethacrylate (ratio 1:3) seems to have no curare-like effect even in doses one degree hi.her than in neomycin, The neuro- musculzr effect of neomycin on isolated rat diaphragm may be suppressed by increasing the PH bath ab.oFve 8.3. Graphs. Ten references, including 4 Czech. 1/1 WAITZOV.4, D.; kpi-opoo of somo pharmacological properties of neomycin. Gas. lek. cesk.104' no.71"69-172 19 F 165. I* Vyzkiwy usi*,av rintibiot-1k, Iloztclc-,r u Prahy (reditel: prof. M. Herold). CZECHOSLOVAKIA J.3 PLISKA3 VL; JELINEK, V.; Research Institute of Pharmacy and Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry, Czechoslovak Acade,my of Sciences (V~yzk=iy Ustav pro Farmacii a Biochemii, Ustav Organicke Cherde a Bioehemie, CSAV), Prague. "The Pressor and Antiditretlic Effect of Triglycyl Lysine8 - Vasopressin." Prague, Ceskoslovenska Fysic-logie, Vol 15, No 5, Sep 66, p 398 Abstract: The effect of triglycyll-lysine8-vasopressin is much longer lasting har, the affect, of lysineLvasopressin. Verification of this fact by experiments on rats is described. I Table, no references. Subnitted at 31 Days of Pharmacology at Smolenice, 3,5 Feb 66. 61 - 0 -q- J-4 '~ C0 'J' C I V AI ~-. I A J.- Rese.-trch Ins'-itute of PhPL=p-c- and B;o- .IZA--:~i 3 LI - Cho-iiiistry I7,-ICI:-v -or,) a Biocherii), Frogue. "Characteri'stics of Long-LastinF; Effects of Drugs Frn.7ue, Ces!zoslovenska Pysiolor~ie., Vol 15, '.o 5, so.) 66, p 399 Ab-s-tract: Th~i charRo-k-oristics of rcL;o:-.anc(-. of t*nI effects of a drug i-.)ay be calc;,il-ted using it-- eli7,;inration constant c,--l-culated on the banis of tll-e colr.'se of --',ts effect. The long-lasting ef- fect -,--iay be expressed by thc coefficient- of pe:,slstency. This is t1ie ratio of e-I-:Lx-.iin.--itIon constant of t1no investigated drug to that of the basic substance. Formula for th~ calculation of tho constant is prosented. Tt is exnressed as L-303 ( log D - lorl d) / t, - ',ore t is the ti-me of the experiment U duration, and D ard d are 'he two investi,gatod doses. The per- sis-L'-.cncy coeffic,,ont i.- spocific for a given kind of animal tested. 1 2iiTure, 2 Western reTcrences. Submitted at IIL Days of Pharmaccl- oF,y atu Stiolenice, 15 -1-Pob 66. 1/1 KYNCL K.; WOLF, J.; WOLFJ; J. mi.. Equipment for automatic lubrication of the mold cavity in pressure die casting, Slevarenstv-1 13 no.1:19-20 Ja 165. 1. Mold Research and Dovelopment Department of the Viborlat National Enterprise, Prague,, a V10 ~A` Z/037/62/000/002/008/015 E073/13535 A U'N 10 R Fyncl, L. TITLI,': 'Eo-iitribuTion to the process of quartz polishing I / V .s 19 62 , I 12 - 16 ,)1;l?lO0lC%-'-: ceskoslovells-~y casopl-, pro fy5iku, no.2, 1 2 plates Same re-ults are given of experimental study of the Procoss of (Illartz, Polishing. In contrast to grinding, which is prodominantly n mechanical process, nolishingr is a complex combination of physical, phys-ico-chemical and chemical uhenonena which so far have not been satisfactorily explained. I't was l'ound tivit the polAsh-ing is effected by powders with grain sizes below 2 ~i of a hardnes.~5 within the limits of V to V11 of the 11,1ol-is' scale, combined with the effect of 11* and Olf- ions and tile dissociated water. On the basis of the obtained results and published information, it is concluded that polishing, of quarrz con!~;ist.q of tile following two simultaneous processes: 1) Xlechanical energy which causes the breaking up of Si-O-S,,. bonds; the formed cathions and anions react with hydrogen illid 'iydro. I Ny.1 ions producing variotis forms of silicic acid. Card 1/2 Con tri Im tion to the process of Z/037/62/ooO/ooL)/ooA/oIr) E' 07 3/1'. 5 3 7, 2) Dehydration of the silicic acid to a salt and gel, which combine with thk~ hr o k e n - Si-O-Si bonds in th, cAvitj es of t;.-i e polished surface. There are 7 figures. ASSOCIATION: -BMITTED: Tesla zavod 05, Hradec KrilovO' (Tesla Lans'fkromi, Plant 05, I-Iradec Kra'love) November 14, 1961 Card 2/2 KYNCL, M., inz.; SLUNECKO, 14., inz. Injection jet lbuxners for making fine glass fibers. 51dar a keranik 15 no.2:44-46 F 165. 1. Higher School of Mechanical Engineering, Liberec. KYNCL, Miroslav, inz. VOREL, Jiri Microvision, a, blind landing device. Jetecky obzor 9 no-4191 Ap 165. NOL --inz. New connection for trouble signals* Sdel tech 10 no*7;278-27cl JI 162 s KrNGL, Miroslavp inz. Computation of polynomials of.the second order on calculating machines. Automatizace 6 no.11t281-282 N 163. C- V-\ AUTHOR. 4nev, K. D. 51-6-17/25 TITLE: On Dow-Temperature Activation of Precipitated Zlnc Sulphide by Copper. (0 nizkotemperaturnoy aktivatsii osazhdennogo sullfida tsinka medlyu.) PERIODICAL: Optika i Spektrosk ya, 1957, Vol. III, Nr. 6, pp. 652-654. (USM) ABSTRACT: It is possible to prepare ZnS-Cu phosphoA with a reasonable Dinineecent intensity, at temperatures not exceeding 100 C. ZnS was precipitated froir,. a trinormal solution of zinc carbonate on addition of a trinormal solution of sodium sulphide and on vigorousebaking. The suspension thus produced was covered with a solution of copper sulphate with 2 x 10-4 g/ml of Cu (the amount of Ou per 1 g of' ZnS was about 0.001 S). Afow second shakinr, the suspension was activated by heating at 100'C for 10 minutes. The suspension then exhibited green luminescence on excitation with an ultraviolet line at 365 mtL. Using a Pulfrich photometer it was found that a-ZnS-Cu phosphor prepared at high Card 1/3 temperature had 100 times stronger emission than a 51-6-l'17/25 on i0ow-Temperature Activation of Precipitated Zinc Sulphide by Copper. low-temperature ZnS-Cu phcsphor prepared as abow. The spectral distribution of luminescence was re-,,o3:ded by means of a WC7r-51 spectrograph. Tuminesce=e vras excited using a mercury lamp. Figs. 1-3 show the spectral distributions of luminescence of various ZnS-Cu phosphors. Curve 2 in Fig.1 represents a ZnS-Cu phosphor prepared at high temperature. All the other curves represent low-temperature phosphors. Curve 3 is a low-temperature phosphor without copper. CompaEison of curves 1 (ZnS-Cu. phosphor prepared at 100 0 as described earlier) and 3 shows that activation with copper displaces emission maximum towards longer wavelengths and greatly increases the intensity. When ZnS is activated vrith coppers sulphide (cur-ve 4 in Fig.2), the luminescence intensity is no lower than that for curve I. 'When ZnS (curve 5 in Fig.2) or copper sulphide (CU3ve 6 in Fig.2) is subjected to thermal treatment bE.Ifore activation, a decrease of Card 2/3 intensity is observed. In all the low-temperature 51-6-1?/25 On Low-Temperature Activation of Precipitated Zinc Sulphide by copper. phosphors studied no afterglow was observed at room temperature. But this may be due to the absences of deep localized levels belQw the conduction band, or due to the high degree of dispersion of ZnS-Cu suspensions used. Increase of the amount of copper sulphate added on activation first increases the luminescent intensity (FiG.3). karther increase of the amount of copper added in this way produces concentration quenching (curve 12, Fig-3). are 3 figures and 4 references, of which 3 are 1~issian and I German. ASSOCIATION: Sofia State University, Bulgaria. (Sofiyskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet, Bolgariya.) SUBMITTED: Submitted to the Editor of "Doklady AN SSSR" on February 26, 1957. AVAIJABLE: Library of Congress. Card 3/3 "I 1 51-6-18/25 AUTHOR: -- 1~ynev, Ke D. - --------- TITIS: On the Structural Sensitivity of Luminescence of the Low-Temperature ZnS-Cu Phosphor. (0 strukturnoy chuvstvitellnosti lyaminestsentsii nizkotemperatum- nogo fosfora ZnS-Cu./ PERIODIC": Optika i Spektroskopiya, 195?, Vol. III, Nr. 6, pp. 655-657. (Usm') ABSTR&CT: This is*'~A continuation of the preceding paper (PP-652-654). The present paper deals with the effects of variation in the chemical conditions of preparation of ZnS-Cu at 10000 on its luminescence. Preparation of the samples followed essentially the method described in the preceding paper. The spectral distribution and intensity of luminescence were obtained by the technique described in the preceding paper. The scatter of intensity due to experimental errors in measurement and due to variations in the conditions of preparation did not exceed 81;,,. Thie Card 1/2 results for phosphors prepared in different solvents, 51-6-18/25 on the Structural Sensitivity of Luminescence of Low-Temperature ZnS-Cu Phosphor. using different washing treatments, etc., are shown in Figs.1-4. From the results obtained the autlaor concludes that changes in the chemical conditions of preparation produce changes in luminescent centres, which are crystalline structural defects. Various ions of the zinc salts used before activation (sich as CH COO SO I Cl and Zn) can alter only the kimetics of p;4cipiltation of ZnS and of formation of Cu centres. Such ions or molecules of water, etc., added after activation are adsorbed an the phosphor. All this affects strongly the intensity and spectral dist:ribu- tton of luminescence. The latter effect suggests t at the Gu activator centres are localized at tiie plosphor surface. There are 4 fi6rares and 5 ref- Card 2/2 e ences, of which 3 are Russian and 2 German. ASSOCIATION: Oofia State University, Bulgaria. (Sofiyskiy g&udarstvennyy universitet, Bolgariya.) SUBMITTED: &emitted to the Editor of 19)oklady AN SSSR" on Fr b 269 1957. b~ary AVAIIABLE: rary of Congress. -ST Bulgaria/Physical Chemistry Cry-stale, B-5 Abst journal: Referat Zhur Y[himiya, No 19) 1956, W914 Author: Boribov, M., Kynev St Zlateva, Ant. Imstitution: None Title: Some Experimental Results of Investigations of Internal Photo- effect in Mixed ZnS*CdS-Cu Crystallophosphors Original Periodical: Dokl. Bolger. AN, 1955, 3, No 1, 13-16; German resume' Abstract: Investigated was the kinetics of internal photoeffect in mixed ZnS-CdS-Cu crystallophosphors. For crystals ZnS 50% C&S-Cu and CdS on excitation;(546 and 578 mu (outside region of principal absorption) and high intensity of excitatior light there was obik-7. served a more complex course of kinetic curves than is "al. After switching on of illumination conductivity o- increases rapidly above its stationary value in light and after switching off of 1- lumination there is again observed a bm& increase of(5'. In- vestigated 'was the variation of LT of previously excitated phosphors Card 1/2 Bulgaria/Physical Chemistry Crystals, B-5 Abet journal: Referat Zhur Khimiya, No 19, 1956, 0914 Abstract: during heating from 200 to 230~,. Thus with US-% and ZnS 25% CdS-Cu were observed maxima of c-siz!ilar to maxima of curves of thermoemission of light of luminescence. These maxima decrease and are shifted toward higher temperatures with increased time of holding in the dark prior to heating. Magnitude of maxima of curves of temperature changes of T decreases if after exci- tation the phosphor is irradiated with infrared raaiation. Card 2/2 S/ BULGARIA/O.ptics. K Abs Jour: Referat Zhur-Fizika, 1957, No 4, 10389 Author : ]~)msv Stqfa~ Inst : Phylsi~s ~nsti~tute Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Title : Features of the Kinetics of Photodielectric Losses of Powdered ZnS, CdS-Cu Crystal Phosphors. Orig Pub: Doklady Bolgar. AN, 1956, 9, No 2, 5-8 Abstract: The dependence of photodielectric losses on the intensity of the exciting light (I) for phosphors of ZnS. CdS-C4 has a pronounced maximm. At large I these phosphors after excitation give a short- lived sharp increase in the photodielectric losses (peak). This increase takes place at lower I for light with longer waves near the edge of the fundamental absorption. The lag of the attenuation of the photodielectric losses increases sharply with reduction in temperature. In specimens with lower content of CdS, the appear- ance of the peak of the photodielectric losses upon darkening occurs Card 1/2 f BULGARIA/Optics. Abs Jour: Referat Zhur-Fizika, 1957, No 4, 10389 K at lower values of I and at higher temperatures. The temperature dependence of the photodielectric losses is analogous to the de- pendence of I, and the curves for the temperature dependence of the photodielectric losses are analogous to the curves of thermal glow of these phosphors. Card : 2/2 M!ms a .. . ....... tiik- dui The dithco. 4b ... . .. .. A Aj f -Intermnia-1-p-h'At"Ifect And evorptlon of oxygea in SIM 021do.-,Sr ingilev and El. Vateva. Co!npf. rend. brdgaye.-sci. temp. depeadem of photodesorption of 0 was studied by cond. and Phot ":ad. measurements of ZnO. Photodesorption of 0 takes place not only in the region of absorption of light, but also at longer wave k090, The temp. dependence of Ahe desorption, the masultudt and kinetics of the pholo- effect and the influence of adoorbedO am described. The result obtained by simultaneous application of high-fre- quency voltage and d.c. voltage 21so are given. 16 A .Libcky.L- S/194 161/000/01 -2/060/01)- D2017D256 AUTHORS: Borisov, M., Kynev, 3 teva, Ye. and Georgi,yeva, t.._ya TITLE: Electrically stimulated currents in irradiated mono- crystals of cadmium sulphide PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Avtomatika i radioelektronika; no. 12, 1961, 13, abstract 12G79 (Dokl.. Bolg. AN; 1960, v. 13, no. 1, 23w26) TEXT: This is a description of the results of analysis of elec- trically stimulated currents (ESC), originated with the supoxJm- position of voltage on a previously irradiated CdS crystal. The magnitude of ESC depends in general not on the intensity of irra- diation, but on its dosage. With the increase of dose the ESC in- creases up to a certain limit, beyond which saturation occurs. With the increase of the voltage applied to the crystal the ESC increases monotonically so that it is impossible -1n this way to detect the electron energy traps. The graphs of ELESC against the Card 112 3/1 94/61/000/012/060/D9 7 Ele-trically stimulated currents ~2 01 /D3 0-3 temperature exhibit 2 maxima (-80 and +80 C, C), showinl- d-Lfferen-~51 levels of electron traps. The positions of thermally and ele3tri- cally stimulated electric current maxima coincide with each o-~her which shows a close interdependence of the two phenomena. /-Ab- stractorls note; Complete translation.2 Card 2/2 (10 a c- / or) ,V1 77 9 ?. 0 0' ; '51 Ai'/003/011/049/056 S , , ' 4 /B1 38 AUTHORS: Kynev, St., and Sheynkman, ~... 1:1 . TITLE: Effect o a strong elect:~4-~ f---.-1 r-- the kinetics of phcto- current in single crystals PERIODICAL: Fizika tverdogo tela, V. 3, 1961, 3539-3541 ncrea6i~ TEXT: During the measurements of the -,-i photocurrent the _ i r! specimens were either in a vacuum (10 mzi, E ~~r ia air. When steady . - photocurrent had been established after (N - 5200-5300 1), the light was switched off and the specimen re-main eid ~-n darkness for a certain period of time &t d (Ata . 2o-6oo sec). T~-- -~ was again switched on and +he curve of the increase in photocurr~- - observed on the screen cf an 3140-1 (ENO-1) oscilloscope. The time :-,:~qiiizred for a 50.4 increase was calculated. The experiments were repea-,:.ft .9ith the same perlcda o.-F darkness and light, but during the dark piLz---.-~d z' sinusoidal voltage with a f r s qu en cy 0 f 7 0-100 kc/s e c and an ampUtude C f kv was applied to th,~ side electrodes. It wan found that T5C~4 derably longer in this Card 1/X-1- V~ 30802 sfI-81/61/003/011/049/056 Effect of a strong electric 1-4/B138 case than in the absence of a high-frequency In some cases this increase was 200 times. Heating the spe. r1o effect on -r5 0%. The value increased with the amplitude, the hits') field, and the ler*qih of the dark period. The large increase ir; .%ttrlbuted to destructionof electron adhesion levels and hole trapp1ng cid'hesion levels by the electric field causing redistribution batwe,~.n -.1ie --arious recombination levels, followed by rapid recombination. are given to koademicin- AS UkrSSR V. Ye. Lashkarev for are 1 figure and 12 references: 6 Soviet and 6 non-T,_-~iet- ',~.rae most recent refer- ences to English-language publicp.-~ions rr-s-4 I. T. Steinberger. I. Phys. Chem. Solids, 15, 354, 1960. W. V. F. E. Williams. Soli:1 State Physics, 6, 95, 1956- R. N. Dexter. J. Phjs. Chem. Solids, 8, 494, 11959- ASSOCIATION: Institut poluprovodnikov AN USSR K.',yav (Institute of Semiconductors AS UkrSSR, KA'yf.-!.,' SUBMITTED: March 312- 1961 1961 (after revision) Card 2/'~ S/120/62/000/002/037/047 900 B14o/F.163 AUTHORS: Kynev St Sheynkman, M.K., Shullga, I.B., C ~u;sinko, V.D. TITLE: Contactless method of measuring the parameters of certain semiconductors PERIODICAL; Pribory i tekhnika eksperimenta, no.2, 1962, 154-159 TEXT: Essentially, the method consists in placing the sample of semiconductor between two capacitor plates-in a Hartley oscillator circuit and measuring the change of grid current. This can be calibrated in terms of the bulk conductivity of the sample. The oscillator operates at about 10-15 Mcs. The electrodes are shaped so that the sample can b* illuminated, for determining its photoelectric properties. Some applications are: acceptance testing of samples for their photoelectric properties, under conditions eliminating the distorting effects of electrodes in contact with the sample; study of just these distorting effects; study of samples in art enclosed volume without requiring their exposure to the atmosphere; study of the kinetics of infra-red extinction of a, Card 1/2 Contactless method of measuring. 5/12o/62/000/002/037/04!t E140/E163 photocurrent; study of local phenomena in inhomogeneous CdS. single crystals and thin PbS films. There are 7 figures. ASSOCIATION: Institut poluprovodnikov AN USSR (Semiconductor Institute, AS Ukr.SSR) SUBMTTED: August 8, 1961 Card 2/2 11. 1112. Intluenaq of A.Juz--n- ~ulfs~. an %4o -rrz*tlon of ~~a a A, "a zAtrtc i2l at ;.glallla~ Ira n I S..t I 0 Rel.lot r :- n ~oo a re.-. to Dxl is %n-3 Ion Cron wl~n a no rjR 0 :'~3tj-,4ts 9r ~en.rk' &M r--.6 -~~zdrLar -0 12. "Tzo maluotion of Or64alc C~-;~o~nje wjn or zi a. Liqlal V/~N:7 4=d P. ~r 'al --- ~n. or "a-7~:--r"ty .no a-, S;Z2.%; artiald if. :r0r=nr.; ~Ca=cerrAnj~ =* Mlctractto-- zf ja.L:x- rerric =do," P. 1-1 Z. 38-FM -ca. f:r 14. -:a Lms )Llaarptlon of C-aorjoa loan o'l ?A)Ter Siffsoon'- 0. Ind n. art%-.* -'n jA=Z3.jk: 14 3~Lrj; pp :)r7--o--s aal az4r.Z. -1.1as of 327ply I., various Irr stj 3m RA z4b maz UML=Z ;.-.A ~Cn3t;umnm PP I't 10~ ~W3AS Zf dklin~IaIA.. AAA t&S,' Zia I - sa, -i1. 0 In ;,;) 69 lo~ r;al~ ?soullarl'.1ow at r~-k Z;;ulsion Strao*-xcs in T.M: ilemle 0, "a adz-iaravd 2oly-j*%al J;spoAts la .a* Sas~or;: Raalo;-s.- In P.Azftx~i alta Z-il:11B.- 3AL"Lrj; ;-:) 0-7o. 1;6 - -Vd l=rlt*ncn of ~'04"r~tare ;,'qnE*q and Use AcIlity a: Z-xo zn f-it S~s3jllty of C3.-ain zr"S of nsoLarla la ~:arlzsi Feuto Aal ZALI.,Ja,?; article in R.:3&lan~ pq fl-W. 20. o03 ;.as ROIS Of ;ftd L~r=;%.'LO0YZGS LA l=.jAnOx9n*3L9,' V.L. YAR~CCV a.-d 7-at. ';ULCH""I of "a of Institute c-~.C-~JolaE7, J-LAI alim Ig I S.Lj Z-Z'Z~b In ::.'.all3a; ;;r 01-04. Aj 2/3 (coat) BORISOV, M.L KDES.-S-i-p~imv, S.); GEORGIYEVA, 1. [Georgieva, I. I On a new rectifying effect in cadmium sulfide monocrystals. Doklady BAN 15 no.7:715-718 162. 1. Predstavleno akad. G. Nadzhakovym (Nadzhakov, G.]. KrW - PIRINCHIYEVA., R.; MARINOVAO Kr. .t-Atv_.r Distribution of the potential and notion of minority Carriers in CdS single OrystalB. Pis, tvtr. tela 5 no.lo-291-300 A 163. (MIR& .1611) 1. Institut fiziki Bolgexskoy akodenii nauk,, Sofiya. Potentialip Theory Of) cadmium 'o"ulfide '~Iectrio properties) i KvEv2s. [Kimev's. 1; S"I V. [Shekerdzh:Uski, V. ]; STOYANCT.V -TIP, 11 Istoianov, V. T"W .1b Preparation of photocells and photoresistors from sintered CdS. Doklady BO 16 no.7 t685-688 163. 1. Predstavleno akad. G.Hadzha'kovym, chlenom Redalctsionnoy kollegii, *Doklady Bolgarskoy Akademii nauk", _�jM&_4.(Ku.nev., St.j,, STOYAWis V. LStoianov, Vj; Sffi~h.-A,,JZHASKI, V. LShekeredzhiiski, V. J. Highly-sensitive photoresistance and photoolemients of sintered Cds and certain reversible processes of their agIrg. ;~cta physics, Pol 25 no-3:313-321 vir -64. 1. nulgarian heademy of Sciences, institute of I,hysics, Sofia. ACCESSION im: AF400357 P/0045/64/n2 /003/0313/0321 AUTHCHt Kyftevl, St.; stoyanov', V*; ShekaredzUpki, Va. TITM Higb-aensitivity 1hotocanductive and photoelectric cells =Me of sintered OdS and sane reversible aging processes in then SOURCEt Acta ;hysica, polmica, ve 25P noo 3P 1964P 313-321 TOPIC TWS: Iiiotoacnductive device, photoelectric cell, sintered cacliun stUide, photoelectric cell aging,, reversible aging, US ABSTRACT: The authors have developed a simple and rapid method for preparation of UZ pellets by sintering under pressure of several hundred kg/cm2 and subi;e- quent heating for half an hour in argon at W. The cadmium sulfide produced by Soviet industry for ltuinescence was used. The admixture of cadmium sulfate enters during sintering into the reaction CdS+OW4=2Cd+2SO2. The precipita,~ed- cadmium serves an donor. By aMJng a cerUdn amount of copper acting as acceptor,, the resistivity of the specimen is Increased to several hundred M; the photosensitivity is increased, accordinglye The permissible applied voltage in- exen8es with, the increase cif the eintering time A typical e=mple of perfamance V2 ACCESSION HR.: AP4040357 is 250 svlp/~p2 at 500 lux and 5 Y- The prepared lbotocanductive cell ages wider illuninaticn., but heating for a fev tens of iecondo restores the original yn)P- erties. The, cbserved phencmens, am interpreted in terms of acceptor-dmor and interactimsp Origb art@ has: 10 figures* ASSOCLAM011; Bolgarokaya Akademiyu nauk, Fizicheakiv Institutp Sofia fBulgallian Acadenq ct Sciences,, physics Institute) sum= i =u163 EML#. 00 SUB 0=1 EC NO MW BOVI 001 OMMt 014 C.,d 2/2 L 4W-66 EtIT(I)/t/ir,'P(i)/EVi~(b)A~4A(h) - 1,7P(c) JDAT ACC-RF,7_WW87 70 SOURCE COP5f BU100111651OL810027015110104 AUTHOR: Kynev-, So'; Vateva, Es"; Koparanova, 11. ORGi Ph.-rsics Institute, 'Bulgarian -AcaderDr of Sciences-(Fizichaskiy lnstitut,~-Bolgar6py akadeirdi nauk) Nothod f or the deter-mination of the type of contacts in CdS, CdSe.and aLher cmtals SOURCE:. Bulgarska akaderdya na naukite, v, 18, no. 2, 1965, loi-io4 TAGS: crystal, cadmiumquIfide, cadmium selenide, semiconductivity, diolectricE Aussian a -of ABSTRACT: rtiole.7. rhe deteraanation of the ~kjnd and. Prop()rties !.contacts in semiconductors and dielectrics is of ininortanco not'only fo r the ':process_of desit-n of practical instrumontlo tion but also for the study of underlyinty physical events. There ogist presently only a fe w methods for detemin. V ing the kind of contact (Y1.. M. Buttlor, W. Huschaid, Ann. Physik, *,r), i954i 1; K. Boor, K. Lubitz, Naturforach., 17, n. 1062, 397) and they are not always reliable. A new simpie-and fast mathod is nrooosod-hore for the 7determina tion.-of:~the-ldnd iof. tontect -on-nihotosensitive other crystals', The-:w9thod- Is, based, on sn:eff6ct:Aescribod -barlier by- %t*o of the authors (S. kenevo Molkoperanovaj Cnmpt. rand. Acad. bult. Soi., 17, 1964t 5) which sipears only in. case when'~ihV cathode-60inta6t'is a a off one. The article conte reprosentinr cgses~ cnrA 1 2