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sees 00,610*0949 Fit pit, -s Mot& 296 UETF QVVI NATION OF EFFICIENCY OF HYDRAULIC STORAGE PIPE LINES. Kwasitie - 1948. vol. 4, 1371- _qt9j, M. (Prseglad Gorniozy, Doe lsyu.--,T~e author produces a diagram which enables pipe diameter. pump efrioisnoy and efficiency or hydraulic stowinG to be obtained directly for any now planned hydraulic installati, without the use of any calculations or formulas. The difference in level between inlet and outlet and the actual length or the 3towin& pipes are all that is required to obtain tha3s data. S L A 'XIVALLUICKA1, L%19141'%1~1 CLASSOKA 1100 ---- -- --- --- final* .1 1 _$5146i Nis C-WV a at *01 U %&VOW' , - - - V I i - 1 4 11 1 1 " I a rM 0 .1 It W e a a :1 4 r a C It a it It 0 =go -se, --o 0 roe ties Kwasniewicz Y. Kwasniewicz Y., Eng. gImprovements in Stowing Equipment" (RaeJonalizacja urzadzen podsadzko-v7ych). Frzeglad Gorniczy, No. 1-2, 1950, PP. 31-35. The author challenges the article ONotes on hydraulic stowing install.ation" (Galanka, Przeland Gorniczy, No. 1-2, 1950) and proves -that the blockage in the stowing pipes is not the only cause of a faulty consistency of the sand and water mixture; he thinks that the sifting of sand should be perfc,:,.n.-f-,`, in the stowing blind shafts where the stone crushers should also be installed. The author declares himself opposed to any considl,rable reduction in the capacity of stowing bunkers, because the stowing is done at night and the sand-pit is working during the day. He is also opposed to the ev~-ntual replacement of blind shafts by boreholes for stowing zi_p-_s. SO: Polish Technical Abstracts No. 2, 1951 1~ (C Kwasnieicz 1% Kwasnieicz Y., Eng. 'Design of T~Tical Stowage Plant." (Projellft typoi..,ej podsadzkowni). Przer-lad Gornicz , No. 4, 1-0,50, PP. 190,-2102, 1 fig. In connection with the ever increasing use of stowin.- przictice in Pol-ind, the author described a typical design of a simplo dev"ce wHch rakes possible the use of various materials for hydraulic stowin-. A bunker having a working capacitY of 300 to 1500 disch-r-e brid e m`3 :1 U U" mounted on a nillar erected in the middle of 'Ube btrnk,:!r. recent types of device, such as sand rinsing, stone ano -.-!ood remo-.,inC devices etc., are L-stalled in this pillar. Pumps, stone crushe!rs, tclepll'on~-Is inr-l so on. Three at-endants. SO: Polish Technical Abstracts - No. 2, 1951 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W41,04141411041 0 a 61 A it I* c 11 44 own -1. It i k -'s o01 .100-i 0#(K1$ 00 60 00 **I 3145. lheliUVAKENT-6t 10 STOWING UIMENTS. lwasniewial, goo 0& a i (Prsegled Gornicsy, Jan./Feb. 1950# vol. 6p 31-35). coo see coo Q ' 00 00 woo goo A it! woo well, view sl"*31" show go-Inv see %*ftb~~ imisoma -11 OR 0419 O.J111A (w OwV sit 1 IF a 0 A -9-1 U It A, .0 a," 4 3 0 e, 0 0 0 0 0 0 SO #S,*o0**qW&oo&*q**oO9 to 0 0 e 041 s, 0 'a rOo o 11 o-(oo*oO*Iooeo*ooo*oo0*0000000000000000000000000~A w v 31 It I T A, '004 p up Wboa 0 00 760, COLLMY SPOIL BANKS. 1wavasides, M. (Praeglad Gornicay (Mln. Mv.),, July-Aug. 1950, wA. (L). moo, JUL I use Me* a M/ %moos t0_ [ 14LV GAV #64 4w QKV M U0 AT IV Ali To .1 .1, ; = ad 0 0 1 w ft 0 A a 3 01 L -1000 o :1 T 000600::::06000 09 990 0 006066000000 i 0, 0 0 o 8 & 0 e 0 * a--- V a - - - - * 0 7 Kwasniewicz 1". Kwasniewicz MI., !-"ng. *Colliery Spoil Banks." (Haldy kopalninne). FrZeglnd Corilicz , No. 7-8, 1950, PP. 394-399, 2 Vibs. The utilisati-on of gangues dumped on many colliery spoil banks of the Upper Silesia Coalfield calls for a thorugh analysis and inventory of spoil banks. On this basis, conclusions are drawn with regard to the method of fighting spoil-banR fires and to the utilisation of various materials from spoil banks in order to liquidate this waste entirely in the most industrialised part of the country. SO: Polish Technical Abstracts - No. 2, 1951 KWASNUNSKA, JAMIGA. Poradnik zbieracza ziol. (1. wyd.) Warszawa, Wydawn. PrzerVslu Lekkiego i Spozywczego, 1956. 219 p. 0 (Handbook for herbalists. lst ed.). DA SO: Ponthly List of East European Accessions (EISAL) LC, Vol. 6, no. 6, Juae 19,47, Uncl. 1.1 Problens of present-day nedical biocl-imatology at the Bioclimatological Conference in liblice. 1). 11. GAZETPA OBSEEWATORA. P;L.H.h.(Intytut Hydri logic zno4ieteurologic zny) Warazawa. VOL 7, no. 13, 1957 Poland/ Monthly List oil East European Accessions Index (EEAI); LC, Vol. 8, no. 6, June 1959 Uncl- KWASNIEWSKA-BLASZ~QZR,_ItVq_ql_4*; MIZGALSKI, Witold; FYwLACZYK, Zofia --- ------I Quantitative determination.of the degree of reversibility of hemolysis of the blood caused by ultrasonics. Acta physiol. polon. 13 no.2: 285-291 162. 1. Z Instytutu Balneoklimatycznego v Poznaniu Dyrektor: dr J. Jankowiak. (ULTRASONIGS) (HEMLYSIS) KkVA.9XS1EW5KA-ROKTCTNSKA. Cocylia, Institute of Oncolo?~-)* (In- stytut OnlkolojiiF, -Ciliwice Division (Oddiial w k.iiA~wicacj-i) Di rer. to r: Dr. mod, Jeremi SWTECKI). 4istamine Trtoory of tht Post-Radiation Syndrome." War-saw, Polsici Tygodnik Lekarski, Vol 18, go 3, 14 Jan 63, pp 110-112. Ab%traci. floview of the theory that histamine rproducti~-.n tinderlies the post-radiation syndrome, which may be a .S!~.Cciftc ca_--le of Sele~ls adaptation syndrome. 1b oo ri es not lnvolv~_nF histamine utll be presented separatoly. f rhe 14 references, two are English and 12 C;erman. (~jI KWASNIEWSKA.-ROKICINSKAO,.Cecy M tan - I.., - - - ;ia; WIECKOWSKk, Zofia; CZAP WSKI, S Islaw An analysis of cases of primary vagLnal cancer. Pol. -..-,g. lek. 20 no.24:881-882 14 Je 165. 1. Z Instytutu Onkologii; Oddzial w Gliwicach. J no 1"i t 7n~! KWASKEOX-A-ROKICINSFE4 CecfAa Malignant granuloma and pregnancy. Nowotwory 13 no.4.347-352 O-D'63. 1. Z Instytutu Onkologii w Glivicach; dyrektor: J.Swiecki. KWASNIN4SKA-ROKICINSKA, Ctcylia; WIFCI!ORKfEJIrZ, Anna Malignant granuloira in children. Fol. tyg. IeR. 19 ri~ 21 D 161 1, Z Ins-Ly ut-u liko1oliji, Old-I-Ia-I .7 G-11wiria,-Ii (Dyroktj-.~., dr. mod, i e -c -,; - S'. ~ . . . , , , '-)'T) 7).; TIT'?`~ ItT--'-naininc 'I'r,e ^urwtura 9;" 3-mr1inc, n. ~32, 27, 'To. 6, ALne Pol"nd) "r': ,, it -onthly Lit of E~st ajrope,:.n Accessions, (PEF 'L), L(~, Vol. 4, U IT .11 ncl. 07, ------- LL-r, c ~ n t suF~,i ~,i St~T -inr- '~achine,~n 27, SCI: Yonthly id L-t of E&A Eurmean Accesf:i-,ns, y l' " ?545, ITncl. 3. ; 7URNO, L. Defects of drawn-stleel products. p. 214. (1-TECHAITIK. Poland. Vol. 29, no. 6, June 1956.) SO: rionth1v List of East European Accessinns (E&~L) LC, Vol. ), no. 7, JuIY 1957. Uncl. K,-,ASNIb,V,SK'I, B. A. Gorecki and S. Piatek's Wykonanje I naRrowa tjorznik (Pro~pction and Rmair of Dies); a book review. p. 194. MECRANKI. (Stowarzyszenie Inzynierow i Techinikow Nechanikow Polskich) Warszawa, Poland. Vol. 32, no. 4, April 1959. 14onthly List of European Accessions (EEAI) LC, Vol. 8, no. 8 August 1959. Uncl. . KWASHMSKI, Cecylia 2 cases of keratosis nigricans. Polski tygod. lek. 14 no.19t862- 865 11 MaY 59. 1. Z Instytutu Onkologii-Oddsial w GlAwicach; dyrektor: dr med. Xiremi Swiecki. Adres: Gliwice, Czerw. Armii 15 Inst. Onkologii. (AGANTROSTS NIGRICANS. case reports (02)) KWASNIEWSKI, Jan, inz. Suitableness of using computers for designing installations of train traffic protection. Prtegl kolej elektrotech 15 no. 6: 156-159 Je 163. KWA SNIEWSKI, J. l-'easuring ithe deformations of a gas tank. P. 127 (FUNDAYMTA YAMEYATICAE) Vol. 6, No. 2, 1957 SO: Monthly Index of East European Acessions (AEEI) Vol. 6, No. 11, 1956 M~ASNIEWSKI, J.; SZLRAVIEC, T. Model tests of the anchoring capacity of vertical grates. p. 127 ARCqMTIA ITfROTRCWIKI. (POISKA AKADDIIIA NAUK. INSTYTUT NUDOWNICTV.A I-IODIU30) Warszawa, Poland. Vol. 6, no. 2, 1959. Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC, Vol. 8, no. 8 August 1959- Uncl. KWASKINSM, J., mgr., inz. Wave producing devices in water laboratorles in Holland. Tech goBp morska 11 no.2:48-49 F 161. 1. Instytut Budownietwa Wodnego Polskiej Akademii Nauk, Gdansk. KWASNIEWSKI, Jallan, mgr,, #Z. Research on soil resistance. Tech goop w raka 11 no.4: n3 161. 1. Instvtut Budawnietwa Wodnego Polskiej Akademii Naukp Gdansk. HUCK&L, Stanislaw, Prof. dr inz.;.KWASNIEWSKIP Julianx FP i]3z-; SURAMEC, Tadeusz, iW inz, Model studies on the lateral bearing capacity of piles. Archi,w hydrotech 9 no.3:283-314 t62. 1. Zaklad Badan Konstrukcji Instytutu Budownictwa WodnegO Polskiej Akademii Nauk, Gdansk-Wrzeszcz, ul. Majakowskiego 11. KWASNIE-WS--KI I -Julian, mar inz. Model research techniques on the division of the bearing capacity of the footing piles on their tips and lateral parts. Archiw hydrotech 9 no.3:477-1+86 162. 1. Instytut Budownictwa Wodnego Polskiej Akademii Nauk, Gdansk. KWASNIEWSKI ftlian; SZkRAN3:E;C,, Tadeusz Model studies on the anchoring capacity of triangular plates compared with square plates* Hosprawy hydrotechn no*10;85-95 162* 1. Instytut Budownictwa Wodnego,, Polska Akademia Naukv Gdansk. KWASN=KIP Julian,, mgr.,, ins.; SZARANINC, Tadeuss, mgr., ins. Anchorage of sheet pile bulkheads. Tech gosp mraka 12 no-1:10-13 162,, 1. Inatytut Budownietwa Wodnego Polakiej Akademli Na4, Gdansk, (BuMeads(Naval architecture)) IWASVIEWSKI. Julian Tensometric dynamometers for force and pressure measurements in the soil. Rospr hydrotechn no.l3sl35-160.163. -----IrUA02rr 1 19 !) mgr inze . - ---M- - Report from pr~iminary and preparatory works for model research on the'distribution of the pile foundation carrying capacity on blade atd shoulder. Gosp wodna 23 no.6.235-238 as 263,, 1. Zaklad Baden. Konstrukoji Hydrotschnicznych., Instytut Badownictwa Wodnegol, Polska Akadwds, Fauk.. Gdansk. 1~1,llanv~mgr inz, Training Conference on Soil Mechanics. Goop wodna 23 nc.6: 238 Je 163. hUCKEL, S., pr*-, dr inzo; MASMEWSKI, J.; SZARANIEC, T. Model studies on the lateral bearing capacity of the pile horse. Rozpr hydroteebn no.12:67-74 162, WILUP, Zenon., prof. dr inz,; KISIEL, Igor, prof, dr inz.; 101ASNIEW54-0-1-1 _Lulian -gr inz. HUCYXL, Stanislaw, prof. dr inz. j-m Discussionson papers and communications. Rozpr hydrotechn no.12: 95-97 162o 1. Technical University,, Warsaw (for Wilun). 2. Teplanical University, Wroclaw (for Kisiel).. 3. Research Institute of Hydraulic Engineering, Polish Academy of Sciences, Gdansk (for Kwasniewski, Ockel). KWASNnNSKI. Jvlian; SMANIEC, TadeUBZ Anchoring capacity of slender loops in noncohesive soilj model studies. Rotpr hydrotechn no. 14: 75-83 163. ,- KWASPIEWSKI, Julian; SURANIEC, Tadeusz Further model studies on the anchoring capacity of plev moldboards, Rospr hydrotechn no. 14: 85-92 163. KWASNIEVSKI,- ju2ian; BARAN, Leszek Distribution of passive earth pressure In the square surface of a vertical plate pressing the ground. Rozpr hydrotechn no. 15; 245-252 164. KIIASNIEVISKI, Julian; SULIHOWSKA, 1,.;ona - - ~~ --- ... .... Model studies on the disrtribut~ion of' the 11oundatior, ;Aie bearing capacity on the skin fricit.-on and ri'e toe. Rozpr hydrotechn i - I no. 15:253-262 164. DRBICKI, Fugeniusz~ AASNIEWSKIp Julian,m:?r inz.; T&TCHMItNI, Andrzej, Y F - irpr inz,; WimdiN', Y-ikolaj)dr inz. (Gdansk) Model testing of submergible wood constructions. Archiw hydrotech 11 no.3:293-320 164. 1. Department of Foundation Constructions of the Technical University, Gdansk (for Dembicki, TeJohman, Wegrzyn). 2. Institute of Hydraulic Engineering of the Polish Acadevy of Sciences, Gdansk (for Kwasniewski). iaz. ,.icd of preparing tables showing statior, &nd course charts on a digital compute--.. Part Przegl Rojo.', elshtnotech 11 no.7t199-202 J! 164. KWASNMSKI.V M. KWNWv4SK1j, M. Remarks on the organization of state forestry. p. U. Vol. 29j no. 12, Dec. 1955 LAS POLSKI AGRICULTURE Poland So: East European Accessions Vol, 6s No* 5) may 1957 KWASNIBWSKI, Stefan; RAS23JA, Boxons.; JAS 1. Kazlmierz Myovascular changes in primary chronic rheumatism. Polakie arch. mod* wownetrz, 24 no,2:157-167 1954. 1. 2 1 Kliniki Chorob Vownstrznych Akademit Med~ycznej w Poznaniu. Kisrownik: prof. dr mod. SAwasniewski. (ARTHRITIS, RHBMTOID, pathology, blood vessels & muse.) (MUSGISS. patholog7, in rheum. arthritis) (BLDOD VESOW, pathology, In rheum, arthritis) KWASNIBWSKI, Stefan Nov concepts of pathogenesis of primary chronte rheumatism. Polskis areh. med. wqvnetrz. 24 no.4a-611-620 1954. 1. Z I Klinikl Chorob Wevnetrsnych Akademli Medycznej v Posnaniu. Klerownik: prof. dr Sta.llwatinievski. (ARTHRITIS, RBVMTOID, 6tiology ana pathogenesis,) KYASNIJWSKI, Stefan; JASINSKI, Kaximiers Lesions of"paripheral vessels in rheumatic diseases. Polski tygod. lek. 10 no.25:819-825 20 June 155. 1. Z I Klin1ki Ghoreb Wownstrzqycb A.M. w Posnaniu;kisrownik: prof. dr med.StAwasniewski) Poznan, I Xl1n1ka Chor.Wown.A.M. (EM9ATISN"COM-Plicatione -' peripheral vasc.dle.) (VASCULAR DISEASES, TERIPMEAL, complications rheum) KWASNINKM , Stefan Pathogenesis of deformations of the hand in chronic rheumatoid. Polakie 25 no.5:965-972 1955. 1. Z I Kliniki Chorob Wevnetrznych A.M. w Poznaniu. Kicrownik: prof.dr mad. S. Kwasniewski (AFdTMTIS, MMMATOID, pathology, band deform.) (HAND, pathology, in rheum. arthritis) .KWASNIMKI Stefan,; WITOSZYNSrI, Slawowir.;ADAMKI, Jan.;DOBIM. Naria. Studies on etiologic factor in rheumatoid arthritis and rheumatic fever. Polski tygod. lek. 12 no.29:1101-1107 15 July 57. 1. Z I Kliniki Chorob Wevnetrznych A. X. kierownik: prof. dr.Stefan Kwasniewski i z Zakladu Mikrobiologii A. M. w Poznaniu; kierownik-. prof. dr.Jan Adamaki. Adres: Poznan, ul, Dluga 1/2. 1 Ilin. Chor. Vewn. AK, (ARMITIS, RHNMTOID, etiology and Pathogenesis, (Pol)) (RHIUMTIG FIM, etiology and D-athogenesis, (Poi)) KWASNINSKI, Stefan (Poznan, ul. Dluga 1/2 1 Klinika, Chorob Wewn. A.M.) So-called collagen diseases from the clinician's point of view. Polskie arch, med, wewn. 27 no.6.793-803 1957. 1. Z I Kliniki Chorob Wewnetr%rWch A. Ho w Poznar-tu Kierowniki prof. dr mad. S. Kwasuiewski. (COLIAGIIN DISUSES, atiol. & pathogen. review (Poi)) IVASNM,SKI. Stefan Disorders of peripheral blood supply in rbe=toid arthritis & in several other vascular proces.eeso' Polskie wewn. :28 no-5:837-839 1958- I' Z I Klinild Chorob Wawnetrznych A.M. w Poznaniu,, Kierownik: Prof. dr med. S. 1wasniewski; (ARTHRITIS, RHEWTOID, compl*- peripheral vase, die. (Pol)) (THROMBOANGIITIS OBLITEMSO phyalol; develop. of collateral circe (Pol)) (VASGULAR DISnSES, PMIPHERAL, physiol. develop. of collateral cire. it rheum. arthritis & other die. of extremiti6a (Fol)) KWAq~q .....Stef&n-(Poznanq Dzierzynskiego 135. ) More about the so-called oollagen disease from the clinician's view- point. Polskie arch. mad. wewn. 28 no.6.-937-938 1958. 1. Z I Kliniki Chorob Wewnetrznych A. M. w Poznaniu Kierownik: prof. dr med. S. Kwasniewski. (COLIAGEN DISUSIS from clinician's viewpoint (Pol)) r,_KWASNMSKI, Stefan; WITOSZYNSKI, Slawomir I Further studies on the etiology of primary chronic rbeumatlem. Polaki tygod. lek. 14 n0-34:1561-1565 24 Aug 59. 1. (Z I Klinikl Chorob Wewnetrznych A. M. w Poznani.u: Iderown1k: prof. dr Stefan Kwasniewski). (ARTHRITIS, RMOUMATOID, etiol.) MSN11WSKI, Stefan; XAJZVSKI, Oseslaw; WITOSZYNSKI, Slawomir Histopathological contribution to the etiology of chronic progressive arthritis. Polski tygod.lek, 16 no.1:10-13 2 J&161. 1. Z I Kliniki Chorob Wownetrstych A.M. w Posuaniu-, kiero'wnik, prof. dr Stefan Kwasniewski I z 7alrI du Inatomii Pntologicz.aej Sspitala Miejskiego im. Strusla v Poananiu; kierovniks., dr med. Czeslay Majewski. (ARMITIS HETMATOID pathol) KWASNIEWSKA-ROKICINSU, Cecklia. Histamine therapy of tho.'poot-irradiation syndrme. Pol. tyg. lek. 1.8 i~64:110-112 14 4a .1.63. 1. Z Instytutu Onkologii. - Oddsial w G34vioch; dyrektor: dr mad. Jer6mi Swiecki.- (HISTAMINE) (RADIATION INJURY) KWASIMIMI, Z. We Will successfully fulfill our tasks. p. 291. (SKRZYDIATA P=KA, Vol.10, No. 19, May 19,~4, Warszawa, Poland) SO: Ylonthly List of East European Accessions, (EEAL), LC, Vol. 3, No. 12, Dec. 1954, Uncl. S/081/62/000/024/026/052- B1171BI86 AUTHORS: Czarnecki, Jerzy, -~Iwasnik, Jerzy,, Lewinski, Tadeusz, Penczek,Piotrl PyrYco, Romual&-- TITLE: Method for the production of nitrocellulose adhesives PERIODICALt Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no. 24.(11),',1962, 892, abstract 24P559 (Zakkady Chemiczne "Pronit". Polish pat. 44675, May 17, 1961) TEXT; Nitrocellulose (I) (nitrogen content 10.5 - 11 ~a) dehydrated with ethyl alcohol (II), concentration 80 - 90 %, or aqueous nitrocellulose containingrv30 % watert aro used for producing adhouivos. Nyhetn uning aqueous nitrocellulose, substances are added to the adhetiive which either react with water or bind the adhesive in the form of crystal water NgSO Na SO or CaSO ). The total amount or part of (I) can 41 2 4' 4 be replaced by waste celluloid. The latter is first decomposed by boiling in water with pyridine or in pure water at 1400C under pressure. 94 1~a ethyl alcohol (II) containing benzene, toluene, and small amounts of ether, ketones, orhigh-boiling alcohols is used as a solvent for M. Card S/081/62/000/04/626/052 Method for the production of B117/Bla6 The total amount of solvent is less than 30 %. 0.1 - 1 % of some resins soluble in a mixture of (II) and aromatic hydrocarbons as well as surface-active substances can be added to the adhesive, improving the solubility of (I) and the penetration of the adhesive into porous material. Adhesives containing sulfates are used for inflexible materi- al such as floorings or in musical instriunents. Adhesi'vW without- sul- fateare used for leather, textiles, paper, wood, and porcelain* Fillers such as chalk, gypsum, or kaolin (2-8 parts per part of (I)) may be added to adhesives used for flooring. The above adhesive is less expensive and less toxic than nitrocellulose-base adhesives dissolved in ether or ketones. It can be used for gluing materials that contain nitrocellulose without softening. Nondehydrated nitrocellulose may be used for producing this adhesive. [Abstraoteris notet Complete translation.3 Card 2/2 KWASNIK. Jerzy.. qw Production speeiiLlization of the Gentra Battery Works, Wiad alektrotachn 30 no*5;167-169 My ~64 -KWASNIK, JorM,.mgr Production and utilization economy of dry battories. Wiad elektrotoohn 28 no.6sI87-188 Je 161. DIASNIK,,_ LEON GEOGRAPFY & GEOLOGY KWASNIK, LEON. Klasyficacja dziesietna dla hydrologow. Dec!4aal classi- fication for hydrologists. (Wyd. 1.) Warszawa, Wydawn,. Zomunikacyjne, 1958. 217 p. (lst ed. In English, Gemm, Polish, and Russian. Bibl., footnotes, indexes, tables) Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAI), LC, Vol. 8, No. 5, May 1959, Unclass. rift S N Y, 00 is Found ~W, -e plawd 4.Llr wit and not th, Cz 7. the to be Jwv "16=ky B U . L 'T~l TE"N', Jerz.v, n,,*r 'nz... ygm-n4-., ~n-,. Cert,,Iln ~r-b-lems of iry rej?ere-,-,,%tjon (.f 31 i---.1`39/.-396 D 164. 2 .L. Ra-I'Mon 'tee,, WorliF, fi/7 POLAND Comnuter Institute of the Polish ApadAny of 30ionoca Urlitytut MasSyn HateMatyawWah. PAY /.Polish Aeadwq of soian"U) ',yrociaws jXz*A1ac1 g1tUconjus No 9v sept 63m, pp 525-- 28, "laectrooonauoting Ink of K.1V Oroup"o PRZYBYLKIEWICZ, Zdzislaw; ZEMBUROWA, Yxystyna; POREBSXk, Alicja; KWIATKCWS!~~,_~enia; GARLICKA, Zdziolawa; PAJOR, Zdzislaw -.1 1--- Investigations on the immunology of diseases of central nervous system in children. Neurol. neurochir. psychlat. Pol. 15 no.4: 625-633 Jl-Ag 165. 1. Z Zakladu Mrobiologii 1",arskiej AM w Krakowie (Kierownik: prof. dr. Z. Prtybylkiewit-z) i z Kliniki P5ych1atrycn(Q AM w Krakowie (Kierownik: prof. dr. K. Spett). KWAZXBART, Udwik (Warssava, Sspital Mlejokl ar 2, lessno 15) Di&Mlilo Otl*109b PAthOCOn0floo and therapy of ymorlsole. Przegl. aerm., Wares# 4 no*4:31~-334 July,--~ 54. (PSORIMIS.) KWAZNBARr. ludwik Kolo,nogermals. Przegl.dort.Warst. 5 no.4:315-324 JY-Aug '55. Z Oddsbau 11 Szpit la Hisjokiago Ir 2 v Varomwie.Ordynator: dr L. Xvasebsrt. (KMAWN. f0m) (PIGKEWION mlanogenesis) XIFAZIBART, Ludwik golanogenesis. Przegl. derm., Warez. 5 no-5:409-423 Sept-Oat 55. 1. Z Oddzialu II Szpitala Mlejakiego Hr 2 w Warszawie. Ordynator: dr. L. Kwa2ebart, Warszawa, Sapital Miejski Nr 2, Leszno 15. (MMANIN melano&onesia) MUMART, Indw1k (Warszawa, Szpital Miejski nr. 2, lessno 15.) Case of chronic pemphigus treated with synthetic adremal cortex hor- mones. Przegl. dorm., Wareze 7 no.4:309-318 July.-AUg 37, 1. Z Oddzialu skornego IT Sspilala Hiejekiego nr 2 w Warozawie. Ordynator: dr L. Nwazebart. (PJMMIG'US, ther, prednisone in chronic pemphigus, case report (Pol)) (1-RiDNIS091, ther. use pemphigus, case report (Pol)) KWAMAW, IKLdw Ik. - - - - I .. .... -.- - - - Modern studies on physiopathology of vesicular and bullous lesions. Pizegl, derm..Waras. 47 no-3:221-234 My-Je 160. 1. 2 11 Oddsialu Skorno-Weneryomego Szpitala Misjokiego nr 2 w Warazavie; Ordynator: doe. dr. I% liazebart. (SKIN die.) KWAZIM-ART, I41dwik Clinical record of the St. Iazar iospital. Przegl. derm. 49 no.I: 41-47 '62. (HOSPITMZ hiat) KWAZEBART , Ludwik; BEGENER Psoriasio verruoiformio. Przegl. dorm. 1+9 no.3:199-206p 162.. 1. Z Oddzialu Skormo-Woneryomego II SzpitaU Miejskiel;o nr 2 v Warazawie Ordynator: doe. dr L. Kwazabart. (PSORIMIS) KWAZEBART, Ludwik History of the journal Przeglad Dermatologiczny with special reference to its progress in the post-war Poland. Frzegl. derm. 49 no.4:345-355 162. (PERIODICAIS) hNAZERART, L. Prof. Bohdan MichalowskIp M.D. Przeg-1. derm. 51 no.31253-256 my-NI, 6 t 64 MMIERNICZ, Arkadiuss; KWIATSKI Aldons, Studios on the content of mineral and phosphorous compounds in some podeol soils developed from glacial olays in Lods Voivodenhip, HDoz nauk roln rool 82 no,2$27-43 160, (MW 1017) 1. Zaklad Gleboanawetwa Sakoly Glownej Goepodarstwa Wiejokiogo w Warexavie, (Poland-Podsol) (Minerals) (Phosphorus) (May) HLMIAII, Bogduai, doc.,mgr.,irz.'; KWIATMC~ Jerzy, mgr.,ins. Ana-Vsis of the actim of reinforced concrete laq!in,,_,o ard the plan for a new lagging. Przegl gorn 17 no."::330-336 Je NEMM, Bogdan, doc.,mgr...inz.; KWIATMp Jerzy, mrT. ins. Reinforced concrete lining of unifom resistance. Przegl gorn 17 zio-10:523-526 0 161. ZISKA, Bronislaw, dr. inz.; KWIATEK, Jerzy, mgr. inz. An analysis of the possibilities of reducing the diameter of short wooden props. Przegl gorn 18 no.6:Suppl.:Biul Glown Instyt Gorn 13 no.2;16-20 162. KMAREK., Tadeu6z, agr inz.; XWIATEK, -Termy, mgr inz. Now laboratory eqaipment for tests of the creeping effect of soil upon building structures. Przegl gorn 18 no.22:Suppl.- Biul Glown inst gorn 13 no.3:32-34 162. KWIATEK, Jerzy 'j, -~ "General geographical atlas of Hexico" by J.L.Tamayo. Reviewed by Jerzy Kwiatek. Przegl geogr 35 no.3-517-518 163'. WiTOVINZ, Mieczyslaw; KWIATEKO Ryozard; REDELBACII, Jerzy Recurrent goiter according to data of the 2nd Surgical Clinic of the Academy of Medicine in Poznan. Endokr. Pol. 16 no-5: 529-533 165. 1. 11 Klinika Chirurgiczna AM w Poznaniu (Kierownik: prof. dr. R. Drews). KWIATMr-na, I.I. Improved stream of production. (Conclusion) P. 86. (PRMMSL DR7Ziff, Vol. 5, No. 4, Apr. 1954, Warszawa, Poland) SO: I Honth~y List of East European Accessions, (BEAL), LC, Vol. 'I, Noe 3-2, Dec. 1954, Uncl:.' EDSNIEROZYK, Waclaw; EETXOWSKI, Andrzej; KWIATXOWSKA. LEPKOWSKA, Halina; SWIATNICKA, J~~n-ta------'- Late postradiation injury of the larynx in relation to the intensity of local reaction during x-ray treatment of the cancer of larynx and lower pharynx. Nowotwory 15 no.2:173- 179 AP-Je 165. 1. Z Kliniki ORL SlaskieJ AM w Zabrzu (Kierownik: prof. dr. med. T. Ceypek) i z Instytutu Onkologii w Gliwicach (Dyrektor: dr. med. J. Swiecki). KUSHMOZYK, Wnclaw; Osteomyelitis of the -xilla in young children. Otolar. polska 12 no.2:193-199 1958. L Z Kliniki Otolaryneologiesnej S1. Ak. Med. w Zabrzu Kierownik: prof. ~; T. Ceypek. Zabrze, Wolnosci 279/7 (for lusnierazyk). Zabrze, Woluosci 26o (for Xviatkowska). (OMMMITIS, in inf. & child maxilla, antibiotic ther. & surg. (Pol)) (MAXIMA. die. osteonWelitin in inf. & child., antibiotic ther. & surg. (Poi)) (ANTIBIOTICS, ther. use ostoomVelitis of maxilla in inf. & child., with surg. ()?ol)) 6EYPEK, T.; KMTKOWSKA, A. cx~- Tbezual resistance of the tympanic membrane in therml lab7rinthine tests. Otolaryng. Pol. 16 nola$151-153 162. 1. Z Kliniki Otolaryagologicanej Slaskiej AM v Zabrau Kierownik: prof. dr med. T. Ceypek. (VESTIBULAR APPARATUS pbysiol) RIIDZKI, Edward; Kazinal. K J., DeTerodriation (if lute a.'[!,~.--Igy t~D ,itr.,tA or mikrobioi. -`6 lo Z KliniM a'n%,Rt')*'-O,!tczn,)j (Eero-,mik: dr. S KWIATKOW.3KA, Barbara; SPRUCH, Tadousz; ZBROJA, ~ 1~ -------- Diagnostic errors in cases of anomalous tyg. lek. 17 no.20:792-795 14 My '62. Wanda positions of the kidney. 'P01. 1. Z I Kliniki.Poloznietwa i Chorob Kobiecych AM w Lublinie; kierownik: prof. dr mod. Stanislaw Liebhart i a I Xliniki Chirurgicznej AN w Lublinie; kierowniki prof. dr mod. Tadeusz Jacyna Onyszkiewicz, (MIMS abnorm) -- IUIATK(JWSKAP Dorota, mgr inz.p asystent Thermontat for changing consictency. IF-race inst telelleclin 7 no.4:61-72 16). 1. Inatytut Tele- i Radiotechniomy, Warszawa. UIATKWEAJI Elzbieta,, Agr BOtt= microfauna of the water barrap Goossalkowfee Reservoir, Aota, hydrobiol 5 no-la43-59 063. 1, Zaklad- Biologil Wod., Poloka Akademia Nauk.. Krakow. KWIATKOWSKA, Ikiiia(Wroclaw) A case of contamination of milk and milk mixtures for chiierem witb Salmonella enteritidis Gaertneri. Roos nauk roln vet 70 no.1/4.* 439-"0 160. (EEAI 10:9) (Salmonella enteritidis) (Food contamination) (Milk) - KWIATKOWSKA, H. ........ Apropos of the organization of care for disturbed children. Summer camps. Pol. tyg. lek. 19 no. 211:1034-1035 6 JeI64 1. a. Kliniki Ps7chiatrycznej Akademii Medyemej w Krakowie; kieromik: prof. dr. Karol Spet'.. XVIATKUYISKA, &genia Convulsive and epileptic states in children with prolonged neonatal Jaundica and In serological conflict, Neurol. neu- rochir. psychiat. pol. 13 no.6:839-842 N-D'63 1. Z Panstwowego Szpitala dla Nerwowc, i Psychicznie Chorych im. Jozefa Babinskiego w Krakowie-Kobierzynie; dyrektor: dr. med. J.Gallus. SIKORSYLA, Bafbara; WUTKOWSKA, &genia The pneumoencephalographic picture, etiology and duration of epilepsy in children. Neurol. neurochir. psychiat. pol. 13 no.6--843%-847 N-D'63 1. Z Oddzialu#-Psychiatrii Dziecieoej i Pracowni Rentge- nowskiej Fmatwoogo Szpitala dla Nerwowo i Psychicznis Chorych v Kiakovie-Kobierzynie; dyraktort J.Gallus. FOELAND 44- STARZYIC, Jan, Mental Health Out- patient Clinic (Poradnia Zdrowia Psychiczneogo) in Krakow-- Noura-Huta (Director: Dr. S. ZIELINSKI) and Department of Microbiology (Zaklad Mikrobiolo-ii) I Pharmaceutical Divi- sion (UFydzial Parmaceutyczny) of the XN1 [Akademia Medyczna, Medical Academy] in Krakow (Director: Docent, Dr. J. STARZYK) "Specificity of Immunobiologioal Reactions Applied in Toxo- plasmosis in Cases of Serological Conflicts." Warsaw-Krakoxv, PrzefTlad Lekarski, Vol 19, Ser II, No 4. 63, p. z24. .Abstract: In carrying out routine tests for toxoplas.-nosis in psychologically disturbed children, the authors noticed that the Sabin-Feldman reaction was neither specific nor reliable, and conflicted with othqr findings. A prelimin- ary test study was made on children with serological con- flicts, where the general conflicts gave a negative S-F reaction, and specific conflict with respect to the Rh factor -- a positive S-F. S-F findings also conflicted with respect to parents and etiology. Studies now continue Ln a broader scale. ihere are no references. 1/1 30 CHURSKA, Zafia; KWIATKOWSKA9 ftZenia Settlemont davolopment and economic conditions of the Czernikowa regioa as connected with the geographical cnv;Lroament. Nauki matem przyrod Torun n0.10,135-168 164. 1. In3titute of Geomorphology of the Department of Physical Geography and Department of Economic, Geography of the N. Copernicus University,, Torun, IMATKUX;KA, Eugenia Dynamics of tiehavioral changes in children vith temporal eplit-py, Neurol., newrochir. psycld~t. Pol. 12, no.6:891-896 N-D 1614. 1. Z Klir'ki Ilcychlatrycnoj Akademii Medyfznel w Kra~ow!3 (Kierownik: prof. dr. K. S:,ott). M41ATXUWSXA,, Eugenia; PAJOR, Zdzialav Remarks on the preventive vaccination in children with damaged central nervous systems Neurol. neurochir, psychiat. Pol. 15 no,4:635-637 JI-Ag 165, I* Z Kliniki Psychiatryc2nej AM w Krakowie (Kierownik: prcfo dr. K. Spett) i z Pawilonu Psychiatrii Dzieciejej (Ordynator: adiunkt dr. E. Kwiatkowska).