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KWIATKOWSKI, Piotr Ultrasonic comunication airpl.ane. Problemy 20 no. 9:552-561 164. KWIATKOWSKI, Piotr, inz. Anglo-French agreement concerning the construction of the Ult-:a- sonic passenger plane Concorde. Techn lotn 19 no.3.-62-65 ~t 164 EGATKOWSKI . Piotr, mgr. inz. Application of radioactive isotopes for clearance measurements between the rotor and guide ring of turbine engines. Techn lotn 16 no*10:237-238 0 161o WOZNICKI, W.; DOLUSKI, J.; JANKOW3KI, K.; KARWOWSKI, J.; FIS"ATKOWSKI, S. Electronic structure of nitrogen heterobenzene3. Phil Az Pol math 12 no.10:655-661 164. 1. Department of Experimental Physics and Departwnt oil Theoretical Physics of N.Copernicus University, Torun. Submitted August 1, 1%,-'. WMNICKIV W.; Estimation of the influence of foreign atoms in the core of conjugated bonds on the spectrum and the charge distribution in the molecule. Bul Ac Pol mat 9 no.1:39-42 161. 1. Department of Theoretical Physics, Nicholas Copernicus University, Torun. Presented b.T A. Jablonski. (Atoms) (Molerules) KOSSAKOWSKIO A.; KWIATKOWSKIpS.; PRUSKI,S. Some notes on the theory of pressure effects on spectral lines. Acts. physica Pol 24 no.3*.3Z7-337 S163. 1. Department of Physics# N.Coperni-cus University, Torim. KI-J'IATKOI!SKI S. Shape and shift of atomic spectral 3ines broadened by higher pressures of perturbing atoma. Bul Ac Pol mat 12 no.2:125-130 164. .1. Department of Experimental Physics, 1". Copernicus University, Torun. Presented by A. Jablonski. KWIATKOWSKI.. Slawomir Problms of scientific and teabnical information, Rrzegl vloki-m 18 no,ltl-4p5 Ja.1164 KWIATKOWSKI, Stanislaw Genesis of sulfurized calaites of the Grzybow rt-gicn, Roam geol Krakow 32 no.3:339-358 162. 1. Pracownia Geologiamo-Stratygraficzna, Polska Akademia Nauk., Krakow. f KWIATKOWSKI,, Stanislaw.. mgr inz. ~z- ---- , Course of the work on industrial utilization of recently discovered montmorillonite rock deposits in Poland. Przegl odlew 13 no. 10: 271-272 0 163. CZARNIECKIP Stanislaw; WIATKOWSKI, Stanislaw - Remarks on the distribution of the facies in the IcWer Carbon of the fore-Carpathian Depression, Rocz geol.Krakow 33 no-1/3: 273-279 163. 1. Pracownia Geologiczno-Stratygraficzna, Folska Akademia Nauk, Krakow. velo _T5 OF - ~7MZt-= 7 _KL C 6 f ,e th P j Uic g - 77.- ,v PI td, 16 ~t Ig UB BtAZMO~ 'nkle-2111w and rwauva Mug L Ln a tfUly olm~ of a d vurtic oLl M tueffiw-pi Uh ~U,#Z~u it was Aemondrated onbasisoltba currli-~, trip, noawl 04ooMiess triction may cawle an lrv:r,.io c of lRataB pll~R*aitna omir An carra"tida4ad !a the niia -M al thd 1*40 W__a~ mntrlbuU*j4 tt tt-b theq37 c;f pa-We W0490-1. o~ spoi 'd dliuiua Irasm jfria pIng llbo Ion th? -0 frIaL th d lotim a M~Pllwda ot EMU.- KWIATKOWSKI.,S�&ujp1qw. mgr. im. The Engineering Association of Polish Metallurgy Wco-kers; activities and plans. Przegl techn 79 no.1:33 Ja 158. 1. Wiceprzewodniczacy Zarzadu Glownego Stowarzy'szerda Technio m go Odlewnikow Polskich, Katowice. 18(5) POL/39-59-7/8-7/24 AUTHORS: Kucia, K., Kurek, M., and Kwiatkowski, S., Engineers TITLE-. Fracture Tests and Their Usefulness in Evaluating the Quality of Boiler Plates PERIODICAL~. Hultnik, 1959, Nr 11-8, pp 296-301 (POL) ABSTRACT.- Increasing demand for boiler plates with ever better properties have forced producers to turn out plates of increasingly better quality. The purpose of the present article is to discuss some of the modern me- thods of boiler plate quality control. According to Soviet and Polish specifications, tests for resist- ance to fracture of boiler plates are made in the following wayr a sample twice as wide as it is thick for plates up to 30 mm and cne and a hal-f" times as wide as it is thick for plates above 30 mm, 1-s broken in order to establish the degree of dest-ratification or decoherence. Samples are taken a-t. both ends . perpen- dicularly to the direction of rolling. According to these norms, a decoherence of up to 10 mim may be al- - Card 1/4 lowed at the point of fracture. Yet this method is POI~/3 9- 55 0,-7/8-7/24 Fracture Tests and Their Usefulness in Evaluating the Quality of Boiler Plates not a particularly efficient one. There is also the ultrasonic method, but it has been found that it is not able to detect all cases of destratification. It was found in fact that two types of destratification exist,. real and potential. The first. one consists of discontinuity in a rolled product and may easily be detected by the ultrasonic method. The second variety appears when the sample Jis fractured and then only near its surface. This is the more interesting and dangerous type. The tensicns which arise in a plate sample during fracture are -'llustrated in fig- .-ure 1. The important point is that real decoherence -ential deco- is often due to metal impurities but pc4, herence is rather due to metal fat-,igue and is much more difficult to detect. It is important therefore to distinguish between these two phenomena. The au- thor. then proceeds to recount experiments designed to discover these phenomena by metallographis analysis Card 2/4 and to determine the effect of thermal -'..-,reatment on POL '39-c,9=7/8-7/24 Fracture Tests and Their Usefulness in Evaluating the Quality of Boiler Plates the appearance of the fracture. Tests were made on plate samples tested previously by the ultrasonic me- thod and showing a tendency towards pol~ent-.ial destra- tification. Figures 2-9 show the state of various samples during these tests. It was found that the degree of potential decoherence depend,~ on the degree of stratification of the plate's structure, on temper- ature and on the speed of fracture, All factors favor- ing the sample's brittleness tend to decrease the ex- tent of potential decoherence or to do away with it altogether. Stratification and hence potential deso- herence may be removed by 0homogenization. (at 1-9150 C) and normalization (at 920 0). But the application of these processes simultaneously with mas3 prcduction is very difficult, The above rests shcwed further that the stratified structure of boiler DIates does not affect welding proper-ties ad-zersely, nor does it depreciate the mechanical properties of the plates. Card 3/4 The same may be said of the phenomenon of pot,ential POL/'39- I Q, -7/8-7/2-4 Fracture Tests and Their Usefulness in Evaluating the Quality of Boiler Plates decoherence. It is important to note that the author considers fracture tests inadequate in det'-Zrmining plate quality since these test's are made with samples taken at random and the fracture 4-tself cauges the appearance of further potential decoharence during -he author, the proper method breaking. According to t 1 of testing the quality of boiler plates is the ultra- sonic method. Finally, the author considers It im- perative that all efforts be made te r-,--examine rolling methods in order to decrease as much as possible the stratification of plate structur-- There are 2 tab- les~ 8 photographs, 1 diagram, and 4 references, 2 of which are Soviei and 2 Polisb. ASSOCIATIOM Huta Batory (Metallurgical Plant Batoryl~ (Kuc-La and Kwiatkowski) IMZ (Institute of Ferrous Metallur,-,y) (Kurek) Card 4/4 25(1,5) AUTHOR: Kurek, M., Kucia, K., and Kwiatkowski, St,., Engineers TITLE: The Application of Ultrasonic Met~o`d'~' Investiga- tion of Plate Laminations PERIODICAL: Hutnik, 1959, Vol 56, Nr ~~, pp W'1-76 (Poland) ABSTRACT: The great number of laminations in boiler and shipbuild-- ing plates leads to special methods of investigation- So far test specimens (30 mm . III' thick) with a notch 8f 5 = were broken. Daring investigation, it was decided that the sectional area test does not reveal any trend for lamination in the plat-es; it only shows: a) lamina- tions already existent in the plates after rolling'-' b) laminations arisen by breaking the test specimens apart. The laminations described under b) have proved less harmful than those jnder a), There are two methods of ultra-sonic plate tests: 1) the filter \method (m0re" easily adapted for automatic serial testsi; 2) the tap! ping method (by tapping the plates with a feeler-gadget)'. Card 1/3 In the Metallo-Physical Institute IM1Z in Gliwice, a s P~/ POL/39-26-2-4/10 The Application of Ultrasonic Methods in the Investigation of Plate Laminations cial roll-feeler gadget was designed, Figures.1 and 2 show its methods of operation,, Failures up to 10 mm (n/511) 0 call for oscillations, above 10 mm they shift the amplitude to the left of the vertical line. The investigation results are described by the aid of os- cillographic diagrams. Hot pourings with a temperature of more than 16300C and cold pourings with less than 16000C were tested. The results of the various pouring groups are compiled in Table 1/ It was determined that two skilled workers can easil test 15 plates in 8 hours by the ultra-sonic method. 15 The ultra-sonic method proved to be qualified for testing laminations in plates; 2) the results during.investigation have not proved any dependence between the parameters of rolling laminations and the lamination formation in the plates; 3) Consider- able dependence was established between the pouring oper- ation and the lamination formation in the plates; 4) Es- pecially good results were achieved with graphitized Card 2/3 pourings; 5) The ultra-sonic method enables greater sav- POL/39 -6-2-4/10 The Application of Ultrasonic Methods in the Investigations of Plate Laminations ings. There are 1 table, 9 photographs and 2 diagrams. ASSOCIATION: Instytut metalurgia zelaza (Metallurgical Steel Insti- tute); Huta Batory Card 3/3 KWIATEMKI, Ste,, mgr inz. A conference cn patternmaking in Nowa Huta. Przegl tech no-3:10 17 Ja 162. KWIATKOWSKI Stanislaw mgr inz. Visit of FoUsh foundry specialists to France and Italy in connec- tion with the standardization of molding boxes. PrzeZI odlew 12 no.11055-356 N 162. KWIATKOWSKI, Stani ins. The Krzeszowk -'Quart% Sand Dressing Plant for the fo=ding industry-. Frzeg1 odlew 12 no.12:386-389 p 162. KWIATKOWSKI., S,,,..W inz. Conference on Auxiliary Materials and Founding Toole in Walbrzych. Przegl odlew 13 no.7:193-194 J1 163. KWIATKOWSKI, Stl,,, pgr inz. -r,., I Scientific and technological conference on the winning and delivery of natural molding sands from Tarnowskie Gory* Przegl odlewn 13 no. 11: 300-301 N 163. BRATKOWSKA-'SHKIOW, Barbara; -W;AT OIISKI, Slefan, Changes in the osseous system in chronic manifest lymphatic leukemia. PolBkie arch. nod. vown. 29 no.63797-808 1959- 1. Z II Kliniki Chorob Wownetrxrqch A. H, we Wroolnwiu Kierownik; Drof. dr mod. A. Falklowics. (MUMIA LYMPHOCYTIC, pathol.) (13ME AND '30103, pothol.) GRUSZXA, Stanislav; r)JIATKOWSKIP Stefan A case of hypothalmde qmdrome with generalized vascular changdo., Polskie arch. med. vewn. 31 no.3:399-406 261. 1. Z II Kliniki Chorob Wevnetrznyah A.M. we Wroclaviu Kierownik! prof. .dr mod. A. Falklevion. (HrPMTALANUS die) (VASCULAR DISEASES PERIMRAL compl) BRATKOWSKA-SENIOWp Barbara; DONTORCZYK, Henx7k; KWIATKOWSKIpttefan ------ t-,.: Malignant granuloma of the respirator7 Byetem. Polakie arch. zed, wown. 31 no.4:549-558 161. 1. X 11 Klini)d Chorob Wevnetrznych AM we Wroclaviu lierownik: prof. dr A. Fa W evicz. (LUNG NEOPLASMS case reports) (HODGKIN'S DISEASE case reports) DOKTORCZYK, Henryki KWIATKOWSKI, Stefan A case of chronic tuberculous septicemia (landouzy's typho- bacillosis. Pol. tyge lek. 19 no.47:1823-1824 23 N'64. 1. ZII Kliniki Cliorob Wownetrznych A-ademii Medycznej ve Wroclawiu (kierownik: prof. dr. Ahtoni Falk-iewicz). GALAZKA, Aleksander; 10,41ATKOWSKI. S ~~tqf =- On diagnostic difficulties in some forms of hypertrichosis in women. Pol. tyg. lek. 19 no.5ltl964-1966 21 D 161, 1. Z II Klinik! Chorob Vewnetrznych Akademii Medycznej we Wroclawlu (Kierownik., prof. dr. Antoni Falkiewicz). h'KIATK9i,.7SKI, S.; FABIEFK=dCZ, Z. Price linits for protection against lightning. P-77. (ENMGETYKA. Vol. 11, No. 2, Mar./Apr. 1957. Warszawa, Poland) : Yonthly List of East European Accessions (EEAL) LC. Vol. 6, No. 10, October 1957. Uncl. K-A1ATKOdSK1, S. "Levels and regulation of voltage In electric-rower networks." Pt. 2 p. 299 (Energetyka) Vol. 11, no. 6, Nov./Dec. 1957 Warsaw, Poland SO: Monthly Index of East European Accessions (EEA1) LC. Vol. 7, no. 4. April 1958 VIATKOWSKI, Stefan,- op int. Conomption of electric power in cities and towns of the Southern Faier District in 1955 and 1958# Wiad elektrotealm 19 no,7:215-217 J1 1596 c MATKOXMI9 Stefanj mgr inuel WARDZINSKI, Stanislaimt# mgr inze An attempt at determining the reactive power balance in the Power Plants of the Northern District of Poland. Energetyka Pol 14 no-7: iqq_2o4 ii t6o. (EEAI 10:1) (Poland--Electric power) KWIAT~MSKI Stefan, mgr inz. An analysis of voltage drop in low-voltage networks. EnergetfIca Fol 15 no.10:301-305 0 161. 1. Instytut Energetyki., Warszawa. IWIATKOWSKI., Stefan,,, mgr.inz. Studien an the utilization of electric power in domestic households. Pt.l. (To be contd.)* Energetyka Pol 16 no.8: Suppl, & Biul Inst Energ 4 no.7/8:32 Ag 162. 1. Zaklad Uzytkowania Energii., Instytrt Energetyki,, Wars-zaivra. Stefan, mgr.inz. KWIAT~qFs~~ Research on the utilization of eleotric power in housobolds. Energetykla Pol 16 no.10: Suppl: Biul energetyki 4 no.9/10:33-34 0 .162. 1. ZAklad Uzytkowania Energii,, Instytut Energetyki, Waramawa. IVIATIKOWSKI, Stefan,, mgr,, inz. Voltage levels in networks and at customers. Energet7ka przem 10 no.1:20-23 '62. J0N3NWICZj, H.,* inz.; KWIATKOWSKI.. S.., inz. Activitieo of the Committee of Electric Fower Utilization of the'UNIPEDE. Ft.l. (To be contd.). Energetyka Fol 16 m.8s254-2561. Ag 162o JONIEWICZ.. Henrykj in%,; KWIATKOWSKI, Stefanj, im , Activities of the Committee of Utilization of Electric Power of the International Union of Producers and Distributors of Palectria Power (UNIFEDE). Pt,2, Energetyka, Fol 16 no.9:281-283 8 162. KWIATKOWSKI, S-te-fan, mgr ins. Electric power consumption analysis in towns and cities in the territory of the Electric Power Works of the Northern District in 1960. Wiad elektroteahn 28 Ja 162. 1. Insty-tut Energetyki, Warszawa. N KWIATKOWSKI Stefan,.nr,, Inz. Analysis of electric power consumption in towns located at the Electric Power Plants of the Northern Districts in 1960. Wiad elaktroteohn 29 no.1:1-4 162. KWIATKOWSKI, Stefan,, np inz. Economical current density in networks with increasing charge. Przegl elektrotechn 39 nool:25-29 Ja 163. 1, Inotytut Energetyki,, Warszawa. KWIATKOWSKI, Stefan, dr inz. Works of the Committee for the Utili2ation of Electric Power of the International Union of Producers and Distributors of :81actric Energy. Enargetyka Pol 19 no.302-96 Mr 165. 1. Institute ot Powar Engineering, Waraam. POUND J. and rROLICrEEK, A., of the Ma'ir of internal Diseases, Veterina,17 Department (Katedra Chrob Wmmetru'qch 1,~rdz. Wet.), Higher School of Agriculture (IKSR),, Wroclaw. Prof. Dr. B. Gancarz, Head. "Behavior o*L' Certe-in Metabolites in the Blood of Young Cattle Fed on large Quantities of Carbohydrates" Lublin., Redycyna -Yeterynaryina, Vol 22, No 6, 1966, pp 366-369. Abstract: The effects of feeding young black-white lowland bullocks on large amounts of carbohydrates and fernented corn were studied. The group fed on Dotatoes exibited a greater ar7lolytic activity than the group fed on corn silage. The potato-fed group had a.hi&er and constant blood sugar level. It also exhibited a higher blood and muscle protein levels, greater weig~it increase and sonei-Inat better 'Lodder utilization. Contains 4 Tables, 1 Figure and 17 references ( 5 Polish, 9 Western, 1 Czechoslovak and 2 German-language). 68 - POI~,ND / Gencrel Problems of Pathology. Tumors. U comparr-tive oncology. Animal Tumors. A70B Jour : Rof. Zhur - Biologiya, No. 3p 1959) 13606 Author : Badura-, R.; Kwiatkowokl, T.; Yichalski, Z. Inst Title Adenoraa of the Prostate of a Dog. Orig Pub Llod. wotcryn. , 1957, 15~ No. 12, 725-727 -kbctr-";t In a 10-year-old male dog, a proGressively- groving turaor was discovorod in the abdorainal eLvity over the urinary bladder. Pathohistolog- ically, a cystondenoma of the prostate was diag- nosod. mIMALSKA, Eofia-, XVIATROVSKI. Tadeuss Raticulosarcoma in a dog. rat.poiska 10 no.4:511-518 O-D '59- 1. Z Katedry Anatomii PatologiczneJ Wydso Yet.VSR we Wroclaviu. Kierownik Katedry: prof. dr. A. Zakrzewski. Z Katedry Chorob New- netrznych Vydz. Yet. WSR we Wroclawiu. Kierownik 4tedry: doc.dr. Br. Cancarse ' (SARGOVA RNTICULUM CE veterinary) lem OM neopl ) PD 0 u S'z Ida K ',.I ATK 'USKI, Tad_eusz Dr. and ROGOWSXA, Wnda, Chairof In- al'~eases Katedra Chorob Wlei-metrznych), Veterinary s ternal Disease Kate~ Di s Division ('-,ydzial Weterynaryjny) of the WSR [TSyzsza Szkola Rolnicza, _qjjhor School of Ajriculturej in 11roclaw (Direct- or. Prof. Dr. 3roni slaw GANGAU) "ilativity of the Pancreatic Lipase in Calves During their Period of Growth." 'darsau,-Lublin, ;~..4.edvoyna_4,4eterynaryjna, Vol 19, No 4, Apr 6), p-,.) 209-211. Abstract; [Authorst English summary] Authors determined the activity of pancreatic lipase in the blood of calvos from birth tip to one year and found it to avera,-,o 1.8 nil N/20 NaOH At the age of about one month, v.hen the calf chauso5 from full to skimmed milk feedin.- the activity declines' to 0.86. Serum of adult cows shows 1-I.J--har values, avera.-ing about .3.8. The ei5ht (8) refer- el_.C.05 consist of three Polish and five (3) English S 0 ~j Z c e S. ;1/1 18 -44 P */0 - '/ 6 2/0 0 0 D242/D.303 AUTHOR~`: K*1atkowr3k1,, and OlejnIczak, K- Mas-els t-,!. :ff.F1_9ineer,7n9__ - TITLE: Three term photoe1eCt1~1C contro'),Jer PERIODICAL: POrniaryj, Automatyka, Kontrola, n.(,,. 1. TEXT; The PrOtOlYPe of a new clon-troller is described, I-, signed and made ai the Pra,,.~wnia alektry~~zna zakiad- (Ele~-,+%.rical Department of 'the Aulomat'lon Enterpriz;"). T.'rjiz ler operates as f0ilOwsg A f lag fixed -to movemen-L of' the measuling 1ristrument moves between the ligh-t 30-arce and the photo which serves fo- setting the desired value- The ou-cpul f,,,- sistor --hanges the contro! c 0m, ZJLL,~! T- -arrent which is zorre~ted in rhe feed back 100p~ The settings for the correcting ne-wor' the instrumenT. The controlled varlable is me" k are in frt)nj 01 brIdge. The ccn-trol~~L.erq in 1he firs-t pla- aaured by means o1 a ra-z-ure c-c.ntro' -ev 116 inlended Ifor between _100c,C ;- 6000C A-_-h -,he T, the range of cont -Oiled tempera-i-,ire abov~,- slmPle modifica-w-ion, the Con-;,r1)ljer r,: U _Effi be ueed fo" ng ph~ Card -1 i"': F~j, 0 75 4, 2,1 11.11 Cl!~ r.; I, "t" Three term I)e .4 2 " D 3 03 T e c hn i -- a 1, 3 p e c i f a -t i o n s Pr o p o r c n a 1 b an ci mins, (1-n ic- S-teps)f 3) Ra-le 0.15 4 mjnl~.. t,-.n s i Il. it3 possible lo make th.,s controller either typt~ P, pl. PD sw--,-~oh-ing off" appropra.9te parame-,ers. ccmiro-1. T k -i n t f:~ 0 a cl p p 1 y ~ 2- 2 -0 7 a T -Y,;- r e a f Card 2/21 JASIlOSKI I Zdzislaw; KWIATKOWSKIA Wito MACKIEWICZ loon _~l . inzol CZARNECKI., Henryk, mgr.; .0 , mgr, inz,,;MKMlICZ,, Zygmunt Polish exporters and importers discuss. Przegl techn no.23/24:6 17 A 162. 11 DYrSktor handlowy Centmli Handlu Zagranicznego Minex Warszawa (for Jasinski). 2. DyrektL-'- --n-PeIny Polimex, Warszawa tfor Kwiatkowski), 3o Xacze2my dyraktoo; TRZ Elektrimp Varazawa (for Czarnecki). /+. Dyrektor Przedsiebioistva Handlu Zagraniemago CEXOPp Warszawa, (for Mackiewiez). 5. Dryketor nacze3my Metalexport, Warszawa (for Rakovics). SMIGIEL., Zbigniew; MATKOWP~C Behavior of serum oomplement in some blood diseases. Pol. tyg. lek. 19 no,27:1020-1022 6 je'&'~ 1. Z III Kliniki Chorob Wownetr=ych Akadamti MedyczneS w Krakowie (kierownikt prof. dr. J. Alekstuidn.Acm) i II Kliniki Chorob,lfewnetrmych ffi-uidcuiii Modyoancj w Krak-owic (klero~mikt doe. dro S. Kircic-7-.yeri. KWIATKOWSKI, Vladyslaw; DOLEZALy Marta Difficulties in the clinical evaluation of the pathogenic pro- perties of the yeast Candida albicans. Fol. tyg. lek. 19 no.3: 101-103 20 J064 1. Z II Kliniki Chorob Vewnetrznych AM w Krakowie; (p.o.kierow- nika: doc.dr. St.Kirchmayer) i z Kliniki Chorob Zaka=ych AM W Krakowie (kierowniki prof.dr. wijejkiel). KIIIATKNISKII, ',bigniew DIT-ATKOWSKI, Zbigniew (Engr.): Naprawa Samochodu STAR-20 (Repair of the Automobile STAR~-20), Warsaw: S. ransport Publications, 1957, 312 pp. 26.60 zi. KWIAMOSI. Z. "' Pleuropne"Orda-like microorganisms. Acta mlkrob.polon . 4 no.2: 85-106 1955. 1. Z Zaklaft Mikrobiologil Ogolnej UMCS w Lublinle. (PLMWPHW.10N1A-LIKM ORGAMSMS. review) M'--- - .. xMCKI *OLDYINGBR, W.; LORXIAGCZ, Z. Certain pbysiological properties of Proteus vulgaris L form. Acta microb. polon 5 no.1-2:15-19 1956. 1. Z Zakladu Mikrobiologii Ogolnej UMOS w Lublinie. (PFDTEUS VULGARIS, L form. pbysiol. (Pol)) POIAND / Microbiology. General Microbiology. L7Forms F of Microorganisms and Microorguniams of the Pleuropneumonla Type. Abs Jour :Ref. Zhur - Biol., No 21, 1958, No 94932 Author :Sander, A.$6 Tabaozynski, M.; YwIat1rowskil Z ,je Inst :- Title :Identification of L-forms of Proteus vulgaris. Orig Pub :Acta microbiol. polon., 1956, 5, No.1-2, 21-26 Abstract :The formation of types 7A and ZB of P.vulgaria in agar depends not only on the presence of serum and penicillin but also on the age of the Inoculum. Types Z& and ZB Salmonella ty-phimurium Ard dUVOlopdd In both aerobic and In anaerobic conditions; I.-paratyphl and Escherichia coli, only in anaerobic conditions. Type ZB forms only Vibrio cholerae. With the passage into the agar Card 1/2 POLAND / Microbiology. General Microbiology. L-Forms F of Microorganisms and Microorganisms of the pleuropneumonia 'Pipe. Abs Jour Ref. Zhur - Biol., No 21, 1958, No 94932 medium with serum and penioillint the L-colonies of type ZB are transormed into type 7A. -- Author's resume* Card 2/2 M11ATXOFdSX:r, Z. MHE., Given Nanes dountr7s Poland Academic Degrees: 5ot givea7 Z'Fresumed7 Ludwik Hirszfeld Institute of Immunology and Experi- Affilia*-'10n: mental Thera*~s ~Y)A ~unologii i Terapii Dosviadczalnej' 'BVIVIANOWN im. Ludwika Hirszfelda)) Polish Academy of Sciences- (PAN-~-Polska Akademia Nauk), Wroclaw; Directors Prof. Stefan SIOPEK9 Dr. A Uupes Warsaw, PosteRy Hieleny I Medycyny Dosviadozalnell Volq No 4f 1961) pp-728-429. Datas "Radiation Action on Mitotic Crossing-over in Aspereillus N1 English abstract of articlep originally published in Act& HlaroWl, Polon, 1960, 91, 2Z. KWIATKOWSKI, Zbigniew Radiation action. on the mitotic crossing-over in Aspergillus nidulanso II, Acta microbiol. Fol, -11 no-1/2:3-.U '62. 1. From the Department of Microbiology, the University, Wroclaw, and the Department of.Microbial Genetics, L. Hirszfeld Institute of I=unology and Exp. Therap., Wroclaw. (ASPMILLUS radiation eiff) '(ULTRAVIOLET RAYS) (CELL DIVISION radiation eff) KWIATKOWSKI BOHDANOWICZ, Krystyna - ~-ewll Nev uyeelial watants in Aspergillus nidulans, (f~Lrt 1). Acta microbiol. Pol. 11 no.1/2:17-20 162. 1. From the Department of Microbiology, the University, Waraw, and Department of Microbiologyt.tha.University, Wroclaw. (ASPMILLUS culture) Xwlt'l';'K,,fM'Kl, zbigniew, Il',ZV'NjT, Kozirad ,-studies or. bright n-J.-kel elsctroplatiig wil't a- ?Jgh lev3'4.,1ng effect. Inst me,::h precyz 12 no.46:34-,48 164. .-K.WIATKOWSK-I.,, 7,bigniew Studies on the mechanism of gene recombinatic- in Ispergillus. I. Ahalysis of stimulating effect of the removal of some metallic ions on mitotio recombination. Acta microblol. Pol. 11, no.10-13 165- 1. From the Department of Microbiology, University of Warsaw. KWIATKOWSKI Zbigniew; GRAD, Krystyna A comparison of the ultraviolet effect on the mitotic recombina- tion in two different oistrons of Aspergillus nidulans. (Preliminary communication). Acts, microbiol. Pol. 1J+ no.ltl5-18 165. 1. From the Department of Microbiologyt the University, Warsaw. BARDZINSKI., St,; KWIATON, Zb.; SIWICKI, St. Experiment in mineral fertilizing of sugar beets adjusted to the amount. of prpaipitation in the vegetative period of the beets. Rocz nauk roln rosl 87 no.4:717-71+0 163. KWIATUSZYNS U'A'a'a3w. Coordination work of the main management and development prospects for inland navigation. Bud okretowe Wars-sava 8 no.9:291-292 3 163- 1. Zjednoczerie Zeglugi Srodladawej i Stoczni Rzecznych, Warazava. 11,14IDZINSKA-BENDYKOWSKA, Genowefa; BOCZAR-M4RfiKIa1ICZ, Barbara Influence of the disturbing wave action and the dimeAsions of the tide gauge on its recordings. Rozpr bydrotechn no. 25:165- 180 164. BOCZAR-KARAKIEWICZ, Barbara; KMOWSKIp Jozef; NWIDZINSKA-BENDMSKA. _2!novefa ---- Selected problems concerning the action and work fundamentals of the tide gauge. Rozpr hydrotechn no.130-55 163. vj 7 IJLCCEMON M I AT4023P22 F/20V63/0W/=/W73/=4 iAUTHQRt GebaU)dp Stanislawl; Xviedw, iiaM TI'TL%t ."Properties of 1~o carbon shoot stmel subJeot,ed to hot-dip -3=dn= coatine as functions of thevoailng process parameters SOURM W ars aw. Politechnika. Zeazy'q aauk6m. Medbanika (Mechanice)j, no. 10j, 1963,. 73-n4 TOPIC TAGS: carbon steel, shoot stee1j. lov carbon shoot steel# hot-dip process, dip coating process, aluminum aoazingp aluminum-coated steelp alwduum-coated sheet steelp metal finishing ABSMCTS Authbrs studied the sffscr~ Of Various paraMOtAWD in the bot-ftp- aluninum coating of.lov carbon sheet st~olprocess upon the structure and properties of the alumInum diffusion coating* An. aluminum bath was used for tba, coating. The purity of the aluminum vas 99.85 ~ The ~ sillcou anoy~n& baths, contained 2, 4, abd 8% Si. In addltion# an Al-&-Ti bath,, containing 8% Si and 0.2% Ti.. was also used. The T1 was added as a 5%"n1umd=m foundar7 allov. Card 1/3 ACCESSI(v !-R- AT4023922 Law caxIbon sheet steel of B3 grade with a thickness of 1 mm, was used, The carbon content was 0,12%. The sheet -*.,as cut into 100 x 165 mm. test specimens, A solution of potassiun fluoride was used as the flux, Hardness, microhardness bending and cold drawinG were carried out. When the sheets were immersed in a pure alurdmum bath for 30 seconds the differences in tho layer thicknoss,formed at 820 and 700C amount to about 1~0 This is about a Me-fold increase in trelation to the layer formed at 700C. A silicoa addition to the bath has the I .effect of greatly reducing the diffussion layer. The layers which were pr!pduced I'are cle=ly con-posed of two layers -- an exterior layer whose composition approxi;-~ate the coating bath, and of an interior "diffusion" layer. There is an interrediate zone between the exterior and interior layer., which probably consists of sub and superentectic aluminum mixtures and the A13Fe phase. Bendina tests showed that the coatings produced in a pure aluminum bath and in an alloying bath containing 2% Si had a continuity rupture after being bent at only a small angle. This amounted to 10 to 400 for the pure aluminum coatings and 30 - 901D for the coatings obtains din a 2% Si bath, In general$ the pre- sence of Si in the aluminizing bath causes some reduction in the corrosion re- eistance of all h nlurdnized specimens con be generally regarded an very 13 Card 2. ACCESSIC'. NR: AT4023922 good* 7be sheets coated in apure Al bath has the greatest resistance to oxidation at 750C. Corrosion testa in salt and artificial industrial atmosphere chambers showed that the coatings produced at 7000 and partial3y at 7600 have the highest resistance under these conditions. Orig, arts bass 32 figures and 3 tables. AS=IATION: Katedar Odlevnictwa (Fvundar7 Institute) SUMNED: onug62 DATE ACQs 15Apr64 Ems 00 SUB CODE: NL .40 IW SOV: 021 Orml 000 Card 3/3 &MIEN, J. : MZGAJ, W. Treatment of kola apatite in a wet process with nitric acid. p. 449 PRZEMYSL CHFIaCZNY Warszawa Vol. 11, no. 8, Aug. 1955 SOURCE: Yjonthly List of East European Accessions (EEAL), LC, Vol. 5, no. 2, Feb. 1956 MAZGAJ, Witold; BARAN, lazimierz 1 LDC . Edward;. ~ ~IECIEN, Jozef; BIELWK:E, Wac2a-.i -. Study on the preparatibn of the fertilizer dicalcium phosphate without applying the defluorination of phosphoric acid. Przem chem 41 no-3:145- 147 Mr 162. 1. Instytut Nawozow Ststunnych.. Tarnow MAZGAJ, Witold; BAMNj Kazinierz; KWIECIEN, Jozef; BIEUCKI, Idac2av Obtaining diealcium phosphate for animal feeding from Kola apatite and nitric acid, Ftele Frzem chem 41 no.32:639-643 11 162. lo-.Inetytut Navozow Sztueznych., Tarnow, 1% MAZGAJ, Witold; BIELECKI, Waclaw; BARAN, Kazimiers;_KH7CIEN, Jozef Obtaining of dlealcium phosphate from Kola apatite and nitric acid for animal feeding purposes. Przem chem 41 no.12:67&680 D 162. KMCIEN, Krystyna, Climatic conditions on seafaring lanes. BuU. inst. mar. med, Gdansk 13 no.4:195-200 162. ' 1. Z Inetytutu Madycpy Morskiej v Gdansku. NIMUTE) (NAVAL MEDICINE) nawim. Mgr Hydraulic cylinders, p=ps and engines produced by the Building Installation Equipment Szczecin. Przegl mechan 21 no.23: 734-736 10 D 162. 1. Fabryka UrzadzenBadowlanych, Ssozecin. -- KWIECIEN., Wladysl-&w Agricultural aahoolSinTle Nethmr-itnds. Foritepy nank roln 11 no.4:145-150 Jl-Ag 164. 1. Higher School of Economics, Krakow. 9 - W, ~ - - - ~ - ~ I I I Bayer, A.; xwi~:tuszp~ski, . "For Proper Development of the Shipyard Industry." p. 22 (GosR2darka Wodna, Vol. 14, No. 2, Feb. 1954, Warszawa) SO-. Monthly List of East European Accessions, Vol. 3, No. 6, Library of Congress, June, 1954, Uncl. INTATUSZYN-SKI-, W.- Today and tomorrow. 6f inland water transportation. p. 14. IIRZ I EFOLAD TECHNICZ14Y. (Naczelna Organizacja Techniczna) Warszawa, Poland. vol. 80, no. 25, June 1959. Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEkI), LC, Vol. 8, no. 8, Aug. 10,59. Uncl. MAGIERA, Wladyalaw, mgr.; KWIATUSZYNSKI, Waclaw Technical and economic criteria of the building up of the Inland navi- gation by planned deve2oping of the carrying capacity of all the several types of transportation. Gosp wodna, 21 no.12:518-524 D 161. KVIECIa'. G.; KORBIEL, J. Prelird.nary breeding works on the iraprovenent of the quality of bacon hogs. p. 18 GOSPODARKA IMM (Polskie Wydawnictwa Gospodareze) Warszawa, Poland. Vol. 11, no. 4, Apr 1959 Monthly List of EastEuropean Arcessions (EUI) LC, Vol. 8, no. 9, Sept 1959 Unal. V Dletr: LlRc en metmlm~_ Centrainy Zarzqd Przemyslu Metali zny y A. LeAtilak, g. Kumki, WXWkMA. and 020 1. by-product of jan. 7, IOU t 11 P Uct f4liifin-g alloys contg. oxides of Cu, fin, 1. 'zn' and NI can beconverfed on redn. toa prod. u t contg. Cu 2D-40, Sn 2D-40, Sb lo-3o, Pb 2-20%. and =all amts- 9[7n,Cd.andM. The product Is ground and idized In a revolving furnnee at 5OD-M* and extd. with an MsWO& soln. contg. NH40H. Cu. Zn, and Ni-staino compd. am dissolved, the ext. is heated, and the CuO ppt Is sepd. Nonsol. oxides are reduced with H or CO. and ;I Sn--Sb-Pb alloy Is obtained. K. Boja~~ KWIECIRN~ Witoldo inz. intensification of the D.L. sintering pr~ceqs. Rudy i metale 7 no.6:376-3W Ag 162. KWIECIEV, Wladvalaw Demographic phenomena in the borough Now& Hut& in the years 1950- 1960. PWgl statyst 9 no.1:69-91 162. EaEGIRS][4-Barbara; MAMGKI, Andrzej I~etrographie quantitative analysis of grain preparatiorm of coal. Przegl--geol 1-1 no.l.-17-20 Ja 963. 1 1. 1. Ratedra Mineralogii i Petrografiiv Akademia Gornioz(>- Rutniczap Krakow. KWIECINSKA., B. Cone in cone coals in the Lower Silesian Coal Basin. Bul geolog PAN 11 no. 4:#01-206 163. 1. Department of Mineralogy and Petrography, School of Mining and Metallurgy, Krakow. Presented by A. Bolewski. GORCZYCA,. '~,:i,:)5JIErINSKA ,B, Hides,tructure of can@.- coals from.-the loWar--- Sileislan Coal Basin. _Bia',geolog PAN 11 no. 4:2074-~.Q., ,63. 1. Department of ~y and H*at Treatment, 4cbool Mrap of Mining and stall1irgy,, Krakow and De0artment; Rin6ralogy. and Patiography, School of Hining Metallurgy, Krakow. Pr*sonted by A. Bolewski. GUIRROWSKA, H.; KWISCINSK&I K.; MDLIER, S.; TIBORMU, X. Effect of kindergartens on health, mental development and physical efficiency af children, Fediat Fol 37 no.2;151-164 F 162. 1. Z Sekaji Higieny Szkolnej Kierownik: dr M. Rudolf~Skokowska Insty-tutu Matki i Weeks, Dyrektor: prof. dr med. F. Groer z Pracowni Teorii Wychowania lPizyoznego Instytutu N&ukowego Kultimy Fizycznoj i Akademii Wychowania Fizycznego Kierownik: prof. drued. Z. Cilevicz i z latedry Psychologii Wychowavezej UW Kierownik: prof. dr M. Zebrowska. (CEM CARE) (SCHOOLS) KZECINMI.A~:. Span length of traction network over curvatureao p. 69. (PRZEGLAD GORNICZYp Stalinogrodp Vol. l1,, no. 2, Feb. 1955.) 0, ;,, SOr Monthly List of East European Accessions., (EEAL), Lc, Vol. 4, No.,#'#- J^. 1955P Uncle, KWIECINSKI, A. KWI-:!.CINSKI, A. Influence of the shunting work of's, mine locomotive on the duration of its working cycle. p. 21 Vol. 12, no. 1. Jan. 1956 WArszawa Poland SOURGE: Fnst -Diropean .4,ccessions Ust (EEAL) Vol. 61- 170. /4 April. 1957 KXF-r-~CINSYT, A. Calculation ef the number of electric locomotives needed dr. a rd-ne. P. 275 (Przeglad Gorniczy. Vol. 12, no. 7/8, JulY/Aur- 1956. F-atowace, Tol,?Pd) I'lonthly Index of East European Accessions MAI) M. Vol. 7, no. 2, February 1958 86725 90 F/034/60/000/010/003/005 A225/A026 AUTHORSs Malzacher, Stanislaw; Kwiecifiski, Aleksander; - Mdsters of Eng-49- neering 8 A New Method of Measuring Periodically Variable Deformations and Stresses in Steel Constructions by Means of Wiree-Resistor Converters PERIODICAL., Pomiary - Automatyka - Kontrola, 1960, No. 10, pp. 404 - 406 TMS The problem of measuring variable deformations andstresses In ex- isting steel structures has not yet been satisfactorily solved by means of meas- uring non-electrical values with electric devices. A few methods are being used' but they seem to be too complicatA-d. The authors propose a method based on the Wheatstone-bridge principle, construsted experimentally by them in the Industilal Electronios Institute of the Politechnika kpka (Silesian Polytechnical Univer- sity) to test the joints of a vibration bridge in the Welding institute in Gli- wice. By employing ar additional controt. switch, which turns on the.measuring device when the a-;.;~a,&ured valueB change, the static stresses may be measured au- tomatically over longer periods. The device is coupled by selsyns. Its princi- ple ia represented In Figure 1. The constructional element, the deformation of Card 1/4 86725 P/034/60/OOD/010/003/005 A225/AO26 A New Method of Measuring Periodically Variable Deformations and Stresses in Steel Constructions by Means of Wire-Reeistor Converters ,which we want to measure, is expoaed to a variable pressure of the cam 1, driven by motor 2. The latter is coupled with selsyn 3, which transmits the owm's angle of torsion to selsyn 4 and the control swi-tch connected with cam 5. The control 6wit-ch 6, located on the adjusteble disk 7, turns on a galvanometer. *The disk may be turned around 360o and may be adjusted to the desired minimum angle at which a measurement is needed. The structural element examined has a wire-resis- ,~or converter cemented on, with a compensating resistor nearby (the latter is not subject to stresses). The Wheatstone-bridge Is zeroed by a variable potenti- ter, which may be calibrated in mills of the relative elongation. If proper- iy set, the galvanometer should point to zero when turned on. The value of the -deformation may be obtained from the equation A-' -L )AR where-LI-is the re- 1 S R ' 1 lative elongation, S - the converter constant, R the relative change of re- sis"l-ance, as read from the scale of the potentiometer.- A wiring diagram (Fig.3) shows the connections of the measuring bridge, while Figure 4 shows its outside appes-,rance. A!SS(',^,IATIrjN& Katedra Elektroniki Przemyp-3!owej Politechniki kpkiej (Department of Industrial Electronics, Silesian Polyte,~hnl-aa_l. UniverBity) Card 2/4 f 86725 P/034/6Q/C0Q/010/CO3/OC',r- A225/AO26 A Nem Method of Measuring Periodically Variible Deformations~and Stresses in Steel Constructions by Means of Wire-Resi3tor Converters Figure 1. Measuring principle (self-explanatory) -d 3/4 86725 P/034/6o/ooo/olO/003/005 A225/AO26 A New llethDl Pcr`oe~call- V~vric.Lble Deformations and Stresses in U Steel '7 of Converters (Sel- Are; cl, _11 7',Igure 4. Measuring instrument (self- e --Ianaory) x. -4/4 Owl-_ at jkj IAUU41444ug 40 WO)O4. i%-01140 10 4 now babl. Alflut 41, Pr6-4ll,6j a, Wirtwe briams Ifir heal "Momm" of c to coo mw to CO k 07 - 29Z w,7 kmi./nwk, k Is Own tho b"Wro ths purtly thei - itud vilret olbet froaftwelaMwd in mkS. thestrIsrak- l'bojWnfoigotrwh Nvi,l k(Ul iliflA4.0 4140 ismolly-4 %I if ll"~. *"I~... chal1v MR ell in v 1) MmAllsit to" ill 4 b, Al A-4., .1'.1 one. of the ca"a of d1mru. at the 0 tst,A. amniMi for 69.1 "./mak. Ttm tot CO + I/M - CLh. the combumim beat is 167.6 - 40.8 - 69.1 -,47.7. Bruno C. Meun"